Brevmal for Sparebank 1 Midt-Norge

Our ref.
Your ref.
Trondheim, Norway
Notice of election meeting for the holders of Equity Capital Certificates (ECCs) in
SpareBank 1 SMN.
On Friday February 17th 2017 at 12:00 pm, a meeting for Equity Capital Certificates (ECC) holders will be
held for the election of members and alternates to the Supervisory Board of SpareBank 1 SMN. Venue:
SpareBank 1 SMN’s head office address, Søndre gt 4, Trondheim Norway.
To be elected are 8 members and 5 alternate members for an election period of four years.
According to § 3 of the Articles of Association the Supervisory Board comprises 43 members and 32
alternates. The holders of E C Cs elect 17 members and 10 alternates to the Supervisory Board.
The recommendations of the election committee are enclosed.
Those entitled to vote are the holders of E C Cs that are registered in the Norwegian Registry of Securities
(Verdipapirsentralen). Each E C C carries one vote.
E C C holders who wish to exercise their voting rights may either attend the meeting or appoint a
proxy, see attached proxy form. In either case the attached form must be filled in and the ECC holder
must notify SpareBank 1 SMN, by Wednesday February 15th 2017 by 10:00 am.
Registration from 11:30 am. No fee/travel allowance is payable for participation in the election meeting.
Yours faithfully,
SpareBank 1 SMN
Randi Dyrnes
Finn Haugan
Chair of the Supervisory Board
SpareBank 1 SMN
Søndre gt. 4
Postboks 4796 Sluppen
7467 Trondheim
Head Office
SpareBank 1 SMN
7467 Trondheim
Visiting Address:
Søndre gt. 4
+47 915 07300
[email protected]
DUNS Number
937 901 003
The recommendation of the election committee
ECCs owners' election committee nominates the following candidates to the
Supervisory Board of SpareBank 1 SMN
Thor Arne Falkanger (born 1962)
7024 Trondheim
Equity Capital Certificates
209.255 MING
Owned by Th. Falkanger AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Lars Bjarne Tvete (born 1948)
7050 Trondheim
13.000 MING
Owned by LBT Holding AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Torgeir Svae (born 1975)
2542 Vingelen
5.000 MING
Owned by Østermoen Industrier AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Marit Collin (born 1960)
7018 Trondheim
2.758 MING
Owned by Collin AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Jøran Nyheim (born 1966)
6419 Molde
3.965.391 MING
Owned by Sparebankstiftelsen SMN
Re-election –
for 4 years
Nina Kleven (born 1987)
7018 Trondheim
1.100 MING
Owned by Elotec AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Nils Martin Williksen (born 1955)
7900 Rørvik
10.049 MING
Owned by Williksen Invest AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Åsmund Skår (born 1959)
1394 Nesbru
1.200 MING
New - for 4
205.931 MING
Owned by Heglund Holding AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Alternate members
Jan Gunnar Heglund (born 1962)
7054 Ranheim
Geir Lundgård-Soug (born 1955)
7374 Røros
115.000 MING
Re-election –
for 4 years
Frode Hassel (born 1948)
7012 Trondheim
34.122 MING
New - for 4
Heidi Blengsli Aabel (born 1963)
7058 Jakobsli
100 MING
Owned by HIBA AS
Re-election –
for 4 years
Frode Størdal (born 1959)
7025 Trondheim
170 MING
Re-election –
for 4 years
Side 2 av 3
Equity Capital Certificate holders in the Supervisory Board of SpareBank 1 SMN after the
ECC owned by
After the election 2017
Thor Arne Falkanger
Th. Falkanger AS
Re-election for 4-years
Lars B. Tvete
LBT Holding AS
Re-election for 4-years
Torgeir Svae
Østermoen Industrier AS
Re-election for 4-years
Marit Collin
Collin AS
Re-election for 4-years
Berit Tiller
Kjell Hagan
Ragnhild Tokstad Bergsmyr
Bergsmyr AS
Therese Bjørstad Karlsen
Trond Brekke
Bernh. Brekke AS
Knut S. Solberg
Studentsamskipnaden i Trondheim
Ragnar Lyng
Jøran Nyheim
Sparebankstiftelsen SMN
Re-election for 4-years
Nina Kleven
Elotec AS
Re-election for 4-years
Nils Martin Williksen
Williksen Invest AS
Re-election for 4-years
Randi Borghild Dyrnes
Frithjof Anderssen
Frithjof Anderssen Invest AS
Åsmund Skår
New for 4 years
Alternate member
ECC owned by
Jan Gunnar Heglund
Heglund Holding AS
Re-election for 4-years
Arne Rian
Tore Hertzenberg-Nafstad
Geir Lundgård-Soug
Re-election for 4-years
Frode Hassel
Private and Frode Hassel AS
New for 4 years
Heidi Blengsli Aabel
Re-election for 4-years
Frode Størdal
Re-election for 4-years
Cathrine Tronstad
Marius Vinje
Johan Vinje AS
Anton Tronstad
Sjækerhatten AS
Side 3 av 3
SpareBank 1 SMN
Postboks 4796 Sluppen
N-7467 Trondheim
SpareBank 1 SMN
Postboks 4796 Sluppen
N-7467 Trondheim
The undersigned hereby gives notification of intention to attend the Election
Meeting of the Owners of Equity Capital Certificates(ECC) in SpareBank 1 SMN
As the owner of _________________ Equity Capital Certificates(ECC) issued by
SpareBank 1 SMN
Friday 17 of February 2017 at 12.00 am
(name of authorising party)
at SpareBank 1 SMNs’s premises, Søndre gt 4, Trondheim, Norway.
hereby authorise
_________________________________________________ or the Chair of the
(name of proxy)
Name of owner of ECC(s):
Authorised representative, title and name:
(Only to be completed if the name entered under A is that of a
company, institution or organisation)
Number of ECC(s) owned:
Other ECC(s) according to enclosed proxy
In total
Supervisory Board, Randi Dyrnes, to attend on my behalf at the Election meeting of the
Equity Capital Certificates holders in SpareBank 1 SMN, on Friday 17th of February
2017, at 1130 am, and to cast a vote for my Equity Capital according to the Election
Committee's proposal. Alternatively according to the proposal in a separate attachment
to this authorization. This authorization may be transported.
Place: ______________________________ Date: _____________________
____________________________Place/date _______________________________Binding signature
This Attendance Form should be returned, duly completed, to SpareBank 1 SMN,
konsernadministrasjonen, N-7467 Trondheim, and must be registered as received
by the Bank by 10 am on Wednesday 15 th of February 2017.
Telefax + 47 73 58 64 95 or e-mail: [email protected]
(Binding signature of authorising party)
This proxy must only be used if the Equity Capital Certificates holder does not attend the
meeting in person. The name of the person attending as proxy must be stated in the
proxy. A general or blank proxy is not valid.
This Form of Proxy should be returned, duly completed, to SpareBank 1 SMN,
konsernadministrasjonen, N-7467 Trondheim, and must be registered as received by the
Bank by 10 am on Wednesday 15 th of February 2017.
Telefax: + 47 73 58 64 95 or e-mail: [email protected]