WORK SAMPLE CPRS ACCREDITATION ,Stephen Heckbert April 15, 2002 PLANNING AND ANALYSIS After getting the appropriate EDS approvals, Stephen pitched the media partnership idea to CJOH-TV, thanks in part to its already significant community involvement (Appendix B). After an internal discussion at their em,!, CJOH-TV agreed to the proposed exclusive plan, and developed a "Hometown Helping Hand" charity search campaign to promote the EDS volunteers' availability. To reach the intended audiences, the following overall objectives were developed: • • • • To raise internal awareness and secure volunteers through external means (i.e. media coverage). To select worthy projects based on more defined criteria. To promote corporate volunteerism both within EDS and in the business community as a worthwhile endeavour. To raise the EDS profile and to further enhance EDS' reputation as a good corporate citizen. COMMUNICATION ie During the two-week charity search, 16 charities, not-for-profits and other parties applied for EDS volunteers (Appendix C and D). Seven of these requests were disqualified for certain reasons, and nine charities were selected- of which seven participated - and on October 13,2001, almost 300 EDS volunteers dispersed throughout the region to help. As part of the coverage, EDS received four significant media stories and had more than 30 mentions in a two-week period on CJOH-TV -- a significant over-achievement on the stated goal of receiving two media hits for the effort in total. EVALUATION Stephen's role in this project was the conception, implementation, measurement and analysis ofthe project. This approach transformed the traditional Global Volunteer Day initiative into a major event that inspired EDS employees and the local community to become involved. In November, Stephen completed an evaluation of the project, and included the lessons he learned from this year's project for senior managers (Appendix E). • Work Sample APR Accreditation Global Volunteer Day Media Strategy Canadian Public Relations Society Applicant: Stephen Heckbert, Director, EDS Canada Communications, Eastern Region CASE STUDY Almost 10 years ago, EDS began an organized volunteer program to expand EDS' capacity to make a difference in the communities in which its employees lived and worked. Thanks to its significant employee presence in hundreds of markets, EDS knew it could make an impact globally with a focused, planned and committed approach to volunteerism. In 1993, EDS established Global Volunteer Day as a planned activity, in October, to emphasize to employees the need for their commitment to these communities. For the last nine years, EDS employees in Ottawa have participated in Global Volunteer Day. Traditionally, the employees worked with one charity, selected by a senior executive, and a number of employees, ranging from a low of 20 to a high of 100, volunteered to complete a project for the charity on the selected October day. In July of2001, Stephen Heckbertjoined EDS Canada as the Director of Communications for EDS Canada's Eastern Region. In this capacity, Stephen automatically assumed the mantle as the Global Volunteer Day coordinator in Ottawa, to • be held in Ottawa on October 13,2001. • Stephen's role in this project was the conception, implementation, measurement and analysis of the project. This approach transformed the traditional Global Volunteer Day initiative into a major event that inspired EDS employees and the local community to become involved. RESEARCH PHASE EDS in Ottawa grew significant in 2001, from 1,200 to almost 1,800 employees, thanks to a new outsourcing arrangement with the Bank of Canada and the addition of more employees to service existing clients. In researching the Global Volunteer Day project, Stephen learned new employees were seeking a project that could create a sense of • attachment to EDS, particularly from the former Bank of Canada employees. Among longer-serving EDS employees, Stephen learned that, while Global Volunteer Day enjoyed strong support, there were a few concerns that needed to be addressed: • Too many volunteers were designated to the charity - Often the selected charity could not occupy the time of all the volunteers. This left many EDS employees feeling dissatisfied and disappointed that they did not truly make a difference for the charity with the project. • No particular reason for choosing a charity - Each year, the charity was selected without any input from employees and without any sense of what their particular need was that made them more worthy. Although each cause was worthy, employees felt there was no strategy in the selection process, and they felt that the selection could be better. • • Communication was too focused on the main downtown offices -- not enough consideration was given to those employees who worked offsite at client sites, or to those who worked in the EDS Data Centre off Baseline Road. • Through this feedback, gathered in a planned series of conversations with employees old and new, Stephen felt the time was right for new ideas, and he ~ought counsel from previous organizers. No single previous organizer demonstrated a strong attachment to their method, and Stephen received their commitment that they would support new thinking. Stephen knew there was room for growth -- of 1,200 employees and their families and friends, only 100 people, on average, were volunteering for Global Volunteer Day, a percentage of less than 10 per cent of employees alone. MANAGEMENT BUY-IN • EDS management in Ottawa were pitched the idea in a meeting to discuss the plans for Global Volunteer Day in August 2002, one month after Stephen started in his role with the company. Stephen had to clearly identify all the benefits of the proposed changes, but management's acceptance of the plan was immediate after that. Indeed, the plan was then forwarded to other EDS offices by Nancy Voith, the company's senior vice-president of communications for the Americas. ANALYSIS STAGE In an effort to improve and leverage the Global Volunteer Day activity in Ottawa, Stephen developed a new communications plan and strategy for EDS in Ottawa for the day (Appendix A). The new plan proposed that EDS Ottawa broaden its scope, help a variety of charities instead of one and partner with a major media outlet to find the • charities that wanted and could use EDS volunteers on October 13. Stephen then • researched the local media market and determined that the right approach would be to CJOH-TV, the local CTV affiliate and market leader. Several other alternatives were considered, including: • Offer incentives to volunteers • Trading time off for Global Volunteer Day participation • Partner with media outlet to help choose charities • Get identifiable spokesperson for internal meeting to drum up support (Donovan Bailey?) • Involve other local residents not affiliated with EDS Of these, only the partnership with the media outlet to choose charities would retain the low-cost, maximum benefit model upon which Global Volunteer Day rested. Giving • employees time off for participation would lessen the team aspect, and would add a cost to EDS, while others would lessen the EDS external benefit. Part of the challenge related to Global Volunteer Day has to do with EDS' structure. Because EDS is based on four distinct lines of business with individual reporting, and because of the individualized nature of each project team, there are few opportunities for company-wide involvement. That's why the organization task fell to the marketing and communications organization, because it was one of a select group of support organizations that crossed all lines of business. Add to that mix the knowledge that the marketing and communications organization in • Ottawa consisted of one person, and the scope of the challenge increases. Prior to 200 I, • leveraging of the event consisted of calling media the day of the event to ask for coverage, which had some success but which did not create sustained interest internally or externally. Another alternative was not to change the program in Ottawa at all, but the belief among senior managers was that participation would fall over time, and it was also felt EDS would be missing an opportunity to build a strong sense of EDS ownership among the new employee groups. However, Stephen saw this as an opportunity to raise EDS' profile as a corporate citizen externally with the existing Global Volunteer Day initiative, and he saw CJOH-TV as the perfect fit for this. Therefore, the plan consisted of two key phases: Phase One - Media • Proposal and Partnership, and Phase Two - Global Volunteer Day Initiatives. These two phases would both address three opportunities: • Opportunity 1: increase employee participation • Opportunity 2: involve more charities, help more people • Opportunity 3: bring awareness to EDS, increase corporate citizen profile In conjunction with those opportunities, the following overall objectives were developed: • To raise internal awareness and secure volunteers through external means (Le. media coverage) • To select worthy projects based on more defined criteria • To promote corporate volunteerism both within EDS and in the business community as a worthwhile endeavour • • To raise the EDS profile and to further enhance EDS' reputation as a good corporate citizen • Stephen then analyzed whether CJOH-TV would face a conflict of interest related to this effort, and while other organizations had attempted similar volunteer efforts in Ottawa in the past, they had not previously sought charity "applications" for help in a manner to be proposed to CJOH through this. To begin the relationship, Stephen used a bid on a charity auction (Executives on Auction) to reestablish contact with CJOH-TV's assignment editor, Paul Brent. While the bid did not actually result in the contact as planned, it provided Stephen with a means of opening the dialogue with CJOH-TV about the proposal. After getting the appropriate EDS approvals, Stephen pitched the media partnership idea • to CJOH-TV, thanks in part to its already significant community involvement (Appendix B). After an internal discussion at their end, CJOH-TV agreed to the proposed exclusive plan, and developed a "Hometown Helping Hand" charity search campaign to promote the EDS volunteers' availability. One of the key elements that made the project successful was the exclusivity of the arrangement offered to CJOH-TV. While Stephen knew that would almost ensure other organizations would not pick up news of the Global Volunteer Day event, EDS understood the benefit outweighed that risk, and Stephen issued a news release in an attempt to give media an opportunity to write or report on the partnership. No other • media outlet ran anything out of that release. • COMMUNICATION PHASE During the two-week charity search, 16 charities, not-for-profits and other parties applied for EDS volunteers (Appendix C and D). Seven of these requests were disqualified for certain reasons, and nine charities were selected- of which seven participated - and on October 13,2001, almost 300 EDS volunteers dispersed throughout the region to help. Although the objective of Global Volunteer Day was to promote corporate volunteerism at EDS and at other companies, and not to maximize media coverage, the reaction to the EDS/CJOH-TV "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign was phenomenal. EDS Ottawa proved to have the strongest EDS Global Volunteer Day in terms of total numbers of employees participating, percentage of employees participating, and amount of coverage • generated for EDS (Appendix D). EDS' Global Volunteer Day partnership with CJOH-TV publicized the day more effectively, thereby increasing the internalllbuzz ll about the event by adding some public pressure to the employees to make the day successful. Indeed, in the launch interview Stephen went on air promising 300 employees and their friends and family would be available, and EDSers knew they had to deliver. Employees said they felt II proud ll when they saw the organization they worked for visibly helping the community. The extensive coverage offered by CJOH-TV also brought more awareness ofEDS to local residents, who would not normally think ofEDS given the • company's lack of involvement in the consumer marketplace. • AUDIENCES Each phase of the new strategy had an intended audience. In phase one, CJOH-TV was the intended audience because the objective was to partner with a major media outlet. CJOH-TV was chosen of all the local stations as it has the largest local market reach and is already significantly involved in the community. In phase two, the intended audience shifted to EDS employees, their families, charities, other not-for-profit organizations, other media outlets and local residents. Stephen believed these audiences would be impacted in the following ways: • Employees and their families would see the news stories and increase their involvement in the effort and would also feel increased pride in the company • • Charities and not-for-profit organizations would increase their awareness of EDS and would also want to take advantage of this opportunity to complete specific projects • Other media outlets would be watching the CJOH news and would increase their knowledge of EDS' corporate commitment to Ottawa, making other potential pitches easier in the medium- to long-term, and • Ottawa residents who saw the Global Volunteer Day news stories on CJOH-TV would develop more positive feelings about EDS and the company's presence in the community. To back up employee communication efforts, Stephen arranged for and sent out a variety of emails and other communications to employees (Appendix E). BUDGET • • Although Global Volunteer Day does not require a large budget to implement, several other challenges were faced throughout the planning and implementation process. As a new EDS employee, one enormous challenge was for Stephen to familiarize himself with EDS' culture almost immediately. EVALUATION PHASE Global Volunteer Day 2001 at EDS was clearly a success. In the Global Volunteer Day communications plan, the media coverage proposed that CJOH-TV might provide included two spots - one to announce the charity search and one to announce the winners (Appendix F). Between September and November 2001, CJOH-TV aired four stories with direct reference to EDS' Global Volunteer Day activity, and included a mention of • EDS on more than 30 news broadcasts reminding charities to submit requests to the Hometown Helping Hand project (Appendix G), compared to two media hits in 2000 for Global Volunteer Day -- one on CJOH-TV, one in the Ottawa Citizen. Success was also measured through the significant increase in employee participation. Almost 300 EDS employees, family members and friends volunteered across the region, an increased of 150 per cent from 2000. Also, many EDS employees and members of the selected charitable organizations offered feedback in the form of letters, electronic messages, cards and certificates after the event (Appendix H and I). • • Finally, success was measured by the response Stephen received to other volunteer requests from organizations that asked for help outside of the Global Volunteer Day criteria, such as Reach (Appendix 1). LESSONS LEARNED Next y~ar's EDS Global Volunteer Day will proceed in a similar manner; however, this year's experience has encouraged several changes. Some of these changes include choosing fewer charitable organizations and placing greater efforts on recruitment and maintaining volunteers. Although there were enough volunteers to staff each project in 2001, managing eight charities is a challenge in itself. Each charity needs special attention to make sure their needs are met. Also, a shift-work style system should be • implemented to better fit the needs of EDS volunteers. EDS and CJOH will also develop a written set of criteria through which to evaluate proposals to ensure that charities and not-for-profits can be given better guidelines for requests in 2002. Volunteer recruitment is a challenge in any organization and even though EDS Ottawa almost tripled the number of EDSers and family members involved in Global Volunteer Day in 2001, maintaining volunteers for next year means making more options available and keeping volunteers content and involved. These changes will help ensure the most effective use of volunteers' time and that every charity selected has a completed project at the end of the day. • • Global Volunteer Day Media Strategy Appendices CPRS Accreditation Work Sample Applicant: Stephen Heckbert, EDS Canada Communications Eastern Region Table of Contents Appendix A: Global Volunteer Day 2001 Communications Plan and backup internal documentation Appendix B: Pitch to CJOH-TV and follow-up e-mail Appendix C: Submissions from selected charities, as of October 3 Appendix D: Submissions for groups not selected Appendix E: Internal Communication examples Appendix F: Press Release announcing "Hometown Helping Hand" charity search campaIgn • Appendix G: Global Volunteer Day Ottawa Media Coverage and video Appendix H: Letters and notes of appreciation from charities and volunteers to EDS Appendix I: Letters of appreciation to charities from EDS Appendix J: Opportunity for EDS employees to continue volunteering • • • • Appendix A: Global Volunteer Day 2001 Communications Plan and backup internal documentation • GLOBAL VOLUNTEER DAY 2001 EDSOTTAWA COMMUNICATIONS PLAN AUGUST 2001 NEW GLOBAL VOLUNTEER DAY INITIATIVE IN OTIAWA For the last nine years, EDSers in Ottawa have participated Global Volunteer Day activities, and these activities have helped a number of local charities. This year, however, EDS Ottawa will broaden its scope, help a variety of charities and partner with a major media outlet to find the charities that want and can use EDS volunteers on October 13,2001. GLOBAL VOLUNTEER DAY BACKGROUND • EDS began investigating an organized volunteer program in response to a growing interest in expanding EDS' corporate volunteer presence globally as the employee base grew abroad. EDS had several objectives in forming this program, including recognizing the commitment of our employees' year-round volunteer efforts in our communities; mobilizing new employee volunteers as well as their families, friends, and clients; developing a global volunteerism model that could be used by other multinational companies; and strengthening EDS's public profile and reputation locally, nationally, and globally. EDS knew it could make a real impact on our communities by the sheer size of our employee volunteer base. It also gathered information that showed that volunteerism has many business benefits including enhanced corporate awareness and branding, improved employee morale, better teamwork skills, and increased opportunities for personal and professional growth. Global Volunteer Day is designed to be a low-cost or no-cost project. All activities emphasize people involvement, not monetary power; and each local account or team absorbs any money spent on an activity. By participating in the day, employees benefit through team-building exercises and leadership development opportunities. Additionally, this creates an environment of personal fulfillment for employees while making a difference in the community. Finally, this program supports EDS' Global Community Affairs strategic plan, which ties community activities to EDS' business objectives. To have a major impact around the world, we must demonstrate the presence and involvement of a good corporate citizen. Just as EDS strives to be a supplier of choice, employer of choice, and investment of choice, we also want to be a neighbor of choice. • • OBJECTIVES • • • • To raise internal awareness and secure volunteers through external means (Le. media coverage) To select worthy projects based on more defined criteria To promote corporate volunteerism both within EDS and in the business community as a worthwhile endeavour To raise the EDS profile and to further enhance EDS' reputation as a good corporate citizen STRATEGIES • Phase One - Media Proposal and Partnership Objective 1 Tactics: • Research best opportunity for GVD media partnership • CJOH - significant community involvement as a station; largest market reach • Pitch partnership to appropriate media liaison • Offer exclusivity • Announce GVD charity search through chosen media outlet • Form charity selection committee with media member and two EDSers • Announce winning charities through chosen media outlet • Pitch for two media hits • Story announcing charity search / initiatives • Story announcing selected charities Phase Two - Global Volunteer Day Initiatives Objectives 2, 3 and 4 Tactics: • Define criteria for charity selection • Work with media representatives on selection • Select charities based on criteria • Management of selected charities • Contact selected charities • Confirm projects, number of volunteers, supplies needed, etc. • Organize agendas for each charity • Volunteer recruitment and management • Contact each line of business • Delegate team leaders/champions • Leverage media coverage for internal awareness IMPLEMTATION TO TAKE PLACE BY OCTOBER 13,2001 -- Global Volunteer Day • Heckbert, Stephen • rom: ,ent: . 0: Subject: Hackbert, Stephen Friday, September 07,200110:06 AM Toccacelli, James Global Volunteer Day plan for Ottawa Hi James, As we discussed earlier, I have approached CJOH-TV to partner with them to get some exposure for our Gloval Volunteer Day activity, and I presented then with the argument that we needed to pUblicize the event to ensure we got the right kinds of charities looking for this number of volunteers: ifs not easy to plan to use 200 people, and we want to make sure we've got the right projects. We selected SJOH because it is the largest television station in this market and the best way of reaching our intended audience. CJOH loved the idea, and they have agreed to promote our activity in the following ways: • • • • • We will launch our campaign Monday, Sepl17, with a call for local community organizations looking for a helping hand to email or fax us with their requests. We'll make that call for requests during a live, in-studio interview on CJOH. We will also issue a news release announcing the partnership with CJOH, in conjunction with them, to inform other media outlets of the effort. For the next two weeks, CJOH will feature a still, in every newscast (1 p.m., 6 p.m. and 11 p.m.) on the Global Volunteer Day request for submissions - the still will feature our logo and CJOH's side by side, and will have a voiceover on the initiative. On October 4, we will pick the winning agency (agencies), and we will inform them on October 5. Then, on October 8 (Thanksgiving Monday), we will be featured again in a story on how we chose the winner and thanking all those who asked. Then, of course, CJOH will cover the GVD event on October 13, wherever it is. e station is very excited, and I think it will give us great visibility and allow us to do great work this Global Volunteer Day. e nightly audience for CJOH is 300,000+, so lots of people in Ottawa will know what EDS is doing for the community. • ."tephen. Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 4S O'Connor St. Ottawa, ON KIP lA4 • phone: 1-613-787-4664 @ maiJto:[email protected] • 1 Heckbert, Stephen rom: • ~ent: 0: Subject: Voith, Nancy S Tuesday, September 11, 2001 5:03 PM Alfredo Passos Da Silva; Andre F. Gamer; Bonnie Harris; Catherine Hom; Dana Bolden; David Ellis; James Baptiste; James Toccacelli; Janet Welsh; Joni Goheen; Joseph Konecny; Julie Chappelle; Kathryn Asher; Kelly Lynn Altmeyer; Kenneth Smalling; Kevin Lightfoot; Kurt Geiger; Larry Harrison; Lisa Roy; Mark Gilman; Mary Chranko; Mary Lemon; Nathaniel Brown; Patricia Thornberry; Paula Blanchard; Paula Pearl; Roger Still; Rola Burnett; Sareva Greenhaw; Sean Healy; Stephen Heckbert; Suzanne Orlicki; William Ritz FW: EDS - volunteer day Team, For help to get media interested in covering GVD: Stephen Heckbert's email approach to the leading TV station in Ottawa to get them interested in covering GVD in his market. It worked very well. Plagerize at will. Thank you, Stephen. Good work. Nancy --Original MessageFrom: Heckbert, Stephen Sent: Tuesday, September 04,2001 7:50 AM To: Toccacelli, James FW: EDS - volunteer day SUbJect: SUCCESSI --Original Message- • From: Paul Brent [mailto:pbrent@ctv,c'/i<mailto:[mailto:pbrent@ctv,ca]> ent Monday, September 03,20015:14 M '): 'Heckbert, Stephen' c: Max Keeping; Scott Hannant SubjectRE: EDS - volunteer day Hi Stephen; CJOH would like to pursue this proposal. I would like to set up a brief meeting and introduce you to some of the people here in our operation and meet you face to face. Is there are best day and time for you to come to CJOH? From our end, 2pm is a bit of a quiet time.. the midday rush is over, our afternoon editorial meeting is over and the rush to 6pm news has not yet started. Any day is fine. What I think we would likely do is talk about; - some ideas on how to launch and present this on air for maximum impact and exposure for both parties - put in place the people who would handle the responses. - we would repeat the details of the offer, on air, prior to an agreed upon deadline day - then we announce the agencies chosen to receive your services - then cover the event when it happens in October It also gives us a good list of contacts and agencies seeking help in our community and that is something we might be able to use in the future in terms of bringing a need together with someone who those who can help. You mention TIm Horton's, we are already workinQ with them on a regular weekly feature, ·Children Firsr, would they have any interest in getting formally involved as some kind of sponsor of this? This is just some talking points for us to get moving on and make some decisions so we can get this on the air. Thanks for suggesting the idea and offering it to CJOH. Paul Brent Assignment Editor 1 CJOH-TV NEWS Ottawa. ON 613-274-4302 direct line .74-4301 fax brent@cty ca -Original Message-From: Heckbert, Stephen [mallto:stepben.beckbert@eds,com] <mailto:[mailto:stepben,beckbert@eds,cQm]> Sent: Friday, August 24,2001 2:00 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject HI Paull Hi, We haven't been able to get together yet for the Executives on Auction event, but I thought I'd try to touch base with you on something else while ifs on my mind. Every year for the past number of years, EDS has organized a "Global VQlunteer Day. D On that day, staff get involved with a charity to help with a project of some kind, and we always have a good turnout - 100 people last year helped out. Indeed, your news organization bas been very graciQus in providing coverage for the activity each year, SQ thank you for that But here's the thing-we don't think we're making the mQst effective use of our time, because we're not finding out about all those efforts that could use 150+ people to help with a certain activity. Thafs something we'd like to change this year, and we think CJOH can help, if you're interested. We'd like to partner with you to find charities that want and can use our help. Your role in this would be as follows: • • We would announce the GIQbal Volunteer Day charity search on CJOH with an interview or a story Someone from CJOH (your choice) would join two people from EDS Canada (me plus one other person) in choosing one or two projects that will have the most merit in Ottawa We'll announce the winning project(s) on CJOH and invite anyone else interested in helping to join us. • Obviously, we wouldn't talk to anyone else in the media about this. e lobal Volunteer Day is October 13 for EDS (the Saturday after Thanksgiving), and we give out T-shirts to all our staff and , those who accompany them. We bave also typically gotten support from Tim Hortons for the event I hafs a quick overview. If you are interested in this germ of an idea, give me a call or reply by email, and we can work otu further details. Thanks, and look forward to your feedback. Stephen. Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 45 O'Connor St. Ottawa, ON K1P 1A4 • • phone: 1-613-787-4664 majlto:stephen heckbert@eds com www eds,comlcanada • 2 • Evaluation document Global Volunteer Day Media Strategy November 2001 TO: Ross Graham James Toccacelli FROM: Stephen Heckbert DATE: November 30,2001 RE: Success of Global Volunteer Day media strategy Although the objective of Global Volunteer Day was to promote corporate volunteerism at EDS and at other companies, and not to maximize media coverage, the reaction to the EDS/CJOH-TV "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign was phenomenal. EDS Ottawa proved to have the strongest EDS Global Volunteer Day in terms oftotal numbers of employees participating, percentage of employees participating, and amount of coverage generated for EDS. • We took advantage of the program to raise EDS' profile as a corporate citizen, both internally and externally, with the existing Global Volunteer Day initiative. Global Volunteer Day has always been popular with a certain group of EDS employees, but there were a couple of reasons why the new strategy was required: I. The company had a new group of almost 500 employees who had just joined EDS in August, and these employees -- transferred in an outsourcing arrangement with the Bank of Canada -- were very eager to participate in activities. 2. EDSers wanted to have more options for participation, and employees promised that they would get involved if they could have more choices and more charities who needed help. EDS' Global Volunteer Day partnership with CJOH-TV publicized the day more effectively, thereby increasing the internal "buzz" about the event by adding some public pressure to the employees to make the day successful. Indeed, in the launch interview Stephen went on air promising 300 employees and their friends and family would be available, and EDSers knew they had to deliver. Perhaps most importantly, from a communications perspective it has established us with a good relationship with the leading local news organization. Indeed, the feature on corporate volunteerism on EDS would not have happened without CJOH's involvement in the Global Volunteer Day initiative, and I have already been discussing further story ideas with Paul Brent thanks to this. Thanks to both of you for your support ofthis initiative. • • • • AppendixB: Pitch to CJOH-TV and follow-up emails • Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 2:00 ?M To: '[email protected]' Subject: Hi Paul! Hi, We haven't been able ~o get ~~gethe~ yet for the Executives on Auction event, but I thought :'d try ~o to~ch base with you on something else while it's on my mind. Every year for the past number of years, EDS has organized a "Global Volunteer Day." On that day, staff get involved with a charity to help with a project of some kind, and we always have a good turnout -- 100 people last year helped out. Indeed, your news organization has been very gracious in providing coverage for the activity each year, so thank you for that. But here's the thing -- we don't think we're making the most effective use of our time, because we're not finding out about all those efforts that could use 150+ people to help with a certain activity. That's something we'd like to change this year, and we think CJOH can help, if you're interested. • We'd like to partner with you to find charities that want and can use our help. Your role in this would be as follows: * We would announce the Global Volunteer Day charity search on CJOH with an interview or a story * Someone from CJOH (your choice) would join two people from EDS Canada (me plus one other person) in choosing one or two projects that will have the most merit in Ottawa We'll announce ~he winning project(s) on CJOH and invite anyone * else interested in helping to join us. Obviously, we wouldn'~ talk ~~ anyone else in the media about this. Global Volunteer Day is Octc~er 13 :or EDS (~he Saturday after Thanksgiving), and we give C~~ T-shirts to a:1 our staff and all those who accompany them. We tave also typically gotten support from Tim Hortons for the even,:. That's a quick overv~ew. ~= you are in':eres':ed in this ge~m of an idea, give me a call or re~ly by e~ail, ~nd we can ~ork otu further details. Thanks, and look • for~ard tc ":=ur :eedback. stephen . Stephen i-ieckbert EDS Canada - Communi=a~ions 45' O'.Connor St. Ottawa, C~l ;.(lfl"'lA4+ ~hone: • ~ailtc:stephen.hec~=ert@ec~.=cm :-613-787-~~64 2 • Heckbert, Stephen From: Sent: > Paul Brent [[email protected]] Monday, September 03.2001 5:14 PM 'Hackbert, Stephen' Max Keeping; Scott Hannant RE: EDS - volunteer day To: Cc: Subject: Hi Stephen; CJOH would like to pursue this proposal. I would like to set up a brief meeting and introduce you to some of the people here in our operation and meet you face to face. Is ~here are best day and time for you to come to CJOH? From our end, 2pm is a bit of a quiet time .. the midday rush is over, our afternoon editorial meeting is over and the rush to 6pm news has not yet star~ed. Any day is fine. What I think we would likely do is talk about; • ** some ideas on how to launch and present this on air for maximum impact and exposure for both parties ** put in place the people who would handle the responses. ** we would repeat the details of the offer, on air, prior to an agreed upon deadline day ** then we announce the agencies chosen to receive your services ** then cover the event when it happens in October It also gives us a good list of contacts and agencies seeking help in our community and that is something we might be able to use in the future in terms of' bringing a need together with someone who those who can help. :cu mention Tim Horton's, we are already working with them C~ a regular ~eekly feature, "Children First", would they have any interest in getting =ormally involved as some kind of sponsor of this ? T~is is just some talking points for us to get moving on and some decisions so we can get this on the air. 7~anks for suggesting the idea and offering it to CJOH. Paul ========== • 2allL Ere",: Assignme~t: Editor C';OH~TV ::~WS O~tawa. ::1 61"3-27 4-.; 302 :::iirect 2.ine 274-43.0: . fax ;:erent:@"'::-:-.-. ca -----Qr~~~nai ~essage---~- ==crn: P.ecKbert, Stephen [ 1 ~ake • Paul Brent Thursday Sept.6/01 EDS and CJOH Volunteer Day A BOMBTOWH BBLPIl\TG HUm • a 1. DAft OP VOLtm'1'BBJl DAY Oct. 13/01 2. """" ,.., LAIDICB DIll-Am JU'PBAL !1of1 d"-i I Jtf' \t September 17 OR 19 OR other date? Voice over on last year Ivisuals of EDS 1 EDS studio guest linfo still on how to • apply 3• 0'1'BER OR-Am HBH'1':IORS NEWSCASTS , other mentions as available with info still ~ S .ecW'fi:iii"'<;aESi.... g~ 4. DBADLDlB POR. SlJBM:ISS:IOR OCTOBER 3 5• • (two weeks from launch - NO extensions) QtJEST:IOHA:IRE POR. AGERC:IES - Provide common information so they are judged equally. - E-mail submissions preferred or fax to CJOH News - E-mail address? [email protected] and fax 613-274-4301 -·Who qualifies - only registered charities? - C/..,eo,/ ·/;t/J:L~·/' /,('/'- f'/'ctj. .-' .' info O/'a...'.", 7Ki:rfi * Agency name, contact person and co-ordinates, summary of agency mandate. * task to be performed . how many people needed * who will benefit from the task SELEC'l':ION PROCESS 2 EDS and 2 CJOH folks sit down on Thursday October 4 at CJOH to select contact agency on Friday October 5. Do interview with agency spokesperson - tl~ tw.r;lli 7. ANlfOlJNCE DBC:IS:ION ON A:IR October 8, Holiday Monday run vo/sot from agencies involved. October 13 on CJOH News at 6 • OTBBR. :ISSUES 9 ** iDfozm switchboard at CJOB aud ImS Tim Borton's spoDSorship? *~OB Does sales need to be iDvovled ? keeps all subaissiODS for possible future use by CJOB• ~~te . details for application aud selected alf8DCY 011 other £1.... to job. the be1piDg - . . projectt= .....1... to baIIdl. this year.:; , Paul Brent Assignment Editor CJOH-TV NEWS 274-4302 direct voice line 274-4301 fax line [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> • ~ -rCk:::f1,,:J7 r/\i1~f \ \\ o 5PEff fi,r /I"'" /(>- )urr: rr: a/\..( O"f" .~o/Y't~/rf f I f -~ " - ~ " 2 •.../ ....... -- I' • Appendix C: Submissions from selected charities, as of October 3 NOTE: Due to problems related to timing and to problems with supplies, both the Blackstar Community Centre and Habitat for Humanity were unable to participate in the end. EDS selected the Hospice at May Court as one replacement, while other volunteers dispersed to other selected sites. • • • Maria Fata From: Bob Johnson [[email protected]) Sent: Friday, September 28,2001 8:43 PM To: Helping Hand Subject: EDS Volunteers Please accept this application for "Helping Hand" volunteers. Richmond Branch 625 of the Royal Canadian Legion needs to repaint the entire inside of our building. The building is approximately 70' by 35' contained in one room with a 12' ceiling. Our members are generally quite elderly (75 - 90+) and it is difficult to see them up on ladders scrubbing and painting the concrete block walls. The hall has not been painted in some years and is now starting to look shabby. Let me take a minute to describe our branch. We are a small legion branch. with about 210 members. We are entirely volunteer in operation and are not a "working" branch. By that I mean that the bar is only open for Friday night darts and other selected legion functions. and for hall rentals by private individuals and groups (several times a month). It is not open on a daily basis. nor do we wish it to be. But.... we are an active branch. Every weekday morning at 10 AM you might expect to see 20 or more members having coffee and conversation. Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings our branch sponsors a one hour exercise class for senior citizens. Our branch also has an active Club 55 for seniors as well. Wednesday afternoons the branch is open for organized whist and Friday nights is an open Dart League, followed by card games. In the summer we have 2 BBQs a month and every Tueday night year round is bingo, open to all. Last Saturday night our members organized and presented a "Murder Mystery Night", enjoyed by all. We have just completed a handicapped washroom for those needing such facilities. In short. we are much more of a community organization than one might expect when talking about a legion branch. • Should you wish more information. please contact the president ofBranch 625, Bob Johnson at 489-4295 or at [email protected]. -=- g///' /r!J r1 -- - 5v,,(J,t:J): e.. 5 l/ 1/ - • -r-~o r !1t/(lJh-1 r b- ---ff~/L !addLr~ ~~I ')} I Crvq '/ /, 10/1/01 . (yf 0/ ~ D' ~ .r' JI f1CJr/l1l~/Y1 ~ ;v-./ '../-- iN.? 5}~ ~"-/l' / I ':i -' • Maria Fata From: Ficner J, D, M [[email protected]] Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 1:06 PM To: Pynn, Karen; [email protected] Subject: volunteer work with EDS To Whom It May Concern: Ottawa Area Girl Guides is in need of assistance with our Camp. Camp Woolsey is situated on the ottawa River at Crown Point (near Constance Bay). Ottawa Area Girl Guides covers the Ottawa Carleton region, and provides a year round campsite facility to members and friends of Guiding. We run a 6 week summer camp and the facilities are used throughout all other seasons. We try to keep our camp fees affordable for all girls as our members come from various income families. It is vital to our camp that we are able to draw on volunteers to assist with camp maintenance, as volunteers have less time to give. Most of our volunteers work on a weekly basis with our youth members and extend themselves to take the girls on outings and to camp. We are in urgent need ofE:oIUnlfl'" to help us with some of our ongoing work. The docks at ourwaterfront require a team of people 20-30 0 remove them from the water and put them in the storage area. One of our highly used bUildings is in Ire need of painting, and with many hands this could be done in a day. We appreciate your consideration with our request and would be happy to be a recipient of some of the EDS volunteers. Should we be a candidate, please contact the Chair of the Camp Woolsey Committee, Karen pynn at 821-8888. Sincerely, Debbie Fiener Camp Woolsey Committee • JJ jJ 1 h1 :J- _!-,L.n ~ I'C;PI o~ I '/ (f'/f f ;>, . - // n Jvri. ,for do JL7 ./! 0 ~r0(11 ' 16.. - florfh oil t~rc/r (vV'/l Ol _ r rr /11 I ), (j f' Ol/fil'Obl (1 .-0(1 J 6 /h I r' 5, -ffi:>/Y' - • 10/1/01 ft Ie k Q ,I ~ '7 (~ .A /) {. U I/" I • FITZROY HARBOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 100 Victoria Street Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario KOA lXO • During the course of OOH's Newsline, October 1, I took note of the "EDSHometown Helping Hand" information. I have a project which I think might be of interest. My name is Ted Devine and I am President of the Fitzroy Harbour Community Association. The Village of Fitzroy Harbour is located at the western edge of the newly amalgamated City of Ottawa. The Community Association is a registered non-profit organization and the Community Centre is the hub of village activity. Many groups make use of our faolity including the Ubrary, Seniors, SCouts, Guides and sports groups, etc., etc. Of particular pride to the Association is the outdoor rink, completed in the fall of 1999 with hundreds of hours of volunteer work. The rink is used year round; skating and hockey during the winter and skateboarding and basketball in the summer. The rink has and continues to be a very successful addition to the Community Centre. The surface of the rink, unlike most outdoor rinks, is concrete, which adds about a month of use to our winter programs. Upon completion of the pouring of the concrete, expansion joints were cut into the surface to prevent frost from heaVing it. Originally these joints were caulked with a rubber-based product which, unfortunately, caused problems with the ice. This material has been removed and we are now faced with re-caulking the joints using a different product. This then is the project I am pitching to the Hometown Helping Hands group. The work is not difficult, but somewhat labour intensive. Being a small community, our volunteer pool is limited and we could use some helping hands. The October 13 date fits nicely with the preparations we are making for the winter season. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this project. I include my e-mail address and telephone number should you wish to discuss any details of my proposal. Sincerely, • Ted Devine President, Fitzroy Harbour Community Association _623-4405 e-mail: [email protected] -- .... __ ._. -- - ---.- • . ---_ .. _- _._... _. _.- ... _- -------_ .. _._.- FITZROY HARBOUR COMMUNTIY ASSOCIATION 100 VICTORIA STREET FITZROY HARBOUR, ONTARIO KOAIXO Steve, Preparations are well underway at our end for Saturday October 13,2001. • I. Coffee will be available in the morning. Also, the Fitzroy Harbour Community Association will provide a barbeque (hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages plus liquid refreshments) at lunchtime. This will, ofcourse, be 'on the house' and will, we hope, show our appreciation for the volunteer hours provided by EDS employees. 2. The caulking material has been purchased, as have the trowels, etc. necessary to apply it. Work gloves will be provided by the Association. Volunteers should be advised to wear 'work clothes', as in 'not your favorite pair ofjeans'. I have also arranged for a couple of volunteers on our end to demonstrate the mixing and application of the caulking to the EDS group. 3. We have prepared a detailed map (including mileage) with the directions to the Fitzroy Harbour Community Centre. This I will have to fax to you and will hopefully get everyone here safe and sound. Could you call with a fax number, please. 4. What, do you feel, would be a reasonable time to get to work? As our volunteers all live nearby, I'll leave it up to you. As a note, travel time from Bayshore would be about 25-30 minutes. Please let me know so I can co-ordinate our end. 5. That's about all I can think of, except of course, to hope for the weather to cooperate. Any other questions please e-mail or telephone. Regards, Ted Devine 623-4405 [email protected] • --_._.. • -- - .-._- ....- .. - ---_. -_ ... -- - ... , ... _. ---._-_ - ... _--~-- -~- PII2e:crr0t\l5 ~ AM FtUc:It ~ ~ a\P:1!l!l!lf)' ~ calI6 ~. i " , , - \ ! f ~ ~ ~ • . .. /1llNlI.O ._-"'-. Jl( • aJ4MllD IlL ,.~& ~ k. ..._- t.81d4- .. ~nl:t"ru:.~ V~ . , .uuuu. n_.. .0 L~l.Q~UQQO __ ----- .-U.~/_I0 VI 1~.If&+J'V.&+oo VjLU~_ The Shepherds of Good Hope Les Bergen de l'Espoir 233 Murray St., Ottawa. ON KIN 5M9 FAXCOVERSBEET TO: FROM: EliDbeth Gauthier E.D.S. PHONE: (613) 789-8210 FAX: DATE: Sept. 18. 2001 PHONE: FAU(: (613) 274-4301 REMARKS: Dear Friends~ • o Urgent (613) 789-0888 No. of pages iDcludiDg cover J 0 For your review 0 Ready ASAP 0 Please comment emr Please consider Volunteers from your company for "HelpiDg Hand Day" Oct. 13, 2001. We would welcome 30 to 35 olunteers to assist US moUl basic FaD Cleaning in all areas of the Shepherds of Good Hope., i.e. OWS, doors, ceiliDg fans, ami comers that never get cleaned.That "extra little touch" would be most welcome as our ~leaners find it difficult to find the moments in their regular day to do this. The Shepherds ofGood Hope is a community supporting tlw homeless and poor by pro~ding food, clothing and shelter. We serve approximately 1,500 people a day in our programs of the Shelter, Supportive Housing, the Soup Kitcb.en, Grocery and an Evening Drop-In. If you should be able to provide any support oftbis kind the person to contact at the Shepherds of Good Hope is our volunteer co-ordinator, Am MacDonald. We would be grateful fur any help that you may be able to provide. Respectfully yours, ~l~j Senior Manager/Support Services eglmt • A /I olour services ore "fferedfreely fQ lire poor j -- _.- • . -- _.- . ------ . _.--- -. --- ---------_. ---_._-- Page 1 of 1 Maria Fata From: Marlene Shepheard [[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, September 27,2001 7:37 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Volunteer Project The Orleans Preschool needs volunteers for a playground project. After our annual playground safety inspection last year, we found that our play structure will need to be replaced and plan are underway to fund raise for that project, but another area which needed repair was a sheltered sandbox area. The roof needs to be removed from this shelter and a new "sunscreen" material roof put on. Also, around the sandbox area (about 10 feet by 10 feet) the ground needs to be dug up and leveled. Does this sound like something that your volunteers would be interested in doing? We are a non-profit, charitable, co-operative nursery school which has been serving the needs of families in Gloucester for over 20 years. Thank you, in advance, for considering our request. Marlene Shepheard Director The Orleans Preschool 1490 Youville Drive Orleans, Ontario K1C 1S7 (613) 837-2979 • ..... '- • 9/28/01 • Maria Fata Maureen Moloughney [[email protected]] Tuesday, October 02, 2001 11 :31 PM [email protected] EDS volunteers From: Sent: To: Subject: help Heal1WDOd.wpd Dear Helping Hand Coordinator: Attached is a letter requesting the assistance of EDS volunteers on October 13th. Should you need further information I can be reached at 241-5937 or 862-5845. Sincerely, Maureen Moloughney Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.comlintl.asp • • HEARTWOOD HOUSE • AU C.EUR DE LA VIE October 2, 2001 Dear Coordinator of the Helping Hand Program and EDS: Help!! Heartwood House: au coeur de la vie is a brand new organization providing a dynamic opportunity for non-profit organizations to work together in the spirit ofCommunity under one roof. Through our collaborative efforts we generate learning opportunities and share our expertise, ideas and resources. We are located in the heart of the downtown core of Ottawa at the comer ofRideau and Chapel Streets and we offer our Member Organizations an affordable and welcoming home for their programs! At present, Heartwood House : au coeur de la vie houses nine non-profit community organizations who serve a variety of people with varied needs. They are: • • • • • • • • • • Alternative Learning Styles and Outlooks Literacy Program; Aphasia Centre of Ottawa; English Language Tutoring of Ottawa & Community; Halifax Initiative; Heartwood Community Art GaUery; Hopewell Eating Disorder Support Program; LiveWorkPlay; People, Words & Change; Project 301. We are very busy renovating our new home in preparation for our grand opening ceremonies at our Open House on Thursday October 25 th at 7:30p.m. and we desperately need help with painting the House!! We have just finished painting the main floor but we have hallways and stairwells to paint and time is quickly passing. EDS's very kind offer to provide volunteers is a gift that we sincerely hope will be possible for us. We'll make sure that we have everything ready to go: paint, brushes, rollers, paint pans, coffee, donuts and lots offiln too! Our goal is to make the House as beautiful as possible for our Open House and your help will be so very appreciated. If you need more information about us please don't hesitate to visit our website at www.heartwoodhouse.caor contact me at 241-5937 or 862-5845 (cell). On behalf of all of us I want to thank you for considering our request. Sincerely, • Maureen M%ughney ~ Community Coordinator Heartwood House: au coeur de la vie e, 6Jp, 1 Cref"\ .----------v 153 Chapel Street - Ottawa, Ontario - KIN IDS - telephone - 241-5937 - fax -241-4170 Heckbert, Stephen • From: Sent: To: Subject: Paul Brent [[email protected]] Thursday, October 04,2001 3:38 PM '[email protected]' FW: ra helping hands CJOH Stephen .. this gives a much better idea of what one of the agencies is all about .. we did agree to tackle this project. Paul -----Original Message----From: LWP [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2001 12:28 AM To: Paul Brent Subject: Re: re helping hands CJOH Hi Mr. Brent, • The community coordinator at Heartwood House: au coeur de la vie has sent in an application for the EDS volunteers. But whether Heartwood House is chosen for that or not, I wanted to discuss with you the possibility of sharing information with your viewers about the entire project, which is an incredible bit of news that has yet to be shared on local television (CaO Morning did a small piece last week). Heartwood House is a new collaborative of 8 local non-profit organizations that have partnered with the Beth Shalom Synagogue to turn the former Jewish Community Centre building at 153 Chapel Street into a lively community for the many citizens of Ottawa who are served by the groups in question. This includes people with various disabilities, new Canadians who are acquiring language skills, young people with eating disorders, and more. The building had been dormant for 2 years, and needed a lot of work. The synagogue is investing over $100,000 to repair the roof and other exterior problems, and the groups have taken on responsibility for renovating the 22,000 sf interior. This is all being done by volunteers, without one penny of taxpayer money, and you would not believe what has been accomplished in little more than two months. Represen~ing the LiveWorkPlay organization I had an interview with Leigh Chapple on July 3, and briefly mentioned that we were moving on August 1. I am the interim media spokesperson for Heartwood House, and it would be wonderful if I could return with an update about what is happening here • :it 153 Chapel Street. We are having a huge Grand 0gening event on October 25. Everyone is invited. There will be clowns, music, ~reats, and all sorts of fun surpr~ses. • This Will also be an Open House for the 8 member organizations, as well as the first Heartwood House community project, which is a unique Art Gallery. In the case of the gallery and some of the member organizations, they are opening their doors for the first time, so we are doing are best to make the Ottawa community aware of their services. Here is a link to the website which includes a listing of all the member groups. You will see there the Heartwood House logo ... part of the Open House will be the unveiling of a giant version of the logo in the building's lobby. It was painted by Caroline Matte, a young lady with a developmental disability and a participant in a LiveWorkPlay program in the building. It has been a thrill to be part of all of this, and I think CJOH viewers will be very interested in the project as well as the services offered by all of the groups involved. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like more informa~ion. For your convenience, I can be reached directly almost any time at 294-0017. Best regards, • Keenan Wellar Co-Founder & CEO LiveWorkPlay (LWP) Incorporated (Formerly The Special Needs Network) 153 Chapel Street, Suite 300 Ottawa, ON K1N 1H5 [email protected] (613) 235-9550 (Fax) 235-3807 ----- Original Message ----From: "Paul Brent" <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: October 2, 2001 12:36 AM Subject: re helping hands CJOH > > sorry for the delay in getting back to you. > > > > • National Volunteer Day is Saturday October 13. EDS Otta~a has > offered the services of its more than 200 volunteers. CJOH is helping them > to extend a helping hand to the community. We are asking all charitable and > non-profit organisations that could use some free labour ~o contact ~JOH. > Tell us abou~ your ~roject, tell us about your agency and =he ·,.;ark it 2 > does, and give us the name of the person at your agency we should • :ontact Send us your proposal via email at [email protected] or via fax at > 613-274-4301. The deadline for submissions is October third. It could be a > clean-up project, building a playground , doing some painting or fixing up, > its up to you and your needs, EDS will supply the labour you supply the > material and the idea. > > > > Thanks > > Paul Brent > > > > > > > > > > > Paul Brent Assignment Editor CJOH-TV NEWS 274-4302 direct voice line 274-4301 fax line [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> • 3 Hlre312l3&l--~9:B3 ---&1.a23BB8!31 -- ---- - --_. - BOVSANDGIRLS Boys and Girls Club ofOttawa Club des garfons etjilles d'Ottawa • &tit.,.. ClHlntubltl OJjwaiLaItoaBN: 11181 4'" lat.c:rDlt: I,,' ".-11III I MBria~ata A Ho~etown Helping Hand Project CJOHITV (613) ~74 4301 I , Wedn-'y October 3.2001. I Dear~ , I SubmissioD QfProposal for Project Hometown Helping Hand ; Please! find attached a proposal &om the Boys and Girls Club Qf Ottawa fur Pmj~ Hometown Helping Hand. . ; • 1baDIC you for this generous opportunity to utilize volunteen to help with Camp Smitty. I I S~y PblMlavics Directbr of Outdoor Education '. BrttwmlBINepMn icIubhauu 2825 Dum8urter Avenue K2B 1M Ad"*'latrwtlan 412 Natwan sv.t K1~. S07 TlII82&042B Fa 82Sa-1435 Tel232~ l3aIel't*lt Drop IrI CentreII 98 Wooandge C. . . . T8I726-1431 B~ Crap In CIrItrea 2860 CIIdwrwaaO CrBC8nl T8I528-2953 Fax 230-0891 Fred C. McC8M ClubhousII 430 McArthur Annue K1 K 1G8 T.. 1<<108517 Fall 746-9733 B•• ,... Drop In Centrwa 1218 Me MIIwnda DIMJ T"~1:11O • --B~ ..-- --6i-323e88-9r· . -_.- -.. -_···_·--BOYSANDGIR~S-- - I i • I ! I I I Pro~sa1 to take pan in A Hometown Helping Randu II ; This ~Oposal is presented on behalf of Camp Smitty, the outdoor education camp for the BOYBland Girls Club of Ottawa. 1. A ~ to the Boys and Girls Club and Camp Smitty I ! The ~ ofthe Boys and Girls Club in Ottawa. Canada began in 1923~ as an attempt to lowat the crime rate among the young. The population of the city was growing rapidly BDd youth agencies were overbunIened. The solution. decided a group of Ottawa ~ wu to establish a clul\ modeled on the mowment that began in Great Britain at the e$d ·ofthe 19* century. The fbunder oftbis movement in Ottawa was Pred C. "sUns McCr • who believed that Cauda's best asset was its youth. T~ a fiIIly integrated orpnization (boys and girls), the Club provides a variety of eduaitioual, ml1uraI and edur.ational programs as well as a summer camp for children of finaD4:iauy disadvaatapd fiunilies. The Camp was reeently re-1IIIDIed in honour ofa local ~elevisioD.,nscasterand former professional hockey player~ BriaD Smith, who was $urdemd in Ausust 1995. The Brian Smith Outdoor Education CoIdR, or "Camp SmittY' as it is more fondly ma.Jn. is home to over 400 cbildren and youth every summer. Camp Smitty is situated on MirIk I..ab, 100 kilometres west ofOttawa, where cunper.I Jive in wooden cabins. 1e&mIto.callOtt,.fish and swim and enjoy great tim arotIIId.the.camptiJ e. i The ~ bas.beeD.tIle property ofthe Boys and Girls Club ofOltawa BiDce 1924, and in that ~ ,cmmtless childn:D hav~ spent 'PIny.JJappy 51,mown in its mstic settiDg. Records·. . . that the camp has become a fiuDiJy -iasIiIutjgg, .with paera1iolJs.()fchikIren and III.IIfIVing ascl then their kids coming to sample the dcIigIIts-ofMiDk lake. I ::i:-AIIIfJ. I FuBdlll8 fiJrcamp K-provided througb generous donations from the local community. Locaj <ritizeDs, businesses and corporations provide the much needed capital to, keep1he facilities·-upsmded ad to Rho provide funding assistance to needy families. This year alonf4. 171 kids receift:d subsidies to oome to camp. The majority ofthose subsidized were ~Iub members, however, kids, who are DOD-members, and want to come to camp and ~'t -aftbrd the fee will be helped, after-all, that is the main intention ofthe Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa. • 10/03+21300: - -ag.;.a3-- &1323£11a891 r"'-lUl:. -----_.~ I I • I I, Our~ect At th~ camp we have many projects which require manpower and material to complete the tl$ks. At this time we do not have the supply ofmaterials to complete renovations and paint~ projects, therefore, it is suggested that EDS come to camp and spend a day c1eanktS brush and trees and meJciDg our wimer wood pile. We have severalaRU around our ~s and trails that have need ofattention, ami anyone who is able to safely usc a cbain~ saw, band saw, pnming saw or rake would be most weleome. i We enough work for a group ofapproximately 2S people. we have most oftbe tools to complete the tasks, an old truck to move the wt wood and the support ofthe CIIDIPI staff in directiDg the operation. need" I Our damp bas on sight tolldS and sbowen and our new dining hall will be available for the wbrk crew to take meals, and we could supply them with SOUP. tea and coffee free of ~ A I map, sbowiDg how to reach Camp Smitty is II!t8ched. , pteasl, CXJntaet: • ! Pau1~avies DirecJor of Outdoor Education Te~: llO 232 7316 - Fax:. 6-1)) 230 0891 e- (UVL ;4' 'I twt (XJJlPIU'- : Ildavie@bqn-gitllGlphQlWlLCDm t :~ ;11"1' \ - • . .....,I (1.:1 --- a9l23/2001--~38-- -16131.498.991 " " ..__ _ _HABI1AT FQEL.I::IUt!1~nY____ " . Habitat for Humanity _ • .:~g~i~jg~~t~. . . 282 Mal.... ReI, 1NM Roar. oea.. QltMD KtN 8P4 Phone etSo-74M91iO .- .- sroe. ~e.<:JCbeY"+ Ccx PagesI \ 03. Oc., Re: __ I'..:..lH-=.;;e..lf"~ _PI'I_ ._ . - 1Ju.-t TI8Lo1\Sga1d Frum: Date: • " Fa 813-749-118t To: • __ _ J-'~"_~ C ........ m...... Q1 ...... &1 . . . . . ....- cO \ Y-ards' eJO/-t 0 .......... Heckbert. Stephen • Ireland, Rosemarie Wednesday, October 10,.2001 2:30 PM Hackbert, Stephen RE: One more thing - GVD Event - The Hospice at Maycourt From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello As requested, please see information below for The Hospice at Maycourt's fall cleanup day this Saturday. I am an active volunteer at the Hospice; therefore, can definitely coordinate this one if needed. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Hospice at May Court, a local organization that offers home support, day hospice, caregiver support and residential programs for people who have been diagnosed with a terminal or life threatening illness, such as cancer and for their families/caregivers. The Hospice needs 10 people to supplement help with their annual fall clean up day. There are both indoor and outdoor jobs to be done from 9 am to 12 noon on Saturday October 13th. The Hospice is located in Old Ottawa South at 114 Cameron Avenue. ·X-lHHl-Il-X-..X-.x........***-ll • II • • • • • 1 • • • • • II • • • • • • X+"X-X-IHHI-"X-x;("*,***"X-lHl-X-X-iC_ Thanks! Rose -Original MessageFrom: Heckbert, Stephen Sent: To: • Subject: Wednesday, October 10, 200111:01 AM IreJand. RosemarIe RE: One more thing - GVD Event Hi Rose, Please send me the info. I'll be answering all your questions soon - we're swamped in TO at the moment, but I'm getting therel Stephen. --Original Message--From: Ireland, Rosemarie sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 9:35 AM To: Heckbert, Stephen SUbject: One more thing - GVD Event Hello Sorry to bother you again but I just wanted to mention that if we have a surplus of volunteers I have another organization that could use 10 volunteers. The Hospice at Maycourt (where we held GVD 2000) is having their fall clean up day this Saturday from 9:00 - noon. I can provide further information if needed. Thanks! Rose Ireland • EDS Canada Inc. Ottawa Service Delivery Centre 2934 Baseline Road, Building B Nepean. Ontario K2H .lB2 (613) 726·4061 [email protected] 1 PageTOn- • Maria Fata From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, September 28,2001 9:20 PM To: [email protected] Subject: attn: helpinghand Sept. 28, 200 I Attn: Helping Hand In!!!!!!! My name is Gwendy Jones and I am the childcare supervisor at the BlackStar Community Resource Centre. We are a charitable and non-profit organization assisting mostly low-income people and/or newcomers to Canada in the Ottawa area. We offer a variety of programs including language instruction (English as a Second Language), a youth program. pre-employment skills development programs, employment assistance program, sewing and home economics program, life/parenting skills programs, referral and settlement, as well as providing cultural and translation needs for our clients and others. • One of unique services that our organization provides is our Childcare and Learning Development Centre. This program was originally intended to provide childcare to parents attending language instruction classes, however, because of greater need, we find ourselves doing much more. Many of our children are newcomers to Canada and therefore, may have not enjoyed the high quality of health care that Canadian children do. Many do not speak English or French and are experiencing the trauma of culture shock when they arrive at the childcare. We are also finding that parents remain enrolled in their classes for long periods of time, in some instances, over 3 years. This means that their children are not eligible for other subsidized daycare and preschool programs and are in our daily care for most oftheir fonnative years. Because ofthe needs that these children have, we have developed a successful childcare program, one that provides an enriched and caring environment. The children benefit from this care by being better able to adjust to living in Canada and by being better prepared to enter into elementary school. • Because of a long waiting list, our organization has begun to expand our childcare services. We, like so many non-profit groups, are on an extremely limited budget and although my staff and I have worked very hard to create a wonderful environment in our childcare, there are a few projects that we cannot manage without professional assistance. The purpose of this letter is to request your help. Our childcare rooms are heated with electric baseboard heaters, the type commonly found in homes. These hC1lters are too accessible to the children and therefore, are dangerous. We need to have them covered but stilrremain useful in \vinter. We also need to have a cubby-type area built for the children to have a place of their own to store their things. I also have two smaller projects close to my heart. I have two large pieces of plexiglass that I would like to tum into paint easels and I also have a water play basin that has lost its stand. It would be wonderful for the children to have these paint and water play areas. If you could assist us with anyone of these projects. we would be most grateful. 0f.'5~For further information regarding this request. do not hesitate to contact me at (613) 248-8229 Thank you in advance for your kind consideration. . 10/1/01 Page 2 of2 • Respectfully yours, Gwendy Jones Childcare Program Supervisor BlackStar Community Resource Centre 1800 Bank St. Suite 201 Ottawa, ON, K1V OW3 • • 10/1/01 • AppendixD: Submissions for groups not selected *Note: criteria for selection was: • • • • • volunteers would not serve as fundraisers, Le. we would not canvass on behalf of a charitable organization group must be a recognized not-for-profit or charitable organization with a defined project that could be completed with supplied labour Event needed to be completed on October 13,2001 Organization Canines With A Cause • • • Contact Miriam Mas Phone/Email 613-721-4145 [email protected] Application Overview no specific request made; but organization exists to serve the community by training service dogs to freely assist people with disabilities / j Joints In Motion Julie Fossitt 613-947-7000 ext: 357 [email protected] Care Outreach I Palliative Program Ruth Cameron 613-723-1184 613-838-5223 [email protected] [ - Reach V Nepean Community Resource Centre t Int'l Foundation for Healthcare Recruitment Paula Agulnik 613-236-6636 [email protected] Joints In Motion running team running for the Arthritis Society. Looking for fundraising help from EDS Fundraising assistance for a Christmas dance and a silent auction; and help organizing a bowl-a-thon in April Require 5-10 volunteers to assist with silent auction tables at a gala on November 8 Kim Beelger 613-274-4301 [email protected] Needs volunteers to go to carpet and furniture stores to seek donations of furniture for the Children that Witness Violence and the Children Going Through Seperation and Diviorce programs Fraser Liscumb 1. Man power for booths at local shopping malls 613-729-1660 [email protected] to increase public awareness and to fundraise 2. To do presentations to senior groups Mohan Prabhu 613-749-7293 / I C$'nada-Commonwealth (lJIuman Ecology Council Develop a website for their Himilayan Field Study Program, Nepal 2002 Maria Fata .From: ~ent: to: Subject: miriam masraguerbrazier [[email protected]] Thursday, October 04, 2001 6:23 AM [email protected] Helping Hand ORGANIZATION: Canines with a Cause LOCATION: Ottawa, ONTARIO PHONE #: (613) 721-4145 EMAIL ADDRESS:[email protected] WEB ADDRESS: MISSION STATEMENT: To serve the communitY py training Service OOg$ to freely assist people with disabilities. This service is offered to help enhance the level of independence and integration of those members of our community who can benefit from it, by training service Dogs to do specific tasks for them. CHARITABLE STATUS: in process. Miriam Mas Founder of Canines with a Cause http://www.canineswithacause.orgJ >From: Helping Hand <[email protected]> > To: [email protected]'" <[email protected]> >Subject: RE: Helping Hand _Date: Tue, 2 Oel 20.01 19:46:59 -0400 1.Thank you for your interest in the CJOH Helping Hand program. > We will be examining your submission and if we need any more information >we >w111 be in touch. >A decision on who we will be able to help will be made on October 5th. If >your agency is chosen we Will be calling you. On Monday October 8TH, on the >CJOH News at six, we will announce who EDS will be helping on Volunteer >Day. > >CJOH-EDS Helping Hand Committee > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.comlintl.asp 1 Maria Fata From: • Sent: To: Subject: Fossitt, Julie [[email protected]] Wednesday, September 26,2001 5:02 PM '[email protected]' Joints in Motion Hi there! I am a member of the Joints in Motion racing team and we are a group running for the Arthritis Society. Each of us are raising $3500 to run or walk a marathon in Walt Disney World in January 2002. All of our proceeds go towards the Arthritis Society, and we each have an 'Arthritis Hero' we are representing. We are all really excited about fundraising and we would love to have the help of your group. Please call me at the number below to further discuss this eXciting possibility! Thank you so much, Julie Fossitt Marketing Assistant, National Arts Centre 53 Elgin St. PO Box 1534, Stn. B Ottawa, ON tel. (613) 947-7000 ext. 357 e-mail [email protected] • • ~. Maria Fata • From: Sent: \To: Subject: Ruth Cameron [[email protected]] Wednesday, September 26,2001 2:19 PM Home Town Help Hand The Palliative Care Outreach Program I would like to introduce myself to you. I am Ruth Cameron and I am the tundraising chairman for The Palliative Care Outreach Program. I am not sure what you are offering as I heard about you second hand. I will give you an outline of our charity below. PROGRAM OUTLINE Palliative Care is a multi-dlsclplinary service which provides compassionate care to persons with terminal illness. The team sees patients In a clinical setting or in their own homes. Its aim Is to enhance quality of life and to help patients live as fully as possible. The primary goal of palliative care is to provide pain and symptom control. Sensitive and skilled care is provided to meet the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of both the patient and the family. This multi-disciplinary team approach to palliative care provides: symptom management; patient and family consultation, support and education, counseling, pastoraVspiritual care, help with Mure planning, bereavement follow up and community education. • -- We strongly believe that the dying person has the right to: live with hupport, care and love; be treated as a living human being until hlslher death; be free from pain; participate in decisions concerning hislher care; have questions answered honestly; expect continuing medical and nursing attention with hislher comfort as the number one goal; be cared for by caring, sensitive, knowledgeable people who will attempt to understand hislher needs and will help himlher to live life to the fullest; retain hislher indiViduality and not be judged for decisions which may be contrary to beliefs of others; die in peace with dignity. At some point in our lives, we are all touched by terminal illness. The need for community based palJiativecare is increasing due to an aging population, health care restructuring and hospital bed closures. Several hundred patients and families currently benefit from our program. Please remember we are not funded by hospitals or government. ndraising vents coming up. We will be having a Christmas I have tw . a Q' • • and the band Divided Highway playing dance on D.e . at St. Elias all. eta' Our next big event will be in April which will be a bowl-a-thon that we are hoping will do well. We are going to be needing alot of help with this. We want to involve the high schools accross Ottawa and have a rock-n-bowl and have a separate time for regular bowling. ' am really looking forward to hearing from you. • ur address is: The Palliative Care Outreach Program 1455 Woodroffe Ave South L /CA\\ W- -5J1 cLL~~o- (5 foJ S\'lurt t LJ J/ oJ./) -- Nepean, ON K2G 1W1 Our phone is: 723-1184 • My home number is 838-5223 (I do alot of my fundraising from home) \ The doctor who is the head of our organization is: Dr. Margaret Famcombe Looking forward to hearing from you. Ruth Cameron • 2 Page 1 of 1 • Maria Fata From: Paula Agulnik [[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 11:18 AM To: [email protected] SUbject: request for volunteers from EDS On behalf of our non-profit organization, Reach, we are delighted to request the support of EDS for our upcoming Reach Annual Celebrity Auction, While we recognize that you have selected October 13 for your company's participation, we ask you to consider inviting colleagues to assist us at our annual auction which will be held on Thursday evening, November 8 at the Ottawa Congress Centre., 55 Colonel By Drive. It will take place between 6:30IIp.m. We require 5-10 volunteers to assist at the silent auction tables, and point out the individuals who are bidding. As well, we may request some individuals to work at corporate sponsor tables during the early evening (5-7p.m). Of course, we would be delighted ifEDS purchase a corporate table(s) at our gala. The funds raised support Reach, a non-profit, charitable organization. Our mandate is to provide legal referral services to people with disabilities and educational programs to inform individuals, family members, sociallhealth service providers and the legal community of the rights and issues pertaining to people living with disabilities. Your assistance during the evening will be tremendously valued. • Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact either Louis Buschman or myself at 2366636. Thank you for your continuous contribution in ~ur community. Yours very truly, ) Paula Agulnik L:xecutive Director • 10/4/01 09/28/20~1 12:24 PAGE NCRC 613596187~ Ell NEPEAN COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTRE 3730 Richmond Rd.• Suite 106. Nepcan. ON K2H 5B9 Tel: (613)596-5626 Fax: (613)596-1870 e-mail [email protected] --.. FAX COVER PAGE DATE: __ C c~;Tj ........o~H....· TO: _ FROM: Time: • PaxNo.: Pages with Cover: Local~ J."'~- 4~\ _ LongDist.~; _ CONFmINTIALDY WARNING The lilt....-. eontalaed In this facsimile IIIeIIlIIp II andIdmtI8IlaIor'IIIatIaII ........ lor tile ... D'tIIe JDdhokIuaI or silty IUUDed abme. The iafanaatioD Is priYIde .... fslepDy pnIeCIed by ..... If tbe ..... or .... meaqe .. nat the Intended recipient, )'DU .... berebJ DDtIIIed tIIat dIsdoIare. eopiWat dtstrIbutlGD, . . tile takbac 01 aDY action ia rcIIance OIl the I:OIItmtI or this I'vsimDe Is Itrkdy probIbIted. If JD1I ...... received ..... f'ODItngn'adlOD in error. p.... DotIIY UI illlJlMldiately .., IeIepbonc IIIld retarD the ......... to . . bJ repIar ...... 'I"baDk you. lUI' MESSAGE: GJr,yu-Rat 4~ (9nn [tar ~L·t,"y. (fth-h· w' jt!!q:t, '"~ L/tUJ.-A.. ~ J'h.04C'i '14eL.r{)1 ,~~V.CLlJ..~ J-4-~ ' j +u. • ,d1'e/· Form 96072 RAINBOWCAREGIVERS b.L .:l:l::f'::l::ft:klb • \ Dedicated to the best possible hea1thcan: for INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR HEALlHCARE RECRUITMENT (IFFHR.) Mini Office # 3 TO: Canadillll families ! Registered Charity # 130 Albert Street Ottawa. ON KIP 504 PAGE CANADA PhonelFax:613)239-3836 M: CJOH e-mail: iflhr@canadB oom EDS volunteers The IFFHR is a non-profit (iOxporation. receiving its LE II ER PATENT fiom Industry Canada in early 2001. The IFFHR is currently awaiting word from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, in reference to their application for charity smtus. The IFFHR is dedicated to the best possible hea1thcare for Canadian families number ofqualified bea1thcare professionals working in Canada. by incmISiDg the OBJECTIVES OF THE CORPORATION • ) 1& To assist professional persons to reach Qmada and to use the educational, profasional BDd supportive opportunities lIYBiJable to assist work in their field ofexperience, for the benefit of the Canadian pubHc. Said professionals who will primarily be in the healthalre field, may include, but not be inclusive to, D~ doctors, pbannaeists, occupaticmal thempists, live-in caregivers, physical ~ respiratory therapists, medical radiation technologists, medical laboratory teelmologists,· para-medig. 1& Through fimd-raisiDg, the IFFHR will assist healthcare professiOD8ls to co-ordiDate their having a professional assessment done by the various professional bodies in Canada, to insure that they are qualified to Canadian standards. All funds raised will be spent within the local economy ofthe QJmmunity where the funds wen: raised !! PROJECT: «3 maI1s 1/6 penous» 1) Man PJwer for booths at local shopping ~ to increase public awareness and to fund raise I OR /2) to do presentations to senior citizens groups. TIMES: lOam to 4 pm Saturday October 13. CONTACT PERSON: • -CA \\ -S41d 0o.Jf \eW-- Fraser Liscumb I Director - 129-1660 02 Maria Fata • From: Sent: To: Subject: [email protected] Thursday. September 20. 2001 3:26 PM [email protected] Re: looking for info In a message dated 20/09/0111:19:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time. [email protected] writes: « CJOH will keep all submissions for possible future use. If any other companies call and say they would like to be part of this campaign, CJOH will keep their name and number and after this campaign is finished we will look at those who still need help and those who were offering help and see if we might keep this program running on an on-going basis. »We passed it to those we think could use it. The IRC already is in the process of helping nonprofits.. However, if CJOH continues with the campaign. and wish to possible expand it to have an even bigger impact on nonprofrts and our communities future. please let us know and we will make a proposal that does more than help nonprofits it will help bring Canada into the 21st century. Fraser Liscumb Chairman/Pres. • • <A HREF=""></A> Maria Fata .From: pent: - fa: Cc: Subject: Roma Warrington [[email protected]] Tuesday, October 02, 2001 5:59 PM [email protected] Dorothy Thompson Helpinghand to non-profit Organizations To whom it may concern: I am submitting this on behalf of the Board of Directors of Epilepsy Ottawa-Carletog; We are a non-profit OIgafilzadon helping those With epilepsy and their family, friends and co-workers. There are approximately 10,000 to 20,000 people in our community of Ottawa-Carleton that have Epilepsy. Someone you know may have this disorder. Epilepsy is a chronic seizure disorder which may negatively affect the learning and social growth of children. It is a disorder which may negatively affect the employment capabilities, lifestyle, and financial security of adults with epilepsy. • Epilepsy Ottawa-Carleton is a registered non-profit group and is the only organization in our community to ffer infonnation, support and resource material to hose people in our community with a seizure disorder. Jve have monthly meetings that provide the latest infonnation presented by doctors, psychologists, phannacists, lawyers and government officials, etc. We have a small office manned by volunteers and a partime staff person that diseminates information such as pamphlets and brochures on epilepsy. Provides in-service to assist and make more knowledgeable people who are directly involved with those with epilepsy such as teachers, employers, daycare workers, etc. Provides infonnation on other organizations to tum to for support. And especially provides a leaning post. I hope this will proVide enough information about our organization. What we especially need is belp i n _ fundraising activitjes. We don't have the expertise in this field and periiips there are some indiViduals in this group with this knOWledge and knowhow. _ Thank you for taking such an interest in non-profit organizations since they can become the most profitable for everyone involved in volunteering their time and effort. Volunteering for myself personally, in being a part of Epilepsy Ottawa-Carleton has been ery rewarding. (ours sincerly, Roma Warrington on behalf of the Board of Directors Epilepsy Ottawa-Carleton - Lct\~ h~ - ju1cl )&ftt-/ Z 613 591 6836 GARUEY "ILLWORK NEPfAN OUrRfACH rDrH, Wou 2 Peace Way, Nepean Ontario lOR IE3 Canada Phone: 613.591.63J4 Fax:61l.59J.6036 E-mail: [email protected] To: From: Stephen Hcckbert EUS Des Garvey NOW October 4,2001 ND.of ...... •• 3 Dear Stephen: Our community non profit organizali~ Nepcao Oulreach to the World, has been asked by the Archbishop ofSierra Leone to help with building an OJ)JhamaSC for the children lhaI have lost - their paradS during the war that bas been 0880'" for ten years. Our local community newspaper:. Nepcan nais Week. have otTered to do an article supporting Ihis initiativc. Since it is wcll known that Max Keeping does tremendous work for kids everywhere and EDS is partneriog with CJOH to do community work, I thaughllhere might be a opportunity 10 usc (hi!' very generous guture on your part to harness OUJ" communily' s goodwill to help till: poorest of lite poor. lIDS is to be complimented on otTering lO help out where needed and will pmvide much needed leadership in the corporate sector. I am sure others will foJlow your example. Ifyou scc a fit that cmhanccs your company's profile and heJps develop our community's abilily 10 grow,l wouJd be very happy lO meet with you to discuss the details and lay oul a plan. I include a couple of pages from BD orphanage thai J worked at in Haiti which will be a model for the one in Amea. Best regards Des dircctor~ Nepcan Outreadl to the World Garvex".. ~ • 81 - f?AGE • o • • To: EDS rio COB FnIm: Val WI1kiDs 01/10101 DaI8: a:: CFar~ • ~tl .. • :". :~ ~:.:.':!';. 0 .:... '. ,:;":;::,..:" • • • • • • . . ~" to abe .......... wIuaIcCr 1CIVic:ca beiDa ofcr by 8DS OD 0CfDbIr 1J·llIID ~f ii''': H~~k;~'~~!'~~:~~';'~ ::h:,·iiJEa.:~U.r,!.r.:;.D . .; ."" eppIKaIioD . :~....~.,=-;.a;_ .• _ ..•~. The Kiwmis Club ofOlrawa is bDldiaa • fiaIIdrIisiq eveat lit ::..:',; .:~M ....'RviUioa OR 0dDber 13 th to nDlclllOlllY to SO bact iIIIo tbr: ccMhHlDliljr, prirDmIy to ·-~ln·!:~:f "'~JOUIIIcbildn:a. We suppon ClEO. the SChool Br'eaIdUt Prost..... radiDB irJIiIdives to ·,""1 I'."."! ....;,::.·jr>::· ~ • _ . ': .:,~·.,.Wi .... : r·}. f,.:!:.. ;:~·. ~~r~;.:.~:";> . ··1.... ;·..•. . ,,--in!.(! .",:_ 'J.~~.~~::··:.:!ff '- ." I .. ,~.!. ~:~.;.~;,~~ kiudapreadaBlel .... _ppcwt GIber yourb groups lIS pili of011I' connnranity comDIitaleat. 1be ICi1nDis Club of Ottawa is the IarJeR savice dub ia CaDada raiIiDs over S4OO,ooo , . year. We ...,~ _ to hoIp tim the ............ ;.;" the """'""" lIlJd_ will be asked to urive for briefiug about S:lO (this is to be confirmed). Volumcen will be provided with dinner. o Please coataet me at 124-3881 or o--mail: v<[email protected]. r , ~ \ LI h I; , '; 01 ! 'J'" ':d I ~ ,~ j" " r' • ; J ~ J ' •• i' I •. I I ,. ~l' ',' "'.' ., 1 • I ~ • • • It • • .. .. • • ca .. CJ <;;) • • .. • • • • • • Ell • cD3 Ca;latia Inc. 45 O'Connor Street, S'Jite 5/::1/) ·Jnawa. Ontario K1p 1A4 Nepean Community Resource Centre Kim Bulger 3730 Richmond Road Suite 106 Nepean,ON K2HSB9 October 17,2001 Dear Ms. Bulger: • First of all, thank you for your application you submitted to the BOS and CJOH "Helping Hands" project. The response was overwhelming, and we received a significant number ofapplications. Although we would have liked to help every organization that approached us', we were UDable to accommodate each project. We will, however, retain all submissions and will assess those organizations that still require assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach CJOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under consideration at that time. Once again, thank you for your interest in this project. I wish you and your organization the best of luck in the future. Sincerely, I~U Stepb Heckbert Director, Communications EDS Canada • • EDS Canada ,nco 45 O'Connor Street, S'Jlte 500 O:tawa, Omana K1P ~ A4 Joints In Motion Racing Team Arthritis Society C/O Julie Fossitt Marketing Assistant, National Arts Centre 53 ElginSt PO Box 1534, Stn. B Ottawa, ON October 17, 2001 • Dear Ms. Fossitt: First of all, thank you for your application you submitted to the EDS and CIOH ''Helping Hands" project. The response was overwhelming, and we received a significant number ofapplications. Although we would have liked to help every organjz.ation that approached us, we were unable to accommodate each project. We will, however, retain all submissions and will assess those organizations that still require assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach CJOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under consideration at that time. Once again, thank you for your interest in this project. I wish you and your organization the best of luck in the future. s~~ l1It!h~ St~~~~kb'ej VA-I Director, Communications • EDS Canada • EDS r::<lnada Inc 45 O'Co~nor Street, SUite 50'J Ottawa. C"tano K1 P 1A4 Epilepsy Ottawa-Carleton Roma Warrington Suite 207, 211 Bronson Avenue Ottawa, ON KIR6HS October 17,2001 Dear Ms. Warrington: • First of all, thank you for your application you submitted to the EDS and CI0H ''Helping Hands" project. The response was overwhelming, and we received a significant number of applications. Although we would have liked to help every organization that approached us, we were unable to accommodate each project. We will, however, retain all submissions and will assess those organiz.ations that still require assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach CJOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under consideration at that time. Once again, thank you for your interest in this project I wish you and your organization the best ofluck in the future. :~~rtM1 Director, Communications EDS Canada • • WS Canada Inc. 45 Q'Connor Street, Suite 500 Otta·...,a. Ontario K1P 1M International Foundation for Healthcare Recnritment Fraser Liscumb Director Mini Office #3 130 Albert St Ottawa, ON KIP5G4 October 17, 2001 Dear Mr. Liscumb: • First of all, tbank you for your application you submitted to the BOS and CIOH "Helping Hands" project. The response was overwhelming, and we received a significant number ofapplications. Although we would have liked to help every organization that approached us, we were unable to accommodate each project We will, however, retain all submissions and will assess those organizations that still require assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach CIOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under consideration at that time. Once again, thank you for your interest in this project I wish you and your organization the best of luck in the future. Sincerely, \:fjd~0 S~~~b~ Director, Communications EDS Canada • • EOS Canada Il'c O'Connor Street, SUite 500 Ottawa, Onta"o 1(1 P 1A4 45 Camuia-Commonwealth Human Ecology Council Mohan Prabhu 34 Whippoorwill Drive Ottawa ON K1J8P2 October 17, 2001 Dear Mr.Prabhu: • First of all, thank you for your application you submitted to the EDS and CIOH "Helping Hands" project. The response was overwhelming, and we received a significant number ofapplications. Although we would have liked to help every organization that approached us, we were unable to accommodate each project We will, however, retain all submissions and will assess those organi7~rionsthat still require assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach CIOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under consideration at that time. Once again, thank you for your interest in this project I wish you and your organization the best of luck in the future. I look forward to meeting with you in the coming weeks. Director, Communications EDS Canada • • Muir, John From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Muir, John Wednesday, October 17, 20011:38 PM '[email protected]' Heckbert, Stephen Helping Hands Dear Ms. Mas: First of all, thank you for your application you submitted to the EDS and CJOH "Helping Hands" project. The response was overwhelming, and we received a significant number of applications. Although we would have liked to help every organization that approached us, we were unable to accommodate each project. We will, however, retain all submissions and will assess those organizations that still require assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach CJOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under consideration at that time. Once again, thank you for your interest in this project. I wish you and your organization the best ofluck in the future. • Sincerely, John Muir on behalfof: Stephen Heckbert Director, Communications EDSCanada John Muir EDS Canada - Conununications 45 O'Connor St., 5th Floor - 502 Ottawa, Ontario KIP IA4 .. phone: I 613-787-4769 @ maHto: [email protected] www.eds.comlcanada • 1 • Muir, John From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Muir, John Wednesday, October 17, 2001 2:33 PM '[email protected]' Hackbert, Stephen Helping Hands Dear Des: First of all, thank you for your application you submitted to the EDS and CJOH "Helping Hands" project The response was overwhelming, and we received a significant number of applications. Although we would have liked to help every organization that approached us, we were unable to accommodate each project. Regarding your request, we were searching for a more locally based project. We will, however, retain all submissions and will assess those organizations that still require assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach CJOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under consideration at that time. Once again, thank you for your interest in this project. I wish you and your organization the best of luck in the future. • Sincerely, John Muir on behalf ot: Stephen Heckbert Director, Communications EDS Canada John Muir EDS Canada - Communications 45 O'Connor St., 5th Floor - 502 Ottawa, Ontario KIP lA4 • phone: 1 613-787-4769 @ maHto: [email protected] • 1 ... M..u.i..,r,..J..o..h..".... From: Sent: To: Subject: _ miriam masraguerbrazier [[email protected]] Wednesday, October 17,20011:52 PM [email protected] Re: Helping Hands Dear Mr. Muir, Thank you for responding to my application for assistance. I understand there is a great number of organizations looking for some help and there is a limit to how much can be offered. Your offer to keep our application for future considerations is greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Miriam Mas Founder of Canines with a Cause http://WNW.canineswithacause.orgJ •_ >From: "Muir, John" <[email protected]> >To: "'[email protected] lW <[email protected]> >CC: "Hackbert, Stephen" <[email protected]> >Subject: Helping Hands >Date: Wed, 17 Oct 200113:37:56 -Q400 > >Dear Ms. Mas: > >First of all, thank you for your application you submitted to the EDS and >CJOH "Helping Hands" project. The response was overwhelming, and we >received >a significant number of applications. > >A1though we would have liked to help every organization that approached us, >we were unable to accommodate each project. We will, however, retain all >submissions and will assess those organizations that still require >assistance. Should the program continue or should an organization approach >CJOH for volunteering opportunities, your application will be taken under >consideration at that time. > >Once again, thank you for your interest in this project. I wish you and >your >organization the best of luck in the future. • :SincereIY, > > >John Muir on behalf of, >Stephen Heckbert 1 • >Director. Communications >EDS Canada > > >John Muir >EDS Canada - Communications >45 O'Connor St., 5th Floor - 502 >Ottawa, Ontario >K1P 1A4 > >* phone: 1 613-787-4769 >* mailto: [email protected] > > > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.comlintl.asp • • 2 • AppendixE: Internal Communication Global Volunteer Day update - Our Plan for 2001 Global Volunteer Update #2 Global Volunteer Update Global Volunteer Day thank you Sample thank you to coordinator note • • September 13, 2001 October 2, 2001 October 5, 2001 October 19,2001 October 18, 2001 Heckbert, Stephen • rom: . . ent: 0: Subject: Hackbart, Stephen Thursday, September 13,200112:33 PM All ottawa Users-eanada Global Volunteer Day Update I Mise jour sur la Joumee mondiale des blmevoles 2001 a :-:. global volunteer day 2001 Global Volunteer Day update -- Our Plan for 2001 Hello, First of all, thank you to everyone who has sent a note or has called to express interest in participating. Your support of Global Volunteer Day is crucial to its success, and your keen interest already is a good sign for the success of this year's event. One ofthe big questions we've been asked is, what are we doing this year? The quick answer is, we don't know yet, because we've come up with a new plan to broaden the scope of applications for Global Volunteer Day. We've done this to make sure we get the most worthy projects and to ensure that the charities make the best use . t h e large number ofEDSers that we expect will volunteer their time. J we've partnered with CJOH-TV in a program to ask charities to submit applications to us letting us know how they would use 5 to 200 volunteers for a day on October 13. Ifyou know of any charities that might be interested, please ask them to watch CJOH on September 17 to find out how the application process will work. We will evaluate all the requests and make a decision by October 9, then we will announce our choices on air. This is a new experiment for us, but we will need a tremendous number of volunteers so that we can truly offer local charities the best EDS has to offer. To that end, all EDS employees should recruit their friends, their family and everyone else they know into our Global Volunteer Day effort this year. We need to provide charities with a deep labour pool, so let's work together to make this the best Global Volunteer Day ever! Please send me a note expressing your interest, and I will be in touch in the very near future to build preliminary plans for teams in the Ottawa area. In particular, we're looking for coordinators from each of our five locations and from each delivery team, so if you're interested in helping in that capacity, please contact me ASAP by email at stephen,heckbert@eds,com or at 787-4664. Thank you, Stephen Heckbert • 1 La Journee mondiale des benevoles -- Notre plan d'action 2001 eonjour, ...:.n premier temps, merci a tout ceux qui ont deja demontre un interet dans la ]ournee mondiale des benevoles de 2001. Votre participation est essentielle a son succes, et votre interet a ce jour est deja un bon signe pour assurer ce succes cette annee. Dne des grandes questions qui nous est demande est, quel projet avons nous choisi cette annee? La reponse rapide est, nous ne savons pas encore, parce que nous avons etabli un nouveau plan dans Ie but d'elargir l'etendue d'applications pour la ]ournee mondiale des benevoles de 2001. Nous avons fait ceci pour assurer que nous aurons des projets de mente et assurer que les organismes de charites feront bon usage du grand nombre d'employes d'EDS qui se porteront benevoles. Donc, nous sommes entre dans un partenariat avec la station de television C]OH dans un programme pour inviter des organismes de charites et de but non-Iucratif a soumettre une demande, nous laissant savoir comment ils utiliseraient de 5 a 200 benevoles pour une journee, soit Ie 13 octobre. Si vous connaissez des organismes qui pourraient etre interesse, s'll vous plait, encouragez-Ies a etre aux ondes de CJOH Ie 17 septembre pour se renseigner du procede de soumission. Nous evaluerons toutes les demandes r~ues et une decision sera prise par Ie 9 octobre, a quel temps nous annoncerons nos choix sur les ondes. C'est une nouvelle experience pour I\ous et nous aurons besoin d'un grand nombre de benevoles a:fin d'offrir ces charites locales Ie meilleur d'EDS. A cette fin, j'incite tous les employes d'EDS de recruter leurs famille, amis et voisins pour se joindre a DOUS pour cette journee importante. Nous voulons pouvoir fournir ces charites avec nombre important de gens capable et plein d'energie. Donc travaillons ensemble pour faire de la la ]ournee ondiale des benevoles de 2001 une des plus memorable pour les annees a venire • ~ 'll vous plait envoyez-moi une note qui exprime votre interet, et je communiquerai dans les prochains jours pour dessiner des plans prelirninaires pour les equipes dans la region d'Ottawa. En partieulier, nous recherchons des eoordonateurs pour ehacun de nos einq emplacements et de ehaque equipe de livraison, done si vous etes interesses a aider dans cette capacite, SVP eontactez-moi DES QUE POSSffiLE par eourrierel a [email protected] ou au 787-4664. Merei, Stephen Heekbert e 2 • Heckbert, Stephen From: Sent: To: Subject: Hackbert, Stephen Tuesday, October 02, 2001 8:28 AM All Ottawa Users-Canada Global Volunteer Update # 21Mise a jour no. 2 sur la Joumee mondiale des benevoles Hi, Just a quick note to update you on our efforts for October 13: Charities are sending faxes and emails to CJOH in response to our call for them to submit their projects for consideration. But please remind any charities you might know or be involved in to make their requests by October 3, because that's the deadline. I've received dozens of emails from people throughout the organization wanting to participate in the Global Volunteer Day, and I will be in touch early next week. I still, however, need coordinators for the following teams: • CFSSU/ADAFC CFRS/SCEAS Delivery/ Livraison CMHC/SCHL CIDAIACDI bluesphere Canada Post/Postes Canada Leadership and Change Management! Leadership et gestion du changement (LGC) Facilities Management!Gestion des installations I need more coordinators soon so I can have a meeting of coordinators next week. Ifyou're a member ofone of these teams, and you can help, please send me an email at [email protected] asap and let me know your availability for a half-hour meeting next Wednesday at 45 O'Connor. Thanks, and I'll have more information next week about the charities we've selected for Global Volunteer Day. Stephen. Bonjour, I'aimerais vous mettre ajour sur nos efforts pour Ie 13 octobre: CJOH continue de recevoir des telecopies et couriels d'organismes repondant anotre appel pour des soumissions de projets aetre considere dans Ie cadre de notre Joumee mondiale des benevoles. Je vous prie de bien vouloir encourager tout organisme de charite qui pourrait avoir des projets de faire leurs demandes par Ie 3 octobre, la date limite de notre demarche. I'ai reyu des douzaines de couriels de gens au sein de notre organisation, interesse aetre des notres lors de Ia joumee mondiale des benevoies etje serai en contact tot Ia semaine prochaine. Je prend cette occasion pour relancer mon appel pour des coordonateurs pour les equipes suivantes: • CFSSU/ADAFC CFRS/SCEAS Deliveryl Livraison CMHC/SCHL CIDAIACDI bluesphere Canada PostIPostes Canada Leadership and Change Management! Leadership et gestion du changement (LGC) 1 Facilities Management/Gestion des installations • Done, j'ai un besom immediat de coordonateurs avant qu'on puisse tenir une reunion la semaine prochaine. Si vous etes un membre d'une de ces equipes, et vous pouvez aider, s'il vous plait m'envoyer des que possible un , couriel [email protected] en me laissant savoir votre disponibilite pour une rencontre mercredi prochain qui aura lieu a notre immeuble au 45, rue O'Connor. Alors, je vous remercie, en vous promettant plus d'information au courant de la semaine prochaine au sujet des charites que nous auront selectionne pour oeuvrer durant la Joumee mondiale des benevoles. Stephen. Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 45 O'Connor St Ottawa, ON KIP lA4 • phone: 1-613-787-4664 mailto:[email protected] www.eds.comlcanada ~ • • 2 eHeCkbert, Stephen From: Sent: To: SUbject: Heckbert. Stephen Friday. October 05.2001 3:10 PM All Ottawa Users-Canada Global Volunteer Update Une message en francais" suivera bientot. Global Volunteer Day - Project overview Good afternoon, everyone. We've chosen our projects for Global Volunteer Day, and they're all worthy of assistance. The next step is for those who haven't indicated their participation yet to let their local coordinators know their interest and to commit to coming out on Global Volunteer Day, October 13. First of all, let me say thank you to Rose Ireland, who helped us choose these worthy projects for this year's Global Volunteer Day. It was fun, and I think we learned about the wide variety ofneeds there are out there in our communities. To fill all the projects, we need a minimum of 185 volunteers, but we should aim for 300 to ensure we will have full shifts and lots of opportunity for those to help out where they can. If 100 EnS employees can come and bring two people, that's all we need, so I know it's a commitment we can reach. • Here's the projects we've chosen, in no particular order: " Blackstar CommuDity Centre, 1800 Bank Sl (South Ottawa): The centre needs help with making their Cbildcare and Learning Development Centre safe for children, and they also have a couple of other small repair jobs to undertake. The centre serves mainly lower-income and newcomers to Canada, and it provides valuable services in an area of the city that is home to a large number oflower-income and less-fortunate families. We will need 15 volunteers for the day for this project, to be made up oftwo shifts (30 people) or a combination of all-day attendees and shift people. Camp Smitty, Boys and Girls Club of Ottawa, Mink Lake (West): The camp, which hosts over 400 children and young people every summer, needs some TLC to prepare for winter and next spring. It needs people who can use a rake, a chain saw, pruning saw or hand saw, as our team will help make sure the camp is brought along so that kids attending the camp will have an even more enjoyable experience next year. The camp is named in honour of former sportscaster and hockey player, Brian Smith. We will need 25 volunteers who can devote a full day to this activity, since travel time makes it inconvenient to operate in shifts. Transportation to and from the camp will be arranged, and this volunteer effort will be perfect for those who love the outdoors. Fitzroy Harbour Community Centre (West): This community centre has a need for volunteers to help get the ice surface of the local outdoor rink ready for winter. The centre needs help rechaulking the joints that prevent frost from heaving the ice. The centre and the rink are the centre of the community in wintertime, and the small community needs some assistance \vith getting ready for the next season. We will ne~d 15 volunteers for this activity, again to be made up of two shifts (30 people) or a combination of all-day attendees and shift people. .e" " - a Habitat for Humanity, Vanier (East): Habitat for Humanity has variety of needs as a results of a robbery "and vandalism that occurred over the last weekend at their office on Montreal Road. They will need technical help with their computer systems; "they will need data entry" help, and they will need general help as well. We need 20 people for this activity,again to be made up of two shifts (40 people) or a combination of all-day attendees and shift people. .. ~ . ". •• _.~. I Hea~ood House, (Downtown): HeartWood House is a new f~ility bringing nine charitable groups together .. under one roof. Those groups are: Aphasia Centre of Ottawa, English Language Tutoring of Ottawa and Community, Halifax Initiative, LivePlayWork, People, Words and Change, Hopewell Eating Disorder Suppon Pro~ Alternative Learning Styles and Outlooks Literacy Program and Project 301. They need to repaint the house, and they will be working feverishly to get ready for the fall. We need 25 volunteers for this effort, to be made up of two shifts (50 people) or a combination of all-day attendees and shift people. • Shepherds of Good Hope (Downtown): The Shepherds of Good Hope help 1,500 per day through their Shelter, Soup Kitchen. Supportive Housing, Grocery or Evening Drop-In. They are asking for help with Fall Cleaning of the facility and with more general support, and they will need 35 volunteers, to be made up of two shifts (70 people) or a combination of all-day attendees and shift people. Richmond Branch, Royal Canadian Legion, Richmond (West): The Richmond Branch of the Legion is an important centre for members and seniors in the area, and the organization needs help with efforts that are simply too much for their aging members to undertake. In particular, they need the inside of the building to improve the atmosphere and make it better for those who rely on it We will need 15 volunteers for this activity, to be made up of two shifts (30 people) or a combinationofall-day attendees and shift people. Camp Woolsey, Ottawa Area Girl Guides Camp, CroWD Point (West): This project needs at least 10 ablebodied folks to help pull its docks from the water, and it also needs people willing to help repair and paint their highly-used buildings. The camp is offered to girls from all income brackets, and it serves a very important need for girls in the summer in the region. The project needs 20 to 30 people, ideally people who will be there all day simply because of the nature of the work. We could, however, organize two shifts without much trouble. Orleans Preschool, Orleans (East): The Orleans Preschool needs help with a playground project, as their sheltered sandbox area needs repair and their grounds also have some needs. This project requires 15 people, to be made up oftwo shifts (30 people) or a combination ofall-day attendees and shift people. • That's our list But there's one other request: for those more interested in helping out at night, the Kiwansis Club is looking for 15 to 20 volunteers to help out at Octoberfest at the Aberdeen Pavilion from 5:30 on the evening of October 13, and people should reply to me directly if they are interested in doing that instead ofa daytime activity. Again, please reply to your local coordinator to let them know your availability on Global Volunteer Day. We'll be in touch again on Tuesday with further information. . Thanks again, Stephen. Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 45 O'Connor St. Ottawa, ON KIP lA4 .. phone: 1-613-787-4664 ~ rnailto: stephen,heckben( www.eds.comJcanada • 2 • Heckbert, Stephen From: Sent: To: SUbject: Heckbert. Stephen Friday, October 19. 2001 2:48 PM DAS - BPM NCR; All Ottawa Users-Canada Global Volunteer Day Hello, Once again, thank you to all who participated in Global Volunteer Day on October 13. If, for some reason, you couldn't or didn't participate on October, but you are volunteering at another activity, please ensure we find out so we can tabulate it among the Global Volunteer Day total for EDS Canada So if you have or are going to be volunteering your time in any activity during the month of October, please send an email to John Muir <mailto:[email protected]> and include: • the number of hours volunteered, • the name of the organization, and • if any other EDSers took part. Also, for those of you who had been interested in volunteering for Habitat for Humanity, there's good news for the charity: they don't need us. The charity, which had been rocked by a robbery earlier this mon~ is now operational again, and they won't need any immediate assistance from EDS. Habitat has promised to be in touch if any other volunteer opportunities come up in the future, and employees interested in helping out somehow may want to contact Habitat directly. • On a personal note, I want to say that everyone at EDS in the National Capital Region has made my first year as the Global Volunteer Day coordinator an enjoyable and happy experience. I want to thank all of those who participated - your example, your commitment and your dedication is an inspiration to me, and you each represent that which is best in the human spirit - the desire to help others. Best wishes for a happy autumn Stephen. Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 4S O'Connor St Ottawa, ON KIP lA4 • phone: 1-613-787-4664 @ mailto:sts>hen.heckbm'eds,com www.eds.comlcanada •• 1 • Heckbert, Stephen From: Sent: To: Subject: Hackbert, Stephen Friday, October 19, 2001 2:49 PM DAS - BPM NCR; All Ottawa Users-Canada Joumee mondiale des bemevoles Bonjour, Encore une fois, merci a tous ceux et celles qui ont participe ala Joumee mondiale des benevoles Ie 13 octobre demier. Si, pour une raison ou une autre, vous n'avez pas participe a cette joumee mais vous prevoyez faire du benevolat a one autre occasion, veuillez nous Ie dire afin que nous puissions additionner cette activite a la Journee mondiale des benevoles pour EDS Canada. Alors si VOllS avez fait ou comptez faire du benCvolat en octobre, veuillez envoyer un courriel aJohn Muir <mailto:[email protected]> et y inclure: • Ie nombre d'heures, • Ie nom de l'organisation, et • Ie nom de tout autre employe d'EDS qui y a participe. • Aussi, pour ceux et celles qui sont interesse(e)s a offrir de leur temps a Habitatfor Humanity, voici la bonne nouvelle: la maison n'a pas besoin de·nous. Cet organisme de charlte, qui a fait l'objet d'un vol au debut du mois, est de nouveau sur pied et n'a besoin d'aucune aide immediate d'EDS. Habitat a promis de communiquer avec nous si l'occasion de faire du benCvolat se presentait a nouveau. Les employes interesses aaider d'une f~on ou d'une autre peuvent communiquer directement avec l'organisme. J'aimerais ajouter que tout Ie monde chez EDS de la Region de la capitale nationale a contribue a faire de ma premiere annee comme coordonnateur de la Journee mondiale du benevolat, une experience heureuse et enrichissante. Je tiens a remercier les participants et participantes - votre exemple, votre engagement et votre devouement m'ont inspire et chacun de VOllS represente Ie Meilleur de l'etre humain : Ie desir d'aider les autres. Je VOllS souhaite un automne heureux. Merci encore, Stephen Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 45 O'Connor St. Ottawa, ON KIP lA4 II phone: 1-613-787-4664 maHto: stqJben.heckbenfa www.eds.comlcanada ~ •• • Hackbart, Stephen From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Heckbert. Stephen Thursday, October 18,2001 8:01 PM Clark, David; Neuman, David M Smith, Christopher Job very well done! Hello David and David, I wanted to let both of you know what a fantastic job Chris did for your team as CPC's coordinator for Global Volunteer Day. His enthusiasm for the job helped make up for the logistical problems I caused, and he led a great team who delivered for the folks at Camp Woolsey. He made a real difference, and I couldn't have done it without him. He's a real asset to EDSI Thanks for making him available to us, and I look forward to your support again next year. Stephen. Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 4S O'Connor St. Ottawa, ON • • KIP lA4 • phone: 1-613-787-4664 5j rnailto:stglbeo,[email protected] www.eds.comlcanada • Heckbert, Stephen Ireland, Rosemarie Thursday, October 18. 2001 1:05 PM Heckbart. Stephen RE: Job very well done! From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Stephen Thank you but I only wish I could have done more to help. As mentioned, the customer/work had to come first: therefore. I could not take time off to help more while you were in Toronto. I know we have both learned from this year's event and I am already looking forward to booking vacation days a few weeks and a few days before GVD 2002. With a few days off, we can work together and make sure it is a memorable GVD that will make EDSers proud to be a part of. Here is a quote that helped keep me going last Friday afternoon· Difficulties exist to be sunr.ounteci." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Take care! Rose -Original MessageFrom: Heckbert. Stephen Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 8:23 AM To: Mcgrath. Terry; ~owe. Bill • Cc: Subject: '~.R~e Job very well donel Terry and Bill, I wanted to let both of you know what a fantastic job Rose did for your team as the Baseline representative for Global Volunteer Day. Her enthusiasm for the job helped make up for the logistical problems I caused, and she brightened everyone's day at the Hospice at May Court. More importantly, Rose was essential in providing me with good advice and great support at a time when that was critical. She delivered. she made a real difference. and I couldn't have done it without her. She's a real trooper and a great asset to EDS! Thanks for making her available to us, and I look forward to your support again next year. Stephen. Stephen Heckbert EDS Canada - Communications 45 O'Connor St. Ottawa, ON KIP lA4 if phone: 1-613-787-4664 .-. ."?: inailto:stephen.heckbeo((l www.eds.convcanada • Heckbert, Stephen From: Sent: To: Subject: Chalmers. Fiona Wednesday, October 17.2001 2:05 PM Heckbert. Stephen Accepted: Heartwood House Open House Stephen. I would be honoured to attend. Thank you so much for all of your praise. Wow. I'm speechless. I've worked with EDS as a consultant since 1998 (spent '98 - Jan '01 on CFRS then moved to NoC). I've only been an employee since Aug. 13/01. You have made me feel really welcome and appreciated - it means a lot. Thanks again for being at the centre of Global Volunteer Day and getting it off the ground. Being in Toronto last week must have made things exponentially more difficult. Cheers. Fiona • • • • • Appendix F: Press Release announcing "Hometown Helping Hand" charity search campaign --------- - --'-- • --_._----_._-- -_ .. _----._----- CJOH CIiW SepteDlber18,2001 EDS, CJOH to partner to find charities in need of a "Hometown Helping Hand" O'ITAWA - EDS Canada, Ottawa's leading information technology services finn, and CIOH-TV have partnered to promote Hometown Helping Hand, a program that will match community and not-for-profit organizations with EDS employees, on October 13, for significant projects that require many hands. The two partners are inviting charities and community groups to submit applications to CIOH at 613-274-4301, if they need a group of volunteers for a specific activity on October 13. CIOH is promoting the event on its award-winning 12 p.m., 6 p.m. and 11 :30 p.m. newscasts, and EDS Canada employees are volunteering to help fill the needs of the charities who will be selected. [email protected] or to fax them to • "Companies like EDS give back to the community in so many ways, and we're pleased we can help them find charities who need labour to accomplish these significant goals," says Max Keeping, CIOH anchor and Vice President of News and Public Affairs for CIOH-TV. ''This program will help many people here in Ottawa, and it is our hope that we will launch a new way for business and community groups to find each other." Stephen Heckbert, director of communications for EDS Canada and the coordinator of this program for the company, said this effort is part of the company's ninth annual Global Volunteer Day. Since its inception in 1993, Global Volunteer Day has created an impact in communities where EDS employees live and work. Over the years, EDS volunteers have provided countless hours of community service on Global Volunteer Day in an effort to improve communities around the world. "We're excited about the prospects for this partnership," Heckbert said . ''Hundreds of EDS employees in Ottawa will contribute their time to make a difference on October 13, and we want to thank CJOH for working with us to find those who need help this year." l i ! ~ ---'-. - .-- -30For furtber infonnati9~': . .Max Keeping, .. ~ . -- -..--' 'CJOH-TV,613-274-4311 Stephen Heckbert, EDS Canada, 6q-787-4~~~. • • • AppendixG: GVD Ottawa Media Coverage • APPENDIXG Global Volunteer Day Coverage in Ottawa CJOH-TV SeptelDberl7,2001 6 p.m. newscast Five minute feature interview regarding launch ofcampaign SeptelDber 18, 2001 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story -- "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story -- "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign II :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 19, 2001 • 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign II :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign SeptelDber 20, 2001 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign II :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 21, 2001 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign II :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 22, 2001 II :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 23, 2001 • II :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign • September 24, 2001 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 11 :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 25,2001 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story -- "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 11 :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 26, 2001 • 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - ''Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 11 :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 27,2001 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 11 :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign September 28, 2001 12 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 6 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign 11 :30 p.m. newscast 30 second story - "Hometown Helping Hand" campaign October 8,2001 • 6 p.m. newscast 2 minute story -- selection of charities and announcement of day 11 :30 p.m. newscast 2 minute story -- selection of charities and announcement of day • • • October 13, 2002 II :30 p.m. newscast Feature story on day's activites November 2002 6 p.m. newscast Feature story on "Corporate Volunteerism" • • • AppendixH: Letters and notes of appreciation from charities and volunteers toEDS The Royal Canadian Legion • -.- RICHMOND & DISTRICT (ONT. NO. 625) BRANCH P.O. BOX 625 RICHMOND, ONTARIO KOA2Z0 NOVo 8 ' . C'OOt Ross Graham, Executive Vice-President, EDS Corporation 45 O'Connor Street, Suite 500 Ottawa, ON, KIP IA4 Dear Mr. Graham: On behalf ofOUT members, I would like you to have copies of a few photographs taken during the visit OfyOUT employees to OUT branch on "Volunteer Day, October 19, 200 1. You have reason to be very proud ofyour employees and the fine work they did at our Legion. Yours truly... • R.AJ n, President Richmond and District Branch 625 Royal Canadian Legion , • "They served till death! Why not we?" ----- • -- - ._-- -------- -------_. -_. -. ----------- _ .. Janet Stavinga Councillor. Goulboum Ward Conseiller. quartier Goulboum October 19,2001 Laura-Lea MacAulay and Rose Ireland EDS Electronic Data Systems 2934 Baseline Ro~ Building "B" Nep~ Ontario K2HIB2 Dear Laura-Lea and Rose: On behalf of the residents of Goulboum, please extend our thanks and appreciation to the EDS volunteers who took part in the work bee at the Richmond Legion Hall. • We are all very proud of the many volunteers who worked hard and accomplished so much for our community. Thanks to their tireless efforts, the Legion Hall has been spruced up and the flowerbeds prepared for the winter season. It is businesses like EDS Canada, who continually strive for the well being of communities that make us proud to be residents in the new City of Ottawa. Sincerely, .., \ :)OJJJ) feu.,', ('(./ v {'"v' Janet Stavinga Councillor, Goulbourn Ward •• SIzafJJ!lg 0111 fUture together - Ensemble, formons notre avenir City Df Ottawa 1! 0 Launer Avenue W!5l Viae d'OttlIWiI - Dtta_ON KIP III tel.: (613) 580-2476 0ttaYia. ON Kl P 111 tel. : (6131580-2476 t!lee.: (613) 580-2516 fall: (613) 580-2516 [email protected] _-' YVWW.CJI' 11 O. avenue Launer OU!5l [email protected] ,..-.viUe.otlaWa.lIILCa - _ 10/15/2001 ... _----- 14:41 • . __ . ---- 6135625145 U OTTAWA GEOGRAPHY PAGE HEARTWOOD HOUSE: AU CVEUR DE LA VIE October 15,2001 Stephen Heckburt EDSCaMd, re: Global voIiiIlteeI'Day· OCtober 13, 2001 Hi Stephen: OIl bebalf of all ofus at Heanwood House: au coeur de la vie I WIlDt to siDI:ady dumk EDS O'll8eta for YOlD' WODdcr1U1 generosity in giving us _ gift of your time to pIi:at our walls on saturday OCtober 13*. • We ue am87ftl by lbe amouat ofwmk that was scc:ompJished by your valUII1ImS as over ,~OO square feet of walls wac: primed and painted in one dayl 11taDks to ED!, Heanwood will be in beautifUl CODditiOD for our Open House OIl Thursday October 1511I • Without YOlD' help, we simply wouIdD't have been able to paint the entire House Cor tbis very speoial day. We hope dIat youlllld your EDS vol1lllteelS will be able to come to our Open House, specifically at 7:30p.m. as we would like to present EDS with a toJcm of appra:iatiOD for your gaaerosity. OlD' grand opaDng ceremonies SiDccrely, ~cr_. Maureen Molougimey Community Coordinator Heartwood House: au coeur de 1& vie •• - 153 ChIpIiI StNa. . - a" .... OR..... • IClN 1M! ~ til..... - 241-837 - fa - 241-4170 02 \ II • I i; I~ I I I I I I Ii I I I II I I ; I • The Shepherds of Good Hope Les Bergen de l'Espoir 233 Munay Street, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 5M9 Telephone: (613) 789-8210 Fax: (613) 789-0888 November 2001 Stephen Heckbert. Coordinator Global Volunteer Day, EDS Canada 45 O'Connor St. Suite 500 Ottawa. ON KIP lA4 • Dear Friends: Many thanks to all the employees who helped out at the Shepherds of Good Hope on your Global Volunteer Day project. It is people like this who make our work possible and a joy and we hope they enjoyed their day as much as we appreciated having them help. Best wishes in all your endeavours. Sincerely, ,.dI ~ . .;~,.~ Liz Gauthier, Senior Manager, and Rob Eady, Mgr. Suppon Services ~ • All ofOUl' services are offeridfree(v to the poor • Heckbert, Stephen From: Sent: Heckbert. Stephen Monday, October 22,2001 10:27 PM 'Paul Brent' RE: Helping Hand programme To: Subject: Hi Paul, I'm going to drop out tomorrow with the item we give all EDSers for . participating -- I can't think of anyone on the team more deserving than the folks at CJOH. I'd love ~o have a copy of the tape of what went to air, if you can do it, and ~he raw tape too, since there will be folks impressed by that. Take you~ time getting it made -- I can see a weekend editor making this one happen, call me c~azy. All in all, I have to say I ~hought it went very well. A big thanks to Max and to Maria as well, and to the rest of the team, but I guess ~y biggest ~hanks goes to you, Paul. In any case, I r.ope you had fun on October 13 -- we all did. • I'll let you know if there's anything else corning up that's newsworthy from our end, and if you could let Max know that I'd love to come along on one his charity talks to give them the corporate perspective, that would be great. · Stephen. 0= -----Original Message----From: Paul Brent [mailto:[email protected]) Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 10:09 AM To: '[email protected]' Subject: :W: Helping Hand programme Stephen, Hi , a letter of thanks I thought you would want to see. A job very well done by your people. Glad we could help out and corne back and see us again r.ext year and we will see what we can do. One othe~ thing .. are you ir.~eresed in a copy of what went t~ air cr. the last day .. and/c~ the ~aw tape of your :~lks out and about doing t~~er voluntee~ thing ? :.ake care. ·?al:il· .:----ori7i~al Message----- : rom: He~p~ng Hand S-ent: T!".:;~sday, 8ctobe~ ~e, '::::;C12: 52 P-.l"1 :'0: Paul ·3rent 5l.Iti1ect-: ::"1: He':'~ing :-:and ~=-::,;ra=l!'.e -----O~i~inal ~essage----- • From: Bob Johnson [mailto:[email protected]) Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 5:59 PM To: CJOH Helping Hand Subject: Helping Hand programme On behalf of Richmond and D~5~rict Branch 625, ~oyal Canadian Legicn, let me express cur thank for your ~e1ping Hand programme, and ~~e superb :ob that EDS employees did in repainting our hall on 13 October. Of course, they did much more, like cleaning the kitchen, weeding the flower beds and painting the flag pole ... all well beyond the call of duty. We now have a bright and clean hall, and all members are pleased and grateful for alii the work ... which would not have happened without your Helping Hand program. We are grateful ... Signed: Bob Johnson Branch 625 president . • • 2 e Muir, John From: Sent: To: Subject: John & Debbie Ficner [[email protected]] Wednesday, October 31,2001 11 :11 PM Muir, John RE: EDS Canada Helping Hands Project Hello John, We are so thankful for the helping hands from EDS at Camp Woolsey, you certainly made a difference to usl Our Area Office is located at 453 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa Ontario, K1Y 1H4. many thanks Debbie Ficner -----Original Message----From: Muir, John [mailto:john.muir®] Sent: October 31, 2001 11:35 To: '[email protected]' Subject: EDS Canada Helping Hands Project Good morning Ms. Ficner, After another successful Global volunteer Day (Helping Hands Project), I am compiling all the information that came from the project. I'm missing a e . mailing address for you at the Ottawa Area Girl Guides. Would you be able to send that contact information to me? We would like to formally thank the Girl Guides for allowing EDSers to help. Thank you. John John Muir EDS Canada - Communications 45 O'Connor St., 5th Floor - 502 Ottawa, Ontario K1P lA4 * phone: 1 613-787-4769 * mailto: [email protected] e 1 Page 1 of 1 • Heckbert, Stephen From: Ireland, Rosemarie Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 7:32 AM Parent, Lucie; Bisaillon, Richard; Ebert, Michael; Hewitt, Dwayne; Dumontier, Mireille; Vincent, Carrie Lynn; Richer, Johanne To: Cc: Hackbert, Stephen Subject: GVD 2001 Goodmoming Please see email below from Barbara O'Connor, Executive Director of The Hospice at Maycourt. I mentioned to Richard that it was the first time in many, many years that I heard Barbara say that all ofher jobs on the long "To Do" list were completed and that is all because of your help! Thank you again for helping out on such short notice - it was a pleasure meeting all of you. Have a great week! Rose -Original Message- • • Hi Rose, Just wanted to say a big thank you to you and all who came from EDS to help with the cleanup day on Saturday. The whole place is sparkling inside and out. And guess whatNO STREAKSI Barbara. • • Appendix I: Letters of appreciation to charities from EDS • EDS Canada Inc. 45 O'Connor Street Suite 500 Ottawa. Ontano I( 1P 1A4 October 22, 2001 Mr. Ted Devine President Fitzroy Harbour Community Association 100 Victoria St Fitzroy Harbour, Ontario KOA lXO ' .• Dear Mr. Devine: This year, more than 200 EDS employees helped out at eight Global Volunteer Day.. projects tbmughout Ottawa. Thank you for being one ofthose projects. On behalfof all the employees who helped out at the community rink project, a sincere thank you for the opportunity to help. I hope everything went well with the project, and I wish you and the Fitzroy Harbour Community Association continued success. Sincerely, Yfi/JfY) ~lrr~ Steph];;eckbert Coordinator, Global Volunteer Day EDSCanada • • EDS Can30a IrlC 45 O'Connor Street. Suite 500 Ottawa. Ont'!lr~o KIP 1A4 October 22, 2001 Mr. Paul Davies Director ofOutdoor Education Boys and Girls Club ofOttawa 412 Nepean St. Ottawa, Ontario KIRSG7 Dear Mr. Davies: o This year, more than 200 EDS employees helped out at eight Global Volunteer Day., projects throughout Ottawa. Thank you for being one ofthose projects. On behalfof all the employees who helped out at the Camp Smitty project, a sincere thank you for the opportunity to help. I hope everything went well with the project, and I wish you and the Boys and Girls Club continued success. :~~fJ/4hM Coordinator, Global Volunteer Day EDSCanada • • EIJS Cdnaaa Inc. 45'O'CO:l...or Street. Suite SeQ O!lawa. Ontario J<lP lA4 October 22, 2001 Ms. Marlene Shepheard Director The Orleans Preschool 1490 YouviUe Drive Orleans, Ontario KIC IS7 Dear Ms. ShepJ:leard: • This year. more than 200 EDS employees helped out at eight Global Volunteer Day~ projects tbmugbout Ottawa. TbaDk you for being one ofthose projects. On behalfof all the employees who helped out at the Orleans Preschool project, a sincere thank you for the opportunity to help. I hope everything went well with the project, and I wish you and the preschool continued success. Sincerely, g;~ step~~~~en Coordinator, Global Volunteer Day EDS Canada • • ED5 Canada inc. 45 O'Connor Street, Sdte .,00 Ottawa. Ont3no K1P , A4 October 22, 2001 Ms. Maureen Moloughney Community Coordinator Heartwood House: Au Coeur de la Vie 153 Chapel St Ottawa, Ontario KIN IRS Dear Ms. Molougbney: • 'Ibis year,lIlOIe than 200 EDS employees helped out at eight Global Volunteer Day.. projects throughout Ottawa. Thank you for being one ofthose projects. On behalf of aU the employees who helped out at the Heartwood House project, a sincere thank you for the opportunity to 'help. I hope everything went well with the project, and I wish you and Heartwood House continued success. Sincerely, s~~ f/JefllnM Coordinator, Global Volunteer Day EDS Canada ,. • E:JS Canaoa Inc. 45 O'Connor Street. Suite SOO Otts.-rcl.Ontano Kl P 1A4 November 2, 2001 Ms. Debbie Ficner Ottawa Area Girl Guides 453 Parkdale Avenue Ottawa, Ontario KIY IH4 Dear Ms. Ficner: • On behalfof all the employees who helped out at the Camp Woolsey project, a sincere thank you for the opportunity to help. I hope everything went well with the project, and I wish you and the Ottawa Area Girl Guides continued success. ~~ Steph Heckbert Coordinator, Global Volunteer Day EDSCanada .-- .:,,"-:: ....... ._-----.- -- _.- --_.-._- . --- --- ----- _.. ------------ • ----- - EJS Canada Inc. 45 O'Connor Street, SUite 500 Ottawa, Ontano i<1 P lA4 October 22, 2001 Ms. Elizabeth Gauthier The Shepherds of Good Hope 233 Murray St. Ottawa, Ontario KINSM9 Dear Ms. Gauthier: • This year, more than 200 EDS employees helped out at eight Global Volunteer Day .' projects throughout Ottawa. Thank you for being one ofthose projects. On behalf of all the employees who helped out at the Shepherds ofGood Hope project, a sincere thank you for the opportunity to help. I hope everything went well with the project, and I wish you and the Shepherds of Good Hope continued success. Sincerely, \Jd iJV) tiitJl~ St~h':h:~ert Coordinator, Global Volunteer Day EDSCanada .-. • EDS r....naaa Inc. 45 O'Connor Street, S'Jite !.'CO Ott8\'IIa. Ontario 1(1 P 1A4 October 22, 2001 Ms. Megan Doyle Hospice at Maycourt Old Ottawa South 114 Cameron Avenue Ottawa, Ontario KISOXI Dear Ms. Doyle: 'Ibis year, more than 200 EDS employees helped out at eight Global Volunteer Day~ projects throughout Ottawa. Thank you for being one ofthose projects. • On behalfof all the employees who helped out at the Hospice at Maycourt project, a sincere thank you for the opportunity to help. I hope everything went well with the project, and I wish you and the hospice continued success. Sincerely, 4vJ St~:Z:~bert' <:ifj 1iJ;~~ Coordinator, Global Volunteer Day EDS Canada .-- .,,:. .. • • • Appendix J: Opportunity for EDS employees to continue volunteering EQUALITY AND JUSTICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES EGAUTE ET JUSTICE POUR LES PERSONNES AVANT UN HANDICAP 810-151, rue Slater Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1 PSH3 (613)236-6636 TIY/ATS (613) 236-9478 1-800-465-8898 Fax: (613)236-6605 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Thursday, 15 November 2001 Mr. John Muir EDS Canada 500 - 45 O'Connor St. Ottawa ON KIP lA4 Dear Mr. Muir, • On behalf of the Board of Directors and the Auction Committee, it is a pleasure to thank you so much for your generous donation and support of our Reach 21st Almual Celebrity Auction. Your contribution added tremendously to the success of our Auction and helped us reach our goal of ensuring continued funding for our referral legal services and educational programs, which benefit people with disabilities in our community. Another great year and we couldn't have done it without you! Your interest and assistance is greatly valued. We hope that you will join and support us next Fall as we celebrate our 22D4 Annual Celebrity Auction on November 21, 2001. Should you require additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me at (613) 236-6636, e-mail [email protected] or check our web site at truly, u4~i . Pa Agulnik Executive Director • • 4DING CHAIRPERSON/PREsIDENT FONDATEUR Gordon F. Henderson, c.c., Q.c., LLD. (1912-1993) HONOURARY CHAIRPERSON/PRislDENT HONORAIRE The Right Honourable Ramon J. Hnatyshyn, P.c., c.c., C.M.M., C.O., Q.c. HONOURARY OFFJcERs/MEMBRES HONORAIRES DU BUREAU Rod Carpenter, Lawrence Greenspon, Ernest Tannis PAST PREsIDENT/PREsIDENT SORTANT Dr. Bruce Mills PREsIDENT/PUsIDENT Mark L Berlin VICE PREsIDENT/VICE-PREslDEN1I Maggie McCarthy BoARD OF DtREcrou/CON5EB. D'ADMlNl5TRAnON John Beedell, Chantelle Bowers, Renette Sa50uni, Steve Shapiro, Dorothy Shaw, Dr. David Smith, C.M., Michael Sousa HoNOURARY COUNSn/CONSElL JURlDIQUE HONORAIRE Domenic Crolla TREASURERlTRisoRlER Martin Quacke ExEcunvE DIRECTOR/DIREClRICE GENiRALE Paula Agulnik Charitable Number IOrganisme cia charil6 no 10788-9297-RROOOI
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