;""1 re " , I ~· ,. 'f' ••••••• *.' ••••• tet.eei'. ;: 'AUCTIONEERING' -I ~ AI 1 have ruo,,~d from- TnbUMJo Wl."ipo but lotand 1lA[!)'.!llI.-<tll~ XUcuon 11 ..1.UuouQ'h tho (.'iUl1t1'y, CUBtomer. win roctsi_ I , Bale Ball of ICE. CREAM ~ Ou'r ice cream parlotir' is open every ~ day and eve-':ling. A fun service of' W ice: cream, fountain and soft drinks is lli' at you.r comman~~' Rivers. ndi~~tC!i:into the pasturTrl~be'nj!~n~lcJ'<~I.il,e Churcbes. \u<I<I.;u~,u ..,.rvi(' .. , was beld ~~~'~~;~3:;~!2~~!~a?:t~"tru('1 i ve sermon, rell~.il.l'k.!l:,:on . the three " Groceries • and Hope .... , I, of ,Glellboro, deliver tbe I, We 11I1\'e n ~Illendid line of clumed meats and fruits thnt you will. he glad to buy from to help you over ~hc summer ~eather. We give prompt attention to telephone or~ers and ddl~er roods to any part uf the to\\,Il. 'Ve l1al'e some nice fre~<;h fruits In stock•. ',~~I<~g-,,' seen:;l)n.tllle FiwhllSe'duty~i(%'~as . gave some, , both pastor .. WI~IIC Rev. R:A: ~ .." IlIEiIi5!i1iiiEliil'lall!5'_ _111i!I c= __ =. ---:I .' Binder TWine . , , ,- - ----:::=:::> ~II I .t.. ........................... . i'ricol As UBl1nl ,J 81ltiarllct\ou (Julua Gcu. II. WILBOII. M.A.A ... 'B8 , • ..".'". W/nlfl" . .. ..... A Nice -I. Ring Display I' Ho!·fora Drive... . At a well attended meeting held in the Massey-Harris offices on Monday evening tbe 'freberne Base ~all Club was re·or~anized for the Dut not unless you have 11 fine season with officers as follows: Is an interesting thing to 10:lk at. I t represents beauty and dandy driving harness, It President, J 0 h n Coulter; Sec.in a particl1larly pleasing style. spoils the pleasurl! to know Treas., G: V. Hannab; Execntlve that you r outfit does not Committee, H. Staples, Geo. We have II ring display just now that will appeal here Syer and C. Metcalf; Patron, J. P. look ns good as it might. Get to all lovers of rare gems. The Straube. a nice new driving harn'ls~ and settings are the newest and come to us for it,' ·H. J. Barkwell and Wm. House tbe gem combinations are tbe attended a meeting in Holland on .most harmonious and beautiful" we think we e\'er SlW. May 2nd. at which the Tiger Hills Lc;aglle WIIS, re-organized for tbe We invite the ladies espec· Durability season of 1913 apd the scbedule of Far Real Service and ially to make a \'isit of in, games a's publisbed below was Harvie's Hand - made Work spection. made up. The fo~lowillg motions A description here Is illlHarness can't be Beaten. were also carried. o>sible. , Tbat J. Batters be cbairman of the IIleeting • Tbat we re-organize the Tig(f F. A. MERCER THE PEOPLE'S JEWELLER Hills' Baseball league. [a8UILR OF MAIIRIAG& LICENBI!B . That Geo. Steel be Hon. Pres. _ _ _.I - - Treherne "..._ • That Geo: Graham be Pres. That J. Batterll be Vice Pres. Tbat R. Tbomas be patron for tbe Ti~er Hills Base Ball League. That R, Scarrow be sec.-treas •. That Tbos. Sisson of Cypress Ri ver act as their representative. Tbat J as. Mills be on the eXlecul; ive·committee for Holland. WI! have on hand a complete stock for hOllse-clellning ,tlme" That H. Barkwell be ,representStephens Pure Linseed all Paines, Varnish Stains and Coach ative 011 tbe Treberile executh'e Paints, Gilt and Silver Enamels, Al uminum Paint, Pipe Varcommittee,. . nishes, Liquid Veneer, Silver and Metal Polish. Chu rches . That J, A: Taylor be also 011 the Alabastine in 6 colors, Jellystone in wllite only, and a hirge llssortlnent of Brushes .of all kinds. executive committee for Rathwell , " That we arrange for a ~double M: » D. 5. HARVie A,. 8'ftI'.":r.'eI,t IprOIlIIJt. A\lootiou by w.rJUUJt0IG ~ mr nddrcliorPhuu.,tSh6rbrook~1ou.. " II 'THE' PIONEER HARDWARE STORE Hous~ " I - cleaning Time'! I . Seen Our New "Bon Ami" , Oil Stove? It is a Peach. "Honest Quality at Lowest Prices. 10% off' for Cash. \ ; Business and .Business iQr Buyers ~f you have a farm or a business that YOIl want to sell or fent just keep in'mind the fact that we are constantly iu touch with men . woul:! like, to deal witb_ l Our alency is a kind of a medium togetber the b,uyer aud seller', It saves tbe time of botb. TREHERNE a good plan ' .. . ' .. -- - ..".,. --- ----. THE TIlEHEltNE TIMES , I, \ TOBACCO I KAISER COP DRESSt!D AS GIRt APOLOCIZCS TO TENANT I Wonderful I,erea»e'\ ' ~~" Old Not Feel Quite at Home In Togs, Man 01 Whom Ho Had --,,101 Sligh. Offici a I ~\::j;,: ;,;:':;7;i;:::- ",e, ~ ,u """g, 'ci:,",'Olc,;an Steamlhlpe Zam.Eluk Healed Few Week. Yet Succe •• Was HI. Ingly In Publ.c Has His Revenge nry a ;f.t:~~I't~~:~.~.~Mji,~'~~' hnH n mll;(:'ong, London England -Dr~ssed as a wo Berlin, Q."rllJ>.n) -1 hp cn-· or tl ,Ir.ts have bepn to r' lJUS ha,lng" h~am HnH' 'all Home old woun~ or so mUD, " fresh corr:plexlolled ~oung l,aIRpr~ tennnt Berr S"llsl has been I cltly with theIr friends 0 fnet, Ilnd carr~ln" GO 000 pas- which h"s de1' nil d~etor8' re"'e<1 Woklngham '3erksl,lre police consta settled to the satisfaction r both proaenta of tobarco tram t sengers I" th' nslollnrlln" le\'lathr.n Ie·' It so lours I· a easo ror Zam ble named Albert "'ellwood so com Ilnrties IIEfr Sohst has consented nnfolded at Uo Portland pollce rrpdlcted tor the veal 1955 by tho sta Bukl ~ pletoly ~e~plv'" John Butler - 10cLLI to gl\p Ul' his fUI m the Ipnsp of wblch rccentl) listlcnn R C 0 "nan 'l'hnt t. Ir Mr all, er Sims of p\1r,,' (V I ' Irnlnter thnt he did not know un t I n!l 01111 Ov(' yellrs a run on pavment Snmnel Crowhur.t n elvll gnarfl at the growth In the plze or Rl1lps [or the wrltp.s -"I hn,1 nn '~Irrltnth <; snr~ after his arre·t that be had all~mllted of ~30 000 fro III lhn "Is"r B .,qent Porllnnd convict nllson was chnrgod next 40 '~ur. continues at the saJl'e Ion my for~hend thot ,lrl trnnt IpG I'" to 111rt with II constnble At Waiting H"rr Sohst has nt< reeeh e'l 0 let'pr Witll having lIIegall convevNI'"htlf'M r"tl' os Ihe 10 40 yenrs We ere. fO) 'n "V"n r 7~~n1\k' 0, "--n~ hnm pollcl' court Bnller "liS sentenced fran' Ih. Imlsprs cI,11 rntlret Ihp Into the prison As he nlearlod ,.,,\1ty sho\\n n Illottpd CUrve In' 'a tin" the I ",,,nr!,,rl 10 me nnll I" n mar'ello\1olv lo 1\\0 monLh hard labor [or sen,lIl g c.ntents of which all' not , IIlgpd no e,ldence \\ns takAn but Mr Pr,m m'o"lnr; 8'1.0 or modorn liners whlrh I shor' tlml;' It he~ln~ the ob.t'lI"P objectionable leLters I ~l1ss Bartl but In whleh presumnhly rc.rot s \' ho appeared for the trl'nsurv, fully b·gln. wllh th l Or('nt WAstern or 1840 r rrrp per'pellv Yo" may d~nnp lomew or Woklngham exnlnlned tho detail. of tbe C:lse "d rises with !\ Incr(,Il-lr I' nnnl It thn l afttll this or Ito These lettels It as s'atml In couot ~X"lrOS n I LhI a t )1Is mn j es'y ha,l been He said that Crowhurt' did nnt aFc~nt to the 01) mrlc and Irr:pernlor 1l0~ er we will 11e"'" I.e "I'hout "bo' nsllod Miss Bartholomow to meet him I"lnol1' anJ tI Is mnl,,,. " O-"P I." It tbls cune Is projrcted 0' It ' olltslde hor home She did Dot rend pr~.slon h"ro Hprl Roh_t 1,"" hn I com(' In contRct with lh~ Mn"lctS\ of toda~ wlLhln the prison hall but he had an In the "'ost conservat'\c th to tl e ,'s a rani;! alld certnln l1"nlAr ('I lhe lettels hor mothe! opening thnm ronfprrpd on him thA "'ollrth r'nqs of onpnrtllnlt- of seeing romlct. wh" YI'8r 1036 we have Il ship 1600 r~ot IIlel'rs ahseo""e., pilAS IIIH,",pr\ nnol her fllther Informing the poltc' the Orner or the Crown prohnhl' Oq worke,1 nnnrt flom tho ordinary Inl1lt nnd In two decn,l~s more one of n1nol's mlts burn~ hr Ices sr" n In ordor 'a Identlfv the writer an' to n sort or s"h e for his "onnde I fppi gongs olltslde of the prlpon 24 1>0 or Ove tlme-s the length or tho sores. pczpma ,upt!ons e ~ YOII nlrest him Superlnten,lent Ooddard Ings / Olle sllch mall was a con\ let n~mc,1 OlvmDlc C"~ !"et nnlhln" to Qunl Znm Bnk conco"ed th" IJea of dressing Sell I t " III hr rcmomhrrc.1 Ih"t '"s' Day, with whom C'rowhl1rst r.ncnme '3hlps I,a'e been rowing larl-lpr, All rlrlllt<:'s'S and Ft~re~ at 60c Iln' wood 11\ clothes belonging to MI." ro"r'brnnry at a m~elln" of Ih(> OerlY'"" .cqualnterl nnd uoet! n~ a mp,\Ium bn. en's onr n"t~orlty. e'er since ~rr nr po 1 frpo ~OD prlrn frnm m "'Ok Barthololl'pw So ,Ilsgilised Sell· A!!rleullnrul AS"MlqUon 'he k,l_nr 1\\ een other convIcts anll the'r Paleollthlcus or more probnhly his C.. Tor lito Tr' 7.cm B II Sonp f~r woorl kep' thc appointment made fer nrllr· .. ·(\ Ihl- hOllv «I' In!': oh'. rx 'rlends At the en~ of last yonr you']"'r son Hrst sat on a log anrl o~~or skin,> und baby S bnth 2;c Miss nartholomow nerl"nees on hi' ~otnl" "t r ,l nnn I~Are wnH conslrlcr"hl" Iromc In the pnd l1el himself !lcrosa n c"nel Anrl lallpt Sellwood Id h w he playell his Tn UP. rourq~ or his nhon",htlnn~ I p nrl~on and n wtllch bpln!! kpnt n the growLI hns be' perrectl, contln part I drcsJ,,1 at 01ls8 Bartholo ro,,'nrk .. rl P'at nne or his 1 1"n" ,""antllv of tohacrn was fonn,l 001\ UOIlS except ro~ Ilne break o.t the clo.e A city· omnn 011'0 r~c~nth pasoe,1 nu,,, s house I WOI e ,. t,.-ht nttl,g ,.hom he <lpRcr'h ..l no no ron I h~'1 ~rqled In a part of the nr'son where of the Roman Emp're, when elvll .. a a few dn~s llt ferm b, -ht some l bro'vn erg. sl,lrt II wh'te henn tbro'~n alit bv him Thl. ten nny worl,ed The lobaccu w"," tlon doclln~d The extremely ropld poultry frO'll Lhe farmer" I(h a low Ih11'1 118e, a D ,11\ Varden hn' motor vell nnt Wa. )Jnrl Rnh.' "hn I. rp~qr 1-,1 found In n ground fra...,. IIsorl f~r d"v"lo~mnnt of mnterlal cIvilization to provldlnl': fresh egga for 1" pnkrast fenther "oa nnd !l Ion" ~ray nlsle" In the n~l",hb" hon I as n r'n<t on~n~lo Canada r.nrlng plantu nnd wus hidden under todn) will 811roly not be much every morning She sent them to Dressing "as not an ensy naUtr The furmpr rnd "hnse Ie had st II sp' sawrlust In th. ne' t "eneration especially nc,e.I[Q'lvn 11\ lIleSsCngp.f at the sume Iln,~ sl<lrt "ns mther tight round the erol ,nor_ tn run Malleable & enlef Inspector Ward and Inenector Iho sraod of pronr~ .. IG accel de.pa'ehln!> ~ nato to her husband "alst aurl tho mO\emolits of nh leg9 It hn. tnke .1, \\eo';, to ~"n"~n Steel Range MIg Burton were Mnt fro'" T ondon to and one or tho chnrncterlet!cs of tel1lllg him to lao out ror lh~. e'1I1 wore very much I estrleted The hat the mnttnl n' I~ -on'" CD , Limited, bhl •• ."alc" II. ADeelal Invpst!gnt!on They zallon has for, ccntury been a ent He Itl .ba I~ on fPnchln2' went on easy Qnong" bu I bad a Is It. Ie 0,,' t It wou1<l no. h., p found that Day had recelvpd I.tters versal growth In the size of thin his home thnt night asked If the paul Ilt\,e }ro bern Drr~" '"'On lin" harl lot tho I , uble wit I the blonse , hlch vOllous convicts had written tn bulldlnl!8 ronroads ~ltlps machines IrY I'all "rrlved He \H'S Infor r\ Va k ng rlO\\"I1 hI' drlvo I rounrl crown nrl' tnken Iho mattor u~ I Ihnlr frIend. Reklng them to send It Is hnrd to 'mn~,ne n -hlp whosl' thaI I' had hut exptnlnorl th. Eer'nnt mys"lf Irlrpl 'g thlough tr)lng to do onel urge,1 l <cltlem.nt N.m.''''"--------~---e mnney for tohneeo cnbl,.lInlm each wcllth two thl ..1s of he had rarp" HsI, left the hasome, t the re;;ulatlon 30ln h stlWe I ·oon ~ddre .. - - .. -----------~ They nl80 found that Day hnr! bqn~ a ton bellg laul>cbed In t"o <lecades ,100r onl'n nn,1 nIl the c' 'ckens .Ird rame 11 ,wn t~ 18 Inches 1 Rnw But Cornerotore of Succe •• ful F I But th" curve of growth A fa" I h\lnt "". Immerl lI'r near Ihe ratP anll I wall' iIlo"e ossonllal !'mn ",I th. letterA to Crowh\lrst and that and a IlDH hp. had Inoprtpd In lhom a plio nf oa. has !;een steady and sure, ~xcppt 'atrlv o-gl\nl7.n'1 Thp nevt rlny the ed up to him Then I tholll'ht of Iry larmlng Its'if Is Lh~ te ~ - I d Letter to Him Allnouncing Her Inten npr mnney for tho tohan "here the Ole"t Eastern oxceeded It l1'(,ptln" hi. wifp on hor rO which Is rn'h"r dern I pltcherl \ l:1estl" economy s It lila hp. leOl cor,.,PANY tlon Rushcd to Public Station en to 1-0 sent to Mr Crother, caro or If we say th" It "HI not COnllnllel tllr" ").'clnlmer! A nice 11'1"0 r 11a'l oa nenr to Ihp. falsetto ns cOIII,1 hy farm"l s wife for ,10,"OS Ic L.IMITt=:D Par's, I'rlluce -A dramutic at , I In the future we bnt echo "hat hns "lIh 'ollr 'ullrv 1 _pent three rl ROW Good as de erUllon1\ IS lite uudelhln),: pllnelnle lelllpt ut sulcUe by Il girl or 19, named Postol IIrr1!'r,Q.Wp.rA ... TIt hv boen anld tim 011(1 agnln In the pnst hOl '( hunt'ng M,I only fO'1 • t'n lighted to me cull cd me Dearest of fnrmlll,.. I hn 'lr'llOlI Hocl "as pro'ented at Cherbollrg ro 10 Crnwt1l pr and thpv wera rpcplVAI p d always thJ CUI\O has continued YOI!" ov cnnsld n • 1nr)!v an'l ted a "ulk mny wo I, fnr Pypn lut I eo 1 po ,elltl>' b) the presence of mInd of h .. Crowhllrpt who hnllr>:hl Objections ships \\ould Le fI,p" his "If!? for I only I nl"anp;p'l to mpp.t him nrmln t',n f'TC5' no flllll I Ih' hi., Ire pl'l \,\(1 her guard tnhncco hn"rleu tt to DAY who In un"leldly, too deel for our harbors hought sIx p'enlngs .Cter nt the t\nlP lind If he 'Iom"n I" "Ill'" It 1he )Ollng mall "I1S swinging him I lurn nnt It I" n "ooret .tore nnd eVAn! etc have been made In lbe pasCand olace On 'Int elenlng at 730 I lbp Itnowledp; 0 1"'COJlO erne" In ,'Ir on tOQtboard of a train "hlch I'AII" r1lstrlbu!ed It among tho other blo ted out by llle nexL levIathan -Wr •• chod From Asthma Rtlenl'th e'f'ssed liP ngnln onl, "as notnlnoc rleplltme tI,er firM I( e • C"~rln!'" noj Tl'rlllifH· "'Ct':11C Ml"k1 "''- lMvlllg for Paris wben n Icttl< co .. vlcts 1 Tlte nrhontages ot bavlng such 01 horlv Dlrl ,1I",r nr mllHI Ar" Ino,1 Butlpr was Ihon nrrested. alld thnt of dlsc,,·tent and <111" ttl<, ,'UI' CIl:!S ~I' I~\lrr.~r T 1:21 nt ('Iaples "Ithout UII enl clop. was hnnded him 'I'11P TtlRI1'I"trate8 pn... t Crowhllrst shins" '\I be tho grenter speed t\le) nhlv Impalr"i\ bv thp vIsitations of cnded my p a r t , -------.1.\ ill,C I "lly rhc 11111 0' r to leLlor contained a few Incoherent prlAOn tor four months will ulTcld n red Iclion a the <lang?r Who can !lyO undor t. (1 -----YVOIIO'\p ,1' .. ~J1eu hi yOUtH I , "r, rrr mitis sl.ter snylng t!tnt site I of Jl'llrlls at sea, llnll the prO\ Islon of clo'vl nf rpcllrrlng aUnck. ",,'I 1,1''''' Furthcr Indication of the de\ elop .:. I till II om"tty !trlll.!<.Is who l~ ~llL lu was to "nnrmlt suicide, nnd thut S,.te of 0\ Cltv nl '1'010110 \ greater nomfnrts and amusements, not "nrlv f\p,t ml"rl nt tllelr fnll em-Ipnrv' ments or Prince Rupelts Oshlng In tln' c k,l Del h ~ Dr ~ltort! 1 11 Ia wau\(l be foulld In tbe soa T""",,. Cn,,"tv I " to mention the laclleal abolition c,f nr J D Kellno;" a Asthm \ RemElr" dustry Is to be fplllld In n des' at.h do In u "t '" J Ilk 10) " " COlli La at It" end of the jett'.; "'""nk r l,.hennv ","Ire· nnth thR' he :r" sea 8lclmes" A' pillce;;t ecelved .. ".,In,. l""rfn"r nf th" flrm t'lf It" ;..::..:..::..:..::..:...:.....:..::..:.; e~ I nu t es Illr r Iourl h\ removing tl1p from kthat 1ft h I t at Orm,d DODeS KIDNEV PILI.G ::1UIC',1 'lUI oor l clos 'll dlsl'roClflll \ .. t Ilg .'>locl at .he rlsir of hi. nfe. rhn"AV II.. Cn ,10'"'' h".'n ... In th. p I " ' ; " r "'"e Tt ,lnnR relle\ p 1t ,1" •• Trlln Pac c quar ers In Mall "pene~ of \' olencp 'eL \/eell Lim kh g j 1,'(1 flam tlto train, loto.lnlng ho',1 n' 'I'n'rr1o rnu .. tv """ fI'"tr rnutor p tile an"orpr to normal bQdl!) tlea1 nnnoullclng tile cOI\slgnment of CURED HIS IONEY [,1"=',,) ~locmalOl ucucral untl Lite law'"" of lr I II I I 1 1 t h An 1 thot wl'l po" the P'''' o' the first 10lld of hRllbnt 10 lhe ---, lhe I 'elluo ,r- .. all! runn ng nang w n,,'., HTlNDJlmn nnTT.Al"1 lor "en ""rl trim and men'al happiness Ihn .rn'l, !':11VO his sisler s lettor to e orv rAP. of Cn,n""" the' he east by the Canadlun Fish llrd Coltl How Hudson Marchbani' ,fter "" "1 AIL[,<llIg1l tile ao' u"ml n-" beon II a r' , the ollll' tho pillt. 0 hv tlle ,"n Cntorrh Cure Storage COll1pnn' Tho IIsh are ship lerlng lor Flvb Years, Found Hllo~ I I' Icoll a"n tiU!; >I III eOI ti eo your. fO"1n .. ' re I e hi If t" "'''' NT{ J CHl'lNFlY pe!1 to BOLton by express and al e re ~ ellef and Permanent C:ure III \11 II e mede II ex erts I' Is sul<.. ltll,e not • "0 '"ULC agnl I swung c:r col ~J r Rwom to bofor.ft 81h mA fa,. shoutingmse to his or."'lce ported to t e In the ,cry Jest of con Greatest of CanadIan Rem.II," ',.d time to " alllillo her Ilenlal COli 10'lrv' to) run as hard as ho could wllh A n Has (lIlian Temporarily these shlpmellts , · . ! I all While Ihe chief of the fOlty th. Ie tar to pollce r"lelLl ) forwa1llell ,Vanco", 01 1'1 reg Mnlehbunlt KIllg. Count) ~ \l ' " nr "SC. aro npIY sCllllered In \ "lull" "',Il ma'elY lhel e WIlS n pollee ular coasllng ,essels and shlpPld (Spcclal)-AftOl sufrellno; for ~\e I ",ts of NJltlt nn South An ellca .. ""-trate In the silltlon and thence In cold stol age eDrs but PS )elUB rUlll_ lddlH isense "" u Hh 1'IIU Er~threH. 1"'01 these lClUHJllS • "L !lately Httll thore "as n 800n as main line of Lhe 0 T P \\h" calr'" MI" just ou'slUo Tho Is completed theJ will be despatched O,n Ly n strulll Hud.oll ~ 'IrlllJ:lIII. ,lie proculnlo "olle Esq Ih~ \\ elll nowlI farmel of thl. fI' us to llt~ I lUI ,Olin dlsL,lct at "nte dashed ILl full direct from Prince nupert from thn pillce I" u~llln a strong henlth; man t I '"Y mo i Ire I:ule 11I1t< \l0& Jetty IInrl arrlverl ns Mllel tlnr,,\'-t rOllte lllUI anothel /ir duro fOI Do rl S I ul\c 'l~nt of L1" lr' I te. L!. IlItllr~ nn herseJ[ Inlo tho sea The SO rapIdly hn.s Lhe CanadIan Flah Kidney PIli. IllS been puL on leco ,I ,Iz, r, tltl. tl c vlodl<1lnl; jud l shouted to t\tree clIstoms ' anll Cold Stm age Company s business In un Inte-vlew 1I1r ~lalchlJnll!l 0'1_ ",,11 • cers 'n a bont tit at I' bas llOen 'About file years il~O 1 burt LV ....'t!)!'o W"C tb' ,. h~ J fOI nn oul1lrpnl, tho harbor and they 8ucceer1ed obllgoll to add 1\'0 I'm ehas, d baolt from IIftnlg aud It (lAVel ,p ell 0' <I sa !lor ~I rucl liS In."I'3 "rre Ing the girl wllPn site was nearly In Sr.ltll" 0 its already num.rouo IlltO kiliney 'UJellse ~Iy bllt ,,"I I uu Ie! f,om I, " , l o r Ihe '011' 100 ynrds from shore Her hloUler fioet On these vessols Ute a lurgo ed me ull the time nn,l I \Vas VHY ,,,,,I .1 tho cll."o. I I ' procuralor nn,l tho nowa of hor rcsuco ",1I.en number or fishermen tram Ne" Brllu., milch trollhlo(1 with hpHl9~l1os C/o' jllr'l'Od '>CUUI d-,', 1Ill! bl\\1toll tbe tmln arrived nt Caen "Iclt NO' n Scotll! llnd NInOWfouDdlanrl 110rth to anllsil" their occu nppetlt£' was fitful I Iwtl 11. hltlAr I uto .lIp 1llocuratOl • -n rnl 'Base vUlnln H 1,001'.loII'nt PI In eO Rupe:l III lilY Illouth III the Illernln!:o r pers \' IdorLetl th~ ch'pl law) cr. for thp plred freely alld my PCI'plt Illon had <le r, n.o "'he 1''''''lIr:ltor .1 "n &llr I, t om the I. n 11 "I,h "pllfled fislS a dlsll~reeoble od, "I used Unlments and plast~r" but COI"1 ilL end:ln~ 11II11l'dly Intlrpo.o they dId I. do me an:! gour! • ,I t lomsclvco .... t" en the com oltnnt ns therc were a her symptolU. hot "hlle L'I<I It' .lrllUg Jlld~( jllllli I wero affocted I .1.' 10,1 from the. b· h Illld III~gln" vlgol 's Kidney PlIIs ,\',t'r ollsl, nt lIl. ~- cnrntOl s t ,II !lilt .'tIIlO'::1\'Jx.,s;:::m bllcl, " M r 0111' tllUt olllcl'l (0'" of dangor by a IIle~ piEltell:' al)d my Itldlleys n • C 0,,1! TI P. ON wd eh· red tho d's tr(nr~,le'll"e Bln~e ' 01 dr.rly Ill" ,..... whllp "r!llprJ Dollee ru unlel-II I" c ear tho 'onr· Mn.rchbank de~ldGrl thut "~"+blll,"'kll!n'~Ylhw erc '.he CIlIIAe of hIs :, I' amnzlll{l sC'-Un tho JII.IO ""0", I, troullJes, thA rost wal ..any" th" 1"111011'" Ulrullgh cln, or ~,;~:i~~:\~~,~:~~~:nnCI(~itt 1II0st any or his I algohbots "(Jill I Ir 1I cross ,·xn1l11".tlnn. durln~ whl h. aft I;;:::;;,r",~ him that Do~d s Kld~ry PIli. ~11\.1~3 ( remind,", hOI thnl hpforo -ho WI," dlsoased kldne)s 8 .he h-t' ~ twice chllr6('(1 with ~~ l ( then nnc1 t OJiclo.ll~pd" to tpn IIlnntl , J Burel Signs detol,tir:m In I retor-n ."fV Itp elldt~'1 8prl";;g.'19 coming observed thnt In-teu,1 of having I pr \ born In p can reel It In tho air Spa'n ns sh I're'rnd' \'lIl 9pro(l' lU!~U'l',1 So can I replied Brnl,oly 10 tho had lIeHr heen nenror I ' collnl a'r my wife aARllmes toward mo "hall thnn IlIrln her nllllvp cIt) Shr nd she begins talltlng of the Ilwltod ex mltt~'t th~t he real name' FornulH tent or her wardlobe • 'hilt "he' hod fI' rom hom" \\ hen bnrQly 13 and that fOlo startln,; her ~ta"o LarCH she hnd bern !l cham Th- C loll'bermald Sho 'I aded shr toole tho tho minis blllmQ or onp of lhe th"r" h"raoll III I t , 0111 olliel tl) 1blf'ld • crlmhlal lo'er sh_ l\nS II nr, with n~ th~ t"", <. ~lpndlh _ Q ~ronr m("lnf~"I~lP Pride THE STANDAItD AR.TICLE • SOLD EVERYWHERE I II I 0 ~~~""(ld rpn\leBttn~ hu~bond llo.lom~e rrlpn~~ herln"~ enshe~ II rallwn~ ~he st3ndln~ ~hatfreate rp"11~d ~o""Oelr 8~e sll~"e ~ I1~' ~Ilme ~nd, ".~~ th~ pnl~ ~"m t~ "rnro.nl~ c~r ~, ~T"l1'. ~"~nnt nir't~;~.1 ~U, whl~h "ns"pllttlnl~. 'le'~lo(le!l I~,'<;,}~!q,." , 'TORONTO,ONT, ~ -------- "TU.""" h~r I 'h~ '~_~!I.~~L,:!,~;O Ih~ 8uc,~·.r'" E:W.GILLETT ~I FO' ND THE CAUSE THE REST WAS EA.SY I~ :r.~ rec~h'eol pvellln~ larg~ ~olnll bod~ , Ins'rll~~I: ~~ I r~centl" veas~IB . ,~-;.....- .;;".-"'- . • TREHERNE TIllES , WORMS OF S;:'CRETS REGRET LO goIng that "ay ed Dora dIsappear through the gloomy Well, answcl pd Joan with slight doorway that was never closed Jonn , hesltalloD, 1 haH jusl been reall'ng hearl! the echo or her &teps as she France In "~Sle., on 01 What !'Ihe ·Wnrmy thAI I whnt R thE' mntter or (I'm St('lmnt han" Intcstlnnl "orin!! N( IU I), nil uad 11ft distemper COBI you Mr ;\Ia)n";~ boult .nnd L was, think rlln Jlgh!Jy "I the dusty stairs and Would Have Given Fort_n ... to \00 mOl h IU f( eli l!1I1 J ouk bad-oro had Dun t phyelo Ing-'lOw I nm In) cfose-':J should so then a sudden silence fell : "nON ~m 10 drnth Spohn 8 Cure wl1l,p.mme the "orma Improv" the RIJpeLiIO Ilnd lon[> ~m up 11\1 rOllnd lind LIon t phYMto 1111e to '.00 "lit: ) h~' llVes i' '110 b Con"", • BQrlln -It "as recent Actl!l on glnnda nnd b\bnd full directions \\Ith ('Bcb boltle.. 'Would' you, 'exclalmed Dori Ith the nrr.. an. public "It" ond Rold by 1111 druG'II:'to hel go.) Il\ugh',"'Well; I~t)s~go, shnll FINES, FOR DANGEROUS :.r manltestlng a GI-'OH MEDICAL CC"I Chemist!. OOBh~n Inti we? lIow lunny' She puus~l tor nn· h Dr Inngll Do you llke his' Berlin Police Take Dr.otlc Stepa for com"o.lIre o\er t p fall of the ZAn olll _ nelln .ecrets Into the hands ,f Ihe poems? I do awfull I Il'ad a page Public Protection French Bn" the Illtra·pnrtrlotic By E. R. PunsboD of his bdok stral!;ht light through Berlin -8erlln 5 pollee presIdent qunrters 0' t e air palt' 7. 4 s rate every night "_otte ," understand It he Issued another ukase against pro· C I d om S II "by prndl1rPR a state of min' bordc'lng on or not bUl he saya It tloesn t matter, jecllng pins In women's hat. aR a n an cer.' ar~ ave h) ptprlcs Ward, Lock 6 Go., L.lmlM A JIHto co1t-like a little h.,by-mullt ';n\:8 cftretul fN'dln[f 1111(1 1~C!0 think It'" sweet ofrllim to Although aCille montha ago thb po Intercesslt'l. of Woman fJl1sston' .Tho T.e"lIch~ Rllndschn1l ""~g~'t. U) "u wnn t, rR'~ , a ,turd) 'alullble nrum:ll As foon 1\, London. Melboyrne & Toront. sav thln;:s, Pice that Don t you? 11ee IIlged \\omen to proted tile bugl· Y that tIl! ornrrr. In .ht .hln rnn the co 1 outHrO\\ I It I mother:l III \~ "dJ n Itl1e IN fI~R NA fJONAL STOCK FOOl> to hll regUlAr If,.;cd rt.1 Ven, enid Joan wl~h nnother smile ness end o!'t1.elr hatplns with BltlPldS Hongkong, CulIIa - The British he ndcquat~lv drl!.ll wIth In the "ill help the colt to grow In hlze VIg'UI and Itrenl:l.b (ConUnueGI .\ that hid. sharp pn.1I at her heart I they bn~e not C e so In any sum West rllcr slea cr Tnlon whle. sIp: !"ranre Jenlt "Ith ~'u "lilli' Bnzalnp CHAPTER IX, as she rcneeted lhnt ther9 lever had Iclent Meastlre Accordingly thO\ nnled that It ad be~n attne l eel !Jy (01' 'h" ""rT~~~er of !\Ietz, namely been and probabl) never WOllid be presldeut threatens that I" after hplll plrnte~ hns nrrlved here It repor s bv cOllrtmartlal Thp j01lrnal n~rpeR The Meeting cny ono to sa~ such, thltlgs. to her ~4 the police find any IIl1proteeted that the pirates, whose nUttbers wer n with Die Post thnt It W,IB he un. " the grenlnt tP.t1IC l.:nO\~ n for all d:l.lI r.s of bor.'lr.. , (1ur Oreen was standing til the hall as What merlou Inu!tltlng at, Inquired hatphls the owners are to he summar· larlo tsly estimated at (rom, tn 100 qll.stll>n~bl' 111\ of th~ sonl"r (leT hone» Wlllkl"C'p heuhh) their conl4 .... 11 l'kl J;lt !IISI~r .. I J 10an wen I through It 011 her "ay alit \ Dora, do YOll Itnow I like yOIl cye\~T~o \l Gned $16 or II' de(aul~ of pal ment nnel \\ho were armed with r~1Olvers rrnn om, er I.,' Z 4 to hlnw tl1) Ihe atr thc-v \ III hIll C 1l1llrC I f m J" m rn 6 qU/ull t 0:11" and lN11 RNATIO~ \1... C"TuCh. FOOD lIun thc\ \\lJ IIJon but she d,d not seem 10 s~ hIm He' mtlch belter \I he I YOU latlgh ~ to be Bent to jail •' came on hoard at l.~n,>kon~ last nh:ht shin "Ith ,lIon ponrll anu let II (1 qunrh w thoullt n~h JCl'l th !lIt WIll """I"l It kC'to:PIDK watched hor vcr) ulltllY and angrily Ilon't )011 laugh nil tho time Ilke I Amollg the mnle- 'lOP illation of Ber· dIsguised al passengers bounJ for ..1I..;hl on Ihe Darn~" "rOlin, III Ltme Jour horeeK free Iron1 tt _Icn ~r Hlh...: tnnt c 1111 etc as sha pnssed 1m wllhout noticing do' You (llgWen mo \\he t )OU are lin the popularlt' o( the pollee presl· l<ongmoon 'Ille n shannles; mass nf .moiling llim and he even appeared to bo nbout so solcmn but I llke )OU -when 'aU dent has suddenly risen to a great The Tnlon wlls three hou"" wrccknJ: rat',er thnn run the rlplt It win pny) I In l1JU! IN fl::RNATION,\L STOCK IrOOn every day to BUY Hom "thing But she gave him em Ie anrl whut Is the good or belug heIght f am HOlIgkor v nnd was Just out'll~ 01 no m'ttlDl' II. nrlceless secrets to for your horae!'> lUI wdl n!l mIt )our ollc:r live Block no oPPoltulllty, and In a marne It the Bud? I Ihlnk Il's just silly to be sad Br'tlsh qunrters nnd enterln!!: the Cnn (nll 11110 Fren~h hnnrl~ Tefl U'I h," 11 n") hr:ul or I'tuck l'OU OW" and we Will lend you tree a [ron. door closetl bohlnd herl So It Is, agreed Joan lookln'" nt Som" Say So ton rll pr delta wh n the plra'es rnse Wltpn the 7.el nelln nn""eno:er aIr ruP) of our $!I IJOJ Sll)Co.: 1100k \: n~ed It on the fdorm Talk about gratitude, saId Green lJ1e sunny )Ollng mce upturnClI tOt~er 111 ollr lesson toduy said the Sun They killed the Chlnpse steersman I phlo compAny's office. , t "'ran'o "n Internntlm1:11 StOt k f(l(ld And' eterinar) PreparRtions also I'nuhl'T Rnd Poultry Remedle"'iDrc (Ilr Mle h) dl!nlen e\ cry where E, cry prep;.ntloP l!t !told Od dl.gustedl) and mo thnt loosed hor 111 s ['III \Ins perhaps' a or ree day school teacher, occllrs thIs son anrllln,ln' thus h~ld the "tpamer UP 'Inln spnt w",(l 10 thp knls"r -' Hnm n IpOL cnah ~unr:1.ntcc tll J;I\ e ""tl'lfacu'Ir) rC',uhft or ) our mnney rf'funded out of that room \\hlch sbe might ha,e \t'l\rs younger thall herself, but Jot n tence newnre 01 (nlse pr~ cel1.e<1 raptnlll Holmes Ch'er Oll1c pr h\lro: of th events at Luupvt,le hI" If;J'or4r d~d(~" ClltWlOJ sul'~1; ,'lJU wnt# IU d,,.,.:1 HI been hurnt allle III IInu now lain t tolt as Idf n~ least ~ ~al:y ~cnl~r nn any of yotl boys tell :lIe what .. [nI3(, Cornwall ,[1 Engln"pr M:lcartney mojo"t)'. tlrsl noulry \\n r~r th(' Stocr, Food Co., LlmUed TORONTO "orlh living a word flung at seem· sC(JnratP t c~ I\[ 0 ma ler· I prophet 1sT wborn tbey tied liP securelx names) he offieers n b",.d Ingly-wll~ you might Il:lnk as she Iy tenoprnNl8 roeo In her nn,\ Ii deWell Sammy They a'temptp \ to hurn\ 1\ ""om n It I. del Inl prl tJ III thr ~renrh In WIIS 8PlllrO'~ Illth me I do ato In sire to shI 1,J'h SO brlg~~ a lCbl1 a of Plea~e mn am, tbe weather man mlsslonnry's cabll wltl1 rDI;9 so"k~d tellll!pncll rlepnltm,nt ,laS ttDlnp'l In :::I. [n"alltllde, ho snld bItterly n.s he re jo' (rom n1 ,C ~\Irmo m lIS~7 In pnratrone nnd havlnor stolen' 1 hpr formation for J lell It ' ',11<1 "Tohah turne. to tho kitchen o( the world "ou alo qu te r g I , PILI"~ "URFI) IN ~ -0 ,. o,o,v" monp, am olin ng to $RO n 1 h;!" rnl~ havo hpf'n "lad tn nnv an Iml1'e n " " Repeating the Performance Jonn did not take lin omnlbl s she &.'lld sartI" It Is wIser to be hnp· \ mil '",~~'"l wlH ,.f"nd ,110ne' If I'AZO \\ntch' took I er Inlo thp ,aloon The <\1m ~f mnnpy Thnt Is the nolnt \\ t.~n Uncle nOli brought It ho)( of 101lg "'ulk be[ore P' OI,'1ll11FoNT lalla to Cilia any CR •• of Itch "oman preynllpd on the plrntes not to II blch strll,es G "mans as I" fnr I p cnnd) fOI llttle noth he 1\ anted to tbOllgll ..I, lInd " I I I d dl~ Hlmu Bit. cUlm: .r I'lotl udln&: P!I.. n ber llut t1 ougb she and her mothi'r And muell nlccr 11.1 g IP '" , \v 11 ~.,. '\l(o hnrm hn European omcers (':ro.,p.t nsnect a the affnlr The surpll.e ller ,\llh It III ed In COlli (art Ilnu ovon In Bome lux Oll, 100' Isn t that hal rlhle' ----• 'he pirates IIprj ronp and \Vol1ndD~ '1'ne~llcltc Ru"rlsohou cvon c"nrp·,o· I think: somehody \\ants IOU In the Js CLEAN, [lnd ur) ~Ir VllIllnd never gnve lhem all) don't loolt, come on, qllick It Cured HlnI four nassongerR all Chin PSI rano.r" the (~Il.r tholt the nrl~n wllch ha fnll next room mJlzabelh he saId M Elell lho tew [IOnCe tho 0:11 ~te [lIhly kn [or It Dnd darted Thrre etl the office,s' rnhlns Atea'l~g $170 pn Into Franel's hondA mnv ho dO ' L'lO;ey While the little girl \1 01 t or the IS SIMPLE ns ' ltIbua "auld huve cost "IlS an objc.cl mund lhe or. tr or he slrect, b'lt In rMh 1 pslOes a quantlt or VR p~ bOY h~r nf "nel enormous '"!>Ie room Uncle Bell placed lhe clU\d~ " 'A DC" to JOIIII IIltd nho wnUted steadily all loan stoPlle I and looking slowly pblen, nnd securer II consl erabll' thnt Rhe will n~t much 10~l!'er d·!·' a chair Where < Ie II oultl SUI e to and quIckly tbrough the cro\\<1erl \\utched whele across' the road\\ay nn'ollllt of bnllv from the passenl{or~ P OIlV of rprknnlng ('nntn PI[II see It whell she 'ret\\lll~d surets on, lIlore po"r groillng human I" lIll'e chlld "Ith tenrs \las gu'dlng The) d'sahlpo th .. ell£ines and rI ehr"ndt In th .. T.oknl All,7. p l/:er h , Oh, soodle,'~rled the <IeJlgh ad little rno smashed ,he swltcllbo:\ll PHr snVA Ihp Fr"~ell will not soul sceltlng sh" haldly kllew whllt 1:1 drullken mnn miss when slu esnled lhe ~a\ldy ch!lllqo of \ bell IIdel I'll b) the s ern Ilress and Wllshmarrer, 'fommv? lhe drunk· nnd carrlcel orr tb~ shin s lll!hts noW be nble to I,lliate the Zep[Jel1ns "here [1Ie\ It come 110m" bust'e or lIfo and yet (ulnlly, (cebly Dill was oaylug thIckly, \\ashm:.rrel stands of I.rms nnll ammunition Tbey i'liISTAKE3 1l lIIust 1Il\l e cOllie there \\ hlle \OU l"ondon A enrprnter nnmed tr)iJ g to f"flow II 0 trllest rule of lIte- \11th y.u 101lln)\ wadh lOU cr~ltl helcl no "session 01 the tpamer for were out of the rOOlll, said Unclc 1[)OllU8 Q ",pst Ben (ol'r hall·. evenlllallv Towlno: of( In nlgold lIVllg at Terrtn"tnn t1lat \1 hlch I,'ds us plant ellch s\t"de bOllt, hey 'l'omlll)? Norfolk dreamPII on \Vrrll1<'sday Itl/:ht ot~)1 In the light <Ilrecllon lind IC'avc Bu IVlth~lIt ans"ellng stili weop II. hont which they s ole, and two salll You stny rlt:ht hero, Unc ~ Ben, ell Ihat on the rollowlng day he would thus'astlcnlly exclaimed Be h, 1111 go t1 c rest to God who mndo liB I'ng hi .. 'S\lOllt te' rs tho child led blm PIIIIS ha~o to maltc a catlin for his fnther SlIe lias not [ar :Iom her dosllna ,011, coaxing him to\\ards hIs home Ing out o[ tlle room ngaln On the (allowing mornIng the (a'hl r sWarm powdcrs are nar Mlllel .tlon und IIns hesl'at'ng which was tho As the) pnssed by Juau sh.:l stopped as 0'\\111 dcad In bpu from hpnrt c~l1cnce the metl1cln u fo" ch llgbt turnIng to lake, when thell! anrl Whlspcletl ono word oC sympathy Suspected seI1.lIrp and I,ter III the daJ the son are fonnd sufft "Ing from lhe rav who hrolto UPOll I er ear a low, dellclo and 10\ c Into t1 e poor ch1ld's car It II as while on maneuvers and a tUn ages of worms ~The)' lmllle 'Int~ly malle the The G, IIr""lc~d "ONE DYE for I~ugb so tull at mh tb and joy that 110 looked up In a startled wny lind 8~ldler Wlla be liS tried (or the shoot al er thp stomachic conditions \Inrle~ All KindS 01 CI",h .owe:hlng of s~ mpalby wIth It awoL" rOI~ a moment their es met-those Ing of a chicken nn fllohlhlted ground \\ hleh the \lorms Rllhslst :Lnu drl' 0 Tny IT and rrClvr It forJ'OIlrult I .. ".n til IWI own troubled heart • 61 e of tho l)'e1l tlressoo Ind) and pf the Lo"k here, my iUlllI, sl\ld tLo com \ St'n I Inr I rOil Cnlur C. II S nry Rooklf'1 an t nntlll. tbem frolll the CI'stem I an Ilt the turned Qu!akly en un. onsclolls smile llIt1e rngg_d boy whom a Cflmn'lIIull, Illvl"ltr"" IUIC f Dyrlnln"tr Ilhere I[)r.. mandlng olncer \0 tbe fal mer who 1 ho1f'1Johnson some time tlicy nre tonic.' In their IUc:hudlun Co LhnUnd MOlllre.l (In her lips, nnd saw just behlnu her or b ltcr, "llrl) grl"f bonnd together brought lbo Jcusu,lon oro you qulle efrec: IIflon the rl'Ileqllve orgl\"" rp !)vI a Ro,e, who laughed again as their 'then the \I blrl,ng tIde at th~ certain this 111 the lIIen who shot ,Ollr storing Ihpm to henltllrlll opprntlon e7 ea met purteu them to, e\ "r, nover to meet bIrd' WlII ) au a" e"r to hIm' nml ensuring 1m ltInlly tram ftllther Oh, Mias Duraold, Is that you? shp ag.'lln yet equally never to rorgct, Maypole Soap No, 1 \\ au t do thot I el)l1od the disorder, flam slIch II. cause or''.!d merrH:r, Walt don t mal e ol'her of Illem this one brIef Instant Me lIef e is a 'Ne!:mity man, DYES so but 1 will sa) he s t'te man I There ot mectlng In eterr.lty lhat he:lI t~n"d I E~SILV BUBI,eet a 110mg \t Thi. Season. W,'~ Maypole KAISER TO VISIT GIBRALTAR Puzzled an amused Jo II ",'alte<! and cheereil\ them botb tor tbe rough Tt at's not enough to CLn vlct a Soap there 11 no whllo Dora dal.cod towllrds her Illte a road their (eet II ere Bet to tread man 1 I etor ell the C 0 con81derubly lIouble .nc.{ no mUll UUle Blrn) beam thaI lhe Beltllll; sUIl throul;lI time nellied \\ hnl raised your susplc ID home dyeing bad fOlgotten and loft behind It to Just round till! corner Joan Ions? Dyet coUon, wool, lighten tho dull slro~ts where the tlus Dora, Ivho, tbotlg~ sbe bad at Well 8h repllec1 th_ slurdy (nrm IIlk or ml;tlurea 24 Bond gloom or evenln", were 1101' fllstl wlshod to seize thb oppor unity as he 510" b mopped his lore head colou ""II [Ilve .ny tathermg In, cscape flom that sad laced gill, h's bllucannn It WDs this WilY .hade Coloro 100, What IB It? aske~ Joan as Dora she menially descllbcd Joan had) Ilt !·,f'r"nch I see In on 111) propClty with a gun, maek 15e ...1 YOID C1amu to a standstill betore her end someholV found herself lIngo'~:; for dealer', or postpatd then I hellnl no gUll go olf, thell I then peeped I!,~gerly pn.st hor, first Lo hu to join her Wlt'l booldct • How see '1m putting lhe chlclten Into hIs ~e ddo alld tben to anGther What did )'Ou stop fOI? 10 Dy. leom Imnpsacl( rnd It ell{,n t seem senEe lOS ' tt'~ Wilton sa:d Dora ex te<lly ho petlllantly, UN JOlin Clime nohow to think the bll d committed couldn t (lo any' good? I F l BENEDICT & 00, Montrenl h playlnJ; Jl joko on me tho denr bo) suIcide Dora said thIs a though, nil tho excel· run away whon 1 sec knco lind merit a mau might acquire But JGau sliool! her One o( Kansas Cit) a tromc squad vere IncreaBed tenfold If he played a race was vel y grave went Into a sbOIl HtOJ 0 I ecent1y 10 pt:r joke on nn~ or bin tJ lends ~ n't move wururl chase a pair 01 shoes lie mado hIs Miss Dllrnntl-Jb, I do hope YOtl re m,t Bllt If on~ rUlls too fnst sel~ctlon I d "as about tu tl y thelll ,In Il hurry '110 tried to frIghten me row ana 1I1uy euslly run to'.'rrlee,~",:t:I;l1iro1,'e(1. on when the clerk reachoJ for II box iuet now but I saw him and slipped Ins I!ud o( to lI.,old It. , alld deW, sprinkled some 1'1 eneh orr and now I am waiting ror hIm to 'I hel allow ) all 11.1 e scolding ell'''''"' challt In a the shoes to ease the 100lh. QOInI! tbls way that a jll£l what illY uunt said, cried coming Btrnrn When lIe handed Once mGre she gave her little '-trill· 00111. POlltlll';, und I dOll t 11ltO people "hew to the patrolman he thre\1 them inS' laugh o( purest JOY Bnd Joan coulrl Jl bit I~ hclt they scold all the floor, pulled on hIs old shoes Dot help smlllng, even wbll~ wonder But 1m \lot exclll'med Joan and started out Illg Ie she wer, expected to stand there dood MI~s ROBe, I dId not The PI OPI 'etor had noticed tho ,all evening as a sort vt livIng screen scold Illite for Dora'. amb 'I II SomethIng of the eame Idea aoemed In a 11'1lnute two to occur to Dora and Dhe',,:·,:.';,'':'i:~lll.sJke'I:)Dp~I'~ ral,I!!,I.'""I,lal,,telr.e~ vividly BndMiss exclaimed ;;~(~~;~i~'4~~t~)'V~~:n~I~~!~~ Oh, <lear Durand, I dO " ," <tl1cllIgh t Wilton' W(1II1d he nelVel') 8~ ,Vi , I ,\ 't I l , I International Stock Food I 1 I.)U 0.., 1iOME DYEING 0. It. , t.o -O-LA I 0, SPRING IMPUR1TlfS IN THE BLOOD --- " /' p " . ~.. - -, ..... "'-~ ... ') "' '''' ,.~ .".':'. . . -,'" .,"""" _..... _.... ~. ~. t' ---~ • • U"'_ ~.~~~~.~-~,!.(~~~~~~~=.~~~~.~~~.~~~~~..~,=:'=T~C='m~'.=.=='~.~.~:~rz~=~n~,,~m~.=_~.. ~~~==~==~'~:~.=",=,~:,~~~.~~~~~ Tr~f~~;:~Rtll,~~l=~=,N=.·~;·,='='.~m~·-=~=:~*~===rrn~="=.'====.~='=··~~_=c~.. ='~'~.~'~'~:_:='.~='="="~.~~.==='==.=c='==_=.~.~=__~"~..~~~".~'~~~~~~~~~O~~~.~t~~~~~~~ , l"h e:"~-~ \ 1Ierne .,11.OleS .... l're ,, ,'" SU35C~tP'rIOri 5', A YE:AR. ' .1_ ""r.ell. " ." . A 'limited IllHlI&r of :-ircl~s w.ill no doubt be aule to tob • IBfI~er COIIDEN' v SED ADVER1ISEM'E'NTS' , I PIa tsn " , ••, ' ....,'.' " •.•• ••• ·••· -,...•-..·-..•..••·· - ... - • •..• - - ... . . - . . . . . . . :.-:..:.:~ :::••".•.•.•. ..•..•-.......... •·•·· ..•..•-..•.·'rrIt'....... •..•- ..-·······'·,·· ........................... Lost M'0' nd"a'V & JUesday : • . n~h'l\ntage , , Vfanted ~eltct trade ,~ -.\~li9Je~ale ':. - ' '. " .:. :~: I'.' . of the lapidlY gro·..iiog 'j' ill the CaDadlllll cities, out A lIumber of 5\11all pigs. ", , 1 wk, ll11h .. 3 tn}ll. 1" AI.DART CIlRISTRNSRN; , ,.,'. " , . • :!.: Onl! CI)lumu •• '0' .. 0••• $:,.00 fliJ.OO !-'O.OO 1100.00 from the fact that the • Treberne. Th, "~."".rlwr Cui..... 3 'i~, l!!.;IU :t:!.OO I'U.W Ii 1\ If Col...... ...... •••• :!.:.o &.00 :.'0.(10 OO.lK) el!l1:,uealers in Outario Quebec ::: C"J.IHrLflr Cul..-•••• 1.:.0 r"ou 1;!.u(f 36.00 .:. ",("hlh Col......... •••. .'ii, 3.oo~ 14.00' :.'U,oo. hll\'e recentlv adopteu Ii, new s y : s l e ; n ' t)lI" hu~h .•• : •••.•: .... :. '!i.t" 10.00 o( tll,,:i'n 1l •. <lualit)·,', it for (;ale . : g The Abnl'i r.'~.. llonDt "I,pl" to aar,Uoo lah,t. "",t-nrtatnnutbt_, tende'l, rulUI' u••• le"allluUcee illlikt:ly tllat 'Ihe product ,of, the .' . ' ' 'r - • uf ulI}llhia. ,,If.' tr.a.hur, u ....ute. L.".I aad U'18joritY ,?fcfrcles' will t,,'ny '. f.Jr the Position: of ',Good' clean' st'eJ . at' a reasollllblo! ,.-or Sale . \1 Ulliolit': a,h.rtl-hllf, lirl' 'u •• rtlnd. 12 CfJutl " l;tJe, .u',~u.ut IUlenlnnl II ~I"U. a lin., to more for tho! Rural Mlluipali.lv, prico!,. Sampie'tan be see'll at tbe • ~ utlcel ~f' It,." . . Iu.lo·ell. fnullri. .auted, ll els f ..... fUTIlillUe store .. , ' , • ~ ,:.U cent. fir .. h •• ertlou. or thrnt' In.arllnu. recelll I y e~ t a bl IS IIed clla II. .~ , " , .0, r t' ~I 00. _ _ t,:"pr rur dilton.e of I,hertl ..· rle "'. , of Sonth Norfolk WIll bf.' 'recdved C A , •.{ 'T ·-"'A good bOllse Oil BO"ne street, ' 1 . llIflfltf tlUI' lHt rOC'ItITf'f' not later thaI] 1·ue •• lar trA '. C' " . • '. c .:.~ .: by the lI~dersigll\!d up to !\Ia} :!6t.it, L Rio, n h CALI', ' .1 .. "on, _RAE: L, KING The r.ne .i:',tock Brancn 'ApplicJllts will bt'ate'snht!y wanted. 31,tL .' , " Trehernc. Large pllrrour. : EDITOR aND MANAGE", reatly ".nd WII\tI1l:' .to help all: the' " ' ";":":"-,-~-';;";:2.'l,;.(.;..,;.~,;,...;_ _._""";-,-'I room and kitchen do\\,nstairs; thr~t> • Egg eircle mo\'el11ent in "-e\'en',' R, J. MILLll; " ! 'rooms up~tairs and R cellar with ~ I'ossihle wai'. Offict'r~ or,\!iill ;>2'35 c. 'l'reherne, To Rent· " three roo illS. For palticulars IIpply 0) Bnltcli ;'are', no\\" ill the. fieI'd: ·.1. - - . " 10 ( ~ . 0f 'p U bl'IC. N 0 t'Ice , . ' " A good !lIable at the reor of, the R GORII~, ,~ .. , _ _ . . , r r , , , , All( I there i .~ oval'I RI)Ie a qlmnttly ,'oll'r. le .L'10 x ra .'t' litcrntllrt>. incl1irling. ontlines , of L H, C WarehOIHe in 'l'reherne, 5 I:. ., 'l'rebcrnc. hy.lnws, elc., dl',llling Notice i,; '!terelw gh'ell to each Apply to ' I!l !,' Egg Circles with Ihe \l'ork, ('opiesof whIch mA~' and el'er~' householder ot Tleherne 'AI.I'IUllI ~rAR'l'I~, • 9 (1'0111 n,/[f S). oblninecll1ppn ihe, thnt afler Mnv I,:;th" 1913, allIIn: ;>1 tL Treherl1l!, Farm For Sale .:. . .(,. 1,1\'e Stock Ottawa. snllita-y premises will be cleAned COltOll'S & Brooks' Ilircl Seed, Fer package. . lOc. ; In olh("r, /."'.9' 3S the quality of • 1 under· orders or the Health Officer .. Notice ' Clover Leaf SUIIIIOII. 2 tins fur , ,lik-, •.,~ __ East)!5 Sec: 31.8'9, About 200 OItlillarY'form e,::gs htcomes 1II0le and the charge!l therefor le\le<l , , K i n g Oscnr Sardines. per till , , ' lOt'. ::. t1l1rert.ini.lhe nrcntinlll placed 011 '. It wOllld .. yon 10 al!Rinst the property so\cleanpd. Notice is' hereh'v given that the acres broken. 10 acres, wooel. Balahlrl\'u Sardines, n tins for. , • 2ii('. .} 9 • I'e e g t.::; . ' ' A11 d rur th er t lI'e k no t'ICC tl111 t a II alllllla I \lieF t'111"'0 f t'h e s h are b 0 Id e"bnl1dallCe of first'c\II~s water; •• . ntw Ial"d'"·,.CIIC II1Cleases. t1 Ie great" goo~1 that' ,i~ heillg'dont! rs· f 1)!5 d Poulin Chambers'Soclas, per box 0 .;, Wllile I he 'rablets;. Daril1" I' I ' l lplaced Athletic frameframestAblesalld house Oil stone 01111 C ' ' ,F I'" I of the by ChRlllberlAhi's ' . ' tl 011't tlte public I " t "of the "111'reherne he b "II' th 'rAss;"ciat, ., I st';lrey utlon, gno<l grRn·• hOlcc Seeded Rais:ns, l,ef Ib, 1c.0 c .:. ' yenr p'r Ice!j rtCel\'CI uy clre e mC1l\' Downey, of Newber\t'Jllllctioll, III( Iwavs WI 1111 Ie OW11 11111 S Ion WI I' 1\1 e "s lIntC lPn aries'. abol1t 100 acres for ' . :1: hers,maY>lJot grefllly exceed, those s..-writcs, "l\f'y wife has been' us' I1IU"t lit: lemoved. ' Hall 011 t .Ie a ,1ternOOIl 0f ' atur d ay. t I 11 th e f anl0U~.L\ . or a tcll ett· per flb. , , , . • ,10c. .!. , . TI ~. , f I I 1 0,' - " ~ ~ I .. \\" h ea. ICleancel 1 I CI Cnrrants. .I' 10 l'nillint}le'lol'RI slore, it i~ a fact ing Ch:Jmherlai11's1'ablctsalldfinds Ie P,oO\'ISIOIIS 0 tIe IIW res· l_"11C jtlt .• (,Onllllenclnlt'nt the luur '1\ J'" t I ,. r cen callscr,'.ltl\ls or. , , . ' i c, .;. that proullced in tht them very and 'doilljt her pecling deposilinlt'- of ashes of t\\O o'clock, At this mectin)C' ,e e crqps ete, Y Austrnlir,11 Ccoking Oniol1<, Ii Ibs.'for .- 2ik. :1: month last year the lots uf IF \'011 hal'e 'ml); re.fllse. Oil Alld tlte genernl year, 6 m,lles from frelterne, Fur .'. mnjority pf 'circlps in the provinces IrOllble 'wlih'\'ollr stomAch or bow, WIll be st',lctl V elliorced. n y order. ion will be disclIssed and transacted. !enus, etc., appl y I .;or Qlleheo received nels gh'e a trial. For sale tlY W, A JOliN COUI.THR. J. S, PALMF.R, ::: pice ofl'fJ(m -15 to 50 ctnts a all ' .' Sa!litarv . \, Secrdan'. 3,[,tf. ' Trehernl'. "Clli:i'iTISiUG "','1'1:6 10.... o~ h~'1SI~':of t ~uu fil!~ i,l~ Tlri:'0thr.~eed Applic~lions th~ COII~I.lll1e~ l~rol".l!h ,,~Ie 5 P EC I A LS ass"s~or _tand~, ·'l'rH~erne. dillil1~' ',We "are. ,offer ring for 110nday, and T d ay on' 1y tl 11 owmg· . E; t . ,ues S . : peclals our Grocery J)epartment., ~ constilution~. (((!lIli~,lIIrd h~ rd.~. '~uji,IIIl" ~e~!l1c~t fro\JI,~ COlllmls~:oller, ~1,lrpri$e ~pril'l:' fo~~J~,ei1g~' of'J)e~lIIbc~ OlllarjO{al~d ----:,..;--i:-,.-~-.:.....---- kllow'~f N~ tfT~ctul1 ,go~(I.". th~1I1 deale,r~" •··i ~' oh5lruccion~ als~ ~l1.e et~., ~.;' ~ft str~ets I"ne~ ~IALLOCK, Com;~able, ~ r~Rdy hllsinessofth~nssocillt, v~ Istrt~ goo~ 1"'1lese speciah:; are for cash uoly. :l:i 'VV hen you call at our store you will :~ find our prices very attractive. :1: I -:. '.' ..-:;:-.. J.he, Quality '.' .:- . .•. ,'•1• .. •' ..::... •1. , Lace , '. Curtains Curfa.in Nets 311d Muslins . \ This line, of curtain nets makes vcrv attractive and 'sdi'viceable'over curtains or bedroom 'curtains. Fan C)' Stri ms~- " , , , J ." i i 1EE::5= and , Regular ,10:. per ),d.for , , '. ". , , ,' _Range~ ! 1!I ~""!'''~.~ ,' -' , We have several ranges on. our floor which we must 'J ,s.ell at. Gl'eatly- Seduced Pl'ices in order to. make ,room for a new line of stoves which we Me contemplating handling, .We will sell these ranges at prices which ,,;ill suit everybody's pocket. So, if I'iI are' in need of.il new range, call at ollr store I!I week and let liS quote OAUI' prices :and tet'ms. « co. " , "TltEHERNE " i:IJ) , , :In;surao'cs' :00. .. ., , .' ... r , , . ••..:1 .... ~ ~.~ __ • l._ --..uo: .......... '-w '0. <Bar:kwell'sbipped a dr,nt. on"1'~ilrsda~'. . car . J. P'.,StrRube spent se\'eral d;lrinii':ibe week visiting in 1+" tbe city. .: ,) ~ / . • '.""j; 'I~ , Cedar', ,Posts' ':' . Albert Vandel made tbe trip from Claude to Treherue on his l·mote,rcyc1e on Arbor Day. , ,I \ '.,,' ,.;',1 Miss'Preston spent a' few ,days in Elm Creek last week, relieving 01\ the t'e1e~hone exchange: . Mrs. C. Birket~, and litt'le Cluls , are nO,lo,: the guests'of Mrs. Birkell's. parents, Mr. anJ• Mrs. J!'s: FlaCK. , ' . '>W~ u~l1aiiv order on~ cedn'r posts ~iih the barl£on, heJiebvin~ ',tIn!;" \vill last severnl vears longer tl1Rn.a peel~d post. W'e av!: recel;tly UNLOADED .o~E CAR ?f 4- tf 5 ~l1ch;toP ~~:ern'l~;~ cedar poSIS. ~I'hese p.lJsts ~re pOSSIbly : Ie lOes we, dowlI ill our yard. Prices rtght. ,r • B..'C.,Clear Spruce Siding , , A . Mrs. Parker left .on Thursday for ~amerol1)to speud a few davs as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. D. Hamilton, former' residents of Tre· 'r 'J.'he regular meeting of the Hos· The outside of a honse. harn: grnnaq', etc. Shou:d b~ sid~~ tal Aid wilt he held at tbe home with the best of material. It looks always good 10.t Ie e}~t '\1' ~Ist. Mrs. J .. p~ Stranbe on the after'will 'be belter manufnCll1rcd. beinl( cl~:lr throughout, nnd I o,yll 1I00n ot Tnesday next, May 13th., Keep tbe date of June 3 rd . g o together belter and stnv iu place, tietter than poor m~tcrla •. at ~ :30 a' clock p. m. '01"lnC! for the entertainment to be , .~.. ' WE HAVe IT under the auspices of Sf. A' band of people living the gipsy .,' uuloncled 30,000. Feet of t IIe best. 's'W~ A. . fe'were enc'amped down by the : J~i~t Boyne for several days this week. , , : .' Russell Ad~ir, ,of tbe Bonk of 'l'he we'nther lately is bardly wbat R'ft~SOti MANITOBA. staff at Kennedy, Sask., ordinal y hnma'n beings would take TREHERNE . , . f t . his holidays with his for picnicking. : , i , Miss AIi~e Willett spent the ·end A t Reston as the guest of sister',' Mrs) : Nelson' Kendrick. Dr: A. W. Myles will not be In Tre\:ierne for the practise of his profession' from May 12tli. to May , ..., ..... .................. ~ va, ~~.~~ , The Corona Lumber , . ,",,0. It would be just as easy for you aDd considerabl y • Ulo:e convenient fo'r UH to bring III Ii' sumary of )'ollr buil,liDg, We plans lor ,this season. handle'sucli ,a complete line of buil4ing m~terl~ls and ~re tboroll~bly .Icqunllltccl wllh the esthhatlng proposition so you will Know how you stall~ before ):011 stn:t ill. , ,-'-==-- '~.';"" 1 LUMBER LIME , CEMENT <,',M·COAL .' , .... ...~~ .: ~ Look ,! See, ',.Our Display for, , '. Something Really Sty'Iish . in the' Summer ~MiI,linery' Line. ., Mrs. 'R. J.' Moore. , printed or The Time. Office "llln"r ,The C. P. 'R. h'Qs. furnished. the agellt with a'jlltlllber of trees which have he~!1.l'.laAted .alo.nr:- the. ~alk leadihg over tp,the statl.on bUlldlllg. The flower I110ts At the front of the st~tion ar.: a!~o beiilg planted agaiu ' " thIS yp.ar. - , 'fhe road coming into town froUl tlie west is certainly. getting -.vorse instead..llr.~!;.u~r. ,:The gr;1\'el .• h~s nil brbketi~up~t:ld ;,t h<; road ~ay IS just'like a sand pit.' About the only tliing that would, do. it anv good would be several carloads of ~ood coarl'e sto.He and then, it ,.,''nil 110 be in sbape fof ,V,ears to come. .. The Epw61fb L~aglle 'of the Methodist Church beld the an 1111111 elE!cti.oJl. of .officers. at the regular S~:,:~i~:~ held on Sunday 'eveuin~. '1 are as follows:. Han. Pres., D ...'", W. 1Itbhow; Pres., Arthnr Chambers: l~t· ,vice Pres." Wm. Lee: 2·nd. Vic~' 'Pres I Miss Etbel Thdllipson(3rd .• Vice Pres., Rae L. King; 4th. Vice Prt!s., F. W. Harrison; . Sej;-1'r:eas .• Miss ,Eva Barkwell; Org'l{nist,'Miss Eva Pol.' "v. Ion.' ."" ~ , , . ~. ~ .. . . ,J\:, 'Well - Earned , • Reputation ,'See our New. , A well·earned reputation is I\ot II thing to be trifled with:. that is why. the makers of our shoeH ale constantly striving • to maintllin uniForm quality. Styles Ollr shoes ha\'e a reputation for quality which should influence yon when buying YOllr footwear . in Single We WIll welcome your inspection of our latest styles. J I, • We have 40 pairs of men's :$S.50 silOes and 37 pairs of women's ~5 00 shoes, rewnants of lines on sale, tbese will be offered at • . . . • • . • • • • • $3.50 and $3.75 , 'Harness I We will not be Beaten in Shoe "Values" - J. R. SCOTT ! - 'Phone 60 , ' TREtIERNE [[QRDINARY FLOUR WON'T DO 'Special' • .Children'S ,Di~play. 1 ·1 . " Make all Your Make all the Baking a Certain Family Strong Success- and Healthy- , This week we al'e making a Special Display for. ,the Children in Summer MillineJ'Y. This will be sped ally attractive .to the little folks, so b r i n g tliem al,mg. We - are ,adding' some fine new 1110dels for the mis5~s atld grown - ups. , ) t r USE .' l . Mrs. Smith' .,. Royal Household FIOU <i'i'.!Ii'.!/i\!,.......'i@ iM~"~~'!'~' =. ...- • 8 REPAIRS ;: ~ ~ : FRANCIS THORIMBERT c.~ Broadway -:- .......................... • • High School:• : Treherne . =i ~ If you need any bicycle re~ pairi,ilj,:' done, or .machll~er.v, ~ Ce' repairing of any, kllld, tillS IS c. : the place tn get it done'::5 T.REHERNE~) ~ Broadway . .• Stntleoh preparod for Third nod 8eecmd .: OIRII Teachor. ' Certificate" and tur • UnivnrAlty Matriculation olftmiuat'oDl •• -- •• LOW"ATES AND .PEC'AL INDUCE- •• MENTS rOA NON-AE.IDENT • • STUDENTS \ • =i C!l'i'-!o'i' .!Ii\!o'i'-!O"!o'i'&'~ M.!Ii\!o'i' M .....~ 'AG~NT d NO OTHER SO GOOD 'SOLD,BV JOHN COULTER AT TH~ OOILVIE ELEVATOR, TI{EHERNE ~ , Millinery and Dressmaking, Telephone' . No.· 94 RAI y' AVE. - TREHERNE R.· F. Steele " . -- . ,~ W"ITE rOil ILLUBTAATED BOOKLET: ......................... i R.J.MIU. r.W.Harrloon. B.A. • 5.0, or Sohool Board Prluolvol • • • , I ear , -, .. .. , , ., . \ , • ,/ ,< THE TREHEttNE Tl'MES I EMIGRATION :entsC~~lI~~~te T;:~I~~y p:~~:':,.lon~~ ~STS , ISPLIT 40 CORDS AT AGE OF 85 j~S~ t~, ~:;.~oe:r t s•••• p.:nn ••• '.",:,:.,'. DOMINION FO It Is Dla:ar • since gentleman should be asked to give a How the Federal Reserves are Being an emplo) of the C.P R raised a Two Facts Which G~ to Prove That certifiCAte tor bucll rldlcu)ou8ly low Developed few ,arletles of 1l0wer seeds In his an Era of Peac. and Prosperity tee8 to Il pers~n to wbom be mllY The Dominion Forest Sen Ice has own gllrdtn and dlstrlbul"J tbem have to travel a 4.ozen mile<! c~ more progressed tarlher ~ha any other 5er. among tis friends In the company H:t8 Arrived' Cut out c.th.rti~. and purrallna. They ... brutal_ha.nb_unnt'ccaaary "ry Is ratber startling. A me8senger vLce In Canada In the laying out of 1'hankful to the Medicine That with the Idea of beauUfylr.g 10 some Duhlln, Ireland .-About e. deca!.) G H' AbTt F extent the lot:lewbat barren aspect ot CARTER'S LITTLE ago, one of the Irish judges of IIssl1.o would demand lUI much It not mOle torest reserves and providing [or their Sixteen mll. ave 1m I I Y or the stutlLns on Lhe railroad rO'l\Id tor going merely on an errand. The proper :1dmlnlstrallon, LIVER PlUS WIIS angry at Tullnmore-and \te said PurelyveKctable. Ad proposed fee 18 I08s than the tip I 110n acres have boer definitely set the Task. houses and yar' offices on the ~;)m· so 1'be dlstingulBhed official was .enlly on the liver. pany's plOllerty It was a small tocompelled to 1ral'ol to tbe capllal of which would I)e given a jarvey em· I apart by Act of rn!"lament to be ad. elamll'latcbllc.and ployeil tor a compnraU,ely ahort jour ministered as forest reserves. Addl· A VERY INTERESTIN~ CASE glnnlng:lU t"day the C PHis cele_aothe 1hedel... Klng's county; so were grand jurors c.temembrane ney.. • lIonal areas are being examined each braUn/; Its sCOII annual flower day and and p~tit-or common-jurors, so wore The whole medical protesslon of 1 year, nnll slime six m!\1lon ncres ad· Few r; e I of eighty (he year. of age the IIttlo seed planted In the earlier ohheDowcl the high sherlfT. and all the big men CartCo"and minor men who, somehow, man· Dublin has rejected tbe terms as be dillonal are now under temporary I e- can boast ot much else but poor da' hns grol' n tp such an extent that .t'Pdt.OIl. age to find opportunities of performing Ing totally Inadequato, ..nd Ilecllne to servallon and .! I shorll) be added to henlth and taUng strength A 1 SUC') It requires a florn' department to hand· BII,o•• Ben) Ie the vorlc lind Instead' of a tew pubUc 81'n Ice In connection with an put their names on the panel unless tho reserves set apart by statul~ was the condillon of Ml " HmrlacM a,,,1 and until the minimum terms agreed The mere setllng apart of reserves, ~:arsh. who Is knc.wn to e' ery soul p!lclc,lge~ at sePIls hn,ldeJ out to , Sic' •• m,UuJFt. tmo.. nsslze court; and all tho U ouble and to at Ihe genelal meeting of the pro though an Importllnt step, Is only a In the nel;hborhocc of his borne at \ limited number ot employp no leS!! expenRe was entailed so that the judge Small Pill, Small DOle, Smalt PrieD. It Is manlto_' PI eUmlnary one Although, unfor Limo Lake Ont t all 150,000 pacl(ctr. of various I arleand grand jurors, tbe commoo jurors f"selon be conceded Soup probt~m. IOlved.. Genuine mu.l bear SIgnature "Q:.ltJ ~nsollclted," write Mr LIes have been distributed to Rtatlon I\nd the" Ise persons associated with t Ilt tbe doctors all over tbe country tunately, In some (:1Se3 It has not Cln.rk doe. the .orry~ foremen, thoSf' In them mlgh~ decld~ a qunrrel between are In revolt agalLSt the terms ofTer· been reaUzet. tllat anythlr.! fur ~!arBh. "I wlc I to aay how I have a:;ents, sectlo lug 1.1111 the workIt lher Is necessary, this mlstakc has not been botheled for ~ear. with Ltomach charc:e of round housos ~U1d offic~sl' t" 0 IndividualS as to the ownership ed by lhe the cc>mmlssloners Ind a.uurea .. U.fac:I t.led oler)thlug I cOllld ami all em,loyes \1,lng on compuny s of an ass ,nlued a~ ten shl1l1ngs sterl may tnke a long tlDl~ to arrange an beell made In the fedelal a~mlnlstla· trouble Uo ... agreement between the parties It tlon think of without }Jencfit I was ter pro~ert\, showing all Incllnntlon to- tEJUCCCSS"""""CA I'h' Ing medical belleft's are elrtended to this 'rhr resones Ila\e been organized rlbly afTUcted with swelling r )(1 gas wards the cultl allon of flowers In During the present spring nssl~ps country we may eXllect 10 wltn3ss nn· by appOinting an Inspectol In cllllrge and ball much distress between the fall a million of bulbs were given going judges In Irelantl have for the I tr.cd everything 1 could out and the b"n~ • of these Is noW Lomost part, been ranked amongst tbe other strug~le between the doctors and for eacb or the \\esteln pro\lnces meals the comm ssoloner The ultimate Tbe Inspectors selected arc men who thlnl( of. but without benefit Then Ing felt, uS fr~m tbe Atlantic to tt e unemplo' ed In Rome places the resull ,,\11 be that Iho cost o[ admlnls· have had a thoroughly technical train' I was recommended Nervl1!ne. Mv, Pac'fir and oven on Vanl'h, vel Is· cases hrought IIctore them cou'! have terlng L'le act '1111 ",..ceed all expec\.& Ing In for<>stry nnd who lul.\ e show n but Nervlllno did me n power of good land tile traveller will ueo the delight 11=== been disposed of In the COllnty courts l!on~ good admlnlstratlve ability In each -made n new man of me, so thnt ful results frolll the fall planting of I or by maglst rates at petit sessions, of the Inspection districts the reserves within the last three weeks I huve tbese luxurIOus 1I0\{crs Even In tho porhups some of tbe cases should not LATE BAS RAISES QUIBBLE nreas Ilrc \lIlt! ou~ In units or forests been able to split about tort) cords mlds of tho Ilralrles where mell nre A SplendId 10 cent \1ol1sehold Spe· have been henrd at n11 Mr Justice cach under chntge of a technlealh ot stme woo I will always stick permanently encamped working on the <lIlilY ,s be"'g Illl,oduccd.,ti ""r C III Oll)son recelHd a pnlr o[ "hlte gloves trained mall or a :t an experienced In to Nel "llIne a 1 will always recom. Irrlgntion ditches lit forty dlffe ent np., IllS Al'prcclI,'eu hy the I hllily trom Ihe sub sberlfT at K11110nny on Born Seven Weeka After the Firat. Can timber administration Twelve such mend It, and loul; like to meet !lny points huve sceds been sent tor,cultl 11.,"scI"lc who Wllnls Ilungs 'JUST /\ SlltUldaY- the first presented to him She be Considered" Twin? divisions hale alreudy been establish Olle and convince them If III doubt vnllon. whlel Is u\lother demonstra· LITTLI< HI Tn a Senu Posl C milo \ during an experience of twenty·five L.ondon, Englalu! -All the known ed, anti o'hers arc being organlzud ns to what Ner 11 e hns dOlle [or tlOIl of the effce' the tending of day SimplY sa), ~ear8 Mr Tustlce fioss wnS In baby lecords have been bea'en by thJ and manned wltb torest rangers us me' II r S has on the hllman m!nd and 'Send 11ousehotd nedallY Ad I Corll city on the same day. Only t" 0 wHe ot a worllU!an at Barrow. a small e "Aevelopment of the rese"es and For sonr stomach, nallsea, belchlt,g II uody Thcse IIlcn tnka " great de·. , vertlSo,d In lillY .wopoper I It I I f tl I t tl Th.ll" atll '011 "II be IJd'ghlcl I Pa} cases were to be tried-small Iten, manufacturing vlllar,2 near Cllthercc th the fire dO[lger mny render ne, 'ssary ot gns crnmps at: sudden sickness g 1 n cn ng or lC P nn B os ley If S 'l!Sfied, We I"k,' Ihe 'lSk S,,,d I ot lareen~ and robbery-In a I,;reat Lanos On February 24, ot this) ear .,. ,~I onlrllli I do 1I0t Include patrol at night. notL!!ng Is 1I\0re helpful In grndual!) grow 'd enjoy the', frag· lo.d"y I Ad d r~ss POI 2"0 T hese divisions community ot 1 no 000 poopl' ond the she gave I:lrtL to a son Both moth ou'slde o[ forest reserves on the large the home, nothing 6nves.o mllclI pain mnee liS IlIUC I1 u. lb e IlIIUl nonreq DONT MISS THIS OFFER Judge spoke wnrmly, nlmost affection. er and child did well, but Interesting al ea ot forest not Included therein and distress as Nerv'lIne I Lal go home TI) Influences and ncourn.ge· ately ot the solllhern capital as pos· developments seemell highly IHOb [n such area: there are In addition [amlly size bottles 50c, smaH size, lIlen l of flo\\ er grow Ing on the C P. n I .•.. .... ~ ..,. .., '," sesslng an atmosphere tbnt one did able, and recently unother chllJ a girl, twelve patrol dl~ Islons "eacb under 25c at u11 storel(eepers and drug. during the lost tWtllt) four) cnrs hus not alwavs fiOld about other cities In "as born ' charge of a chief fire ronger_ glsls or The "atarrbozone, Co , I:t:: materially assisted In the Innuguratlon Ireland At fioscommon coun'y court Tbe c .lstence of a baby boy" ho Is On each ot the fores's hOUSeR hnve falo. N Y of fiora' societies In ulmo" CHry Judge Wakel) also received a pair ot onl~ some SOl ell weeks older thnn hi- been erected ror the fores' rangcrs to\\ n nlJ\lg lhe 11aes of the Jystem, ~J THE WORLO'C BEST POt.ISH white gloves on Saturday So tbe baby .lstN threatens to lalse prob· so that they mllY be close to their All Square and nn c "'mlnntlon will show thnt tale has been told throughout Ireland lellls which ,,111 make the Be rows bn· work and give It careful supervision [t was In a West End restl\uran l actively connect "lth' lhl'po hun -from Del ry Antrim nnd Down to bles famous FlOm the medical '.t dl"o-ellt points throughout the for I I dreds Of s~cletles!l " wbO! e Sandy went for a dr, r. I anli I h fi temployes of I tbe ends of 'he sOllth and west. point ot 'lew they are twins He· "est, huts 1m, e heen erected as head he 01 tlPI ed a whlsl(y and sOlla, I the C P l "ose IS OSSOIl n , 'r!mU Are Guar;mteed 'rbe emlgmtlon from Ireland ac· garded from the cold standpOint of qUDl ters for summer l18.trols and In whlcb they CI arged him a wholo ~hl1. Oowcr cultUl e and the 10'1 e of til e Boo. Frail. A aampl. cording to tb" ann1llli report at the 01 eenwle!l time thel have missed "e Illnccesslble dis I," Bo... treallneaf remove. Why tlll _ chonco" In buying a pair He compln\lled of t IIe PI Ice b""utiful weI e lenrncd d InII I Ie IIser' I ce t tile mo • some or ,470 l...p fro .. tbial.d,'. br •• 1It registrar gen~ral sho"ed a decrease their twlnshlll by six lull weeks Inlles of trails and rontls nll~ Raid that he was on I y nccus t om of thc 1 company Iln cr I 1 9 Imil a t d ...Iovc:whctl you C:l.U g ... \ a1?o:nhvo Old .orea. ulcer. .lId Of 1 229, the ligures being 15,675 males Is lact al rival a belated t" In, trlcts ha,e been can tillcted so IlS to make ed to pay 1" ~c- ' . tor u nip of Ing 11101 encp.s of thc Ie orO! I epnr' IIrvwth. cured. D ••crU.e and 14,124 females. malc\ng a total of 0\ QunrOtl';:nc • o.c· ... d by v<lllada:l e a sepnrate chlld-a sort of the reserves more n6cesslbl~ 11 wblsl.)' ell Stnllm, Improl el.lents hal C ,.... tro.b1. I .e will BeDd book auot e•• tillioal.l. larg"sl f!lovo f::.ctory In Iho CANADA CANCER INSTITU-IE, "_IUD '9,799 / Since 1851, when t!te co11ect'le:ne"D'n! bnby, as It were? bridges hllvo biten constructed, anti Next da Sandy WE'lIt Int the same letl to 10WII Imp ovemcnts and oft.n Ion ot retull" commenced-and It lIel e Is n question which will keep ~phone have _cen put I k A t the C P I! Is slte(\ to co operate to CHURCHILL AVI .. TO"ONTO , place again, m dered n dl nan" pu I I tl f tl 100 Inlles of A mueh enlargnd \lro down threepe Ice It wnR n differ 1\ Ith some of 111eR~ IISttu OilS or e ~~=::=====~~==~:-:-~_~~~I must be remembered that the famine the Insurallce commissioners busy lor In operallon ... years preceding drovo Ollt thousands a weel{ Oa the arrival of Bah~ No gramme o[ such hnplovemellt work ent barmall but lie protcste(1 ,bellutl!vln!'; of open spncos, and In mad, from .p~clal1y tanned horseThe Heart of a Pinno is the -the totnl number of emigrants 1 tlte rathc~ probubl" applied for the has been luld out for the clmlng year. No no Sf III Snndl No. no mon, manv Instances lhe .tallon Is a sort sp~ctors was I h i t of bu"eall for Oowol Informutlon, ActIon, Insi!lt on the amount to 2,t07,637 males and 2039· maternlt) benefltlot thlrly shll1ln~ htd •• G aranteed wet rro ( wind of tile In c thnt's all r g t I saw ~er pC IIr s t t '·1 A conference 723 temales, making the enormous Now according to the non twin sec recently held at Ollawa to plan the yeslerday .. h!1e the 1I0rei departmen ;\ "on· pr of, sl am and heal proof Send to'al of 4,2473GO tlo •• he Is entitled to receive another work tor t"~ coml '" seaSOD nnd the treal 16 loolte I upon as the heod· krill trn.tlons The United Stlltes was the dostlnn Ihlrty shilling" On the ct'ler hano! con~trucl!c.n worll on lbe reser'os will MInard I Llnlnler.t Lumbern an'3 01 f1owOI tnforma'loll for the Piano Action tion ot 20,466 emigrants In com pari· I[ these aro ,vln. the .econd ba!lY be Ilushed us rapilly as pos_' nu:>SON BI). J Eio.'\lli'Ii"ii'i!NO ce. 30 aB Friend 1 of tile C P fi syslem from thn son with an a"eruge ot 21,388 lor the should be thrown In,' tor twins COUl't to tave Ule reserves made Immll. e (1III.d3 "Jc{>ertGlDU. ,I J .. lfi~""O. _____ tic to the Pll.lflc In everY n."n,,,lI ng Em'gration aile, according to the Insuranc,' 'rom fire. as lhey ure In Europe In MONTOi1:IlIL. On Brcadw.y ,1' Islon 'sP'clal pllz( 'I are th~ shorteRt posslblo time aWOl ded for lilc 'bes~l dlsplny. alld ~~;~~~~~!I~:~~~';()~ an Increase of 310 sslonel s , Sny, Oem ge, remarked his many of the emploHs hnve become .0 !lEST AII1I HEalTH TO MOTHER AIID CHilli, of emlgrllnts to South house surgeons at Quee Char· pumng his elbow Loole across Inter?slcd In the "ork ns to try their , If ... W'~.LOW. SOOTlII~O SYI<UP h•• be. . Africa was 147, as aualnst 113 'I'he Hospital said that t ~ _d 101' over SIXTY YEARS hy MIl.I.IONS of ~ I t street Clere Do you notice results IIgnlnst Ihe be"t In tho COlin Fate of the Filre ~OTIlERS for th.lr CIIILURI\N WlllLIC emlgranls to Australia nlllllbered 842, bah es wa. mas Uncle a funny, bOllnclng wulk that girl has tTl b, p,hlbilion at the hi!'; exhibit said TJtllTHlNG ,.tlb PllRFJtCT SUCCESS. It a. against 765 ond thoso to New Zea, they agreed that the 'I'he Ilortl gentlemun holled the SlIre, replied George ami why not Ions In many Inotnn~PR thov Iln\p pnsslng cab tiOOTlmS lhc CHII.D, SOI'TilNS U,e,GUldS. lalld 189 'as against 166 were tins Cuh!n Ite 8,1'd, $I 50 .1 I.. Ays.n I-JUN; CURBS WINlJ COI.IC. ana [l spring cblclten, you know bMn vl'ry sllPcorRful amI hllve carrlerl If ) 011 tlllv" lIle to the s UtiOIl III less ill Ihe bOIl re",cdy lor lJIAltRUm.\. It t. nbo The !lumber 01 natives ot Cases of belated twin births arc " awa' th~ prpmlp nrlr-er ~!ary than IIrte&n minutes oolul<ly harm I... De .ur••• d .. k for "alra. wltb the In Imo" n, snld one of lhe d.ctors,lbut In General Demand [\gent~ hovt' won f lprrtl1 vngpt .. hlr l!ar wt ••lo .... SoolhtaK Svrup. ' •• ~ Wt. DO other y In the fact that such a long pellod In he JUlIlped I.ud u\lav \leul clluL. )dud. T"cDty~ftve c:cut•• bottle. 'I'he Shopper-WhY do you say thrt den" III the ~.t 'or the 01 "l"te Is III II lattllng 'lte was 'rhe six weeks has elnpsed bet" een On ·ea.d ~_ tho tlls Is the last WOI d In dress goods? such that anything can be grown rnte was 10 6 per two hI! tits makes this ~ase extremely tlCI! he .. as dollgh.cd to see thut The SlIlesmlln-Bqcause el EI Y IV 0 IlIId sllll three millutcs I spure Interesting FARMhRS HANDY ACCOUNT POOK population for Connnught, U :rh. Pllt Th"t f'1rl"~' R-Ucf _W~"n As soon as t le door ""' OPl n, d the man, will luslst ,on having It came next ,,\th ,II rate of 7.6 and '-""".,;,,~~"""=""':·,i., Just what >o~ r ~ulre to tt&ep ~c -,:~~----~~~-", n""!tpr nnp 11~P~ 'nr~okpn ,...t " men1 btl Iq fale stoppetl alit pnntlng !lnci tnolll)llI!; ro'lUl or YOllr cxpen3es. Dr(' .. rutl.'S for Munster and Uelnster were nnTlrpp"",1 'n repl ""~ nl fllllneRR nml his streuming IJro" line to your local Banl{, !h~y wlll rt-spectlvely 6 9 and 3 3 per 1000 Hlllsb'llll,t1-7~\'VhY" <!eDl, Ilro } ou put peins In thp Ft"..."nr.h he r' '" 1 rs fro"'" What~vll 1 the mall~l? nslted ~ab TI'e number of emigrants wlio fiend you 011' for the a-king It b) "VS~PI).lfl \\b ph vln per· make up· cd ae stel{rage passengers to Pnrn'lplnb c: VPJo. W'lfe-'-(}ollll~:' to have m) plCtllic hn not 1 o l).'t wt~~ ~Iutter' Pbew' COlli t)O .ee thllt ed States Wll' 1n,357. and or ofnh1r P'l1c: nrf'l 'no vp.rv h"~t r.nr lI"lr" the holl;)Ill'S clloppetl Ollt :If lhe cnb t to look nlltul al 5,7~2 htl,d their passage paid I1lnt enn hI' tal(on tn hrln'l r"llpf and I've had to rUII all 'he VIa) to the Amerlcd' Thpc:p 1 i11~ nrp. ~n~r'f'llh: r.om n1n,l':ofl stullon Phew rhen ns hp lool<ed Had tltere ' to fl"nl ,,1t'P 0) c:n Cl rC"I'1 n11rt thpir abollt him, his pllrple fnre breomll!J during ,'erlln,,; rl"n1ltIe~ In Ihl' r _noet can m~lIvo CaIJby he salol )011 Ie Le ,ouched for b. legions or \lsers hrougbt me to tho wrowg slulion. alHI 1', e lost the ,IR,II t!xact LocatIon It doesn t always pal a Inw) er to P,nches be stein wllh the _oslng wltnesLes when cross e .!mlnlng them They A ragg.d ulchln II udge I Into lhe emai.el 8 lind laid a blj; I.all of on' the ~onn ter al e orten ns clever as the attornel IInti lhe following ~nectlote IlIlIstl atos I.SllllMDeo'lrnther ,,,ota deBe shoes strptch· how Olle .. I!ness put one ~,er on ~ ed he said, bright youngtllolawyer :All r", I ht rep II e tI II IP. r I,ooma I(er, ir, sa'd I wver sternly, S I \V where do they pinch ,.Im? E:~'"A''' not stat lour Impress OilS e AW Ilnsw .. retl the 'Ollllgstcr, ""Y want tacls No', henceforward, nil don t plllc!. him-he r,llIch"d delli' swer me categorleall) YOII say,you --,-'--All epileptic dropppd In,a fil on I,~ e 11f~~Ji¥~~=?=#3§=i'###~:;;;,llIve t door to tho det~ndl1nt? ~:;i~~;;;;;; I: To the north 01,; him? of the streelS of Joslon not fang ago and was lnken ~o I.')spltal UP_II '';,o.lir:::;~,.1,',. ,~ .. '1'0 To the L"e south wesl,T then 1 , removing his cont thO! p Wit. [olllld " plnnee; to his wajslcont a slip 01 )Jer 011 which (as written 'I \lla I. to Into. III tbp hOllse ""rgec.", tltut th's s Illst a case or phlln fit not aPlleadlcltls, My ILPIlJlllllx hns alreudy been lemoved t, Ice LESS IN IRELAND Don't Persecute your Bowels I I ... ~e~;~ L00KJ I I I I -- ~ GL~VL,S CANCER ,...& tel H.D.I. Pinto Shell Gloves "otto H.-gel" I -~ . -- no , , - --- J~mplover-Yes, s'rnllg boy I all\prtlsp,l ror • Do YOII lhlnl( YOIl will ? have jllal finlah other apllile ~'I . -- TREHERNE TlMES ! OPPOSE ,PEACE PLAN l I BY TLiE EMPIRE I I I • 'THE SUNDAY SCHOOL dhlslon points Receipts are falrlSTAND TROOPS STILL ON THE MOVE but no, heavy and thul e wlll llltely [J , I New York a Graft Scandal Again to be' rrom now on an Inci cased mm eFew Real Developments In Balkan HOSTILE OPPOSITION TO TH E! the Fore Weekly Grain Lttter Supplied mont with the congestion at terminals NEW ZEALA NO MIN ISTER ASKS Situation Thus Far LESSON VI -SECOND QUARTER being relle\ ed 'I oday s closing vnl " FOR MAY 11 191:: BRITISH MISSION New ~ork -Fou high police all Thom".oll Sona'a. Co , Grain Mer- ues nre No 1 Northern wheat U3V,c PERTINENT QUE"TION London -A Cons nntinoplo des , clals who Ila~e belm ligures In the chants, Wlnnlp~1' " 2 Northern 90')8e 3 Northern 870/.-,c --patch Sill'S tlmt the POlte hns aSKed were placcd Winnipeg AJllll 29 -A rurtnN ad No 4 84c, No 5 79%c, No 675c C"I Allen, Mlnlatet of F,'!lnco and Essad Pashn to dlt.lrm and Jlsba-~ Toxt of the Lesson Gen xii 25-40 Anllio Amerlc~n Observation of peneelsyst, m ot police gIn Memor) Vers.. 3Y 40-Gold on Centenary Is Occas on of Bitter Do on trlnl I~ the Suprome COllrt and \ ance I:.as tallen plnce In wheat prices Feed 64c No 1 AI~ertn He-u WIlltel Defer.co In the New Zc~l.nd Gov his natlve lroops and send the regll nouncement. by Extreme Wings of I ncclIsed a! rt Ilsplrlng for the pervcr during the put week nnd closing 96%0 2 A R 92%c, ~ A It 90c I'll ernment, Deals With Bro.d Issues I Inl s to B'elul Text, 1 Pet v, 5-C~mmcntar) Slon nnd obstrucllon of Justice quotations today ill tlte dlrrerent 1Il1l1 tures closed May U3'hc ul) ~4-~ti of Imperial Defence-Must Mal taln Both Allstrln nnd ~Iontencgro ac d tl Prepared by ev 0 M Stcarn3 I r. I h an d La b or P arty an Ie 'lhe detenul1nts nre Dennis Sween kots sho" ,nlues W be 1!.c to l¥..e Octobel 90c I n cording to Vienna "(hlce nre coutAn Pllllrt.oh s I tlr I day bll t1Hlly fllll1 e) J,,-mes E Hussey Jab Thomp- higher than the ... wore 11 week ago OatsSupremacy of the Pachlc ulng their mllltnr) III epara lOllS ilion UbiqUitous M lItanta cf itLSt lessoll l xl 20 2~) SUggC.LS London - rhe UrltlJh delegation I son and J J Mill tbn. all tormer In Day IIrter day cables have been com. The ant market has been dill! and ~Ioutl eal -In an Impres.lve nd tellegro hns tlcsllntclled 5 000 troop" othee third du) Inrl(lclIls und I ere :now on Its way to the United States,spectors The specific charge 11115 sllghtll hlgber sbo"lng that tho prices are a Ilttle casler So far ~ress delivered be.ore the Canadian drawn froUl Seutnll, towards tbe Aua nle Illnll) nil pointing Ilnoillted O)OS :fer the celebrntlo I at the Anglo Anter , against them 13 that thpy were In col European situation bas not changed there has been very little enquiry Club Colo lei Allen Mh:lster 0' 11'1 'rlun [I antler and hns mounted hcnvy tu the ,;""at051 of n hlr d dn) eV.Ilts Icnn peace centenary mny encounter luslon to keell George A Sipp a ho Russin Is not olIerlng rreely and the from the I ast Today s prices are nancu nnd Detence n the Npw Zen guns abo, a Cnttaro Greut minister His le.llllec.loll frolll lIe dead with some hostile demonstrations Cer tollleeper, out or the state Sipp had Buenos Ayres mnrket has boen advan 2 C W oats 34%c, 3 C W 32%c, land Gove"nment .ealt "lth tI 0 lal and dlplomlltlc acth It) lIre,olls In III Its bonents t~ bell" el to he filly tnln leaders of the extreme Irlsl and testified belore the Aldermanic Com clng shnrply "hleh Indicates tbat tho extr .. 1 feed 33Y,.c 1 feed 32¥..c 21 broad Isslles of Impel In defen~1 m:tk Vienna whero n council of "al WllS clljO) ed at alii I 08UI rcuLion ft011 I e Labor movements nre ndvlolng their mlttee tbat ho paid grart [or man- Argentine Is nlso getting nenr the end teed 30*c ~'utures closed ~Iay 34%c, Ing more especial retel ence to the held nt the foreign omce this e\ en ,lead American trlends to expr'ess opposl years In a Harlem I?speetlon district of their shipping surplus Wltlt Rus July 36%c mo' ements In his olIn country In that Ing i\UII we lUll 0 third, ear ·torv o! tlon to the Brltlah mission Sufrra"o Illdt his reso-t would not mee-t with sin and the Algentine two of the &arleydirection TI e speech w,s "nrmly A Vienna <iospntch to 'lhe lime, !:lHldon noll Ilnrv~lo1l9 f xaltatlltl geUe lenders nro appealing to Am ()ollce Intertcrence Thompson Hus- largest e~portlng countries giVing Receipts at barley nle moderate leceher! snys that In the e,"nt of A Istlla nt [I lUI a dungcon to II throne from II orlenn "omen to Ilenounce any rrlend soy Murlha alld Sweeney were In sl'fns or approaching exhaustion of There Is only a slight demand lor tbc To hlmselt as a New Zealnndtr temptlng to coel ce ~'olltenegro there of dnll" IU,.,! slliferlng to t h' ly dealings between the two conolrlos turn Inspectors 3f that district from sUPl'lIeo It Is not to be "ondered at hlghel glnde~ nnd prices ale practl passing throurh Cnnndn Bald the Is little donbt that she wuulu be bUP 11Ila"o o.t 11lUII111lollt plllce tit. 10110 of until nlitaln given the \ote to ,",omen 1908 to 1912 thllt Enrope coutinues a s'ondy buy cally unchanged Lower gTades hn\el sllenkel It st'Cmed strange tha. CIl'! ported by Ital) which "oul(1 prot> Ibl) l'hulloil to HlIlIIt forII \Ie lend '1he ol'ponents of tho pence mission To keep Sipp out or tho courts jur er especltlily when the pollticill sit been sought aft!'r nnd values have nd adlar.s should be dlvld"d Into En.tern occupy Sallta Quaruntn nnrl \\al~lI" cnllle to I"'." It II 0 ' " 1 of tIl 0 filII predict that Its public apPcllrllnce "III I.dlctlon according to Assistant Dis uatlon there Is ngaln verY uncertain vnnced 3c '1odn) 5 prices llre No ers and Western"rs and "hen Nnllon while Austlln would I)roceed aga u L ye~14 (,II II ) "0 "ar. 01 fo 0" l)rovoko 01 tbrt'nlcs such as , curreri trlct Attornc) Clnrlts address to th' BlOomhall, the Lngllsh statlstlclnn In 3 4n')!,c No 4 4Uc Rejected 40c al problems la<.."rl the countn t1ley Lo\lchell Mouutaln anll Seutllrl In [1I,11I8S 0 I 110 part 01 Ihe lrlltlnl tl\0 at thn peace meet Ig nt Carueg e jury the Insp~ct.:J1s enlered Into nn a la ~ repOl t sa)s the genurul Inuro- Feed 4 5 c ' would find distinctions bct\\oen the orllel to r.volrl neerllessl\ olrcntllll; 1Iall In December lflll In support 01 agroement to pay the hotelman $1000 penn demnnd for Imported whent Is Flaxtwo would IJIII e to be dropped Russin the nction "gllln"t Scutllli 'cal. of c'JltlllllOti hUII'III<lLllll til h al d then It \I IS ltv ~ the ratlllcntion hetween the Unite I rer ono month s absence and $100 a stili on a large scnle nnd from all ap Early In the week a furtller stiff nd I nm speniling hl' sllid from a non "oltld he carl led uu through Aibullitt JOS"I God J t' jl~ of lell" Illne. fUI States Great BrItain and Frnnce 'I eek thereafter liS long as was ne Ileal nnces t Is demand "Ill continue ,nllce tool< placo' the flax market partisan point 01 view and It would and uot from Herzogovlnln serHt'lt lin I 'l 110 Be'nuse Lord Wcnrdale nnd other ceSSllr) tor hi n to r"maln aWIlY Mr the end or the pr~sant Eel1S0n al but during the last few days there haH bp wrong of me to do otherwise The Sou t corrospoulant of The f!tlthltl PI11\ nol ~ II -'HillS \\ hIe I 11.11 no membor o( the delegation nre can Clark set rorth turther thnt the de It mny be curtall!!ll somewhat been a reaction and quotlltlons al.) I do 1I0t 10\\ what Is lu your minds Tlmos sa's thnt the Glcek and Sorv wise l1Iell rf 1;, tn 'onld l,tJL Int. r nd nocte,l with the Carnegie Peace Faun fendnnts agreed to pay $3 ODD to Po- from those couutrles which harvest slightly hlgh~r for Immediate dellv I shall 1I0t Llrl to mnke out Ian fOl ces nre no,\ lI1asHed lu South fllet lo} the h!;.!c tr -In''l I CI his dation the Laborltes cnll It Cnrnegle IIceman Eugene V Fe nnd to take their crops In ..June and enrly Jul) I ery and 11 little lower for the futures am concernted w th much largel ern ~Incedonla nggleglltlng 20000 (11,111 s alltl (0 '110111, t I PI,ar'o ,,1 the Mission cllre a! lox s family If ho was seut t It has been t:!ie EUlollenn conltnent Receipts coutlnue large for the seu ques tl on lone day 'ou will stnnd 'Iha) lire confrou cd h) three Bul Pf SOl (I) the .}GllLl~ LIe} "J\\ .. hfl \\118 The English lnJI'r unions wlll holll jall wlthoul confessing himself a col that has absorbed the oflerlngs In the son of the, ear On today s market by u~ cnn we gentlemen of Cnnn1a garlnn 11I,lalons totalling GO 000 AI "en ant to thu cltJ,b.l f ~ 10 gun d meeting. liS Is their custom In Ihde lector of SIPP s tributes Fox did can International market so freely nli sen prices aro 1 N W 116c 2 C W depend on you' I cnn gile you nnd most nil the renmlnlng BulglritUl and who could l<ud Jld 0;. r P< y In Pnrk noproseutntl\ es of the Gcr fess ho,~ ever and slIb.requenlly gave son hnd It bcglns to leol{ os If tho 113*c 3 0 W 106c Futures closed the Emnlre as a whole this assUl torces arc still belol e Bulac Ilnd '1 ch tClpret II1CI1I19 (xII 911) lIer wa. Inan unions will pa"a(lc with them tOI the graml jury tesllmonl t,lnt carro United Klngd01l1 I ad permitted the Mny 116%0, July 1191;'c October anCe Ihat "e shall be rrepnred to olalja '1 he Bulgar'an 00 Olllmont Ioso(,h mad" to It II 0 II 0 h" aUII the IIrst tim anti bo , I ngllah nnd borntcd Sipp sand supplemP.nted e\ I continent to ge. ne"ded supplies lo 1 9 2 fuC • anti hy the Empire We nlr~ad~ the tles(JRtch ndds Is exhausting 0\ 01) gOXln h t\ In!; Hha II h ",.~, and Oerman spenllera Intend to denounce on whlc the Indictment of the her own detriment nnd rrom now on -All pllccs quoted abme nre for In hale tnken one stell In that r'lrectlon means lo nlllle at a friendly nrrLIIgc • hnneoll hlo Inllll ~t p·o aul)' '" th the Carnegie mission Thll grou nd fonr ell Insllectors I. based 'I he jury Blltlsh Imports will have to be hen vy StOI e Fort WlIIlam or POI, Arthur airndhwe'rsl filII bce ,eady ~ do lit agnln ment \\ Ilh Sen In nnd Or< nco but tho more ita£to th.lIl h( had. e· ' 0 p n Is th" the mission ,8 designed to fos was completed w'lhln seven hours In this denlllnd tbe United St~:tes an<i t e "ot ler ountl y "nds t danger 01 a connlct Is stili Imminent his lifo bdoro (\~I&e 11 ''"te ) I' ter an Anglo Amorlcnn a11lance and ~11 Clarl< concluded his nd~ress to Cnnadn shure to the extent nt least ( snry J nsk for fur her help One hundred thousand ,\ nstlilln allennte Am!'rlcnn sympnth) Irom Ihe jury anti the cnse \HIS ndjourned of their remaining SUt plus The recent Naturalization Is Void Colonel Al1en "ent on to spoall of troops aro mov Ing In I he direction of tI u mcssouge· trld J • ~. "It, n. w'" "ullt~d \\ 0 I1IUY Imu!;lle tl1Il' pcn advance In North American markets London -In the house 01 commons the Importnnce of preserving Ihe Brit the nlonte-nagrln frontier nccoldln!! to a'lIly Gorllltlny whereas the) argue work Jo"~ph lad \ISIOIl "f d·1 r era or al1 nationalities sholld stand REDUCING WAR r:ATES hns beon helped to a large extent by W \V ) ewlns osl' d the under sec Ish sUllremaey In the Pnclfic and to An,lvarl despatch to The Mull 1110 ance Ileal ot hllnd !\.O he stu t! t .... together for Ihelr own Interests shorls covering who hilI a been willi"!; retary of stn'c lor foreign [Iffalrs protect trade In that ocean majotity of these nrc from Sthlu A fore PhnrnoJ. tb kin)" t' HI th ,t IOU Bclljllr.lln Tillet socretary of the An Indication rhat There I. Little to sell wheat right ~Iong on the tbeory whelher his Ilttentlon hall heen called \Ve cannot nlone In New Zealnnd Inrge number of Austrlnn troops nre had Iheal1led II dream IV" c I Ill> Olld Dock Whart, R1vorRI<le .111<1 Ceneral Prospect or European Flare up thnL the European" nand wns bound tr the case 01 the three naturallz(;r\ nnd Austrnlla he snld protect the also proceeding to Alltivarl by wa could lutorpi et btlt h hl II loc"r I that 'Workers Union of Grent Brl aln and IJondoll -D,sPltv Aush la s alarm to fall 01I and that the brllliant cr9P 'Cnnndians r I merly Husslaus, who Pncine rhe trade routes must he Joseph could unllerutnlld e. Id ,,[or Irelnnd will SOIl<l a cnble lo Samuel In ... notion In regarri to thJ Il amlum would bring about Im~r upon a vl~lt to Ilussla had bcen sen Ilept open It tha Empire Is to 5t Ind pret dreams PROMINENT JAPANESE COMING Oompers President of tho American on" war Insurance policies h10yds are PI Ices I', Is generally tllotlgllL now tenced to Siberin for lI!e on Ia chnrge d They nre ~he bonds 01 Empil e anrt 111 his reply JOSl'plt ac, 10' 101:;01\ Federation of Labor, asiling him to lower than tho} were on similar rlslls that short sellers hn\ e coveled up of C' adlng _"l1!tary serv co all we nre determined so far as possible Soroku Ebara and Ichlzo Hattori Will (,OIl Sllllllg I IS nOl III Ill U Go I oppose the British Delegatioa months ugo, a number or poliCies and the market techn cnlly speaking \': heU,er ns stated In the Canadlon to mnkc the necessary sacrilices to Visit America shali give Phn noh (II IlIta"~' 0' Gener"l Mrs Plorn Drummond one out reading To I ay the total Is In a wenker position than It was house of commons by Sir WIIf,ld keep them open ; Ileaca (ver,es 16 Ie Pharuoh Ihen of tho lenders a! tho Ill: 'tant suffl a loss n the event of tho decloratlon a week ago bu~ the str~lg foreign I aurler It e British aut!1orltlos lind -:.:.....'-----'Tokio Japan -The announcement told Jos ult bl. two tI call15 und nd gettes who was nrlestetl succeeded at war bt-twe"l Britain nud .\<'ranee sltulltlon wlll prevent Ilrlces from go Iloellno(\ to It tertele 'lie also ask DOYLE ANt. THE SUFFS at the projected depnrture In May dod I toW lhls unt I lbe 1Il"lclnns In smuggling ou.sWe Ihe Jail a mes or Frnnco and Gel many or Germany lower and of courso any crOD ed whether as the Inte Canadian pre 101 the Ullltr>d States of SOIol«l 1'lb but tI ere W(lS nOlle L'lIlt could eloclolo snge 10 Lhe Amellcau snrrlrgettes nnd Austria 01 Austria alld Italy, or dnmage would ndvance them quickly mler hnd IIAserted It was the right Novelist Calle Them Fem.le Hooll am a member at tho Japanese parlla I. unlo mo (lorse 21) Wo ma~ ens It read Itnly nnd Ru In on or iJ3fore July Foreign crop summary t lis week nnd duty 01 the Blltlsh government gana and Other Thing. ment belonging to tho conslltutlonnl Ill' Imnglne losoph 11[.11 J u~ ')IS h~art Cnrnogle's so called pence dl'lcgat"s 29 1913 sIIO\" B Improving eondillons where to protect persons IlOss ••<llng certain \ Lo d " dl t II tl n on -Sir ArtllU Con~ 11 Doyle party and or Ichlzo Hntt01I (I ml>'m to God as ho list.nod to thu I In;: s Nono a f aro ncnr Ing your s h orcs The II"emlllm on this Iisk Is fi,e they were reported unfavolllble last Cana an na ura .n on flercel, denounced lhL suffragette mil ~er of the house 0/ peors gn,e 118e recital of his drollll~ thorn hnvo rals~d a voice ngnlnst the per cent Lhe Insurance by Its tel ms week 'I'he United States winter Mr Aclnud replied that his Majes Itnnts at a meeting at Wells to the I et)ort tbnt II specill' mission \\ hal t 1)lct I C--Il mnn "ho ha(1 tmture or wonen In English prisons covering agaln.t tho exlstonce ot n wheat crop mnlntalns Its prevIous I tys go,ernment had no In[olmntlon It 15 necessarv, he Bnld to dlfferen was being sont to Amorlca to Atud, boen sltut uw:n flO_I tl C \\olld an,l 'rhe Tory membe-l or Parliament stnte o[ war betl1 een any of the six high contlltlon In the sections of I au the subject They eOIII(1 110 ho" Untc bet" eer honest constltution"l the alien lalld oWllershlp situation 111 al the \Vb 'om of tile \\orld (vi 1 elll" among them sOleral who WOL their great powcrs within three monthe the Southwest whele dry "eather anel ever oIttlm to Plolect Russian sub sulIrngetteB and these lemale Hooll Callfornln 1,1 the I cseu. e of Il gl C It III~ lut 6ent~ on Lhelr 'sInk the Gel man n," y frolll the dnte of tho polley ~Iany high winds last week causer! apllre- jeets when within the limits of the gans nnd the c\ en more contemptible 'lhe facts ale thut thelt visit Iltn mOle consclol,"1 ill tho plcscnce ,r I'olley 'Ihey hnve a I \otod ngulnst hero lhl11k Austlln Is seolclng by thll hension timely rnlns have giVen re emperOl s dominions from nn' conse clnBR 01 people "Ito lind them the 110 officlnl chnrooter "hntC\et nnlll the K n:> o! Illngs and III cOl1\lI1unl JI1 Home Rule Suffragettes Irishmen means to ~tampede tho II(lWOrs Into lief SPllug wheat sc-edlng In the quences attaching to thl't11 for a money to ~ll1rj out their malicious Sacramellto Is noL thelt obj,ct pellli \!th Hlnl and thtlelolu 1110\1 II~ ,lilt Ind Germans or,l!'anlze a natlonnl bo, fOlclng Montenegro to Burreuder Nor Itwestern f:Hates Is completetl brench of the 111'-s or nUBBin whethel monkey trlchs It would seem the tholr purpose bolng to re visit 1~)Jnl1 I nil the wisdom of Lhls \\urll C! nld not ~ott ngnlnLt these wnr provol<ers II Montenegro hOtSI'll seellls d s 'nder favorable conditIons Sl>elllng they had been natural'zed In Canada only thing for Ihe milltonts to <..0 In ese centres In A1l10l1c[ln as rnllre~en t~ach Illm' Wo .ee tIe snmo hllllt Mis. SeoU I roy ~e San Francisco to rest all lilo prtllclplc that ,~ " ~Rteln (1nnadn Is ellpected to be or Brltnln The IlIw a! Hussln In tatlves of the Jnp:lllese CllllRtltlDS losson In thJ c Ibe 01 D~lIlcl nllli hI" ~ I Id b th I th~ \I Ill' of moan ness Is to blo\\ up a 8U rr I ngett 0 s' n t a Ca bl e c S enn t or poss\lsslon la 111 () poll1ts or the la" finished by lit" Plld at Ihe week SllC I cnses "au e e go 0111 1115 bl'nd mOil nnd Ills dog Both or them howo\ er C"PI ens tho [rlol (13 fOl whon all the ,'sllom of OGorman nt Wnshlngton Aaylng tor her only r~ply SO br to Austrln Weeilly statistics are more bulllsh law and no CfucstlO1l ns to tlla dll'1cr Do they \!\Inglne thnt In a PIOllrl determination to dlsco\cr tho I eru!oll" B Ih) lOll could neither toll th' kina hIS It tho sennte wl.1 Investigate Oar Is the laconic note th"t the Montene thnn the) have been for some tin e enee between Dlltlsh and Cnnalllull nltl nntl II 11111' ollrs thoy cnn move lor California oppOSition to the lup (Ireom nOI Il1terprpt thu dlerlltl when n~glo" penco tn d thpy mft' nnd an grin 150\ ernmont ,annat be ho'hend Tho vis blo supplies all sbow good natloanllty would alise ., anese nnd to allay Lho "xlstlng feel ho tyld It nOI 10 Id eVOIl (alii worus olive hrnnch ~ rap)lC'lI nround n s"ord with politics durllg the orthodox Dast decrenses The amount on ocea:! - -- ~~~~g~l ;~I~I~lP~~~I~o t~~glr i:~;: i~e~ Ing "IItLen by God D'I el h) Ihl 81)h It She horo.1 that I hI' Senn e wilt not at er h.llliays pnSBnge Is also less being 62644 000 or God wuld lio all rhe udern • Is no! light· Ve can proudly bonst t~ J h e I une tl OilS 15 Iven III IIOnor 0 t This Is the grnvest element In the bltdhels 1J0mpnloo to 66048000 bush thnt Ollr country has Bome of the hest scholnlthlp uo c~lIeri O'T tho "Isdom START VIA PANAMA the p~ace deleglltlor. "ho telt thr situation 's attitude Is that cis a. week II~O World" shlpn cntl women In the "arid He 1V0uid of this world I' just as helpless JOrlllv ADler ct.ns that thoy must olle has II"r III~II " er a million bushe s flOlIl to 1I11dOlstand the tllon~" o! Uo:l for ~.~ • ho all 1191199t mnn, howe\ er "ho did tlIe Ir hi s t Dry tQ fl n ve English Atnundsen Hopei to Start for Arctic Lhoy cnn 'nly limo,' 11 , the Spirit ,~I'II "'6 .~O pre'IOII" '~~k 'lld In dotnn the ship , I Ir nnmo a 1 ". .~ pnrl • ~. ~ not ndmlt thr IV' hnve also Bomp of anu!. au 11tythe a 'cLlve III nlunt" a'e aB [ollows q That Way In tile Fram ot God (1 Cal II 11) lo-elll bellS ~ ~ " -I''::~--,-',,:,,,_-'-_;''''-''--'-''--'-'='::'''-''-:: worst who bny!' let down the ftll \ .," ns lI i ng on she I as delegate"u Prov d II I ·Washlngt ... n -Ronld Amundsen th~ a mllll III "h~m the Spilit If (llli "annDlO an I gn ty of our En~lIsh to represent her 3668 ODD monh )od Probablv If Wo hnd wo- Arctic explorer hns written l J Sccre he co~ld hl th. Sjllt l II1t01l>l ~t t1 (l ".W·._'OI Sir Edward Grey ,admits 2,G40 000 men judbcB nud Nr'es we sholzld not tm"l Garrison expressl:tg his I)UrpOSO ar'"".I"1 t" the Idug nil I Rnw ns lie 101,1 to avail himself of tho prIvilege of klug that God WON S,IO In~ ['llIlr pean concprt Is broug\lt to a 920000 sep tho wenlmoss thnt now oll"enls Compulaory TIII~O. Propoanl aa what lIe wus nhou~ to till tost by Austria s nctton but Btlll hopes ~64 000 Sir Arthut whose speech woo punc pnsslng through Lhe Pnna1l11l Canl1 .dy for CDndltions Whleh are He also told Ph"1 lit 'hn' IlIlumuch lloaco will be preserve.1 It pence 5864 OliO tnatad by npplllllsP Il heslzed that Ihls fall with tho Fram he vessel In Ruining the Farm. which he Is to IIlol.e his Intest AI cHe n. thl d el\m ~'ail 'oubletl 't "M beIs broken !lnder the stress of Hussla B 1 , 2 4 8 0 0 0 , ote will not now come to tllp rhe I"rulII Is now at BuenOR C\l se tbe thhl!,: "'0 oslahllslicrl ~y opposl tion to Austria It wlll be 1m 40000 [or n bcncratlon DUblln -Compulsory Ullage Ayres nnd t' at Ha ¥.u I slllJrtly h In~ ho one at the qUestions la the ncur possible to toretell the consequences I have Ilrected the Frltlll It to pass (\~13" 3.) I he k,n~ "0" future In Ireland In most torelgn me III Panama this fall 80 Impn·r.sod b t I~ j snl'C1 nntural ~ountrles those who ara entrusted Amuudsen I nat II nlly thlorilll!~hlli'l power In this InDI that Iu I\t !lltc. prowith) the care Of the land are compell understanll that the p"s~age ot mot~d him I( the hlbll~9t plnce of ~ Ib till a COl taln portion or It But \ essl'1 through the cannl Is 8ntlrely POI> 01 anylng Cnly In the throno "III 111 l~eland, althoug'" there have beon de t upon tho condition at the I be greater tl: u tb.Ju (vel CH ~ 40) saveral land acts no such condition sll realize that oven tr Could nnythlng be Illor' Il1rllllng thnn 01 proprietorship hns ~ at been Illtro delll) me rOJ n few suoll word~ at UlCS" rot \ N ses 41 to ilulJed The result Is that In be of Immensely 45 addr~osed hy Auch n I In I'; 10 II Innll ty '·lalra:e ..' !mlrml~~~\o~~~~,~13:~~ Fram to pass jllRt ou ot plldOI1? H~ Id ea 1(1111) to go around and try nntl 67(1"1) the ~Ituatll n-yes , tCluny In tho dl1l1s~on II he e hl had Leen for y.1\ t<J,ln' next to the king I ul~r over all DItYl't clQthel\ with ro) al nDllllrel 1111In):, 1(1 tl e sec and ohnrlot e~ erl I,neo 110\\ Inr. Ul him nnd no one able to do ol1)I"lng wlLbol1t his permlF,lon Co Isld-r his new nnn ~ slgnif, (l1g 'I he mall to \1 hom ocrets are reliC" Icd > aud :;;J'.e!o~1 see 1.lm nllll rled tv n prIhecqs (~q,so 46' margin) tJ:\~[~I~o'!!.~~~~·~~~"~ Is It nny "older that h'" callel!,,1 I POLICEMEN ON TRIAL -,., I I ".3 f • ~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~i~:1 l mkYft't~O:~~;\I~)if;;C;\~j~n, God h mad .. n'le .01 got all soool\,1 nrst 50n M nllsseh snylng causod my arrillatlon? ~ I .. . . , ;' = '. ,,-;, __ i! :. ....... . i .. t. . ; 4 " ow hC. us. Q > J••~~~".t~~'''.4~.' . '- US: r .. • , ' ',. .••......'..'''''...... •••• a I _ ' '~~.'t • .I''~ , C;orr~spondence. .', ~~., . , Grsllt.ly Inr.reufttl nUeDII"n lit hll;D,I( ,Iulll to Lhll l'fI}W'lucn tty ueweOIH"fI'I!CI,;· IUK 110m.,. 10 Wt!IILern CIIDD.flll. Thh il .hown by Lhu report.. or the rrc.· ",lnolnl L)epLlftnu~DI of A.ricultlu. hUll J mmiKrfttioa IIn.l t.h" SLott-IIt.lclI (If llH' .1Jun1iulon JJUllllrtl11fut or the [olerlnr. Tho nnllwllY COOlpanIA' roport Ule emu· lUI( or rnllU)' Elfl"' .u~tlor.. to turlDBl'ly uu· uccuplt..O(I JAnde Alnug tlloit HUeI, It. 111)18011111 tRuds, U. nunQuttlintl rnll· WilY h.ellitlul.ltl Ilwxlmh,y to tha helOt Ill"rllet., \1ti IltilhHtLIOUll1 IhlflUltuNCB "lid cheltvor tnulportatluu uru IIltlur"l mUll· lieu whlthurultrll\\in,l( ItlfUuruumbufll1U Lhll luoviuc:o Of or), YUllr. nANITOBA For further information wrile to : JOSEPH BURKE. Industrial BlHORl1 1 Willu(polt. MBn • 71 Xork St., 'l"orcoLo, Out. W. w. F. J. TENNANT, UNSWORTH, Orotml. KUler6ou, Man . • CO •• E.IPOM:O£NTM. ~(nn. S. A. BEDFORD, Dotl11t}' :\rlohlor or A.;rlcuILuru, Wluui"CKt :"\Ianlt~hn I • Pauliu is taking a lillie relaxation arier Ids stl1pendl1ous work in the city.' Vl TIl NOTRE D-':YIE D~ LOUilDEl , Jeban de' FroUlent was in town Will. Shepberd, who has been a 011 Sunday and Mouday. city vi!:litor for the past week, reo Bodin 8? B~';'ill h lV<! already returned on Wednesday. ceiveu silt cars of lumbe' th s Work bas beln ~tarted on' the spring •. 'Men and ., ew rifle butts. SJon shall b~ heard the crack of the rifle. 'Machines O"e ",all wt'lJ sla'''t'e 10 deal" 011 lu'r j"rm' while IIis • ndghbor ~~i/~ grow ,.icll.:' '1'/101 is IHicause oj lhe 111011. The O"/I,riO JVillil .1:'"""ille &' Pump Co. 's' lilies 1tJill respecli1JfI . -'ooyl: aU the II'me, <ulu'/e /lie ,c}lef/P, Ilg/lt wcieM .maellilles a~{! ""aili"t' (0,. repair;. 1'1l1il' 1'S ~cfllise oj tile "",chilll!. tia '!wt',. " 'I . , , IW, A, CASWELL •• • , . n·· '" ~ RATHWEll: • . " ........_ _...._ _.............._ J ' "'., .. _. ,,~ .. M \/1'."0 .. Joseph., ed amo'n'g:'the l1eighbo.l~illK '. The f~~meis;on" the south half of The first home Irame:will be PIB,\'ell·1 Township' 7,'R~Die 8 are sti!1 w~it on Ma~ 27t~ ~gal,nst Cy~~ess Rh;~r. ing to h'a\'e' :ibeir' roads' I dpe;,ed. ,The Ladi!=s' Ail cf th~ Presby- They oughi ~odbllve sOlte.bing d C wish to' annouilce , . , ," '. ~ O) . . ... e - ' ) ' r - \ Everything You will Require to /' Help You in Your House Cleaning t • . • Special for $10.00 100 -lb. Sack Best Sugar 4 TinS Tomatoes 1 Bottle Lemon or Vanilla Extract, 2~·oz. 2 Tins Corn Sack Rolled Oats Box l:j'oda Biscuits 3~ Ibs. Rice 2 Packages Corn Starch Package Silvel' Gloss ~tarch 2 Ibs. Seeded Raisins 2 Ibs. Currants 10 lb. rln of Syrup 3 - lb. Tin of Red Hose Ten 2 Packages Spice P. R. l,"cLACHLAN Phone 32 • . 0 - - THE, CORNER STORE' The result of a garden, like that of any other crop, depends on the quality of the seed and the time it is planted. You can buy the ver\, best seed from liS a.nd if YOll get it right nolV Y0tl {viII stand a good chance n getting it planted ill the proper time. . \ . , . "., ,......, .....:, ~. , ~'........ • • = ..... ==:::J Rathwell '.' sociation the lIlell1lers agree to 6)1 Ii Ii lEi I . PROFESSIONAL CARDS stamp each egg wllh a ~iI'en nUIllher designated by the Board of DJt:DICA L pi rectors. This is done so that tbe c.:gs of each member IlIOY be ident DR. LAMONT fid when graded and pavment made I I~I I\, r~l1o\'aled, Special allcl1tioll ~m M. D., C.M. UnhonlLy ot Hanilobl'l. Honour to cui~il1e and table servlc~. accordin~ to qu<\litv. II'raduata. >f' OfUoe and relldoDaa, BO),DO St. Phone !t. A manager is appointed bv tbe GI The P~lronnge of tho Public is Board of Directors wbose business SOIi~tad. m~ DI<s. DUNDAS AND MOTT it is to collect. J:rade, sell the eggs nud apportion the returns among' W. H. Vansickle - - Prop. MORDAUN1' C. DUNDAS, M. D. the members according tv tbe LIvery in ConnecLion. )LIL,c.R. ENG .. J,.R.A. LON. Co.-onor. quantity and quality received. III II OUleo Rud lIo8IdollC.: BrUUu Hlr •• t. " " ilD most circles the eggs from eacb Troluuun. OlUco Hours: ... - U to 11a. III.'" 2 to:J P. til farm are collected at htated intervals, but in others tbe members de· W. A. MOTT, :II. D. liver Ule eggs to some central point Coroner A first class Ih'ery and feed bllsiBrondwll), • • • Ibthwcll, MSD. slIch as (\ crcamerv, cheese factory, nes~; good reliable horses; stylish store or bOllS:!. from whicb the rigs-everything lIpoto-dute, DR DUNDAS' l'RIVATE 1I051'IT,\[, m:lnage~ makes tbe shipment. Prompt and obligilll{ service. FOR lho lrontmunt or Tlu.Jtllonl, IlUr~lcl\l "nd ·It is well known that at. certain Ilccouchmout. cnsoll. l'~or tOJnlll n PI,I)" toDraying lind tcamin~. s~asons of the yenr thf're is a wide DU. DONDAS, Trohorno, ainu, Special attention to Commercials. difference between the price reo Automobile lor Hire. ceived by the farmer In a country G. A. 1l0W~IAN, V. S. store and the price paid by ~ur"eoll 11tH' DunL!l!t. Ofllco V l~TR[UNI\n\" Phone 17. J. H. SMITH In SmlLh's Lh"ory t-itnbloH. UrOl1dWd)'. tlie conSllmer in the city. Tbi~ OUlco phono No. I'. "",Ill phono, No. 33. TREUEnN}~1 MAN. difference is not nearly so marked Will bo nt. Drug Slo'ro,Unthwoll,o\'ory 'rhurslloy b the spring of the year as it is in the lute Sllllliller. fall and winter . ~ !,~,~,~,~~!,~~,~~,:~ --- -------------------------- ·LIVERY STABLE - - PAUL KANE (Loll/iI/lied 011 Page 4). FINANCIAL AGENT, RATHWELL. DENTAL • DR. A. W. M,\,LES DOlltl8t. D.D.S .. L.D.S. ',T~ C. "Forbes Rathwell -®-, Money to Loan on Improved Farm Property at lowest rates of intere~t. Leading 1:oan 'Companies represented. "Farm, Lands for sale, lIC~NiES IS~UE. • • • . ". •• .. l ' . Rev. Father Joseph Radaz 1 Charles Arbeil;,of St. Claude, in· town ;n; ~;iday ~~a th! last. Owing to the bad condition of the Rntbwell.road, they had tn , ' motor ronnd,' bv Treherne to get ··x~·' , Abas~ bllnea~ue has been-rorm. ., ,. , • • • • I I ' . . . . . . . . .- 'AlSe.S. ,,' } I, •••• I .11' ,• .. , :..-___- - - - EXCLlISlVE' AGENT '-':"'':''-_'-':''~--'.....:.o._ ; Rev. Father. Boiviu, of Somersei, liS a sbort \'isit 011 Sund.lY Mrs. P. rler a"d Mrs. More. who M,p"'tf,nll 'I have beel) lhe gllests of Rev. J. and I ,Ii , Joseph Th~roux's sash factory is Mrs. Anderson, left Or! Wednesday working full 'time trying to get out ev..:nill·g fbr Gilb~rt Plains'. all tbe'orders tbut are coming in. , Mes!:IfS. C. Ford, Will. Tnrnbnll Teon Baptiste Weicker has al· and R. Birch are' in the city thi. ready bnd to. build a large addition week atteric'ing a' meetirig' of to his new restaurant and boardillgPro/incir.1 Rifle A~sociation. hOlls~. t ' Messrs. R. ScarrolV and Art. Taylor 'journe\'ed to Hofland 011 J..ouis and '1;\on Ma~t1e have reo M mday to attel.d au org~ni7.atiol1 turue(l from their trip to' France, bringing with tbem l their brotber m ~etlllg of the base ball I.e~glle. I ".. ~-···"1~;'.:- - We Can Supply You With Garden- a'nd Field Sead.s BOYNE CREEK Miss·l\J. Warren retu riled hOUle frolll lhe Coa~t last week and se~ms Chas. Kitching was a \\eek·elid to have b~nefitted .considerably by visitor iiI the city. ' hcr trip..( . Miss Gibbs. of Pilot Mound, is the gllest of her hister, Mrs. A. D. Thompson, tnis week. .. .THE CORNER. .STORE· • Aren'! YOl1 sorry YOll took down Warren B~os. are again to the YOllr Slo\'e? front on the wolf slaying. ten cubs Mrs ~eo. Moran is' vi~iting ber to their credit and o,nly for the jamming of a c.. rtridge the old one mother, ,MIS. Darl~. would not have got away either. From remarks o\'erheard there Alas. briglit yellow with grey to seems to be a ~carcity of hoft WIlier match sce.us to be q\lite the fa~hioll in town: Mr. and Mrs. Will. Turnbull ill colors in ibis and our l>ister disThese two colors do not were passengers, 011 "Vedlle~d3y's trict. match so \\ ell, maybe. as the other train for the citl'. two. The gilsten from those Ollr sidewalks are getting their wheels is like unto a £earchlight on BIIlIlIBI trimming up. No sign 01 on a battlesbip. any cement walks yet. W rite to your friends and tell lhem to make their homes in JAS. HARTNEY, :• las. 'Sharre , , , sbipped a car of COllsiderable few .have taken up stock cn Tue~day. the poultry' busiuess of late, at "Old ~ol" seems 10 be losing his least one would imagine so by tbe scarcity of egg settings. poWH. Anll WUOIl pLI'Iolllo 1'0 on tho InlHl dhor fo 111' ue LJUIIU"." ou,,1 itululltr), KrfJ\\' aa-Ii IlrO"llct. PROSPEROUS The· ~tores iD Rathwell be closed at 7 p. 'm. sharp except on Saturd~ys aDd days before holiday., .on and after Monday next, May 12th. , 1 I.·r.,,-,--, 'aOM D.RTRJOor BD<'JJI,"'IOt. 'l'he hct, Rre t.hllL. lhnltolm'lI mlvllut· _gulf &U'~ belD" ,"oro wIdely rm:u",ui'ted. • ....--.--.-.... will...._........'_._.._....... Ito'r •• lIllJOn, '0 ~i.:~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:l:I:· n U.thwell ,:. anita a, ett .Miss. .., 'A. Wilson' A general fina!lcial ,business con· ducted. Money' to loan 011 real property at lowest rlltes, Insurance alld real estate agent. Representing all tbe best loan and in· surooce companies • Brunswick Hotel. MAIN STREET, WPG. odelled and newly furnIshed. ':'lIlAW nnnex containing al single rooms. Atning room, excellent popular thnn ever. r day. Free Bus. 571 ' OUlce In M),lo, , Dlook, 'rrohurno. HOUrR ~-g to 12 8.tu: 1 :1(0 ~o 6 p. 10.; ovculutJd nud $UUUItYft b)' .PllOh.~· mOOL • AlIBCELLA.NEOUB , ANDREWS & ANDRRWS BARRllITKaft liD. RaUwB)" Ave., Treberoe. Maultoba.. O PFIOES 80lioltors for tho Ciluodiau Uabk or ·Com. meroe, Dank or fJomlltuLJ, ami (or lduoJoipaihr of ~outh Norfolk. F. 11. IIIITCHRLL, . A. Jartln'. B. A ATTOIINEY AT L,\ W. Oftlo.ot aceuo'l Broad ... " 1'relloroa. ALFRED MARTIN FIREI Hall. Life ADd Aectrlont InlnranQ. Aqout. llllrtlfaA'o and nelll RBtOt.O. Oltlce OD 8roadway, Trobarn,,; bourI, SI Lill 'I. Com • ml .. lo~or for lakiolf ADldavlt •• C ' W. K. RANTON Tr.h.ru •• Rt!1<110 will b. P·BOTOGIIAPBEII, clalall durio", tho SUDlmer 11100t.1.I1. FHA TERNAL SDIllETlES TRllBllRNK 'LODGJ~ No. 5[,A .F.& A.M. H oeh Frldar on or before the tull tnoou, lu the W•• ouia Ball. Troh.me. V!.IUD. brethren ccrdtall, welcorue. Bre,.F.M·.;,lDllln ..,on. W.M. R. W. 8ro,J ,CaDlt.r.B. IND. ORDEIl OF ODDFELI.OWS BOV NE L. 'P., L. Nt). 1730, meet. OD To ••"., .,... nlDK o. or belar. Ulftfnll oUb. moon. In Myl •• ' Hall. VIIIU•• brcttbno alwa,1 !elc:oml. \lao L. KI.Ir,t. R. " \ I ueo, I • COURT TREH~RliR NO. I.q., 4376. \ , " ... " ' , , , , .. ..'
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