Your guide to the new Lansing State Journal More local. More national. More of what matters to you. We’re very excited to welcome you to the new Lansing State Journal. Every day you’ll find more local news, sports and community stories you love. You’ll also gain more national perspective with daily coverage from USA TODAY. Together, it adds up to more of what matters to you. And it’s only available inside the Lansing State Journal. Ready for more? Turn the page. Your guide to the new Lansing State Journal DAILY AND SUNDAY What you’ll see in your Lansing State Journal beginning Sunday, February 23 More Local TUESDA Y, JANUA RY 14, 201 4 JANUARY 15, 2014 WEDNESDAY, PAYNE -LESS WWW.LSJ.COM TV OVERL OAD MSU co ac will sit un h Tom Izzo says Adreian til he’s 10 Pa 0 peTE rceRN nt healt yne NORTHWES hy K1 TE MICHIGAN STA STILL LEARNING WWW.L SJ.COM Our A section will be all local, all the time Monday through Sunday, with a stand-alone Local & State section on Sundays Binging on has beco shows m new cra e the ze SPORTS , 1B LIFE, 1C es, 1B pite some mistak a solid season des Valentine having CONTRA CT TALK S Another impasse looming for state workers THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2014 WWW.LSJ.COM 1B SPORTS, PAGE SPARTANS SIGN 20 MOVING AHEAD MICHIGANDER Michigan-made gift ideas for your Valentine, PAGE 1C MSU still may get 3 more football recruits, PAGE 1B Lions aim for success with Jim Caldwell C ENT SCHOOLS AGECUT FOR ATESR S,TTAX COUPE Budget TAKE PRIORITY al propos SNYDER BUDGET PROPOSAL By Paul Ega n Gannett Michigan The Off ployer wil ice of the Sta report to l have nothing te EmET FEDERAL BUDG vice Com Michigan’s Civnew to mission il when it trie on Wedne Serget com s for a second sday on a newmissioners to time to sig about 32,two-year contra n off employee 000 unionized ct for s, sta an officia te Monday. l said By Lindsa That lea y VanHul lvanhulle ves ope le bility the n the again dea commission possia new condlock 2-2 on app could eneral Mo that cou tract, a develo roving vehicle tors Co. is add ld to the Lan ing ployees set the stage pment INSIDE coupe ver sing line another to be left for emto the sion no con ation up worki of power » Chevro ng with ct at hours for lac ATS that of the popular — a the restortra let all. like team, discusses Sta teDERUITER/LSJ sweeps top GREG calls “jo line workers and ly will mean Cadiloutage management er J. Peter Lark. approval officials are b sec more what one of Water & Light’s car, truc General Manag seeking The aut urity.” er of the Board k At right is BWL executive recomme of an impasse Bolan, a memb honors. David rs on Tuesday night. panel’s ndation version omaker plans issione Comm for of of tha to debut Board modest Page’s2A utility at the Lan the ATS compac the two pay boo t provides sults in sts, mo morning sing Grand Riv t luxury sedan -door less hea st workers recbut relth eiving Internatiomedia event at er assembly pla built All fou insurance cov built alo nal Auto Show the North Am nt at a on board r commissioner erage. ngside the erican in De ONLINE s were and wagon with the when S line of troit. It will be s at the CT pay the sed hikes » For mo plaler Tony Fra ans, cou com nt, Dec. 18, Todd Spang re pes but two mission met villa,n reg starting this sum Lansing,By nca aut o Michiga pen of show ional pla the Gannett said the dent mer. jobs imm member m — indestories and ofin Blockett nager model wo nt ma ediately. new N Ch n’t years photos, Rather, — After me es ert SwansJr. and Democra arles WASHINGTO an new debat go it like deadlyend to will res with the on — were unht Robt, leadfractious and oftengovernmen ult in m hea appy See ATS ess over how to fund Ray Ho lth insurance inPE,Congr partiesCOU son for lman, legislativecuts. 2A $1etrilers in both aPag over ment Un Local 600 ited Auto Wo liaireached an agreethis week that looks 0, the lar bill ing spend plo lion gest sta rkers yee uni gan. shouldn’t on, said em te emgood for Michi ted to be expec — plo The legislation ther cut have to endure yees by the days to come ance whs to their health furtaken up in the U.S. House and then cluded en state officia insurRepublican-led Democratic-led SenFriday ls governme followed by the many of the cuts enthat Mi conatic ate — restores lion in sur nt has nearly chigan last year’s autom $1 bilplus fun acted through well as Blockett big- ds.WHAT’S NEXT theirsaid reductions, as ay,lssaid fee Monda ng Tuesd the sam cks that Geng Board he of Water — led by of the whole meeti the utility earlier rollba leaders INSIDE e way.Lansiny plenty how of mounica t“Th officia ney the lle gest concern is Peter Lark ’s ls are have left party & Lightere the — » $55M Decomm re,” tro By Lindsay VanHu he told power it Fre Manager J. customers to call their eral at deep odds. e Press.asking for when m slated Ho about topa ns lma [email protected] This time, with cur- FRIB in ed with the public if they have questio on recentn wouldn’t com public ed. ng’s the on Lansi restor powof be me than two talks bet about board would nt outage line figure es, more uni budget budget, The oversight and The 2015 ns: unication failur on prevent mistakes en the ission- we to year h ma concer Comm comm enoug nag rent related the do 3A Cadillac ement. e that Page generatedKurt Weiss, utility did not ers say ATS cou coned by negotiators mers ber power outag vice er restoration, custobudget. reach » Some custom Decem pe wil a spo theIts a late ions. anddirector John Nixon, left,durin g Gov. Gov. Rick Snyder, center, with budget and Lt. Brian Calley, right, talks to its legislators Wednesday about his proposed ROD SANFORD/LSJ Destate l be intr kes House umers, partment ma partic n for have been apoduced on ers’ toughest quest ems in December, ands of custo they with both, ofhad rsat the Det ny Techno probl Manag affected thous had compa em a it by BWL ent ed ay. log crews ation tend roit Senate appropriato proachy, Tuesd whof and Bu led legisl aut ichline number chairman said y said the eight-member inc ay night unveinment through- o show and dget,g tree-trimming larly with the Mond offerin bui Loune will State. Em ludes the lt atisGM e power By Paul Egan and Kathleengover Gray | Gannett Michigan board UNIVERSITIES Office Denn BWL under 's ofsing ployer red IN LINE FOR INCREASE of HEALTH Water & Light to restor working to restor that would fund fiscal year, which the s for a fee. service e that occur ,6.1% and said ma ng BoardLan hing Grandfuture BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS CARE CO Lansi to nag not charge for the unile, current have “This is somet me on we rep struck an er assem out the does ers proposal, with NSPIR , they deliberate” in the Rivutility , follow ov. AC Rick Snyder Wednesday By pla Matthew Miller, and to be tcredib der’s executive resan bly be »“more In so doingon Friday in 30.presented entbudget wned Y Sept. watch said . Customers da ativ y nt. city-o our A 6.1 percent increase for state ends service the but seeme Loune GM es in out that dis ed PHOTOS er oversight,” trust “there hip election-year budget that answered persistent priority of higher edu-call cussion“about the knock [email protected] public tisans of bipar wasquestio storm that take great universities — and for ice3 percent battlesof dola pose or agr no ns should as critics by proposing hundreds ofve millions a Dec. 21-22 the divisi cation against infrastructure and ingcommunity eem 2A 702-6690. customers for e from ent chang BWL, Page — contingent sea See least 35,000 on Paul at she said to at colleges lars in extra spending on K-12. schools, universiGov. Rick Snyder has proposed See tax cuts.” But the Diana trajectory, power last several years on their holding of the » Customers have CON days.tuition increasesgtoa commaittee ties, cities and police. signal an era when a Conas 11 TRAthe $77 million increase in operating said, was many CT,right employees Page one. ers, durin It could 3.2 percent. some BWL 2A anship gets Snyder also called for a retroacfunds for the state’s public Universities would have to BWL commission them with gridlocked by partis » A 2.8 percent hike for K-12 gress treated time for this tive tax cut designed to— send universities. keep tuition increases toect 3.2when per- they just in INSIDE again g schools. movin $75 — but disresp direcchecks averaging in ons. employees The 6.1 percent increase is the nt cent less to receive any of the execuortive mid-term electi » State to report out» More than $100 million in retroyear’s called would developme new the Amer some cases for up to $200 orment moreshows relieved no major ing and largest, in terms of percentage, money, half of which be tions direcplann By Kevin agree communica Customers with and romise charge, active tax relief to 1.3 million tax nalon aages. comp Grasha e Stojicto — to 1.3 million“This Michigan homecancuts included. perso since 2001, but not enough bring allocated based funding forGeorg we the bot call tor that kgrasha@ e gave Miller h should ew ns each ple filers by ade extending the Homestead an end filing a By ican peopl Matth putsleaders aign en Serka owners and renters who make up n.»ItArea d guilty the universities to ian where ding mulato that takes into concer account gradcamp gover falsProperty tor Stephback we can e tax kicthat nt General Manaccor Tax Credit. to $55 [email protected] down and kbacks Assistaexpendiret mrmille slamof $1,000 to $60,000 a year, before the Nov. 4own, urn sought more from Accordin they of weremaxim beforeum Snyder took, of- uationm rates, County.research 0,000. Wig at slowd tha own, t grosse GRAN thashutd »g $17.5 million. annually forjab ski,issu to an to filed with Ingha ager Susan Devon n a hal ng Board Mikul gin ra mo election. Lansi revenue sharing. indtives e reportssuccessfice ins2011. The governor d turessity anddirect other or metrics. Barba all the er hav f mil at in and Sen. ictm financ doctor D RAPIDS — A said diver re con ed last 20 sum lionin Abdul 56. Devon said ent years to issues the e agr to Lanpolitic 702-62 Dr.s,” meexecu dol and her Lan relati eedpushed “The continues r, resolve lar thes.Senat Sha than spired to Top 2A e Apfully a 15 -percent cutand in Execu of Page Some leaders have ac-ed and director the cou singcomeback tionons oun$6,000 Public moream nnonoman tive union to pay gave pleaded t rel husban to chairw record ction ., Light Wig Detroit bankruptcy case. hus ple def the are & $825. the ate tha D-Md re-ele calls Me raud Me gaveyear. d to gin governme thisme fueling Michid have we’reban dicaid Water s and“For Jones ittee. funding first ro’sTh2013 Snyder of cynically boost-ed. d, Mo Medic Comm Berne Calvin e cou university s ham dic nts, cou cused her charges guilty to Michigan; r Virg review iation nt. » $71.7 forare the er, are pay Mayo Blu propr ad no , Healthy on of our Shield of and sing 2A- will gan’s future in ent a positive federa emillion involving Abmissi $270,000 ple “We’re also mu doc ere ple way,” that this is a be-rt ingTIONS education funding tobehelp his Cro to implement duljab Eac l U.S to pay and ent,sPage DONAum tant pleased Blue Michigan Plan ss expandas2011, st for on ien Michi timedsince - d pat in Assis h See a Snyder faces first late ganaign. res paythepri behin . Dis camp Lark, lawmakers attthe Capitol inday Lansing. spiractold titu . left ginning point budget disby chances ofsay re-election. Michael Peter up be Fri receive con tric tion ts fored ref to to ger will y the son err fiv t , Mana gic in nmen acc Medicaid coverage. al Cou e ple ing Ra for conspi years in director of the healthThe ele gover Gener ord pidrejected rt in Gr tests tha agreem Michigan ctrodiagn ger Susan he was playing Devon, astrate cussions,” s, court suggestions repres Boulus, executive cargovernor yearsUniverracy and e ents. Th - State and An not additional 3 percent, ost ilot.” record Haless t we»Gener al Mana in prisonPresidents re ic caior ents claims autop Rep. nec itio three State Univerpolitics withadd the sweetened credit, at serpar President Lou fals Anna Simon n to tax shosaying mein d for tes sity pai count ary. Th$19.4 for filingCouncil, w.t, In a certain d by dic e tax million, revenue ally sharing Her House ation ey rec return.sities legisl me ting amount of Michigan’s $971the million over three consurplus therac said.referr Medi- sociate of Michigan the said he didn’t the nts eived spi , said The tax payments municipalities. s, R-Ky. n for those pay- Th m to a physicSimon yquickly ed by realig Roger loscynicism. with filishare years should be returned to taxpayers asto referrfor s asWednesday dafterThas ul decisions e physic al thespent als ng thetheir » An $2. million for the and e conspi rapist. turn was She “reflects caref falscynical al noon possible. racextra be e re- next year if we ng priorities” y gromarketingnot rapmeeting ments say $15,781, “I’ll named in the ist, whowith legislators. Pure Michigan campaign. cou ssed has the nation’s fundi ward trend in fedrt docsomething . said she expects some debate cou don’t receive similar to is urt separately document Wiggins a on 2A continues a “downput BUDGET, Page nation about balance Sny-andthis,” he said. s, struck by pai to Seeour d fulthe l restitu Abduljab eral spending path.” er sustainable fiscal organizations took Our mem See FRA rvative A dai the HeriPRESIDENTIAL VISITS UD, Pag Conse bers sa ly feed of of ly, with e 2A quick bill the at ved ovaim ioning many top headlines erFoundation quest Form for tage erthe MO Lt.Club bill and Govote WWW.L RE AT v. Binsfe the aspects of theFormemb mer Lt.ers $1.00 Ret SJ.COM ld dies gtha ail THURSD For hom Growth urgin post from Connie Binsfeld, e delivery AY,tDEC who serv pricing, 1991 toing EMBERspend y. Engler, against it. ed in TO 2013 1998 under of the questions Tuesda shas see Page died19, . She By Louise Knott Ahern the federal farm bill. It willGov be. Johsevelt: 1907 DAY’S FORE special to commemorate itslisten as J. Peter Lark answers 2A. out Many of the detail dwas worke n be rs 89. CAST to — issione have Pag [email protected] AP Obama’sin third stop LanPresident Theodore Roose50th The presi• anniversary. High in the a- in the e 3A Board of Comm legislation still legisl 0 Light 409 d out mid Water spelle of -30s, & or Board ies low sing area since he first camvelt was the first sitting president agreed, perhaps because 01 05132 9 g of agenc sis nea Lansin by r 20. ers of the early analy Memb Lotte ts. But You might tive haverepor heard by an paigned president, but he’s dent to visit Michigan. In 1907, he already was fond of the in loan d ry...........for tosse Full ....... rules fore 2A Loca interest now that President Barack Opin l & State not Nati certainly the presi- he traveled here to deliver cast the • state. him to Net neutrality 2Aonly on & Wor set aside Page .......3A ET, 6C Michigan carried BUDG ld ..7A See ion.. du ls court Tuesday rway Sports.... ....... unde Obama coming to East Lan- Deat dent to realize mid-Michigan is commencement address to the presidency with overringis 20 Horoscop ....... rules tion an ................1B A federal appea es .........2C hs................. 4A Jury selec Business ions Commission 13. Comics... sing on Friday. worth a visit. what was then Michigan Agri- whelming victory in 1904 withter case Toda .5A of all Federal Communicat .............. shoo Life .............. y ....6B ines that transmission 3C Telev corridor © 2014 Lans I-96 ision College. top ....... He’ll be at Michigan State in 70 We’ve rounded upof other cultural percent of the vote ...1C headl designed to ensure treated equally. ing Statenearly daily feed A Tuesday for Raulie Puzzles.. .............4C began be t on Journ ....... University for a couple of presidential stops in the area: The college man al, e’LansbeJury selecti .3C, akes proInternet conten madhim 5C invited ing, Mich Federally Oakland County insured barred broadband Save» President tie: ‘Mist Casteel, the by the NCUA - igan.See Gann PRESIDENTS, Page 2A ng at motorists hours Friday afternoon to sign Theodore Rooit wanted Aesomething Chriscause Wayne ettrespon The requirements took Newspap types of m LJ-010 • Community news — If it’s happening in mid-Michigan, we Newest La to debut nsing-built Cadilla today at Detroit au c ready to show good for G n Michiga g cuts OARD LOUNEY: BWL B Many fundin restored in plan G Lansing d octor, DID NOT DO ENOUGH want to share it with you. Our team of community reporters will bring it to you daily. • Watchdog work — Accountability features such as “how they voted” and whether public officials are following Freedom of Information Act laws; plus more stories that rely on public records. husband Bernero, allies adm s’ donations backed itL exe tocs’,$5spo5use BW 0K healt h care fr aud Pair plea d Medicare guilty in conspira , Medicaid cy , Blue Cr to defraud oss Blue Shield SPEEDRE ADS $, 944 , Since 1907, area has hosted several presidents INDEX BER THURSDAY, DECEM SPEEDREADSont �� � A curtai call for n SECTION B SECTIO Entertainmeizing Chris ’ d of random96 corridor in 2012. The als accuse New Jersey Gov. B’er. w ‘de viders from priorit scanda ntl over — Page 6B y for the We.ekl sta low ay others Tuesda overnt Con Interstate er again s Co. officia Interne your l’s Office is prose#1t traffic traffic jams while sibility ted on General Motor — a sporty m in on theAttorney Genera ally motiva GADGEyy’ss car Tuesda politic y ss topa th be Addre State ly a The yestate can the State c ATS — Page 8A latest Lansing-built popular paym Cadilla using of t GAM cuting T ar the case. its — Page 7A en his coupe version of at LanSprint is the mos A daily top headlines E Retail policy goals. made inof feed SPEEDREADS $1.00 CH his of reall focus on models will be viet pany 19, 2013 ATS s debu ey and coupe make lly rolled out its Christi ly shooti � some � ND Sho CAST w d com 6A rs tire2D sedan. Both ppe Y’S FORE improveTODA Assembly. — Page on,teens. low in the otioCCVS 5B the 20s,facti sing Grand River ns, © 2014 Highrinsatis BWL review team meets toLansing endState tobacco salesome prom .............. Comics st • 6C s, .............3 C Journal, Lansing, Michigan. in cust Full foreca B the ............6Lansing The issue ofToday... expanding Board CVS is kicking the habit of selling to- 47 industrie OF TH HE E For home delivery see Page 2A. across all years. over the last five ANGER pricing, 40901 05132 0 YEAR n........................4 CHERRY Newspaper. .............5A Business JONES IN ......1C Televisio A Gannett .............. A Deaths............... of Water & Light’s governing board to bacco products as‘THE it GLASS continues to shift ....................3C, 5C MENA ..........7A Life .............. Lottery............................2 ............2C Puzzles Nation & World... MICHAEL include other municipalities came up its focus toward being moreGERIE of a’ BYhealth pes........ J. LUTCH & State .................3A LIFE tion Index Local ..............1B Horosco LIN E Customer Satisfac early at its first forum. — Page 3A care provider. — Page 7B A Sports................ -2013 American ..........................4 MAOpinion KING WA The Hop VES per ® Who Lottery..................2A Nation & World .11A Horoscopes .........4C le-Home ‘Duck Dyn $1.00 Retail DVR TODAY’S FORECAST Local & State .......3A Sports....................1B Comics.................5C distsagre For home Phil Rob asty’ star h.come exper High in the 10s, Opinion................5A Business Today ....7B Television .............6C erts sprint 00W delivery pricing, put on inde on was © 2013 low near zero. Deaths ........8A, 10A Michigander ........1C Puzzles ..........5C, 6C DISH Netwo ATCHTV see Page 2A. rk L.L.C. e All rights hiatus by finit Forecast • 12A © 2014 Lansing State Journal, Lansing, Michigan. reserve 0 40901 05132 9 THE NATION’S NEWS d. A&E A, AP A Gannett Newspaper. $2.00 his remarks after magazine. in ‘GQ’ about sin, Talking homose he linked xuality to bestiality A&E is “not righand said it said in a tremely statement that t.” A&E MONEYLINE Lesbian disappointed.” it was “exThe Allia DELAY nce Against Gay & had con Defamatio demned SHUTDOWN WILL N Roberts the rem n onhave arks wait TAX-FILING SEASO resp to , and onded tha lieve filers will t he Early-bird taxto s “wo l refedera and file men totog be men are beether,”l Revean extra 10 days but he “wo meant treaThe Interna one with turns next year. t anygovern uld ment bec the disrespect never nue Service saysause they delay just forced it toare diffe has wn rent had shutdo from me. until Jan. 31. It ” tax-filing seasonTHE Jan. 21. The Y SAI to start been scheduledTHEshutdoD in AT? wnWH STARS’ IRS says the 16-day worker who sBES T QUOTE pted S “Absolu the October interru and testing tely not. ... I thin were programming system s. The k it wou sing slightlys pat ld look agency’s proces worker give heti I tried 10-day delay should Acting IRS to squ c if e, said eeze time to prepar l. After k in Danny Werfebac Commissioner that the elf tigh ts.” the IRS warned the shutdown, be delayed.—The Wil l Ferrell ual tax season could for filing individ to And ne y April 15 deadli ged. Cohen unchan is on tax returns ‘Elf’ sequelan S SOURS WHOLE FOOD NEW LINE ANI YOGURT Aamer CHOBMadhani ON CIMEM THURSDAY BETH NAKAMUR :KHUHYHU WKH UXQ WDNHV \RX DICAPR IO’S M NTRA: GratitAu not gre de, BITCOINed %URRNV 3XUH3URMHFW DSSDUHO VHDPOHVVO\ ÀWV LQWR OLIH D Cap o 3OD\PDNHUV RQ DQG RII WKH UXQ 1RZ DYDLODEOH DW 12.19.13 ey o u v v ng u e /RFDOO\ RZQHG 1DWLRQDOO\ NQRZQ : *UDQG 5LYHU $YH 2NHPRV ZZZSOD\PDNHUVFRP Where have all the women coaches gone? “This is not intended to be … a tightening. We’re trying here to get a high level of accommodation.” TOMOHIRO OHSUMI, BLOOMBERG than half y has lost more Bitcoin currencthe end of November. its value since Forty years after Title IX, many colleges failing, 1C PLUNGES DISS Obama panel urges spyingON A CHIN es BYfix USA TODAY A CAUGH T IN Gle ACT nn Close THE WASHINGTON A White House adviis usin asory goodpanel g her cele cause:has brity for The recommended to Cap actress visit itol Hill Obama President that the National ed Wedne urged Con on Security gre y and Agency no sda longer ss to pas keep a mental s biparti heaphone massive lth legislat database that sanincludes nearly every ion. at Ben Bernanke Wednesday’s press conference President will review proposals to rein in federal intelligence gathering ANDREW HARRER, bond-buying brakes to the Fed’s ommendations set out by the Red applying the press view GroupBen nke finally starte secretary Jay Carney said. onBerna Intelligence Chairman ns Technologies and Obama met with the five-member Communicatio that were delivered to the president last review panel in the secure White NEW House Situation Room on Wednesphone call made weekYOR In Thereleased andKabruptly by and received in the USA, and that hu the Wo day to discuss the report. lf of Wall ckster Jor on Wednesday. the president create a new process White House Str“We dan Bethe eetare not in any way recomObama will review lforecomen requiring high-level approval toGROLL, rt revelsmending, per nially hu disarming of ngr the inMIKE spy AP mendations in the in exuthecommunity,” coming on foreign leaders. y telligence life weeks Don ant exc Michael and Freydk potential , pai d for by an ber policy The proposals are among 46 rec- USA na announce changes TODAYnext in illegal fin ess. His month, White operaHouse tio v STORY CONTINUES Yogurt fans won’t BLOOMBERG program. Alistair Barr gaard and Kim Hjelm USA TODAY e was 5 reasons ther um 3’ tr an no ‘Taper T be supposed to Bitcoin was of governments, cy beyond the reach the virtual curren but investors in is not the case. are realizing that a Bitcoin slumped exThe price of China’s largest it Wednesday after said currency change for the virtualing deposits in accept would stop local currency. curyuan — China’s oed Bitcoin ON n, an2A The much-ballyhothan half its valChobani Greek Whole TODD PLITT, the product in cocaine. is fueled by cash, cial “Taper Lite.” rency has lost more be able to find TODA aboveUSA$1,100 Until it all carthe early 2014. The s and It caught Wall ue since hitting records On WedneYsFoods stores after chain Hollywood cra Re signal off ber. Itshe FED FORECASTS NEWSLINE l and organic grocery s dosinwn Street loyreat the end of Novem , though, place the worldFed’s 18% to natura ni to . faith With the unemp stock mar- day, the price of a Bitcoin fell The . of an phasing out Choba ts, number 0 ts guard com 7%, d says it’s JEWE marke 10 YEARS “The me of as low as $422.5 ment rate now L SAMA other produc could be OF IEDyou rce covery WARFAR sold off in recent Erefit.err Compiled make room for D, AFP/GETTY ket left, $558 and traded according to an inLt. akers’ find George Lopez, says JoewithFed policym too fast an rich, succes can’t IMAG to right,” and up ES by Cind ng ones customers sfu g day, have ing the l celebritie in days headin d can’t han includiy Clark Sgt. Tim McNiel for what anyt forecastsStaff website fochief tomarke inspectmeeting, earlier ni, the top yogurt s whn, Quinla jus by CoinDesk, a sday’s run . dle t o Wedne by dex a ear Trust. elsewhere. Choba be bridge arkets hav in will it. U.S. Afghanistan. cies. ne at e too mu the rate Le simply ist d a Golde in most superm to and now is news,” cused on digital curren brand, is sold USAShortage the film, DiCing n Globe onardostrateg is a sign of im- ch the end of 2014 SNAPSH BTC China, had ge, apr the of “Taper lethal on g exchan injection io, ic The nod as Be isn’t one “buyin yuan OTS © 39, who have grown more econom its n, stop provin of Tinsel drugs, drop in new death lfort gand a signific rarily says James Paulse functions,” actown’s cas growth and produ ant strate- “tempo optimistic: Adam Shell lsentences ESS ced chief investmentCapital account rechargingents it made on norma attributed. ual GROUP CHALL 3A ENGESHe has@adamshell toward BUSIN steptie s. Hes the g to comm gist at Wells re’st rates.” Chinese bee R RULES n in “The cordin, TODAY popular USA since he UNION POSTE y. SEPT. 2012: a ization of interes wh Management. ation of Manuwas a pre the business to 7.3% p Weibo . , the Fed easing 6.7% catch-u service Indeed he isn’t easi in The National Associa lawsuit chalis sch oolewas market microblogging Even aftefoot off the gas pedal r, and no “taper tancurrency and daz There re-glitz NEWlyYORK facturers has filed rules by its r he bec thatthe Say Som Bitcoin is a digital is not regulator on ded mode.” iness his zled ment of the MARCH 2013: amethe Wall Street. Inoffe that Paulthe ecolenging govern A Great ething time blin r those fort proof display industr is mov to this The Fed, adds the payment method that Software conie recove trum” rally. has ya has l contractors and worldryin king 1997 bloc unate “tapera featurin Big Wo rld federa 6.7% to 7.0% to tape” quire have those nomic fewwas there kbuster Caprio did the233,00 s they g Christin by any government. Bitcoins are stead, at the sen, has also given finally sustain didn’tsome is nic, s telling worker Tita 0 and rais aspirin top, e cial g to be. a Agu confi- ed l Reserv poster legs and pursue Federa ilera Dia union. Earlier The He was ed in Los market a “vote of ” jobsway trols how manyit less prone to blan doing SEPT. 2013: Timber about to able. bor mos legal right to form l appea hinted n follo ls court tly by a what Ang had merhis bank d comes eles it was pad dence in the future. ’t produced, leaving PitbullPicked using rule single it account. unthis year, a federa livin featurin numbers It reduc 6.4% to 6.8% doesn from l banks. It, announced thatwed itorup with mor g inthe It mot May: centra in of He gbirth similar her neig back a Ke$ whims Now down, 187 family , down ha dates.,00 e offb Thehborhoodsto start dialing nty. Dan the struck and the potential as Board. 3A certai eat fare: , 0 ns Echo Par change Relatio going such Increased utility e a new inflaThe Mon dly $85ny Boyle’s exo moved “I gra DEC. 2013: . National Labor Fedtichas effect k and appeari in in marke com vitate tow to becom drama rules, that dovish stance e t-frien The Eminem ster ch the mercials “tapering,”ngits Lif pro- Bea of the 6.6% andes Labor Departmentfedera ard som Fed’s Fed not only for Bitcoinstore of value for investors many , in I’ml contra as a kid. onth bond-buyingMartin it — suchto being cfeaturin 2002,sur-says6.3% -per-m oof Scoremov eth The than tion-pr rsesn “If le ing I fee taper in a MARY y billion candid as RESERVE 175affect g Rihanna since 2010, e’s Gan ,000tractor marks CYBULSKI, thatk emplo I sthin SOURCE FEDERALhis role y. ssons New ’sYork. and surging from less . l that I hav the questio gs of says PARAMOUNT in Januar as Jor the price gramhon kicked He won est, Hismonth danoff tors and subcon workfo — re I cam taper, PICTU insight, the nation rce whe e tosent Globe as roundi protoRESabove $1,000 ng the and my Bel also Countin year a next it pla g Gol the He this for way, of l e y,” Startin den stic 22% t earlier How trimfrom y ingradua in DiCaprio into it start ks The $15 roughl chief would since the Peo2004’s TheDavidardKotok, role OneRep g Stars Hughes mes.a lot childhoodcentra said a core gro 2D friendsofwith l bank more dovish guid-WolfItofhas per ublic 16 million worker Wabeen falling vided for what prepar Aviator ’s cened about 145 atinCum- Sign up of $10 billion heahas officer scored ntbut says. “I saw eet. the nation that Hol fate of its ple’s BankllofStr China, In per years, incl its purchases by hasn’t lywood an vestme ,000 on the ming ancefor son wn ar. “Yo month Let Her all that by was,” he , he’s a pro r g kno AVG. Gatsbystro keep thin Osc udin policy. d Adviso nge TRIAL 7 yea u havrs. t-rate berlan Go Bra said earlier this al institu. INDUS co-s rs interes the fess bank, his to d e stock month king JONES ncelow old. tral to Pitt Virtual currency tar Passenger the cha tim iona annou DOW Great the that itand of wha Tobey Ma his Titanic e I wasfears that llenge you will loses more l and taper drugs wer I lived on And allow “The t’s going uncer, likefinanci despite not now says few actoatGeoitrge that a corn wouldone guirIt and omy pal Kat the first. If you e everyw at ’re 118,000 Bitcoins. le you than half its value. particuecon er, andcrumb p.m. Paul ebelieve lowers rates Davidson 4:00 rs who’s Clo Winslets . ekeep one or abs Source ’t realthe 1B ture here. Wht would mentdon moverm lar shows d into olutely, to sell,y,trade of store told thirdeassays Fed ieUSA ize about ithis And he’sshort-t also star m,” Sco y totative Hollywoodmarke en I venFed’sluck fundam quanti , rad tions bank “well premiu an actu for weekNielsen SoundSca 16,150 be whego16,168 TODAY set in rsese and y, the tainty 0% until 1A - easi collabo roughl entally that the y like Monda al , I had re you ending Dec. my sign n an alm charisma. tiatingOn ly squstart DiCaprry, now know in the recove would ’re at ... “We sing firms to alre rs: ost nt or QE, KIM WILLIS 15 That’s terrmind that I ing e mad ady m, ander io, for exarato aurproces unemp “I’ve hadpayme you can l.hav rialthatKotok. adonprogra AND VERO e five film past bab loymen heJones that thepro 16,100 They ’t go the says. indust the time mp NICA BRAV when I party be gradua ing opp mom Bitcoin exchanges, le, s belowlyThe 6.5%.” will “I gravitat prepared itory I’m not Woy. will s together ortu g with re.Dow ent O, USA TODA away, the lf,They Reserve to e they was nitythe s, esk. That has cosaid ingent somethi declinewhe thin Wednesn I had Federal stop 7%,ud, or 1.8%, ,” econom aworkin me g I feel now, incl Y lot you erin points townot of in said ng rate, g. It 293 ardshock I could CoinD day thattoit put almost to nge that I hav e rallied willaccord a will begining 1 have for a lot ofaverag som 16,050 scaling r, China’ fortuna back le tightmy 292.7 its s problems , as theyfick e- co-s unheard check.massive MUSIC But Hol Oct.te10,toand to e ng path own tighten gone dow wro to to since it lyw slow play BTC gain all two ego inin its be ood. His bond-buying with truly bein boilsincided NEXT . ... short-t JonahisHill rates) its biggest s able n.” I’m mos ermtar down program HAPPE to do 97. be in a position(of WolfNS and of 16,167. nships with payA third of Americans to real gratstep relatio willgremain 16,000 tThey infla-callPHOTOS big sWHAT loyal see Fed first eful.toward DiCtakeaw The say unwinding to ly, the and Tenpay. new all-time high nothing what I want,ening mainta ay: USA JACK apr person There ining be away. TODAYflows, and ioGRUBER, more “the The BY as fam and I or I’ve eve to make YeePay are like years. you mak forextraordinary cleared they plan to15,950 ive ebb dec firms stop ilygot air r met modat stock up on its has isio that hapyearsas and at Lots accom estimulus ns , as far of ment a few wro regulators have friendshighly —nder goodoffrie NED BEFORE pen.” too low. peointo pumped tion co-fou financi the Other ple can own, care nced.” economy or WHAT HAPPE ng althe Hickey since nd bulbs before phaseout. 1B Paul to the peo and the Fed warned des Saysbein they have annou ers. :financial g a that troy 2008 d irdown on Bitcoin It“The r Lite.” the happen crisis. enthavGroup cracke His loya ple he ecare The past two times fell — 4.9% back now that amounabo to “Tape Investm 15,900 ts ut. s. The e last fact also lty knowsBespok Dow the It of ed, ‘Fa La La s iscogniz The its status. peo move at themarks a ned ple n to trim just of tapering, the and 5.6% in August. milestone no bou a genant questio been in taken a handst has bott uinehalting, some nds.” at ’ om of The Fed’s decisiois viewed as a marke so far June, is the has and app happen fly 15,850 U.S. 4-year-old to May it whe in reci The recovery “Taper all going ing be- , with the exre we’r was the chart month dubbed up that ation for bein 9:30 a.m. Bitcoin soe now cause $10 billion per taper, and one that that this the near future, at.” chgto it signifies that approa The declines were Tantrum 2.” the Fed s, off finallyoney-laundering an in t to 5 point d “Taper modes thing 15,800 15,87 USA and sh anti-m less TODAY believes 1” ready to of soon be the economy will e’scritic Elysa Tantrum up when ratherthe Fed very much in the asset- it has happened it is one rest of toception wr theenough did stocks go . strong ite molooks why wor nally, Gardner ement a scenario go keeps So stand is on it Additio its enforc own. would at some fact, about. In they of re ked with ETS s figured .” Dow Jones industrial average buying game. dovishThe analyst at worry most pundit acts such ESDAY MARK Brian Ma Broadway’s best, CHG Dave WEDNworst. s Tzitzouris, an rs, dubs the statement was 2D CLOSE x 46.38 as U2that nsfield rose nearly 300 points, reacting more down? reco Matthesws andThoma thed.first @brian_ whyBan INDEX the 4,070.06 theorie as Research Partne mansfiel fiverdin e to the prospects of brisker growth Strateg g Fa Lamarke 29.65 Here are Special for t:As she d Nasdaq composit began Evetank 1,810.65 x rydathe USA TOD than the tapering of easy money. 0.02 y stock La and S&P 500 AY taper didn’t 2.89% x Lillywhite Holidays, she the new EP yield 0.15 “We expect economic growth to be T- note, 10-year $97.65 y sponded. via Facebook, approached crude Makeshif Elizabe Oil, light sweet strong enough to support further job $1.3688 y 0.0003 t Greggcoa and heor don’t see. It’s an enduring legacy Zoroya “He was euro) 0.07 reof y A vehicle that she th Chan is so ch,” Euro (dollars per like 104.21 gains,” Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke the @greggzoroya she says bombs has a grea con dollar . “I felt my rem of his cali Broncos otehomemade bomb that has creat- moves down Yen QBvinc in her, she MARKETWATCH.COM says edperwinning USA TODAY t Christm said after a twoif somebo TODAY RESEARCH, ed more American casualties over SOURCES USA as son I should ber believed a the road on a dy caused executive quitfifth her job award g MARKETS day Fed meeting. is last in believe in decade thing, 3B uUSA and two wars than any other route-clearas a med last ZABUL Cha myself.” me, the PROVINCE n r tohis , AFGHANISTAN So far, she yeaon n has fina Starting write weapon. death and Three in mind. 1Cia it. has written prim setsaril ance mission. of yeyes S d of peernce out hera new One of January, the Fed mas-care What someone didn’t see with NEWS PHOTO agony 326 in the sivelyoldarmored er along ey save USA TODthose, Fa La La . — one. SheU.S.mon truck said, it will buy rolling dirt QR READER d from her this same highway just 12 75-watt bulb. is No. 21 han slowly and down ear overted airplay chaAY’s adult-cNEWS 1.dles her reco weeks onScan with a QR reader; and pubHighway disapp $75 conduc billion won’t lish a m PHOTOS adults earlier ont bulbs was ing U.S. a buried IED empora The From music of 300 ncy law, inside their her g scanner the atte rt. AnotherQR self, sincco- rdin survey reinforced -efficie month compan in governweighing hundreds hasREADER ry AT&T code ntio e larg of night. A 2007 energy bi. triggered . ies coon Bush, est — constructed W. month hav at e reality-sho n of Scan in bed layer last with a QRgrab Americ upon George e ment wri layer killed 1st Lt. Jasonans reader; available limited digging bonds, are 24, ters who by President a’s favo Koch yeria w family, no of Pago inter- “Some Americ Togi, with mat Wend ways tol. protect 1 they$85 AT&T offe ” says signed the scannerrite Get codes for your Jan.from human down r only car“This of thecode adjust, Pago, Americanawhile changes to and Kar seasona an Af-ia requires that as billion TODAY goUSA inside ed into people Samoa, hians. business at — than three Arizona National at das Other takes year-old is my callavailable l interpreter Sylvan ing,” says in or import a month era largely ghan similar convoy Edison Guard codes for your Guertin,on aOsram s the the 33who Army in , longer be made since gear can finish late engineers Anne Thoma somethingNew YorkGetnat scan though © Stores highway wro Joh The the September mission notes, States. te Rud nny Marks, riding in ive. . She the same type ofed the United business Jan. of1 with s I must do.” at edges. “This is USA SNAPSHOTS woman ReinThey an end forolph spokes to,look signs deer r RG-31 Voykovic expect the digging, A Christm comes popula stock.2012. armoredirds of those survey Roc Red truck. most a’sother kin’ -Nosed suspicious mas Tre Americ enough Aro being or any e the selling their Depot to utdebris have on Chan’s as Song, whi anomThe und out that two-th purchases phaseo LED bulbs are 59% welcomexeofSurpri the certain A survey ch appeare , andcatastrophic and h Christ- “There’s sed? at alyson The Home switch in gwr replace the dirt Run that hints plan tothat last throug was used 2012 NauHOME bulb. a olph tointended buried d Rud light plosions iter to hold down long-term phased in to bulbs. ers are, ghty & DELIVERY it does not matter ifold of the old bulbsare sthat consum knomost explosive. cy shift. Nice 01 mas wn for the 1-800-872-00 finds dashians: in Keeping Up , efficien interest rates and spur the economy. incandescent son theyou’re today up forball,” onRun theup gs and in some sort 14. With the EP, ir Chr ofare Sales stock titanium g up The littlto rate plan far of Americans USATODAYSE e else t bulbs, mid-20 stores are Kar betw which reruA Very Mer dying a third If recent now stockin RVICE.COM be-ist-said Col. William moderatersgrowth continues, and - Singer/so ZOE WEBER FOR MERR een and 40-wat areor ry . escents by before Some few 60-wattOstlund, coming comngwrite Y BRIGH dismembered shoppe andmander store forcould Chan, improvised urday. And ns on E! tonightChristmas, Chan har incand T MUSIC the Fed e of old enough r ss esday: make becaus of Eliz have similar who U.S. S Wedn “meatroops Congre they of partly of in abe explosive so Terry As LIGHT this had devices says reco THEprovince. th away. (IEDs), Mark them, fade with its ’80s the inclusive and Sat- a Christmbors a dream sured” 10 an for rd dea years reductions they someat members law or stop uns ofatthedate, or purchases l in ucc five, promotions, saysal light who want to hoard of writing the her essf as standa GO ing tormentor out of ofU.S. engineering ul OUT teen to repeal the most-playe pop vibe, is oneFa La La, each r ofmeeting for Three s,forces, So and halt them in the cramped anothe ic, nation is still has have tried rd. they by the say Voykovquarters ut of of the The McGowan, directo ation. r sing wai enforcement. Yet Phaseo songs, asans Associ Americ coalition t- RG-31 of behind Kel d new holiday of radio’s spe 6-month Last week Year agodropped end ofg2014, troops erthe antof for 59%, Bernanke to topa sharply an Lightin this day, bulb merch funding for its nec amid reco the moved on, smell light said. essathe beef rd thatnex from incandescents s that she’sdidn’t ry afteweek her know battlefield. says his the Americ the Tree ly Clarkson’s tunes, right sho cialThis require 0.18% withdraw He But r persist 0.14% g companies have the pitchin Fed stant—step lightin plus. Wh program, efficient The 2007 law Since Home Depot. Underne g tho ently pitc lives w’s mu bulb still depend t what cy began the put 0.14% as age on se 60-wat efficien ile have soldiers plethora of more r employers You a Littand Johnny Mathis a pop ath sic see ng selling v stores have hin stricte STORY ncie added 2012: CONTINUES sup offer ny’s star releasi 2.9 will meet g million eve the that s look 6A ervisor. compaON make le Christm ©COPYRIGHT 2013 USA TODAY, a division e bulbs ’ Sen t version s don’t of Gannett ing for— s, as well educat jobsescent Inc. ding andntually to and the The sho agoseasona in recent years liceCo.,nse thel 40-wat jobless Chan, as. bulbs Old incand 1-year light at dropped ads, Cha earing from 100 watt of had dards. up more signs d nine week 90%rate sic for Yearw on herstart wou the waste n is focumu nd week incandescent-like theylast director who worked as Con Last of her son e 7% about monthlight up usin legacydisapp from warme to ac-mor 8.1%, r, This Bershoppers gs the cut, becaus heat 0.29% thansher next year,sed dé Nast’s Son g0.22% © g twice. USA SNAPSHOTS prices. A Christm shelve rather “I store e2013: til 2012,of integrated mar noted.than asnanke royaltie Another steadily falling w this 0.22% in positive, annual he have much phaseout. as ades kno She keti when landed the sixth hottwo-year which their energy they’reis sothe g towill alternatives still the Departtake mans. g 75 watt tocordin These the Kar ng un- ment also1 has received do. But The two bulbs, half of — that’s why said, deal ed budget y decif at the” by lightin costs, but dashian I can “socke t survey and⁄2-year passed have improv enc ago ourage this end of my Year higher upfront ia. toweek. customers producer 2 adv backny account for about bulb use. So companies by Congress week — ice Last JAN. 1: - song look Osram and escents that from incand knowSylvan Thiseweek of Energy saysdifference in he stressed compa Stev beh 0.43% standard-size re-life, thement superns — alsoYet recovery I ts Lillywh0.36% all left ind many haloge as exemp price , and a U.S. law twice the grea Irvi The farther to travel,” ite, who “has much of the Aboutlike Mariah 0.36% recoup — t 60 with sales, are part multiyear meet the standards. has whang Berlin or nts the old incanay and quickly as last yearCar , three-w ey, 40 watt long-term savings. Unlike on average, sponde Johnny t I’m tryi unemploymen colored still near govern ment’s used t energy they rks,plan The Postal Service's estimated 5-year sayMa es- appliance, record —ieve only last a year tha to ach onal comm nowng30% levels. week Year ago incand Inflation, he descen less added,t,iswhich10 and LEDs up to 25. .” ’s cen-t’s wide in other package volume the week before This week Last phaseout of traditi nation running to buy a lot of Edison can last well below mans. the Fed’sCFLs 0.78%those0.91% s wherever Maybe began 2% tarescent long-ago couples 0.78% F Christmas, in millions: ment d incandescentand continue cents, which tt. Last incand a govern the tury-olexhallmark to of a sluggish econochanged glances across a campfire. le Opposed get, 2012 with the 100-wa rates at my. they’re still availabthan switching to January phaseout extended to the Maybe they had brief encounters, Find more interest the rather or year, om. them the As atoday.c a using result, says the Fed said it expects long cohabitations, or stormy on alternatives, to keep 19Bankrat more efficient its benchmark short-term inSource again, off-again TODAY BRAVO, USArelationships. terest rate near zero “well past” the However it happened, a new DNA TOM FRAZIER 19 AND VERONICA 18 Fed’s 6.5% unemployment threshold, ., Dec. analysis ed shows W that the modern and m 19 w especially if inflation remains low. 17 archaic humans living in the Late ., Dec. Thurs Bernanke also said the Fed is not Pleistocene did more than flirt. The w c. 20 withdrawing stimulus but simply analysis reveals that at least three Fri., De 11 slowing the flow of easy money. And c. 21 kinds of humans — Neanderthals, the Sat., De if the economy or job market slows, enigmatic Denisovans and our own 9 Dec. 22 “we could skip a meeting” and keep Sun., 11 the bond purchases at existing levels, Dec. 23 12 Mon., he added. y ge da Rising interest rates will mean Avera higher borrowing costs for consumers and businesses. Source U.S. Postal Service But while yields on 10-year TreaANNE R. CAREY AND PAUL TRAP, USA suries initially rose after the Fed anTODAY nouncement, they closed virtually unchanged at 2.89%. STATE-BY-STATE Top mus downloaic ds Ga. woman claims half of $648M jackpot 1 4. 1. Investors loved Bernanke’s big announcement U.S. executions decline 10% FED: ERA OF EASY MONEY ENDING 2 2. 5. Bitcoin’s price plummets on China’s decision Lights out for incandescents How the IED w 3. Real variety showants a hit fo changerdChthe ristmas U.S. military Manning gets 9 Daily national News, Money, Life and Sports coverage from USA Today for the Lansing State Journal • News — Multiple pages with briefs, national, Washington and world news, along with major news events. • Money — A full page of business news, including tech and personal finance and the USA Markets page. Taper begins, market soars 3 Elizabet h Chan • Life — Newsy entertainment coverage, movies and TV previews, interviews, music, lifestyles and trends. ng of 60-watt Let the hoardi lbs begin and 40-watt bu jump in MVP race More National ��� INDEX Average CD yields • Sports — The latest national coverage from USA Today, now in the LSJ Sports section. QIJFAF-04005w(k)L Here’s the wrap on package season F ty shades o cave hopp ng 4A MARKETPLACE TODAY 4D PUZZLES 4D USA MARKETS 3B MICHIGA WEATHER 10A WHAT TO WATCH 6D YOUR SAY 9A F SECTION C | JANUA RY 23, 201 4 NDER More Michigan WWW.LSJ.COM TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 ZEKE AND THE ROBrOT dog plays IOWA SEEKS REVENGE TONIGHT FOR 6 STRAIGHT LOSSES TO MSU GRUDGE Expanded coverage of news from across Michigan, from issues affecting residents of the Mitten to things to do beyond Greater Lansing MICHIGANDER MATCH Spartan wonde with Frisbee-tossing robot PAGE 3A SPORTS, 1B REGION SHIVERS PRESIDENTIAL TALK Snyder seen as White House hopeful AS FRIGID COLD SETS IN Pieces o f history The Elowsk Grist Mil y l, Rogers Citynear . DOUG Role in Detroit’sHOUSEW ORTH bankruptcy elevates his national profile By Paul Egan Gannett Michigan Many his During the Mackinac Repube in toric Mic lican Leadership Conferenc to September, a veteran adviser higan p Republican presidential candiropertie dates said Gov. Rick Snyder to s on mar might have what it takes ket, wai By Kathle to the national stage. en Lavey in ting formove Since then, Snyder’s role y has theriDetroit ght bankruptc profile while b raised his national u ye Christie, r Chris Gov. T • Across Michigan — We’ll use multiple pages in the first klavey@ he histor New Jersey ture kno ic strucseen as a “modElowsky wn as erate” Republilooks likeGrist Mill can presiden- INSIDE longs in it betial front-run- » Snyder has a classic oil paintin ner, has become $4 million in the Roma g from engulfed in a gubernatorial ntic era. potentially dis- campaign banks lea Perfect riverabling scandal. funds. swath of ding to a glimme So you is Page 3A Snyder k you wan Andthin metal-roowater. The wood- ring vate a hist fed oric proper sided, out ont to renobuilding speaking eral storie ty? There risi are manthe fedBay Riv s above the Th ng sevy things er beforenot just er, toissue, jumimmigrati consid-but also ping into on eral Michigan the place wh under said storm ice s Am December’ balanced pro ere anda Reinfor fell during a afederal , to grind farmers brough early Monday removing trees that tjes of the ject gan Hist called his State nt in up as he works in the cold into oric t bundled Mic amendme is gra Pre Ohio, budget flou , hiin stones. Nich Gutierrez r betof ation Net “It’s really serv weSpringfield en huge DERUITER/LANSING STATE JOURNAL State address. work. the looking term ben of This pie at an East Lansing home. GREG at the lon ChairGroup Policy efits,” Prime gshe said could be ce of Michigan are you the . “Ho Black, goi you Charlie w long Washhistory ng to be rs for $24 cluding investing man in theconsultan By Paul Henderson 5,0 the house? Is t who adD.C., tha ington, t mu other out mill, its old 00, inch time gy and love and Lindsay VanHulle works and ene es of Presibuildings the candidaci vised into com r- both Presisquare-foo a hist worth it and a 2,5 , oric Reagan, [email protected], lvanhulle@lsj. to you t dent 00?” Ronald property Sen. John Other intefarmhouse. Here are dent and Bushes, reach to expected manager a are res few thin chills properties Wind ting suggests ita Dunham, officer Michigan gs hasn’t Reintjes changed his people in McCain, zero today, with the thedegrees lighthouse on 26 consider jumping markebelow for Ayles Tree Services Inc. Snyder before since Septemt includ into aview has e forecast to be a rehab,ofren actual torictemperatur other spa s, his adaptive Lansing, said the company homes and ees overnight are national chatter thetion ova reuse:ber. But this of 4. Temperatur high or hab or reuces tha t cry has been three times as busy » Does about Michigan’s governor for winter se. forecastout minus the bui to be re- 3 with a wind chill historic lding hav “There year compared with a normal been a upeaanotch. des stepped as minus 21. Southwest wind buy histor are a as lotlow on the Nat ignation,“Gov. the cold temperatures have has accombut of such peo asSnyder ple being company’s 22 15 mph. around different ic proper Places or ional Register of tough ecocause for concern for the ties for who lot under a Hist plished in rea a a res oric son loca lot temperatu Reintjes, of s,” said l historiccircumstances,” Black Those des tree trimmers. A bicyclist braves the frigid nomic district? ignations said they have called off Monday morning during a ride in East the resentativGrand Rapids Amandais forecast to be to types of Dunham can Monday email an rest said in fiel’sdhigh cha rict and today Wednesday wha reptoric Pre e for the t building. nges can “When he is work for their crews Monday Press. be mad Free Lansing. chigan wind chills as low as servation14Mi butHis “In both Detroit e to a degrees the Nation tions, the of those because of the cold. a blue state, many Netwo and possible. A wind child areand situin y would re-elected 21rk aPreservat al Trust minus Dozens of area school districts to- ing classes, but is offering free parking to consider wan encourage of what for Histor the region has been issued be aware him for ic warning Gannonthe paramewillt to He public facilities are also closedbat- in college-owned lots and its said historic ion. “There other president. ters for . . are running are Wednesday to be 7 a.m. ,” she so ma employees that we properties until ny day as the region continues in Mi ramp to shorten walks for » Get should consider it.” wo tya The Bailey Communi and let peo uld love to helchigan tered by cold and snow. of the bui professionalSnyder, who most polls show assessment reach 26 and students. tldin p ma ple know Wind chills are expected to East Lansing and Davenpor energy aud g and conside t expected to rise into But buy about.” rke es are with the actu- Center in Temperatur r an it. Both degrees below zero today, toric pro ing and livi See GOP, Page 2A owner gau can help through the Thursday ng mid-20s 4. 2A the of per in Page a high a hisSee COLD, al temperature a admits Do ty is not for of rehabb ge the scope and new is holdweekend. ing an old cost Lansing Community College Housewo ug Housewortheveryone, for issues such as termproperty. Look He’s han rth Realty in Ala of look at kitc ites or mill, nea dling the listing nson. what mo hens and baths mold; to dern upg Isle Cou r Rogers City in of the rades wou see feasible. ld be and has nty. The mill dat Presque » Look a Michigan es to TE 96 SHOOTINGS designatio INTERSTA they’re inteunder the surface 0 historic 187 n. site the buildin rested in the inte . “If He has mill pro had a few nib to the nak g, it might not be grity of per ble ed eye,” visible the perfec ty, but has yet s on the exa Rein to find t and fear.” cov mple, historical det tjes said. For “The am owner. I had eredI can’t In a monotone voice and with ails can be contime, in by sidisay the “At assault and eni ng added admitted ties of bei of terrorism are aweso original he murder,” ofwin in little emotion, Casteel Roose-Church ng the By Lisa dows may tolater; nection with the shootings vehicles, in- any thoughts re with a hea me, but findin covere intent have bee never Shia- that he shot at 23 d ovemy Michigan g som Gannett r or Cad- said. “It was n eon Livingston, Ingham and serve it rt for that and floo govthelace cluding Jennifer Kupiec’s rs might g rep he d; Terrorizin ... orig and to edu testified to pre- e He murder. inal be theerepeoCound Wix- wassee counties. lateterrorizin cate peo r layers. g cov d over wit were illac on I-96 in Livingston HOWELL ple, — A 44-year-ol h 2012, because ernment, at also believed motorists Be awacrossed my man accused of shooting nt conspira- ty in Octobertraffic coming at ple, that »never See HIS om mental haz re of potential Interstate 96 part of a governme “long lines of TOR vehicles Y, Pagealong theIvyenv ards such covered d cy against him. “a lot of anxiety” mind.”paint who is charged as lead-ba ironwalls and said heneainterprete corridor 3C Casteel, or asbalso of thinking, at me” created following or monway my esto r “To sed Bat tall s insu tle Creek murevergreens was to get about people tolati » The with on. “coded messages” he received tha re’s intent (shooting) time, Kupiec’s with assault adorn Gre thet is no loncharges, shoot “to To a him. Tigers pop cred itoring ger Detroit firearms ular site so to speak, it as enc a well from the for hom rid of the demons, Manor, avehicle was a decision, der ason for outdoo restpassing Raulie Casteel at his plea in eowners state tax historic historic made in secwho wor mean shooting at cars.” FILE r weddi preservatio the fear, the anxiety,” the MichiwasMichigan kOctober. DETROIT FREE PRESS that said, S, Page butSee . DOU SHOOTING a fed n pro2A Raulie Wayne Casteel took gan State University graduate hengs proper G ALLE in ty eral tax jects, “anxiety in TTLE CREEset cred available onds because N/BA the stand Monday in his trial K ENQUIRE for people it might be told the jury. R commer renovating Livingston County on charges cial ROMAN RENOVACE VS. TION FORECAST R Our s a e has some h ng or everyone o exper ence A properties . to stress possible Obama address The Neve Tonight’s State of the Union rland yo Barack will focus on what President u never Page 8A Obama can accomplish. — knew...u ntil now. w JANUARY 22 WHARTON -26 MSU’s WHARTO CENTER N CEENTEER TODAY’S FORECAST • ing State Journal, Lansing, Michigan. $1.00 Retail MORE AT WWW.LSJ.COM A daily feed Lottery..................2A Local & State .......3A Opinion................4A Deaths..................5A Nation & World ..7A Sports....................1B High near 5, low near minus A Gannett Newspaper. 5. For home delivery pricing, see Page 2A. Business Today ....6B Life ........................1C Horoscopes .........2C Comics.................3C Television .............4C Puzzles..........3C, 5C Full forecast • 6C 0 40901 05132 section of the Sunday paper to bring you more Michigan news from our Gannett colleagues across the state. ts admits to shooting at motoris Accused I-96 corridor gunman S SPEEDREAD of top headlines • Of state importance — The capital city has a different A MICHIGAN MUST-DO LIST INDEX 0253555 9 appetite for state government news. You’ll find more of it daily. Your guide to the new Lansing State Journal User: More Sports comprehensive statistics. 01-02-20 14 12 :41 Product: LSJBrd PubDate : 01-02 -2014 Zone: LSJ Edition: 1 Page : NewsCo v Color: K Y M C B SPORTS ROSSEPORTB Hmarovriess SOW on after L WEDNESDAY MICHIG AN STA TE 24 s short OLYMPICS ’ fall ‘Flying Tomato nown, the world’s best-k boarder Shaun White — snow best-marketed .” White most-successful, they call the “I-Pod 3B — lost to a man the end of it. Page may never hear M [email protected] FEBRUARY 12, 2014 STANF ORD 2 0 .LSJ.COM | 377-1068 | WWW WWW. LSJ.CO M MSU MEN’SLL BASKETBA C H A DIGPDEESP SPARTANSM COLLEGE HOCKEY S BASKETBALL HIGH SCHOOL BOY Losses are teaching tool B MSU coach Tom Anastos says the Spartans must learn from their weekend sweep at the hands of rival Michigan. Page 2B WEDNESDAY JANUARY 29, 2014 [email protected] | 377-1068 | WWW.LSJ.COM 71 MSU rough game 69 IOWA OVERTIME By Joe Rexrode n Gannett Michiga — They were EAST LANSING very different low points of es, and their kinds and degrecoincidental. y timing is purel State’s Gary Still, Michigan in a way to Harris could relate of Oklahoma the weekend Smart. These State’s Marcus guards who more KEYsopho STRETCH are NBA to return theearly MSU trailed d down 63-61 turne einchampionand pursu overtime, school when Keith Appling to how mishear 3about buried awho step-back ships, late in thethings when shot they clock. Twowere possessions both adtaken who and later, go well, Valentine foundmuch at don’tDenzel es too Matt mit it all becom MSU finds a way in gutty OT win over Hawkeyes • High schools — With the postseason upon us, check out our event coverage and photos, year-end all-star teams and Time: THURSD AY, JAN UARY 2, 2014 Some wait for March for the madness to begin, but it happens year-round in Greater Lansing. toksend a Costello with a no-look, behind-the-h ead pass, settingif I said times. be lying , I’dthat up the throw mean “Ifree put the Harris ure,” Spartans t the head forpress good. Cosit wasn’ of tello’s ay Russell Tuesdand saidput-back upByrd’s 3 provided s in histhe differfactor ence, butown play. it was the consistent and-d you Apoffense, beginning “It’s tough, with pling, that?didn’t know I let Iowa grab know the momentum earlythe in OT. Marcus from By Graham Couch [email protected] IOWA CITY, Iowa — If Michi- gan State winds up winning the Big Ten title, and surviving its winter of injury and illness, it’ll likely point to this frigid Tuesday night in late January. nald’s (high UNSUNG McDoHERO The Spartans, down two of all-star) Ledge. Garyschoo Harris lmade their best players and coming three Gary Harris y night at Grand great ajust , he’s on Conley on Tuesda shots,game missed off an emotionally stinging loss six and finished THE LSJ rd (12) and Camer , it is AL GOLDIS / FOR I mean with guy. nine points Ledge's Josh Horfo to rival Michigan, gritted out gone in 41 minutes. leaders, 48-46. a shoots between Grand you could have top the CAAC Blue when to (12) But r MSU’s hard star 71-69 overtime lough quarte didn’t force aver, and you McCul win against an whate n's Zeale 18-9 in the fourth year or night last r that wasn’t IowaEaster there for team that red the Comets had outsco long-since rs gonna be harde it’s Quake Thethis back, him. Iowa come tried circled to take him game as marking its year. was last it finished away. than Still, he arrival. with he knew that likesix I feeland rebounds,“And four assists “I’m going to look back on coma that knew I back, block, and keptg the this day if we’re on top or on the comin attention ’s gonna be some There of the Hawkeyes back. bottom,” MSU coach Tom Izzo ing defense nobody said it throughout. said. struggles — but h sailing.” “I was concerned whether was gonna be smoot g off the QUOTABLE s is comin we could get off the canvas.” r, a “ToughnessHarri is both physical of his MSU caree ce game The Spartans, 72 hours after worst You20 can’t let ing performan -point and mental. shoot taking Michigan’s punch, 3 for make (Keith) Appling ms-Baker’s three at Wisconanloss Willia a ed 3 with was 60-58 y’s It trimm one swered those doubts with a rosSunda in to ond mark that second go on the still going pretty shot L BASKETBALL s are play at the 34-secto 37-30 after three quar- clock. He sin. ter again missing Adreian Thing MORE HIGH SCHOO Rapids defeats Waverly 6-foot-4 can’t. You’ve got Eaton though, tofor the tied for the Comets’ lead the 11-0 run that put theknow that.” Payne (ailing foot) and Branden well, Page 4B ■ Class B No. 12 race. is d — Iowa girls coach who , starte CAAC Gold Dawson (broken hand). remaining.Fran McCaffery, ters and ing guard g shooton 5B to remain in the 38-37 with 4:48 Appling’s girls scores. Page the Big Ten in scorin d in Quakers ahead on playing our defense,”3-pointer insecon Iowa’s Mike Gesell missed ■ More high school boys scores. Page 4B overtime to per ) as the No. “We focused we reallythe Spartans an off-balanced sprinting layup points put game Big Ten) (17.6 ■ More high school ng that stretch, ahead 64-63. 9-2 at the buzzer, securing an MSU Watts said. “Duria concerted effort that we 9 Spartans (20-4, day’s home Hoekstra WHAT’S NEXT victory that By Dick wanted to make Zeale (McCullough) hit seemed prepare for Thurs western. like a long ay night and m MSU (19-2, 8-1 Big Ten) st North d things shot, given dhoekst again 48-46 on Tuesd the CAAC attack their zone. steps opene [email protected] win opponent, the game to the That of 3:18 r shots. Playe out of conference ’s lead atop had just last frenzied atmosphere and the a Big to face some key jump son) made a nice drive to a Ten He’s E — Eastern shrink Grand Ledge for a national struggling Georgetown E.J. (Jack date GRAND LEDG circumstances. club to take its first Blue to one game. in Year candi East- up, and straight points - was supposed candidate, hitwhat Dre gener Keith Appling a lot of resilience,”didn’t the basket. scored 11missed to be hip a champions ay’s two 6-foot-8 senior “They showed was a great floor “They game when Super Bowl weekend of the free throws after shot in Tuesd and “E.J. (Jackson) leadwith showcase Rod Watts said. Dre fouled 4.7fouled ting shot seconds out. laughing when 4BMadison Square Garden y an- ern coach left to open Pageat Dentm in g, the ond door thoug practice, smilin for the See EASTERN, h Cameron Conleto put hang their heads down dejection of ron WilliamsNew York. The venueently the Tame Hawkeyes, but h, past But remains, stretc points hiseven step-back appar straight out. Down the for us.” its standing as a Supery’s with five 3pointer earlier locker room. Bowl swere by four, the in d came through overtime took days, undercard is a Sunda Ledge back ahead ts 10-4 in the Baker really away Iowa’sGrand stretch. The just one of those I took final lead. “It was ored the Come “But Spartans outsc said. s will rs again Matt Costello’s be shortHarri Quake free throw I guess,” watched handed, and the with 1:47 remaining put the bad shots. We lot of(11-9, a Hoyas wrong, and 3-6 Big East) have Spartans on top for good. His lostIfive saw what I did ITT 53 tip film, ’t happen straight and recently in off a Keith Appling missed LAND 56, DEW suspendully that doesn g ways to ETBALL: PORT ed their startinghopef layup a few GIRL S BASK center. for seconds … It’s just findin later, folagain the rest of lowed by a Russell Byrd 3-pointthe Page 2B S, season. er with 30 seconds left, helped HARRI See it stick. — Graham red we “I was happy to hit the shot,” about how prepa had a Couch “I was worried we Byrd said of by far the most imgame because nd coach were for this Portla portant shot of his career. “But well,” as ay gled with game on Mond more than anything I was happy said. “We strug Ray Kimball at the beginning, but to to help them get a win and just communication E fought back and happy to see how happy they Michigan State guard Russellthe girls’ credit, they THURSDAY’S GAM were for me. By Betsy Hicks Byrd reacts in front Iowa forward basket during overtime Tuesday. Aaron team eted until theofend.” White, right, after making a 3-point comp at Michigan State defensive “That shows ehicks2@ Michigan State tough how good Northwestern 71-69. of a AP we were “Portland is a won and team we are and how close ing, nd points » When: 7 p.m. 3-point shoot M we lDeWitt rips a rebou W. Grys scored 24 are.” De- with strongthat,” DeWitt coach Bill McCu io: BTN/WJIM 1240-A Nakfoor, left, of KEVIN over DEWITT — AllieINSIDE l. y TV/Rad » Abby Russel victor to a 56-53 nd’s Allison same issue expecting to theONLINE MORE to lead Portland » MSU-Iowas box score; and WMMQ 94.9-FM away from Portla “It comes down said. Spartanslen ay. LSJ want ball in Harris’ Tuesd SeeWitt onPage MSU, » For more photos FOWLER/FOR THE 3B hands sixth in the Asd 3B 4B Tuesday late, from ranke night’s MSU-Iowa game, RS, Page See Memb The Raiders are B poll, while the Pango toRAIDE ers Class State foo of the Michi sociated Press ninth in the Class A poll. L the MS tball team gan thers are tied for MSU FOOTBAL sing U Wednesd fight song over Sta ay after the Rose Bo nford in the ir win OWA CITY, Iowa — Russell 2014 wl Game FOWLER . KEVIN W. /FOR THE Byrd is a walking lesson in arship player not to play at G RAHAM JOURNA LANSING Glenn Robinson III.what you do, good. L perseverance and faith. STATE Illinois. are, For him. you brought who he was COUCH matterBut far you a soul who’s For anyone with Even if he hadn’t hit the to East “I’m just waiting for my can run, how watched his strugLansing fast you to shoot. how shot. To do whatinstru opportunity,” he said that he - gles. Sports a football, what Tuesday. throw candid It’s why I like him. night, civil as ever. Worthy said. “The Byrd began to answer a Columnist play,” you 30 secondsone.” He could have left Michigan left in over- question about He’d had plenty of chances mentWith [email protected] his big shot by s to every time, MSU’s applie redshirt to re-saying he State. Or quit basketball. junior bell previously. Branden Dawson’s law Camp was “happy” to hitofitSouthfield defensive end asked r buried a 3-pointer The office Chalked it up to bad luck with from thewhile broken hand gave him another. a week left heand “happy to see fter headlines a would happen for him — several times how happy” corner. hood No his hesitation. well dominating he even fragile left foot and his dwin, move McDo when Byrd played well against a his teammates were andtrue Malik school, As forthis theever him.state’s college sports scene shotinside as you’ll dling confidence. No one would as you and I did — and that he was Michigan, scored for the first within told him to re- His tone, though, don’t care rsee. had worth to MSU’s basketball was unAnd the office ed,without have blamed him. it, MSUcutor ning to sense fans refus prob-s said.derstated. Finally, ng time since mid-December — rson I’m Ande prose , program. Elisha hebegin relented, By they enjoy reveli ably office doesn’t the beat Iowa, 71-69. Byrd somehow never port to on a layup — and more than iting as much as pausing about ed of becoming to putrecru Michigan Even 10 days ago, an emotional is accus Byrd,bell for the when he stopped believing this Gannett a. first the and Camp time r held in dram his in own office moment defensively moment — one of glee and up , mem- four years, was the Spartans’ media-driven only atwas gthe scholdifference orably blocking the shot of profane, pickin I’d say this is a reacts to InJayru Campbell d, accordgroun the to last DETROIT — for the him Spartans. And it felt . but the media — to a lesser slamm $1.00ing l security guard story, See COUCH, Retail cutor’s Office Page 3B and tacked a schoo was ordered to reBOYS BASKETBALL: from homProse ingForthe ternet page viewsinterest, so this is e LANSING after he she saw video ery CATHOLI the pricing, deliv l month 59, WAVERLY Worthy said 56 (OT) from hisChead, ite degree — actua see Page office to make NFL move a hood Prosecutor’s Office insatiable appet(the angles for her ts enough2A. more about an show on and expec realitySUBS Wayne County announcing criminal CRIBERS 40901 a charging0 decisi ). for a train-wrecksince the SAVE ned today in 1990s 05132 UP TO Tuesday in SUNDAY said ipted bell to be arraig Detroit Cass 9 unscr Camp ll the , st first JAN again UARY 19, a coveted footba charges District Court. could not be 2014 It’s the tale of his Worthy 36th with Kym who odds at Tech football star.a quarterback who utor bell, who’s y Prosec Camp GRAHAM prospectover choice. He ent by the Free e TODA e Wayne Count t Cass Tech Campbell, 17, his collegIN Y’S docureached for comm itted to play colleg nces charges agains mother PAPER last ay after online gan State verbally comm gan State Univer- annou rback Jayru Campbell, 17, from COUCH Press on Mond charges would be y declared for Michi of clearl quarte Hall y She lt led day. Murph CH football at Michi MIed g IGAassau ments revea Detroit N ST, aATEher office at the Frank charg with T week on signin choice and hasn’t Sports WRIGHT/DETROI By Howard Fendrich arrested by the sity, has been great bodily harm t, was on BOWL sough SUPER ist on Tuesday. MANDI isn’t a fan of the ColumnXVIII Associated intent. So Press Police Department with intent to do vated assault, a Justice d the letter of red Public Schools yet signe nt occur [email protected] .LSJ.COM s continue. Denver vs. Seattle felony, and aggra st the 23-year- FREE PRESS WWW 22 after the incide ssal time. ILLJan. again the daily storie s recruiting class INO at dismi IS N.J. Tech » When: 6:30 p.m. Sunday ering, Worthy NEWARK, — When misdemeanor, Peyton MSU’ WWW.L Cass from insidereturned r, Prosecutor Kym nded» Where: That guard is recov think the rest of Manning SJ.COM suspe is NFL By Scott Yoshonis to the old security office ay during a news MetLife You’d bell still af-Tech Stadium (East arrival. Camp footwell’s Tuesd beMcDo n ter to Cass said. a series of neck to Rutherford, N.J.) [email protected] ding was tied nt, a perso operations Worthy said school, accor er. » TV: Fox In a video of incide , Page 3B seen that sidelined be Wilch COUCH as him incan for See the conference. Thom bell entire facial a Camp ball coach 2011 season, 13, 2014 “The officer sustained the head,” lieved to be there was plenty of guard to the Matthew FataARY hit two d to free throwsanwith MONDAY, JANU wounMatthew ing a security BELL, Page 2B talk about when — CAMP and open2.2 seconds Seeand (top) slamm said. left in overtime to finish jury off of Lansing Catholic celebrates even officeFata the doctors just what could from her d. ’t e whether with groun doesn — releas teammates he It a would be the turning point of Lansing to after return news this: a Catholic’s the Cougars' to taken ge isovertime wasagainst couldn’t tell me messa59-56 officerwin the level of play that earned four “My injuredboys’ Waverly. KEVIN “The basketball season, W. FOWLER/FOR THE LSJ ent.” a 59-56 upset anything definite. MVP awards and two Super oftreatm hospital for local night. Waverly on Tuesday They Slav wouldn’t Bowl appearances. e’ INSIDE rs a Fata led all scorers with 22 ‘12 Yeasay, ‘You’re going He ignored others’ voices. with the loose ball and converted » Grand be points in the game, which the after the inevto beGol backden War- itable foul to put the at thisGlo He couldn’t ignore his own Ledge girls contest on ice. riors had a chance to win late, wins top time, at 100 perquestions. inLansing Catholic coach Darren edge LIFE, 2C bounding the ball under the Zwickdow cent strength levsaid n Cou“I certainly had my concerns Peyton U-M play Portland in a tight contest gar basket trailing by one point that winning out Manning was en an important el.’ They couldn’t wom that 1Bentire time,” Manning said for his MSU team, which improved to 6-5 SPORTS, OT, Page 4B with 8.1 seconds left in the extra step for tell ory the me,” he Tuesday vict con2 season. at Super Bowl media period. for 79-7 tchbeen stre day, less than a week before he’ll tinued. “So when the doctors “We’ve in a lot of games like this all seaBut Tony Poljan RE that, Ehow LEGIS do LATU lead the Denver Broncos can’t tell youSTAT you Mike Fomby’s drive to the basket, snuffed out really know? It was a matter of Fata came up against the Seattle Seahawks. a See COUGARS, Page 4B “I had my concerns, because strong, Eastern finishesge, 48-46 tops Grand Led • Green & White — You’ll find the latest on the men’s and women’s basketball teams and the kickoff of spring sports (and before we know it, spring football). CAAC Comets’ lead atop game Blue down to one for win Raiders hang on ts to Grys scores 24 poin ory vict lead Portland to Byrd’s big shot a fitting payoff for junio ry geddingMreso cDow lveell sto pbell chr’sarunen MSU recruit Cam takes away from I recruiting class cked Prosecutor: He atta told guard after being d to remove his hoo More Life A 14-PA GE SP ECIAL RO Fata scores 22 SE BOWL SE CTIONBroncos QB Manning ‘had as Cougars INSerns’ conc IDEabout comeback upset Warriors 78 STATE D Clutch free throws seal victory Our features section is taking a decidedly local turn, particularly on Sunday, with more profiles and things to do. 62 OMIN NSAT GOLDEN NIGHT Win gives MSU men their best MSU WO -ever 18-g MEN SPAR ame record TANS AIM , 1D ING FOR EE 7 IN A MU ROW, 11D MAKING IT HAPP EN ES SPARTA Life HANG ON ‘PEet TE,R’ Budg COsMES TO xe ta WHART high on ON year’s agenda See MANNING, Page 3B nt “I was at the poi ing nn where I was ru don’t dI an d foo of t ou ry.” like being hung LIFE, 1C sity senior an State Univer , Michig ASHLEY TEBBE RY FEEDING HUNG Un ed S a es mona ch m g a on a sk as numbe s dw nd e • Life in Lansing — From community members making a STUDENTS difference to issues that resonate across the region, Sunday life will empower, encourage and inspire our readers. FRIB FU LLY • From the Archives — Greater Lansing is rich with history, and we have it at our fingertips in the LSJ archives. This weekly feature promises to bring key local events and venues back to life. their stories about the work they are doing, inviting our readers to join them. fac gubernato tors into rial race sense of a big sens relief, to realiz e that it’s on us e this op portunity .” $10 $7.40 $7.25 Saving butterflies M For two decades, MSU food bank fills critical need $14M $ 35M $ 69M $1 5M $1M BEST Coffee DEAL IN TOW & Donu N t Combo s coffee QUA LITY r. client selecting Olin Health Cente Food Bank at the 2 IGHBORH GALLON 2 Each When you purchase 2 or more gallons. Must be on same ��� when purchasin gMSU 3 (Limeit to 9) Model trains com CAST TODAY’S inFORE the upper 30s, High s. low in the mid-20 Train Show and 2014 Lansing Model 150 exhibitors to display about show attracted Page 3A Full forecast 256572 Want worth? coins/collectibles are Go to www.libertycoin Treasures Your and click on Cash In ing Liberty Coins is expandCash Expa or closing their doors, ’s Top are cutting their hours AM! You can now come to Lansing While competitors at 9:30 10:00-2:00. opening weekdays 00 and Saturdays our hours by now weekdays 9:30-6: Buyer Since 1971 Visit our new location in the 400 Frandor Ave. Center Frandor Shoppingand Dots) (between Trippers 351-4720 LJ-0100250936 4B • Sun day, Januar y 26, 2014 DEATHS& • Lansing State Rosalie An Journal FUNERALS F na Nichols GREATER LANSING A Sophie St ock Dearb OUTLOOK www.lsj.c om SUNDAY JANUARY 26, 2014 orn her predeceas yea ed her rs, Henry Nic beloved die Born Sophie The A forum for ideas pas on Oct hols, who d of odora And s sed peacefu OM dev | WWW rus lly sur ober 1, 2013. County natural cau|ses mid-Michigan’ oted iewicz .LSJ.C to shape1919 MeSJ.CO on 038 on August dica M 377-1 Jan Catholic children and guirounded by She| OPINIO whereNS@L , ine.Ros 22, 1927, she resi l Care Facility uary 16, 2014 faith. Ros futur her dedE by com KULHANEK (Ka For paid Clara Sava obituary notices, call 377-1104 ge on at the Ing ded mon, Mic EDITOR: Dea her ELAIN lec) Lansing ham higan toalie was born Augdevout Hig rborn resident for the last twoDobie Road in Oke youngestSopscak, immigra for most h School years. Sop ust Jose mos, MI Age of her early yea of seven sibling nts from Austria ph and Kat 28, telepho and hie ness on 89, died peacefu ne operatoCentral Michig life. She atte had been a -Hungary. arina suc exploring rs were spent s from a family nded For an Un r in ces As in ScheneJanuary 21, 2014;lly after a brie dson She loved the surroundi helping on theof little means, the her retisful advertising the 1940s and in iversity, worked phen and ctady, New Yor born May 31, f illrem career at late family farm her as a home, eith the outdoors ng woods with 1924 Ste k the Detroitr years, enjoyed She was ent. to and her and Detroit lla Mierzejew to parents, er reg alon bro preced a children Free Pre ular Karoline War II, , MI as a chil ski. Clara mo Stein tow. e or with any ly returned tother Stevie. ss until Andrusiewed in death by number Pee When Ros her on Warren her spector she worked as d. During Woved of her own family incl t, and great gra icz, her old alie met fate was in 194 a B-2 rld Ave er sister,parents, Eliasz ude: ndchild Hen seven and ber noticed oil nue, Detroit. 3 at the Chrysle 9 Bomber inKatherine to Detroitsealed, but WW ry at a diner (Greg Hirchildren: Linda , T’nes Neveah r Cla in met in Roscom (William) e), Larry Smith. Sur (Jack) and . She flagged the oxygen line ra inspecting DeSoto plant Stinson and became a II soon separated Ste mo pha (W Tre n a her time Aircraft assemb real "Rosie the them. She motheir (Jenny)nie Cormier, endy) Stock; gra varthen, Cindy vivors of designated thethe B-29 Bombers leading to the B-29 Bom Riveter", commen pilo ved ndchildren Smith Smith, Tro Kristen Mil dancehallswith work, new ling bomber airp dation bomber for rep taking it out of t’s hel Aiden, and working ls : Joe y Roo friends, . assembly Ivy Mil Smith II; great-g (Nicole Joerin) Koss, Cat sevelt. Clara from the Office air. She receive and her lanes. She filleat Smith; man Rosalie’s M ls, ran , Jaso enjo hol beloved d of Sop love of everyone, music andd Smith (Ru y nieces and hie and Lilldchildren: Ashleig n then ic Church Lad yed volunteer President Fra a letter especially life and adv ian Sm nklin D. ing ies nephew h, Cla later at St. forward per; and ssell White); enture Vincent Altar Society with the St. Agn her sev ra was a dearest bes wonderful s; extended ith, Vincent endeared Home Cat pickup to the spring, en chil in es loving family The t frie wit her roo holic Cha Fowlerville, MI, summer and smelt dip sleeping in the dren. She loo to caring family wishes nd, Patricia Cudmmate, Alvare Troy playh family especiamother. She was rities in tta Pilly all ing Lan hap family s exploring theping in Michig back of her frie ked Care , and excellent to thank the ama ney. scrapbookicards, golfing of her grandc piest spending sing. pop-up Fac an nd’s staf zing hildren campgroun time , bowling ng and camper USA, Canada andrivers, spendi only to ility for the car f at the Ingham , wonderful, to and trav Pol Sophie ng , kind, e and enjo and el. Mexico sun), and d swimming (learning to stayed wit with her hus Clara’s most swimming, qui yed in the which they pro (and to visiting attention theCounty Medica ltin l mem Michigan creating mem pool under the dive at 54 y ban h vid eve g, provid and d, Frank ora e to ry where the family in the in 199 ble trip was instigator and Walloon ories with her scorching Ari in a (which year. They com all residents, care-giving fam ed not stories of birt her par h town of her 0 where the kid at hea of trouble andLake vacations. family during zona last one it takes!) and prise a loving every day and ily), but threPreceded in dea y parents. night of the Lake rt!) and care-fi th by herent’s childhood cam always our Rosalie was e sisters, of them. This is As an We are ir work is the loving lled ME Jane, ofte e to dau accomplic world by empty nester, e in fun n an ON SAMORIAL SER grateful to the work of angels, village Wil ghters, Patricia Helen and Car husband, Fra life. nk, in VICE WI m beyond son) - (a TURDAY every (Robert) rie. Sur need for packing her Rosalie fueled LUTHER wor LL Murphy viving are 1997; Savage, Savage; sons, Ron AN CH , FEBRUARY BE HELD AT ds. and and Hawaii, adventure toobags and travelinher curiosity of her MIL Eliz (Mi Dav abeth (Du tzi) e (Sondr Alaska, the 11 AM nie Savage, k her on the TH Y WILL REC URCH IN EA 1ST AT UN g the glo South Am a) Savage Savage, Thomas ane Claire IVE Caribbean be. ST ext EIV E SERVIC Elij and thro ensive vacatio Her donatio fascinatingerica and Eastern E. In lieuE VISITORS LANSING. THRSITY Torah Savage, Sha Savage-Wilson ; and grandchild (Karen) wn and and Luk ongeau Amazon; : monkeys tha Europe. Herughout Europe, ns to dation n to the Ingham of flowers, pleONE HOUR BEFE FAKev e Wilson ren, Ron . ase A me , Alyssa and Sean in Murphy, Lau , Set County ORE markets strange creatu t wreaked hav stories were alwAsia, III. Medical consider sendin ra Anne h and The fam 11:00 AMmorial mass res of the oc in her ays Hom Care Fac g ily is bein (Sean) Silk Rou of Thailand; and ten Gal ility Fou a gan Av at Church will be held Sat the barren apagos; beautif t in the ww es, East Lansing g served by of the Res nenue, Lan urday, was a mote in northern Gor ul w.g ford February land rive Pakistan. urrection sing, MI reastlansi . On line con sline Runcim officiating located in nth spent search 1, , 153 The mo scape of the oldr 489 an dolences . AM Poland and ing for her st may be Funeral late to 11:00 AM The family wil 12 with Rev. Ma1 E. Michi Those Slo ancestralsatisfying trip l receive made at: at the rk Rut r dat spirit incl left to honor vakia. villages Highway,e in St. Joseph church. Interme friends from her now Catholic 10:00 Carol Nicude her childreRosalie’s memory nt siring may Lansing, beside Cemeter will be held and emu (Edana Lonhols, Cathy n: Connie (Tim at a 252 W. or St. Vin make contrib her beloved y, DAE Donovan) late her g) Nichol (Patrick Bur Willow husWband.0SMITH utioof (John) cent Cat MATTHE ns s, Nic state. net sing to Jeff ry t) hol Me hol the Tho , MIgenera rey (Christ secreta Nichols, s, grandchild rten, Chr ey 48917.l and ic Charities, 280 charity of you se deGor ine Holt The r cho governor, attorn 0 W. Wil family is Donovan, ren Andy istine (Stewar ) Nichols, Cha don anders voted for Homes, low St., ice being serv Age last time Michig Avery RomBailey Binke (Tia Cordero)t Binke) Nicrlene Lan g, the be sharedLansing Chapel ed by Gorslin holss;Church of East Lansin after a 73, passed away and Oliv Don Then,People e Don . e Runcim parents with the lon ia 6, ke; 2012, atova Joseph and ovan. Bria an Funera family atCondolences and into the g battle with on January 21, SheonisNov.Bin Pauline and ballots their www.grlan l Katarin reunited great-grandchildn mem Voters his familyarms of his Savcancer. He pas2014 a Sopsca L brocast in death thers Jose ories may STATE JOURNA Rosalie sed ior surrou k; and THE LANSING sist ma | FOR wit ph Lan frie . ’s ers Detering Jr., Michae h children nds sing Johanna, angels (deceased on July 3, 194 . Chuck was nded by ext l He married born in ). 0, to Har Regionalamong us - the end their deeand Stephen. Mary, Her ber working old and Judy Fos pest tha wonderful respect Medical Care away on t F. Cromwell, Thelcareer ter on nks to staf Jr., 87, struggle and dignity durFacility. They car f of the Ing the in 1960. GM sawwith GM, 34 yeaJune 2, 1962. was born Wednesday, Jan ing with Alz He spent ham demanding rs, taking in Detroit ed for Ros uary 22, passed his talent own mothe Cro heimer’s the last 6 ½ yea his mw , 201 an pos alie and put Mic 4. app ell, itio nee wit Cromwell. Sr. and Naohigan to Herber He A fam r and we are foredisease. You lovrs of her 10-yearh enjoring of their firsns through the him in a num renticeship t F. mi Mary ber of ver gratefu years, t elec yed spendi ed her like Roscomm ily graveside Herb (Bright) ng time tric car. After including the very your hunting and service l. charitable on in the spr up in Detenjoyed a long, on he retired eng He is sur one of his true home remodeling in 1993, hei- Army please forwcontributions ing. For thowill be held School roit, graduated rich life. He pas vived by in in (Becky) Det his wife sions - fishing. , woodworking, his high 1944. After the in 1944 and was from Denby grew 3860 Dob ard to Inghamin memory se wishing to erin Jud vives him school sweeth war he returned drafted into the High Associationie Road, Oke County Meof Rosalie Nicmake Broadwick. He g, Todd (Am y and childre eart,LOT Jacqueline to Detroit to U.S. b and Jack an intense. HerTHE Suite 100 , Michigan Gremos, MI 488 dical Care Fac hols, Hugh Detering, is also survived y) Detering,n Christopher BAL mar ON ie net (Pete) and sisters , Chelsea 64 ility ly Sul by Lor or Herb gra loving compan enjoyed 67 yea livan, who surry , MI 481 at Lakes Chapte or Alzheimer’s, Bush. Holly (Mi8 grandchildren i (Jeff) rs of 18. Frie duated from ionship. , bro chael) We wit condolenc memories nds may r, 310 N Main St., in Chuck twice bat to seek ed riag RNOR Lawren Snyder is expectmar e and bster andther leadh a BSGOVE e in ofrosalien 199 tled share a ce Ins hanRepub lican Rick Jaical eng (on of mecent memory cer. 6, and most rec cancer, beating ichols@g ineering. titute of Techno Chuck Henry Democ ently working e Incumb mail.comonline Hai inre-elec tion. Ford’srats . the aut at wore the titleloved his wife, lost a 6-year fighry Cell Leukem original Following his fathlogy Motor Com orallied ind ia their children t with lun dra Papa wit ustr he redisco er’s ftsmen) panyear y and was and gra y from 1958Mark h gre g can - gineer. His last ver he began t around -1991 whe employed car A Memo ed his love for at pride! Throug ndchildren! Lansing suppor eer yea by was exc state n he reti r stint for He the his Lord rial Ser h his last 3355 Du iting and r, a former Ford in red as Chi Ford vic Jesu battle, Age 70, Most imp Schaue Sao Pau ty leader a.m. wit nkel Road, on e will be held s Christ. orta lo, Brazil.varied, including ef EnSenate grandmoth our wonderful Jackie, dau nt minori h visitati at Trinit Friday, was County a fivements are on beginn Jan y great lov Calhounhis ers Lin Thursday, er, went hom wife, mother well, Kar ghtfrom being ing at 10:0 uary 31, 2014 Church, da to e for and pel. In (To en (Bo office e to hea January state m) Duf at 11:00 ("Live born in 0 a.m. Fun who b)left lieu of handled by ven elmeier, his family, Snyde 23, Hendricin har the U.S. wife r kso one term er bar and Ver Poland on April 2014. Sophie on nity Church-Deflowers donatioEstes-Leadley Hol eral arrange - sense of d. Pla y har n. serve SchauBar d."), lov onica (Zu was ty, ns are His ent aco 12, 1943 hum t/D ates husiasm a Crome of her family pa) Chrusc to Walter 488 Mid-Michigan ns Fund or Thecan be made to elhi Cha - good day.") or, House. and Candid lear for joyousAug. niny.g, lov primar Branch, either Tri 23, Restric ielski. She Duluth, emb5rac when Sop immigrated to d in the e of peo life inspirat Also sur wereselecte 1755 Abb American Can MN ing ted and ion give hie ple, the . of for viv She al. cer was ey 1966. The Un life ("M a ing to cele Lun Socie- (Sue) Cro RAL AKE to y settledmet and married 8 years old andited States tion Censpecial thanks to g Cancer. TheRd., East Lansing RNEY mwell;ATTO brateGENE a seek Sophie wor te is expected Aub his in Lansing Schuet Bruce Beh ter the sett , fam sist Bill rey MI life for lican er-i led in , Nissa, Incumb the wonder Okemos Hea ily would Repub is his bro n-la ked and ent , where w Pat after 15 Aland, Gw Ayla, like reti lth they raisrens in January, ther, Lee ful care Cat, row Totten ynnMark he receive and Rehabilitato many Jackie, Ada, re-elec ed their a, Cal bowler. years. She was red from Whiteh Maevetion. ixtoat; gre ; grandchildren family. nie d. Sophie was also an , Col te profes at-grandch Church and e, Forsor able exp ces and nep an associa avid volills Nursing Hom also a mem est,sity hews State ildren eriences. Francis e with Univer ber of leyball player Michigan She was was a true caregiv who Many tha m he enjo, Aytan. Also anand has preceded Law, er to any St. Casimir Cat of nks including e Stoneleigh yed mem toColleg one in the dstaf holic seek orplans Surviving Tad Chrusc death by her in need. fessional, Residencenounce f to of Hos ielski of parents; Doroth respectful, for five ratic nomina-pice of (Carla), are her husban month 5 brothe A view the Democ Lan and Lan s 20, 2014. ey Howe pas compassion rs, ates are of exceptionally singgrandchildJason (Traci) d, Bruce, Sr.;sing and a sist day, Feb ing and mem tion. ate care. and Lee Born July 1, 192 sed away Jan oriaCandid childre pro - Schuette er. and l gatherin their reAntosik. ren and 3 uary Funeral ruary 1, 2014 from nominated by Totten gparties ledge mo Howe, Doroth5, daughter of Ann great graJessi (Chris) n, Bruce, Jr. will be Home . held 11:0 0 a.m.l to ndchildren Kva The e politica Grand st of her life. ey lived in Gra a ial contributionsLansingspectiv Chapel 2:00 p.m on Satur; sister, tek; 7 a.m. at Funeral Mass Led . She Res The nd be . ge High at graduated idence, 3411 made to Helen will be worked STATE OFily Yfam suggests Skinnne r ed to seek Sch Hospice Lugger St. Casimir Cat ETAR celebrate Stonel SECR expect For Johnso memisorretired. for the State of ool in 1943 from LanRuth Drive, online eigh Repuboflican sing-Sto Catholic as Celebrant. Inte holic Churc d Tuesday, entLan and www.S Michigan nced. Candidates Incumb annou sing, MIrat phe has yetnel kinnerFun eigh condol until she from 2-4 Cemetery. The rment will h with Rev. Fr.11:00 Bar ws and was pre She is surviv encNo tion. 10. tive political parties. eralHo re-elec es Democ 489 ed bara Mu plerespec Funeral and 6-8 p.m. at family will rec follow at St. JoseBill ated by their ase rphy, andceded in death by many nieces are nomin by her par visit her nie and nea.m. unt Homes, Lansingthe Palmer, Buseive friends Mo ph whoShe was an ind nday TE, ONE SEAT Sen. Carl Levin, this open ependent,ce Bobby Jo Hen ents, her sist taught her SENA memoria il service time Chapel and h and Jensen Fam U.S. er me dy. arti many nie Okemos ent of long-ti ily own fun and Food Banl contributions at the church Tuesday from ces and stic and advent With the retirem adv of Betty seat has drawn much condolenc k in memorymay be made to. For those wis 10:00 anyall kinds and enture. She was nephews to see urous soul hing, the Greater taught k out fam e to the fam vember, was bort. one-ever!! of Sophie. g candin Leadin on Frid interes ay the 13th Her trip more peopleous for playing their Lan ily at ww nie 5 in Oke Frie away on 192 s to Veg games former to play w.palm nds may sen sing Shece Bobby Jo wer mos, SecreMI and of No uaryare d a She was Jandates Lynn loved wil e among as and Mt. Ple cards than 24, Terri passed 201 State m 4 at the dlife, cats asant wit her most n in of many stra Bertha C.bortary and age Oke mos,lican, Repub a (Sp Land, MI was sma y animals ove , dogs and gar favorite mem h her alding) Blo Peters, to a l H.of 88. Betty was orie rtden r Gary od. Carl Car and moRep. She is hapshe was fun-she her lifetime. She ing and took s. he was Norman sixU.S. ared whe nth ates die s a old. Ber was in pre rat. Candid py with Mc Democ n The l whe the angels! outspoken- shewas quirky-she deceasedvery loving fath Cal 5 married Aug.tha Land nin the Bet d ty ! We wil er 2014 frofamily will receive was her selecte Peters George. was to her. , as did l miss you loved. friends her lov y. Both par two and at 1pm m 12pm until primar Dort!! ing Sat She ent urd the and s at lov have COURT ay, Feb time of ed to FILE the Ho devoted SUPR Ledge. play brid ruary 1, kniGRET l Cavt man liha the husbanEME CE OF THE DERUITE y mitR/LSJ JUSTI ge, d, Holt. ballot (Justice Michae Ledge. InInurnment will n-Atkin Fun memo in ten rial l rea the sing on d and servic term is home pat s and lap rob One Middle Schoo follow at n at era Hope golf.earPas eight-y l Ho Holt term (Justice David pital Are lieu of flowber electio ients, and es for nee me, Gra e Oakwoo 2012 t withrsone partial Gen ers, yea ing. Gov. along Novem a era d don seat) nd the dy Hum remain ’s vol Cem she two years atio children will have unteeranagh ballots ane Soc Passed Presbyteri l Hospital gift encesinonl votingdol ed man’syseat), of whichand nur iety. Sha ns may be giveetery, Grand shop. She Viviano ine at ww an Church ry to fill the seat at the age away peacefuVoters fill out their hours Privat atViviano was a mem lly, Januar w.holih re your memorien to the Caand Lansinglast Februa named to face federNorthern of 73. She was anatkin Rick Snyder y 23, 201 ber ofwho from the court mily. Here graveside Okemos Sen s and con retired ar .co Oke Irel ior 4 ay, bor ser one-ye m a and Cen mo - of flow love of all vic n in of William serving s , Ma ter. Diane Hathaw s and is currently l be hel animals es wil ers, please and Jan y 5, 1940, the Belfast, Rapids Pub fraud was and al bank d charge Society, for lic School a special eduet (George) Lowdaughter s was 7095 We send donations bird director ce. so gre her fa- l ballots are nonpartisan, Susenten Potter Par s, a Hea ry. Nan cation Williams st Grand at, to judicia Cap in politid Start Tea an’s aide at by lieu 17 years. for the Child Enr k ital Riv ton gh Michig Zoo, 130 Area Humare nominated for the ballot 48912. Eat Nan spe cher and Today, 1 S. Pener Ave.,Althou Lansing ane leader and nt cou ichment Cen a day on Court justices of filing to place nsylvanpreme in my life January 22, 201 The fam 48906 or have an option ia Ave., ,. MI, cancer sur working witntless hours volter at Holt UM care ily is bein Incumbents Homes, Lan cal parties my late ’s quilt was sew 4, the final pie sing MI,ballot. and trav vivor for 40 yeah other youth unteering as a C for husband ce www.g East Lansing g served by Gor their own names on, the face to face el with her sco Keith andn into place. Now groups. rs. Nan reastlansi . On line con sline Runcim She was ut She is loved . sisters ATION I are onc an Fun dolences D OF Born a e again eralEDUC currently held by Democrats sons, Billsurvived by her and friends. to read poetry, mayBOAR STATE be mad Fern MeOctober 2, 192 walk the ballot, on be will ates are nomie Sheppard (Linda) She husband, Gerald at: 3 been seats Candid rind . to Freema Two orf School in Marlowe ppard of leadership has and Daniel Varner n and Quinn She of Eaton Rap 1940. n’s Republican e we’re the Comeback graduated in Williamston Northv Sheppard of Hol Cassandra Ulbrich ichiga t; had three won She married Kei from , MI. conventions. of Ontarioppard of Eaton ids; grandchildille, David (Am MichPassedus, ng hard to ensur nated at party derful chilare our th in 194 Williamstonworki behind peacefu Marlow UNIVERSITY y) est assets dren. — brother, , Canada, DorRapids; sisters, ren, Charles HighWith the Lost Decade nd. 2, and tog ls,lly Januar e is great BorOur schoo three rats n Jan MICHIGAN STATE pre ndson and and n’sgra Edie etherState. ichiga cededLakes y 19,TEES rie New uary 2, 1939 Great and raisare 2014. OF the ballot, currently held by Democ atmany nieWilliam (Iris) TRUS they able to start its rebou in leade all land Briaour deathrsby n Nichol of Wiltshi(David) Fer our She , my finally e, ed on in Low is ces be for econo Ow peopl ris is igan will ng in ry vote ates are nomin and nep surviv s, and gre and her hus ensboro, graduated her par of Belfast Grand Two seats re, Eng gan ed will unities and growi hew Joan Michi by herctson KY,George Perles. Candid bandcomm and our landat-grandso and; in 2014, ids, e Owen Tobpeopl Keith, of improvement, inwith her from Michig Rap brother, ents; sisters, Ma s. Nan was pre, Northern Irelland ias and e, prote Faylen MI, Cha Gar n local Sam Low t inf)our rgaret Mc andinves ng signs on Lon ced Staat convenrtions. showi ; (Jef Lonier, . Judy (Tim) y (Joyce) Gan Aar teparty career asBA and MSW. an ed Univer ier. Michigan is undoubtedly ry. Memo IGAN Elwee, Maed inwho deawill Tim (Am tondicati Nichol-s, TesGreat She trul sity thupbyfor our that , daught a the ng ers sie (JefLakes , Repub ERSITY OF MICH Lansing rlenstand 2014 at rial services y) Gan y lovedOF three years f) last e Varney Delany Democrats the t- grandchild area, andrapist in and will be NTS herTHE UNIV repea , Jen il (Sc ren Les g forward. n ton , Nat REGE ; AprOver d the her heaship movin currently held by prove the ny HarrisonUniversity Un aro 11 am Sat starte has e ott) ballot, r felt are ia luck und (Ste the (An on ates Snyde rt’s be gra tha Two seats will the leader y dre ve) Gra Nolan, desire. ndcRick Michi a) Tob lican with Repub hildren, out sible 11 am. Me Rd. East Lan ited Methodis urday Februa hamlican was one Darlow and Katherine White. Candid Jenny Char trulpeople for who t she iesng ias, of touch respon , stor of her and he’s Rachel bringi an of (To that m her Donov w Toback put Gra clie - y was enr edly dd) Ian Drecomeb nts. and tently nt NolHe Child Enr morial contrib sing, with visitatit Church, 112 ry 1, mas Shetowas ias, byback g. Stream work at consis Paige Lon iched byJulia Lansin narelli, an,has utions can party conventions. 0 S. l pre Snyde on Brianwealt onvalue ated was speciaier, gan r the live Tob s. grenmen nomin Please visiichment Center, ed in at- t Mary Gov. ERSITY be mad from 9:30 Garrett gover and and hy Rickced Clarice Madel s and dea Matthewrateias, Trevor CEOs tions, midNE STATE UNIV Morga ngine Ber opera thanth by her par sign the t our website 2321 Aurelius e to the Holt am to Iancorpo andworki Ganton, ,lining Delahead ry; bro masature more n Tho cut any, Jak Conner ofe,hard RNORS OF WAY currently held by Democrats ents, Cha H. Ber guest reg UMC the Rd. Em GOVE to nar Legisl sts a rs, ma plac elli state Hol Gra belo ry; intere ballot, agend atAle the Cha . rles A. will e onl ister, ww t, MI 488 ham, and and vedrules nephew, BOBBYrles A. xa,r’sMatthe son and regula andbe on the e Driker. Candidates are nomin The fun families. Snyde Two 42. w.shellyo ine condolenc ass Ber w, SophieMichae l and rew Seil a Thomas H. unnecessary ry seats Char is , And forer. eral ser a new unfair Jr.,Dingel es or to 2014dle-cl t early and l and Eugen Ber Debbie state surviv and1,500 vicwith the budge at left edbee had e wil Henry st 2:00our edated balanc by aher husSCHOSTAK ry, II;atand tions, l behighe p.m. atone of the conventions. 205 has her gener her held Mol Grand E. Middl ed party rownand compan ment tax, Gorsliforce in aried schoo nday Jan third yearmar Ledge ion of 26 band, Joh ne Rudnci e St. on state bond Blackretire rates, n McDon n of Octobe s. Our entWi is chairma Seil ploym maand yea officiat n surplu llia y 27,millio E r 24,now unem er, Car n Funera uar$970 rs, are selected by LON Wil police ald, ms to HOUS ates unt ing ton cuts 201 U.S. we’re e Candid who Paul E. il , n and , liamston gs and sever they imp ded,olyn (Tim) 3; dogthe step on the ballot. upgra , Michiga me, was childre . Visitat of West Loc with The Rev. l Ho Bon rating 15 seats of flowclosin passed VanBlaricom, Allulsi vely will be mic comePeara, Aki ican JOHNSON ke es.ion will be ourn,econo McDon ers, servic Col onald; born Nov haelto focus Stephen o; childre in never those wis n, Dav way. Wesleyan Micable y. id (Marsha) Republ gan Hands fire Paul wasaway January 24, held primar and crats ember thegMichi Church, in ways one hou Ma Em Demo not hin the coo may mak n of Car That’s ing Hea McDon (Susan) Seiler; chairma r prio is 4, lest grandcParty. 489 have Mark back inclx, that of WWII retired from Eat 2014 at the 27, 192 ily, 08, rts,proud E AND SENATE in the state LLC., toP.O e con trib-utions r. In have age lieu beforeude . her Serena busine n or Spa hildren ald, Sho on Litho We’re STATE rrowvery shanahHOUSthe Michigan House and 38 seats d by candi and ss. the Michiga 48909ber of theserving in the U.S cratic . Box Fou to; Sadie Gra Demo and a vetof 89. back 798 issist ournda er, in the on earth: All 701his are selecte 0; Bria ernas ney gan tion, P.O 110 seats in d ince. Mary Lan . Nav 62, Lan LovingNow,Syd Michi ratic Schau Berry, spent ts are Annranke n Nicholnor, Arrang Other surAshley,will be on the ballot. Candidates . Box who has andprojec mals and golfer and bowsing V.F.W. Pos y. He was a eraDemoc (Ro ment the s Tee their chil ements Me 30480, Lan sing, MI capita bert)ofFin for gover l invest ation mo Senate mem viv n date enjoyed Fun gan’s ler t Lou elimin rial Party. ors und 701 Our dre the Michi era at nge n, sing ; was with er n and climate sister-iprimary. Royal Sco l Homes, 2:00 p.mwide, ser make square andvic . Mark tothe Surviv , MI five es wil dire n-law, ndchildren life fighti Wilng our taxgra . at Un ctionies. tt; also lovan avid top Lannation l be liame-clas ess Tax, s famil Doris Vanors include hisdancing. of ES ston Busin itar hel Gor . gan sin IDAT counmiddl ed , d ian the MI. Michi g, 855 Gro inslin ani -economy fairer for 15 in Friday, Jan Untop ry of job-killing iversa PENDENT CAND preceded Blaricom, sev sister Joyce of the and was raised a e Runciman one INDE Memorial list toCh file with the Secreta St., rankedve focus y 31, East now able er and urch of uarIndepe candidates can middle-class roots, least 30,000 has since contrib Lansin brothers: in death by hiseral nieces andOliver, sister-i Residebeen licans Repub utionsaremay Greater ndent by 4 p.m. July 17 by submitting at g, MI the son of a teach nce - ,Hos n-law has deep their Wa better nephews. wife of 55 offices Even 488 lost during try. 200 ston County as pice A Funera llace, Warren be directed State’s Office , Lan the jobs Demo it of identity. Eligible ofcrats 0 new23. Since 191 to Lansingthan and Edw years, Evelyn He was Living. l Servic , MI 489ship. ss, supreme 2014 - 1:00 on creating sing to Stonelvalid signatures and an affidav tion is no way 4052183,00 5 ard. and thre nurse e leader 11. More ,Snyde Leg eigh senator, U.S. representative in Congre, state Board r took acyoffice s that cutting educa e dist Churc p.m. at the will be held Tu Par decade of failed r’s Michigan is Mark • Mo ntative are U.S. Thknow esd created since Gov. s thatkway, Sui nu ent,nts my. Rick Snyde om econo h, 411 Ha Grand Led and te justice, state senator and represe of Michigan, MichiFuneral jobs have been turned into long-term career ploymme A. ge First ay, January 28, build a strongas • rris unem Ma Do sity court in Hon ry on Univer rkers — jobs that have countyle ed United boards of sing. Vis ors to follow St., Grand Atintothe Me •releas third-worst of Education, and and Wayne State University. Bro stay in Michigan. to rnh.ey Snyder’s own MEDC nze es my famili 11:00 a.m itations will be at Deepdale Ledge, with Mil tho - 49th in job growt sity allow gan’s For allecono gan State Univer Memorial itary Page 2F cemeter least tly saying Michi aties donations. until service held at the chu Park, See SCHOS a report recen the national recovery for and Faiths MTAK, t. OPE Care or may be made time. For those rch, Tuesday Lan up to Do MONUH won’t catch from yle Law PC desiring, MENT shared at Hospice Advant to the Eaton Com Page 2F 2529 E. MT. HOP CO. See JOHNSON, www.p age. Onl munity memorial E etersandm ine Pal www.m LANSING, MI AVE. thopemo urrayfunecondolences liative 323-736 nument. ralhome.c may be com 6 om. 1100 E. Mt. MON Lansing, 11 MI OUTLOOK Sundays and Life pages in the USA Today national news section AG A AN NG F MSU s P o ec 60 50 ooks a mpac o change weekdays and will be in the Local & State section on Sundays. Charles Fr ederick "C Detering huck" 4 1 0 2 N O I T C E L E Herbert F. • Business — Daily business coverage can be found in the USA Weekly pages will be inside the Local & State section. • Opinion — Our daily editorial pages remains in the A section. The standalone Outlook section for Sunday is unchanged. , Jr. ke key choices Michigan will ma r ernor on down, this week’s Greate e on in November. In spectiv per r leaders offe ty par te sta k, Lansing Outloo issues. the races and the Dorothey Howe CIVIL RIGHTS MILESTONES Betty J. (M cCall) Sm • Advice columns — Ask Amy (and horoscopes) are staying on Page 2C. Other columnists, including Miss Manners, Carolyn Hax and Celia Rivenbark can be found elsewhere in the section. Anna "N an" Sheppard Calwell Be part of year long community effort Marlo publicans: We’ve on s: We’llwe F. GantRe DemocratT Michigan on t go ns lead campaig right path e th s E. Charlen with our value e M M ith to learn "Char" Be rry Paul E. Va nBlaricom Wills, Tr and Probusts MSU Co ege ate p ans o Law Apr even on cour cases M www.doyl elawpc. LJ-0100246460 com YUNKER MEMOR IALS 1 block Hope Ave E. of S. Penn ., Lansing Ph. 484- nia Ave. 1433 sylva azz prov des sound rack o na on s c v r gh s era 484.5327 24 E. MT . HO LANSIN PE G smithflora ������������ � UMENTS MARKE RS PLAQUE S Call Lorri Miller at 517-482-6 266 -010025 025134 13499 Cromwell m gov Fro So phie C. Be futu hrensre about its � Today national news section weekdays. The Sunday Business ������������ • 6C 40901 05132 LJ-0100 ay! et Tod ur Pockomer Service! $h In Yo Put Ca s To Improve Cust nded Store Hour Liberty Coins at Our Nichols, beautiful mothe left this r, Rosalie no longer ear separatedth on January 22, Anna husband 2014, from of 68 • Obituraries — They remain in the A section � �� ��� Inclu des an QD choc all varie ties of QD white olate milk jammed the Michig ,of QDpeople Brea kfast milk , Hundr & eds QD appl imenLigh ont Sunday for the e juice Pavilio Sale. The State University . gallons.for Gallons — poised ased on same million OD STO President Barack Obam 20 on their collectibles. Limit 8 $400 a six-month Gallons receipt. will generate nearly RE • starts Jan. $1.00 Retail — Page 3A clock QDticking ICE Iran, it the best bet State For home delivery calling & SO area’s economy. © 2014 Lansing FT DR .....................3C pricing, nuclear deal with 0 Michigan. ns. — Page 7A Comics .......................... Journal, Lansing, nuclear weapo INKS • NO ..1B, 4B see Page 2A. ....................4C to deny Tehran SURCHA ....................................... Newspaper. Television........................ RGE NFL....... .3C, 5C A Gannett ....................6A ............................1C AT M • ............. ....................................... Opinion .......................... Life ............. Puzzles LO ........2A .....7A .......2C TT ............. ............. ER .......................... Heller Lottery........................... Nation & World.. Horoscopes.................... Y-LOTTO rick A.Dealer Pat ...........3A .........1B Year!” the • ............. ............. of DO ............. ............. Coin NUTS & Local & State Sports............... “2012 ANA National COOKIES ..............4A, 5A Deaths........................... to know what your Buye s ma ke Where to find what matters to you. $519 3/ S industry is resurgent auto City’s you When The Motor you purch r QD Ca by one estimate ase that show 2 or more rd! hostbeapurch to Must the Iran Limit 8 purchased the Clock to start onareceipt. said Sunday that OOD FO REN DA headlines$ $ 59 A daily feed of top 2for9Detroit a boos Eatch SPEEDREADSnuke deal Auto show with GALLONS YOUR NE $5.15 $165M White M IRY il Gallons k 99 weekdays. Minimum wage hike key issue in 2014 Increase FUNDED [email protected] Levin: MS from in d U’s relentless effort oubt to on s track in p brought facility ast two y ears “There is a big • Make a Difference spotlight — Local charities will share • People in the news — In the USA Today Life section on By Scott Davis Legislature The Michigan 2014 with no d off MICHIGA lly kicke forma N ELECTI one. But week ONS heavy lifting in as soon as voting could occur lawmakers also this week, when Gov. Rick Snygather to hear of the State State l annua der’s pep talk. about the Five things to know session: budget, bud» 1. Budget, part to an imget: Thanks in legislatry, proved auto indus y $1 billion nearl tors will have Work con than expecttinues on more to work with FRIB got ving the state the full $55the National Sup ed when appro eager to finalerconductin million req g Cyc uested for budget. They’re plan around 2014 in the lotron Laboratory ing and FRIB appropriat ize the spend for the fourth pro ions bill Congress ject on the MSU Memorial Day point of pride approved a campus in straight year, last wee s after k. ROD SANF East Lansing. The ity Republican ities ORD/LSJ By Kathle for major crises. Prior cial en finan Gra past y Gannett Michigan aside more mon-include setting ood educa Raisin for early childh eyhig p withupkee hour min g Mic an’s road for $7.4 and 0-a tion wag ing a keyimum e isa-becomnyingperm By Matth upcoming rallout poi nt in the raisew y ctions many Dem elenentl mrmiller Miller y in ingand — witMan h labor in ocrats org ani fav ine zed gasol publicans or, wh the GOP ile maveor ny Reand the taxes ber of Com staregis te Cha - m-are talking merce hicle effort. opp trationose theabout a It was the WA fees. One first GE pol tax cut but cal atypi platform icy VA RIEtStopanbudge nounced Gov. Rick by BY choos ic:STA Democr TE atic a new Snyder is gubernato Whing ere Mic higa stann candidate rial comstate On a We pare being s in dne zed Mark Sch per-hou dardi Secretary sday morning r min aue two Ste ir, cautious. align ven yea to who is mumtest the recent rs ago, U.S Chu told wag cal s for a boo ling HIG withe ratenaovertaken ly bailed out aut the Detroit Eco . Energy ST eduthe min st in Cal HE floor of .” ¶ Then he toldo industry “mustnomic Club that tional imu ifor Cobo Ha inn a nia m ovate or *: wage to ll that fed scrum of rep Rare Iso cation be ort top an hour. $9.25 ards billion dol e Beams, a pro eral support for ers on the stand in Michigan. ture bey lars and the sym ject worth more the Facility for “It’s mo being adopted in the ond ly wrong ral- Michigan: » 2. Tax-cut talk: Many onlook at all building car bol of Michigan’sthan half-as, for g up an electi families we think the things we’re wasn’t a sure thinpossible fuGOP are talkin THOMA h Snyder, a S GLASM are wor who deficit, wewe can afford in doing ... and you g. ¶ “If you ACHER, year tax cut, thoug ction, FRIB proj full time king Federal: Republican seeking re-ele rethe federa because are saying ‘We a budget projec look at what ect manage to tion ually we can’t ll, l be Grad we bud r giv us. rais have to be get that en our last wee afford fou be startin of the Olin outing is being cautio pas k. bank works percent state indren in chilyears, FR After delaying sed botorder question. r things,’ ” Chu g six things andvery careful, h client. The food ducing the 4.25 ses aon pov constru anctiohoufor IB nowFood Congre percent, the levty. These erto invest Stude FRIB by ¶ His remark causaid, in response we can only nt is Bank, fills come tax to 3.9 compound to a surprise, to a repmana the MSU more tha poised to break n for nearly two ss ght everyo ger foralo people wh are LOWEST versity cha n $160 mil both the ground in ne tions orter’s ne opera el in 2007, would l loss in reveinvolv o are Geo teaEdmo JOURNALover the nex lion the m at nds, ed STATE WEB G put in spr rgia dea had thrown rged with buiNicole wit THE ting money constru t four yea Mic ER | LANSIN h dlock, icant annua ONing and , higDERUIT lding it GREG an Sta Cente Montana: signif direct years. Yet lawte and r.the budget proa government shu rs. ¶ Through ction costs the blue,” their supporHealth odban ly k/ politician Uninue within five dent they can t behind / https:/ into the back s wh it. ¶ “It cam Democr cesses, MSU has tdown and twocongressio “It kind U.S. Sen. Carl Lev nal econoats makers are confinsibly. A oneof e in out o my,” he room were abl and Republica held together tumultuous galvanized went against eve in, D-Detroit, the said. , the e said last of cut taxes respo be an option, ryt back all of us.” “It’softhe by *by 2016 Lou Ann to keep FRIB fron and came out a coalition onoftables at the hande ¶ There hing that went bef week. d outrig two men on a time rebate could is $55 mil people couSimon said, “am nt and center,” top. ¶ “W and rolls thing to do, ht e bread lion for FRore. It MS ids the too. W ers. ld U Pre Christmas sweat t all of the prioritize. econom and it’s wil have I want to do is IB in in ent ” other thin sid so we dly popula ics work “The last thing food and EXICO CITY — The pub gs tha“Any help with lic.” is aweso me,” r with the leave for my successors t 2014 fisca PLstunning ANNED thing else and littlel year a problem like money for some In addition, FR 2015 fisca understood IB CONS their successors groups rep a coalitio annual Rep. Kevl year See FRIB TRUCTIO By Matthew Miller food Rice said. the n of we walked into,” said res at , Page 2016 migration ent time of fisca in N millions ing third 5A the fina working and SPENDIN Pleasant. wor l yea It was her mG Source: wasl stages of kers is in Cotter, R-Mount help Demof monarch butter- r 2017 fisca [email protected] mate wh room eth MSU Her could dec er food l g year bank. to em iding gettin The tax talk was flies to spend the s bark on Rice 2018 fisca it.pos da Rice had n’t makepro al a ts to remind voter l yea— r Aman winter in Mexico is in EAST LANSING g by the could of them Lottery ........ wou.ld rais for November ballot ocrats’ effor Snyder and ReTotal and was waitin ................ danger of disappearing, experts for both e theBank .......2A of the move by business taxminimumIt that nt Food to more taken a number Nation & said Deaths World ........ tha The MSU Stude recently, 2013. wage ................ after numbers dropped inhou n $9yan the ........4A ersar publicans to slash of the cut ..3B, 4B, 5B to wall. Local & State anniv “W Life.......... orking r. green chairs in most their Books...... ................ marked its 20th ........lowest Mott, record-keep ................ level since ................ The six rows of dining room at stru es and offset ......1B Trave of Beafam es, ilieswho ing child ggling ....1C Spor ...........7C wh anto are l began 1993. r taxes on retire rs was the brain Center assist h ts............. y highe ive Outl in Healt sho mostl ................ with istrat ook. Olin uldn’t hav ................ ................ Michigan age earne rsity were .6C blamed Their report ....1D Opin ..............1 Business Wee served as an admin thekly displaceigan State Unive ed in Chinese F © 2014 to John homeowners, low-w ion ................ Mich wai president efrom ................1E with children. Lansi ment of the milkweed the species ng Staten chatt to every MSU Cecil Mackey. t for a wome Two feedsClassified ........ ..............5Ffull. and taxpayers Journ on the floor al, Lansing, e Democraton by genetically modified crops .........SOU ers played TO an Hannah through foodSee toddl Michigan. RCE while *with QD WAon bank and pRepublicans oppos . An GE, Page DA A Ganntheir Y’S FO card ett Newspape rade bottle urban sprawl in the United States, tate an exem 5A It was the first be run y Powe High midr. exCA ic calls to reins with an empt seat. 20s, low RE ST $3.0 rsity campus to unive 16 oz Coffe treme weather trends and the dramatic ted in hisFull 0 Reta midAmer teens.ican il students, a reforecast For home MBA student fidge mber, the last for e and 1 Do E, Page 2A and delive redu • nts LATUR 6B ry stude Dece by pricing, see See LEGIS 16 oz Coffe nt nu It was early more necessary Paged2A. for the MSU Stude ning. e and 2 Do t/Roll $1.69* source that provened 0 the 409begin at 01 distribution day e final exams, the 72 out nuts/Rolls ption 5 than some imagi’s still a perce051 Bank befor Food . $1 there .99* Baked Fres r break “I think h juholidays and winte at QD’s own Daily Half GaFOOD BANK, Page 2A Rice, an MSU ¢ Bakery! Like the others, a few staples: the See llo a for e Phan helps out Specia n nior, was there dried noodles laid out 16-ounce MSU student Laanc at the MSU Student l food canned soup and $175 9 Your guide to the new Lansing State Journal More local. More national. More of what matters to you. There’s only one place to find more of what matters to you: The Lansing State Journal. Now with more local news and stories that bring you closer to the community as well as more national coverage from USA TODAY to keep you connected to our country. If it matters to you, you’ll find the whole story here. Get more on every device Stay connected to all the latest developments from around Greater Lansing throughout the day on your favorite devices. From the region’s #1 source for news and information on your desktop computer or mobile device, to our instant updates on Facebook and Twitter, you’ll always have the latest events and news right at your fingertips.
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