JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, IPR Policy for commercialization when JYU owns the research results JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO When the project starts - Transfer of right agreements must be signed in order to secure that the results of the project are owned by JYU as required by Tekes. - Also the required background must be transferred to university 2/9/2017 2/9/2017 IPR During the project At the end and after the project - If using outsourcing services, remember the purchase agreements that JYU must have the ownership of the results. Also, the right to transfer the rights to third party. - Inventions disclosures are to be made to Research and Innovation services (RIS) - Rector decides if e.g. patent application is filed, RIS prepared the material for the rector. - Different commercialization paths must be evaluated, not only start up. - Use the services of the Business Factory, JAMK preincubator etc. - The results of the project need to be documented (who created and where it is). - Chosen commercialization path must be justified - JYU transfers the results and the IPR needed to a company. If the ownership is required, transfer is done via Unifund. If license is enough, the agreement is between the company and JYU. - License: IPR transfer and agreement is prepared in collaboration of the company and RIS, rector decides on behalf of the JYU. - Ownership: IPR transfer is worked out in collaboration with the company, JYU and Unifund. JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO IPR to spin out via Unifund Scientist Transfer of right agreement. Right to compensation (50 % of the net income that JYU receives) € IPR JYU JYU sells the IPR to Unifund. JYU pays 50 % from to profit to the persons that created the IPR. € IPR Unifund Oy Unifund Oy invests the IPR to spin out and gets shares. Possible profit through value creation belongs to Unifund. shares IPR Spin out Ltd Spin out gives shares to Unifund equivalent to the value of the IPR and the company (capital contribution, to be negotiated) Scientist can be a share holder or entrepreneurs in the spin out. JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO License directly from JYU to the spin out Scientist Transfer of right agreement. Right to compensation (50 % of the net income that JYU receives) € IPR JYU JYU gives license (exclusive or nonexclusive) to the IPR to the spin out. JYU pays 50 % from the profit to the scientist. € IPR Ltd Company pays JYU e.g. royalty based on the net sales. JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO Remember to check Background that is required for the realization of the project Do you have freedom to operate, what is the known competing technology What IPR you expect to be generated? Describe in the project plan, what is the IPR that generated the business the competitive edge? Check e.g. patents and existing results Google patents 2/9/2017 JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO Riikka Reitzer [email protected] p. 040 822 5358 Agora C513.2 9.2.2017
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