Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: [email protected] Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Beshalah/Tu B’Shevat ,n z xz Abraham Galbut – President February 11th 2017 15th Shevat 5777 P Erev Shabbat Schedule Candle Lighting 5:53 PM Mincha 6:00 PM Shabbat Schedule Tu B’Shevat Hashkama Minyan Main Minyan Teens Minyan Rabbi Bixon Class Mincha Maariv 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 5:00 PM 5:45 PM 6:40 PM Shabbat Ends Family Torah Time 6:47 PM 7:20 PM Sunday February 12th –Friday February 17th Shacharit: 7:00am & 8:00 am Monday February 13th – Friday February 17th Additional Shacharit: 8:45 am Sunday February 12th –Thursday February 16th Mincha/Maariv: 6:00 pm Rabbi Bixon Weekday Class Schedule Monday at 9:15 am Women’s Tefilah Class Wednesday at 8:00 pm Advanced Talmud Class HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Malkah Tokayer, Irving Kahn, Meryl Rotenberg, Hadassah Bixon, Irwin Friedman, Warren Newfield, Shragi Weiss, Abigail Nagler, Judi Saka HAPPY ANIVERSARY TO: Chanie and Steven Gottlieb Rivka and Arthur Shapiro Gale and Lawrence Grobman Sorelle and Yankie Silverstone Rabbi Bixon will be speaking on Thursday February 16th at 12:00 pm 3200 Southeast Financial Center 200 South Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33131 Mazal Tov to: Natalie and Matthew Turestky on their daughter Ava’s Bat Mitzvah Rona and Rabbi David Holzer on the birth of a baby girl born to their children Tehila & Danny Mocton Debbie and Israel Wiznitzer on the birth of a baby boy born to their children Lil & Tzvi Heber Jackie and Robert Weiss on the birth of a baby boy born to their children Amy & Aaron Zuckerman Rhonda and Thomas Weiss on the birth of a baby girl born to their children Meredith and Joseph Pick Seudat Shilishit is Sponsored in beloved memory of Bessie D. Galbut a”h upon her second yahrzeit by her children grandchildren and great grandchildren Rita & Robert Galbut and family David & Gita Galbut and family Nancy & Abraham Galbut and family Ronalee & Russell Galbut and family Purim is coming!!! Don’t forget to order Beth Israel Mishloach Manot & help support your Shul! Download the list from B I Website, call or email the office to order Youth Groups Announcements 9:15 Pre- Groups with Morah Atara 9:45 Regular groups begin with Youth Leader Weekly edible Torah and parsha themed treats with Morah Esti and Morah Atara A TU BSHVAT SPECIAL! Check it out-this shabbos @ groups Afternoons groups will take place 45 minutes before mincha with Rabbi G. Adults can enjoy Rabbi Bixon shiur knowing that their kids will have a meaningful time of their own. Parsha questions, Divrei Torah and amazing story’s in addition to treats and prizes! -TEEN SHABBAT PROGRAMSParents: to ensure our Teen Minyan begins on time please remind your teen to be there at 9:30 am. We have a wonderful program with Rabbi Ney and Rabbi Weil. Weekly Teen Shalosh Seudot takes place after Mincha with Rabbi G, Rabbi Ney and Rabbi Weil. This is an amazing opportunity for Teens to schmooze and hear some words of inspiration from our wonderful Rabbi Ney. We are encouraging all Teen minyan members to attend. PARSHA BATTLE UPDATE-BOYS vs. GIRLS! Could this be happening again? Could the boys be doing the unthinkable? A repeat! Whit a commanding 3-1 lead history is looking more to be made with the first repeat in Junior Cong history! But if we can learn one lesson from Sunday ;-) never be comfortable with a lead. FAMILY TORAH TIME 7:20 pm Motzai Shabbat Learning, Pizza, Fries, Raffles and loads of fun. Don’t forget all you canslurp-slurpees:-) Haven’t tried out yet-please join us! As our Family Torah Time season come to a close we invite all to join us for our last few weeks! Beth Israel Congregation Rabbi Mordechai Shapiro z”l Sanctuary Weekly Announcements 770 W 40th St. Miami Beach, FL 33140 ph: 305.538.1251 email: [email protected] Rabbi Donald Bixon – Rabbi Parshat Beshalah/Tu B’Shevat What do you get when you mix Tu Bshvat and Rosh Chodesh Adar? The first ever Torah Filled Mad Science show in Miami Beach! Dr. Schnitzel show mixes Torah messages as he attempts wild, crazy and wacky science experiments. Beth Israel congregation is proud to invite the community to an evening of fun, learning, laughter and excitement. The evening begins with dinner, Purim crafts, packing mishloach manot for hospital patients and then at 6:00 pm sharp a show of epic proportions! PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARSFebruary 28th DVAR TORAH BY:DR. ARI CIMENT WHO IS THE FIRST DOCTOR MENTIONED IN THE TORAH? קוֹנֶה, הָ עוֹשֶׂ ה ִמצְ וָ ה ַאחַ ת,אוֹמר ֵ ַרבִּ י אֱ לִ יעֶ זֶר בֶּ ן ַי ֲעקֹב קוֹנֶה לוֹ ַק ֵטּגוֹר, וְ הָ עוֹבֵ ר עֲבֵ ָרה ַאחַ ת.לוֹ פְ ַר ְקלִ יט ֶאחָ ד ְתּשׁוּבָ ה וּמַ ע ֲִשׂים טוֹבִ ים כִּ ְת ִריס בִּ פְ נֵי הַ פּ ְֻרעָ נוּת.ֶאחָ ד “He who does one mitzvah, aquires an advocate and if one traansgress, you aquire an adversary. Repentance and good deeds act as shields from the punishment” Question #1: Presumably, ְתּשׁוּבָ הis refering to the person that does bad things and then truly repents and וּמַ ע ֲִשׂים טוֹבִ יםis refering to the person who does good deeds from the start. Then why does ְתּשׁוּבָ הprecede ?מַ ע ֲִשׂים טוֹבִ ים Question #2: 'וַ יּ ֹאמֶ ר ִאם שָׁ מוֹעַ ִתּ ְשׁמַ ע לְ קוֹל ה וֹתיו וְ שָׁ מַ ְר ָתּ ָ ְאֱ �הֶ י� וְ הַ יָּשָׁ ר בְּ עֵ ינָיו ַתּעֲשֶׂ ה וְ הַ אֲ זַ נְ ָתּ לְ ִמצ כָּ ל חֻ ָקּיו כָּ ל הַ מַּ חֲ לָ ה אֲ ֶשׁר שַׂ ְמ ִתּי בְ ִמ ְצ ַריִ ם ל ֹא ָא ִשׂים �עָ לֶ י� כִּ י אֲ נִ י ה רֹפְ ֶא “And He said, If you hearken to the voice of the Lord, your God, and you do what is proper in His eyes, and you listen closely to His commandments and observe all His statutes, all the sicknesses that I have visited upon Egypt I will not visit upon you, for I, the Lord, heal you” Who needs G-d to heal us if we are doing good deeds. Isn’t healing only necessary if we develop the sicknesses that He Himself told us that we are prtotected from if we simply adhere to the mitzvos. The pasuk then sounds odd: If you listen to G-d, He won’t give you sickness and he’s the doctor that heals you?!?! A related question that will be answered: Why do we say “have a refuah shleimah” even to those people with terminal diseases and why is the verse “you should have a refuah shleimah” said at someones deathbed (clearly he is on the deathbed and so why does the deathbed prayers contain such a wierd statement!?!? ANSWER: There are essentially two approaches to understanding the above ethic and according to each approach, you can best understand the pasuk in our parsha. Approach #1: When the Tanna says ְתּשׁוּבָ ה טוֹבים כִּ ְת ִריס בִּ פְ נֵי הַ פּ ְֻרעָ נוּת ִ וּמַ ע ֲִשׂים, he is specifically referring to someone who does bad and then repents. The Rambam explains that since יקים ִ עוֹמ ִדין ֵאין צַ ִדּ ְ בְּ מָ קוֹם שֶׁ בַּ עֲלֵ י ְתּשׁוּבָ ה מוּרים יְ כוֹלִ ין לַ ֲעמֹד ִ ְ( גּdoing teshuvah is actually even a stronger מַ עַ לֶ הthan doing good from start in some way), this is why precedes ְתּשׁוּבָ ה precede !!מַ ע ֲִשׂים טוֹבִ ים Applying this to our pasuk: When the Torah says , if you listen, I wont give you diseases, the impication is that if you DONT LISTEN, you will get diseases. To this second possibility, G-d speaks out that He is the ultimate healer-> even if you DONT LISTEN initially, the power of teshuvah is there to protect you from the diseases that I place upon you! Even the seemingly insurmountable Egyptian diseases are cured by the ultimate Healer if you do teshuvah Approach #2: The Rashbam actually says that the mishna has a different text: Instead of תּשׁוּבָ ה וּמַ ע ֲִשׂים טוֹבִ ים כִּ ְת ִריס בִּ פְ נֵי הַ פּ ְֻרעָ נוּת, ְ it actually reads תּוֹרה וּמַ ע ֲִשׂים טוֹבִ ים כִּ ְת ִריס בִּ פְ נֵי ַ !!! הַ פּ ְֻרעָ נוּתAnd so the mishna has nothing to do with teshuvah at all. Observing the Torah and doing good deeds prophylactically shields you from punishments/ailments! Abraham Galbut – President February 11th 2017 15th Shevat 5777 Likewise, our pasuk here may not have anything to do with teshuvah, but is rather denoting the optimal prophylaxis.. When G-d says “He is the Healer”, he may be the Healer in the sense of prophylactically protecting us from the ailments by making sure we follow the commandments. In this sense, the word Ropheh doesnt necessarily mean healer but rather one who softens, ameliorates, protects those from the burdens of sickness. This is why we say “refuah Shleimah” to someone on his deathbed and why we say that even a goses should have refuah shleimah because the word Ropheh (which has Rafah/soften as its root) doesnt only mean “to heal” but also to “soften/protect/ammeliorate”! TAKEAWAY MESSAGE/S: If a רוֹפֵ אis defined only as someone who heals, then the pasuk � אֲ נִי ה רֹפְ ֶאis refering to a situation where one initailly doesnt adhere to the mitzvos and then repents. G-d will heal him/her post repenentace--> ְתּשׁוּבָ ה וּמַ ע ֲִשׂים טוֹבִ ים כִּ ְת ִריס בִּ פְ נֵי הַ פּ ְֻרעָ נוּת. If a Ropheh is also defined by someone who not only heals but ammeliorates/softens/protects/mollifies, then � אֲ נִי ה רֹפְ ֶאrefers to G-d putting in place a proper derech to avoid illness, a regimen of prophylaxis--> טוֹבים כִּ ְת ִריס בִּ פְ נֵי ִ תּוֹרה וּמַ ע ֲִשׂים ַ הַ פּ ְֻרעָ נוּת SAYING REFUAH SHLEIMAH TO SOMEONE ON THEIR DEATHBED IS NOT A BERACHA LEVATALA, �אֲ נִי ה רֹפְ ֶא- AS THE DOCTOR, IT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT HEALING, BUT AMMELIORATING/PROTECTING/SOFTE NING! THE FIRST DOCTOR MENTIONED IN THE TORAH? G-D... Community News: Fun Family Art project presented by AMIT. This Sunday February 12th at 12:00 pm (noon) at Beth Israel Congregation. Lunch and Program is $30.00/ person $54 /family Renowned Judaica artist Gary Rosenthal will guide you in your craft project. Also trunk show of all his works on sale. RSVP 954-922-5100 American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem Sunset Dinner Cruise Monday, February 20th For more information contact Debbie Gold at 305-7995619
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