Volume 48 Issue 6 Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO Website: www.fresnobuddhisttemple.org JUNE 2013 “TAKE REFUGE IN THE TRUE AND REAL LIGHT” Rev. Kakei Nakagawa, RINBAN “The Letters” of Rennyo Shפnin (1415~1499) was a descendant of Shinran Shōnin and the eighth Monshu (head priest) of the Hongwanji Temple in Kyoto. He has been recognized as the most important dharma-teacher after Shinran and we adored him as the Restorer or the Second Founder of Jōdo Shinshū School because the enormous expansion of the organization during his lifetime. Jōdo Shinshu become a major religion of Japan in his time. At the highest of his propagation activities, Rennyo edited and published the Shōshin-Nenbutsu-Ge (gatha) and Jōdo Wasan (hymn) followed by the practice of the Nenbutsu as the standard service book for everyday use by all people. With the addition of reading his ‘Letters (O-Fumi or Go-Bunshō)’, this form of service has been and continues to be held daily at every member’s home and temple. There is an interesting fact that a large number of the ‘Myōkōnin’, the people whose dharma experience reached to the awakened state even though they are less literate, have appeared in succession after Rennyo to the present in particular areas where people have been followed Rennyo’s instructions of everyday service. Even among the widespread Shinshu areas of Japan, only the people who lived in such areas had succeeded to establish their own tradition of the Nenbutsu life. Renjun clarified the inseparable relationship between “The Letters” and the spreading of Shinran Shōnin’s teachings among ordinary people in Japan. At the Jōdo Shinshū dharma gatherings, “The Letters”, which succinctly presented the crucial points of the Buddhism, were read and explained by the leaders of the Sangha. This was for the benefit of the common people, many of whom were uneducated. Later, reading “The Letters” became an important part of the Dharma gatherings, services and ceremonies in temples and homes. Otherwise they had no chance to receive even a primary education, Jōdo Shinshū followers memorized “The Letters” (mostly twentytwo letters on the Book V), for correcting their understandings. The repeating memory of “The Letters” was sometimes counted for the social initiation to the responsible position of their community. I hesitate to say that “The Letters” have never been introduced well to the American Buddhists because of the cultural and language barriers between two different worlds. Here I have shared one of the well interpreted “Letters” from the “Collected Letters vol. V” which letters are exactly ‘selected a hundred essential points out of a thousand, ten out of a hundred, and one out of ten’. Moreover, we should be reminded of the fact that most of our ancestors, the so called Shinshū Immigrants in USA had come from such areas in Japan. Particularly, “The Letters” were effective as a guide for correct understanding of the Shinshu teachings. Renjun, the sixth son of Rennyo reported Rennyo’s careful attitude to writing “The Letters”: “In order to make ignorant beings like us understand easily and quickly, he selected a hundred essential points out of a thousand, ten out of a hundred, and one out of ten, and thus wrote “The Letters”, clarifying a quick way of fulfilling the Dharma path for ordinary people. It is due solely to Rennyo’s fervent wish that the teaching of the Founder Shinran Shōnin has spread all over the country.” [Renjun-Ki (record)] Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple ON THE WHITE ASHES [V-16] please see page 2 for translation... Page 2 GEPPO JUNE 2013 “The Letters” of Rennyo by Reverend Nakagawa, continued from page 1 ON THE WHITE ASHES [V-16] trnsl. by Dr. Taitstsu Unno, edited by Rev. K.Nakagawa In silently contemplating the transient nature of human existence, nothing is more fragile and fleeting in this world than the life of man. Thus, we have not heard of human life lasting for ten thousand years. Life swiftly passes and who among men can maintain his form for even a hundred years? Whether I go before others, or whether others go before me, whether it be today, or whether it be tomorrow, who is to know? Those who leave before us are as countless as the drops of dew. Though in the morning we may have radiant health, in the evening we may be WHITE ASHES. When the winds of impermanence blow, our eyes are closed forever; and when the last breath leaves us, our face loses its color. Though loved ones gather and lament, everything is of no avail. The body is then sent into an open field and vanishes from this world with the smoke of cremation, leaving only the white ashes. There is nothing more real than this truth of life. The fragile nature of human existence underlies the young and the old, and therefore we must — one and all — turn to the teachings of the Buddha and awaken to the ultimate source of life. By so understanding the meaning of death, we shall come to fully appreciate the meaning of this life which is unrepeatable and thus to be treasured above all else. By virtue of true compassion, let us realize the unexcelled value of human existence and its effects on the future, and let us live with the Nenbutsu in our hearts. The Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple extends its deepest condolences to the Ishimoto, Tange, Takemoto and Okuyama families, on the passing of their loved one. May you always find comfort in the Nembutsu. Namo Amida Butsu. Fresno Buddhist Temple observes the first Rennyo Shōnin Memorial Service on June 9th. Guest speaker is Reverend Katsuya Kusunoki of the Lodi Buddhist Church whose former carrier was a baseball coach for the national team of Zimbabwe, Africa. Well, we will learn more about Rennyo Shōnin through Rev. Kusunoki’s global point of view of Buddhism. Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Haruko Ishimoto January 16, 1925 ~ April 18, 2013 Teresa Toyoko Tange June 26, 1958 ~ April 26, 2013 Kazuma Takemoto April 30, 1926 ~ April 29, 2013 Kinzo Okuyama February 7, 1915 ~ May 4, 2013 GEPPO JUNE 2013 Jim Kubo, Board Chairman The school year (regular and Dharma) is coming to an end and the thought of summer vacation fills our heads. Here are few news and notes to tide you over. First, as many of you may have heard, we have interviewed and approved the assignment of a candidate for the vacant ministerial post. All I can say at this time is that we are trying to finalize an agreement that will satisfy his needs and our needs as well. The Ministerial Affairs Committee is currently discussing the matter via the Bishop. He acts as a go between to help us come to an agreement. We hope there will be a resolution soon and we can give more information in regards to his background and when he will begin at the Betsuin. We are grateful to Rinban for all the time and effort he has put in the last 6 months doing the work of two ministers. Regardless of when the new minister begins, Rinban is very interested in expanding the Ministers Assistants program in the Central Valley. Currently, Rinban is covering not only Fresno but Visalia, Hanford and Fowler. His ultimate goal is to have a Sunday morning service at all the Temples every week. This can be accomplished by using the services of the Ministers Assistants. We have been fortunate to have Matthew Miyake and Garrett Sano help us at many of our services as Youth Ministers Assistants. They have been a wonderful resource for Rinban and the Sangha. So if any of our members are interested in becoming a Ministers Assistant, please contact Rinban. On behalf of the Sangha, I wanted to thank Grant Miyamoto for giving of his time and equipment to help spray the weeds around the FDC. He does this every year with no expectation of recognition. But we are wanted to thank him for doing this to help keep the grounds of our FDC looking neat and clean. The return of the swallows, it sounds like a summer blockbuster movie but it is what happened a few weeks ago at the FDC. The swallows were beginning to build their nests like they had tried in previous years. Fortunately, we got a heads up that the nests needed to be taken down before there completion. Who ya gonna call “Ghostbusters”? (Ask your parents kids or look it up on Netflix) No our very own team of “Nestbusters”! Thank you to Craig Yoshikawa, Wayne Yamagiwa, Sid Mukai and Ken Kanemoto for taking care of the nesting problem at the FDC. I am happy to report that our website is currently being upgraded and redone. We had started a redesign awhile back but through various circumstances the project was never completed. We have someone Page 3 who has agreed to pursue this sometimes overwhelming project. Who is this computer whiz? Why Midori Nakagawa of course. She is our “Swiss Army Knife” doing whatever the Betsuin needs. Thank you so much for tackling this project. Mrs. Nakagawa needs a lot of information from all the various clubs and organizations, she would like to create a website that would allow each organization to edit their own webpage adding new events or activities. She will also create links to your organizations existing website. The website will only be as good as the information we put in. Our goal should be to make information about the Betsuin readily available to our members or others who would like to know more about our Temple or Buddhism in general. Please go to fresnobuddhisttemple.org to see the new website and please give Mrs. Nakagawa as much information about your club or organization as you can, it will really enhance the website. Summer also means Obon! Obon will be on Saturday, July 13th. The committee headed by Lee and Cliff Osaki has already been hard at work in preparation of one of our biggest fundraisers of the year. It is always so much fun having great food, catching up with friends and getting out there and dancing as well. I know it is a lot of fun but all that fun doesn’t happen by magic. It takes so many of our members to make it happen. Many of you are working multiple shifts for various organizations and it is greatly appreciated. I want to urge ALL members to participate in this year’s Obon and I don’t mean just eating an extra beef stick. I mean volunteering to cover a shift. If we can get everyone involved we won’t have to have members working multiple shifts. This means more people can enjoy Obon and not just be exhausted by it. So when that riji calls, answer the phone, don’t let the machine get it! Better yet call your riji and let them know when you can help and what you would like to help with. The Obon is one day but it takes many days of preparation leading up to Saturday. So if you have a conflict on that Saturday, see what you can do earlier in the week to help out. It is a lot of work getting everything ready for Obon but believe me it has been my experience that is the best way to get to meet more people in the Sangha and spend some time with your friends. Finally, I would like to congratulate all of our graduates of the Class of 2013. It has been amazing watching you all grow up before our very eyes and becoming young adults who are giving of their time and effort to helping others. You make us proud and hopeful for the future of our Betsuin! In Gassho, Jim Kubo Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Page 4 GEPPO JUNE 2013 FRESNO BETSUIN BUDDHIST TEMPLE BOARD MEETING - HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at the Family Dharma Center Fresno Betsuin Board Chairman, Jim Kubo, called the board meeting to order at 7:02pm. Rinban Kakei Nakagawa led opening gassho. The roll call list is attached to the original minutes, a quorum was present. MINUTES Minutes of the April 3, 2013 board meeting were reviewed. Correction to April minutes for Building and Maintenance report: Quote of approximately $20,000 to move the bell tower is the moving company cost only. Motion was made to approve the amended April Minutes as submitted. M/S/C. FINANCIAL REPORT Reported by Frank Hashimoto: April financial report reviewed. M/S/C to approve report as submitted MINISTERIAL REPORT Reported by Rinban Kakei Nakagawa: Temple Visitation 3; Home,Hospital,etc.Visitation 2; Counseling 1; Meeting 9 (3 absent); Howa-Kai 3; Dharma Service (not regular service) 2; Hoji (Yearly Memorial Service) 8 (6-Rinban,1-Rev.JoRen,1Mrs.Nakagawa); Wake Service-Makurakyo(for person) 1; Wake Service-Makurakyo(for family) 1; Funeral 4 (3-Rinban,1-Rev.JoRen); Internment 1 (1 combined with Hoji); Hanamatsuri was held at 9:30am on 4/14/13 at FDC; Guest speaker was Rev. Kaz Nakata from LA Betsuin. Attended FDSTL Conference in San Mateo on 4/26-4/27/13; theme was “Diversity”. DOWNTOWN PROPERTY Reported by Cliff Osaki Universal Church interested in leasing the Annex for daily use; details not worked out yet. MAY BLOOD DRIVE - Reported by Hunter Arakawa Blood mobile will be at FDC on 5/19/13 from 8am-Noon, during Gotan-E service. FRESNO BETSUIN GOLF TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER - Reported by Hunter Arakawa: Golf tournament to be held on 5/5/13 at Eagle Springs. Thank you in advance to Ruth Yoneda, Fresno Jr. YBA, and YBA members for your help. 25 group registered; 101 players. Kitchen Club will serve the dinner, steak & shrimp scampi. Good response from sponsors and donations. Proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards a water heater to help the FDC dishwasher. HANAMATSURI SERVICE Reported by Ruth Yoneda: Hanamatsuri service was held on 4/14/13. Positive comments received on salad bar lunch. Everything went well, but open for any suggestions. Kiku Floral donated 8 potted plants. BOWLES GRANITE MARKER OF FOUNDING FATHERS - Reported by Hunter Arakawa: Details of moving granite marker delayed due to sale of church being delayed. KEIRO DAY Reported by Steve Mukai: Keiro Day was held on 4/7/13. Thank you to Alvin and Hatsuko Hanashiro for donating many ingredients; Ken Kawano for securing raffle donors; sponsors for their generous donations; Glenn and Sherian Hamamoto for shave ice dessert; Kitchen Club for preparing lunch; Fresno Jr. YBA for serving lunch; and Madison Mukai for Japanese dance entertainment. BETSUIN WEBSITE Reported by Mrs. Midori Nakagawa: Needs information to put on website from organizations. Email information to [email protected]. She has been researching different search engines that are compatible for users. DOWNTOWN TEMPLE CLEANUP Reported by Jim Kubo: Thank you to Sid Mukai for organizing the downtown temple clean up. Over 40 people came to help. Cleared out many old items from the church and visible improvement made to church grounds. TRESPASSING ON TO FDC PROPERTY Reported by Paula Kanagawa: Paula spoke to Michael Macias (facilities director at Unitarian Church) and he ok’d a barrier to put on approx. 6 ft area between churches to discourage cars from driving through; Sid to investigate options of materials for barrier. MINISTERIAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT Reported by Cliff Osaki: The committee has one ministerial candidate they are ready to recommend for the Betsuin second minister position. There is mutual interest. Cliff motioned to accept the ministerial candidate for assignment to Fresno Betsuin and to start contract negotiations. (Motion passed) OBON Reported by Cliff Osaki Donations have been received from various businesses. “Taiko Project” is scheduled to be guest performers. Obon meeting to be held this next Wednesday. Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO JUNE 2013 Page 5 May 1, 2013 Board Meeting HIGHLIGHTS, continued... IMADA FAMILY DONATON Reported by Cliff Osaki: Donation received from Kinji Imada trust. A portion will be used to upgrade computers and office equipment. Remaining funds will be used at the discretion of the Board. MOUNTAIN VIEW CEMETARY CLEAN-UP Reported by Jim Kubo Request for 1-2 representatives from each district on 5/25/13 from 8:00am at Mountain View cemetery for clean-up; bring rakes and brooms. The annual interfaith Memorial Day service will be held on 5/27//13 at 10:00am. SWALLOWS RETURN TO FDC- Reported by Jim Kubo Keep an eye out at the FDC for their return, as it will need to be addressed as soon as we see them. COMMITTEE REPORTS: DHARMA SCHOOL - Reported by Dennis Yee/Rick Ideta Regular DFS will be held on 5/5, 5/12, and 6/2 (last one for this school year). New dharma school superintendents are Wayne and Gail Yamagiwa/Mark and Tammy Kawakami. BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE - Reported by Sid Mukai Bell tower move is very possible, but city regulations need to be considered and need clearance from them; need to decide on where to place it at FDC site. FUTURE OF BUDDHISM - Reported by Gordon Misaki A generous donation of a house and future financial considerations from that estate were received from Merika Motoyoshi family. A campaign packet was sent out to all Betsuin members; follow up calls to all members will be made by past Betsuin presidents. VISION AND PRESERVATION COMMITTEE - Reported by Leslie Ohashi Asian Fest booth at Fresno City College on 4/27/13; Friday Night Seminars to be held at Fowler library 7-9pm on May 3 (Rev. Harada), May 10 (750 yr old man/Rev. Kubose), May 17 (Jon Turner from OCBC), and May 24 (George Teraoka/Rev. McDonald). CC Baby Boomers Seminar on 10/5/13 from 9:00am-2:00pm at Fowler BC. Keynote speaker will be Peter Hata from West Covina BC. Theme will be based on music. Talent show/dinner fundraiser on 10/19/13 at FDC. Next V&P meeting is 5/29/13 at Parlier BC at 7pm. FRESNO BETSUIN BUDDHIST WOMENS ASSOCIATION - Reported by Michi Hotta Memorial Day bouquet making to be held on 5/26/13 at 1:00pm at the downtown Annex; all flowers should be at Annex by 12 Noon on 5/26/13; need manpower; On 5/27/13 at 7:00am they could use help distributing the flowers at the Mountain View cemetery. MULTI-CHANCE DRAWING - Reported by Hunter Arakawa May drawing winners: Yuri Omori, Chizuko Tsukida, and Sho Kamimoto ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thank you to the following board members for the delicious food at our board meeting: Ken Kawano, Sherian Hamamoto, Jim Kubo, Ruth Yoneda, and Sherri Miyake. Next scheduled Board Meeting: Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at 7pm at FDC. ADJOURNMENT/GASSHO: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:45pm. M/S/C (Ruth Yoneda/Wayne Yamagiwa). Rinban Nakagawa led closing gassho. Respectfully Submitted in gassho, Sherri Miyake, Board Secretary Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO Page 6 JUNE 2013 BETSUIN SCHEDULE FOR JUNE 2013 Many thanks to April toban, Ruth Yoneda and her helpers for preparing the May issue for mailing. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA BUDDHIST RADIO BROADCAST KBIF (900 AM DIAL) - 7:25AM English 1 Mrs. Toshiye Mori 8 Dr. Gordon Misaki 15 Dr. Gary Mukai 22 Judge Mikio Uchiyama 29 Dr. Michael Maruyama Japanese Rev. K. Nakagawa Rev. H. Sakamoto Rev. H. Sakamoto Mr. Yuki Mori Mr. Yuki Mori DONATION FOR EACH BROADCAST IS $50.00 Please make checks payable to: “C.C. BUDDHIST MINISTERS’ ASSOCIATION” and mail to Rev. Sakamoto c/o Reedley Buddhist Church - PO Box 24, Reedley CA 93654 DHARMA SCHEDULE 2 Sun. 10am Dharma Family Service, FDC (N) 3 Mon. 7pm CBE (Rev. Harada), Parlier BC 9 Sun. Rennyo Shonin Memorial and June Shotsuki Hoyo Service 9:30a Japanese, 10a English Speaker: Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, Lodi Buddhist Church Dean Sano, Alene Hayashi, Rod Hata, Shirley Jowe, Stan & Sherri Miyake, Daryle & Shari Sakamoto, and Irvin Ozawa from Mt. View Your dana is very much appreciated! GEPPO STAFF Religious/Japanese: Editors: Printing Supervisor: Office Staff: Rev. Kakei Nakagawa, Rinban Gene Nakai, Lee Osaki Kevin Orchanian Lee Osaki, Kimi Hirata The newsletter “Geppo Newsletter” is a monthly periodical published by the Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple, 1340 Kern Street, Fresno, CA 93706-3390. Phone (559) 442-4054 FAX (559) 442-1978. A Non-Profit Organization. Tax ID #94-1196246 Please follow these guidelines for submitting Geppo articles & flyers: HOWAKAI SCHEDULE 7 21 Fri. Thur. 6pm 2pm Vintage Gardens (N) Bowles (N) There will be NO district services in July and August 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PLEASE... Articles MUST be received by noon on the 20th of each month unless otherwise noted. Due to time restraints, articles received after the deadline will NOT be printed until the fol lowing issue. Do not submit anything directly to Printer. Must be submitted to Betsuin Office on disk, by e- mail, or typewritten. No handwritten articles will be accepted. All articles must be signed. Use Microsoft Word (.doc) or Vista (.docx) format. ALL articles should be kept to a maximum of half page. Photos are welcome, but please keep the number of photos to a minimum. E-mail JPEG. FLYERS - Due to limited space, ALL flyers must be kept to a maximum of half a page. Any organization submitting a full-page flyer may be subject to a fee. Submit via e-mail. We do not make corrections on articles; how- ever, we may occasionally shorten the article or change font/size to fit page, if necessary. E-mail to: [email protected]. A reply will be sent to acknowledge receipt. Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO JUNE 2013 Page 7 Buddhist Education Program Lectures, Classes, Discussions, Meditation and Dharma Talks Summer 2013 Schedule Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) Center for Buddhist Education (CBE), in conjunction with the Central California District Council Lectures CBE Monthly Monday Evening Lectures - 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. – Suggested Donation $5 Summer Lecture Series: Reflecting on the Three Treasures Rev. Marvin Harada, Co-director, CBE June 3 – “Buddha” – Buddhist Church of Parlier 360 Newmark Ave., Parlier, CA 93648, Tel. (559) 618-1528 July 1 – “Dharma” – Reedley Buddhist Church 2035 15th St., Reedley, CA 93654 Tel. (559) 638-2146 August 5 – “Sangha” – Fresno Betsuin Dharma Center 2690 E. Alluvial Ave., Fresno, CA 93720 Tel. (559) 442-4054 Buddhism Study Class Buddhist Discussions in English Third Thursday of the month 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Second Wednesday of the month 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto Led by Curtis Koga Reedley Buddhist Church Buddhist Church of Parlier 2035 15th St., Reedley, CA 93654 Tel. (559) 638-2146 360 Newmark Ave., Parlier, CA 93648 Tel. (559) 618-1528 Dharma Talks in Japanese (日本語での法話) Dharma Class in Japanese (佛教、真宗、写経) Third Sunday of the month, 1:00 pm Every Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. - 12 noon Reedley Buddhist Church Buddhist Church of Fowler by Rev. Hidehito Sakamoto 2035 15th St., Reedley, CA 93654 Tel. 559-638-2146 by Rev. Sensho Inouye (559) 834-3175 210 S. 9th St., Fowler, CA 93625 Tel. 559-834-2077 Buddhist Radio Broadcast Saturday mornings, 7:25 a.m. on KBIF (AM 900) Short Dharma talks in Japanese and English Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Page 8 GEPPO JUNE 2013 ADVERTISEMENTS To offset the costs of printing the “Geppo”, please consider advertising your business or group. If you are interested, please contact Lee Osaki at the Betsuin office. For Betsuin members: Business Card: $20/month or 3 months for $45 (advance pay) 1/5 Page: $25/month or 3 months for $60 (advance pay) For non-members: Business Card: $25/month (no 3-month rate) 1/5 page: $30/month (no 3-month rate) Imagine your business card here... Interested? Call the Betsuin office for details... 442-4054 Mum’s Home Sweet Home, Inc. A Residential Care Facility for the Elderly We pride ourselves in caring for Expect safe and loving care our residents as we do our own families. in a clean, home-like environment. Convenient Fresno locations: Herndon Ave. & Chestnut Ave. 6723 & 6711 N. Sierra Vista Ave, Fresno, California 93710 phone: 559.392.4969 | fax: 559.298.8504 [email protected] | www.mumshomesweethome.net Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO JUNE 2013 SHNRAN SHONIN’S SERVICE So that we may commemorate Shinran’s passing at the same time as his followers gather at the Hongwanji Temple in Kyoto Japan, please join Rev. Nakagawa and others on THURSDAY, JUNE 14TH 12:00PM FAMILY DHARMA CENTER SMALL CHAPEL ROOM #101 Mid-year is fast approaching, so we would like to remind you to pay your temple dues, if you have not already done so. And if you already have, thank you very much! As you know, the temple depends on your support to help fund its many programs and services. And if you earn miles, rewards & cash back from your credit card company, CHARGE it! Just call the office ... (559) 442-4054 CCYBA Volleyball Calling all YBAers... come on out and play volleyball with the members of the CC YBA. Junior YBAer’s welcome!! Page 9 Save the date: FRESNO BETSUIN OBON/CARNIVAL Sat., July 13th Family Dharma Center WON’T YOU VOLUNTEER?? WE HAVE A NEW WEBSITE! Mrs. Midori Nakagawa has designed & launched a new Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple website: www. fresnobuddhisttemple.org She continues to update it as new information arrives. Take a look! Comments/suggestions appreciated! Thank you Mrs. Nakagawa!! MOVING? NEW PHONE NUMBER? If you will be moving or have changed your phone number, please remember to contact the office with new contact information... thank you! Tuesday, June 11th 7PM at the FDC UKULELE CLASS Friday, June 14, 2013 at the Family Dharma 6p Dinner - 7p Session Please call me if you plan to have dinner Glenn @ 435-8050 FDC ADDRESS CHANGED!! The physical address for the Family Dharma Center has been officially changed to 2690 E. Alluvial, FRESNO 93720 BUT, please remember that ALL correspondence, including donations & pledges, should still be sent to the office @ 1340 Kern Street, Fresno 93706 and NOT to the FDC. Basketball for the 40 and over Gang Dust off those Chuck Taylor Converse high tops and join your friends as we exercise while we socialize. Open Gym 7:00pm - 9:00pm: June 6 & June 13 No gym on June 20 or June 27 Have EMAIL?? If so, please consider receiving the Geppo via e-mail. Help us be green and give it a try! Call 442-4054 or email: losaki@ fresnobuddhisttemple.org to let us know. If you find that you would still rather receive the issues by regular mail, we can change it back. Thank you to those who are already making a difference! Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO Page 10 JUNE 2013 JUNE SHOTSUKI HOYO “JOYOUS MONTH” (Memorial for Deceased Betsuin Members) OBSERVANCE: Sunday, June 9, 2013 @ 10:00AM Abe, Atsuko Araki, Hatsuyo Arata, Nakazo Ashida, Brandon Kenichi Baba, Toyozo Coats, Hatsue Doi, Marcus Masao Domoto, Tona Fukagawa, Aiko Goto, Denichi Hamada, Chito Harada, Sadaji Hashiba, Ayako Hashiba, George Kanomatsu Hatakeda, Hazuye Hatayama, Kenzo Hirasuna, Henry Kaname Hirasuna, Jimmie Hirasuna, Keith Hirasuna, Ryo Horii, Take Hoshiko, Harry Ihara, Masakichi Ikebuchi, Tatsujiro Ikeda, Hideyoshi Ikeda, Sakino Ikuma, Gunichi Inaba, Kiyoko Ishikawa, Tomiko Iwamura, Natsuye Iwasaki, Tadashi Iwata, Tokuzo Kaku, Yuryo Kamikawa, Toshiko Kamimoto, Koyuki Kasahara, Sjirobei Kasahara, Yone Kato, Sheryl Kawada, George Kawano, Katharine Kawaoka-Wong, Miyuki Kawasaki, Noboru Kawate, Kazuo Kihata, Natsu Kimoto, Shizuko Kinoshita, Toki Kiyama, Tokichi Kobayashi, Goichiro Koizumi, Sanzaemon Kondo, Yukiye Kubow, Hidemaro Henry Kunishige, Miyoko Kurushima, Umeyo Masaoka, Chieko Masuhara, Jitsujo Matsubara, Chiyemi Matsumura, Emi Matsuoka, Chizuye Matsuura, Masaru Minamoto, Masaichi Minamimura, Natsue Misaki, Yukio Mitsuhara, Miyokichi Mitsumune, Haruno Miyake, Asajiro Miyake, Tad Tadao Miyamoto, Chiyono Miyamoto, Mike Minoru Miyata, Ruth Sachi Mori, Junichi Ronny Morishima, Masato Morishima, Uichiro Morishita, Harry Masao Mukai, Tetsuo Muratani, Isosaburo Nagao, Yusa Nakamura, Bob Namba, Kisaji Namba, Tsuruko Niino, Gunichi Niiori, Tonami Nishikawa, George Nishikawa, Yutaka Nishimura, Lisa Midori Nishiyama, Yuki Nitta, Jane Hisaye Nobori, Richard Nomura, Kiyoko Obata, Fuiko Okamura, Asakichi Okumoto, Ida Tatsuye Ota, Jack Otani, Natsuyo Oto, Joan Otsubo, Toshio Sakai, Ichisaku Sakomoto, Maude Sasaki, Asae Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Sawamura, Toragoro Seto, Mary Isami Shikada, Unosuke Shimoide, Kanekichi Shintaku, Tadashi Shitanishi, Toyotaka Sugita, Isuye Suzuki, Yukiko Taira, Kanezo Taira, Tomotaka Takahashi, Yoshito Takeshita, Herbert Amaki Taketa, Masaichi Tamura, Shizuye Tanaka, Toshiko Tange, Elaine Tange, June Tange, Ted Tanimoto, Shiori Tanimoto, Wataru Tashima, Frank Masashi Taylor, Bryan Tokumoto, Minoru Tokunaga, Hatsuye Tokunaga, Uzo Toshiyuki, Tomi Tsuji, Naoe Tsurumaru, Kiyoshi Wachtler, Donna Joy Wada, Kinobu Watanabe, Seisou Yagura, Mitsuko Yamada, Chizu Yamada, Frances Yamagiwa, Hisa Yamaguchi, Toshio Yamamoto, Cecile Shizue Yamamoto, Jon Mark Yamamoto, Masaru Yamamoto, Rikichi Yamamoto, Shiro Yamamoto, Tsuruo Yamasaki, Chiyono Yamashita, Susumu Yasumoto, Chieko Yokomi, Akira Yokoyama, Rinosuke Yoshida, Hikosuke Yoshino, Chiye JUNE 2013 GEPPO Page 11 Fresno Betsuin Dharma School by Co-Superintendents, Rick Ideta & Dennis Yee Rick: “We did it! We finally graduated as Dharma School Superintendents!” Dennis: “Wow, what a great year! What grade did you end up getting?” Rick: “I got an A+, what about you?” Dennis: “Take your arm off of me!” To our graduates: “The unfortunate, yet truly exciting thing about your life is that there is no core curriculum. The entire place is an elective.” - JON STEWART Dennis: “Nice graduation photo Rick. Lucky for us they didn’t have a requirement back then on how long our hair could be! Are those natural curls?” “Follow your passion, stay true to yourself, never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path, then by all means you should follow that.” - ELLEN DEGENERES Rick: “Yes they are! Things were much more relaxed back in the 70’s when we graduated from high school. By the way, did you notice my nails too?” “Life is an improvisation. You have no idea what’s going to happen next and you are mostly just making things up as you go along.” - STEVEN COLBERT June is here, and our last Family Dharma Service and classes were held on Sunday, June 2nd with a pizza party send off for all of the children and parents to enjoy. Thank you to Jenny Kubo for helping us organize this lunch. “Congratulations to the Class of 2013” The Dharma School senior class has nine high school seniors graduating from their respective high schools this month. We would like to extend our congratulations and well wishes to Katie Asai, Tiffany Hata, Emily Kawakami, Kari Kimura, Scotty Sakamoto, Garrett Sano, Kristin Shimoda, Scotty Yebisu, and Marissa Yee as they begin their next journey in life and attend college. Congratulations as well to those children who will be going from elementary school to middle school and from middle school to high school next year! June will be a busy month with graduation events, Father’s Day, CC Cobra’s basketball tournament and summer vacations. Dharma School will be busy planning for Obon and getting the game booths organized. Please plan on helping out and working a shift or two at the game booths/cake walk. Details will be sent out by your teacher. Fresno Jr. YBA by Tiffany Hata There were a couple major events in the month of May for Jr. YBAers. Members volunteered to serve dinner at the Fresno Betsuin Golf Tournament. All members were excited to help, and the club received positive feedback from the tournament committee and participants! The Mother’s Day French Toast Breakfast was another success this year; thank you to Calvin Nishimoto, Kyle Tsudama, and their families for organizing the event! Also, thank you to everyone who came to the fundraiser, especially the MOTHERS! In upcoming events, we have been having volleyball practices in order to prepare for the Bay District Volleyball Tournament on May 25th and 26th. We are also in the process of electing new officers, and unfortunately we are getting close to saying goodbye to all of the seniors who will be graduating soon. Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO Page 12 Fresno Betsuin “Camping in the Sierras” “An Evening With Great Taste” As soon as you reach the parking lot of the Family Dharma Center you could smell the tasty teriyaki steaks being barbequed. It was a prosperous evening for both the diners and the campers. Camping in the Sierras crews served guests delicious teriyaki steaks as the campers benefit from the profits to help finance part of their camp registration fees. It was a winning evening for everyone! Since February our steak dinner committee has work hard to make sure the evening was a huge success. With many meetings, hundreds of emails, phone calls and texts the co-chairs made sure the dinner ran smoothly and everyone experience a wonderful meal. We would like to recognize and thank co-chairs; Sherri Araki, Shari Sakamoto, Cindy Sano and Paige Takahashi. Also, big thanks go out to their husbands and chefs; Stanley Miyake, Daryle Sakamoto, Dean Sano and Ko Yebisu. A special thanks to alumni parents Roberta Araki, Alex Araki, Hatsuko Hanashiro and Alvin Hanashiro. We certainly appreciate their continual help and support! We would like to thank the campers, parents and counselors for their help selling tickets and working the many shifts. To all of our supporters; we thank you for making this annual fundraiser a prosperous event. We love seeing all of you each year. Your support is greatly appreciated. Because of you, our campers will have a wonderful time at the 47th Annual Camping in the Sierras on August 4th to 11th. With much gratitude we would like to thank the following donors for their generous donations. JUNE 2013 Boy Scout Troop 199 written by Quinton Mukai, Historian In the month of April we had lessons on cooking at our monthly troop meetings. We also had scouts help out at the yard and basement clean-up at the Fresno Betsuin Temple. We found some very old items from the Boy Scout troops from the 1920’s and 1960’s in the basement! Our new upcoming Scout Master Mr. Ralph Kuramoto helped in setting up a class for the scouts to earn a Rifle Merit Badge at the First Step Rifle Class. Members of the UC Merced Shooting Club taught the class, and it was held at The Range in Fresno. We learned the importance of Gun Safety, Parts of the rifle, Cleaning and Proper handling. We were also joined with another Boy Scout Troop 8900. We shared the classroom training and later worked on target practice shooting at paper targets. Afterwards, we celebrated a job well done by doing what we do best, we ate PIZZA! Thank you Assistant Scout Master Kuramoto! With Gassho, Mo and Peggy Nakamoto Camping in the Sierras Committee Ms. Ashley Tange and Mr. Jeff Naemura Mr. Ken Ishimoto Mrs. Myrtle Masumoto Anonymous Mrs. Ayleen Osaki Dr. & Mrs. Alex Araki Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Kanagawa Anonymous Mrs. Toshi Tsuda Dr. & Mrs. George Nii Mr. & Mrs. Satoshi Kuwamoto Mr. & Mrs. Toshiro Otake Mr. & Mrs. Dean Uota Mr. & Mrs. Royce Kimura Mr. & Mrs. Mas Takemoto Mr. & Mrs. Hideo Tsutsui Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kondo Mr. and Mrs. Barton Ashida Mr. Ken Kawano Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO JUNE 2013 Girl Scout Troop 305 Page 13 Hawaiian Plate Dinner My name is Morgan Miyake and I am a Girl Scout in Troop 305 working to attain my Gold Award. I was introduced to the idea of composting last spring, which is a type of recycling that allows us to reduce waste in our landfills by turning it into a rich fertilizer for our gardens. I have been doing research and working with various members of different organizations to compile educational resources on the subject. I was able to create a brochure and a video featuring members of the Fresno Betsuin, Unitarian Universalist Church, Alluvial Community Garden, and Girl Scout Troop 305. I then organized an event, in which over 100 members from these organizations, plus friends and family, came to the Family Dharma Center to eat lunch, watch the video, walk over to the neighboring Unitarian Universalist Church to observe the composting systems they utilize, and take home copies of my video and brochure. This event was a way to bring all these different organizations together and will hopefully encourage many people to start composting at home and at the church. A composting tumbler was obtained for the Family Dharma Center. I would like to thank everyone who attended my event and the organizations that have been utilizing the tumbler. Also, a big thank you to those who have donated to my project. The contributions will help cover the cost of printing brochures, the DVDs that were made for the video, and the overall cost of the event I held. I’d also like to thank my wonderful advisor, Betty Cornelison, chair of the Alluvial Community Garden, along with other experts and master gardeners Bill Murphy, Dave Roberts, Jenny Martin, and Elijah Bahm. Thank you to Ruth Yoneda, the Fresno Betsuin Board, and of course my family. Thank you all for your support as I am one step closer to achieving the Gold Award. In Gassho, Morgan Miyake Things to compost: Grass clippings, leaves, shredded paper, coffee grounds, fruit and vegetable scraps Do not add: meat, fish, bones, weeds, banana, peach, or orange peels Thank you to everyone who bought our dinner, raffle ticket, or donated to our fundraiser. As a result of your generosity, we were able to net over $18,500, our second best year. $17,000 has been given to the Fresno Betsuin general fund. This will be used to help pay the operating costs for the Family Dharma Center. $1,000 was give to Project Dana, to be used for their senior programs. Once again, we used recyclable containers. We ask that everyone in the Betsuin be more environmentally conscious. Congratulations to our lucky raffle winners: Kyoko Ikuma - $500, Yoko Nishikawa - $250, and Sue Yamasaki - $150. Thank you to all the Clovis members, who worked on the dinner, and helped make it a success. Thank you especially to those who helped that are not members of Clovis. They are: Rumi Arakawa, Akiyo Ashida, Les & Donna Ishii, Stan Jitsumyo, Ken Kawano, Gordy Misaki, Marge Miyasaki, Maryann Miyasaki, Sid & Margie Mukai, Akiko Nagai, Kevin Nagata, Midori Nakagawa, Geno & Gale Nakai, Sherri Nakashima, JoAnn Namba, Doris Nii, Janet Nishii, Frank & Amy Nishikawa, Ellen Nomura, John & Elle Shitanishi, Hiromi Somawang, Lorraine Takahashi, June Urabe, Ed Watanabe. Sorry, if we missed anyone. Finally, thank you to the following for your monetary or in-kind donations: Joyce Aoki, Alex & Roberta Araki, Dell & Nancy Araki, Bee Sweet Citrus, Gerald & Kathleen Suda Cedarquist, Shizuko Domoto, Sharon Ezaki, Kevin & Lynn Fukuda, Alvin & Hatsuko Hanashiro, Toshi Harada, Norm & Patricia Heyamoto, George & Kimi Hirata, Michiko Hotta, Allan Inouye, Nancy Inouye, Tokiye Inouye, Leslie & Donna Ishii, Shig & Marge Jofuku, Junior & June Kagawa, Dallas & Paula Kanagawa, Jill Kanagawa, Kelvin & Norma Kawano, Kenneth Kawano, Yasuhiko & Kayoko Kawasaki, Dr. Sumio & Sayo Kubo, James & Jenny Kubo, Tom Kumashiro, Buster Kurihara, Sam Kurisu, Ruth Kusamura, Satoshi & Sachiye Kuwamoto, Betty Maekawa, Eiji & Keiko Maruko, Judy Masada, Myrtle Masumoto, Gordon & Laurette Misaki, Grant & Lynn Miyamoto, Marge Miyasaki, James & Sharon Morikawa, Ed Morishima, Sid & Margie Mukai, Edward & Akiko Nagai, Brian Nagata, Alice Nakai, Ben & Jessie Nakamura, Dennis & Stephanie Nakata, Yuriko Nakatani, Bill & Joann Namba, George & Doris Nii, Sachiko Niino, Ross & Cynthia Nishijima, Cherry Nishioka, Larry & Ellen Nomura, Gerald & Suzy Ogata, Ayleen Osaki, Clifford & Lee Osaki, Miyako Sakazaki, Robert & Alice Sano, Scarlett Sato, Carolyn Shimizu, Jane Suo, Lorraine Takahashi, Frank & Janet Tamura, Junji Tanaka, Yutaka Tanaka, Mattthew Tange, Noboru & Yuriko Togioka, Sachiko Tokubo, John & Sally Tomita, Michael & Betsy Tomita, Toshi Tsuda, Gene & Cynthia Tsukamoto, Helen Tsukida, Jimmy & Lily Tsuruoka, Hideo & Linda Tsutsui, Upper Crust Enterprises, John Urabe, Carol & Jaime Visitacion, Donald & Gerry Wakida, Sue Yamasaki, Margaret Yuyama. Glenn Hamamoto co-chair Hawaiian Plate Dinner Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO Page 14 JUNE 2013 BON Festival July 13th Fresno Buddhist Dharma Center 2690 East Alluvial Ave (between Chestnut & Willow) Special Guest Appearance by the world~acclaimed ... Doors open at 2:00pm Enjoy a variety of Asian~flair food and desserts throughout the day! 4:00pm Taiko drumming, carnival games & bake walks 7:30pm Memorial Lanterns, Obon Dancing, Taiko Drumming & Raffle… win $2500! Information: (559)442-4054 [email protected] Photo credits: Dennis A. Amith & TaikoProject Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO JUNE 2013 Page 15 OBON... It’s about honoring the past, appreciating the moment. It’s a Festival of Lanterns. It’s showing love and support to the Hatsubon families. It’s the sight of youngsters in their colorful yukata and hapi coats. It’s dancing, food, games, entertainment and fun. It’s spending a great evening with family and friends… It’s a sense of being. To devote time and effort into putting on a great event is very satisfying. So please come on out… watch the sunset and talk and laugh into the night. Saturday, July 13, 2013 The memorial lanterns have such great meaning. Won’t you please buy or re-hang lanterns in memory of a loved one? Yes, pets are loved ones too! Once again, we have the Hako (box) style lantern this year!! Since the obon has turned into a major fundraiser, we hope each member of the temple will buy or sell the raffle tickets that will be mailed to you soon. It’s a chance to win $2,500!! Include your family & friends in the drawing. Also,if you have a couple of hours to spare and would like to volunteer your time in the set up, day of and/or the day after the event, please contact Lee at the Betsuin office to be assigned a work shift. We can sure use your help!! It’s getting extremely difficult to find volunteers and just a few hours of your time would go a long way to help! Please consider. Lastly, you are an important part of the Temple and we thank you for all past donations made towards the well being of the Betsuin. We’ll see you on July 13TH… Gassho. Name _________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________ Address __________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________ Yes, I would like to support the 2013 Fresno Buddhist Temple Obon Festival by purchasing the following: Raffle Ticket(s) @ $10.00 each $__________ Memorial lantern(s) @ $22.00 each $ _________ In memory of _____________________________________________________________ (one name per lantern, please) @ $8.00 each $ __________ (please bring lanterns to office) Pet Memorial Lantern(s) @ $7.50 each $ __________ Lantern Re-hang Pet’s name _____________________________________________________________ (one name per lantern, please) If necessary, please use separate sheet for additional names & information Additional “FESTIVAL OF LANTERNS” Donation $ __________ VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!! Total Enclosed - Checks payable to “Fresno Buddhist Temple”$ __________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! PLEASE RETURN ORDER FORM & PAYMENT BY JULY 8TH - 1340 KERN STREET, FRESNO CA 93706 Questions? Call (559) 442-4054 or email: [email protected] Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO Page 16 JUNE 2013 VOLUNTEERING COUNTS!! The most important hours of your week may be those that you give away. Since the Obon Festival is one of the largest fundraisers for the temple, we encourage everyone to help in any way possible. Whether it’s helping specific organizations, assisting with food preparation, constructing and/or decorating booths and the yagura, or helping with sales in the booths, your volunteer hours is very much appreciated. Without you, the Obon Festival would not be the success that it is each year. Won’t you consider giving us a couple hours of your time? If yes, please return this page to the Betsuin office, e-mail Lee Osaki with your preferred shift... [email protected] OR call 442-4054 by July 1st!! Thank you very much! Name (s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Email ______________________________________________________ I am willing to help! Please sign me up for the following shift(s): ____ Booth construction: SUNDAY, JULY 7 - 9:00AM ____ Yagura construction, lanterns, outside wiring: FRIDAY, JULY 12 - 8:00AM BOOTH SALES - SATURDAY, JULY 13 (shifts may be shortened, if we have plenty of helpers!) ____ 2:00PM to 4:00PM ____ 4:00PM to 6:00PM ____ 6:00PM to 8:00PM ____ 8:00PM to 10:00PM KITCHEN HELP - SATURDAY, JULY 13 (shifts may be shortened, if we have plenty of helpers!) ____ 2:00PM to 4:00PM ____ 4:00PM to 6:00PM ____ 6:00PM to 8:00PM ____ 8:00PM to 10:00PM Cleanup - Sunday, July 14 - 9:00AM No response necessary.... the more the merrier! Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO JUNE 2013 Page 17 Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Women’s Association by Michi Hotta, President Obon Dance Practice Thanks to Toban IV (Elaine Urabe/Amy Nishikawa) for providing the delicious snacks for the CCBWL meeting held on Thursday, 4-25, at the Fowler Buddhist Church. The ladies provided the snacks in brown lunch bags which were easily and quickly passed out with bottles of water. Wed., June 19 Thursday, June 27 Tuesday, July 2 Tuesday, July 9 Thursday, July 11 On Sunday, 5-26, at 1 p.m. at the Annex, the FBBWA members and friends made 600 bouquets and these were distributed on Monday, Memorial Day, 5-27, at 7 a.m. at the Mt View Cemetery after a brief service conducted by Rev. Nakagawa. Thanks to Toban V (Sue Nishida/Carol Takahashi) and helpers for making all the arrangements and providing refreshments. Some of us also attended services at the Veterans of Foreign War Memorial in Roeding Park at 9 a.m. where each organization placed a wreath at the Memorial. Then it was back to Mt. View Cemetery to attend the Japanese Interfaith Services at 10 a.m. 7:00pm Family Dharma Center There is a lot of graduation activities in the month of June but a quiet month for the FBBWA. Since there is no meeting in July, we will be discussing scheduling and making somen for the Obon Festival being held on Saturday, 7-13. Toban I (Arline Yokota/Linda Takahashi) are in charge. Remember the June meeting will be held on Sunday, 6-2, at 1 p.m. after the Family Dharma Service. There may be a time delay if there are still people in the Multi-Purpose Room. DATES TO REMEMBER: 6 1 Japanese Language & Cultural School Graduation, 10 a.m., FDC 6 2 Family Dharma Service, 10 a.m., FDC 6 2 FBBWA Cabinet/Toban-cho Meeting, 1 p.m., FDC Rennyo Shonin Memorial/Shotsuki Hoyo Service/ 6 9 Scholarship Awards, Speaker Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, 9:30 a.m., FDC 6 16 Happy Father’s Day! 7 7 7 7 7 7 4 11 12 13 15 21 Happy 4th of July! FBBWA Somen Prep, 1-4 p.m., FDC FBBWA Somen Prep, 8 a.m., FDC Obon Festival, 2-10 p.m. (FBBWA Prep 8 a.m.), FDC FDC Outside Clean up, 8 a.m. Obon/Hatsubon/Shotsuki Hoyo Service, 9:30 a.m., FDC April 2013 Donations: General donation: Joyce Aoki $50 Nikkei Party Donations: Charles & Hanako Goto $30, Richard & Lily Doi $25, Patty Bungo $20, Ayleen Osaki $20, Arlene Urabe $ 5, Hiro Tsudama $ 5, Betty Hishida $ 5, Kimi Hirata $5 For visitation: Mikiye Tashima. $10 For visitations to mother, Helen Yamamoto: Kathleen Markovich & Jenny Teraoka $200 Anniversary donation: Shig & Helen Inahara $100 In memory of sister, Teresa Tange: Christopher & Jill Tange $75 Bring round fan, folding fan, kachi-kachi and towel Questions? Call Sharon Morikawa @ 2599578 Blood Donation Day May 19, 2013 While our goal each donation day is 48, the Central California Blood Center staff seemed quite happy with having our 22 registrants and 21 units of blood, including a new, 1st time donor. Thank you everyone, even those that could not give on donation day. Since timing is everything, some people find they went to a restricted zone or gave too recently or were too low on iron or one of many reason. But those are the reasons that keep the blood in the blood centers pure and strong.. So, keep up the yourselves healthy and keep looking for our promotional materials, because we will most likely be having our next day in September to continue with our goal of having one every 4 months. Once again, a big THANK YOU! Gasshou Senior Club May 7, 2013 Meeting called to order by president, Jane Crump. Shokuzen no Gassho led by Rinban Nakagawa. Toban 4 served curry rice and dessert. Mrs. Otake made manju and Mrs. Miyake made mochi. Next month’s lunch meeting on June 4, 2013. Toban 5 will serve somen. Deadline is May 24. Toban heads call Lily Doi or Lily Tsuruoka. Shokugo no Gassho led by Rev. MacDonald. Jane Crump reported on Nikkei Foundation Trip on May 21. For more information, call Nikkei Foundation 237-4006. Rumi Arakawa reported on Las Vegas trip May 13-15 and Chukchansi trip, June 18. Hunter Arakawa reported on the blood drive, May 19. Golf tournament on May 5 was a success. Thank you to all who volunteered. Don’t forget Jr. YBA French Toast Breakfast on May 12 and Camping in the Sierra’s steak dinner on May 18. If you need tickets, contact Kimi Hirata. Meeting adjourned after bingo games. Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Page 18 GEPPO JUNE 2013 EDUCTION & PROPAGATION COMMITTEES Caregivers Program Project Dana by Donna Ishii Fun Greeting Card Making Classes are soon scheduled. Please join us for class and salad bar on Monday, June 3rd, at the FDC, 10 am, instructed by Joyce Kubose. In July, Joyce will be having 3 more classes, Mondays, July 1st, July 15th, and the July 29th. Interested? Please call and sign up! Crochet Class (salad bar) will meet on Tuesday, June 11, @10am. Call Betsuin, 442-5054 X17 or 285-4874 for more information. Project Dana is very grateful and thanks all donors for their generosity and kindness to our program! For the month of May (April 20, 2012 to May 17, 2012) Project Dana wishes to thank everyone who donated food products, monetary and miscellaneous items: Ukulele Club, Tai Chi Class, Ed Morishima, Les Ishii, Brent Nagao, Nancy Inouye, Fran Imahori, Irigoyen Farms, Ken Kawano, Shirley Jowe, Takao Matoba, Gary & Yaeko Iwai, Bob & Fujiko Nakagawa, Alice Yoshimura, Nob & Harumi Sasaki, Carole Masumoto, Margaret Yuyama(IMO Irene Jue), Rinko Yoshioka, Dorothy Takeno, Cherry Nishioka, M/M Shigeto Miura Family, James & Celeste Romano(IMO Teresa Tange), Kathy & Wayne Cedarquist(IMO Teresa Tange), Dr. & Mrs. Shaw Yorizane(IMO Teresa Tange), Marlene Kubota(IMO Teresa Tange), Ellen & Rick Ibello(IMO Teresa Tange), Tom Kumano Family(IMO Teresa Tange), Les & Donna Ishii(IMO Teresa Tange), Laurence & Sharon Kimura(IMO Teresa Tange), Kimihiro & Hitomi Sera(IMO Teresa Tange), Fred & Nancy Kubota(IMO Teresa Tange), J S Hatanaka(IMO Teresa Tange), Mas & Ruth Maruyama(IMO Teresa Tange), Ms. Laurie Gatrell(IMO Teresa Tange), Lindell & Susan Yoshimura(IMO Teresa Tange), Wayne & Gail Yamagiwa(IMO Teresa Tange), Masashi & Dorothy Tazumi(IMO Teresa Tange), Karen & James Chinn(IMO Teresa Tange),Mary & Carolyn Shimizu(IMO Teresa Tange), Gordon & Joyce Taber(IMO Teresa Tange), Tayeko Matsumoto, Himeko Morikawa, Linda Tsutsui, Paula Kanagawa, Aya Kimura, Margie & Sid Mukai, Jim Chinn, Bob Shintaku, Warren Maruko, Michi Hotta, Amy & Frank Nishikawa, June Urabe, Stephanie Nakata, Ruth Yoneda, Carolyn Morishita, Lorraine Fujitsubo, Sue Nishida, Joann Namba, Diane Jablon. Project Dana gratefully thanks all the volunteers for their continued support! May volunteers: Joyce Kubose, Mrs. Midori Nakagawa, Sherian & Glenn Hamamoto, Ruth Yoneda, Frank & Darlene Hashimoto, JoAnn Namba, Emiko Taketomo, Nancy Inouye, Cynthia Tsukamoto, June Urabe, Frank & Amy Nishikawa, Stephanie Nakata, Yuri Omori, Tayeko Matsumoto, Geri & Mas Shimamoto, Carolyn Morishita, Sue & Pauly Nishida, Betty Hishida, Allan Inouye, Alice Nishimura, Ed Watanabe, Frank Matoba, Kenny Kawano, Paula Kanagawa, Jim Chinn, Harvey Hanemoto, Bob Shintaku, Elmer & Dorothy Kobashi, Mineko Kuramoto, Michi Hotta, Aya Kimura, Margie Mukai, MaryAnn Miyasaki, Diane Jablon, Lynn Arakaki, Lorraine Florence Hamamoto, Rinko Yoshioka, Marge Miyasaki, Hiromi Sumawang, Chris Nishimoto, Karen Uyemaruko, Arline Yokota, Wayne Yamagiwa, Linda Takahashi, Ross Bustos, Ken Kanemoto. Please don’t hesitate to call the Betsuin office if you know anyone needing senior assistance, information, a homebound meal or if you wish to volunteer for the Project Dana program. (559) 4424057X17 or email [email protected]. FYI: The June homebound delivery meals will be on Friday, June 14, 2013 Participants, please notify us if there is any change for your delivery. In Gassho, Donna Ishii PROJECT DANA SERVICES STILL BEING OFFERED * Home Visits * Telephone Visits * Respite Assistance * Hospital & Home Care Visits * Transportation for medical appointments, grocery shopping, religious services, etc. * Please do not hesitate to call Donna, if you are in need of any of these services @ (559) 442-4054, ext #17) Project Outreach by Lynn Arakaki Thank you to all who are helping with the coupon drive. I really appreciate you separating the coupons for food, pharmacy, men, women, paper, etc. It is also helpful separating them by months. It really saves me time. I am also taking magazines. Morgan Miyake presented her compost education project. It was very educational and encouraged me to compost at home. We can now compost at the church. Thank you Morgan for reminding us that we are one with nature and composting is helping the environment. Mrs. Nakagawa recycles her coffee grounds twice. She uses them to deodorize her refrigerator and freezer and after that uses them in her garden. Coffee grounds are great to get rid of afids. If you have food left over from one of your events please remember the Evangel Home and the Rescue Mission will take prepared food. Thank you for supporting the outreach projects. Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple GEPPO JUNE 2013 Page 19 FUTURE OF BUDDHISM NEWS... 13th Annual Fresno Betsuin Golf Tournament by Hunter Arakawa Why Do People Give? They personally believe in the cause. It is said that the membership of many Buddhist Temples, including the Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple, is aging. But rather than look at it as a disturbing observation, I see it as a wonderful link to the many years that so many people have believed in the teachings of the Buddha. It is in our Buddhist Temple and Family Dharma Center that the teachings are shared and taken to heart. From here we take it to our homes, our work and to our family and friends by what we have become as good people. Although Buddhism is part of everything around us, the completion of our building project by finishing the temple will provide for us a centering point for we as its members and for younger and future Buddhist in the Central Valley. Focus on the moments that you spent in the old Betsuin Temple downtown. Focus on the moments you spend in the Family Dharma Center in a service and envision what it would be like in a new serene temple setting. I know that this is a cause that many, many of us can believe in. Please join us in donating and working towards making the temple a reality. Multi-Chance Drawings by Hunter Arakawa, Chairman The drawings of the May Betsuin Board Meeting were lucky for Mrs. Chizuko Tsukida, Mrs. Yuri Omori and Mr. Sho Kamimoto. Congratulations to them and all our supporters who have chosen to enter. Our gratitude for your support. May 5, 2013 was a great day for 100 golfers who played in the 13th tournament. Instead of roasting in the 100 degree heat we had been subjected to just days before, we had a wonderful cool-down that day just a little windy at times. The Eagle Springs Golf & Country Club across from Table Mt. Rancheria was challenging and in great shape. The volunteers, including wives and friends and the C.C.Y.B.A, helped us check in and were on the course to help us on our specialty holes. Every group battled themselves and the course to scramble their way around 18 holes, and, in the end, the fathers and sons Hata, Hata, Takao, & Takao - were the *1 team. Congratulations to them and all the golfers who competed and completed their rounds as teams, not for individual glory but for a group goal. We also continued with our youth movement and had 6 young players this year; we hope to add more next year. The goal of everyone, generally, is to win. However, in the case of “ill winds” not allowing us to do so, our second goal is to get to the banquet preliminary goodies the Kitchen Club provided - before everyone eats up the great hors d’oevres. Every year they use such great imagination in coming up with those dishes and prepare the wonderful surf & turf main courses, followed by a terrific dessert. This year, they were asked to come up with a vegan dinner, which they did superbly no surprise to us. We are hopeful they will continue to make ours THE tournament to attend. This year, we had the honor of recognizing the efforts of an individual who is dedicated to the Betsuin in all her efforts for its betterment. As always, she made the table decorations a pleasant setting to enjoy our meal. With the help of our Jr. Y.B.A., meals were served with quiet professional demeanor that were recognized by the golfers and guests and made us all proud of them. They helped to set things up and clear away things once we were finished all with a quiet dignity. When all is settled with our income and expense statements, we are hoping to have made about $17,000, some of which will pay for an upgraded water heater to go with our new dish washer, which insures that our dishes, pots, pans, & utensils are not only clean and sterile, but will come out dry, so we won’t have to use all those towels. We have to conclude that our tournament was again a great success in terms of the golf, golfers, meal, and fund raising efforts before and after the tournament. We must thank all of the people and businesses who donated money, goods, and services that led to the financial success. So we are looking forward to the first Sunday in May 2014 for our 14th Annual Betsuin Tournament at Eagle Springs G& CC. The Committee thanks everyone involved - Gasshou We are almost at the half way mark of the 2013 year and are continuing to receive entries. We hope you are included or will be in the future. Our best wishes for everyone. Good Health, Happiness, Peace and Tranquility to everyone, always. Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Page 20 GEPPO ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple JUNE 2013 JUNE 2013 GEPPO ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Page 21 Page 22 GEPPO Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple JUNE 2013 JUNE 2013 GEPPO Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple Page 23 The Fresno Buddhist Church 1340 Kern Street Fresno, California 93706-3390 “Namo Amida Butsu” Throughout ... Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 24 Fresno CA Past Present Future HAPPY FATHERS DAY!! June 16th June Happenings... JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL GRADUATION Sat., June 1st, 10AM - FDC Classroom DHARMA FAMILY SERVICE Sun., June 2nd - 10AM RENNYO SHONIN MEMORIAL AND JUNE SHOTSUKI HOYO SERVICE SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS AND GRADUATE RECOGNITION Sun., June 9th - 9:30a Japanese, 10a English Speaker: Rev. Katsuya Kusunoki, Lodi Buddhist Temple PROJECT DANA HOMEBOUND MEALS Fri., June 14th, FDC SHINRAN’S SERVICE Thursday, June 14 - 12pm FDC Small Chapel/Classroom #101 TSUBAME NO GAKKO June 17 - 28, FDC TSUBAME NO GAKKO GRADUATION/OPEN HOUSE June 28, FDC FRESNO BETSUIN OBON/ CARNIVAL July 13th July Heads Up... OBON PREP: July 7-12 OBON FESTIVAL Sat., July 13th 2pm - 10pm SHINRAN’S SERVICE Monday, July 15th - 12pm FDC Small Chapel/Classroom #101 PROJECT DANA HOMEBOUND MEALS Fri., July 19th - FDC OBON & HATSUBON SERVICE JULY & AUGUST SHOTSUKI HOYO SERVICE Sun., July 21st 9:30a Japanese, 10a English Local area Obon Odori Dates Fresno - July 13 Fowler - July 20 Parlier - July 21 Reedley - July 27 Visalia - July 28
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