NanoSafety Conference, 29 March 2017 "Nanomaterial research for innovation and regulatory needs" Scandic Park Hotel, Helsinki 8.15 - Registration & Morning break-buffet 9.00 Welcoming words and introduction to the conference Tiina Putkonen and Elina Ekokoski, Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency 9.15 Overview of NANoREG project and its outcomes Tom van Teunenbroek, NANoREG Coordinator, Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Netherlands 9.45 NANoREG key output: the Framework and the Toolbox Paula Jantunen, European Commission (Joint Research Centre) 10.15 Coffee break 10.45 Safe by Design-concept (NANoREG, Nanoreg & CaLIBRAte) Roland Grafström, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden 11.15 Usefulness of high throughput screening and toxicogenomics space modelling Roland Grafström, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden 11.30 Lunch buffet 12.45 Toxicity of nanocellulose Hannu Norppa, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health 13.15 Microfibrillated cellulose in consumer boards Esa Saukkonen, Stora Enso 13.45 Nanocellulose in 3D cell culture Markus Nuopponen, UPM 14.05 Coffee break 14.30 ECHA activities to implement the EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON) 2 Matti Johansson, European Chemicals Agency 15.00 16.00 Voices from authorities, industry and researchers - Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Anneli Törrönen - Ministry of the Environment, Pirkko Kivelä - Beneq Oy, Joe Pimenoff - Technology Industries of Finland, Greta Waissi, Linnunmaa Oy - Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helene Stockmann-Juvala Conclusions and closing of the conference
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