ETG R 502

ETG R Weekly Challenge
20 5
Anyone for Tannas?
The Jewish Inter-School Challenge
Hillel was one of the Tannaim. Can you think of
any of his sayings?
2. What do we call the Rabbis who came after the
Tannaim and whose ideas were written down in
the Talmud (Gemara)?
3. Rav said: “It is better to cast oneself into a fiery
furnace than to shame someone in public.”
Do you think he meant it?
Shabbat Parshat Mishpatim - Rosh Chodesh Adar
28th Shevat 5777 – 24th February 2017
Parshah Discussion
‫ֹבץ ַּת ַחת‬
ֵ ‫ ר‬,‫ַאָך‬
ֲ ‫חמֹור ׂשֹנ‬
ֲ ‫תְר ֶאה‬-‫י‬
ִ ‫ִּכ‬
‫ ִעּמֹו‬,‫עזֹב ַּת ֲעזֹב‬--‫לֹו‬
‫ ֵמ ֲעזֹב‬,‫ ְו ָחַד ְל ָּת‬,‫ׂאֹו‬
‫ַמ ָּש‬
“If you see the donkey of someone who
hates you staggering under its burden ...
you shall surely help him.” (Shemot 23:5)
• Why does the Torah mention that the donkey is
owned by someone who hates you? Surely you
should help any animal in distress?
• How might this mitzvah lead to people getting on
• Did your feelings towards someone ever change
because you did something together?
Identify the word or phrase:
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Answer to Brainteaser No. 15:
Love your neighbour as yourself