ETG R Weekly Challenge 20 5 Work, work, work The Jewish Inter-School Challenge 1. How many different malachot (types of work) are forbidden on Shabbat? 2.The malachot can be divided into four groups. What are they? 3.The malachot are based on work that was carried out in the Temple. What malachot would you come up with based on work in a modern office? Shabbat Parshat Beshalach - Tu Bishvat 14th Shevat 5777 – 10th February 2017 Parshah Discussion ,ֹתם ַהֶּדֶרְך ָ ַל ְנח,יֹומם ְּב ַעּמּוד ָענָן ָ ֵיהם ֶ ֹלְך ִל ְפנ ֵ וַה’ ה ל ֶל ֶכת--ם ָ ְל ָה ִאיר ָל ֶה,ְלה ְּב ַעּמּוד ֵאׁש ָ ְו ַלי “And the Lord went before them, by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them; and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light.” (Shemot 13:21) • In what different ways did God appear to people in Torah? • Who has been your ‘pillar of cloud’ who has lead you on your way? Brainteaser Identify the word or phrase: 14 No. To subscribe to the Etgar Weekly Challenge please go to Answer to Brainteaser No. 13: Wandering in the desert
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