university of copenhagen 8 FA C U LT Y P O S I T I O N S AT T H E D E PA R T M E N T O F C O M P U T E R S C I E N C E The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) is expanding its research and educational activities. Therefore, DIKU has and will be announcing a total of 8 faculty positions in the Spring of 2017: TEN U RE -T RAC K A S S I S TA N T P ROFESSOR SHIPS Algorithms and Optimization, APL Section | Professor Pawel Winter ([email protected]) and Professor Mikkel Thorup ([email protected]) Human-Centered Computing, HCC Section | Professor Jørgen Bansler ([email protected]) Information Visualization, HCC Section | Professor Jørgen Bansler ([email protected]) and Professor Kasper Hornbæk ([email protected]) ASS OC IAT E P R O F E S S O R S H I P S Parallel Computing, APL Section | Professor Pawel Winter ([email protected]) Human-Centered Computing, HCC Section | Professor Jørgen Bansler ([email protected]) PROF E S S ORS H I P S Software Engineering, HCC Section | Professor Jørgen Bansler ([email protected]) Information Systems, HCC Section | Professor Jørgen Bansler ([email protected]) Programming Models and Techniques, APL Section | Professor Pawel Winter ([email protected]) DIKU is consistently ranked among the 15 best European Computer Science departments - and is the highest ranked Computer Science department in Denmark - according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). See full job a nnounceme nt s Cont a ct The persons listed above or: Head of Department Professor Mads Nielsen [email protected] |+45 2460 0599 2017 DIKU was established in April 1970 as the first Computer Science department in Denmark. In 2016, DIKU employs 42 permanent scientific staff. Currently, the department is organized in three scientific sections: Human-Centered Computing, Algorithms and Programming Languages, and Image (Data Science).
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