The year 2017 is the year when smart phones are at a peak. We have almost reached a saturation point where most of the flagship phones by Samsung, Google, Apple and many others have similar features. We have brands like the Oneplus which offers the same features for an even lesser price. However, a closer look shows that there are a multitude of differences. If you are looking for a new mobile this Diwali, take a look at some factors which may help you decide whether an iPhone or Android is right for you. Hardware is a key factor of difference between android phones & iphones. Apple makes all the decisions over the hardware and design choices in the iphone. That results in better quality and less overheating and other hardware issues. Moreover Apple charges a premium price for its products, which gives the customer a direct option to replace the product immediately if he faces any issues with apple products. On the other side of the wall, Google gives out its Android OS to OEM’s, including Samsung, LG, Motorola, and many others. As a result android phones tend to vary in size, design and quality as we move from one brand to the next. However they cannot match the Samsung or LG flagships. Android phones do offer variety, which many prefer over the simple but elegant iphone. Apple’s IOS is a very stable ecosystem, and is constantly updated and optimized for all the Apple devices. Even the old iphone 5s runs the IOS 10 pretty smoothly. Such is not the case for an android phone. Google generally releases its latest and greatest update for its Pixel devices. The rest of the android devices which are made by other manufacturers, need to wait for a stable update to be released by the OEM. This results in slow updates and an uneven ecosystem. An additional thing to keep in mind is that, Google devices like the pixel offer a smooth stock android, whereas other OEM’s generally have a custom OS, based on android which may vary from what Google offers in its mobile phones. Mobile phone companies are gearing the users towards more AI interaction with their mobile phones. Google Assistant is currently the most prominent artificial intelligence which acts as assistant system on android devices. Google assistant uses all the knowledge Google has to cater to your requests. The latest version enables you to have a conversation with it about nearby places or about various topics, instead of just giving simple voice commands for setting an alarm or a reminder Apple’s version of an assistant is known as Siri. Apple has updated Siri to match Google assistant’s standards, but it still can manage simple tasks, and doesn’t feel as natural as the conversation you can have with the Google assistant. Battery is where; the android phone is a clear winner, due to massive batteries and fast charging capabilities in most android devices. The old iphone had incredibly smaller batteries which struggled to run even for a day with heavy usage. The iphones have recently started to make bigger devices with fairly bigger batteries. A used iphone always sells for a higher price than an android phone due to Apple’s superior branding. A Samsung flagship would sell for a considerably lesser price. Last year’s Galaxy S7 can be found online for a price as low as Rs. 27000. If you pick up an iphone, you can always exchange it for a better value. An iphone or an android just comes down to perception and personal choices. Different features amounts to various feelings in different people. Some people will value hardware while others will care more about battery life or mobile gaming. The best way to go about it is to consider a few of the above points and decide which mobile would suit your needs.
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