resume -

Florian Mierzejewski
Android Developer
[email protected]
I’m an Android developer since 2009, I’m fluent in Java, have some notions in
Ruby, Rails and have a pretty good eye for UI/UX.
Attending conferences and Droidcons (UK/FR and counting...) has been a terrific
experience, that’s why I’ve joined the Paris Android User Group team where I’m
helping organizing meetups and sometimes even speaking.
Experimenting and trying new stuff around is probably what I like to do most,
recently RxJava and Material Design occupied a good part of my free time.
All my work is available on Github and on the Playstore, I’m a strong believer
in open source and I can spend hours reading other people code and tweaking
animations so it looks perfect.
I’m open to any opportunity anywhere in the world (doesn’t necessarily have to
be linked to Android as I love to learn new things) .
2011 - 2014
Android developer at Alkeo (apprenticeship program)
2010 - 2014
Camp counselor at Telligo
2011 - 2014
Engineering IT Student at Polytech Paris Sud, France
2009 - 2011
2 year technical degree in IT at IUT de Vélizy, France
French high-school diploma
Both mobile and DSLR & member of Opeprod
Member of the Paris Android User Group team
Reading, biking, electronic music, running (beginner)