Arab Countries Participation in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism by Bashar Malkawi

The World Trade Organization (WTO) commenced on January 1,
1995, after the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
1947 was the principal multilateral agreement regulating trade
among nations by reducing tariffs. 1 The signing of the Final Act
Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral
Negotiations formally established the WTO. 2 The Final Act was the
culmination of the negotiations launched in Punta del Este, Uruguay
in September 1986.
Associate Professor of Law, University of Sharjah, UAE. He holds an SJD in
International Trade law from the American University, Washington College of
Law, and an LLM in International Trade law from the University of Arizona.
Thanks and gratitude is due for the anonymous referees for their thoughtful
commentary and critique regarding earlier drafts of this article.
See General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, opened for signature 30 October
1947, 55 UNTS 187 (entered into force 1 January 1948). See also Jalil Kasto,
The Function and Future of the World Trade Organization: International
Trade Law between GATT and WTO (Kingston, 1996) 4.
‘Over 100 Nations Sign GATT Accord to Cut Barriers to World Trade’ (1994)
11 International Trade Reporter (BNA) 61.
Unlike the GATT 1947, the WTO is recognised as an
organisation. 3 In addition, while the GATT 1947 covered trade in
goods only, the WTO covers trade in services and intellectual
property. 4 The WTO secures the smooth flow of trade among
nations, settles trade disputes among governments and organises
trade negotiations. 5 The WTO acts as both a forum for negotiating
international trade agreements and the monitoring and regulating
body for enforcing the agreements. Decision-making in the WTO is
primarily by consensus. 6
WTO binding disputesettlementprocedures, through Dispute
Settlement Understanding (DSU), replaced the weaker dispute
settlement process that had existed under GATT. 7 One principal
criticism of GATT was that its dispute settlement mechanism was
ineffective. For example, under GATT, dispute panels handed down
The WTO consists of primary and subsidiary organs. The four primary organs
are the Ministerial Conference, the General Council, the Secretariat, and the
Director General. The subsidiary organs of the WTO are the Council for Trade
in Goods, the Council for Trade in Services, the Council for TRIPS, the
Committee on Trade and Development, and the Committee on Budget,
Finance, and Administration.
See Asif H. Quaeshi, The World Trade Organization - Implementing
International Trade Norms (Manchester University Press, 1996) 5.
The WTO agreement contained in approximately 23,000 pages of agreements
that incorporate, by reference, the GATT 1947, amendments to the GATT
made in 1994 (GATT 1994), 17 multilateral agreements, four plurilateral
agreements, Ministerial Decisions and Declarations. The WTO agreements
regulate tariffs on trade in manufactured goods and agriculture, services,
intellectual property, food, customs, dispute settlement system, and
government procurement. Special provisions for developing nations include
longer time periods for implementing agreements and commitments, special
measures to increase trading opportunities for these countries, provisions
requiring all WTO members to safeguard the trade interests of developing
countries, and technical assistance and support to help developing countries
build their infrastructure: Quaeshi, above n 4, 5.
See Anna Lanoszka, ‘The Promises of Multilateralism and the Hazards of
'Single Undertaking': The Breakdown of Decision Making Within the WTO’
(2008) 16(3) Michigan State Journal of International Law 655, 662-663.
See Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, opened
for signature 15 April 1994, 33 International Legal Materials 1125 (entered
into force 1 January 1995), Annex 2 (‘Understanding on Rules and Procedures
Governing the Settlement of Disputes’).
14 FLJ 1]
findings that had to be accepted by both sides and the other
Contracting Parties before they were adopted. Refusal by one
Contracting Party such as the losing party meant that a panel report
was simply set aside. 8 Thus, in effect, under the GATT dispute
settlement mechanism, the losing party in a dispute could block the
adoption of a panel ruling. The WTO created a more potent dispute
settlement process than had existed previously. The DSU established
firm deadlines to file initial submissions, appeals, and enforce
rulings. 9 Also, the DSU rules govern notice, consultations,
discovery, panel establishment and proceedings, and report
circulation. Furthermore, the DSU set up a permanent Appellate
Body to review appeals of panel decisions. Throughout its existence,
the DSU has proved its efficiency in settling disputes between WTO
members covering a whole range of WTO agreements. As such, the
dispute settlement of the WTO and its Appellate Body has been
described as the crown jewel of the WTO legal system. 10
The WTO dispute settlement system has been in effect for nearly
17 years. Over the span of that period, a total of 130 cases have been
decided by the WTO. 11 Of those 130 cases, no Arab country has ever
initiated a case before a panel as a complainant, 12 and Egypt has
been the only Arab country that was a respondent in a case. 13Arab
countries find themselves at a disadvantage when it comes to
effectively litigating trade disputes before dispute settlement panels
See Michael Patrick Tkacik, ‘Post-Uruguay Round GATT/WTO Dispute
Settlement: Substance, Strengths, Weaknesses, and Causes for Concerns’
(1997) 9 International Legal Perspectives 169, 175.
See Aaron Catbagan, ‘Rights of Action for Private Non-state Actors in the
WTO Dispute Settlement System’ (2009) 37(2) Denver Journal of
International Law and Policy 279, 280.
See Robert Howse, ‘Process and Procedure in WTO Dispute Settlement:
Moving the WTO Forward - One Case at a Time’ (2009) 42(2) Cornell
International Law Journal 223, 224.
See Len Bracken, ‘WTO Dispute System at Record Level of Activity, Wilson
Says, Predicts AB Surge’ International Trade Reporter (BNA) 27, 6 May 2010,
See Overview of the State of Play of WTO Disputes – Addendum, WTO Doc
WT/DSB/49/Add.1, (11 May 2009) (Dispute Settlement Body Annual Report).
See Panel Report, Egypt-Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Steel Rebar
from Turkey, WTO Doc WT/DS211/R (8 August 2002).
and securing remedies against other WTO member states.Without
Arab countries participation in the WTO dispute settlement system,
it can be suggested that they may not know the law and therefore
cannot avoidfuture disputes. Arab countries ought to participate in
the dispute settlement system and act more assertively, as these are
perhaps the best methods to gain expertise in winning disputes.
Under-representation by Arab countries in the WTO dispute
settlement process is a danger to the long-term legitimacy and
credibility of the WTO. The WTO is more than a table for trade
negotiations among its members. The WTO also aims to achieve free
trade and economic development. 14 If the WTO intends to achieve
its stated principles, then it should be aware of inequities in the
dispute settlement process and treatment of Arab countries.
Developed countries should also work toward resolving the
problems that prevent Arab countries from making use of the dispute
settlement mechanism. 15 Utilisation of the WTO dispute settlement
process would give Arab countries "renewed" faith in the WTO
system. 16 In sum, the proper functioning of the dispute settlement
mechanism is in the interest of all WTO members.
See Tomer Broude, ‘The Rule(s) of Trade and the Rhetos of Development:
Reflections on the Functional and Aspirational Legitimacy of the WTO’ (2007)
45(1) Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 221, 232-234.
See Thaddeus McBride, ‘Rejuvenating the WTO: Why the US Must Assist
Developing Countries in Trade Disputes’ (1999) 11 International Legal
Perspectives 65, 95. See also Andrea Greisberger, ‘Enhancing the Legitimacy
of the World Trade Organization: Why the United States and the European
Union Should Support the Advisory Centre on WTO Law’ (2004) 37(3)
Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 827, 855.
See Raj Bhala, ‘Discovering Great Opportunity in the Midst of Great Crisis:
Building International Legal Frameworks for a Higher Standard of Living:
Doha Round Betrayals’ (2010) 24(1) Emory International Law Review 147,
181 (the initial goal for the WTO Doha Round was to boost trade with Arab
countries, one that regrettably has been lost. The December 2008 draft
modalities text is silent about the Arab world. There is the perception among
Arab countries that the Round does little to address their serious problems. As
such, Arab countries are in special need of integration into the GATT-WTO
14 FLJ 1]
The purpose of the present article is two-fold. First, the article
examines the reasons as to why Arab countries do not actively
participate in WTO dispute settlement proceedings. 17 Trade volume,
lack of technical expertise, financial strains, political relations,
enforcement, and language problems eachplay a role in Arab
countries under-participation and are discussed herein. Second, the
article provides possible avenues through which Arab countries can
enhance their presence in the WTO dispute settlement process. In the
process of examining these issues, the article highlights the case(s) in
which Arab countries participated in the WTO dispute settlement
system. However, before addressing these issues, the article will
briefly discuss the development of the WTO dispute settlement
When the attempt to create an international trade organisation in the
late 1940s failed, the successfully-negotiated trade agreement, the
GATT, was left without a well-defined institutional structure. The
death of the International Trade Organization was attributed to the
domestic political situation in the US. 18
The list of Arab countries includes: Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti,
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman,
Palestinian Authority, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia,
United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. See Arab League, Member States
<> at 6 January 2012.
The Truman administration confronted a new protectionist and isolationist
Republican Congress.The US refused to join the International Trade
Organization because of perceived threats to national sovereignty and the
danger of too much intervention in markets. Congress feared that the
International Trade Organization would be too much supranational. It was
feared that there would be double delegation of power from Congress to the
US President and from the President to an international organisation,thereby
usurping the functions of Congress. In addition, the US Congressional support
for the organisation was conditioned on dismantling of the British Imperial
Preference system (Commonwealth system) devised at the Ottawa Conference
in 1932; a system which was enacted partly in response to the US SmootHawley Act, because, as the US contended, it contravened the most-favored-
Only a few articles with regard to dispute settlement were contained
in the original GATT, most of which are centered on article XXIII.
That article states that a member country may request consultations
with another member country should it consider that the other
member country's trade measure may lead to the nullification or
impairment of its own expected benefit. Despite the rather skeletal
framework of article XXIII, dispute settlement in the early stages of
the GATT worked rather well, partially due to its small and
homogenous membership. 19 Since its inception in 1947, the GATT
evolved into a comprehensive framework of international trade laws
as it exists today under the WTO. In 1995, the WTO was established
following the completion of the Uruguay Round negotiations and the
new dispute settlement procedures under the WTO altered several
features of the previous GATT mechanism.
The creation of the DSU is a substantial step in the gradual shift
from a diplomatic and power-based approach in the settlement of
international disputes to a more legalistic, law-based approach. 20
nation rule. Because of the British Commonwealth system, US economic
interests were excluded from the British market and its satellite countries or
dominions, such as South Africa, Canada, and India. The British refused to
yield their position unless they received assurances from Congress to lower
American tariffs. However, the US administration did not lower its tariffs and
stood for its pledge to Congress by dismantling the British Commonwealth
system. The linkage between the most-favored-nation rule and the
Commonwealth system was a factor for loss of support for the International
Trade Organization. See George Bronz, ‘An International Trade Organization:
The Second Attempt’ (1956) 69(3) Harvard Law Review 440, 447-449, 473-476.
See Rachel Brewster, ‘Shadow Unilateralism: Enforcing International Trade
Law at the WTO’ (2009) 30(4) University of Pennsylvania Journal of
International Law 1133, 1136.
Countries advocating the pragmatic approach, highlighted the ambiguity of
GATT rules, the political sensitivity of trade disputes, and the complex tradeoffs of competing interests that go into the formulation of any trade rule. Thus,
those countries argued that GATT dispute resolution should not be formal,
legal, or adjudicatory. See David K. Tarullo, ‘Logic, Myth and International
Economic Order’ (1985) 26 Harvard International Law Journal 533. On the
other hand, The US argued that the GATT rules will become more clear and
predictable if the GATT dispute resolution is characterised by rule-based
decisions rendered through an adjudicatory dispute resolution process. The
adjudication approach will increase compliance with the GATT standards and
will alleviate protectionist pressures. See John H. Jackson, William J. Davey
14 FLJ 1]
Dispute settlement procedures are central in the WTO's mechanisms
designed to ensure the reduction of tariffs and non-tariff barriers to
trade as well as the elimination of discriminatory treatment in trade
The WTO dispute settlement is administered by a Dispute
Settlement Body (DSB) which consists of the WTO's General
Council. Among its powers, the DSB has the authority to establish
panels, adopt panel and Appellate Body reports, maintain
surveillance of implementation of rulings and recommendations, and
authorise suspension of concessions and other obligations under the
WTO agreements. 21 The dispute settlement system aims to resolve
disputes by clarifying the rules of the multilateral trading system. 22
The WTO cannot legislate or directly promulgate new rules or
regulations without explicit WTO member consent.
When a WTO member believes that another member has taken
an action that impairs benefits accruing to it, both directly or
indirectly, under the Uruguay Round Agreements, it may request
consultations to resolve the conflict through informal negotiations.23
The consultations procedures is a mandatory first step to the WTO
dispute settlement process and is codified and further developed by
the DSU. The DSU requires written requests for consultations
clearly stating reasons for the request, the legal basis for the
complaint and an explanation of the measures in question.24
Consultations aim at assisting disputing members to reach a
mutually agreed solution; however, consultations must be conducted
and Allan O. Sykes, Legal Problems of International Economic Relations:
Cases, Materials, and Text on the National and International Regulation of
Transnational Economic Relations 339 (West Publication Co., 1995). See also
Michael K. Young, ‘Dispute Resolution in the Uruguay Round: Lawyers
Triumph over Diplomats’ (1995) 29(5) International Lawyer 389, 392-405.
See Webb McArthur, ‘Reforming Fairness: The Need for Legal Pragmatism in
the WTO Dispute Settlement Process’ (2010) 9(2) Richmond Journal of
Global Law and Business 229, 232.
See Marrakesh, above n 7, article 11.
Ibid article 4.3.
Ibid article 4.4.
in good faith before resorting to further action available to members
under the DSU.
The DSU requires a member to respond to a request for
consultations within 10 days, and the member is further required to
engage in consultations within 30 days. 25 In the event that
consultations after 60 days from the receipt of the request fail to
yield outcomes that are mutually agreeable, members may request
the establishment of a panel to resolve the dispute. 26 The
consultation process is conducted without prejudice to the rights of
any member in relation to the panel process and DSU.
Panels generally consist of three individuals with expertise in
international trade law and policy. 27 These panelists hear and
consider theevidence and then provide the DSB with areport which
recommends a course of actionwithin six months. 28 The DSB either
adopts the report or decides by consensus not to accept it.29
Alternatively, if one of the parties involved decides to appeal the
decision, the report will not be considered for adoption until the
completion of the appeal by the standing Appellate Body. 30 An
Appellate Body report is adopted unconditionally unless the DSB
votes by consensus not to accept its findings within 30 days of
circulation to the membership.
The WTO Secretariat manages a list from which panel members
are selected. The DSU contains detailed rules on the composition of
panels and clarifies necessary steps and the role of the WTO
Director General should parties fail to agree on the panel's
composition. 31 Under the GATT dispute settlement system, only
government officials served on panels; however, today the WTO
See Marrakesh, above n 7, article 4.4.
Ibid article 4.7.
Ibid article 8.1.
Ibid article 12.7-8.
Ibid article 16.4.
Ibid article 8.4, 7.
14 FLJ 1]
allows well-qualified non-government individuals to serve on a
panel. The DSU forbids a potential panel member from serving on a
panel if he or she is a citizen of a party to the dispute, or a citizen of
a third party, unless the parties agree otherwise. 32
The WTO panel process consists of two sets of submissions, two
sets of rebuttals, two oral hearings, with accompanying questions
and answers throughout, before the panel makes its interim report to
the parties. 33 Thus, all evidence in the case is submitted and
evaluated before any interim findings of fact, applicable law, or
WTO violations are made by the panel.
As stipulated in DSU, a WTO panel is required to make an
objective assessment of the matter before it, including an objective
assessment of the facts of the case and the applicability of, and
conformity with the WTO covered agreements. 34 Therefore, like any
tribunal of first instance, WTO panels make findings of fact,
applicable law, and, applying such law to the facts, violations of law.
Appeals are limited to issues of law covered in the panel report and
legal interpretations adopted by the panel. 35 The panel's findings on
factual issues thus escape from appellate review. The appellate
review process is limited to upholding, modifying or reversing the
panel's legal findings and conclusions. The possibility of remanding
a case to the panel is not provided for.
In the GATT, Arab countries wereseldom involved in disputes. In
fact, in only one dispute was an Arab country involved as a main
part, in other words as a complainant or respondent. The one country
See Marrakesh, above n 7, article 8.1.
Ibid article 15.1.
Ibid article 11.
Ibid article 17.6.
was Egypt. The case concerned definitive anti-dumping measures
imposed by Egypt on imports of concrete steel reinforcing bar
(rebar) from Turkey. 36 Egypt divided foreign exporters for the
purposes of an anti-dumping investigation into cooperative and noncooperative companies. The whole case revolved around the
relationship between what an investigating authority is obligated by
the anti-dumping agreement to do in regards to procedural issues in
an anti-dumping investigation, and what interested parties must
themselves contribute in the way of evidence and argument. The
panel found Egypt acted consistently with its obligations under the
agreement in some parts. However, the panel decided that Egypt
acted in violation of the agreement because the investigating
authority had ‘examined’ all the relevant economic factors in article
3.4 of the anti-dumping agreement without ‘evaluation’ of these
factors. 37 The panel also found that in respect of two Turkish
companies (Icdas and IDC) out of five companies in the
investigation, the Egyptian authority did not provide the two with
ample opportunity to defend themselves and inform them that their
submissions were being rejected, though they submitted, under
article 6.8, all the necessary requested information. 38
Egypt was also a respondent in three other cases. 39 Consultations
between Egypt and the other parties in those cases within the WTO
framework were successful in ending the disputes in question. Thus,
Egypt's case with Turkey regarding the former imposition of a
definitive anti-dumping measure on imports of steel rebar from the
latter stands as the only case involving Arab country that went through
all stages of WTO dispute settlement proceedings ending in a panel
See Panel Report, Egypt-Definitive Anti-Dumping Measures on Steel Rebar
from Turkey, above n 13.
Ibid [7.42-45].
Ibid [7.252-266].
See Egypt-Import Prohibition on Canned Tuna with Soybean Oil from
Thailand, WTO Doc WT/DS205 (22 September 2000) (Request for
Consultations by Thailand); Egypt-Measures Affecting Imports of Textile and
Apparel Products, WTO Doc WT/DS305, (23 December 2003) (Request for
Consultations by the United States); Egypt-Anti-dumping Duties on Matches
from Pakistan, WTO Doc WT/DS327, (21 February 2005) (Request for
Consultations by Pakistan).
14 FLJ 1]
Egypt has been active in this process, having been challenged on
four occasions. No Arab country, however - including Egypt - has ever
been a complainant. Obviously, Egypt, among all other Arab countries,
is the most experienced in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. The
reason for this lies in the fact that Egypt has been a GATT/WTO
member for a long time, unlike many other Arab countries whose
membership is relatively recent (e.g. Saudi Arabia and Jordan).
Despite this, Egypt's expertise in the WTO dispute settlement process is
still lacking. For example, in the Egypt-Turkey anti-dumping case in
which Egypt presented an excellent argument, Egypt's counsel was
the law firm of Van Beal and Bellis of Brussels, Belgium, and not a
local firm. 40 Dependence on foreign law firms could diminish as
Arab countries develop in-house expertise.
Lack of effective participation in the WTO dispute settlement
process by Arab countries may indicate that they are not rule
breakers. However, this is only part of the truth. Arab countries face
several challenges that weigh on their choice whether or not to bring
an action before the WTO. Among the challenges are total trade
volume, lack of technical expertise and financial resources, political
pressure and power relations, and cultural attitudes toward judicial
settlement of disputes.Arab countries seem to have most of the same
problems as other developing country members, but they suffer from
more serious issues such as trade marginalisation, and their efforts to
develop well-trained trade lawyers have lagged behind developing
countries in Latin America and parts of Asia. 41 These challenges will
be addressed herein, respectively.
See The European Commission, Internet Chat with E.U Commissioner Pascal
Lamy and Egyptian Trade Minister Youssef Boutros-Ghali, New WTO Round:
See Bhala, above n 16, 180.
Trade Volume
Arab countries' minimal involvement in the WTO dispute settlement
proceedings may be attributed to the modest level of their
contribution to world investment and trade. Foreign investment in
Arab countries is miniscule. 42 Over the years, Arab countries have
experienced a 75 percent drop in its share of world export since
1980. 43 In addition, Arab countries are not significant exporters as
they account for only about one percent of world exports of
manufactured goods. 44 Arab countries account for approximately 20
percent of world fuel and mining exports. 45 Thus, Arab countries
account for less than five percent of total world exports. Although
oil is considered a major export for Arab countries, it is a product
barely addressed by the WTO. 46 This state of affair makes Arab
countries less accessible to dispute cases as either complainants or
However, low level of trade is by no means a completely valid
barrier to WTO litigation. Argentina, for example, which accounts
for only 0.6 percent of world trade, is one of the most challenged
See Gary G. Yerkey, ‘US Trade Policy Overlooks Middle East Region, Could
Hurt War on Terrorism, PPI Study Says’ (2003) 20 International Trade
Reporter (BNA) 323. (The entire Arab world received only $13.6 billion in
FDI, barely more than Sweden all by itself).
See World Trade Organization, International Trade Statistics (2011)
Since the GATT came into existence in 1947, there has been an informal
understanding among contracting parties not to subject oil to multilateral tariff
concessions negotiations.Some of the theoretical reasons for the apparent
ambivalent attitude of contemporary international trade regime to oil trade
include the definition of energy as good or service which in itself is not
without controversy, location of energy at the heart of government economic
thinking, and oil as a vital national asset not to be left to free international trade
trajectories. See Francis N. Botchway, ‘International Trade Regime and Energy
Trade’ (2001) 28(1) Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce 1,
11, 12.
14 FLJ 1]
nations before the WTO, after the US and the EU. 47 In addition,
although Brazil accounts for about one percent of world trade, it has
participated in 89 WTO cases heard thus far. 48 India is also an active
participant in the WTO dispute settlement cases despite the fact that
its share of world trade is under 0.8 percent. 49
As Arab countries continue opening their markets, integrating
fully into the world trading system, and increasing their economic
output and growth, participation in the WTO dispute settlement
proceedings will likely become an essential part of their trade
policies. Such increase in economic growth and trade relationships
would significantly increase the probability of frictions arising as a
result of trade barriers, which exporting Arab countries may be
willing to challenge in dispute settlement.
Lack of Technical Expertise and Financial Resources
Another reason that Arab countries are not frequent users of the
WTO dispute settlement system is a lack of expertise and knowledge
of complicated WTO law with some complaints crossing between
several WTO agreements. Bringing a case before a WTO panel is an
extensive exercise that requires presenting evidence, preparing
commercial data - which in some instances may not be provided by
the other party involved in the dispute meaning that it must be
obtained from other sources - studies, econometric modeling, and
substantial documentation. 50 Moreover, under the WTO dispute
settlement mechanism, the use of experts has become much more
See, List of WTO Complaints Brought Pursuant to the
DSU (14 January 2012) <>.
See Mesut Aydin, WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Developing
Countries: Lessons for Turkey (LLM Thesis, Fletcher School of Law and
Diplomacy, 2007) 28 < >.
See Gregory Shaffer, ‘The Challenges of WTO Law: Strategies for Developing
Country Adaptation’ (2006) 5(2) World Trade Review 177, 182.
common. 51 In sum, launching a WTO case requires preparatory
work in addition to the evolving need to present evidence, testimony,
and economic data during litigation. With the lapse of time and the
growing knowledge of the WTO law, one might expect Arab
countries to use the WTO dispute settlement system more
Linked with the issue of technical expertise is that of the
availability of competent staff. A major hindrance facing Arab
countries full participation in the work of the WTO is insufficient
human resources. Arab countries representation in the WTO is
limited to a single or a handful of officials. Moreover, delegations of
Arab countries in Geneva do not cover the work of the WTO
exclusively, but they also participate in other Geneva-based
organisations such as the United Nations and its specialised agencies
including the United Nations Conference on Trade and
International Telecommunication Union, and International
Organization for Standardization. Egypt, with its ten professional
staff members, has the largest delegation among Arab countries. 52
The number of professional staff in Geneva-based WTO delegations
for other Arab countries is: Bahrain - two; Djibouti - one; Jordan two; Kuwait - two; Morocco - three; Mauritania - two; Oman - three;
Qatar - one; Saudi Arabia - three; Tunisia - two; and United Arab
Emirates - three. 53 Furthermore, an issue may arise in the future if
poor Arab countries such as the Sudan and Somalia accede to the
See Joost Pauwelyn, ‘The Use of Experts in WTO Dispute Settlement’ (2002)
51 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 325.
Egypt is one of a handful of Arab countries within the WTO that has an
ambassador in Geneva appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a trade
mission, located in different premises in Geneva, whose staff are appointed by
the Ministry of Trade and headed by a minister plenipotentiary. The two
ministers and missions have divergent views on trade that lead to internal as
well as external conflicts. See Fatoumata Jawara and Aileen Kwa, Behind the
Scenes at the WTO: The Real World of International Trade Negotiations (Zed
Books, 2003) 21, 171.
Fakhry Hazimeh, Director of Economic Bureau, Permanent Mission of Jordan,
Geneva, Switzerland provided information on Bahrain, Djibouti, Kuwait,
Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and UAE (December 22, 2011) (on
file with author).
14 FLJ 1]
WTO as they may not have the capabilities to have fully-fledged
delegations in Geneva, one of the world's most expensive cities.
Being small in size is only one part of the equation. The other
interlinked part is having skilled and versatile WTO delegations.
Many of the trade representatives in Arab delegations attend
numerous daily meetings - often taking place at the same time without the ability to develop, much less maintain mastery
knowledge. 54 Getting to know how WTO panels hold hearings and
make decisions is critical for taking advantage of the dispute
settlement system. Arab countries must dedicate a small portion of
their annual budgets, despite their constraints, to train their personnel
if they want to take part in the WTO dispute settlement process
effectively and avoid being onlookers.
Moreover, litigating a WTO case, which may take several years,
is very costly. A WTO case estimated to cost roughly US$500,000 if
taken through to the Appellate Body. 55 This figure could be
increased substantially when a private law firm is hired to litigate the
case before the WTO. According to estimates, private law firms can
charge anywhere from $250 to $1,000 per hour in fees, leading to
total fees anywhere between $100,000 to over $1,000,000.56
Furthermore, these figures increase even further in intricate cases,
Staffing is very critical because of the need to participate in various meetings.
The WTO has 67 bodies including 34 standing bodies open to all members, 28
accession working parties, and five plurilateral bodies. In 2001, there were
nearly 400 formal meetings of WTO bodies, 500 informal meetings, 90
workshops and seminars sponsored by the WTO. Officials in the South Korean
delegation complain about the workload of the WTO despite the fact that they
have 30 staff. See Jawara and Kwa, above n 52, 22.
See Chad P. Bown and Bernard M. Hoekman, ‘Developing Countries and
Enforcement of Trade Agreements: Why Dispute Settlement is Not Enough’
(2008) 42(1) Journal of World Trade 177, 189-192.
See James C. Hartigan (ed), Frontiers of Economics and Globalization:
Volume 6 - Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the
WTO: An Interdisciplinary Assessment (Emerald Group Publishing Limited,
2009) 167-190.
such as Japan-Photographic Film, where legal fees charged to Kodak
and Fuji were reportedly in excess of US$10 million. 57
Due to their already constrained budgets, financial investment in
WTO legal proceedings by the majority of Arab countries makes no
or less sense. Therefore, unless Arab countries pool their financial
resources together and invest in WTO dispute settlement
proceedings it could prove very difficult for a single Arab country to
initiate a case on its own. Access to the pool's fund and spreading the
cost among Arab countries would therefore make WTO litigation
more affordable.
Political Relations and Pressures
Arab countries take political considerations into account when
deciding whether or not to file a complaint. A case in point was inthe
US genetically modified organism (GMO) case against the EU.
Egypt may have been in a Scylla and Charybdis position when it
decided to settle its dispute with the EU out of court. If Egypt
supported the US in the sensitive GMO case, it would have upset its
relations with the EU. By the same token, if Egypt did not support
the US, it would have led to a souring in trade relations between the
US and Egypt. 58 Ultimately, Egypt chose to settle the dispute with
the EU without litigation. Perhaps, without EU pressure, Egypt may
have pressed ahead with the dispute against the EU.
Hartigan, above n 56.
See Gary G. Yerkey and Christopher S. Rugaber, ‘US and Egypt Beginning to
See “Eye-to-Eye” on Need for FTA but No Talks Scheduled Yet’ (2003) 20
International Trade Reporter (BNA), 1145 (quoting Boutros-Gali, Egypt’s
[former] foreign trade minister, saying that Egypt wants to begin the [US FTA]
negotiations “tomorrow”. However, the US has been cold toward negotiating
FTA with Egypt. Some hint that this is because Egypt withdrew its support of
the US in the Genetically Modified Organism case against the EU). See also
Gary G. Yerkey, ‘Grassley Concerned over Egypt's Failure to Support US in
WTO Case over GMOS’ (2003) 20 International Trade Reporter (BNA), 1110.
14 FLJ 1]
Political pressure applied by developed countries or a threat
constitutes a deterrent for Arab countries so that they do not bring a
case in the first place. For example, developed countries could
threaten to withdraw preferential tariff benefits under the
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), foreign aid, or food aid
were an Arab country to challenge a trade measure by the US or
EU. 59 Political pressure of threat therefore undermines Arab
countries ability to effectively participate in the WTO dispute
settlement process.
D Enforcement
Like other developing countries, a potential inability of Arab
countries to enforce an offending developed country's compliance
may make the use of the WTO dispute settlement process less
attractive. 60 The WTO cannot force the offending country to remove
the measure or pass an order to stop the measure from running.61
Rather, the WTO primarily enforces its decisions by allowing the
complaining country to undertake retaliatory actions against the
offending country until the latter complies with the ruling.
See Andrew T. Guzman and Beth A. Simmons, ‘Power Plays and Capacity
Constraints: The Selection of Defendants in World Trade Organization
Disputes’ (2005) 34(2) Journal of Legal Studies 557, 569.
This does not mean that developed countries do not comply at all with WTO
panel decisions. See Leah Granger, ‘Explaining the Broad-Based Support for
WTO Adjudication’ (2006) 24(2) Berkeley Journal of International Law 521,
523. See also David J. Townsend, ‘Stretching the Dispute Settlement
Understanding: US-Cotton's Relaxed Interpretation of Cross-Retaliation in the
World Trade Organization’ (2010) 9(2) Richmond Journal of Global Law and
Business 135, 153-159.
See Suzanne Bermann, ‘EC-Hormones and the Case for an Express WTO
Post-retaliation Procedure’ (2007) 107(1) Columbia Law Review 131, 138 (In
comparison, US civil procedure authorises a judge to adjudicate liability, order
an appropriate remedy, and enforce that order. Also, according to US civil
procedures parties may be enjoined from taking certain actions; a party's noncompliance under US federal law could lead to the initiation of contempt
proceedings and result in a court-imposed penalty such as fines or
However, adopting retaliatory trade measures against the
offending country inflict more damage to the trade of the
complaining country than the damage that was initially inflicted on it
by the offending country. 62 Moreover, a developing country
retaliatory measure(s) against a developed country, such as the US or
EU, is highly likely to have a relatively small impact on the
economies of these developed countries. 63 Thus, an ‘eye for an eye’
approach could be counterproductive especially if the wining party
in the case is a developing country.
A prominent case, the European Communities-Regime for the
Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, sheds light on the
issue of non-compliance of developed countries with WTO
decisions. 64 In the Bananas case, the EU trade measure was found to
violate WTO obligations. 65 However, the EU easily absorbed the
impact of Ecuador's retaliation while the EU took a further 30
months to comply with the ruling after the expiry of the reasonable
period of 15 months established by the dispute settlement body and
easily withstood 27 months of retaliatory measures. 66
To reduce the problem of enforcement, some developing
countries have put forward proposals - as potential alternatives to
retaliation - by introducing financial damages, collectively-imposed
sanctions, or mandating that only countries that have fully complied
See Ruth Gordon, ‘Sub-Saharan Africa and the Brave New World of the WTO
Multilateral Trade Regime’ (2006) 8 Berkeley Journal of African-American
Law and Policy 79, 104. See Clint Bodien, ‘Cross-Retaliation in the WTO:
Antigua and Barbuda's Proposed Remedy against the United States in an
Online Gambling Dispute’ (2008) 14(4) Law & Business Review of the
Americas 847, 869.
See Gordon, above n 62, 104.
The heart of the disputewas the competing tensions faced by the EU between
its obligations under the WTO and those under the Lome Convention to
maintain preferential market access for certain developing countries. See
Douglas Ierley, ‘Another Look at the Dispute Over Bananas’ (2002) 33 Law &
Policy in International Business 615.
Ibid 629-636.
Ibid 641.
14 FLJ 1]
with previous decisions should be permitted to bring cases in the
WTO. 67 However, at the moment, these alternatives seem to be an
unrealistic solution in light of opposition from developed countries
and the fact that the Doha Round is stalled. 68 Until a more plausible
solution is devised, developing countries, including Arab countries,
may not find it sensible to spend time and coston a complaint in
anticipation of their inability to enforce even apositive panel ruling.
On their part, developed countries should understand that they
cannot expect to have a stable and rule-based system if they comply
with WTO decision(s) when it suits them and do not comply when it
does not suit.
Cultural Attitude
Arab tradition and history may reveal other reasons for the limited
participation of Arab countries in the WTO dispute settlement
process. The Arab culture disfavors the adversarial process of
litigation. The Arabic tradition has always preferred sulh, which
embodies the concepts of settlement and reconciliation, over formal
litigation. 69 Even arbitration, the principal form of alternative dispute
resolution, has long been viewed skeptically and with hostility.70
See Jide Nzelibe, ‘The Role and Limits of Legal Regulation of Conflicts of
Interest (Part I): The Credibility Imperative: The Political Dynamics of
Retaliation in the World Trade Organization's Dispute Resolution Mechanism’
(2005) 6(1) Theoretical Inquiries in Law 215, 228-230. See also Bernard M.
Hoekman, Aaditya Mattoo, and Philip English, Development, Trade, and the
WTO: A Handbook (World Bank Publications, 2002) 77-78.
Hoekman, Mattoo and English, above n 67, 85-86.
Walid Iqbal, ‘Courts, Lawyering, and ADR: Glimpses into the Islamic
Tradition’ (2000) 28(4) Fordham Urban Law Journal 1035, 1037.
See Charles N. Brower and Jeremy K. Sharpe, ‘International Arbitration and
the Islamic World: The Third Phase’ (2003) 97(3) American Journal of
International Law 643 (the legal community throughout the Arab world is still
manifesting its hostility to transnational arbitration mainly as a result of the
great publicity devoted to the criticism of certain unfortunate arbitral awards
rendered by western arbitrators who excluded, with terms of a humiliating
nature, the application of the national applicable legal systems of Arab
Negotiations and compromises are the traditional path. 71 It is a
question of style. The preference for sulh is often a reflection of
larger social and cultural perceptions of conflict generally. In Arab
countries, the notion of conflict typically carries a highly negative
connotation. 72 Viewed as disruptive and dangerous to social
cohesion, conflict represents something to be avoided. 73
Understandably, this mindset makes formal litigation an unpopular
dispute resolution mechanism in Arab countries, given its inherent
adversarial elements.
In other cultures, litigation is considered the preferred mode for
enforcing and settling differences. Countries with more litigious
domestic norms tend to file more complaints at the WTO. 74 The US
is well-known for its litigious society having the highest number of
lawyers per population. 75 In contrast, Arab countries have a smaller
number of lawyers per population. 76 This is a simple indication that
if a country has a high number of lawyers, that country would be
inclined to be more litigious.
See Rosa María González Tirados, ‘Negotiation. An A-Z Guide’ (2010) 48(6)
Management Decision 1023–1027 (Arabs prefer to establish personal relations
and resolve issues through mediation or continued negotiation).
See Mohammed Abu-Nimer, ‘Conflict Resolution Approaches: Western and
Middle Eastern Lessons and Possibilities’ (1996) 55(1) American Journal of
Economics and Sociology 35, 46.
See Ji Li, ‘From ‘“See You in Court!” to “See You in Geneva!”: An Empirical
Study of the Role of Social Norms in International Trade Dispute Resolution’
(2007) 32(2) Yale Journal of International Law 485, 496-499, 507.
See Khosrow Fatemi (ed), International Trade in the 21st Century (Elsevier
Science, 1997) 227-228 (the United States leads the world by a wide margin on
the total number of lawyers and lawyers per million. It is also very interesting,
or perhaps frightening, to further note that 35 percent of the lawyers in the
world in 1992 lived, and presumably practiced law, in the United States).
For example, Lebanon has approximately 8000 lawyers; Morocco has 9190
lawyers; Tunisia has 2800 lawyers; and Yemen has 250 lawyers. See Omar
Zain, Study into the Status and Tools Used by Lawyers in Arab Countries
(2004) 34-35,
14 FLJ 1]
In the future, the process may become more confrontational so
that the Arab countries press their interests in trade disputes.
Through litigation Arab countries would send a signal to other WTO
members that negotiation is one option for resolving a trade dispute,
but it is not the only option. Arab countries should employ litigation
and negotiation at the same time because litigation plays an
important role in informing negotiations.
F Other Detriments to Effective Participation
There are other hurdles that weigh negatively on Arab countries’
choice to launch a WTO case, albeit to a lesser degree if compared
with the hurdles discussed earlier. One impediment relates to
language issues. Currently, the WTO uses three working languages
(English, Spanish, and French). 77 Arabic, a language spoken by 280
million people, is not an official language at the WTO. 78 Arab
officials must work in a foreign language in WTO dispute settlement
procedures. Thus, these officials can be at a linguistic
disadvantage. 79 Even if WTO agreements are translated into Arabic,
it would be difficult, if not impossible, to translate highly legalistic
and technical terms into Arabic without compromising the original
meanings of the words. Therefore, Arab officials would need to
master WTO agreements and to do so in a foreign language, namely
Another hurdle is the protracted period of the WTO dispute
settlement process which could last up to five years. The period
See World Trade Organization, Languages (9 January 2012)
One may argue that adding more workinglanguages, such as Arabic, to the
WTO could considerably complicate its work and put a heavy burden on its
cost-effectiveness. See Daniel Pruzin, ‘WTO Chief Urges Budget Increase,
Highlights Dispute Settlement Logjam.’ (2000) 17 International Trade
Reporter (BNA) 1469 (the average panel report of 370 pages is typically
delayed in its release by eleven weeks due to translation bottlenecks).
See Kim Van der Borght, Reform and Development of the WTO Dispute
Settlement System (Cameron May, 2006) 314.
includes consultation time, panel proceedings, and enforcement. 80 In
addition, a motivated and well-funded party may cause significant
delays and even derail the dispute settlement process by not
providing the relevant information or if the information provided is
missing essential details. For example, in a Brazilian case against US
cotton subsidies, the US refused to supply information requested by
Brazil concerning farm-specific contract payment and cotton
planting information. 81 During the time when the case is being
litigated, countries could lose their market share and even exporting
opportunities. Thus, prolonged WTO dispute settlement proceedings force
Arab countries to mull over their options before launching a case.
Governments in Arab countries are the only party assured of any
decision-making role in international trade matters. This is attributed
to, in part, the Arab countries' constitutions. For instance, the
Jordanian constitution bestows the responsibility for negotiating
international agreements on the government and tasks it with
ensuring adherence to obligations emerging from these agreements. 82
At the same time, however, no clear procedures are provided in the
constitution or elsewhere to facilitate consultation between the
government and external stakeholders.
The average time between the establishment of a panel and the expiry of the
reasonable period of time to comply is in general over two years or over four
years once the consultation period is added. If the issue of enforcement is taken
into consideration, then the period can be significantly prolonged. See Erin N.
Palmer, ‘The World Trade Organization Slips Up: A Critique of the World
Trade Organization's Dispute Settlement Understanding Through the European
Union Banana Dispute’ (2002) 69(2) Tennessee Law Review 443, 455-459,
466-474. See also Shin-yi Peng, ‘How Much Time is Reasonable? - The
Arbitral Decisions under Article 21.3(c) of the DSU’ (2008) 26(1) Berkeley
Journal of International Law 323, 328, 331.
See Daniel Pruzin, ‘Brazil Asks Cotton Dispute Panel to Draw 'Adverse
Inferences' against United States.’ (2004) 21 International Trade Reporter
(BNA) 541 (the United States countered that the information requested could
not be supplied, as it was covered by the confidentiality provisions of the 1974
US Privacy Act. Brazil needs the informationto help prove its claims that the
contract payments are actually product-specific support, which then becomes
actionable under WTO subsidy rules).
Constitution of the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan 1952 (Jordan) art 33.
14 FLJ 1]
The relative size and strength of the sector to the total economy
plays an important role in determining whether to launch a WTO case
or not. If the sector in question contributes significantly to gross
domestic product (GDP) compared with other sectors then the
government can be induced to launch a case. However, this
assumption is not correct in all cases. For example, a sector - like
agriculture in the US - could make only a small contribution to GDP
but nevertheless carry large political clout that forces the government
to budge for its demands. 83 Thus, factors such as importance, size,
and political clout influence the government's decision to launch a
WTO case.
In the context of the WTO, consultative mechanisms between
governments andthe private sector in Arab countries are weak if not
non-existent. 84 It must be remembered that the WTO is a
government-driven organisation. However, governments represent
their domestic industries and lobby on their behalf. Thus, the private
sector in Arab countries should be included in WTO issues more
frequently than is currently experienced, especially in disputes
whereby the private sector is the one which alerts the governments to
possible violations in order to bring a case. The private sector is
better positioned to know the industry harmed or be familiar with the
nature of the harm.
See J.W. Looney et al., Agricultural Law: A Lawyer's Guide to Representing
Farm Clients (American Bar Association, 1990) 5-10, 191-205: (many of the
US subsidy programs date back to the farm financial crises of 1930s and 1980s.
Certain reasons may provide as an explanation for the divergent treatment of
agriculture in the US Farming is viewed as a unique way of life dependent on
natural forces which are beyond the farmer’s control. Farmers are also viewed
as a stabilising element in society because of their vital role in food and fibre
production. Farmland is a major source of aesthetically and psychologically
pleasing open space and locale for many non-farm recreational activities.
Farmers are a distinct minority in the US; they constitute about two percent of
the total population. Farmers receive specialised legal treatment as an attempt
to protect them from the generally urban orientation of law and government.
Lastly, their lack of participation beyond the production stage of agriculture is
a contributing factor to their inability to attain adequate income).
See Ali A. Soliman, Role of the Private Sector in Arab Economic and Social
Development (Center for the Study of Developing Countries, 2004) 32-46.
The EC-GSP case between the EC and India illustrates the
detrimental effect that lack of consultation between governments and
other stakeholders can have in WTO dispute settlement cases. In that
case, the EC had granted tariff concessions to 12 developing
countries, excluding India, as part of its Generalized System of
Preferences (GSP) scheme. 85 Only after a panel to hear the dispute
had been formed and the proceedings were well underway did
TEXTROCIL, an association representing the clothing sector,
submit a memorandum to the Indian government calling on it to
address the difficulties placed on the clothing sector by the Drug
Arrangements. 86 Having acted independently, TEXTROCIL was
obviously unaware of the measures already initiated by the
government several months before in an effort to counter the impact
of the Drug Arrangements. Notwithstanding the evident lack of
coordination between the activities of the Indian government and
those of the private sector, the information brought to light by
TEXTROCIL provided useful evidence in the case against the EC
and helped India win. 87 The fact that TEXTROCIL requested
government intervention several months after the government had
lodged a formal WTO complaint demonstrates the extent of the
disconnect between the Indian government and private-sector
stakeholders when it comes to WTO matters.
The concessions included special arrangements aimed at rewarding some of the
beneficiary countries for their efforts in fighting drug production and
trafficking (the Drug Arrangements). Implementation of the Drug
Arrangements by the EC meant that the beneficiary countries enjoyed better
tariff concessions relative to the excluded countries. India felt that this made it
unjustifiably more difficult for its exports to enter the EC market, while also
illegally taking away the benefits due to it being under the most favored nation
(MFN) provisions in Article 1:1 of the GATT 1994 as well as paragraphs 2(a),
3(a) and 3(c) of the Enabling Clause. See Gregory C. Shaffer and Ricardo
Meléndez-Ortiz, Dispute Settlement at the WTO: The Developing Country
Experience (Cambridge University Press, 2010) 182-184.
In its submissions, TEXTROCIL highlighted, among other things, the fact that
the implementation of the Drug Arrangements had led to an increase in
clothing exports going into the EC from Pakistan, one of the beneficiaries of
the arrangements, and a decline in India’s clothing exports to the same
destination. See Shaffer and Meléndez-Ortiz, above n 85.
14 FLJ 1]
Arab countries should build bridges with the private sector
during WTO negotiations every time a dispute arises. Such bridges
include the establishment of public-private partnerships. 88 Publicprivate partnerships can enhance a country's ability to provide
credible commitments and mutually bear the costs of possible
litigation. Moreover, critical inputs from the private sector can be
helpful in terms of determining whether or not a particular WTO
case is won or lost.
Although Arab countries rarely participate directly in the WTO
dispute settlement mechanism, there could be indirect avenues for
them to enhance theirintervention. One area in which Arab countries
have been actively involved is their participation as third parties.
Under WTO jurisprudence, only countries that have "substantial
interests" at stake can participate in dispute proceedings. 89
See Chad P. Bown and Bernard M. Hoekman, ‘WTO Dispute Settlement and
the Missing Developing Country Cases: Engaging the Private Sector’, (2005) 8
Journal of International Economic Law 861, 873. For a discussion on how
such partnerships can impact on the ability of a country to initiate disputes,
taking the EU and US examples, see Gregory Shaffer, ‘What's New in EU
Trade Dispute Settlement? Judicialization, Public-Private Networks and the
WTO Legal Order’ (2006) 13(6) Journal of European Public Policy 832, 839842: (In both the US and the EU, there is an established tradition of
cooperation between government and local businesses in dealing with
international trade matters. These public-private partnerships have come about
as a result of the interdependence that has evolved between the two sides over
the years. On the one hand, private businesses rely on the governments to
represent their interests in WTO matters, including the dispute settlement
mechanism. On the other, the governments have come to depend on the
organisational, financial, political and informational resources possessed by
some of the private businesses in order to achieve and sustain their objectives
in the WTO).
The expression “substantial interest” is not capable of a precise definition and
accordingly may present difficulties for the WTO. It is, however, intended to
be construed to cover only those countries which have, or in the absence of
discriminatory quantitative restrictions affecting their exports could reasonably
be expected to have, a significant share in the market of the country seeking to
Additionally, the Appellate Body amended its working procedures
whereby it gives a third party an automatic right to appear at the oral
hearing even though no written submission has been forwarded if
there is a notification to the Appellate Body's secretariat compared
with the previous practice where a written submission must be filed
first before appearing at the hearing. 90 Although the amendment
constitutes a step forward, the decision to allow a third party to
participate in a case without previous written submission is left to
the Appellate Body to decide on a case-by-case basis.
Thus far, four Arab countries have been involved as third parties
in eight disputes. Egypt has been involved in five different disputes,
Bahrain and Kuwait has been involved in one dispute, and Saudi
Arabia has been involved in two disputes. 91 As third parties, Arab
countries act merely as observers. However, there are instances
when Arab countries actually made substantive submissions. For
example, Egypt in the Bed Linen case, as third party, argued quite
controversially that article 15 of the WTO Anti-dumping Agreement
obligated the EU to explore the possibilities of constructive remedies
modify or withdraw the concession. See Chi Carmody, ‘Of Substantial
Interest: Third Parties under GATT’ (1997)18(4) Michigan Journal of
International Law 615, 626, 637.
See Appellate Body, Annual Report for 2003, WTO Doc. WT/AB/1 (May 7,
2004) 34-37.
Egypt: European Communities - Provisional Safeguard Measures on Imports
of Certain Steel Products - Request for the Establishment of a Panel by the
United States, WTO Doc WT/DS260/4, (19 August 2002); European
Communities -Antidumping Duties on Imports of Bed Linen from India, WTO
DocWT/DS141/19) (29 April 2003); Turkey - Measures Affecting the
Importation of Rice - Status Report by Turkey, WTO Doc WT/DS334/14 (10
October 2008); United States - Continued Existence and Application of
Zeroing Methodology - Status Report by the United States – Addendum, WTO
Doc WT/DS350/18/Add.7 (9 July 2010), Bahrain: United States - Definitive
Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China,
WTO Doc WT/DS379/5 (29 March 2010), Kuwait: United States - Definitive
Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China,
WTO Doc WT/DS379/5 (29 March 2010), and Saudi Arabia: United States Definitive Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from
China, WTO Doc WT/DS379/5 (29 March 2010); China - Measures Related
to the Exportation of Various Raw Materials, WTO Doc WT/DS394/9 (18
May 2010).
14 FLJ 1]
before applying anti-dumping duties, and that the EU failed to
comply with this provision, as it did not suggest to the Egyptian
exporters the possibility of, for instance, price undertakings. 92 Egypt
was of the view that article 15 imposes a legal obligation on
developed countries any time they contemplate imposing antidumping duties, and it is therefore up to those developed countries
then to suggest to the developing countries involved whether or not
they would be interested in offering price undertakings.
Arab countries with vested legal interests can take part in WTO
dispute settlement proceedings. The burden falls on Arab countries
to make their own determination whenever they have interests at
stake. Arab countries can test the waters as third-party participants to
develop expertise. Third party participation is not that costly since a
third party is not required to file a formal submission, and when it
does, the submission can be short and non-technical in nature. 93
However, third party status is not a permanent solution or alternative
to actual participation as complainants.
Arab countries may also have the chance to participate in
disputes through amicus curiae briefs. 94 Morocco was the first Arab
country, and indeed the first WTO member, to submit amicus curiae.
In European Communities-Trade Description of Sardines case,
See Panel Report, European Communities-Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of
Cotton-Type Bed Linen from India, WTO Doc WT/DS141/R (30 October
See Shaffer and Melendez-Ortiz, above n 85, 174-178.
Amicus curiae means submissions by non-parties in WTO dispute proceedings.
See Padideh Ala’i, ‘Judicial Lobbying At the WTO: The Debate over the Use
of Amicus Curiae Briefs and the US Experience’ (2000) 24(1) Fordham
International Law Journal 62, 84-86 (the solitary support of the US for amicus
curiae submissions before the WTO Appellate Body can be attributed to the
US legal system’s historical familiarity with the institution of amicus curiae
and its evolution from “friend of the court” to a “judicial lobbyist” within the
US Supreme Court jurisprudence. The function of amicus curiae at common
law was one of oral shepardising or the bringing up of cases not known to the
Morocco submitted an amicus curiae brief. 95 Morocco submitted its
amicus curiae even though it did not participate as a third party in
the dispute at the panel level. The Appellate Body held that in its prior
rulings on the issue, it had never distinguished between amicus curiae
briefs from WTO members or from other sources such as individuals or
non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The Appellate Body stated
that it could not treat non-members more favorably than members
themselves with respect to the submission of such briefs, and that
nothing in the rules prevents a WTO Member from submitting an
amicus curiae brief. 96 Ultimately, the Appellate Body went on to say
that the Moroccan amicus submission failed to assist in the appeal
because the factual information provided in the brief was not
pertinent to the appeal. 97
It seems that the Appellate Body added more rights to, and
obligations on the part of WTO members setting an example for
NGOs, academia, industrial associations to submit amicus briefs.
However, filing amicus curiae briefs by Arab countries does not
guarantee that WTO dispute settlement panels will take them into
account in deciding cases. Panels have discretionary authority either
to accept and consider or to reject information and advice submitted
to it, whether requested by a panel or not. Further, amicus briefs
must be "pertinent and useful" to the dispute in question otherwise
they can be rejected as evident in the Sardine decision.
The dispute was between Peru and the EU. Peru had requested consultations
with the EU following a Council Regulation (EEC No. 2136/89) that purported
to lay down common market standards for trade in preserved sardines. Article
2 of the EU Regulation provided, inter alia, that only products prepared from
Sardina pilchardus may be marketed as preserved sardines. In other words,
only products of this species may have the word “sardines” as part of the name
on the container. According to this regulation, Sardino pssagax, found mainly
in the Eastern Pacific along the coasts of Peru and Chile could not be marketed
as such. Sardinops Sardina pilchardusis is found mainly around the coasts of
the Eastern North Atlantic, in the Mediterranean Sea and in the Black Sea. See
Appellate Body Report, European Communities-Trade Description of
Sardines, WTO Doc WT/DS231/AB/R (26 September 2002) [166]-[167].
Ibid [161]-[165].
Ibid [167].
14 FLJ 1]
Regarding participation as panelists or as Appellate Body members
the trend is that of satisfactory involvement. At the panel level, three
Arab panelists were selected to rule in nine cases. 98 At the Appellate
Body level, since 1995 two Arab nationals served as members.
These were late Said El-Naggar of Egypt (1995-2000) and George
Abi-Saab of Egypt (2004-2008). 99 The list of Arab panelists
indicates a high level of professionalism.
These Arab panelists are: Maamoun Abdel-Fattah of Egypt, Magda Shahin of
Egypt, and Nacer Benjelloun-Touimi of Morocco. Maamoun Abdel-Fattah
participated in several cases; see, eg, Panel Report, Brazil-Measures Affecting
Desiccated Coconut, WTO Doc WT/DS22/R (17 October 1996), Panel Report,
Canada- Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, WTO Doc
WT/DS70/RW (9 May 2000); Panel Report, Canada-Measures Affecting the
Export of Civilian Aircraft, WTO Doc WT/DS70/R (14 April 1999); Panel
Report, United States-Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Wheat
Gluten from the European Communities, WTO Doc WT/DS166/R (31 July
2000); Panel Report, United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act
of 2000, WTO Doc WT/DS217/R (16 September 2002); Panel Report,
European Communities-Anti-Dumping Duties on Malleable Cast Iron Tube or
Pipe Fittings from Brazil, WTO Doc WT/DS219/R (7 March 2003); Arbitrator
Decision, United States-Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 200Original Complaint by the European Communities-Recourse to Arbitration by
the United States under Article 22.6 of the DSU, WTO Doc
WT/DS217/ARB/EEC (31 August 2004); while Magda Shahin participated in
one case: Appellate Body Report, European Communities-Measures Affecting
the Importation of Certain Poultry Products, WTO Doc WT/DS69/AB/R (13
July 1998); and Nacer Benjelloun-Touimi involved in one case: European
Communities-Selected Customs Matters, WTO Doc No. WT/DS315/1 (27
September 2004).
Said El-Naggar sat on the bench of some of the important cases in the history
of the WTO. The list includes Japan-Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, WTO Doc
No. WT/DS8/AB/R, WT/DS10/AB/R, WT/DS11/AB/R (4 October
1996);European Communities-Regime for the Importation, Sale, and
Distribution of Banana, WTO Doc WT/DS27/AB/R (9 September
1997);Brazil-Export Financing Program for Aircraft, WTO Doc
WT/DS46/AB/R (2 August 1999); India-Quantitative Restrictions on Imports
of Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Products, WTO WT/DS90/AB/R (23
August 1999). Also, George Abi-Saab participated in important cases. The list
includes United States-Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Wheat
Gluten from the European Countries, WTO Doc WT/DS166/AB/R (22
December 2000);Mexico - Anti-Dumping Investigation of High Fructose Corn
Syrup (HFCS) from the United States, WTO WT/DS132/AB/RW (22 October
2001); United States-Definitive Safeguard Measures on Imports of Certain
Steel Products, WTO Doc WT/DS248/R (11 July 2003);United States-Sunset
Review of Anti-Dumping Duties on Corrosion-Resistant Carbon Steel Flat
Even if Arab countries are represented at the panel and Appellate
Body levels, still Arab panelists are outnumbered by panelists from
developed countries similar in size, such as New Zealand or
Switzerland. 100 Panelists from these and other countries are selected
more frequently. 101 This state of affair relates, in part, to the number
of persons with legal expertise in trade matters. Further, adding more
Arab panelists could lead to concerns among WTO members,
especially other developing countries, about fairness in geographical
representation. 102 Regarding the nationality of the panelists and
Appellate Body members, Arab representation is quite encouraging.
There are some provisions in the DSU that give special treatment
for developing and least-developed countries. 103 The special and
differential treatment provisions have been less than effective due
Products from Japan, WTO Doc WT/DS244/AB/R (15 December 2002);
European Communities -Conditions for the Granting of Tariffs Preferences to
Developing Countries, WTO Doc WT/DS246/AB/R (7 April 2004). For more
on biographies of Arab Appellate Body members see World Trade
Organization, Appellate Body Members (2012)
In representation a patterns emerge: first, special privileges for the US, as the
world's largest trader; second, special privileges for the world's four largest
traders (currently, China, the European Union, Japan, and the US), a group
known as “the Quad”; and third, a rotational system between developed and
developing nations. See Jacob Katz Cogan, ‘Representation and Power in
International Organization: The Operational Constitution and its Critics’
(2009) 103 American Journal of International Law 209, 232-233.
Like the other members of the Quad, the US is also reserved a seat de facto on
the WTO's Appellate Body. Katz Cogan, above n 100, 232-233.
The WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding states that panel membership
shall be broadly representative. See Marrakesh, above n 7, article 17(3).
Examples include article 4.10 which states that members to give
“specialattention” to the particular problems and interests of developing
countries during consultations; article 8.10 which states that developing
countries can require that at least one panelist in cases concerning them be a
national of a developing country; article 27.2 which relates to the provision of
the Secretariat of services of qualified legal if a developing country requests
so. See Andrea M. Ewart, ‘Small Developing States in the WTO: A Procedural
Approach to Special and Differential Treatment through Reforms to Dispute
Settlement’ (2007) 35(1) Syracuse Journal of International Law & Commerce
27, 42-43.
14 FLJ 1]
totheir vagueness and lack of procedures to guide their application. 104
For instance, article 12.11 of the DSU mandates that a panel's report
should explicitly indicate the form in which account has been taken
of relevant provisions on differential and more favorable treatment
for developing country members. However, to date, article 12.11 of
the DSU has been cited in three cases butwas not taken into
consideration in any of the panel's recommendations. 105 It may be
noted that ineffectiveness can be considered part of a wider problem
in the sense that a number of special and differential treatment
provisions in various WTO agreements are of a declaratory nature
and, in the absence of implementation rules, have not been of any
practical use to developing countries.
An important step has been taken to assist developing countries
in WTO dispute settlement through the establishment of the
Advisory Center on WTO Law. 106 The Advisory Center is
independent from the WTO and open to all WTO members, but only
developing countries and economies in transition can use its
Ewart, above n 103, 42-43.
In the case of the US against India on Quantitative Restrictions on Imports of
Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Products, India referred to article XVIII:B
of GATT on the balance-of-payments as a relevant provision on special and
differential treatment. See Appellate Body Report, India-Quantitative
Restrictions on Imports of Agricultural, Textile and Industrial Products, WTO
Doc. WT/DS90/AB/R (Aug. 23, 1999). In the case against the US on
Continued Dumping Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, Indonesia referred to article
15 on special and differential treatment in the Antidumping Agreement as
being undermined by US action. See Appellate Body Report, United States Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, WTO Doc
WT/DS217/AB/R (16 January 2003). In the case of the US against Mexico on
Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services, Mexico referred to GATS
provisions on differential and more favorable treatment for developing country
Members. See Panel Report, Mexico - Measures Affecting Telecommunications
Services, WTO Doc WT/DS204/R (2 April 2004).
The Advisory Center on WTO Law has been established to alleviate article
27.2 of the DSU problem which provides legal advice and assistance through
the WTO Secretariat. To fulfill its mandate, the Secretariat dedicated only two
legal affairs officers and engaged two consultants who are available one day a
week. See Kim Van der Borght, ‘The Advisory Center on WTO Law:
Advancing Fairness and Equality’ (1999) 2(4) Journal of International
Economic Law 723, 724-727.
services. Currently, four Arab countries are members of the
Advisory Center. 107 However, there is no obvious reason why more
Arab countries have not joined yet. Hence, it can be suggested that it
is perhaps a lack of interest or lack of knowledge of the importance
of the Advisory Center that is the reason for the limited membership
to date.
The Advisory Center organises seminars on WTO jurisprudence,
offers affordable legal advice on WTO law, provides support in
WTO proceedings, and permits internships for officials dealing with
WTO legal issues. 108 In other words, the Advisory Center on WTO
Law manages many tasks that aim to assist developing countries in
understanding WTO law and participating in its dispute settlement
process should the need arises. The Advisory Center resembles a law
office that specialises in WTO law, but has its own limitations. For
example, the Advisory Center imposes limitations on the number of
professionals and hours allocated per each case. 109
Egypt, Jordan, Oman, and Tunisia are members of the Advisory Center. Egypt
and Tunisia are original members of the Advisory Center which signed the
agreement establishing the Center while Jordan was the first country to accede
to the agreement followed by Oman. Late Said El-Naggar of Egypt, former
Appellate Body member, held a seat in the management board for two years
term starting 2001. See Advisory Center on WTO Law, Developing Countries
(January 6 2012)
The Advisory Center sources of income are: user charges, revenues from an
endowment fund, and traditional donor contributions. To function, the
Advisory Center has an executive director and six experienced professionals
who have an interest in advancing the interests of developing countries. See
also Chad Bown and Rachel McCulloch, ‘Developing Countries, Dispute
Settlement, and the Advisory Centre on WTO Law’ (2010) 19(1) Journal of
International Trade and Economic Development 33-63.
The estimated hours per case are 700 hours for a simple case. Another criticism
directed toward the Advisory Center is the fact that there may be real
duplication between its work and the work of the WTO Technical Cooperation
Division. Even more, the Advisory Center executive director will have the
power to decide whether a case brought to the Center by a developing country
has legal merit or not. See Van der Borght, above n 106, 728.
14 FLJ 1]
Despite these limitations, Arab countries should consider
becoming involved in the Center until they have their own in-house
counsels and deeper expertise in international trade law. Countries
such as India owe part of their success in the WTO dispute
mechanism to assistance from the Advisory Center. 110 Joining the
Advisory Center seems to be at least a partial solution to some of the
problems of under-participation describedearlier.
There are a range of other measures at the disposal of Arab
countries which can go a long way towards helping them participate
effectively in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. One such
measure is making better use of academics in Arab universities,
some of whom have specialised knowledge of international trade.
These trade law specialists could be of tremendous help in handling
international trade issues. An internship program could also be
introduced to expose young Arabs from different sections of the
public and private sectors to the way the WTO system works in
Arab countries fail to make significant use of the WTO dispute
settlement system. Egypt has been the Arab country most frequently
involved in the WTO dispute settlement process as a respondent in a
stand-alone case, as well as a third party.The one area in which Arab
countries have been comparatively active is in participation as third
parties. However, no Arab country - even Egypt - has ever
participated as a complainant. Marginal participation indicates that
Arab countries have not fully engaged the WTO system and their
role remains insignificant.
While the private industry, in India's triumph over the EC in the EC-GSP case,
provided some of the evidence that was used in the substantive arguments,
legal support for the dispute was provided by the Advisory Centre for WTO
Law in Geneva. See Shaffer and Melendez-Ortiz, above n 85, 185.
Lack of effective participation is not confined to the WTO
dispute settlement process itself - such as the issues of enforcement
and proof of legitimate interest - but to other factors specific to Arab
countries. These factors include insufficient human resources,
financial constraints, trade volume, absence of private sector
involvement, political considerations, and cultural attitude toward
like-litigation proceedings. With the exception of Egypt and Saudi
Arabia, Arab countries will operate at the margins of the dispute
settlement system for many of the reasons identified.
Even if Arab countries do not use the WTO dispute settlement as
complainants because of legal capacity for example, among other
factors, they certainly could make use of amicus curiae. Amicus
curiae briefs constitute a useful base to develop sound legal
argument. Moreover, Arab countries could use the system by
participating as third parties. To a certain degree, participation as
third parties lead Arab countries to gain insights into the mechanics
of the WTO settlement process and exposures to panel and Appellate
Body procedures. Egypt and Saudi Arabia could help by sharing
expertise, organising, and covering the cost of third party
participation in cases of major interest to the Arab members. Egypt
and Saudi Arabia also have the financial resources to encourage
more trade training of Middle Eastern attorneys.
As members of the Advisory Center on WTO Law, those Arab
countries are entitled to draw assistance from the Center which was
originally established to enforce WTO rights of developing
countries. Consequently, more Arab countries should become
members of the Center and should make full use of this membership.
The Center could then be used to give opinions and draft WTO
arguments for the benefit of these countries.
Arguably, the options mentioned above do not form exclusive
alternatives to litigation, but could be options used to protect Arab
countries’ trade interests. Furthermore, it is necessary to realise that
litigation in matters of trade does not necessarily conflict with
maintaining good political relationships among disputing countries.
14 FLJ 1]
Arab countries should, therefore, not shy away from utilising the
WTO dispute settlement mechanism. Even if they are still not fully
integrated in the multilateral trading system and if there is limited
need for disputes, Arab countries ought to utilise the WTO dispute
settlement mechanism. The dispute settlement mechanism is not
only about disputes; it is an evolving body of international trade law
principles that are increasingly being shaped by those WTO
members who are active participants. Arab countries can no longer
afford to ignore the WTO dispute settlement mechanism.