Different types of back pain and their treatment

Different types of back pain and
their treatment
Back pain is very frequent, but in many cases, it is not clear what
exactly causes it. Depending on the cause, it is usually classified into
2 types: mechanical back pain and inflammatory back pain. They are
the most frequent. Your Back Pain Doctor Near Me can help you
diagnose it correctly.
How many people suffer back pain?
In most cases, back pain is mechanical. Both types of pain can limit
daily activities, as well as limit the quality of life because it affects
sleep, social life and the ability to work.
But mechanical pain and inflammatory pain can have similar
symptoms, so it is difficult to differentiate them without help. That is
why it is important to consult a Back Pain Management Doctors and
be able to describe your pain.
Symptom of back pain
Back pain varies. It can be intense or sharp. It can be a dull, fixed pain
or feel like a muscle spasm. The type of pain you will have will
depend on the underlying cause of your low back pain.
Most people find that resting or reclining improves back pain,
regardless of the underlying cause.
People suffering from low back pain may experience any of the
 Low back pain is intensified by leaning forward or lifting an
 Staying seated can aggravate the pain.
 Standing or walking can aggravate the pain.
 Back pain comes and goes, and usually follows a course of ups
and downs with good and bad days.
The pain may extend from the back to the buttock or outer part of the
hip, without spreading to the leg.
Regardless of your age or symptoms, if your back pain does not
improve in a few weeks, or if it is accompanied by fever, you should
consult your Back Pain Management Near Me.
Tests and diagnosis of back pain
After discussing your symptoms and your history, your doctor will
examine your back. This will include looking at your back and
pressing in different areas to see if you feel pain. Your doctor may
make you lean forward, backward, and side to side in search of
limitations or pain.
Your doctor may measure the function of the nerves in your legs. This
includes checking your knee and ankle reflexes, as well as testing for
strength and sensation. This will tell your doctor if the nerves are
seriously affected.
Tests with images
Other tests that can help your doctor confirm your diagnosis includes:
X-rays Even though you only see
bones, a simple x-ray can help
determine if you have the most
obvious causes of back pain. It will
show broken bones, changes due to
aging, curves or deformities. Xrays do not show discs, muscles,
and nerves.
Magnetic Resonance (MRI). This
study can create better images of
soft tissues, such as muscles,
nerves or vertebral discs. Conditions such as herniated disc or
infection are more visible in an image by MRI.
Bone density test. Osteoporosis weakens the bone, which can easily
fracture. Osteoporosis itself does not cause back pain, but fractures in
the spine can do it.
In general, treatment for low back pain falls into one of three
categories: medications, physiatry, and surgery.