Unhooking the tentacles of dependency PBO Challenges reviewed

` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-59 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
International Journal of Management, Education and Governance
© Oasis International Consulting Journals, 2017 (ISSN: 2518-0827) www.oasiseduconsulting.com
Unhooking the Tentacles of Dependency: Challenges and Opportunities of Public Benefits
Organizations in Informal Settlements in Nairobi County, Kenya
Osiru Okatta, & 2Wilkins Ndege Muhingi
1St. Elizabeth University of Health and Social Sciences-Slovak Republic (Bratislava),
Faculty of Tropical Medicine2St. Paul’s University (P.O Box private bag 00217 Limuru, [email protected])
Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Received on 8th August 2017
Received in Revised Form on 28thAugust 2017
Accepted on 24th Sept 2017
Financial sustainability has always been a dream for every PBO serving in Kenya and by extension in
Africa. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Kenya mostly depend on foreign funding. Studies
expose the declining state of foreign funding coupled with the Miscellaneous Amendment Act of 2013 both
of which impose a strain to PBOs. This paper explored the challenges faced by PBOs in implementing
financial sustainability strategies in Nairobi informal settlements in Kenya. It was concurrent mixed
methods approach study that employed a descriptive design and was carried out between January and
August 2015. The study targeted various PBO stakeholders who were randomly and purposively sampled
constituting a sample size of 304. Structured questions and interviews were the methods used to collect
data while questionnaires and interview guides were tools used to collect data. Descriptive statistics was
used to analyze quantitative data while qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis in themes.
The findings showed that 90% of the PBOs that were sampled faced challenges in implementing their
financial sustainability strategies while 9.5% were not facing challenges in implementing their financial
sustainability strategies. Most of the PBOs financial sustainability strategies faced a challenge of lack of
commitment, this was represented by 47.6%, while 38.1% faced lack of capital to establish the financial
sustainability strategies, 9.5% cited slow growth of the financial suitability initiatives while 4.8%
attributed to government laws and policies. The study recommended that PBOs should ensure they
exhaustively engage stakeholders in program design, implementation and resource mobilization to enhance
commitment and ownership of the PBO programs and financial sustainability strategies, develop
fundraising policies which will institutionalize resource mobilization. The government being a major
stakeholder should explore ways of partnering and funding effective and efficient PBOs. It should review
policies and laws that restrict PBOs from doing business and enable PBOs to start business related projects
that will consistently generate income for the PBOs. Parliament should also amend the CDF Act to enable
CDF- PBO partnerships and also review the tax laws to allow tax relief for cooperate entities that
financially support results oriented PBOs
Key Words: Financial Sustainability, Opportunities, Challenges, Implementation
1.1 Background of the study
Public Benefits Organizations refers to
humanitarian and development services like
healthcare, land and housing, education,
religion, belief or philosophy, cultural,
conservation, environment and animal
welfare, research, provision of funds, assets
or other resources and consumer rights to
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
the public for free or at a subsidized cost
especially in disadvantaged or hardship
areas (Waters, 2009). They are organizations
that are established to serve the public good,
supporting development, social cohesion
and tolerance within society; promoting
democracy, respect for the rule of law, and
providing accountability mechanisms that
can contribute to improved governance (The
Public Benefit Act 2013 - Kenya).
fundraising strategies like use of face book,
blogs and interactive websites for
advertising among other strategies to ensure
(Dyczkowski, 2014). They have also
accountability by publishing their annual
financial reports so as to win the trust of the
funders thus improving funding rating
(USAID, 2010).
Financial sustainability is the ability of a PBO
to generate resources to meet the
organizational needs of the present without
compromising the future (Harding, 2014). It
also refers to the ability of an organization to
seize opportunities and react to emergencies
maintaining the day to day operations of the
organization (Bowman, 2011).
In Africa, PBOs operate amidst myriad of
challenges (Wood, 2016). The USAID’s CSO
Sustainability index for Sub Saharan Africa
in 2009, identified challenges like legal
hurdles for example being denied
registration, restriction on foreign funding
amounts like in Ethiopia, inadequate
infrastructure, poor governance, lack of
transparency and accountability, and donor
dependency as the major challenges
affecting financial sustainability of the PBOs
(USAID, 2009). It has also been noted that
only a few PBOs are able to generate local
income by pursuing economic activities like
charging user fees, collecting membership
dues, and individual and corporate
philanthropy. In East Africa, PBOs face
similar operational challenges (Kisinga, &
Act, 2014). In Tanzania and Uganda’s PBOs
are vibrant however, they do not have
diversified sources of funds thus they are
donor dependent while Burundi and
Rwanda PBOs face restricted legal
frameworks and are also struggling to
survive financially (Zulkhibri, 2014).
In a survey conducted in the United States of
America (USA), involving 800 PBOs, 75% of
the PBOs reported having been affected by
dwindling donor funds (Renz, 2010). In
addition, 61% of PBOs depending on Federal
governments funding reported experiencing
funding cuts while 48% of those depending
on foundation funding also expressed
reduction in funding (Brulle, 2014). Recent
recessions in the US have also made declines
in philanthropic giving because Americans
have less disposable income (Besel, Williams
& Klak, 2011).
PBOs in Europe also grapple with financial
sustainability challenge and some are
dependent on the European Structural
funding (Vaceková, G., & Svidroňová, 2016).
In Poland for example, the PBOs have
created dependency on European Union
structural funds hence lessening their
interest to look for other funds or income
generation activities and in some ways
stalled the development of the NGO sector
(Hyanek, L. F. J. Š. V, 2016). It is however
important to note that some PBOs in Europe
PBOs in Kenya became vibrant in the 1960’s
when the government then promoted grass
roots growth and action to spur socioeconomic development (Nganga, 2013). This
philosophy was commonly referred to as
harambee. The harambee spirit was based on
the understanding that one could not be able
to carry out plans or actions by him/herself
without the support of other members of the
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
community (Omeri, 2014). Thus people were
encouraged to form self-help groups to
address the social challenges facing them. In
1974 there were merely 125 registered PBOs
in Kenya. Since then there has been a notable
growth, in 1990 there were over 400, in 2004
they grew to 3,000, by 2007 there were 4,200
registered PBOs while in 2014 there were
7,258 registered and active PBOs in Kenya of
diverse categories, Community based
organizations, Faith based organizations,
and International organizations (NGO
Coordination Board, 2014). The Kenyan
PBOs are 46.7% sustainable this is because a
high percentage, 81% of the total funds
utilized by the PBOs in financial year 2014
were from external sources while 14% was
from local sources and slightly more than
half, 60.2% of PBOs reported to have diverse
sources of funds (Nyagah, 2015).
and restrictive government policies, and
laws (Osano, 2013).
To effectively and innovatively respond to
this situation, the PBOs have initiated
financial sustainability projects like sell of
horticulture, construction of guest houses,
resorts and restaurants, consultancy
services, micro-financing and horticulture.
This is aimed at raising more funds to
complement and supplement the dwindling
donor funds (Fury, 2010).
1.2 Empirical Literature Review
themselves with an ever increasing agenda
of programmes and activities that require
consistent and adequate funding. However,
they have limited opportunities for
generating additional income which may
lead to financially unsustainable operations
if not checked (Drunker, 1990). According to
Renz (2010) in a survey of 800 nonprofits at
the end of 2008, 75 percent of nonprofits
reported feeling the effects of the downturn,
with 52 percent already experiencing cuts in
funding. He adds that the NGOs that rely on
government funding-with 61 percent of
nonprofits reporting cuts in government
funding- as well those that rely on
foundations for monetary contributions with
48 percent of nonprofits reported cuts in
foundation funding (Renz et al., 2010).
Nairobi County is home to two hundred and
forty two (242) registered and active PBOs
which represents 12% of the total PBOs in
Kenya, the County with the highest number
of registered PBOs in Kenya (Kaburu, 2014).
They have diverse areas of operation
including and not limited to health,
education, environmental conservation,
housing and settlement, refugees issues
among others (Mutuvi, 2013). Its population
is estimated at 3.1 million people (Kenya
National Bureau of Statistics, 2010) and 6070% of this population is estimated to live in
slum like conditions (APHRC, 2014), it is also
the home of seventy four (74) slums spread
in the eight (8) administrative units of the
County (Corbun & Karanja, 2014). Majority
of the PBOs in Nairobi serve this population
in the disadvantaged and marginalized
communities in Nairobi. These PBOs are
grappling with the financial sustainability
challenge due to the dwindling donor funds
caused by economic recession, changing
donor priorities, minimal stakeholder
implementation and resource mobilization
In another study of 26 health, human
services, and community and economic
development organizations in Mississippi,
Besel, et al (2011) reveals expressed
reservations by participants about their
organizations’ reliance on government
funding for their operations. This he
attributes to considerable restrictions on
how public funds can be utilized and the
relatively large amount of time and
resources consumed in complying with state
and federal requirements. It is also noted
that relying very much on government-
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
contract funding may lead to the hiring of
sessional staff hence negatively affecting
staffing patterns and quality services
delivery. Akingbola (2004) notes in a similar
study of the Canadian Red Cross in the
Toronto region it was revealed that reliance
on contract-based funding led to challenges
with employee retention. On one hand
contract funding has some benefits (e.g.,
providing opportunities for new programs),
while on the other hand temporary staffing
is detrimental in that it affects nonprofit’s
delivery of services and mission impact This
is because it may affect employee
recruitment and retention as well as
negatively influences employee morale and
training practices (Akingbola, 2004).
Moreover, constant turnover or continually
shifting staff responsibilities to align with
short-term contract requirements occasioned
by financial constraints may prove to be
expensive to maintain in the long term, and
ultimately reduces the effectiveness of the
services nonprofits provide to their
well as external factors of establishing a
more supportive regulatory environment
and secure resources for NGO initiative.
Every NGO must achieve organizational,
self-governing capacity before it can attempt
to achieve financial sustainability. A good
legal framework for the NGO sector is
therefore a perquisite condition for both.
Rothenberg (2007) contends that there are no
quick fixes and magic solutions to financial
sustainability of an organization but it is a
process that takes time and hard work. He
further assets that continuing to depend on
foreign donors is no alternative. To address
the resource gap, PBOs need to start selffinancing activities, also referred to as
“earned income” or “non-profit enterprise”,
which are a number of “entrepreneurial”
strategies for cost recovery or surplus
revenue generation to create NGO own new
resources to support programmatic or
operational expenses (Boschee, 2001).
Lacking a strategic plan has been found to be
one of the challenges encountered in the
NGO sector. Studies reveal that few NGOs
have strategic plans which would enable
them to have ownership over their mission,
values and activities. This leaves them
vulnerable to the whims of donors and
makes it difficult to measure their impact
over time (Bray, 2010).
Alymkulova and Seipulnik (2005) point out
that a sustainable approach to NGO
financing is one that avoids dependency on
any single source of revenue, external or
internal. It is worth noting that it is not easy
to determine a formula for the percentages
that need to be derived from various sources
in order to come up with the optimum mix.
These scholars advise that it is vital
maintaining a balance between externally
and internally generated resources to allow
an organization to meet its operating and
administrative expenses while maintaining
the freedom to determine its program
priorities and projects, irrespective of donor
preferences (Alymkulova and Seipulnik,
Rasler (2007), argues that building a truly
“sustainable” NGO is a multidimensional
challenge entailing both internal factors of
strengthening organizational capacity, as
1.3 Methodology and Materials
The aim of this paper was to explore the
challenges and opportunities of Public
Benefits Organisations in Nairobi County.
This was a descriptive study that employed
the concurrent mixed methods approach.
The study was carried out in Nairobi City
County Informal settlement which was
selected due to the fact that it is home to the
highest number of slums. The study was
carried out between January and August,
stakeholders of active and registered PBOs
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
serving in Nairobi slums who included: PBO
Directors, CDF Coordinators, Suppliers,
Service users, and PBO Staff. A sample size
of 304 was obtained whereby PBO Directors,
purposively while Suppliers, Service users,
and PBO Staff were randomly selected for a
sample. Structured questions and interviews
were the methods used to collect data while
questionnaires and interview guides were
tools used to collect data. Descriptive
statistics were used to analyse quantitative
data with the aid of SPSS version 22.0.
Qualitative data was analysed using content
analysis in themes.
1.4 Results
Out of a total of 304 questionnaires
administered to the stakeholders in this
study, a return rate of 87.8% was achieved.
The target population were directors, staff,
beneficiaries and suppliers as shown in the
table because the study objective aimed at
examining the challenges and opportunities
of Public Benefits Organisations in informal
settlements, Nairobi City County, Kenya.
Table 1.1 Response Rate (N=304)
PBO Stakeholders
No. of
questionnaire No. of questionnaire % returned
This section summarizes the demographic
The response rate for all the questionnaires
information of the PBOs and their
for the PBO directors was 87.5%, staff 83.3%,
stakeholders. The type of PBOs that
beneficiaries 89.2%, and suppliers 96%.
participated in the study, length of service in
Mugenda (2003) asserts that a response rate
their respective communities, the direct
of above 50% is sufficient for analysis thus
beneficiaries age groups, their gender and
the data collected was adequate for analysis,
duration they have received services from
presentation and discussion.
the respective PBOs.
1.5 Demographic Information
Table 1.2 Distribution of the types of PBOs that participated in the study
Type of organisation
The majority of the PBOs that participated in the study were local based PBOs, 66.7% compared
to 33.3% that were International based.
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
Table 1.3 PBOs face challenges in implementing financial sustainability strategies
Table 1.3 above indicates that 90% of the PBOs that were sampled were facing challenges in
implementing their financial sustainability strategies while 9.5% were not facing challenges in
implementing their financial sustainability strategies.
Table 1.4 Nature of challenges facing implementation financial sustainability strategies.
Nature of Challenge
Lack of funds for FS initiatives (Funding)
Lack of commitment of stakeholders due to nonaccountability (corruption)
Slow growth of FS initiatives (Competition)
Government laws (Regulation)
Table 1.4 above and figure 1.1 below show
the nature of challenges experienced by the
PBOs in implementing the financial
sustainability strategies. Most of the PBOs
financial sustainability strategies faced a
challenge of lack of commitment, this was
represented by 47.6%, while 38.1% faced lack
of capital to establish the financial
sustainability strategies, 9.5% cited slow
growth of the financial suitability initiatives
while 4.8% attributed to government laws
and policies. These challenges were also
noted by Sontag-Padilla et al. (2012) in their
sustainability for non-profit organizations.
They affirmed that PBOs experience
challenges in implementing financial
sustainability projects. The paper identifies
management due inability to hire qualified
staff and poor motivation among staff as the
challenges affecting implementation of
financial sustainability projects.
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
Figure 1.1: Challenges faced by PBO
From the above figure 1.1, the PBOs that had served between 16-20 years had more challenges
followed by 6-10 years followed by 1-5 years.
Table 1.5: Analysis of variance of the Challenges faced by PBO
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
Between Groups
Within Groups
The results from table 1.5 showed that the p-value = 0.858. Since the p-value is more than alpha
(0.05) then this implied that there was evidence to accept the null hypothesis hence there is no
significant difference in the challenges faced by PBO within length of time in implementing
financial sustainability strategies. This can be verified by the variance test in table 1.6 below.
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
Table 1.6: Test of homogeneity of variance of Challenges faced by PBO
Tukey HSDa,,b
beneficiaries expect the
PBO to serve the
Subset for alpha = 0.05
Long-term existence
11-15 years
1-5 years
6-10 years
16-20 years
The results from table 1.6 showed that the p-value = 0.905. Since the p-value is more than alpha
(0.05) then this implied that there was no evidence to reject the null hypothesis hence there are
no differences in the variances in the challenges faced by PBO within length of time in
implementing financial sustainability projects.
Figure 1.2: Means Plots on Challenges faced by PBO
As shown in the above figure 1.2, corruption was the most faced challenge and the most spread
across the time followed by regulation, followed by funding and lastly completion that was not
very much spread across length of time beneficiaries expect the PBOs to serve the community.
1.6 Discussion
Behind corruption: from NGOs to Civil
society in Europe. He contends that just like
in the public sector, corruption is also
rampant in civil society despite the fact that
there is an assumption that personnel
serving in civil society are more ethical better
than people serving in other fields. This
Most of the PBOs financial sustainability
projects faced challenges of corruption and
misappropriation, which was represented by
39.3%. This was consistent with the view
held by Kitsing, (2003) in his paper titled
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
study revealed that the staff employed to
manage financial sustainability projects
would collude with suppliers and get poor
quality products which would not fetch
good prices in the markets, they would
receive payments and not deposit in the
project accounts or use the projects resources
for their own benefit. This definitely had
negative impacts on the projects which
would not thrive given such conditions.
performance of business ventures initiated
by PBOs.
1.7 Conclusions
The PBOs serving in Nairobi informal
settlements have faced numerous challenges
while implementing financial sustainability
projects. These challenges are attributed to
non-involvement of stakeholders in program
designing, implementation and resource
mobilization which have led to lack of
support of the PBO financial sustainability
projects which causes lack of stakeholder
commitment and ownership. Other factors
include inadequate allocation of capital to
establish the financial sustainability projects,
inadequate capacity to manage the financial
sustainability projects leading to wastage
and losses.
Inadequate funding and lack of capital was
another great challenge experienced by the
financial sustainability projects which was
represented by 29.9%. Boschee (2001) argues
that many PBOs talk and plan about selffinancing but are not committed to initiating
financial sustainability projects. In addition,
many PBOs start projects that are capital
intensive thus they are unable to successfully
run the projects to generate income for the
1.8 Recommendations
To be able to overcome these challenges
there is need for involvement of all the
stakeholders when establishing financial
sustainability projects, continuous training
of the stakeholders on issues related to
financial sustainability. This will enhance
ownership and support of the financial
sustainability projects by the stakeholders. ,
adequate allocation of funds for financial
sustainability projects, expand the market
for the commodities or services sold by the
PBO to increase the market thus spur the
growth of the financial sustainability
projects and finally lobby the government to
amend the law to enable PBOs to engage in
business enterprises.
Government laws and policies (regulations)
was also cited as a major challenge to PBOs
which was represented by 22.4%. The
government through its regulations creates a
red tape to establishment of business
ventures by PBOs. Williams (2006) concurs
that the government through its regulation
creates obstacles for business ventures
initiated by PBOs. Numerous number of
licenses, high taxes and unnecessary raids by
government officers in business premises
were some of the cited challenges caused by
government regulation.
Stiff competition of products produced by
PBOs is also a challenge faced by financial
sustainability projects. This was represented
by 8.4%. In his study Oussama et al, (2013)
argues that the recession, duplication of
services and products and lack of market
research as the main factors causing stiff
competition of products and services. Stiff
competition causes stagnation and poor
The PBOs should conduct continuous
trainings to their stakeholders on financial
sustainability concepts; build capacity of
stakeholders to start and support initiatives
that will ensure financial sustainability of
their respective PBOs. The PBOs should put
in place effective accountability systems to
eliminate corruption and pilferage of
organizational resources. The PBOs should
` Africa International Journal of Management Education and Governance (AIJMEG) 2(3): 47-60 (ISSN: 2518 -0827)
also ensure they produce products that
respond to the needs of their customers so
that they attract more volumes of business.
They should also invest in product
marketing and ensure they expand their
market base thus getting more business for
their products.
competent managers and staff to manage the
financial sustainability projects, PBOs
should allocate or raise adequate resources
as capital for business ventures initiated, the
PBOs should lobby and petition the
government to deregulate the business
environment by repealing laws that cause
bottlenecks to the business ventures to
enable them have a conducive environment
for their businesses to thrive. Finally, the
PBOs should conduct market research, apply
the concept of business intelligence which
helps them to collect business data, analyze
and make informed decisions.
The opportunities that emerge from these
challenges include but not limited to;
enhancing accountability measures like
minimizing contact of cash with the staff,
clear record keeping to prevent corruption
sustainability project funds, employ highly
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