Experiencing Painful Urination - 6 Non-STI Causes of Pain During Urination

Experiencing Painful Urination? 6 Non-STI
Causes of Pain During Urination
When a man’s male organ feels like it’s the King of Dragons, it’s a no bueno
kind of feeling. Seeing as healthy men pee between six to eight times each
day, it can be a bathroom showdown of how fast a man can urinate before
the pain knocks him out. Painful urination, or dysuria, is a condition that
affects the bladder and nearby body parts. There are many causes from
something simple to the more complex and everything in between. Here are
six common non-STI causes of painful urination and how to undo the fire.
#1: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
The most common cause of pain during urination, UTIs appear when
bacteria invade the urinary tract. This area includes the kidney, bladder, and
urethra as they all have a part in the urine making and evacuating process.
With a UTI, men usually experience the urge to urinate frequently, cloudy or
blood-tinged urine, a fever, stinky pee and pain in the side and/or back. A
UTI can usually be cleared up in a few days with antibiotics. In extreme
cases, a trip to the ER might be necessary.
#2: Allergic Reaction
Another common reason for pain during urination is an allergic reaction to
either medication or product that touches the skin such as body wash, latex,
or laundry detergent. If redness, swelling, rash, or itching happen in addition
to painful urination, take an antihistamine. If a man recently started taking a
new medication, contact a doctor immediately.
#3: Kidney Stones
Oh, the painful ballad of woe for the man who has to pass a kidney stone.
With a pain so bad it’s been known to make even the strongest man pass out;
kidney stones are quite common. Kidney stones are the build-up of calcium
or uric acid which form stones in and around the kidneys. When these stones
become lodged in the place where the urine meets the bladder, it causes
painful urination.
Additional symptoms common to kidney stones are pink or brown tinted
urine, nausea, cloudy urine, urination is small spurts, pain in the back and
side, interchangeable feelings of hot of chills, and pain that varies in
intensity. Usually men have to pass them (urinate them out). If the stones are
too big to pass, a doctor may have to use shock wave lithotripsy to break
them into smaller pieces so they can be passed.
#4: Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS)
Known by the medical diagnosis, interstitial cystitis, BPS is a chronic
bladder issue. There is a sensation of both pain and pressure in the bladder.
It is almost always accompanied by lower urinary tract symptoms which
have lasted six weeks or more without an identified cause. Symptoms can
range from mild to severe and can even come and go. This cause of painful
urination is also linked to companion medical issues like irritable bowel
syndrome, fibromyalgia, and other chronic pain issues.
#5: Urethritis
Urethritis is the inflammation of the urethra which is the tube that carried
urine out of the body. Painful urination is the primary symptom of urethritis.
It is often caused by bacteria and can be cleared up with antibiotics.
#6: Prostatitis
Another bacterial infection, prostatitis, can cause pain during urination.
Other symptoms include difficulty in urinating or excessive urination
(especially at night), trouble ejaculating, and aching in the bladder, testicles,
and male organ. A man should see a doctor immediately for antibiotics. In
more serious cases, the course of antibiotics can be three months long.
Treatment and Prevention
Start by calling the doc. Next, drink as much water as possible to dilute the
urine and take some ibuprofen for the pain. Clean the male organ and ensure
it is well-moisturized. Use a gentle cleanser to thoroughly and tenderly wash
the member, rinse repeatedly, and after drying, apply a specially formulated
male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man
Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). These types
of crèmes contain all-natural ingredients and a wide-range of vitamins such
as A, B, C, D, and E, that serve as antibacterials, as well as a rejuvenators
that can calm the male organ while providing health benefits.