STANDARD UNION SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1931. DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES DEATH NOTICES widow, Pauline; three daughters six sons and one brother. He was a member of 8. 8. Dupont Camp, 168, 8. of V., U. 8. A., and Montauk, Council, 99, Jr. O. U. A. M. The* funeral services will be held at 2 P. M. Monday. Interment will follow at Cedar Grove Cemetery under direction of William Buss & Son, 6708 Myrtle avenue. 13 Telephone Your Ads, MAin 4-5300 MURRAY—On Saturday, Jan. 3. 1931, William, beloved son of Mary (nee Dooley) and the late John Murray, at his residence, 702 Greenwood ave., Windsor Terrace. Notice of funeral later. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE APARTMENTS TO LET* FURNISHED ROOMS HELP WANTED—MALE O'BRIEN—On Jan. 2, 1931, John B E R G E N ST.. 106A—8te*m heated, two GO S o u t h , on s t e a m s h i p s , yacht*, p l e a s UNFURNISHED QUEENS AND LONG ISLAND J., beloved husband of Catherine ant, w e l l - p a y i n g Jobs; beginners, o l d r o o m s : r u n n i n g water; 37. t i m e r s ; self-addressed e n v e l o p e brings O'Brien (nee Coonsy), at his resiA WEI.I. P L A N N E D a n d perfaotly e o n - A T L A N T I C A V B . , 1817—4 » t l T rooms B E R O E N ST., 160—Hallroom; newly d e t a i l s promptly. Captain, b o x 308, atructed E n g l i s h type h o m i In a moat d e c o r a t e d ; s t e a m h e a t ; 33. dence, 597 90th st. Funeral on Mon117; s o m e a t U S : electric l i g h t s ; near JOSEPH F. BAMBERGER, son of E s s e x Conn. a t t r a c t i v e residential s e c t i o n ; six rooms HUCK—Elizabeth on Friday, Jan. day, at 9 A. M. Solemn requiem Noetrand a v e . Inquire grocery. BORO HALL—394 Hicks at.; large and b a t h | o n e - c a r g a r a g e ; 46 ft. plot 2, 1931, in her sixty-fourth year, be- mass at St. James Pro-Cathedral. John and the late Anna Pfeiffer h o u s e k e e p i n g r o o m ; s t e a m ; a l i o sin- PROCESS S E R V E R , reliable; B r o o k l y n LOW R E N T on finished s t r e e t ; 7 m i n u t e s to B. M. Bamberger, died yesterday at his w o r k ; muat h a v e car. A p p l y a f t e r 1 gle, 33.5 <K loved sister of Benjamin F. Jones. Interment St. John's Cemetery. 129 B a l t i c at.; 4 large s u n n y rooms; T. " i . " and L. I. R. R.; price M.2S0; P. M. Mr. /Hurley, room 604, 1 7 7 6 ' home. 6730 Ridge boulevard. He cash 1100; will a r r a u g e t e r m s on bal- electric, gas, hot w a t e r ; r e s t for apt., B R I D G E ST.. 383—Large front room; Funeral Monday afternoon, 1:30 B r o a d w a y , lyew York. , 96.80 per w e e k ; a l s o a J-room a p t . with ance. W F. Law, 146-02 J a m a i c a ave., h e a t ; cars, s u b w a y s ; 63.60. was formerly for many years a resiP. M., from her residence, 47 HausO'CONNOR—On Jan. 2, Charles, cor. 148th at-, J a m a i c a , N. Y. Tel. s a m e e q u i p m e n t a t 84.40 par w e e k ; 3 B L S H W I C K A V E . , 1114 (Gates)—Large dent of South Brooklyn. He is surman st., Grsenpolnt, thenco to the at his residence, 580 Eighty-third st. HELM0ANTED—FEMALE rooms a t 93.70 per week. Inquire a t J A m a l e a »-4»7J. room, h o u s e k e e p i n g ; reasonable; heat, office, 129 B a l t i c st.. d a l l y or a t 138 Messiah Lutheran Church, on Rus- Survived by his wife, Anna, and one vived, in addition to his father, by Baltic at. afteP 6 P. M. hot water. three brothers, John, Frederick and 815 D A I L Y and free dresses; sell lovely sell st. Interment Lutheran Ceme- daughter, Marie. Requiem mass MONEY TO LOAN frocks. 3 for 33.98; a m a z i n g v a l u e s , C E N T R A L AVE., 1812 (bat. M y n l e arid B U 3 H W I C K A V E . . 1033—Front room. tery. Monday Jan. 5, at 10 A. M. at St. Louis, and two sisters, Mrs. Anna s t u n n i n g fabrics, e n c h a n t i n g styles; Seneca avea.)—4 nice large rooms. Toner and Gertrude Bamberger. I J n l l r V First, second. third mortk i t c h e n e t t e ; heat, e l e c , hot water: 88. Anselm's Church. q u i c k s a l e s , experience u n n e c e s s a r y ; m l l r l r T ga^es; quick action; low MARCY AVE.. 320—4-room a p a r t m e n t C L I N T O N ST.. 165—Business woman can He was a member of the Church of outfit free. Malloch F r o c k s , Dept. JONES—On Jan. 2, 1931, at her •IIUIIs. • r a t e f c Henry L. Redfleld. j' rent; all Improvements; 148 m o n t h 1134, Grand Rapids, Mich. ONOFRIO—Rizzo, Jan. 1, at his Our Lady of Angels, where requiem 20 find c o m f o r t a b l e heated room; prlvlCourt St., Hrooklyn. T R l a n g l e 5-3814. **• ly; near W i l l i a m s b u r g B r i d g e . residence, 346 Seventeenth st, Mary, home, MorI P A Y W O M E N 93 H O U R L Y ave., beloved mass will be celebrated at 9 A. M. 1ST. 2ND, 3RD M O R T G A G E S ; also small lpges: private f a m i l y ; 36. rU Wolk. W i l l i a m s b u r g 8-9863. beloved wife of William and dear husband760of Schenck kM e eB p iEnRg L A r oNoD m ; ST., h e a t , 137—Large electricity, housebath; to s h o w 130 n e w e s t dreeses to f r i e n d s : loans for Interest, t a x e s . Eskay Ho 1 I- MONTEITH ST.. 19 Mary, and son of Monday. Interment will be at Holy (near uajshwlck C Uronvenlencea. earn 320. 340 w e e k l y spare t i m e ; o x p e r l - , mother of John. ^ Solemn requiem Michael and Pasqualina. Ing Corp., 26 Court st. Triangle 5-CS8i> Funeral Cross Cemetery under direction of are.)—Block above Flushing ave.: 4 ence u n n e c e s s a r y ; gorgeous s t y l e e q u i p mass at Church of St. John the on Jan. 5, 9:30 A. M., at St. Gabriel's rooms, bath, electric; 313 m o n t h : D B K A L B A V E . . 452—Three furnished m e n t f r e e ; s a m p l e dressea free 1ST, 2D. 3D M O R T G A G E S : loans m a d e Joseph G. Duffy, 237 Ninth street. rooms, s u i t a b l e for light housekeeping. m o n t h . Harford Frocks, 1160 N o b l e every month free; one f l i g h t up. Evangelist, Monday, 10 A. M. In- Church, where solemn requiem mass s a m e day. B e s d i n e . 44 Court St., suite st.. D E C A T U R S T , 61-6*—Newly decorated, Indianapolis. Ind. 1101. T R l a n g l e 6-2987. terment St. John's Cemetery. NORMAN AVE.. 191 ( O r e e n p o l n t ) — T w o will be offered. Interment St. John's n e a t l y furntahed r o o m s ; all sixes; all rooms; d a y l i g h t a p a r t m e n t : 312; three FIRST, second m o r t g a g e s supplied WithBAMBERGER—Joseph P., on Jan. AILEEN NIEMI FELL died yester- in 24 hours; low rates. J. H. Kenny, 16 rooma, 818; hot water, electric and c o n v e n i e n c e s : v e r y reasonable. Cemetery. HELP WANTED GENERAL ', at his residence, 6730 Ridge boulegas. Inquire Balaton H o s i n g Co. KEARNEY—After a brief illness, terday at her home. 1407 East FortyDOUGLASS ST., 190—Double h o u s e k e e p Court St. Suite 905. T R l a n g l e 5-1878 8. 'ard, beloved son of John and the on Friday, Jan. 2. 1931, Charles J., PRINCE—Charles, on Jan. 1, 1931, seventh street. Six weeks ago she F I R S T , second m o r t g a g e e quickly close *. S A C K E T T ST., 311—2nd floor; 3 rooma ing r o o m : p r i v a t e lavatory; n e w g a s S C A N D I N A V I A N or German c o u p l e ; man. r a n e e ; w e l l h e a t e d ; t w o people o n l y ; ite Anna Pfeiffer Bamberger and beloved husband of Carrie (nee Ar- beloved husband of Katherlne Kelly married Frederick Fell, who survives low rate. W a l t e r ll. L a n g . 16th floor and b a t h : s t e a m heat, h o t w a t e r aupe m p l o y e d ; furnished room, h e a t , light, 38.60. „ j pMed; only 335. Inquire 221 S m i t h St. rother of John, Gertrude, Fred- nold), and devoted father •'Of Grace Prince and father of Edmund. Fu- her. The funeral will be held at 18 Court st. T R l a n g l e 8-8*40. for s e r v i c e s ; email furnished room h o u s e ; references. 106 Dean st. SOMBRS ST., 43 (one block from Fulton G R E E N E A V E . . 1020—One large room, rick, Louis and Anna Toner. Fu- Stuhler and Florence, and brother neral Monday, 9:30 A. M., from 9:30 A. M. Monday with requiem with k i t c h e n e t t e ; e t e a m heat, hot w a • n d R o c k a w a y ave. "L" s t a t i o n ) — F o u r leral Monday. Solemn requiem of Clara Kearney, at his residence, residence. 974 E. 34th st. Requiem mass at the Church of St. Brigid. U. A. M.; Orient Chapter, 138, R. ter; one s m a l l h a U r o o m ; c o n v e n i e n t to large, l i g h t rooma; n e w l y recorated; AGENTS WANTED all c a r lines. nass at Our Lady of Angels R. C. 304 Jay st. Notice of funeral later. miss at St. Vincent Ferrer's Church. Interment will be at 8t. Johns A. M.;Longi Grotto, and Mergenelectric; Improvements; f i r s t - c l a s s c o n dition; rent 820. P h o n e D i c k e n s 1247. thaler Mutual Aid Society. He is L A F A Y E T T E A V E . , 77 (near Fulton at.) C A L I F O R N I A perfumed beads aelllng "hurch at 9:30 A. M. Interment Cemetery under direction of Herbert Interment St. John's Cemetery. N i c e front r o o m ; electric, s t e a m , e o n survived by his wife, Anna Grell W Y C K O F F ST., 104—Three rooms, $13, — loly Cross Cemetery. like h o t c a k e s ; a g e n t s coining m o n e y ; Fitzpatrick, 4509 Fifth avenue. LEWIS—Mary A. (nee. Hickey), tlnuou»-h^t w a t e r : near s u b w a y ; 34.5'). 313; w h i t e sink, tuba, g a s , electrto. big; p r o f i t s ; c a t a l o g u e free. Mission Bohl; one son, Richard Duehne; one REIS—Raymond, beloved son of J Malone. r R E S I D f E N T ^ B T . . 476—Room and rear F a c t o r y B2. 2328 West Pico, L o s A n BOYD—On Jan. 3, 1931, Elizabeth beloved wife of Michael, on Jan. 2, daughter, Mrs. Charles CunningMr. and Mrs. Aloysis Reis and k i t c h e n , w i t h tubs, sink; a l s o other g e l e s , Calif. A AVE.. 1664—4-room a p a r t m e n t ; all arrell Boyd, daughter of Ellen and 1931, at her residence. 280 EightyCHARLES O'CONNOR died yes- ham; four brothers, Frank, Amery, 8TH r o o m s A h o t a n d eold water, 84 to 33. lmprovementa e x c e p t h e a t ; reasonable D O N ' T W O R K F O R SM (VLL*CHANGEt fames H., at her residence, 632 sixth st. Solemn mass of requiem brother of Grace, in his sixteenth terday at hte home, 580 Eighty- Peter and Thomas Bohl. Interment rent: t w o f a m i l y houae. ST. F E L I K ST., 133 (block subway and Here'a a real, honest-t.o-goodness o p Jroadway. Funeral Monday, Jan. 5, Monday, Jan. 5, at 9 A. M., at the year. The funeral will be held third street. He is survived by his will be at Lutheran Cemetery under L. I. r e p o t ) — S t e a m heat; 2-room p o r t u n i t y to m a k e 315 a d a y ; big o r h o u s e k e s p l n g a p a r t m e n t , 87: a n o t h e r it 3 P. M. Interment Calvary Church of St. Anselm, Eighty-third from his late residence, 376 Wood- widow, Anna O'Connor; a daugh- the direction of William Dunigan & ders, big profits, big repeat b u s i n e s s ; AUTOMOBILES h o u s e k e e p i n g . 36. n e w F o r d s e d a n free to producers. st. and Fourth ave. Interment St. ward ave., at 9:30 A. M., Monday, emetery. A l b e r t Mills, 7016 M o n m o u t h , C i n John's Cemetery. thence to St. Aloysius R. C. Church, ter, • Marie O'Connor; a brother, Son. S T A T E ST.. 3 7 8 — B a c k parlor, 37; runc i n n a t i . O. , DEAD STORAGE BROOKLYN LODGE, NO. 22, B. n l n g w a t e r , s t e a m heat; convenient where a solemn requiem mass will Daniel O'Connor, and three sisters, a u b w a y : 36. 36; a l l week. FOR ' O. ELKS—Brothers: You are reLONG ISLAND GENERAL AS- be offered. Interment, family plot, Mrs. Marie Peterman, Mrs. Frances CATHERINE T. KEARNEY McQUINCY ST., 689 ( n e a r R e i d ) — B e d r o o m , Lymer and Mrs. Margaret Furey. quested to attend the funeral SEMBLY, F O U R T H DEGREE, St. John's Cemetery. CLOTHING FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES QUILLEN, widow of James J. Mck i t c h e n e t t e . 17.60; also three rooma; The funeral will be held at 10 A. M., ervices of our brother, FRANCIS Knights of Columbus, announce well h e a t e d . tS and 86 per m o n t h ; a l s o facilities WILSON—Ida (nee Scheamann), Monday with requiem mass at the Quillen, died yesterday at her home, for j a c k i n g up, covering c»rs a n d c h a r g - S T E R L I N G P L . , 96—Nice, c l e a n room; T r a v e l i n g S a l e s m a n Sella P r i v a t e l y ri .OCHOWICZ, Sunday evening, Jan. with deep regret the death of Sir beloved wife of George Wilson, of Church 'of St. Anselm, Fourth ave- 437 Sixty-second street. She is sur- ing batteries. Wallabout Baaln Storage h e a t ; hot w a t e r ; 33. , 8 o'clock at his residence, 548 Knight FRANCIS LACHOWICZ. 184 Sumpter st., died Jan. 2, aged nue and Eighty-third street. Inter- vived by three sons, James F., of the and Term. Co.. 414 F l u s h i n g ave.. Brook- S T A T E ST., 418, near B o n d (block aubbighth s t Members will assemble at the home 61. Funeral services N . Y. Phonea Williamsburg 32*1on Sunday at ment will be at St. John's Cemetery. Department of Education; Thomas lyn, w a y ) — B a c k parlor, housekeeping, $6; Retail Valuei, 312.75 te S69.50-Oa« Psatt 31 Us ' 0064. SAMUEL C. DUBERSTEIN, of his mother, 543 8th St., Brooklyn, 8 P. M. Interment in H., of H. & L. 109, N. Y. F. D., and the family another, 84: s m a l l , 83 Exalted Ruler. Sunday, Jan. 4, at 8:30 P. M. Wear plot on Monday, at 2:30 P. M., in SEE MR. AL COOK the direction of William Dunigan CHARLES E. PRINCE died Thurs- John J. McQulllen. She was a & OSEPH H. BECKER, Secretary. baldric. Member of Columbus Coun- Evergreen Cemetery. She is surA t H i s P r i v a t e Residence Studio) 4TH ST., 3 2 6 A — F u r n i s h e d r o o m s a n d Son, 201 Park avenue. "member of the L. C. B. A. and the k i t c h e n e t t e ; s t e a m h e a t : 38, , lOt FORT GREENE PLACE at his home, 974 East Thirtyvived by her husband, two daugh- day BROOKLYN LODGE. NO. 22, B. cil, No. 126. Fult.n Street and Himon Plsee various societies attached to the 6TH A V E . , 242—Nice clean h a l l r o o m ; fourth street. He was born in HARRY S. HOWARD, Twe BIMKI trim Flstbuih—Atlantis *!* MARY REDDY SKELLY died running w a t e r : 83. ters, Mrs. John Cullen. Mrs. George Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, Church of Our Lady of Perpetual O. ELKS—Brothers: You are Call E v e n i n g s Only 5-10 I*. M. Faithful Navigator. Wednesday at her home, 267 Stagg 10TH ST., 4 3 2 — F r o n t room with kitchen; Golden; five sons, Eugene, Fred, uested to attend the funeral Help, Fifty-ninth street and Fifth S a t u r d a y A l l D a y — S u n d a y A . M. a son of the late Elizabeth Steers THOMAS J. GUILMARTIN, h o u s e k e e p i n g r o o m ; s t e a m ; 36. George, Frank and Benjamin^ one ervices of our brother. CHARLES avenue, where requiem mass will be street. She was a life resident of Faithful Scribe. sister, Mrs. G. Young, and one and John Price and had been a celebrated at 9 A. M. Monday. In- Brooklyn. She is survived by her 12TH ST., 317—Top floor: furnished; HOUSEHOLD GOODS „ )'CONNOR, Sunday evening, Jan. resident of Brooklyn for thirty-six husband, William; ~ three sons, also o t h e r h o u s e k e e p i n g rooms; s t e a m brother, Paul Scheamann. , at 9 P. M. at his residence, 580 terment will be at Holy Cross LUTTRELL—Ellen, on Jan. 3, years. He was a quartermaster serEdward, Francis and Joseph, and h e a f Improvements. FURNITURE lighty-third st. 1931, at her residence, 379 Seventh geant of the United States Marine Cemetery under direction of Will- her mjjtherTMargaret Reddy. Fu- 12TH ST., 250—Nice ateam heated front SAMUEL C. DUBERSTEIN, IN MEMORIAM st, beloved wife of John,and deCorps, retired. He served in the iam J. Dalton. neraTSaturday at 8 A. M. from the r o o m ; h o u s e k e e p i n g ; bathroom floor; B E A U T I F U L furniture, ruga, odd p i e c e * ' Exalted Ruler. voted mother of Margaret] Notice Boxer Rebellion and Spanishhousehold articles; must saerljie* funeral parlors of Kearns 8ons, 37. OSEPH H. BECKER, Secretary. of funeral later. ST., 270—Hallroom, front; all c o n CORNELL—Agnes Ann. In lov- American War. He was a member q u l c k l y ; no dealers. 667 O c e a n a v e 115-10 Rockaway boulevard, Rich- 12TH HERMAN KOPP died Thursday v e n i e n c e s ; 34. ing memory of our dear mother who of Camp Elliott, U. S. W. V. He is at his horn". 7018 Eighty-fourth mond Hill, thence to the R. C. 14TH ST., 281- - T w o rooms, . f o r light C O M P E L L E D sacrifice beautiful l i v i n g CRAWFORD — Margaret L., at McCLOSKEY — Catherine, on departed this life Jan. 3, 1929. room, d i n i n g room, bedroom, r u g s , C o n survived by his widow, Catherine street, GlendMe, in his seventy- Church of St. John the Baptist, h o u s e k e e p l n g ; i m p r o v e m e n t s ; reasontome of her daughter, Mrs. Mar- Thursday, t e n t s private house. 1200 C h u r c h a v e . Jan. 1, 1931, age fiftyLoved in life, cherished in death Kelly Prince, and a son, Edmund fifth year. He is survived by his Willoughby and? Lewis avenues, able. aret Cosgrove, 2135 East 15th st., eight years, beloved wif,e of Frank Prince, and four sisters, Edith, Mrs. Brooklyn. Interment at Holy Cross DAUGHTERS. widow, Louise; two sons, Gus and n Dec. 31. She was an old resident MATTRESSES HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS mother ol" Edward and sister of Mabel Bovard, Mrs. Jessie Crawford Herman, and three daughters, Cemetery. f Windsor Terface. Funeral on and Mrs. Mary Duff and Amos Budd. JENNISON—In loving memory of M A T T R E S S E S m a d e over and sterilized and Mrs Bessie MacLeod, and two VAN DYKE ST., 116—Housekeeping Elizabeth Holschuh, Mrs. Helen an. 3, at 1:30 P. M.; thence to Funeral from the N. Y. B. Funeral my husband, George H. Jennison, e q u a l to new, 33; w o r k m a n s h i p g u a r r o a m s ; two men, couple: 85. MICHAEL LANGHEIT, a butler, e Holy Apostle Church, where Home, 187 South Oxford st., Brook- who passed into eternal rest Jan. 3, brothers, Edmund Prince and Albert Brenner and Theresa Kopp. The t n t e e d . -Call E s p l a n a d e 5-88T8, • : Prince. He was employed in the funeral will be held at 9:30 A. M. born in Germany sixty years ago ervices will be held by the Rev. lyn, on Monday, Jan. 5, at 2 P. M. 1929. PERSONAL WIFE. :.<*& WINDOW SHADES wholesale department of James Monday, with requiem mass at the and a resident of Brooklyn for leorge Mullen. Interment Green- Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Butler Stores. The. funeral will be Sacred Heart R. C. Church, Glenthirty-eight years, died Thursday NOTICE la h e r e b y given t h a t I will not KELLY—Matthew D. Month's rood Cemetery. be responsible for a n y debts contracted W I N D O W S H A D E S — G o o d q u a l i t y Kt&SBB MTAGGART—Frank, on Thurs- mind mass St. Pelfer's R. C. Church, held at 9:30 A. M. Monday with dale. Interment will be at St. John's at his home, 175 Jefferson street. land, l i n e n ; side, h e m m e d ; s i z e 2 4 x 7 2 : I S a n y o n e o t h e r t h a n myself. Alphonse Cemetery under direction of Charles requiem mass at the Church of St. measured, made, hung; guaranteed"?? The funeral will be held at 9:30 by GEN. WAYNE COUNCIL, NO. 48, day, Jan. 1931, at his residence. 1479 Htcks and Warren sts., Monday, Sulxbach. 87-18 Anthon ave., R i d g e roller, 85c. Belnhart, 289 F i f t h -ave*-* M. Larmann, 10 Pullis avenue, MidVincent Ferrer. Interment at St. A. M., Monday, from the funeral wood. B r o o k l y n . • Nfc, O. U. A. M.—Brothers: You are Bedford ave. He is survived by his Jan. 5, 1931, at 8 A. M. S o u t h 3939. I . John's Cemetery under direction of dle Village. chapel of Charles Sander, 202 Jef- NOTICE Is h e r e b y given that I will m>| arnestly requested to attend the mother, Hanna McTaggart, and two LAWLER—In memory of our be responsible for a n y debts contracted W. A. Martin, 764 Washington aveferson street, with requiem mass at uneral services of our late brother, sisters, Ethel McTaggart, and Mrs. father, William, who died Jan. 2, LOST AND FOUND by a n y o n e o t h e r than myself. Gernue. vTLLIAM T. BOHL, at his late H. Davies, and one brother, John. 1925. May he rest in peace. ard H. B a r r y , 161 Milton at., B r o o k MARY RIKER died Thursday in the Church of St. Leonard. Interlyn. N . T . esidence, 2033 Grove st., near Fair- Funeral Monday, Jan. 5, from the L O S T — B a t i k B o o k No. 8948J, PrudentlaV her eighty-second year at her home, ment will be at Holy Trinity CemeS a v i n g s Rank. B r o a d w a y a n d Vernon lew ave. on Sunday, Jan. 4, 1931, funeral parlors of J. J. Sullivan, 486 SON HUGH AND DAUGHTER 1056 Decatur street. The funeral tery>^^^^^^^k^^aj(uaka^lj^l^s|gb EUZABETH HUCK died yesterNOTICES BUSINESS ave. P a y m e n t stopped. etopped. PUntso Pleuse retan I.II.ME. S' 30 P M Cta-son ave., at 2*30 P. M. Interto b a n k . day at P. S. 110, Monitor street, will be held at 10 A. M. Monday. MADELINE E. GRILLS, formerly WILLIAM BERSEY, Council. ment Calvary Csmetery. • O'SHEA—In sad and loving mem- Greenpoint, where she was em- Interment will be at Evergreen L O S T — B a n k B o o)k k No.^STCT^, MOVING No. 'BTrS'54. Prudential"??! Prui OSEPH F. HAZELETT, Sec. S a v i n g s B a n k . B r o a d w a y a n d Verito!**"? under direction of of 219 Fourteenth street, died memory of a beloved wife and as matron. She was born Cemetery ave. P a y m e n t stopped. P l e a se return--* McQUILLEN—On Jan. 2, Cath- O'Shea, who died Jan. 4, 1924. Gone, ployed COLONIAL VAN CO in Greenpoint sixty-thres years Nicholas Blasius, Jr. & Son, 710 Thursday In her twentieth year at to b a n k . . i • • V B FELL—Aileen (nee Niemi). be- erine T. (nee Kearney), widow of but not forgotten. Long Branch, N. J. She was a Knickerbocker avenue. ago. She is survived by a brother, MOVING $10 PER VAN L O S T — B a n k B o o k No. 1577, P r u d e n t i a f ' 2 ' Ijbved wife of Frederick. Solemn James J. a:rd dearly beloved mother graduate of P. S. 40 and a student S a v i n g s B a h k , B r o a d w a y a n d V-ernon'!Benjamin F. Jones. She was the BROTHER, JOHN. l.iass of requiem Monday, Jan. 5, at of James F., John J., Thomas H. WILHELMINA KRETZSCHMAR at Manual Training High School. II HOWARD AV. F0XCR0FT 16M-U70 ave. P a y m e n t stopped.. Pleoae retur»2E*: widow of Henry Huck and was presif :30 A. M., at St. Brigid's Church. Funeral from her residence 437 62nd . , • • , •«"••• O'SHEA — Margaret: In loving dent of the Ladies Aid Society of died Thursday at her home, 4152 She was also a member of Calvary PIANO TUNING [ .lnden st. and St. Nicholas ave. In- st„ on Monday, Jan. 5, at 8:30 A. memory of my beloved wife and FOTJKD—Money; loser 'must ' s t a t e S S Eighteenth avenue, in her seventy- Baptist Church. The funeral will the Messiah Church for the past a m o u n t , t i m e • and • a p p r o x i m a t e p l a e e S i i terment St. John's Cemetery. •M.; thence to the Church of Our mother who died Jan. 4, 1924, Mass ninth year. She is survived by a be held to-morrow at Long Branch, Of Too*. B o x 360 Standard TJnton. Lady of Perpetual Help, 59th st. offered Monday morning, St. Eph- ten years. The funeral will be daughter, Mrs. Amelia K. Favalora, N P I A N O S t u n e d ; e x p e r t player repairing; . J . held at 1:30 P. M. Monday from and a son, Charles A. Kretzschmar. r e a s o n a b l e ; e s t i m a t e . Wm. Hack, 1407. L O S T — W e d n e s d a y in taxicab.. m a n ' s g o l d and 5th ave. Mass at 9 A. M. renrs Church. __,«T l f f a n y w a t c h ; hdur h a n d BT r o k e , -Call'. Snyder a v e . P h o n e Defender 3-7C40. her late home, 47 Hausman street, The funeral services will be held at F L - . t b o s h 3-7445; reward. F o r m e r l y of H o r a c e .Waters Co., Ith You are nofl forgotten, m o t h e r dear. ELIZABETH FARRELL BOTD with services at the Church of* the 2 P. M. to-day. Interment win be MULLEN—On Saturday, Jan. 3, N o r w U l . y o n Aver be, avt-., N . T . Qlty.j - . . ' L O S T — B a n k B o o k No. 207(98 of t h e . ~ Messiah, Russell street. The Rev. at Lutheran Cemetery under direc- died yesterday st her home, 832 1931, at her home, 81 Sherman St., A* long a* life mid m e m o r y last* Greater Netw York Saving* B a n k . pa'y-^Et METAL CEILINGS m e n t s stopped. P l e a s e return t o bank Dr. Buller will officiate. Interment tion of Nicholas Blasius, Jr. to Son, Broadway. She was a daughter of !Mary, beloved daughter of the late W e will remer?H>er thee. 449 6th ave., iBrooklyn. '.i orpar.:za.. on c Ellen and the late James H. Farwill be at Lutheran Cemetery, under "ames and Eleanor Mullen and be- You* suffered m u c h , you m u r m u r e d not. METAL CHUNGS In dwellings a -pselalty. 710 Knickerbocker avenue. crperiencei ^mo'rtU rell. She is survived in addition to W e m a t c h e d you d a y by day, direction of Weigand Bros. a & MAItQORAF, INC. r/ed sister of Anna, Joseph and UnUl a t last w i t h broken heart*, clan* tpteially tqti'pmother by a brother, James H. 117 14th St.. rrear 8r.i a v e . SOuth 8-1415 Lillian Schwerdtmann. The funeraff-*T.eanor, Notice of funeral later. MARGARET L. CRAWFORD died her We s a w you p a s * a w a y . 434 N o s t r a n d a v e . DEcatur 2-8886 •"ii to render thi Farrell. was a member of the Also FLORENCE BRIMLOW CLARK And 161-19 J a m a i c a ave. J A m a l e a 8-8188 services will be held at 2 P. M. MoRss-*. Wednesday at her home, 2135 East Church ofBhe SONS AND DAUGHAll Saints, Throop avehighett type of strv MtNNICK—On Jan. 1, 1931, John HUSBAND, day. The Rev. Louis Happ will of-^ j BOLOMEY, wife of Edward BoloFifteenth street. She was bom In TERS. KEATING let. Brooklyn or.i fieiate. Interment will follow at- ? IS. Minnlck, beloved husband of mey, died Thursday. Funeral from Scotland sixty-five years ago and nue and Thornton street. Tne fuc -'inrfcan. THODE — Theodore. In loving the parlor of George T. McHugh. had been a resident of the Windsor neral will be held at 8 P. M. Mon- T E N radiators, Job c o m p l e t e l y Installed Lutheran Cemetery under direction W Alice Connolly Minnick. Funeral from his. residence, 82 Carlton ave., memory of my beloved husband who 917 Kent avenue, Sunday at 2 P. M. Terrace section of Brooklyn for day. Interment will be at Calvary 8410; t e r m s ; e s t i m a t e - furnished. John of Thomas J. McCormack, 2t Olive 1914 116th st., R. H street. • ' , ^ * on Monday,,Jan. 5, at 9:30 A. M., died Just a year ago to-day, Jan. 3, Services Saturday at 7:30 P. M. by many years. She Is survived by two Cemetery, under direction of James NIederrelter. CLeveland 9-80*9. thence to Sacred Heart R. C. 1930. Gone, but not forgotten. May Dr. Jones of St Mary's Episcopal daughters and three sons. The fu- H. Shevlln, 484 Lorimer street. ICE BOXES REPAIRED Interment- St. John's he rest in peace. WIFE, EMH.Y. Church. In addition to her husband, neral will be held at 2 P. M. to-day N O T I C E T O CONTRACTORS '*"* 996 QaLnjtvt. {afgyettt0531 Church. ELIZABETH A. FRENDEstGABT i Cemetery. Edward, she is survived by her with services at the Church of the A L L k i n d s : none beyond repairing; a n y G E N E R A L I N S T R U C T I O N S T O B I D - " * died yesterday at her home, 620 Pafather, William Lock; one son. Holy Apostles, Greenwood avenue distance; work guaranteed. Pitach, D B R S O N W O R K TO B E D O N E — 1839 D e c a t u r st, JEfferson 1-04T0. Robert Clark; a daughter, Mrs. Le near Prospect avenue. The Rev. Dr. cific street. She was born in IreF O R OR S U P P L I E S TO B E F U R land seventy-five years ago and was N I S H E D TO T H E C1TT O P N E W Bossard, and four brothers. George Mullen will officiate. InterYORK. ELSIE ANDERSON died Thurs- Roy FOR SALE a resident of Brooklyn for the past William, George, Johii and Theoday at her home, 637 Twentieth dore Brimlow. Interment at Cypress ment will be at Greenwood Cem- fifty years. She was the widow of T h e person o r persons m a k i n g a bid EST. etery, under direction of Edward F. POOL T A B L E , piano, for sale. 12*9 street. She was a life resident of Hills Cemetery. f o r a n y eerviee, work, m a t e r t a l a or s u p James F. Funeral from CHapel, 38 Myrtle a v e . , n e a r Bushwlck. Higgins, 1286 Prospect avenue. p l i e s f o r T h e C i t y of N e w York, or for Brooklyn and is survived by her Lafayette avenue, Monday, at 9:30 a n y o t Its departments, b u r e a u s or ofhusband, William A.; two sons, M„ thence to R, C. Church of St. fices, s h a l l furnish t h e ' a a m e in a sealed WILLIAM T. BOHL. supervisor Of ELVIRA YOLANDA INFANTO-' A. Edward and William; one grandson, the Mergenthaler Linotype Comendorsed with the t i t l e of t h e Charles Borromeo where a solemn by a son, Joseph; two daughters, envelope, matertala, work or s e r v i c e s f o r her father, three sisters and three pany of Brooklyn,, died Thursday at LINO died Thursday In he? twenty- requiem mass will be celebrated. Helen and Mrs. Carlyie Groom, ana anppUaa, w h i c h t h e bid i s m a d e , w i t h h i s or brothers. The funeral' services, will his home, 2033 Grove street, Rldge- fifth year, at the Long Island Col- Interment at St. John's Cemetery a brother. Miles P. Byrne. Tne fu- their n a m e or n a m e * a n d the d a t e of Gbomt l A l FwUk Wkm Th.y rVemf «f m Prit. Th,y Cm, Awersf to f e y fs Wkm p r e s e n t a t i o n t o the P r e s i d e n t or B o a r d be held at 2 P. M. to-morrow. The wood. He was born In Brooklyn and lege Hospital. She is survived by under the direction of Jere J. neral will be held at 10 A. M. Tues- Or e h e a d of tbo d e p a r t m e n t .at his day with requiem mass at the o r tiot s t hoffice, Mm Mai, Ifeftor I . Cook., f l i c , On. of the Urfrt l M « t « f t * « m tk. U. I . Rev. Dr. Valentine will officiate. the son of the late William and her father, Berengario; three broth- Cronln, Inc. the date and . ers, Michael, Charles and Joe; two Church of the Assumption. Inter- h o u r n a m e d oInn ort h ebefore o d v e c i i s g t n o n t for-u Interment will be at Greenwood Amelia Hermann Bohl, a pioneer sisters, Frances and Adeline. Futhe same, a t which time and.'^ilaca'tho'* S ment will be at St. John's Cemetery. Cemetery under direction of Edward family of the old city of Brooklyn. neral Monday MARGARET McCALL <Ued yesbids witl b o publicly opened, b y the," i from her late resiF. Higgins, 1286 Prospect avenue. Pre.iident o r board or h e a d of e a l d He was a member of Washington dence, 8714 Colonial road. Requiem terday at her home, 6f Oliver street, and t h e a w a r d " M E L H I M NACCASH died yester- dofe p tahret mceonnt t r aacntd mread, Avenue Lutheran Church, and Rev. mass at St. Patrick's Church, Fort Richmond Hill Circle, Woodhaven. ade according t o taw day at his home, 188 State street. She was born in Ireland seventyPastor Paulson will conduct funeral a s s o o n t h e r e a f t e r a s p r a cticable, — GODFREY ANDREAS, a realtor, Hamilton, at 9:30 A. M. Interment E a c h bid shall contain t h e n a m e a n d two years ago and lived In Brooklyn He was bora in Bachabib, Syria, of 134-13 Ninety-seventh avenue, services at his late residence Mon- at St. John's Cemetery. of t h e p e r s o n m a k for fifty years. She is -oinrived by forty-six years ago. He was in real pi nl agc e t hofe sresidence Richmond Hill, died yesterday in day at 2 P. M. He was a member a m e , a n d t h e n a m e * of a l l estate business for past twenty her husband, John; seven daughters, p e r s o n s interested with him t h e r e i n , and his fifty-second year in Lutheran of Clinton Lodge, 453, F. <k A. M.: MATHILDA G A B R I E L S O N years in Brooklyn. He is survived i f n o e t h e r person ba s o Interested, i t Hospital. He is survived by his General Wayne Council, 48, Jr. O. WAHLBERG, born sixty-seven years Mary, Margaret, Katherlne, Anna, by • h a l l d i s t i n c t l y atate a c t ; also wife. Rose Dagher Naceash, t h a t It la m a d e without t haanty fconnection tWCOMOBATtt) ago In Sweden and a resident of the Genevieve, Oertrude and Dorothy, whohis is a sister of George O. Dagher, with a n y o t h e r person m a k i n a l>1.i United States and New York for the and one son, John. Funeral Tues- Republican leader of First Assembly f o r t h e s a m e purpose, and Isg In past forty years, died Wednesday. day at 9:30 A, M. from 115 Atlantic District; two sons, Abraham, Amll, r e s p e c t s fair a n d w i t h o u t c o l l u s i o n all or She resided at 471A First street. She tvenue, thence to R. C. Church of and one daughter, Mrs. Victoria De fraud, a n d t h a t no m e m b e r of t h e B o a r d o t A l d e r m e n , head ot a d e p a r t m e n t , St. Charles Borromeo where a Is survived by a son, Frank, and a Use of Funeral Home Free Funeral Monday at 9:30 c h i e f of the bureau, d e p u t y thereof, or sister, Mrs. Amanda Ellison, of 399 colemn requiem mass will be cele- Cambra. therein or other officer or e m - " A. M. from his heme; thence to clerk p l o y e e of The City of N e w T o r k la, • Hancock street. Funeral services brated by the Rev. Father Ambrose R. C. Church of Our Lady of s h a l l b e or become Interested, directly will be held at Erlcson & Ericson's P. Dunigan. Interment at Holy Hicks street, where e o f Indirectly, a» contracting* party, Chapel, 500 State street, Saturday, Cross Cemetery under direction of Lebanon, p a r t n e r , stockholder, surety o r o t h e r solemn requiem mass will be cele- w l s e m or Every Known Comfort for the B e r e t v e d Without Eitra Charge In t h e performance of t h e at 2 P. M„ with Rev. John East- Jere J. Cronln, Inc. brated by Rev. Father Maneour —•tit*— mil II c o n t r a c t , or in the supplies, w o r k or lund, pastor of St. Paul's Swedish b u s i n e s s t e w h i c h It relates, .0* in a n y Stephens. Interment at St. John'* who have earned their standing in the Lutheran Church, officiating. Inof t h e profits thereof. T h e hid RICHARD E. LAVIN died yester- Cemetery, under direction of Jere portion m u s t b e verified by t h e o a t h , i n w r i t Complete * J^ 5 0 Auto Funeral terment will follow at Lutheran day at his home, 2304 Newkirk ave- J. Cronln. ing, o t t h e p a r t y or parties m a k i n g t h « - - ' Cemetery. profession by giving competent service bid t h a t t h e several m a t t e r * s t a t e d nue. He was born in Brooklyn. He is t h e r e i n a r e In ail respects t r u e . survived by his widow, Anne R, McDirectory Printed « e . l n . * d a r s a n d Setnrdnrs NO bid will be considered u n l e s s s s a CHARLES E. FERNALD, a life MARY C H R I S T A L , daughter of Guinness Lain; three sisters. Mrs. to t h e reception or the late Ellen and John Christal, William Mc§*tee, Mrs. Felix P. Mc- resident of Brooklyn and a retired cc oo nn ds iidt ieorna t i precedent o n of such bid. It (» a c c o m KENNAN, JOSEPH E. IGGINS, EDWARD F. member bf the New York Fire Dep a n i e d b y a certified c h e c k upon one • died Wednesday at her horns, 646 Kenna and Mrs. Thomas Nolan, and F U N E R A L DIRRCTOR F U N E R 4 L DIRECTOR t h e Stata or National B a n k s or trust ' She was. a two brothew, ^Edward and Luke partment, died Wednesday in his of H i t N O S T R A N D AVE., B r o o k l y n N f I N * Prospect Av„ Nr. G r e e n w o o d AV Seventy-fourth street. c o m p a n i e s of T h e City of N e w York. ,. T e l e p h o n e Ingersoll 8400 T»I Huguenot m } | resident of the Bay Rldgs section Lavln. The funeral will be held at sixty-eighth year at the home of or a c h e c k of such bank of t r u s t c o m - , b y a duty a u t h o r i s e d officer . for many years and an ardent 9:30 A M. Monday with requiem Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Crysler. p a n y sinned drawn to the order of t h a .. IGGINS, JOHN J. Est. 1880 member of the R. O. Church of Our mass at the Church of Our Lady of 187 Rcgers avenue. He was a mem- cthereof, ROPHY A CO. Est. 1893 o m p t r o l l e r , o r money or corporate' Half Couch Ceikei. a- nluitrated • b o w , m polished hardwood, Lady of Angels where a mass will Refuge, Ocean avenue. Interment ber of Cornerstone Lodge, 887, F. s t o c k or certificates of Indebtedness! Formerly York and J a y Sta. of a n r nature Issued b y T h e City o f ie A. M. and the Fire Square Club black or any color p!u-h trimmed with silver bar eglee-ioMODERN FUNERAL PARLORB ROGERS AV. « MONTGOMERY ST. be celebrated at 10 A. If. Saturday. will be at Holy Cross Cemetery Meal Hervtca, Moderate Chargoa, The funeral services were held at N e w Y o r k w h i c h the Comptroller shall handle*, engraved m m * plat* and lined with lift, with p J W lo 3*08. N e w Utrecht Ave. Tal. Windsor 9300 Phone Slocum 8334. R o c k v l l l e Centre 338* She is survived by one sitter, Bisa- under direction of Edward H. O. 8:30 o'clock last night. , Interment a p p r o v e a s of equal v a l u e w i t h t h e match. Strong outride burial b o i with maltre««. R-movies s e c u r i t y required In the a d v e r t i s e m e n t IRCHENBAUM BROS. beth, and two brothers, James arid Dunn, 389 Court street. RONIN. JERK .!.. INC. at 10:80 A. M. to-day was at Green- t o t h e a m o u n t of not lose t h a n t h r e e Remain* from any hotpitat in Greater New York. Erobtsmint and JEWISH U N D E R T A K E R S " Hugh. Interment at Holy Cross F U N E R A L DIRECTORS m o r e t h a n flvo P»r c e n t u m of t h e wood Cemetery, under direction of nor Mbdern r u n e r s l Parlors Featuring Service and Economy ear* of Remain*. Gentleman'* writ or lady'* d m * . U M of m o u n t of the bond required aa p r o . Osrnetery under the direction of JAMES W. CARROLL died yes- Benjamin Orlndrod, 27 Hull street avlded 34t Throop Ave. Ueratnr 8344 C H A P E L , l i t Atlantic ATI., Brooklyn. in section 430 of tha O r e a t e r Neve candelabra and camlet, when requetteal U«e of draperies and James F. McKeon it Soft, 7312 Fort terday at his home, 1635 AmsterMAIN 1398-1399>8I30-3<88 Telephones York Charter. 2 do-en chair* and palm*. Flower* on door. Proeurinf Burial Hamilton parkway. YNAM, JAMES L.'S SON dam avenue, Manhattan. He was All hide for supplies m u s t b e gub» • THOMAS J. L Y N A M permit*. Automobile Heart*. I l.imouiin* to any wetnetvry in • born In Brooklyn and Is survived by ONNELLY. HELEN J. MARY ARCHER died Sunday m f t t e d In duplicate Bat 31 years. F U N E R A L PARLOR cheek of m o n e y shottt.1, Greater New York. Delivering box l o cemetery. L 1 C 8 N M D UNDERTAKER 803A 4th Ava, aor 11th Sty* S o u t h 0383 JOHN J. JENKINS, born sev- two sons, William J. and Prank D. The funeral was held at 10 A. M. -notT h ebe certified enclosed In t h e e n v e l o p * e o n - . 190 N e w Lota Ave.. B r o o k l y n ft n o answer call S u s q u e h a n n a 4809 enty-five years ago in England and Carroll; seven grandchildren, a sis- Wednesday with requiem mass at t a l n i n g t h e bid. but should b e e i t h e r Total Got! T e l e p h o n e Btttdmorg 4 0 l f In a separate e n v e l o p * a d a resident of the United States and ter, Mrs. Helena M Dunn. The fu- the Church of Our Lady of Victory. Inctoeed dressed to the head of the D e p a r t m e n t , ADDEN, JAMES A. Auto Funeral neral will be held at 10:80 A. M. She is survived by her husband, Brooklyn for over shrty-fivs years, Prootdent or Board, or s u b m i t t e d per* IFFY, JOSEPH G. FUNERAL DIRECTOR annalty upon the presentation of t h * HI 3TH S T . died Wednesday. He was a retired Monday, with requiem mass at the Frederick Archer; her mother, two bid 117 Franklin Ave, Formerly of 181 Battlo St. Telephone Williamsburg t t t l lawyer and resided at 524 State Church of Our Lady of Lourdes. brothers and two *dsten. Interment Tor p a r t i c u l a r s a s to t h e q u a n t i t y o r , q u a l i t y of t h e N p p l l * * , o r t h * nature street. He is survived by a stepson. Manhattan. Interment will be at was at St. John's Cemetery, , JAMES F.. JR. UNIGAN, WILLIAM A SON and e x t e n t of t h e work, r e f e r e n c * m u s t Holy Cross Cemetery under direcJoseph MeCuteheon, and a ittepifl IJNDKRTAKEl * KMHAI.MKrt FUNERAL DIRECTORS b* m o d * to t h * specifications, a c h e d . aaughter, Mrs. Eve Mallne. Fu- tion of Edward H. C. Dunn, SS9 M l Lorlmer St.. Brooklyn. N Y, A c o m m u n i t y institution elo«-e 1834 ules plana, e t c . on file In t h * anld ofRICHARD JOHNSTON died yesFuneral f h - p - l Tal, Oreenpolnt 09*1 neral wrvices will be held for him Court street. Connections t h r o o g n o o t the U. B. fice of t h * President, B o a r d o r D e p a r t terday at his home, 644 Fifty-eighth m Funeral Parlors, aoatlng u o to 100. wlto e n t • t sstieson & Ericson's Chapel. 500 street. He WM bora in Ireland s h a l l be accepted f r o m * • oat charge. EHY, JOHN m SON CATHERINE M'CLOSKEY, born thirty-seven years ago and had been c o Nn tor a cbid t a w a r d e d t o a n y person w h o SO* ROGERS A ? • „ MONTO'O M E R Y ST. 818 Central A v. P h o n o fogiST-sft 9114 State street. Saturday, at 2 P. M in Brooklyn fifty-eight yearn a » , In a r r e a r s T h e City of N e w York N e w Chape! Lady e a s t A^ito service With Interment following at Cypres* • '.<! BJ'll AVE, a resident of Brooklyn for twenty upon d*bt to -tss-rir*. As-ia-e r»<t ftnlM Oak. Hair Can** Cawkat, M ' 8334 r o o kPl A y nR KCumberland 19J1 or eontracf, o r w h o If a Sloeu died Thursday. She is survived tar Hill Cfmctery. -fears. He was employed as a above Trimmed with atretr M r *itanalon handle*, antra**! l t e r a s suretv or o t h e r w i s e , upon eteoklot o p e n request. her husband. Prank; a son. Edward; machinist by the Y. M. C. A. He Is ad ne fya uobligation I IN I TED BURIAL CO.. INC. o t t h * City. nam* plat* and tin** wttn atlti with pillow to match, e t n a * **n a sister. Mary Duff, and a brother •urvlved by a brother, Wllllam Tl>e c o n t r a c t must be M a f o r sa**« U 11*3 BROADWAY. B R O O K L Y N -l«* burl*! k m with msttrss* Removing remain* from nay he* JOHN M. MTNNICK. born in Vir/-LINNENS SONS, JOHN a r a t e l y f Amos Budd. The funeral will be aital la Or-ater New Tor*, • m b a t m l a t and ear* at n, If UNDERTAKERS ¥ * • right I* reserved in f u k * w tarn. U M of Mortuary Cbapeli Free ginia the son of the late James and held at 3 P. U. Monday from the Johnston. The funeral services will rieofletnaas sun *r lad/ a irate, lis* of e»nd*t*bra and 34 "-rtrtrt Herbert iStt .-. Brooklyn, "* Sri*-**-- N . f. reject all bid* If It b* d e e m e d to b f when r*--***t*d. O** •** dr*P*rie* and t d*n*n Telephone Foacroft 3135-9 Funeral Chapel st 18? Sooth oxford be held at 3 P. M. Monday, the Rev. for **»• Interest of the CHy *o t o do. iphone 0130 t Procuring Surlat day at his home, 83 Carlton avenue street. Interment will follow at Holy Howard Tate of the Park Presby~ iMllR^iPWP THOMAS J CREA B i d d e r s will writ* out the a m o u n t of my OawMtotf to Qrontot r*ntar INew Ii f O O C He was a resident of this city and Cross Cemetery, under direction of terian Church will officiate. Inter- t h e i r b l d i in addition to i n s e r t i n g t h * WEIGAND B R ^ T s a m e in «gur**. _ _ . RINDROD. BENJAMIN pnfrdwWr ment will be at Valhalla Burial member of the Sacred Heart R 0. ™ FUNERAL D t R S C T O M __, Harry M. Robins, 1* 16lst street, B i d d e r s are requested to m a k e their F U N E R A L DIRECTOR o f f i c e - and Parlor*! Church, Clermont and Part avenue, Jamaica, Park, Staten Island. bids upon t h * blank form* p r e p a r e d and 17 Hull Street 1011 HAI.SKT S T R E E T fnrnlshcrtr by t h e City, a oopy of w h i c h , for twenty-two years, when a solTelephone R g d d l n g w a y 8*33 phono Foitcroft 4*00 Home Office, 1 West 190th St- RAymond 9-1900 w i t h t h * proper e n v e l o p e In w h i c h t*»_^ emn mans of requiem w'll be celeJOf NASRAD AV.ENUE ETHEL SCHWERDTMANN, a Uff incine* t h * hid. together w l t n a c o p y MARY GEORGE, mother of JoPhone Oreenpolnt i | S 4 AJal-EsLtTtAlBr" Est. 18T MUNCHES brated Monday at 10 A. M- He seph of t h * contract including t h * s p e c i f i c a resident of Brooklyn, died yeeter- tion* in th* form approved by the.04»rge. Brooklyn RS-tit-paperM FOX ALL *"T was a meehintat st the Brooklyn w [303 Willii Awe., at 140th St.—Tel. MOtt Haven 0-7070 Phone B v e r n r o o * * M t day at her home. 310 Powers street, r o r p o r a t t e n <"OUB«CI, enn b e obtained man. died y^sst-iTda-at !Wf*>««-*Formerly of Court Hi Navy Yard, and member of the fttRJKRS AV k MONTGOMERY ST in Bar nhisieeirth year. She is sur- upon application therefor a t t h * office Poplar street, sne ntwi seen a resi»S»3 Tenth Aye., at 43d St.—Teh MEdallton 3 - 0 4 1 0 PholW Na*ry Yard Employes Mutual Aid t h * D e p a r t m e n t for w h i c h t h * w o r k REEL,7Nr»PEW ff" fMocuTB 1*34 C t t t - M f l a n d t99« dent of Brooklyn for tnirty-ftve vlvid by her mother, Ellsa; two of I* to b e d e n e or the snppllee a r e to b e Fi*Nf"«Af. DIRTST-YOB :te Is survlvid by hi* wife. Alicr * 1 G G I N S . E D W A R D P . E s t 1 8 M 1358 Flatbuah Ave., B'klyn.—Tel. MAnsfield 6 - 7 0 3 0 Harry and Ferdinand, and furnished. P1*n* and d r a w i n g s of coa« 941 Rirtirewi*™* 4 * cor N o r w o o d *« Conn-llf Minnick. Form e n * of Coarl St. Interment will years. She was the widow of T»l Arioteg* » «4«* rtrKJERs AV A MONTGOMERY «T f o r m audi Knltr* c o n t e n t * Cnpyftajtl ISCS b» Walter t j , rttok* taw. be at St, John's Cemetery under Thomas J. George and is survived tWO S i s t e r s , E l v i r a T a m a r g O a n d i t n t o t l e n work may b* seen t h e m . Formerly 14 Throog) A**., Brooklyn. ANDERSON—At her home, 837 lOth St., Elsie W., on Jan. 1, beiJoved wife of William Anderson and nother of William and Edward. Filer al services on Sunday, Jan. 4, it 1:45 P. M., by Rev. Dr. Valenof the Lutheran Church. Indent Greenwood Cemetery. ANDREAS—Godfrey, a realtor, of 4-13 97th ave.,i Richmond Hill, . on Friday, Jin. 2, in his fiftysecond year at the Lutheran Hostal. He Is survived by his wife, .ullne; three daughters, Josephine iborne, Bertha Qrinshaw and iss Pauline Andreas; six sons, Arur, Raymond, William, Henry, d and Edward; one brother, illiam Schecker. He was a member c" 8. P. Dupont Camp* No. 168, fe. of V.. U. 8. A., and Montauk Ounctl, No. 99, Junior O. TJ. A. M. funeral services at his home on Monday at 2 P. M. Interment at 3edar Grove Cemetery. GRILLS—Madeline B., formerly of 219 14th st., Brooklyn, suddenly, Thursday, Jan. 1, 1931, at her residence, Long Branch, N. J. She was the only daughter of Walter H. and Annie Grills, and granddaughter of Mrs. Thomas Grills and Mrs. A. L. Marks. Interment Sunday, Jan. 4, 1931, at Long Branch, N. J. '•" " ' " '•••• ' • • " " • •— S MEN'S T S ' $7 UP £esterWXM OBITUARIES 1915 Phone NEvins 8-3903-3904 TOatterB.ffD0fce 50 Seventh Avenue Licensed Funeral Directors of the Five Boroughs of New York City SATISFACTION GUARANTEED »150 B B C H H K D L M D D S • « * » * * • * * • *-*..* G H H Phot* r S»oeu-a 8814- Cambarland lit* I Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 •; :\Z
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