Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 One ‘‘Nation,’’ Under Stephen? The Effects of The Colbert Report on American Youth Jody C Baumgartner and Jonathan S. Morris This study examines the effect of The Colbert Report, Comedy Central’s mock conservative talk show, on young adults. By fashioning his character as a hyperbolic ideologue, Colbert is mocking personalities such as Bill O’Reilly. However, this study finds that when young adults are exposed to The Colbert Report’s humor, they are not led to be more critical of the far right. Instead, the opposite happens, and there is an increased affinity for President Bush, Republicans in Congress, and Republican policies. Ironically, Colbert’s attempts to poke fun at conservative commentators may be helping those same commentators spread their message. While humorists have always been quick to turn their ire at the world of politics, the current popularity of political humor in America seems to be unprecedented. Moreover, it seems as if the political comics and satirists of today are (perhaps ironically) being taken more seriously than those of yesteryear. For example Jon Stewart, comedian and host of The Daily Show, has graced the covers of several national publications and was cited by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential entertainers in the world in 2005 (Govani, 2005). In 2006, humorist Stephen Colbert was the featured speaker at the high-profile White House Correspondents Dinner. Politicians seem to be taking political humorists more seriously as well. In 2004, Senator John Edwards formally announced his candidacy for president of the United States on The Daily Show (Storm, 2004), and John McCain announced his intention to run in 2008 on The Late Show with David Letterman (Nagourney, 2007). As political humor becomes more prevalent, researchers have started to investigate how it may influence various aspects of the political process in America. While individual research efforts have produced varying results, there seems to be a consensus that political humor does have an effect on attitudes and opinions. For example, Matthew Baum (2005) found that presidential candidates can increase their likeability by appearing on humor-based talk shows, and other researchers have noted that exposure to the humor of late-night comedy can prime viewers to Jody C Baumgartner (Ph.D., Miami University) is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at East Carolina University. His research interests include humor and politics, electoral politics, and the Presidency. Jonathan S. Morris (Ph.D., Purdue University) is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at East Carolina University. His research interests include humor and politics, political communication, and public opinion. © 2008 Broadcast Education Association DOI: 10.1080/08838150802437487 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 52(4), 2008, pp. 622–643 ISSN: 0883-8151 print/1550-6878 online 622 Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 623 base their candidate evaluations on specific character traits (Brewer & Cao, 2006; Moy, Xenos, & Hess, 2006; Young 2004b, 2006). There is also some evidence that suggests exposure to political humor can prime negative evaluations of presidential candidates and other political institutions (Baumgartner, 2007; Baumgartner & Morris, 2006; Morris & Baumgartner, 2008). One of the more influential sources of political comedy in the last decade has been Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Started in 1996, The Daily Show was hosted until 1999 by Craig Kilborn, when he was replaced by comedian/actor Jon Stewart. At this point the program was renamed The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (hereafter TDS), and ratings consistently rose thereafter. By 2006, almost 1 in 5 (19%) of Americans reported watching TDS at least sometimes, a noticeable increase from just 11% in 2002 (Pew Research Center, 2006). The popularity of TDS in recent years has allowed some of Stewart’s supporting ensemble, satirically referred to as ‘‘correspondents,’’ to pursue successful entertainment endeavors outside of the show. One of these is former TDS contributor Stephen Colbert, now host of The Colbert Report on Comedy Central (hereafter TCR). TCR is a spin-off of TDS that parodies conservative-hosted political talk shows. Colbert acts as host and focuses primarily on political issues and events. Unlike Stewart, who plays the role of a common-sense observer who humorously points out the absurd in politics, Colbert parodies the new breed of self-indulgent, conservative news personalities. The program and his persona are modeled after Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor and its host Bill O’Reilly, whom Colbert affectionately refers to as ‘‘Papa Bear.’’ A central part of Colbert’s character, and thus the show’s comedic appeal, is his explicit rejection of the need for facts in engaging in political debate and assessing political arguments. This approach parodies the hyper-partisan tone of many political talk programs. Consider, for example, how Colbert began his inaugural broadcast of TCR, introducing the segment of the program titled, ‘‘The Word’’ (Karlin, 2005), a parody of O’Reilly’s ‘‘Talking Points Memo’’: I will speak to you in plain, simple English. And that brings us to tonight’s word: ‘‘truthiness.’’ Now I’m sure some of the ‘‘word police,’’ the ‘‘wordinistas’’ over at Webster’s are gonna say, ‘‘hey, that’s not a word.’’ Well, anyone who knows me knows I’m no fan of dictionaries or reference books. I don’t trust books. They’re all fact, no heart. And that’s exactly what’s pulling our country apart today. ’Cause face it, folks; we are a divided nation. Not between Democrats and Republicans, or conservatives and liberals, or tops and bottoms. No, we are divided between those who think with their head, and those who know with their heart. Consider (Supreme Court Nominee) Harriet Miers. If you ‘‘think’’ about Harriet Miers, of course her nomination’s absurd. But the president didn’t say he ‘‘thought’’ about his selection. He said this: (video clip of President Bush) ‘‘I know her heart.’’ Notice how he said nothing about her brain? He didn’t have to. He feels the truth about Harriet Miers. And what about Iraq? If you think about it, maybe there are a few missing pieces to the rationale for war. But doesn’t taking Saddam out feel like the right thing? 624 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 Since TCR started in October 2005, it has been nominated for an Emmy Award, and the Colbert-coined word, ‘‘truthiness,’’ was voted the Word of the Year by The American Dialect Society. Also, at the behest of Colbert himself, thousands of loyal viewers have formed ‘‘Colbert Nation,’’ a fan club of sorts similar to Rush Limbaugh’s ‘‘ditto heads.’’ Given Colbert’s popularity and the increased reach of political humor in general, there is a need to consider how exposure to his brand of humor may influence viewers. As mentioned above, evidence suggests political humor on television can influence political attitudes. But political humor—even late-night televised political humor—is not monolithic (see Young & Tisinger, 2006). Jon Stewart’s approach differs significantly from that of David Letterman and Jay Leno—and Colbert differs from all three of them. The focus of this analysis is on Colbert’s increasingly popular brand of political humor. The following section constructs a theory that explains why exposure to TCR may be somewhat unique. Then, findings are presented from a controlled experiment in which young adults were randomly assigned to watch TCR while others watched news and commentary from the very person Colbert parodies—Bill O’Reilly. The findings from the experiment are then discussed. The Effects of Political Humor and The Colbert Report Expectations about the effects of viewing TCR are guided by a body of knowledge on the effects of humor on political attitudes. Early research, most of which was based on experiments in marketing and psychology, seemed to suggest that humor has some ability to change attitudes and persuade audiences (Berg & Lippman, 2001; Gruner, 1996; Lyttle, 2001; Schmidt, 1994; Scott, Klein, & Bryant, 1990). One early study found, for example, that a political cartoon accompanied by an editorial has some power to affect opinion change in the reader (Brinkman, 1968). The process or mechanisms by which it might do so is, however, a different question. Based on early research, Sternthall and Craig (1973) suggested that humorous messages may lead to a reduction in counterargument and increase in persuasion. In addition, they speculated that humor may increase the likeability of the source (humorist), creating a positive mood which may in turn increase the likelihood of persuasion. In this sense, a humorous message may be more persuasive than messages that are blatantly intended to persuade—such as marketing or political advertisements— because the viewer is less likely to put up cognitive ‘‘guards’’ that sometimes go up when he/she recognizes that they are the target of attempted persuasion. Some later studies on the effects of humor on attitude change have followed this speculative research and been explicitly grounded in a model of persuasion known as the Elaboration Likelihood Model (hereafter ELM; Lyttle, 2001; Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). ELM theory posits that persuasive communications (e.g., a speech, an advertisement) are processed, or elaborated, on two different levels: a central and a peripheral route.1 Processes in the central route involve high elaboration, or thought. In everyday language, central route processing is critical reasoning. If a message is Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 625 processed in the central route, its ability to persuade is limited by the power of the argument, the individual’s predisposition, and other factors. If, on the other hand, a message is processed in the peripheral route, the potential for persuasion is greater. In the peripheral route there is less cognitive work, and message processing is more dependent on various contextual and affective considerations, including the mood of the receiver. In other words, there is less focus on the substance of the message in low elaboration message processing, which makes it more likely that other variables can influence the receiver. Research suggests that messages accompanied by humor may be processed along the peripheral rather than the central route (Young, 2004a; Zhang, 1996). This being the case, a reading of ELM theory suggests that humor may affect attitudes in one of several ways, which make it more likely the receiver will agree with the message. First, humor can create a positive mood in the receiver, which might preclude high elaboration. This in turn would make it less likely that the individual would disagree with the message or argument being presented. Second, the receiver might be less likely to engage in counterargument out of an appreciation of the humorous message. Here, it is not the receiver’s mood that makes it more likely the message will be positively evaluated, but rather an appreciation of the humor itself. Finally, according to ELM theory, humor might make it more likely that the receiver will agree with the message out of an increased liking or trust of the source of the humorous message (Lyttle, 2001). In short, ELM theory suggests that humor makes it less likely that the receiver will critically question the message accompanying it, making it more likely that the individual will agree with the message. However, in order to predict the effect of humor, it is imperative to understand the type of humor that is being examined and what the ‘‘message’’ is. For example, jokes told by late-night talk show hosts like Jay Leno or David Letterman about presidents, presidential candidates, Congress, and so on, are built around simplistic, preexisting negative stereotypes (Moy et al., 2006; Niven, Lichter, & Amundson, 2003; Sarver 2004). The ‘‘message’’ is unflattering. ELM theory would lead one to expect that exposure to this type of political humor would result in lowered perceptions of the targets (political leaders and/or institutions) of these jokes.2 Research has lent support to these expectations. For example, Young (2004b, 2006) demonstrated that exposure to The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Letterman during the 2000 presidential campaign had a small but negative effect on how viewers evaluated the candidates. Baumgartner and Morris (2006) found that exposure to TDS resulted in decreased trust in government and the media and lowered evaluations of both presidential candidates during the 2004 campaign as the result of exposure to the program. Baumgartner (2007) found similar effects on trust in political institutions in experimental research on online humor viewership. When leaders and institutions are the target of jokes, it seems to have a negative effect on how audiences view these leaders or institutions. However, TCR, by parodying The O’Reilly Factor, is political satire—a fundamentally different type of humor.3 Satire contains at least two messages: a direct 626 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 (explicit) and an indirect (implicit) message (Gruner, 1965). The direct message is what the satirist is actually saying, but the true message is indirect, or implied. In A Modest Proposal, for example, Jonathan Swift was explicitly deriding the societal reforms he (implicitly) favored after famously proposing that impoverished children be used to feed the rich (Swift, 1729/1969). This leads to a different set of expectations about the effect that satiric humor, as opposed to more conventional jokes, might have. The central question here is, which message is being processed, the direct or the indirect?4 There is some reason to believe that in the case of satiric humor the audience may be drawn to the explicit or direct message rather than the implicit or indirect message. Gruner noted that ‘‘the less direct the satire : : : the more likely it is to be entertaining; and the more direct the satire, the less likely it is to be entertaining’’ (1965, p. 149). If the satire (or parody) is funny, it is because the explicit message is so absurd. Attention, therefore, is drawn away from the implicit message. This is not inconsistent with ELM theory, which suggests that humor contained in a message will lead subjects to process the message in the peripheral route and not devote their resources to cognitive processing. In other words, the ‘‘true message’’ that the satiric humorist is attempting to convey may not be the one that audiences are processing. Some research suggests that this might be the case. In his experimental research Gruner (1965) found no support for the proposition that the implicit satirical would persuade listeners. Research on the television program All in the Family, a program that parodied the racist and sexist attitudes of its main character Archie Bunker, suggested that some viewers were actually moved to agree with Bunker’s views or that the preexisting racial stereotypes of viewers were reinforced (Brigham, 1975; Vidmar & Rokeach, 1974; but, see also Brigham & Giesbrecht, 1976; Surlin & Tate, 1976). Similar fears that humor might have been feeding racial stereotypes were reportedly one of the reasons comic Dave Chappelle walked away from his successful Comedy Central program (Farley, 2005). In the case of TCR, the explicit target of almost all of Colbert’s ‘‘criticisms’’ are liberal Democratic leaders and institutions. For example, in one segment Colbert explained his view of former president Clinton: ‘‘Like Dick Cheney, I have a 1% doctrine, if it could be Clinton’s fault, it is Clinton’s fault’’ (Karlin, 2006b). In fact, the only times Republicans are directly attacked by Colbert are when they stray from the party line or President Bush’s corner. Colbert does, however, implicitly criticize Republicans and conservatives, simply because his statements are so absurdly proRepublican. His commentary attempts to draw attention to the idea that strict adherence to the party line might be foolish. For example, in another segment Colbert suggests that the United States make torture legal, and that former POW John McCain is not an authority on torture because he had been tortured before, and thus is not objective on the topic. Almost anyone would agree that strictly speaking these positions are somewhat tenuous. Colbert’s fervent advocacy highlights this, but again, in an indirect manner. The explicit message is decidedly pro-Republican, and since it is delivered with humor, ELM theory suggests the possibility that it is this message that may have persuasive power. Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 627 Looking beyond ELM theory, it is important to remember that, although Colbert is mocking conservative political talk shows, he does use rhetoric very similar to the hosts he is satirizing. David Barker’s research (1998a, 1998b, 1999, 2002), examined the persuasive effects of rhetoric used on conservative-based political talk shows and found it has great persuasive power, even on nonconservatives in the audience. He concludes that conservative political talk shows go beyond simply ‘‘preaching to the choir’’ and into the realm of persuading the noncommitted by priming ‘‘conservative-friendly’’ positions. The persuasive effectiveness of conservative political talk shows, according to Barker, is that the hosts focus on issues and events where the conservative point of view is considered strongest, and where the liberal perspective is less popular (e.g., socialized health care, gay marriage, immigration). Conservative hosts often engage in what Barker calls ‘‘propagandist techniques,’’ which are intended to vilify the opposition. For example, Barker shows that talk radio host Rush Limbaugh is quick to use the propagandist technique of repetitive name-calling (e.g., the Clintons are ‘‘socialist’’; or liberals are ‘‘soft’’ on crime and ‘‘weak’’ on terror). The repetitive use of name-calling not only influences regular listeners, but also primes more passive listeners to become cognizant of how the opposition has been linked to these negative terms in the past. Colbert’s character frequently satirizes these propagandist techniques that Limbaugh and company frequently employ. For example, Colbert is quick to refer to liberals and/or Democrats as ‘‘commies,’’ or ‘‘pinkos,’’ or ‘‘bleeding hearts.’’ In satirizing these propagandist techniques, however, Colbert is making explicit links between the political left and the negative stereotypes attached to them. Barker’s research suggests that political discussion framed in this context has the ability to ‘‘stack the deck’’ in favor of conservative ideas, values, and policies. This view fits with the aforementioned research on the unintended effects of satire in All in the Family. The intended satire is lost because negative stereotypes are primed among viewers. Of course, it could be the case that viewers’ attitudes will not be affected at all by Colbert’s message (the null hypothesis), or, that they will be persuaded by the indirect (or implicit) message. Based on the research discussed above, however, there is good reason to expect that individuals exposed to TCR may be persuaded by his explicit rather than his implicit message. This leads to the following hypothesis: H1 : Colbert’s explicit criticism of liberals and Democrats will generate more proRepublican perspectives among viewers. Based on previous research on humor effects, another hypothesis about the effects of TCR presents itself as well. Research on TDS found that Jon Stewart’s rational criticism of political absurdities actually clarified politics for viewers, increasing subjects’ reported levels of internal efficacy (Baumgartner & Morris, 2006). The reasoning was that subjects felt more confident in their own political sophistication as the result of understanding Stewart’s simplified presentation of political reality (i.e., ‘‘getting’’ the joke). But the mixed messages contained in Colbert’s presentation 628 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 create the possibility that young viewers may actually become more confused about politics. Such an effect may create a decrease in an individual’s internal efficacy, which is an individual’s assessment of their own political competence (see Niemi, Craig, & Mattei, 1991). This possibility drives the second hypothesis. H2 : Colbert’s mixed messages will cause a decrease in internal political efficacy. Research Design An experimental design was employed in order to test the hypotheses. Subjects were recruited from introductory level political science courses and randomly assigned to be one of three experimental groups. The first group was exposed to a series of clips taken from TCR. The second experimental group was exposed to video clips taken from the program that Colbert parodies: Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor. This condition was included in order to compare the effects of Colbert to his non-humorous counterpart. A final group was assigned to the control condition. This group was exposed to no video clips, but was given a survey that matched the survey given to the first two conditions (save a few questions that were specific to the clips). In total, there were 855 participants in this experiment: 196 in the Colbert condition; 188 in the O’Reilly condition, and 471 in the control group. The average age of the subjects was 19.8 years old (those over 24 were excluded from the analysis); 81% of the sample was White (19% minority); and 61% was male.5 Party identification in the sample resembles a normal distribution, with 5% identifying as strong Democrat; 25% as Democrat; 33% as Independent/no preference; 28% as Republican; and 9% as strong Republican.6 Although the subjects were all undergraduate students, the authors are able to avoid the often-referred-to ‘‘college sophomore’’ problem that can plague generalizability from experimental research on young adults to the population as a whole (Sears, 1986). A significant portion of the audience for shows like TCR and TDS are young adults and college students. This article examines how Colbert’s target audience (young adults) reacts to his humor, so the pool of potential subjects was actually advantageous, rather than a hindrance. Indeed, these subjects share the viewing habits of youth in a recent (2007) national survey by Pew. According to their report, 26% of 18–29-year-olds watch either TCR and/or TDS regularly (16% for the entire sample). This statistic compares quite favorably to the study sample, in which 27% said they watch TCR and/or TDS regularly (47% said they watched the shows at least sometimes, and only 30% said they never watched the shows). Only 24% of the sample reported watching O’Reilly at least sometimes, but this percentage also compares favorably with the national sample from an earlier Pew Survey from 2006, where 22% of 18–24-year-olds said they watched O’Reilly at the same rate.7 Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 629 Overall, the sample was slightly more politically knowledgeable than a recent national sample of 18–24-year-olds taken from the Pew Research Center (2006). For example, 73% of our sample was able to accurately name the majority party in the U.S. House of Representatives, and 63% could name the current Secretary of State. In the national sample, 49% could name the majority party in the U.S. House, and 23% could name the Secretary of State. A more knowledgeable sample, however, is not necessarily problematic since research has found that regular Colbert and Stewart watchers are significantly more knowledgeable about politics than most other audiences in the same age group (Pew Research Center, 2007). Both clips addressed issues that were topical at the time of the experiment, the fall of 2006 (prior to the election). In order to maintain control and help ensure that differences between the groups were the result of exposure to Colbert’s parody, the subject matter of the stimuli was similar. Both Colbert and O’Reilly talked about (1) President Clinton’s altercation with Fox News’ Chris Wallace over his failed efforts to capture Osama bin Laden, (2) U.S. torture policy on detained terror suspects, and (3) the Mark Foley scandal and how it might affect the elections (see Appendix for excerpts from the transcripts of the clips). Both address these issues from a decidedly pro-Republican position, the main difference being that Colbert did so in a manner that generated laughs. In total, each of the clips was approximately 12 minutes in length. Immediately following the administration of the stimulus, subjects were given a posttest survey of their political attitudes and behavior. A posttest-only control group design was employed in order to guard against the threat to internal validity that pretests pose (Campbell & Stanley, 1963).8 In the standard pretest–posttest control group design, the answers that subjects provide on the posttest may be the product of biases generated by answering questions on the pretest and not the experimental stimulus. This threat to validity is addressed by eliminating a pretest and comparing posttest answers across groups. Provided the subjects were randomly assigned to experimental groups, the differences across groups can be attributed to the stimuli. Findings Two survey items were included to measure the impact of the stimuli on subjects in the Colbert and O’Reilly conditions. Specifically, subjects were asked to agree or disagree with the two statements. The first statement read ‘‘I enjoyed watching the video clips today,’’ and the second read, ‘‘I learned something from watching the video clips today,’’ 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (somewhat disagree), 3 (neither agree nor disagree), 4 (somewhat agree), 5 (strongly agree). Of those subjects in the Colbert condition, 83% agreed (somewhat or strongly) that they enjoyed the clips, and 51% agreed that they learned something from Colbert. Of the subjects in the O’Reilly condition, 75% agreed that they enjoyed the clips, and 65% agreed that they learned something. Taken as a whole, these responses serve as a manipulation 630 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 check and suggest a good probability that subjects were affected by the stimuli and that examining how subjects were impacted is warranted. Table 1 shows the results from a logit analysis where policy support was regressed against several predictors. The dependent variable in Table 1 was created from survey items that asked subjects to list which party they believed would do a better job (1) managing the economy, and (2) managing the War on Terror. To construct these two dependent variables, respondents that answered ‘‘Republicans’’ were coded as 3, and those who answered neither were coded as 2, and those who answered ‘‘Democrats’’ were coded as 1. Thus, the responses comprise a 1–3 ordinal scale. The predictors of interest are exposure to the Colbert condition of the experiment (1 if yes, 0 if no), or exposure to the O’Reilly condition (1 if yes, 0 if no). The control group was the omitted category. Additional controls included in the model are gender (1 if male, 0 if female); race (1 if White, 0 if Non-White); and party identification (1 if strong Democrat, 2 if Democrat, 3 if Independent/no preference, 4 if Republican, 5 if strong Republican). The analysis also controlled for political interest, knowledge, and engagement. The political interest variable was derived from the survey item that asked, ‘‘How often do you talk about politics with family, friends, or fellow students?’’ 1 (never), 2 (hardly ever), 3 (sometimes), 4 (regularly). The political engagement variable was a composite measure of each subject’s overall political activity. Subjects were asked to check whether or not they had participated in a series of eight different political activities in the last 12 months. Thus the measure was bound between 0 (no activities) and 8 (the highest number of political activities).9 Like the political engagement variable, the political knowledge variable was also an additive composite measure derived from adding together responses from four different questions about government. A subject received 1 point for each question correctly answered, and 0 for an incorrect answer. Thus, the scale was bound between 0 (lowest political knowledge) and 4 (highest political knowledge).10 As the ordered logit results in Table 1 demonstrate, exposure to both TCR and O’Reilly led subjects to display more affinity for the Republicans over the Democrats on economic policy. Table 1 also shows that exposure to the clips led both experimental groups to display significantly more support for the Republican Party’s ability to manage the War on Terror. This finding holds even when controlling for party identification, which illustrates the robustness of the relationship. Thus, it appears that the evidence lends some support to the first hypothesis. Colbert’s overt criticism of the Democrats appears to have had a persuasive effect in favor on support for Republicans. The more implicit criticism of Republicans and President Bush via parody appears to not generate support for the Democrats on the economy or the War on Terror. The effects of exposure to Colbert go well beyond generating broad support for Republican policies. To test whether or not exposure to TCR significantly influenced perceptions of President Bush, a thermometer score for Bush (0 to 10) was regressed on the same set of predictors in Table 1. As the results in Table 2 show, there Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 631 Table 1 Support for Republicans on Policy Issues Believe Republicans Would do a Better Job Than Democrats Managing the Economy Variable Colbert Report condition O’Reilly Factor condition Sex Race Party identification Political interest Political engagement Political knowledge Constant 1 Constant 2 Log Likelihood LR Chi-Squared N Believe Republicans Would do a Better Job Than Democrats Managing the War on Terror .38 .37 .16 .03 .97 .21 .07 .08 (.17)** (.18)** (.15) (.18) (.08)*** (.09)* (.05) (.06) 2.33 4.55 758.97 227.89*** 831 .33 .39 .10 .43 .82 .16 .00 .20 (.18)* (.18)** (.15) (.18)** (.07)*** (.09)* (.05) (.06)*** 2.46 4.14 785.10 212.75*** 828 Note. Cell entries are ordered logit coefficients with standard errors in parentheses. *p < .10, **p < .05, ***p < .01 (two-tailed). Table 2 Warmth Toward President Bush Variable Colbert Report condition O’Reilly Factor condition Sex Race Party identification Political interest Political engagement Political knowledge Constant Adjusted R-Squared N Warmth Toward President Bush .34 (.16)** .45 (.17)*** .04 (.14) .79 (.18)*** 1.93 (.07)*** .12 (.09) .04 (.05) .09 (.06) 1.11 (.35)*** .56 835 Note. Cell entries are ordinary least squares coefficients with standard errors in parentheses. **p < .05, ***p < .01 (two-tailed). 632 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 is a positive significant relationship between exposure to Colbert and increased warmth toward President Bush. Colbert’s positive effect on support for Bush rivals that of O’Reilly, showing again that Colbert’s explicit criticism appears to be more persuasive than the implicit criticism. This trend is further illustrated when measures of trust in the U.S. Congress are regressed against the predictors. In order to measure support for each party in Congress subjects were asked to agree or disagree with the statements, ‘‘I trust the [Democrats/Republicans] in Congress to do the right thing’’ 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (somewhat disagree), 3 (neither agree nor disagree), 4 (somewhat agree), 5 (strongly agree). As Table 3 demonstrates, exposure to TCR is positively associated with one’s tendency to agree that they trust the Republicans in Congress to do the right thing (p < .08). Not surprisingly, exposure to O’Reilly is also significant in the same direction. Trust in the Democrats in Congress, however, was not significantly related to either of the experimental stimuli. Hypothesis 2 speculates that the multilayered criticism of Colbert may negatively influence internal efficacy. Although Jon Stewart’s rational observations of the sometimes irrational political world may serve to simplify politics for the viewer, Colbert’s parody may do the opposite. To test this notion, subjects were asked Table 3 Trust in Congressional Parties to Do the Right Thing Variable Colbert Report condition O’Reilly Factor condition Sex Race Party identification Political interest Political engagement Political knowledge Constant 1 Constant 2 Constant 3 Constant 4 Log Likelihood LR Chi-Squared N Trust Republicans in Congress to Do the Right Thing .29 (.16)* .36 (.17)** .16 (.14) .52 (.18) 1.56 (.09)*** .16 (.09)*** .00 (.05) .05 (.06) 2.57 4.03 5.36 7.52 1070.12 502.20*** 835 Trust Democrats in Congress to Do the Right Thing .14 .15 .01 .00 .81 .05 .02 .01 (.16) (.16) (.14) (.17) (.07)*** (.08) (.05) (.06) 4.98 3.46 2.26 .10 1163.47 156.79*** 835 Note. Cell entries are ordered logit coefficients with standard errors in parentheses. *p < .10, **p < .05, ***p < .01 (two-tailed). Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 633 to agree or disagree with the statement that, ‘‘Sometimes politics and government seems so complicated that a person like me can’t really understand what’s going on’’ 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (somewhat disagree), 3 (neither agree nor disagree), 4 (somewhat agree), 5 (strongly agree). Thus, a higher level of agreement indicates lower levels of internal efficacy. As the findings in Table 4 show, Hypothesis 2 cannot be rejected. Compared to the control group, exposure to the TCR stimuli led to a significant increase in the tendency to agree that politics and government seem complicated. Thus, the effect of TCR on internal efficacy appears to be exactly the opposite of TDS. Instead TCR’s effect appears to mirror that of O’Reilly, which is considered more of a ‘‘hard news’’ program. This effect remains significant even when political interest, knowledge, and engagement are controlled. Before concluding this section on findings, a possible caveat should be considered. Not all of the subjects in this study were frequent viewers of TCR. Like any television program, TCR has some loyal and passive viewers, but there are many who have never seen it (or hardly ever see it). It is possible, of course, that the degree of previous exposure an individual has had to TCR will influence how that person reacts to the program. A previous study on TDS, for example, found that Table 4 Internal Efficacy Variable Colbert Report condition O’Reilly Factor condition Sex Race Party identification Political interest Political engagement Political knowledge Constant 1 Constant 2 Constant 3 Constant 4 Log Likelihood LR Chi-Squared N Agree That Politics and Government Seems too Complicated .33 (.16)** .32 (.16)* .65 (.14)*** .06 (.18) .03 (.06) .70 (.09)*** .12 (.05)** .20 (.06)* 3.47 2.24 1.74 .42 1170.65 188.63*** 835 Note. Cell entries are ordered logit coefficients with standard errors in parentheses. *p < .10, **p < .05, ***p < .01 (two-tailed). 634 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 regular viewers of the program were not likely to be significantly influenced by short exposure to a program with which they are very familiar (Baumgartner & Morris, 2006). In order to test for possible multiplicative effects between exposure to the stimuli and the level of previous exposure to TCR and The O’Reilly Factor, interaction variables were created where exposure to the stimuli, 1 (exposure), 0 (no exposure), was multiplied by the degree to which the subjects watch the program on television, 1 (never), 2 (hardly ever), 3 (sometimes), 4 (regularly). When these interaction terms were included in models presented in Tables 1–4, no significant effect was found (results not shown), thus demonstrating that previous exposure to the program was not a significant intervening factor.11 The possibility was also considered that exposure to Colbert or O’Reilly could interact with an individual’s partisan identification to generate differential effects. These interaction effects were also insignificant. Discussion The late-night comedy audience is not monolithic (see Young & Tisinger, 2006), nor is the comedy itself. Stephen Colbert’s character is one of a self-obsessed, hyperideological disciple of President Bush. His unique brand of satire differs significantly from the jokes told by the hosts of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Late Show with David Letterman, or The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. The parody is intended to be a humorous critique of conservative media personalities such as Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh. It appears that the effect of Colbert on potential viewers is unique as well. This study has shown that Colbert’s message is persuasive, but perhaps not in the way he or his writers intend. Instead of giving viewers pause to ponder the legitimacy of Colbert’s implicit criticisms of the far right, this experiment found that exposure to Colbert increases support for President Bush, Republicans in Congress, and Republican policies on the economy and the War on Terror. Furthermore, Colbert’s dual messages (explicit and implicit) appear to increase the chance that young viewers will become less confident in their own ability to understand politics. In other words, Colbert’s satire seems to confuse some young viewers. This is different from the comedy of Jon Stewart, which seems to clarify the political world for young adults (Baumgartner & Morris, 2006). This is not to say that the regular Colbert viewing audience is politically unsophisticated. In fact, the opposite is more likely true (Pew Research Center, 2007). Individuals who most regularly tune into TCR are most likely those who recognize and appreciate Colbert’s implicit criticisms of the far right. However, in the age of ‘‘channel surfing,’’ the chance that young adults will stumble across Colbert on Comedy Central is not a long shot—especially when one considers that young adults channel surf more than any other age group (Morris & Forgette, 2007; Pew Research Center, 2006). Young channel surfers are typically less politically knowledgeable than non-surfers (Morris & Forgette, 2007), and young adults are more susceptible to persuasion overall than other age groups (Sears, 1986). This suggests that the Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 635 effects of exposure to Colbert’s parody may have unintended consequences for even occasional young viewers. By attempting to mock conservative commentators, Colbert may unintentionally be helping these commentators sway potential voters to the right. The effects of TCR on the subjects in this research seem to provide at least partial validation for the ELM theory of persuasion, as well as Barker’s (1998a, 1998b, 1999, 2002) model of political persuasion and right-wing political rhetoric. ELM theory posits that individuals process messages in one of two ways, corresponding roughly to affective (the peripheral route) or cognitive (the central route) considerations. In the case of TCR young adults appear to react more to the explicit message. ELM theory suggests that the humor may block, disrupt, or distract further processing or elaboration of the message in the central route in viewers by causing positive affect in the viewer, or, by increasing the likeability or trustworthiness of the source (Colbert). The implicit, or in this case the actual, message is less likely to be processed. Although Colbert is implicitly mocking these strategies with his character, the findings from this study suggest that his explicit framing has the same persuasive effect as true right-wing commentators, such as Bill O’Reilly. Thus, it appears that Colbert’s brand of humor has some unintended consequences. While this research was grounded in the theories of humor and persuasion, it also fits with other communications research that examines the unintended consequences of nonhumorous messages. Research on ad watches, for example, has found nonintuitive results as well. Surprisingly, viewers of ad watches often end up supporting the same candidates whose ads are being criticized (Iyengar & Ansolabehere, 1996; McKinnon & Kaid, 1999; O’Sullivan & Geiger, 1995; Pfau & Louden, 1994; but, see Jamieson & Cappella, 1997). One limitation of this study is the fact that long-term effects of the message were not measured. ELM theory suggests the persuasive power of messages processed in the peripheral route is temporally limited. Effects, in other words, are more likely to be short term (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986). While this might suggest that the findings in this paper are less than significant, it should be remembered that short-term effects can often have a powerful influence in politics, for example, in election campaigns. A second shortcoming of the research is that the findings are based on experimental data. While experimental analysis is the only empirical method of establishing causal relationships, the limitations are in the ‘‘artificiality’’ of the laboratory environment (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Just because the experimental stimulus generated an effect in the laboratory does not guarantee that this response will materialize exactly the same way in the ‘‘real world’’ (Kinder & Palfrey, 1993). Future studies can address this shortcoming by employing nationally representative cross-sectional and panel survey data that includes questions about exposure to TCR. Also, future research using focus groups and/or stimulated depth interviews could provide valuable insight into how young adults make sense of political satire and political humor in general. This research is, however, a first step in understanding the effects of Stephen Colbert’s brand of political humor on youth. As the 2008 presidential race approaches, 636 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 Colbert’s humor, as well as that of other late-night television humorists, will undoubtedly focus increasingly on the campaign. If the 2004 race was any indication of the future of presidential elections, the electronic media in America will be suffused with political rhetoric, and consequently, high emotions. Undoubtedly, satirists on television, the Internet, and beyond will attempt to capitalize on this fervor to make humorous observations on the state of the American political system, and America as a whole. Exactly how this satire is received by its audience is becoming an important piece of the puzzle in understanding political communication in America today. Appendix Selected Transcript Excerpts From the Experimental Stimuli Topic One: Bill Clinton Interview With Fox’s Chris Wallace The O’Reilly Factor. Bill O’Reilly: Chris Wallace simply did his job. He was tough but respectful and asked legitimate questions about al-Qaeda in his interview with Bill Clinton. Anyone attacking Mr. Wallace is dishonest and knows nothing about journalism. [Clip of interview shown] The President should not have been angry with Chris Wallace or Fox News. I could understand why he’s furious about that ABC movie that suggested he was distracted from bin Laden by the Lewinsky episode, but Chris Wallace asking legitimate questions? Come on! (Tabacoff, 2006b) The Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert: Did you see this Clinton thing on Fox? Oh : : : he really stuck his nose out and Fox News’ Chris Wallace impartially chopped it off. Jimmy. [Clip of interview shown] Wow. Talk about an overreaction. Chris Wallace just asked him a perfectly legitimate question. He just basically asked, ‘‘Why did you let those 3,000 people in the World Trade Center die?’’ And Clinton freaks out. Clinton even had the nerve to question why Wallace never asked the Bush administration the same thing. Well, there’s an excellent reason. To suggest that Bush didn’t do enough to prevent 9/11 is patently offensive. (Karlin, 2006b) Topic Two: Torture and Tough Interrogation Methods The O’Reilly Factor. Bill O’Reilly: Tough interrogation methods: : : : is the subject of this evening’s Talking Points memo: : : : The far left believes the Bush administration wants to torture Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 637 people for sport and asserts that making terror suspects uncomfortable is actually torture. In addition, they claim tough interrogation methods never lead to valid information: : : : Now today the Senate continues to debate the coercive interrogation issue, the White House wanting the CIA to have some latitude, the opposition saying only Geneva Convention techniques, name, rank, and jihad number should apply to captured terrorists. Talking Points believes there will be a compromise, that the CIA will be allowed to use some so-called coercive interrogation methods and that’s a good thing. Because they do work on some bad people. (Tabacoff, 2006a) The Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert: Torture is illegal. The U.S. obeys the law. Therefore, the U.S. does not torture. So we need to make it legal. Unfortunately, Republican senators John McCain, John Warner, and former Secretary of State Colin Powell oppose the President’s plan because they’re not seeing it clearly: : : : First of all, John McCain was tortured as a prisoner of war so he’s not objective. Now if John McCain introduced a bill to prohibit the torture of John McCain, I’m all for it: : : : Now as for Colin Powell, sure he was a general but who could trust that guy? He got up in front of the U.N. with a bottle of baby powder and started talking about Saddam cooking up anthrax in a Winnebago. You know, he really misled the President: : : : Now, I’m sorry these guys are all confused; combat does that to a man. We all saw Rambo: : : : Now, fortunately there is a solution. The clarifying language the President wants to put in: : : : I personally think the image of the President saying specifically what to him is not an outrage on human dignity will make everyone see his position very clearly, like a squirt of wiper fluid right in the eyes. (Karlin 2006a) Topic Three: The Mark Foley Scandal and the Midterm Elections The O’Reilly Factor. Bill O’Reilly: We all agree Foley got what he deserved and he should go to jail if the FBI finds he did anything wrong. [But] I want to know who was shopping the e-mails. Don’t you? : : : Wouldn’t you like to know? That is a legitimate start. Ann Coulter [Later in the broadcast]: I think we have a good object lesson. And the difference in Republicans and Democrats. Jerry Studds was having sex with a teenager, he runs again and is reelected. McGreavy, the former Democrat Governor of New Jersey, holds a press conference saying he’s a gay American. Why don’t they go hide in a hole? 638 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/December 2008 O’Reilly: No, McGreavy’s an adult. I wouldn’t care what Foley did if the kid wasn’t 16. That’s too much. Now, 5 weeks from now there’s a vote. You’ve got Iraq, very bad for the Republicans. You’ve got Foley. Is Foley even going to remember this 5 weeks from now or is this a 1-week story? Coulter: No, but look at what he does. He goes, he does the proper thing when he’s caught in a humiliating scandal. He resigns immediately, he hides in a hole: : : : as far as we know right now, and he is specifically denying it, there was no sexual contact. O’Reilly: You think the Republicans are maintaining both Houses? Coulter: This is going to be a very tough year for Republicans. O’Reilly: Why? : : : you don’t think there’s anything driving the anti-Republican sentiment? Coulter: No, to the contrary, I think they’re : : : hysterical overreaction to Foley. When they, The New York Times ethicist says, ‘‘We should boycott the Boy Scouts’’ because they don’t want gay men camping with 14-year-old boys. But they think we should be wiretapping a congressman for asking a kid what he wants for his birthday. They are hysterical : : : (Tabacoff, 2006c) The Colbert Report. Stephen Colbert: I’m exhausted. I was up late last night trying to figure out who the luckiest bastard in the world is. And I am stuck. I can’t decide if it is the congressional candidate who was going to lose to Mark Foley a week ago or the one who was going to lose to Dennis Hastert a week ago. Those guys are laughing all the way to Washington because, of course, the Democrats politicize everything. What a bunch of hypocrites. Where were they back in 1983 when Democratic representative Jerry Studds was caught having sex with a 17-year old male page? All he got was censored and then he was reelected to five more terms representing Massachusetts. And look at Bill Clinton. He refused to step down, Democrats rally around him and his ratings went through the roof. So Republicans, take a page from the Dems’ book, they’re good at sex scandals. You guys don’t know anything about sex. From what I understand, Republicans reproduce with a firm handshake. So just do what the Democrats do, Republicans, and rally around your sexual predator. Remember, the Chinese symbol for crisis is the same as the symbol for opportunity. Which is also the same symbol for man-boy love. At least, I think it is: : : : If you want Baumgartner and Morris/ONE ‘‘NATION’’ UNDER STEPHEN? 639 to punish him for his actions which were inexcusable, this November vote for a Republican. That will show ’em. (Karlin 2006c) Notes 1 These routes are actually conceptualized as being located on a continuum, not simply as dichotomous points. 2 This expectation is also consistent with research on the effects of negatively framed political messages on cynicism (Ansolabehere & Iyengar, 1995). 3 There seems to be no agreed upon definition of satire among literary critics, but common to most definitions is the idea that satire is intended to critique or ridicule (Elliott, 1962; Feinberg, 1968). Parody might be thought of as a particular form of satire that ridicules by imitating (Kreuz & Roberts, 1993). 4 This discussion fits with the notion of polysemy, or the idea that words, texts, or even televisual representations can be interpreted in multiple and sometimes contradictory ways. See, for example, Schaefer & Avery (1993) for an examination of how David Letterman’s ‘‘Late Nite’’ was seen by some audience members as a brilliant parody of talk shows, while others saw Letterman simply as an inept and obnoxious talk show host. 5 Although this sample was disproportionately male, this actually coincides with Colbert’s audience, which is also disproporationately male (see Pew Research Center, 2007). 6 Due to practical concerns of using students recruited from introductory courses, the authors randomly assigned the entire class to an experimental condition, rather than the individual—and the viewing of clips was conducted in a group. This assignment method, however, was not problematic, as the demographic traits of each condition did not significantly differ from the others. Also, to ensure that there were no significant ideological differences between experimental groups, an analysis of variance test (ANOVA) was conducted on a 5point scale of partisan identification with the condition (control, Colbert, or O’Reilly) as the sorting variable. Assuming party identification was exogenous, the distribution of partisans in each group did not significantly differ, thus illustrating a satisfactory level of random assignment. The authors also tested for significant demographic differences across the three experimental conditions, and found no differences of concern. 7 The data were taken from the Pew Research Center’s 2006 Biennial Media Consumption Study. The data are available for download at (see Pew Research Center, 2006, for survey report reference). 8 Because this analysis made use of human subjects, approval was received from the University IRB to conduct the study beforehand. Subjects were informed beforehand that the investigators were going to show a brief clip of a television show and then distribute a short survey. Following the survey, subjects were invited to ask questions about the clip, the survey, or the project. 9 Specifically, subjects were asked to check whether or not they had (1) written or called any politician at the state, local, or national level; (2) attended a political rally, speech, or organized protest of any kind; (3) attended a public meeting on town or school affairs; (4) written a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine or called a live radio or TV show to express a political opinion; (5) posted a message on a blog to express a political opinion; (6) signed a petition; (7) worked for a political party or campaign; or (8) been an active member of any group that tries to influence public policy or government. 10 The four knowledge questions were as follows: (1) As a result of the recent midterm elections, who is expected to become the new Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives? 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Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘‘I trust the Republicans in Congress to do the right thing.’’ 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (somewhat disagree), 3 (neither agree nor disagree), 4 (somewhat agree), 5 (strongly agree) Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘‘I trust the Democrats in Congress to do the right thing.’’ 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (somewhat disagree), 3 (neither agree nor disagree), 4 (somewhat agree), 5 (strongly agree) Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: ‘‘Sometimes politics and government seems so complicated that a person like me can’t really understand what’s going on.’’ 1 (strongly disagree), 2 (somewhat disagree), 3 (neither agree nor disagree), 4 (somewhat agree), 5 (strongly agree) Colbert Condition O’Reilly Condition Control Condition F-Statistic Sig. 2.30 2.26 2.15 3.52 .03 2.22 2.27 2.11 3.25 .04 5.29 5.46 4.89 3.20 .04 3.18 3.24 2.96 3.89 .02 3.11 3.14 3.05 0.59 .55 3.08 3.11 2.83 3.89 .02
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