THE HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N. Y., TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1949 26 In County Pass State Bar Examinations Obituary News James G. Beman Boys Loosen On Railroad ber of the vestry of Trinity Episcopal Church. Surviving besides his son, Arthur, are his wife, Mrs. Aida Mefritt Knight Beman; two other sons, Richard Oliphaht Beman of New York and Leonard Merritt Beman, Hartford, Conn., a brother, Horace G. Beman of, L. I.; a sister, Mrs. Josephine Hayden in Nova Scotia, and 11 grandchildren. Bolts Rails HARTSDALE—Scarsdale and Greenburgh police yesterday investigated potentially dangerous damage to New York Central Railroad tracks by unidentified boys. The Scarsdale Station ticket agent told police at 7:30 P. M. that two hours earlier boys had loosened rai^ bolts a short distance north of the station. Greenburgh police received a report from the Hartsdale Station ticket agent at 6:55 P. M. that boys were putting stones on the tracks between Hartsdale and Scarsdale. An investigating officer found two bolts, connecting rails, were removed and one loosened. Yonkers Police Quelled 'Mutiny' On Batory, Eider's Ship, In 1939 formation on a n application for an exit visa. There was discussion, too, of adding a new charge to the series against Eisler: "Departing the court." _^*s The 1939 "visitor" to Yonkers— boarded the vessel to quell mutinMetropolitan l i f e Architect the Polish liner Batory—is now ous seamen. The trouble began James Garfield Beman, an arpart of a dispute which threatens when Captain Borkowski was reALBANY - The State Board chitect associated for 27 years diplomatic unity between the lieved of his command. of Law examiners has announced with the Metropolitan Life InsurUnited States and Poland, all bethe names of 665 successful canj ance Company and the father of cause Gerhart Eisler, German BAIL F O R F E I T E D didates out of 1.393 who took the | Arthur Knight Beman of 64 Wild Communist fugitive from the WASHINGTON, (AP) — The examination March 2 or 3 for ad* Way, Yonkers, died yesterday in United States, boarded her in $20,000 bonds posted by commumission to the bar. New York City as a stowaway nist Gerhart Eisler in two crimihis home at 251 Nuber Avenue, The board is composed of Philto flee from this country. ^ Mount Vernon. He was sixtynal- cases today were declared ip J. Wickser of Buffalo, presi|seven. Eisler was removed bodily from forfeited by the U. S. District dent; John T. De Graff of Albany, Born In New York City, Mr. the Polish luxury liner Saturday Court here. secretary, and John A. Blake of i Beman made hie home for 3o Mrs. M. F. Mitchell when she arrived in Southampton At the same time the court isNew York City. . years in Mount Vernon, where he from New York. He fled this sued a bench warrant for Eisler's Queens Daughters Leader The 26 who passed the examinacountry on the eve of. a Supreme was vice president of the YMCA Mrs. Martha A. Mitchell of 72 tion in Westchester, including two Court decision on his- conviction arrest, as a person ineligible for board of directors. He was a memfurther freedom on bail while the Holls Terrace North, a founder young women, follow: for contempt of Congress. cases are pending. The actions inof the Queens Daughters Day Theodore F. Brophy of 258 CoWhen American authorities volve contempt of Congress and Nursery and the widow of M. F . rona Avenue, Pelham; Thomas J. were—-told _ t h a t _ C a p l a i n Jan_ passports fraud: Mitchell, a Yonkers realtor and Byrne J r . or*8'Brookside Circle, Cwiklinski, master of the Batory, banker, died on Friday—the day PVT. JOHN SALOTTO The government plans to use Bronxville;"^Vtittarh Cahn of 5 Cohad refused to give Eisler Up, AtCERASUOLO—On Saturday. May 14. 1919. before her eighty-seventh birththe warrant issued today as a lonial Road. Bronxville; Vincent Vincent, of 376 Roberts Avenue, widower torney General Tom C. Clark principal exhibit in getting Eisler L. Calabrese of 320 Washington of the late Teresa. Reposing at the day. ICtTAUKANT AND warned that the American govFrank Sinatra Funeral Home. 21 Park Although she had been an inStreet, Peekskill; William F. ConCOCKTAIL IOUNOI ernment woufd move to seize the extradited from England, where Hill Avenue. Funeral on Wednesday, valid from illness suffered in 1935, Open l>all\ fcscept lue«day don Jr. of 25 H o l l s Terrace Mar 18th. at 9:30 A. M. High Mass of liner if the Communist- leader he fled as a stowaway on the Polish ship Batory. Requiem at St. Anthony's (Willow St.). Mrs. Mitchell maintained active North, Yonkers; Joseph R. Crowwere not surrendered. Specializing If) Juicy . at 10:00 A. M. Interment. St. Joseph's interest in the social welfare of ley of Van Cortlandt, Glenwood U. S. District Judge James W. Cemetery. ••• • The Batory, moored in midthe city, particularly in charitable Gardens, Yonkers; Hudson off Yonkers in 1939 when Morris entered the orders in the DONOVAN—Annie, of 64-7 Warburton Ave.. work. 1 LB. STEAKS John C. Dillon of 49 Shonnard (Continued from Page One) Mar 16th. 1949. beloved wife of the late the Nazis overran Poland, served local court in response to a series The body of Private John SalotBorn in Yonkers in the Civil Place. Yonkers; Alicia E. GallaCaptain Daniel Donovan of New York of motions offered by the United Wholt Broiled Maine lobsters Fire Department, devoted mother of War period, a daughter of Ste- to, U. S. Army, son of Mrs. An- gher of Elm Rock Road, Bronx- Chittendon A v e n u e , Primrose as an English and Canadian States Government through -Wiltroopship during World W a r II. Cornelius. Francis, Edward ancTDanlel: phen J. and Sara Booth Shaugh- gelina Fagliarone Salotto" of 136 Avenue. ville; Armand Gilinsky of River liam Hitz, Assistant U. S. Attoralso survived by six grandchildren and and other grill specialties It arrived in New York Harbor Sedgwick Avenue will be brought one treat-grandchild. Reposing at the nessy, Mrs. Mitchell saw the city Plymouth Avenue, Birch Brook on April.14,. 1947, on its first post- ney for the District of Columbia. Road. Scarborough; Alexander R. K. C. Waldeck Home for Funeral, 7614 grow to industrial eminence and to the Sheridan Funeral Chapel Hamilton of 220 Hunter Avenue. Avenue, LaSalle Drive, Winne- war commercial trip. Hitz prosecuted Eisler in the ^ Fourth. Avenue. Brooklyn. Solemn Re- recognized and helped to meet at 75 Lockwood Avenue today. NorthTarry town; Herbert E. bago Road, Cook Avenue, Shawquiem Mass at St. Bemadette's Roman two criminal cases in 1947. Judge Requiem Mass will be celebrated some of its resultant social needs. Captain Cwiklinski was master Catholic- Church. 13th Avenue and 83rd nee Avenue, Hayward Street, at 10 A.M. in the Hart of 20 Schenectady Place, Seminary Avenue, Desmond Ave- of the Batory when she arrived Morris was the presiding jurist Street. Brooklyn. Thursday. May 19th. She led in the organization' of tomorrow New Rochelle; James S. Hjil of at 10 A. M. Interment. Gate of Heaven the day nursery t o care for chil- Church of St. Paul" the Apostle. 105 Highland Road, Rye"; Walter nue, Mile Square Road, Ridge- here on her first postwar com- then. The trials resulted in senCemetery. tences of one-year and $5,000^ finedren while parents were at work. Burial will be in St. Mary's W. Hochuuv ot-Ardsley Park, Irv- wood Avenue, Durst Place, Smart mercial trip in 1947: for contempt of Congress and one KRUK—Of 13 Madlsoir'AVenue on Sunday. She also helped Cemetery. organize the When the Batory was anchored to three years for falsifying inMay 15th. 1949. Adam, beloved husband ington; Thomas LNHlighes of 3 Avenue and Bryn Mawr Knolls. Private Salotto, who was born of* St. Joseph's Hospiof Eva Kruk. Funeral irom the Nepper- Auxiliary here in 1939, it was under comAlgonquin May Go Off Fordal Road, Bronxville; ; han Funeral Home. 248 Nrpperhan Ave- tal. ' ^ in Yonkers on Jan. 25, 1926, the ADVERTISEMtNT mand of Cav-tain Eustacy Bornue on Wednesday. May. 18th at 9:30 John M. Kernochan of Comly Streets tentatively slated for kowski, a triend of the Rt. Rev. Ucoftd ol i t r t t l fiMt (•¥•« Her husband, a t his death in youngest of six sons of Mrs. Avenue, Port Chester; James C. A. M. Solemn high mass of requiem in improvement w i t h penetrated Msgr. Joseph C. Dworzak, pastor St. Caslmlr's Church at 10 A. M. inter- 1920, was the owner of consider- Salotto and the late Pasquale ment. St. Joseph's Cemetcy. Leary of 673 Locust Street, Mount able real estate throughout the Salotto, was killed in combat in Vernon; Glen B. Miller Jr. of 9 macadam include Hillbright Ter- of St. Casimir's Church. "Saved m y race, Raybrook Road, Lakeview 'SALOTTO—Private John, of 138 Sedgewlck city ta a director of the First Na- Germany on April 14, 1945. His On Sept. 22. 1939—the day beMidland G a r d e n s . Bronxville; A God-Mad for GAS-HEARTBURN" Avenue. Killed In action. Beloved son of tional Bank, president of the Yon- father Avenue, Brooks Avenue, Algondied about five months taxtmstomach acid cau»« painful, tufloca* Mrs. Julia Salatto and the lete Pasquale Robert B. Paddock of Week quin Road, Shaefer Avenue, La- fore the Batory sailed from here '.r;When B R O N X V I L L E , N . Y. gas. tour stomach and heartburn, doctors u-ui'.'y ago. kers Real E s t a t e Board and an Salatto. Reposing at the Thomas B. under escort of British destroyers prescribe the fastest-acting medicines known for Oris O. McOittr, Moftoaine Difclai Sheridan Jr. Funeral Chapel. 75 Lock- active member of the City Club. Surviving besides his mother, Street, Katonah; Anna M. Rabin- Salle Drive and Iroquois Road. symptomstlc relief—medl^lnesllkethoselnBell-ans for Halifax — Yonkers police k lawrsnt* Property wood Avenue. Funeral on Wednesday At Tablets. Xolaxstlve. Bell-ans b»1nji8 comfort In a owe of 77-79 E l l i o t s Avenue, YonInclusion of Algonquin Road "Mrs. Mitchell w a s the mother are his brothers, Salvatore, Wil- kers; James A. Rooney of Grove Jiffy or return bottle to us for double money bacX. Q 9:30 A. M. Mass of reul-m at 10 A. M. drew the fire of Councilman . in S t Paul the Apostle Church. Inter- of Miss Louise Mitchell, Yonkers liam and Michael, all veterans of BELL-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25? v ment, St. Mary's Cemetery. realtor and a director of the World W a r I I ; Cosimo, who was Road, White Plains: Donald M. Maffei, and it is believed' that D. Roy of Barney Park, Irvingin wartime government service in -YHYM—Alice Webb, on May 15th, 1949, Westchester County Realty Board this street will be dropped from > wife of the late Frank A. Thym. Services Commander W a l t e r B. J. Mitchell, f Arabia, and the eldest, Anthony ton;. Warren J. Schneider of 124 the list. } at Phillips Funeral Home. 50 Ludlow Salotto, and a sister, Mrs. Car- Franklin Avenue, Yonkers; Carl v Street on Wednesday, 2 P. M. Interment, USNR, attached to the Navy leC. Torrisi of 66 North Fulton Avgal department; and F r a n k J. mine Rocco, also of Yonkers. i Mt. Hope Cemetery. enue, Mount Vernon; Joseph R. •TOWNSON — On May 15th, 1949. Helen Mitchell, who is associated with Private Salotto was educated Larath, beloved wife of Beniamln Town- the Yonkers Savings Bank. She in School Twenty-one and Saun- Zibelli of 7 North Ninth Avenue, > - son. Reposing at the Ball Funeral Home, Dr. Robert A. Ashworth was Trades School. Ho had Mount Vernon: George A. Bend100 Lake Avenue. Funeral on Wednesday also leaves five grandchildren and ders er of 37 Francis Lane, Port Chesreelected-president of the Social worked for Cleanart, Inc., launthree great-grandchildren. ^ at 8:30 A. M. High Mass of Reouiem, Planning Council last night at | St. Joseph's Church, at 10 A. M. Interdry company here, for several ter; Haydn H. Hilling of Mount \ gent, Bt. Joseph's Cemetery. the council's annual meeting at months before he entered military Airy Road, Croton-on-Hudson. The Senior Choir of Gorton its offices, 53 South Broadway. Vincenzo CeVasuolo CARDS O F T H A N K S service in April, 1944. He was atHigh School will give its annual DON ATONE—Lucy. We wish to extend our Retired F a r m e r tached to the 354th Infantry of Also reelected were Mrs. Robheartfelt thanks and appreciation for Spring concert Thursday at 8:15 J the many acts of kindness, messages of Vincenzo Cerasuolo of 376 Rob- General George S. Pat ton's Third ert A. Stevenson, first vice presiP. M. in the school auditorium. { sympathy and beautiful floral offerings * received from our kind friend*, relatives ert Avenue, a retired farmer, died Army for less than three months Miss Teraceda V. Williams, vocal dent; Mrs. Louisa B. Bannihr. v and neighbors during our recent be- Saturday In his early eighties. His before he fell. instructor at the school, has ar- second vice president, and the *. reavement, wife, the former Teresa Manzo, Rev. John M. Harrington, head of ranged the program. .•*. Daughters and Sons. died on Feb. 14. The couple left 1922 to 1945 he was editor of the Soloists will be Jane Graig, the Yonkers Catholic Charities *«TROH—Elliabeth. We wish to extend 45 descendants Irving Newger, fifty-one and his EST. 55 YEARS office, secretary. ^ our heartfelt thanks and appreciation Christian Leader. In World War I Born in Italy, Mr. Cerasuolo he served as a relief commissioner son. Robert, seventeen, of 24 Pur- Maureen Toohey, Robert Potts, v for the acts of kindness, messages of Revisions to the constitution Paul Diedrich, Done^ Stancs. v sympathy and beautiful floraf offerings came to this country and directly for the American Red Cross in a ser Place, entered their apartment Sheila Gamble, Carolyn Craft and and by-laws, proposed by a com5 received from our kind friends and at 8:10 P. M. yesterday to find the tc Yonkers about 50 years ago. ? neighbor*. during our recent bereavemittee under the leadership of section of Belgium which re' ment in the, Toss of our beloved mother. He worked as a farmhand and mained outside the German occu- rooms filled with illuminating gas Charles Gill. Father Harrington, were accept; We especially thank Father'. Sullivan, conducted his own produce farm Mr. Diedrich, choir accompanist, pation. On his return to this fumes and Mrs. Wanda Newger, ed. These revisions a r e designed £ Otis Fire Brigade, Building No. 3. Otis Elevators TT. E. C.I.O. Local 453 and in the Robert Avenue section' of country he wrote a book, "The forty-five, the wife and mother, will be assisted by Miss Frances to simplify the structure of the the city until 1938 when he re- Little Corner Never Conquered." lying on a bed in a nearby bed- Schmidt, a member of the class of t Charley's friends. council and make its membership Daughter. Esther Conley.' tired. ' Before the war he served as presi- room suffering from gas poisoning 1948 and a former choir accompa- broader. Under the new setup, *-' ' Son. aeorge N. Stroh. nist. Mr. Cerasuolo was a member dent of the District of Columbia but conscious, police report. ^SWIENBY—Michael F. We wish to exthe council will be governed by P-e t e r . preti our appreciation for the many acts of the Holy Name Society of St. iBoard of Education. i n i Assistant Fire , - Chief a board of directors, composed of of kindness and expressions of sym- Anthony's Church, Willow S t r e e t ( pathy, spiritual bouquets and tlorftl of21 members, and its officers, and He was' a founder of the Mez^oBon, i „ . i * b W * m , N. Y , ^ ; | S ' ^ n ' ^ / S f ' I ^ S ? . ! O t i s R e i J O r t S * ferintt in tb» loss of our father: V membership will include deleVan Schaick was educated at tru took her to St. Joseph's Hos goba Society, a social club "for ^, : Sons and Daughters. gates from all recognized social Union College, St. Lawrence Unipitnl for treatment >after proItalian-born citizens at 161 Wil5TUWCK-Helen. We wish to extend our agencies, public and private, versity, Tufts College and the nouncing her out of danger. heartfelt thanks and appreciation for low Street. , the kindness, message* of sympathy, other community organizations Universities of Liege and BrusHer husband told police that he Surviving a r e a son, Pasquale; , spiritual bouquets and floral offerings Mrs. Carmella s e l s . He taught English and his- found two jpts of the kitchen , received from our relative;:, friends and four daughters, The Otis Elevator Company had and individuals interested in the \ neighbors during our rec.nt bereave- Pease, tory briefly before entering the range- open„and that his wife had a net income of $3,442,056 for the health and social welfare services Mrs. Asunta Leonardo, ; ment, We also thank Sacred Heart of behalf of the community. t Jesus Society of St. Michael's Ukraln- Mrs. Josephine Dela Calce and ministry in 1898 as assistant pas- been despondent and ill for the first quarter of this year, ' com- on ^ ian Greek Catholic Church. Mrs. Margaret Populardo, all of tor of the Church of Divine Pa- past year under.a physician's care. pared with'$3,506,084 in the first Committees will be appointed to * •. • . Family of Helen Tureck. Yonkers, 25 grandchildren and 15 ternity in New York. He went No notes /were found, police said. three months of 1948, the com- put the measures provided' in the .: I N MEMOftlAM to Washington in 1900 as pastor A n c p r e r g e n c y crewman from pany reports. revisions into action. The nomigreat-grandchildren. Installed, Serviced and Fueled by Sinclair tinder an CHRISTANlO—In loving mrmc lory of our of the Church of Our Father and the ""Westchester Lighting Comnating committee was headed by Undivided-Responsibility Plan. 3 Years to Pay. Orders 'oooked in the first quar; darling daughter. Margaret (nee Mancontinued in that pastorate until pany reported the range in "good derson). who passed away two years ago Mrg. Frank A. Thym ter of 1949 totaled $18,403,515. Miss Lena C. Garland. 1918. condition," police.said. Service and Fuel Oil-Any Make Burner % today. against $23,209,668 in the correGone is the face we loved ?n dear, Widow Of Accountant Besides his brother here. Dr. NEW ANTI-RUST FUEL O I L - c o n t a i n s R D - 1 1 9 , sponding period of last year. ^Silent the voice we loved to hear; R. M. Rownd Dies; NOW AT A PRICK Mrs/Alice Webb Thym, a South Van Schaick leaves his wife, the N.A.A.C.P. Unit Names 'Sincere and true In heart and mind. Sinclair's amazing scientific discovery that stops rust The net- income for the quarter VOU.CAN AFFORD What a beautiful memory 'sh? left behind. Yonkers resident for 50 years and former Julia Asenath Romaine, in your oil tank—stops formation of rust particles Motner and Dad. ended March 3L equaled, after pre- Past Head Of G.A.R. Complete Boiler- that clog fuel lines, strainers, pump and nozzle. Get a member of St. Andrew's Me- and a sister, Mrs. Ardcn L. Nor- Conference Delegate ferred dividend requirements, $1.67 DIEHL—In ssd and loving memory of our morial Burner Unit, Episcopal Church, died ton of Coblesklll. full details about this anti-rust fuel oil before you RIPLEY. (AP) — Robert At a meeting of the Yonkers a share of common stock. I dearly beloved mother, Elisabeth Dlehl. Saves 25% to 50% order your next year's supply. Fuel oil cu;tomers " who departed from- us the 18th day of Sunday in her home at 30 LouM. Rownd. one-hundred-and-fourBranch of the National AssociaON OIL, Users Re- are also eligible for— i May,. 1046. A third anniversary mats doun Street. She was the widow year-old past commander of the port. tion for the Advancement of Col• will be offered for her on Wedn«sday at of Frank A. Thym, an accountant Westchester Deaths Special "Annual Heat Protection Policy" — inMan On Relief Claims Grand Army of the Republic, died £ 7 A. M., May 18th at St. John the Bapored People Sunday, Mrs. Odell cludes summer clean-up plus unlimited emergency MRS. SELINA REICH P F I S who had worked in New York I tlst Church. today. service all winter. TER of Valhalla, seventy-seven, Cannon was selected as delegate $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 Lost Cash We are thinking of you today. City. . He had been in failing health to go tp the annual conference Dear mother, thinking of the past. wife of Jacob Pfister, president of I Picturing you in memory. Born in Syracuse, Mrs. Thyra of the national organization which NEW YORK. (AP)— A man who. since last Summer when he sufJust as we saw you last. h a d lived in Florida for some the Pfister Coal and Lumber_Com- this year will be held in Los Anfered a heart attack shortly be• You left behind some broken hearts, time before coming t o Yonkers. pany in North White Plains, at geles. Sunday's meeting was at identified himself as a deaf-mute fore he had expected t o attend f That loved you so sincere. living on home relief claimed a White Plains. That n*T*r did or never will Here she had made her home for CONTAINS RD-119AUTHORIZED 0 . C DISTRIBUTOR 117»Palisade Avenue. bundle of some S12.000 in cash the final state GAR meeting in Forget you,' mother dear.: JOHN M. SQUIERS, fifty-six, many years on Saratoga Avenue diem T & T s ' t o p s t e PLANTt P. O. B o x 6 9 . Mount V o m o n . N . w York Syracuse. Gone but not forgotten. found Tuesday on a Queens Street. before moving to Loudoun Street: vice-president of the County Trust N o Extra Price. PHONE NOW—Mount V a m o n 7 - 2 1 3 1 Husband and Children. His death leaves James A. A radio patrolman found the No immediate relatives a r e Company of White Plains attached Manpower Committee Hard.' one-hundred-and-severi, Romoney tied in a dirty rag he to the Fleetwood Branch in Mount known to survive her. picked up from the gutter to wipe chester, the only other GAR Vernon, and former owner of the To Meet T o m o r r o w So Beautiful member surviving in New York Chairman Arthur E. Chambers his windshield. Parkway Theater in Mount VerMrs. Robert J. Wagner the Bride's Bouquet Jr. has called a meeting of the The claimant, who said he is State. non, at Tarrytown. Mrs. Katie M. Loehr Wagner of FRANK L. NORRIS of Larch- Military Manpower Committee for Herbert G. Laird, thirty-seven, Armonk, widow of Robert J. Wag- month, eighty, a retired commer- tomorrow at 4 P. M. in Room 214 was questioned in writing for two ner, a retired employe of the New cial artist who had specialized in of the Post Office Building, foot of hours yesterday before police anYork City-Sanitation Department, drawings for the national adver- Main Street. nounced his claim. and mother of Mrs. August Hllle- tisements of shoe manufacturers, They said he told them: He left BOND DRIVE O r E N S FOR YOUR brecht of 42 Alexander Avenue a t Larchmont. Los Angeles, Calif., with $13,146 here, died yesterday in t h e NorthWASHINGTON, l A P t — P r e s i belonging partly to him and his MRS. MARY MORAN, ninetyern Westchester Hospital. Mount two, widow of former North Tar- dent Truman in a broadcast from wife, Edna, and arrived in New Kisco. She was in her seventy- rytown Police 'Sergeant James the % White House last night ap- York after a stop in St. Augustine, pealed to Americans to show their Fla. He lost either $12,726 or $12.fifth year. Moran, at North Tarrytown. FREE DELIVERY unity and faith by putting the $1 736 In a canvas bag here but hesiBorn in New York City on Jan. J O S E P H PARDAVY of Fair- billion opportunity bond drive tated to report it "because my 16 PALISADE AVE. 1, 1875. a daughter of Joseph and view, sixty-nine, a custodian at over the top. wife was prosecuting me." Marie Weber Loehr, M r s : Wagner the Greenburgh Junior H i g h had made her home in the Bronx School, at the school. until eight years ago when r "she moved to Armonk to live with two other daughters, Mrs. Andrew Other Deaths DR. WALTER L. WRIGHT JR., Findlay and Mrs. Fred Schmidt. She also leaves three grandchil- forty-nine, professor of Turkish W I L L ACCEPT BIDS FOR THE SALE OF dren and four great-grandchil- language, literature and history dren. Her husband died six years at Princeton University, former president of Robert College and ago. the American College for Girls, both in Istanbul. Turkey, and an Featuring; Hick* k Son Rev. Dr. John Van Schaiek authority oh the Near East, at AT Princeton, N . J . ION VOYAGE Brother of Bronxville Man BRONXVILLE — T h e Rev. Dr. P E T E R MAURIN. founder of Steomsr Bosket! John Van Schaick. a leading the Catholic Worker Movement rhon«: YOnkers 5-0500 Washington clergyman, edftor and and Its Houses of Hospitality and civic worker, and brother of cofounder of the Catholic Worker, George S. Van Schaick of 4 Hem- a monthly newspaper, at Newlock Road here, died yesterday in burgh. N . Y. the Garfield Hospital, Washington, HUGH K1NGSMILL LUNN. fifafter a brief illness. He was sev- ty-three, biographer, critic and esSend Them enty-five. sayist whose works included "Senby Wlrs Dr. Van Schaick was minister timental Journey." and "The Re19 NO. BROADWAY emeritus of the Universallst Na- turn of William Shakespeare," at At the Common Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, tional Memorial Church. From Rrishton. England. Death Notices THE HEREFORD HOUSE Action Tonight OnResurfacing Of Streets Here Pvt. Salotto's Rites Planned Life THE GRAMATAN Social Planners Vote New Term Gorton Concert To Dr. Ashworth ThiirsdavNi<rht Woman Found Felled By Gas ALLIED nuriiiKS.vf F GET ALL THE ADVANTAGES Dip In Profits OF A GENERAL#ELECTRIC OIL BURNER INSTALLED BY SINCLAIR SINCLAIR OIL HEAT INC. G OLDNER'S WINES and LIQUORS YO. 5-1144 T H E CITY O F Y O N K E R S and GIFTS • 30 BUILDINGS PUBLIC AUCTION T O B E HELD FRIDAY M O R N I N G JUNE 3rd, 1949 at 10:00 A.M. City Hall, Yonkers, N. Y. 11 funeral service of . m Impressive beauty need V not r o i t more than the • family ran afford. Phillips ftlNCJUL MOM» *• Arthur C. C4a»* MJba dlow BU VO. 3-4170 Highest Offers Received Are Subject to the* Approvol of the Common Council. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND LIST OF PROPERTIES ^CHEVROLET /j CALL OR WRITE - CHEVROLET TRUCKS Y O U R LOCAL BROKER ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR DELIVERY DEPARTMENT OF REAL*ESTATE LIQUIDATION All Model's snd Body Styles, Chassis and Cabs "YONKERS MOTORS CORP. 210 S O r T H Authorized BROADWAY lil Chevrolet AQenni VOnkers S-.J0O0 * Room 113 City Hall, Yonkeri Untitled Document i Telephone YOnkert 3-3980 r\__ "I m Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 .—^— \
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