• • • • • p a w n w P M • m p ••••^••MBOTI " - N - - " - - • • " " - " V THE HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N. Y., MONDA Y, JANUARY 12, 1953. TELEPHONE YONKERS 5-5000 Death Notices ARSrTCR—l*o. Belored hujband of Ann*. darUn* tatbw of Morten and atarjcrl*. daar brother of Morris, Joseph and Frieda Swerner. Reposing at the WtU« MtmorUl. 388 South Broadway. runcr«l Tuesday. January 13th, »t 10 A. M from the Tfmple Smanu.l. Hamilton • Arena*, interment Mt. Hope Cemetery. Rabbi Hecht Dies In 95th Year; Former Spiritual Leader Here Rabbi Meyer Hecht, spiritual leader of the Congregation of Righteousness, I n g r a m Street, from 1914 to 1924. died yesterday at his home, 232 East 12th Street, New York City, in his ninety-fifth year. Born and educated in Poland, Rabbi Hecht was one of five brothers ordained to the rabbinate. He was a pioneer in the Zionist movement and traveled extensively throughout Europe to advance its cause. He was actively associated with the late Theodore Herzel,' founder of the Modem Zionist Movement. At the turn of the century, Rabbi Hecht came to this country and served first as principal of the Henry Street Yeshlya and Parochial School. Before coming to Yonkers he occupied the pulpits of the Congregations Beth Hamedresh Hagodol In the Bronx and in Manhattan. He was the author t>f several religious treatises in Hebrew. Rabbi Hecht and his wife, the former Bessie Frankfort, had been married 64 years at the time of her death six years ago. Surviving are seven sons and daughters, Harry arid Dr. Bernard Hecht of White Plains, Mrs. Harry (Pauline) Kopper of 1 Morris Crescent, Yonkers, Dr. Darwin Hecht and Mrs. Philip (Rebecca) Kossoff of Brooklyn, Horace Hecht of Flushing, Mrs. Joseph (Sophie) Pierce of Philadelphia; a sister, Mrs. Eva Aranoff of the Bronx, 24 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. the' last 40 years. She was a. member of ' the Crescent Place Reforroedi^hurch. Besides h e r husband, Mrs. Robertson leaves' two sons. Alexander E. of New York, and Warren W. Robertson, U. S. Navy, stationed at Norfolk, Va., and a daughter, Mrs. Bruce Yarbrough in South Dakota. Joseph Cowles Women's Society for ChrisDies Assisting tianTheService of the Asbury Methodist Church will hear Mrs. John mother of the ReV. At Post Dinner H.Dr. McCombe, John H. McCombe Jr., minister" Asbujry Women's Group To Hear Mrs. McCombe board f r o m Friday morning from listeners asking for W o m j through Sunday noon on -chool ti<« on r e s t o r a ^ rf.u^ «JJ closings, civil cancelations, and I ice, weather and road condition*. ****•*•** *• •>' *** " 4 * *•*•*** 1 .00 Joseph G. Cowles of 285 South of the church, at its monthly Broadway, a leader in veteran meeting tomorrow at 1 P. M. activities and a lieutenant in the Mrs. McCombe's subject will be . Frederick W» Kammerer city's Auxiliary Police Corps, died "When Dun»9«di* l*dw« Ho- **J f. and A. MPrayer Comes Through." Sorrowfully announce* the passing of unexpectedly Saturday night ill A leader in women's work in the Brother of Irvlngtoa Resident Brother Leo ' Arbiter. Brethern are r*St. Mary's Hall on St. Mary Methodist Church for many years, «U«*toi to attend Masonic Service* at the Invitation Frederick W. K unmerer of 93 Street He was stricken while asWeisa Memorial, 388 South Broadway. ;„.., ttv lolvt your Church Street, White Plains, sisting In th* kitchen of the hall Mrs. McCombe has served on Yonkers. Monday at t P.M. Max R, Propper. Master. brother of William Kammerer of at a dinner honoring Michael Cur- seyeral national boards and comproblem. T M Maurtc* A. Blelch, Secretary. Irvington «Jid Harry Kammerer ran/Immediate past commander of mittees. She is now a resident will bo undor no ATTIU — Margaret (nea Apicella). Oo of Mount Vernon, died today in St. Mary's Post, Catholic War of Goldens Bridge, where her husJanuary loth. 1PW. of 206 Btverdale obligation whatovorl band. Dr. McCombe Sr.. is minisLawrence Hospital, Bronxvile. He Veterans, and Mrs, Agnes MahoAvenue, Beloved wife of Loula, Re/ Simply clip this coupon poatnc at Louli J. Plower Funeral Home. conducted the Accurate Metal ney, secretary of the Board of ter of several Methodist churches. 283 Mev Main Street. Puneral will be Weather Strip Co. ,at 216 East —and wo will permit you ^ held Wednesday. January 14th at 9:30 Contract and Supply and immedi26th Street. New York. A. M. Solemn Hlih Mass of Reoulem St. to sample $1.00 worth of ate past president of S t Mary's Peter'a Church, at 10 A. M. Interment Mr. Kammerer,wsixty-three, was Auxiliary. He was fifty-three. St. Mary's Cemetery. laundry service with our comborrt March 20, 1889, in New Mr. Cowles, who had been hosCOWLES—Joseph O.. suddenly, on Saturpliment*. It you prefer you may York City. He was a member of day. January 10th. 1983. Beloved huspitalized recently and was to have tend your entire laundry and wo will Arcturus Lodgejof Masons, Brookband ot Ana Co»!e« (nee Casey) of 385 gone, away for a rest, was proSouth Broadway. Funeral from the £. W. lyn; Palestine C o m m a n d e r y , deduct $1.00. Only one free bundle to Maloney da Bona Puneral Home. 11 LudKnights Templar, in Brooklyn; a nounced dead, apparently of a low Street on Tuesday. January 13th, one household. at 8.30 A. M. Hith Mass of Reoulem In Newark, N. J., lodge of Odd Fel- heart attack, at about 9:40 P.M. This invitation it extended to non-customer* Saint Mary's Church at 10 o'clock. Inlows, and Lodge One of Elks in by Dr. Maalah Saul who respond(Continued from Page One) terment St. Mary's Cemetery. 8t. Petersed in an ambulance from S t Joonly, at an inducement to try u s — AT OUR New York. bur», PUL. papers please copy. Hospital. The Fire Rescue site In Greenburgh for use as a EXPENSEt He" was also a member for 24 seph's Squad u n d e r Assistant Chief Civil Defense measure some time Members of Yonker* Post No. 7 American years of St. Matthew's Lutheran Legion wlU meet at the E. W. Maloney U Maurice Powers also responded. ago, was called into service over ter, Miss Ruth Bates, and three Church in White Plains. Bona Puneral Home. 11 Ludlow Street, to- Benjamin Ellman The last r i t e s of the Catholic night, Monday. January 12th. at 8:30 P. M . Surviving also are his wife, the Church were administered by the the weekend. The ice storm disbrothers, Floyd, Seeley and Clayto par our last respects to our late de- Father Of Yonkers Druggist former Freda Barz; a son, Fred Rev, Benjamin Roth of the Church rupted electric service on both the ton Bates. parted comrade Joseph Cowles. R. Kammerer of White Plains, and of the Immaculate Conception (St. main feeders serving the WFAS Benjamin Ellman, a Hebrew Arthur Matte • 8r., - Commander. L*umd»rln§, Org Cleaning, n « f Skmmp00tm§ transmitter site on Secor Road, Raymond Kelly. Adjutant. a daughter, Mrs. William Wood- Mary's). scholar and father of Sidney L- Mr». Edward Hull Greenburgh. ing of North White Plains. Ellman, pharmacist here at 201 300 NEPPERHAN AVE. YOn. 3-3123 ' Member* of Saint *t»ry*a Poet No. SOS Active In Church Work Military Funeral Tomorrow C.W-V. and Auxiliary will meet at the Elm Street, died Friday at his Does Yeoman Job Mrs. Mary Mee Hull of 20 WilB. W. Msloney <fa Bona Puneral Home, 11 home in the Bronx, 2336 Walton A military funeral will be con- Generator From 8:42 Friday night, until Ludlow Street, tonlsht at 8 P. M. to pay Avenue, after a stroke. bur Streef. a native and lifelong Wesley F. Morrill ducted tomorrow at 9:30 AM. our respects to our late Comrade and past service was restored on one of the from the E. W. Maloney and Sons feeders Commander. Joseph O. Cowles. AH other Born eighty-eight years ago in resident of Yonkers, who was a Retired Bank Teller at 8:31 Saturday night, the charter member of the Dunwoodie C.W.V. unit* are Invited to attend. BRONXVILLE — Wesley Farfuneral' home, 11 Ludlow Street. Poland, Mr. Ellman came to this J big machine r a n continously. Joseph Zaleski, Commander. Baptist Church, died Saturday in ington Morrill of 2 Kraft Avenue, A high mass of requiem will be country in 1920 and made his Only four minutes of air time were Yonkers General Hospital after an a retired teller of the First Nacelebrated at 10 AM. In the lost Friday evening KnlBh'ls 'of Columbus — Member* will home in the Bronx. He taught illness of two days. She was sevat the time tional Bank of Chicago and a Church of the Immaculate Conmeet at X. W. Maloney .At son* Funeral Hebrew for many years at the Horn*. 11 Ludlow Street, Monday at 9 Congregations Ahavas Achim and enty-two years old and the wife resident here for the last 16 years, ception. Participating will be the of the switchover. P.M. to attend aervlee* for our late WFAS engineering personnel reof Edward Hull, a retired member died yesterday in the Mount Ver-' Color Guard of Post Seven, AmerBrother Joseph O. Cowles. Ylshuvas Jacob. of the purchasing department staff non Hospital. He was born in ican Legion, and also an honor mained on duty throughout Friday Robert Revellese. Grand Knliht. If you, too, need extra cash Besides his son in Yonkers, Mr. of the Standard Oil Company. night to keep power supplied to Chicago seventy-nine years ago guard representing S t Mary's Member* of Saint Mary'* Holy Nam* So- Ellman leaves his wife, Dora Coquickly, here's a good. ;^s Mrs. Hull was born here in 1880, •and had retired from the bank's Post, Catholic War Veterans, and the aircraft beacons on the 450ciety are requested to meet at the E. w. hen at their marriage 63 years foot tower. On Saturday morning, Maloney & Sons Funeral Home. 11 Ludlow daughter of the late Frederick B. employ in 1937. He was a mem- the county organization of the Street. January 12th at 0 P.M. to pay our ago; three other sons, Morris of with the gasoline supply running respects to our beloved member, Joseph Milwaukee, Shepard and Larry of and Mary Dykes Mee, and at- ber of the Sons of the American CWV. Burial will be in St. Mary's low, fuel was run in five-gallon tended Yonkers schools. She was Cowles. Revolution, Cemetery. the Bronx; three daughters, Mrs. Father Xane, Moderator. Mary Isabel Mee at her marriage An Army veteran of World War tfns until the normal supplier was Mr. Morrill is survived by two Benjamin Katz and Mrs. Aaron HEAFY — Patrick E..'on January 10th, Grosfeld of-the Bronx and Mrs. in 1903 to Mr. Hull. They would nieces, Mrs. Evelyn M. Hoppe and I, Mr. Cowles was active in Post able to replenish the under ground 1953. Of 23 Alexander Avenue. Beloved have celebrated their golden wed- Mrs. Katherine S. Lockwood, the Seven and had held the office of tank. Phone or stop in at HFC. You husband of Carrie (nee Buhr). Devoted Abe Beer of Brooklyn; a sister in ding anniversary on April 30. latter of Hartsdale. He was a son vice-commander in that post. He Ice Hampers Transmission father of Mary Schaumann, Anna Snow, Israel and 13 grandchildren. can borrow $20 up to $500 Qn Caroline Daly, Evelyn Frost. Loetta Before helping to found Dun- of John W. and Frankie Farring- was a charter member and past Mr. Ellman was honorary presiHeafy and Joseph Heafy. Lovint brother Yesterday morning, huge chunks woodie Baptist Church, Mrs. Hull just your signature. No encommander of St. Mary's Post, ton Lockwood. of Francis Heafy and Teresa Pournlcr. dent of the Perlstein-Ellman Famof ice cascading down from the Puneral Tuesday. 9:30 A.M. fnpm David had been a member for 50 years CWV, and .county welfare officer dorsers. It's the ; ; ; temporarily disrupted the J. Bodder & Bon Funeral Home, 893 ily Circle of more than 100 rela- of Nepperhan Avenue B a p t i s t of the CWV. He was chairman of tower McLean Avenue. Requiem- Mass Church tives in the Bronx. Alfred Rosse transmission lines feeding energy Church. She had been president the Yonkers Wheelchair Brigade from the transmitter to the tower. of St. Barnabas. 10 A.M. of the Women's Missionary So- Butler At Weld Estate for the Roosevelt V. A. Hospital WFAS HULL—Mary Mee. on January 10th. 1953. engineers, protected by ciety at Nepperhan Avenue Bapbeloved wife of Edward Hull and mother Mrs. Louis Attili HASTINGS - ON - HUDSON — at Montrose. firemen's helmets, chanced chunks of Mrs. Marjorle M. Schramm. Services tist for. 22 years and at her death Alfred Rosse, a butler of the esActive too in the Auxiliary Poat Havey's Funeral Home. 107 North A Native of Italy was president of the Women's tate at St. Andrew's Gdlf Course lice Corps, Mr. Cowles was a lieu- weighing as much as 25 pounds Broadway on Monday. January 12th at Mrs. Margaret Apicella Attili of MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS Co«h 8 P.M. Interment, Oakland Cemetery. Pay off your bfflt at eee Missionary Society of Dunwoodie of Mrs. Philip B. Weld, died yes- tenant in its First Battalion and hurtling down from the 450-foot 206 Riverdale Avenue, w i f e of height. About 12 minutes of air YooOat Baptist. She was also a choir KUNST—Oeorga J., on Saturday, January terday in the Dobbs Ferry Hospi12 IB 30 had been general chairman of the time were lost on the AM service, 6 time, keep your crodft 10th, 1953. Reposing- at Flyhn Memorial Louis Attili, an employe of buildpaymts paymti ptymh pcymtt two annual outings conducted by none on FM. Home, 83 Ludlow Street at Stanley ing contractors here, died Satur- m e m b e r and a Bible School tal, after a short illness. good, got a fresh sfcrrtl Place. Services on Tuesday at 2 P. M. day In the Yonkers Professional teacher. % 4.87 $ 9.08 Born forty-nine years ago In the Corps. $ 50 Nearly a thousand calls were Interment ML Hope Cemetery. 18.15 9.75 % 6.97 % 6.41 100 Surviving are a daughter, MarAudlncourt, France, Mr. Rosse It's what thousands of Hospital after a short illness. She tabulated at the WFAS switchPELUCCIO — Mary Jane. Ate twenty12.65 13.76 19.33 36.13 300 jorle (Mrs. John E. Schramm) of married the former Raymonde Active In Church Groups three, of 423 South 10th Avenue, Mount would have b e e n sixty - seven He was a communicant of the others do; Post sorvteca 18.80 20.46 28.82 54.02 300 21 Seminary Avenue; three sis- Patois In that country and the Vernon, after a short illness on Janu- Feb. 2. Church of the Immaculate Con88.83 46.94 33.00 30.22 500 ary 11th. 1953. - Solemn Requiem Mass Sensible terms; Phono Born in Salerno, Italy, Mrs. At- ters, Mrs. William G. Long of couple came to the United States ception and a member there of the 8L Francis of Asslsl Church, Mount HOUSIIKU'I chart* is 2H% f*r month o* balVernon, on Thursday at 10 A. M. Inter- tili came to the United States 49 Springdale, Conn., and the Misses in 1929. They, resided in Hastings Ushers Society and the Holy Name atcts c/ tlOO or Uss end 2% ftr monlk on thai or stop in todayl Elsie and Jessie Mee, both Yon- since 1940, ' fart oflht batanu In txitss of S10O and »ot in ment family plot St. Joseph's Cemetery. txctss of tMX). and H of 1% jur month on that Society. He belonged also to the Yonkers. Reposlnt at Sharpei Puneral1 years ago and directly to Yonkers, kers, and a granddaughter, MarBesides his wife, Mr. Rosse Nocturnal Adoration Society of tart of tha baianes In ****** effJOO to 1500. Home. 121 South Fifth Avenue, Mount" She was a communicant of St. jorle E. Schramm. leaves his mother, Mrs. August Yonkers, to St. Peter's Branch, St. Vernon. Peter's Church. Rosse and four brothers and three Margaret of Scotland Guild; La Surviving besides her husband WISHES TO ANNOUNCE ROSSE — Alfred, of Hastlnss-on-Hudson. sisters in France. Reposlnt at the Edwards Funeral Home. are five sons, Vincent, Daniel, Pas- Leo Arbiter Rabida Council, Knights of ColumTHE OPENING *4 Aahiord Avenue, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. quale, Domlnlck and Michael; two bus, and the Court Jesters Social Funeral service 3 P. M. Tuesday at the Former Candy, Stationery Dealer OF HI8 OFFICE AT Worthlntton Church of St. floseph of daughters, Mrs. Mary Welse and Club. William A. Tracey Leo Arbiter of 19 Gray Place, Arlmathea on Saw Mill River Road near Miss Emllle Attll and a brother, For the past eight years, Mr. Elmsford; Interment Ferncllff, 1 3 9 Locust Hill Avenue William Aloysius Tracey of 431 Pasquale Apicella, all of Yonkers. a founder of Temple Emanu-El Cowles was a wholesale routeman ttt&ns and a former candy and stationeryJYj«L Cortlandt Park Avenue, a TRACBTT*—William A., on January 11th. (Corner Ashburion Avenue) wholesaler and distributor here, special guard at the Yonkers Gen- with the Farmlea Dairy Company 1953. Beloved husband of Frances XorYONKERS 2, N. Y. ent*. Funeral from Phillip's FUneral John Slade died Saturday in the Yonkers Pro- eral Hospital for the last seven in Mount Vernon, assigned to the YONKERS OFFICE v Home. 50 Ludlow Street, on Wednesday. P o r t Chester Mamaroneck Rye 20 S. Broadway, First National Bank BIdg., 4th Floor 9:30 A. M. Mass of Requiem In St. Former Stock Exchange Member fessional Hospital after an illness years and a former employe of for the past 19 yerns consulting one week. He was seventy-two the city's Public Works Depart- territory. He had formerly been Denis Church at 10 A. M. interment Phone: YOnkers 3-4560 John Slade, fifty-three, former- of optometritt in the Medical St. Joseph's Cemetery. years old. ment, died yesterday at his home. with the Dellwood Dairy Company MANHATTAN BRONX ly of 10 Birch Brook Road, YonDepartment of VVOLk—Of 23 Rldte Street, Hastlnas-onBorn in Poland, Mr. Arbiter S00 FIFTH AVE, Cor. 42nd St. IJtt Ft FORDHAM—2488 Grand Concocrae A native , oi Troy and a Navy for about 10 years. He was a memHudson. op Saturday. January 10th. kers, and 103 Tanglewylde AvePhone: »Ennsylran!« S-TS63 ALEXANDER SMITH, INC. Cot. Focdham Rd., Wagner Bid*., 4th PI. 1933, Anna, beloved wife ot the late nue, Bronxville, who had been a came to the United States before veteran of World War I, Mr. ber of Local 338 of the Milk Wagon Phone: CYprats 3-4000 80 E. 42nd STREET, 5th Pi., Ltoeoln Bldjt, John Wolk. Funeral from th* Brennan member of the New York Stock the turn of the century. He helped Tracey had made his home in Yon- Drivers a n d D a i r y Employes Phone: MUrray Hilt 2-1124 E y e s E x a m i n e d - Glasses F i t t e d Funeral Home. 58 Main Street, Hastings, Union. 203 E. FORDHAM ROAD, Cor. Grand 45 NASSAU STREET, at Liberty on Tuesday. January 13th at 9 A.M. Exchange, died Saturday In Vet- organize the congregation of Tem- kers for the last 31 years or more. MON. • W f D . . rail., 10 to 1 and S to S Coocourte,2nd Fl.Phone: LUdlow4-0800 6th Floor Phone: RCatort4MO ple Emanu-El, Hamilton Avenue, In that time he became widely High Mass fcf Requiem In St. Michael's erans* Hospital, Palo Alto, Calif. Son of the late George H. and AND BY APPOINTMENT Church, Yonkers. at 10 A.M. Interment. Whtm yon p t a w or eama /a, oslt ofcowr tmr wvaa/ag kowrt about 53 years ago. He was a Caroline Schwartz Cowles, he was known, first as a baseball umpire A veteran of both world wars, 8t. Joseph's Cemetery. charter member also of the Dun- for "various amateur and semi- born in New York City on Nov. YOnkers 3-9456 having served fn the Marine CARD OP THANKS Corps, Mr. Slade was a former woodie Lodge of Masons and the professional teams and as an en- 29, 1899, and attended .New York COOPER—Oeorie W. We wish to extend partner In Beer & Co. of 40 Wall Independent Israelites of Yonkers. tertainer and singer for fraternal schools. He came to Yonkers our heartfelt thanks and appreciation With his brother, the late David and other organizations here. He about 30 years ago. for the acts ot kindness, meisaies of Street, New York. He attended Arbiter, he had conducted the Surviving are his wife, the forhad coached the Hollow Athletic sympathy and beautiful floral offtrtnts Yale University, Class of 1921. wholesale candy and stationery Club,teams In th* mld-1920s. received from our kind relatives, friends mer Ann Casey, whom he married Mr. Slade attended C h r i s t business under the name of Arbiand neighbors during our recent beMr. Tracey was president of the Aug. 22, 1922, at the Church of reavement in the loss of our belored Church in Bronxville and' was a ter Brothers Co. Inc., at 37 Hudhusband and father. We especially wish Keneally-Kendrick Garrison, Army the Immaculate Conception; two to thank the Tool Room Dept. of otli. member of the Siwanoy Golf Club, son Street for more than 25 years. He was also a member of the St. He donated much of his merchan- and Navy Union. He was a former daughters, Mrs. S. E. (Elizabeth) Wife and Children. Anthony Club in New York. He dise as well as money to philan- member of the Yonkers Aerie of Elock of Mount Vernon and Mrs had resided in San Jose, Calif., thropic causes in the city and chil- Eagles and t h e Unified Irish- F. B. (June) Lurken of East T H E S E Q U A L I T Y GROCERY PRODUCTS Meadow, L.I.; two sons, Sgt JoAmerican Society. since 1939. dren of the community always reseph F. Cowles, a Korean veteran FLOWERS SAY IT BETTER! Surviving are his wife, the forSurviving are his wife, Mrs. ceived gifts of candy. ARE BEING ADVERTISED IN THIS NEWSPAPER mer Frances Lorentz; a son, Wil- now serving with the Army in Special Container Marjoric Smith Slade, and a France, and John G. Cowles, servMr. Arbiter is survived by a son, daughter, Janet, both of San Jose, Morton, an attorney with the U.S. liam; three daughters, Mrs. Rhoda ing with the Army Air Force at During Week of Jin. 12th to Jan. 17th of Klnahan, Mrs. Harriet Nickerson Mixed and two sisters, Mrs. Gertrude Government with offices in New and Miss Sandra Tracey, and five Sampson, N.Y. Slade Coates of 64 Sagamore Flowers Road, Bronxville, and Mrs. Lydia York City; a daughter, Mrs. Dan- grandchildren, all of Yonkers. Also, two brothers, Edward iel (Marjorie) Schoen, a former Cowles of Tucson, Ariz., and Slade Wilson of Southold, L. I. $8.00 teacher In the Yonkers p u b l i c George Cowles of St. Petersburg,' v A?^?S5£$# •* Corsages schools, b o t h of Yonkers; two Westchester Deaths Fla., and four grandchildren, $ 3 . 0 0 up George J. Kunst brothers, Joseph, also of this city, WALTER DABNEY BLAIR of ARNOLD BRICK OVEN LOAF R0RI60LD ORANGES and Morris of New York; a sister, Head Of Art Welding Works Mrs. Frieda Zwerner of Washing- Tarrytown, seventy-five, architect Typewriters FLOWERS George J. Kunst of 570 South ton, D. C, and two grandchildren, with offices in New York City and GIFTS fBroadwayrhead-ofth©-Art-Weld- Robert Schoen and"- Terry- Anne .lhe..{j.esiinex...of..many.public And Adding ASTER SALTED NUTS Pfvwera TaJatraahad Anywhere RORieOW 6RAWEHUJIT ing Works in Yonkers and a for- Arbiter. educational buildings, at Tarry29 So. JVway Y O . 3-6809 Machines mer toymaker of Nuremburg, town. Germany, died Saturday in St. TIMOTHY O'CONNELL of New BLUE BONNET MARGARINE Joseph's Hospital shortly after he Martin H. Crivy GERBErTS BABY FOOD Rochelle, sixty-ejght, an attorney SMALL DOWN PAYMENT • suffered a heart attack. He was Delicatessen Proprietor with offices In New York, at the Your Wamiim TRADE-FNS ACCEPTED sixty-six years old. Martin H. Crivy of 43 King Bronx. ONE YEAR TO PAT U Worth Only BREYER'S ICE CREAM Mr. Kunst, who learned his Avenue, a delicatessen proprietor W. RAYMOND MONROE of GORHAM SILYER POLISH business In his native Nuremburg. at 977 McLean Avenue and a for- Tarrytown, sixty-two, a dealer in All Makes • R«nte4 Mt Repaired Ike Bent in came to the United States In 1907 mer printer, died Saturday In the precious stones for 30 years with Funeral Service and established a tin8mlthy^_ and yeteranjrllospiuj. Klngsbrldge, at nn office on Fifth Avenue in New BROADCAST CORNED BEEF HASH 180 I0RSE Ironworks in Brooklyn,"~He~oper- The age of fifty-nine. ' i;;;:; New Main St, York, at TarryTowrir KEEBLER TOWN HOUSE I1 SUSINKt* ated the Art Welding Works in M A C H I N I CO. YO. 5-0787 For the last seven years, Mr. H. FRANK HOMAN sixtyYonkers for the last 18 years and Crivy had conducted his business eight, a partner in the British p»m CADET DOG FOOD CRACKERS conducted the shop on wheels that at the McLean Avenue address wool Importing firm of De Pernio FUNERAL HOME, INC. gave door-to-door service here. and formerly almost as long on and Homan, New York City, at Besides ornamental iron Work the Saw Mill River Road. White Plains. 107 North Broadway CHASE ft SANBORN COFFEE KRETSCHMErVS WHEAT 6ERM for homeowners, Mr. Kunst also Born in New York City, he had WILFRED J. WORCESTER of WVAWYOnk.rs 5-2700 undertook welding commissions been a member of the "Big Six" White Plains, eighty-eight, who '•\9>' for factories. Among h'« notable Typographical U n i o n . He had retired In 1932 as vice president CHASE ft SANBORN krt work was the restoration of worked for a number of New York and secretary of the United States LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS several hronie statues In the printing concerns and at one time Trust Company, 45 Wall Street, Whsn INSTANT COFFEE at White Plains, Xm rUNBUl HOME WITH A Untermyer' Park and Gardens In for the New York Times. North Yonkers which had been In World War I, Mr. Crivy had you MAYPIOATS rrOMOJH ATJKOSPtt*! damaged hy vandals. He also liked served in the Navy aboard a ship COCK H BULL 6IN6ER BEER to make toy* for the children of on duty In Atlantic waters. He St. GwimirS P.T.A. DiomriED his acquaintance. was a member of New York Navy To Meet Tomorrow HAIRCUTS Post 16, American Legion, and No Immediate relatives survive P E C h W S RYE BREAD The Parent - Teacher AasoclaAND Yonkers Post, Jewish War VetD a MONTE PINEAPPLE him. rUNIRAL HOMt erans. He was active In the Lin- tlon of St. Casjlmlr's School on spocify SANITARY SHAVING Nepperhan Avenue will meet toWilliam dterko coln Park Jewish Center. Mrs. Everett S. Cold well SACRAMENTO TOMATO JUICE Surviving are his wife, the for- morrow at 8 P. M.-in t"he school UcfWswd Manager A Emhalmer* • 6 BARBERS FU6STAFF FROZEN Actire In Ohtireh and KoelaJ Work mer Fannie Nemhauser; a daugh- auditorium. Fourth grade mothAt Your Sarvks I l l YONKERS A V I N U I Mrs. Charlotte Bate* Coldwell. ter, Eleanor, eleven;'a brother, era will be hostesses. ORANGE JUICE fifty-nine, who had been active In Alfred xTrlvy in Brooklyn, and a I f WASHINGTON ST. SUNSWEET PRUNES • TELEPHONE At Eoch CHILEAN AMBASSADOR DIES volunteer social work In Bronx- sister, Mra. Amelia Levine of Choir For Busy Ex*cuYOakera ! - « m WASHINGTON, (AP) — Felix ville and served on several com- Manhattan. FLAGSTAFF MARGARINE *****+9n>+**»»»»##»#»»»»»»*»»»»« Nelto Del Rio, recently resigned rh**s And Butin*ssm*n mittees, particularly those associSWANS DOWN YELLOW Chilean Ambassador to the United ated with Lawrence Hospital and Mr*. A. W. Robertson S 3 voatRCM r u M < * A i H O « I States, died early today of coro• Seporors Children's the Reformed Church, died Friday CAKE MIX nary thrombosis. He was about Funeral* Priced In that hospital. Her home was 8 Sherwood Park Realrfent FLAGSTAFF TOMATO JUICE Hoir Cutting Dtpt. Mr*. Lula May Robertson of 29 alxty-nvt. Brooklands. to Meet Mr*. Coldwell, who was herself Brant Street In the Sherwood aavs*TiMMt*rr a reflitered nurse, "was the wife Park aectlon of Yonkers, a memYITA FOODS FLORIDA ORANGES Need* of Everett S, Coldwell, president ber of the Minnehaha Chapter, and chairman of the board of Order of th*. Eastern Star, in YOlKill UAIINI IAIBEI Ford, Bacon and Davit Inc., engi- Mount Vernon, died Saturday In DO FLORIDA 6RAFEFRUIT Reck, Slide er Slip? WISE POTATO CHIPS neer* and constructor*, of 89 th* Yonkera Profeaalonal Hospi% SHOP tal. ** Broadway, New York. PUNIRAL HOME , r A S T t r r * . a» tsa»r*ma »ww**f to She was the wife of Alexander to afkriaUM Mt « M * r «r twwar aJaUa, Avrntp WArton, r-«» Mra Coktwell was graduated ete*«» Motfoavs hAtds tottti «*<*• ftnaty to tfa**. Titos. ©Pfiu.r. ttf-rr** from the Flower and Fifth Ave- W. Robertson, a retired member Do «Mfiii» ma*, alt* «r raetu ffa roatiar. 4? Mat- S+rsa*, Yo«V**t i t t fetitti BrauNrtsr of th* staff of the Bowery Savings t***T. raaty ta«»« or raattet. fasnue Hospitals in New York. ti aifcatina O I M I - M M V D O * * no* a« Mtofctaftsl AvaT.I. Y O . J 4431 Surviving beside* her husband Bank In New York City. She was Ctt»**s "Mai* * * * * * <4**«nr* vctohara s-#ntt re***** S-Stt* are two son*, Charles William and born In Newark, N. J„ and had tmth) Ort TkftWnt U mt «ra* SBESBsSSSSSSSSSSS waaaasll Robert Sharpie* Coldwell; * sis* mada* h«r home In Yonker* for •**%. FREE Morning Storm Slows Utilities' Repair Crews Obituary News Yonkers Perfect Laundry, Inc. Money problems? Idea! Solution!... "DR. A. L. GRAUBART" OPTOMETRIST HOUSEHOLD your key to quality BflODERIOK'S J Havey's J SHOP DUCHYNSKI YONKERS II FALSE TEETH Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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