WESTERN AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT ISSN 1448-949X PRINT POST APPROVED PP665002/00041 CONTENTS PART 1 Jetties Amendment Regulations 2014 ...................................................................................... Page 287 ——— PART 2 Corrective Services .................................................................................................................... Deceased Estates ....................................................................................................................... Education ................................................................................................................................... Energy ........................................................................................................................................ Health ......................................................................................................................................... Justice......................................................................................................................................... Local Government ...................................................................................................................... Marine/Maritime ........................................................................................................................ Minerals and Petroleum ............................................................................................................ Planning ..................................................................................................................................... Public Notices ............................................................................................................................. Racing, Gaming and Liquor....................................................................................................... Training ...................................................................................................................................... Water/Sewerage ......................................................................................................................... 290 299 290 291 292 292 293 293 294 295 301 297 298 299 IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE © State of Western Australia This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Attorney General for Western Australia. Inquiries in the first instance should be directed to the Government Printer, State Law Publisher, 10 William St, Perth 6000. PUBLISHING DETAILS The Western Australian Government Gazette is published by State Law Publisher for the State of Western Australia on Tuesday and Friday of each week unless disrupted by Public Holidays or unforeseen circumstances. Special Government Gazettes containing notices of an urgent or particular nature are published periodically. The following guidelines should be followed to ensure publication in the Government Gazette. • Material submitted to the Executive Council prior to gazettal will require a copy of the signed Executive Council Minute Paper and in some cases the Parliamentary Counsel’s Certificate. • Copy must be lodged with the Sales and Editorial Section, State Law Publisher no later than 12 noon on Wednesday (Friday edition) or 12 noon on Friday (Tuesday edition). Delivery address: State Law Publisher Ground Floor, 10 William St. Perth, 6000 Telephone: 6552 6000 Fax: 9321 7536 • Inquiries regarding publication of notices can be directed to the Editor on (08) 6552 6010. • Lengthy or complicated notices should be forwarded early to allow for preparation. Failure to observe this request could result in the notice being held over. If it is necessary through isolation or urgency to fax copy, confirmation is not required by post. If original copy is forwarded later and published, the cost will be borne by the advertiser. ADVERTISING RATES AND PAYMENTS EFFECTIVE FROM 1 JULY 2013 (Prices include GST). Deceased Estate notices (per estate)—$29.30 Articles in Public Notices Section—$68.00 minimum charge (except items of an exceptionally large nature. In these instances arrangements will be made for pricing the notice at time of lodging). All other Notices— Per Column Centimetre—$13.60 Bulk Notices—$249.00 per page Electronic copies of gazette notices sent to clients for lodgement with the Delegated Legislation Committee—$44.70 Clients who have an account will only be invoiced for charges over $50. For charges under $50, clients will need to supply credit card details at time of lodging notice (i.e. a notice under 4cm would not be invoiced). Clients without an account will need to supply credit card details or pay at time of lodging the notice. 7 February 2014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 287 — PART 1 — MARINE/MARITIME MA301* Jetties Act 1926 Jetties Amendment Regulations 2014 Made by the Governor in Executive Council. 1. Citation These regulations are the Jetties Amendment Regulations 2014. 2. Commencement These regulations come into operation as follows — (a) regulations 1 and 2 — on the day on which these regulations are published in the Gazette; (b) the rest of the regulations — on the day after that day. 3. Regulations amended These regulations amend the Jetties Regulations 1940. 4. Schedule 1 amended Delete Schedule 1 clause 12 and insert: 12. Geraldton, Batavia Coast Boat Harbour (1) This clause applies to the Batavia Coast Boat Harbour at Geraldton. (2) The fees and charges to be paid under regulations 6 and 94A are set out in Table 12.1. Table 12.1 (Berthing and pen rental) Item Service 1. For use of pen for 12 months, per vessel, paid in advance $ • for 10 m pen 5 143.05 • for 12 m pen 6 171.66 288 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA Item 2. 3. 4. 5. Service 7 February 2014 $ • for 15 m pen 7 714.58 • for 18 m pen 9 257.49 • for 20 m pen 10 286.10 • for 22 m pen 11 314.71 For use of pen for 3 months or more, per vessel, per month, paid in advance • for 10 m pen 514.31 • for 12 m pen 617.17 • for 15 m pen 771.46 • for 18 m pen 925.75 • for 20 m pen 1 028.61 • for 22 m pen 1 131.47 For use of pen for one month or more, per vessel, per month, paid in advance • for 10 m pen 771.46 • for 12 m pen 925.75 • for 15 m pen 1 157.19 • for 18 m pen 1 388.62 • for 20 m pen 1 542.92 • for 22 m pen 1 697.21 For use of pen for one week or more, per vessel, per week, paid in advance • for 10 m pen 262.70 • for 12 m pen 315.24 • for 15 m pen 394.05 • for 18 m pen 472.86 • for 20 m pen 525.40 • for 22 m pen 577.94 For use of pen for 3 days, per vessel, paid in advance • for 10 m pen 105.10 • for 12 m pen 126.12 • for 15 m pen 157.65 • for 18 m pen 189.18 7 February 2014 Item 6. GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA Service $ • for 20 m pen 210.20 • for 22 m pen 231.22 For use of pen, per vessel, per day • for 10 m pen 52.70 • for 12 m pen 63.24 • for 15 m pen 79.05 • for 18 m pen 94.86 • for 20 m pen 105.40 • for 22 m pen 115.94 7. For use of an extra-wide floating pen by vessel as referred to in item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6: the relevant amount payable in that item plus 50% of that amount 8. For living on board a vessel, per vessel, per month 9. 10. 11. 289 For use of service jetty, per m of the vessel’s length, per day 130.69 5.27 For use of service jetty for short time just to load or unload vessel, unless the fee under item 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 9 has been paid for the vessel — • for 12 months, per vessel paid in advance • per m of the vessel’s length, per day 1 126.12 3.75 For use of pen, berth or service jetty by cruise liner transfer vessel to load or unload passengers — • per m of the vessel’s length, per day 9.45 • plus, per passenger 4.04 G. MOORE, Clerk of the Executive Council. ——————————— 290 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 7 February 2014 — PART 2 — CORRECTIVE SERVICES CS401* PRISONS ACT 1981 PERMIT DETAILS Pursuant to the provisions of section 15P of the Prisons Act 1981, the Commissioner of the Department of Corrective Services has issued the following person with a Permit to do High-Level Security Work— Surname Hayes Other Names Paul Clive Permit No. Issue Date WAN 0032 20 January 2014 This notice is published under section 15P of the Prisons Act 1981. DAVID HUGHES, Contract Manager, Wandoo Reintegration Facility. EDUCATION ED401* UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA ACT 1911 AMENDING STATUTE It is hereby notified that the Governor in Executive Council, acting under the provisions of section 33 of the University of Western Australia Act 1911, has approved University of Western Australia Amending Statute No. 1 of 2013 as set out in the attached schedule. Hon PETER COLLIER MLC, Minister for Education. N. HAGLEY, Clerk of the Executive Council. ———— SCHEDULE AMENDING STATUTE No. 1 of 2013 1. STATUTE NO 11: ACADEMIC DRESS Existing clauses 6 to 14 are deleted and replaced by the following— Advanced Diplomas 6.(1) The gown is black, gathered onto a yoke and with wide sleeves with a vertical slit at the front. (2) The hood is black, of the Oxford simple shape, and edged with three centimetres of silk of the prescribed colour. (3) The cap is a black cloth trencher cap with black tassel. Bachelor’s Pass Degrees 7.(1) The gown is as described in Clause 6.(1). (2) The hood is black, of the Oxford simple shape, lined with silk of the prescribed colour and edged with white silk three centimetres wide. (3) The cap is a black cloth trencher cap with black tassel. Bachelor’s Honours Degrees 8.(1) The gown is as described in Clause 6.(1). (2) The hood is black, of the Oxford simple shape, lined with silk of the prescribed colour and edged with gold silk three centimetres wide. (3) The cap is a black cloth trencher cap with black tassel. 7 February 2014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 291 Graduate Certificates 9.(1) The gown is as described in Clause 6(1). (2) The hood is black, of the Oxford simple shape, lined with silk of the prescribed colour five centimetres wide. (3) The cap is a black cloth trencher cap with black tassel. Graduate-entry and Graduate Diplomas 10.(1) The gown is as described in Clause 6(1). (2) The hood is black, of the Oxford simple shape, lined with silk of the prescribed colour ten centimetres wide. (3) The cap is a black cloth trencher cap with black tassel. Master’s Degrees and Professional Practice Doctorates 11.(1) The gown is black, gathered onto a yoke and with full sleeves slit horizontally to free the arms. (2) The hood is black, of the Oxford simple shape and lined with silk of the prescribed colour. (3) The cap is a black cloth trencher cap with black tassel. Doctor of Philosophy 12.(1) The gown is as described in Clause 11.(1) but with ten centimetre wide full length front facings of scarlet silk with gold half wave lace on the outer edge. (2) The hood is black, of the Oxford simple shape and lined with scarlet cloth. (3) The cap is a black velvet trencher cap with gold tassel. Other Doctorates 13.(1) The gown is as described in Clause 11.(1) but with silk facings of the prescribed colour ten centimetres wide the full length of the front. (2) The hood is as described in Clause 11.(2). (3) The cap is a black velvet trencher cap with black tassel. Higher Doctorates 14.(1) The gown is scarlet, gathered onto a yoke at the sleeves and the back, with facings of the prescribed colour ten centimetres wide the full length of the front, and fully lined sleeves of silk of the prescribed colour. (2) The hood is scarlet, of the Oxford simple shape and lined with silk of the prescribed colour. (3) The cap is a black velvet trencher cap with gold tassel. Undergraduates 15. The academic dress for undergraduates of the University is a plain black gown. Colours of Silk Linings and Facings 16. The colours of the silk linings and facings for the University’s academic dress are as prescribed in the University Policy on academic dress colours of silk linings and facings. ———— The Common Seal of The University of Western Australia was hereto affixed by authority of the Senate— Attested by PAUL JOHNSON, Vice-Chancellor. ENERGY EN401* ELECTRICITY INDUSTRY ACT 2004 AMENDED LICENCES Notice is given that the following electricity licence has been amended— Licensee: Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation & Origin Energy SWC Limited (t/a South West Cogeneration Joint Venture) Electricity Generation and Retail Corporation ABN 58 673 830 106 Origin Energy SWC Limited ABN 48 079 764 391 292 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 7 February 2014 Issue Date: 22 June 2006 Address of Licensee: PO Box F366 Perth WA 6841 Classification: Electricity Generation Licence (EGL9, Version 5) Term of Licence: Up to and including 21 June 2036 Area Covered: Licence Area is the area as set out in Plan No. ERA-EL-080(B) in the State of Western Australia Amendment: Change of operating name following the Electricity Generation Corporation’s merger with the Electricity Retail Corporation on 1 January 2014. Inspection of Licence: Economic Regulation Authority 4th Floor Albert Facey House 469 Wellington Street Perth WA 6000 LYNDON G. ROWE, Chairman, Economic Regulation Authority. HEALTH HE401* HEALTH ACT 1911 LOCAL HEALTH AUTHORITIES ANALYTICAL COMMITTEE (APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER) INSTRUMENT (NO. 2) 2013 Made by the Minister under section 247A(3) of the Health Act 1911. 1. Citation This instrument may be cited as the Local Health Authorities Analytical Committee (Appointment of Member) Instrument (No. 2) 2013. 2. Appointment of Member The re-appointment of Mr David Wilson as a Member to the Local Health Authorities Analytical Committee under section 247A(3)(b) of the Health Act 1911 is approved for a term of three years commencing on 21 January 2014 and expiring on 20 January 2017. Dr KIM HAMES MLA, Deputy Premier, Minister for Health. Date: 6 January 2014. JUSTICE JU401* JUSTICES OF THE PEACE ACT 2004 RESIGNATION It is hereby notified for public information that the Minister has accepted the resignation of— Mr Gavan Raymond Jones of Stirling from the Office of Justice of the Peace for the State of Western Australia. RAY WARNES, Executive Director, Court and Tribunal Services. 7 February 2014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 293 LOCAL GOVERNMENT LG401* SHIRE OF RAVENSTHORPE APPOINTMENT The Shire of Ravensthorpe hereby appoints Max Daniel McGuire as Ranger from 17 February 2013 for the whole of the Shire of Ravensthorpe and authorizes him to exercise all the powers and duties of an authorized person and registration officer associated with the following Acts, Regulations and Local Laws— Local Government Act 1995; Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960; Litter Act 1979 and Regulations 1981; Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995 and Regulations 1997; Bush Fires Act 1954 and Regulations 1954; Dog Act 1976 and Regulations 1976; Dog (Restricted Breeds) Regulations 2002; Cat Act 2011 and Cat Regulations 2012; All Local Laws for the Shire of Ravensthorpe. P. DURTANOVICH, Shire of Ravensthorpe, 65 Morgans Street, Ravensthorpe WA 6346. MARINE/MARITIME MA401* WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MARINE ACT 1982 NAVIGABLE WATERS REGULATIONS 1958 PROHIBITED SWIMMING AREA Crown Casino City of Burswood Department of Transport, Fremantle WA, 7 February 2014. Acting pursuant to the powers conferred by Regulation 10A (b) of the Navigable Waters Regulations 1958, I hereby close all of the following waters to swimming, between the hours of 9.45pm and 10:30pm on Saturday, 8 February 2014— Crown Casino, City of Burswood Area of Closure: All the waters within a 250-metre radius of the firing point located at approximately 31°57′46.24S, 115°53′14.91E. This area is set aside for safety measures during the set up and display of pyrotechnics. PETER BEATTIE, A/Director Waterways Management, Department of Transport. ——————————— MA402* WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MARINE ACT 1982 NAVIGABLE WATERS REGULATIONS 1958 WATER SKI AREA Whitfords—Mullaloo Shire of Joondalup Department of Transport, Fremantle WA, 7 February 2014. Acting pursuant to the powers conferred by Regulation 48A of the Navigable Waters Regulations 1958, I hereby cancel Notice MX402 as published in the Government Gazette on 2 February 2010 and set aside the following area of water for the purpose of water skiing— Whitfords—Mullaloo Those waters of the Indian Ocean bounded by lines commencing at position 31°48.191′S, 115°43.766′E (on the foreshore approximately 300 metres north of Pinnaroo Point); thence to 31°48.191′S, 115°43.466′E (approximately 475 metres west); thence to 31°46.295′S, 115°43.454′E 294 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 7 February 2014 (approximately 3.5 kilometres north); thence to the Southern Front Lead at Ocean Reef (approximately 31°45.774′S, 115°43.708′E, 1.0 kilometre north-north-easterly), but excluding (i) waters offshore from Whitford Beach and Mullaloo that lie east of a line through 31°47.682’S, 115°43.807′E and 31°46.539′S, 115°43.807′E (approximately 300 metres offshore at the Mullaloo Surf Life Saving Club), (ii) waters within 200 metres of the foreshore north of the marked water ski take-off area and south of Ocean Reef Boat Harbour. All coordinates based on GDA 94. The water ski take-off area is south of a line through 31°48.130′S, 115°43.805′E and 31°48.087′S, 115°43.667′E (approximately 430 metres north of Pinnaroo Point) and extends to the southern limits of the water ski area. This take-off area is marked by signage and buoys and is only to be used for the purpose of towing a water skier from the shore or returning to the foreshore. All coordinates based on GDA 94. MARK BRIANT, A/Director Waterways Management, Department of Transport. MINERALS AND PETROLEUM MP401* MINING ACT 1978 APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER FOR FORFEITURE Department of Mines and Petroleum, Leonora WA 6438. In accordance with Regulation 49(2)(c) of the Mining Regulations 1981, notice is hereby given that the following licences are liable for forfeiture under the provision of Section 96(1)(a) of the Mining Act 1978 for non payment of rent. T. HALL, Warden. ———— To be heard by the Warden at Leonora on 14 April 2014. MT MARGARET MINERAL FIELD Prospecting Licences P 38/3758 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 38/3759 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 38/3760 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 38/3761 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 38/3762 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 38/3763 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 38/3764 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 38/3778 Ucabs Pty Ltd P 39/5171 Westcott, Timothy Daniel ——————————— MP402* MINING ACT 1978 APPLICATION FOR AN ORDER FOR FORFEITURE Department of Mines and Petroleum, Leonora WA 6438. In accordance with Regulation 49(2)(c) of the Mining Regulations 1981, notice is hereby given that the following licences are liable to forfeiture under the provision of Section 96(1)(a) of the Mining Act 1978 for breach of covenant, being failure to comply with the prescribed expenditure conditions and/or non-compliance with the reporting provisions. T. HALL, Warden. 7 February 2014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 295 To be heard by the Warden at Leonora on 14 April 2014. MT MARGARET MINERAL FIELD Prospecting Licences P 37/7414 P 37/7415 P 37/7416 P 37/7417 P 37/7558 P 37/7897 P 37/8195 P 39/5204 P 39/5205 P 39/5206 P 39/5268 Williams, Norman Andrew Williams, Norman Andrew Williams, Norman Andrew Halloran, Wayne Vincent Prugnoli, Peter Ben Moving Rock & Resources Pty Ltd Winter, Donald Vernon Kazoo Nominees Pty Ltd McCracken, Trevor Andrew Watters, Mark Henry McCracken, Trevor Andrew Watters, Mark Henry McCracken, Trevor Andrew Watters, Mark Henry Masters, Lynsay Norman Holman, Brian Thomas B NORTH COOLGARDIE MINERAL FIELD Prospecting Licences P 40/1265 Wiltshire, Peter Andrew PLANNING PL401* PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2005 APPROVED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT City of Gosnells Town Planning Scheme No. 6—Amendment No. 126 Ref: TPS/1016 It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the City of Gosnells local planning scheme amendment on 23 January 2014 for the purpose of— 1. Rezoning land generally bound by Bickley Road, Victoria Road and Tonkin Highway, Kenwick, with the exception of the Clifford Street Bush Forever site, from General Rural to Business Development, as shown on the Scheme Amendment Map. 2. Including land generally bound by Bickley Road, Victoria Road and Tonkin Highway, Kenwick with the exception of the Clifford Street Bush Forever site, within a Special Control Area to be known as DCA10, as shown on the Scheme Amendment Map. D. GRIFFITHS, Mayor. I. COWIE, Chief Executive Officer. ——————————— PL402* PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2005 APPROVED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT City of Nedlands Town Planning Scheme No. 2—Amendment No. 198 Ref: TPS/1085 It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the City of Nedlands local planning scheme amendment on 2 December 2013 for the purpose of adding an additional provision to Schedule V—Special Use Zone for Part Location 1715 and Part Location 8697 Monash Avenue, 296 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 7 February 2014 Nedlands (Hollywood Private Hospital) by adding a new clause (iii) to Column (B) Permitted Uses and Provisions Applying to Special Use Sites as follows— (iii) The development of the site shall be in accordance with the current Master Plan applicable to the Special Use Zone as approved by Council from time to time, following the procedures set out in Clause 8.3 of the Scheme. R. M. HIPKINS, Mayor. G. TREVASKIS, Chief Executive Officer. ——————————— PL403* PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2005 APPROVED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT City of Rockingham Town Planning Scheme No. 2—Amendment No. 133 Ref: TPS/1161 It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the City of Rockingham local planning scheme amendment on 23 January 2014 for the purpose of— 1. Rezoning Lots 1, 2 and 335 Eighty Road, Lots 1001 and 3001 Pike Road and portions of Lots 1, 2 and 601 Mandurah Road, Baldivis from ‘Rural’ to ‘Development’ on the Scheme Map. 2. Amending the Scheme Map to contain Lots 1, 2 and 335 Eighty Road, Lots 1001 and 3001 Pike Road and portions of Lots 1, 2 and 601 Mandurah Road, Baldivis within Development Area No. 41 and reference this on the Scheme Maps as ‘DA 41’. 3. Amending ‘Schedule No 9—Development Areas’ to include new Development Area DA41 as set out below— Reference No. DA41 Area Provisions Lots 1, 2 and 335 Eighty Road, Lots 1001 and 3001 Pike Road and portions of Lots 1, 2 and 601 Mandurah Road, Baldivis An approved Structure Plan together with all approved amendments and detailed area plans, where applicable, shall apply to the land in order to guide subdivision and development. B. W. SAMMELS, Mayor. A. HAMMOND, Chief Executive Officer. ——————————— PL404* PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2005 APPROVED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Town Planning Scheme No. 2—Amendment No. 172 Ref: TPS/0971 It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale local planning scheme amendment on 9 January 2014 for the purpose of— 1. Rezoning portion of Lot 3 Kiln Road, Cardup from “Rural” to “Special Use— Extraction/Storage Shale and Clay”. 2. Modifying Appendix 2—Special Use Zones of Town Planning Scheme No. 2 to reflect the following— DESCRIPTION OF LAND 2. Part Lot 50 of Cockburn Sound Location 345, Lot 6 of Cockburn Sound Location 22, part of Cockburn Sound Location 22, part of Cockburn Sound Location 521, Lot 10 and 12 of Cockburn Sound Location 521, part of Lot 4 of Cockburn Sound Location 721, part of Lot 3 Kiln Road, Cardup PERMITTED USES Extraction and storage of Shale and Clay and manufacture, storage and distribution of Masonry and related products. 3. Amending the Scheme Map by delineating portion of Lot 3 Kiln Road, Cardup within the Special Use zone and identifying it as “Extractive Storage/Shale Clay” (ESC). K. ELLIS, Shire President. R. GORBUNOW, Chief Executive Officer. 7 February 2014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA PL405* 297 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT 2005 APPROVED LOCAL PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT City of Wanneroo District Planning Scheme No. 2—Amendment No. 127 Ref: TPS/1024 It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with section 87 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the City of Wanneroo local planning scheme amendment on 23 January 2014 for the purpose of— 1. Rezoning Lots 134 (5) and 135 (4) Village Row, Yanchep from ‘Centre’ to ‘Commercial’. 2. Rezoning Lot 133 (7) Village Row, Yanchep from ‘Residential’ to ‘Commercial’. 3. Applying a residential density code of R40 to Lots 133 (7), 134 (5) and 135 (4) Village Row, Yanchep. 4. Modifying Schedule 3, by removing the following entry— DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND COMMERCIAL ZONES NLA (m2) Portion of Lot 1010 on Diagram DP27575, 65 Yanchep Beach Road, Yanchep. 550 LOCALITY YANCHEP and replacing the above entry with the following— LOCALITY YANCHEP DESCRIPTION OF CENTRE AND COMMERCIAL ZONES NLA (m2) Lots 134 and 135 on Deposited Plan 38436 and Lot 133 on Deposited Plan 35744 (4, 5 and 7) Village Row, Yanchep. 550 T. ROBERTS JP, Mayor. D. SIMMS, Chief Executive Officer. RACING, GAMING AND LIQUOR RA401* LIQUOR CONTROL ACT 1988 LIQUOR APPLICATIONS The following applications received under the Liquor Control Act 1988 (the Act) are required to be advertised. Any person wishing to obtain more details about any application, or about the objection process, should contact the Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor, 1st Floor, 87 Adelaide Terrace, Perth, Telephone: (08) 9425 1888, or consult a solicitor or relevant industry organisation. App. No. Applicant Nature of Application Last Date for Objections APPLICATIONS FOR THE GRANT OF A LICENCE 14951 Gavin William Bower 14952 Social Affair Pty Ltd 14942 Bute Times! Pty Ltd 14959 Chicha Street Food Pty Ltd 14960 AWG Holdings (WA) Pty Ltd Application for the grant of a Restaurant licence in respect of premises situated in North Perth and known as That Little Mexican Place Application for the grant of a Small Bar licence in respect of premises situated in Fremantle and known as Alter Ego Application for the grant of a Small Bar licence in respect of premises situated in Busselton and known as The Fire Station Speciality Beer and Wine Bar Application for the grant of a Restaurant licence in respect of premises situated in Albany and known as Chicha Street Food Application for the grant of a Restaurant licence in respect of premises situated in Willetton and known as Apache Spur Steak & Grill 9/03/2014 6/03/2014 7/03/2014 6/03/2014 26/02/2014 298 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA App. No. Applicant 7 February 2014 Last Date for Objections Nature of Application APPLICATIONS FOR THE GRANT OF A LICENCE—continued 14963 Now Hear This Australia Pty Ltd (ANORS) 14965 Himalayan Nepalese Pty Ltd 14967 Rosaceous Pty Ltd 14955 Nando’s Australia Pty Ltd Application for the grant of a Restaurant licence in respect of premises situated in Dalkieth and known as Yabba Dabba Cafe & Kitchen Application for the grant of a Restaurant licence in respect of premises situated in Inglewood and known as Himalayan Nepalese Restaurant and Cafe Application for the grant of a Restaurant licence in respect of premises situated in North Fremantle and known as Rosaceous Application for the grant of a Restaurant licence in respect of premises situated in Beldon and known as Nando’s Belridge 2/03/2014 9/03/2014 27/02/2014 10/03/2014 This notice is published under section 67(5) of the Act. B. A. SARGEANT, Director of Liquor Licensing. Dated: 31 January 2014. ——————————— RA402 RACING PENALTIES (APPEALS) ACT 1990 APPOINTMENTS Under section 6(3) of the Racing Penalties (Appeals) Act 1990, the Minister for Racing and Gaming appointed the following to the panel of persons who are eligible to be selected by the Chairperson to be appointed as members of a Tribunal in relation to any appeal for terms expiring on 28 February 2017— Ms Karen Josephine Farley Mr Andrew Emilio Monisse Mr Robert John Nash BARRY A. SARGEANT, Director General. Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor Dated this 4th day of February 2014. TRAINING TA401* VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING ACT 1996 CLASSIFICATION OF PRESCRIBED VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS Amendment to Western Australian Government Gazette 2009/225 Under the Vocational Education and Training Act 1996 section 60C, I, the Minister for Training and Workforce Development classify the following— Class A qualification Training contract requirements No. 647.1 Qualification UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting Conditions Title of apprentice under training contract Nominal period (months) full time Part time School based Apprentice 48 Y Y Other requirements Dr KIM HAMES MLA, Deputy Premier, Minister for Training and Workforce Development. Dated: 29 January 2014. 7 February 2014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 299 WATER/SEWERAGE WA401* WATER SERVICES ACT 2012 AMENDED LICENCE Licensee: Expiry Date: Class(es) of Water Service: Operating Area: Amendment: Inspection of Licence: Water Corporation 28 June 2021 Potable and Non-Potable Water Supply, Sewerage, Irrigation and Drainage Services (WL32, Version 12) The operating area is the area set out in plans OWR-OA-301(B), OWR-OA-302(B), OWR-OA-182, OWR-OA-175(E) and OWR-OA 175-1(B) in the State of Western Australia Removal of controlled areas and expansion of operating areas to match the boundary of the Contiguous Zone off the Western Australian coast. Drainage operating area boundary expanded to match Western Australian State Boundary, replacing plans OWR-OA-179(C), OWR-OA-180(C) and OWR-OA-181(C) with new plan OWR-OA 182. Correction of formatting error—Schedule 3, clause 1.1. Removal of clause 1 of Schedule 2 (customer complaints). Economic Regulation Authority 4th Floor Albert Facey House 469 Wellington Street Perth WA 6000 LYNDON G. ROWE, Chairman, Economic Regulation Authority. DECEASED ESTATES ZX401 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Any Creditors having claims on the estate of the late Lynette Fay Cappleman of 22 Cantana Avenue, Bullsbrook, Western Australia, deceased 23 April 2013, are required to send particulars of their claims to Craig Martin Cappleman, Administrator, C/- Lynn & Brown Lawyers, PO Box 1114, Morley WA 6043 by 10 March 2014, after which date the administrator may distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice. ——————————— ZX402 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estates set out below are required by the executors of care of Nicholson Clement Lawyers, 4 Sutton Street, Mandurah WA 6210, to send particulars of their claims to the executors within one (1) month from the date of publication of this notice, after which date the executor may convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice. Robert John Sealby, late of Mandurah Care Facility, 1 Hungerford Avenue, Halls Head in Western Australia, who died on 23 August 2013. Alice Sewell, late of Wearne Home, 7 Leslie Street, Mandurah in Western Australia, who died on 23 September 2013. 300 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 7 February 2014 ZX403 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Hazel Evelyn Martin, late of Hilton Park Aged Care, 19 Laidlaw Street, Hilton in the State of Western Australia, deceased. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962, relates) in respect of the estate of Hazel Evelyn Martin, deceased, who died on 18 August 2013 at Hilton in the said State are required by the personal representative, Gillian Anne Stryk of 8 Gamble Street, Warnbro, Western Australia to send particulars of their claims to Peel Legal Barristers & Solicitors of PO Box 1995, Mandurah WA 6210 by the date one month following the publication of this notice, after which date the personal representative may convey or distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which he has then had notice. ——————————— ZX404* TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants In the estate of Eunice Ellen Heaton, late of 16 Deerness Way, Armadale, Western Australia (JE Murray Home), deceased. Creditors, next of kin and all others having claims in respect of the deceased who died on the 24th day of June 2013 are required by the executor, Stuart Abel of 542 Safety Bay Road, Waikiki WA 6169, to send particulars of such claims to the said executor by 28 February 2014, after which date the executor will distribute the assets having regard only to the claims of which he has notice. ——————————— ZX405 TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Dorothea Louise Thompson late of Glenn-Craig Nursing Home, Beaufort Road, Albany, Western Australia. Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962 relates) in respect of the estate of the deceased, who died on 8 August 2013, are required by the trustee of the late Dorothea Louise Thompson of care of Philip Wyatt Lawyer, PO Box 1026, Albany, Western Australia 6331 to send particulars of their claims to them within one (1) month from the date of publication of this notice, after which date the trustee may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which it then has notice. Dated this 3rd day of February 2014. PHILIP WYATT LAWYER. ——————————— ZX406* TRUSTEES ACT 1962 DECEASED ESTATES Notice to Creditors and Claimants Creditors and other persons having claims (to which Section 63 of the Trustees Act 1962 relates) in respect of the Estates of the undermentioned deceased persons are required to send particulars of their claims to me, on or before 7 March 2014 after which date I may convey or distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which I then have notice. Champion, Linda, Also Known As Linda Sambo, late of Unit 11, 65 Johnston Street, Boulder, died 31.01.2011 (DE33108188 EM16) Dix, Beryl May, late of Craigwood Nursing Home, 29 Gardner Street, Como, died 4.02.2013 (DE33020621 EM16) Doney, Olive Ethel, late of Balmoral Aged Care, 29 Gardner Street, Como, died 9.01.2014 (DE19490052 EM35) 7 February 2014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 301 Fijolek, Kazimierz, also known as Jim, late of 7 Littlemore Road, Orelia, died 27.11.2013 (DE33112612 EM24) Hutton, Jean Frances, Also Known As Jean Campbell, late of 8a Winship Avenue, Wanneroo, died 19.10.2013 (DE30230917 EM38) Price, Frederick George, late of River Gardens, 89 Clifton Street, Kelmscott, died 13.11.2013 (DE19840680 EM36) Scott, Brian Malcolm, also known as Malcom, late of 88 Orelia Avenue, Orelia, died 14.12.2013 (DE19924697 EM37) Sinderberry, Belinda Gay, late of Unit 3, 14 Rourke Cove, Somerville, died 1.01.2012 (DE33110412 EM36) BRIAN ROCHE, Public Trustee, 553 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000. Telephone: 1300 746 212 ——————————— ZX407* PUBLIC TRUSTEE ACT 1941 ADMINISTERING OF ESTATES Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 14 of the Public Trustee Act 1941 and amendments the Public Trustee has elected to administer the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons. Dated at Perth the 7th day of February 2014. BRIAN ROCHE, Public Trustee, 553 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000. Telephone: 1300 746 212 Name of Deceased Address Thomas Irvine Taylor Hutchison (aka Irvine Thomas Taylor Hutchison) 5-9 Osborne Street Joondanna Date of Death 24 November 2013 Date Election Filed 30 January 2014 PUBLIC NOTICES ZZ401 COMPANIES (CO-OPERATIVE) ACT 1943 BROOKTON FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY LIMITED (IN LIQUIDATION) Notice of Final Meeting of Members Notice is given that pursuant to Section 242 of the Companies (Co-operative) Act 1943 the Final Meeting of Members of the above mentioned company will be held at 37 Appleberry Street, Churchlands, Western Australia at 10.00 am on Saturday 15 March 2014. 1. 2. AGENDA Consideration of the account of the winding up of Brookton Farmers Co-operative Company Limited (In Liquidation). To consider any General Business. Dated: 3 February 2014. GREGORY FROOMES WYLLIE, Liquidator. ——————————— 302 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, WA 7 February 2014 THE W.A. 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