The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 - 1954), Monday 5 October 1953, page 12 Mother. BIRTHS ? To Rae ALLEN.— and of at Cleveland, Women's Intermediate 2nd October— a Son, Trevor Allen, Brisbane the on Hospital, transferred to Point. Hospital. Wellington and Melbourne please papers, Bayvlew Sydney copy. At ANDREWS.— Maternity Oymple Hospital, on 30th September, to Peter and (nee Duffln)— a Daugh Margaret ter Sally Margaret). BELL (nee To Goodman).— Connie and the at Tom. Inter Wcmen's 1st— a October' Son mediate, on (Oary Thomas). To CLARK.— Anne and at Arthur, Women's Intermediate Hospital— a Son Both (Colin Arthur). well, At COLWELL.— Women's Intermedi ate, 1st October, and to Len Lorna a (nee Walker)— Daughter (Annette Sister for Margaret). Michael. COLWII.I. (nee Sorcnsen).— At Bris Women's bane 30th Intermediate on to Joan and September, Alan— a Son (Gregory Keith). Brother for John. LEADBETTEK.— At Women's Inter mediate Hospital on 1st. to October nee Joyce and Howard of Rawdlng) Redcllffe— a Eliz Daughter (Rowan Both abeth). well. MOOIIE (nee Campbell).— At Fermoy Hospital, 2nd to John October, and Marlon— a Son (David John). ORR.— To Frank and Peg, Murarrle, 17th Daughter Sept.— a (Suzanne Frances). PFRUNDfctt (nee At Btan Watson).— thorpe Hospital, on 4th Sunday, October, to Allsa and Charles. God's gift of a Son (Ian Charles). I Both _ well. POWELL.— At Boothvllle Private Hos pital, 24th on September, to Ethel and Bram— (Cassle) Son a (David Brother Bramwell). for Janelle. To SEARY.— at Ken, Dorothy and Private Ashgrove on Hospital, 3nd October— a Son (Kenton Michael). At SnEEHAN.— Intermedi Women's on ate to 3-10-53. Margaret (nee John— a son. Lapworth) and — SMALL At Beaudesert Hospital, on 2nd and October, to Greg Elva (nee (William AldrldBe)— a Son Thomas). for Judy. Brother At Women's 6VMON.— on Hospital October 3rd, to Elsla. and Les (nee Leslie). Bon (John Hohrmann)— a WILLIAMS (nee O'Brien).— At Women's to Intermediate Hospital, and Norm— a Son (Robert Nancy well. Thanks Norman). to Both Doctor und stuff. nursing COMING OF AGE Victor McLENNAN. Francis, of Day have boro. the To-day key of you the door. all the you Wishing best 21st on your Birthday. Lawrence. Mother. Dad. Ken, National Library of Australia Dad. Ken, Lawrence. ENGAGEMENTS BODMA.N— McCREATII.— Miss Lucy Dell McCrcnth, second eldest Daugh of Mr. ter and Mrs. T. McCreath. of St. Vincent to Mr. Banyo. Road. F. of Sidney Bodman. ??Mossvale.' Mitchell. DUNSTER— ROSS.— The engagement is of Doris announced eldest Jean, of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Daughter 5 Tolmle Boss. Street, Toowoomba, Keith Richard to second Walter, Bon ot Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dunster, 27 Phillip Street. Toowoomba. GREGORY— HEDGES.— The engage Is of announced ment Lyle, third and of Mrs. the Daughter E. Hedges late Mr. Hedges, Tenerllfe. to Sel and second Son of Mrs. Mr. wyn, Junction. S. Mayne Gregory. The GURNET— BLAKE.— engage Is announced of ment Joyce of Mr. youngest Catherine, Daughter to and Mrs. M. Blake, Coorparoo, Son of Mr. John only Montague, Melbourne. and Mrs. A. nurney, and JENKINSON— TAYLOR. Mr. have Mrs. W. Taylor. Ashgrove, the much In announcing pleasure of their elder Daughter, encasement to Patricia Alys. Robert, only Son An of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jenklnson, — ncrley. McDONALD.— The engager announced of Judith Anne, and W. Mrs. ot Mr. only Daughter Henry, to Raymond, McDonald, Morse, Mrs. D. of elder Son H. and the late Mr. AuchenUower, MORSE— ment Is Morse. The en THOMPSON. KOUMAN' of announced Bcry is gagement and of twin Mr. Daughter Doris, of to Sarlna, F. H. Mrs. Norman, and of Mr. Thomas Hardle. elder Son of Alpha. Mrs, w. o. Thompson, — — MARRIAGE ? ? On Saturday. BENFER.— of Evelyn, 3rd, the marriage October eldest Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A Norman, Mt. A. Benfer, Cotton, and A. of and Mrs. Mr. Son youngest was solemnised Bllliau, Southport, G. Cot bv Rev. J. G. Slolz, In the Mt. Church. 'ton Lutheran BILLIAU— ? WEDDING SILVER and H. M.— CongratuSilver both on your thank for all you day, and Wedding for us. haVe done you Children, from love your Best Rodney. and Gllly Cynthia, FLAY, lations G. to M. you DEATHS ? ? BURKE. Cawler. — On the South October, al Vincent Australia. 3rd of Vincent Australia. South of Doro. Aloyslous, beloved Husband Thomas of Desmond thy and Father ant Cllve Burke, of second Son 3( Patricia, and of Desmond Brother Bris Grove, Eureka Street, Kelvin Cawler. end bane. LUTWYCHE, Roberts).— of Mother (nei Ellen Vaughan belovet 2nd October, On and Jo Hope, Bre. Dora, MEMORIAM IN loving memory Mother-in-law, In BEAGRIE.— dear Mother. ol ou am Cowl Ann Jessie Grandmother, at Sarlni who passed away Beagrle, October 5th, 1B39. on and Gor Frank, Inserted by Mary. Jim. Doll. Ethel Alex., and don. lovlm In Andrew. BKYSON, Father-in of Father, our memory who passei Grandfather, law, and 1946. 5th October, on Eway remembered. Always Inserted by his loving Family am Grandchildren. affectlonat In BUCKENHAM. an of our darling Daughter memory Bister Muriel passe Ivy (Topsyi, who 1 1934. Aged 5th October, away — — her loving Fathei Vera. Sister c memories Treasured Fathei Husband and who Chandler, passe 5th 1949. October ?way left a beautiful memory He to be too great a sorrow And by Inserted and Mother, CHANDLER.— beloved my William John who loved and will never his loving But to His memory Inserted by Noela. Daughter Kathleen.— CLEMENTS, dear Wife of my memory us vho passed October. 1951. She Or Her bade one a last farewell, said good-bye, flown, had soul even photo your in its frame. Husbani her loving inserted by Ross. Son. and George, lovlr In William.— Henry DARK. an Husband dear of my memory 5th Octobe passed away Father, who You' wall of remembranc here, not far from we forget you. a Kot her are always hearts In our you be forgottei Too dearly loved to ever and So Inserted by his loving Wife In Bleep a in tender. was His heart true and he love for those tolled so hard to remember. And left them Inserted Daughte loving by his and Grandchlldn Eon-ln-law, Children. Daph., Pat. and Leonard In lo George.— HARLAND, of my dear Stepfathe Ing memory on 5th Octotx who passed away 1850. He Lovingly remembered. his Inserted by lovlns Step daughter Dot, Alt. and Family, HOWARD, Mary.— In loving memo who pats dear Sister. Mary, cf my 1948. 6th October, away Sadly missed, inserted by Annie, Kilcoy, a garden day do Family. In loving Owladys. Mother dear nl our Mother, who passed in-law, and Grandmother, 5th. 1S51. on October away Sonin Inserted by her Daughter. law, and Grandchildren. In Owlaais Blodwyn. JEMMETT, of our dear Mother, memory lovmc and Grandma, who Mothcr-ln-law, 1851. 5th October, passed away JKMMF.TT, memory Henry of our In lovlr William. Fathe: dear Father. — — memory — Inserted Always by remembered. Malsle, Bert, and Family. Ood JEMMETT, Owladys.— Whom 6/10/61. Called home. by her Sisters. Lovingly remembered memories Itabella,— Loving KING, dear of our Mother, Mother-in-law, 51 h who October, 1946. passed away Inserted LEVER. Bon dear thur, by Eric and Estelle. of our loving memory Ar Brother, Gordon and accidentally killed 5th October, — DARK. MEMORIAM IN of HUGHES.— In fond memory my and Husband Father. William dear October on who patted away David, 4th 1952. lovin In Not Jutt to-day, hut d»y. every Mothei and remember thce. we In silence 5t suddenly interted wile and by his loving away no Dennis. Passi George.— Leonard JIARLAND. 1950. 5th. October suddenly away open gate stood A Golden day. sad unhappy that On a farewell left unspoken, With He away. sadly passed Wife ar Inserted loving bv his Eon. Merv. In lo' George.— Leonard HARLAND, ar Father dear ot our Ing memory sudden who Grandad, passed away 6th October, 1950. whole sacrlilce. one His life was lost him old. grow Wife an « before knew. knew alone why. And God dea in silence, ?We think of you name, oft repeat your And have to look at all we But Is Fathe: dear Father. of our memory who passt Grandfather, In-law. and 5th October, 1950. away to-day, A tender thought always. A loving memory Jeffre, Bob. Inserted by Nancy. In 1936. day, Not Just to-day, but every remember. we In silence his Inserted by loving Mother, Sister, and Father Brothers. and LEVER.— In (ond loving memory Oordon Arthur of our dear Orandson, lost his life accidentally Lever, who October 5th. 1036. at Mt. Morgan, Inserted Grand by his Orandfathcr, and Aunt. mothor. CAIHLL. In loving MADDEUN, of beloved Father, my memory and Grandfather. Futher-in-latv, who Thomas away passed Henry, dear also October 5th, 1951; my and Sister, Slster-ln-law. Aunt, Isabel Lucy Cnhlll, who passed away 20. 1947. October — rer/iemh»red and Loved always. amliy. of Louisa.— Loving memory who and Grandma, pasted 1949. October. treasures are Memories HARTIN, lear iway Mum 6th No one Death No one Some Now But No steal: can Is heartache & heal. can forget may you are you gene. remember long. Inserted by her loving Daughter, Grandchildren. flonc. Jim, and of In loving memory HcKINNON.— we will how matter and our Mother, ny on called rest was to aelen, who 1946. ith October, Husband her loving by Inserted Isabel. Christina and ind Daughters William Charles.— In lov JGILVIE. of dear Dad. passed away ng memory 1945. ith October. fond true. and lust a memory, think of you. To show, dear Dad. we Chas. Rod May, Inserted by Mum. Wife dear of everlasting ?OOLE.— in memory Leonard Child, darling only ny fell 5th. asleep October lohn, who 8 946, years. age I In silence, think of you jen, vnd oft repeat your name. all to answer 3ul that Is left s photo in the frame. your Inserted by his loving Mother. Leonard John.— Treasured POOLE, and of only darling memories my fell 5th who asleep 3randchild Jctober, 1946. aged 8 years. ever that were, 31 all the years all the to be, Mid years to tell time enough 3ould give me meant to me: much How you back Looking the Mong with path tenderness, trod, you I had here, you the bless years Lennle. &nd leave the rest to God. Shead. Nana His loving In -loving John.— Leonard POOLE, little dearest ot the man. memory [ little man. dearest 1946. 5th October, missed. Eadly Shead. Inserted by his Grandpa of memories treasured in POOLE.— John, who dear Nephew, Leonard ny 1946. 5th October, jassed away remain. Time passes, memories Shead. Uncle, Tom loving His of fond my POOLE.— in memory Leonard little John, iear Nephew. 1946. 5th. October died who forever. to cherish A memory Shead. Uncle, L«s loving His of dear In loving memory RUNGE.— Ivy, departed this life little Daphne October 4th. 1941. Grandma remembered by Always ot memory left us vho the on Granddad. the SANKEY.-To dearly of my ory and cherisheo. mem Pal, E. 8. at suddenly Sankey, Mav 1951. 5th, TMWOomba. Is a keepsake loving memory Your I will never part. With which his in keeping, has Ood you heart. In my always 1 have you by V. I. Buckett. Deeply mourned In lov Francis (Frank).— SHEEUAN. Hus dear of my ing remembrance who passed Father, our and band 1952. 5th October. on away loved died who October on Peace. In Rest by his loving Wife, Lyle. Aussie. and Tom. of memories my Cherished TREW. James Trew, William Husband, lear at Mar suddenly passed who away other Also 1946. &th. October gate. Inserted — to rest. gone morn. the Angel faces smile, loved I have Which lost awhile. and since, Long Olive. inserted by his loving Wife mem In loving Maud Mary. TUCK, dear Mother, of our pused ory 30/5/40. Dad. 4/10/48: also our away dear And Those ones with — and 30/6/62. Jim. remembered. by Grace, Sid, Henry, Always Inserted WH.COX.— loving In g?memo?an«2-is That binds Inserted us by till the we Nell, and of memory golden chain, meet Bill, again. Billy, and of our In loving memory WILCOX.— who and Mother-in-law, Mother dear 5th October, the on pussed away 'inserted WIhLSONn.d by Blanche and Bill, 'Alexander John. and High Southport.— In loving memory Street. Father, who passed away dear ot my 1951. October. 5th on missed by his loving Daugh Alwavs Perkins. Muriel ter of loving memory, In WILTSHIRE.— Mother. Family. by Inserted Benjamins—Died .5, Ronald Hotpllal, has Time But The When HONOUR OF ROLL ANDREWS, Concord one of memory were personal Oct. Sydney, things. altered many thing changes we and of sympathy eases P eas in her recent sad bereavement. personal thanks. accept this as my t wishes WILKINS G. MRS. all an Relatives kind THANK o their expressions for Friends sad bereave In her recent sympathy as m this accept Please ment. of loving memory, In 1932. October, 5th remembered. Always WILTSHIRE.— FUNERAL day., those happy all together. Friend and Relatives The ar J. Abel and Family P. of hi Funeral the to attend Mothei beloved Wife, their Mother. and Grea Grandmother, In-law, Abel, of 20 Lily May Grandmother, froi to move Road, Nundah, Melton Petrl Funeral Chapel, Gow's Alex. ABEL.— of Mr. invited Famny of memory loving John Eckford, dear our Son, Sapper QX2O859, 2nd/13th Fid. Coy., ElR.A.E.. Ala received at died of wounds meln, Oct. 6th. 1942. ECKFORD.— W Ever remembered his by of died Inserted by 5th wounds, his loving October, MotherIn loving FOWLER,FQ1875'79. Blcht, lovini Roy. ol Brother Father, and Mother. Hall St.. Chermstde. and In proud ECKFORD.— A.I.F., W. H. ani Dad loving memory In suddenly, who passed away Grandpa., 1952. 5th Oct.. Concord. Joan, Elwyn inserted, by Dauehler, Peter. Cllve. R. Sgt. of (oa, BEREAVEMENT NOTICES' anMRS. J. T. DALE all Frlendi to THANK for their klndnes: and Neighbours tbel in of sympathy messages and Please ac bereavement. sad recent thanks. rent as personal thix our CePtThe Elsl late the of FAMILY al to THANK wish Dulgnan May 'elatlves and Neighbour Friends, tributes, cards, am floral their for and MR wish FAMILY NOTICES never. mlt^]d(j Eadly thanks. This (MondBy) Morning, s Crcmatoriun for the o'clock, 9.30 Service 9.15 a.m. Mt Thompson. Director. GOW, Funeral ALEX. ( and Friends Relatives The ABEL.— invite Abel are and Mrs. C. Mr. of the! Funeral the to attend Mother and Mothcr-ln-lav beloved Gow Abel, to leave Alex. Lily May Mori Funeral Parlour, 9.30 To-day. day Morning. an ADAMSON.— The Relatives and Mrs. of Mr. G. E. Adam Friends Adomsoi and P. Mrs. N. Mr. son. M S. Adamson. and Mrs. L. Mr. Adamson an A. and C. Mrs. Mabel OUi Misses and Families, Mr. I M. Mrs. Densmore, Adamson, lnviti are and Families Adamson. rx of their the Funeral to attend Mother-in-law. Granc loved Mother, and Aun Sister-in-law, mother, of Bristol Roa. Rebecca Adamson, Albei move to from the Kedroii on cor Street Methodist Church, of elusion Service, commencing o'clock. Aftei 3.30 This (Monday) the Lutwyche for Cemetery. noon, Funeral Director. ALEX. GOW. i . l - William Frederick. Friends M and of ?ecenI?e1aOdB'be?ea^mnePnat!hyp.eSsethaec ? are invited to atler beloved the of his Brothe Funeral Frederick William Albeck.. to lea' Street, the Parlour, 537 Stanley for Tex 3 o'clock (Monday) To-day Cemetery. y wong and ex for cards Nommensen, Rev. PTY re their in UNDERTAKERS BRISBANE pressions of sympathy Direct* Funeral Please HARTNETT, accep GEO. bereavement. sad cent this as MR. our JOE personal thanks. LITTLE and the ? ? TUNI al THANK, thel for Neighbours Friends of sympath: expressions very kind sad bereavement. recent their in Mt. Iss of R. SUSTIK. MRS. wh everybody THANK wishes to her lat of the Funeral attended Fathe 30/8/53, the Rev. on Husband the ser who conducted Kerwack. for their mes all Friends vice, and floral tribute and of sympathy eases FUNERAL sincerely FAMILY and Mr. ALBECK, The Relatives Albeck Harry NOTICES and The Relatives Friends and and Mrs. W. F. Bardln Mr. R. A. Morris, '?rnlly (Sydney), Mrs. irtd and E. Mr». C. Ferguson the to attend Invited arc 'amlly of beloved 'unernl Mother, their Bla Grandmother. ifother-ln-law, Esther and Aunt, Icr-ln-law, {ezlah Bnrdln, to leave the Funeral City, Street. 'nrlour, 45 Adelaide IARDIN.— ?f City, Street. 'nrlour, 45 Adelaide after ser Afternoon, (Mondayi o'clock, 12.45 .ice at commencing Mt. or Thompson. the Crematorium. LTD., ti CRIPPS. CANNON Funeral K.F.D.A., Directors. rhls ? 17 Scott Ernest Edward. it., Friends and corlnda.— Relatives if Mrs. M. J. Bowdcn, Mrs. E. Kent, rfr, and P. J. Loye, Mr. and Mrs. and Families, Miss tin. H. Bowdcn (New Sorts Mr, E. Bowdcn Bowdcn, and Mrs. L. Bowden, llulnea), Mr. and dr. K. Mr. J. Brennan Bowdcn, respectfully Invited to at lohn are of her late beloved the Funeral end Fatherln their Father, Iusband. aw. Grandfather, and GreatGrand ather, appointed lo leave the Par St., To-day (Mon 400 Wlckham our at lay) for the Toowong Cemetery, 1OWDKN, 1.30 p.m METROPOLITAN FUNERALS. Edward.— Relatives Ernest of Mr. J. Carter. Mrs. ind Friends J. J. O'Car Mrs. N. Carroll, Mr. and oll, Mrs. E. O'Carroll and Families, vlr. and D. Carroll Mrs. (Sydney), Messrs. Tex and John Carroll, Mr. 1OWDEN, I. McOrath :o attend ttlovcd ippolntcd respectfully Invited late of their Funeral Brothcr-ln-law and Uncle, are the to leave as per above lollcc. METROPOLITAN FUNERALS. The Relatives tOWN.— and Friends if E. Brown, Mrs. Mr. G. Mr. and 3. Elliot and Beach), Family (Palm Mrs. E. Gottsteln At. and (Mel Invited attend the are lourne) to his of their ?uneral beloved Wife, Grand Mother, Mother-in-law, and of cnr. nolher, Eleanor Brown, Halg ind to Harding Streets, Ashgrove. Catholic from the Maler Del nove lurch, Phllomcnc Drive, (Monday) Morning, the for 'dock, Toowong 'his Ins'. 6.30 Ashgrove. at 11.15 Cemetery. a.m. Director. Funeral and Friends The Relatives )f Mr. O. Mrs. J. Duck. Duck. Mr. and J. Perrett. Mr. ind Mrs. W. kfrs. and Mrs. T. T. Duck, and Mr. I. and Families In are Bennett G. the Funeral of her 'Ited to attend their his teloved Husband, Son. ?at her. Grand Father-in-law, and ather. John Duck, late of Robert of street. formerly Bouthport, and Jrlsbane leave to Street. Ipswich, he Funeral Chapel. Limestone Street, commencing at pswlch. after Service t.15. This for Afternoon, (Monday) he Ipswich Cemetery. 0. BOTTCHER it Funeral SON. directors. Ipswich. :nWAItr-S. Mrs. Rcla May E.— The ALEX. 1UCK.— GOW, Ives and Friends of Mr. J. Edwards ind of The Bur John, Esplanade. are elgh Heads, Invited to attend he Funeral of his beloved Wife and lls Mother. to May Evelyn Edwards, the Funeral eave Chapel. 95 Wlck lam at Street. Valley. This Monday, 1.45 for p.m.. Cemetery. Nudgee K. SMITH. M. The TIBSON ? Relatives and Friends it Mrs. L. Gibson and Miss P. Glb Invited to attend ion the Fune are ral of her beloved Husband nnd her 'ather. Leslie Gibson, of 1209 Stan Street East. er to leave Coorparoo, Ihe Funeral Parlour. Adelaide 45 street. This City, After (Monday) after service loon, at commencing .45 o'clock, for the Crematorium, t. Thomoscn. & CRIPPS. LTD., CANNON Funeral A.F.D.A.. Directors. 11BSON.— Pride of Balmoral Lodge. ?Jo. 84. P.A.F.S.O.A.— and Officers Invited are to attend the Members 'uneral of late Member. Leslie Glb to leave notice. ion. as per previous Order of W.M. By CANNON & CRIPPS, LTD., Funeral *.F.D,A.. Directors. Jackson',1 Charles Frederick, JILL. ? ! ? Istatc. Cribb and Island.— Relatives ??riends of Mrs. A. M. Gill. Mr. and and Urs. P. R. Smart. Mrs. C. Mr. and W. GUI 3. Gill Families. Mr. the to attend ire respectfully Invited funeral of her late beloved Husband, ind their Father. and Father-in-law, grandfather, appointed to leave the St.. ?arlour, 400 Wlckham To-day for the Toowong ;Monday). Cemetery, it conclusion of service, commencing it 1.45 p m. METROPOLITAN FUNERALS. MLLIDAY.— 'riends of The Relatives and; Mrs. A. M. Halllday and the! Invited are to attend family, 'uncral of her beloved Husband, nnd heir Hallldoy.l Bates Father. Sydney if 29 Amelia Street, Fortitude Valley, ?ormerly of Invcrell, N.S.W.. to move :rom Oow's Funeral Alex. Chapel. Petrle After Bight, This (Monday) at 2.30 o'clock, for the Crema loon. 2.151 Service torium, Mt. Thompson. I ALEX. OOW, HARRINGTON. ind Funeral T.— The Director. Relatives of Timothy Harrington. Street. Toowong. In are vited to attend his Funeral, to leave St. Ignatius' Church. Kensington This Terrace. Toowong. at Monday, 2 for Nudgee Muss Cemetery. p.m.. Friends Fewlngs at 6.30 a.m. K. SMITH. M. The of JOHNSON.— Funeral Service Mrs. cf 412 Water Emily Johnson, works will be held Road, Ashgrove. In Funeral Chapel, 17 Peel Street. In Funeral Chapel, 17 Peel Street. South This Brisbane. (Monday) 10.15 on at o'clock, con Morning usion cf Private Cremation a at At. No Thompson Crematorium. flowers by request. HISLOP JOHN & Funeral SONS. The Relatives and Friends late Robert Kccble, Charles le Street. Yarraman. are hit Invited attend to spectfully to from the Church move Funeral, Df England. at conclusion Nanango, a.m. ot Service commencing at 11 for the Nanango ucsday Morning, KEEBLE— the of John Cemetery. Funeral SARGENT. H. B. tor. Nanango. Direc Relatives J.— The William Lalor. M. Friends of Mrs. R. and and J. Lalor. Mr. Mr. and G. Mrs. Mrs. and Mr. Mrs. J. C. Bowden. R. Mrs. C. and J. K. Lalor. Mr. and P. E. eel. Mrs. Levitt. Mr and Mrs. Elliott. Mr. W. G. Mrs. 1. T. M. and Mrs. Mr. J. Purdle. Daley, and Mrs. K. C. Bright, Mr. Laloi L. C. Miss and Families, and the Funerai Invited to attend ere their Father. of her beloved Husband, and Grandfather. 'ather-in-law. of 34 Lalor. Joseph Brother. William Terrace. Kinross Street, olf Gregory St. to leave Stephen's Cathedral. conclusion Izabeth Street. City, on To commencing Mass of Requiem for Too at 10 a.m.. Tuesday, morrow, Cemetery. wong K. M. SMITH. St. William J.— H.A.C.B.S.. LALOlt. Offi Valley.— The Patrick's Branch. the above Members of and cers the to attend Iranch requested are Brother. deceased of their Funeral William Joseph Lalor. to leave as pel order of the notice. By family President. LALOlt, ? Richard. Cryna. ano Relatives M. A. Ludwlc. Mrs. 'riends of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stegman. E. Tesch. and C. A. L. Ludwlg. Mr. Mrs. Mrs. Mr. and V. L. Mrs. J.. Wilkinson, are Families and respect Ludwig. the Funeral fully invited to attend beloved her late then of Husband, Grandfather, Father-in-law, Father, and tc Great-grandfather, appointed the Church leave of England. Beau for tht desert. To-morrow (Tuesday), ol at conclusion Jeaudescrt Cemetery Service at 1.45 p.m. commencing Arthur LUDWIG, via Beaudesert. METROPOLITAN — FUNERALS. McAFEE. The Relatives and Frtendi of and Mr. Mrs. L. Mr McAfee, and Mrs. N. Neilsen, and Beryl ant invited to are attend thi Dick, of their beloved Funeral Mother am — Mother-in-law, of 12 McAfee, Mary Bride McKlnlej Street, Wyn num the Central, to leave Funera 45 Adelaide Street. Parlour. City To-morrow Afternoon (Tuesday) service 2.4! after at commencing o'clock, for the Hemmant Ceme 'CANNON A.F.D.A.. & LTD. CRIPPS, Funeral Directors. The Friend Relatives and and Mrs. M. McCaffert' A. McAFEE.— of Mr. and am Patrick, Peter, Roger, and Eddie. Mr. Mrs. R. McCafferty and Mrs. E. Mr. am Burgess, Mr. Mrs. B. and Mr. Mrs Drummond. J. Frew, and Mr. and Mrs. S Invited to are attend Stokes th Funeral of their beloved Daughter Sister, and Slster-ln-law, Man as McKlnley McAfee, to leave pe notice. previous CANNON & LTD. CRIPPS. A.F.D.A.. Directors. Funeral J.— The Relatives McILWAIN, am Friends of John of Net Mcllwaln, Cleveland Gumdale dormer] Road, ot Annerley) are invited to attend hi Funeral, to leave the Funeral Chapel 567 Brisbane Stanley Street. South This at 9.30 a.m.. for Lut Monday, wyche Cemetery. K. M. SMITH. McKANE.— The Relatives and Friend of J. M. Mrs. McKane (Cooran) Joe McKane and Famll Mr. Mrs. (Cooroy). Mr. and H. J. Naple and Family (Wlllowgrove, Pomona) G. Smith and Major (Sydney) nr nvlted to attend the Funeral of he and their beloved Husband Brolhet and Brother-in-law, Jnmc Uncle. of Cooran. to lenv itainerd McKane, he Funeral Parlour, 45 Adelaide SI. City. To-morrow (Tuesday) After after Service, commencing a noon, o'clock, for the 1.15 Crematorium Mt. Thompson. CANNON & LTD. CRIPPS. Funeral Directors. A.P.D.A., McKANE.— No. 30! Cooran Lodge. Officers and Members U.G.L.Q. ar invited to attend Funeral o the t W.M. ate James M. McKane. as leave notice.— B per previous of I.P.M. Order CANNON & LTD CRIPPS. Funeral Directors. A.F.D.A.. Th McNAMARA. Mrs. Margaret. Funeral of Margaret be McNnmara, of Sister loved S Mother Mary th and Bernard (Mater Hospital) an late Rev. McNamara, Richard of Rev. Aunt \ beloved Monslgnor Siste F. (Banyo Seminary). Cleary I and St. Mr. W. Vincent, Mary will leave St. Martin Stephen Elizabeth Cathedral. Street, City, o coir conclusion of Mass, Requiem a.n This at 10 Monday mencing — for Nudgee flowers. K. M. Cemetery. SMITH. Mrs. McNAMARA,' Kindly Margaret. om — Th . — and Friends of Mr. J. Hill). ar (Broken Mr. Gaffney M (Warwick), P. Gaffney Mrs. W. Mrs. and Mr. and J F. Gaffney, (Norfolk Soul Street, J. Bergln lnviti and are Families Brisbane) Funeral of their b the attend to Ma and Aunt. loved Slster-ln-Iaw Relatives garet above K. . to McNamara, leave as p Notice. U. for the Nambour day), Cemetery. E. C. THOMAS As SONS. Funeral Director!. Nambour. of HUIR.— The Miss lone Funeral of 9 Emily 3emmell Mulr. Street, the Funeral ilghgnte Hill, will leave Brls :hapcl. 17 Perl Street, South This isne, al Afternoon, (Monday) o'clock, for the Ml. Thompson 'rematorlum. Service 1.45. at Cut ! rjOHNCHlSLOP SMITH, k SONS, Funeral director* FUNERAL NOTICES lute of Jephton St.. o( and Friends Relatives Toowong.— and Mr. Mrs. J. C. Brown Mr. and Barbara nnd Mrs. R. T. Lelghlon, Fthonda are respectfully Invited lo at Funeral ol their lnte be the tend nnd loved FalhcMn-law. Father, Ihe to leave Grandfather, appointed St., To-day Pnrlour. 40d Wlckham for Mt. the Thompson (Monday) of service, at conclusion Crematorium, Cut flowers nt 12.16 p.m. commencing MEIER, William, by request. METROPOLITAN FUNERALS. William. kedron MKIKII. Loyal M.U.I.O.6.F.: Officers Lodge No. 193 of the above ind Members Lodge are respectfully Puneral of Invited to attend the their late Brother William as leave lo P.O., appointed Meier, notice. per family By order of the Secretary, METROPOLITAN FUNERALS, ? Chermslde Wllliain. 333, Masonic No. Lodge U.O.L.Q.— of Officers and Members the above are Lodge respectfully Invited to at Funeral of Ihe late Wor. tend the Bro. Meier, to William appointed leave as per Family Notice. By order of the W.M MKIKK. METROPOLITAN — FUNERALS. M El Kit, Wllllam.-Lutwyche Arch No. 72.— Chapter Officers, and Companions Royal Principals, of the in above respectfully Chapter are of to attend the Funeral the vited late V. Ex. Comp. Meier, ap William Family leave as to pointed per Notice. By order of the Ex. 1st Prin clual. METROPOLITAN P'UNERALS. Friends MKIKIIS.— The Relatives and I. rl Mrs. and J. Meiers Family, of Invited Forest are to attend Glen, and of her beloved Son Ihe Funeral Ronnie their to Brother, Meiers, leave R.C. St. Joseph's Church, Numbour. after service, commenc (Tues ing nt 12 o'clock To-morrow rcONNOR, of Friends Relatives O'Connor, are Hamilton, P. The Michael — and of In Hamilton Road, Funeral vited to attend the of his beloved Patrick O'Connor, Brother. late of Almaden, North Queensland. lo leave the Crypt of the Holy Name Cathedral, Olpps Street. Valley, To 9 for morrow al (Tuesday), a.m., Mass at 6.50 a.m. Nudgee Cemetery. M. K. SMITH. POWNALL.— Al Friends of Mr. The of Sutherland rcd B. Pownall, Ave.. Ascot, attend his Invited are to Funeral, to leave the Funeral Chapel, 17 Peel Street, South Brisbane, This at 3 o'clock, for [Monday) Afternoon, he Mt. Thompson crematorium. 3ervlcc nt 2.45. JOHN HISLOP Funeral k SONS. Directors. Relatives KICIIMOND The and ? Friends of Mrs. J. Richmond, Miss U. G. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. and Mr. A. D. John. Richmond, are invited to attend the Richmond, Funeral of her beloved Husband, heir Father. and Father-in-law, 3randf ather, John George Richmond, )f 27 Road. Rainworth Boundary Hate Waterside to Worker), move rom Alex. Funeral Gow's Chapel. Petrie To-morrow Bight, (Tuesday) Morning, at 10 o'clock, for the Lut Service 8.45 syche cemetery. a.m. ALEX. Funeral Director. GOW, ROOTS.— Relatives and Friends The -f the late George Thomas Richard of Vendale 18 Roots, Avenue, .loorooka, are his invited to attend Uneral move to from Alex. Gow's 'uneral This Bight. Chapel. Petrie at 1.30 o'clock, Afternoon, Monday) the or South Brisbane Cemetery. Service 1.15 p.m. ALEX. Funeral Director. GOW, FUNERAL NOTICES Mt. Bruce tOOTS.— Pionper and Officers D. The xidge, U.A.O attend the Invited to are Members R. Mr. G. T. Roots, ??uncral of and and Roots J. W. of Brother Jrother as move D. to D. irothcr Hoots, notice. ibove of the A.D. Order By Relatives and Friends of HOW.— The Widow of the vlr«. Alice Maria Row, late of Frank Aldrlch Row, ate invited are rewantln Road. Cooroy, to leave the to leave the her attend o Funeral 'uneral Street, Parlour, 45 Adelaide after :ity, This (Monday) Afternoon, Service, commencing nt 1.15, for the Jrematorium, Mt. Thompson. CANNON ?*. LTD., CRIPPS, Directors. \.F.D.A.. Funeral The James Henderson.— tVALDItON, the lat» of Friends Relatives nnd Waldron are re Henderson lames lilr to spectfully Invited attend from the Church Funeral, lo move if England, Veiesdnle. at 1.30 u.m for the Woodhlli ro-day (Mondayi. Cemetery. J. C, BARRETT. Funeral Director Beaiideserl. ? Ellznbeth.— The Rein Friends of Mr. Henry Invited the to attend Wlntzloff arc Funeral of his beloved Sitter. F.llzn otth Wlnlzloll. of Fisher Street, East Brisbane, to Par leave Hit lour, 637 4.15 Stanley Street, at for South Urltbant lo-day (Mondayi WINTZLOFF. lives and Cemetery. BRISBANE UNDERTAKERS DEO. Funeral HARTNETT. PTY. Director. 1OUNG.— The Cremation Service ol the late Thomas Young, Campbell of Kiel Mountain Rood, Woombye. will be held In Ihe cf the Chnpel Mt. at 4.30 Thompson Cremntorlum, To-day p m., (Monday). E. C. THOMAS to SONS, Funeral Directors. Nambour. FUNERALS, JOHN -) 17 HISLOP fc SONS. Funeral 644 Petrie BlBht. Chapel St., South Brisbane. B8705. Service, Peel CREMATIONS'
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