Notice of disclaimer of onerous property Form 525 Australian Securities & Investments Commission

Australian Securities &
Investments Commission
Form 525
Corporations Act 2001
Notice of disclaimer of onerous property
If there is insufficient space in any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit as part of this lodgement
Company details
Company name
Lodgement details
Who should ASIC contact if there is a query about this form?
ASIC registered agent number (if applicable)
Telephone number
Postal address
1 Copy of notice
1. I,
* Strike out whichever is inapplicable.
Postal address
the liquidator of the company, for the purposes of paragraph 568A (1)*(a) / *(b) / *(c) / *(d) give notice that I disclaim the
property described in the Schedule.
2. The property is property of the company and consists of *land burdened with onerous covenants / *shares / *property
that is unsaleable or is not readily saleable / *property that may give rise to a liability to pay money or some other
onerous obligation / *property where it is reasonable to expect that the costs, charges and expenses that would be
incurred in realising the property would exceed the proceeds of realising the property / *a contract.
** Delete if not applicable
**3. The Court granted leave to disclaim the property on:
Date leave was granted
ASIC Form 525
D] [M
M] [Y
17 January 2011
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2 Schedule
Describe the disclaimed property.
Signature of liquidator
Date signed
D] [M
M] [Y
1. A person claiming an interest in the disclaimed property may apply to the Court, within the time permitted by
subsection 568B (1), for the disclaimer to be set aside.
2. A disclaimer, as from the day on which it takes effect under subsection 568C (3), is taken to have terminated the
company’s rights, interests, liabilities and property in or in respect of the disclaimed property, but does not affect any other
person’s rights or liabilities except in so far as is necessary in order to release the company and its property from liability.
ASIC Form 525
Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
PO Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841.
17 January 2011
For more information
Need help?
Telephone 1300 300 630
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Australian Securities &
Investments Commission
Form 525
Corporations Act 2001
Notice of disclaimer of onerous property
This guide does not form part of the approved form. It is included by ASIC to assist you in completing and lodging the Form 525.
How to provide additional
Photocopied Form 525 pages
If there is insufficient space in any section of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submit
as part of this lodgement.
If there is insufficient space in any section of the form, you may alternately submit annexures as part of this
To make any annexure conform to the regulations, you must
1. use A4 size paper of white or light pastel colour with a margin of at least 10mm on all sides
2. show the company name and ACN or ARBN
3. number the pages consecutively
4. print or type in BLOCK letters in dark blue or black ink so that the document is clearly legible when photocopied
5. mark the annexure with an identifying letter or symbol eg a,b,c or 1,2,3 etc.
6. endorse the annexure with the words:
This annexure (mark) of (number) pages referred to in form (form number and title)
7. sign and date the annexure
The annexure must be signed by the same person(s) who signed the form.
ASIC Form 525 Guide
Send completed and signed forms to:
Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
PO Box 4000, Gippsland Mail Centre VIC 3841.
17 January 2011
For more information
Need help?
Telephone 1300 300 630
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