Births, Marriages & Deaths From The Carbon Advocate, 1880-1881 This is the fourth in a series of vital records extracted from the Lehighton Newpaper, The Carbon Advocate. Like the previous parts, in extracting the births, marriages & deaths, I have not included the following types of items: 1. Items that did not pertain to Carbon or the surrounding counties. I excluded anything west and south of Berks County, and south of Lehigh & Northampton Counties. I generally included anything north of Carbon county. 2. Estate notices. 3. Murder trials. 4. Coroner inquests when they are not part of the original death notice. In extracting these records, I have copied items as completely and exactly as possible. I have not attempted to correct any spelling errors. If I felt a need to add any text, I did so in brackets. Although most of the papers on microfilm were easy to read, there were some times where the image quality made things difficult. Because of this, researchers are advised to consult the original records. Volume 8, Number 6, Saturday, January 3, 1880 Local and Personal. William Powell, of Ross Hill, Luzerne county, was struck by cars on Friday and killed. Local and Personal. Col. E. B. Young, ex-mayor of Allentown, died in that city on Tuesday last. The funeral will take place to-day (Saturday) at one o'clock p. m., from his late residence on Seventh below Hamilton street, Allentown. Local and Personal. Fred. Snyder, for a number of years proprietor of the Union House, at Mahanoy Plane, died on Sunday morning last, after a lingering illness. Local and Personal. Henry and Thomas Zimmerman, brothers, aged respectively about 9 and 11 years, were drowned at Bethlehem, Monday by breaking through the ice. Local and Personal. William Powell, of Kingston, while standing near the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad track Friday morning of last week, at Pittston, was struck by a passing train and killed. He leaves a wife and one child. Local and Personal. The numerous friends of Rev. A. Fuchs D. D., will learn of his death with much regret. He died at his residence in Bath on the 20th inst., after a lingering illness; aged 76 years. He was engaged in the ministry for nearly half a century, and retired from the pastoral charge of the Lutheran churches at Bath, Howertown, Plainfield, and other places in May, 1875, on account of his age and declining health. 1 Local and Personal. John Burns, being drunk, fatally stabbed his wife while she was asleep, and then tried to commit suicide, in Easton, on last Tuesday night. Local and Personal. Rev. J. P. Miller, pastor of the M. E. church of this borough, buried an infant child on Wednesday last. Our Weatherly Special. Rev. R. H. Colburn has had the pleasure of tying three hymenial knots recently--all within ten days. On Christmas eve our young friend Geo Kline took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Jarrard, and on Saturday evening Ed. Buck went and did likewise, taking for his better half Miss Emma Dodson. We wish them a pleasant voyage on the sea matrimonial. Weissport Items. Weissporters determined not to be outdone by her sister borough of Lehighton in the marrying line, has two weddings to report this week. The first that of our young friend Frank Marsh and Miss Mary Schofield, who were joined in the holy bonds of Christmas eve, by Rev. J. E. Freeman; and the second Charles Nusbaum and Miss Valeria Gilham who were married at Slatington, on Tuesday evening last, by Rev. Mr. Erb. May both pair live long and enjoy all the sweets of this life. Towamensing Brevities. Jonathan Berlieb, of near Trachsville, was buried at the Lutheran church, at Kunkeltown last Sunday. The funeral sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Huber, of Broadheadsville. Deceased was aged 66 years, 5 months and 25 days. Towamensing Brevities. Angeline Christman, of Christman's valley died last Saturday night of Typhoid fever. Her remains were interred at the Jerusalem church on Tuesday last. Towamensing Brevities. Another child of John Strohl's of Elder township, Monroe county, Pa., died of diphtheria, and was buried at the Jerusalem church in Towamensing, on Saturday of last week. This is the seventh child that died in Mr. Strohl's family; the last three died within a month. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Thomas Eltringham, of New Mines, Schuylkill county, was found on the roadside, Christmas day, frozen to death. STATE NEWS. Christopher Ludwig Laurence died in Williamsport on Thursday, in his 88th year. He was a soldier under the first Napoleon. STATE NEWS. John Bloom, who was stabbed in the head with a screwdriver by Frank Gutofski, in Nanticoke, on the 19th inst., died on Saturday night, and Gutofski has been arrested. STATE NEWS. Miss Kate Krutzman, of Reading, died on Saturday, in terrible agony, from having taken strychnine with suicidal intent. She was a strict church member, and several years ago suffered from melancholia, but lately it was thought she had gotten over it. MARRIED, HEYDT-HEILMAN.--On New Year's day, by Rev. W. G. Laitzle, Prof. Horace D. Heydt, of Berks county, Pa., and Miss Ellen J. Heilman, daughter of Moses Heilman, Esq., of 2 this borough. The happy pair have our best wishes for their happiness and prosperity through this life. MARRIED, YEAGER-WEBB.--On the 25th ult., by Rev. A. R. Bartholomew, Mr John Yeager of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Emma Webb, of Lehighton, Carbon county. MARRIED, PETREY-HONTZ.--On the 26th ult., by the same, Mr. Richard Petrey, of Rockport, and Miss Kitty Ann Hontz, of Mahoning, Carbon county. MARRIED, GINDER-GUMBERT.--On the 28th ult., by the same, Mr. Charles Harrison Ginder, of East Penn and Miss Mary Jane Gumbert of Mahoning, Carbon county. DIED, KISTLER.--On the 1st ult., in West Penn, Rose Kitty Ann, daughter of Charles and Kitty Ann Kistler, aged 2 years, 11 months, and 28 days. Volume 8, Number 7, Saturday, January 10, 1880 Local and Personal. Dr. W. A. Derhamer and his bride returned home from their wedding tour on Saturday evening last. Local and Personal. The little son of Mrs. Mary Hook was burned to death, during its mother's temporary absence from home, in Pittston, Tuesday morning. Local and Personal. The funeral of Colonel Edward B. Young took place in Allentown at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and was largely attended by military and civilians from different parts of the State. Among the prominent men present were James W. Latta, Gen. L. W. Read, Col. D. Stanley Hassinger, Lieutenant Colonel S. E. A. Hancock, Charles M. Conyngham, Albert W. Taylor, John Lowrie, R. R. Campion, and R. B. Orr. The city was thronged throughout the day with strangers. Local and Personal. Mrs. Kern, aged 60 years, was killed near Allentown, Friday of last week, by being struck in the head by a piece of flying stone from a quarry blast. Local and Personal. The betrothal of Miss Sallie Linderman, daughter of Dr. G. B. Linderman, and Mr. Warren Wilbur, oldest son of Elisha P. Wilbur, Esq., all of South Bethlehem is announced. Our Parryville Budget. Mr. E. W. Straup's child was buried on Monday. Mrs. S. has also been sick these few days. Wild Creek Items. Mr. Geo. Meinhard is very much pleased with his little son, which his wife presented him with last Wednesday. Weissport Items. Dr. J. G. Zern and C. W. Lentz attended the funeral of Col. E. B. Young, at Allentown, on Saturday afternoon last. 3 Mahoning Twinklings. Mr. Philip Gombert, one of our oldest residents, was buried last Tuesday. He was 87 years, 11 months and 27 days old. MARRIED, DEPPEY-KIBLER.--On the 26th ult., at the bride's residence, by Rev. A. M. Strauss, Nelson R. Deppey and Miss Ellen M. Kibler, both of Albrightsville, Carbon county. MARRIED, ALTEMOSE-KIBLER.--On the 29th ult., at the Lutheran Parsonage at Effort, by the same, John P. Altemose, of Effort, Monroe county, and Miss Sarah E. Kibler, of Albrightsville, Carbon county. MARRIED, WERNETT-FELLOR.--On the 25th ult., by the same, Peter W. Wernett, of Middle Creek, Monroe Co., and Miss Catharine A. Fellor, of Duttersville, Monroe Co. DIED, FRY.--On the 26th ult., at Albrightsville, Jennie Louisa, infant daughter of Owen and Susan Fry, aged 11 months and 10 days. DIED, DAY.--On the 22d ult., at Duttersville, Elmira Ellen, daughter of Daniel and Susan Day, aged 1 year, 11 months and 24 days. Volume 8, Number 8, Saturday, January 17, 1880 Local and Personal. Willoughby Arnold the farm hand who eloped from North Whitehall township Lehigh county, last week with Miss Roth, aged 13, has been captured at Kutztown; Berks county. Local and Personal. Joseph Werkheiser, aged 67 years, was thrown from his buggy into a creek near Stockerton, Northampton county, on Wednesday night of last week. The next morning his frozen body was found by the roadside, where he had laid down. Packerton Ripples. Wm. Miller, of Upper Mauch Chunk, an employe at Packerton, while engaged shifting trucks at the crane, Wednesday last, was caught between a car standing on the rack and one being lifted from one track to another by means of the crane. He was standing with his back against the pulling beam of a freight car when the other swung around striking him in the breast; he walked a short distance, and then fell to the track, when he was taken up and carried to the tool house, and thence placed on the pusher and taken to Mauch Chunk, where he was placed in a wagon to be conveyed to his home but died before readhing the Mansion House. He leaves a wife and three children. In East Mauch Chunk, on Tuesday last, Miss Maggie Ward died very suddenly of Bright's disease. Mrs. Susan Leidy, died at the residence of N. D. Cortright, in Mauch Chunk, on the 11th inst., in the 50th year of ther age. Weissport Items. Mrs. Koons, the mother of Sheriff Koons, died on Thursday afternoon, at the good age of 84 years. 4 Volume 8, Number 9, Saturday, January 24, 1880 Local and Personal. Mr. Abraham Gish, an old and respected citizen of Berlinsville, Northampton county, died on last Saturday week. Deceased was the father of Mr. William H. Gish, cashier of the Slatington National Bank. Local and Personal. The funeral of Mrs. Koons, mother of Sheriff Thomas Koons, at Weissport, was attended by a large number of Lehightonians. Local and Personal. Samuel Brunner fell dead on Main St., Bethlehem, Friday evening, of apoplexy. He had been Coroner of the county for fifteen years, a Justice of the Peace for the same length of time and Town Clerk for nearly thirty years. Though seventy-three years old he had been in good health. Local and Personal. Mrs. Elizabeth Mackinney, formerly of New York, was burned to death, in Scranton, Sunday, by her clothing catching fire from the stove. Towamensing Brevities. It is repoted that John Haydt, formerly of this valley, but now of Mud Run, was married to Lucinda Dotter of that place. We wish them much joy through their journey of life. Our Weatherly Special. The family of Wesley Sleethe has been sorely afflicted by the death of two interesting children--both within a week--of diphtheria. They have the sympathies of our people in this, their sad bereavement. Weissport Items. The obsequies of Mrs. Koons, who died on Thursday of last week, were largely attended on Monday last. Many friends and near relatives of the deceased followed her remains to the grave. STATE NEWS. Eugene Hawley was shot dead by John Richards, in a quarrel near Montrose, Monday Richards was arrested. Volume 8, Number 10, Saturday, January 31, 1880 Local and Personal. The grindstone of the Scranton Tile Works at Providence, burst Tuesday morning, shattered the building and killing Wm. Farries, a grinder. Local and Personal. Robert Johnson was fatally shot by Harry Highfield on Saturday morning, in Scranton. Johnson died on Sunday. On Monday Highfield surrendered himself to the authorities. Local and Personal. Thomas Manly was found dead on a lot in Scranton, Sunday morning. It is believed he fell down an embankment while drunk. Local and Personal. Mrs. John D. Stiles, wife of Hon. John D. Stiles, for many years representative in Congress, died in Allentown on Saturday. 5 Local and Personal. Frederick Kyss, a miner, of Nanticoke, was brutally assaulted by three men, near Kingston, on Saturday night, and died of his injuries on Monday. Condey McGee, one of his assailants, has been arrested. Local and Personal. John Kenney, of Tresckow, was severely injured in the mines of that places, on Friday of last week, by being caught by a car. He was taken to the Pennsylvania Hospital at Philadelphia, where he died at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. The body was taken to Tresckow on Monday night, and on Tuesday buried in the cemetery at Frenchtown. Deceased was aged about 20 years, and bore a most exemplary character. His funeral was largely attended by his fellow workmen and friends. Local and Personal. Michael Sinnott was fatally shot by Martin Haley in a quarrel, at a ball, near Pittston, on Monday night. Haley, was arrested Wednesday and lodged in jail. Big Creek Items. A child of Franklin Koch, of Indian Hill, died last week, of that much dreaded disease dyphtheria. Interred at Weissport. Obituary. Died, Wednesday morning, the 28th inst., at 3:15 o'clock, at the residence of her husband George Williams, in Mauch Chunk, of dropsy and paralysis of the heart, Mrs. Sarah Ann Williams, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with great christian fortitude, at the age of 67 years, 5 months and 17 days. Deceased was born in Philadelphia, and with her husband and family moved to Mauch Chunk about 25 years ago, where she continued to reside until her death. She leaves a husband and eight children--two sons and six daughters--all of whom are married, and thirty grandchildren to mourn their loss. A kind and loving mother, a warm earnest friend and obliging neighbor, she will be greatly missed; she was a firm believer in the efficacy of Christ's death, and died in the bright anticipation of a glorious hereafter. The funeral will take place at two o'clock, this (Friday) afternoon; services in the M. E. church. Requiescat in pace. Mauch Chunk Items. On Tuesday afternoon, Alfred Hamilton, of Easton, a conductor on one of the C. R. R. of N. J. Coal trains, was run over by his caboose and killed. His body was taken to Easton. The accident ocurred at the round house opposite East Mauch Chunk. STATE NEWS. John Day, while walking on the track of the Pennsylvania Coal Company's Railroad, near Pittston, on Thursday of last week, was struck by a coal train and instantly killed. Volume 8, Number 11, Saturday, February 7, 1880 Killed on the Railroad. On Tuesday morning of last week a frightful accident occurred on the L. V. Railroad, at Whitehall Station. A little girl, daughter of Mr. Samuel Schaffer, aged about six years, was run over and killed by the engine "J. G. Fell," drawing No. 1 passenger train, due here at 8:05, a. m. She was on her way to school, accompanied by her little brother, and while crossing the track had her foot caught between the rail and a plank and could not extricate it. When she saw the approaching train, she threw herself back from the track, and the engine ran over the lower part of her body, completely severing both limbs, one above the ankle and the other above the knee. The unfortunate little sufferer lingered for five minutes and then died. Her 6 brother saw the predicament his sister was in, but became frightened and ran away, leaving her to meet her fate. The engineer of the train says he thought she was picking coal, and did not observe that she was caught between the rails.--Slatington News. STATE NEWS. Tuesday a fall of top coal in the No. 2 shaft of the Delaware and Hudson Comdany's mines at Plymouth killed Peter Berry and seriously injured his son. STATE NEWS. Michael Herris, a miner, was killed at the North Ashland Colliery, Schuylkill county, on Thursday of last week, by a rush of coal. STATE NEWS. Friday, a body supposed to be that of Emmet Scannon, who was drowned in the Delaware at Lackawaxen, on New Year's day, floated at Milford, Pike county. STATE NEWS. On Tsursday evening of last week Mrs. Erasius Smith, the wife of a well-to do liquor merchant in Hyde Park, near Scranton, committed suicide by shooting herself through the heart. Local and Personal. Jacob Hoover, a young man, was killed by the falling of an old shaft, in which he was digging for coal, at Tuscorora, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. Local and Personal. The Bethlehem Times asserts positively that Dr. G. B. Linderman is soon to wed Miss Francis Evans, of Brooklyn, N. Y., whose father is a large iron broker of New York city. Local and Personal. Mrs. Harry J. Phillips, of Scranton, committed suicide on Friday night. She was the wife of a prominent politician who is an ex-member of the Legislature. She fitted up her chamber as if for the reception of a bridal party and then swallowed poison. Mr. Phillips is now in Wales, and his wife accused him of deserting her. Local and Personal. A careless seavant in the house of Jonathan Wasley, at Shenandoah, left a tub of hot water on the floor Saturday morning, into which Mr. Wasley's 4-year-old child fell and was scalded to death. Mr. Wasley is Superintendent of the Thomas Coal Company at Shenandoah. Obituary. Jennie Irene, a bright eleven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Augustus Sprague, of Williamsport, Pa., while paying a visit to her grandparents at Lehigh Tannery, Carbon county, Pa., became ill with diphtherial croup. Dr. C. H. Drake, who is a close student in that vicinity, attended her, and hopes of her recovery were entertained until Friday, Jan. 30th, when she quietly sank into her last sleep. She was born March 7th, 1869, died Jan. 30th, 1880, aged 10 years, 10 months and 28 days. The funeral took place on Sunday, the 1st inst., from the residence of her grandparents and proceeded to the White Haven cemetery. Her departure is mourned by a wide circle of relatives and friends, by whom she was held in high esteem. Our Weatherly Special. The funeral of the late Mrs. Stout was very largely attended on Monday of last week. East Penn Dots. A child of Nathan Remaley died and was buried on Thursday of last week, of 7 diphtheria. East Penn Dots. Mr. Elias Sherry died and was buried at the Pennsville church, aged 49 years. May the bereft widow find comfort. Resolutions of Condolence. At a regular meeting of Washington Camp, 117, P. O. S. of A., the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas, It has pleased Almighty God, in his all-wise providence, to suddenly remove from our Camp-fire our esteemed and worthy Brother, Jonas Beltz; therefore be it Resolved, That in the death of our Brother, we meekly bow to the will of Him who knoweth and doeth all things well. Resolved, That we extend to the widow and family of the deceased our sincere condolence and sympathy. Resolved, That in expressing our sorrow for the departed, our charter shall be draped for the space of thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased, and also to the Camp news and Carbon Advocate for publication. D. Auge, G. W. Bauman, J. F. Pettit, Com. Volume 8, Number 12, Saturday, February 14, 1880 Local and Personal. Mr. George Ruth, a well-known citizen of Bethlehem, and one highly esteemed, died suddenly on Tuesday of last week. He was lying on a lounge in the presence of his family, not feeling well, when he suddenly gasped several times and then expired. He was 73 years of age. Death was produced by heart disease. Local and Personal. A passenger train on the Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad was thrown from the track by an open switch, near Scranton, on Saturday morning, and the engine rolled down an embankment. The engineer, Stewart Bennett, and the fireman, Frederick Bennett, were injured, the former fatally. The disaster was due to the carelessness of a flagman. Local and Personal. Bernard Winkler, a German, sixty years of age, committed suicide by shooting himself, in a saloon at Allentown, on Friday morning last. Local and Personal. Stephen Moyer an old stone mason, died in the borough Poor House on Thursday morning last. He was about 70 years of age. East Penn Dots. Another child of Nathan Remaly died of diphtheria this week, making the third that has died in a short time of that dreadful disease. Wild Creek Items. The only child of Charles Gildner, of Middle Creek, died on Friday evening of last week, at 8 o'clock p. m., and was buried on Sunday last. Rev. Sweigard of Northampton county, officiated. Big Creek Items.We are sorry to learn that the physicians have no hopes for the recovery of Rev. 8 Mr. Eisenberger and that his strength is gradually wearing away. Packerton Ripples. The only child of Mr. Amandus Remaly died on Thursday of last week, and was burried on Sunday. Mahoning Twinklings. A child of Moses Hontz died last Monday, and also one of Charles Remaley's. Shooting. On Tuesday night last, Jos. Goldberg, residing at Jamestown, shot Edward Mulhearn, who resided near the Lehigh Valley depot. The following are the particulars of the case; Goldberg surrendered himself and is now in jail. Mulhearn's Dying Declaration. Went to Jos. Goldberg's about 7 o'clock. He was at home--his wife was at home too. He asked me why I came at this time, when he was accustomed to be at work. I said I came as a friend to see him, and contradict the belief he had that I was seeking improper relations with his wife. He said "clear out, get out! get out!" I started to go as fast as I could, and he followed me, and shot me while I was turning the corner of the house. When shot I asked him to take me in the house. He said he wouldn't and told his wife she shouldn't let me in, and then he started away with a lantern in his hand. Jos. S. Webb took me into the house accompanied by Monroe Queen. Inquisition, State of Penna., County of Carbon. An inquisition taken for the State of Pennsylvania, at the house of Mrs. Esch in the borough of Lehighton, in the County of Carbon, on the Eleventh day of February, 1880, before me, Charles Lentz, Coroner, in and for said county, upon the view of the body of Edward Mulhearn, whose body was viewed by and upon the oaths of F. P. Semmel, O. A. Clauss, Daniel Graver, J. G Biery, W. H. Nusbaum and F. J. Brobst, good and lawful men of said county, who being duly sworn to inquire on the part of the people of said State, into all the circumstances attending the death of the said Edward Mulhearn, and by whom the same was produced, and in what manner, and when and where the said Edward Mulhearn came to his death, do say, upon their oaths, as aforesaid, that after hearing the evidence, viewing the body, &c., find that the said Edward Mulhearn came to his death by a gunshot wound in the hands of Jhopes Goldberg, on the night of the 10th of February, 1880. In witness whereof, as well as the said Coroner, as the Jurors aforesaid, have to this inuqisition set their hands and seals on the day of the date of the inquisition as aforesaid. C. W. Lentz, Croner. F. P. Semmel, Foreman, O. A. Clauss, Daniel Graver, W. H. Nusbaum, J. G. Biery, F. J. Brobst. Jurors. Dr. J. G. Zern made the autopsy examination, 10 hours after death. Gunshot wound 3/4 inches in diameter, 4 inches to right of spinal column, 1 to 1 1/2 inches to right of crest of the Ilieum. Weissport Items. Quite a serious case of hydrophobia developed itself here during the fore part of this week. Mr. Urbin Boyer, a highly respected citizen, and long a resident of this borough, was the unhappy victim, and died suddenly on Tuesday morning between 10 and 11 o'clock, apparently suffering great pain and in great agony. About 8 months ago Mr. Boyer was bitten in the arm by a dog supposed to have been mad, and his terrible disease was undoubtedly the effect 9 of the bite. On last Saturday he assisted several other men in getting out ice, and in the evening was surprised to find himself unable to drink. He immediately consulted Dr. J. G. Zern, who, after examination found that he showed unmistakable symptoms of hydrophobia He became worse; other doctors who were called in agreed it was what it was first supposed to be namely hydrophobia. It is thought the disease was brought on sooner on account of his having worked near and around water so much during the day on which he was taken sick. MARRIED, NUSS-REHRIG--On the 17th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. W. A. Nuss, of Weatherly, and Miss Lizzie J. Rehrig, of Mahoning, Carbon county. MARRIED, ZELNER-SLOUCH--On the 5th inst., by the same, Mr. Charles Zelner, of Mauch Chunk to Miss Cornelia Slouch, of Easton. DIED, SCHERER--On the 21st ult., in East Penn, Eli, husband of Angeline Scharer. Aged 48 years and 20 days. DIED, ECK--On the 27th ult., in East Penn, Enos, son of Augustus and Clara Ann Eck. Aged 24 years, 11 month and 17 days. DIED, STAHLER--On the 28th ult., in West Penn, Samuel Mandus, son of Charles and Rebecca Stahler. Aged 9 years, 4 months and 4 days. DIED, MILLER--On the 3rd inst., in West Penn, Daniel S., husband of Maria Miller. Aged 73 years and 2 months. Volume 8, Number 13, Saturday, February 21, 1880 Local and Personal. The funeral of Ed. Mulhearn, who was shot by Jos. Goldberg, on Tuesday of last week, took place from his late residence, near the L. V. depot, on Sunday morning last, and was very largely attended by railroaders and others. Rev. Mr. Hartman, of the Reformed church, officiated. The remains were interred in the Gnaden Huetten Cemetery, this borough. Local and Personal. Dr. L. H. Cooper, a prominent citizen of Coopersburg, Northampton county, died suddenly on Saturday last. Local and Personal. On Wednesday last, a youth of about 16 years of age, named William Phifer, one of the borough of E. Mauch Chunk, had been up to Penn Haven, and wishing to return to his home he jumped on a passing coal train; having gained the top of the cars he commenced walking along the top, and, had gone but a short distance, when he fell down between two of the cars to the track. His body was terribly mangled and his death quick. Why is it, that for the sake of a few cents, to gratify a venturesome spirit of deviltry, or for the purpose of saving a walk of a few miles, men and boys will persist in this hazardous and dangerous practice. Local and Personal. David McGovern, 14 years of age, was crushed to death in a coal mine at Providence, Wyoming county, on Monday. 10 Local and Personal. Lewis Warner, an employe of the Bangor and Portland Railroad, was run over by cars near Bangor, Northampton county, on Monday night and instantly killed. Fatal Railroad Accident. On Friday evening, 13th inst., a man by the nam of Horace Schreiber, for the last three months in the employ of Dr. W. P. Kistler, at Schnecksville, as hostler, was fatally injured on the Lehigh Valley railroad, near Slatington, by being run over by a freight train while walking along on the track. Schreiber had gained his employer's consent to absent himself for about a week for the purpose of visiting, as he represented, relatives in the upper end of Lehigh county, and had been gone some days at the time he met with the accident. It appears that he was seen by the engineer, and that the usual signals were given for him to clear the track, but that he failed to step off and as a result paid for his negligence with his life. After being knocked over he fell in such a shape that one of his legs rested over one of the rails, and which being passed over by the engine and three cars was mashed to a mass of pulp. The train was stopped as speedily as possible and the injured man picked up and carried to the station, and when the 8 o'clock down passenger train came along he was placed on board for removal to St. Luke's Hospital, but he died on the way down. The remains were buried at Bethlehem. Why the man failed to get off the track can not be conjectured, saave upon the theory that he was too much stupefied with liquor to either see or hear, and it is likely that this is the correct supposition, as in one of his pockets was found a bottle half full of whiskey. Towamensing Brevities. Josiah Getz buried one of his children, at the Jerusalem church, on Monday last. Weissport Items. Lewis Horn, Sr., of East Weissport, ended life's career early Sunday morning, after a protracted illness of consumption. his funeral was largely attended Wednesday afternoon. MARRIED, SITTLER-SCHAFFER.--On the 17th inst., at the M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. J. P. Miller, Wm. L. Sittler, of Lehighton, Pa., and Miss Nettie L. Schaffer, of Schaffersville, Northampton county, Pa. Volume 8, Number 14, Saturday, February 28, 1880 Local and Personal. Mrs. George Welsh, living near Tamaqua was frozen so badly on Saturday night that she died the next afternoon. She attempted to walk across a field and was benumbed with the cold. Local and Personal. The Allentown Chronicle, under the head of "A Matrimonial Fix," States that Mr. Smith, a widower of Grimsville, Lehigh county, has married the widow Snyder's daughter, and Mr. Smith's son has married the widow. Local and Personal. Melchoir Lerch, 50 years of age, and a well-to-do farmer, committed suicide in Forks township, Northampton county, on Saturday. He leaves a wife and several children. Local and Personal. John McCue, who had his arm amputated at the St. Luke's Hospital, on Thursday morning of last week, died on the same evening. He met with a severe railroad 11 accident several weeks ago. Local and Personal. A German tramp named Carl Heinrich Emil Zimmerman, was suffocated on Saturday night a week by inhaling gas at the East Penn Furnace, near Lyons Station, while asleep between the boilers and hot blast. When discovered life was extinct. Local and Personal. A most astonishing presentiment of death was that of Michael Haldeman, of Allen twp., Northampton county. In the long ago he predicted to his family, and often after repeated the statement, that he would die on February 10th, 1880, and sure enough, on the 10th inst. he was stricken with palsy and passed peacefully out of time into eternity, at the age of 84 years, 5 months and 5 days. Local and Personal. Michael Burke notified the authorities in Wilkesbarre, on Friday of last week, that his wife had fallen down stairs and received fatal injuries. It was shown at a coroner's inquest, on Saturday, that she died from violence at the hands of her husband, and he was arrested. Local and Personal. Dr. Victor G. F. Huebner, a highly skilled and very popular physician at Coplay, died suddenly on Saturday night last. He had in the evening made professional calls at Hokendauqua, and, returning at about ten o'clock, soon after retired to bed, apparently in his usual good health. Half an hour afterwards Mrs. Frey, his mother-in-law and housekeeper, (he having been a widower) hearing a strange noise in his bed room, proceeded to ascertain what it was, and was horrified to find him in the agonies of death. Dr. Steinmetz was summoned, but could render no assistance, and in a few minutes more the sufferer expired, the cause of death having been apoplexy. Mahoning Twinklings. Jacob Remaly died on Monday morning, funeral obsquies took place on Wednesday, at 10 a. m. Parryville Budget. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pettit who were not long ago blessed with twin children, have been deprived of the little boy by the cold hand of death. The girl still surviving. The funeral took place on Tuesday. Parryville Budget. One of Mr. Epson's children was buried on Wednesday. We understand Mr. E was a former resident of this place. MARRIED, BLAY-SPONEHEIMER.--At the Lehighton M. E. Parsonage, Feb. 19th, by Rev. J. P. Miller, Richard Blay, of New York, to Miss Sarah Sponeheimer, of Lehighton. Volume 8, Number 15, Saturday, March 6, 1880 Local and Personal. Mrs. Sarah Shaup attempted suicide by shooting herself in the breast, at Scranton, on Tuesday morning. The wound was considered fatal. Towamensing Brevities. Henry Grindmoyer, burried one of his children at the Jerusalem church on Monday. 12 Wild Creek Items. A little girl of Henry Heydt's died on Saturday morning last, of diphtheria. Funeral services were held by Rev. A. M. Strauss, at Jerusalem church, at 9:30 a. m. Weissport Items. Joseph Connor of this place, employed as a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad, met with an accident on Friday night last, and died on the day following. He went out as an irregular on the Empire train, and at Bethlehem was in the act of coupling cars when his arm was caught between the bumpers. Amputation was considerred unnecessary, and he was left to suffer the excessive pain which proved too much for him to endure. As stated before he died on the following day, aged 64 years. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon of this week. STATE NEWS. Isaac Schlegel, aged 65 years, of Spring City, Berks county, committed suicide on Sunday by cutting his throat with a razor. He was of unsound mind. STATE NEWS. John Dawson was fatally crushed by a fall of rock in the Swoyer Colliery, at Wyoming, on Monday. MARRIED, DREISBACH-PHIFER.--On the 28th ult., at the house of Mr. Alexander Phifer, by Rev. J. K. Seyfrit, Mr. Edwin W. Dreisbach, of Franklin township, to Miss Sarah E. Phifer, of Parryville, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED, DAVIES-JAMES.--At the Presbyterian church of Ferndale, Lehigh county, Pa., on the 26th ult., by the Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, Mr. Gwilym Davies, of Ferndale, to Miss Mary Ann James, only daughter of Mr. John James, also of Ferndale. MARRIED, KAMMERLING-BILLIG.--At Weatherly, on the 21st ult., by Rev. W. H. Mishler, William Kammerling and Miss Caroline Billig, both of Quakake. MARRIED, MUSSELMAN-ROSENSTOCK.--On the 21st ult., by Rev. R. G. Colburn, Marlon Musselman and Miss Lizzie Rosenstock, both of Weatherly. MARRIED, BALLIET-EBERTS.--On the 8th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Tilghman S. Balliet and Miss Kate Eberts, both of New Mahoning. Volume 8, Number 16, Saturday, March 13, 1880 Local and Personal. Aaron Rau was caught between two railroad cars at Allentown on Wednesday morning and fatally injured. Local and Personal. Four men were killed and one severely injured by the explosion in Shaft No. 2 at Nanticoke, on Friday afternoon. There were ten men in the mine. The killed were Edmumd Morgan and David T. Watkins, miners; James Henry, the fire boss; and Joseph Andernott, laborer. The explosion was caused by the careless carrying of a naked light. Local and Personal. Waring Schooley, aged 14 years, son of a prominent citizen ef Pittston, was found unconscious, with a shot wound in his body, on the outskirts of that city Thursday evening. When the boy was carried home his mother dropped dead from the shock. 13 Local and Personal. A man by the name of John Gumbert was killed at Bethlehem on Saturday by being run over on the railroad. He was employed by the Bethlehem Iron Company, and was passing from one mill to the other. He stepped out from behind a freight when he was struck by the engine of No. 3 express. Death was instantaneous. Gumbert lived on the Lehigh Mountain, and leaves a wife and one child. A Horrid Death. On Tuesday last as Mr. Garret B. Fuller of Stroud township, was working about the machinery of his mill at Kunkletown, his clothing caught, when he was drawn into the works and mangled to death. When found Mr. Fuller's body, stripped of every vestige of clothing, was lying some five feet from the shaft around which he was twirled. An examination revealed the fact that his neck, shoulder and both legs were broken the upper portion of his head mashed, and his face and body covered with bruises. Portions of his clothing were found wrapped tight around the shafting. His death was instantaneous. Mr. Fuller leaves a wife and three children, the youngest 14 years of age, to mourn his untimely and horrid end. Mr. Fuller was a quiet, inoffensive and excellent citizen, and his death will be heard of with regret by his many friends throughout the county. He was about 43 years of age. Lewis Myers, of this borough, while operating the same mill several years ago, came very near meeting a similar accident from the same machinery, the arrangement of which is said to be very dangerous. His having had on a well worn coat was all that saved him.--Stroudsburg Jeffersonian. Parryville Budget. Mr. Robert Pettit's family have been again visited by the cold hand of death. Wild Creek Items. John Haydt, of Pine Swamp, is very much pleased with his little daughter, which his wife presented him with, a few weeks ago. Wild Creek Items. Another child of Henry Haydt's died of diphtheria Wednesday a week, making the second that has died in a short time of that dreadful disease. Aged 3 years, 6 months and 9 days. STATE NEWS. Patrick Lawlor was killed Wednesday at West Lehigh Colliery, Mahanoy City, by a fall of top coal. He leaves a family. STATE NEWS. MARRIED, SEARFASS-HAIT.--At the Lutheran Parsonage in this borough, on the 26th ult, by Rev G. W. Laitzel, Mr. Frank Searfass and Eliza Ann Hait, both of Penn Forest twp. MARRIED, FATZINGER-MUMMEY.--At the same place, by the same, on the 6th inst., Samuel T. Fatzinger and Miss Sallie E. Mummey, both of Berlinsville, Northampton county. MARRIED, BALLIET-EBERTS.--On the 15th ult., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Tilghman S. Balliet, of West Penn, and Miss Kate Louisa Eberts, of New Mahoning. MARRIED, LEASER-KOLB.--On the 9th inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, William F. Leaser, of Weisenburg, Lehigh county, and Miss Maria Kolb, of East Penn, this county. DIED, MCFADDEN.--On the 8th inst, at Beaver Meadow, Carbon county, Pa, Mrs. Bella 14 McFadden, aged 36 years, 3 months and 19 days. DIED, STAHLER.--On the 7th ult., in West Penn, Allen Hughe, aged 7 years, 8 months and 22 days; on the 14th ult., Laurette Agnes, aged 5 years, 2 months and 2 days; on the 16th ult., Emma Henrietta, aged 10 months and 6 days, and on the 17th ult., Isaac Henry, aged 3 yrs., 7 months and 6 days. All were children of Charles and Rebecca Stahler. DIED, HONTZ--On the 9th ult., in Mahoning, Matilda Elmira, daughter of Moses and Zemiah Hontz, aged 1 year, 8 months and 6 days. DIED, REMALY.--On the 10th ultimo, in Mahoning, Annie Zemiah, daughter of Charles and Emma Elizabeth Remaly, aged 2 mos. and 25 dys. DIED, HOUSER.--On the 4th inst., in West Penn, Daniel Houser, aged 71 years and 29 days. Volume 8, Number 17, Saturday, March 20, 1880 Local and Personal. Prof. William Theodore Roepper died at his residence in Bethlehem, Wednesday night of last week, in the 71st year of his age. He was a distinguished chemist and minerologist, well known in scientific circles of Philadelphia, as also at Yale and Harvard. He was the discoverer of the famous deposits of zinc near Bethlehem and of several new minerals. His knowledge of the zinc ores of Pennsylvania and New Jersey was thorough, and he was often called as an expert. The deceased was a German by birth, but has lived at Bethlehem since 1840, chiefly in the financial service of the Moravian Church. For a time he held a professorship in the Lehigh University. The funeral services were held at the Moravian Church, Bethlehem, on Monday afternoon, the 15th inst., at 2 o'clock. Local and Personal. Isaac Davis was killed by falling off the bucket in the elevator of the Pennsylvania Coal Company's new shaft at Pittston, Wednesday. Local and Personal. On Wednesday night of last week, two young men named James Downey and Jacob Fritsche, while returning from a hard-glove fight at Easton, between Johnny Madden, of Bethlehem, and Jim Ryan, of Philadelphia, met with an accident which resulted fatally to the latter. They missed the passenger train and boarded a coal train, and while going around a curve one mile below Bethlehem the train suddenly slackened and both were thrown to the ground. The train passed over Fritsche's legs, entirely severing one from the body and frightfully mangling the other. Downey was thrown down an embankment and received only a few slight scratches. Fritsche was a highly-respected young man, and was only 19 years of age. Local and Personal. George Spengler, aged 65 years, was struck and fatally injured by a train at Allentown, Wednesday. Local and Personal. Stephen Kistler, one of the wealthiest tanners in the State, died at Stroudsburg on Tuesday. Local and Personal. John White, Jr., aged 18, was killed at Schuylkill Haven Wednesday night 15 by the fast line on the Philadelphia and Reading railroad. Local and Personal. Milford, Pike county, Pa., March 17.--A skeleton--undoubtedly that of a German pack peddler who mysteriously disappeared while passing through this region some time ago--has been found near Porter's lake in this county, by lumbermen. The remains were under a pile of stones in the midst of a great forest. The pedler was known to have a large sum of money in his possession, and was probably murdered and robbed and his body thus secreted. Horrible Suicide. Ashland, Pa., March 12, 1880. On Tuesday afternoon Bushrod Smith, the car inspector at the Gordon Planes, committed suicide by throwing himself under a train of coal cars. Smith was but thirty-six years of age, and was the father of three children. For many years he suffered severely with rheumatism, and it is believed the terrible pain arising from that dreadful disease affected his mind. For the past month he acted strangely, he would never sleep but lay in bed, night after night, until he almost prayed that he might be summoned to the grave. "One night," so he said to David Phillips, a store keeper, of Gordon, "the Lord came to me and pointed out three places to me--heaven, earth and hell." He selected the earth, and, to use his own words, said: "Now I have to stay in this world for all time to come." The next day he said to his wife: "Sue, you will soon be a widow." The wife commenced to weep, when to console her he said, "don't cry, may be it won't be so." One night he went to church and was asked by some of his friends to seek religion, he consented, stood up, and asked for the prayers of the congregation. Some time ago he buried one of his children, and that affected him so much that he refused to live in the house where the child had died; so he sold his property and rented another one. On Tuesday morning, before going to his work, he tenderly kissed his wife and children and bid their good bye; on reaching the head of the planes, he set to work inspecting the wheels of the cars as they landed at the head of the plane, but no one suspected that he was nourishing a terrible desire to end his life. Near quitting time, he asked one of the employees how many more trips were to be hoisted; on being told the next trip would be the last one, he determined to die there and then. As soon as the cars came in sight he threw down his hammar, and, catching hold of his chin with one of his hands, he laid his neck across the rail, and stared directly at the train which came thundering along at great speed. The first car struck his neck and, severing the jugular vein, pushed the already lifeless form off the track. An inquest was held on the body and a verdict rendered, "That Smith committed suicide while laboring under a fit of temporary insanity." Mr. Smith was a respected citizen, and enjoyed the confidence of all who knew him. His funeral took place on Thursday. Yours, etc., Isaac W. Yeakel. East Penn Dots. A child of Elias Smith died after a short illness. It was burried on Friday in the Bensalem cemetery. East Penn Dots. Chas. Gressley is the happiest man--it is a bouncing boy. Parryville Budget. Mr. Chas. Repert's family has been visited by death's cold hand, one of his children having died. Parryville Budget. Mr. Jacob Snyder who has been sick for some time, bade farewell to this vain world of tears. He will be buried to-day (Friday) at the Snyder's church. Our Weatherly Special. Dr. P. H. Latham's infant son died on Monday of this week. The 16 remains were interred at Laurytown on Wednesday. Towamensing Brevities. Mr. G. Heydt, burried another one of his children at the Jerusalem church, on Friday. The second one for this month. The cause of death was diphtheria. Wild Creek Items. Mrs. G. Shultz, of Indian Hill, died on Monday last, and was buried on Wednesday at 1 o'clock p. m. Volume 8, Number 18, Saturday, March 27, 1880 STATE NEWS. John Adams, a young storekeeper of Berwick, Columbia county, committed suicide last week. Bad health is assigned as the cause. STATE NEWS. Aaron Geist, a Supervisor of Long Swamp township, Berks county, dramk poison in mistake for brandy on Sunday afternoon, and died soon afterward. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Miller, the wife of the old man found suspended in his barn, near Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, on Friday night, has confessed that he was murdered by George Smith, her paramour, who had been contemplating the deed for six months. Smith made a noise on the side of the house, which decoyed the old man into the yard, where he beat him to death. Mrs. Miller and Smith then hung him up in the barn to create the impression that he had committed suicide. Local and Personal. Peter Lubey was killed by falling down a "man way" at Girard colliery, in Schuylkill county; Monday. Local and Personal. William Schlicher, aged 40 years, hanged himself near Emaus, on Monday night. He leaves a wife and two children. Domestic and pecuniary troubles caused the deed. Local and Personal. Mrs. Miller, wife of Mr. AJ. Miller, the horse jockey, some time since made application to our courts to have the connubial bonds which were binding her to her husband dissolved, and on the case coming before the Judge on last Friday her prayer was granted.-Allentown Democrat. Local and Personal. Frederick A. Ruhe, of the firm of Ruhe Brothers, tobacco dealers, died suddenly in Allentown, on Sunday morning. Local and Personal. Amandus Dotter, of Monroe county, boarded a coal train, on Wednesday morning, at White Haven, to steal a ride down the valley, and when near Drake's Creek, he jumped off the moving train and fell upon a pile of stones, whence he rolled on to the track under the cars. Five or six cars passed over his body mangling him in a terrible manner. he lived about 30 minutes after the accident. Wild Creek Items. Mr. Kistler, sf Tannersville, Monroe Co., died last Tuesday. Wild Creek Items. Daniel Hackerty and Miss Louisa Danner, both of Kresgeville, were united 17 in holy bonds of wedlock, Tuesday of last week. They were serenaded by the Johnny Morgan band. Mahoning Twinklings. Joseph Balliet died on Monday night at the residence of his son, Nathan Balliet. The funeral takes place this (Saturday) afternoon. A Skeleton Found. A Bushkill correspondent of the Milford Dispatch furnishes that paper with the following startling item of news: Considerable excitement was created here a day or two ago, by the discovery of the skeleton of a man under a pile of stones at "Twelve Mile Pond," in Porter township, this county, by a party of lumbermen. James Howe was about to hide his axe under a mass of stones near where he had been cutting railroad ties, when much to his surprise he found part of a woolen blanket. On overturning some other stones he discovered the complete skeleton of a man of medium size. He called to his companions to witness what he had found and a justice of the Peace was notified A coroner's inquest will be held during the latter part of this week. Several years ago a German "pack peddler," claiming to hail from New York city, frequently passed through this section of country. He always carried with him a large sum of money, which, when he became under the influence of liquor, he did not hesitate to show in public, and boast of his wealth. This peddler's cognomen was "goosey," and he was pretty well known throughout the county. While passing through this section he suddenly disappeared and has never been seen since. he was probably pursued, robbed and murdered and his body concealed under this artificial heap of stones. As no one has disappeared very mysteriously from this county, except ex Treasurer James W. Quick, the body is probably that of the German peddler. Sudden Death. At an early hour on Tuesday morning says the Catasauqua Valley Record, Mr. Adam Fatzinger an old resident of Hanover township, about one and a half miles from Schoenersville, was stricken with an attack of apoplexy and before 10 o'clock in the forenoon he had breathed his last. Mr. Fatzinger was one of the oldest citizens of Hanover township, being at the time of his death 89 years, 3 months and 6 days old, and was universally esteemed for the sterling qualities which make the kind neighbor and upright citizen. Mr. Fatzinger was a soldier in the war of 1812. He was honorably discharged on account of sickness before his term of enlistment had expired. He was born and lived all his life on the old Fatzinger homestead, where he died and which has been in possession of the Fatzinger family over a century. His wife, with whom he had lived for upwards of 67 years survives. Nine children, five sons and four daughters, remain to cheer the declining years of their aged mother and mourn the loss of their esteemed father. The funeral services will be held in the Schoenersville church on Sunday fornoon. DIED, HANDWERK.--At Slatedale, Lehigh county, Pa., on the morning of the 25th inst., Mrs. David Handwerk, aged 57 years. Volume 8, Number 19, Saturday, April 3, 1880 Conrad S. Stark, a well-known lawyer and President of the People's Savings Bank, at Pittston, died on Thursday night. 18 Local and Personal. Michael McGady fell under a moving coal train Monday, near Allentown, receiving injuries from which he died in a short time. Local and Personal. Jacob Andreas, 25 years of age, living near Macungie, Lehigh county, committed suicide some time Sunday night by hanging. Disappointment in love was the cause. Local and Personal. The funeral sermon of Mrs. Walp, wife of Amandus Walp, will be preached in the Lehighton Evangelical church, Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, by the pastor. Obituary. General Henry Pleasants, Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, whose sudden death, Friday, the 26th ult., occurred at his home in Pottsville, Pa., was born at Buenos Ayres, South American, February 17, 1833. His father was John Pleasants, a merchant of Philadelphia. He arrived from South America in 1846, and graduated from the Central High School in 1851. He adopted the profession of civil engineer and commenced practice on the Pennsylvania Railroad. In 1857, he began to practice mining engineering at Pottsville. In 1861, he entered the army as Captain of Company C, 48th Pennsylvania Volunteers. He was rapidly promoted, and in June, 1864, he was commanding the Second Brigade of the Second Division, Ninth Corps, then stationed in front of Petersburg, where he rendered a most important service as engineer of the famous "Petersburg Mine." Opposite his position the rebels had constructed a strong redoubt, which could not be taken by assault without a terrible sacrifice of the lives of his men. He conceived the idea of exploding a mine under the work, and having obtained the permission of Gen. Burnside, began the mine June 25, 1864, with insufficient tools and against the convictions of many officers of higher rank, including Gen. Meade. He nevertheless persevered, and, in spite of obstacles which would have discouraged a less determined man, completed the work by July 23. On July 27 he commenced putting in the powder (four tons). The mine was fired on the morning of July 30. At the precise second foretold, the fort rose and quickly settled away, leaving a vast column of smoke and dust, and completely destroying the works. General Meade made recognition of the service rendered by General Pleasants in a general order. On October 1st he was promoted to the rank of Colonel, and on December 18th he was mustered out--his term of service having expired; but on March 13th, 1865, he was advanced to the rank of Brevet Brigadier General. On his return to Pottsville he resumed the practice of his profession, and when the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company was formed he accepted the position of Chief Engineer, which place he held until his death. Parryville Budget. On Wednesday morning a Dane, named Christian Smith, was accidentally run over by the gravel train at Hazardsville. The engine was run to Parryville, and Dr. W. W. Reber was conveyed to the scene of the accident. He immediately pronounced the case hopeless. The right leg was terribly mangled from the knee up; the thigh bone was ground out of its socket, and the hip bone was broken. He survived scarcely two hours after the accident. He was a young single man, and resided at Perth Amboy. He supported his parents by his labor at Hazardsville. Parryville Budget. The late Jacob Snyder was the oldest resident of this place. Mahoning Twinklings. Mrs. Elizabeth Moyer was in Lehigh county last Monday, attending the funeral of her brother's wife. 19 Mahoning Twinklings. Miss Emma Cochran, a daughter of Leonard Cochran, was buried on Good Friday. Mahoning Twinklings. The funeral of Joseph Balliet was well attended, considering the condition of the weather and roads. Revs. Bartholomew and Strauss officiated. East Penn Dots. Rachel Steigerwalt, relict of Jacob Steigerwalt, generally known as Mrs. Shoemaker, died very suddenly on Good Friday night, at the age of seventy-six years. Her remains were interred in Pennsville cemetary, beside her first husband, Daniel Shoemaker. May she rest in peace. East Penn Dots. Death entered very suddenly the abode of Mrs. Gressley, on Sunday morning and bereft her of her oldest boy; he had been ill for some time, but no one considered his complaint dangerous. On Sunday morning when the rest of the family were summoned to the breakfast table he sat in his bed and said grace with them, and before they had finished their repast, he stood beside the river of life. Not a year ago the husband and father died. The bereft family have the sympathy of the entire community. East Penn Dots. Mr. H. Lesser is the happiest man in the township. His better half presented him with an heir. Volume 8, Number 20, Saturday, April 10, 1880 Local and Personal. Judge Dreher and the members of the Carbon county Bar attended the funeral of the late F. P. Longstreet in a body. Obituary. Francis P. Longstreet was born near Hawley, Wayne county, Pa., August, 1843, and died in Lehighton, Carbon county, on Sunday morning, April 4th, 1880, of consumption, in his 37th year. At the age of 12 years he was converted and united with the M. E. church. He loved Methodism, and preached her doctrines, when his health permitted, from a living experience. When he was only 19 years of age, he joined the army of the Union, and served his term (9 months) of service, and was honorably discharged; returning home he took a 2 years' course at the Wyoming (Kingston) Seminary, graduating with honor; afterwards entering the store of Hosea & Longstreet, at Silver Brook, Schuylkill county; removing from that place to Erie city, where he took charge of the transfer books of the company, at which place the chief office of the company was located. At Erie he became an active law student and was admitted to the Bar about eight years ago, and about three years after he was admitted to practice in the Supreme and U. S. Courts. In 1876, owing to failing health, he left Erie and located in this borough, where he soon recovered his failing health sufficiently to resume the practice of his profession, which he continued until last fall, winning for himself a host of friends by his gentlemanly and courteous bearing to all with whom he came in contact, when the fell disease with which he was afflicted, gained rapidly upon him; he sought every means to alleviate his sufferings and stay the hand of the destroyer, but without avail, from that time he failed rapidly, until as above stated he quietly fell asleep in Jesus. Deceased leaves a wife and three children to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate husband and father. 20 The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from the Presbyterian church, with Masonic honors, and was very largely attended by the relatives and friends of the deceased. Rev. Dr. J. F. Chaplain and Rev. J. P. Miller, of the M. E. church, officiating on the occasion. Action of the Carbon County Bar. Mauch Chunk, Pa., April 5th, 1880. A meeting of the members of the Bar of Carbon county was held this evening at 8 o'clock, at the office of Hon. Allen Craig, to take action on the death of Francis P. Longstreet. The meeting was called to order by Jno. D. Betolette, who nominated Chas. Albright as chairman, and John Kline as secretary. Mr. Albright on taking the chair stated the object of the meeting, and paid a brief tribute to the life and character of the deceased, and was followed by several other members of the Bar. On motion Hon. W. M. Rapsher was appointed to announce to the court at the next session, on Monday, April 12th, 1880, the death of Mr. Longstreet. On motion, a committee, consisting of John D. Bertolette, Allen Craig, and Edward R. Siewers, was appointed to draft suitable resolutions expressive of the feelings of his fellow associates. The committee reported the following preamble and resuolutions: Whereas, it has pleased our Heavenly father to summon from our association Francis P. Longstreet, a member of the Bar of Carbon county, we hereby desire to give public expressions of our esteem for his character and our sense of the loss we have sustained by his death; therefore, be it Resolved That in his decease we have lost a member whose pure life, upright character, courteous, and modest and unassuming disposition endeared him to all his associates. Resolved, That the profession has suffered the loss of one whose thorough knowledge and sound legal judgment gave promise of his taking a high rank among his fellow members, and whose sense of duties and responsibilities of his calling fitted him for an honorable and successful career. Resolved, That we attend the funeral in a body from his late residence, at Lehighton, on Wednesday next, the 8th inst., at 2:30 p. m. Resolved, That a committee be appointed by the Chair to convey to the family of the deceased a copy of these resolutions, and to express to them our deep sympathy in the bereavement. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, and the chair appointed the following committee under the last resolution: J. P. Mechan, James S. Loose, and Joseph Kalbfus. Charles Albright, Chairman. John Kline, Secretary. Wild Creek Items. A little daughter of Sol. Eckhart's died last Monday at 1:10 a. m. Funeral services were held by Rev. A. M. Strauss, at Jerusalem church at 2:00 p. m., Wednesday. Wild Creek Items. Henry Haydt, is very much pleased with his little son, which his wife presented with him last Monday. Wild Creek Items. Denis Moyer, Big Creek, is very much pleased with his little daughter presented by his wife last week. Wild Creek Items. Another child of G. Haydt, of Kresgeville, was burried at Jerusalem church Friday a. m. 21 Towamensing Brevities. A boy of Gideon Haydt's, of Kresgeville, died of diphtheria, last Thursday week. The funeral took place on Monday last, at the Jerusalem church at Trachsville. MARRIED, HILL-HOUSER--On the 13th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Sylvester Hill and Miss Emma Kate Houser, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county, Pa. MARRIED, KOSTENBADER-WALCK.--On the 28th ult., by the same, Samuel D. Kostenbader and Miss Tillie Walck, both of this place. DIED, SMITH.--On the 16th ult., in East Penn, Ellen, daughter of Eli and Levinia Smith, aged 3 years and 26 days. DIED, STEIGERWALT.--On the 20th ult., in East Penn, Rachael, widow of the late Jacob Steigerwalt, sen., aged 75 years, 7 months and 16 days. DIED, BALLIET.--On the 23rd ult., in Mahoning, Joseph Balliet, aged 87 years, 11 months and 16 days. DIED, HOLLENBACH.--On the 29th ult., in this borough, Horace Lee, son of James and Amanda Hollenbach, aged 2 years and 9 days. Volume 8, Number 21, Saturday, April 17, 1880 STATE NEWS. Rev. Deniel Berffer, of Orwigsburg, who is 83 years old, was paralized las Saturday while conducting a funeral service, and will die. Local and Personal. Colonel John Nice, Mayor of Milford, died in that place Tuesday, aged 60 years. He was Colonel of the One Hundred and Seventy-fourth Pennsylvania Regiment during the war, and was wounded five times. Big Creek Items. A child of John Reber, of Maria Furnace, died of diphtheria last week. Interred on Tuesday last at Weissport. Big Creek Items. It is with regret that we are called upon to chronicle the death of another son of Philip Walck, of Walksville, from diphtheria. Interred at the St. Paul's church on Monday afternoon. Aged 5 years and several months. Funeral services were conducted in German by Rev. Mr. Hartman, of Lehighton. Our Weatherly Special. Mr. J. Hampshire, who died in the Bethlehem hospital, was brought home for interment. Our Weatherly Special. Daniel Styles, an aged and respected citizen, died on Monday morning. Funeral services too place on Thursday. Weissport Items. The funeral of an infant child of John Raber took place here on Tuesday. Services were conducted by Rev. Miller, of the Evangelical church. 22 Weissport Items. Miss Carrie Buck, daughter of Chareles Buck, died of erysipelas on Wednesday. MARRIED, LENTZ-KREAMER.-- At the residence of the bride, in this borough, on Thursday evening, the 8th inst., by Rev. J. P. Miller, pastor of the M. E. church, John S. Lentz, Esq., and Miss Lizzie Kreamer, both of this borough. We congratulate the happy pair, and extend to them our best wishes for a long continued life of happiness and prosperity. Volume 8, Number 22, Saturday, April 24, 1880 Local and Personal. Matthias Schindler was killed and Wm. Kutz severely injured by the premature explosion of a blast in a quarry near Allentown, on Monday. Local and Personal. Thomas McLaughlin was killed and Thomas Linski seriously injured by a fall of coal in the Pennsylvania Company's shaft No. 10, at Pittston, on Monday. Death of John Siney. John Siney, ex-President of the M. and L. B. Association, and a prominent labor agitator, died at his home, near St. Clair, Schuylkill county, Friday morning of last week, at 3 o'clock, of miners' consumption. He was 48 years old, and leaves a wife but no children. John Siney was at one time the most prominent labor agitator in the country and figured prominently in the anthracite coal fields from 1868 to 1877. He was for five years President of the Miners and Laborers' Benevolent Association, and afterward President of the National Labor Association. In 1875 he was arrested at Clearfield during the mining troubles in that section on the charge of inciting to riot, tried and acquitted. After this he settled down in the vicinity of St. Clair, and, beyond an active interest in the Greenback movement, was seldom heard of. He was of a liberal nature, and generally quiet and inoffensive. DIED, STRAUSSBURGER.--In Towamensing, 8th inst, Matthias Straussburger, aged 58 yrs. DIED, SMITH.--At Phillipsburg, N. J., April 10th, 1880, Jane, wife of Jacob H. Smith, late of Mauch Chunk, in the 57th year of her age. DIED, STRITTMATTER.--In Mauch Chunk, 16th inst., Sarah A., wife of Frank Strittmatter, aged 41 years. Volume 8, Number 23, Saturday, May 1, 1880 STATE NEWS. While Reuben Geist was digging sand near Topton, Tuesday, the bank caved in. Geist escaped, but his 6 year old son was buried and smothered to death. Local and Personal. Apoplexy caused the death on Saturday last of Thos. Herman, of Bethlehem township, aged seventy-three years. Local and Personal. Henry Schwantz, while felling trees in the Lehigh Mountains, near Allentown, was struck by a falling tree and killed. He leaves a wife and six children. 23 Local and Personal. Mrs. Samuel Reichenbach, 82 years of age, was burned to death in Lower Milford township, Lehigh county, on Saturday last. Kresgeville Items. Wm. Sheller, of Weatherly, was joined in matrimony with Emma J. Bartholomew on Sunday. May the young couple prosper and yield an abundant harvest. Wild Creek Items. A child of Wm. Kunkle's died of diphtheria on Thursday of last week, at 1:00 a. m., and was buried at Jerusalem Church on Saturday. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. M. Strauss, of Gilberts. Wild Creek Items. The wife of Tobias Greenzweig, of Little Gap, died of palsy last Saturday, and was buried at Jerusalem Church. Funeral services by Rev. M. Freeman. Mahoning Twinklings. At last two have been made one by the Rev. Mr. Strauss. Josiah Miller and Miss Amanda Mertz are the happy couple. We wish them well for the future and hope they may lead a happy life; having many joys and few sorrows. Mahoning Twinklings. Tuesday forenoon witnessed the burial of Mrs. James Wehr, at the St. Peter's church. We have not learned what caused her death nor are we aware how long she was ill. Weissport Items. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Smawley were made happy one day last week by the birth of a daughter. Our Weatherly Special. Mr. Jeff. Davis is made happy by the arrival of a little daughter in his hitherto peaceful homestead. "My daughter, oh! my daughter!" A boy named Calkins was caught in the screens at Maltby shaft, near Wilkesbarre on Monday, and crushed to death. MARRIED, DEIBERT-DREISBACH.--On the 4th ult., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Thos. O. Deibert and Miss Sarah E. Dreisbach, both of North Weissport. MARRIED, MARSH-DENTINGER.--On the 10th ult., by the same, Alex. D. Marsh, of Weissport, and Miss Alice Dentinger, of Lehighton. MARRIED, KELLEY-MILLER.--On the 10th ult., by the same, Charles F. Kelley, of Weissport, and Miss Linda Miller, of Lehighton. MARRIED, KNECHT-GREEN.--On the 6th ult., by the same, Charles Knecht and Miss Ida Green, both of Franklin township. MARRIED, BUCHANAN-COOPER.--At the residence of the bride's father, in Orange, New Jersey, Wednesday afternoon, April 21, 1880, by the Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, Pa., and the Rev. Joseph A. Owen, of Orange, Moses T. Buchanan, of New York city, and Miss Mary E. Cooper, youngest daughter of W. H. Ceoper, Esq., of Orange. 24 Volume 8, Number 24, Saturday, May 8, 1880 Evan Mishler, a well-known citizen of Berks county, died on Monday. He was Sheriff for three years from 1871; Chairman for several years of the Democratic County Committee, and a member of the State Committee. George West was killed and Simon Kniley and M. C. Douglass dangerously woundted by an explosion of gas in the Lykens Valley coal mines on Monday. David O'Brian and three other miners, Messrs. Morgan, Williams and Evans, were slightly burnt at the same time. Local and Personal. Colonel Clarence G. Jackson died suddenly at Berwick, Columbia county, on Monday night, of paralysis of the heart. He was connected with the Jackson & Woodin Manufacturing Company and the Berwick Rolling Mill Company, and was Quartermaster General on the staff of Governor Hoyt. Local and Personal. Cornelius Van Buskirk, a bartender at the American Hotel, at Easton, committed suicide on Friday night of last week. He lost his wife several months ago, and has since that time been very despondent. Mauch Chunk Items. On Monday, May 3rd, Mr. Chas. Zellner, Sr., and his worthy wife were surprised by the gathering of their children, grand children and many friends to celebrate their Golden Wedding day. Charles Zellner and Elizabeth Silfies, were married in Northampton county, May 2, 1830, and have lived in this neighborhood ever since. He has reared a large family of children, all of whom are married. The old couple have many friends, as was evident from the number that appeared at their home to congratulate them on their fiftieth wedding day. We wish them many more years of peace and happiness. Our Weatherly Special. James Eadie buried a young child on Wednesday last. Wild Creek Items. A child of Joel Davison was burried at Jerusalem's Church, Wednesday last. Mahoning Twinklings. Quite a number of people of this valley attended the funeral of Mrs. Wehr, mother of Nathan Wehr. She was buried on Tuesday. Weissport Items. Coroner C. W. Lentz visited Walnutport on Wednesday to attend to the funeral of Mrs. Lentz. Weissport Items. On Saturday the 1st inst., Widow M. Guth, of the late John Guth, who resides here, was married to Mr. B. Culton, of Lehighton. The ceremonies took place at the residence of the bride. There were a number of guests present, who heartily congratulated the happy pair. We also extend our congratulations and earnest wishes for their future success and happiness. Man Killed in Reading. On Saturday morning John J. Kistler, of Mosserville, Lehigh county, got aboard a passenger train on the Berks and Lehigh Railroad at Lynnport, to go to Reading. During the course of the day he got to the Reading Iron Works. After having been drinking freely, and occasioned considerable annoyance to the employees. He was spoiling it is said by the Reading Times, for a fight, and challenged a number of persons to a personal encounter. He 25 also interfered with the employes in the discharge of their duties. Finally, Special Officer John Kemp, who is on duty at the Reading Iron Works, was sent for, and, upon accosting Kistler, whose name and occupation were then unknown, was greeted with a surly answer upon being requested to leave the yard. Kemp then took hold of Kistler for the purpose of ejecting him, when the officer met with a stubborn resistence, and had finally to use force. Kistler was struck on the head with a billy, from the effects of which he died in a few hours afterwards. He was found an hour and a half after the striking at Fourth and Pine streets, lying on the pavement, and was taken to the station house, where he expired shortly after six o'clock on Saturday evening. The Reading Times in its report of the killing publishes the evidence produced before the coroner's jury, from which it appears that Kistler provoked the violence used on him. Marriage Bells. Mr. Harry Swalm, of Shenandoah, was married to Miss Sallie Bowman, of Mahonoy, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bowman, corner Mahanoy and Main streets, at 2 o'clock, Tuesday. The marriage ceremony used was the Lutheran as performed with a ring. Rev. J. W. Lake officiating. The bride was richly arrayed in a costly silk and lace dress, and the groom was clothed in the conventional costume. After the ceremony the families of the married couple and the guests sat down to a splendid collation. The table was beautifully decorated with hot house flowers. All the fruits and delicacies a Philadelphia caterer could supply were on the board. The bridal party left by the 3.54 train for Philadelphia and will extend the trip to New York. Besides the families and relations of the groom and bride who reside in Mahanoy City there were present Mrs. Gen. W. Lilly, Mrs. Klotz, wife of Congressman Klotz, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. De Young, Mrs. Gerrard and Mrs. Wm. Lentz, all of Mauch Chunk; Mrs. A. J. Luburg, Shenandoah; Dr. T. W. Swalm, Pottsvlle; Mr. Haesler, Pottsville, and others. Harry Swalm, the groom, has a lucrative tailoring business in Shenandoah and all the indications are favorable to a pleasant life for the newly wedded pair.--Parker's Tri-Weekly Record. MARRIED, CULTON-GUTH.--On the evening of the 1st inst., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, of Weissport, Mr. B. J. Culton, of Lehighton, and Mrs. Maria Guth, of Weissport. MARRIED, BLAKSLEE-SAYRE.--On Thursday, the 29th ult., in St. Mark's church, Mauch Chunk, by the rector, Rev. Marcus A. Tolman, assisted by the Rev. Samuel Marks, of Huron, Ohio, and the Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead of Bethlehem, Mr. Asa P. Blakslee to Miss Louisa F. Sayre, daughter of Francis R. Sayre. No cards. MARRIED, HARTZ-LEONARD.--At Weatherly, April 23rd, 1880, by Magistrate Jones, Alex. Hartz, of Lehigh Township, and Miss Elizabeth Leonard of Weatherly. MARRIED, ROBERTS-WILLIAMS--On April 17th, by Rev. J. S. Erb, Mr. Grifith S. Roberts, and Miss Annie Williams, both of Slatington, Pa. MARRIED, WHITEMAN-COLLINS--On April 24th by the same, Mr. Daniel Whiteman and Mrs. Emma B. Collins, both of Weissport. MARRIED, SWINEHART-UNRUH.--On May 1, by the same, Mr. Cyburian O. Swinehart of Pottstown, Pa., and Miss Sallie A. Unruh, of Slatington. 26 DIED, JOHNSON.--At Summit Hill, on the 24th ult., John Johnson, aged 65 years. Volume 8, Number 25, Saturday, May 15, 1880 Local and Personal. Frank Dye, aged 13, of Easton, was drowned in the Lehigh River on Saturday. Local and Personal. Jack Nicholson, of Scranton, fell down a ravine at Hyde Park on Saturday night and was killed. Local and Personal. George Heller, a prominent Democratic politician and Associate Judge of Pike Co., died at Milford Monday. Local and Personal. James Dickson, father of Thomas Dickson, President of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, died at Carbondale last week, in his 79th year. He came to Carbondale from Scotland fifty years ago. Local and Personal. Lewis Stople, of Easton, 12 yeaes old, ruptured a blood vessel while jumping over a fence on Thursday, and bled to death. Local and Personal. Elmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Steigerwalt, of East Penn, died of diphtheria last Tuesday. He was about 14 years of age. Mr. S. has recently lost two other children by the same disease, aged 18 months and 8 years, respectively. Local and Personal. Mrs. Thomas Moxley, of Audenried, died at that place Tuesday morning. She leaves a husband and two small children, she was about 26 years of age. She was interred Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Jeansville cemetery. Big Creek Items. We, as friends of Mr. Wm. Sweibenz, of this place, feel obliged to express our deep sorrow and sympathy in the death of his wife, whom we have known to be a good and kind lady. But as it has pleased the Almighty to take her away out of the midst of her many friends, we, therefore, accept it as His holy will, and as intended to impress upon us the thought how soon we may pass from this world into another, for God moves in a mysterious way his wonders to perform. Her loss will be most severely felt by him whom death has deprived of the partner of his choice, and who, better than all others, knew how to appreciate her worth while living. She was an exemplary woman and a good mother. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Her funeral took place from her late residence on Sunday at 2 p. m., and the body interred in the Solt's Cemetery of this place. The attendance at the funeral was very large. We noticed a number from Mauch Chunk, among them were Judge Brodhead, Max Swibenz, Co. John Sheridan, aged 19 years, was killed by a fall of rock in the Depot Mines, at Pittston, on Saturday. MARRIED, HINKLE-RINKER.--At Weatherly, on the -- inst., by Rev. E. P. Eyer, Edward Hinkle, of Hazleton, and Miss Caroline Rinker, of Hudsondale. 27 MARRIED, REX-REICHARD.--At the residence of the bride's parents, May 13, 180, by Rev. E. Ferrier, William R. Rex, and Miss Sarah Reichard, both of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED, REICHARD-HARLAN.--In St. Paul's M. E. church, May 13, 1880, by Rev. T. M. Griffith, Alfred R. Reichard and Miss Hattie Harlan, both of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED, MARTIN-SHUPP--At Pleasant Valley, Monroe county, May 8, 1880, by Rev. A. M. Strouse, Michael Martin, of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Fannie Shupp, of Brodheadsville MARRIED, CONNOR-WREN.--On Feb. 22d, 1880, by Rev. John McCron, D. D., Harry K. Connor, Esq., of Hazleton, and Miss Mamie Wren, of Pottsville. Volume 8, Number 26, Saturday, May 22, 1880 Local and Personal. Edward Murphy was killed and John Horan badly badly injured by a fall of coal in the Thomaston colliery, near Pottsville, Monday. Local and Personal. Charles McGill, of Rockport, died on Tuesday last, and was buried at Laurytown on Thursday morning. Local and Personal. Ex-Sheriff J. W. Raudenbush and Mr. O. A. Clauss, of this borough, attended the funeral of Charles McGill, at Rockport, on Thursday last. Local and Personal. There was a heavy fall of top coal in the Packer colliery, near Pottsville Tuesday, and a miner named Hennessy was killed by the concussion caused by the rush of air through the gangway. Five others were slightly injured. Our Weatherly Special. Mrs. Boxmeyer, who had been ill for several months, died at her residence on on Thursday last. Interment took place on the following Sunday afternoon. Mauch Chunk Items. Charles McGill, a prominent citizen of this county, residing at Rockport, died suddenly at his home on Tuesday, the 18th isnt. His funeral took place Thursday forenoon and was largely attended by residents of this town and Summit Hill. Mauch Chunk Items. Alfred Knecht, a former resident of this place, employed at the Mauch Chunk Iron Works, died in Waverly on Sunday and was buried at Wilkesbarre on Tuesday. Mauch Chunk Items. Wm. H. Fulton, an engineer on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, was drowned on Thursday afternoon at Bear Creek. Mr. Fulton was taking his son his dinner, at Bear Creek, and to cross the river he constructed a raft of the logs lying along the bank. While crossing he held up his hand containing the basket and at the same time called for his son, who heard him and approached the bank of the river; at that instant the raft broke, and Mr. Fulton dropped in the water. He was an expert swimmer, but the probability is that he was seized with cramps; his body was recovered after being in the water some four hours. Drs. Erwin and Lacier were called but could not resussitate him. He was a man highly respected by all who knew him. Deceased leaves a large family to mourn his untimely death. 28 MARRIED, CORRELL-CLOUSE.--On the 15th day of May, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. John Correll; and Miss Mary Alice Clouse, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED, ROTHERMEL-KERN.--On the 16th day of May, by the same, Mr. James H. Rothermel, of Weissport, and Miss Emma P. Kern, of Lower Towamensing, Carbon county. MARRIED, WEIKLAND-FRITCH.--On the 8th inst., by the Rev. T. N. Reber, Mr. Frank Weinland, of Lehighton, to Miss Louisa Fritch, of Alburtis. DIED, SNYDER.--On the 23th day of April, in West Penn, Jacob C., husband of Kitty Ann Snyder. Aged 36 years, 10 months, and 5 days. DIED, STEIGERWALT.--On the 23d day of April, in East Penn, Emma Elena Alvesta, aged 2 years, 5 months, and 6 days. On the 28th day of April, Annie Jeanetta, aged 8 years, 4 months. On the 11th day of May, Tilghman Elmore Ellsworth, aged 10 years, 11 months, and 23 days. All died of diphtheria, and were the only children of Tilghman W. and Fannie C. Steigerwalt. DIED, WEHR.--On the 30th day of April, in East Penn, Rachel, widow of Jacob Wehr, deceased. Aged 73 years, 3 months, and 15 days. Volume 8, Number 27, Saturday, May 29, 1880 Local and Personal. Mr. Josiah Kleckner died at the residence of his brother in law, Mr. Peter Kaser, in Coplay, on Tuesday of last week, at the age of 55 years. He was well known by a large circle of acquaintances, and his death, which was caused by that terrible disease, consumption, was the source of much sorrow and regret. His funeral took place on Friday last, services in the Coplay church, Rev. J. D. Schindel delivering a very instructive and impressive sermon on the occasion. After the services his remains were conveyed to Egypt and laid to rest among those of his kindred and friends in the old graveyard attached to the Egypt Church. Local and Personal. Mrs. Ann Eliza Corson was killed by falling down stairs and breaking her neck, while sleep walking, in Williamsport, Wednesday morning. Local and Personal. Phillip Boser, an inmate of the Northampton county Almshouse, committed suicide in the cemetery of that place, Tuesday. He fastened a rope to the upper end of the paling fence, then laid down and deliberately choked himself to death. He was 70 years of age. Local and Personal. George Mackerel and Daniel Hale, employed by the Thomas Iron Company, at Hokendauqua, died of sunstroke Wednesday. Mahoning Twinklings. On Monday night Samuel Sittler, an aged man died. He was a sufferer for many many years and during this time he was visited by many of his friends and relations. Obituary. The Rev. W. L. Reber, father of our highly respected fellow townsman Dr. N. B. Reber, died in Reading, on Friday afternoon of last week. The funeral took place from the residence of his son-in-law J. E. Slegel, 111 North Fifth street, Reading, where services were 29 held at one o'clock Wednesday afternoon. Rev. F. P. Lehr read a portion of Scripture and prayer was offered by Rev. Isaac Hess. Rev. I. E. Knerr delivered a discourse, and the choir of Immanuel Evangelical church sang "Asleep in Jesus." Rev. W. A. Leopold then delivered a short discourse. Rev. J. M. Saylor gave a brief sketch of the life of deceased. Revs. C. S. Haman and J. C. Weidner conducted the serices at the grave in Charles Evans cemetery. The funeral was very largely attended, relatives from Philadelphia, Lancaster and Lehighton being present. The pall-bearers were the three sons of the deceased, Nathaniel B., Levi and William Reber and his son-in-law, Joel Slegel. The body was attired in a black shroud, with white satin vest, and was laid in a rosewood casket, silver-mounted. The floral offerings consisted of a wreath and cross. Our Weatherly Special. J. Nuss is made supremely happy by the arrival of a little girl. As this is the first in a family of boys, we congratulate and wish him much joy with "that darling girl." Volume 8, Number 28, Saturday, June 5, 1880 STATE NEWS. Willie Hamor, 12 years old, of Northumberland, was kicked to death by a horse last Saturday. Kresgeville Items. Mr. William Sheller, was made happy--it is a girl. Mahoning Twinklings. The funeral of Mr. Sittler was largely attended on Thursday of last week. He was buried at East Penn. Rev. Mr. Bartholomew officiated. Mahoning Twinklings. Benjzmin Zimmerman, of West Penn, Schuylkill county, died on Tuesday night of this week after a short illness, at an advanced age. He was generally known. Funeral serivces will be held this (Saturday) forenoon at the Evangelical Church of this place. Mahoning Twinklings. Last Saturday a child of Mr. Fritz, proprietor of the White Bear Hotel, was buried at St. John's Church. Rev. Mr. Strauss officiated. Parryville Items. A sad accident took place Tuesday afternoon. Warren Dumbar, a boy about six years of age, son of Mr. John Dumbar, of this place, fell off a boat and was drowned; his body was soon after recovered, but all efforts to resuscitate were unavailing. Dr. Reber, of this place, did all he could to produce respiration, but it was useless. The afflicted parents have the sympathy of the whole neighborhood. Weissport Items. Amidst the solemn festivities of Decoration Day, one of the most sorrowful calamities took place that we know of in the history of this community, in the mangling of the body of Rodger Snyder, on the L. V. R. R., at the Lehighton depot. He was coming home from Allentown, where he had been engaged as a puddler's helper for some time. Previous to his employment at Allentown he was idle--since the Rolling Mill here was at a standstill. He boarded a freight train at Allentown, thinking by it, to save some of the needful earnings which were necessary to support his family; and in fact, we understand he had no means to pay his way home, which necessitated his taking any alternative he could to reach home in time to meet his family and see the parade. As he came in sight of the Lehighton depot, and heard the music, he happily exclaimed to his companion, Ed. Groot, "we are yet in time to see the parade!" but alas, 30 the sad result is known. He prepared to get off the train with his companion, but when he jumped was jerked under, and was fearfully cut in his lower limbs. His friends on hearing this, assembled to succor him, but all of no avail. He was put on a stretcher, and carried into the depot, where physicians visited him, but declared his case beyond the aid of human alleviation. He was carried home on a stretcher by his friends, and for the first time brought in the bosom of his family since he had gone away on the Monday before. But ah! what a return it was. How different was the scene which was presented to our view in that sorrow-stricken cottage! The unfortunate man and his young family were all assembled, in a comfortless looking place, which plainly told how much the deprivation of the hitherto helping hand was felt. Yea, it beggared description to see his prostrate wife. Human imagination is unable to conceive the sad picture presented, much less can it be described by any human mind or tongue, nor written by hand, but let it suffice to say that the stoutest heart, which might have been adamantine, was moved and tears flowed freely from the eyes of all when the husband in the clutches of death, though sensible all the time, hugged to his bosom for the last time a fond and affectionate wife, who was pierced with that lance which only brings anguish of the deepest kind to ones soul. Besides three three small children clinging to them, and making the room ring with their piteous appeals and cries. He gave ample signs of his implicit faith in the All Wise to cleanse from iniquities of which he may have been guilty of heretofore. In a firm, resolute, and sensible manner he began to sing the heavenly anthem: "I am going home," etc., which perfectly thrilled those present, and moved many to meditation. By his dying accounts of praise and thanksgiving, amidst the pangs of pain; with a firm reliance on his Redeemer's intercession at the throne of mercy, the archenemy, death, seemed robbed of half its sting before the last fearful scene was passed. Thus he died at 5 p. m., apparently prepared to meet his judge, and ready to enter the portal gates of Heaven. His devotions to his family were so intense that he would leave no stone unturned to make it comfortable for them. This sublime devotion for a young man, was such that it should be taken as an example worthy of imitation. It was one of his many virtues, for many he had, as well as imperfections, but where is the man that is perfect, or guiltless of one or another fault? So let us emulate his virtues and detest his shortcomings. He was buried on Tuesday afternoon beneath the shadowy trees of the hillside cemetery near his home, where his wife and children can visit his grave, feeling that they pay a homage of respect to a departed husband and father. The nobleness of charity was displayed on Sunday, in the Evangelical church and Sunday school here, of which he was a member, in a manner that merits praise of all men irrespective of sect or belief. A goodly amount was contributed to defray the funeral expenses. Volume 8, Number 29, Saturday, June 12, 1880 STATE NEWS. Martin Curry, of Pottsville, died soon after being found in a box car at Mill Creek Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, on Wednesday 2d instant. It is supposed that he intended to steal a ride, was locked in and died of starvation. Local and Personal. Mr. Charles F. Beckel, one of Bethlehem's best known citizens, died suddenly on Sunday evening. Local and Personal. Winnie, a 13 year old daughter of Daniel Kalbfus, died of pneumonia, in East Mauch Chunk, about 12 o'clock Sunday night last. 31 Local and Personal. Henry Ryan, a miner, was buried by a fall of coal in Bear Ridge Colliery, at Pottsville, Wednesday afternoon. His body has not been recovered. Mauch Chunk Items. The announcement of the death of Mrs. Robert H. Sayre, of Bethlehem, Pa., was received here Thursday morning. It was the cause of much sorrow and regret among the friends of Mr. Sayre and his very estimable lady. Mahoning Twinklings. Saturday witnessed the funeral of the late Mr. Zimmerman. Some were unable to get into the church. The sermon was a close text one. The children of deceased feel that they have lost a kind father, one that could give the best advice, and, while directing, he himself led. Peace to his ashes. Killed in the Mine. James Rockliff, employed in the mines under E. B. Leisenring & Co., of Tresckow, left his own work about noon on Thursday, May 27th to pay a visit to his son Samuel, who was working a breast two hundred yards distant from where he worked himself. After arriving at the breast he went in and found his son as usual loading a car, so his father sat down on a heap of coal near by to have a smoke during which time he asked the son for the small pick which he was accustomed to work with. Presently the son left the face of the breast to prepare a cartridge of powder, with which he intended firing a hole which had already been drilled and during his absence his father repaired to the picking of what is known as the four foot vein; when a piece of top or seven foot coal fell, striking him between the shoulders. The son hearing the noise and a groan, hastened to the rescue of his aged father, whom he found groaning with agony under a large piece of coal. He managed to remove the lump with the aid of the drill, and lifting his father in his arms laid him on a heap of coal near by and after doing all in his power for him the unfortunate man expired in a few minutes. His remains were taken to the house of his son and there kept until the Saturday following, when they were taken to and interred in the Tamaqua cemetery. Deceased was a widower and 60 years old at the time of his death.--Hazleton Democrat. Big Creek Items. A son of Mr. Wm. Ziegenfuss, of Walcksville, died of diphtheria last week, and was interred on Sunday afternoon in St. Paul's cemetery. Service in German by Rev. J. E. Freeman. MARRIED, CANDY-SCHEID--On June 2, 1880, at the M. E. Parsonage Tamaqua, by Rev. J. F. Meredith, George D. Candy and Miss Kate Sheid, both of Tamaqua. MARRIED, ECK-HINKLE.--At Weatherly, on the 17th ult., by G. H. Jones, Esq., Alfred Eck, of that borough, and Miss Caroline Hinkle, of Packer township. MARRIED, MAY-FISHER.--On May 1, 1880, by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Mr. Elwin May, of Pine run, to Miss Harriet Fisher, of Long Run. MARRIED, WOLBERT-HARTMAN.--On May 8th, by the same, Mr. Wm. Wolbert, of Tannersville, Monroe county, to Miss Maryatice Hartman, of Franklin. MARRIED, LAROSE-SELLERS.--On May 14th, by the same, Mr. Thomas LaRose, of Walcksville, to Miss Catharine K. Sellers, of Franklin. 32 MARRIED, SELLERS-SIMPSON.--On May 14th by the same, Mr. Geo. Sellers, of Franklin, to Miss Ellen Jane Simpson, of Towamensing. MARRIED, MARSTEIN-ABELE.--On the 8th inst., by Rev. B. J. Smoyer, Mr. Ludwig Marstein, of Lehighton, and Miss Theresa Abele, of Lehighton, (late of Germany.) MARRIED, ROTHERMEL-KERN.--On the 15th day of May, by Rev. A. R. Bartholomew, Mr. James H. Rothermel, of Weissport, to Miss Emma P. Kern, of Lower Towamensing, Carbon county. MARRIED, WAGNER-SCHWENDER.-On the 23d day of May, by the same, Mr. Lewis H. Wagner, of West Penn, to Miss Lizzie Schwender, of Brunswick, Schuylkill Co. DIED, GRILL.--In Millport, on the 28th ult., Elizabeth, wife of Nicholas Grill. DIED, EBERLE.--In Mauch Chunk, on the 29th ult., Cornelia McCrea, daughter of C. L. and S. Eberle, aged 4 years and 6 months. DIED, SITTLER.--On the 24th day of May, in Mahoning, Samuel, husband of Elizabeth Sittler. Aged 77 years, 1 month, and 16 days. DIED, SNYDER.--On the 27th day of May, in East Penn, George Washington, son of Samuel and Levina Snyder. Aged 6 months and 27 days. DIED, EYSTER.--On May 27th, in Deep Creek Valley, Schuylkill county, mother Sarah Eyster, maiden name Markley, died at the age of 69 years, 1 month and 22 days. She was married about 50 years ago to Rev. Geo. Eyster, Lutheran preacher, who preceded her four years ago to the spirit world. This union was blessed with three sons and five daughters, of whom one son and one daughter have died. She leaves two sons and four daughters, and many friends and relatives to mourn their loss. Funeral services by Rev. Isaac W. Yeakel, at Kimmel's church, to a large concourse of people. Volume 8, Number 30, Saturday, June 19, 1880 Local and Personal. The funeral of Mrs. Robert H. Sayre took place at Bethlehem on Saturday, was largely attended by distinguished persons from this and other States. Local and Personal. The funeral of Frederick Seitz, Sr., the wealthy brewer of Easton, took place Monday afternoon, and was largely attended. His six sons acted as pall bearers. Local and Personal. Charles L. White, an old and very highly-respected citizen of this place, died on Sunday evening last. Local and Personal. An orphan boy, about 14 years of age, employed on a canal boat lying in the pond opposite the East Mauch Chunk pockets, on Sunday evening fell overboard and was drowned. His body was recovered and interred in the East Mauch Chunk cemetery Monday 33 afternoon Local and Personal. Dr. L. R. Aldrich and wife arrived in Allentown, from Bethlehem a few days ago. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Aldrich, being jealous, shot her husband, and then shot herself. She was fatally wounded, but he will recover. Local and Personal. During a heavy storm at Pittston last Saturday, a 15 year old boy, named James Ramage, was struck by lightning and killed. Local and Personal. Jacob A. Snyder, a prominent citizen and a leading Republican politician, of Bangor, Northampton county, was found dead in a field on his farm, Wednesday morning. He had been out fighting the army worm, which is causing great devastation. He had just failed, and it is supposed these troubles affected his brain, and caused his death from apoplexy. Our Weatherly Special. Mrs. Hofford, a resident of a place in the suburbs of White Haven, and parents of Mr. E. Hofford, of this place, died at her home on Sunday last, and was brought here on monday for interment. Mahoning Twinklings. Mrs. Joseph Zimmerman, of West Penn, Schuylkill county, died on Friday morning the 12th inst. Deceased had suffered for a number of years, from an internal abscess. Funeral took place on Monday. Amandus Kistler of this place attended. Revs. Bartholomew and Strauss officiated. Deceased leaves one son and two daughters to mourn their loss. Big Creek Items. Mr. Vincent Snyder, of this place, was married Sunday, June 6, to Miss --Smith, of Monroe county. The happy pair have our best wishes for their future success. Big Creek Items. At last our friend, Mr. T. J. Solt, came to the conclusion that hit is "not good for man to be alone," and has therefore taken unto himself a wife, in the person of Miss Julia Driesbach. The happy event took place on Saturday last. No cards, however. We wish them a pleasant voyage on life's sea, and may their lives be one of continual pleasure and joy. Big Creek Items. Rev. Mr. Eisenberger, of Franklin, departed this life Saturday afternoon, 12th inst., after a lingering illness. His funeral took place on Wednesday last, at West Penn. His age was 63 years, 5 months and 26 days. Weissport Items. Mrs. Paul Straussberger who was sick with diphtheria, died last Monday. MARRIED, SOLT-DREISBACH.--At the parsonage of the M. E. church, Parryville, by Rev. Bawden, Mr. Thomas J. Solt, of Franklin, and Miss Julia A. Dreisbach, of the same place. Volume 8, Number 31, Saturday, June 26, 1880 Local and Personal. Gilbert Weidner fell out of a window at Bethlehem on Saturday night and was killed. 34 Local and Personal. Colonel James L. Nutting, a prominent politician of Schuylkiill county, died suddenly of paralysis, at Pine Grove, Sunday morning. Local and Personal. The ore mine of Butz and & Lichtenwaller, near Breinigsville, Lehigh county, caved in on Saturday last, when Edwin and Sylvester Schnerr were so badly injured that they died soon afterward. Local and Personal. Michael Plott, who died on Thursday, will be buried on Sunday morning from Zion's Reformed church in this borough. The funeral will leave the reidence of his son-inlaw, Mr. Charles Trainer, on 2d St., at half past 9 o'clock and proceed to the Reformed church, where services will be held by Rev. J. H. Hartman. Friends are cordially invited to attend. Local and Personal. Harry, the 3-year-old child of Mr. Jonathan Schwartz, of Hancock Station, Lehigh county, was pawed to death by a viscious mare on Sunday last. Our Weatherly Special. On June 13th, a very pleasant surprise was contrived for Mr. Ed. Young on his 62d birthday. The party consisted of all the relatives of that gentleman, 48 in all. Our Weatherly Special. Prof. J. P. Rowland received a very pleasant surprise on Wednesday last, it being that gentleman's 39th birthday. Our Weatherly Special. A very pleasant family reunion was had on Thursday last at the residence of Mr. Jacob Warg, it being the 64th anniversary of his-birth. All the children, consisting of the sons and daughters of Mr. Warg, and their families and near relatives, numbering in all about fifty persons, were present. It was a complete surprise to Father Warg and a very happy occasion to all present. May he and his numerous progeny be long spared to participate in many pleasant returns of the felicitious event. Beaver Meadow. Mr. G. A. Julian and Miss Mary J. Hall, were married on Wednesday evening last, at the residence of Mrs. J. McCay, by Rev. N. B. Smith, pastor of the M. E. Church, of this place. MARRIED, KOCH-OLEWINE.--June 24th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. P. Miller, Wm. S. Kock, Esq., of Weedsport, Cayuga Co., N. Y., and Miss Susan E., daughter of Daniel Olewine, Esq., of Lehighton, Carbon county, Pa. Volume 8, Number 32, Saturday, July 3, 1880 STATE NEWS. Charles Eaton, a small boy of Portland, Northampton Co., was accidentally drowned on Saturday night. Local and Personal. Davy Reese, a son of Mr. Thos. Reese, of Yorktown, was smothered to death in the "Buckwheat" coal schute at that place Tuesday. It is not known how he got into the schute, and it was not known to anybody about the breaker until he was discovered by the loader of the big cars. 35 Local and Personal. Georg Woods, a miner, was instantly killed by a fall of coal at the Franklin mine, near Wilkesbarre, last Monday. Local and Personal. C. Wesley Arnold was killed, and Francis Ferber fatally injured, in Allentown, on Tuesday, by the fall of a wall which they were raising. Local and Personal. Mrs. Susan Kemerer, step-mother of Thomas Kemerer, Esq., died at her residence in this borough, at 11 o'clock on Monday morning last, aged 74 years and 3 months. She was interred in the Lehighton cemetery on Thursday last. Local and Personal. An old and respected German, named Peter Geiss, died at his home on the Mahoning mountain, on Monday last. Local and Personal. Mr. Joseph K. Wannemacher, of Kreidersville, died suddenly Tuesday morning. Deceased was about 64 years of age, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn their loss. He was a brother of Mrs. Thos. S. Beck, of this borough. Funeral this (Saturday) morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. Wannemacher was for a number of years a resident of this borough, and will no doubt be well remembered as the genial host of the Exchange Hotel. Died in a Grave. On Monday morning last, Mr. George Dick, aged about 59 years, with his son, went out to the Catholic cemetery, in this borough, for the purpose of digging a grave. They left home at about 4 o'clock and had been working until near 8 o'clock, when the son, not hearing his father working, looked down into the grave, then about five deep, and saw his father lying in one corner, he jumped down and raised him in his arms, and in a few minutes after the father expired. Dr. N. B. Reber, who was sent for and saw deceased in the cemetery, says death resulted from apopletic sunstroke, caused by excessive labor in the hot sun on an empty stomach, the deceased and his son having gone out to their labor without partaking of any breakfast in the morning. The funeral took place on Thursday. Volume 8, Number 33, Saturday, July 10, 1880 STATE NEWS. Henry Saylor, a prominent citizen of Schuylkill county, died at Schuylkill Haven on Saturday, in his 67th year. He was one of the first boat builders on the Schuylkill Canal. STATE NEWS. On Sunday afternoon James Hughes, of Mount Laffee, Schuylkill county, fired at a cat with a navy revolver, but missed his mark and inflicted a fatal wound upon a young man named John Connors, of the same place. STATE NEWS. The dead body of Jacob Deene was found near South Canaan recently. He had just stolen a coat and a gun, and it is thought he committed suicide with the latter. The body when found was without a head, which is supposed to have been carried off by animals. Deene was formerly from Schuylkill county, where he was a friend of McParlan, the detictive. He had served several terms in the Wayne county jail and twenty months in the Eastern Penitentiary. Local and Personal. Elias Heiser, aged 40 years, was seized with a fit while fishing in the 36 Lehigh river at Allentown, on the 3d inst., and falling into the water, was drowned. Local and Personal. Mrs. Jackson and her granddaughter were thrown from a wagon by a runaway accident at Keelersburg, Wyoming county, on Tuesday night. The girl was severely injured and the old lady killed. Local and Personal. Charles Patterson, for a number of years past a resident of this borough, and about 80 years of age, died on Friday, and was buried in the Gnaden Huetten Cemetery last Monday. Big Creek Items. A son of Geo. Hartman, aged six years, of Walcksville, was interred at St. Paul's church, Tuesday. His death resulted from diphtheria, which is quite prevalent at that place. Beaver Meadow Notes. Mrs. Jenkin James, wife of Jenkin James, of Coleraine, died on Saturday morning after a very severe illness. She was a native of South Wales, and has been in this country about 30 years. She was buried on Tuesday afternoon, 6th inst. She was 77 years of age. Audenried Dots. Quite a number of serious accidents have occurred here within a short time, no less than four young persons being hurt, and one killed. In the case of David Rees, who was killed, we are of the same opinion as Inspector Jones. Little boys should not be allowed to shovel in the schutes, as they are too apt to be careless and often do not possess judgment enough to know when they are in danger. Audenried Dots. A gloom was cast over our community on Saturday, on hearing of the death of Mr. Thomas Duncan. He had been ill for several months, and at one time his recovery was thought probable. Mr. D. has resided here for many years, and was an active member of the Presbyterian church. His loss will be deeply felt by the whole community as a brother and friend. He leaves a wife and daughter, who have the sympathy of all in this, their great loss. Wild Creek Items. S. C. Schutt, of Trachsville, a son of Ellen Snyders' died of diphtheria on Wednesday of last week, and was interred at Jerusalem church last Friday. Funeral services by Rev. M. Freeman, of Franklin. Our Weatherly Special. On Tuesday last, Mrs. John West presented her worser half with as fine a specimen of tiny humanity as could be found, and "papa" declares it to be "Winfield Scott Hancock West." Death of Col. Samuel Yohe. Last Monday evening Colonel Samuel Yohe died at his residence, No. 1212 North Broad street Philadelphia, after a short illness. He was born in Easton, Pa., in 1805, and belonged to one of the oldest and most prominent families in that locality. At an early age Col. Yohe took an active part in politics, in 1836 being appointed Prothonotary of Northampton county, by Gov. Ritner, and a few years afterwards he received the appointment of Associate Judge of that county. In 1845 he was elected County Treasurer by the Democrats. At the outbreak of the war he was commissioned Col. of the 1st Regiment Penna. Vols., and in May, 1863, was appointed Provost Marshal for the Eleventh District of Pennsylvania. Col. Yohe enlisted nearly 6000 volunteers and drafted about 8000 men. In 1867 he took up his residence in 37 Philadelphia, but continued in the banking business in Easton until 1877, when he retired. The deceased was for many years a director of the Easton Bank, the Delaware Bridge Company and various other corporations. He was a man of great firmness and decision of character. He was buried in Easton to-day (Friday), 9th inst. An Elopement in Pike County. A special from Milford, Pa., says: No little excitement prevailed here Tuesday morning over the report that Miss Rosa Paddock, daughter of David Paddock, a wealthy farmer residing near Milford, had eloped on Sunday night with Andrew Robbins, her father's hired man. The young lady was missed on Monday morning, and upon investigation being made it was found that Robbins had gone to Milford on Sunday afternoon, procured a horse and carriage of a liveryman, with which they fled to Jersey, the young lady having first descended the traditional ladder of ropes into her lovers arms. It is believed that they fled to Newton, N. J., where they were married, and proceeded from that place by rail to the far West. Mr. Paddock has had warrants issued for the arrest of both. Robbins has worked over two years for Mr. Paddock, and fell in love with the charming young lady with whom he ran away. MARRIED, MILLER-KIBLER.--At the "Carbon House," in this borough, on the 6th inst., by Rev. Wm. G. Laitzle, Mr. Aaron Miller and Miss Hester Kibler, both of Mauch Chunk borough. MARRIED, KEIFER-HAAK.--At the some time and place, by the same, Mr. Richard Kiefer and Miss Emma J. Haak, both of the borough of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED, STEIGERWALT-BOWMAN.--On the 12th day of June, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. A. F. Steigerwalt, of Mahoning, and Miss Maria Elizabeth Bowman, of East Penn, Carbon county. MARRIED, OLEWINE-ZIEGENFUS.--On the 19th day of June, by the same, Mr. William H. Olewine, and Miss Harriet Ziegenfus, both of Franklin, Carbon county. MARRIED, LENTZ-HORN.--At the M. E. Parsonage, Weatherly, Pa., on the 2d inst., by Rev. F. P. Eyer, Mr. Jefferson Lentz, of Jeddo, and Miss Emma Horn, of Rockport. MARRIED, JONES-WILLIAMS.--At the residence of the bride's parents, on the 26th ult., by Rev. D. S. Thomas, Lewis W. Jones and Miss Sarah Ann Williams, both of Lansford. DIED, PATTERSON.--On the 2d day of July, in Lehighton, Charles, husband of Amelia Patterson, aged 78 years, 8 menths, and 11 days. DIED, BURGER.--On the 3d day of July, in East Penn, Lillie Celesta, daughter of Charles and Lydia Ann Burger, aged 4 months and 26 days. DIED, LEIBY.--On the 4th day of July, in West Penn, Lauretta Agnes, daughter of Franklin and Sarah Ann Velare Leiby, aged 29 days. DIED, KUNKLE.--On the 28th ult., in Lower Towamensing, Maggie May, only child of Mr. Reuben Kunkel, aged 9 months and 28 days. 38 Volume 8, Number 34, Saturday, July 17, 1880 Local and Personal. John McAndrews, aged 30 years, was killed Wednesday, by a fall of roof rock in a colliery at Pittston. Local and Personal. Thos. Benedict, an old and well known citizen of Pittston, Luzerne county, committed suicide by drowning on Monday while insane. Local and Personal. The roof of the Unangst ore mine, near Easton, caved in Friday, 9th inst., fatally injuring Otto Poyck, aged 16 years. Mauch Chunk Items. A young man named Jeff. Shafer, who shot himself in the hand with a blank cartridge on the 5th inst., died Wednesday evening last in great agony from lock-jaw, resulting from the wound. Deceased was about 18 years of age. Our Weatherly Special. Mr. J. Crance, who has been ill for several months, died at his residence on Railroad street on Wednesday p. m Interment took place Friday p. m. at Weatherly cemetery. Our Weatherly Special. A young child of Mr. Joseph Frey, died Monday. Our Weatherly Special. A child of Mr. Thos. Warg died Wednesday, of cholera infantum. Our Weatherly Special. A child 5 months old of Samuel Mock, a resident of Hazleton, was burried at this place on Thursday at 4 p. m. Audenried Dots. Andrew Brady, a former resident of Jeanesville, died from the effects of a sunstroke on Saturday afternoon, 3rd inst. On the Sunday previous he attended the funeral of a son of Jas. McAlarney, and on coming home became so affected by the heat as to become unconscious and continued in that state to the time of his death. Volume 8, Number 35, Saturday, July 24, 1880 STATE NEWS. Samuel Phillips, a young man of Four Corners, Bradford county, was recently found by the roadside fatally wounded. He said that a horse kicked him, but his cousin, Byron Williams, of the same place, is suspected of complicity in the matter, as he had threatened to punish Phillips for his attentions to a young lady. Williams has fled. STATE NEWS. Samuel Hains, a deaf mute, of Reading, was instantly killed in Hamburg on Friday by a lightning stroke. STATE NEWS. Thomas Carter, the general amster mechanic of the Reading iron works, died in that city on Friday last. He had been connected in different capacities with some of the largest iron manufacturies in Central Pennsylvania. Local and Personal. Z. Reinhammer, aged 40 years, was run over and killed by a train at Wanamie, near Willkesbarre, Thursday morning of last week. His head was crushed and his 39 body terribly mangled. Local and Personal. Ralph Gibbons, aged 38 years, started from Ashland, on Saturday night, for his home in Centralia. He was found near the latter place on Sunday morning terribly mangled and unconscious. He cannot recover from his injuries. It is supposed he was beaten by some companions with whom he attended a dance. Local and Personal. John Hartzell, an old citizen of Easton and commander of the first boat that ran on the Delaware Canal, died on Sunday. Local and Personal. Ralph, son of Theodore Newhard, of the American Hotel, in Allentown, died Tuesday of lockjaw, the result of a wound in the hand caused by a toy pistol on the 5th instant. Local and Personal. Hon. A. G. Brodhead died on Saturday, in Bethlehem. He was born in Delaware, Pike county, August 19th, 1799. His father Richard Brodhead, was a man of prominence, and his brother Richard was a United States Senator from this State. He became a resident of Luzerne county in 1823, and was three times elected to the Legislature. In 1839 he returned to Pike county, where he remained until 1866 when he moved to Bethlehem. Mr. Brodhead was a man of strong intellect and well informed on all matters of public moment. A Deliberate Murder. Henry W. Shouse, cashier of the Merchants' Bank of Easton, was murdered Friday evening of last week, at Honesdale, Pa., by his brother in law, Benjamin K. Bortree, of Ledgedale. Mr. Shouse, who was 62 years of age, left Easton on Thursday night and met James W. Wilson, Esq., attorney, of Easton, at Manuka Chunk, by appointment. They proceeded to Honesdale, and there met some persons to transact business in connection with the settlement of the estate of his father, the late Williams Shouse. In the evening Mr. Wilson and Mr. Shouse were together in Justice Eldred's office talking with the Justice when Bortree quickly entered and put a pistol close to the head of Mr. Shouse and fired. The ball entered the back of the head an inch or two from the right ear. The Justice attempted to seize the pistol, but the murderer drove him out of the office at the point of the weapon, while Wilson escaped by the back door. The murderer then fired two more shots into the head of his victim, and when the Justice returned with assistance gave himself up. Mr. Shouse lived but a few minutes after the physician who was summoned arrived. His body was taken to Easton on Monday, being detained for the inquest. Henry W. Shouse had been cashier of the Merchants' Bank at Easton, since it started, about eleven years ago. He leaves a widow, three daughters and a son. The murderer married his victim's sister, Matilda Shouse, some years ago, and when her father died Bortree claimed that his brothers-in-laws, John and Henry Shouse, had destroyed his will, which, he affirmed, left to their sister Matilda, his wife, a farm on which she resided with him. John Shouse was the administrator of his father's estate, and died a few years ago, leaving the estate unsettled, and the task of settling it fell upon his brother Henry. In the course of his duties as administrator, he still further incurred the displeasure of his brother-in-law, and the crime of Friday night was the result. The murderer is in jail at Honesdale. He expresses no regret for his crime, but says he is prepared to take the consequences. 40 A Death-Dealing Drunkard. On Monday evening Justin Hoffman, a shoemaker, living in Pittston, Luzerne Co., in a frenzy brought on by drink, seized a shotgun and fired several shots, fatally injuring his wife and child and seriously injuring the child of a neighbor named Hook, who was looking on. The child of Hoffman is a girl a year old. The shot took effect in the back of her head and she died in a short time. The wife was wounded in several parts of the face and breast, and it is thought that she can live but a few days. The Hook child is expected to recover. The murderer was immediately conveyed to the county prison at Wilkesbarre to await the result of his crime. The indignation of the people was so intense that had he not been so promptly removed it is thought he would have been lynched. Big Creek Items. Prof. J. F. Snyder, of Beltzville, was married last week to Miss Angie Krum, of Franklin. We congratulate the newly married pair in their past happiness and future prospects. Our Weatherly Specials. Joseph Cranse, who had been ill for a long time, died on Wednesday, 15th inst., of cancer of the stomach, and was buried on Friday, in Union Cemetery. Mr. Cranse was a moulder in the shops at this place, a member of the Odd Fellows and a highly respected citizen of our town. Mauch Chunk Items. Wednesday evening the body of James Woods, an engineer of the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Co., living near Coaldale, was found in the woods at Bull Run, a small station on the Tamaqua branch of the L. & S. R. R. Woods had been paid during the day, and it is supposed the object of the murderers was his money. Deceased leaves a family and was much respected by those who knew him. Weissport Items. Mr. Francis Koons' infant child died on Wednesday, at Auburn, Schuylkill Co., where Mrs. Koons was on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Koons returned on Wednesday evening with the dead child. Wild Creek Items. A young man by the name of Reuben Haydt was married to Miss Lucetta Beer. Both of Lower Towamensing township. The happy pair were serenaded by the Shoo Fly Band. MARRIED, KERSCHNER-CLAUSS.--At the Lutheran parsonage, Lehighton, Pa., on the 17th inst., by Rev. Wm. G Laitzle, Mr. Frank Kerschner and Miss Amanda Clauss, daughter of Mr. Phaon Clauss, all of this borough. MARRIED, SNYDER-KRUM.--On July 15th at the U. S. Hotel, Slatington, by the Rev. L. K. Derr, Prof. J. F. Snyder, to Miss Angeline Krum, both of Weissport, Carbon County, Penna. MARRIED, SCHUCHHOLZ-WILLIAMS.--At Weatherly, on the 19th instant, by Rev. G. A. Breugel, Chas. Schuchholz and Josephine Williams, both of that borough. MARRIED, HUNTER-SCHUCHHOLZ.--At the same time and place, by the same, Chas. Hunter and Mary Schuchholz, both of Weatherly. 41 Volume 8, Number 36, Saturday, July 31, 1880 STATE NEWS. Samuel Brownell was found dead Monday afternoon in a disreputable den in Mechanic street, Bradford. STATE NEWS. Patrick Bulger, a miner, was killed in the Hartford Colliery, near Wilkesbarre, Wednesday, by a fall of top coal. Local and Personal. Jonathan Wasley, superintendent, F. Williams, inside boss, and John Reese, district superintendent, of the Reading Coal and Iron Company, were suffocated by foul air, in the Kelly Run colliery, near Shenandoah, on Monday night. Their bodies were recovered Tuesday. Local and Personal. A man named Eikoff was run over by a coal train at Mauch Chunk Tuesday morning and fatally injured. Local and Personal. Two boys, named Meyer Kramer and Levi Kramer, cousins, from New York, visiting at Easton, were drowned in the Lehigh Monday afternoon. They were in a batteau with another boy, named Goldsmidt, a native of Easton, and the batteau collided with a canal boat and was overturned. Goldsmidt swam ashore, but the New York boys sank. Their bodies were recovered the same evening. Local and Personal. About 4 o'clock on Monday morning a man was run over by a train, near the water tank at Hazardville, on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, severing the head from the body and otherwise mangling the limbs. Death must have been instantaneous. Coroner Lentz held an inquest upon the body, and the jury rendered a verdict of accidentally killed while walking upon the L. V. Railroad. The only thing pointing to his probable identy is the fact that he had the name "J. Carney," pricked in India ink on his arm. He was dressed better than the general run of tramps. The body was brought here and interred in the Lehighton cemetery, by our Poor Board. We learn that Carney came from Balck's Eddy, Delaware, and that he was in search of employment. Local and Personal. During a fight between roughs and circus men at Shenandoah, on the 23d of June, Thomas Coates was struck on the head with a stone by Lawrence Ryan. Coates died on Saturday from the effects of the blow, and Ryan was lodged in jail. Local and Personal. Colonel Charles Glanz, a prominent citizen of Easton, died on Saturday, aged 57 years. He was a native of Germany, and came to this country at the age of 22. He settled in Easton, and subsequently became a brewer. He was the U. S. Consul at Stettin for a few months under President Buchanan. On the outbreak of the rebellion he at once offered his services to the Government, and on April 23, 1861, was commissioned Major of Volunteers by Governor Curtin. In 1862 he raised the 153d Regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers and was commissioned as its Colonel. He was captured at Chancellorsville, and spent forty-five days in Libby prison, and suffered in his health from the effects of the confinement. On July 24, 1863, he was mustered out with his regiment, and resumed his business in Easton. In 1871 he was elected Chief Engineer of the Easton Fire Department. At the time of his death he was President of the "Veterans' Hancock Club" of that city. 42 Prof. Bernd's infant child died on Sunday morning and was buried on Wednesday afternoon. The Professor has the sympathy of his friends. Mauch Chunk Items. On Monday morning Joseph Connolly, an old resident of Mauch Chunk, and a veteran of the war of the Rebellion, died at the residence of his son-in-law. Mauch Chunk Items. Henry Eickhoff, a young man about 17 years old, was run over at Coalport, on the L. & S. Railroad, on Tuesday morning. He died about an hour after he was taken to his home in Upper Mauch Chunk. Weissport Items. An infant child of Mr. William Koons, died on Sunday and was buried on Tuesday. A Coal Mine Horror. A Shenandoah dispatch gives the following in regard to the coal mine catastrophe which took place there on Tuesday last: The Keely Run colliery, of the Thomas Coal Company, one of the largest operations on the Girard estate, has been troubled for the past few weeks with white damp, a deadly gas which has been escaping from the old workings of the colliery partitioned off from the places at present being worked. Monday night Jonathan Warley and Frank Willman, the superintendent and foreman of the colliery, accompanied by John Rees, District Superintendent of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company, who went along in the capacity of an adviser, entered these old workings for the purpose of devising some plan to correct the difficulty. As the Mine Inspector proposed to stop the colliery Tuesday Inspector Gay went to the colliery at 6 o'clock Tuesday morning to stop it, when he found that the men had not yet come out. He at once organized a party to search for them, but he had no sooner reached the gangway, by the way of the breach through which the missing men had gone down, than he was overcome by the gas and carried out insensible. The whole party were forced back, and it was not until a current of air was established through the old works that they were found. They were gotten out at 12.30 o'clock, but only after thirty miners had succumbed to the noxious gas. A force of doctors was kept busy all morning on the bank resuscitating the brave men who were risking their lives in the effort to save those inside. The unfortunate men were found lying along the gangway, about ten feet from each other, on their faces, with their fingers imbedded in the earth, as though seeking to tear an avenue of escape from the impure air. From the way they were found it appears that, although the victims were all experienced miners, they had not ealculated upon meeting such a large quantity of bad air. They must have been killed within a few minutes after entering the place. This is the most populous section of the Schuylkill coal region, and thousands of men and women had gathered to watch the work of the rescuing parties, and the excitement was very great until all hope of saving the men alive had to be abandoned. The deceased were all prominent citizens and leave large families. Jonathan Warley had been a resident of the Shenandoah region since the first development of mines there. His first employment was in the colliery where he met his death. It was at that time operated by the Thomas Coal Company, with headquarters in Philadelphia. The late B. B. Thomas, who was accidentally killed at Coatesville, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, in 1877, was the President. Mr. Warley was one of the most prominent citizens of Shenandoah, bore a conspicuous part in the opposition to the Mollie Maguires, and his life was threatened by them upon several occasions. He had made considerable money by careful investments, and owned several valuable properties in Shenandoah. John Rees, the superintendent of the Philadelphia and Reading coal and Iron Company's 43 collieries in the Shenandoah district, had lived in Shenandoah since the opening of the coal fields there. He was a native of Wales, and came to this country with a valuable experience in coal mining obtained in his native country. During the labor excitements in the Schuylkill region in 1877 Mr. Rees showed undaunted courage, and it is stated that it was owing to his excellent judgment that the troubles did not assume a more serious aspect at that time. He was several times warned to leave the coal fields by Mollie Maguires, and to afford him protection he was kept under the constant surveillance of the detective force. DIED, SWANK.--On the 20th inst., in Wilkesbarre, Levi H., infant son of David and Lucetta Swank, aged 1 year and three month. DIED, TEANY.--On the 19th inst., in Weatherly, Mrs. Margaret Teaney, aged 71 years. DIED, HABEL--On the 20th inst., in Weatherly, Frank, son of Adam and Ellen Habel, aged 1 year and 10 months. Volume 8, Number 37, Saturday, August 7, 1880 Local and Personal. Jeremiah Shifter fell from a scaffold in Hyde Park, Lackawanna county, on Saturday and received fatal injuries. Local and Personal. Harry Treibley, aged 17, while bathing in Tumbling Run, near Pottsville, Monday evening, was drowned. His body was recovered. Local and Personal. James Hunt, a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, whose home is at Pittston, was run over by a freight train, at Sugar Notch on Tuesday and was crushed to death. In Memorium. Rev. Christian G. Eichenberg was the son of Peter and Wilhelmena Eichenberg. He was born on the 16th day of Dec. A. D. 1816, in Germany, in Rinteln Kreis Schaumburg, Kurfurstenstine, Hesse. He was baptized by Rev. Patri, a pastor of the Reformed Church. He was confirmed as a member of the Reformed church in his his 14th year. He studied in Gemany, came to America in his 27th year. Shortly after he was ordained to the office of the holy ministry by the East Pennsylvania Class of The Reformed Church, in the United States. He was married to Mary Ann Achenback, from Plainfield, Northampton Co., Pa., at Easton, June 24th, 1848, by Rev. M. Harpel. He died of some sort of abdominal affection--tumor in the bowels it is supposed. Shortly before he died he said "I am glad!" He told his wife ot read the 466th hymn of the Reformed hymn book in German. He died on the 12th of June, at 4 p. m., aged 63 years, 5 months, and 26 days. His funeral text was 1 Tim. 3; 14 15. Rev. Eichenberg did work for three men. He was a farmer, a business man and a minister. He never had a day of rest--a Sabbath like other men. He never took the minister's Sabbath--Monday--as a day of rest. He was never idle, always busy. Besides his farm and business cares, he studied a good deal. He was a good sermonizer and preacher, especially in his younger days. He could expound and explain Scripture. His sense of right wes greatly developed, which was ready at all times to resist unrighteousness and dishonesty. He was a man who was straight forward in and from the pulpit. Laborer, rest in peace. J. E. Freeman. 44 MARRIED. WALCK-REX.--On the 10th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Mr. George W. Walck, of Lehighton, and Miss Mira Ann Rex, of Mahoning. MARRIED. MARKEL-WALCK--On the 15th ult., by the same, Mr. Chas. W. Markel, of Parryville, and Miss Amelia Agnes Walck, of Lehighton. MARRIED. BECK-FRANTZ.--On the 24th ult., Mr. Chas. O. Beck and Miss Amanda Frantz, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. REHRIG-KNAPPENBERGER.--On the 30th ult., by the same, Mr. George Rehrig, of East Penn, and Miss Mary Ann Knappenberger, of Lower Towamensing. MARRIED. DETRICH-HINE.--On the 31st ultimo, by the same, Mr. Allen Detrich, of West Penn, and Miss Mary E. Hine, of Walker, Schuylkill Co. MARRIED. GARRISON-HARTZ.--At the residence of the bride's parents at Hudsondale, Pa., by Rev. P. F. Eyer, Mr. Theo. M. Garrison, of Clayton, N. J., and Miss Amanda J. Hartz, of Hudsondale, Carbon county, Pa. DIED. SCHELLHAMER.--On the 24th ult., in West Penn, Laferrus Victor, son of George and Ann Schellhamer, aged 9 months, 22 days. DIED. GERBER.--On the 31st ult., in West Penn, Jonathan, husband of Salome Gerber, aged 84 years, 10 months and 25 days. DIED. HILL.--On the 1st inst., in West Penn, Robbie Elias, son of Jonas and Harriet Hill, aged 6 months, 29 days. Volume 8, Number 38, Saturday, August 14, 1880 Local and Personal. A switch tender, named Emery, who resided at South Easton, was run over and instantly killed on Saturday afternoon by a train, a short distance above the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad depot, at Easton. Local and Personal. Whilst temporarily insane James McCoy, a travelling joureyman tailor, committed suicide lat on Friday night, at Stroudsburg, by hanging himself. Local and Personal. Maj. Joseph Steckel died at his residence, near Romich's Mill, in North Whitehall, on Saturday week, at the age of 79 years. He was numbered among the oldest residents of his township, and was known as a man of modest demeanor,courteous and affable, possessing the confidence and esteem of all who enjoyed his acquaintance. He possessed fine social qualities, and in the several spheres of husband, father and citizen occupied a position worthy of emulation. Local and Personal. On Monday evening a week John Schmidt, emyloyed by Samuel Knecht, at Bath, fell out of a wagon and, striking on his head, died in half an hour. He was at one time a 45 pauper in the Northampton county alms house, and was sixty-five years old. Audenried Dots. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, met with a severe bereavement, by the death of their daughter Bertha, on Tuesday of last week. The dark angel, when he comes, spares neither high, nor low; rich or poor. The family have the sympathy of the entire community. Volume 8, Number 39, Saturday, August 21, 1880 STATE NEWS. John Printz, a carpenter, fell from a roof in Reading on Tuesday and was instantly killed. STATE NEWS. Patrick Dougher, a laborer, was killed in Elk Hill Colliery, near Scranton, on Monday by a fall of top coal. STATE NEWS. John Stinson, aged 9 years, of Bradford, was struck by a train on Tuesday and received injuries which resulted in his death. STATE NEWS. A boy named Richard Price, of Pine Brook, Lackawanna county, was accidentally drowned while bathing near that place on Tuesday afternoon. Local and Personal. Bennie and Joe Frick, 8 and 11 years respectively, while playing in a boat on the Susquehanna, at Pittston, Wednesday morning, fell overboard and were drowned. Local and Personal. Solomon Dreisbach, a coal operator, and one of East Mauch Chunk's oldest residents, was found dead on Saturday last. It is supposed that he died of heart disease. Local and Personal. Jacob Zimmerman, of Philadelphia, was found drowned on Monday night in the Lehigh river, near Bethlehem. Local and Personal. James Hatterman, a farmer living at Craig Meadows, near Milford, Pike county, Tuesday fell from a hay stack and broke his neck. Local and Personal. Patrick Padden, aged 16, was run over by a train on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad at Mill Creek, Luzerne county, Tuesday evening and his body was cut in two. Local and Personal. A miner named John Manson was killed in the mines, at Wilkesbarre, on Wednesday, while engaged blasting. A Singularly Fatal Accident. A singular and fatal accident occurred at Glendon Sunday. John Richmond, assistant engineer of the old engine at the Glendon Furnace, went to work at seven o'clock, and about fifteen minutes afterwards, being attracted by his cries, the engineer and a filler at stack No. 3, found him lying on the floor, his head against the eccentile, which was pounding it up and down on the iron floor, while his feet hung in the fly-wheel pit, in such a position as to be caught by the spokes of the huge wheel as they came around. He was all covered with grease and dirt, so as to be scarsely recognizable, his head was bleeding from several wounds and serious cuts, his shoes had been torn off by the revolving fly wheel, one 46 ankle was sprained and his body was badly bruised. The wounded man was taken to his home and a physician summoned, who dressed the wounds and made him as comfortable as possible. He died at half past two o'clock Monday afternoon. No one saw the accident, but it is supposed that he went up on the first platform at the engine, which is about twelve feet from the floor, and fell, after having oiled some of the machinery. Volume 8, Number 40, Saturday, August 28, 1880 The Hon. Linn Bartholomew, of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, died of heart disease at Atlantic City, N. J., on Sunday last. He was stopping at the United States Hotel, and a few minutes before two o'clock went to the oyster bar of the house to get oysters with two friends. While standing there he suddenly raised his hand to his heart, and uttering a slight sound fell to the floor. He was quickly carried to a chair on the verandah and supported till a physician arrived. The physician ordered him to be taken to his room. While being carried up stairs there was a slight gurgle in his throat, and when laid upon the bed the Dr. pronounced him dead. His death is attributed by the physician to heart disease, which he thinks was superinduced by Bright's disease. Local and Personal. John Eberhard, an old citizen of Hanover, was run over and killed by a railroad train near Bethlehem, on Wednesday. Death of Rev. Dr. Chaplain. Rev. Dr. John F. Chaplain, Presiding Elder of the Lehigh District of the Philadelphia Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, died Thursday at 7 a. m., at his residence in Allentown, after an illness of three weeks. He was born in Trappe, Talbot county, Md., October 16th, 1824, and was at his death in the 56th year of his age. He was a graduate of Dickinson College, and has been pastor of some of the first churches of his denomination in Philadelphia and other cities. The church sustains a great loss in his death. Volume 8, Number 41, Saturday, September 4, 1880 Rev. Peter Russell, one of the pioneer preachers in the Lehigh coal regions, died on Saturday at White Haven while visiting a daughter. Deceased was a native of Berks county, and had of late years been a missionary of the Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. Local and Personal. The dead body of Frank McCullough, with the skull crushed in, was found lying beside the Lehigh Valley Railroad track, near Wilkesbarre, Sunday morning. Some utterances of George Miller caused his arrest, and when taken to jail he confessed that he had killed a man, but did not know who he was. Miller subsequently acted as if insane, destroying the furniture of the cell. Local and Personal. Thomas Scott and Mrs. Heffner, of Schuylkill Haven, Pa., were killed by an express train, while walking on the railroad, near Mount Carbon, Monday afternoon. Local and Personal. On Friday morning, the 27th inst., in this borough, Elizabeth, wife of W. C. McCormick, aged 48 years. She leaves a husband and six children, ranging from 4 to 14 years 47 of age, to mourn the loss of a devoted wife and affectionate mother. She was interred in the Lehighton cemetery on Sunday afternoon, and was followed by a numerous party of relatives and friends. The The services were conducted by Rev. J. P. Miller, of the M. E. Church. Local and Personal. Simon Gregory, inside foreman, was killed and six others were injured, by an explosion in the Keeley Run Colliery, at Shenandoah Wednesday. The men were engaged in the work of suppressing the fire which is burning in the mine. Local and Personal. On Wednesday, the 1st inst., our jovial friend, J. W. Raudenbush, celebrated the 47th anniversary of his appearance upon this mundane sphere, upon which occasion he received the hearty congratulations of his hosts of friends and patrons. Jake says all that troubles him now is the fact that he is growing older, but notwithstanding he will continue to hold his own at the "Carbon House." And all say bully for the genial Jake! and may he live 47 years longer! In the evening a numerous party of his lady friends surprised him in his parlors and merrily "tripped the light fantastic toe" until "among the we' sma' hours" of the morning. STATE NEWS. Horace Jarvis, of Haysville, Schuylkill county, was recently drawn into a thresher and so badly injured that he died in a few hours. MARRIED. OHL-STEIGERWALT--On the 8th ult., by Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Mr. Owen Ohl and Miss Rosa A. Steigerwalt, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. ROMIG-REHRIG--On the 14th ult., by the same, Mr. Maurice A. Romig and Miss Emaline Rehrig, both of East Penn, Carbon co. MARRIED. EMBODY-KOLB--On the same day by the same, Mr. Gideon Embody, of West Penn, Schuylkill county, and Miss Ellemina Kolb, of East Penn, Carbon county. MARRIED. YOXHEIMER-ECKROTH--On the same day by the same, Mr. Amandus Yoxheimer and Miss Matilda Eckroth, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. LEBENBERG-CUNFER--On the 28th ult., by the same, Mr. John Lebenberg and Miss Lizzie Cunfer, both of Mahoning, Carbon co. MARRIED. DAUBENSPECK-NUNAMACHER--On the 29th ult., by the same, Mr. Samuel F. Daubenspeck, of West Penn, and Miss Sarah R. Nunamacher, of Brunswick, both of Schuylkill county. DIED. ROMIG--On the 7th ult., in East Penn, Irwin Sylvester, son of Daniel and Lavina Maria Romig, aged 7 months and 25 days. DIED. FREHN--On the 7th ult., in Tamaqua, Gertie Irena, daughter of John and Amanda Rosa Frehn, aged 11 months and 9 days. DIED. FREHN--On the 10th ult., in Brunswick, David, husband of Perline Frehn, aged 55 years, 10 months and 13 days. 48 DIED. MOSER--On the 18th ult., in East Mauch Chunk, Minnie Elizabeth, daughter of Lewis and Kitty Ann Moser, aged 3 years, 10 months and 16 days. DIED. EBERTS--On the 22d ult., in Lehighton, Charles Albert, son of Owen and Polly Eberts, aged 3 months and 7 days. DIED. ZIMMERMAN--On the 24th ult., in West Penn, Maria, widow of David Zimmerman, dec d. aged 77 years, 6 months and 12 days. DIED. SCHELLHAMMER--On the 28th ult., in West Penn, Catharine, widow of Jacob Schellhammer, aged 75 years, 5 months and 25 days. Volume 8, Number 42, Saturday, September 11, 1880 STATE NEWS. Albert Griswold, a prominent citizen of Pike county, was killed by the cars at Rowland on Tuesday night. STATE NEWS. Willie White, only 7 years of age, and a slate picker, was killed in the Elk Hill breaker, near Scranton, a few days ago. Local and Personal. Michael Kennedy, stealing a ride on the top of a Lehigh Valley Railroad car, was killed by falling from the car at Pittston on Thursday night of last week. Local and Personal. Henry Haintz, employed at the Ferndale Car Works, was crushed to death while attempting to board a train, near Allentown, Pa., on Saturday evening. Volume 8, Number 43, Saturday, September 18, 1880 STATE NEWS. On the night of the 8th inst., Albert Griswald, a prominent citizen of Pike county, was killed by the cars at Rowland's, Pa., on the New York, Lake Erie and Western Railroad. Local and Personal. Jonathan Holt, proprietor of the Reading Nickel Works, in Reading, disappeared on Saturday, and was found Tuesday morning hanging to the rafters of the garret of his house. It is thought that pecuniary troubles caused his suicide. Local and Personal. John Butler was accidentally shot dead by Benjamin Tubbs while they were gunning at Kingston, Luzerne county, Monday afternoon. Local and Personal. Samuel Bergher, ex-County Commissioner of Lehigh county, was found dead in bed Friday morning, at his home at Lehigh Gap. Deceased was station agent at the Gap and had a large summer boarding house there. He was Superintendent of the Girard Slate company, was prominent in local politics and was a man of wealth and influence. He was about 60 years of age. His death is attributed to heart disease. He leaves a wife and one child. 49 Local and Personal. Thomas Judge was killed by a fall of coal in the West Pittston Colliery, at Pittston, on Saturday. He leaves a wife and three children. Local and Personal. Jacob Balmes was committed to jail in Pottsville, on Saturday night, on complaint of his wife, who swore that she was afraid he would kill her. He was found dead in his cell Sunday morning, from the effects of a dose of arsenic, which he took before his commitment. His wife refused to have anything to do with the body. Local and Personal. Dr. Jonathan Moyer, a prominent citizen of Lockhaven, Pa., died suddenly Wednesday, of conjestion of the brain. Local and Personal. J. Rockwell, a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, was killed by falling from a train, at Penn Haven Junction, on Tuesday night. Local and Personal. Jeremiah Rockwell, a brakeman on a freight train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, fell off his train at Penn Haven, on Wednesday morning, and was instantly killed, He was a resident of Pittston, and leaves a wife and one child. Local and Personal. Mr. Charles H. Bates, of Philadelphia, and Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter of S. W. Palmer, of Stroudsburg, were married at 2 o'clock on Wednesdoy last. After a brilliant reception in the afternoon, during which numerous friends and relatives partook of a splendid and bounteous bridal dinner, the happy couple at 6 p. m. started on their bridal tour, which will include a portion of Maryland, after which they will settle down in Williamsport, Pa., where Mr. B. proposes to join his father in the mercantile business. Amid the conviviality of the occasion the printer was not forgotten, for which the happy couple will please accept our best wishes.-Jeffersonian. Local and Personal. On last Sunday a week ago Mr. Richard Sherry, of Mauch Chunk, came to our quiet borough, and led a blooming young maiden to the altar. Her name was Miss Maggie Menalies, but it is now a source of pride and great joy to Richard to call her Mrs. Sherry, Mr. William Sherry; of Mauch Chunk; and Miss Moyer, of Weissport, accompanied the happy pair to this place, where the knot was tied by Squire Kantz. May Richard and his fair bride, as they journey hand in hand through life, be abundantly blessed with all the joys and pleasures that their hearts can anticipate.--Slatington News. Local and Personal. Last Thursday afternoon Mr. James E. Dupue, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Miss Allie L. Burnett, daughter of Esquire M. M. Burnett, of Stroudsburg, were joined in bonds of matrimony at the residence of the bride's father, on Centre street. They left on the afternoon train on a several days tour and will finally settle in Philadelphia.--Jeffersonian. Big Creek Items. An infant of Mr. Lyman Ziegenfuss, of Walcksville, died last week of diphtheria, and was interred at the St. Paul's church, of this place, on Monday last, aged 6 months and 6 days. This makes the eighth victim from this dreadful disease which has occurred at that place. Funeral services by Rev. J. S. Erb, of Slatington, in German. North East Weissport. Charles Stettler, an old resident of this place was interred in the cemetery on the hill, on Saturday last. 50 Audenried Dots. John McGinley, a miner, was killed by a fall of coal in No. 4 slope on Thursday last. He leaves a wife and five small children to mourn their loss. Weissport Items. Mr. Levi Horn is the happiest man in Weissport, and why shouldn't he be? The youngest and handsomest boy has just arrived at his residence and things look as if he was going to stay. Volume 8, Number 44, Saturday, September 25, 1880 STATE NEWS. Robert F. Williams was found dead in bed at his house on Limekiln pike, above Pottsville, on Saturday. He was 65 years of age. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Patrick Kelly was killed by a fall of coal in the Enterprise colliery at Wilkesbarre Monday. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Quincy F. Snyder, had his legs cut off by a railroad train in Allentown, on Saturday afternoon, and died soon after receiving the injuries. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Frank Moore was fatally injured while attempting to board a moving coal train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, at Pittston Junction, on Friday night. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Felix Salvin and his assistant, John Dougherty, were killed by a fall of top coal in Filer's slope, near Scranton, Pa., on Friday evening. Salvin was almost totally blind, but worked by the skill of his hands and the eyes of his assistant, Dougherty, who was a cripple. Salvin leaves a wife and three children. Later.--Mine Inspector Jones of this district has completed an investigation into the cause of the death of Felix Salvin, miner, and John Dougherty, laborer, at Filer's mines, in Winton, a few days ago. Salvin was totally blind and Dougherty was almost a helpless cripple. They had been working a chamber together for some time past. Dougherty guided Salvin in the work of mining the coal, and both then loaded the cars. On the day that they were killed they had fired a shot and were trying to pull down some loose rock. The mass was sprung unexpectedly and both were instantly killed. Quite a stir has been caused among miners on account of the men being allowed to work in the mines and the inquiry may result in a charge being preferred against the company. The bosses say that the men were old and poor and that they importuned so strongly for employment, that it was decided to give them a chamber in the mines when nothing else could be found. Local and Personal. Shortly before noon on Saturday Quintus Snyder, seventeen years of age, was run over by a train of four cars which were being backed on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, opposite the Nimson Forge Works, Allentown, by the engine Vulcan. A brakeman on the second last car shouted to the boy to get off the track, but as he was not heeded, it is believed that the cries of warning were not heard. Both legs were cut off at the knees, resulting in the death of the victim at about 2 o'clock. Local and Personal. A ten year old son of Mrs. Hunsicker, of Catasauqua, was struck on the head by an engine on the L. & S. R. R., at Catasauqua, on Friday afternoon. His skull was fractured, resulting in his death an hour and a half later. 51 Local and Personal. Mrs. G. W. Kemp, the wife of a wealthy farmer of Berks county, committed suicide by drowning Sunday afternoon. While sitting at her home with her hsuband and children, she sudenly rushed to a creek near, and was drowned before she could be rescued. This was her third attempt at suicide, she being watched too closely to succeed before. Local and Personal. At Pleasant Valley, near Pittston, on Sunday, J. B. Carl, his wife and one child, Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, of Mill Creek, and Jennie Powell, a domestic, were poisoned by eating cakes made of corn meal which had been mixed with arsenic and set aside to kill rats. Mrs. Carl and Mrs. Woodward died Monday morning, and Jennie Powell was not expected to survive. The others, it was thought, might recover. Weatherly Special. Mr. Wm. Blakeslee, Jr., is now our happiest man, having received a bouncing boy on Tuesday last. Weatherly Special. Mr. Jackson, an aged resident of our town, died at his residence, on First St, on Thursday. Interment to take place to-day (Friday). Death from an Accident. Thomas John, a very highly respected citizen of Yorktown, died about 8 o'clock on Monday morning last, at his residence in that town. his death was caused by an accident which occurred to him on the previous Thursday, while driving into town; when driving down Popular street, and at the Mine street crossing, an engine was passing which frightened his horse--a spirited one--which caused the horse to turn suddenly, throwing Mr. John out of the buggy on to the railroad track. Upon being taken to his home it was found that he had received injuries which were beyond reach, and he remained in a low condition, bleeding inwardly from that time until his death Monday morning. Doctors Longshore, of Hazleton, Brown, of Jeanesville, and Lazarus, of Audenried, were called in for consultation, but all their efforts proved unavailing, and at the hour above stated Thos. John, one of the field best men in the coal, passed away from this earth to another one. His death is universally and sincerely regretted. Brutal Murder of Elizabeth Ray. We are indebted to the columns of the Carbon County Democrat of last Saturday, for the following particulars of the brutal murder of Mrs. Eliz. Ray, in the borough of Mauch Chunk, Friday morning, quite early, our people were thrown into considerable excitement by the announcement of the murder of Mrs. Ray, who was found dead squatting on the floor of her house, her head covered with blood and evidence of having been struck a violent blow behind the right ear. Her residence is an old delapidated building owned by Charles McFadden, a few doors below the county jail. About 7 o'clock we entered and found the victim as above stated, and the filthy condition of the room presented a scene the like of which we never believed could exist in this community. It is reasonably safe to say that the house has not been cleaned for years. The sight of the bloody corpse in such a place was simply sickening. Soon after 8 o'clock Mr. John Painter arrested Thomas Dowdell, aged about 45 years, and employed as a laborer on the L. & S. railroad. The arrest was made without formal proceedings, on information that demanded prompt action. Mr. Painter found him on Susquehanna street, and apparently under the stupifying effects of liquor. He was taken before Squire Frisbie, and witnesses were examined as follows: George Van Ronk sworn. he said that he was at Beers' store last (Thursday) night, about 10 1/2 to 11 o'clock and saw Dowdell coming along, and some one hurra'd for Garfield, and 52 Dowdell responded and continued up street talking politics to himself, and witness kept close enough to him to hear him, being also on his way home. Dowdell crossed the street at the school house, and went up as far as the vicinity of Mrs. Ray's house, whilst witness stood at the Armory and crossed over near the jail, but Dowdell had disappeared. E. H. Hohl sworn, said as he was coming down about 11 o'clock and heard a noise near the jail, in a small house standing in the hollow--saw at Mrs. Ray's door a man who acted as if intoxicated. Dowdell, the prisoner looks like the man--he was making a noise and wanted the woman inside to open the door, and threatened to burst it open. Witness stopped about 10 minues; the voice inside said he should go away, and didn't want him there. Alfred Haines sworn, said he lives opposite. His sister called his attention to the noise and he looked out and listened, heard it, but could not understand the words. Heard a man's voice but could not recognize him. Mr. E. Mulhearn came along and witness called him and stated that some thing was going on at Mrs. Ray's. Mr. M. went over, listened and returned. Mr. Kuntz, Mulhearn and witness went over and Mulhearn rapped at the door, which was opened and saw a man but did not recognize him. He was a man of size about like Dowdell. Mr. Mulhearn said he recognized the voice. The door opened a second time and we stood aside talking. It was a moonlight night. After I got home and to bed, I waked up again, and saw a man go up the hill back of Mrs. Ray's house; was waked by his sister who said she saw a man come out and took out a white shirt. E. M. Mulhearn, Esq., sworn stated that he returned from a meeting at Nesquehoning about midnight and prceeded homeward, residing a few doors from the jail. Mr. Kuntz called his attention to a noise at Mrs. Ray's, and that they heard cries of murder and sounds as if some one was beating her. Witness went over, stood in front of the door and listened; heard the conversation between two persons, if not three, and recognized Mrs. Ray's and Dowdell's voices; went back and informed Mr. Kuntz. The conversation he heard was of a character leading to the belief that Dowdell's purpose was criminal intercourse. I returned and told Mr. Kuntz and expressed belief that the woman would be abused, and Mr. K. put on an overcoat. Mr. Haines also dressed himself, and we all crossed over. Witness rapped at the door and heard Mrs. Ray in a husky voice say "open the door" and it was opened and a man stood behind it. Witness said "don't throw anything;" then Haines and Kuntz retreated a little and left witness to "hold the fort." The door closed again and the party outside remained for a while, and the door opened again and they saw Dowdell. he had on a white or light shirt, no coat. it was a clear moonlight night. William H. Kuntz sworn testified, substantlaily to the same facts as Messrs. Haines and Mulhearn. Whilst these witnesses were heard, the County Coroner, C. W. Lentz, put in an appearance and summoned the following gentlemen as jurors: John Taylor, Jos. P. Tacy; James Belford, Bernard Phillips, Dr. A. J. Meyer and John Osborn. The further examination of witnesses was then suspended, and the evidence being sufficient, Dowdell was taken to jail by Mr. Painter. Mr. John Sherry having been sent up to Dowdell's house, by Squire Frisbie, returned with a pair of pantaloons belonging to him, and they were stained with blood. The gentlemen named as jurors with the Coroner and District Attorney Siewers, then proceeded to the scene of blood where the jurors were sworn. The Coroner's Jury, after having been sworn, adjourned until 2 o'clock, p. m., in order to enable the report of the doctors engaged in the post mortem examination to report. Dr. Erwin, assisted by Dr. Jos. Lacair, proceeded to the scene and gave the body a thorough examination. 53 We are safe in saying that a club or other instrument of greater force than a fist struck the fatal blow, and that aside from this, the victim was choked, the blue finger marks being clearly visible around the throat. The probabilities are that the old woman was outraged, choked and beaten to death. The shirt referred to as belonging to the accused was found back of the jail, very much saturated with blood and it was fully identified as the shirt of the accused. The deceased was at one time an intelligent and respectable woman, but for years past she was dissipated, and an object of pity. It is said that after the loss of her husband by death, and also the death of a daughter, that she commenced drowning sorrow by the use of strong drink-the old, old story! She continued her existence for five or six years in the place where she ended life as the victim of a most brutish murder, and for some time past citizens of the vicinity endeavored to have the nuisance of her filth removed and the poor woman properly cared for, but they were unsuccessful. Whilst it may be true that no particular person or party can rightfully be held responsible for it, the fact is that such a scene as the one we saw yesterday morning is a disgrace to the town, and a libel upon civilization. That such sickening filth can exist and for a length of time continue within twenty-five yards of the grand County building of sandstone, and near the center of a respectable and refined community, is a truth that must be told in humiliation and shame! The reputed murderer is a stout, course featured man, and doubtless also the victim of habitual intemperance. The very fact that he entered this place at midnight for the purpose indicated in the testimony, shows a depravity even beyond and below that of the brute! He is entitled to a fair trial and a fair hearing, however, and we are sure it would be some welcome relief if it should appear that his doings there could be accounted for in a manner that would show some trait of character approaching common humanity. Volume 8, Number 45, Saturday, October 2, 1880 Local and Personal. Rev. D. J. P. Rosemiller, of Lancaster, Pa., died Monday in Allentown, aged 72 years. His death was caused by congestion of the brain, resulting from overwork at the East Pennsylvania Lutheran Synod, in session at Allentown a week ago. Big Creek Items. Mrs. Leyman Zeigenfuss and Mr. Henry Nemensteel, of Walcksville, are seriously ill with diphtheria. Since the above was in type we learn that Mrs. Lyman Ziegenfuss has died. She was interred Friday morning at St. Paul's church. Big Creek Items. Mrs. Henry Boyer, of Franklin township, mother of Henry Boyer, Esq., of Weissport, and Reuben and Daniel, of Franklin, was interred in the Cemetery at East Weissport, on Sunday last. She had attained the ripe old age of 83 years, 11 months and 15 days. Hon. Charles Albright Dead. The report that Hon. Charles Albright, of Mauch Chunk, had died at his residence in that borough, at about six o'clock on Tuesday morning last, although expected, was received with much sorrow by our people. His death resulted from paralysis, brought on by over-exertion. Gen. Albright was one of the most distinguished lawyers of Pennsylvania, a leader of the bar of this county, and a gallant soldier during the war of the rebellion. He was born in Bucks county, Pa., December 13, 1830, his father being Solomon Albright, and the family one of the oldest in that portion of the State. He graduated at Dickinson College in June, 54 1851, studied law with Robert L. Johnson, of Ebensburg, and was admitted to the bar in December, 1852. In 1854 he went to Kansas and acted with the anti slavery party there until 1856, when he returned to Pennsylvania and settled down to the profession of the law at Mauch Chunk. In 1860 he was a delegate to the National Republican Convention which nominated Lincoln. He took a prominent part in the political campaign which followed, and at the outbreak of the rebellion was active in raising troops in response to the call of the President. In August, 1862, he was commissioned Major of the 132d Pennsylvania volunteers, rising rapidly, by promotions for meritorious conduct, to the rank of Brevet Brigadier General. He served in the battle of Antietam, and thereafter in nearly all the great battles of the war with conspicuous gallantry. In August, 1865, he was mustered out of the service and resumed the practice of law at Mauch Chunk. In 1872 he was a delegate to the Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, which nominated Gen. Grant for president. In 1873 he was elected a Congressman at large for Pennsylvania to the Forty-third Congress, where he served on the Committee on Military Affairs. Deceased leaves a wife (but no children) to deplore the loss of a beloved husband. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon from his late residence on Broadway, and was very largely attended by the people of the county. The body was interred in the cemetery on the hill. The body of an unknown man, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, was found int he Lehigh river, at Bowman's on Tuesday. It was clothed in a dark blue coat, overalls and calico shirt. Weissport Items. Widow Boyer, mother of Henry Boyer, Esq., died last week, after an illness of some time. She was highly respected through life as a woman of spotless character and true worth, and her death leaves her now the object of an honored memory. The interment took place last Sunday in the East Weissport cemetery. Weissport Items. Frank Marsh is the second happiest man here, and why shouldn't he be? The reason is, a young daughter has just arrived at his residence and it appears as if she was going to say. Thus, Amos may be called grandpa! CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Robert Divver, aged 12 years, was killed by Charles Himmelreich, aged 14, in a quarrel over a game of marbles, in Reading Pa., on Saturday afternoon. Himmelreich struck Divver on the temple with a large stone. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. The body of an unknown man, about 50 years of age, was found, on Sport Hill, near Scranton, on Friday. There was a bullethole in the head, which was also crushed in. He is supposed to have been murderred about ten days ago. MARRIED. BALLIET-BOWMAN--On the 5th day of Sept. by the Rev. Bartholomew, Mr. Lewis F. Balliet, and Miss Henrietta Louisa Bowman, both of Bowmansville. MARRIED. SCHELLHAMER-FENSTERMACHER--On the 12th day of Sept. by the same, Mr. Charles W. Schellhamer, and Miss Eliza Jane Fenstermacher, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. 55 Volume 8, Number 46, Saturday, October 9, 1880 STATE NEWS. Intelligence has been received at Scranton of the death at Morliax, France, of Mr. William H. Meeker, one of the largest and most successful individual operators in the northern anthracite coal field. Local and Personal. Mrs. Jenkins, an aged lady of Minersville, Schuylkill county, attempted suicide Sunday morning last by cutting her throat, and inflicted injuries which will prove fatal. She had been an invalid for some time. Local and Personal. A young married woman named Teets was found dead in a garret in Scranton, Lackawanna county, on Saturday last, with an infant two days old by her side. She died of hunger and neglect. A few days before her death she cut off her hair and sold it to buy food while her husband was carousing in a saloon. Local and Personal. Samuel B. Fisher, a prominent young attorney of Schuylkill county, died at Pottsville Wednesday. Local and Personal. Charles Wilthen, a heater, fatally shot his wife and then committed suicide, in Pottsville, Wednesday morning. The couple had lived unhappily for several years, owing to the wife's infidelity. Local and Personal. James Loughrey, aged 18 years, was accidentally shot dead by Patrick Clisham in a hunting excursion near Pittston, Luzerne county, Wednesday. Sad Accident at Weatherly. Jesse Corcoran, a bright little lad of about ten years, was killed near the water tank, at Weatherly, Monday afternoon, He returned home from school and told his grandmother he was going to pick coal. So far as we were able to learn, he and some other boys amused themselves by starting cars on the siding near the water station for the purpose of getting short rides. While thus engaged he was thrown across the rail, when the wheels crushed his head, causing instant death. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved family, and trust the sad accident may prove a salutary warning to the many boys who so much frequent the railroad.-Carbon Herald. Big Creek Items. Mrs. Leyman Ziegenfuss, whose death notice appeared in my last week's letter, was aged 24 years, 11 months and 15 days. She leaves a kind husband and four children to mourn their early loss. Her sufferings were of short duration and she died looking to that home where the "Wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest," where the mind will no longer be oppressed by cares and anxieties, nor overburdened with difficulties; where there are no sleepless nights, no weary days, no suffering from pain, no dread of death, no gloomy grave; but where all is happiness and love. Through her death the Sabbath school has lost one of its most valuable members. Albrightsville Items. Julia Ann, wife of Thos. Serfass, died on Wednesday last of Typhoid fever, aged 27 years and 14 days. She leaves a husband and five children to mourn their loss. Albrightsville Items. Mrs. Henry Savitz died on the 25th ult., of dropsy, aged 34 years, 5 months 56 and 20 days. A husband and five children survive her. MARRIED. EVERITT-ALTEMOSE--On the 25th ult., by Rev. A. M. Strauss, Mr. Chas. O. Everitt, of Albrightsville, and Jane M. Altemose, of Houser's Mills, Monroe county. MARRIED. LEYER-HERMING--On the 15th ult., by the same, Mr. Jacob L. Leyer and Miss Helena L. Herming, both of Mecksville, Carbon county. MARRIED. DEPPY-BONDT--At the Lutheran Parsonage in Effort, Monroe county, on the 28th ult., by the Rev's A. M. Strauss and H. A. Huber, Mr. H. G. Deppy, of Albrightsville, and Miss Sarah J. Bondt, of Effort, Monroe county. We know it isn't good for man to be alone, and tender congratulations to the happy couple, and hope they will live long and prosper. May this last effort crown their joys, And fill their arms with girls and boys. MARRIED. PHILLIPS-BREDBENDER.--At the parsonage in Beaver Meadow, by Revd. N. B. Smith, Mr. William Phillips, of that place, and Catherine S. Bredbender, of Beaver Valley. Volume 8, Number 47, Saturday, October 16, 1880 CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Andrew Hemlock, of Pittston, was killed by cars near that place on Saturday. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Frank Smith, a breakman on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, was killed on Friday afternoon near the latter place. Local and Personal. Andrew Hunlock was struck by a locomotive and fatally injured at Pittston, Pa., on Saturday last. Local and Personal. Michael McCasey was killed by falling down a cellar stairs while drunk, in a saloon at Wilkesbarre, Friday morning. Local and Personal. Christian Bosche, the oldest employe of the Switchback Railroad, at Mauch Chunk, was fatally injured by being run over by a truck Friday morning of last week. Local and Personal. James Boyle, of Yorktown, one of the oldest miners in Luzerne county, was killed by a fall of coal on Friday last. Local and Personal. James Donohue and Richard Swift attempted to force an entrance into the house of Mary Brown, near Pottsville, on Sunday morning. Andrew Brown, a brother of Mary, fired at them and shot Donohue in the face, inflicting a fatal wound. He surrendered himself on Monday, claining that he acted in self defence. His sister attempted suicide the same afternoon by shooting herself in the neck. Local and Personal. Mrs. Neal McCue, of Mauch Chunk, while on her way to Philadelphia Tuesday morning, jumped from the train at Bethlehem and was killed. She was on her way to 57 Philadelphia to bring the body of a dead son to Mauch Chunk, and finding that she was on the wrong train jumped off, with the result named. Local and Personal. An accident occurred at No. 6 slope, Yorktown, last Friday, whereby James Boyle, of that place, lost his life. When about to go home he told his laborer that he would go back for a hammer, but as the place was not safe, his laborer tried to induce him not to go for it. He went in, however, and just as he arrived at the place where the hammer was, some of the coal which had been hanging loose fell on him, causing injuries from which he died in a few hours. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon. Local and Personal. John Bastington, a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad met with an accident at Mauch Chunk, on Monday last, which resulted in his death. He was standing on the cars to couple the same, while the train was being made up, and not having a firm hold he was thrown from his position when the train started. Falling between the cars his head was caught between the bumpers and crushed. he died instantly. Bastington leaves a wife and four children to mourn his sudden demise. He resided at Mauch Chunk. STATE NEWS. John Noll, a survivor of the war of 1812, died in Blandon, Berks county, in his 90th year, on Friday. STATE NEWS. While preaching the funeral sermon of Miss Leinbach, of Reading, on Friday last, Rev. James F. Schultz, of the German Reformed Church, talked in such a singular manner as to startle the friends, and the next day he became a raving maniac, breaking the furniture in his boarding house and rushing into the street, assaulting several persons, until he was met by a burly fisherman, who knocked him senseless to the ground. He has since recovered consciousness, and will shortly be removed to the residence of his brother, in Montgomery county. Mr. Shultz is 45 and unmarried, and his malady is attribuated to grief at Miss Leinbach's death. He is well known in Perry, Columbia, Lebanon, and Berks counties. MARRIED. KEMERER-SCHWARTZ.--On Saturday, October 9th, 1880, at the Reformed parsonage, by Rev. J. H. Hartman, Mr. George Kemerer and Miss Ella Schwartz, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. REX-STOUDT.--On the 14th of August, by Rev. J. E. Freeman, John G. Rex and Effie Stoudt, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. LENTZ-KOONS.--On the 12th ult., by the Rev. J. E. Freeman, Mr. John Lentz, of Towamensing and Miss Aggie Koons, of Slatington. DIED. NATTRASS.--In Upper Mauch Chunk, about 7 a. m., on Monday, the 11th inst, of Membranous Croup, John Burton, eldest son of Robert and Kate K. Nattrass, aged 6 years, 2 months and 4 days. Interred on Wednesday in Mauch Chunk cemetery. DIED. QUINN.--At Allentown, on the 3d instant, Clarissa, wife of F. J. Quinn, and eldest daughter of the late George Martz, Esq., of Pottsville, in the 29th year of her age. Rest thee, ret. We'll not deplore thee; Rest in peace, forever rest; 58 Willows wave in silence o'er thee, Turfs grow green above thy breast. Love may come with fairy fingers, Deck with flowers thy hallowed mould, But a spell forever lingers O'er thy form so still and cold. Love's endearments, fond, inviting, Win no more their sweet return; Household joys, howe'er delightning, Cannot charm thee from the urn. But the hope that we shall meet thee Binds us with a magic spell; And the joy with which we'll greet thee, Thrills us now with "All is well." J. N. DIED. STEADLER.--On the 10th ult., in Franklin township, Charles Steadler, aged 77 years, 6 months and 5 days. DIED. MOYER.--On the 21st ult, in Parryville, Milton David, son of David and Emma Jane Moyer, aged 3 years, 4 months and 11 days. DIED. BOYER.--On the 24th ult., in Franklin twp., Magdelene Boyer, widow of the late Henry Boyer, Sr., and mother of Henry, Joseph, Reuben, Mrs. Daniel Boyer and Kate Boyer, aged 83 years, 11 months and 15 days. Sch safe mohl, du mutter mein, Sanft die ruh im grabe dein. Keine schmertzen yetz! ruhet fein, Genieset run das Selig Sein. J. E. F. Volume 8, Number 48, Saturday, October 23, 1880 Local and Personal. Jean Carbeau, a stranger, was killed by a train while walking on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Black Creek, on Saturday night. Local and Personal. An old man, named Shaffer was fatally gored by a bull at High Knob, Pike county, on Thursday of last week. Local and Personal. Thomas Gilen was fatally stabbed by Philip Miner at Macungie, Lehigh county, on Saturday night, and his dead body was found in a field adjoining the scene of the quarrel, on Sunday evening. Miner is in jail. Local and Personal. John Toole, 19 years old, of Pittston Junction, was run over and terribly mutilated on Tuesday, while attempting to board a moving coal train on the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Railroad at Kingston. Local and Personal. Cornelius Mulligan, in the employ of E. B. Leisenring, at No. 6 sloe, 59 Tresckow, was killed by a fall of rock Tuesday morning. He was in the act of taking out a prop to shift the road in a different direction when a rock fell upon him and crushed him to death almost instantly. He leaves a wife and six small children to mourn their loss. He was highly respected by all who knew him. Weissport Items. Miss Emma Weiss, daughter of Nero Weiss, died on Saturday night last. The funeral services were attended on Tuesday of this week. MARRIED. CLAUSS-NUSBAUM.--On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Wm. G. Laitzle, Mr. Oliver A. Clauss to Miss Emma C. Nusbaum, both of Lehighton. MARRIED. KUTZ-SMITH.--By the same on the 16th inst., Mr. Gustavus Kutz, of Weissport, to Miss Bertha Smith, of Lehighton. Volume 8, Number 49, Saturday, October 30, 1880 Local and Personal. Jeremiah Sheetz, of Mount Carbon, and a brakeman on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was killed on Saturday while coupling cars. Local and Personal. William H. Roberts, a well-known horseman, who was thrown from his sulky, in a race, a few days ago, died in Wilkesbarre Sunday evening of his injuries. Local and Personal. Dr. A. C. Transue, of Slatington, lost one of his arms and was badly bruised on the head while trying to board a train at that place on Monday night. He died of his injuries Tuesday. Big Creek Items. Mrs. Lydia Krum, of North-east Weissport, was interred at the Solt's church, this place, on Monday afternoon last. She had attained the age of 76 years, 11 months and 9 days. Funeral services in German by Rev. G. W. Gross, of Parryville. Terrible Accident. A fire broke out in an old shanty, at Yorktown, on Saturday night, which was occupied by an aged couple named Williams, and resulted in the old lady being burned to death, the charred remains were taken out of the ruins Sunday, and a coroner's inquest was held Monday. The origin of the fire, as near as we can learn, was as follows: A number of persons were assembled at the old shanty indulging in regular old fashioned spree, when a quarrel took place between them and the stove was upset. The party were all in a beastly state of intoxication, and unable to help themselves, and but for the prompt arrival of help the whole party would have been burned to death. The men who arrived on the spot succeeded in dragging out the men and in the excitement the old lady was not missed until too late to save her, and it was not known on Saturday night whether she was really in the shanty, as the drunken men were unable to make any clear statement. Sunday morning a search through the ruins brought forth the charred bones of the unfortunate woman. The shanty was of little value, but being close to the breaker the danger was great to that structure and the result might have been its destruction but for the presence of watchmen around it. The horror of the people at discovering that such a fearful death had befel the old lady can be readily imagined, and will for a time, at least, check the frequency of these sprees around the mines in that vicinity.--Hazleton Daily Bulletin. 60 Weissport Items. Ladies influence has always been found to occupy an imprtant place in carrying on party enterprises. At a party held at Samuel Miller's, Saturday night, this was openly conspicuous. It was Sam's birthday. Fine music was rendered on the occasion. Misses Emma Knerr, Emma Everitt and M. A. Romig were among the performers, and charmed the party by their ballad singing. They sang admirably an "Ave Maria," which was very difficult, but in ballads, especially in "Jamie," they were irresistably sweet and expressive in voice and manner. So passed away too quickly the hour of this happy occasion. SATE NEWS. Thomas McKean, a fireman on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was run over and killed at Dallas on Sunday. Volume 8, Number 50, Saturday, November 6, 1880 Local and Personal. David A. Wells, ex-member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, and a leading Democratic politician of Pike county, died Sunday in Milford. Local and Personal. The dead body of Anthony Walsh, a young man, was found on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at Milan, near Pittston, Sunday morning. It is supposed he was run over while walking on the track. Local and Personal. The township of Hamilton, Monroe county, was thrown into a wild state of excitement Monday morning on finding the 17-year-old daughter of Samuel Bittenbender had been murdered, her head being pounded to a jelly. The girl left her home Sunday afternoon to go to Jacob Marsh's to do housework, and little did her parents or sisters suspect that she had been murdered until Monday morning, when her little sisters, while on their way to school, which was in the direction the girl had taken, discovered her by the roadside with her brains scatterred over the fence and stones where she lay. There were several tramps seen in the vicinity early in the morning, and is is supposed that they committed the atrocious crime. Telegrams have been sent to all points East, West, North, and South to head off the supposed murderers. Local and Personal. E. R. Brown, for the past 20 years Superintendent of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Shops at Packerton, died Monday, in Mauch Chunk, of paralysis of the brain. The body was taken Wednesday to Bordentown, N. J., for interment. Local and Personal. William P. Green, 28 years of age, cut his throat with a pocket knife and then drowned himself Monday by jumping over the bridge into the Susquehanna River at Pittston. His suit had been rejected by a young lady to whom he was attached. His body is not likely to be found for some time on account of the rough condition of the river. Big Creek Items. Mr. Benjamin Hone, of Franklin, died very suddenly on Saturday last. His funeral took place at St. Paul's church on Tuesday afternoon. He was aged 56 years, 4 months and 1 day. His funeral was very largely attended. Rev. J. E. Freeman officiated. Mr. Benjamin Peters, proprietor of the United States Hotel, of Slatington, was in attendance at the funeral. Obituary. William Brodhead, an aged and and respected citizen of Millford Township, Pike county, died suddenly at his residence on Saturday evening. He had been in failing health for 61 some time but his demise was unexpected. During the day he had been felling as well as usual. At supper time he partook of a glass of milk, and soon after dangerous illness followed, which resulted fatally within an hour. Mr. Brodhead was born in Northampton county, Pa., in February, 1795, and was consequently upwards of 85 years of age. He was a prominent citizen of that county, a staunch Democrat, and filled at different times offices of trust, among the rest having served as County Commissioner. Mr. Brodhead leaves four children: Sarah, wife of Peter Dewitt, of Somerville, N. J., John C. Brodhead, of Kentucky, Hon. Franklin R. Brodhead, of Port Jervis, N. Y., and Wm. H. Brodhead, of California.--Millford Herald. Fatal Accident. Mr. Alfred Trainer, with a number of his fellow workmen, were returning to their homes in this borough from their work at Packerton, on Tuesday evening last, when in crossing a switch one of the wheels of the truck upon which they were riding broke, throwing a number of the men to the ground poor Trainer falling upon the track, and the wheels of the truck passing over him smashing his right arm and fracturing his ribs, the ends of the broken ribs penetrating his lungs, besides otherwise badly cutting and bruising his body. He was conveyed to his home on Second street, and Dr. N. B. Reber called in to attend him. The Dr. did all that could be done for the sufferer, but Trainer gradually sank until at about one o'clock on Wednesday, when his spirit took its flight for that higher and better land, where partings come no more. Deceased leaves a wife and four small children to mourn the sudden bereavement of a loving husband and affectionate father. His age was about 33 years. His funeral will take place to-morrow (Sunday), at 10 a. m. Killed on the Railroad. Frank Trout, a resident of Tamaqua, and by occupation a brakeman on a coal train on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was run over and instantly killed, while the train was passing a switch about a mile east of Mahanoy City, Friday. He was standing between the cars at the rear end of the train, when, for some unknown reason, he fell under and six cars passed over him, cutting his body up frightfully. He was a married man with a large family and a brother to Mr. Jake Trout, who was killed by the Gem boiler explosion at the Reading depot, over a year ago. Another brother was killed on the rails. Mr. Trout's remains were taken to his home at Tamaqua for interment.--Parker's Tri-Weekly Record. STATE NEWS. Frank Trout, a fireman on the Reading road, was killed near East Mahanoy Junction on Friday. STATE NEWS. John Koons, of Tremont, Schuylkill county, was killed on Tuesday by the accidental discharge of his gun. STATE NEWS. Fanny Bernstein, a 6-year-old girl, was burned to death in Scranton on Monday by her clothing taking fire. Volume 8, Number 51, Saturday, November 13, 1880 Jefferson Bretz, a brakeman on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was killed by cars at Catawissa on Friday. Local and Personal. Henry Weiss, a young man aged about 24 years, a brakeman on the P. & R. 62 R. R., fell between the cars at Tamaqua, Saturday morning and was crushed to death. Local and Personal. Henry Weiss, a car inspector of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was run over and killed by cars at Tamaqua on Saturday. Local and Personal. Charles Mulrooney, of Hyde Park, blew out the gas at the Scranton House in Scranton on Sunday night and was suffocated. Local and Personal. Miss Fannie Packer Skeer, a granddaughter of the late Asa Packer, was married at Mauch Chunk on Thursday to Mr. William R. Butler, of that place. Local and Personal. Daniel Paul, aged 60 years, an employe of the Crane Iron Company, at Catasauqua, was drowned Friday by falling into the Lehigh river. Packerton Ripples. David S. Lovett Esq., father-in-law of the Rev. D. F. Unangst of this place was buried at Parryville, on Tuesday of this week. Big Creek Items. David S. Lovett, a well-known and respected citizen of Towamensing township, died on Sunday last after a lingering illness of cancer of the stomach.--His wife preceded him to that spirit world several years ago, from whence no traveller ever returned. He leaves seven children, one son and six daughters to mourn his loss. In the death of Mr. Lovett not only his family, relations and friends sustained a severe shock but also the community. He was a man of few words, but of noble impulse and action. Would we might have more such men. Requiescat in pace. His funeral took place from his late residence on Tuesday, and interred at Parryville. Funeral services were conducted by the pastor of the M. E. church. The family have the manifest sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. May they put they put their trust in him who doth all things well. STATE NEWS. Harry Huey, of Reading, and a victim of the Twenty-eighth street railroad disaster in Pittsburg, died of his injuries on Thursday. STATE NEWS. A passenger, supposed to be W. G. Cooper, of Reading, fell from a train at Auburn, Schuylkill county, on Monday and was killed. STATE NEWS. Charles O'Neill, a laborer, was killed by a fall at Catasauqua on Wednesday. STATE NEWS. John Koons, of Tremont, was accidentally killed on Tuesday while hunting. STATE NEWS. The 5-year-old son of John Glass, of Williamsport, was caught in a swinging bridge at that place on Wednesday and killed. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. While a Reading railroad train, due at Pottsville at noon, Monday, was approaching Auburn Station, an unknown passenger fell from a car platform and was killed. He is supposed to be W. G. Cooper of Reading. MARRIED. KERSHNER-GERBER.--On the 3rd day of October, Mr. Nathan A. Kershner and Miss Caroline J. Gerber, both of West Penn Schuylkill county. 63 MARRIED. DREISBACH-RABENOLD--On the same day, by the Rev. A. Bartholomew, Moses Dreisbach and Miss Emaline Rabenold; both of Mahoning, Carbon Co. MARRIED. HITTINGER-KOLB.--On the 9th ult., by the same, Wm. F. Hittinger, of Rockport, and Miss Emaline Kolb, of East Penn, Carbon county. MARRIED. GUILDNER-FINK.--On the 9th ult., by the same, William Guildner of East Penn, and Ellemima Fink, of Heidelberg, Lehigh county. MARRIED. KLINETOP-MEHRKAM.--On the 16th day of October, by the same, John Klinetop and Miss Sarah J. Mehrkam, both of Lower Towamensing, Carbon Co., MARRIED. BEER-CHRISTMAN.--On the 23rd day of October, by the same, Jonas C. Beer, of Trachsville, and Miss Amanda M. Christman, of Mauch Chunk, Carbon Co. MARRIED. ZIMMERMAN-KLINGAMAN.--On the 28th day of October, by the same, Mr. Allen S. Zimmerman, of West Penn, Schuylkill county and Miss Lizzie L. Klingaman of Steinsville, Lehigh county. DIED. HERTZELL.--On the 16th day of October, in West Penn, Harry, son of John and Kate Hertzall. Aged 4 months, 15 days. DIED. HOFFMAN--On the 18th day of October, in East Penn, John Franklin, son af Nathaniel and Sarah Hoffman. Aged 3 months, 3 days. DIED. GRIM--On the 27th day of October, in West Penn, Hattie Mantana, daughter of Chas. A. and Mary Ann Grim. Aged 4 years, 11 months and 22 days. DIED. LEIBY--on the same day, in West Penn, Susanna Leby. Aged 80 years, 7 months. DIED. REX--On the 31st day of October, in West Penn, Katie, wife of Ntthan Rex. Aged 67 years, 6 months and 24 days. Volume 8, Number 52, Saturday, November 20, 1880 Local and Personal. A passenger train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad was thrown from the track near Wilkesbarre, Tuesday, and wrecked. Thos. Mahone, flagman, was killed, and John Sweeney, fireman, so badly injured that he died in a few hours. Two other trainmen were severely injured. Local and Personal. Britton Burnett, an old resident of Monroe county, and for over forty years an invalid, died suddenly at his residence on Foxtown Hill, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. He was 69 years of age. Local and Personal. A party of hunters left Bushkil a few days ago on a deer hunting expedition in Porter township, Pike county, Pa. Among the number was Absalom Arnst, 21 years old who 64 was assigned to watch the camp fire while the rest of the party were out driving deer. While sitting by the fire Arnst saw a deer running directly toward him. He reached for his gun, which was lying on the ground, and while running to get near the deer he stumbled and fell, the gun was discharged, and its contents entered his side, producing death. Packerton Ripples. John Sweeney, who was killed in the accident at Mill Creek, was formerly employed here in the round house. Packerton Ripples. Luke Boylon, an old and respected citizen of this place, died on Friday afternoon, after a short illness. His death resulted, probably, from injuries received a few weeks ago while engaged in shifting some cars in the Packerton Yard; at the time he did not apprehend anything serious and continued work, a few days after he felt a severe pain in the back, and upon examination, by a physician, it was found that the spine was injured. Prompt remedies were applied, but there was but little to encourage-his vitality was nearly gone--and thus passed away one who was an upright citizen, an indulgent father and kind husband. Mr. Boylon was born in Ireland, in the year 1814; came to this country in 1853, resided at Staten Island for a time, was engaged in building a railroad in South Carolina and Florida shortly before the Rebellion, came to Mauch Chunk in 1862, and secured employment with the L. V. R. R. Co., and has been with them since that time--a faithful efficient, employee, enjoying the confidence of his employers. He leaves a wife and son to mourn their loss. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon. A Train Wrecked. Train No. 21 on the Lehigh Valley railroad, due at Pittston at 10 a. m., Tuesday, was wrecked near Mill Creek by a broken rail. Fireman Sweeney was instantly killed and engineer Murphy badly burned. The locomotive and two passenger cars were destroyed by fire. Another Account. The citizens of Wilkesbarre, says our dispatch, were greatly excited Tuesday morning over the report that an eastward bound passenger train, on the Lehigh Valley road, had been wrecked near that city, with great loss of life. The facts proved to be not quite as serious. A local train runs between that city and Pittston. Shortly after 10 o'clock it left the latter place with two coaches containing about twenty passengers in all. The regular crew, save the conductor, were detailed for duty Tuesday on a special excursion run to New York, their places being filled by substitutes. It takes about twenty-two minutes to run from Pittston to Wilkesbarre. When the train crossed Mill Creek, two miles from here, the engine suddenly left the track and plunged down a steep embankment forty feet below. The tender and two coaches followed. A number of men working in the vicity rushed to the scene of the disaster and sided the struggling passengers to escape from the first coach, which had caught fire and was wrapped in flames. The steam hissed around the engine and mingled with the smoke of the burning car. Several of those on hand to render assistance went to the locomotive to look out for the engineer and fireman. The list of killed and wounded. The following list of casualties are reported: Thomas M. McMahon, brakeman, killed outright; John Sweeney, fireman, fatally scalded; Henry Murphy, engineer, terribly scalded and shoulder broken; Patrick McManaman, badly if not fatally scalded; Mrs. Margaret Tigue, of Pittston, hand smashed. Several of the passengers were slightly bruised, but miraculously escaped serious injuries. The cause of the accident is attributed either to a misplaced switch or an imperfect switch 65 rail. The injured were all conveyed to the Wilkesbarre hospital. Wild Creek Items. A young man by the name of Joseph Kearn, of Slatington, was joined in wedlock to Miss Ellen J. Distler, of this township, on Monday, 8th inst.; another man by the name of Henry Eckhard on the 1st inst., was also joined in matrimony to Miss Amanda Mory, both of this township. We wish them a happy life. Big Creek Items. A child of Mr. Mangold, of Walcksville, was interred at Weissport on Thursday of last week. Its death was caused by that dreaded disease diphtheria. Big Creek Items. D. S. Lovett, had attained the age of 67 years, 4 months and 3 days. Gored by a Bull. Jonas Shaffer, aged seventy years, died October 30th in Blooming Grove, Pike county. He was a famous bear hunter. He was the father of Jonas, Gil. and Brock Shaffer, all hunters and guides in the Pike woods. The old gentleman's death was the result of injuries received by the attack of a vicious bull two weeks previous. Mr. Shaffer was walking through a lot where the bull was kept. The animal rushed upon him before he could get beyond its reach. The bull caught the hunter on its horns and tossed him over a stone wall. The animal jumped over the wall and tossed the old gentleman back again into the lot. He was found by one of his sons. Several ribs were broken, and his body was terribly torn by the bull's horn.--Ex. In Memoriam. "Life's curtain rises upon a cradle. In rapid succession, childhood, youth, maturity, age follow, and the curtain falls, withdrawing us from human eyes; but, if we acted well our part, introducing us into glories." Preamble: Sorrow's mournful arch must again be reared, and under it must we bend low our heads, in paying tribute to another deceased brother, Alfred Trainer, of Gnaden Huetten Lodge, No. 686, I. O. O. F. Our deceased brother was an honorable member of our Lodge. On the 3d of November, 1880, silence reigned around his couch, as with stealthy footsteps, the dread herald of death approached, one sigh of icy breath, one shudder, and all was over. Therefore, be it, Resolved, That while we bow to the Divine will, believing that all His judgments are just and His ways merciful, we feel that we have lost a faithful member and his family a devoted husband. Resolved, That we tender our warmest sympathies to the bereaved family. Resolved, That the members wear the badge of mourning and our Charter be draped for the space of thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of our deceased brother, published in the Carbon Advocate, and spread on the journal of the Lodge. Henry Kostenbader, W. I. Peters, N. B. Reber, Committee. Lehighton, Nov. 17, 1880. MARRIED. NANSTIEL-SERFASS.--At the residence of John Mangold, in Franklin twp., on the 7th inst., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, George W. Nanstiel and Mary A. Serfass. MARRIED. THOMAS-CHRISTMAN.--In Franklin, on the 16th inst., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, William Thomas and Amelia Christman, both of that township. 66 MARRIED. REX-SONDERMAN.--At the Lutheran Parsonage in this borough, by Rev. W. G. Laitzle, on the 13th inst., James A. Rex to Mary A. Sonderman, both of this place. MARRIED. QUINN-SETZER.--On the 15th ult., by J. H. Smith, Esq., of Long Pond, John E. Quinn, of Dedham, Mass., and Miss Christina Setzer, of Tunkhannock township, Monroe county, Pa. DIED. WILLIAMS.--At Brenham, Washington county, Texas, of Dysentery, Mary, eldest child of Thomas A. and Rebecca Williams, formerly of this borough, aged about 9 years. DIED. WEISS.--In East Weissprt, on the 16th ult., Emma, daughter of Nero and Louisa Weiss, aged 15 years, 1 month and 16 days. DIED, HAHN.--In Franklin, on the 30th ult., Benjamin Hahn, aged 56 years, 4 months and 16 days. DIED. KERN.--In this borough, on the 16sh ult., of consumption, Amanda, daughter of August Lehr and wife of Francis Kern, aged 30 years, 4 months and 21 days. Sufferer, rest in peace. Volume 9, Number 1, Saturday, November 27, 1880 STATE NEWS. George Schoonover, of Bushkill, Pike co., committed suicide by hanging on Monday. Local and Personal. An unknown man, supposed to be from Emaus, was found dead, Sunday morning, at the foot of the embankment in the Sixth Ward, Allentown. He is supposed to have walked over in the dark. His neck was broken. Local and Personal. Dr. John Townley, a well knwon physician, of Carbondale, Lackawanna county, was accidentally drowned, Sunday, by stepping from a plank crossing a reservoir. He was 65 years of age. Local and Personal. Sunday evening about half past 5 o'clock, Florey Gehringer, a married man, employed as puddler at the Allentown Furnace, got into an altercation with Charles Schaeffer, a boiler maker, employed by Cole & Heilman, boiler makers, of Allentown. Finally Gehringer, drawing a knife, stabbed Schaeffer to the heart. The unfortunate man fell dead instantly, and the murderer, was immediately arrested and lodged in jail. The Coroner summoned a jury and held an inquest at once. Charles Schaeffer was a single man, about 21 years of age, and, his employers say, steady, sober and industrious. Local and Personal. Saturday night, about 9 o'clock, an alarm of fire was given from the American Hotel, on Hamilton street, Allentown. The fire was confined to the room where it originated, but a child of three years was burned to death. It appears that Mrs. Jones, wife of a locomitive engineer who boards at the hotel, left the child asleep in a crib and went down stairs to see some friends. The child reached on to a shelf to get at a clock and reached over the gas which set fire to its night-gown. The little sufferer rolled on the floor and the night gown was 67 burned off and the carpet set on fire. The child died of its injuries in about half an hour. From the County Seat. Obituary.--Joseph H. Siewers. On Sunday morning last the people of Mauch Chunk were astonished by the announcement that J. H. Siewers had died of pneumonia, after an illness of only a day. Deceased was born October 9th, 1812, at Bethania, St. John's Island, West India. His father was a missionary of the Moravian church; he received his early education at Nazareth Hall, the famous boarding school for boys under the management of the Moravian church; after his graduation there, he became a teacher of no mean renown; from Nazareth he went to WilkesBarre, and taught the Plymouth Academy, and there married his first wife; he then taught at Lewisburg, Pa., Beverly, Mass., and Cheran, S. C. He came to Mauch Chunk in 1845 and took charge of the High school. While at Willkes-Barre he studied law under Judge Cunningham and was admitted to the bar. As a lawyer he was eminently succesful, and was well known all through Eastern Pennsylvania. The failure of his hearing some years ago obliged him to relinquish active practice, and he has been known of late years as a counsellor at law. In 1863 he was elected Prothonotary, and twice afterwards re-elected. He was thoroughly identified with every interest of Mauch Chunk and Carbon County, and he will be missed more than any man that has died in our community for a number of years. He was for many years a member of the Presbyterian church and a christian in every sense of the word. he was to the time of his death the teacher of a large bible class, and it will be exceedingly difficult to fill his place. Politically he was a Democrat, staunch, firm, radical and outspoken, and, when his health permitted, he labored without ceasing for the success of his principles and party. He leaves a widow and three children to mourn their loss, one E. R. Siewers, our present District Attorney. His funeral was large notwithstanding the extremely cold weather and was attended by the Masonic order, the members of the Bar, etc. On Tuesday morning the Bar met at the office of Craig & Loose, John D. Bertolette was chosen Chairman, and John Kline, Secretary; on motion, the chair appointed W. G. Freyman, P. J. Meehan and Joseph Kalbfuss, Esqs., a committee to draw suitable resolutions. Allen Craig was appointed to present them to the Court, and James B. Struthers to present them to the family of the deceased. On motion it was resolved to attend the funeral in a body. MARRIED. DeFREHN-BULLERS.--At the house of Elias DeFrehn, in this borough, Nov. 25th, 1880, by Rev. J. P. Miller, Nathan DeFrehn, Esq., to Miss Sarah Jane Bullers, both of East Mauch Chunk, Pa. Volume 9, Number 2, Saturday, December 4, 1880 STATE NEWS. Samuel Bradnies, Daniel E. Leihy and Daniel Kennedy were killed in the mines in the vicinity of Shamokin last week. Local and Personal. John Horn, of Freemansburg, was killed by cars on the Lehigh Valley Railroad near South Bethlehem on Saturday. Local and Personal. Simon Wehr, a well known citizen of Slatington, died on the 17th ult., of 68 heart disease, at the age of 68 years. He left a wife and three children. Local and Personal. Mrs. Emma Tice, wife of Mr. Charles Tice, of East Texas, and daughter of Dewalt Kuhns, of Upper Macungie, died on the 17th ult., in child-birth. She had been a bride of less than a year, and the announcement of her demise was received with sorrow by all knowing her. Local and Personal. Mrs. Emma H. Beitel, wife of Richard O. Beitel, died at her home in Centre Square, near Nazareth, on Monday morning a week. She was a daughter of John and Eliza Boyer, of Catasauqua, and a lady of much religious faith and many amiable qualities. Weissport Items. We regret to record the death of our much respected citizen, Mr. Israel Moyer, who died Sunday morning, after a severe illness of a few days. Mr. Moyer was always a healthy and strong man, but the march of Death is relentless, universal; none can escape it. Let us then so live that the grim monarch will be greeted as our truest friend, that he will but unbar for us the portals leading to a glorious immortality. "Death's but a path that must be trod, If ever man would pass to God." The Last Sad Rites. The funeral of Florence G. B., daughter of Rev. D. K. and Lydia A. Kepner, took place Wednesday afternoon. Long before the services began an immense throng of sympathizing friends and neighbors had assembled at the house of mourning. A prayer in the German language was offered by Rev. O. P. Smith, of Trappe, which was followed by a very appropriate address in German by Rev. L. Groh, of Boyertown. The corpse was then borne to the church where the services were continued. Rev. L. K. Evans, of the Trinity Reformed Church, conducted the opening services (with the invocation, the announcement of a hymn, reading of Scripture and prayer.) Rev. C. Koerner, of the Lutheran Church of the Transfiguration, delivered a very able and comforting sermon from the text, "The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." The sermon was well received by the large and attentive audience. The services at the grave were conducted by Rev. Koerner. The corpse was encased in a beautiful metallic casket. Mr. James Fillman, the veteran undertaker, in charge. Little Florence was but three and a half years old, yet possessed with remarkable intelligence. She was beloved by every one who knew her; she was full of promise, and a comfort and joy to her fond parents and loved ones. But alas! God's most precious gifts are short lived. While her young life was in the balance, many and earnest were the prayers that arose from pious hearts in her behalf. But, "the Lord hath taken away--blessed be his holy name." May He comfort the deeply bereaved parents, whose hearts and home are painfully lonely in the departure of their darling.--Pottstown Daily Chronicle. Wild Creek Items. Henry Keller, a very accomplished young man of Kresgeville, and an intimate friend of mine, who has been sick for several years, died last Monday a week. He was buried in the cemetery of Jerusalem church on the 25th ult. DIED. STOCKER.--At Packerton, on the 26th ult., of diphtheria, Robert Frs., son of Wm. and Martha Stocker, aged 7 years, 11 months and 15 days. Also, on the 29th ult., of diphtheria, James Martin, son of the same parents, aged 5 years, 10 months and 21 days. 69 DIED. STOECKLEY--At Weatherly, on the 29th ult., Nicholas Stoeckley, aged 20 yerrs. Volume 9, Number 3, Saturday, December 11, 1880 Obituary. Benjamin F. Stein, who has been afflicted with asthma and dropsy for some months past, died Monday evening about six o'clock, at his home in Easton. Deceased was born in Lehigh township, in 1815, and graduated from Lafayette College in 1838, when he was the Latin Salutatorian. After he left college he studied law, and was admitted to the bar Nov. 16th, 1841. He never practiced as a lawyer, but adopted teaching as a profession. He had remarkable adaptability for the teacher's work, and met with great success as principle of accademies at Stewartsville and Belvidere, N. J., at Reading, Pa., and Fredericksburg, Va. From 1863 to 1870, he was engaged as clerk in the U. S. Treasury Department, and four years previous to that time was editor and proprietor of the Easton Free Press. In 1874 he received from Lafayette College the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and since that time has been engaged in preparing young men for college, which work he was employed in up to the time of his last sickness. A Hunter's Tragic Death. Jerry Green, the famous hunter of Pike county, on the 22d of November went bear hunting, and not returning, a search was made for him several days ago, when his remains were found on a knoll in the centre of a swamp, with four large bears, dead and frozen, lying near by. A part of the long gray beard he had worn still clung to the head, from which the bears or wildcats had gnawed the ears, the nose, and most of the flesh. A survey of the ground showed that Jerry had met the bears, and that in fighting them he had received wounds that caused his death. One of the dead bears had bitten away a part of Jerry's right foot, and the ghastly fragments were still between his teeth. A wound in his neck showed that his grasp of the hunter's foot was followed by a fatal blow from the hunter's knife. Jerry's knife lay on the ground, and into its blade one of the furious brutes had set his teeth and bitten nearly through the steel. Shreds of cloth, buttons, and Jerry's gun and powder flask lay near by. Railroad Accident. On Monday evening a railroad accident happened a short distance this side of Slatington by which two young men named Henry Kuntz and William Smith, both residents of Slatington, were killed. They were employees in the car shops at Packerton, the first named filling a clerkship and the other being a telegraph operator, and were in the habit of going home every evening. On the evening in question they boarded a passing coal train on the Lehigh Valley railroad, and which when near Slatington ran into a mass of dirt and stone that had slid down from the mountain side upon the track, causing the engine, caboose and 40 cars to pile up in a wreck, and amidst which the young men were crushed to death. The death of the young men is deeply mourned by all who knew them and the parents and friends have the sympathy of the entire community. Packerton Ripples. Thomas Weaver, one of Packerton's best citizens, gave another proof of his kindness in the case of Mr. John Davis and family. Mrs. Davis has been an invalid for some time, being unable to secure female help, the husband was compelled to remain at home to attend to her wants; a few days ago their oldest daughter, aged about 9 years, was taken with diphtheria and died. Mr. Weaver ascertaining the condition of the family and that there was no funds to bury the child, made all provisions, comforting the hearts of the afflicted parents. Mrs. Davis is still in a precarious condition, and the attention of sympathizing friends has been called to the 70 wants of the family. Packerton Ripples. The sad death of H. A. Kuntz and W. A. Smith cast a gloom of sorrow over the officers here. Mr. Kuntz was associated with the Forwarding Office for about nine years, a genuine whole-soulded fellow, he had endeared himself to all who knew him; a young man with more than ordinary ability, with the prospect of a long life, his sad taking off can but be regretted by friends and relatives. Mr. Smith was the night operator, but temporarily in change of the day office, he had been employed but a short time at this point, yet had made many friends, and was fitted for the position. Amandus Kuntz, one of the Forwarding Office clerks, was also on the engine that was wrecked, but escaped with slight bruises. MARRIED. REX-CAMPBELL--On the 13th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Alvin Rex, of East Penn and Miss Annie Campbell, of Mahoning, this county. MARRIED. KINNEY-BUCKLEY.--At Laurytown, on the 5th inst., Mr. David Kinney and Miss Annie Buckley, both of Weatherly, Pa. DIED. ALBRIGHT.--On the 12th ult., in Mahoning, Katie Eveline, daughter of John F. and Rosa A. Albright, aged 1 month and 14 days. DIED. BORHOR.--On the 17th ult., in West Penn, Leah, wife of Lewis Bornor, aged 29 years, 1 month and 23 days. DIED. DAVIS.--At Packerton, on the 3rd inst., of diphtheria and membranous croup, Maria A., oldest daughter of John and Sarah Davis, aged 9 years, 4 months and 21 days. DIED. REINERT.--On the 5th inst., in Franklin, Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Reinert, aged 79 years and 10 months. DIED. STOCKER.--At Packerton, on the 5th inst., of Diphtheria, John Thomas, son of Thomas and Sarah Stocker, aged 4 years, 8 months and 3 days. Volume 9, Number 4, Saturday, December 18, 1880 Local and Personal. Mary Alice Odenwelder, aged two years, was fatally burned at her home in Bethlehem Townshiop, Northampton county, on Monday morning of last week. The child's clothes took fire during the temporary absence of her mother, who, returning, found the room filled with smoke, and the child resting her head on the cradle, which contained an infant sister. The clothes were completely burned from the body. She died the same evening, in great pain. Local and Personal. About nine o'clock, on Thursday morning of last week, a fatal accident occurred below the Lehigh Valley depot, at Catasauqua. Martin Gauley, a brakeman on a coal train, went below the switch to signal another train, when No. 1 passenger arrived and ran over the unfortunate man, severing his legs and one arm, from which injuries he survived but a few minutes. The sight was a terrible one. He was a single man, the support of a widowed mother, who resides at Penn Haven. 71 Local and Personal. The parting of a coupling connecting the engine and cars on the Audenried branch of the L. & S. railroad, caused the death of Nathan Turnbach, on Thursday of last week. The whole train passed over his body, mangling it in a horrible manner. He was interred in Beaver Brook on Sunday. Local and Personal. On Thursday, Dec. 9th, Mr. Chas Schaffer, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Walnutport, died. The diseased was aged 70 years, 1 month and 21 days. His funeral took place at St. Paul's Church, near Cherryville on Sunday last, and was largely attended. Local and Personal. George, a young son of Mr. Ed. Hone, of Packerton, died in that village, of diphtheria, on Thursday 9th inst., and Lizzie, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. Trythall, died of the same disease, on Friday of last week. Packerton Ripples. The funeral services of the late H. A. Kuntz took place on Friday afternoon from the residence of his father, Moses Kuntz, Esq., Slatington, and was attended by a large concourse of citizens. The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful; a cross from the clerks of the Forwarding and Scale department, a broken crown from the choir of which he was leader, a star and broken column from the Sunday School of which he was Assistant Superintendent, a cross and anchor from Rev. D. K. Kepner and wife, and other beautiful and appropriate. The Rev. Wm. Peters, Pastor of the Reformed Church, conducted the services at the house; Rev. J. S. Erb, Pastor of the Luthern Church, of which Mr. Kuntz was a member, preached the sermon; Rev. D. K. Kepner, former pastor at Slatington and an intimate friend of deceased, closed the services at the church, paying a glowing tribute to the worth and character of his valued friend. The following clerks of the Forwarding and Scale department attended the funeral and acted as pall bearers: F. C. Wintermute, W. Lee Stiles, E. M. Fenner, George Sandel, Joseph Fenner and William Boyd. In Memoriam. On Wednesday afternoon, December 8th, the clerks of the Forwarding and Scale department met in the private office of F. B. Morris, Forwarding Agent; on motion of W. P. Long, F. B. Morris was chosen chairman, and E. M. Williams Secretary. Mr. Morris, upon taking the chair, very feelingly spoke of the character of the late H. A. Kuntz, of his gentlemenly deportment, ability and faithfulness as clerk of his department. On motion, F. B. Morris, E. M. Williams and W. Lee Stiles were appointed a committee to draft suitable resolutions. The following were presented and unanimously adopted: Suddenly and unexpectedly has our friend and fellow clerk, Henry A. Kuntz, been called from our midst; in the bloom of youth, with a bright promise of long life, the summons has come, his work here finished; we miss him, yet we should not mourn, our loss is his infinite gain, we bow in submissian to the will of Him, "whose ways are not our ways." We can express our high estimate of his character no better than by saying, that in all our intercourse with him we found it above reproach. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved family in the loss of so devoted a son and brother, and ask for them the blessings of "Him who does all things well." Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased. F. B. Morris, E. M. Williams, W. Lee Stiles, Com. Packerton, Dec. 13, 1881. 72 MARRIED. SAEGER-HESS.--In Parryville, at the home of the bride's parents, by the Rev. J. Bawden, Mr. Charles Saeger and Miss Sallie A. Hess, both of Parryville. MARRIED. BEAR-KLOTZ.--On the 12th inst., by the Rev. E. J. Fogel, Mr. Osvil A. Bear, of North Whitehall, to Miss Manetta L. Klotz, of Washington township. DIED. CAMERON--On the 10th inst., at Weatherly, Mary Ann Ames Cameron, aged 67 years. DIED. SCHOCH.--On the 7th inst., at Lehigh Gap, of cancer, Mrs. Emma Schoch, wife of Geo. D. Schoch, aged 42 years. DIED. SCHAFFER.--On the 9th inst., at Walnutport, Chat. Schaffer, aged 70 years, 1 month and 21 days. Volume 9, Number 5, Saturday, December 25, 1880 Local and Personal. Thomas Halfpenny, proprietor of the Luzerne House at West Pittston, Luzerne county, committed suicide Friday. He was in poor health. Local and Personal. Morgan L. Williams, a coal pioneer in Schuylkill county, died at Minersville on Friday of last week. Local and Personal. Cards announcing the marriage of Mr. R. H. Sayre, Jr., and Miss H. Bessie Hillard, of Wilkesbarre, to take place on the 28th inst., are out. Local and Personal. The wife of Mr. Solomon Bachman, of Emaus, died on Tuesday of last week after a period of great suffering with quinsy, complicated with diphtheria. Local and Personal. Charles Sickler accidentally poisoned his wife on Saturday night at Scranton, by giving her carbolic acid instead of chlorage. She died in a few hours. Sickler has gone crazy on account of the fatal mistake. Local and Personal. Mr. Jacob Kressley, of Heidelburg tsp., died on Tuesday of last week, aged 70 years. In the fall of 1878 he struck Elias Lentz, a neighbor, over the head with a club, killing him. The blow as struck in the heat of a quarrel because of one of Lentz's hogs breaking down his, Kressley's fences and running in one of his fields. The community was of the impression that Kressley did not intend to kill Lentz, and he was acquitted of the charge of homicide laid against him. East Penn Pencilings. Old Mrs. Neff died on Sunday, the 12th inst., and was interred in the Ben Salem cemetery on the Wednesday following. Rev. A. Bartholomew officiating. Aged 76 years, 3 months and 12 days. Big Creek Items. Barbara Heavener, one of the trio of old persons--two sisters and a brother-who have been living quietly and peaceably with all the world, in a small old house at Pine Run for years, departed this life on Monday morning last. At breakfast time she went to the table, and 73 partook of but a very little food, when she complained of feeling dizzy; she went for the bed, which stood only a few feet from the table, laid thereon, but a few moments when her spirit took its flight to that land whence no traveler returns. Her funeral took place, from the residence of Harrison Smith, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at the St. Paul's church, of this place; services were conducted by Rev. J. E. Freeman, in German. She had attained the age of 87 years and 9 days. STATE NEWS. During a fight in Shamokin on Saturday night a rough characer named Shovelin stabbed and killed William Laimee. MARRIED. SHAFFER.-FLYTE--At the M. E. Parsonage, Weatherly, Dec. 16, 1880, by Rev. P. F. Eyer, Mr. Adam F. Shaffer, of Hickory Run, and Miss Mary C. Flyte, of Jackson's Corner, Monroe Co. DIED. BLOSE.--On the 5th inst., in Millport, Amanda, wife of Oliver Blose, aged 36 years and 12 days. DIED. SCHOCH.--At Lehigh Gap, on the 8th inst., Emma, wife of George Schoch, aged about 38 years. DIED. MOYER.--In North Weissport, on the 9th inst., of convulsions, William E., infant son of Francis and Catharine Moyer, aged 4 months and 5 days. DIED. HAHN.--At Packerton, on the 9th instant, Clarence R., son of Edwin and Emma Hahn, aged 3 years, 5 months and 6 days. DIED. BOYER.--In North Weissport, on 10th inst., David Henry, son of Reuben and Emmaline Boyer, aged 10 yrs., 6 mos. and 11 days. "Rest in peace," ye sainted dead, In your dark and narrow bed: Ye live in hope, within God's care, To meet your Master in the air. J. E. Freeman. Volume 9, Number 6, Saturday, January 1, 1881 Local and Personal. Miss Emma Newmeyer, daughter of Mr. V. Newmeyer, of Mahoning Valley, died Monday, dec. 22, and was buried at St. John's church, in Mahoning, on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 25th. Miss Newmeyer was a young lady of exemplary Christian character and was highly respected by all who knew her. Local and Personal. John Dunstan, a driver boy, 14 years old, employed by the Susquehanna Coal Co., at Nanticoke, was on Wednesday, the 22nd ult., killed by being thrown under a car wheel. Local and Personal. An engine exploded at Palo Alto, on the Reading Railroad, Thursday 74 evening, of last week, killing Patrick Donahue, engineer; Thomas Kenvin, conductor, and William Ash and John Maher, brakemen. All leave families. The coroner's jury, Tuesday, rendered a verdict exonerating everybody from blame, except, possibly, the dead engineer. East Penn Pencilings. Tilghman Guldner, of this township, was united in the holy bonds of Matrimony, on Christmas, with Miss Tewilla Steigerwalt, of West Penn. Double Murder and Lynching Near Bethlehem. Jacob Geagle and wife, German farmers, living four miles west of Bethlehem, at the little village of Santee's Mills, were brutally murdered Sunday night, while sleeping in their bed. At 3 o'clock Monday morning, Joseph Snyder, hailing from Easton, who has been boarding with the Geagle family, went to a neighboring farm house, and awakening the inmates, related the terrible death of the couple, stating that he had been awakened by noise, and, on going down stairs, found them murdered in their bed. The news spread quickly, and almost before daylight hundreds from the surrounding country were on the scene. The bodies were found lying side by side, as though they had been killed instantly and without a struggle. The brains of both were scattered over the bed, walls, and ceiling, and their throats were cut from ear to ear. Four children sleeping up stairs were aroused by the noise below. The eldest, a girl of 16, said she went to the stove pipe hole and, looking down, saw their boarder, Joseph Snyder, cleaning the floor and walls from the blood with which they were spotted, and burning the clothing he had on. When he had finished, he started for her room, but her cries for assistance, mingled with those of the younger children, frightened him away. At eleven o'clock Monday morning, Detective Yohe found the murderer, Snyder, secreted in a barn not far from the scene of the tragedy. He was taken to the spot where the bodies lay, and during the time the Coroner's jury was in session, made a full confession to Rev. D. F. Brendle, stating that he had murdered them with an axe while they were sleeping, the intention being to commit a felonious assault upon the eldest daughter. When the crowd, numbering now about 150 to 200, heard this, they grew wild with excitement, and cries of "Lynch him," "String him up," &c., were heard on all sides--among the loudest being the voices of the women. It was no sooner said than done, and almost before the officers of the law could realize it, the prisoner was dragged from a barn where they were guarding him, and a rope was placed around his neck, the other end thrown over the convenient limb of a tree, and his body jerked skyward, where it hung long after life had departed. The officers did everything in their power to save the prisoner, but the excited and infuriated crowd hurled them aside, threatening personal violence if they interfered. After the body had been hanging about half an hour the Coroner, coming down with his jury, met a man on the stairs, who said, "Here is another subject for you--look at this," and pointed to the tree. The Coroner's jury had just rendered a verdict "that the said Jacob and Anna Geagle came to their death by blows and cuts inflicted upon their heads and bodies with an axe in the hands of Joseph Snyder, December 26." "Who did this?" said the coroner. Why the people did, said some one. By and by the District Attorney, C. M. Austell, arrived. The body of the murderer lay at the foot of the tree. "This is all wrong, all wrong," said he. "is it?" said a respetable farmer. "Go in and see what this man did. This is all right. You don't get any more men off on the ground of insanity." "Did you have a hand in this?" said the District Attorney. "No sir; but it is right." "Do you know who did?" "No, and I don't care. it was a good thing to do." 75 But as the officers of the law came, making inquiries the crowd dispersed. No inquest has yet been held on Snyder's body. Later.--When caught and brought back, he was so cool and indifferent--so brutally careless in the manner in which he confessed--that there was an uncontrollable desire for summary punishment. These quiet Pennsylvania farmers were influenced by a wrath that, without being demonstrative, was terrible to witness. Their faces were pale and their teeth set. When the Coroner went off up stairs with his jury, they listened to the conversation between the cleryman and the muderer, and they made a rush for him. He cooly smiled when they had him under the tree, and carelessly kicked the snow around with his foot. he never asked for mercy, and he made no resistance. Who hung him? Those who were there and saw it all say they do not know. But men have been heard to say since: "I was there, and lent a hand to swinging him up." The leading men in the neighborhood were there and, it is said, all took a hand. It was a mere youth who climbed the tree and fixed the rope. It was women who did most of the shouting, and cried for vengeance The men said very little. The rope was a hempen bed cord. It was not long enough for all to get hold of who wanted to. Men joined hands and pulled at the men who held the rope. if they had not hung him, it is said that the women would have torn him in pieces. The authorities will take some action, of course. Those who took part in the lynching are known. The officers present saw the men, and all engaged are guilty as principals. But the sympathies of the people are with the lynchers. At Squire Fradenneck's office, in Bethlehem, the same jury which held the inquest on the murdered couple met Monday evening, and rendered a verdict to the effect that Joseph Snyder came to his death by hanging, at the hands of persons unknown to the jury. Fatal Explosion. Just before noon Thursday, of last week, a fatal explosion occurred near Penn Haven on the Hazleton Division of the Lehigh Valley Railroad. it appears that a quantity of giant powder in cartridges were stored in a shanty, by workmen engaged in laying the new track, and some of the cartridges fell in a fire, built to warm the workmen, while eating dinner. The alarm was given and Capt. Wm. I. Connor and some of his men rushed in to kick them out of the fire. But they were too late and an explosion resulted. Richard R. Sherry, of Mauch Chunk, was instantly killed, his face being disfigured beyond recognition. Lawrence McGinley, of West Broadway, Mauch Chunk, was terribly cut in the neck and face; Jasper Taylor, of Rockport, was terribly mangled in body and legs, and died the same evening. Capt. Connor had his face burned considerably. Mr. Sherry was about 30 years of age and leaves a wife to whom he was married about a year since.--Gazette. Upper Pine Run Items. Henry George is very much pleased with the daughter his wife presented him with a few days ago. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Lavina Simms, of Slocum, was burned to death by her dress catching fire while rendering lard last week. MARRIED. ESCH-GREEN--On the 18th ult., at the Lutheran parsonage, in this borough, by Rev. Wm. C. Lalizle, John Esch and Miss Etna Green, both of Lehighton, Pa. MARRIED. PROTZELLER-SMOYER.--On the 21st ult., in Parryville, by Rev. G. W . Gross, John E. Protzeller, of Hokendauqua, and Sarah A. Smoyer, of Parryville. 76 MARRIED. BOXMEYER-HOFFMAN.--On the 19th ult., by Rev. E. A. Bauer, Charles Boxmeyer, of Weatherly, and Mrs. Anna C. Hoffman, of Tamaqua. MARRIED. KEAR-REINSMITH--At the residence of Ira Oliver, Mauch Chunk, on the 20th ult., by Rev. T. M. Griffith, David L. Kear, of Nesquehoning, and Jennie E. Reinsmith, of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED. YOUNKER-NUSS.--At the residence of Mr. Timothy Houser, at Weatherly, on the 23rd ult., by Rev. P. F. Eyer, Benjamin J. Younker and Miss Sarah C Nuss, both of Nescopec twp., Luzerne co., Pa MARRIED. HEINTLEMAN-BENNIGOFF.--On the 25th ult, by Rev. Wm H. Strauss, Daniel Heintzleman, of Lynntown, Lehigh county, and Miss Elveina Bennigoff, of Mahoning, Carbon county. MARRIED. MOORE-DICK.--On the same day, by the same, Wm. Moore, of Lansford, and Miss Margaret Dick, of Jamestown, this county. MARRIED. GULDNER-STEIGERWALT.--On the 26th ult., by the same, Tilghman Guldner, of East Penn and Miss Tewilla Steigerwalt, of West Penn. DIED. ECKERT.--On the 18th ult., in Parryville, Osborn W., son of Wm. and Levina Eckert, aged 20 years, 2 months and 15 days. DIED. EBERLE.--On the 10th ult., in East Mauch Chunk of diphtheria, Francis R. S., son of Charles L. and Susan Eberle, aged 2 years and 1 month. DIED. SAVITZ.--On th 17th ult., in Parryville, Mrs. Annie Savitz, aged 80 years, 4 months and 23 days. DIED. NEWMERER.--On the 22d ult., in Mahoning, Emma Newmeyer, aged 19 years, 8 months and 26 days. Volume 9, Number 7, Saturday, January 8, 1881 Local and Personal. Mary Elizabeth Lord, a little girl, badly burned at Pottsville on Tuesday, 28th ult., has since died. Local and Personal. Samuel Smoyser, living near Kreidersville, aged 70, was found dead in his hay mow on Monday, 27th inst. Local and Personal. Samuel Sherwell, tailor, an Englishman by birth, dropped dead Thursday 30th ult., at Easton from old age and exhaustion. Local and Personal. Ella Higgins, aged 18 years, of Sport Hill, near Scranton, hanged herself on the 29th ult., because, it is supposed, she had been threatened with arrest for obtaining goods by 77 false pretences. Local and Personal. An Irishman named McCann was so badly beaten at Mahanoy Plane week before last, that he died of his injuries on Sunday, the 26th ult, Two men named Herrick and Malia have been arrested for the act. Local and Personal. Bernard Gaffney and John McDonald, miners, employed in No. 1 shaft Carbondale, were Monday killed instantly by a fall of top coal in their mine chamber. They leave large families in a pitiable condition. Local and Personal. Jenkin Richards, son of Jonathan Richards, Lansford, died on Chrstmas morning, and was buried on the following Tuesday from the Welsh Congregationalist Church. Carbon Temple of Honor and Temperance accompanied the remains to their last resting place in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Summit Hill. Local and Personal. An accident occurred at Weatherly Thursday afternoon, 30th ult., whereby Baltzer Weigand, a section hand on road repairs, was instantly killed. He was working on the track when he saw an engine coming toward him, on the same track; he stepped off and on to the other track, directly in front of another engine, which struck and instantly killed him. Local and Personal. The 2-year old child of John Harmony, living at Mahanoy Plane, fell into a tub of scalding water on Saturday and died a few hours afterward. HOMICIDE. A Wife of Four Months Shot Dead by her Husband, because she Refused to Sing "Pull for the Shore" for him! The most intense excitement was created in this locality on Sunday evening by the report that one Anton Kloeffel had shot and killed his wife Maria, at Big Creek, in Franklin township, this county. The facts so far as we have been able to gather them are as follows: Maria Bauchspiece, a daughter of Henry Bauchspiece, sometime ago went to live in New York city, where she became acquainted with Kloeffel, and was married to him about four months ago. A few weeks ago she returned home on a visit to her parents, (as above), where she was joined about three weeks previous to the said occurrence by her husband, Kloeffel. In the meantime we can learn of no disturbance between the couple, until late in the afternoon of Sunday last, the 2d inst, when the wife was singing a hymn from "The Evergreen," and was requested by the husband to cease that, and sing "Pull for the Shore," which she declined to do, upon which he threatened to shoot her, reaching for a double-barreled gun standing in one corner of the room; taking it up, he placed a cap on the nipple, and took aim at his wife's head, and pulled the trigger, the contents of one barrel entering the left eye and penetrating the brain, awfully disfiguring her face, and killing her instantly. The man Kloeffel, was employed as clerk in a bakery, on Broadway, New York, and is a rather good looking young man about six feet in height. When asked why he had shot his wife, he said: "I don't know why I done it; the devil entered my heart and I done it." Immediately after the shooting, Wm. E. Kemerer, Esq., issued a warrant for Kloeffel's arrest, which was placed in the hands of Constable H. P. Levan, who promptly made the arrest, and took his prisoner before Esq Kemerer, who, after a hearing, committed him to the county jail to await his trial for the crime at the coming term of court, which convenes at Mauch Chunk, 78 on Monday next, 10th inst. On the way to jail, Kloeffel told the constable that he did shoot his wife; that she refused to sing the piece he wanted; that the devil took possession of him, and he pulled the trigger, and shot and killed her. The constable says the murderer did not seem to realize the enormity of his crime, or at least assumed a self-possessed indifference. On Monday morning Coroner C. W. Lentz summoned a jury and proceeded to the scene of the muder, who after viewing the body of the murdered woman, returned a verdict as follows: "That the said Maria Kloeffel (nee Bauchspiece) came to her death by a gun shot wound in the head at the hands of her husband, Anton Kloeffel." The following named gentlemen composed the Coroner's jury: Ed. Raber, forman, Nathan Leffler, Samuel Seiler, Levi Horn, Wm. Meixel and F. A. Graver. The funeral of the murdered woman took place on Wednesday last, and was very, largely attended by relatives and friends. The funeral sermon was preached at the St. Paul's church, Big Creek, and the body was taken to Mauch Chunk, and interred in the cemetery on the hill. Had the poor woman been permitted to live until Monday last, she would have been 19 years of age. Our Weatherly Special. The great event of the week in society circles here was the marriage of Mr. Thos. Dunn, Jr., to Miss Mellie J. the accomplished daughter of our townsman, Capt. Samuel Harleman, on Tuesday last. The numerous invitations sent out for the occasion were liberally responded to by a goodly number of guests. The hymenial knot was tied by the Rev. P. F. Eyer. The bridesmaids were Misses Maria and Lizzie Harleman and the groomsmen, Messrs. G. W. Harleman and E. W. DeWitt. The hapy pair were made the recipients of numerous and valuable presents. After partaking of a sumptuous feast the couple started on their wedding tour, leaving on the 5:30 p. m., south bound train. Big Creek items. It is with regret that we are called upon to chronicle the death of the only child of William Brown, which occurred quite unexpectedly on Monday afternoon of last week. The funeral took place from the residence of Paul Buck, of this place, on Wednesday following. Interment at the Solt's church; funeral services, in German, by Rev. G. W. Gross, of Parryville. Weissport Items. Warren Seidel and Miss Emma Krum were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Saturday, by Rev. Erb, of Slatington. Weissport Items. Our friend Wm. Reber, one of those great, genial-harted fellows, is extra happy now. It's a girl! Weissport Items. An infant child of John Nicholson, died tursday morning. Funeral took place on Saturday. From the County Seat. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Kloeffel, the murdered woman, was buried in the Upper Mauch Chunk cemetery. Her husband was taken from the jail, under the custody of the Sheriff, and permitted to attend the funeral. Fatal Boiler Explosion. Special Dispatch to the Advocate. Allentown, Pa., Jan. 6. The boiler in the large mill of the Allentown Rolling Mill Co., exploded at nine o'clock to-night, damaging the mill to the extent of twenty thousand dollars, and instantly killing John Shook, aged 48, married; and fatally wounding Hugh Gallagher, aged 24; Hugh Harrington, aged 19; Patrick McGee, 79 aged 16; James Roarity, aged 18; Chalres McCloskey, aged 18; and seriously injuring Samuel Burger, aged 26; James Harkins, aged 22 ; John Harkins, aged 13; Wm. Gibbons and James Boyle The boiler was 30 feet long and 3 feet in diameter. Robert, an eleven year old son of Mr. Daniel Hontz, engineer, of Packerton, died on last Wednesday evening, about 6 o'clock, of diphtheria. He was a very bright and promising youth, and is the twenty-first victim of this dread disease, in that place. STATE NEWS. Michael Lanahan, aged 24 years, was killed by a fall of top coal in Kohinoor colliery Tuesday. STATE NEWS. The Rev. David Harris was killed at Arnot lately by a fall of coal in a seam he had just begun to work. STATE NEWS. Samuel B. Graul died in Reading on Tuesday, 28th ult., in his 80th year. At the age of 12 he fought in the war of 1812. MARRIED. MIMM-GERHART.--On the 25th ult., by Rev A. Bartholomew, Mr. Wilson F. Mimm and Miss Mary Gerhart, both of Weatherly, Carbon county. MARRIED. STROH-YEAGER.--On the same day, by the same, Mr. William R. Stroh and Miss Sophia L. Yeager, both of Mauch Chunk, Carbon county. MARRIED. DUNN-HARLEMAN.--At the residence of the bride's parents, in Weatherly, on the 28th ult., by the Rev. P. F. Eyer, Mr. Thos. F. Dunn and Miss Mellie J. Harleman, both of Weatherly. MARRIED. ENGLEHART-ROMIG.--On the 25th ult., by the Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. Henry Englehart and Miss Emma Romig, both of Packer township. MARRIED. KLOTZ-WASHBURNE.--At the reidence of Mr. W. J. Correll, Bloomsburg, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Yocum, Mr. Charles E. Klotz, of Weatherly, and Miss Mattie Washburne, of Bloomsburg, Pa. MARRIED. HARTMAN-SCHOENER.--In Lehighton, on the 25th ult., by the Rev. J. H. Hartman, Mr. Henry Hartman, of Tamaqua, and Miss Martha Schoener, of McKanesville, Pa. MARRIED. KOONS-ZEIGENFUSS.--On the 22d ult., by the Rev. G. A. Bruegel, Mr. T. D. Koons, M. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y., to Miss Anna M. Zeigenfuss, of Aquashicola, Pa. MARRIED. DRAKE-KUNTZ.--On the 28th ult., by the Rev. J. S. Erb, Mr. Thomas Drake, of Akron, Ohio, to Miss Carrie V. Kuntz, of Slatington, Pa. MARRIED. BENNINGER-CLASE.--On the 25th ult., by the Rev. W. J. Peters, Mr. Erasmus Benninger, or Packerton, to Miss Ellen M. Clase, of Slatington. MARRIED. SHOOK-BOWER.--On the 24th ult., by the Rev. A. J. G. Dubbs, Mr. W. W. 80 Shook, of Tom Hicken, to Miss Melia Bower, of Mauch Chunk. DIED. REINERT.--On the 5th day of December, in Weissport, Elizabeth, wife of Daniel Reinert. Aged 79 years, 3 months and 4 days. DIED. NEFF.--On the 12th day of December, in East Penn, Salome, widow of John Neff, aged 76 years, 3 months and 12 days. DIED. KRATZER.--On the 22d ult., in Weissport, Charles Franklin, son of Walter and Sarah Kratzer. Aged 1 year, 11 months and 4 days. DIED. BALTZER.--On the 30th ult., in Weatherly, Wieand Baltzer, aged 49 years. Interment took place on Saturday, in the Union cemetery. Volume 9, Number 8, Saturday, January 15, 1881 CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. Charles Lebsler, 11 years of age, was killed while coasting on Hillside road, at Reading, on Saturday morning. He ran under a street car and one of the front wheels passed over his head. CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. The house of Wellington Moser, in Reading, was destroyed Tuesday evening by the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Sallie Rothenberger, aged 14, and an infant perished in the building, and Mary Moser, aged 8 years, was fatally burned. David Maurer, a boarder, was severely burned. Local and Personal. Milton Geary, aged 28 years, was drowned while cutting ice at Allentown, Thurday morning of last week. Four others fell into the water with him, but were rescued. Local and Personal. Mr. William J. Grandlees, of Philadelphia, was married in Easton Wednesday to Miss Sue Sletor, of that place. There were a large number of Philadelphians present. Local and Personal. Colonel W. N. Monies, a solder of the late war, ex Mayor of Scranton, and ex-Treasurer of Lackawanna county, died in Scranton Monday. Local and Personal. John Mooney, a homeless wanderer, was found dead on a cinder dump at Scranton on Sunday morning. Local and Personal. Peter Duber, of Green Ridge, Schuylkill county, fell down stairs on Saturday and broke his neck. Local and Personal. At Fairview, on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, Patrick Conroy was cut in two on Saturday by an engine. Local and Personal. Edward Seitz died at Easton Wednesday afternoon from injuries received in the morning by the bursting of a glass siphon. 81 Local and Personal. Our good looking young barber, Frank Rhoederer was married to Miss Stuber on Tuesday last. Terrible Boiler Explosion at the Allentown Rolling Mill. The following particulars of the terrible boiler explosion at the Allentown Rolling Mill, on Thursday evening, 6th inst., was taken from the columns of the Allentown Democrat, of the 12th: On Thursday evening last, at near 9 o'clock, one of those terrible occurrences which cause a tremor in every sensitive heart--a boiler explosion--occurred in the big puddle mill of the Allentown Rolling Mill, situate in the Sixth Ward. By it the works in the immediate vicinity of the exploded boiler were shattered to pieces, one man killed instantly, and a large number wounded and scalded, some fatally so. The puddling mill is located on the east side of the Lehigh Valley railroad track. It is a very large structure, being nearly 180 feet square, and employs a large number of hands--about seventy-five being on duty when the explosion occurred. There are seven overtop boilers on the west side of the mill, with furnaces below, and each boiler unites its steam with the others, the combined steam running the machinery of the puddling works. The whole is under one roof, which rises in the centre, forming what is called a steamboat roof. The boiler which exploded, No. 15, was located in the middle of the west row of boilers. The other boilers are arranged at intervals of about twenty feet. They are cylinder boilers, about 28 feet long and 3 1/2 feet in diameter, are walled in with heavy brick and solidly made. The smokestack are brick lined. The boilers were all set to blow off at sixty pounds pressure. The engineer in charge at night was Richard Royer, Henry Snyder being the day engineer. As is customary, the boilers were blown off Thursday morning and examined. Nothing wrong was noticed, and report was so made. At about nine o'clock mill time (half hour faster than town time,) a puddler noticed steam coming from a supposed leak, and so reported to engineer Royer, who was in the engine room. The steam at the time indicated fifty-five pounds. As soon as posssible the engine was stopped and the boiler examined, and not five minutes from the time the steam was noticed the explosion occurred. At this time there were four men at each of the sixteen furnaces, together with a dozen or more men employed as rollers, catchers, &c. It would be extremely difficult to describe the scenes which followed the explosion. No pen can fittingly portray the awful effect, the sickening spectacle, the dreadful carnage. The ill-fated workmen, sweating with toil, heard the frightful crash, and the next instant saw dimly through the clouds of dust, smoke and steam scores of men falling in all directions, bricks and machinery flying through the air, while shrieks and groans from wounded, dying men penetrated their ears while yet the debris was falling. It must have been a terrible moment. There was a bright flash, a crash, a rumbling sound of falling debris, screams and shouts, and then a dead, penetrating silence. Men in the vicinity were struck dumb, were petrified with consternation; but soon the silence, more awful on account of the tremendous report, was broken by groans, which roused all to activity, and hundreds of willing and anxious hands rushed to the rescue. Men and boys lay thick strewn upon the ground in every direction; the escaping steam ascended in clouds through the holes made in the roof by the boiler pieces; quantities of bricks, which had effected the fatal injuries, were scattered about in every corner of the mill. Strange as it may seem, little or no damage was done to the heavy machinery, and the glass windows about the engine room were left unbroken. The furnace and boiler of No. 15, however, was a complete wreck, the parts being scattered far and wide. The brick work surrounding the boiler, together with iron beams, girders and massive wooden posts supporting the works, were broken and torn from their positions and 82 scattered in every direction. The boiler was made of wrought iron 5:16 of an inch thick. It weighed about 2,200 pounds, and burst nearly in the centre. It lay east and west, and the east portion of the boiler, containing the dome, was thrown directly out into the air, passing up through the mill and outside the roof, just missing a stack. The dome struck the outer edge of the lower roof and made a hole in it. This end of the boiler made a complete turn in its flight, and landed 250 feet from its original position, with the broken edge toward the east. The west end of the boiler was thrown out through the air, knocking away the foundation of the smokestack, which fell, and was landed 300 feet away on the hillside with its broken end east, showing that it did not revolve in its flight. The break is straight around, cuting the boiler parallel with its head. John Saul was the boiler tender, and his experience probably was the most wonderful of any in the mill when the boiler exploded. He is thirty-one years old, and had been in charge of the boiler for some years. He was first notified of the supposed danger by Michael Boyle, a puddler, who had been sent to him by the engineer. He looked at the water-guages and saw there were two guages of water in the boiler, with the pump working. He stopped off the water, gave orders to draw the fires, and taking a ladder looked into the flue chamber at the front of the boiler. He was unable to discover anything, and then told the night boss, John Schenk, that he would look in at the back. He placed the ladder in position, ascended it, and asked the helper, whom he did not know--he being a new man--to hold a lamp. This was done and he discovered a crack or hole extending fully two feet around the under side of the boiler. He told the helper so, and that person replied, "All right." The next moment the explosion occurred. Saul was thrown backward with the ladder, and falling a little to the side just escaped being crushed by the crumbling chimney. The force of the explosion lifted the boiler over his head, missing him by some three inches, it is estimated. He was scalded on the neck and head, and hurt on the left side, but is able to be around.--Hugh Gallagher was the helper, and was killed, being the only one instantly killed. The following are the names of the victims of the disaster: Hugh Gallagher, aged twenty-three, single, killed instantly. Been in the country three months. John Schenk, night boss, aged 48. leaves a wife and four children, died of wounds. Andrew Gallagher, son of Wm. Gallagher, aged 14, had taken eatables to the mill, died from force of explosion. James Roarity, aged 20, unmarried, died of scalds. Hugh Harrity, aged 16, single. Struck by bricks and badly scalded. Died following morning. Charles McCloskey, aged 17, roll worker, single, died of scalds. Cornelius Ferry, son of Owen Ferry, aged 13, died from wounds with bricks. Patrick McGee, son of Hugh McGee, aged 17, roll worker, died from wounds caused by bricks. Dennis McGee, jr., aged 13, came to the mill with another boy who had carried a meal there; died of scalds. Peter Gallagher, a puddler at 15 furnace, burned and scalded, and struck by bricks, died at the Emerald House next day. Michael Boyle, a puddler at the exploded furnace, and who was horrible scalded, burned and mangled by flying missiles, died at the Emerald House next night. Phillip McCafferty died Friday night. He was fearfully injured. His head and body were burned and scalded almost out of human semblance. James Harkins, a puddler's helper, who was scalded and burned, died Friday night at five 83 minutes after eleven, fifteen minutes after McCafferty's death. The following are among the many who were injured: Peter Gallagher, aged 29, single, a puddler. Not expected to recover. John Boyle, married, aged 25. Blown away thirty feet. Not seriously hurt. U. Brogan, aged 10, a squeezer. Seriously hurt. He was struck by a brick, knocked down, got up and was then blown to the other side of the building. William Gibbons, aged 20, amrried, struck in the face with bricks. Young Harkins, aged thirteen, struck by flying bricks. Not fatally injured. Dennis Gallagher, aged thirteen years, residing near Bridge street, injured by flying bricks. Not expected to recover. John Tominy, aged thirty-five, married, struck on the leg with a brick. Not seriously injured. George D. Mallon, aged nineten, single. Arm dislocated. Samuel Burger, aged twenty-six, badly hurt about the head and arms. A number of others were more or less injured. The cause of the explosion may be explained in this way, and is probably the true theory. The boiler was supported at the two ends, and had no support in the center except a little on the side afforded by the brick work. The stress on the boiler was such as to strain a row of rivets, causing the explosion, the steam cutting the iron like a knife. The scene of the accident was visited by immense numbers of people on Friday and Saturday. The disaster was truly a sad one; by it were the lives of a number of strong and robust men cut short, an occurrence the sadness of which is the subject of general remark and universal regret. The funerals of the victims took place on Sunday and Monday, and were largely attended. At 12 o'clock Saturday the investigation was commenced. The company has employed Hon. John D. Stiles as attorney, and Lewis Fenstremacher as stenographer. The first witness called was Richard Royer, the engineer at the mill. He testified that shortly before the explosion. Michael Boyle, who had been a puddler at the furnace where the boiler exploded, informed him that the boiler was leaking, and that it had two full gauges of water Shortly afterwards the witness heard the explosion, but was ignorant of the cause. John Saul, who had charge of this exploded boiler, testified that a puddler informed him it was leaking, and had two gauges of water. When apprised of the leak the witness went to the engine house and directed that the steam be shut off. He then got a ladder and went to the eastern end of the boiler to see where the leak was. Failing in his object there, he went to the western end and opened the door. He then saw that there was a leak about three feet long in the bottom of the boiler. He went immediately to the other end of the mill to give notice of the leak.--The witness said the explosion did not occur from a lack of water, as there were two gauges of water in the boiler when he looked in. Henry Snyder, the day tender of the exploded boiler, testified that he was relieved at 5 p. m. on the day of the explosion, and that the boiler was in good condition when he left. It had been repaired a month previously. Matthew Rhoda, a boiler maker, testified that he examined the boiler after the explosion and believed that it contained a considerable amount of water when it blew up. The boiler was capable of withstanding a steam pressure of 100 pounds. The pressure was 50 or 60 ounds at the time of the explosion.--This witness advanced a theory that the explosion was caused by a current of cold air forcing itself into the boiler when the rear door was opened by Saul, which created a vacuum between the air and water in the boiler. 84 George Pottle, another boiler maker, believed that the explosion was the result of the introduction of cold air. His views agreed with those advanced by Rhoda. William Baxter, a employed at the furnace where the explosion took place, testified that they left at 5 p. m., and that the boiler was not leaking then. Other witnesses were examined, but their tetimony was of no material importance. The inquest was adjourned until Tuesday morning. James B. Cole, an employee of the company, had been selected as a juryman, but the Coroner was compelled by the friends of the victims to remove him, as they feared that he might be biased in his judgment. John Harkins, one of the jurymen, absenting himself Tuesday, Coroner Troxell was unable to resume his investigation of the cause of the boiler explosion until Wednesday morning. William Ryan, who worked in the mill at the time of the explosion, testified that he did not see much water where the boiler exploded, but that the mill was filled with steam. Charles Weikel, also an employe, stated that he ran out of the mill when the explosion occurred, and found but little water on the ground when he returned shortly after. Philip Snyder, boss over the puddlers, testified that the boilers were examined every Sunday, and the exploded boiler is not burned in any place; that it is nine years old, but was idle for a period of three years. He also stated that he visited the mill shortly after the accident and found considerable water on the ground James Pritchard, chief engineer of the puddle mill, said he had been working at No. 16, next to the exploded furnace for three days previous to the explosion, and was aware that the boiler leaked. It was seldom that boilers leaked so far back as this one, and when repaired nothing was done at that part where the leak occurred. He did not think that the opening of the flue doors caused the explosion. John W. Schroth testified that five weeks before the explosion Superintendent Nimson ordered him to examine the exploded boiler. He did so with the utmost care and discovered no evidence of weakness. he came to the mill a short time after the explosion and discovered small pools of water on the ground where the boiler had bursted. John Boyle, a brother of one of the victims, testified that he knew the boiler was leaking nine or ten days before the explosion and it was not repaired, but had no knowledge of it leaking on the day or night of the explosion. The inquest was closed Wednesday evening, and the jury is now deliberating on the evidence. The coroner's jury, after deliberating five hours on the testimony, returned the following verdict shortly after nine o'clock Wednesday evening: "The cause of death was due to the accidental explosion of boiler No. 15, of the Allentown Rolling Mill Company, and for want of evidence cannot determine the cause of explosion." Weissport Items. Mary Henry, wife of Robert Henry, of North Weissport, died Thursday of last week. Funeral services on Sunday afternoon. Weissport Items. The death of the unortunate Mrs. Kloeffel, of Big Creek, who was shot by her husband, awakened deep sympathy in this community. Weissport Items. Death is very active in our midst. Among the children dead at present are two daughters of Frank Nicholson, and one of Wm. Fisher. 85 Weissport Items. Three little sons more in Weissport--Francis Kuhns, Doug. Miner and Frank Koons are made happy thereby; especially the former who will name his little fellow James Garfield Kuhns. Weissport Items. Oscar Burns, of Packerton, buried a child in the East Weissport cemetery on Tuesday. A Lady's Sad Fate. On Monday morning last the body of Miss Mary Wikoff, who mysteriously disappeared from her home on North Fourth street, Easton during the previous Saturday night, was discovered by Detective Simons in the Bushkill creek, near the Easton Cemetery. Deceased was the daughter of the late Dr. Isaac Wikoff, who was a prominent and wealthy physician, and she was living with her sisters at the family residence, her mother having been dead for some years. She had been of late in the care of a physician, having been afflicted with a disorder which slightly affected her mind, though not so much as to occasion serious alarm, Her sisters were visiting in Philadelphia, and Miss Wikoff was in the house with a female attendant during Saturday, and at night retired to rest as usual. In the morning she was missing, and it appeared that she had dressed hurriedly in a dark walking dress, with a waterproof, straw hat and thin shoes, and gone out through the basement in the storm which raged. Notice was given to the police, and during Sunday and Sunday night search was made for her without avail. On Monday morning Officer Simons, pursuing his inquiries along the Bushkill, heard that a little girl had seen a waterproof cape on the bank of the stream, and he then began to drag the bed of the creek. After some time spent in fruitless search he discovered the body of deceased near the cemetery bridge. Her friends were notified, and it was taken to her late home. The Coroner's jury met in the afternoon and viewed the remains. Deceased was about 35 years of age, and an intelligent and accomplished woman. In Easton she was well known as a leader in good works, and was an indefatigable friend of Lafayette College, always taking a prominent part in the Alumni entertainments. It is supposed that she wandered out in the storm while laboring under some hallucination and became bewildered and lost her way. She was in the habit of frequently visiting the cemetery wherein her parents lie buried, and doubtless, she went out with the intention of visiting their graves. Big Creek Items. The wife of Robert Henry died on Thursday morning of last week. her remains were deposited in its last and final resting place on Sunday afternoon, in the cemetery in North Weissport. Big Creek Items. It is with regret that we are called upon to chronicle the death of Master Frank Weaver, one of our most industrious and good natured pupils of last term, the sad event took place at the residence of his father, on Hon. Robert Klotz's farm, on Indian Hill, on Sunday afternoon about 4 o'clock. The cause of his death was diphtheria. Kind and considerate in all his relations with all his school-mates, they will much regret parting with him. His age was a little over 13 years. His remains were deposited in the cemetery at East Weissport. The family have our heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement. Hattie Moyer, aged 4 years, was fatally burned at Mahanoy City on Monday. 86 Volume 9, Number 9, Saturday, January 22, 1881 Local and Personal. Fred Paine, a baggage master of the Mahanoy Division, stepped from his train at Black Creek Junction, Tuesday morning, in front of a moving train, and was knocked down, and so severly injured that he died in a few minutes after being lifted from the track. Local and Personal. Anthony Cuff, a miner, living near Scranton, was run over and killed by cars on Tuesday. Weissport Items. An infant child of Joseph Seaboldt, of Lehighton, was buried in the Weissport cemetery Tuesday. Two Ladies Killed While Coasting. Accidents while coasting with sleds have become so common that hardly a day passes without one of more cases, more or less serious in character, being recorded. Last week, in Minersville, six persons had limbs broken while coasting in the heart of the town. But Ashland has had the most terrible calamity of the kind this winter. On Sunday afternoon a young man undertook to steer three young ladies down a steep hill on a large sled. When half way down he saw a horse and sleigh coming up the hill. Thinking if he jumped the other occupants would follow his example, he left the sled, but the girls were to affrighted to save themselves in that way, and were carried down the hill at a frightful rate of speed. They succeeded in avoiding the horse and sleigh, but dashed against a telegraph pole with great force. One of the girls, Miss Carduff, was thrown so violently against the pole that the top of her skull was crushed, causing instant death, and another, Honora Doherty, received such internal injuries that she died on Monday. Death on the Rail. Wednesday morning while a workman on the Lehigh Valley railroad was engaged in shovelling snow at a point about six miles above Mauch Chunk, he was struck by passenger train No. 3, of the Lehigh and Susquehanna road. The man was standing on the Lehigh & Susquehanna track. In removing the snow from the Valley track it was necessary to cross the Lehigh & Susquehanna track in order to throw it into the Lehigh. A Valley freight train had just passed and the man still stood on the Lehigh & Susquehanna track when the train which struck him dashed around a curve. his head was cut open. He had lived but a few days in the vicinity and was known by the name of "Jack." He was about 25 years old.--Hazleton Bulletin. On Tuesday morning Mrs. J. B. Duffy, of East Mauch Chunk, left home for the Lehigh Valley depot, carrying her child, about three months old, closely wrapped to protect it from the cold. Arriving at the depot and removing the wrappings she found the child almost dead from suffocation. The little one was staken to Station Agent O'Brian's private apartments where restoratives wre applied, but without success.--Gazette. THE STATE. Mrs. Fisher, while on her way from Shamokin to Big Mountain on Monday, was knocked down and fatally injured by John Haughney, whose intentions were robbery. He was frightened off before he succeeded in carrying out his intentions. MARRIED. SMOYER-ANTHONY.--At Parryville, on the 18th inst., by Rev. J. Bawden, George M. Smoyer and Miss Jennette Anthony, both of that borough. 87 MARRIED. REICHARD-HORN.--In Lehighton, on the 16th inst., by Rev. J. H. Hartman, Owen Reichard, of Mauch Chunk, and Miss Effie Horn, of this borough. DIED. SEABOLDT.--In Lehighton, on the 16th inst, of membranous croup, Tillie, infant daughter of Jos. and Rosa Seaboldt, aged 2 years and 10 months. Volume 9, Number 10, Saturday, January 29, 1881 Local and Personal. A boy named Charles Saylor, of South Bethlehem, was killed by falling from a gravel train at that place on Saturday. Local and Personal. A party of boys coasting in one of the streets of Pottsville, Monday night, ran into a mule team, and one of them, named Frank Desmond, had his skull crushed bya kick from a mule. Local and Personal. Daniel O'Brien died at the poorhouse at Scranton, on Saturday, at the age of 111 years. Local and Personal. Christian R. Hoeber, a well knwon aged and highly respected citizen of Nazareth, died on Wednesday last, of general debility, ag the age of 79 years. Local and Personal. Morris Evan and and his son Thomas were buried under a fall of 2000 tons of top coal in the Empire Mine, at Wilkesbarre, on Wednesday. Local and Personal. Nathan Van Horn, of Beaver Meadow, a Lehigh Valley Railroad brakeman, who had his right leg crushed while coupling cars at Jeanesville, on the 14th inst., died at St. Luke's Hospital Wednesday morning of last week. Deceased was a married man and leaves a family to mourn his loss. Weissport Items. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. Israel Moyer, who died of consumption on Friday last. Funeral took place Sunday. Mrs. Simon Reiss died at Saucon, Northampton county, on Monday, aged 105 years. Towamensing Items. One of the saddest and most poignant affairs for this community took place early last week, when the bright and intelligent child of Freeman A. Shupp, was literally burned to a crisp, dying a few hours after the awful occurrence. The circumstances of the case are these: Mrs. Shupp was to the barn doing some of the out-door work, in the absence of her husband who was on business at Weissport; while away from the house, the oldest girl lighted a candle and the younger standing by, its hair was ignited by some means or other, which immediately spread to her dress, and in the presence of her older sister, was burned to death. The sister did everything in her power to extinguish the flames but all of no avail. The sorrow-stricken mother came too late upon the heart rending scene to be of any help to the unfortunate child. It was buried on Friday last, and its remains were followed by a large concourse of sorrowing people. Upper Pine Run Items. A young man by the name of Joseph May, of this place, was joined in 88 matrimony to Miss Mary Smith, of Wilkesbarre, on Tuesday of last week. They had a happy time in the evening--I believe it was a hop. THE STATE. Joseph F. Seiders, a well known citizen of Pottsville, died of heart disease on Sunday afternoon. MARRIED. WEIHBRECHT-MARTZ.--On the 12th inst., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Chas. Weihbrecht, of Upper Mauch Chunk, and Miss Sallie Martz, of Kresgeville, Monroe co. MARRIED. MAY-SMITH.--On the 18th inst., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Joseph May, of Pine Run, and Miss Mary Smith of Wilkes-Barre. MARRIED. SWANTON-HADDOCK--At the Presbyterian parsonage, Hokendauqua, on the 22d inst., by the Rev. James A Little, George Swanton and Mary Jane Haddock, both of Ferndale. DIED. VOGT.--Near Parryville, on the 31st ult., Jonas Vogt, aged 71 years, 1 month and 21 days. DIED. FISHER.--In North Weissport, on the 10th inst., Tallie Celesta, daughter of Wm. and Miriam Fisher, aged 2 years, 10 months and 17 days. DIED. WEAVER.--In Franklin twsp., on the 9th inst, Benneville Franklin, aged 13 years, 5 months and 22 days, and on the 11th inst., Theodore Quincy, aged 5 years and 10 mos., children of Solomon and Elvina Weaver. Hand in hand ye go away, Side by side you're lying still; Hand in hand--ye cannot stay. side by side-go, come we will. Volume 9, Number 11, Saturday, February 5, 1881 Local and Personal. Charles Kehoe, aged 40, a section boss on the Mount Carbon branch of the Reading Railroad, was struck and killed by a passenger train, while cutting ice from some rocks overhanging the track, last Friday afternoon. Local and Personal. Mrs. Weidner, of Moyer's Station, Schuylkill county, a paralytic, aged 68 years, died last week with policies for $15,000 on her life. Local and Personal. Cyrus Heckman died of consumption in the Northampton County Prison on Thursday of last week. He was sentenced for stealing a horse and buggy. Local and Personal. Gideon Durkin died at Shamokin last week of consumption. Policies to the extent of $35,000 were held on his life, and many of them were taken out but a few weeks before his death. 89 Local and Personal. Sampson Parton, at one time mine inspector in Schuylkill county, and regarded as one of the best informed miners of the anthracite regions, died at Mt. Carmel on Wednesday, 26th ult. Local and Personal. The bodies of Morris and Thomas Evans, the miners who were buried under a fall of coal in the Empire Mines at Wilkesbarre on Wednesday, 26th ult., were recovered on the next day. They were badly mangled. East Penn Pencilings. A grand wedding will come off at Uncle Joe Ruch's, on next Sunday; it is the youngest daughter. The prospects are good for a grand time. Mahoning Twinklings. A child of Lewis Borhor was buried last Sunday afternoon in the cemetery at St. John's church. His wife was buried a few months ago. Daniel Kalbfus, Esq., died at the Danville Insane Asylum on Tuesday, and was buried form his late residence in East Mauch Chunk, Thursday afternoon. Thos. Begley, of Rockport, an old employe of the Central Railroad, was run over and instantly killed, at Penn Haven Junction last week. MARRIED. RUFF-SHIRAR.--On the 13th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Albert L. Ruff and Miss Emma J. Shirar, both of Franklin, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. REX-FROHNHEISER.--On the 14th ult., by the same, Jefferson Rex and Mrs. Lucinda Jane Frohnheiser, both of Mahoning, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. GERBER-BOETTGER.--On the 29th ult., in Lehighton, by Rev. J. H. Hartman, Josiah Gerber, of Centreville, Schuylkill Co., and Miss Maria Boettger, of Quakake, Carbon county, Pa. DIED. BARRAL.--On the 14th ult., in East Penn, Cassie Ann, daughter of Joel and Lydia Barral, aged 9 years and 18 days. DIED. STOUDT.--On the 17th ult., in West Penn, John Franklin, son of John and Sarah Stoudt, aged 13 years, 2 months and 25 days. Volume 9, Number 12, Saturday, February 12, 1881 Local and Personal. John Bogard, a flagman on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad was instantly killed by cars at Solomon's Gap, near Wilkesbarre, on Friday night. He lived at Easton. Local and Personal. Mrs. Van Buskirk, a very old lady who lived at Forty Fort, Luzerne county, was accidentally burned to death on Saturday last. Local and Personal. William Kupp, conductor of a coal train on the Reading Railroad, was killed Monday near Pottsville by being caught between the cars of his train. 90 Local and Personal. Bradley Williams, an old man, living at Plains, Luzerne county, fell dead of heart disease on Friday, while engaged in an altercation with his son. Local and Personal. William Kupp, conductor of a coal train on the Mill Creek branch of Reading road, was instantly killed Monday by being caught between the bumpers and coupling hooks of his train. Local and Personal. Frank Desmond died at Pottsville on Sunday from the effects of injuries received by a coasting accident on the 24th of January. Volume 9, Number 13, Saturday, February 19, 1881 STATE NEWS. Jacob Painter, aged 81, one of the oldest residents of Heidelberg township, died on Thursday, 10th inst. STATE NEWS. Benjamin Seidel, a resident of Shoemakersville, Berks county, ruptured a blood vessel on Wednesday evening, 9th inst., while coughing, and died almost instantly. Local and Personal. At Rockhill station, on the North Penn. railroad, on Thursday morning, the 10th inst., a passenger train en route for Bethlehem collided with a freight train, which was about to go upon a siding to allow the former train to pass. Both engines were wrecked, and the baggage car was telescoped. Michael Hallahan, hotel-keeper, of S. Easton, and James Farley, section boss, of Quakertown, were killed; ten persons were injured, the following fatally: Rev. McFetridge, of Germantown, John Gately, Rich'd Morton, fireman of the passenger engine, and George Yeomans, of West Bethlehem, baggage master. The accident is attributed to a blunder on the part of the engineer of the freight train. Local and Personal. Considerable fear and excitement was manifested by the people hereabouts on Friday an dSaturday last, in consequence of the breaking up of the ice in the Lehigh and the rapid thaw of the snow, causing a very considerable rise in the river. But fortunately it passed without any material damage in this neighborhood. A small wooden bridge over the Big Creek, above Parryville was washed off, impeding travel for a day or two. Two trestles of the railroad bridge at Penn Haven were washed away. near Allentown two canal boats were wrecked, the bridge at Kline's Island was destroyed, and a boy was drowned by being caught in the rushing ice. Local and Personal. At Yeatesville, Schuylkill county, on Monday, Cornelius O'Donnell, an old man, choked to death while eating a piece of meat. Local and Personal. John Meixel dropped dead of heart disease in his brother's store at North Wilkesbarre, on Monday. Local and Personal. At Wilkesbarre, on Monday Charley, aged 5, son of William Moses, a mine engineer, was burned to death by upsetting a miners' lamp. Local and Personal. The body of Oliver Butterwick, drowned near Allentown, on Friday last, 91 was found Wednesday on Calypso Island, Bethlehem, it having been carried a distance of six miles. Local and Personal. The wife of Edward Jones, of Shenandoah, while visiting at Mahanoy City, Tuesday, fell dead of heart disease. Local and Personal. Mrs. Augusta Beers and Mrs. Joseph Wertz were run over by a gravel train while picking coal on the Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, near Allentown, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Wertz was killed and Mrs. Beers fatally injured. East Penn Pencilings. On last Sunday Prisilla Ruch was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Adam Berger, of New Mahoning. Murder, Chase and Capture. At a few minutes before 12 o'clock Saturday night the residents of Pine Brook, a suburb of Scranton, were startled by the loud report of a revolver in a saloon kept by William Burke. A moment after a number of men emerged from the place, and it was learned that Burke, who is better known throughout the city as Billy Burke, had shot Pat Payton, a man about fifty years of age. Burke, Payton and a number of others were drinking together, when the talk turned upon politics, and Burke declared that Patrick McGee candidate for Constable in the Seventh ward of Scranton, couldn't read or write. Payton claimed that he could and hot words passed between them, and Payton was heard to say, "Don't damn my soul, Billy; I wouldn't allow it if you were five times a better man than I am." Burke drew a revolver and Payton said, "I don't care for your revolver; shoot away." They stood a few feet apart and Burke immediately shot Payton, the ball entering his left side. Payton fell to the floor and exclaimed, "He has shot me!" Burke fled from the house. The police were soon communicated with and a detail was on hand. All houses where Burke was known to be in the habit of visiting were searched, but no track of him was found. Then the officers discovered a man's tracks in the snow that had just fallen. They were evidently made by a person who had been running. A carriage was secured and three officers followed the tracks to Olyphant, a village about six miles from Scranton. They led to the house of Thomas Burke, a friend of the culprit. It was then 4 o'clock in the morning. The officers surrounded the place and ordered Burke to come out. He appeared in a few moments. He drew his revolver and a slight scuffle ensued between him and the officers, but he was quickly silenced and returned quietly to Scranton. His victim lingered until 12 o'clock Sunday when he expired. His dying declaration was that Burke had shot him. Burke was committed to the County Prison. He is a desperate character and was a terror to his neighborhood for many years. He is about 30 years of age. MARRIED. ROUGH-WAMBACH.--At Hazleton, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. E. A. Bauer, Mr. David Rough, of Stockton, and Miss S. Matilda Wambach, of Hazleton. DIED. McHUGH.--At Lansford, February 1, 1881, Mrs. McHugh, wife of John McHugh, aged -- years. DIED. KLEPPINGER.--At Nesquehoning, Feb. 8, 1881, Annie, daughter of B. F. and Kate Kleppinger, aged 21 years. 92 Volume 9, Number 14, Saturday, February 26, 1881 STATE NEWS. Thomas Moran, a miner, was killed on Friday, at West Shenandoah, by a fall of coal. STATE NEWS. Henry J. Packer was killed in the mines oat Dickson City, Lackawanna county, on Monday. Local and Personal. Our young friend George Miller is the happiest man in town--It is a girl. Local and Personal. On Saturday afternoon Joseph Diehl and Michael Worth finished their work in the Mount Pleasant mine Hyde Park (Scranton), and started to leave by the slope, but were run over and killed by a train of loaded cars. Local and Personal. David Howard was killed on Saturday by a fall of coal, while working in a shaft of the Penn'a Coal Co's mines at Pittston. He leaves a wife and one child. Local and Personal. Henry Diener, an old resident of Topton, fell dead on Friday of heart disease. Big Creek Items. A child of David Walck, of Walcksville, was interred at the St. Paul's church, on Monday of last week. A victim of diphtheria. While on a spree tuesday night Augustus Worley, aged 50 years, for thirty-five years an engineer on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was struck by a locomotive and killed instantly. He leaves a wife and several grown-up children. Volume 9, Number 15, Saturday, March 5, 1881 Local and Personal. Barney Gallagher, a rolling mill employe at Allentown, was run over by an engine at East Pennsylvania Junction on Saturday and killed Local and Personal. Michael Bochert, a brakeman, was instantly killed at Delano, Schuylkill county, on Tuesday of last week. Local and Personal. James Jordan, a miner in the West Pittston shaft, was killed Friday by a blast which he supposed was extinguished, but which exploded immediately on his return to examine it. Local and Personal. Widow Polly Day, of Penn Forest twp., died on Saturday morning last, aged 61 years. She was buried in the Lutheran cemetery, Lower Towamensing, on Tuesday last. Local and Personal. A telegram from Carbondale of the 27th ult., says: Henry Pettigrew, a well known trapper, met with a shocking death on Friday. He usually kept thirty traps along the mountain slope and near the Lackawanna River the year round. On Thursday he placed one of his traps in the crevice of a precipice of rocks, 112 feet from the ground, where he expected to 93 capture an otter. On Friday he espied the otter in his trap, and proceeded up the rocky cliff and along the precipice, and although the rocks were covered with ice he reached the trap in safety. On the return trip, while climbing around a narrow point with the trap in his hand and the otter trying his best to escape, he slipped and fell to the ground, striking on his head and breaking his neck. A party of lumbermen found Pettigrew's body a few hours later. He was still clinging firmly to the trap containing the live otter. The remains were taken to his home. Local and Personal. Mrs. Jonathan Seidle, died at her residence on 2nd street, this borough, on Monday last, after an illness of nearly two years from paralysis. She was buried on Thursday. Local and Personal. John Keating was instantly killed and John Ryan and James Devlin slightly injured by an explosion of sulphur in the Eagle Hill colliery, near Pottsville, Wednesday. Seventeen Children Burned. An appalling catastrophe, resulting in the death of seventeen children--fourteen boys and three girls--occurred Sunday night at St. Patrick's Orphan Asylum, in Hyde Park, Scranton. The building is situated at the corner of Jackson street and Lincoln avenue, about a mile from the centre of the city. It is occupied by a number of Sisters of Charity, and under their charge were forty children, whose ages ranged from 6 to 12 years. The boys and girls occupied separate dormitories on the third floor. At half-past 8 o'clock Sunday evening one of the Sisters escorted the children to their rooms and locked the doors for the night. She then started to descend the stairs. When she reached the second story she discovered smoke issuing from one of the rooms. Opening the door she was driven back by a cloud smoke. Fire was raging along the ceiling and making its way to the upper floor. The Sister darted up stairs and found the girl's room full of smoke. She took the girl's to the lower floor and started back to reach the boys dormitory. The smoke was pouring into the hallway in blinding clouds, and when about half way up the stairs the Sister met a stranger. She made an effort to pass him, but he refused to allow her to proceed, saying that the boys had been rescued and that it would be dangerous for her to go for them. She reluctantly went back. An alarm given soon after the fire broke out brought four fire companies. The flames were raging fiercely when the firemen got to work. They were informed of the belief among the Sisters that some of the children were still in the building, and made every effort to reach the upper floor. In a short time the flames were beaten back. The door of the dormitory was forced open and the victims of the fire were found beneath their cots. Only two of them were touched by the fire, and all had evidently been dead for some time. The fire was caused by a defective flue. A panic seems to have seized upon those in charge, for some time was allowed to elapse before an attempt was made to rescue the children. The building was not burned except partially in the rear. The flue which caused the fire was the kitchen chimney, in the second story, and the children who were killed lay in a dormitory ever the kitchen and another adjoining it. The Coroner Monday morning impanelled a jury and viewed the bodies of the seventeen dead children who were smothered or burned. They were identified by two Sisters of the burned asylum. Many of them laid on the floor with blackened faces and burned wrists. The jury visited the burned asylum ond inspected the dormitories. The boys' room was greatly damaged by flames, large holes having been burned in the floor. The girls' room was not damaged so much, but the cots were disarranged, showing that they must have experienced the most intense 94 fright. The jury adjourned until to-day (Friday). Collision in a Fog. A fatal collision occurred early Monday morning on the Mahanoy and Hazleton branch of the Lehigh Valley Railroad between an empty coal engine and a passenger train. The latter left Mahanoy City at 6:55 for Delano, and when near Shoemaker's colliery, within a short distance of Mahanoy City, running at the usual speed, met the coal engine, which had just taken a train of empty cars in to the breaker, and was backing out on the main track. The morning was densely foggy. The passenger engine was pushing the coaches, so that the engineer was unable to see the other engine. The first warning the train hands had was the terrible crash, the tank of the engine telescoping the first passenger coach. Fortunately there were only a few passengers in the car. Michael Reynolds, division superintendent on that bronch, was instantly killed, his body being literally mashed to a jelly. Reynolds was fifty years of age, and lived in Mahanoy City, where he leaves a wife and a large family. John Dicks, front brakeman on the passenger train, was fatally injury. He was taken at once to his home in Delano. Diefenderfer, the fireman of the coal engine, saved his life by jumping, and was only slightly injured. Charles Morgan and William Davis, passengers, were pretty badly injured, the latter having an arm broken in three places and several ribs broken. The accident is attributed to a misunderstanding of orders. The railroad officials are making a thorough investigation. Our Weatherly Special. In the household of Nelson Smith, on Second street, there is exceeding great joy--occasioned by the advent of a juvenile disciple of Vulcan--the first boy in the family. Towamensing Items. Robert Serfass, who died of lung fever, at Lehighton, was buried at the Jerusalem church, this township, on Monday. His remains were followed by a large concourse of mourners and friends. MARRIED. BERGER-RUCH.--On the 6th ult., by the Rev. Abr. Bartholomew, Adam Berger, of Mahoning, and Miss Priscilla Ruch, of East Penn township. MARRIED. LONG-WILLMAN.--On the 22nd ult., by the same, Geo. W. Long, of Washington twp., Lehigh county, and Miss Abbie Lucinda Willman, of East Penn, this county. DIED. BALLIET.--On the 1st ult., in West Penn, Manda Maria, daughter of Abraham and Susanna Balliet, aged 15 years, 8 months and 9 days. DIED. HOBBES.--On the 9th ult., in West Penn, David Hobbes, aged 85 years and 10 days. DIED. GULDNER.--On the 20th ult., in Mahoning, Susanna, widow of the late Tobias Guldner, aged 80 years, 8 months and 19 days. Volume 9, Number 16, Saturday, March 12, 1881 Local and Personal. Lansford Titus, a laborer, was crushed to death in the mines, near Wilkesbarre, on Friday of last week. Local and Personal. Frank Yarns, of Carbondale, was horribly mangled by a switch engine on 95 the N. Y., L. E. and Western railroad at Susquehanna on Saturday night. He was walking on the track and slipped in front of the engine, and was instantly killed. Local and Personal. George Payne, one of the oldest coal operators in Schuylkill county, died at Cressona on Thursday, aged 73 years. Local and Personal. Grace Gallagher, a girl in the employ of J. B. Hutchinson, at Jeanesville, while raking the fire at an early hour on Monday norning set fire to her clothes with the hot poker, and was almost instantly enveloped in flames. Mr. Philip Briel, being close at hand, ran to her assistance, and was soon joined by others, done all in their power, but did no succeed in quenching the flames until she was horribly burned. All that medical skill could suggest was done for her but proved unavailing, and she died at 10 o'clock the same evening, after terrible suffering. Her remains were taken to the home of her parents at Beaver Brook, and buried on Wednesday.--Daily Bulletin. Local and Personal. Zorobabel Jones, aged about 4 years fell into a tub of hot water at Upper Lehigh, Thursday of last week, and was so severly scalded that she died in a few hours after. Local and Personal. The family of J. Sharon McNair have been called upon to mourn the death of their little boy, Comly Vincent, who died at his home on North Church street, Hazleton, at about 9 o'clock on Tuesday evening, aged about five years. Local and Personal. George Miller, a 3-year-old son of John H. Miller, living near Mount Pleasant, Northampton county, was accidentally burned to death on Monday last. Weissport Items. On Saturday evening last was performed the ceremony which united as husband and wife Mr. Will Reed and Miss Annie Deterline. As the young couple start out on their journey together bearing the blessings of their numerous friends, may they also accept "Quint's" earnest wish for a happy and true life. MARRIED. WILLIAMS-LIPPINCOTT.--At the residence of the bride's parents, Tuesday evening, March 1, by the Rev. James A. Little, Harry Williams, formerly of Hokendauqua to Miss Harriet N. Lippincott, of Sellersville, Bucks county, Pa. MARRIED. PICKFORD-FOCHT.--At Parryville on the 26th ult., by Rev. J. Bawden, Mr. William Pickford and Miss Rosa Focht, both of Parryville. MARRIED. BEIDLEMAN-HARRIS--At Parryville, on the 1st inst., by Rev. J. Bawden, Mr. George W. Beidleman, of Scranton, to Miss Lusetta Harris, of Carbondale. DIED. SEIDLE--On the 28th ult., in Lehighton, Sarah Seidle, wife of Jonathan Seidle, aged 31 years, 6 months and 27 days. Volume 9, Number 17, Saturday, March 19, 1881 STATE NEWS. Thirza Jackson, the oldest colored resident of Reading, died on Monday, aged 96 103 years. Local and Personal. John W. Nusbaum, died on Saturday afternoon, the 12th inst., aged 29 years, 2 months and 10 days, after an illness of some two years of chronic inflammation of the bladder. Deceased was one of Lehighton's finest young business men, and was very highly esteemed by all who knew him. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from the residence of his parents, and was very largely attended by relatives and friends, Revs. Laitzle and E. A. Bauer officiating. Died at 108. Abram Johnson died in Salem township, Wayne county, a few days since. He claimed to be 108 years old. To visitors he was fond of relating the following story of his life: He said he was born in Vermont in 1773. His father was a Revolutionary soldier. The family lieved near Lake Champlain. Abram enlisted in the army in the war of 1812. He was made Captain of a company of Oneida Indians, under the command of Gen. Macomb. He was at the battle of Plattsburg, and exhibited the scars of several wounds he received in that engagement. One of these was made by a bayonet thrust in the knee, and another was a sabre cut in the neck. The latter wound was inflicted by a gigantic British soldier, and prostrated Johnson. As he lay on the ground another soldier had thrust a bayonet through his leg. Johnson had feigned death on falling under the sabre blow. The bayonet passing through his knee caused him great agony, but he never flinched. He feared being carried away a prisoner. He was left as dead. He was taken from the field after the battle by his Indian soldiers. Oneida, the 16 year-old daughter of a chief, nursed him until he was able to get around again. They loved each other, and when peace was restored were married. Johnson and his Indian bride went to New York city, and from there to Sussex County, N. J. There they settled down. Johnson's wife taught him how to make baskets, moccasins, and other articles of Indian handiwork. By selling these they made a living and saved money. They had one daughter whom they named Martha. When this girl was 12 years old her mother's health had failed so that her life was despaired of. She longed to go back to her people. Her husband took her to her old home among the Oneidas. There she soon afterward died, and was buried with all the ceremonies of her tribe. The daughter found a home in a family in Sussex County. When she grew up she joined the Oneida Indians and married the son of a chief. Her father went to Salem, Wayne County, where he gained a competency at farming. He lost his money through unlucky speculation, and finally became a town charge. Although entitled to a pension, he never applied for one. He died a pauper. His mind was sound up to the time of his death. His daughter became a widow some years ago and married again. She now lives in Lackawanna County, this State. Weissport Items. An infant child of John S. Miller, died Saturday last. Funeral services took place on Tuesday, and were conducted by Rev. E. J. Miller. MARRIED. BOYLE-BARTHOLOMEW.--At the Presbyterian parsonage of Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, Saturday evening, March 12, by the Rev. James A. Little, Bernard Boyle and Miss Naomi Bartholomew, both of East Hokendauqua. DIED. KERN.--In Lehighton, on the 11th inst., Robert August, son of Francis and Amanda Kern. Aged 4 years, 3 months and 29 days. 97 Volume 9, Number 19, Saturday, March 26, 1881 STATE NEWS. A man named Algier was drowned at Danville Monday by the upsetting of his boat while out on the river catching driftwood. His body was not recovered. STATE NEWS. William Mertz was killed by a falling tree near Pleasant Valley on Monday. STATE NEWS. A laborer named Herrington, living at William Penn, near Shenandoah, while drunk on Monday night, choked to death. Local and Personal. Thomas P. Williams, of Minersville, Penna., for many years District Superintendent of the Reading Coal and Iron Company's Collieries, died Wednesday, of "miner's consumption." Local and Personal. Samuel Cox, who died at his home in Berks county, on the 19th of February, 1881, was born January 27th, 1790, near Sinking Spring, Berks county, this State, and was married to Aboline Glassmyer, in the year 1813, who bore him 11 children--6 sons and 5 daughters, of whom one son and four daughters survive him. His first wife died in 1841; he was again married to one Elizabeth Sherman, in the year 1849, who died without issue in 1866. Deceased was the father of Mrs. David Hatch, of Packerton, this county. At the time of his death he had five children living, 43 grand children, 83 great-grand children and 7 great-great grand children. Deceased had reached the ripe old age of 91 years and 23 days, and died of old age. Text--Genisis 49th chap. and 18th verse: "I have waited for Thy salvation, O, Lord. Suicide at Bethlehem. The Allentown Democrat, gives the following particulars of this suicide: About four o'clock on Monday afternoon of last week, Mr. Solomon Frey, a dry goods merchant and grocer doing business in South Bethlehem, walked up the Lehigh Valley track some distance above the Union depot at that place, and meeting several laborers told them he was going to shoot himself. The men thought he was only joking. He walked down an embankment near by and pulling out a small pistol placed the muzzle against his mouth and fired. Immediately afterward he threw himself into the Lehigh. The railroaders, after Frey had fallen into the water, ran down the embankment and caught him after he had floated about thirty feet from where he had attempted to take his life. A crowd of people soon gathered. Charles Miller, an engineer on the Lehigh Valley railroad, assisted in pulling Frey out of the river. At that time he was conscious. His eyes were bloodshot and he appeared in great distress. Looking at a railroader, who helped to carry him to a hotel near by, Frey said, "Oh, my God, its cold." The railroader promptly said: "Too late to think of God now. Why didn't you think of Him before?" A physician was sent for, and everything that could be done under the circumstances was applied to save the man's life. It was found that the bullet had penetrated the right side of the head in the region of the temple, about an inch external to the outer edge of the orbit of the eye.--After carefully probing for the ball, and not being successful in finding it, the surgeon concluded that it had struck the opposite side of the skull and thence rebounded, and henced ceased to probe. The ball produced a great laceration of the blood vessels in the immediate neighborhood of the orbits of the eye causing copious hemorrhage, and producing a great bulging of the eye-balls, conjunctive and integuments. The man lingered until Wednesday afternoon, when death came to his relief. He was 65 years of age, and leaves a wife and four children. He had been very much given to drinking of late, and to this may be attributed the cause of his resort to self-destruction. 98 He was born in Coopersburg, and was a son of the late Hon. Joseph Frey, who for a number of years served as a member of Congress from this district. The elder Frey was a member of the convention that adopted the constitution of Pennsylvania in 1838, and was well knwon throughout the State and nation. Hon. James Frey, for a number of years associate judge of the courts of Lehigh county, was a brother of the deceased. Judge Frey died some five years since, and while on the bench was the colleague of Judge Laury, of Laury's Station. The remains of Mr. Frey were interred at the Blue Church, near Coopersburg. Mahoning Twinklings. Mrs. Sandel, of Mahoning Valley, died at her home on Wednesday evening. Deceased was highly respected and was the mother of Mrs. William Miller, of Lehighton. Volume 9, Number 19, Saturday, April 2, 1881 Local and Personal. A 3-year old child named Ella Heller, living in Easton swallowed a number of pills containing arsenic on Thursday of last week, and died a few hours afterward. Local and Personal. John John, alias John Schmidt, who killed Monroe Seltzer, one of a crowd of young men who annoyed him at McKeansburg, on Thursday, 24th ult., surrendered himself Friday at Pottsville. He says he acted in self-defence. Local and Personal. Edward Monaghan, aged 9 years, was killed by cars near Shenandoah on Saturday. Local and Personal. Bartley Garrity was killed in the Baltimore mine Monday, near Wilkesbarre, by a fall of top coal. Local and Personal. Richard Bawden was instantly killed Monday by a fall of rock in the Laurel Run Mines, near Wilkesbarre. Local and Personal. George Fenner, 30 years of age, whose wife and child reside in the neighborhood of Mauch Chunk, and who was employed as a brakeman on the New York and Greenwood Lake Railroad, missed his footing while attempting to get off a brake on Sunday night, fell between the cars and was killed. His remains were taken to the Morgue in Jersey City. Local and Personal. At 11 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday last, another typo put in an appearance at this office; being of tender age, he is known as No. 13 of the flock. Mother and child doing well. Now send along your job work and subscriptions for the Advocate. All are needed. Local and Personal. A wealthy farmer of Whitehall will be married to a Catasauqua belle in the near future. His friends await the ceremony with joy. Local and Personal. Andrew Reeder Muller, a well known citizen of Easton, died on Thursday, of consumption, at the age of 34. He was a son of Frederick and Louisa Muller, the latter a daughter of the long deceased Christian Hutter, of Easton. 99 DIED. BRELSFORD.--In this borough, on the 27th ult., of diphtheria; Harry, only son of Geo. and Jennie Brelsford, aged 2 years, 9 months and 15 days. DIED. WATERMAN.--In this borough, on the 22nd ult., Susan Ida, wife of Arthur D. Waterman, aged 28 years, 6 months and 5 days. Interment took place at Allentown, Pa. Volume 9, Number 20, Saturday, April 9, 1881 Local and Personal. Mary McGovern, of Bethlehem, aged 3 years, was scalded to death on Thursday of last week. Local and Personal. William Hensley was killed and another man severely inured Friday morning by an explosion of giant powder in the Lehigh Valley Coal Company's new shaft, at Pittston. Local and Personal. Mrs. Cull, of Buck Mountain, died very suddenly at that place on Monday last. She was buried in the Catholic cemetery, at Laurytown. Local and Personal. George Hoover, aged 14 years, Wednesday shot and killed his sister, Lottie, aged 17, in a quarrel at the dinner-table, in the house of their mother, a widow, living near Sunbury, in this State. The boy was lodged in jail. He gives as the only reason for the crime, that "they would not give him enough to eat." Local and Personal. A colored man named Joseph Perry, (commonly knwon hereabouts as "Black Joe,") was found on the porch of the Fort Allen House, in Weissport, Wednesday morning, in what was at first supposed to be a half frozen and drunken state, and was carried to the barn and covered with a blanket and a lot of straw, but when sometime in the afternoon persons went to look after him, he was found to be dead. Esq. T. S. Beck, of this borough, held an inquest on the body, and a verdict was rendered in accordance with the facts. His body was taken charge of by the Poor Directors of Parryville, to which place he belonged. Weissport Items. The numerous friends of Robert Yundt will undoubtedly regret to hear of his death on Tuesday last. Mr. Yundt was engaged in an apothecary store in Philadelphia where he was taken sick and after a protracted illness with typhoid fever, died at his father's residence in this borough. Our sympathies are with the bereaved family and friends of the deceased. Funeral services were held on Friday and his remains were interred in the East Weissport cemetery, there to await a joyful resurrection. Big Creek Items. A child of Henry Solt, near Weissport, was interred in the cemetery at ths place on Sunday afternoon last; another died on Saturday last and was interred on Tuesday morning. Both victims of scarlet rash. MARRIED. PATTERSON-KIDD.--On the 17th ult., by Rev. Abraham Bartholomew, Pearce Patterson and Alice Sarah Kidd, both of Catasauqua, Lehigh Co. MARRIED. KEMERER-SHELLY.--On the 10th ult., by same, Thomas Kemerer, of Eckley, 100 Luzerne county, and Miss Mary Jane Shelly, of East Penn, Carbon Co. MARRIED. HOUGH-HORN.--On the same day, by the same, Edwin Hough and Miss Mary Ann Horn, both of Mahoning. MARRIED. BROWN-FREEBY.--On the 20th ult., by the same Albert Brown, of Bowmansville, and Miss Amanda L. Freeby, of East Penn. MARRIED. LONG-METZGER.--On the 2d inst., by Rev. J. H. Hartman, Henry Long to Miss Henrietta Metzger, both of Heidelberg township, Lehigh county. DIED. MARKS.--On the 26th ult., in Mahoning, Ida Jane, daughter of Wilfred and Edith Marks, aged 5 years, 10 months and 11 days. DIED. FRITZINGER.--On the 28th ult., in East Penn, Oscar Monroe, son of John and Rebecca Fritzinger, aged 21 years and 22 days. DIED. SMITH--On the 3d inst., in East Penn, James, son of Owen and Salinda Smith, aged 20 years, 10 months and 17 days. DIED. DITTERLINE.-On the 1st inst., in Packerton, of consumption, Sally Ann, wife of Timothy Ditterline, aged 38 years and 2 months. DIED. McCORMICK.--At Hickory Run, on the 31st ult., Howard, son of George and Elenora McCormick, of scarlet fever, aged 9 years. Volume 9, Number 21, Saturday, April 16, 1881 STATE NEWS. John Knefesy was killed by a fall of coal at the Minersville mines, near Hazleton, Monday. Local and Personal. Mrs. Charles Steward, of Cherryville, Northampton county, aged 46 years, committed suicide on Wednesday, 6th inst., by hanging. Local and Personal. John Broadbeck, of East Catasauqua, committed suicide on Saturday while insane. Local and Personal. Jefferson Schweitzer, of South Bethlehem, aged 50 years, committed suicide on Saturday while suffering from melancholy. Local and Personal. Jack Freeman, a laborer, committed suicide by shooting at Shicksinny, Luzerne county, on Thursday, 7th inst., while laboring under the impression that he was soon to be arrested and hanged. His wife states that he was implicated in a murder at Jeanesville, Wisconsin, some years ago. Local and Personal. Patrick Bombrick, of Mt. Laffee, Schuylkill county, was insured for $7000 101 on the morning of March 1, and died that evening. Local and Personal. Dr. George M. Stout, died in Easton on Tuesday, he graduated with distinction at Jefferson Medical College, and was for several years in the office of Dr. John A. Raub, in Philadelphia. He was a young man of exemplary habits and good promise. Obituary. Again, that silent messenger, who is no respector of person, with his devastating power made his appearance in our midst on the 6th inst., and struck down in the youth of life one of the promising and auspicious pillars of our community, in the person of the lamented R. E. Yundt. The announcement of the death of this exemplary young man was like a cold shock to many of Weissport's younger people, amongst whom he moved and played such a conspicuous part, it was a poignant and rueful recital and in fact to his friends it was like the smarting pangs of fire, piercing and biting with all the force of bitterness, that the death of such a young friend could bring about. Our object is to state briefly some of the circumstances connected with his life. We have known him intimately and associated with him from boyhood. He was born on Aug. 12th, 1860, and was the oldest son of Mr. Francis Yundt, of this place. He was liberally educated at our public schools, and for some time was a teacher in these schools, rendering satisfaction unto all with whom he came in contact, beloved and admired by scholars and parents for his gentility and perseverance in behalf of those who were in his charge. He evinced a desire at an early age for the medical profession and in comformity with this desire--little less than a year ago, he repaired to Philadelphia for the purpose of getting a true insight into this science, so that he would be fitted to benefit his fellow beings. He returned home in a sickly condition, some four weeks ago, which soon developed into typhoid fever. A week before he died we stopped in to see him and found him suffering excruciating pain from a disease that was fast carrying him to his grave. In conversation with him he manifested great anxiety for the success and welfare and final result of his chosen profession--he expressed his deep regret that he was unable, on account of the gnawing disease, to follow in its pursuit and study-little did we think at that time that the sepulchral winds would fan his forehead and in no distant future cypress trees might shade his tomb! More than ever before do we comprehend that the termination of our lives may be a paranthesis to an eternal union, in that far and better country beyond the stars. How sad it is to realize that in the contemplation of his fruition he was cut down by the scythe of the Almighty. The ways of Him who rules the destinies of all things are mysterious and this summons was probably for the best, nevertheless it is much to be regretted. As a friend we hoped to see him occupy a prominent position amongst scientific men. As said befare he died on the morning of the 6th inst., between 6 and 7 o'clock, surrounded by his parents, sisters, brothers and friends. The funeral services were atlecting, and his remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of his friends and neighbors in the community that mourns his loss. He was a very remarkable young man in some respects, he was of decided opinions and had an extraordinary resolution of character, of large and varied reading and was a young man of attainments--he held his opinions tenaciously, on any subject with which he was conversant and always had views peculiar to himself to which he citing until the last, and above all he had that noble attribute, which is the source of success to every man and enterprise--energy of character. He passed away young, nevertheless leaving a life fruitful in good deeds and noble actions. May we as his young friends and comrades remember his virtues to emulate them so that we may be ready when the summons shall come to join the innumerable caravan that moves in such a mysterious realm, to an account of our stewardship below--remembering as the poet says:-"Soon or late "Stern death will knock with equal pace At the palace as the cottage gate." 102 Weissport, April 11, 1881. R. James Nolan, a slate picker in Hallenback Colliery, near Wilkesbarre, was crushed to death by cars on Tuesday. East Penn Pencilings. James Smith, son of Oliver Smith, died on Sunday forenoon, 3rd inst., and was interred at the Ben Salem cemetery on Wednesday forenoon following. His age was 20 years, 10 months and 12 days. He was an industrious young man; and was working at Packerton. East Penn Pencilings. On last Monday a week the eldest child of David Haas was interred at the Ben Salem church. Kreidersville Dots. Mrs. Susanna Stewart, of Cherryville, hung herself on the 6th inst. She was interred in Zion's cemetery, near Kreidersville, on Monday last. Her age was 46 years, 11 months and 13 days. MARRIED. RACKAWACK-SCHWAB.--On Feb. 23, by Rev. J. E. Freeman, John Rackawack and Miss Rebecca Schwab, of North Weissport, formerly of Mauch Chunk. DIED. YUNDT.--In Weissport, on the 7th inst., Robert E., eldest son of Francis Yundt, aged 20 years and 8 months. Only a broken casket, The jewel was borne away To shine in the realms of glory, To sparkle in endless day. Only a broken casket, Lies buried beneath the sod Impearled with the dews of memory, And watched by the eye of God. Only a broken casket, The shrine of new born soul, Caught up on its snow while pinions Where ages eternal rull. Caught up through the golden portals, Where saints and angels stand, With welcome to these who enter That beautiful summer land. Ah, but our faith is winging Its flight through the clear blue sky, Where sorrow can never enter And pleasures can never die. There we shall find our lost one, Not in the silent tomb, Not in a broken casket, But clothed in immortal bloom. "A." DIED. BARTHOLOMEW.--In Pine Swamp, on Feb. 27th of consumption, Daniel 103 Bartholomew, aged 58 years, 11 months and 20 days. DIED. GRAVER.--On Feb. 27th, Granville, son of Peter and Susan Graver, aged 2 years, 10 months and 29 days. DIED. BERWICK.--In East Mauch Chunk, on the 3rd ult., of heart disease, Harriet Berwick, aged 34 years, 1 month and 12 days. DIED. ARMBRUSTER.--In East Mauch Chunk, on the 11th ult., Mary Magdalena, daughter of Fidel and Mary Armbruster, aged 14 years, 7 months and 9 days. Volume 9, Number 22, Saturday, April 23, 1881 Local and Personal. John McHale, aged 16, was killed at the Union Stove Works, in Pittston, Friday, by the bursting of an emery wheel. Local and Personal. Mrs. Michael Flanagan, aged 52 years, was found burned to death, in her house near Pittston, on Thursday, 14th inst. She was alone, and it is supposed her clothes ignited while she was sleeping near the fire. Local and Personal. Colonel Willam Johnson, a well known citien of Pottsville, died there Monday night, aged 75 years. He was Crier of the several Courts of Schuylkill county, for the past fifteen years. Local and Personal. Jane Buehler, a well-known colored woman of Pottsville, died on Thursday night, 14th inst., at the alleged age of 114 years. She leaves two daughters, the eldest said to be over 80 years of age. Local and Personal. Benjamin H. Rose, a wealthy farmer of Pike county, this state, was killed Monday afternoon, near Milford, by being thrown from his wagon down a steep embankment by an unruly horse. Local and Personal. Mrs. Daniel Thomas, of Hollywood, Luzerne county, while shopping in a Hazleton dry goods store on Friday gave birth to four children. They were all dead. So reports one of our exchanges. Local and Personal. John Reese, aged 13, of Easton, was killed by cars on Monday. Local and Personal. Coro Beidelman, a child, drank corn cure by mistake, in Easton, on Saturday, and died in terrible agony. Local and Personal. An explosion of gas occurred at the Mill Creek slope, near Wilkesbarre Tuesday night, by which Wm. Steel, Wm. Ringsdorf and John Burns were badly burned. Ringsdorf died Wednesday morning. From the County Seat. Obituary. 104 Col. John D. Bertolette died at his residence in Mauch Chunk on Sunday morning, April 17th. He had been confined to his house with erysipelas of the veins, for a peried of three months. Deceased was born in Reading, Berks county, Pa., June 11th, 1839, and was therefore in his 42d year. He began the study of law in Reading, and shortly after moved to Mauch Chunk, and was for a short time with Charles Albright. He then enlisted in the late war, and served with distinction, attaining to the rank of Colonel. Deceased entered the service April 21st, 1861, as 2nd Lieutenant of Company A, 6th Reg't. Penn'a Vols. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant, May 1, 1861. Mustered out with the Regiment July 28, 1861. Re-enlisted August 20, 1861, as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 48th Regiment, Penna. Vols. Served with his regiment until April 23d, 1862, when he was appointed A. A. A. G. on Gen. Jas. Nagle's staff, commanding First Brigade, 2d Division, Department of North Carolina. On the 25th of September, 1862, he was appointed by President Lincoln Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers, with the rank of Captain. Promoted Major by brevet, December 2d, 1864, "for gallant and distinguished services at the battles of Poplar Grove Church, Hatcher's Run, and during the campaign before Richmond, Va." Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet, March 25, 1865, "for gallant and distinguished services in the assault upon the enemy's lines in front of Fort Sedgwick, Va." Col. Bertolette was severely wounded in the battle of Bull Run, August 29, 1862, then serving on Gen. Nagle's Staff. After the war he completed his studies with Gen. Charles Albright, and was admitted to the bar. For a number of years he practiced with Gen. Albright as a partner, and then opened an office for himself. As a lawyer he was highly successful. He was offered the position of Adjutant General under Gov. Hartranft, but declined, and was subsequently appointed Inspector General of the National Guard of Pa., which office he accepted and faithfully filled. He was noted throughout the Valley as one of the most careful lawyers in the preparation of briefs and papers. The funeral services took place on Wednesday at 2 o'clock p. m., at his late resience on West Broadway, Rev. E. H. Hoffman, pastor of the M. E. Church, officiating, after which his remains were followed by many friends to Lehighton and interred in the Lehighton Cemetery. From the County Seat. Miss Raisley Sophn, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Spohn, departed this life on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, her death was sudden and unexpected. The community deeply sympathize with her sorrowing friends in their sad bereavement. Weissport Items. A four year old child of George Moyer was buried on Thursday of last week. Funeal services were conducted by Rev. J. S. Erb, of Slatington. Weissport Items. One of the twin boys of Wm. Koons died on Monday morning last and was buried on Wednesday. MARRIED. GILBERT-KISTHART.--On the 17th inst. at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. P. F. Eyer, Mr. John H. Gilbert, of Denver, Colorado, and Miss Elizabeth G. Kisthart, of Weatherly, Pa. MARRIED. PORTER-DUNBAR.--On the 15th inst., at the Presbyterian parsonage, Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, by the Rev. James A. Little, Henry James Porter and Miss Eliza Dunbar. 105 Volume 9, Number 23, Saturday, April 30, 1881 Mrs. Igo, aged 80, died at Shenandoah a few days ago, very poor, yet she had the grandest funeral ever seen in the region. It turns out that the deceased was insured for $100,000, that the casket had been donated by policy holders, that the beautiful floral decorations had been furnished by policy holders, and that the mourners were policy holders. STATE NEWS. The body of Wm. Mowry, who committed suicide at Catawissa on the 10th of last month, has been found in the Susquehanna, near Sunbury. STATE NEWS. George Booth, aged 9 years, and John Boyle, aged 8, fell off a raft at Rockdale on Monday while at play and the Booth boy was drowned. STATE NEWS. Joseph Armstrong was killed Tuesday at the Big Mountain Colliery, at Shamokin, by coal rushing upon him, caused by the battery breaking. Local and Personal. Mrs. Dr. Innes, of Easton, has a piece of the Bartlette-Coutts wedding cake. Local and Personal. Wm. Powell, a miner, was killed Friday at the East Franklin Colliery, near Pottsville, by a fall of coal. Local and Personal. Henry C. Wagner, a butcher, living at Frankville, was thrown from a carriage Friday at Pottsville, and received injuries from which he died in the evening. Local and Personal. Neal Boyle was killed in the mines, near Hazleton, on Wednesday of last week. Local and Personal. John M. Boundy, a well-known portrait painter, died at Pottsville, on Saturday. Local and Personal. Charles Moyer, of Zionsville, Lehigh county, committed suicide on Saturday by shooting. Local and Personal. Henry Butler, a young Englishman living near Forty-Fort, Luzerne county, committed suicide on Thursday, 21st inst, by shooting, because of disappointment in love. Local and Personal. A dispatch by cable received Thursday afternoon, 21st ult., from Nice, Italy, by Mr. E. P. Wilbur, of Fountain Hill, Bethlehem, conveyed the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Thurston, in that city, on the previous evening. Mrs. Thurston was the daughter of Dr. Henry Coppee, of Lehigh University, and the wife of Mr. W. W. Thurston, Vice-President of the Bethlehem Iron Company. She leaves four little boys. Local and Personal. Thomas Delaney, of Raven Run, Schuylkill county, 18 years of age, was instantly killed at that place Monday. He was in the act of uncoupling some cars when his head was bumped and his brains oozed out through his skull. He was the son of a widowed mother. 106 Local and Personal. Michael Hart, a brakeman, was killed by cars at Wilkesbarre Monday. Local and Personal. The body of John Kelley, a farmer resident of Pottsville, was found in the canal at Auburn, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. Local and Personal. The 3 year-old daughter of John Hoffman, residing at Port Carbon, Schuylkill county, toddled after a flock of geese, and following them into a creek, was drowned. Local and Personal. Mrs. Long, mother of James Long, of Packerton, died on Sunday last, and was buried in the Lehighton Cemetery on Tuesday. Local and Personal. At Blackleg Hollow, a suburb of Scranton, on Sunday night, Michael Kinney was stabbed and killed by three drunken Italians who were arrested. Local and Personal. Wm. Dunn, an old and resptected citizen of Beaver Meadow, died at that place Tuesday morning, at the age of about 60 years. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon. Weatherly Splinters. Obituary.--Mr. Valentine Smith, of this place, departed this life on Wednesday morning, April 20th, in his 67th year. Two weeks before he injured his fingers with a circular saw in the pattern shop; the injury, though painful, was not considered dangerous, but despite the efforts of the physician one of the fingers became very sore. The attending physician, Dr. Latham, called in Dr. Tweedle, of Weatherly, and Dr. Longshore, of Hazleton, every effort was made to arrest the blood poisoning, and it was hoped that with his wonderful will power and splendid constitution, he might recover. But God in His all wise Providence thought otherwise, after days of suffering, during which not a murmur escaped his lips, in possession of all of his faculties, he breathed his last surrounded by his sorrowing family. Mr. Smith came to Carbon county in 1839 from Philadelphia, and settled at Beaver Meadow, where he engaged with Vancleve & Co., who were then operating the coal mines at that point; while there he was married to a daughter of John West, Esq., of Easton, the fruits of which were five daughters, three of which are living; the eldest being married to W. Lee Stiles, of Packerton; from Beaver Meadow he removed to Weatherly, and engaged with R. D. Stiles, under the firm name of Smith & Stiles, in the building an repairing of coal cars, for the Beaver Meadow R. R. Co., after which he took charge of the pattern shop of the railroad company, where he has remained ever since. He connected himself with the Presbyterian church at its organization in Weatherly, under the venerable Dr. Gaston, of Philadelphia; he was an earnest christian and consistent member, and died with the blessed assurance of a glorious resurrection. In his death the family loose a kind and generous father, and the comm [page torn] energetic, useful citizen. The funeral obsequies were held on Saturday afternoon, at 2 p. m., from his late residence. The Rev. Edsall Ferrier, of Mauch Chunk, and Rev. W. S. C. Webster, formerly pastor at Weatherly, officiating. The Odd Fellow Lodge of Beaver Meadow, of which he was a member about forty years, and the Weatherly Lodge attended in a body. The L.V. R. R. Co., shops and places of business in the town were closed in honor of the deceased. Weatherly Splinters. Joseph Buck, Jr., brakeman on engine 54, L. V. R. R., while shifting cars on the dump at Weatherly, Tuesday afternoon, was caught between the cars and crushed so badly that he lived but a few hours. Deceased was an exemplary young man, and leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. 107 Weatherly Splinters. On Wednesday last, Alex. Hartz, who had both his limbs amputated recently, died after eight weeks of excruciating agony. The poor fellow was out of his mind most of the time, since the accident occurred, caused by the intense pain he had to endure, and death was a greater boon to him than to have lived in the mutilated condition he was in. His remains were interred on Friday last in the Hartz burying ground at Hudsondale. Weissport items. Milton Emery, Weissport's genial butcher, met with an accident last Saturday which happily ended fortunately. While returning from market his horse took fright at a passing train, and he was unable to regain control of it until he landed opposite the small bridge connecting the roads below the Lehigh Valley railroad depot at Lehighton. The bruises he received were slight, for at night he took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Sallie A. Diehl, of Lehighton. We wish the happy couple a successful journey through life. Kreidersville Dots. B. Martz, who got his leg smashed by a coal train a few weeks ago, died on Monday evening, 18th inst. He was buried in the Howertown Church cemetery on Friday 22d inst., aged 18 years, 10 months and 8 days. The attendance was very large. A Sad Accident. On Monday afternoon, 18th inst., about four o'clock, a sad accident occurred in No. 3 Furnace, at Parryville, which resulted in the death of John Flood, the foundry boss. The brick lining being damaged, he endeavored to prevent any further opening, and while so doing the gas enveloped him and burned his head, neck and arms in a shocking manner. He was immediately carried home and received medical treatment, but it was apparent that all was vain, as he had inhaled gas to such an extant as to burn him internally. He lingered till Wednesday evening, 20th inst., when about 10 o'clock he passed away. His remains were taken Thursday to Allentown, where he was buried Saturday. The deceased was a good neighbor, kind husband, affectionate father and always faithful in the performance of his duties. The family so suddenly afflicted have the sympathy of the whole community.--Cor. Carbon County Democrat. MARRIED. CRAWFORD-MELLAN--At Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, Saturday evening, April 23rd, 1881, by the Rev. James A. Little, Mr. James Crawford and Miss Mary Eliza Mellan, all of Hokendauqua. MARRIED. ROBERTS-EDWARDS-On th 20th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. W. D. Thomas, of Mahanoy City, Evan Roberts and Miss Harriet Edwards, both of Lansford. Volume 9, Number 24, Saturday, May 7, 1881 Local and Personal. Walter Lloyd and Thomas Stanton were fatally injured by an explosion of sulphur at the Bast mine, near Pottsville, on Saturday. Local and Personal. Five frame dwellings in St. Clair, Schuylkill county, were burned Sunday afternoon, and an old lady named Dougherty died of fright. Local and Personal. Patrick Dougherty was killed by the cars Tuesday at Wilkesbarre. 108 Local and Personal. John Carr, aged 19 years, was run over and killed at Palo Alto Tuesday night by a passenger train. Local and Personal. Rev. Jacob Adams, Evangelical minister at Emaus, formerly of Fleetwood, Berks county, died on Friday of last week, aged sixty-five years. Local and Personal. Andrew Parteck, Adam Urichs and John Martin were killed Friday by a fall of rock in a tunnel of the Susquehanna Coal Company, at Nanticoke, Luzerne county. Local and Personal. Frank Shock, a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad, was run over by a train Tuesday, near Allentown, and fatally injured. Local and Personal. Bridget Delaney, of Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, aged 50 laboring under temporary insanity caused by grief at the death of her two sons--one of whom was recently killed in the mines and the other died from fever--Wednesday saturated her clothes with coal oil and ignited them. Death resulted in a few minutes, her body being completely charred. Wild Creek Dottings. Joel Berlin, of Kresgeville, Monroe Co., was called "home," on Saturday, of last week; his remains were interred, Tuesday last, in the Jerusalem burying ground, at Trachsville. STATE NEWS. George Bishop hanged himself in his embployer's (Mr. J. E. Goodrich's) barn, near Williamsport, on Saturday. MARRIED. MARSH-SCHWARTZ.--In Allentown, at the residence of the bride's parents, on the 3d inst., by Rev. W. Coffman, Mr. Alvin I Marsh, formerly of Weissport, to Miss Eliza J., daughter of Mr. Jonathan Schwartz, of Allentown. The youthful pair have our best wishes for a successful and happy voyage through life. DIED. MARSH.--In Weissport, on the 3d inst., the infant son of Alex B. and Alice B. Marsh, aged about four months. Volume 9, Number 25, Saturday, May 14, 1881 Local and Personal. Robert Groman, an old citizen of South Bethlehem, fell down stairs on Monday and was killed. Local and Personal. James G. Roads, a well-known mining and railroad engineer, died suddenly at Pottsville on Sunday. Local and Personal. Mrs. John Kane, of Scranton, aged 19 years, attempted to kindle a fire with coal oil on Monday, and received burns that will result fatally. Local and Personal. John Tighe, while riding on a coal train ascending No. 22 plane, on the Pennsylvania Coal Company's railroad, Tuesday, near Pittston, fell from a car and received fatal injuries. 109 Local and Personal. Robert Edwards, aged 16 years, was killed by striking a bridge while riding on a freight train near Girardville, Schuylkill county, Friday morning. Local and Personal. James Fennessy was killed in the Green Ridge Colliery, near Scranton, on Friday night. Local and Personal. Dennis Malone died at Scranton, on Monday morning, from injuries received in the mines a week before. Big Creek Items. Diphtheria has made its appearance at Pine Run, in the family of Alvin May; two of his children are down with the disease. They are attended by Dr. Seiple, of Lehighton, under whose medical skill we hope to see them soon restored. There are also several cases of diphtheria in Long Run yet. Mr. Monroe Ziegenfuss, of near Weissport, lost two children by diphtheria; one was interred on Sunday, and the other on Monday last, at the Weissport cemetery. Parents are to blame, to a certain extent, for the deaths of so many of the children that have occurred the past few months. A little precaution should be taken when this disease breaks out in a locality, but instead of this, whenever a funeral occurs many unwise parents are sure to be there with their children, even if they must travel 3 or 4 miles, and what else can be expected but that the children take it, and that it will be carried over the whole township in a short time. This is a fact that cannot be denied. As long as parents will run to such places where this disease is we need not be surprised if we hear of several funerals every week for some time to come. Wednesday, 4th inst., we were informed of another case that proved fatal in the family of Alvin May, of Pine Run, which occurred the day previous at 11 o'clock; the child was interred at St. Paul's on Friday morning last. Another child in the family of Harry West is also down with the same disease. Since my last letter another victim of diphtheria has been added to the list, in the person of Ella Rehrig, a young adopted daughter of Harry Wertz, of Pine Run. Her earthly career ended on Saturday afternoon. Her remains were taken to their last resting place in the Union Cemetery, near Snyder's church, in Lower Towamensing, on Tuesday morning. The child was 6 years and 4 months old. Weissport Items. Etta C., a bright and promising daughter of A. A. Hatch, departed this life on Wednesday of last week. Funeral services took place on Saturday, conducted by Rev. E. J. Miller. Weissport Items. A pleasant party of friends passed Thursday evening at the residence of Hiram Lesh, in celebrating his 39th birthday. A goodly number were present on the occasion. Edward Frill, a farmer, living near Reading, committed suicide on Monday by shooting. Patrick Kearney was killed on Saturday by an explosion of gas in the central shaft of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western mines. MARRIED. KEISER-LOVE.--At the residence of the bride's father, at Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, Pa., on Thursday, May 5th, by Rev. James A. Little, Mr. Frank B. Keiser and Miss Mattie, daughter of Mr. Wm. Love, all of Hokendauqua. 110 MARRIED. LOWER-BROWN.--On the 14th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Darby J. Lower and Miss Sarah R. Brown, both of Parryville. MARRIED. CORRELL-GERBER.--On the 1st inst., by the same, Chas. Correll and Miss Sarah Yetta Gerber, both of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. WEAVER-ANDREAS.--On the same day, by the same, Wellington D Weaver, of E. Brunswick, and Miss Fianna Andreas, of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. ZIEGENFUSS-CHRISTMAN.--On the 7th inst., by the same, David E. Ziegenfuss, of Lower Towamensing, Carbon county, and Miss Amelia Christman, of Eldred township, Monroe county. MARRIED. BUCK-HOUPT.--On the 27th of March, by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Wilson Buck and Miss Annie Houpt, both of L. Towamensing. MARRIED. EMERY-DIEHL.--On the 24th ult., by the same, Milton E. Emery, of Weissport, and Miss Sallie M. Diehl, of Lehighton. DIED. STEIGERWALT.--On the 11th ult., in East Penn, Fannie C., wife of Tilgh. W. Steigerwalt, aged 37 years, 4 months and 9 days. DIED. HOUSER.--On the 14th ult., in West Penn, Henry Houser, aged 69 years, 7 months and 21 days. DIED. DREYER.--On the 18th ult, in East Penn, George Edgar, son of Charles and Tewillia Dreyer, aged 1 year and 8 days. DIED. HILL--On the 28th ult., in West Penn, Barton, son of Levi and Lydia Ann Hill, aged 4 months and 18 days. DIED. WEHRSTEIN.--On the 2nd inst., in Mahoning, Henry Wehrstein, aged 42 years 6 months and 8 days. DIED. PRICE--On the 5th inst., in West Penn, America Price, aged 74 years, 4 months and 3 days. DIED. MOYER.--In Weissport, on the 12th ultimo, Aquilla S., infant son of George and Emma Moyer, aged 3 years, 7 mos. and 5 days. DIED. KUNKLE.--At Long Run, on the 19th ult., Emma Ursula, infant daughter of Dures and Susan Kunkle, aged 2 years, 2 months and 10 days. DIED. KLOTZ.--In Towamensing, on the 23d ult., Priscilla, infant daughter of Levi & Sallie Ann Klotz, aged 1 yr., 1 mo. and 20 days. DIED. SOLT.--At Big Creek, on the 24th ult., David Solt, aged 74 years, 7 months and 27 days. 111 DIED. KROMER.--At Long Run, two children of Irwin and Martha Kromer, Charles Dan'l, aged 3 years, 8 months and 5 days and Jos. Irwin, aged 2 years and 8 months. Both were buried in one grave. DIED. MAY.--At Pine Run, on the 3rd inst., Geo. Joseph, son of Alvin and Harriet May, aged 2 years, 8 months and 6 days. Volume 9, Number 26, Saturday, May 21, 1881 Local and Personal. Willie Robinson, aged 14 years, was drowned at Pittston on Saturday while fishing. Local and Personal. Six members of the Burns family, numbering twelve, residing at Hanover, Luzerne county, died of smallpox recently. Local and Personal. C. R. Shimer, aged 60 years, and living near Kimble's Station, Pike county, was killed by cars on Tuesday of last week. Local and Personal. An explosion of sulphur occurred Friday at the Palmer Vein colliery, near Pottsville, and John O'Horn and David Dougherty, miners, were fatally burned. Local and Personal. On Tuesday morning, while David and Frank Bredhender, Charles Knauss and a man named Eicholts, repairmen on the Sunbury, Hazleton and Wilkes Barre Railroad, where crossing the trestle at Mainville, on a truck car, they were overtaken by a freight train and hurled a distance of some 50 feet. Knauss and one of the Bredhenders were killed, and the others are reported fatally injured. Local and Personal. John Butler, of Pittston, employed in the mines of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, was killed by a fall of coal on Tuesday. Local and Personal. A six year old son of Matthew Natress, of Audenried, while endeavoring to catch frogs in one of the many caverns which surround the town, unfortunately ventured too far into the water which lies stagnant in an excavation, the whole year round, lost his balance and was drowned ere help arrived to rescue him, this sad accident occurred on Saturday afternoon and should be a signal of danger for persons who allow their children to roam from home and risk their lives in seeking enjoyment in places where it would be almost dangerous for grown persons to go unless extraordinary care and judgment were exercised.--Hazleton Bulletin. Local and Personal. Patrick Duffy was killed in the mines near Stockton, Luzerne county, by an explosion of gas on Monday. Local and Personal. E. Penn Smith died at Womelsdorf, Berks county, on Monday, aged 61 years. He served in the Legislature in 1860-61 as a Democrat. Obituary. David Handwerk, father of James H. Handwerk, of Mauch Chunk, died on Friday last, at his residence in Washington township, Lehigh county, and, although long expected from 112 an illness of consumption that had lasted eighteen months, it, when announced, caused such a quivering to run through the heart of the community in which he had resided all his life time as to indicate his popularity. The demise of Mr. Handwerk is regrettted and sorrowed over by all who knew him. He was born and reared in the neighborhood where he died, was a man of many friends and widely known. He was at all times and under all circumstances courteous and friendly in his manners, and strictly honest in his dealings. He was a farmer by occupation. About a year ago the partner of his joys and sorrows was taken away, and since then he has been gradually declining. He leaves six children--three boys and three girls to mourn his loss. He brought his age to 60 years, 2 months and 2 days. The funeral took place at the Heidelberg Church on Monday, which was largely attended by mourning relatives and friends, Rev. J. S. Renninger officiating. Kreidersville Dots. The wife of Jacob Beltz died last week. Kreidersville Dots. Miss Christiana Beck, a daughter of Samuel Beck, of Indian Creek, Lehigh twp., died on the 5th inst., and was interred in the cemetery at Zion's church, near this place. The attendance was large. From the County Seat. Report says that John Martyn, of Beaver Meadow, formerly a telegraph operator for the Western Union Telegraph Co. here, was married Thursday evening to Miss Alice M. Kistler, daughter of Wilson Kistler. We wish them a long and happy life. Weissport Items. Daniel Dreisbach, an old resident of this place, died suddenly on Wednesday afternoon of last week, at the residence of his son-in-law, Henry Mertz, after a protracted illness of some months, with dropsy. The funeral took place Saturday last, conducted by Revs. Miller, Kemble and Fehr, of Allentown. He was born in the year 1796, making him 85 years of age at the time of his death. He had been a firm member of the Evangelical Association for a period of 40 years. His remains were interred in the Big Creek burying ground, there to await a joyful resurrection. Weissport Items. An infant child of V. A. Acker, of this place, died on Thursday of last week. Funeral services took place on Monday, conducted by Rev. Miller. Weissport Items. A four-year old child of C. H. McDaniel died on Tuesday last. Funeral services took place on Friday. STATE NEWS. W. W. Wilson, of Sunbury, was drowned on the 17th of March. His body was recovered on Friday. STATE NEWS. Daniel Gehris, 85 years old, of Reading, was insured on the speculative plan, on last Friday, and died on Saturday. MARRIED. MATER-SMITH.--On the 12th inst., by Rev. E. A. Bauer, of Hazleton, Mr. Jacob Mater and Miss Lavina J. Smith, both of Audenried, this county. 113 Volume 9, Number 27, Saturday, May 28, 1881 STATE NEWS. Miss Maggie Scannon committed suicide by drowning in Fishing Creek, Columbia county, on Friday. She had been betrayed and deserted. Local and Personal. William H. Richard and William Hoskins, of Ashley , Luzerne county, were killed on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Sugar Notch, on Wednesday of last week. Local and Personal. A cave-in at Waddle's shaft, Mill Creek, on Saturday, killed Patrick Crowley and James Stevenson. Local and Personal. Mrs. Henry Kostenbader, Sr., of this borough, died at the residence of her husband on Saturday evening. She had been sick but a few days, having had a paralytic stroke on the previous day. Her funeral took place on Wednesday forenoon. She was about 50 years of age. Local and Personal. Terrence McGovern, who died at Palo Alto, Schuylkill county, on Monday, had been an engineer on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad for thirty-two years. Big Creek Fittings. We have another victim of diphtheria to report, in the person of A. Mary, a child of Alvin May, of Pine Run, which occurred on Wednesday. The funeral takes place to-day (Saturday). Albrightsville Items. James A. Serfass, of Duttersville, met with an accident near White Haven, on Tuesday last, by a falling tree, which resulted in his death in a few minutes. Deceased was the youngest son of Henry Serfass, Sr., and was about 26 years of age. Volume 9, Number 28, Saturday, June 4, 1881 STATE NEWS. John Randolph, aged 14, residing at Winding Hill, Wayne county, accidentally shot and killed himself with a gun on Thursday, 26th ult. Local and Personal. Jeremiah Reed, aged about 80 years, superintendent of the Pottsville Water Company, was killed Friday at Newcastle, on the Reading railroad, by the blowing off of the cylinder head of a passing locomotive. Local and Personal. Cornelius Quinn was killed by cars at Mahanoy Plane, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. Local and Personal. A violent thunder storm passed over the Catawissa Valley, in Schuylkill county, on Thursday evening, 26th ult. William Davis, a boy, was killed, and his brother injured by lightning while ploughing at Zion's Grove. Local and Personal. On Thursday of last week the dead body of Edward Zerfoss, of McKean county, formerly of Kresgeville, was brought to this place by a brother, and immediately conveyed to his parents at Kresgeville to await interment. The unfortunate man came to his 114 death suddenly, by the falling of a branch from a tree, whilst engaged cutting wood. Local and Personal. Miss Stella Kocher, of Newport, dropped dead on Main street, Wilkesbarre, Friday. Local and Personal. Isaiah McNeal, aged 60, suicided at Conyngnam, Luzerne Co., on Wednesday, 25th ult. He first tried to pound his brains out with a stone, then thrust a knife into his temple, and then hung himself, dislocating his neck. Local and Personal. Michael Weiss, aged 18, was drowned while watering a horse in the Lehigh river at Bethlehem, Tuesday evening. Local and Personal. Michael Fleming, a brakeman on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, was killed near Scranton on Monday. The dead body of Mrs. Louisa Mahlborn, of Reading, was found on a lounge in her house on Wednesday in an advanced state of decomposition. She was 80 years of age, and resided alone. Volume 9, Number 29, Saturday, June 11, 1881 STATE NEWS. Jared Price, a farmer residing in Berne township, Berks county, committed suicide Monday by cutting his throat with a razor. He leaves a wife and four daughters. Local and Personal. Mrs. Mary McManus, of Sandy Run, Luzerne county, attempted to hurry up the fire with kerosene on Sunday two weeks ago, and received burns which resulted in her death. Local and Personal. George M. Bosler, a journalist, residing at Milford, Pike county, died at about six o'clock on the morning of Thursday, the 2nd inst., of bronchial consumption. Local and Personal. A man supposed to be George Shoney was drowned in the Little Lehigh, near Allentown, on Sunday while bathing. Local and Personal. Percival Patterson, aged 6 years, while playing in his father's house, in Pottsville, Tuesday evening, fell upon a piece of glass, which severed the jugular vein, causing him to bleed to death. Local and Personal. Charles Dougherty, aged 12 years, jumped from a train at Catasauqua, Tuesday evening, and was killed by falling under another train. Local and Personal. John Whalen, a boy, of Thomaston, Schuylkill county, was choked to death by a prune stone on Tuesday. Local and Personal. The infant daughter of Michael Toole was run over by cars at William Penn, Schuylkill county, on Wednesday, and killed. 115 Big Creek Items. The remains of James Brown, of Beltzville, were deposited in the cemetery at the Lower Towamensing church, on Monday morning last. The funeral was very largely attended. Volume 9, Number 30, Saturday, July 18, 1881 STATE NEWS. David Jenkins was killed in the mines at Eckley, Luzerne county, on Saturday. STATE NEWS. John Brannon, a boy, was killed in East Franklin colliery, near Tremont, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. STATE NEWS. An 8-year-old son of William T. Kenny fell into the Susquehanna River at Williamsport Sunday evening, and was drowned. Local and Personal. Lafayette Bender, aged about twenty-six years, residing at Catasauqua, committed suicide on Sunday morning by hanging himself to a rafter in an outhouse on his lot. The cause of the rash act is not definately known. Local and Personal. Edmund J. Moore, Jr., a well-known lawyer of Allentown, died on Thursday of last week. Local and Personal. Mrs. L. F. Kleppinger's father, Reuben B. Bieber, died, of dropsy, at his home in Bath, on Wednesday last. Funeral to-day (Saturday) at 10 o'clock. Local and Personal. Charles Matthews, a fireman on the Schuylkill and Lehigh Railroad, was killed on Wednesday afternoon. Albrightsville Items. Erastus E. Moyer, of Duttersville, Monroe county, Pa., who is in the employ of J. S. Hawk, will be married shortly to Miss A. Elizabeth Christman. Fom the County Seat. Harry Nonnamacher, an employe of the Valley office, of this place, was united in marriage to Miss Mary Remmel, daughter o Nicholas Remmel, by the Rev. E. H. Hoffman, of St. Paul's M. E. church. They left on the evening train for Washington, D. C., on their wedding tour, and expect to be absent several days. We wish them a long and happy life. Boiler Explosion. A terrible boiler explosion occurred at Pottsville about noon Friday at Atkins & Bros., Fishback Rolling Mill. Twelve men were injured, three fatally. Daniel Moran was found near his furnace, writhing in agony and terribly scalded from head to foot. James O'Neill was scalded about the hands, face and breast; he is also believed to have inhaled the steam, which may prove fatal. Louis Blankenhorn was badly scalded and otherwise hurt about the neck and body. Jeremiah Reed was severly scalded about the face and breast. James Williams, Henry Louisberger and others, whose names cannot be ascertained, were also badly scalded and other wise hurt by flying missiles. The explosion created intense excitement in the vicinity, and the mill was soon thronged with the anxious families of those employed there. The explosion was caused by leakage. Orders were given on the day previous to draw the fires, that the boiler might be repaired, but for some unexplained reason the orders were disregarded. The 116 responsibility can only be determined by the investigation which will be made at once. MARRIED. Schabo-Mertz.--On the 12th inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Peter Schabo, of Towamensing, and Miss Mary Ann Mertz, of Mahoning. MARRIED. Strausberger-Hoffman.--At the home of the bride, in East Weissport, on the 29th ult., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Paul Strausberger and Miss Mary Alice Hoffman, both of East Weissport. MARRIED. Snyder-Strohl.--On the 10th inst., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Thomas Snyder, of Parryville, and Miss Mary Ann Strohl, of Little Gap, this county. DIED. Houp. In Towamensing, on the 17th ult., Adam Houp, aged 47 years, 8 months and 4 days. DIED. Brown.--In Franklin, on the 26th ult., Jas. Brown, of dropsy, aged 64 years, 5 months and 2 days. DIED. Kern.--In Towamensing, on the 30th ult., Mrs. Frank Kern, aged 66 years, 8 months and 14 days. DIED. Kostenbader.--in this borough, on 22d ult., Lucy Ann, wife of Henry Kostenbader, aged 66 years, 8 months and 14 days. DIED. Nonnemacher.--In West Penn, on the 18th ult., James Nonnemacher, aged 76 years, 2 months and 26 days. DIED. Zellner.--In Mahoning, on the 25th ult., Charles Zellner, aged 25 years, 8 months and 15 days. DIED. Houser. In West Penn, on the 1st instant, Conrad Houser, aged 78 years, 1 month and 4 days. DIED. Reinhard.--In West Penn, on the 4th inst., John Reinhard, aged 44 years and 5 mos. Volume 9, Number 31, Saturday, June 25, 1881 Local and Personal. A laborer named James Marks was killed by cars at Quakake, Schuylkill county, on Friday. Local and Personal. Richard Woodin, of Plymouth, Luzerne county, committed suicide on Thursday 16th inst. He had just finished a sentence of five years in the Eastern Penitentary. Local and Personal. Patrick Lyons, a miner, was instantly killed at Kingston, Luzerne, county, on Monday, by a fall of rock. 117 Local and Personal. Hiram Rosenbranz, of Hazleton, committed suicide on Monday by taking poison. Local and Personal. The body of Henry Valentine, a well-known farmer who lived near Shehola, Pike county, has been found in the Delaware and Hudson Canal. He is supposed to have fallen into the water while dazed by lightning during the recent thunder storm. Local and Personal. A passenger train on the Schuylkill and Lehigh Railroad was thrown from the track on Wednesday of last week by a large log which had been placed on the rails by some unknown villian. The engine was completely wrecked. Charles Matthews, the fireman, was killed, and the engineer and several passengers were slightly injured. East Weissport Dots. Joel Klotz and wife, recently celebrated their silver wedding, and received presents in profusion from their hosts of friends and well wishers. Mrs. Henry Berger, of Maple Hill, Lycoming county, broke her neck on Saturday night by an accidental fall. MARRIED. McMurtry-McMurtry.--At East Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, Pa., on the 20th inst., by Rev. James A. Little, William McMurtry, of Catasauqua, and Miss Mary McMurtry, recently from Macosquin, Ireland. Volume 9, Number 32, Saturday, July 2, 1881 Local and Personal. John Rogers, of Pittston, aged 2 years, was accidentally scalded to death on Saturday. Local and Personal. The body of a child, with its head crushed in, was found in the Delaware, below Bethlehem, on Tuesday of last week. The author of the crime has not been discovered. Local and Personal. R. Wilson Carr, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Ashland, Schuylkill county, died on Monday from injuries accidentally received several weeks ago. Local and Personal. Stephen S. Winchester, ex-District Attorney of Wilkesbarre, died suddenly in that city Sunday. Local and Personal. Paddy Weaver, aged 12 years, was accidentally shot in the head by another boy named Domm, at Ashland, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. Local and Personal. A body, supposed to be that of Isaac B. Cole, of Broadway, N. J., was found in the Lehigh Reiver, opposite Easton, on Sunday. Local and Personal. Joseph Miller, of White Haven, Luzerne county, was struck by cars on Monday, and fatally injured. Thomas Ehrich, aged 65 years, was struck by a passenger train while walking on the track of the 118 Lehigh and Susquahanna Railroad on Tuesday night, near Allentown, sustaining injuries from the effect of which he died Wednesday. Mrs. Catherine Esch, of the Valley House celebrated her 57th birthday on Tuesday last, upon which occasion her entire family of sons and daughters, with their wives, husbands and children assembled to do her honor. During the evening they presented her with a very beautiful pair of gold mounted spectacles, as a token of their affection. May she live to see and enjoy many more such happy reunions of her family. STATE NEWS. Wilson Zweizig, aged 16 years, was run over and killed by cars at Leesport, on the Reading Road, on Saturday. MARRIED. On the 15th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, William King and Miss Ellen M. Blose, both of Lower Towamensing, this county. MARRIED. On the 19th ult., by the same, William H. Knappenberger and Miss Sarah A. J. Gelay, both of Lower Towamensing, this county. MARRIED. On the 25th ult., by the same, James B. Reichard, of East Penn, and Miss Clara A. Rehrig, of Mahoning, this county. MARRIED. On the same day, by the same, Henry J. Bowman and Miss Mary Alice Schoch, both of East Penn, this county. DIED. On the 13th ult., in Brunswick township, Schuylkill county, Daniel Godschall, aged 54 years and 10 days. DIED. On the 14th ult., in Mahoning township, Granville A., son of David and Sarah Kuhns, aged 8 years and 6 months. DIED. On the 15th ult., in Lower Towamensing township, David Henry, son of David and Emaline Klinetop, aged 13 years, 6 months and 18 days. DIED. On the same day, in West Penn, Charles Schellhammer, aged 44 years, 11 months and 26 days. Volume 9, Number 33, Saturday, July 9, 1881 Local and Personal. Samuel English was mortally wounded by an unknown man at Wilkesbare on Monday. Local and Personal. Edward Mulligan was killed at Forty Fort colliery, Luzerne county, on Tuesday, 28th ult. Local and Personal. Friend Smith, 8 years of age, while returning from the berry fields, stopped on the track of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company's gravity road on the 30th ult., to look 119 at the loaded cars pass up the plane. A few rods below him a train of light cars came around a curve, and catching him under its wheels, dragged him the length of fifteen cars to a culvert, where the body was thrown down twenty feet upon a loaded track. It was found a few minutes later horribly mangled. From the County Seat. Mr. H. G. Frohr, of the second ward, was married to Miss Alice M. Boyer, of the first ward, on Saturday evening. Long may they live. STATE NEWS. Scott Harris, a 17-year-old son of W. J. Harris, of Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, was accidentally shot and killed on Monday morning while playing with a pistol. STATE NEWS. Edward Nulan, a tailor of Scranton, who has long been addicted to drink, committed suicide on Tuesday night by taking laudanum. STATE NEWS. Henry Beyerle, of Pottsville, was killed by cars at Perkiomen Junction on Monday. STATE NEWS. Cornelius Murphy, of Beaver Valley Schuylkill county, was accidentally drowned on Saturday last. MARRIED. JORDAN-LLOYD.--On the 1st inst., at Ferndale, by Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, John Jordan to Miss Maggie Lloyd, both of Ferndale. Volume 9, Number 34, Saturday, July 16, 1881 Local and Personal. Robert Nalf, aged 69 years, was killed by a fall of rock in a quarry near Easton, on Tuesday. Local and Personal. Sylvetser Bisbing was killed by cars at the Glendon Iron Works, near Easton, on Tuesday. Local and Personal. The body of a man, identified as Richard Boston, from Greene Ridge, near Scranton, was found floating in the Susquehanna river at Wilkesbarre, Monday afternoon. Local and Personal. Samuel S. Coon, of Chatham Four Corners, New York, died at the Luzerne Hotel in Wilkesbarre, on Sunday, with many of the symptoms of cholera. Local and Personal. David Moyer, a prominent citizen of Coplay, Lehigh county, was thrown from his carriage on Friday and killed. Local and Personal. Theophilus Smith, a well-known citizen of Pike county, Pa., and father of the District Attorney of McKean county, died suddenly on Thursday morning, 7th inst., in Milford, aged 70 years. Local and Personal. Captain John Grady, a prominent and highly respected citizen of Scranton, died suddenly Sunday morning. 120 Local and Personal. The 2-year-old son of Mrs. Chas. Stein, living at Drehersville, Schuylkill county, was accidentally drowned in a pond on Friday. From the County Seat. Rumor says that Prof. L. Huber, principal of the schools of this borough, has, since vacation, taken a partner for life. May the pair be prosperous and happy, is our sincere wish. Sudden Death. Mr. Clinton Bretney, died very suddenly, at his home in Mahoning Valley, on Tuesday last, while sitting at the dinner table. Deceased had been occupied during the forenoon with his havesting, and entering the house at noon remarked that he felt unusually well, but, as above stated, suddenly expired before he had finished his meal. Mr. Bretney was in his 79th year, and has been a resident of the Mahoning Valley for nearly sixty years, and leaves a wife two sons and a daughter, with an immense circle of friends to deplore the loss of an affectionate husband and father and a kind and obliging neighbor. He was buried at the cemetery at New Mahoning on Friday morning, the attendance being very large. STATE NEWS. Simon Eichenlaub, of Williamsport, was drowned accidentally near Muncy on Friday. STATE NEWS. William Sanders, of Kutztown, Berks Co., fell from a cherry tree on Monday 4th inst., and was killed. STATE NEWS. Charles Bernethum died of lock-jaw in Reading on Tuesday from injuries inflicted upon himself with a toy-pistol. STATE NEWS. At Reading on Monday an iron bucket of coal, while being hoisted by a crane broke from its fastening, and instantly killed Mahlon Young. MARRIED. FISCHER-BOYER.--On the 2d inst., at the residence of Moses Heilman, by the Rev. Wm. G. Laitzle, Henry G. Fischer to Miss Alice Boyer, both of Mauch Chunk. MARRIED. RICHARDS-JONES.--On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. P. F. Eyer, Mr. Samuel P. Richards, and Miss Ella Z. Jones, both of Weatherly, Carbon county, Pa. Volume 9, Number 35, Saturday, July 23, 1881 Louise Miller, of Hamburg, a very handsome girl, aged 19 years, committed suicide on Saturday by taking arsenic. No cause was given for the act. Local and Personal. A driver boy named Charley Sweeney, in the employ of G. H. Meyers & Co., of Yorktown, was instantly killed on Wednesday aternoon, 13th inst., while bringing a trip of cars out of the gangway, by a falling prop. The lad was about sixteen years old, and was buried Saturday afternoon in the Frenchtown cemetary. Local and Personal. Lewis Rockwell, ex-Sheriff and Treasurer of Pike county, died in Milford 121 on Thursday night, 14th inst., at the alleged age of 103 years. Local and Personal. Henry Spellbaum, who lost a leg about two months ago by an accident on the L. V. R. R., had occasion to go off on the cars on Monday last, and on his return home on getting off the cars at the Lehighton depot, he fell upon his injured limb, hurting him so severly, that he died Tuesday morning, after suffering excruciating pain during the night. Local and Personal. Philip Schmidt, a miner, was killed in Plank Ridge colliery, at Shenandoah, on Saturday by a fall of coal. Local and Personal. An unknown colored man having in his possession pawn tickets made out in the name of A. Boyer or M. Boyer, and dated Philadelphia, was killed by cars at Laury's Station, on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, on Thursday, 14th inst. Local and Personal. Thomas Mooney was run over by a train of loaded coal cars and killed in the Diamond Mines, at Wilkesbarre, on Saturday evening. It is supposed he was asleep on the track. Local and Personal. George Hartman, of Parsons, was run over and killed by a train at Wilkesbarre, Sunday morning. Local and Personal. John Barr was run over and killed by a passenger train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Catasauqua, on Saturday night. Local and Personal. A party of drunken roughs becoming disorderly at a ball at Judge's Hotel, near the Central Railroad depot in Pittston on Friday night, were ejected from the hotel, and began to riddle it with stones. They also attacked a circus company about to leave on a train for Mauch Chunk, but were driven off by two shots fired by one of the circus men. It was then discovered that the first shot had entered the hotel and killed John Mangan, who was sitting at a window, and that the second had severely wounded a woman named Murphy in one of her arms. No arrests were made. The coroner's jury Thursday evening rendered a verdict, that deceased met his death at the hands of a person unknown. Local and Personal. John Mangan, whose dead body was recently found near Pittston, is now known by the authorities to have been murdered, and several important arrests will be made in a few days. Local and Personal. Mrs. David Erb, father of Rev. J. S. Erb, of Slatington, died at his residence in Boyertown, of paralysis, on Saturday, 25th ult., at the age of 75 years, 6 months and 11 days. Local and Personal. Sylvester Mills was killed on the 14th inst., by a fall of coal in the Diamond Mine, at Wilkesbarre, Pa. Silver Wedding. On Friday last, the 15th inst., Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Weiss, of this borough, had been united in the bonds of holy matrimony 25 years. The silver wedding of the aged couple was celebrated 122 in the usual joyous manner, their children, grand-children and great-grand-child being present and taking part in the festivities of the occasion. Mr. Lewis Weiss is one of our most aged and respected citizens; he was born in Weissport in the year 1811, and is therefore about 70 years of age. At the time of his birth, this section of country was a very wild and sparsely settled region; to give an idea of the wild condition of the country, it will only be necessary to state that there was no canal, railroad or telegraph line running in this valley. Weissport was then called "Gnaden Heutten," a German name given to it by the Moravians, (from whom Mr. Thomas Weiss, the father of Lewis, bought 700 acres of land,) the name means "Tents of Grace;" it was also called Fort Allen, in remembrance of the fort formerly standing on the site of the Fort Allen House. The nearest post office was at Mauch Chunk, and the postage on a letter was 25 cents, instead of 3 cents as now. This valley was then a barren wilderness, and the Red Man of the forest roamed around in his glory. Mr. Weiss, or as he is often called Father Weiss, had much to do in bringing prosperity to this neighborhood; for a number of years he was extensively engaged in the iron manufacture, boat building and other industries; being both industrious and enterprising, he did much to push forward the march of civilization and prosperity; always ready to undertake any enterprise which promised an advance of prosperity. Mrs. Lewis Weiss, whose maiden name was Matilda Brotherline, was born in Jonestown, Lebanon county, 1818, and is therefore 63 years of age--Mr. Weiss being her senior by about seven years. They were married in Philadelphia in 1856, by one of the oldest preachers of the Evangelical church, named Jesse Yeakel, a brother of Reuben Yeakel, who afterwards elected bishop of the Evangelical church. The celebration of the silver wedding was quite a happy and joyous event; preparations were made for its celebration some days previous, and the doors were thrown wide open to once more reunite the family circle. The festal board was extended to many times its usual size, and the talking, smiling and merry laughter told us plainly that the occasion was one not soon to be forgotten. The aged couple received a number of very handsome presents, some very costly; among them we noticed a handsome butter dish for Mrs. Weiss, and a beautiful pair of gold mounted spectacles for Mr. L. Weiss. The hours of the afternoon passed away very merrily and speedily in each others company, and most of the party returned to their homes in the evening. I saw two clouds at morning, Tinged by the morning sun, And in the dawn they floated on And mingled into one. I thought that morning cloud was blest, It moved so sweetly to the west, So be your gentle motion, Till life's last pulse shall beat, and you float on in joy to meet A calmer sea, where storms shall cease, A purer sky, where all is peace. A death from smallpox was reported at Pittston, Luzerne county, on Wednesday. Captain Charles Smithers was employed about ten years ago in Albright & Stroh's iron works, Mauch Chunk, and married Miss Emma Stroh, of that borough, who now resides there with her parents. Last week, says the Mauch Chunk Democrat, she learned that her husband, who was 123 captain of the whaling bark "Vigilant," was found dead with two other corpses on his vessel which was fast in the ice near East Cape. The finding of the bodies by the Indians was reported at San Francisco by the whaler Thomas Pope just arrived from the Artic regions. From the County Seat. Died of diphtheria, on Sunday last, Mattie Collins, daughter of S. F. Collins, of West Broadway, and on Tuesday afternoon Douglas Butler, one of the youngest sons, of R. Q. Butler. From the County Seat. James MacMulligan, of the 2nd ward, an employe of the L. V. R. R., met with an accident on last Saturday morning, by which one of his legs was so badly crushed that amputation was necessary. He has since died from the effects, and was buried on Wednesday afternoon, in the Catholic cemetery, East Mauch Chunk. Weissport Items. A child of John Raber's died on Thursday of last week. The funeral services took place on Sunday last, Rev. E. J. Miller officiating. The body was deposited in the Union cemetery, and was the first burial on the ground. Big Creek Items. The child of John Reber, who died of diphtheria last week, was interred in the East Weissport cemetery, on Sunday STATE NEWS. Charles Bennethum, of Womelsdorf, Berks county, wounded himself on the Fourth of July with a toy pistol and died last week of lockjaw. MARRIED. BOWER-HIBBLER.--At the Lutheran parsonage, in Cherryville, Northampton county, Pa., on the 1st inst., by Rev. G. A. Breugel, Charles W. Bower, M.D., and Miss Clara B. Hibbler, both of this borough. MARRIED. LAUCHNER-ECK.--In East Penn, on the 14th instant, by E. S. Heintzleman, J. P. William Lauchner and Miss Eva Eck, both of East Penn township. MARRIED. HILLYERD-WALCK.--On the 4th ult., at Catasauqua, by Rev. J. J. Christ, G. C. Hillyerd and Miss Sarah Walck, all of that borough. Volume 9, Number 36, Saturday, July 30, 1881 STATE NEWS. The body of a male infant was found in the mill pond at Reading on Sunday evening. STATE NEWS. James Maxwell, a miner employed at the Washington mines in Plymouth, Luzerne county, was run over on Thursday, 21st inst., by cars and killed. STATE NEWS. Andrew Messinger, aged 19 years, of Carbondale, Lackawanna county, was run over by a coal train on Sunday at Sydney Plains, the same county, and instantly killed. STATE NEWS. a bowlder thrown into the air by a blast at Jones' iron ore mine, near Reading, on Tuesday, burst and killed James Patton, John Kutz and Heber McCormick. 124 Local and Personal. Richard Mumley was killed at Wilkes-barre, on Thursday night, 21st inst., by a fall of coal and rock in the Diamond shaft. Local and Personal. Mrs. Williams, of Pottsville, fell dead on Monday from apoplexy. Local and Personal. Michael Crogan, a miner, was killed in the Harleigh mines, Luzerne county, on Monday. Local and Personal. Clem. Gregory was killed by a fall of coal at Beachwood Colliery, Schuylkill Co., on Friday last. Local and Personal. Eddie Leddie, of Pottsville, aged 12 years fell from a bridge at that place on Monday, and was killed. Local and Personal. Mrs. P. Carney was accidenly drowned in the Susquehanna River at Wilkesbarre on Monday night. Local and Personal. R. W. Kiple, a prominent citizen of Wayne county, died suddenly at Honesdale on Tuesday of heart disease. Local and Personal. Miss Maggie McClain accidentally fell out of a boat on the Susquehanna, at Pittston, on Monday, and was drowned. Local and Personal. Clement Gregory, aged 65, was killed on Saturday by the fall of a rock in the Beechwood Colliery, near Pottsville. Local and Personal. Evan Reese, aged 18, climbed to the top of the new breaker of the Butler Colliery Company in Carbondale, Lackawanna county, Monday, and stood on the upper screening wheel. A companion named Lowery arrived and told Reese "to come down or he would pull the iron bolt holding the screen," which, when in motion, makes thirty revolutions per minute. Reese refused to get down; Lowery withdrew the bolt, and the screen whirled around, throwing Reese a distance of fifty feet. He struck head foremost on a rock, and had his brains dashed out. Local and Personal. Edith and Lottie Low, aged respectively 10 and 12 years, were run over by a railroad train while picking coal on the track at Ashley, Luzerne county, Monday morning. Edith was killed and Lottie fatally injured. Local and Personal. A terrible accident occurred at the Washington Stone Quarry, near Slatington, on Thursday morning, 21st inst., by which two men were killed. The unfortunate men were Wm. Coffin, aged 40 years, and Charles Erdman, aged 25 years. They were busy at work, when suddenly a slide of rock weighing hundreds of tons took place, which buried them. After working several hours their bodies were recovered. Both resided in Slatington, and have families. A number of other laborers who were working near by, narrowly escaped with their lives. Local and Personal. Fifty carriages followed the body of Mrs. Hinnegan, of Shenadoah, aged 60 125 years, to the grave on Tuesday. She was buried by persons who held $40,000 worth of insurance on her life. Local and Personal. Mrs. George Rapp and her daughters, Louisa and Emma, in company with Carl Miller and family, of Weissport, were at Calypso Island, above Bethlehem, on Wednesday, celebrating the birthday of old Mrs. Rapp, mother of Mr. Rapp and Mrs. Miller. Local and Personal. Agnew Sendel, son of Elias Sendel, of N. J., was killed on the railraad at Weatherly about three o'clock Thursday afternoon. He was employed by W. W. Blakslee, at the latter named place, and was a young man of about 18 years of age. Birthday Surprise. Monday last, the 25th inst., being the 60th anniversary of the birth Mrs. Frank Reed, of Weissport, the ladies of Lehighton and Weissport, on the evening of that day assembled, and loaded with baskets and bundles, containing valuable presents and the most choice and delicate eatibles, proceeded to Mrs. Reed's and most completely and agreeably surprised the lady by their presence. The party wys made up entirely ladies, as follows: Mrs. E. H. Snyder, Mrs. J. Hauk, Mrs. T. D. Clauss, Miss Emeline Clauss, Miss Kate Lauchnor, Mrs. Wm. Zehner, Mrs. T. Fath, Mrs. R. Gaumer, Mrs. D. Armer, Mrs. R. Musselman, Mrs. C. Miller, Mrs. R. Snyder, Mrs. John Arner, Sr., Mrs. Wm. Reed, Mrs. Gilham, Mrs. J. W. Raudenbush, Miss G. Clauss, Miss Sallie Clauss, Miss Laura Clauss, Mrs. Dr. German, Mrs. A. J. Durling, Mrs. Ed. Weiss, Mrs. J. Boyer, Mrs. T. Armer, Mrs. G. Rapp, Mrs. G. Emery, Mrs. John Arner, Jr., Mrs. A. Guth, Mrs. Frank Reed, Jr., Mrs. G. Kast, Mrs. Welsh. After spending a very pleasant evening, the party broke up at about 11 o'clock, and proceeded to their homes, visited and visitors feeling very happy over the occasaion. Mrs. Maggie Berrigham, of Nanticoke, Luzerne county, was accidentally drowned near that place on Monday. From the County Seat. On last Sunday morning, as the late coal train was nearing the depot at this place, on the down track, Jacob Creesman, one of the employees residing at Easton, was horrlibly mangled and instantly killed. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his sad and unexpected death. From the County Seat. Emma Kisner, daughter of George Kisner, of the Second ward, died on last Saturday after a short illness, and was buried on Sunday afternoon. From the County Seat. The wife of Charles M. Ebert, druggist of this place, departed this life on last Saturday after a painful and lingering disease, thus reminding us that in the midst of life we are in death. She was buried on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the East Mauch Chunk cemetery. Obituary. Prof. John S. Ermentrout, Professor of Mental Science and Belles Lettres at the Keystone State Normal School, died last Thursday a week, at his home in Reading. He left the Normal School at the close of the spring term a few weeks ago, in comparatively good health. His sudden death was a surprise to all of his many friends. The funeral services were held last 126 Monday in St. Paul's Catholic church, in Reading. Besides a large concourse of the most prominent citizens of Reading, there were present the members of the Faculty, and Board of Trustees, of the Normal School and a large number of prominent educators from abroad His brother, Congressman Ermentrout, who has gone to Europe on a summer tour, was absent. Prof. Ermentrout had been identified with the educational interests of the State for many years. In his earlier years, he was Superintendent of the schools of Berks county for three terms, after which he founded the Keystone State Normal School, in the third Normal School District, at Kutztown, ann was its first Principal. On resigning this position he was elected to the chair of Mental Science and Belles Lettres, which position he filled until his death. He was recognized as a man of no ordinary ability, and was loved and held in reverence by all his pupils. His scholarship and ability gave him high standing amongst the leading educators of the State. The State Teachers' Association has lost in him one of its ablest members. Kreidersville Dottings. The wife of Jacob H. Lawall died on Wednesday of last week while paying a visit to Dr. Humphry, of Cherryville. MARRIED. WILLIAMS-VAUGHAN.--On Saturday July 23, at the Hokendauqua Presbyterian church, by the Rev. James A. Little, Seth Williams, of Hokendauqua, and Miss Catharine Vaughan, formerly of Ferndale, Lehigh county, Pa. MARRIED. KUNTZ-YOUNG.--On the 2nd inst., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Cornelius Kunlz and Miss Ellen M. Young, both of Lansford, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. DALEY-RUTE.--On the same day, by the same, James Daley, of Philadelphia and Miss Rosa A. Rute, of East Mauch Chunk, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. BLOSE-REHRIG.--On the 17th inst., by the same, Elwin Blose and Miss Mary L. Rehrig, both of Lower Towamensing, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. MUFFLEY-STROHL.--On the 23rd inst., by the same, Josiah Muffley and Miss Lydia A. Strohl, both of Trachsville, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. RHOADS-BROWN.--On the same day, by the same, Thomas H. Rhoads, of Lehighton, Carbon county, and Miss Clara A. Brown, of Catasauqua, Lehigh county, Pa. DIED. KREITZ.--On the 9th inst., in East Penn, John, husband of Susanna Kreitz, aged 70 years, 3 months and 21 days. DIED. BRETNEY.--On the 12th inst., in Mahoning, Henry, husband of Salome Bretney, aged 78 years and 3 months. Volume 9, Number 37, Saturday, August 6, 1881 Charles Stengelin, aged 20 years, was accidentally thrown from an excursion train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad on Tuesday afternoon, and was injured so badly that he died at his home in Easton the same evening. 127 Bayard T. Jones, aged 10 years, was run over by a train near the Diamond shaft Hyde Park, on Monday, and instantly killed. Local and Personal. Mr. Gabriel Dilcher, died at his home in Mahoning Valley, at 12.30 o'clock on Wednesday morning last. Deceased had been confined to his bed for about four or five weeks, with typhoid-malarial fever. He was a man very highly respected by all who knew him for his cheerful good nature and honesty. At the time of his death he was about 66 years of age. Local and Personal. The deaths of Mrs. Hoover, aged 79 years; Mr. Roemer, aged 83, and Mrs. Carwell, aged 80, occurred whithin ten minutes of each other at Greene, Pike county, a day or two ago. Local and Personal. John Roach, living at Mahanoy City, attempted to board a passing train on Friday afternoon at St. Nicholas and was instantly killed. Local and Personal. A terrible tragedy occurred at Fogelsville, Lehigh county, last Friday. Charles Singer, an old man living alone near that place was found in a dying condition, having been beaten with a club by a party of three men, supposed to have been masked burglars. The old man was just able to hold up three fingers in answer to a question as to how many had attacked him. He died without being able to give any information. His house had been ransacked and robbed. No arrests have been made. Local and Personal. Patrick Lavelle was killed by lightning while standing under a tree at Centralia, Schuylkill county, Saturday afternoon. Local and Personal. During a thunder storm at Carbondale, Lackawanna county, Saturday afternoon, the wife of Henry Van Vorst was killed and her husband and several other persons were injured by lightning. one of the injured is since reported dead. Local and Personal. Polly Whiteside who some 20 years ago kept a boarding house off Susquehanna street, Mauch Chunk, died at the home of her sister in that place on Thursday of last week. She was born on the 8th of March, 1804, and at the time of her death was aged 77 years 4 months and 20 days. She was buried in the Mauch Chunk cemetery. Local and Personal. There are seven persons sick with smallpox in Wilkesbarre. One died last Saturday, another on Sunday and a third will probably die. It is believed no new cases will appear. Local and Personal. Daniel A. Gerber, of West Penn, Schuylkill county, died suddenly on Thursday of last week, from cholera morbus. He was buried on Monday at the Stone Church, West Penn. He leaves a wife and nine children to mourn their loss. He was a man in the prime of life and in his death the community looses one of its best citizens. Local and Personal. By a fall of coal, in one of the mines of Geo. H. Meyers & Co., Yorktown a man named Herbert Thomas was instantly killed and another named Thomas Jones, had his back broken. The two had been in the country but a short time and became victims of the accidents Monday the first day they worked in the slope. 128 John Geisel, aged 13 years, fell down a chute in a breaker at Drifton on Tuesday, and was fataly injured. From the County Seat. Mrs. Mary Kinsey, of this place, died on Friday last after a short and painful illness. She has a family of four children, which are provided for by relatives. From the County Seat. A. W. Beers, one of the clerks and nephews of A. R. Beers, of this place, was united in marriage to Miss Mary Zane, of the Second ward, by Rev. E. H. Hoffman, on Friday, the 29th ult. We wish them a happy and prosperous life. STATE NEWS. Joseph Vallance was killed at North Ashland Colliery on Friday by a fall of top coal. STATE NEWS. Adam Styer, of Caernarvon township, Berks county, was kicked to death by a mule on Saturday. STATE NEWS. Thomas Conniff, a miner employed at the Franklin colliery at Scranton, was on Monday killed by the decent of a mass of coal down a pitch in the mine, crushing him between the mass and a prop. MARRIED. ASH-GRAFF--On the 23rd at Cherryville, by Rev. G. A. Bruegal, Eugene E. Ash, of Lehigh Gap and Miss Ella M. Graff, of Millport. Volume 9, Number 38, Saturday, August 13, 1881 STATE NEWS. James Dolan died from the effects of the heat at Reading on Friday. STATE NEWS. Andrew Anderson, a Swede, was struck by train near Jamestown on Monday while walking the track, and was instantly killed. STATE NEWS. Tunison Coryell, one of the most prominent citizens of Williamsport, died Tuesday evening of cholera morbus, aged 91 years. Local and Personal. The many friends and acquaintances of Capt. Henry S. Harte, proprietor of the Mansion House, in Catasauqua, will learn with sorrow of his death, which occurred on Friday evening last, after a long illness, first with heart affections and latterly with cancer of the stomach. Local and Personal. Tilghman Rape, aged 12 years, was killed on Friday at Rockville, Lehigh county, by falling from a wagon and breaking his neck. Local and Personal. Allen Gilbert, of Allentown, was taken to the poorhouse on Tuesday night of last week, violently insane, and was placed in a cell. He butted his head against the walls and so badly injured himself that he died on Saturday. Local and Personal. John Saultry, employed in the Jermyn's Green Ridge colliery, Providence, 129 was killed on Saturday by a fall of top coal. Local and Personal. James Armstrong, a miner in the Diamond mine, at Scranton, was killed on Saturday by a fall of roof coal. Local and Personal. Ex-Sheriff Hickman and wife, of Easton, celebrated their golden wedding on Saturday. Weissport Items. Noah Reynolds, an old and respected citizen of East Weissport, died on Friday morning last. Funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. Quite a number of people attended the services. Big Creek Items. Simon Snyder and wife, of Towamensing, were in attendance at the funeral of one of the Daniel Houtz's children, which took place on Friday of last week at Packerton. A man supposed to be J. Fuches, a shoemaker from Reading, was killed by a train while walking on a track at Tyrone. MARRIED. HOPKINS-SHAFER.--On the 4th ult., by the Rev. J. E. Ereeman, Wm. H. Hopkins, of Beaver Meadow and Miss Hannah Shafer, of Stemlersville. MARRIED. BEER-BLOSE.--On the 9th ult., by the same, Oliver Beer and Miss Amelia Blose, both of Towamensing. DIED. KLECKNER.--On June 27, in East Mauch Chunk, of dropsy, Wm. Kleckner, aged 22 years, 4 months and 1_ days. [second digit is either a 3, 6, 8, or 9] DIED. WHITESIDE.--On the 28th ult, in Mauch Chunk, Polly Whiteside, aged 73 years, 4 months and 23 days. DIED. ROSE.--On the 29th ult., in Mauch Chunk, Mrs. Mary Rose, aged 41 years and 29 days. Volume 9, Number 39, Saturday, August 20, 1881 STATE NEWS. Eli Dickerson had his right arm terribly lacerated by a circular saw in Bastian's mills, at Williamsport, on Saturday, and died from his injuries. STATE NEWS. David H. Trexler, a formerly wealthy business man of Willamsport, committed suicide on Saturday by hanging. Attributed to recent financial losses. STATE NEWS. The 12-year-old daughter of Benjamin Fitterling, living in Brecknock township, Berks county, attempted to kindle a fire on Monday and was burned to death. The house also took fire and was burned down. Local and Personal. David Daveson, fire boss at Ellangowan colliery, Schuylkill county, in making his customary examination before the men went to work Tuesday morning encountered a 130 heavy body of gas which exploded from some unknown cause, and he was instantly killed. Local and Personal. A young man named Wermuth, resident of South Bethlehem, was seized with an epileptic fit while bathing in the Lehigh at Bethlehem Monday afternoon, and drowned. Local and Personal. Arthur O'Donnell, of Catasauqua, aged 2 years, was accidentally run over and killed on Wednesday of last week. Local and Personal. Gottlob Ulmer, one of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Hazleton, died on Saturday of pneumonia. A Brakeman run over and Killed. Wilson Rehrig, for some time past employed as a coal train brakeman on the Lehigh Valley railroad, fell under a coal train at Slatington on Friday night, and had his right leg crushed into a shapeless mass. He was taken to St. Luke's Hospital, at Bethlehem, as soon as possible, but on examining him Dr. Stout concluded not to amputate the limb for the reason that he would not be able to survive the operation on account of the great loss of blood. He died in an hour or two after his admission to the hospital. He was a married man, and had attained the age of only 25 years. During Friday he became intoxicated, and when he reported for duty at Packerton in the evening was discharged by Dispatcher Harleman. Deceased resided at Slatington, and his body was sent to that places for interment. He was not on duty at the time of the accident. Allentown Democrat. Volume 9, Number 40, Saturday, August 27, 1881 Local and Personal. Dr. W. Mcl. Ostrander, of West Pittston, Luzerne county, committed suicide on Tuesday by hanging. He was a prominent Mason and a physician of standing. His desperate act is attributed to ill health. Local and Personal. Owen McMahon, of Wilkesbarre, fell down stairs on Sunday, and received fatal injuries. Local and Personal. Mrs. Robert Rowe, of Port Carbon, Schuylkill county, fell on a stove on Sunday and received fatal injuries. Local and Personal. Martin McAndrews, a miner while drunk, fell into a deep hole near Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, on Sunday, and was killed. Kreidersville Dottings. Mother Dreisbach died on the 9th inst., in her 80th year, and was buried in Zion's cemetery, near here, on the 13th. From the County Seat. Mrs. Abe Stroh and son Charles, left for Port Jervis, N. Y., to attend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Yetter, who departed this life last Monday very suddenly and unexpectedly. Aged about 64 years. STATE NEWS. E. Jonathan Deininger, a well-known citizen of Reading, died on Sunday in his 89th year. 131 STATE NEWS. Lawrence Single, a Reading baker, fell into the canal at Shickshinny, Luzerne Co., on Monday and was drowned. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Ann Smith, living at Winton, Lackawanna county, was killed by cars on Tuesday. Volume 9, Number 41, Saturday, September 3, 1881 Local and Personal. Mrs. Levi Bartholomew, this borough, mother of Mrs. Charles Yenser and Mrs. J. M. Fritzinger, died on Tuesday morning last, aged 54 years. Local and Personal. Colonel B. F. Kaercher, a prominent citizen of Pottsville, Schuylkill county, died on Sunday last. He served gallantly in the Mexican war, was associated with the early journalism of Schuylkill county, and in latter years was connected with the Safe Deposit Bank of Pottsville. Local and Personal. Chauncy Lamoreaux, of Huntsville, Luzerne county, was taken from the Danville Insane Asylum on Thursday of last week by his friends, who decided to care for him. At Nanticoke he left his seat in the car, ostensibly to get a drink of water, jumped from the train and disappeared, and on Saturday his body was found floating int he Susquehanna River at Nanticoke, much decomposed. Local and Personal. Charles Peiffer, aged 70 years, was killed on Friday afternoon at the Bethlehem curve by a gravel train. Local and Personal. John Brennan, a miner at the Boston Colliery, near Wilkesbarre, was drowned while bathing Sunday. Local and Personal. Reuben Young, employed in the ore mine near Breinigsville, Lehigh county, fell into the washery on Saturday, and was instantly killed, his body being shockingly mangled. Local and Personal. Six cases of smallpox are reported in Pittston and vicinity, two of which are in the town limits of East Pittston. There have been three fatal cases in the suburbs from that disease. Local and Personal. James Mangan was shot and seriously wounded by William McCue, in a street fracas at Pittston, on Saturday night. Mangan is a son of John Mangan, who was shot and instantly killed at that place a few weeks ago. Local and Personal. James J. Depue, aged 23 years, living in Northampton county, drove a team into the Delaware River for a barrel of water, and the horses becoming unmanageable, went off into deep water, and both Mr. Depue and the horses were drowned. Local and Personal. The funeral services of Mr. Charles H. North, brother of Rev. G. W. North, pastor of the M. E. Church, of this borough, will be held in the M. E. church on Friday evening 132 next at 7:30 o'clock. All are invited to attend. Big Creek Items. Samuel Hartman, of Maria Furnace, died on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock after a short illness. His remains were deposited in their last and final resting on Wednesday morning last, in the St. Paul's cemetery, at this place. He was aged 76 years, 1 month and 1 day. Services in German, by J. E. Freeman. Fatal Accident. Mr. Richard Dougherty, a merchant of Beaver Meadow, well known throughout that region and highly respected met with a singular accident on Saturday evening, which resulted in his death. He was driving home with a load of shingles by way of Jeansville; he set on the top of the load, and when approaching the hill near Jeansville, he had apparently undertaken to arrange the load more firmly on the wagon before ascending the hill, and slipped and fell to the ground, striking on his head and breaking his neck. When he fell several of the bundles fell on him, cutting his face, which gave rise to the story that the wagon wheel had passed over his head. A man immediately behind him saw him fall and ran to his assistance and found him dead. Mr. Dougherty was a very active, industrious merchant, was doing a flourishing business and had accumulated some money. He was respected by all who knew him, and his sudden death was a terrible blow to his friends as well as the bereaved wife and children.--Hazleton Bulletin. STATE NEWS. Henry Ward Stone, a prominent citizen of Wayne county, died recently at Honesdale, aged 90 years. STATE NEWS. Alfred Stoudt, postmaster at Upper Bern, Berks county, was killed by a runaway horse on Saturday. STATE NEWS. A mass of stone gave way in a quarry near Leesport, Berks county, on Monday, when John Rhode and Samuel Moser were badly injured and a man named Shciappig killed. Volume 9, Number 42, Saturday, September 10, 1881 Obituary. Hon. Hendrick Bradley Wright, who died Friday, 2nd inst., at his residence in Wilkesbarre, was one of the most prominent characters of the Lehigh coal region. He was born at Plymouth, Luzerne county, Pa., April 24, 1801. He received a good education and graduated from Dickinson College, at Carlisle, after which he entered the law office of the late Judge Conyngham, of Wilkesbarre. In 1831 he was admitted to the bar and soon acquired a lucrative practice. In 1834 he was appointed District Attorney for Luzerne county by Attorney General George M. Dallis. In 1841 he was elected to the State Legislature, and was repeatedly reelected. In the session of 1843 he was chose Speaker of the House. In 1844 he was a Delegate at large from Pennsylvania to the Convention at Baltimore, which nominated James K. Polk for President. He was chosen temporary chairman of the Convention and filled the post so acceptably that he was unanimously elected permanent president, the Convention remaining in session for a week. Subsequently he was a delegate to the Democratic Convention which nominated Cass, Pierce, Buchanan, Douglass, Seymour and Tilden. In the meantime he devoted himself to the law pratice, until 1852, when he was elected to Congress, and served through his team with much ability. On coming up for re-election, however, he was defeated by 133 the Know-Nothing element and he did not return to Congress until 1861, at the outbreak of the rebellion. At the close of this Congress he again withdrew from public life until 1875, when he was beaten as a candidate for Congressman at large. In 1876 he was elected to Congress from the Luzerne district, and in 1878 was again elected by a coalition of the Democrats and Greenbackers. His term expired March 4, 1881. He was a candidate for re-election but owing to discussions in the Democratic and Greenback parties of his district, the voters of those parties were divided, and the Republican candidate, Joseph A. Scranton, secured the election. Mr. Wright was the author of the famous measure to loan from the Public Treasury $500 each to settlers on the public hands, until the sum so disbursed amounted to $10,000,000. He was also the Chairman of the Committee appointed in 1879 to inquire into the "causes of the depression of labor," which roamed over the country and repoted in favor of a modification of the Burlingame treaty, so as to restrict Chinese immigration. he was the author of a work of 500 pages, entitled "Historical Sketches of Plymouth, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania," and a series of papers originally published in the Anthracite Monitor, and afterwards collected into book form, under the title of "A Practical Treatise on Labor." He has been in ill health for a long time, and for the last two months has been confined to his bed with dropsy. STATE NEWS. John Becker, a solder of the war of 1812, died in the Schuylkill county almshouse a few days since, aged 87 years. STATE NEWS. Sabina Shelburg, aged 77, was killed on Monday at Honesdale, on the Gravity Railroad. Local and Personal. John Bangs, a carloader at Eagle Colliery, St. Clair, died on Friday from sunstroke, leaving a large family. Local and Personal. Willie Smith, of Sipestown, Lehigh Co., fell from a horse on Thursday of last week and was killed. Local and Personal. William Hughes, of Stanton, Luzerne county, was thrown from his horse on Friday into a pond, and drowned. Local and Personal. Charles and John Eckert, of Catasauqua, aged respectively 14 and 16 years, were injured by cars in Allentown on Friday, while crossing the railroad track in a buggy. One of the boys will not life, and the horse was instantly killed. Local and Personal. William Hughes, connected with the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company's farm near Wilkesbarre, was found drowned Friday morning in pool of water near the Stanton Mines. He went out to look for some cattle on Thursday night, and is supposed to have been thrown from his horse into the pool. Local and Personal. Lemuel Griffiths, a dissipated man, who has done little work lately, and who was heavily insured by speculators, died on Mount Carnel on Saturday morning under suspicious circumstances. Local and Personal. A Hungarian named Andrew Lubbock, aged 22 years, was killed at the colliery of Pardee, Sons & Co., at Hollywood, on Saturday, by the grounds caving in and 134 carrying him down into an old breast. Local and Personal. Willie and Burt Brady, aged 8 and 10, orphans, were suffocated at Clarendon on Saturday by gas from an oil tank over which they were leaning. Local and Personal. Frank Salmon, of Honesdale, fell from a bridge while drunk into the Delaware and Hudson Canal basin, and his body was found the following day in the bottom of the canal. Local and Personal. John Furke, a miner, was killed in the Hartford mines, at Wilkesbarre on Wednesday, by a fall of top coal. Weissport Items. The long predicted marriage, which united as husband and wife Mr. J. W. Ruch and Miss Sallie J. Mertz, both of Stemton, was performed on Wednesday evening, of last week, by Rev. B. J. Smoyer, of Lehighton. Young friends who had come to add good wishes and congratulations for the future happiness of the worthy couple were numerous. After the ceremony, the bridal party went to East Weissport, where they partook of a hearty and bountiful supper, and enjoyed themselves socially until train time, when the wedded pair departed. The bridesmaid and gromsman accompanied them a short distance of the way. They have gone westerly on their wedding tour, and will be gone a short time. So, this young couple started out on their journey together, bearing the blessings of all friends, and the earnest wish for a happy and true life. MARRIED. ARMBRUSTER-BLOSE.--On the 27th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Henry F. Armbruster, of Philipsburg, N. J., and Miss Mary A. Blose, of Lower Towamensing, Carbon county, Pa. MARRIED. SHECKLER-SHIVE.--On the 28th ult., by the same, Charles Sheckler and Miss Cordelia Shive, both of Lehighton. DIED. GERBER.--On the 29th of July, in West Penn, Daniel A., husband of Emaline Gerber, aged 53 years, 2 months and 4 days. DIED. TAYLOR.--On the 30th of July, in Mahoning, Emma Elizabeth, daughter of Edward C, and Susanna Taylor, aged 1 year, 4 months and 14 daps. DIED. DILCHER--On the 3rd ult., in Mahoning, Gabriel, husband of Caroline Dilchner, aged 65 years, 4 months and 1 day. DIED. McCLEAN.--On the 6th ult., in Mahoning, Mary, wife of Thomson McClean, aged 74 years, 8 months and 21 days. DIED. BECK.--On the 8th ult., in East Penn, Abigail, wife of Jonathan Beck, aged 64 years, 3 months and 7 days. DIED. GRASELY.--On the 95h ult., in Mahoning, Louisa Jane, daughter of Charles and Mary L. Gracely, aged 1 month and 6 days. 135 DIED. GINDER.--On the 12th ult., in West Penn, Flora Ann, wife of Philip Ginder, aged 21 years, 7 months and 20 days. DIED. KNEPPE.--On the 22nd ult., in West Penn, Alberthina, wife of John Kneppe, aged 62 years, 10 months and 10 days. DIED. FEUKNER.--On the 27th ult., in West Penn, Amelia Sevilla, daughter of William A. and Rebecca Feukner, aged 2 months and 27 days. DIED. LIESER.--On the 28th ult., in West Penn, David, husband of Leah Lieser, aged 75 years, 1 month and 26 days. DIED. HILL.--On the 31st ult., in West Penn, Clara Sevilla, daughter of Franklin and Angiline Victoria Hill, aged 4 years, 2 months and 9 days. DIED. BARTHOLOMEW.--On the 30th ult., in this borough, Phoebe Ann, wife of Levi Bartholomew, aged 54 years and 29 days. Volume 9, Number 43, Saturday, September 17, 1881 STATE NEWS. Miss Ida Weidner died on Saturday evening near Greshville, Berks county, of typhoid fever, which she contracted while nursing her betrothed husband. STATE NEWS. Mrs. John Russel, of "Patagonia," Hyde Park, was making preparations on Monday for a trip to Wales, expecting to start on Tuesday. In the evening she was taken with hemorrhage of the lungs, and died in a few minutes. Local and Personal. Dr. R. H. Schultz, a leading physician of Shenandoah, was found dead in his office on Monday morning. Local and Personal. William Park, Sr., of Audenried, this county, and his wife were surprised on Saturday evening by a number of their children, who assembled to celebrate the fifty-third anniversary of their marriage. Mr. Park will be 77 years old on the 23d instant, and Mrs. Park, his partner, is about the same age. Local and Personal. Mrs. Eliza Baird, aged over 80 years, and the mother of Henry Carey Baird, of Philadelphia, died in Pottsville on Tuesday night. Local and Personal. Mrs. George Sherman, living near Newtown, Schuylkill county, was so frightened by her clothes taking fire on Monday of last week that she died on Wednesday. Local and Personal. Hugh Conahan, a miner, fell down a slope at Sugar Notch on Tuesday morning and was killed. Local and Personal. Joseph Seignor, who was injured in a mine at Nanticoke a week ago, died on Friday from his injuries. 136 The Coroner's jury viewing the body of the boy Eckert, struck and killed by a Valley passenger train on Saturday evening a week, returned a verdict as follow:--"That the cause of death was the collision of No. 27 passenger train with the team belonging to John Eckert, of Catasauqua, driven by his sons, at the Linden street crossing of the Lehigh Valley railroad at Allentown, Pa. It is the unanimous opinion of the jury that said accident would not have occurred if the train had been running at its usual speed and the railroad company had taken the necessary precaution to erect guard rails or provide a watchman, as the jurors find by the evidence that this corssing is one of the most dangerous on the road." Local and Personal. Jeremiah Mahany died at his home, on the road leading from Pottsville to Frackville, on Saturday night, at the reputed age of 113 year. Although he had been a resident of American for an ordinary lifetime, Jerry never spoke any language but Irish. His wife, who claims to be 106, also speaks Irish, and nothing else. The old couple have raised a large family. The oldest boy is 75. A Lehightonian Killed in Illinois. Mr. George Raworth, residing in this borough, received the sad intelligence a few days ago of the death of his youngest son, Thomas, by a railroad accident, near Clinton, Ill. The particulars as written by his brother G. W. Raworth, on the 5th inst, are as follows: "He was walking over the train. His light went out, and it was very dark. Running he got back to the caboose, and went to step down on a ladder where there was none. He slipped and fell and his left leg was run over just below the knee. He was not found until four hours afterwards, and that was what made it so bad. The accident happened at four o'clock in the morning, and I did not hear of it till nine. I went to where he was lying and stayed with him all the time. There were three doctors attending to him. Well, Ed., I hardly know how to tell you the rest, but as you must know sooner or later, I will tell you now that his leg was amputated on Saturday morning. he was doing well until 12 o'clock Sunday morning, when he began to fail and could not survive. At 12:25 Sunday a. m., September the 4th, he died. Poor boy has gone where troubles won't bother him any more." On the day he died he was to have been married to a very estimable young lady. Requiscat in pace. Griffith R. Jones, a miner at the Franklin colliery, Wilkesbarre, was fatally injured by the premature discharge of a blast on Friday. It is supposed that his squib was defective, or that it dropped into his cartridge while being lighted. Allen Township Items. George Kibler is delighted. It's a boy. Big Creek Items. Mrs. Ellen Snyder, of Tracksville, departed this life on Saturday last, her disease being that of consumption. Her remains were deposited in their final resting place on Monday of this week. From the County Seat. The young daughter and only child of A. P. Blakslee, of this place, died on Wednesday last with diphtheria, after an illness of five days. From the County Seat. "Landy" Gallagher, an old and well-known citizen of this borough departed this life on Tuesday last. Poor old "Landy," may his ashes rest in peace. We understand there were policies on his life amounting to about $50,000. 137 From the County Seat. Bolton Stocket, youngest son of J. T. Stocket, died on Sunday morning with the diphtheria, just one week from the time he was taken sick. Nearly the whole famliy, including the parents, have been more or less afflicted with the same disease. While we condole with the family in their sad bereavement, we are glad to learn that the rest are convalescing. Volume 9, Number 44, Saturday, September 24, 1881 STATE NEWS. Edward Anthony, a car repairer at Sunbury, was caught between two cars in the yard and crushed to death one day last week. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Sara Zieber, aged 45, while changing passenger cars at Reading on Friday afternoon, was passing from one car to another, when an engine backed up against the train and she fell between the two cars and was caught by the head and killed. Local and Personal. On Sunday, while a family party was out boating on Lily Lake, ten miles from Scranton, the beat upset, and Annie Lanaham, aged 9 years, and Willie Harvey, aged 15 years, were drowned. Local and Personal. On Sunday afternoon Agnes Kitchen, aged 16 years, undertook to row a young lady named Hofer across Harvey's Lake, near Scranton. The boat was upset and Miss Kitchen was drowned. Local and Personal. Jacob Bayer, an old man who sold vegetables at Easton, fell down stairs at his home, on Tuesday of last week, and was taken to the almshouse. He was found to have the smallpox, and died during Wednesday night. Local and Personal. Samuel Shauffer, aged 50 years, fell off a bridge near Allentown on Saturday night and sustained fatal injuries. Local and Personal. Anthony McHugh, of Davis Patch, near Scranton, went into the woods on Sunday to cut wood. While trying to blast a log it rolled down a slope on which it lay and crushed McHugh to death. Local and Personal. James McCullion, a miner, was kiled in the Pottsville shaft on Monday. Local and Personal. Allen Herrity was drawn in to the rolls at the Allen puddle mill Tuesday night, at Allentown, and fatally injured. From the County Seat. On Wednesday morning, at 8 o'clock, Mr. Ledwards, one of the employes of the Lehigh Valley railroad, was struck while walking on the track, by a down train, and fatally injured, from which death was the result. An inquest was held by W. E. Frisbie, Esq., of this place. From the County Seat. We are sorry to report that J. F. Stockett is dead. In his death the community has lost a highly esteemed citizen, his church a consistant and useful member, and his family an affectionate husband and indulgent father; and, while we sincerely condole with his 138 deeply stricken family and friends, we trust that their loss is his eternal gain. From the County Seat. The wedding of Frank Schwartz, of East Mauch Chunk borough, with Annie Schweibinz, daughter of Treasurer Max Schweibinz, of the same place, took place at the residence of the bride's arents, on Thursday last. Success to them. Cornelius Leahan was killed in the Eagle colliery, at St. Clair, on Saturday, by a fall of a roof. Packerton Ripples. The wife of David Hatch, engineer on Lehigh Division, died of Cancer on Sunday the 11th inst. She was a sufferer for many years. Her remains were taken to Port Carbon, (her former home) for interment. MARRIED. MAYBIN-HARRIS.--At the Ferndale Presbyterian Church, Lehigh county, Pa., on the 19th inst., by the Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendapqua, George Maybin, of Manayunk to Miss Lucy E. Harris, of Ferndale. Volume 9, Number 45, Saturday, October 1, 1881 A Crash and an Explosion. The fatal accident that followed the breaking in two of a train. Pottsville, Sept. 22.--The protracted drouth has made it necessary to haul from a distance water to run the large collieries in the vicinity of Ashland and Locustdale. For this purpose flat trucks were rigged up with condemned boilers. Plenty of water was to be had at Gordon, four miles from Locustdale, and trains were run to and from the former place regularly. This afternoon, a loaded water train was returning from Gordon to Locustdale, and when near Locust Summit, on a heavy up grade, the train broke in two and the rear cars started swiftly down the hill. An empty coal train, drawn by locomotive 238, had been following the water train about a mile behind, and had reached a point known as the Big Filling, whe the runaway cars dashed upon it. The coal locomotive in an instant after collision, was a total wreck. Its trucks were stripped of every vestige of machinery, and within the twinkling of an eye after the trains met the boiler of the coal locomotive exploded. The shocks of the collision and explosion were terrific, and were heard at Gordon and Locustdale. Martin Sager, the engineer of the coal train, seeing the runaway cars coming, jumped from his cab to the tank with a cry of warning to the fireman, and then throwing himself backward just as the trains met, he escaped with his life. He lost no time in crawling under a protecting rock, which sheltered him from the flying missiles scalding water, and steam, with which the air was filled by the explosion. Remaining there until the missiles had ceased to fall, he crept out in search of his crew. In a ditch on the opposite side of the track he found his conductor, John Paul, half dead from scalds and bruises. In the middle of the wreck lay the mangled bodies of Thomas M. Yost, the fireman, and Geo. Kenny, a boy who was visiting him. Yost was married, and had five children, Kenny was nineteen years old, and was the son of a clergyman in Philadelphia who formerly lived in Cressonia, in this county. Young Kenny had been spending his vacation at Cressonia, and set out this morning to take a last look at familiar scenes along the Mine Hill Branch of the Philadelphia and Reading road, on which the accident happened. Although suffering severely from his injuries, Sager was collected enough to give 139 warning to an approaching passenger train, thereby averting another catastrophe. Local and Personal. Frederick Rettinger; aged 65 years; was Sunday found drowned in the canal at Wilkesbarre. It is said that parties there have insurance to the amount of $70,000 on his life. Local and Personal. James Williams fell down an air shaft at the Stanton Mines, near Wilkesbarre, on Saturday and was instantly killed. Local and Personal. Francis Mills, an iron worker, was found drowned in the Lehigh Canal at Catasauqua on Thursday of last week. Local and Personal. The good wife of our friend Whitney, of the L. & S. R. R. depot, of this place, presented him on Monday last, with another "Stalwart" pledge of her faithfulness. The boy has not yet been named, but friend Whitney is very happy! Local and Personal. Joseph Metzinger was killed in New Boston Colliery, Schuylkill county, on Saturday, by being caught in machinery. Local and Personal. Abraham Pott died at Port Carbon, Schuylkill county, on Monday, in his 83d year. He was one of the first coal operators in that county, and one of the first to use anthracite coal in the manufacture of iron. Local and Personal. Charles Fulloroth, a well known miner in the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Company, accidentally walked into the No. 2 shaft at Plymouth Tuesday evening. He fell 155 feet. When his body was brought to the surface it was hardly recognizable. Allen Township Items. Frantz Mills, of Moore twp., left his home last Sunday a week and on the following Thursday was found in the canal below Catasauqua, drowned. He was buried last Saturday. Richard Boone, a well-known citizen of Berks county, died in Union township, that county, on Friday, aged 85 years. From the County Seat. Charles Carroll (not of Carlton), but of Laurytown, this county, died very suddenly and unexpectedly a few days ago. He was an old citien and a good farmer. From the County Seat. The youngest son of H. T. Kneal, of 2nd ward, fell from a chestnut tree, last Wednesday, and almost instantly killed. He was about 11 years old. A solemn admonition to boys not to venture too recklessly while chestnut gathering. From the County Seat. John Harkins, an old resident of East Mauch Chunk, died on Saturday last and was buried on Monday. Our neighbor, Mr. E. Hibler, was made very happy on Sunday morning last by the birth of a daughter. Mother and child are doing well. 140 STATE NEWS. The body of a young man killed on the Reading Railroad near Tuckerton on Thusday of last week has been identified as that of Irvin Shearer, of the latter place. STATE NEWS. Rev. Henry Wilson, well-known in the West Branch Valley, died at Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, on Sunday, in his 56th year. MARRIED. ENGLERT-PATTERSON.-At the M. E. parsonage, Parryville, Pa., on the 25th ult., by Rev. W. F. Sheppard, Gustave Englert and Miss Ida Patterson, both of Lehighton. Volume 9, Number 46, Saturday, October 8, 1881 STATE NEWS. Mrs. William Burkey, of Upper Tulpehocken, Berks county, died a few days ago, aged 88 years. There was $100,000 insurance on her life, on the speculative plan. Local and Personal. Charle Boyle, aged seventy, well known throughout the anthracite coal regions, shot himself through the temple with a revolver on Friday night of last week, near his home at Summit Hill, and died instantly. The verdict was premeditated suicide, cause, low spirits, resulting from debility. Local and Personal. The body of a man found on the railroad near Erie last week, badly mangled, has been identified as that of Geo. Maurer of Ashland, Schuylkill county. Local and Personal. Mrs. Frank Reed, of Cressona, Schuylkill county, attempted on Friday to kindle a fire with coal oil. There was an explosion and she was burned to death. Local and Personal. Miss Sarah Downs, of Honesdale, Wayne county, while despondent because of ill-health committed suicide last week by drowning. Local and Personal. A heavy stone fell upon Elias Best, employed at the American slate quarry, at Slatington, Wednesday, inflicting injuries which proved fatal. Local and Personal. Albert Dickey, of Bethlehem, was killed by cars on Saturday. Local and Personal. Charles Dean was killed at Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill county, Tuesday, by the accidental discharge of a revolver in his own hands. From the County Seat. Mrs. Morgan Hoats, of the Second Ward, died on Monday last, after having suffered for several months with a painful disease. She was buried on last Monday, in the upper Mauch Chunk Cemetry. From the County Seat. Mrs. Mary Bary, sister of John Tree, dec'd, and mother of Mrs. Charles Hand, departed this life, on Friday a week, she was 85 years old, a resident of this borough for many years, and highly respected. She was buried on last Sunday in the Catholic Cemetery at Nesquehoning. From the County Seat. John Weaver, son of George Weaver, of East Mauch Chunk, aged about 141 11 years fell down a well on Monday last, and was instantly killed. Lower Towamensing Items. Elias Beidleman, of Lehigh Gap, is the happiest man in the place, because his wife presented him twins. MARRIED. GERMAN-BARTHOLD.-On the 4th inst., by Rev. Mr. Peters, at Slatington, Percy A. German, of Lehighton, and Miss Lizzie Barthold, of Slatington, Pa. Our friend Percy and his fair bride will accept the congratulations of the Advocate, and best wishes for a long life of happiness and prosperity. MARRIED. RAU-MILLER.--On the 11th ult., by Rev. Abr. Bartholomew, Lewis W. F. Rau and Miss Emma Alice Miller, both of Mahoning township, this county. MARRIED. BLOSE-SEYGER.--On the 18th ult., by the same, Victor O. Blose and Miss Agnes J. Seyger, both of Weissport, this county. DIED. HENRY.--On the 6th ultimo, in Mahoning, Hester, daughter of Joseph and Hester Henry, aged 12 years and 17 days. DIED. STEIGERWALT.--On the 18th ult., in East Penn, George W., son of T. W. And F. C. Steigerwalt, aged 5 months and 21 days. Volume 9, Number 47, Saturday, October 15, 1881 Local and Personal. Samuel Groman, of South Bethlehm, was killed by cars on Thursday of last week. Local and Personal. Erastus Miller, a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, was killed by cars at Pittston on Thursday of last week. Local and Personal. James Campbell, an old man, died at the Northampton county Almshouse on Saturday of last week of smallpox. Speculative insurance risks to the amount of $60,000 had been placed on his life. Local and Personal. Our young friend G. W. Nusbaum was made extremely happy one day last week--it is a boy. Mother and child are doing well. Local and Personal. Ex-Judge Edwin Owen Parry, aged 74 years, died suddenly Monday at Pottsville, of heart disease. He was a leading member of the Schuylkill County Bar. Local and Personal. Mrs. Edward Burgess died in Stockton on Friday evening after a short illness. Her husband, with five small children, are left to mourn her death. Mrs. Burgess was a sister to William Airey, Esq., the superintendent of the Stockton mines, and was a lady universally beloved by all who knew her. She was amiable charitable and a true christian lady. Wild Creek Items. Mr. Kleintop is the happy man--it is a girl. 142 Wild Creek Items. Henry B. Christman, of near Trachsvile who had been confined with typhoid fever for several weeks, departed this life on Sept. 30, and was buried in Jerusalem Cemetery on Monday Oct. 3rd, aged 21 years, 6 months and 17 days. Rev. A. M. Strauss conducted the funeral services. Text, St. Mark I--15. The Jerusalem Sunday school, of which he was a member sang appropriate hymns. From the County Seat. Samuel Wandler, ward of Gen. Chas. Albright, dec'd, and who resided with his guardian for a number of years, lately arrived at the age of 21, and left for Hamburg, Germany, on Wednesday, to visit relatives. He expects to be absent several years. He was accompanied as far as New York by Mrs. Albright. We wish him a pleasant and safe journey. Big Creek Items. Jacob Buck, of Danielsville, Northampton county, father of our esteemed friend, Paul Buck, of this place, died on Friday of last week, and his body was interred in the Evangelical cemetery, of that place, on Tuesday morning. A very large concourse of people followed his remains to their last resting place. He had attained the ripe age of eighty years. Sudden Death. It is our painful duty this week to record the sudden death of Mr. Wm. Wagner, formerly a resident of this borough and for two or three terms its Chief Burgess; but who, some two or three years ago, moved to Plymouth Meeting, Montgomery county, this State, where he has been following the peaceful life of a farmer. On Monday evening last he came to this borough and on Tuesday morning went to Millport, and while walking along the street fell to the ground, and before help could reach him he was dead. Deceased was born in Millport this county, in the year 1824, and was one of our oldest and most highly respected citizens. The funeral will take place this (Saturday) morning at 9 o'clock, at the Lower Towamensing church. STATE NEWS. Mrs. Mary A. Ellis, of Reading, died suddenly on Saturday while reading her Bible. Volume 9, Number 48, Saturday, October 22, 1881 Local and Personal. Edward Bryne was killed by cars at Scranton on Monday. Local and Personal. Edward Deisher, a brakeman, was killed by cars at Frackville, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. Local and Personal. Casper Aspenard, a miner, was killed by a fall of coal at Taylorville, near Scranton, on Saturday. Local and Personal. John Littlehales attempted to board a moving train at Shenandoah on Saturday and was killed. Local and Personal. James Tretheway, a leading mine contractor of Wilkesbarre, committed suicide by shooting on Saturday. The act is said to have been caused by the attempts of a notorious woman to defame his character. Local and Personal. Peter Stem, a brakeman, was killed by cars at Easton, on Friday. 143 Local and Personal. Ina, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Hibler, died on Sunday last, and was buried in the Lehighton cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon. Local and Personal. Philip Ryan was instantly killed on Tuesday in Kohinoor colliery at Shenandoah by an explosion of gas. Local and Personal. William Kendrick, one of the leading coal operators in the Schuylkill region, died Monday in Shamokin, of paralysis, aged 64 years. He was a native of England, but came to this country while a young man, and settled in the anthracite coal regions. He opened and worked several of the principal collieries, and was manager of the collieries of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company from its organization until 1874, when he resigned on account of ill health. He afterwards resumed business until he was prostrated by paralysis. Local and Personal. James Kerns, a brakeman, was run over and killed by cars at Pottsville on Sunday. Local and Personal. Michael Walsh, of Easton, was instantly killed on Wednesday by falling down an embankment. Local and Personal. John J. Finck, a prominent citizen of Milford, Pike county, fell dead on Wednesday of heart disease. Local and Personal. Mrs. Michael McGrath, of Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, committed suicide by hanging on Tuesday. She was in ill health. Local and Personal. Andrew and Joseph Komy, Hungarian brothers, quarrelled at Allentown on Wednesday, when Joseph struck Andrew on the head fatally injuring him. Joseph was arrested. Hymenial. On October 13, at the residence of the bride's parents, Alfred W. Gabris and M. Irene Everet, of Lehigh Tannery, were united in matrimony, by Rev. Geo. E. King. There were a goodly number of relatives and friends present to witness the ceremony. Many handsome and useful tokens of esteem were presented to the bride. After the ceremony the company partook of a bounteous repast. At one o'clock p. m. the bridal party started on their tour of sight seeing. The best wishes of their many friends go with the happy couple. Obituary. The following obituary notice of Mr. Tilghman Arner, is kindly furnished by Rev. B. J. Smoyer: Tilghman Arner, a son of Henry and Katie Arner, (maiden name Moyer) was born September 14, A.D., 1816, in West Penn township, Schuylkill county, Pa. Notwithstanding his exceedingly meagre early religious privileges, he in early life learned to love and imitate the principles of strict morality, in consequence of which he attained the age of manhood without being contaminated by the enticing and corrupting vices of youth. He was an exemplary young man. On the 15th day of April, 1845, he was married to Lucy Ann Gross, daughter of Daniel Gross. Sometime before his marriage he started into the mercantile business, in which his acknowledged honesty and sterling integrity soon exalted him in the esteem and confidence of 144 his fellows, so that he was elected to public offices of honor and trust. He occupied the office of Justice of the Peace for eighteen years. In the year 1861 he was elected Associate Judge of Carbon county, and served as such for five years. While thus enjoying the high esteem of his fellowmen, he earnestly sought after the favor of God. And although he had been a member of a protestant church for many years, taking a foremost rank among its most active members, yet he felt the lack of that experimental religion which afterwards made him so happy and useful in life, and so joyous and triumphant in death. About the year 1860 he became an earnest and conscientious searcher after the truth as it is in Jesus. One day about this time, when he was in Philadelphia on business, he was prevailed upon by a bookseller to buy Scott's Commentary, which he studiously and prayerfully read, and ever afterwards prized it as the immediate means of his religious conviction. Being how convinced of the exeeding sinfulness of his nature, and of his need of a radical change of heart, he anxiously sought salvation from sin, at all times, and under all circumstances, and in August, 1862, he tented at an Evangelical camp-meeting for the sheer purpose of giving his heart and life to God. And there, on the 21st day of August, in Snyder's grove, near Millport, his sins were washed away, and he found "The sweet comfort and peace Of a soul in its earliest love." Brother Arner soon after joined the Evangelical Association and remained one of its most useful members until his death. He was successful class-leader, in the capacity of which he served the church faithfully, almost continually from the time of his conversion to his death. He was also an earnest Sunday-school worker. His memory is embalmed in the christian affection of "Ruth" class, of the Lehighton Sunday-school. The church and the Sunday school have deeply deplored his absence during his weary months of sickness, and now that he is dead, "Our hearts are steeped in inexpressable sorrow. But the burden of sorrow naturally falls most heavily and seenly upon his dear bereaved family, those greatest comfort now consists in this, that his bright and triumphant death evidences his abundant entrance into glory. Brother Arner's first wife and four of his children preceded him to paradise. On March 22d, 1875, he was married to his second wife, Mrs. Rebecca Baer, who now with two sons, two daughters and two step-daughters, an aged, blind father and step mother, and three sisters and one brother are mourning his departure. Brother Arner died in peace last Saturday evening, at 10 o'clock, aged 65 years, 1 months and one day. The funeral took place from his late residence in this borough Wednesday afternoon, and was very largely attended by relatives and friends. STATE NEWS. Samuel Fox, living near Pricetown, Berks county, died in his carriage on Friday while attending a funeral. Volume 9, Number 49, Saturday, October 29, 1881 Local and Personal. A man named Dillon got on a drunk at Tamaqua, on Saturday of last week, and he was locked up. The following morning he was found dead in his cell. Local and Personal. Bernard Geiser fell through a bridge at Wilkesbarre on Tuesday night of last week, and was killed. Local and Personal. Samuel A. Santee, a well known citizen of Slatington, died on Friday week, quite unexpectedly and from a singular cause. About a week before his demise he commenced to complain of a sore on the fore finger of his right hand. The member soon began to swell, the arm 145 became similarly affected, and, in fact, the entire body speedily experienced the influence of the malady--blood poisoning. Dr. Miller was called, and also Dr. Steckel, but all their efforts failed to check the progress of the disease, and the man died after great suffering as above stated. Local and Personal. David Thomas, a miner in the No. 4 slope, Upper Lehigh, was killed by a fall of coal on Friday. Local and Personal. Michael O'Boyle, of Sugar Notch, Luzerne county, aged 72, is dead. He was insured for $200,000 by graveyard speculators. Local and Personal. Thomas Ward was killed, John Ward fatally hurt and Timothy Whittle and Miles Keeler seriously injured by a fall of coal in the mines at Mahanoy City on Friday. At Muncy creek township, on Saturday evening of last week, a ten-year-old son of Wilson Opp fell from a wagon under the mule's feet, and his head was trampled on so that he died in a short time. From the County Seat. Wm. J. Hatrick and Miss M. Powell were united in marriage, on last Wednesday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Hoffman, of St. Paul's M. E. Church, at the residence of R. Q. Butler. We heartily congratulate them and wish them joy and prosperity. Lower Towamensing Items. Mrs. Thomas Bowman, after returning home on Monday, the 3d inst, from a vist to Slatington, was highly surprised in the evening, by a party of friends and relatives, who had assembled to celebrate her birthday. She received a number of presents. Lower Towamensing Items. The funeral of Wm. Wagner, who died so suddenly and unexpectedly, was largely attended last Saturday a week. Rev. Breagel, and the pastor of the Lehighton Lutheran church, officiated. Weissport Items. Our young friend Will Reed was made very happy one day last week, by becoming the proud father of a bright and bouncing boy. We congratulate Will, and hope the new arrival may live long and prosper. Weissport Items. Father Daniel Schoch, of this place, an old and respected citizen, died at the advanced age of 86 years, and was interred in the East Weissport cemetery, on Tuesday last. Revs. Erb, of Slatington, and Freeman, of this place, officiated. MARRIED. RABE-HILDENBRAND.--On the 12th inst, by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Robert Rabe, of East Mauch Chunk, and Miss Emma C. Hildebrand, of Easton, Pa. MARRIED. SWARTWOOD-SCHAFFER.--On the 17th inst., by the Rev. J. S. Erb, George Swartwood, of Mauch Chunk and Miss Lorna C. Shaffer, of Walnutport. MARRIED. MOYERS-GROSS.--On the 20th inst., by Rev. J. E. Freeman, Mr. Joseph Moyers, of Berlinsville, Northampton co'y, and Mrs. Celinda Gross, of East Mauch Chunk, Pa. DIED. SOLLIDAY.--At the residence of Mr. Lyman McDaniel, at Packerton, on the 22nd inst., 146 Moses Solliday, aged about 71 years. Mrs. Nita Bolster died at Reading on Sunday morning, aged 88 years. Volume 9, Number 50, Saturday, November 5, 1881 Local and Personal. Thomas Lyons, of Bellevue, Lackawanna county, was killed on Thursday of last week, by an accidental fall. Local and Personal. Insurance sharks had $75,000 in risks upon the life of Alexander Buck, who died at Frackville, Schuylkill county, a few days ago. Local and Personal. Abram K. Whitner, aged 48 years, died at Pottsville on Sunday night of Bright's disease of the kidneys. He was teller in the Miners' National Bank for a number of years, a prominent Mason, and the District Deputy Grand High Priest of that jurisdiction. Local and Personal. Trevor Harris, of Wilkesbarre, was killed by a fall of coal in the Empire Mine at that place Tuesday afternoon. Local and Personal. Wednesday Cyrus M. Riffert, a Philadelphia and Reading Railroad car inspector, had both his legs cut off at the hips by being run over by several cars attached to a pushing engine at the new depot in Reading. His recovery is considered improbable. He was 28 years old and unmarried. Packerton Ripples. Moses Soliday, for a number of years in the employ of the Company at their car shops, after a few weeks sickness died at the Boarding House of Mr. McDaniel on Saturday evening. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon, after which the remains were taken to Lehighton Cemetery for interment. The deceased was born at Doylestown, Bucks county, in 1810, he was a resident of New Jersey for several years; he leaves no family his wife and only daughter having died some years ago. Wild Creek Items. The new arrival at Joseph Kleintop's is a boy, and not a girl, as it was stated in your last issue. MARRIED. ECK-KENNEL.--On the 8th ult., by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Augustus Eck, of East Penn, Carbon county and Miss Tevilia E. Kennel, of Schnecksville, Lehigh co., Pa. MARRIED. LAURY-KEIPER.--On the 9th ult., by the same, Harvey E. Laury and Miss Ellen A. Keiper, both of Weissport. MARRIED. BALLIET-MILLER.--On the 13th ult., by the same, John H. Balliet and Miss Sarah Miller, both of Mahoning. MARRIED. BEHLER-BACHMAN--On the 15th ult., by the same, John J. Behler, of Millport and Miss Julia Bachman, of East Penn. 147 MARRIED. SCHAEFFER-CAMPBELL.--On the 29th ult., by the same, Adam W. Schaeffer, of Reynolds and Miss Fannie M. Campbell, of Tamaqua, Schuylkill county, Pa. DIED. REHRIG-HILL.--On the 7th ult., in East Penn, William Harrison, son of Wilson Rehrig and Kate Hill, aged 5 months and 7 days. DIED. SHELHAMER.--On the 18th ult., in West Penn, Abigail, wife of Samuel Shelhamer, aged 61 years, 5 months and 27 days. DIED. LEIBY.--On the same day, in West Penn, Mary Jeanette, daughter of Franklin and Sarah A. V. Leiby, aged 24 days. DIED. GOMMERY.--On the 3rd ult., in Mahoning, near Lehighton, Louisa A., wife of Solomon Gommery, aged 62 years, 6 months and 28 days. Volume 9, Number 51, Saturday, November 12, 1881 Local and Personal. Mr. Henry C. Clark, teacher of the Weatherly Grammar School, died on the 8th instant, at his home, at Milford, New Jersey. He was a student at the Keystone State Normal School for over two years, and graduated last June. Last August he was elected to the Grammar School at Weatherly. He was very popular both when a student and as a teacher. His pupils were very much attached to him. Local and Personal. On Thursday of last week, Daniel Davis, of Lansford, was so badly burned in mine No. 4, by ignition of gas that he died in a short time in awful agony. He was a Welshman, and he had only been in this country a year and a half. Local and Personal. Thomas Cochlin, a miner, was killed by falling down a shaft at Eagle Hill, near Pottsville, Wednesday morning. Wild Creek Items. Mr. Solomon Eckhart is happy because it is a daughter. From the County Seat. Rumor says that our young District Attorney, E. M. Mulhearn, was married on Thursday morning to Miss Mary Behrens, of the second ward, and that they are now on their wedding tour. Success to them. From the County Seat. Mrs. Ella Belford, wife of James Belford, of this place, departed this life, after a long and painful illness, on last Wednesday night. We sincerely condole with the bereaved in their sad loss, and we trust that it may be her eternal gain. From the County Seat. John Sherry, an old and well known citizen, who has been afflicted for several months, died on last Thursday morning. Thus we are again reminded that "in the midst of life we are in death." The bereaved family have our sympathy in their sad affliction. From the County Seat. Dr. G. Alvin Hill, of Lycoming county, Pa., was married to Miss Mary Robinson, of this place, by Dr. Edsall Ferrier, in the Presbyterian church, on Wednesday 148 afternoon. They have our sincere wihes for a long and happy life. From the County Seat. Condy Haggarty, an old resident and old soldier, was found dead back of the new Concert Hall, on Thursday morning last. It is supposed that he fell from the wall some time during the night, and was instantly killed. Volume 9, Number 52, Saturday, November 19, 1881 Local and Persoanl. Edward F. Barry was accidentally killed on the North Penn Railroad in South Bethlehem on Friday last. Local and Personal. Jeremiah Sullivan, a brakeman, was killed by cars near Pottsville on Saturday. Local and Personal. Samuel Nicholas, of Coplay, Lehigh county, was run over by an engine on Monday and instantly killed. Local and Personal. Harry Reitz, a 12-year-old boy, who committed a number of thefts in Pottsville, died on Friday from grief over the discovery of his offences. Local and Personal. John Dakin, a contractor of Wilkesbarre, while stepping from one track to another on the plane of the Central Railroad of New Jersey at Ashley Tuesday, was struck by a train and instantly killed. Local and Personal. On Saturday a man named George Pfalsgrove, working on the repairs of the Lehigh Valley railroad, near Black Creek Junction, was instantly killed by the freight engine Fred. Mercur. He was standing on the track and seeing a coal train approaching, he stepped on the other track just ahead of the freight engine, and was struck by the plow, knocked down, and the wheels passed over his neck completely severing the head from the body. He was taken to Hazleton for interment. Local and Personal. Michael Scanlan,aged 57, Sheriff of Schuylkill county, died at Port Carbon, that county, Tuesday morning. Local and Personal. George Davis, aged 12 years, was killed by cars at Parsons, Luzerne county, on Saturday. Local and Personal. Simon Henla, a miner, of Wilkesbarre, was killed in the Diamond mines there Tuesday. Local and Personal. On Monday afternoon last, Samuel H. Nicholas, aged about 21 years, lost his life at Coplay by being run over by a cinder car on the cinder tip of the Coplay Iron Works. He was employed as a helper on the tip, and while cars were being shifted one of the car links caught in a switch frog and lifted the car upon which he was at the time sitting to such a degree that he was thrown down upon the track and run over. His breast was crushed in, and internal injuries inflicted which caused his death almost instantly. 149 Local and Personal. Samuel Evans was killed by cars at Ashley, Luzerne county, on Tuesday. Local and Personal. Michael Gerrahty was killed by cars near Shenandoah on Tuesday. In Memoriam. The day is cold and dark and dreary; It rains, and the wind is never weary; The vine still clings to the mouldering wall, But at every gust the dead leaves fall, And the day is dark and dreary. What gloom death can cast over a family, a school or a society! For a second time-within the space of a few short months--we have been called to mourn the death of one of our members. The message was sudden and brief: "Henry C. Clark is dead!" Yet it seemed almost too much for realization. But at this very hour, while I am writing this, weeping friends and relatives stand around an open grave; the day is as dreary as their hearts; the last look has been taken, and then loving hands gently consign to its last resting place all that is mortal of our friend Henry. During his stay here in our midst, he made many warm friends; he had true friends, because he himself was true. He was no pretender--no friend in disguise. He spoke ill of no one, and never tried to defame any student by spreading false reports. As a member of the Keystone Society, he was loyal, staunch and true. Her interest was his interest-- her welfare his delight. He recognized no faction in the society, but planting himself firmly on the side of Truth and Justice, he boldly vindicated her rights. As a ready debater, a man of common sense and good judgment, he had few if any superiors in the society. Whatever the society committed to his care he performed well. he was president of last year's entertainment, and it was owing to his energy and perseverance that the affair proved so successful. At our last anniversary he performed to the honor of the society. As treasurer, for nearly a year, he was scrupulously exact and honest. If only all the members of the Keystone Scoiety would follow his noble example as a Keystonian, we would have a stronger and more efficient society. Socially Henry Clark, was always genial, and full of native wit. Many a pleasant hour did we spend with him, and many an anecdote could we relate concerning him if space would permit. Need we say anything about his christian character? This was so strong in him and so self evident, that it hardly needs comment. Summing up then, we must say that his life was simple and pure. He lived not for himself alone but for others. Thus, cut off in the prime of manhood, he has laid down the armor of life, and gone to his eternal rest. We have spoken in this manner, not because it is customary to speak well of the dead, but because we have tried to speak the truth about him. We trust then, that the Keystone Society, for which he labored so faithfully, will always cling to what is just and true, and forever revere his memory. "He hath gone to his home, and unloosened the shield, That he bore on life's battle plain, And the mighty sword he was wont to wield, Is deep in its sheath again. "He hath gone to his home, for the race is run, And the wreath is around his brow; 150 The angels saw when the prize was won, And they greet him in Heaven now." C. H. Leinbach, Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, Pa., Nov. 12, 1881. From the County Seat. E. M. Mulhearn, our young District Attorney, has returned home from his wedding tour, and he seems as gay as a lark, and twice as happy. Volume 10, Number 1, Saturday, November 26, 1881 Local and Personal. Mrs. John Steinmetz, of Hanover, Lehigh county, fell to the floor in a fit on Friday. In the fall she struck her 2-year-old child, killing it instantly. Local and Personal. W. H. Norton, a conductor on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, was killed by cars on Saturday. Local and Personal. Edward O'Brien, of Fullerton, Lehigh county, was killed by cars on Sunday. Local and Personal. An old engineer, named Fame Dow, was killed Wednesday of last week, on the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, at Carbondale. Local and Personal. As Mrs. Thomas Daubert was ascending a stairway Friday evening, at Pottsville, carrying a child and a coal-oil lamp, the lamp exploded, igniting her clothing and burning her so that she cannot recover. Local and Personal. Mrs. Thomas Daubert, of Pottsville, was burned to death on Saturday by the explosion of an oil lamp. Local and Personal. Mrs. Lou Williams, of Parryville, returned home from Iowa on Friday morning last, having been sent for on account of the sickness of her child. The child died on Sunday morning, aged three years. Local and Personal. Mrs. Mary Ockenfuss, of Eaton, Wyoming county, died a few days ago at the age of 80 years. There was nearly $90,000 insurance on her life upon the speculative plan. Local and Personal. Clinton Mosher, 10 years of age, fell from a train on which he was stealing a ride at Scranton on Saturday and was killed. Local and Personal. A Hungarian employe of the Bethlehem Rolling Mill was choked to death on Saturday while eating dinner. Local and Personal. Patrick Carroll, aged 14 years, was fatally injured by cars at Bethlehem on Sunday. Local and Personal. Mrs. Lewis Koons, of Walnutport, died at the residence of her husband, in that village, on Wednesday morning last. Funeral this (Saturday) morning, at St. Paul's church, 151 near Cherryville. Railroad Accident. On Monday evening, about six o'clock, Mr. William Hadley, a traveling salesman of Pottsville, had his right leg cut off by the cars at Penn Haven Junction. He was on his way to Hazleton, and getting off the train at the Junction he went over to the hotel to procure a cork for a medicine bottle that he had with him. Circumstances indicate that while in the hotel he heard a freight train coming along and evidently thinking it was the passenger train starting out, he ran in a hurry and fell under the wheels. He was brought to Weatherly and placed in the depot, where Drs. Latham and Tweedle amputated his leg above the knee. He was then removed to the Gilbert House, but only survived until morning. His wife arrived Tuesday and took the corpse home. Acting Coroner, J. B. Tweedle, held an inquest, the verdict of the jury being accidental death. The deceased was 38 years of age and leaves a wife and five children to mourn their loss.--Weatherly Herald. Cora Moyer, a ten-year-old child, of Chapman's Station, Lehigh county, while engaged at play with a companion, on Friday last, fell upon her head and was instantly killed. STATE NEWS. Patrick McMahon, aged 9 years, was killed by cars at Lock Haven on Saturday. STATE NEWS. Eugene Sullivan, of Lock Haven, has been arrested for fatally beating his wife on Saturday last. Volume 10, Number 2, Saturday, December 3, 1881 Local and Personal. Patrick Gorman was killed at Pittston by a fall of roof rock in the Pennsylvania Coal Company's mine, on Friday of last week. Local and Personal. Martin Dwyer was killed Friday afternoon, at Mahanoy City, by a fall or top coal in the Glendon colliery. Local and Personal. Samuel Kephart was killed by cars on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, near Bethlehem, on Thursday of last week. Local and Personal. While laboring under a temporary fit of insanity, Samuel Cole, of Easton, committed suicide, on Saturday last. Local and Personal. Two small sons of James Sartin broke through the ice at Yatesville, Luzerne co., on Saturday last, while skating, and both were drowned. Local and Personal. Lizzie, daughter of Aaron and Lucinda Laub, of this borough, died after a short illness of membranous croup, at 4:15 o'clock on Saturday morning last, aged 4 years and 14 days. The body was taken to Catasauqua for interment on Tuesday. Local and Personal. Dr. Benjamin Becker, aged 84 years, at one time the leading homoeopathic physician of Pottsville, died on Sunday at the Schuylkill county Almshouse, where he has been for several years, deranged. 152 Local and Personal. John Younker, aged 16 years, was crushed to death by cars near Hazleton on Saturday. Local and Personal. Mr. Hugh Hughes and Miss Olive Musselman, both of Weatherly, were married on Saturday evening last at the residence of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Rev. P. F. Eyer, pastor of the M. E. church. The groomsman was Mr. C. R. Hoover, of Weatherly and the bridesmaid, Miss Clara Roth, of Wilkes-Barre. The happy couple enjoy the hearty congratulations of a large circle of friends and acquaintances upon their union, wishing them a long and happy voyage on the ocean of life. Local and Personal. John Oswald, of Kline's Corner, Longswamp twp., Lehigh county, while on his way at night to Topton, to summon a physician for his family fell into a mine hole, to the depth of sixty feet, and sustained injuries which quickly proved fatal. The deceased was 48 years of age, and leaves ten children of his own, along with three grandchildren for whom he had also cared. Summit Hill and Lansford Items. Summit Hill. Mr. James McConnell and Miss Maggie Campbell were married in the Presbyterian parsonage, on Wednesday evening, by Rev. J. H. Dormus. Summit Hill and Lansford Items. Lansford. I. G. Kolb and Miss Mame Spencer were married, on Wednesday morning last, at the residence of the bride's mother. The ceremony was performed Rev. Mr. Kolb, of Shenandoah, father of the groom. In the afternoon the happy pair took the train for New York on a short wedding tour. Summit Hill and Lansford Items. Lansford. Tallassee Thomas and Susie Houser, daughter of Daniel Houser, were married, at the home of the bride on Ridge street, on Thursday afternoon, Rev. Cook, of Nesquehoning, tieing the knot. From the County Seat. The sad intelligence reached here, by telegram on last Wednesday morning, that Josiah W. Enbody, had departed this life on Tuesday night, Nov. 29th, at his residence in Pittston, Pa., where he has been residing for the last few years, having had charge of the L. V. R. R. station at that place, previous to that time he lived here from early childhood; he grew up with this place and was identified with nearly all the important enterprises of our town. We sincerely condole with his bereaved family and friends, in their sad bereavement. Thus are we again solemnly reminded of the stubborn fact that the old must die. Just as we were going to press, this (Friday) morning, we learn the sad intelligence that David O'Brian, of Franklin, who has been sick for several months past, died during the previous night. Thomas G. May, a prominent coal operator of Shamokin and formerly of the firm of May, Audenried & Co., operating Buck Ridge colliery, died on Monday, 21st ult. MARRIED. GAUSS-DENNIS--At the residence of F. C. Eckensberger, Esq., Hokendauqua, Lehigh county, Pa., by Rev. James A. Little, Thanksgiving Day, 1881, Elmer E. Gauss, of New York city, and Miss Annie M. Dennis, of Hokendauqua. 153 Volume 10, Number 3, Saturday, December 10, 1881 Local and Personal. The body of an unknown man was found in an abandoned chamber of the Bellevue coal mine near Scranton on Friday. The face and hands had been eaten away by rats, and the body had apparently been there for some time. Local and Personal. John Hummel, a miner, was killed by cars near Minersville on Saturday. Local and Personal. Charles Cunningham, of Upper Lehigh, committed suicide on Friday. Cause unknown. Local and Personal. Mrs. Adam Scholl, of Catasauqua, was accidentally drowned in the canal at that place on Friday last. Local and Personal. Charles Harrington, of Allentown, aged 13 years, was accidentally killed on Sunday while playing with a pistol. Local and Personal. John Wassum, of Slatington, died on Thursday night, aged 86 years. Speculative insurance men had placed $30,000 on his life. Local and Personal. Warren Woodward, son of the late Justice Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, was found dead in bed at Reading on Monday night, he having shot himself in the head. The body was partially decomposed, indicating that he had been dead for several days. Deceased had been in ill health for some time. Local and Personal. James Carrol was killed by a fall of coal at Johns Brothers' colliery, at St. Clair, Schuylkill county, on Saturday. Weissport Items. A child of Reuben Zimmerman's died on Sunday of diphtheria. Funeral services were held on Tuesday. Weissport Items. We regret to note the death of Katie, daughter of our friend John Kistler, of Parryville. Funeral services were conducted in the Evangelical church here, Rev. Mr. Gross, of Parryville officiating. Weissport Items. Since our last Mr. David O'Brian, that worthy citizen of East Weissport-worthy we have understood, in all respects, examplary in whatever concerned, has been called suddenly away. He died on Friday of last week. The funeral services on Sunday were conducted by Rev. J. E. Freeman with the usual funeral customs of the Reformed church, of which he had been a member, and as roughly estimated was attended by about seven hundred people, including the following lodges of which he was a brother member, Knights of Honor, Red Men, and the Odd Fellows. The deceased leaves a widow and five children to mourn their loss. We sympathize with the bereaved family and friends, and would remind them of one trait developed in his character that all his friends have to speak of, viz: his unselfish devotion to the happiness and welfare of all. From the County Seat. The unwelcome Messenger of Death entered the home of E. R. Siewers, 154 on last Saturday morning, and plucked from their midst a promising young son, while yet apparently in the very bloom of health. We heartily sympathize with the sorely afflicted family, and humbly trust that they may be able to look up through their tears with a bright hope of meeting him again in the "sweet bye-and bye." Parryville Items. The child of Laf. Solt, died very suddenly this week, only being sick about 15 hours; was also insured in the Prudential Co. Claim was paid day after death. Reub. Bretz, a brakeman on the Philadelphia & Reading railroad, was killed by cars, near Schuylkill Haven, on Wednesday of last week. Summit Hill and Lansford Items. Summit Hill. Rev. J. H. Doremus, Tuesday, merged into one the future of Miss Mary Henry and John Walton. The ceremony was private, none but relatives being present, owning to the recent death of the bride's father. Miss Lizzie Henry, sister of the bride, and John Nevins, of Catasauqua, acted as bridesmaid and groomsman. Summit Hill and Lansford Items. Lansford. Patrick Sharpe, son of Peter Sharpe, of Abbott street, was killed at the Screen Building, Hauto, on Friday last. Just how he met his death is a mystery. He was employed as a slate picker, and it is suposed went to see the time of day and in passing along the head of one of the screens lost his balance and fell in at the "hopper." The first the men on the breaker knew of it was when they saw him in the screen. When taken out he was dead. The funeral took place on Sunday last, and it was one of the largest that ever left Lansford. The St. Joseph's Cadets of Temperance, of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body. He was 12 years of age. MARRIED. GRAVER-RIGHTER--At Ashley, Luzerne county, Pa., on Thursday morning, the 8th inst, by Rev. W. J. Day, Wm. A. Graver of Ashley, formerly of Lehighton, and Sallie J. Righter, of Ashley, formerly of Philadelphia. MARRIED. CRAWFORD-WILLIAMS.--At the residence of the bride, at Catasauqua, on the 1st inst., by Rev. James A. Little, of Hokendauqua, Martin Crawford, of Summit Hill, and Joanna Williams, of Catasauqua, formerly of Hokendauqua. Volume 10, Number 4, Saturday, December 17, 1881 Marks Walley, an Englishman, aged 29 years, was found dead Tuesday at Missimer's lime kiln, near Reading, having been suffocated while asleep. The deceased and his two companions-Edward Taylor and Swift Wilters--had but recently arrived in this country from England. Local and Personal. Franklin J. Schick, 55 years old, market clerk of South Bethlehem, Tuesday committed suicide by hanging, while temporarily insane. Local and Personal. Freddie, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Cooper, of Parryville, died on Saturday last, and was buried on Tuesday afternoon. Local and Personal. Abram Katz, of New York, a dealer in tinware, was struck by the engine of 155 a train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad at White Haven on Saturday night, and killed. Local and Personal. Patrick Barrett, a miner, was so badly burned by an explosion of gas in the Sugar Notch mines, near Wilkesbarre, Wednesday, that he died before reaching home. Local and Personal. John Turner and John Deitz, employed at the Prospect mines, near Wilkesbarre, were horribly burned Wednesday by an explosion of gas. Turner soon died and Deitz is not expected to live. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Summit Hill. A collection is being taken up through the Company's office for the widows of Daniel and John Davis, who were burned with gas in No. 4 recently. The workmen contributed liberally. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Summit Hill. Prayers were offered in the Catholic Church on Sunday last, for the happy repose of the soul of Philip McLaughlin. Many were at a loss to understand who this Philip McLaughlin was. He was formerly a resident of Back street, and a brother of Barney McLaughlin, of No. 6. He died in the hospital at Philadelphia. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Lansford. Mrs. George Wittingham presented her husband with a young son on Wednesday evening. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Lansford. One of our oldest citizens passed away on Sunday afternoon, in the person of John Sharpe, at the age of about 50 years. He had been ailing for years with miners' consumption, but for brief periods would be able to get about, yet most of the time he was a sufferer. Deceased was a native of the Parish of Inniskiel, County Donegal, Ireland, but for the past 32 years was a resident of Lansford, where he had many friends who extend their sympathy to his wife and family in their sore affliction. Six children, the oldest being but 11 years, are left fatherles by his death. The funeral took place at the old Catholic cemetery on the Hill Thursday afternoon. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Nesquehoning Martha, a very interesting little girl five years of age, belonging to Jacob Buss, died on Monday evening last with croup, and was buried in the Protestant cemetery on Wednesday. MARRIED. ZIEGLER-GERBER--On the 5th ult, by Rev. A. Bartholomew, Jarius W. Zeigler, of Friedensburg, and Miss Henrietta Gerber, of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. HUNSICKER-CORRELL.--On the 19th ult, by the same, William F Hunsicker, of Lynntown, Lehigh county, and Miss Kate Correll, of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. HOUSER-KNEPPER.--On the 19th ult., by the same, William Houser, of Tamaqua, and Miss Alice J. Knepper, of West Penn, Schuylkill county. MARRIED. PETERS-STEIGERWALT.--On the 26th ult., by the same, John J. Peter and Miss Amanda Steigerwalt, both of Heidelberg Lehigh county. DIED. HARTZEL.--On the 2nd instl, in West Penn, Korah, daughter of John and Kate Hartzel, 156 aged 2 months and 20 days. Volume 10, Number 5, Saturday, December 24, 1881 Local and Personal. Mrs. Magdalena Fox died in Upper Bern township, Berks county, on Saturday, aged 85 years. Insurance ghouls had risks upon her life estimated at from $150,000 to $500,000. Local and Personal. James Campbell and William Cust were drowned in the Lehigh Canal at Catasauqua on Tuesday by the upsetting of a boat. Local and Personal. Jacob Rothman, of Catasauqua, who was missing since Thursday afternoon, was found drowned in the canal, near Souerwine's lock, a short distance below Catasauqua, on Friday afternoon. From the County Seat. Daniel Heberling, jr., member of the firm of J. W. Heberling & Co., was lately married to Miss Mattie Struthers, daughter of Alex. Struthers, dec'd, at the bride's residence in Phildadelphia, and returned home with his bride on last Tuesday. May this new addition to the firm prove to be a fortunate one to all parties concerned. Wild Creek Items. Alfred Kibler's 29th birthday will come on the 22nd instant. Weissport items. On Thursday, December 15th, at the residence of Mrs. Culton, was performed the marriage ceremony, which united as husband and wife, Mr. H. Bell, of Philadelphia, and Miss Mary Smith, of this place. As this couple started out on their journey together, many friends congratulated them. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Nesquehoning. Mrs. Williams, mother of Mrs. Benjamin, aged 89 years, died on Wednesday and was buried in the Protestant cemetery Friday afternoon. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Nesquehoning. Rev. Edsall Ferrier, D. D., of Mauch Chunk, on Thursday married Samuel Stevenson of this place, to Miss Margaret A. Moore, of East Mauch Chunk. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson will make Nesquehoning their future home, and in it we wish them much happiness. Summit Hill and Neighborhood. Nesquehoning. Richard, son of Thomas Trewren, aged ten years, died of diphtheria on Wednesday. His remains were interred in the Protestant burying ground Friday. Mr. Trewen, we are sorry to learn, has two other children lying in a critical condition with the same dreadful disease. Tribute of Respect. Whereas, The Supreme Dictator of the Universe, in his inscrutable wisdom, has taken from our midst our brother David O'Brian, and since it is fitting to express our sympathy and regard; Resolved, That in the death of our brother the Knights of Honor have lost a brother, who always manifested a deep interest in the welfare of the Order; and while we lament this loss, we 157 bow in humble submission to the will of our heavenly Father. Resolved, That we, as Knights of Honor, tender our sincere condolence to the bereaved family and friends, and invoke in their behalf the sustaining grace of our covenant God. Resolved, That in honor of our deceased brother our Charter be draped for the time of thirty days. Resolved, That these resolutions be noted on the minutes, published in The Carbon Advocate, and a copy be forwarded to the bereaved family. F. J. Kast, J. G. Zern, J. F. Snyder, Committee. STATE NEWS. James Cotter, aged 50 years, was killed Friday by the caving in of a trench on Sixth street, at Lock Haven. STATE NEWS. William P. Taylor was scalded to death at Valley township, Montour county, on Saturday, by the explosion of a boiler. MARRIED. McCORMICK-CHRISTMAN.--On the 22nd inst., at the residence of E. H. Snyder, Esq., by Rev. William G. Laitzle, Mr. William C. McCormick to Miss Emma E. Christman, both of Lehighton. DIED. RAMALEY.--In this borough, on the 15th inst., of cancer, Henry Ramaley, aged 79 years, 9 months and 24 days. DIED. KEMERER.--In Polke twp., Monroe co., on the 18th inst., Lily May, only child of Theodore and Mary Kemerer, aged 1 month and 28 days. Funeral took place in this borough. Cassie Rathburn, a servant girl of Shamokin, aged 24 years, committed suicide on Friday night by shoooting. No cause is assigned for the act. Volume 10, Number 6, Saturday, December 31, 1881 Local and Personal. Mrs. Ann Feeney, of Wilkesbarre, was found on fire in her house on Saturday night. She died soon afterward. The cause of the fire is a mystery. Weissport Items. A child of David Hoffman died of diphtheria and was buried on Sunday last. J. W. Moore, one of the pioneers of the county of Luzerne, and the first postmaster of Scranton, died on Saturday last, at the age of 74 years. TILTON-NIXON.--On the 25th inst., by Rev. E. J. Miller, at Weissport, Edwin E. Tilton of Easton, Pa., and Miss Laura Nixon, of Philipsburg, N. J. Prepared by Tony Bennyhoff, June 13, 2010. 158
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