D me Times The

The D me Times
Fall Edition 2009
Why I support March of Dimes Canada:
Spokesperson, William Shatner
Since 2006, William Shatner, Canadian icon, actor, writer,
producer, director and musical performer has been the
Spokesperson of March of Dimes Canada, helping to promote
our many national programs, including Conductive Education®,
Stroke Recovery Canada® and Polio Canada®.
William Shatner was born March 22, 1931 in Montreal,
Quebec. He first gained fame for his starring role as Captain
James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise in the television
show Star Trek and in seven of the subsequent movies.
Since then, Shatner has worked tirelessly in a variety of media,
and won numerous awards for his portrayal of attorney
Denny Crane in the television series The Practice and Boston
Legal. His autobiography, Up Till Now, released in 2008, can be
found in bookstores across the country, or online at Amazon.ca.
Mr. Shatner took some time out of his busy schedule to
talk about his role as spokesperson of March of Dimes
Canada and why he devotes so much of his time to
charitable works.
March of Dimes: You are so beloved in Canada and
our donors, supporters and consumers love hearing
from you. Thank you for agreeing to this interview.
William Shatner: It is my pleasure.
March of Dimes: You have been supporting March
of Dimes Canada for over three years – what drew
you to this organization and cause?
William Shatner: Well, actually, I believe that charity
extends to all. I try to help as many people in need as
I can – obviously you cannot help everyone, but I do
believe at some point in our lives, we are all “disabled”,
whether it be physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially
William Shatner with Mary Lynne Stewart, Director of Fund
Development and Communications and Andria Spindel, President and
CEO of March of Dimes Canada at a recent PSA shoot in Los Angeles
or financially. So really, my feelings extend to all those
people who may need help. I find that the best usage of
my time, is to help the people who are helping people –
like everyone at March of Dimes.
March of Dimes: The Public Service Announcement
(PSA) that you recorded for us runs frequently on
television stations in Canada and we hear from
people that they recognize March of Dimes from
this PSA – which helps give us credibility with
those who may not have been familiar with our
programs and services.
William Shatner: Well, what a terrific use of my name – if
it helps give validation to a fantastic organization, then that
Continued on page 6
Naz remembers clearly when her mother first started
having difficulties with balance. An orthopedic issue
was ruled out, and the family received the diagnosis of
2 President’s Message
3 Northern Clinics
3 MODMobility®
4 Ability & Beyond Gala Dinner
4 Why I am
a Monthly Donor
No Greater Love
Mom is a central figure in our lives; she teaches us,
encourages us, and raises us. We take for granted that
mom will always be there to guide and take care of us.
But what happens when mom is unable to care for herself?
March of Dimes employee Nazlin (Naz) Sayani never
thought that day would come. A decade ago, her mum,
Rehmat Sameja, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
disability due to progressive Alzheimer’s disease. Rehmat’s
condition deteriorated quickly after her diagnosis; her
mobility was rapidly declining and she was prone to falls.
Naz and her family, sister and brother banded together
and moved into a house in order to look after their
mum at home.
In 2005, Rehmat walked into the home. It was also the
last time she walked. She received a manual wheelchair
Continued on last page
5 AMG Medical
6 March of Dimes
Services Directory
7 TD BBQ Challenge
8 Mailbag/Events
The Dime Times
Fall 2009
Message from the President and CEO
After two years of research, consultation and analysis,
our Strategic Plan for 2008-2013 was approved by the
Board of Directors, incorporating objectives for Ontario
March of Dimes, March of Dimes Canada and Ontario
March of Dimes Non-Profit Housing Corporation.
Building on the existing mission, vision and values,
already significantly lived and demonstrated by Ontario
Andria Spindel,
President and CEO March of Dimes and its subsidiary non-profit charitable
organizations; the following value proposition has been approved:
“One Stop: Solutions for Independence”
“Independence” for people with physical disabilities has been the brand
essence and part of the tag line associated with “March of Dimes” for over
20 years. Our value proposition has several features: it is distinct and
succinct; it serves to express the core idea of “March of Dimes” and the
breadth and scope of this service delivery and advocacy organization.
Through our brand we associate a continuum of services, for children,
youth and adults, regardless of the nature of their physical disability.
Established in 1951, March of Dimes has been a significant brand,
achieving its original goal of eliminating a dreadful disease – polio –
serving those disabled by polio – expanding to serve all those affected
by a disability who require community supports and have limited
financial resources.
The range of services offered has increased dramatically and since 2001
with a wider mandate, March of Dimes serves children, youth, caregivers
and families, operates outside of Ontario, and assists a wider segment
of the Canadian population – people who have employment challenges,
but may not have a physical disability.
The 2008 Strategic Plan entitled “Creating an Inclusive Society” is available
on request. Its value to our employees, volunteers, funders and donors and
to our clients is significant as a blueprint for current and mid-term direction.
Five years is not a long time in the life of an organization, but already
we have produced several five-year plans and more than fulfilled them.
These plans are not cast in stone, but provide vision and guidance, help
establish annual plans and budgets, recognize our achievements, hold us
accountable and share our story widely.
March of Dimes is looking
for Volunteer Champions!
March of Dimes is gearing up for its 2010 Door-to-Door Campaign! For the 59th year in January and
February, brave volunteers will canvass communities across Ontario to help raise funds for our essential
programs and services.
This Campaign we will be joined again by Air and Sea Cadets from throughout the province and Cochrane’s
the Daughters of Isabella along with our individual canvassers.
We are still looking for volunteers to help with our 2010 Door-to-Door campaign. It is the strength of
our volunteers that makes this, our largest fundraising campaign, so successful. The monies collected
through the Door-to-Door campaign will help thousands of Canadians with physical disabilities, many of
whom have been waiting months, even years, for the programs and services they need.
This year our campaign goal is over 1 million dollars – but we can’t do it without you. If you are interested
in becoming a volunteer, please call 1-800-263-3463 ext. 7705 or e-mail [email protected].
We are excited to announce that you can also “walk your block” from the comfort of your home!
Please visit www.doortodooronline.ca to register as an online volunteer and canvass
family and friends with a click of your mouse!
Visit www.doortodooronline.ca to register as an on-line canvasser
www.marchofdimes.ca / 1-800-263-3463
The Northern Clinics Program Changes a Life
Living in Northern Ontario has its privileges.
Breathtaking scenery, caring communities and
the dazzling Northern Lights are just some of
the benefits of making a home in the province’s
uppermost reaches. But for people with health
challenges, living in remote northern Ontario
towns can mean long trips with heavy financial
burdens while trying to receive proper treatment.
One of March of Dimes’ longest-running programs,
operating since the 1950s, the Northern Medical
Clinic has sent rheumatologists and orthopaedic
surgeons from Toronto and other centres to
Northern Ontario towns such as Cochrane,
Hearst and Kirkland Lake, to care for people
who do not have specialists in their communities.
There is no age limit for the patients; the doctors
treat babies through to seniors.
Every year the Northern Medical Clinics save
hundreds of northern Ontario patients the time,
trouble and expense of travelling to distant
cities to see medical specialists and receive
Cochrane resident Beatrice (Bee) Berthiaume
and her youngest son are two of the many
beneficiaries of this wonderful program.
Bee has disc degenerative disease, and for over
a decade, she had been having troubles with
her legs, which had grown progressively worse.
She could not put pressure on her legs, was
finding it difficult to even get out of chairs, and
the pain was so bad she was taking a multitude
of pain killers every day, with little relief. She
had been receiving excellent care from her
local healthcare providers, but they lacked the
Ford, a spine surgeon and Dr. Frank Mastrogiacomo,
a hip and knee surgeon.
Within three months Bee had her hip replacement
surgery in Toronto at the Toronto East General
Hospital, which was performed by Dr. Mastrogiacomo.
Since her surgery she hasn’t taken one painkiller
– and the surgery was the only time she has
had to leave Cochrane – she hasn’t been back
to Toronto since.
“All my follow-up appointments have been at
home – the doctors have been so super and my
treatment has been wonderful,” says Bee.
Beatrice (Bee) Berthiaume
technology to provide Bee a proper diagnosis.
They recommended she visit March of Dimes’
Northern Clinics program. Bee’s youngest son had
his neck treated through the program in 2006
and had been impressed with the treatment and
care he had received. Bee eagerly made an
appointment for the next Cochrane Northern Clinic,
which takes place at the Minto Health Centre.
“I saw three specialists when I went to the clinic
– all in the same day,” says Bee. “The doctors
and the care they gave me was so wonderful.
I was examined from head to toe and received
the same diagnosis each time – that I needed
a hip replacement,” says Bee.
Thanks to help from Brenda Sisco, the Northern
Medical Clinic Coordinator who oversees the
program out of Cochrane, Bee was examined by
Dr. Syd Gershon, a rheumatologist, Dr. Michael
“March of Dimes is a great organization and this
program is really doing amazing things,” says
Bee. “There is a three year waiting list to see an
orthopedic surgeon in the North – the fact that
the doctors come to us makes a huge difference –
it saves time, money and stress,” she continues.
Bee has been feeling great since her hip replacement
and believes were it not for March of Dimes
she would still be in daily pain with completely
restricted mobility.
“I recommend March of Dimes to everyone –
so many people are helped by the Northern
Medical Clinics – they really make a difference
in the community.”
The Northern Clinics program is funded by the
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, donations
raised by the Daughters of Isabella in Cochrane,
the Porcupine United Way, the doctors who
donate their OHIP fees to the clinic and annual
donors to March of Dimes.
MODmobility® Already Making a Difference!
Many of us take for granted the ability to have
a leisurely shower to unwind at the end of a
long day. But for Grimsby resident Lynn Zik,
who has severe multiple sclerosis, showering
without support is impossible – she needed a
shower stool.
for considerably less than a brand new item.
Gary Zik, Lynn’s husband, contacted Tyler Labreque
at MODmobility® who promptly e-mailed him
pictures of a shower stool that he could purchase
“MODmobility ensures that the equipment
you are buying is tailored to fit your specific
requirements and guarantees that you are
“We have been so happy with the shower stool and
with the service we received from MODmobilty®
– they really know the business and it is so easy
to use,” says Gary.
receiving a quality product – and money goes
to support the programs of March of Dimes
Canada, which is another great benefit of using
the service,” he continues.
For more information on MODmobility® or to
purchase or donate equipment, please visit
the website at www.modmobility.ca, call
1-866-976-6632 or e-mail [email protected]
Visit www.marchofdimes.ca/programs to learn more about our services
The Dime Times
Fall 2009
2009 Ability and Beyond Gala Dinner
On Tuesday, May 26th, March of Dimes Canada
hosted its third annual Ability and Beyond Gala
Dinner, Seeding the Future, amongst friends
and honoured guests, at the beautiful Fairmont
Royal York in downtown Toronto. The special
guest speaker was President Barack Obama’s
Campaign Manager, David Plouffe – the man
President Obama called “the unsung hero” of his
successful and historical presidential campaign.
Over 450 supporters were in attendance at the
fundraiser, which will support March of Dimes
Canada’s post-polio and stroke recovery programs.
In addition to the evening’s guest speaker,
the crowd enjoyed the banter from our emcee
Senator Michael Duffy, and a series of lively
performances from Simone Soman, who has
been gracing March of Dimes with her beautiful
voice for a number of years. We were very
Photo credit: Dave Gillespie
Prior to the dinner, patrons mingled at the Paul
Martin Sr. Society Reception. The Reception was
sponsored by sanofi pasteur and sanofi aventis
which continued our proud tradition of honouring
the legacy of the late Paul Martin Sr., Canada’s
former Health and Welfare Minister.
Louro Jewellers. The necklace, entitled ‘Life’
was a custom-made strand of emerald beads,
17 inches long, including a white gold clasp and
a custom-designed white gold and diamond
pendant in the middle.
Tim Hockey of Presenting Sponsor TD Bank Financial
Group, March of Dimes Canada President and CEO
Andria Spindel, and Special Guest Speaker David Plouffe
pleased to have special guest, Dave Shannon,
in attendance. In April 2009, Dave, and his
climbing partner Chris Watkins, were the first
people with disabilities to conquer the North Pole.
Attendees also participated in a silent auction
and had the chance to take home a gorgeous
necklace generously provided by bronze sponsor
The highlight of the night was David Plouffe’s
stirring speech which he followed with a lively
and entertaining Q & A. David discussed how
the Obama Presidential Campaign led the most
successful grassroots movement of the 21st
century and emphasized the need to appreciate
and thank volunteers.
The organizers send a heartfelt thanks to David
Plouffe, Senator Michael Duffy, Presenting
Sponsor: TD Bank Financial Group, Gold
Sponsor: sanofi pasteur and sanofi aventis,
Silver Sponsor: Shoppers HomeHealth Care,
Bronze Sponsor: Louro Jewellers, H20 Floral
Studio and Home Décor, Joseph’s Estate Winery,
the fantastic volunteer committee and everyone who
helped make the evening a tremendous success.
To see a full photo gallery of the evening, please
visit www.abilityandbeyond.ca.
Why I Am a Monthly Donor
“I encourage anyone to become a monthly donor
– it’s such an easy way to give and I know that
even giving a small amount every month adds up
to a much bigger gift at the end of the year,” says
Joan Wilkinson, a monthly donor.
“I feel like March of Dimes has always been part
of my life,” explains Joan. “My Auntie Iris is a
polio survivor, so we always knew about March
of Dimes, and then of course, Barb has been
using their services for so many years too.”
“The Dime Plan”, or monthly giving, is an effective
way to provide stable and ongoing support for
the work of March of Dimes by pre-authorizing
a regular monthly deduction from your bank
account or credit card.
Barb has been attending the summer holiday program
for over twenty years and her mother says it is
by far her favourite week of the year. “Barb just
comes home flying after she has been at Geneva
Park,” says Joan. “She loves water sports, loves
meeting new people, and she really loves the
wonderful staff, she always has the most
marvelous time there,” she continues.
Joan and her daughter Barb, who has cerebral palsy,
have been using March of Dimes’ services for years,
in particular, the Recreation and Integration Services
program. Barb is devoted to the summer holiday
program at Geneva Park, and both mother and
daughter sailed the Caribbean as part of the
accessible travel program. Barb has also been
helped with the purchase of an electric wheelchair
by the Assistive Devices Program.
Joan and Barb also credit March of Dimes with
providing them a once-in-a-lifetime vacation on
an accessible cruise. The Wilkinsons toured the
Caribbean in April, 2008 with a March of Dimes
Continued on page 5
Joan Wilkinson with her daughter Barb
Visit www.marchofdimes.ca/donate to find out about...
www.marchofdimes.ca / 1-800-263-3463
Donation of Publicly Traded Securities & Mutual Funds
Canada’s 2006 Federal Budget introduced a special tax incentive on gifts of Publicly Traded
Securities and Mutual Funds. You can give a gift of publicly traded securities to March of Dimes
and eliminate the capital gains tax which is usually 50% of the capital gain. By donating them
directly to March of Dimes you can reduce your tax bill and make a significant gift at the same time.
A donation receipt is issued for the fair market value of the security on the date of transfer.
The gift will not qualify for the capital gains tax elimination if the securities are sold and the
cash then gifted to a charity.
If you are thinking about transferring assets that have appreciated in value, you should seek
expert advice from a tax specialist or your broker. We strongly recommend that you seek
professional advice to ensure your financial goals are considered, your tax situation reviewed,
and that your gift is tailored to your circumstances.
For more information, please call or e-mail: Margaret Purcell at [email protected]
or toll-free at 1-800-263-3463 or 425-3463 ext. 7342.
Your Money Goes
Whom We Serve
March of Dimes Service
Profile by Disability: 2008-2009
Number of Consumers
Post Polio
Spinal/Back Injury
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Injury
Multiple Sclerosis
Mental Health
Spina Bifida
Learning Disability
Other physical disabilities
No disability
Each year, March of Dimes spends more
than $75 milllion to provide essential
programs and services for people with
disabilities. In addition, the increasing
demographic of seniors means more
Canadians in the coming years will acquire
disabilities or have their disabilities worsen
with age. Your gift now, and your continued
support, can help us address our future needs.
94.6% Programs & Services
4.1% Fund Development
0.4% Unallocated Program
and Administrative Support
0.9% Amortization
For more information on our financials,
please visit www.marchofdimes.ca
to obtain an electronic copy of our
2008-2009 Annual Report.
AMG Medical Inc.
March of Dimes Canada is very excited about our
new partnership with AMG Medical. AMG Medical
has been a national partner of Rock for Dimes
since May 2009 and will be donating a portion of
sales from its Airgo Rollators, Airgo Canes and
AquaSense Bath Seats to March of Dimes Canada.
To learn about the products and supplies that
are a part of this wonderful program, please
visit www.amgmedical.com.
Why I Am a Monthly Donor
Continued from page 4
accessible travel group. March of Dimes staff take
care of all the paperwork and provide attendant
services, so travelers’ only responsibility is to
enjoy their trip.
“The staff is so outstanding, I never had to worry
about anything, we were just able to relax and
have a wonderful time – I am getting up there in
years and would never be able to take Barb on a
vacation by myself,” says Joan.
Joan recommends monthly giving as a great
alternative for people who find it challenging to
make a lump sum donation once or twice a year.
“I am so thankful to everyone at March of Dimes –
they have helped us in so many ways,” says Joan.
“I want to be able to support such a wonderful
organization, in whatever small way I can, so the
monthly donation is perfect for me. It is not an
intimidating amount to give each month, and you
know that in the end, you are making a significant
contribution to a great charity,” she continues.
To learn more about becoming a monthly donor,
or to increase your gift, please call
1-800-263-3463 ext. 7382 or e-mail
[email protected].
...other ways to give, your money at work, recognition and personal stories
The Dime Times
Spokesperson, William Shatner
Continued from page 1
is the best use of this crazy, non-logical thing
called celebrity. As I was saying, you cannot
help everybody, and the selection process (for
supporting a charity) can be somewhat mystical
– it could be that you have an identification
with people who already support the charity,
or it has helped family or friends. Deciding what
makes a charity appealing can sometimes be
a haphazard process. If using my name may
help more people support March of Dimes,
well, that is terrific.
March of Dimes: What do you think are the
biggest obstacles for people with disabilities?
Fall 2009
William Shatner: I think it can become
overwhelming to have to deal every day with
the obstacles faced by people with disabilities.
So remaining positive – and the more we can
do to help (March of Dimes consumers) to stay
positive, the better off we all are. And yet, it is
easy for us who are not living with a disability
to say that, so it is difficult to really know.
charitable giving high on our list of priorities.
March of Dimes: Thank you very much for
your time and thoughtful words.
William Shatner: Thank you for taking the
time to speak with me.
March of Dimes: Do you have any message
you would like to send out to March of
Dimes supporters?
William Shatner recently recorded a new series
of public service announcements which will be
rolled-out on television stations and websites
over the next year.
William Shatner: In these difficult economic times,
giving to charity often becomes a lesser priority.
But for the people receiving the benefit – their
need doesn’t change, in fact, it often becomes
greater. So I believe it behooves us all to make
March of Dimes Canada is tremendously grateful
for Mr. Shatner’s support and thanks him for
his ongoing contribution to enhancing the
community participation and independence of
Canadian children and adults with disabilities.
March of Dimes Helps Tens of Thousands of People Each Year:
AccessAbility Services offers a full range of options to help remove
the barriers of everyday life for people with physical disabilities.
These include:
Independent Living Services offers community-based services for
people with physical disabilities and/or acquired brain injuries,
seniors and the medically fragile. Services include:
•Assistive Devices Program
•Home & Vehicle Modification Program
•DesignAbility Program
•Barrier-Free Design Consultation Services
•Attendant Services
•Acquired Brain Injury Services
•Northern Medical Clinics
•Information Services
For more information: 1-866-765-7237 or e-mail [email protected]
For more information: 1-800-263-3463 or e-mail [email protected]
Conductive Education is an innovative program that combines elements
of education and rehabilitation to help children and adults with neurological
conditions improve mobility and increase independence.
Peer Support Services provides information, resources and support for polio
and stroke survivors, their families, caregivers, and health care professionals.
Expanded programs such as Polio Canada ® and Stroke Recovery Canada
are now available across the country.
For more information: 1-800-263-3463 or e-mail [email protected]
Employment Services helps people with disabilities develop employment
plans, overcome employment barriers and prepare for a return to the
workplace after an illness or injury. These services include:
•Assessment Services
•Return to Work Services
•Diskovery Job Skills Training
•Job Development & Placement Services
For more information: 1-800-263-3463 or e-mail [email protected]
For more information on Polio Canada®, please call the toll-free
Warmline® at 1-800-480-5903 or e-mail [email protected]
For more information on Stroke Recovery Canada® please call the toll-free
Warmline® at 1-888-540-6666 or e-mail [email protected]
Recreation & Integration Services enhances the quality of life of people
with physical disabilities by providing recreational activities, friendship
opportunities and social integration. Services include:
•BeFriending Program
•Summer and Winter Holiday Programs
•Out-Trips and Social Clubs
For more information: 1-800-263-3463 or e-mail [email protected]
We wish to thank our donors for their continued support of our vision of improving the lives of people with physical disabilities.
With your help, we are now able to serve a wide range of people in more ways than ever before (see chart on page 5).
Visit www.marchofdimes.ca/volunteering to learn how you can help
www.marchofdimes.ca / 1-800-263-3463
The 5th Annual TD Challenge Barbeque
For the 5th straight year we fed hungry
Torontonians! Thursday June 18th, 2009 marked
the 5th Annual TD Challenge Barbeque, and
despite some wet and cool weather, the event
was a great success! Partnering with March
of Dimes, TD staff welcomed the downtown
business community while hosting a cook-off.
In addition, we held the draw for our 2009
Summer Lottery, featuring a grand prize trip
to Athens and the Greek Islands!
Five teams, made up of staff from TD Securities,
TD Wealth Management, TD Corporate
Services Group, TD Retail Group and TD
Insurance challenged each other to raise the
most in lunch sales. Hamburgers, chicken and
veggie burgers, chips and soft drinks were sold
at the BBQ.
This year we were joined by a raft of celebrities
and sports mascots, including the Raptor,
Carlton the Bear from the Toronto Maple Leafs,
Duke the Dog from the Toronto Marlies and Ace
from the Toronto Blue Jays. Paul Rosen, gold
medal winning goalie for Canada’s paralympic
sledge hockey team was on hand to judge
the BBQ pits, and Bruce Turner, host of the
W Network hit television show, “Style by Jury”
was the fantastic emcee.
Team Members from TD Insurance enjoying the day
“TD has been a fantastic partner over the last
five years,” says Mary Lynne Stewart, Director
of Fund Development and Communications
for March of Dimes Canada. “We could not be
more grateful for their efforts – from the staff
who volunteer their time, the executives who
support the event, and to the thousands of
guests who come out to enjoy the BBQ.”
As well, a huge note of appreciation is sent to
our wonderful Co-Chairs, Theresa Bowman,
Kevin Whyte and David Fisher. We would also
like to thank Cathy Marcoccia and the entire
TD Employee Financial Services team for their
help processing the summer lottery tickets.
Photo credit: Dave Gillespie
A special thanks to our sponsors, European
Meats, Broil King, Coca-Cola Bottling
Company, Frito Lay, Cadillac Fairview, and
Tourcan Vacations, B. B. Authenticated,
and the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club
for their donation of Summer Lottery prizes!
(Above) Toronto Raptors mascot with March of
Dimes consumer Edward Sinco
(Left) Paralympic gold medalist Paul Rosen addresses
the crowd
Please visit www.marchofdimes.ca/events for a list of our upcoming special events
No Greater Love
Continued from front page
with funding from March of Dimes’ Assistive
Devices Program shortly after the move and
in March, 2006 received financial support from
March of Dimes’ Home and Vehicle Modification
Program to renovate the ground floor powder
room into an accessible washroom.
This crucial help allowed them to keep their
mother in the family home where she could be
cared for by loved ones. The local Community
Care and Access Centre provided two hours of
care each day, however, the sisters knew they
couldn’t provide additional care themselves.
Consequently, they applied for attendant care
through March of Dimes’ Independent Living
(IL) Program. Rehmat was put on a waiting list
and the sisters hired support staff from a local
agency to help during the day. In January 2009,
the family received the welcome news that their
mother had qualified for three hours a day of
To the generous people of March of Dimes:
I wish to send a heartfelt thank you for your
generous gift to purchase a two piece toilet
seat for me.
My physiotherapist told me to continue to use
the seat indefinitely as I risk re-fracturing my
spine if I move the wrong way.
It is through the kindness of March of Dimes
that disabled and elderly people can appreciate
your kind support.
Thank you!
Janet d’Amboise
support from March of Dimes IL attendants.
It has been a huge help for the family!
The sisters have been thrilled with the level of
care provided by their mother’s support staff.
“The staff are wonderful – they are professional
and experienced,” states Naz. “When I joined
March of Dimes close to twenty years ago, I
did not think even for a second that my fiercely
independent mum would become totally
dependent. I had not imagined that she would
become a consumer of most of the services
provided by March of Dimes. Without help
from March of Dimes, my mum would have
long been institutionalized and we would not
be able to give her the same level of care or
see her through these very difficult last years,”
says Naz. “Please accept heartfelt gratitude
and thanks from my husband, Jabin, and me
for the great work done by March of Dimes.”
Shamini from S.R.T. Med Staff (on left) and Jennifer
(on right) from March of Dimes, caregivers to
Rehmat Sameja
Upcoming Events
Rock for Dimes!
The corporate battle of the bands fundraiser is taking Canada by storm! To see when the
next event in your community is, or to hold one in your city, please visit www.rockfordimes.ca.
Exclusive Toronto Raptors March of Dimes
Discount Ticket Offer
As a friend of March of Dimes you are entitled to discounted
Raptors tickets! Please pass along this ticket offer to
any interested basketball fan. For more information
or to buy tickets please call 416-815-5636 or e-mail
[email protected].
We’ll see you at the game!
We thank you for your feedback and strive to make
The Dime Times interesting, informative and fun!
Please continue to send us your thoughts
by faxing us at 416-425-1920 or e-mailing
[email protected].
For a complete and up-to-date listing of our upcoming special events and fundraisers,
or to become a volunteer please visit our website at www.marchofdimes.ca/events
or call 1-800-263-3463.
Donor Privacy Statement:
March of Dimes Canada respects your privacy. The information you provide to us will be utilized to process your gift and issue
a receipt, provide you with additional information about our work and request support from you to further our mission to help people
with physical disabilities. Occasionally,we exchange our donor files with other charitable organizations. If you do not wish your name to
be used for one or all of these activities, please call Donor Services at 1-800-263-3463. For more information on our privacy policy, visit
our Web site at www.marchofdimes.ca.
March of Dimes Canada complies with Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.