Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez:
A Man Who
Cesar Chavez
Children learn about a man who fought for the rights of farm workers.
by _______________
Facts to Shareccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c c c c
Cesar Chavez helped
When Cesar Chavez was young, his Mexican-American family owned an
Arizona farm and grocery store. During the Depression, they had to sell their
property due to financial hardships. They then moved from farm to farm
looking for work picking fruits and vegetables. His experience as a migrant farm
worker led Chavez to try to improve the lives of farm workers. He organized
the United Farm Workers, a group that held protests, strikes, and boycotts in an
effort to get better housing, pay, and working conditions for field workers.
For each child:
c booklet patterns
(pages 79–81)
c scissors
c crayons
To share:
c stapler
Introducing the Activity cccccccccccccccccc ccc c c c c c
After sharing facts (above and at left) about Cesar Chavez, work with children
to come up with words or phrases that describe some things that he helped to
change for farm workers, such as housing, pay, education, and working conditions.
Write their responses on chart paper. Then review the list and discuss how
Chavez’s work helped to improve the lives of farm workers. Afterward, invite
children to make these booklets to share with family and friends.
What to Do ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c c
1. Cut out the booklet backing, cover, pages, and word boxes.
2. Follow these directions to complete each page:
cover: Write your name on the line.
More Facts About . . .
Cesar Chavez
• He left school after 8th grade to help
his family.
• He joined the Navy and served in
World War II.
• He inspired the public to boycott
grapes until workers’ conditions
pages 1, 3, and 5: Find the word that completes the sentence on each page.
Glue that word box to the page where indicated.
pages 2, 4, and 6: Draw a picture according to the directions.
page 7 and backing: Trace the words to complete the sentence. Then color
the backing and write your name on the author line.
3. Sequence the pages, stack them behind the cover, and staple them to the
backing where indicated.
4. Read the booklet together. Then form small groups and have children share
their booklets with each other.
• His lifelong motto was “It can be done.”
• In 1994—after his death—President
Clinton awarded him the
Congressional Medal of Honor.
Taking It Further ccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c c
Ask children to share why farm workers are important to everyone. List their
ideas in the center of a sheet of chart paper, leaving wide margins around the
edges. After reviewing the list, invite children to draw fruits and vegetables in
the area around the listed words to create a colorful border. Then display the
chart with the title “Farm Workers Are Fabulous!”
Book Breakcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c c
Cesar Chavez by Susan Eddy (Children’s Press, 2003). Simple text and
photographs tell the story of this Hispanic-American civil rights worker.
Literacy-Building Booklets: Famous Americans © Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Teaching Resources
c Cesar Chavez Booklet Patterns c
Cesar Chavez
cared about
by _______________
Cesar Chavez:
A Man Who
booklet backing
Staple pages here.
Literacy-Building Booklets: Famous Americans © Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Glue word box 2 here.
He helped them
get fair
Glue word box l here.
Cesar Chavez helped
Draw money.
Draw farm workers.
c Cesar Chavez Booklet Patterns c
Literacy-Building Booklets: Famous Americans © Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Teaching Resources
Draw a house.
Glue word box 3 here.
He helped them get
better places to
c Cesar Chavez Booklet Patterns c
word box l
word box 2
word box 3
Literacy-Building Booklets: Famous Americans © Lucia Kemp Henry, Scholastic Teaching Resources