c VW' • 7i.-/..«-:.r..^-.-."-?.:f'-'..-•.'".• ••'&J.!'.liyajiteJL^ikin^ii'r,it J?jisi'j-i"»siiVit'ii-.J'iiai-JJJi!JJ**.S»i •• •'"•"'••"••fl-^"lia* aniiAiij*!iiSj!• J . * 3 i C _ ^ - M i v . ^ i ^ ! i - ' ; i « f . ; . t ^ i i j ^ i - J ^ i i ^ i • • • • ' • • • . • • nGtfC TA3LEStetais; mS buft. 334-6313. ' wii«'i. • y- t a n y Keadl-ln-8116 • .• • ,'ORiALDAV,vS offics wJil bo £jfg|g3 closed ?Aay 27.-• a CaraiGei!tofta;M. May 21 al Hun' H H 46th Year, No. 28 rtay 22,1996 WON LAKE PUISi.-J LCHARY ^^^^^^^aiSfyi^^ Serving Avon • Avon Lake'•* Sheffield> Sheffield Lake O 1995. in lorain Cowrty Community Pulse |...And Opinion RJ.H. Avon Lake teachers, board reach tentative contract agreement. The ten* tative agreement "has the potential" to retain the 18 teachers who were given layoff notices affective for the end of the school year, said Board President Teny Ryan. Mar&thon negotiations Monday night finally ended at l a.m. Tuesday. Ryan said the ALZA representatives aro tafci"g the tentative ag>«ement to thatr bargaining unit on Thursday, May 30. After this mooting, the school board will meet to officially decide on the Ryan would not comment on whether the teachers took pay freezes. cuts or other concession* in order to prevent the IsyoHs of their colleagues. This Information was received just as our paper was going to press. More vnaf* please. Area residents wlH bo pleased to find out the Cltgo station located at the corner or Lake and Moors roads will soon be beck in oporation. Residents who travel that area of Avon Lake have really missed this gas station. At one timo. Avon Lake bad nearly 12 places in town where they could fill 'er up. Today, the community has only three — tho return of the Cltgo location will, of course, bump that total to four. T V nsw and Unproved Cltgo station will feature the availability of some retail apaca and Is expected to open in mid- to lato July. Half MastT Had a few calls to our office this past week asking why the Hag at Veterans' Memorial Paik and Avon Lake City Hall won at half mast. According to Mayor VTnce Urbin the flag was lowered In honor of National Police Memorial Day. This day is Ml aside In honor of police officers across the notion who were killed in the linn of duty. Over the years, Avon Lake Chief of Police Davo Owad was a regular in Washington to observe the celebration of the day. Due to Owud's responsibilities as chief, he was unable to attend this year. A reminder — The ALFD is around town flushing Ore hydrants. This Is a safety measure that will rile the water In the system. The ALFD wants rest' Thi? property on Jay cox Rd. is the former hoc*G ol Andre Rison and Lisa Lopes of TLC. Rison's Dakota office, tho realtor who sold RLwn the hotJ» and is now suUiit^ itfrrhim. "Somecno asked me the o&er day if it MUS truathe actcr. Kevin Costner. had AVON LAKE — Four or w/poaf. 5.5 bought it." Wllli said. "Not sa. You baZhs,hit-*iiapedtiibfr2 mid JX*O hear Albert Belle is ^jolng to move on hndstMptfd lot — \o tho ivest sidy and will buy it-That'c : perhaps, at tills low price! not au eilber; But purple loyai to talk. The four-bodroom hom» of Andre :. about If' •. Rison at 322f>2 Dakota Run has toon ' Rison hoaght tho house Jc* S7GO.0DO uazked . down from 58S0.CCO to .last yea'i Just before the sef/son coiner S7W.0OO. ,; ' ' for tiiCVxovna-— his new team after six And despite ptfirsistent rumor!.- it has yearV with the Atlanta Falcons. not beeit sold to a celsb-jty, mid Greg Th»| 2a-year-oltl wld? rect^voi could WU1U of the Realty One Bay Village By Revert Penidc . Qironicte-Tdegmi} afford iL I Us contract was ^st^mated at 517 -.111111011 — inrJinling a. AS nulttan s i t i n g bouu5- "And they .made seme nice improvements ;n the cause," Willis said. To call It a rxiansica is no! u mafia exaggeration. SlttUi^ on a l^ndscap^J. one-jicre lot off Jaycox Rotd. tho boujte hax Tour bedrottms. five ftropbees. th^ii wet bars end sevon walk-in closets. The fcitr-car gcuage icdudes a workshop ibr'the home handypurson. '.. ThereV a, 17-by-33-foot iuaodr po<A ..,.,''' Continued on psjs 8 fro By Heather Rotx Jumbo-tronned Susan KScjore of tho Avon Lfttcs FuUiro Business traders of America throw out the first pltcfi at Avon Late Ni^it at Jacobs Ftold on Wednssday, May 15. Check cut Kngore's KuPAibalt in this waek's sports secton. PRESS photo — David Brandt •..-• • • AVON — AT4T and CEl's plim to amcl commwiicmUons toivars in residential areas has council munbers and re^idon'jt electrified. Cecrgo HovamlX 38457 Detroit KtL. lives just east of the CEI substation acrwa from Arondalo golf courso. He listed sovsral complaints about tho propO5«d 190foot tall tower including: devaluation of the property aioufid tho tower; precedent boing set for lowers in roaidontial. not industrial, areas; health and safety hai> ordi from nicrownve trannmiision and the possibility of the towur crashing: and the liobHity of the city If it approves tho prcjoct. George Tilbcrg.' CEI spokesperson, said if the tower wn.i a safety risk, enginoers would not allow It. Ho said three towers fire already there and were there before the homes around the substation were built; the proposed tower would "intermingle and co-exist with existing oquipmout." ho said. Continued on page 0 Continued on page 16 Sheffield Lake to receive $187,©3© for additional police ' tho total salary and benefits for each officer over a three-year poriod. up to a maximum of 375,000 per officer. Tho SHEFFIELD LAKE — Safety Director remaining portion of tao salaries and Michael Fusco announced last week that the city Is the recipient of a benefits are to be paid by the state or city. S1B7.000 grant from COPS (ofHco of Fusco naid the giant wilt finance tho Community Oriented PoUdr/i saiaric3 snd benefits for two full-time Services/U.S. Deportment of Justice. and one part-timo officer. Fusco has not that will allow hiring aiore police. detormined how thoremainingoneThe grant covers up to 75 percent of By JoAnna Easterday quarter will be financed. "In tho last six monlhs. with tho support ant! approval of the mayor, we have movoa the safety director's posiMan from a largely ceremonial, parttime position, to one of nc'ual responsibility." Fusco told City Council. Additional training for firefighters, paramedics and police officers has been ongoing. A hydrant testing proce- dure for both flow and volume has been established, firefightbg gear has been upgraded, and ambulance service to S i John West Shore Hospital has been established, he pointed out. The hot box for road repair was purchased for $10,833. When Son-ice Director William Gardner was asked what streets are first on tho list to get Continued on page 8 y2:«;Js • . ^ # i i t ^ $ | ® ^ v/ua caused bj- M old cbtem. The'owner lock officers to ari-mph* .ct. b«bng\au t o anathur property owner, noxi dcor and showed thaia an old. dafuncl well partly sealed nvilh a [Mr Thn cvd weiila pro* ing an attractive nuisance to miighburhaod children who take the sandstone block off and play aioiiid the wait, the resident said. GHIcws took, photos of the well. The matter has been bvought to the attention of tho safety director. Family limd An argument between two brothers in the early morning hours lasl Thursday haa police knocking on Ska dcor of their Roberti Street home. Thti ytiungexbrolb.es:; 17,'was bleeding from a puncture wound in his right elbow. Khe nssu!l, he jaid. of his older brother. 23, having fluag a Phillips screwdriver SHEFFIELD LAKE POLICE BLOTTER up. Th» officer' knew she was in us shape ti> cJainbef over the rocks and up the eaihankms:!!. so he called the fire department which brought ropes and a body harness oiil. The weman. 3-4. was put into the body harness and hauled up. Sh» v.as charged I'wiih disordcily conduct and taken to Lorain Community/St. Joseph Hospital al her reque.it for an evaluation snd possible help for her alcohol [vroMen*. Add test An ofacer on patrol slopped a car with three youths ir. it on Irving Park Blvd. and Pis*twoad Avenue thu ht hin ' evening of May 10 because he knew the driver's license, .had been suspended. The 23-year-old w a goiio when <alfiDuring a pat-down, oue of the pasC373 arrived, but camsfaaroalater to tell sengers, 16. waa found to bo carrying a his side of the story. His younger brothpot pipv and two packets of rolling er had been badgering him, and in a Et papers. Ke was arrested for possession of OPXBT he threw the screwdriver at of drug paraphernalia. But that wasn't him. he said. all he had. This was noS thought a satisfactory Wnile ho was being hooked, another explanation. Officers charged the 23officer found a plastic cigarette wraoyear-old with aggravated assault and per with a small square of white paper domestic violence. The screwdriver in it. and recognized it as LSD. The was tagged into evidence. youth denied the stuff was add but the officer, using e narcotics identification Hoist needad kit. tested the paper positive for LSD. Ac intoxicated woman had to be The youth was then charged witli hoisted up tha lake bank May 14 after possession of controlled substances. an officer found her lying on a concrete The driver was died for driving under Diet at Community Park. Tha officer suspension. had to climb down an embankment and over s uries of large boulders to get to Tlrstale the woman, who was lying under a log ;! with • bottle of vodka. Uireo-qusrters An officer was ' petroling tha empty, between her logs. Shcreway Shopping Center Ma? 10 at about 3:15 a-m. wt-*n a young man l o e wonan proved combative and haled bid ovnr to the Windjammer uncooperative and wtw unable to stand Apartments. "i warn something dan a about this car parked in my spot." the man dtfclivr&d. pointing to a rt-d Fotd LTD.' The officer suggested this was a iiiatIvt lu b« brought !o the alli-mion of the building manager and bade the young man good night. , About ten minutes later, -ha officer pulled into the Windj-unmer parkang lot and saw the LTD with no rear licema pbt« and four flat tires. The officer got oiit to take, a look at this and saw that the1 tires had bwn flattened by removing tha valve stems atid caps frcm fiach tire. Just then, the fellov/ who'd complained about 1tire LTD feeing parked in his spnee cam ) anund the sida cf the building. Th« afiicer not unnaturally •-vondarsd whether ho had anything lo do with this. At Drat the man stoutly denied the deed, but thiiv admitted he had flattened the car's tires to "leach thom a lesson for parking in my spot." He had dona '.: before ana would do it again, he vowed. He pulled the v«ive stems out of hi? pocket and handed them to the officnr all the while filming that the parking apot was his and that the other guy had no right to be thare. The officer reminded tho man that damaging other people's property v/as against tho law. "They shouldn't park in my spot." responded the man. who seemed to have a ane-track mind on the subject. He denied ripping the license plate off but his tiro-flattening activities were enough to get him charged with criminal mischief. FtueBkhed The manager of the Rite Aid pharmacy In the Snoreway Shopping Center spotted a man in the automotive aisle sLp an emergency fuse with a puller Into his boot, this on May 14. When the manager ailed the fellow about this, ha admitted to filching the fuse, explaining that be had DO money GREAT on the GRILL MEAT WE1NERS Yecchh A Harris Road man m?de the unpleasant discovery May 14 that somebody had taken two quarts of molw oil from his pickup, parked in hii driveway, and poured them all over the inside of the truck. Whoever committed this misdeed also apparently cracked the windshield with a rock, which was on the hood. Burglary beat When an Irving Pzrk Blvd. man discovered his VCR missing from his apartment on May 11. bo didn't pay it •much mind, thinking *£gt a family member had borrowea i t Two days later, though, he came home to find a siweo AM-FM receiver. a cassette deck, a CD player and two stereo speakers gons. Figuring this was the work of bad guys, he called the copa who found a bedroom screen cut. They surmised that the intruders pushed open the bedroom window. A Lakeside 10 resident left his truck unlocked in the building's parking garage May 14. The next morning it was minus his JC Penney bluo winter jacket. a checkbook, a set of keys and a pair of sunglasses. A young woman, babysitting two children at her mother's house on Crantwood Avenue May 11. found evidenca of a break-in mia-moming when she returned homo with tho kids from a trip to the grocery store. A back door had baen forced op«n and part of tho molding ripped away but nothing seemed to be missing from the house. BONUS SIZE PLOCHUArrS La SQUEEZE MUSTARD SPRITE. DIET COKE or VLASIC COCA COLA .2 LITER HEFTY FOAM PLATES ALL FLAVORS Q to pay for it. An officer escorted the man to In* station where he gavo his right name but wrong ase< sayi^S h e w a s 17 - A check d his Social Security number ihroueh the computer revealed the man to be 19. Ho was charged with theft and. lor his fib about his age. obstructing official business. DRINK GAL ALL VARIETIES RUFFLE'S POTATO CHIPS 14 0 POPSICLE BRAND OPEN PIT «#V7O BflR-B-Q SAUCE SHERBET CYCLONES BCT.'Z79 AVON LAKE SHEFFIELD LK. 137 LEAR RD. 933-2718 4786 LAKE RD. 949-7631 SWEET RELISH VLASIC HAMBURG DILL CHIPS KIT KAT, MOUNDS or REESE PEANUT BUTTER CUPS m «fe^eo leoz. $ 1 6 9 nvenient Food Man Fd M > . . • • , ( ' .'i*jffi;j!>*-7; •".! -•}'. . The FKESS wricomcs Irtttfrs to the «fit&r and news Ittfirw. • AH tetters and t a n refc**» must fc^s TiTED DOUBLE-SPACED. p jtnd j elgrutwe for verifii*tJoflUtters *ia be cAKed fw brevity and dirttya" rumo c*n be wtthMd upon • AJI tMms m » t tw InfcyThursday 5 pjn. • Send I V M relejses *rid IrtWrs to; THE TTZS5,7D. Cac 300. Awn Lake. Chi) 44012. or tika t*wn to our office jrt 150 Lejr Ke*d durinj offte Van* (9 *m, to S p j n , Mcsrdiy^rid.iy) StalioQ. Anyone interested in helping can contdd K- Brady. President of ihe French Creek Development Association at 937-5958. Karen Drady. French Creek Development Sheffield Lake pride shines To the Editor Sheffield Lake Prido Day. on Saturday. May 11. was gloomy and cold, but the pride of the city shined anyway. Oil. anti-Ereezs. brush, used bath tuha . ' • • • : ; . • • • - - . - { y - ' • . ' ; and other yard wastes were dep<nit3d in four dumpntera. two manned by DFI at no charge to the city. But the true light was the performanco of the volunt&erv from AfSCME Union Council ' 8 . the Chamber of Commerce and tha VFW: who adopted Lincoln Park for the year. Three young adults. Noah '\atulege, Deana lentile and Chad Morrison, should be singled out for their pride. They were involved with the completion of three clean-up projects: Idlewood in both Sheffield Vifiage and Sheffiold Lake. Hawthorne and Tennyson and Lincoln in Sheffield VACATION Companies donate to City Halt landscape project To the Editor To kick oV. tha start of our landscape project for Avon City Hall, what boiler diy to start than Lorain County Pride D«y on May 11? Tha French Cniei. Development Association with tha b?lp of Avon High School students and "Garden Club members dug thair way into a more teeutiful Avon City Hsll landscape. OUT behixtd'the-ccanes support came from the companies that donated soil, shrubs and flowers. Thanks to Allen Greenhouse. Avon/Lakawood Nursery, Gerbers. Kraker Nursery, Piazzas. Radkes. Sunbeam Gardens and Wlbon ft Sons. Our special thanks to Doug Mcursr. expert landscaper and Avon resident who donated his time to riftirfgri our landscape plan. We a n working on this project In thrm phases. Phase one was completed on May 11. and this fall a more nxtaasirv portion or phase H is planned. Phase III will be planting la^er trees and creating decorative garden mounds around Avon City Hall and Ihe Fire is OOST ARDUHD BRUSNAHAN & STUART ATTORNEYS AT LAW • : . . Richard P. 5tu*rt 158-A Lear Road Avon Lake, Ohio 44012 Lake. Mayor Gary L. Mingeo provided breakfast and a warm lunch on a cold day- WiUiiua Gardner. ShufEald Lake S«rv lea Director Library deserves our support To tho Editor: What U a bargain? Is It something scratched, dented, ugly, leftover, or cheap? Oi is It the large, economy sua which gives the most value for the money? Some Avon Lake dlio'ns seem to think that it is Ihe first others, who voted for tho library levy and who will voto "yes" again, believe ihe second. Avon Lakers are proud of their expanded library. Tha library board did an outstanding job of getting the most for our money. And tie building did not havo any cost overruns or deLws. And it's open seven days a week, offerb"\H something for everyone in the community, from Pre-school Story Hour to Iho lively Avon Lakers. Where eUo can you read books, magazines, newspapers, even catalogs for freof Vidao tapes. CD's, audio tapes, puppets and pesters: we got a great deal for a minimum expease in tax dollars. No computer, copier, or bx at home? Try the library. Avon Lakers on a fixed income would have to pay much more than the dollars the levy will ccst them if they had to pay full pticj for these products and services. As for those who believe that only Avon Lakers should use the library facilities free, do you go to Huntingdon Brach? Or to the Lake Erie Stienco Center? You did not pay for either even though your local tax dollars do not support them. Our big. beautiful bargain belongs to all of us. It deserves our financial Irene Sbuster Fresh ingredients -. totophomemade crusty made .daily for your family, plways ; 0v reasonable.,; stop by • -i • and see for yourself. \* I ZZ'A 153 Lear Rd.; Avon LaRct Ohio • 933-8154 933-8 930-2600 CRIMINAL DEFENSE . Felonies • Misdemeanor • DUI/Traffic • Appeals 37IQO C Raofce 6 l l Avon- O ^ Office Hours: 9flO - 5flO Monday thru Friday Evening and Week-md Appointments Available Albert P. Zafceiv 9.D.S. 20 Years In Private Practice GROWING 10,000 SHADE > & FLOWERING TREES LSV Do-It-YourscIforWc T^TTTT>CT7T>V I Can Deliver and Plant IDentistry For Adults & children "New Patients Welcome__ 934-4900 ^JTr^fi***},^ J2"CAUBER TREE or Larger $20 OffTree Purchase onr $500 of 2" CaL or larger V™" Delivery not included. Not valid with any other discounts C" ofFcrs. Coupon Expira June3.199C 1-90 to Exit 611 1/2 mile south ofDetroitRd. Ask About Guaranteed Low Prices HOURS: 8-4:30 Mon.-Fri., 10-4:30 Sat. Evenings & Sundays by Appointment 2980 Stoney Ridge Road. Avon Evening and Saturday Hours "*VC'i *i*^lti Laura's Learning Trcehouse Call 934-NDS (5*37) AccepUng Human Service Contracts Register Now For FaDi Program Only $20forEarly Registration a $5 Savings! OStr Btpir« 6-1 J-9ff Sammer Program. BegijfifjtiafejW -Hours 6 : 3 0 ^ 5 ^ 5 ^ ^ Schoo limited Space. ' 'iViT "' 'liiSWVlV' fu ijtujt uv * ' " * i- u . ^ 4 . :•• •'. ••,'••' '••'•;'l jl-}*;..:.!,'.'^ • i c j ' . r ^ S f v ' . '•,'•,••:'",.Vil;';it:'.'.""".^,"".••"--". i-. 1 . 1 ''*/i;-.'-:" i .:.Vi"-". i !V. v':•.•"•'•---•: GOD Phone: 933-5100 Pax: 933-7901 P.O. Box 300 153 Lear Road Avon Lake, Ohio «012 Richard J. liansatx, Jr, RJ. (Dick) Ktmmtr, Sr, Pbund*r-1922-1959 DEADLINES NEWS ITEMS: Thursday — 5 p j n . ADVERTISING: Friday — Noon CLASSIFIEDS: Monday — 5 p j n . On Send No-era turns, Classifieds. Advertising aM Anidas tec Tha Pros* P.O. Box 300 Avon Lain, OH 44012 CITY SCHOOLS Wednesday, May 22, 7:30 pun. — Leerwood 7th and 8th flr**frn ln,ftpTTT<^iT«Hl Music Concart, auditorium auditorium u i c Concart, Thandy. h d Mty 23, 7 JO p^n. — Aron Lake High caily talenied students coma/ited the studio a-idience of tho Morning Exchange a» pail or ihe -Academic Day" far Gold Ciri wieners. Tbeso studunts have earned at least two 4 0 gr/da point averages during the 1 Vsl three grading periods this Aciiool year, and a* part , ' f the school'3 Renaissance program, wererewardedby pending the day in Clevuland. These outstanding students learned about facets ol live television production by witnessing a complete bi -iadcast of Morning Exchan^o with WEWS personaliti-M Coonio IDiektfn and Fred GrifTiths. Of particular interest was the fixating tour of the WEWS studios. Tho itudents «njoy»d learning about control room procedures and UM daily challenges faced by the show's producers and support crew. 1' was fun to see local calebnlies at work in the newsroom, taking time to welcome and recogniio us on the air. rasnk >ou Mcmii j Exchzngq! In thi afternoon, the easer students were given a fint-rsk tour of Cleveland's prizt-d ball park. Jacobs Field. Tl. ly had a behind-lhfr-scenes look at ibis amazing fad If y. Our jtudenls saw how the press and the privUega" weperienca Jacobs Field. Along the lour. t&B stops ind lea the club lounge, the press box mA tha dugout. S' idonts recognizea that an "todlaas game entails evet more production than Morning Exchange! The tour revealed that there is a flurry of activity at Jacobs Flald that extends far beyond the game itself. Sportswriters broadcasters and multitude service personnel wnrk ^ard to enhnnen our enjoyment of an Tnrfian* ganm. Tho ALHS community salutes the group of young people whn enjoyed this learning experience In Cleveland. The> are recognized as Renaissance Cold Card winners. K ."p op the good work! School Spring Choir Concert, auditorium Mood*-, May 27 — NO SCHOOL — MEMORIAL DAY PET CARE Diane Tarone Technician PractiUontr Many people Interact win their oew pupp)' ^ plaj-ing agaressi^^ly, such as a dialiengia? game cf tugof-vor. etc. while others may like lo cuddle and bold their puppy on their lap to nmVf him'bar f«l loved and protected. Aggreiiive behavior causes the puppy to think of you as anctbgr liftpf niale, *«fhiia cuddlLng often t*T™*teadsto a fearful pet Ovner*s feel that they ars doing ^vhafs best Ear the puppy, but these behaviors can eventually virork agsiinst you as the puppy grows up. rm-ring the puppy to lorn their focus on us a£ the leader, and become unsure ot 'jfhat is expected of than. When a puppy retrieves a ball and returns to their owner tire best iwird or motiv^iioi tha! tha puppy can get is Ids of przisa frcm the owatr. Tha gisaiert reward tin dog lecejiM fa hlsowrueril Ttilaraetoageis to you S3 a ivfcUc setrtat by Diane laro.38. TtdmJdmiFtaditionuTi Avon Ltka Animal Clinic, 124 W3kr Road. Avoti Uks, OH +KJ12. Phonos 91W237. DR. SCOTT H.SBPa OPTOMETWST School lunch on'.i (snhfect to diance] The foUowing u ibe menu for students grade 1-6: May 27 NOSCK.X)L—MEMORIAL DAY May 23 deli sand'.rich, soup, chips, fruit, nilk May 29 pizza, ai/i-on-o-log, fvuit. oatnunl cookJe. Complatfag *n •dscation at ATOD Laics High School May 30 macaron , w/sauce, garlic toast, orange It is late May and dose to tha end or tha regular school Taac Program Enala* m*JL cnd-of-tha-ya«r benMay 31 choice of »< .iwich w/ lettuca-tomato, fruit. <pati, antttt* and review hire bean happening far peanut butler pie. milk' > • tatam Haw now. Preparingfarthe "h"! THflrn nf + p Tha Sallowing Is the a nrafarstudents grades 7-12: l happvalugfa for 201 seniors who : Is A n a i u s Is also May 2? NO SCHOOL • MEMORIAL DAY wiH take fissl cams, complets course po)octi and May 28 Soup, hot ham''.bean on • ban. chips, fruit. partkiptts in variout cowmcnles. b/Ok Th« farm Laia tpbUnal connaimlty will help those May 29. taco salad on ta filla chips, corn,fruitjuice. ••niowtik* ahstUhy look at whan they have .been «nd w b m th«y • » going la lha fororo at the 1MB bacMay 30 French toast wf.v rrap, sairtage patty, fruit. caltnyMte cerwaooy. This event Is scheduled for Holy ik Splrfl Qrarcfa at 410 Lmx Rd.. Sunday. May 28.3 pjn. May 31 pizza,fruitJello. I This year's farynot* ipwakar will be Pastor Gary All schools farre 2% or skit; white or 1%, chocolate Schroadar of CUvur Baptist Church. ' ^\ Plane encour^B tha d a n of 1996 at Avon Laka High milk. School to taks part In this thoughtful avenl; they will b»jIadlh«yp«Ttidp«tadAvon talcs Hlfh School • — * — — T '•^gTHtifm If yoo fanad latoQiannal V* Hfnrpfng Kmhang* on May 7* perhaps «na saw soxa* fmniliar Avon Lake faces! Forty-two of Avon Lake High Schools most tcademl- Classifieds FOa THK WEEK OF MAT 23. IMS (Fov f^tf ptrtOwafiitq AdvJcanv IXxoo m '£-••'.• onaamicaar.) HATTY BZXTHDAY! W THX Some matters are simply tob private to share with strangers. "^L Txn iotl\ tcQ Ae vzm ndfMior your family Y ' •; m n t s , awl you pcobably wouldn't dmilge JL'^ pftvtte dead* of your life to ifat unhmllUr tit£i<>9 U » 4t the loul fast food retuonm. , talad,yn s h m yotr conAdenti>l thoogftti and ftafcflQ) Vhk A O K «ho v c d o m t to you, who are ; te»lte,»feb»ow about you because they V been tim with y m all aloof. f )t«iUni h n been there all tlong. In b e t JenlltH • fvneri! Qupel h « been wrvfnf wert tide communitks for mwe iron 60 yttn. Our parents may have Im&im yotff pareiki, and our children have probabfr pkjtd ^^di your children. We don i timf&t n«W a buiteeB peoenct in the area —• we We here, i«h« o v hmXbct here, we belong here. T l ^ h o w fame. And you are our neighbors. i_if-'if or r«forai * dcftoriMc tyiatA A t u o d u n wnj try le-dHtwiMrrv; ckMgs of camen win bras iocd ••*•** amaat Otoml W aM a*>-'i ^ • ' ' » - " ^ • - • - • • - — — -rmrm^ f j V M f •• W^IB* «BlfefaBBBBBk W U H f n # W a*|B a.paaP h r\ mtrmrkiAb* \t aj*— WkL4 *—^ ftw as^TanoanatajNMajiakaRi. oualy aba* MtOnf <Kwv A hen* aHUf win maiir ik* >•» aautM •arty ai 1_W7. Hrioing a tSwtaUt ctummu IOINON •* •-'— mtm - - - * — • — - i -— — -^— *?" .- LTHA (Siyt an altaw btat eaaten n >aa* ih« wty of ymr b*i*t pn1 daiai ovda apnly ferjaa rtlMkOo»iM joa «S*toWlfl Tim -r T DAYi BaMtaD ,-iJ ^ i = fUtaT^MOT SC0IIH0 (On. 23-Moiit^ J i CNN TomMT Jain. O m aawi aadur OtarpMri - - -ecmard»)w.«EarwViaofaW}a. hrra*idi! rte«nntiaaMBtiilKkN«aMacsrMa CM[I«M I m *D • »tea.S B V OMSafjaw cr«tolilM*«ai<tfncaiy| tilb. Yoc «iHramalM• n T _ , 'KAn yw««*«)«aiaadpmfac«««.ltftMt of i W ^ n d o U wiU work niracln with raw co-werkm. A •*"towh waHiny hr row •> nafct CA/WCOBN I l k . 234a. Hli"/'^ O* flfrt n w . Tcca* iteiU kao* O ttey m mponiiblc for dMit VWi. Y M art oa roar way » _ Out JAlt So when yourfihikabout the very prime outttt of funeral service pUnning, consider Jenkins Funeral Qupd. V e will fMt you through the option, and help you to make informed dechtom that are in the bert tntema of your bmUy! Afttr all, we are not nnng-n. You ctn turn to in for help tnd well be there. At caring friendi thoutd. ? * . ••'.• " ; • • As we told your parents, *nd as we are proud to tell you, well be here when you need ut. Keith Jenkins, Quries Lokarjhn Olmore. John Bender, Don Clauner. JENKINS V* operand tW Ant tmhidmet «micc hi Vntfakt -j' FUNERAL CHAPEL. INC. 2914 DOVCT Center Road, 871-071! G C M I M ( M » 21.J.M3O): fa&aj yoar a j k A ^ ^ T t o W le«ol«* ) « ( fMiuir ia lolvini a paankfaatowwrJon. bwMMU prottem. A budpt rtvfem AQCAJUUS Ota. 20*th. l l r eBUjdeomcideae* m»y haw ban CAHCEX fJww 2|.J«1| M): SwUnty j o .fcdBWA baocr abM >*affiaancn.Do ant can caution to Mnw m M ukk moMjr far LEO (My 23-Aaj, ZTjc K m , . -• -f - - - *^ yftBaaboaaaitBildtJ rr-^iriiiiniMilianiajilaj Yoar Mi fccinsi m I M I M a aoi ba laaomL Hc««*«r. li*C wten tbariag yoar ncuoootm. *tf By Marcella Grande AVON LAKE — U.S. customs agents explained to City Council .Monday night how ihsy would lite to employ Smoko. tho ALPD's narcotics-sniffing police dog. for random cargo checks ai the airport John M. Regan, port director, said Smoka and his handler. Officer Carl Ketterer. would be asked to come to the airport oa a monthly basis ft first. Smoke Mould sniff cargo in the baggage/conveyor bolt area — tho part thai U concealed from travelers. "He wouldn't bo seen by people." Regan said. Customs agunt Tom Novak said two . other police dogs in the Greater Cleveland area ciiy be utilized along with Smoka for random, occasional cargo checks. Customs may arrange to borrow the services of the Cuyahoca County Sheriffs omen's canino unit and the East Cleveland canine unit. Richard Sieeel. customs agent, said Customs would pay the dry for the cacino handler's overtime, plus any cash saimres found by Smoke would be shared with the police department. Siegol indicated seizures would have to be put bock Into Improvements for the department — "Tfou could use it for equipment, dog food-." Stegel said. Novak learned about the Avon Lake police department's acquisition of Stroke Ihrough The PRESS. An Avon Lake resident. Novak said he wanted bis community to benefit from this opportunity. Kstterer. who supports the extra airport duty, said Smoke can detect most illegal drugs and continuously receives high grades from test trials. Smoke has several certifications. "He detected burnt marijuana seeds in a car ash tray from outside of the vehicle." Ketterer said Although he ii not certifu'd ta local..1 p«oplf. ho hii3 been very successful at this laik as well. Ketlerer said Smalm helped search a local industry after a burglary was rspoited and completed the search in 20 minute-s wherras the search would haiie normally taken four or five palrolruen up to two houis. Customs agents indicated that information learned through dog searches would be shared with other agencies such as ihn Drug Enforcement Agency. Smoke is net trained to detect expfosivts. Ketterer said. If council were to approve the agreement. Siegel said Chief (David] Owad would have the last word. Chief Owad is ia favor of Smoke's periodical freelance assignment with Customs. ROOMS OF CARPET W/PAD TRUCKLOAD BUY! 7000 YDS now $ | Great Colors! Up to 40 sq. yds. Values ID S9.99sq.yi CERAMIC REMNANT BLOWOUT! in other business 9 Council discussed tho addition of • 52-spacu parking lot .vound the eastern perimeter of Miller Road Park. More parking Is needed to accommo date increased usage and more use anticipated alter the fishing plor is built. Councilman Greg Zilka contended that tho newest parking lot proposal detracts fmm the park setting because it would oa;upy a great deal of green space. "Voj're basica).^- destroying the feel of a lakeside parC" Zilka said. "We'll sao tho tail end of can from one end to the other. It'll look like a shopping center.' Mayor Vines Urbin replied. "This is the least harmful type of parking arrangement to provide. The mayor empathized with Zilka but stressed that sacrifices must be made, saying park attendance has steadily increased. The latest parking lot revision was to have been presented to Planning Commission last night. CARPET & TILE LIQUIDATORS HujidiEds to C&aose From Is la caastam rantad with s a p p t a mills, hi maaafectamtopcrctoseflooringat iamtJfliia Wsfrcrin tnailua quantities and paw tin urinos catoJBQ! Corns s « ital n hm to cfler! No fri aininung $250. Prior sales MMWMPIT FOOD MAHT COUPOW EXPIRES MIDNiGHTS/gOgC Two 2 Utersjrf FAYGO only with purchase of $10.00 or more of Chester Fried Chicken UMnTWO2UTERSPERCOUPON HOTWIIMS? K47B6 lJVKEI^^949^7631: "7/06 Week'* Special 12" PIZXA •ft atoms' closes Gflt your family or your friends together and plan la attand one of the final throe perfcraiaaces of A Bad Year > fur Tomatoes, 'currently playing at the Old Flrehouw Theater. U you're looklag for tn evealog of fun to I&ka your mind cGycur daily stres4«. or you just vnnl ts gfft out of Iha houw on a spring "^""'Ttg. (his IJ t t o plnr*i to go. WacJo Hubbord plays a handyman who has mat tfw lady of his dreams, and comos a carting h ttw comedy A Bad Year tor Tomatoes, axrertfy playing al Tho Old Firohous* Theater. Dreu casually, don't pay for parking, buy a coffee or coto Irom the Girl Scowls at intermi«ian and give your* self a doui of laughter—which they say is tho beat medicine. Meet a man who wlls manure, ths Hospitality ladin. a famous T.V. actreii. and a lady who dabblej ii: the occult. Final weekend lickali can b« obtained from Eastern Star. 933-5693 for Friday. May 2-*. Saturday. May ZS is spcmond by Gammc Rho. ana scats niay be reserved by calling either 9333.HG or S33-6479. Tha Sunday maline* am be purchased by calling Martha Devotion Huntingtoa OAR Chapter, 9U3-4059. Evening perfofmancca begin at 8 p-m. a t d matinees a! 2:30 p-m. If you n«ed asilitance with any oi iha aboro numbers, call 933-WW9. ^-'-J-'J Lf JagJgRi!l!Hg?^j«7rgw:^:gr.^ : Best kept secret LCCC Academy lor Sc.~-- — --. - — Ucyd Wtigrs "Bast Ktpt SacrcT* in Parrtfyharta. Wiutfy Bvav/ona t r o r i a&out Frank LJDyd racansy paopM haavd of anonar aKfuacnxaJ wondar caAad Kantudt KroO. ofxn t* ju*J fcur io L x f t m * . Lord Prter Pabunto. I cpons ka » » puMc r a monn.fciadd-on to 9*a hcusa ffia« ara toJpbxi an * a * a arti 1XC0 Tha Acadwny lor Sanon of IXCC ra* fpaca Ubi S P t r t ( on Jww 11. 12 & I X Voes » bod. areucfc Knob and F*arytmi*t j-oml A A o c r n K j c u n n group wfl * W hts*Jtt> cal ttsas wTx» indbda Bnddock^ Uorunant, r » NUcnai Fta*J arO Caorga Airtwnn Rebels ThaAuunn Rabat*, a sotiot d^> Icr n r i o i ».jf 50. wa t i m : on TU*K3»^ May 2A. d nxxi in Tha Bam. 37711 Oatros Rd. Eritycc* b walooma. Rtcfart and B « y Baroman wM spat* *Ecc(ffieiraxponancas on a racant hip » Souji Africa. Tha* program «dl 6a pnwantad afar Via aabradkj^ch. Raaansaonstor*w K 5 5 tnaal »f» rwqunxi Cal Sa Warrwi al 934-4445 by U*y20 G njenjjox applications avsllabh PotiJona ara f&a avaialXa tor lumrmr ampJoymar* « a i fta Graanbcx Prognwn. Tha prognm runs Uonday t v j Friday fcwi J J » IT Vru jLfy 2ft AJ appteaJons muss ba 15 yaan cta&f Tm bal day d sdvoL Afffeaflons arr avaitatSa at S u Avon i x U HJgn School Gxidanca Offica. Cay Ha0. or ftxcraaflon Oapartnant Oaadlfcia. AppOcBlona nun ba raUT«d ks r « RaoriKflon Dept maAmi at CSy K U by Uay 17. Any q»jasaons, ptaaaa CJi 9304130. Monday »vu Tnundoy kora 10 ax*. Io 2 p-m^ and Friday, noon io 4 pjn. Woo marikef jrt TT» Vtaiarn LMguo cf r » UrAad Q u A e« Qirtst32SO1 Bacetavtf,to hc**ntoannual Hao hbtrkat on Uay 27 two 8 u a .to1 atJ.i/A on no tfxittt greunda or IntftaF«iowMp >tal h caaa ol rain. Eal. drtr*. panaa and m x r i l"» panuAL Tatta* a n a^AadafarU or J i a C4N 933-5378 Or 833-8707. BloodmobUe schedule Tha Loratn CcM-ty Btood Bank Bfc^dwobia « * B ) U S Q Manon on CtmOx Road h Awn. TtMadey, Uay 28.10-1130 ajn. and al WnAfca T i d and Dia on Odorado Awanua hi Awn, Wadnaadav. Mav 29.7 aja.to4 PLA y y StUa Unwrap «^ar»on w*fl hon a c u ot tie* coaJ and coka nvMun and s3da snow. Tha crcLp « 0 ba rixa«J ai Undan Hal In T M D*«on Msttoc OttWct Foe M w dMKta cad 933-51U or LCCC 1B00-e95-5222. EXL 7!S3C RotJreas Club awata Tna Avon Lak* BFCCaon Ra9iaaa Oub wA maat Fnday. Uiy 24. 1 » 4 pjn. al K» Chan V>Vwy, 32421 VAi«* B4. Aicn L*k*. Icr to rronOry sodaL A nCLraSst troraLcncn Cou«( Matro Pano *<a pnnant a Uda Itc&ra on *Brt« of Pnry* «r»di taaturai Tm aw&ur and pny nte^onanip of o«te. hnhs and targar b h Soma moaxnad apadmana wffl ba an d Ffiands ol raCraa* aia kMSad Io «SandUS Support Group Tha Lonn Oxrtf Xkjadt Sdaroad S^port Oroup * a hold t a nud maaflng 7 p.ra... Wadnaadar. r Uay y 22 H LaMuarivr OrtfiOoP C PTOMftaft: Carsar. *rc 205 NoTTt Vjxm Bd, rrnt i Trniiii nUtn m i f I<TTM ri> imai. i n buMngfcj»ftrafcf«jf accaaaMa. RaVwrtmintt MB ba nrwaa Al paopla wVi MiMpia Sdanal^ Ciair tarrdy and Hands, ,ira ancoitagad Is attand. For addHon WonruScn, ctA Rogar r t o t f t al 322-7539. Calling Navy and Marine Shipmates AnRrionUrNavyandUarinatflpaai^ i«rf>» •anad en Ta VSS COLUUBUS CA-74C0>-tX Irom 1044 VYCK0I I97B and « * US3 Cstpttui' (SSN-782} pajt and praaant la aohaduttf tor Sapt. 2^29 in Ortando. Ra. P l a m cortct At 91722-2955. (St8) 338-X68. ta 6S94kt818]Se&«34f Cow fat t Niv FISH rer.. $8.95 j «a ONIAKE A hdlomin Attorn' 32485 Late Ri a0Q Avon Lob 070n 933-9/30 "Westlafce's Uttte I t a ) / Authentic Italian Food ERVICEffN NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH Cnooa* from 25 P u t * * . W * . CMckan ot ftr* •**.•*%. $«_• 4J0 27*2* I T h e rwttna we service are in hotnea aU scroaa Ohio and f o r 25 y e a n we've made service otsr aa Gaereland*« finest hnroe furnianinga store. wiftb v a r vtalT of •ward-winning interior c w b o o o p l y job ifl to ahare their akilla and m « i w u ! wftfayon. Alllarriaon*a,you*n find an impeccable CcMeetton ofawwe funusninpi and acceaaork? that perfectly oomplnKXit your taate, tifmtyle and budget. M1-9I00 * CATERING ~ ^ f i n * fwmitwt & InccT^a 14518 Detroit Avenue 216^521 >-9083 934-4840 ^ ^ ^ ' V ' ' ; ^V'VVIJ'!S ?• : n v f e # O : : ' ; v ^ ^ By Mary Swindell II was a case of PJE & N entering a n d tuippingj. A w o n u n returned to h e r Forest Blvd. home around 11:30 p.m. May 11. finding the rear door of her house forced open and parti of the doorjamb lipped off and scattered on the floor. Amid ihe debris was a pair of black tennis shoes, the pattern on the soles matching tho-ie of footprints found near the door. Suspecting the burglar was still in the house, she dialed 9-1-1. Officers arrived ta the homeowner was tailing to the dispatcher. Police found Uie intruder passed out on a bed In a n upstairs bedroom. Awakened, lhe youth" appeared intoxicated. Police searched him and found a knife with a seven-inch blade. On the way to the station, the youth was belligerent and agitated. As ho was being booicd. ha saldhe was on probation few assault on an Elyrla polica officar. The youth. 15. of Syria. show*d signs of a rapid heartbeat and. with tho consent of h i s mother, was taken to the hospital for a medical evaluation. AVON LAKE POLICE BLOTTER Mail-order porno A 9S-vear-old woman has o w n the target of persistent pomo-^apheis who t*ep sanding her advertisements for their wares- She first received an ad far pornographic materials sen! by a company ia San Francisco. Disgusted, she threw the ad awry. When she received a second ad. she called police. Facts are being reviewed by the city prosecutor to determine whether the mailings violate a state law banning the pandering of obscenity. An officer phoned tha company a n d was told by a representative that the woman's name would be taken off the mailing list. a like wriiinj music - jou jast do U aad jou know when 'tarijfaUTtal'« w t a desifD a all about Tyjnff X£c f r m y f of yiffyffp^ffirrf CDUSQCCDJI its C3c3&~ tog W p o c a t it fatto* focmextjrous a n identify. U yoacxa ITttQSlflB i t - *« a n crate U. We sped i l h e io the cretiion of ids, bcoctaa n d otter mar- become jour single socrce for ill your gripfaic t^«*«4t « I 2 15) 1 3 5 - 8 2 6 ? 40—40—40—40—40—40—40—40 Lord^Lordy, 4 ° v. Mom & Dad 4 0 Would you like to save $$$ on your auto and homeowners insurance? Ycu (WV f »eu oj^T/ W SO» ***** WKkxhrn PfUMS mt UFT- i w a i n s a m i wvad coMngM PLUS »jDMnMl pnrrkm tfscurat SPECIAL COV0UQES for • When you tr»v»l • When yoi'w at hom« • Tjgfcy-made for yow oct)«». M t n W «AVTO »» » « AtJTO ird BOWJWKSW EfW * f » P**g«s of b*ro • frwrtw of f * « W f i •« U " CONTACT rotm JT** snirr AX/TO rocuvr BFTST INSURANCE AGENCY, INC A Full Service Agency Since 1952 E STATE AUTO Insurance Companies local 933-5223 • 9:00 am • S$0 pm Daily 1-B0O-6S3-730S * Bnnmp by appointment 33399 Walker Rd. Suite 8 • Avon Lake Van-dalisin A Beach wood D m * man fowid slight dent in the roof of hi* p iisutfd 1991 Ford Aeroitai van. parked in his driveway May 11- He sunnited that the damage was made by saint?body walking on the rocf Lights out A care laker at AVQD Lake High School found a siadiuni spotlight shot out on Mav 14- The light W K on the east side of the grandstand near the men's roomVandals apparently had aUo taken potshots at another light fixture at the northeast corner of tha tDp of Ihe stands, but enly the cover was damaged. The shcls were fired from a BB or pellet gun. police Mid. Near miss? A m/m complained May 9 that he was nearly hit by a neighbor's car as he was mowing his lawn- The neighbor drove up behind b i n as he was mowing along the edge of the road, honked the horn and nearly hit him, the man sdid. T h e drive* also yelled something, but it coi." Ui't be di*ce'n»d over the ro&r of the nictur. h-.1 The complainant wid he has be^n at odd* with 101:10 neifthbor-s sinc« when his wiS* aaked the ceighbors" chiidren not to play on their prof- ^|1J erty. The prosecutor b rt"/iewicg the • l l d incident. Suds sighted A custodian at Troy School found several empty be^r cans and two full ones on the lower roof next tc the gym. this 03 May 13. Animal alley A Compass Cove resident summoned the police the morning of May 15. ttiinkinj; he had a squirrel in his chimney. It took two officers to extract the creature, which proved to be a dudt. A deer was reported loping arov**.d Suns*t Drive near Electric Baulo-ard the morning of May 12. Plate pinched A Vineyard Road m u noticed the rear license pla'e of his 1987 Chevy Suburban missing, this on May 9. .£.(••„. ;i i . i :. r _' ' . ; ' / • . V . ; i j . " : i . ' , " - y . ; ^ : ' • . . . • ' • • ! • V".-'';'•'.•'•'.' ^ • v i p 1 ' ' ^ "•••;;. v"•'•.-";-s(* • ; • • ' ; ' • : ; . 7 • . ' . '-"_•.•• • •"• _• _;.;. ••• _ .,•• * " • . r • • ' '_• X J ,^;;:; | f e # , ; •:•: ^ ^ & ••:': j^.iV.^.Ly.;;^.:;^;:;.;:'..;':;: ::!'...-.-•.•'«i;7i',l{;\;:' .v.'-.v-'iEJ:" •• ] -7:i:.-. ir-'v;".-.1 -.•• ,;-:•' '••\"''ii-:-.m:'-''^'.\'.'r wrttlud far $11,000 6 o a lite company. Kiuupper said. AVON LAXE ~ Tho Board of Xuieppcr received a lelterfromattorUtilities baa found itself in the* middle ney Patrick Mackin. representing of two recent legal matters: One Marine Contracting, which esied the Inirohrea a ^ deteriorating Mwer outfall. board to pay the company's S5.000 end the other, complaints cf property deductible. daman Irani blasting in the !»*» Avon Lake Lara Director Geoffrey Replacement ofasewe* outfall at the Smith responded. according to end of Jay-mx Road resulted in a Uw- Kniepper. with a letter staling the consult filed by Daniel Ledan. 32316 Lake tract Marine Contracting Co. sijned Rd~. who mnu adjacent property. with the board specified tl i board I-ecUn sued the contractor. Marine would be held harmless in any lawContracting of Lorain- for removing suits. stone dekijj be used as fill to prevent The board alio forwarded written hiaa property from eroding, erodi according to t-rtm-riinin^ JQ tk» COOtTtCtOt ftOin I S Jh K i ilii John Kniepper. Htilitiiw rctpr. residents who claim their bouses were The debris along city property v/as damaged from V^iipg of the lake Boor reajored by M.irin« Contracting la which -His done ID I««I»H a new water order to replace the sewer outfalL inlaka. The board received correspoo- Risosfs Dakota complex which includes a hot tub. wading pool and tanning room — with its own rilmafB control system. And there'* » ttahogany back ftiTmrw The kjtefaea Jjas two mlcrowwes. two gw orem rod two nfrigeraXorx. Tba aastar bath has a two-person beacrl-«haped tab. and a two-person XUOMBI TtalL The) aecood-fioar p e « roon is pt»wired fix stneo surmmd soand as ii &m pool «rma. Tha fml«>—A, bassnent boasts u nanny/teen suits, plus an "1da«l* anafara wi±a» cttkr And {nst in case Rbon and his ftaor—. Lba Lopaa — « swnbar of the band -TLC-—bandied tbcb own lasndoart has a buiU-in RfaoaV awl 7^pos M t in Janaarj. W0H« said, cfiar tii* Brawns' seasoa anoaid i* a dwAfa diMppoIntaiant of a CondnuOd from pagw g record and the team's toove to Baltimore. Although Browns £ans became disenc^ianted wim Rison after *:oth 1» and the team fell short of eTCpfTtTitifmT. Willis said. "He is a very ttkx and articulate person as is Lisa. "He ts rerr misunderstood, and I wish people had gottoknow him." Before a late-season loss to Pittsburgh. Rison called himself a prisoner at Cleveland Sladhxm. "Baltimore, bern we com*." he was quoted as saying. m dariEcation afterward, he said, "I was pat saying donl tais it oat on tbe pl*T"rL How should tbe players react when wa don't hzn anything to do with th* s o n ? "Vfael kind of had because one of the reasons I o u c to OvnUtaad was became of the bns. bnt 1 «oeas I donl batons.* Jecce from Aliitate Bliitiog. Uie cooti»rtor. which laid no dam-eg* could have occurred at the measured levels cf vibration caused by the blaitiog. according to Kniepper. "Legally we dan"! have a lot of p o w « to IOTCD the contractor 1o do anything." Kniepper » i d . adding the board is seeking legal advice oa the issue. "If there is UgjtLnate datnaOT to our residents, we certainly wilTbelp any way ¥ra can." In other business • Qry Crmno! has increased workers compensation appropriations by 511.500 for tha water department and S12JJO0farthe *ewtr department. Knieppex said the Utilities Department has hat! Twy £ew claims, and be will aal the nr«ru-» director fat a breakdown of dtims to see why tha appjupi iations have increased. In the past, the appropriations were based on 1.8 percent of payroll. With increase, the appropriation lo 2-8 percent. • New water meiers that can be read using radio signal* are expected to arrive within three weeks. Tha 84 meters cost 5155 each and will inilitlly be Installed while homes a n being built • North Point Drive, will bars it) 1.500 foot combined sanitary stem sewer separated by the eud of the yeat A sanitary sewer will be coostmcted and the existing sewer used as astana sewet The engineering department D V which Kniepper opposed. "Th* sewer funds a n ati tsida spacttically Bx separating svwers.' Xak&jmt said. "I t h ' n ^ it's juu wasting mousy," ; Kniepper said the dry wiE go natati with the replacezaent bot has Jonas' ancther soarce of fondingforti. - Cartirvd *OD flag* f.-, resurfaced, he s a i l "The roads axe in such poor shape, we anld start anywhere." Tbe council meeting was coodnrtnd by mfmbos of i t e senior das* from Rrookaide High SchocJ who were asminated and elected by fellow class members. Tbe meeting wus fueled by whisperad directives from council monibws. Home-batad goods prepared by CDoncil members treated students and goexts after tbe meeting. Mayor Gary Mingee thanked tnacher Gens TtMkr bx tbe opportunity for dry nSKrimU to work w i n the governBJent dasaea. Each stodent read the corrBspondlng reportfarhis job title. In ottw business Thara- was a ErsJ reading to repeal TaSB towers trouble Avon the ordinance requiring a 5400 far rescue squid services ferno V • A liquor Itamw* was from Harborstone Inn, m e k> Qai &> Msrkou doing business as Gma-ao-tinVJ; Lake. •.Arnold Lerin. 5555 askad to boy piopeitlas owned ay/.i dry on Tennyson Arsu Akroeda and Oakwood Hawthcrae. Ha said bm would saCG propexties £or according to Planning Crwadai mtmrtaa. Tba raqnatt w w daalit& tbsTaxmyioopropartybacsBWdBf is raarnd Sar dxaiaapf p otbar pjocs of proparty Ul remand farther infcrmatkE t o t i balldiaf o n d t o v n in m rhanci* from what ana. AT&T is propod^ lliwe tomrc era at tbe C£l h was gaing to r*»*«i4tT proparty on Detroit Kd- one at Kazax's Floral the dry. it was for one Gramhoosa on DetroU Rd. and ana on a MHL> Road Jlh tfoaw and craws and to w»d avatars, Onryon>oftboa»kirark30i,aCgsRoad.Istodpstrilg d * * . CBim m adaarity with AT»T in placing aL Coondl wanted AT&T to End otbar i«nfifmt In b be located everyfew miles across • " ^ t^^K * » ^VrCBS^ ' I, m i , Bortlsaas i, Ohio. 11 ,w f f anil !—• n h f m i i n irani biif n i f a i — u l a f l i m fpiwi Smm th* towan k mfawwattaaa lovals. the signal h said lid bacauaa tba ma'jtm'tiy of the wvtt i saat davaetoSmrrnOes.l b aarra the Aran rid»rftnec^J»rwidamtial.aodmQrtoftbe'Tdmtri^J»rwidamtialaodmrtftb'di Ohio. al locations a n Bortlt of f-90. no otber locations coold Cocaol Praaident Ed KryitowiAI said bt soaad. as *oQaosrnL B I low* vac, special us* permits a n roquirad to build Gmrnrirman John Eldnd said otbar dtia* tba towns hi r«ri*Witt«i «r—;f"^n>fi1 will votaca the Tkad in infhmrial areas and that AT»T permitfartha O 3 tower at its Tuesday. Muy 28 meet- as in faMsiry be middle to mala up A s diSanBCB." Ins. If cooadl daniaa the special us* permit. AT»T and ^ C o o p w . an engine*farAT»T. said the plasi CEI i rWlflwi by PCC ragnlatiom to find anouW riwaJgnedtoIncorporate aa fai O sitBfarthalDvn itBfarthalDwvn. jdtril ij Th» otber two towers are cuerantly befara Plannfaajs in toconrplata the paUarn." r rv—. ...i—t^ G h ^ p a pjaxxa. owner of the Greenhota^ A*on Laka's two l o n n a n located o o o H o t l wbori ATftT wantstorant specsfarone of tbe towerx. smoke stacks at the CEI plant and on tha wa tDWkwCT O I XLWIOSJX ^^O0Xffu3eQQ| r*~-aar said Aron's water h w a waanot taD i a AT<tT atlnowledeed tbatt the day is enmias when w ai aa r f Off Spring Custom Order S a l e ! mypefcyfaoidas WW WEIC0ME WAGON ay m i .at, tocal w*s H 215 MILLER ROAD AVON LAKE B33-2720 I * r afyour parintT 933-5602 ^f^ig)(§l ^fi±r^i-';2if':'i:"" •:.:.V.;-;T>, / : r ; ^ - ; v - ^ ^ • v ; ; i \ V : [ - - X V ;-v. : '-V~v.- ••-,. : ' ; :^ 1 . :.J - l . . l , , f J - 1-n. ••fr-:;>;;-.^.rv^;:-;v -..•:;,'1,..j;-^; :*[> -' By Jim lephrculng of the levy, g . wi]f STTCM iht't the proposed 1.8 niill levy ai.'flplv replaces the current -9a mills, and adds .82 rnUli. At 1.8 mills, yearly revenue from a S10O.OGO home world be 355.13. The new library has experienced a 30 percent increase in awga of meeting rooms and an 8G percent increase in computer UUPQ in the past four month* compared i.o Die same time period last year, according to Riggle. "Thft huge diffBrenco would be In services." Higgle continued, stating that staff, prognimming and access would suffer if the levy is nol pasted. The Board of Education also voted to placo lbs rsnawal of Its 1.5 mill perma- AVON LAKE - T&s August ihB library will male a accent! attempt to iJais en operating tov> which would brmg in SSG4.0OQ per year far the next five years. Tun Board of Education, acting as d e a l agent for the Library, voted to rwubmit the 1.8 mill levy to the votary b«it this Unie tha levy ij phrased differently. Tie levy accounVi iox were th*m half oT the library* excuses, accenting to Judy Riggle. library director. The library > /pirrently operating on a .58 ^ U l t o ' y -hich expire* In December. T h i s Is Bl percant of our budgel." Riggla said. -This is critical." neat uauruvi'cu'n! levy en the August ballot. The current 1.5 mill levy expires in D^cauibcr. The renewal levy would generate nearly 3*60.000 p^r yrm far the ce.xt fivo years, according to Clayton Dusek. superintendent. The owner of a S100.000 home would continue to pay less than 550 per yean since this is a renewal, there would be no increase tn taxes. "These kinds of tax issues receive ihe greatest amount of SUCCESS across the sltte." Dusek said, pointing to the restricted nature of permanent improvement funds. Nloney generated by this levy could be used only for repairs and renova- lions, school buses, equipment and other Im^ibls items. Dus«k said. SpiJciCcally. the fundi can be used only on itauu that ere expected tD List roor«j than five yedrs. Perraanunt improvement levy rnoaey cannot be used for payroll, he added. The most recent permanent improvement purchases were two school buses l<utJ.larchfaioS4 Ousflk hopes tha board can purchase twe buses each year with levy funds, as *vell as maintuin building and purchase equipment for the scnoolt. The board Is still contemplating tiie tJturn of the 3.9 mill operating U/vy ^hal failed March 19. but if memberi decide to i»ffiin offer it to votsri. It would be 1 N b * APL teams up with Dirt Devi! for dog waik to save animals CLEVELAND — Although the Metroparla South Chagrin Reaorvaticn ray be far away for many dogs and «*ir owners, the Animal Protective Laagua of Cleveland is nuiVing e wid*•pfwd call for action lo prevent animal neglect and craeliv. Tha < non-govflnuncnt. non-pxolit Animal Pzottdiv-e league is «pon*aring the Bfih annual DM Deril Dog Walk on Saturday. Jm» 1. TTie ovent will raise isooav.ur tha APLi «pay/nrutex progrvn. iauwaX placamexU tsrvkai and c&rs for ocpnuisd aninials. today by ar>d Only 771- 461B. so you "*n begin collecting donations from your sponsors. When you register with, your dog an Saturday, lone 1 at 8:30 t TP • please him in your daaatioo/walker envulope. All checks must ba made payable to the Animal Protective Leeguu (APLVDog Walk • « . Plnasa have donations In check form to ensure the direct deposit ofcontrfbuUoss. ChecHn begins At 8 JO a-m.. and the w»li starts at &20 a_-o. All participants should- wear comfLTtable clothins. Please wear comfortable shoes and dress approoriataly tor the westbez. Be sure yott andyvur dog can rnaks the 6J mile walk through the South Chagrin SERVING AfU &r- ^v«i.S' LAKE tter :933;'557p a WE -DELIVER. ' 7 BesemtJon of the Cleveland Metmparks, Please do not bring dogs that need to be muzzled. All dogs mui* be on leashex Dogs arc welcome but NOT required to participate. All participants will receive goodie bogs and relmhmenls after the walk. Additional prizes for registered walkers and their dogs will be awarded tor owner/pet look-alikes, silly" pet tricks and frUbec toss. Goal achievement awards will be given for mega-donations. Those who <Bi» S250-plus will be entared into a drawing for a trip to Las Vegas including a hotel and airline packtge. donat- ed by Waifx Travel and Funjet Vacations. All registartd partldr-ants will be eligibli to win gift cerUfioUfis to Flnast Supermarkets valued efi MOO each. ft you'd tiko to donate ctily~ and cannot participate tn the walk, please call the APL at 7n-4B16. «nd APL personnel will assign a dog to walk for you- For directionj to the South Chagrin Resevrjjion. call 771A 616. Random tjonr£jzni can be mailed to the APL at 1729 Willey Qereland. 441 l i . Get your tal) moving. ialil> Service At Savings R>r All Your Fabric Care Needs. At TKc Ftwy O our. A** Cerflficd Msadcr D MpfMl rrl d«J!«r »an inft* nn<l tlunlily . « v rvnlurr Sonilone* Indurcn nnd n.I<»nt. LXTTI >-wur nnual wenr und «pcidmu"nr. i\(nv t lr»ctimr>tHj11nI«" wnnl lit t«U- 37SM F m d Creek VxM • Avon (216)_934-000* # Pain may be One more way eliminated fWkniwideb for millions onyottrsidfi." Oat Aitaar W» and then Associate Agent Robert v.Goy hsAjronco Agency pain aosaAaa » (he d u dkukarim pain ta «e aflbcad ana. Artaar U ^ odarten. graadea. a o tad ta vnihele don and b panaasd n *«*. IXXCaTLOhiO 282-8013 INAHONWDE I INSURANCE CLEANER? mi f » T « hi At nanaeat of aa«rU an k a too • pn>A« AfAar fth"^ >«d tetat ctlkd » * « M . W " by mat. ai fte tra». *das. icim adaa, lifflpte tack •dws. andics. aad awe. Ac iBtLhiniim of O^ine Robinson FUSS? S -Am of dEfc&aKfat cccdriCBB as t n h r t t * . AVAILABLE AT: 44S Aw» Belden Bd. A«n Like. "UK Lantten 933-4000 TU TUB HOUSEHOLD ITEMS BedapRaaU • fin^a, Comforter. .TaUeUnes*. 15% off DRAPERIES * il ••';-•'"!?„ • mtnil|i.;cB 11 f r i t . I.T 6( : ; • • ' : - " \ \ - ' " ' • - ^ • iCT if r - 53 7? So many orders—so few tickets! AAA-Ohio Motorists Associ?i>on r&csivod requests for an estimated 40.000 Cleveland Indians tidurts, about three tmes the amount availaWe to members through a special ofler. Avon LaJco resident. Jofin HerriDco. AAA-Ohio Motorists Association director of marketing, poncters the task of tiffing those requeSa. Current AAA members wore abie to purchase a limited number of tickets to select-1 ed Cleveland Inctans games this summer. The only way tickets could bo ordered was with a coupon °g\ the May issue of The Ohic Motorist, the official AAA publication in Northeast Ohio. and Best WishestoOUT patients & Wends from Or. Douglas W. Voters, D.D.S. and staff Cross volunteers honored HqS i Jnosrtt tzrJsm fc|B Family O«ntal Car* • Co«m««c Smile Dover Junction Mall • Uorwood Square 1O88 933-32TO •I S3°JJ GIL CHANGE REBATE On World Red Crow Dcy. May a. the American Rsd Crow Lonls County Chapter bald Its annual volunteer recognition. The numerous voltinlwns who pxoride community servlca through ths chapter vrero recogxiized for their help, tha combined total of time volunteered w u over 40,000 hours. Tha event was held at DeLuca's Place inthaPaifc. Ssroral aro« volunteerj were rocognln»d lor their many yean of servicn. Induded for five yems werer David HeOln. Sheffield Lake: and Todd Willa. Avon. Twenty years of service was John Brain. Avon. In the l*st year, volunteers provided services to 49 families that have been helped by Disaster Services: 2.500 families received smoke detnetors: 3Z5 SEEWHflTRflY HflSTOSflY . MON.-FRL 8 AM- 4 3 0 PM NO APPOINTMENT NECcSSARY 2 V. $22.95 Widudw; FREE 3. ff1fl UU EXTERIOR CAR WASH Your Cost After Mail-In Rebate MalHn Rabat*. S«M Stor* for D«talls. S 3 I I O C I N G E R E B A T I COUPON; iTiTi 111 n rr* IIIIMI LniD i n i n 11 i m M'I 111 933^500 »Br CofH Wiictes included; d Memorial Day schedule Avon Lule's Memorial Day parada 1*. bfling sponsored by tha American Legion. Post 211. and tho dry of Avon Lake. 41 The following Is a schedule of events: 8 tun. - Flag ceremony at American Legion Hall. Walker Rd. 8:30 a.m_ - People will assemble at Route 63 and Lake Rood. 8:45 a j n . - March across tha street to ths Old Cemetery. OIL CHANGE SPECIAL foCDrX'OitamgB families that had emergency cocimxwlcations through Militaxy/Sorf*i Services; 12,300 people paxticipatBd In CPR/First Aid courses; 370 peoplt received help with tbeir pxoscrrpaaa drug program; and 1.296 trip* *tr» been provided tn the Oeveliind medical facilities. TLes« serricM are funded by the United Way of Greater Laaht County,fcruidatioQS.grants and public contri£utim. -.: Newrwoethy items for this column may be tent to 701 Zeailrrorth An,. Sheffield Lake. OH 440S4-1232 or call 94&273G, You con also fax me at this number or send e-mail to rhfen' tsrplQaoJ.com. All information must be revived by noon on the Wednesday prior to the next edition. Boostvi. On May 28 the Brookside High School and Sheffield Middle School Athletic Boosters will meet at the high school In the library. At the 7 pjZL meeting an election of officers will take place. Nominations will be accepted from the floor for thbse positions. All members am encouraged to attend. French Creek Nature Center. Today U lh» final day to pre-rBfdster for the William Mather bus trip leaving from the center. The event to ma thU ship that worked the Crea! Lakes for 55 years will start at 10 ion. May 29 and finish at ZJO njn. Space Is limited so call tiui Park District Office promptly at 453-5121 or 1-aOO-LCM-PARK to secure your reservation. There will be a charge fore participants as follows: adults S5. seniors S4. children five to IB. $3. May 23. Ths Spring Art Show running through June 2 will announce the winners of the various categories of the show on this date. Participants and interested Individuals are encouraged to attend. l| May 20. Participate in a wetland walk on the canter's surrounding frails. The moderate hike happens from 1 to 2:30 p-m. and will focus on a search for woodland pools, wet meadows and their inhabitants. If you dodde to join the hike, you are encouraged to wear boots. May 77. Take a wildflower bike In the area around the park facility from 1 to 3 p-m. 0 aan. - Services at tha Old Cemetery on lake Rd. Public Is Invi^td to attend. 9-.30 BML • Those participating in tho parada aro to assembla at the Avon Laka high School parking loL 10 i r a . - Panda will Ieavs the high school pwkiag lot and march south on Avon Belden to Clenvlew Dr., turn west onto GTenvIew and proceed to Electric Blvd., turn east on Electric to Avon BoldeiL The parnda will than march north on Avon Belden to Lake Road. The bulk of the parade will "break up" In front of the Old Flrehouje (Civic Center) parking lot on Avon Belden. Thtt parada Color Guard dignitary. automobiles and the Avon Laka band will continue across Lake Road to the park. The public Is invited to tralk Across Laka Road into Memorial pork for Memorial Day ceremonies. Organizations or individuals who Intend to be in ths parada should contact the Panda Committee byfillingout the coupon below and mailing it as soon as possible or call the American Legion at 033-6Q9S. ORGANIZATION. CONTACT ! PHONE NO.. ENTKY GROUP. FLOAT ANIMALS. BICYCLES. I Please mall lei Panda. 310/2 Walker Rd.. Avon Lake. OH 44712 I I assHsssH IS In 1I Hi H IBEO -• • O n Aprfl 1 3 Avon LaXa youth, a g e s 11 to 1 6 years, participated in a n aB-day Smart-Sitter c l a s s . T h e d a s s covered babysitting techniques, g r o w t h a n d .. ' envelopment o* U m t s through s c h o o l a g e chSdren. basic first aid plus choking a n d rescue brealhing and fira saiety. T h e d a s s w a s taught by Sharon » < 5 ™ x r g , pediatrfc nurse a n d CPU instructor, a n d Ondi Danstzen, fuS-iime chfld care prwidor. Each student lecohreO a n inlorrnaticn folder to take to babysrtang jobs pJus a : -*[-i D u otoa n ovsrwne* Tiing r e s p o n s e to the first d a a s , u s e c o n d d a s s wffl ba heW o n J u n e 1 at Avon L a t e Presbyterian Church from 9 a-m. unt2 4 p j n . T h e cias3feels$17. » you are Wwested in the weaning Smart-Sittar dass, please caH Sharon at 933-9264 or CirxS at 933-6448 to regeafif. Graduaios c< the Snwrt-«m«r class wffl be afic^btetoregistartor a CPR class w h ^ 22 and wriB cos! $12, Slxwrn at left am Krteten I^VasaW. Heainer Garte a«1 A ^ Dansban as they team . Atonra team ho to daper a baby. BJerryCompany ACENTURV 14* TO: ^ ^ TELEf'HONE OF OHIO, W C - 5K RUN/WALK T7» taili Warn W1, A m L J M , ( M X MOnCtTO ;.-'., « » am MMttt nclia tm bt K w d r a «Mh OKMTC* Na si* ••tijamma^fwm Q u d c* * * C*f : « Man LM. OMex t*t HAZL M « • nqkJrad *3 kwnft » * iftibont a jtujr pmtmm on SpediBy de«jD«i Centary/Port Awutneu t^hirt« will be lirtn tofir»t150 .fate fifty, fee 7&, 1996 • fhee Stutini *1 Gtj H*H Lorii • Tmz Foal n^tnticD viQ b< frea V^ifee NOFEEFORWHiaCHAIRPAKTraPANTS Center TtSe^ooe of Ofao, b e 203 We* 9 6 S I R A Lqrun, Ofao 44052 Scenic Race Route: V nfr onoen OF i>c ccn»«OF THE J T * OF *WOH AKE reofono '/':: ...... Congrassnun Slurred Brown, lett, and Miyor Joiaph lUziara. right. The race wtn b««in In (rani HaU. head w«M onfe.6 fW«/ Lite View Paik to Wavctty PI., turn AWUIIK "Oieft: *ill be priw* (of the lrt. 2nd. 3rd place winnm in e*ch dwWon. »nd t«te»kir an wheelchair participants. Thee will abo be one awa/d tor the OWTJII winner in both the Mens and Woroens division. A drtwina will be held fa* all rcmilered pvticipnts tot a cn»ncetowin two Cleveland Indian tk*cU- S6E HELP GIVE STRAY ANIMALS A G O O D HOME r s an easy trail to the Nature Galterlesi 4 CENTURV Wff TFt FPMONf Of OHIO. f*C Divisions BJerryCompany* )Run ).W«Ik •nairuw* ani — | i i ' n . ™» nw^vi ••!•••• —- — M&IB&T "^Jt mun wh^um<t in mrf * 1 * " " 3034 5044 *>^W * " * width** z^r^xz&^^sJ^-J^z™*" -^* wb^Mttly on Mtounl of wed HOW TO GET THERE ji; f) ][Q) SKI would stoer mo in tho right direction." Woznlak said. Sbo explained that lower levol memAVON LAKE — Councilman Greg Zilka is quoslionod iho need for tho berships receive a news brief of changes in the cablo industry, but highcablo departmont to spend 52.500 a year for membership in tho Alliance for er love! members receive casa law. Community Media organization. Lowor which she has referred to for cablo level memberships ait] available for operation purposw. S500. "With Iho now telecommunications bill, there are so many changes," The S2.500 was budgtitod and comes out of the cablo fund which is financed Woznlak said. Many Issues are being by cablo subscription franchise fees. hoard before the FCC (Federal Membership in tha organization was Communications Commiision) — there approved by the Avon Lake Cable Is a total deregulation of the industry. Advisor)' Commission. Law Director Geoff Smith said tharo Nancy Woznlak. cable access manag- ore times when he has had to seek other er, said tha organization b very "hands- sources to research cable Issues, and on," and she has spent hours with ACM some of those sources havti Included officials on the telephone for consulta- information Wozalak has provided to tion, him. "II wo ever Rot Into litigation, thoy 13y Marcclla GrandB AM- 1:30 EM Collectibles Antiques Crafts Food Avon Lake United Church of C 32801 Electric Blvd. Shop as you watch the parade go by Tables available $5 -$10. Call 933-5376 or 933-6767 THIS AD SPONSORED BY THESE COMMUNITY MINDED BUSINESS MEN & WOMEN Compliments o f DR. MARK D. GOULD -PODIATRIST 3IDO UlUkar Rd. Lai*. Ohio BUTTERFLY FAMILY BOOKS & GIFTS MO rtwo-flritiws Jtd. (BL Ml A Day To Remembe DALE'S TV W« i(«cia!iia In BBC wnra TV» k VOft Uwd H U B»r 733 Aioo B«ld*a Rd. (North of RR Incki) Aran U l » Opvn 7 day* • m i k ! BRUSNAHAN & STUART 14OS Abb* Rd. ShaOWJd Vllhga Aioa Lmk* COOKS GIFT SHOP AttotD*7i at Law IM-ALaaiRoad (2IB) «3O-It)00 SISSON-S FLOWERS, CARDS t GIFTS LUFE CHEVROLET TRUCK AND GEO EASY STORAGE Mini Storage/All Sixes tOTMllWKnd Ann L*ta. OWo GOOD SAMARITAN NURSING HOME 32900 OWroil V-L O m l u d U H K13-3333 LANDINGS ANIMAL HOSPITAL ADULT CARE BY SANDY A CONVENIENT FOOD MART P A I N T * PAPER PLACE BUIMHSTEWUSCH -. EAMnJ fUNOAL CSAHLS 137 liar M . AvmLaLa 47MLakaRd. SlaffiaM Laka ,W»li*t Squtn flldg. S2743 W l l U 33000 DatraU R d . A n a U 3 A n n B*(a«n -.:.-- HARTS-EL'S AUTOMOTIVE ALLEN HEATING * COOLING TOM'S COUNTRY PLACE/CATERING ConplM* AMa tbf«lr M M S U M T KJaa Ed. H«pa Anlu Can Cmt*t 314 Moon U . CW-AUTO 149 U n Rd- Avon L**» THE CHILDREN'S CENTER. AVON LAKE PRINTING SKUGGEN INSURANCE AGENCY IHWublU Avon Laka. Ohia Phi)** ttU-CTOO l-aaO-231-lOI BONNIE'S LAKESIDE SALON « Mom Id. • Ana LU*. Ohio RAY'S AUTO & TRUCK SERVICE M i l l Colando An*. THE PRESS 1Sfl L M T MJTJX JOB 300 Asm Laka. Ofcto Pbooa U3-S100 WpdnaaJay Wllhml TnaPnai* HRELANDS FLOORS A n n Uka 44B Avon M d n PltanaS33-30M Wrmilion I S M Stafa Kt. W Phcxw M7-A77S DETZEL'S GARAGE W. lUpalf AH MtUa A ModaU *« Oattal. Owtwr J20H DrtloK Ad. GREAT LAKES GYMNASTICS SPARKLE MARKET 33S0O Ploa O U Ptrfcwvy Avon Laka. Ohio A o n Laka. Ohio [•bona U3-4J03 MTTH urmnuj* CHURCH C M * ni LMMM B. *h» DM710 UTUWTtD MSTH00WT CHURCH a o i tat XML tm Mam Ow 9HEf FIELD LAKE CHURCH IO30 U l Mr rsufta.ta.mmf*. AVON UU01 MPTIft-T CHURCH UUOIIRlIZf «T. CtUHNT 0* OMCHO IWBB> M Mtorts » « I I S M •UCC00MA ORTMODCgt CMIMCH CHURCH or T M mrrHRCH H3DUMiMa>fl.SMMl CHURCH ON n a n i CHURCH c*» ooo, sMtpneui T H I CHURCH LOVt IS BUHJXHO TOO loin « n <tt Kim « OHM CALMUW I t f W CHURCH "Mir *M E M K U t t m FMtt JM WTHESOA-ON>TH>-«XV U/THERAM CHURCH BAY M t S a r T t R U M *0n»C«<*«««awdi S***r M n g mriv (01 f CM BW171X21 fO«P J -I ilTD • MORE THAN A MILLION BARGAIN PACKED CIRCULARS ARE BBNG DELIVERED IN THE MAIL THIS WEEK! • If you can't wait for the wailt just come on into the store - we have plenty of extra copies at each store. • W the mai/man has not detfre/wf jwaruiiaj; please call; 1-800-424-7987 Small Preferred Size Fresh Pmk Sweet Ripe Extra Large California tin Eckrich Meat Franks W *^»* • • • • M ^ amSm SAW VPW SAVE 40 40 LD. Lb. 14 Oz. Assorted Varieties Sweef Red Ripe Watermelon lay's • CM SAVE Lb. 2T 1 Five Star Natural Casing All Meat Wieners Sold In 3Lb. Bags m § By NLarcella Grands 3 AVON LAKE — Kmlz Brothers > Development Manager Ed Janesz 5 assured Gty Council Lhat odor coming o* from iho composting silo proposed for uj the area behind tha city's service garage £ couH bo kept under control. w Kurtz wants to sol up a composting P operation on thrw acres, eventually expanding tha slto to 11 acres. Law Director Geoff Smith bad to research whether tho city needed to accept bids on composting sile companies prior to entering Into a leaso agreement with Kurtz. Mayor Vlnce Urbin said Smith determined that seeking bids was unnecessary because Kurtz would be providing a public service. Jancss said, through modern tuchniques. [ruqueut air circulation and proper management, tho opoiution would not gonerati an unbearablo odor. In return for Kurtz's operation. Avon Lake would not have to pay u contractor to haul away yard waste as the city did last year. In 1995. it cost 59.500 to have yard waste hauled away. In addition, grant money obtained through the Lorain County Solid Waste District could be used for other recycling programs and iruprovements, laid Service Director Tom Leschor. Grant money could be used for blue bags, and possibly for dear bags designated for yard waste. Pending council consideration, dear bags may be distributed to senior citizens thanks to the grant. DIscoveryWorks dosed May 28-31 AVON LAKE — Tho TJiscoveryWorks center for children, located in the Avon Lake Library, will be closed for spring cleaning May 28 through May 31. The center will xe-open on Saturday, June 1 at noon with a "spruced up" look and some new exhibits including the magnilicont, now playloft- Jenne to get 50% abatement AVON — The Jenno Company, a wholesale distributor of telephones, may build a 30,000 square-foot facility at tho corner of Lear Nagel and Chester Roads. Last week. Avon City Council approved Jenne's roqucst for tax abatement for 10 years should the company move to Avon. Jenne, which has been in Wastlako for 1* years, may choose to relocate lo Pittsburgh, CT Wsstlake could rezone property to accommodate the company's needs for B larger quarters. But In case Jenne chooses Avon. Council has already voted 6-0 (Councilman Mlko McDoacugh was absent) for 50 percent tax abatement If Avoo gets the nod. a written abatement contract must be assembled between the company and Avon, and the agmmant must be approved by Lorain County and the Slats of Ohio. Tho Cuyahcga Heights-based Kurtz operation approached Avun Lake about a composting site three years ago, Janasz said, noting tho rapid growth of both Avon Laku and Avon. H» said Avon LaVo Is a strategic location for a composting sito. Eventually, tho site would accept yard was la from other cities, but First, tho operation will locus on Avon Lake exclusively. Kurtr also operates composting sites in North Royalton. on Rocksida Kd.. In WIckliffe and in Marion. Ohio. Tho company turns compost into top soil, mulch and other yard maturials. Residents would be able to deposit their yard waste at no cost to them, upon showing proof of Avon Lake residency. They could also obtain recycled yard materials from tho site such as mulch, woodchips and soil, but Janesz sold Kurtz would charge a minimum fee Tor large amounts of these products. Councilman Michael Yurmanovich said ho was concerned about tho sepa- is The month of Juno has been designated "National Myasthonla Gravls Awareness Month" by the national Myasthsnia Grvvls Foundation, Inc. in Chicago. Myasthenia Gravis U a nouromuscular autoimmune disease that manifests Itself with varying degrees of muscle weakness. The disease affects more than 100,000 people nationwide, and UIOTB is no cure. The Ohio chapter, located in Onion. Ohio. Is the only volunteer haaith agency dedicated solely to the fight against MG. through funds for research. education, information and patient tarvices. AMERICAN DREAM LIVE Chart your course to the good life with a home loan from Strongsville Savings Bank. Fayprable Mortgage Rates and Terms TERM IB YEAR FIXED RATE** 20% Down POIWTS AJRR. 7.125% 3 7.88% On • loan of 450.000. ISO monthly p *rm«nts of t*KUB2 30 YFAR FIXED 20% Down 7.75% 3 8.22% On at lean «ff $M,000. 3 * 0 monthly payments of 93S&21 a * t o om fc»*r w M M Itonnby «<• Swn ration of employees who woik for Kurtz and those who work for tho city. Leschor and Mayor Urbin said city employees would bring tho yard waste to tho composting sito. A city employee operating a front end loader would transport leaves, branches and brush diiectly to tho situ, and this would only be done- during leaf and brush pickup season. Managing tho site would bo Kurtz's responsibility. Councilman John Wozniak wanted to know if there has been an odor problem at the Rockside Road facility. Janesz said. "Absolutely." adding that practices havo been changed to correct the problem such as using different bulking agents and different equipment Janesz stressed tho educational opportunities available with a composting site. He said Kurtz could set up a recycling lab and teach students exactly how materials are broken down, mixed and recycled. w M loan loan t*o*yq* to w t«Ot«M. and/or Since 1972, tho Ohio Chapter has grown from 100 patients to man than 600 patients statewide. G The J m racrtrv ot t» wavtfvLifc* Gwoar. dub *M t* on WbOwdiy, Juwfi.Thh w* tw 9m Sunratr FMU Trtp M M I T Q . l * a * * n w« mMi al Stan Hywvt ttefltoAkron, rtttn « • ta« a ptMod lour of 9m H o w md Oartam U to»«d by knert xnd s. ntMflno.«fiwnt«n him question*. caJUanate Schubm*M at 93340S4. Ttw 1986-07 o f l c m ol t w Gorton CU> Instated at frm May mwting. Ttwv Taylor; Trwsurar-Janat t QMrtvnVfcShaw: Pti*M S C l Uacfc; Corr**pcnC&w~ FLORIST GREENHOUSE1 GABDEN CENTER e o i BULK LANDSCAPDJa 1WTEBZAIB cnEHnns PHLOX: $£99 ORGANICPEAT TOPSOtL •; : COW MANURE $ r*G"RASSYEED""! ' SCHILErTS Bl£N0 MULCH 4 FOR S9-9 8 i $2.00 OFFJ ! Any Fmft Tree; _f^E- • WITH Hwroinretts u r n j pmccs oooo THRU s^»«c NEW HOURS: SUNDiW 1/4 Mile Ensttfl Atihe nu, Rii, o«>yl C 1 O O me tnsi oi wnne It you're nol having fun planning your Outdoor Adventure... maybe you're shopping at the wrong store! CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 5.75% A v «800i INTEREST 13MCMTH TERM n « M to* aarV < Annual PsrontsM Yi«id 13 Month T«rm 5.88% 4a ^>aM« «w •ceiwa • • • * May 17. tSM. A Aeceum hw«d • StOOjOOO bv FCMC ftrongsville Savings Bank 1-S00-315-9896 9121 Celtnfe An. (HMtMt 1) • StftflltM Vin««t, Okio Eslt-ISi H« • Tam Wnl M « Win • a KhMn Wnl M O m t m Chnhri m Sheffield-Sheffield Lake teachers retire li mii I Five staff members In the Shoffio!d-Shoflio!d Lako school system are retiring at the end of tho school yoar. Together, they havo 150 years of experience in education and 132 years within the S-SL school system. The fivo were roasted and treated to a banquet at Amber Oaks last week. They induda (back row) Judy Kuenzel, 2nd grade teacher at Tennyson, 29 years; Marilee Westcott, speech pathologist. 30 years. Front row: Tom Traut, 5th grade teacher at Forestlawn. 30 years: Ann Grattan, teacher for gifted students. 29 years; Bettina Van Buren. secretary, 15 years. PRSSS photos — David Brandt •QBStS •KHnJWEHUHn •ii flHiHHBBJ8BjBJB!ltffiBEB|Br IHH iBBjpillHBIIHffi n WtE$3SBB!m H9BNB^9IBBB^B^BVB\ •nfflBHoB fflHHun aVHHBnH H • Throo-week course for 9th and 10th grade physical education (1st session) - June 12 through July 3. Cost is 576. 8 a.m. to noon. • The second session of physical education for 9th and 10th graders will be held July 8 through July 25. Hours are 8 ajn. to noon. Cost is S78. Physical education courses will include off-campus CITY SCHOOLS activities probably twice a week. Transportation for these activities is ths student's responsibility and may have a fee of 55 each. The activities may include golf, Summer school conita ofbrisn. The following swimming, biking, bowling and fishing. The course courses are being offered during the summer by the will fulfill requirements for 1/4 credit. Sheffield-Sheffield Lais school district: • One-week course in Computers far Beginners for • Four-w«ek course for middle school students 4th. 5th and 6th graders, June 12-18, 8 aun. to noon. (•trasses proficiency far sixth-graders}. )una 12 Cost is $35. through July 12, Cost is 395. 6 a.m. to noon. • Four-wsek courseforthe proficiency test June 17 through July 16, 8 a-m. to noon. Cost is $100 plus $7 SHEFFIELD SHEFFIELD LAKE CXJMPLKTE SELECTION for the citizenship workbook. • One-week course in Reading Recovery, possibly 2^3 weeks. For grades 1.2 and 3. June 12-18. 8 a.m. to noon. Cost is S35. SU-wiek courses in math, science and English are scheduled June 12 though July 26 from 8 a.m. to noon. Cost is S135. Call Sheffield-Sheffield Lake Schools for more information at 049-4223 or 049-4228. Out-of-district students: Add $15 to the course fee. Checks should be made out to Sheffield-Sheffield Lake City Schools. Attendance: Students may not miss more than two days of school, and only two tardies will be excused. Pro5dency test: Teats will be given immediately at the end of the course. No refunds will be given for non-attendance or for disciplinary removal afler June ? 1. Jewelers - Retail, page 86 • Flats of Annuals • Hanging Baikcrs • Geraniums Sc New Guinea Impanens • Perennials & Herbs p Memorial D»y Open 9-4 lAxf Hoarc M-F 9-«; Su. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 35638 Detroit RA. Awn 9 3 7 - 5 8 8 0 Avon Lake Podiatiy, Inc. DR. MARK D. GOULD Family Practice of Foot & Ankle Problems Bunions - Plantar Warts - Hammer Toes -Heel Pain - Ingrown Nails - FracturefitSprains. BoaplUl & la-OCQce Surgery Most Insurance Plans Accepted We Accept Medicare Assignment 933-4021 OOcc Hours Bf ApmUntmmt tocsbd Al 7t* L«nd»C» 33730 Walker JU. Suite 1-3. Awn L»ke l^fYmJRlOG^GAWffi]E? dose to you. at 325 Abbe Rd. In Snefltefc* Hefe at May's Automotive and VA-kling. Customized Exhaust. Struts. Shocks, and Much Moee And We Guarantee Our Work. In business for 17 Tfcawwnh QUAliTY AMD CAREforyour wNde. w \ Can or stop m tod^y for. FREE EOTWATE_ Since her ad made the Pages, Joan's Jewelry Joint has been lumping with business. The first place people look when they're in the market for your business is in the Yellow ftiges. Ift their first impression, and your first chance to stand out from the crowd. When you make the Pages of the Best Read Book, your business will jumprightout at customers already in the market for gems like yours. Sponsoring an Opportunity Tip is a 2*-cmt kfea. MAY'S AUTO MECHAM1CS 2 tOOWOTS TO SEME \0U 325 ABBE RD. 5033 DETRpfT RD._ ^EFTTELDIAW 21G-94MU1 Ths Best Raad Book. from CEIMTURV' TELEPHONE i\ Continued from pago J Junta to diL-cV. their vvalur U'forw washing any dollies. Tho Avon LaVe UusUicsa Association IALBA) Golf Outing Li just around ihu corner. Tho 199G bust ball event is sut for Friday. Juno 7, et Sweslhriar Calf Course. Tho cost H $45 per person which includes golf. cart, lunch, dinner, bovornges and. of course, prizes. Tee-offa start at noon with dinner served at C p.m. Call 933-2775 today to reserve your tee time, or ALBA members ire urgiid to send in the registration form thoy received a fevt weeks back. Another reminder! The 11th Annual Howard j . Wakefiald Memorial Golf Tournament will be hold Sunday. June 9 ot Sweetbriar Golf Course. This fun event is sponsored by tho Avon Lake attorney - at - low _^ii_ Wills • Estate - Probate Trusts • Living Wills Power of Attorney lip _ - DETTOIT-WUTE3A 2217 WKTEK1A WAY • AVON Sports Hall of Fjrr.e and i% ono of iu mdjor funciraijun. TIUJ coit for the da>- will be $55 which includr.'s grucn IWs. cart, lunch. dinner, bay tag and lots of prizes. To entur. call 933-5J64 days or 933-CG30 ovunlngs and weekends. PRESS Golf Scramble Sold out! Well, not quite, but with only four roursomu openJr.gs left out of 44.1 suspect the 7lh Annual PRESS Golf Scromblo will be filled by this weekend. If you're waiting for your group to mate up their mind, I suggest those interested golfers get tholr entry form and feo to The PRESS located at 158 Lear Rd. today. Last year's event sold out by Juno 15. We nave lots of fun planned for the day so don't got shut ouL fckanfe you ASCXLUION UFMTOAt S A TIDIW i 1-«X>-AHA-USA1 (AmoriccnHoart 'Association yoixt co duAing tfils ilnxe gseat sadness, ^ e ahe ^u£ fan you.* kindness. Foced Routes 'ADA Service OS More than 100 rolls of carpet In stock! 1-800-225-7703 or949-3S25 I¥IGHT AT THE RACES Friday, May 24th 7.-00 pja. till liO am. • Post time 730 pm: 10 Races - Side Boards S5 Dooxtiai it Ibe doo^ftodftBewngo xn&fcie IRISH HERITAGE CUITURAL CENTER 726 Avon Behfon Road Avon Lake* 933-3413 . J P SWwns. Eden. Vttilww«NalonsaM V»rdaflar y«rt erfquaMy carpM IromtoCulousbrandsUuj AUddm. Cotonsi. rf C « B M l d andeehyil Our MtoCBon IndkJdas Battwr. Saxony. Pfcnh. Cut and Locp Pries. Sculpture. TiacMeu Tool, and mom anth txj*-m aOun resoUncv W n r t w y « / m choosing carpvt lor Xt» apara room or the «ntm hous«. vtwl Omray's >Sfd SaJa Today « S a W STJUNMASTEFW TW rtfon Treated Nylon J P STEVENS SUMUASTER* iNyton STAINMASTER® Heavy NykmTvrist $11 95* 95* "HOT, HOT, HOT!" *Sale Price Includes Pad and Guaranteed Installation Plus... Great Savings On Carpet Remnants! tanti lajrlan ..sin ATMtt. ,.J4# .JIM inr lgr al loop .41it mrr .JIM • J30t tfi r r «rw •»)«« tnor tk. ir»rr PreDIGKtion: its time to "summer-proof "1 .JtW SIX MONTHS BONUS: 6 Months Interest-Free Financing <torqu9jm«dbuym) HOURS: MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9:00-8:30 SATURDAY 9*30-6:00 " SUNDAY 1OT-5--00 FREE ESTIMATES] LAKE RD. (Rte. 6) FURNITURE » CARPET 4483 Liberty Ave.. VERMILION, OHIO 44089 Uae our oanMnort Qway Owya. Vlaa. MMMr CarC or Dwcow (216)967-9400 NO IfrtERtST HO PAYMENTS ' $40 w 323-2889 lUtnrtrka fact jtat't t*dmiB% aiinr—t nm of Am hontm o o n c o a f For m a 60 f a n Gead l m btkxd tVniimrff 0/ whfWrJ cuMMMff 'Msntntr-fudoT* d m homo »idi OMfin; equipment, top-nw mvkc and kuaStdon by miaed wdinicbn*—At 'Eapcra of C00L" Cdl Ccnd KxLy 10 find out teoKl 233-6608 ifTlBftBjiM. 3" it •..•••} I she said had dammed up a dilch belvtiun thti'j houses. As a resull ot xhii. SOIHG large, aggreaalvo muakrats hdve found the ditch an attractivoplaco and cnierga to cliaaa her dog around, she said. maroon Piobo taiinjj pictures of Iicr By Mary Swindell llOUSt.'. AVON — Two building contractors havo reported tha Ihefl of lumber from sites where homea are under construction. On May IS, Dennett Builders told pollca S2.QOO worth ollumber had been stolon from a building aita on Laurel Way. The day boforo. the Kugler Construction Company reported that more than 250 board* and planks were stolen from a sitn on Perecrina Drive whan the company is building nouses. Fl^ther report A dellverywoman complained that a resident of the Ncrthgate area exposed himself to her et his home May 0. This was the second time ha had done this, tho first being on April 23, the woman told polka. The suspect entered a plea of not guilty in Avon Lake Municipal Court May 14. A trial dale was set CallanlD'd Rapresentativw of Beys Town USA In Omaha. Neh^ told police May 10 that they had gotten a phona calf from a local red dint ailing that young boys be aent to aperty the caller vraa having. Boys Town haa callor ID and gave polka the phono number. Tha number was tracvd to a home in Sheffield Village, and Information was g i n s to that city*! pcUca department. AVON Front-end damage A report of a whits sports car with heavy iront-end damaga on N. Doovy's Stroat May 12 brought an officer over lor a lock-see. Thw drivor, a woman visiting from Phoenix. Ariz., said she had struck a deer that morning. POLICE BLOTTER a beagle and yellow shopbeid were rooting around on his lawn and ream* ing the neighborhood. A motorist bit a mailbox on Stonoy Ridge Rd. after ho swerved to avoid hitting a dog that had run into the street. thU on May 15 at about 10:30 pjn. The honest motorist reported this to police and said he would pay for any dam* riii mi dam Do you have an estate plan that; a) - distributes your property according to your wishes, b) avoids probate whenever appropriate, and c) minimizes or eliminates death taxes? Expkurra attnatiana Several residents of Lake Dr. reported hearing two loud gunshots or explosions May 13 at about 10:40 p-ra. Polic* scoped out the area but were unable to locata the source of the noise. Employees of the Hill'jest Driving Range complained of somebody firing a gun nearby, this on May 12 at about 1230 pan. A nun across the ctreet was advised to put his firearm away. To ensure that you do, cali Jay C Marde to have your plan reviewed or prepared at (216) 933-3231. Du&aitic dlapvta GffilcBTS tpad to tha BP itation on Cnlmnhta Rd. May 12 ihorthr after 4 u n . on report! that a man haa struck a . woman aowml times. The situation ixtvohrod a mazrisd ccapla from Valley Vtwr. Ohio, who had gottantoto an wyniMint at tha gasrtatioo/Tfaehnsdis ed the A Detroit Kd. fcaad. Spencar Mnnrny, was chained morning of May 12 that somebody had with domtctic violence and was found made off with her wicker porch furniguilty aftar plaadlng no conlast in Avon ture overnight. Lake Municipal Conxrt last week. Probs-ing photographer A Lorie Boulevard woman was upset fJrJv* man beef 3d May 15 that May 11 when the spotted a woman in a * * * * * * Police assist An officer followed an elderly woman to a gas station at Bradley and Detroit 'he night ot May 13 to make sure sha got there ail right. The woman's car was on tho verge of running out of gas. A woman May 10 wondered what to do about her next-door neighbor who Swearing oat A father and daughter were walking tha family dog on Nagel Road May 14 at about 8:45 pjn. when a car pulled over, a man got out and started cussing him. Police tracked the motorist down and gave him a warning. COUKSCLCMa 110 Moore Road P.O. Box 210 Avon Lake, Ohio, 44012-0210 FAX (216) 933-4299 Wflfa • Tax-saving Trusts • Living W31s • Powers of Attorney • * * * * * * MEMORIA NEED TO SELL 2 5 0 CARS & TRUCKS THIS MONTH HEW'8e*5t6'MEIBI)S HEW'9BS|3PICKDP ^ZSNKT NEWBEofBuCKpS $ " ^ ^ ^ ^ $ °*9795O^ ib,990 1Q,99b New LUMINA-BLAZERS *96 MONTE CARLO Ntw <96 Ntatro - Prton N E W ' 9 6 CJUUVARO 38 TO CHOOSE FROM H—BOWW 4wO pen MO. ^^iSISSSr*^ 1 'LAST CHANCE %APR Hnandng V* ar. Th. >*«•• Mo* Comply Ch«wroM C o m m « r i T i r t Th* atocfc > * •0«np M * C l UtiBy y Ch«wroM omm«riTirt Daabr. V Tnjdta, Sm*t* CTn»dto..Wp>*» Vkna, Pkaupa, V*>A Tmdta and Caroo Vina, Htm Oi^pjrucfc STK03824 FROM I fkWfM .4.8 COMMERCIAL TRUCK BUYERS CONVERSION VANS GOOD THRU 5-31-96 CHEVROLET -Emu 365-7311 LORAIN 245-4116 JACK MAT!A CLEVELAND 777-6336 1100 E. BROAD ST., ELYRIA GEO jr. FROM 19,990 "' ^" I1 msmmg ...AND DISCOVER \w. SOMETHINQ NEW! Avon Lake Public Library 32C49 Eectrfc: BhnL, Area Labs Memorial Day Holiday: Library will be d o s e d Monday, May 27, for Memorial Day. Diacorery Worioi will be closed May 2S thru May 31 for Spring Cleaning. ALHS Hcim improwfmntM CUtss Bu&tt* Pfsyspaco Thirteen students of Scott Dickson's Hotna Improvements class built a twostory playspace at the high school, which iHey reassembled la DlscoveryWorks this past week. PUns according to safety codes were drawn by Matt Petty*, student axchitscL Nate Ebaer. Roger Ehnar, Jason pi<«nTnBTi| Jason Forbes. Bill Fusek. Joe Kolsnky, BUI Sherman. Sam Laldly. Matt Leschnr. Brian Nagy. Matt Rah. Josh Ki-h^Vnr mnr) Matt Schxifl oonstructod th» 8*xlB* space. learning to use tools, fallow blueprints, problem-solve, and weal: cooperatively. Student! have been to enthusiastic about sharing their project that they have been working through their lunch periods axtd on their tree time to compiata the project. TV 7km Off Wat* "The night before we tamed off the TVwonaaa a list of things we could do instead of watch TV. It seemed like a Christmas list it was to long! Some of tha things we did were: rode bikes, played Parched, helped mom grocery shop, -played Tangoes, read books, maoe homemade bread, took old paint can* to the Household Hazardous Watta. collection, went to the story* tellers program at tho Avon laJto Library, went to the Hexb Fair at Mill Hollow and played at DtscoveryWorlts. I thought U was okay at the beginning vt the week but by tho end 1 w u missing Scooby Doo. It was very fun. I'd like to do It again next year." Kim Riddle. Others reported visiting friends or grandma, listening to music, reading, writing poetry, thinking, playing ball, helping mom. going to the library, playIng with a pet guinea pig, aad making a brother a birthday present. Avon Public Library 37483 Harvest Dr., Avon • 934-4743 Babysitting clinic scheduled A Rod Cross Babysitting Clinic will be held at the Avon Branch Library. Saturdays. June 1 and June 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 pjn. You must be at least 11 years old to attend. The clinic will be lad by a Red Cross trained teacher. Upon completion of the clinic, participants will receive a certificate from the Red Cross. Pro-r*gi3tratian is required. A S15 fee must be paid at the time of registration. Register at the Avon Branch I tbrary. 374SS Harvest Dr.. Avon. For more information, call the library at 9344743. Domonkas Public Library 4123 E. Lake Kd. • M&-7410 Nowa from tho library Summer U jus! mound tbo corner and we are onco esain gulling ready for our summer reading program, Racu Into Surrjner Adventure, which begins Juno 10 and ends Aug. 10. Thia program is open to preschool and school-ago children through grade 5. Children who BTB too young to be ablo to read by themselves may Join if an older brother or sister, parent, grandparent, or caregiver it willing to read to them. Children read in 15-minuta segments to earn great prizes all summer long! Levy Updsta Volunteers lire lUll notided for the Dodonkas Library's replacement IBVV campaign. Tho levy will bo on tha ballot, Aug. 0- A lovy committee headed by Nonn Herrick and Sandra Jenacn is already working, and welcomes new members. Volunteers exe needed for various levy activities, such as phona calling, levy promotions, and distributing yard signs. Call the Domonkaj Library to see how you can get involved, and to find out the time and date oftha ntot meeting. O i l 049-7410. Upcoming programs Computer orientations are scheduled on Thursday, May 23 and Thursday. June 13 at7 pjn. for third graders through adults. Pre-registration is not required. You only need to attend oca session in order to book time on one of the library's computers. The summer session of our Preschool Story Program, for children ages 3 through 5. begins on Tuesday. June 11 at 2 p-m. and continues through Aug. 8. Pre-regLstration Is required. On Wednesday. June 12 at 3 pja-. a naturalist from the I.nnl" County Metroparks will present a program about common nni^ilt of the area. Preregirtration is not required to attend this pjogram. Domonkas Library is open on Monday. 12 pjn. through 8:30 pjn., Tuesday. 10 a.m. thru 8:30 pjn., Wednesday. 12 pjn. through 8:30 pjn.. Thursday. 12 pjn. through 8:30 pjn.. Friday, 10 a.m. through 6 pjn.. and Saturday. 10 a.m. through 6 p jn. We are dosed on Sundays. Wo are also closed on Saturdays in June. July and August. Whafs new at Domonkas Some nsw non-fiction books that have crrived recently include Joan Lunden's Healthy Cooking: Angela Lansbury: A Life on Stage and Screen by Rob Edeiman; Forbidden Archaeology by Michael Cromo; Home CooJdn' with Dave's Mom by David Letterman's mother. Dorothy, and Microsoft Secrets by Michael Cosumano. New fiction titles inciiiri* Iced by Carol Higglns dark; Timepiece by Richard Paul Evans: Knignts or Linda Lael Miller: Claudia's Shadow by Charlotte Vale Allen: The Prophetess by Barbara Wood; and In Heaves as on Earth: a Vision of the Afterlife by M. Scott Peck. MJ). Your Hometown Chevrolet Dealer Wants Your Business n m B Library hours Branch librarian to retire Mary Elizabeth Schoher. who has served as branch librarian for the Domonkas Branch for I t years. Is retiring this June. During hex tenure, tho has implemented many significant changes at the Domonkas Branch, such as the renovation of the existing facility, development of an outstanding book collection, and the lTnp1fnTrantflffrn of the devNot automated djculnticn system. Her expertise, leadership, and talent will be greatly missed. Good lock on your retirenwnt. Mary Elizabeth! Asthma support group meets The mvty fanned Lorah County Astvta Styport Qaxp «fl hott fa ant n—flnq on Hay 29 at 730 pjB- h floora CC22B 0» *• G * g i Cmrnt BiiJng o* Looki Cootf OonKuty Cciog*. Dt Uam U m (Ara^ Oweng « C a bo»fdaH«Cad MtortfH. » M D u pfadcad tor 1 s cwiertfy kt pneaea and Mng In loeaki « b t d T * an Axttvna St^port Onxp." 7 h l b h pp wttt uffvna, cunftt of asffvsesto ef^ dnn. and • • ooranunfey. W% naedwuf fwto and snort t •acn otwr * For mor» mtormaion writs la t » Lanei C D « V AMttm 8 w r t Ofop at 1033 ¥ M a w t n o , QoftDR. OH 44044. Michael Kearns, D.D.S. Glenn Kuemerle, Convenient H Evening or Saturday New PaUcnta Ar« Always 33398 Walker Rd.-Siutc "A" Avon Lake, Ohlo.44012 *98 CHEVY CAVAIJERS •9B CHEVY X-«UUDW 4 k *mm bw • « B t Ck«ai m M tt. U QwekGiUC OadtGUAC I r l f r w Borer CoBtgiGnd 4 to cfMxw* kem • 3-30n or 0 4 Or* 4 3- Monie Cmbm • 4- Luminaa 4.8 Pregnm • BRAND NEW - NEVER TIRED *94 Cavafer RS Convmtibfe '20,695* STX»RSOO 5,488" 607 Miller Road AVON LAKE. OH 933-6151 65 :835-3533: Ocvdsnd 158-A LEAK ROAD AVON LAKE, OHIO 10,895* ' STXtSlii ma Mil _ «ca hdo*: tBJO EU « h rtatta I taarttm tat w d Wa Umm. Oood M M »-31 ••«. S M JWV Tbm «r Bob. tun JOHN D. PINCURA s Geo Trackers Legal Services Attorney Indudm al rabetM Ainoant»«t. tnclud— aB rebetoa * homiw—. BRAND NEW! BRAND NEW '95 Camaro Z28 Coupe 933-4486 1B I BJL CALL 933-0674 Hours By Appointment Evening Appointments Available ! '^0S0 Stop from y o u r front b a l c o n y directly onto- ousp r i v a i c Gulf BOBCJI. ' " • • . . ' • DOCKETS AVDU LAKE UUtoOPAL COURT Adrtan aAlctaxJer, E33 Harrta R d , SnotflekJ taka, wasfined$3S0 and serwncac!ra30 osy* In JttJ on a c*wo« cl DWl, *<3i 27 Goya erf t « w n »nca deterred. Ha was alto Bned 5250 a . • cher^e ot dsorderty conduct. 3100 en • rocUess cowutfon charge, $75 on • roadcna&a control •toJaSan. 450 fcr cpeedng and S2Sfar& seat t»a ——— - igrikKiJ Edward W Partcm. 3D23 GSobe A M ^ twain. « • 8fKdPO0 and wrtancadtoa? Qay» In frfl on e chorga of OWfl, wOi SOrtajs of Cw aanlanca auapandad. tla drKw*s Scans* was uxpanded tor c m y*ar. H* was too Cnad 5300 on a no i a jut m \ rt^rr^ Edward Parscm Jr, 3029 Gtaoa A M . tC. Lewm. was tnad *S00 and MnHncadto30 day* to M on t laartno charp^ wBh S2S0 of tm tern •nd 30 days of t » MnMnca dew*i»d. Ha was aiao tnad J125 and nraancadtoao d n In JaJ on a. enwps of dtaorda«> cenduea-paraisang. wtfh « rt p dd U d v t o L Roblrncn. 525 Georgetown, y «aa tnadSSCO and saroanoadtoSO dar^jnjtl cr* • cfwrua ofCTW.wBi Kf dttyi of ffwt«rSanc» datamd. M»r drtart fesnas vas siapandad tor ona w e e SB • M a atoo fnad SSOtorcpaadtno> ' M a o Knltf. 31975 Scfnartz ftt, A i m . was toad SSO and WrtsncadtoM o«yi InJU on « of AS cparuor'B fcansa. wfch # « aarv rfcvd SSO on aawad dair clsbvtta vtoHtons m ChrtalDffiar a O M i , 538 Bm«a Rd. Vatos.;anl Cntig Jaaon UMr. 326B1 MO i A I Ftaad MO no cfamat o< apaadhg wan Brian a Oaoax Z11I Uoon M . fl«. Ann Laka: EcSc I t wiaayi. 3B) Onarttajr On. Jwcn Lsk*: U U H 4 3 0 0 E. Lab « , OwfltofcS U k * taol^Oa "ftnwca KtaAkvU. 313 • * * * * , LonK TVnrja> JL Ateuafew, 138 W L J &-, Rnad tfiStor•paadVowar»Ci*aliF.Ca»«rci 2933 Cstoradix lona\ and and P^"iart t . KoWtak. 8500 Ffch Hfl, OfenMUwp. S M D 8un*t', 32S70 Elacrtte BM1. Men KMR & UKJwfc 8201 UcOntgor SytMknat. was tl«dt>5 to p a d n Shawn a. CdMaa. H , » y Inad S40toraquaafen^Ma fem. aoraa; H Hton, 78ftoaa*rMi T o a ftiM t3Stortpaadtn^ Rocku,^00 AfseWa. * « n Lute, U »to>etta> 9457 H>a«i LaM. M I £ a d «t0 on an in JaJ en a cra/o« cf OV) 1, win 27 day* oi ffw sontanc* »usp«ftaed. Hft *03 too fr»d 5-W en a r»tsonaiij conffol trioiascn. Pnatoa L WTio«t«. 142 A m * * * Rd.. Awn taka, w u inert S2S0 and s^nwncad to 30 days In )&J on a chaxga ot tftSng aJcohd on Suxicy. wonff«B*nWnc» ostomd. Rn*j $100 on no OD4HOX1* lc*nM CIWQSS war* Mhvf C MuCha. 23T9 Franktort S I . LoraiT. and Vcsot T. Owafl. 14« Brtmswlclt. Ovria. Jemea W. Ci*gg. **a23 L(kU« PJdQo Bd., Amrwna. wasfinedSSOtar*pa«*ng. Rnad SCO for ip***ng and S25 on teal bert ^jlaScns M f i John F. BatjiJ. 5?17 CTwvroE«t BvcL, Parti*, and Hobart U. U I M , 8025 Teliy. onnRoy^Son. SWiw A. TTa*ar. 1399 Laia^law As^t, Loran. asflnadS8S on a chv^s cf spMCina Ann E.Slav»ns. 602 Kanrthrcrti Dt, ShafSeld Lafcs. was lined $80 on a chajga of Uibav to ytoU. Fk»d $80torspMdng w«ni Hobvt U. Rlcha, RFO 1 Box 2067. Kamacvw, *&: Harbtrl O. Bucfcnaf. 2004 Mvtoy, Uaniitsa, H I ; CrvtosohK A. Bitfrto. 1567 Saddaorcok Uv. . DcneldJ.QngoryJr_t0O2Lsk«Ai«..Etyna. was triad SSO on s cnarge of ItibrttoyiakL Cnanda J. Uarurw. 113 VtrtM. Aaon Laka. was &«d $40 on a rtfflc conDol o M r t i totaJcn. U u a U. LWkk. 32303 Acada Ct. A K > I Uha. was tnad $35 on * rwaaonabw control vtotaton. Da>W A. Atc^nar. 2O1 UapMxoofc D»PDrwnVa. was tnad J25 on a »aai baa wefaton. AffbrdaWe Durable Stable. ftigh-perfonning. Did we mention affordcUe? B*»cn(TonJ Subs* 450 Ha. QutMm BWd. ) CtEAHWATEH B£ACH. FL 34630 1-300-621-8019 J. Michael Wertman, MJ>^ KAAJP. Board Certified Pediatrician Primary Care of Avon Lake : Laixfings, Bids D-l • 32730 "Wsdkcr Road* Avon Lake (216)930-5010 Get ro dan poyowt end no pcyaend or Werwl utfl SeptBter H 9 P J d n C SandwXWTIS Dam* Rd, A*on. was fcad J7S0 and aenwnoadto190 day* k\ jaA on a ( M M at OWV win 150 of tw • « • « • » ^ l KB wwBaan ftwd S390«n • cnarga of dnjq abuw and »1OD on a enary ot m "i * A. 8vwM». a ^ w a fcwtf WHO and aBflajncad K < n £ cfwnaot DW. » » iw> a V H i drtwrt fcam a n cospandad tor « M InadnOT and aarwwwadto30 days -ON UXf E « « RUOOIES BCAOT 4319 CtEVP^aS ROAD E. HUttOH (21« 987-3832 or (419) 433O032 e f t fe . SERVICE - REMTALS FLOORS FirstMerit Free Checking. TftHII - iTOttl UTCHCH CARPET With this personal checking account, you get atotfor nothing: RYlOtt ^ ^ _4_1 (any 3 roorm iff) to 4 O vd«.» (orp«. baat svJt pad. btor) toad, tabor) Purchase S349 or more at regular saie prices here at Scarwffl Floors, we wffl offer up to 3 0 0 sq.ft. of steamed carpet clearing- | 2 J J See store for more details. Umit one j coupon per customer. I 36337 DeWtRoa* Awn Dd2S4) 9344140 Tues*Vfed,Rt10-6 Saturday 10-S • No account fees • Fre« ATM transactions at FIrstMertt ATM machines • Plus, y x i get your first 200 ch«*» free • To get the whole story on FirstMertt Free Checking, visit any RrstMerft E5T Bank location today FIRSTMERIT ESTBank . ^ i > ' : ^ " " - - : : ; - v - v ; 1 r - / r . ' ",•' -i. L T j \j . • ^ • * +. .- ." A : ' ' •- • . • • Rib Eye SteaKs EOUKD , ROASTS-..-u Tyson CbicScenRoIl MJottVntM C«rtifl«d Angu* • • • * EYE OF ROUND STEAKS GARUC BOLOGNA . 3 .ti PORK SWISS CHEESE ELBOW MACARONI SALAD PLANNING YOUR GRADUATION PARTY? AOAST9 Hall Ham* HELP! •OUR RAFTTY TRAYS ARE PREMIUM QUALITY" - LARGE SELECTION • BEST PRICE $-*99 BBQ SAUCE Sweet Corn VlMkMttW H«Enz Ketchu lorg* S«lMt ft^tur' POTATOES OLIVES POTATO CHIPS . . u o t BATHROOM TISSUE ONIONS CANTALOUPES -»ox. Uy-»AlVbf $ « 09 ^KHU X fotoOaor PLASTIC CUPS Steak Sauce COCA-COLA *"TAC .VMMOS. / " jin»77 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE. ** ox MARGARINE frajafane Bakeries IAOZ. , MARGARINE...JU.IUI CHOCOLATE 2 / BROWNIES... */ 8" Strawberry He Luqi SalicrtoN of CBUM ami Fn»r Hi* 1- All Sfan : HOURS: 7:30 CUPS .4/1 ox. .. to MldnlgM Dally - 4 5 3 Awn B«!d«n Rood, Avon Lake - WINE - POP *. At State Minimum l>tfc« * X Sun. filon.Tue.Wsd. Thr. Fri. Sat. 114 9-9 M 9-8 5-9 9-8 9-6 Parts and Sorvico Open 'til Midnight Monday - Friday With Air Sale Price Ford Rebate $16,580 600 BRAND NEW 1996 With Air Conditioning Sale Price $15,380 Fcrd Rebate .$1,000 BRAND NEW 1997 BRAND NEW 1996 F-150 PICKUP Air Conditioning WHY PAY MORE F-150 PICKUP EXPLORER SPORT Air Conditioning, AM/FM Stsrao BRAND NEW 1996 • Premium Cassatta • Pow«r Windows • Air Conditioning • Powar Locks • Captains Chairs $19,980 We Are Dealing! Why Pay More! SATURDAY SUNOAY MONDAY TUESOAY WEDNESDAY THUnSOAY FRIDAY CLEVELAND 871-8072 LORAIN 934-6591 ELYR1A 36S-7323 SERVICE T I L MIDNIGHT MONDAY - FRIDAY • « '• 1M9 9*B J8 9-9 9-8 • • • l . - : r . . : IllllllifSs . ;...-••-••-. ilSillil • J HH Shoremen pitcher Brian Pottrone is about to fire a strike pas* a Bay batler in Avon Lake's 5-3 loss May 13. The sophomore pitched well, but ran into trouble in the seventh inning, and was uftimalety tagged with the loss. Avon Lake's Tim Guenther awaits the arrival ol a pitch in the Shoremen'stossto Southwestern Conference rival Bay Village. PRESS pfseto* — D*v*rf Brandt First pitch Susan KSgora of Avon Laics High SchooTs Future Business Leaders of America student organization threw out the find pitch at last Wednesday's Indians game wfth the Detroit Tigers. The tribe tumbled over the Tigers 5-2 during Avon Lake Night at Jacobs Hekt PRESS photo — Dmvkt Brandt AL Tennis Lessons AVON LAKE — The Recreation Department Is offering tennis lessons on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday beginning June 18. For igM six through 12. the class foe is SIS per session. Sessionl tekehplacs June 18-27.Sesslon2is July 9-18. Session 3 is July 23-Aug. 1. Sessions far those ages 13 through adult a n as follows: Session 1 - June 18-Joly 3. Session 2 It July 9Aug. 1. The &M is 525 per session. Registration forms can be obtained at the Old Flrehouse Monday through Thursday, £rom 10 a.m. to 2 pjn.1 and on Friday from noon to 4 p.m. For more details, call 93CM130. SSL Athletic Physicals SHEFFIELD VILLAGE — Athletic physicals for the 1996-97 school your in ihe Sheffield-Sheffield Lake School District will bejdven at Brookslde High School Wednesday. May 22. This is the only date physicals will bo administered. Physicals for 7th and 8th graders will start at 8 p m.: 9th and 10th graders. 6:30 pjn.; 11th grade. 7 p.m.; and 12th grade. 7:30 p.m. Tri-CIty Family Medicine will provide the exams at a cost of 910 per student. Pay by cash or check with chocks made out to Brookslde High School. Thefrontside of all physical cards must be completed IN INK before the exam. A parent s or guardian's signature is required. * No one may begin practice until the comploted OHSAA physical card Is accepted. Physical exams are good for one year. For man details, call Gary Bierly at 949-4242 or 2840009. Avon Boys Basketball Camp AVON — A basketball camp open lo all boys ia in grades S, 6.7 and 8 Is scheduled for June 10-13. The foe is $45 per* camper, and the deadline lo register is Juno Cut Down Shoremen catcher Dustin Koch puts the tag on a Rocket runner at the plate during Bay's 5-3 victory over the Shoremen May 13. PRESS photo — D * v t d 8 n m f t 1. Avon boys varsity basketball coach Dave Kudala is organizing the camp. To register, call Coach Kudela at 988-7811. Women's Golf Association AVON LAKE — The results of league play for Tuesday. May 7 are fallows: Class AA • Low gross, low not and play of the day— Bert Kostohryz. Low putts - Linda Howard. Class A - Low grots and law net - Barb Bayer. Low putts - Tie between Gladys Flynn and Jean Butts. Play of the day - Doreen Party. Class B - Low gross, low net and play of the day Carole Mack. Low putts - Yvonne Bergluud. Class C - Low gross - Nancy Dloterlp. Low putts Juanlta Legge. Low net • Tie between Juralta Leggo and Marybelle Arnold. Play of the day - Juanlta Legge and Nancy Dleterle. Pool Passes, Swim Lessons AVON LAKE — Pool personnel will bo available at the Ellen Trivanovich Municipal Pool on Saturdaj1. May 25 from 10 a.m- lo 3 p.m.: Sunday. May 26 from 10 a-m. to 3 pjn.; and Wednesday. May 29 from 5 to 8 p.m. for residents tr» register for swimming lessons and purchaso 1996 pool passes. Non-residents may sign up tor the swimming lessons waiting lisL Note: Became of the demand for these lessons, the linos may be lone. Pool passes axe $75 for a family pass ana $25 far an individual pass. There is a mandatory 50-cont lamination charge for each pool pass. Pool passes are available to Avon Lake residents only. There will be fivo sessions of swimming lessons this year beginning June 10. Each two-week session costs $18. Swimming ler-son registration will be on a firstcomo. first-servo basts because class sizes are limited Register early so the session most convenient for you and your children is available. For rnoro details call the Recreation Dept. at 930-4130 between 10 a.m" and 2 p.m. Women's Golf Association AVON LAKE — The Tuesday morning league which plays at Aqua Marina reports the following results of play on May 14: Oass A - Rachel Standon and Dorothy Brietic 33: Pat Kendera. 35. . Class B - Kay Schack. 34; Kay Big. 36. Class C - Marion Tate. 40; Mary Alice Sander. 40. Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing AVON LAKE-AVON — Sign upforthe Chamber of Commerce bonus foursomes and get a free hole rponr " ^ ^ ^ f Package. The foursome package Includaa the free hole sponsor and 18 holes at Avon Lake's Sweatbriar Golf Club, goU cart, bevorege. lunch, a itrip steak dinner and plenty of prizes. Open to the public, the golf outing is very popular throughout Lorain County. Golfersfromamong the following companlM and businesses are participating: Mullinax Ford. Continental Cablevision. Smith 4 Smith Attorneys at law. Columbia Gas of Ohio. Cellular One. Star Bank. BlakesloeftSons Insurance. St. John Wost Shore Hospital. KeyBank. Lorain Commanity-st. Joseph Regional Health Care Canter. Fountain Bleau. Wendy's. Applied Specialties. Realty One and Phoenix Products. Call the Avon Lake-Avon Chamber of Commerce at 933-9311 to set up your golf package for Friday. June 14 wiln tee tunes starting at 10 a.m. Cost is $325 for the bonus0 foursome with free hole sponsorship and $85 P^.8 ""-Cost is $135 for hole sponsorship only, or it) W ( l o n 8 M t drive, closest to the pin. longest Co-chairs of the event ore Ceoffrey Smith. Esq.. of Smith & Smith Attorneys and RIIV Frank or Columbia J Gas. Sue fihrows son. Tho A.L ahomtcp finished tho Arlono Jaroscuk. and is J I'RESS carrier. And then there was one - Tho game wilh seven Rflb. Now it's on to districts vvhero the Shoremen baseball tuaiu is iho only Shoruinun will havu homo-fiold udvansquad in Iho area alivu iind lacking on tago un a dato yet to be determined. Iho tournament trail, after its 14-1 romp I3aldwin-Wailaca basher - Biixiksidu over Bay in Iho Division II sectional grad Amy loannidls recently completGd f.nal last Thursday. her sophomoro season on tho BaldwinA.L.. which had lost to lhu Rockets Wallace Colluga softball toam. twice in previous ngular season renIcannidii batted .343 wilh three doudervaus. got nasty with pitcher Jeremy bles, throe triples and 13 RBIs in 67 at Griffiths (3-0) on iho mound. Tho bats this year. Shoremen starter went tho distance, She was also tho Yellow Jackets' No. giving up just four hits, whiio striking 2 pitcher winding up with a record of 5out 13. 4 and an ERA of 4.79 in 73 innings Ho also played long ball, as did teampitched. mnto Frank Balogh. who wrecked Bay District champ - Avon track star pitching the entire night. Balogh was 3Claim DeChant will head to regionals for-4 at the plats, breaking tho game with some extra baggago — the Division open In the fifth with a grand-akin homo run - his second HR of tho sea- 111 district shot put championship. •jaw Talk about opening the season with a bang. Giants' pitcher Chris Jaroscal; throw a no-hittcr at the Marinora on opening day (May 14) In the ALYBF Major LeaguM. getting his team a 4-0 victory intJiB procass. The 12-year-old tallied Mariner hitters through six innings, striking out 14 of them. laroscni, is the son of Mark and Area league soccer summaries Avon scored by Todd Bailey. &?alsU-d by Kyle Syphers. Tha Avon Stingers UlO soccnr team The team then played Vermilion and won its fourth game of tha season •gainst Sheffield Lake. The score was won 9-1. Two goals each were scored by Brett Okamoto and Brad Smitek. 12-0. Goals wsrv mido by Josh Adding ana goal each were Chris Rnsdura, 1; Mike Wlsmer. 2: Cody Frfoud. XBvin Kovach. Bryan Selestak. Lomar. 1 Creg Reph. 1 (assisted by Danny Schwartz): Danny Schwartz. 1: Kyle Vasilofl and Jerry Hagerman. Mark Sorgo, 1: Nathan Noll. 1; Jonathan AssijU in this game went to John Hunts: 1: Cory SzymanowksL 1: and Cachat. Frioud. Hagerman and Okamoto. Kyb McOser. 1. Soto.tha Stingers are haring a perfect season. Game three was with Brighton. The X-men won that game by the skin of Tb» Area X-raea had a great winter their teeth with a final score of 3-2. indoor season at Conccrdla Soccer Onb. Tha X-men dominated their divi- KovBch scored tha Erst goal, then Chad t Rowley passed the ball to Okamoto alon and want tinHftff*fl*^ Tney bavo who found the net. The third and wincoma a long way In Indoor play. This ning goal was scored by Vasilofl with was thair fourth indoor season. Th« X-men got offtoa rough outdoor tha awIttHTtco of Okamoto. The X-men played game four on May start, locing tbeir first game to Firelands 3*1. Tho only goal far that game was 4 winning this game against Flraland*. Btiy * Lionel G-l. Goals for this game were kicked In by Okamoto. Bailey. Syphoxs and two for Hagcnnan. Friaud added a head ball goal. Assists for this game went to Okamoto (2). Bailey. Kovach and Smitok. As usual, the X-men played great defense. Kovach and Doug Rawlings do a tremendous Job in the back Una keeping the ball forward. Goelica JC and Chris Lambio bad many saves. Sheffield Lake The SL Gunners U5-1 played an outstanding game against the U8-3 teem oo April 27. Paul Zagnrski scored 8 goals. Matt MenUer scored 1 and Ryan Smith scored 1. Eddie Calanese. Kraig Lamleln and Doug Nehrenz had several attempts at goal, and Matt Cody, Tyler Goodwin and Jason Reese played another excellent defensive game. Coaches Ben Zagorski. Bob Munn and John Munn congratulate the team. Sell * Trade N HO K-Une PRESS SCRAMBLE THAESS Glfl Certificates AnlMik 1996 Sweetbriar Golf Club Golf Scramble Wednesday, August 7, 1996 es TRAINS to the old Cmtmffl Tweivo-year-oW Ctvb Jaroacsk, the Giants' ten-handof. opened the Major Lsague season by pitching a no-ftlusr against the Mariners. 7TH ANNUAL RAILROAD VIDEOS , T W 814 Center S d , Avon I BUY 937-O2OO DL-Chant won it with a throw of 35 fuet. two indies, joining teammate3 Katie Lengen 1100 hurdle-)), Erin Limmcr (100 hurdles). Jacldo Kennedy (800 meters), and Shauna U>hr (OCO meters), as a regional qualifier. Leaders - Here's a look at tho area's respective loaders in iho softball. baseball and track worlds: Baseball: (hitting] - Matt Schroeder 469: (pitching] - Matt Schroeder. Avon lake. 3-2.1.62 ERA SoUbali: Kendro Flaum. Avon Lake. .447.27 RBIs. Track: Geoff Simpson. Avon Lake {3200 meters). 9:42.B0; Colleen Byrna. Avon Lake (BOO meters), 2^0.10. and (1600 meters), 5:09.60; Claire DeChant. Avon (shot put). 34-« 1/2 and (discus). 118.6. I NOW CABHY LIONEL ITS NOT NICE TO FOOL MOTHEB HMTIRE now avaflable at DKE GREENHOUSE Over a mBEcn pbnts under s a w KIY DOEaHOM THE GROWER PALL %FLATS $9.25 937-5666 GET GROWING! Rain Date: To Be Announced ENTRY FEES $85.00 per person (First increase in three years!) •PRIZES • PRIZES • PRIZES HOLE-IN-ONE THE USE* WIN A JETSKI WIN OV A1N7 CHIVMUX C H v mnn PSOVIOCD BY: Everyone receives: 18 Holes • Cart • Lunch • Prizes Galore • Eieer - Refreshments • Shirt • Balls • Tees A Big Hit since '94 AND BACK BY POPULAR OEMAND Winner Take All Putting Contest "SWEETBRIAR PRO Joe Lombard^ has designed a Special Putting Couise. ALL PROCEEDS from this Fun Event wH go to' the Winning 2 Peraon Team. • ALSO- SIGN UP FOR SKINS • LO iiiF IACUL FOBS rtooucr R » 3 T U B S n o u tupc oovitoiEr • UOVD AVQiroROEOIDMKO AVON LAKE POWER EQUIPMI ThcBICMONEY Hole • Closest to Pin #4-Wins $300.00, Second Si50.00, Third $50.00 Baas • Bate • Shoes • Steaks - Shirts . O u b s - C o b r T.V. • Two Trips to Atlantic City Lunch & Dinner Catered By NOVOTMY C A T E R E R S i SCHUENEMANN TV-'APPUANCf* Contpr't 1 FREE EXTENDED WARRAHTY WITH THIS AD RIEE DELIVERY FREE SET-UP FWEE HAUL-AWAY . NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS 90 DAYS gpnVlCE ALL MAJOR ENTRY FORM A •More Pnies ,n 96* PREFERRED TEE TIME Contact nama * pHona • fa yourteetime. (between 9*28 and 12:16) % . OH.O 440,2 . - . IfiWSjp • • ! • / ! ; ' 'ran nmmmu I IS m i 1 1 1 IP WE HAVE 2T ALL OPEN 7 DAYS LEAHWOGD S^UABE 375 Lear Road Avon Lake, OH 933-6089 • 899-0620 ! Pr?ze putts TakinQ home moro tTian SSOO in the winner-take-al! 1995 PRESS potf scrambte putting contest were (left toright)John Martin and Mike Fby who split in a Ho wtth Gary Arnold and Bob DelQuardLTho PRESS scramble offers many prizes, a gofl shirt for every entrant, dinner, lunch, plus much much more. Dont get shut out — sign up today. (See the special entry form in this week^a PRESS.) mI 1 Is 1 fflm|i MMMHn] 1 ME LAURA PANDY, D.D.S. Family Dentistry Genera! & Cosmetic Dentistry • • • • 9th Year of Practice Children Always Welcome New Patients welcome* Most Insurances Accepted Laura Pandy, D.D.S. Convenient Evening & Saturday Hours Available CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 933-2710 Wdker Ccmmons North 33393 Walker Road UnitF Avon Lake •J* 1 » WMMWMn « « n FAMILY TRADITIONS KENDERA CONSTRUCTION AND LLOYD MANWELL FORD SERVING THE COMMUNITY FOR OVER 25 YEARS A GasshuVu (gah*shoe-coo}. or special training camps in the traditional martial arts, will oe offered this aummer to local youngsters. It will bo held tha waeks of Aug. 5-9 and Aug. 12-16. Children can participate in ona or both weeks offered. The camp will be led by Martial Arts expert Jafibry Ellis. No previous martial arts training is necessary. At a Gasshuku, students gain selfconfidence, self-control & disdpUce. respect for others, increased concentration, and more, enabling them , to achlova creator happiness and success in life. Subjects to be taught in this rummer"! Gasshuku are "Traditional Xante Instruction. Basic Judo. Ju-jitsu and Kobudo (weapons). Self Defenx? & Defensive Awareness. Thara will a!so be special activities such as gomes la the park, swimming, field trips snd more. Tha camp will meet Monday through Friday, from the hours of 8 a.m.to4 pjn. Extended hours aid arailable. Classes will be hold at International Karate Cental's in Avon Lake. Further Information U available by calling (218) 930-2530. Lorain Family YM£A takes over operations of North Coast Family Y AVON LAKE — EfTectiva May 1. tha Lorain Family YMCA assumed operations of the North Coast YMCA lacility In Avon Lake, announced Judy Schmitz. executive director. Schmltz said the facility Is operating basically the tamo way It has in the nest, with the current quality programs, hours and many of the same stall. For members, the change allows them access to the Lcrain YMCA's two other locations: Tower Blvd. and Emerson School (Just off E. Erie AveJ. As always. North Coast YMCA memb r a will continue to have access to the Cleveland YMCAs. and anniversary dates of membership will remain in effect For more information, call Judy Schmitz at the North Coast facility. ..31 .MULtl-CAft DISCOUNT Drive two or more Gars in your family? Drive straight to Nationwide* Yom Jr Davo Kendora taking dolivary of their now 1996 F250 4x4 Utility Box Truck. For honest and reliable service Kendera Construction €r Lloyd Manwoll Ford. ^LIOYD-MANWELL UMUM 933-3291 cuw.671-1390 Nraiioon Krroiiio 33450 LAKE ROAD, AVON LAKE E If you're a two-car family, Nationwide can save you money on your auto insurance. Additional premium discounts are available to those who qualify. Call us today. r Billy F. Smith Serving Our Communities Since 1978 THE SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY Drug Mart Plaza 933-3826 NATIONWIDE ! I L ? E bxm6'i4iqMMnlBn 1-800-635-0523 • • • - . . • - , • • • ( . . . " . . - . •• . . - . - - • - ' . . - - • . - . • . . • ! • : • • . / • : & • • : . . : . : • , . . ; - • ;-J^v:^™ . -.•,v:: -••::.W::: ••• By Healhar Rutz f i . • .:••••<-.*••.. pounds empty: more when fillod with fuol) How far did ycu run? (ono kilometer/about 1/2 a mil*]: How were you chosen? (Her husband and friends nominated her for hor community servlco.) Where did the flame como fromT (It was flown to Iho United States from Greece with a protective cover on Iho outside of a piano.) Many of the other questions centered around tier home and horse stable In Alaska. How many pets does she have? "Five horsM, six dogs. 13 cats, two birds, two turtles, 26 goldfish and 12 tropical fish." Gliva answered. Do the birds talk? "Yes they both talk. One says. "I can talk, can you Ey7*~ she said. Children (and adults] may not be able to fly. but that should not stop them from trying. Another mission Gliva has is to make children understand the Importance of doing something they love, "I want to lot children know maybe you are not going to gat paid a million dollars to play basketball, but that does' n t mean you should not continue with a sport that Is important to you. "Maybe you'll be the best basketball "What Is important about the Olympics Is that it is about countries camins togother In peace. Tho ffomo tymbollzew that peace," said Kathy Cliva, on Avon lakfl native who rocenily carried tho Olympic name in the torch relay In tho Seattlo/Olympla area. Long ago. runners would relay tho message cf a truce In Greeca and Invita athlatea to competo In tho dty of Olympla. Today, the peace In that relay and competitiDn Is symbolized by tha torch relay. Gliva brought that message of "counWaa coming together In a peaceful cnmpetitfon of sport.' to area school children last week. She was selected, along with thousands of other Americans, to participata In tho Olympic torch relay. An Avon Lako native, Gliva now lives In Chugiftk, Alaska and ran in the Seattle. Wash, arse on May 7. Ai a visit to fourth graders at Saint Raphael'* school in Boy Village, Gliva answered many questions iram a seemingly endless sea of raiiod hands. How much doon tha torch weigh?, (3.5 coach at tho YMCA. If you have an countries. Tho opening coremony In Interest and passion in somolhing. stick Atlanta Is on Iuno ig. with It." Gliva said. Whoa CUva heads back to Chugiak, 3 Her passion is horses. A boy asked sho also plans to visit schools wiln tho p» hor when she became interested in 12 other torch runners from Alaska to- -ij thorn, and all she could say was that share the experience. J when she was three years old. her That experience was "an honor and a £ father took hor to rids a pony In the privllego." Sho said every Umo sho ** Motroparks. Sho has been hooted ever watches the opening and closing ccro- « since. monies of the Olympics, sbo gets ° "choked up. This year, it's bound to bo Currently. Gliva servo* as the riding worse," Gliva decided. instructor and director of STRIDE. Southcontral TheropuUc Riding. Inc. The pictures she showed told the The program teaches people with spestory UtB a scrapbook. In tho group of cial needs how to ride horseback. Once 10 she ran with, there was an 86-yeartho ground has thawed, plans will be old woman and a 12-yoar-old boy. underway to build an indoor riding Another boy. watching the r»lay from arena so participants In STRIDE can tho street. Just wanted to have his piccontinue their therapy year-round. ture taken with her. As Kathy prepared to accept tho flame from a runner, the Although sho is nooding homo, tho clouds were parting, and sun was torch relay continues. The torch was beginning to reflect in the puddlas from carried by horseback on the Pony the rain that hod fallen. Express Route and It will travel by riverboat before coming to Ohio in "It was raining for tha 10 people early June. Nearly 00 people will carry before our croup, but just before they the torch through the state, some from got to us. the sun came out and there Ohio, neighboring states and other was a rainbow," Gliva said. Avon Lake one of 6 sites for baseball skills competition By Chris Aswntetoer locations. In each respective local competition, thetopthroe In each age group will win a prize, with the highest score In each ago division earning (ho right to strut their stuff in the finals at Jacobs Field. The finals will take place Aug. 19 prior to the Indians-Texas Rangers ' firnn, Winners from each group will throw out the first pitch,receivea photo plaque, as well astickrtstothe SportsChannel dugout suite for themselves and two gratis. Tha cost Is 510 and Weiss Field will house the event June 29-30. If you ain't wish.< -:- :• 'i mak* tho Weiss Field dates, competi:'ttami*timttnw\ it already underway, wnd tions In Solon. Akron, Parma. Mentor. c m pick «p registration nod Cleveland are also available. Indians1 TMUU Shops or any of There Is Umitsd apacs available at the 17 northern Ohio Kovcug Sports *Mch location, so don't be left out. AVON LAKE — Avon Lake's Weiss Field has been •*H**f»" as one of tha six sites for tha upcoming Cleveland Indians/SportsChaiuiel Baseball Skills Competition. Tlia program, to be hold at various UcSWtt baginning June 15. is open in boys and gins age* sflv*n through 14 as of Aug. 31. Each participant will compete In pitching, hUtir»g and running events. Equipment will b* provided, but •otnatt may use tbstr own if the; ! m Explore tht Caribbean aboard a TaS Snip. 6 & 13 Jay Caribetan aacmtursi. For mort information caS your trace} agent or 1^00-327-2601. >v. minajam Dtps. 5318 jra General Civil & JPX Trial Practice I GARAGE SALE KITS 9 3 4 - 6 5 4 3 22l7WglouWrjfAvon.Ohio -i sum mwm * PBOBHII • sraiih^justitifss • PIBSOWAI INJURY;• Stop By Tho Press and Pick Up Your Garage Sate Kit Which Includes: ^ ^ ^ THIS PLUS YOUR GARAGE MowttkijMawrfab • I PimpW«"S«rwofM«»yMikln|../ SALEADFOR 2UfW-0fTPhdn|UbsIs • 4 MwSfnikrBuJUtinBcarA ONLY$ • I InvwitoryShtK an odting «mnwr of FUN at IMTERNAnONAL KARATE CEHTERS totnv • ^ a s c ^ iring. pwcHw ••••loni ortdoon, «p«dal •ctlvijM; *nd much moral *BUoofl* Garage Sate Kit Only $6.95 30 word limit pka mttt from sumtntr 1109. fUM I * M 0O*)0 on «ftfw«•« **» RHfwettor ttatk your cMtf% M fcnvtr. AVON LAKE CAMP lM7 lnQ —tf-d»to»— Judo thmrt, pkM fM0miMinil BTROnGSVniXCAUP Tia/JlUO m unrauc 7 k Vf INTBRNATIONAL KARATE CBNTBRS stocxTHrtm asa-7300 k > BMEKT8H G»w your chfldi»o the opportwisy to agopsrttnc* u n f i i ktrtte «nd sadNtolansa skfls J«ffEBtandotf)«rtn«lmcton. Our Sumimr Day Camp buSda: • 8aK oortfOl •nd t: 445 Aron Betden RdXn The r^^^wf Next to Tom Car Foods 930-2530 158 Uar Road. Avon Lsk« <2I6) 933-5100 - -V—J Notices V iSilH Raul Estate 51 Ceosssal Uxt Ut Jtert SI Cfflc* feist f » h u t K3 Kmej ht I m i S3 S3 ^ K3 S a n Haut / I J W M T H 13 Viatsn PrjcttT Iw Hml (7 C«4J1«tarb a t 13 Wanted B lip| |1 MM H HI Hi HH§1 « Commerda] Property W3-7100 FORI UOKV C a efl S r u w S m ca- RtaJUVO.. ora Loraifi, onio. Ow»f I M U n s . O H M . (218)323- "Pm-qualify (or free 'ConventionaVFHA/VA loans "Credit proalem loans "Refinance 'Home Improvement loans 'Second mortgages 'Mobile home Joans raru. C n y Caniar C o m p M i . Doanomn Lrrain 4 araan - L M T >Mal 300. 1,aC0 and 2 4 0 0 aq. S. TT*d toor 700 aq.(L " — " " " a f * m . ueaaaa p a * l Ptxna 2*4-4117. Loratn. 10, HonwsForSato ~ 4 B t a i O O y «PLTT, • 3 I 1 H LWOVCAPCO LOT, Z-U3 Car Qar- AVON OniCK CONDO. 1 3 1 SHAXESPEAR LANE, Lara* Convr Una: Elagam. PTIVXM snowUigs Samntty. Sunday. B37-KO0 AVON LAKE CONOO UXfeMft 2 beOraonn. LV3 tnths. «c?*«fwd-in poren, hxatad n«ar pt^tc « • ccuna and Lata En*. AlHng 287.000. O S B334039 tor *ff* AVON LAKE BY OWNER: S13fJ30, 111 BELMAH BtVO^ Woodatf Lot. Totally FUmodaiad makla and Out. OPEN SUNDAY. 1PIMPM or CaBtorA M -AVpM LAKE COKOO > r * 1 i ) . 2 Mdraoma. i acra«n»tj-ln porcn. Atkino ^ HOUSZ SUHDATS 2u mn.1 AVON LAKX, 3296* Q K » C 3 BR flancfi. naw Ucfan. 1 xa baffw. Hiring racm. dtnlno roo«n. lud eonw bt 933442a i ? OWNDL PAIOUHOC CONOO, Boua 1 l a e rtsovy t x u y and a n .2 2-car garaga. af 034-6304 131 lUnrw Jtmct H* Uiwn 13S Pwtftnj 7^7 AVON LAKE, 3 Badreom Sdl LavM. 2 Baow. w. CM. Paaamant. doaa to yrtf. 833-PMa. t rfca fc 3 BAY W-LAQC; 29033 W c t f . w i f i n Day. m u m - U « « i . 4/3BD/2.SBA. tiarawood floors. («m.room, 2-5 h«at»d/garag«. I24SJWL 100I373 tot. Farming IS) h E IS S3 COTTAGE; A i I W I W Y I , l « O O w n . U ttza CeOrocm l o t u i n , new M 3 ) . tttcnto. now p a n . tea O«iawaj« A*o.. Lafcacda. OIL VK.KO. B71-7Q43. Don't mlsa out on the 1998 PRESS GOLF SCRAMBLE. Sign Up Today! LARQE anxrroH COUNTRY MO«E 1 # c n let, 3 Oadroom, 2 1/2 B»m. B * i t ( n * n i . Living Room. Family Room. 2 Car Oaraga. Anrcwidrg a now prfca $ i 4 3 j 6 a Raatty Ona. LU/y SUndan. 933- * LOO HOME, 22C0 wj. B. en a prlwai Uka. 3/b*eroo>Rt. 3/car carag*. HJUKand Co. S1TB.900- « 7 t ^ f t 113 EIIUMIOT 1 knavc l i t ScJuwl US 333 315 V J Pwii t J«r«i ]13 lu'oi Is Iik K0 333 .333 135 Cjn-etn I V m 413 ftnija Cm ( I I Brtarritia t U U Efai 413 430 433 VthKitt i Eut I t e v To ptaca an ad can Animals S33-C1OO Mon.-Frt • «JB.- S pin. 3£J O w n TOUR m m rwma rw«l N O dowTOaymanl on Ma«» Uaiensi*Innovaliva coratnjcoon nna^eing. Cad W * M Homaa Today. 1-COO-ao- "25 Mobile Hameo ForSalo SAVE TMOU3AMO3 - Buy taOOff dract ttc tava * Cad lor haa ootar ttanOM*. 1-CCXXB8-1TB3. T1REO OF REKTINO. *W ^aK• O-«rr THANK VOU ALHS Ircunnal A m 33 pra o-an«d homaa raady ' ° immadlata dalMry E-Z Bnandnq. Caass «no ara buUng a two-ttxy PttySoacatorpraactxxian kn tx* DdOvwy Incbdad. 1-300-6G8-17B3. Putac UBrary> DncqifyWorta. WESTLAKE &» oanm 23135 HtfBart; 3BO rancft onteouotiila^a tn»d 35 Vacation Property lot. WBFP. full batamvnl. AC For Sato S144JX0- 3 S » « i a . HILTON HEAD Tlma Smi* VTESTLAKE ty Owner, 560/28A Ji^adiooffl. 3feain hema, cool, f n a WB tlraplaca. aluminum aldad, BOB. tannta. asung ili.SOOmaka canm air, gaa haat. I t a f ovaga. oner. Jie.OOO. «ama (21S) TT93159^1.2604 Nortt^Hl. 1507. 071-41 S3. 20 Lots and Acreage For Sate OUT OF BlELDCn DEVELOPCn kxUna tor Urga parcals ot land. Sand InkxmaUontoP.OAa 307. Noun pwtatad. OH 44O7S. Ant Ut. Oman. LAKE LIQUIDATION 1.34 AC wMock $19,900 was S29.9OO. Ptamiar daMtopar la now Iqtidaiing jjnaJpnaaa ot oonjaoua^ laluilrom THE AREA? CALL FOR FREE PUGUCATXM 1-600-753-3643 Mondtr-SundaY MHewraADay NEW CONSTRUCTION: 3 Backeooi. *-\n Baa^ Hi n> m m Haattti, Uak« MMQtlaMa Ptiea CompanUa to OUar Hemaa. 33> OUaSTai FALLS: B y o - n r Z g a S Alcarcala «oodad on panad ida. uQ uBbaa and n x f ireora.Thai coUd ba your tast enanoatoaav« ffsxMandtf Eayy orvafla anandno- Ca* BCO-2308323 #nt 1306. TENNESSEE Lala Community grand npartng. Enjoy gonjaoua • * » accaia homasHaa tram $10400. Ouwandna «4a«a ol laka « moinar na&j>«^ pnMaaat nanJ Pmad Ida, u^) uM ApioaM»i« taatrtcdonB. EaayonvManrndno. Cal now lor haacctof batftn. 140&37U002 an. 1307. 1—.nzajoo-ao-iaca. 45 t m JJS 3O Utl I Fwn4 34} rn HOCXY RIVER; Uanor Houta Condo, 2/Urae badroom*. Onnjrocm. h-aUM Huvlry. aoc* <xt kUctwn. attached oanga. Cal lor apot. W.O0O 529-feaSOUTH CAROLINA Ukavlew $24,900 fraa boat il<pt BeaisfUN «o«3Mtotwinw i prtvaia t»alt>Ql Prtv* U*» Uurray kxMcn a&uEGrg ooa couna. Pvrad reads. wst»r. i i " « r , mortt Eiccliant Snanora. Watorfntti l C Miscellaneous OFRCES AVAILABLE ^ROOUSUTS Laka Raad Avon Laka ReasonabM Rant Useaa nxumd. CaatorApcoMmant 133-J1T1 ONE A TWO badnxma from SOSi Waif»f. dryar, nucrowava, pool, tannia, u m , tanning- Ca9 8934747. WLLAOE ON THt ORE1M Spmdat *100J30 OR t i B k ) Nmtv Ramodatod 1 4 2 Badnxm fJH)t33a3<7 VtLLAOE ON THE o S S S wly Ramodaiadl f 2 Badraan* (T1«)g33-«3«7 WESTLAKE CONDC. o Soun, 2BCVZBA, amanttaa. No Ona car k tXot cprapa. todfcj^ r. S773Jmo- s33-2SeX 52 779-3537. MOVING air. inaooraHvtfY.no Health, RocresUon & Education 1*4fcjmfttfjtU t J U I l;toiEi«ti COKOO-Uaj. CR££K SO. End t n l tomtihomo. iiSO. Z-Sa. Umtyracra, fit*placa. W »50C C 7108. us in 1J7 Riittnii / C T » I 3 UJ r m m t ICO Vtt Cvt IS) Ziitmq FAMILY HOME MORTGAGE CORP. Avon Lake, Ohio MARK LUNDY LORAJH •aXJSTHUU. PARK moxaiat aaa* z-eo acraa. ma ia< or bUU b aUL Tao (LOIXI aq.lL tcacas now naaatn. bxalad a4acar* a iaao. 111 US AFFORDABLE HOME LOANS REAL ESTATE 05 Commercial IJ$ Venu. l/iwsrt * E?*pn«nt 130 131 111 111 tl Wwlri b Itfj Hatut 15 WntlrittlUnt FvJUnt If) Uwn Cin 1 Ew-pn i n boon t u Stnicti 1M 133 T3 l i t a W w t r j 19 Uti • fernct lw U « ta feVWwbd H IMJ4 Hsen br S * D CMdCin 33 Out B Tna Pnptrrr 13 SSttSun WwW U t k a t a hifwtj firtta30 RawrtaJ H'J In Urniarawt Ttt U31I fcteil 110 Ptnawij 111 1U Sales For Rent AVON 3 BEDROOU BUNGALOW, AppBancaa hdudad. country aattfng. NO PETS. AnttatM Juna 1 st . Laavw Uaasaga, P3415Si A V O N L A K E , CONVENIENT LOCATION: 3 Sadnxm. 2 Bain. 1 Car O a n g a . NO PETSi Availatia AUO tiLS779.00 MO * SacuRy • U a W C t 833^938 Dont miss out on tho 19BB PRESS GOLF SCRAMBLE. Sign Up Today! LAROE CANOPY TENTS For Rant PartadtorYour Outtoor Pan>t 20x20" or 27x30" AaktorMam 8atitn*a Country Court** & CofruTWfclaJ For Rant RITA1L OPACC: 10OO M.fL awalaCta. Oiaat Nomam Otod Marti OWKtad. Cafl 779-4500 Bam.-Spnx 55 For CE*TEH_ COUPUX; L tFta* i R A t VWtooi o UOUaapabt earUna abaftHanad apacaa. KUDO aqJ 4B0 aqJL tgjtttn q 680 atji. j 1190 g b arranoad dtoMM lanaA JVAWM ba aiaaa. 1421 aqJL (2010 aa*. an] 2 3 0 t t « « w t t n a r t g Share HousaV~ Apartmant 4eESROOtLBi naoaBatH.S71. nagoaaU«.S71.7O«3. PRIME RETAIL SPACE 2 MonUtt Free Rant - Drafted 1ta» • AVON LAKE, Ohio 49,000 sq. f t PLAZA 1,152 sq. f t available now 3,327 sq. f t available now i BRUNSWICK, Ohio 44,500 sq. f t PLAZA 1,500 sq. f t available now 3,370 sq. f t available now VERMILION, Ohio 23,745 sq. f t PLAZA 1,000 sq. f t available now Over 55,000 customers served monthly by anchor tenant Call (330) 725-2340 ext. 4468 or (216)967-2172 $21*910 tt I5N.IM Ono acre lots. Pond & ravine tots. Amherst schools. Now talcing reservations. A uniquely planned community of quality custom built homes. Featuring ' / 2 acre wooded ravine & wooded tots, and a private recreation center. Firdands School district. _, 4$ day occupancy on 7 models. Located In Vermilion. Opan 1-4 tun. wackday* * wtifcawda. Ckntd r f d a * Take 1-90 to V«nnf Don XOML located < w mik N o r * on WmaHon Road. T * k * RL 2 to O a k Point Road. C o north o n O a k Point Road. 967-0586 1-100-616-8160 Frtn $109,900 Ranches and Colonials. Wooded ravine lots. Amherst schools. Route 2 to Oak Point Road. North on Oak Point Road. Sunday 1-5 p.m. 1-S00-817-9643 Phone 967-3398 Qoallty homes by COKSTBUCTWtWC. SUNGLASSES!] Just in time for Summer! • All new selection of over 70 styles • Designer names including Rayban &Aadidas • Competmvelv priced • Many available in prescription • Professionals to help select the perfect pair. DRS. FLEMING & STOLFO j OPTOMETRY 33398 WaJkw Road, Suite B Avon Lake. O H '33-3214 • • ^ . • : . ress&g&3awr£fo5S&.i .•\i.:--.-.J REALTORS SINCE 1903 The Avon Lake Smythe, Cramer Co. wishes to congratulate our Listing and Salt3s Leaders for April. LISTING LEADERS BARBARA CLAYCOMB 819713. 1B9 Aainwod. Picture youraeH In this lovingly maint a i w l 3 bdrm. 2 J bffih. i p « colonial, listed « l S148.500. this wonderful homa wU b e gone toon. Cafl roe lor your prhwts tour. S a n d l_ Waoer 933-3733. 949-7827. 820615. Wrap porch colonial «<3i newer irfnyt iJdng rasa on nearty V> acre heavily Landscaped and wooded tot Recent updates irscL carpet throughout Scaramic In kit. foyer. » SA. $224,500. O w f w A g o r t Susan ScMKng 933-3733. 8 2 1 5 5 3 . New listing in W t r t w l n d s . Garden-Oka y a r f In ttvs beaufifei 4 bedroom cotoniaJ. Including a aunroom with sfcy- 8 1 2 2 6 4 . Almost m a l r 4 e n a n c a - f r e « 3 bdrra cot. n # « J e d In Woodland School DteWct Byrsi. Good home tor r a n t * property or 1st Bma home buyer. 9S6.SC0. Call S a n d Weber to see H i aM efficient property. 833-3733 or 949»7«Z7 home. SUSAN SCHILLING SALES LEADER agWs. breatfast bar. 3 car gangs, ram o»ce In basement. Col U M«. S349^X). Unda Homrn 833O733. SOOesS. AbsokiMy l u t rnonm svalaMs In MLS. 1B19 E. 349i SL LoraJn. WeiroairtasTed2 bdmi cotarsal only minute* (rcm 1-90 & St. R1. 254. This horn* Is In wry good condition. $55,900. Cal Sandl Water 83KT733 or 949-78Z7 today!!! 68 Vacation Property Fof Rant • l A U T f f U L Marco I s U n d . FL; tSO/BA. Fully equipped condo. marhtt <Mcou«ed M M . reMpd vueo tfau 7 OTTVM y O N E T HATTERI Owners Sonnet SUJO T o o Wtafetv W e e « HCAfTTLAMD EXPOESS. Expect ii0O44&«n7d H1LIS Oept Compu 9Z22. * 3 ? 9yew«. Oenentf oMca flV Ej^enence a muei SerdReawna One B e n MW tOJcTwn. P M M M Ennnee. WWdno OManm » MMIW< OMo. eaiUYAuSDA 3«edracm romi e a m a y tooMetf t t reantedHMa. M a r Beeur num. hmtshed. SleepaM. P w U v H6-6J1-7TW h A f a O A « i K » VACATKW BtMTAt Ameiican. C v U M e n . 2 BeftoonvZ B a n Futy FurraMd: Lutuy H t n e On O o e W t h f W * n - S - i n w * o Canal. W * OfcecfAaeeiiTo Axanae and OdL P I M M and Luxuntous CONOO k u H v i I I L A M O . Stay in the Heart of (towwown KMeyv Wand tn nearly new 3 bedroom, beautifully rtrtum «an pool e. ISLANO. I ' M New 3BOJ5BA sxrrffoues.condo h gtfed ,0j M A C H meort *ecawn .-*, one k « bedroom condoa. Ooit Package*. eniertainment partaget. dairy/weekljT raiet. Summef vicerttew remain, but hunyt FrM brochunK 1-e00-44B-MB3. WANTED Halp Wantad n M M I lor .CompanNe salary and „ • — Sand leauma andsatary history u PhJas Sepasta at Cohen * C0.373OaHeJMet Dnve. Avon, Onto 44011. ADULT HEEDED FOR FEEDWQ • UAJKTEMAMCE at an Avon Lake Horse Farm. Apertmer*.» necessary. Cat 033-8335. • j f t f T A M T namcTOR; Ctwaran-s C w « Wamtng Camer. one rt^e laedMQ quality d « w i • has an AsUstant Onctor ...WBwnpcfcyRWararea.We ournpsBNe salary and benefit • ~ laraited tndlvMuals toTontoTi'*! » w e«panence In cnndcani. H you are Interested m Kr.k^(:rvTo; Per**ey. Rocky River. 3Sft<a»l 8 0 6 3 * 1 . 3 Bedrm. C d o n U l wrteroe torn, m o m , updated ML. tar mat (Sn rm. wrth/. mu Some hardwood Boor*. Above, ground pod. large oamtr lot. ctoee to Laka School. l-BO. To see can Joanna Dernoe 033-3733 or 238-0727. ATTEMTKM •ngstar true* driwen and owefwrtce-1 muM tmm * dear d * * Q recort are) C O X W «gi i V b r i M p e K n . AppV Spngue Roaa OfenaMd Faaw O W aaerKCOPUdetv. AVON LAXX VmCffVJKM DSPT. a MOW A C C V T M 3 Applcaaani lor Tenrwi maruttor and Aaumnt TennH htatruoor lor Vie •urraner wmMprcgrem. AuUfcaBona can be pKkad uo at OTy Hal M m SAM4:30PU Uonday thru Friday: or Reovaoon Oert horn 10AU-3PM Uonoay twu Thuncsy. and 1Z-4PU Friday. OEAOL1HE FOR APPUCATIONS m KAY 31. 1 M L Should you neve any quettlona. P M M C M *w Raeraeaon OapL at 930-4130. , AVON UUCZ HECREATIOM OCPT. m HOW TAKMO Appaeetione tor Aduti AMj for me Setety Town Pngrarn. Salery Town wB b« held at EaaMew Scfam, June i7twuJWw 2 0 . and July a thru Jury 19Appiceacna can baj * * a d up at a y Hel. Uoneay thru FMey Htm SAW4:XPM. end ffw necreaton OepL. Monday thru Thunday from 10AJ*. 2PM and Friday from t2-4PU. "you have any ouanona. pieue cat B3O4130. OEAOLINI FOR APPUCATPm: MAT ) \ i f W . AVON PRODUCTS. INC. AVON tUUMER J O W Set I D lamty and Menda. Avenqe S«*|lB.Tu. wont from homa. No doornloor ntqulred. Beneftti. discounts end kvurenoeAvon i Call ALE»«amCetfiupioS0%. FieBUe Hours. Sel to your lerray. friend*, rmgrton or co-*orter«. NO DOOI to Door Nacatiary. Inr^pendant Hap. 1-aO>547-2ftaa. . • BOOTH RENTAL HAIL TECH pownon now open, l4S0*na Ful ft Pan-time slylisl positions al>o AVON Irawanawi Hep avwlabli. St% comrMtUon, 10% on Potential S300-»2000 per montft. retaL M a i * own noun. Doorttoor not Appry. Onvtry WeM Saton. 2O012 UeOcaWOwr Iraurarce Dauon Ave.. Rcckv River. 331-11 t l U ATTENTION: BBTWEM ParHW pallor, a »aaiNa tor oenon to uanom* mac G teeurtng A W - &LKE OCCORATOR; Part-IUM. neslble noors. Ccmuct Sue at ComenleMFood Mart, eomerof Carear HUrje & Benon M s . 327an . EXPEJWMCEO anocsRY. U I A T • OEMETtAL P O W T O t 11 Year; or elder. Arnty In eemen r37M0 jwrj SINJOVS Cowdry Coumar. DEUCUEMO1 CoMrMrl Food M M M WsrirWeyj Fun and Pan-sme Posittons. we twwe a ethacMe to • your busy Ms-rMi8iri"Tarri]"**rr -PHdVacaBon - • eittptoy.ee Paeourn •FteeUnaorme • Opponunty tor AO*encemer* * Schoanhc ProQ/am In person el 34441 Center RBba Hd Hd, m « d o a * * . Art W Mr. Turchek. CASHKAO OMoount Drug Mart M currenDy mdvuus* eMlonparvame eUngtn CBBWar poaWons atour Anon Lake cure. Must ba WBrvj to • « * ***** t n r a , some weekends, and DJecount S5rTSS Avon Lake : NowNrmg. Mttaesl en and fTaOOnBI CCDUnaaTWV*- aaaaweveiaa •* East Coast treoowreiaf. vans end tiais. First day fiealth. 8 , 7 * conventional neet. tutl benems. Warner Enterprises. 1-800-348281*. COL-Oet r* yp a Wort Processing ficm home. XOO/yr Income potonaaL Cel 1< •CO-513-4343 E J B-13t2. a coujidi QUAD THAMEE PcMflOs! aorrtngs of * l joa'wk. Batari ( * J B bonus, aiperee account A benefua. V you are craanUad ft entoy working wan peopH. Cat Sharon u 348-6349 or send resume to 1140 EudU Ava. t411. OsweiarO. 44115. 723907. Oet a )ump on eu eeasont Now Is the * n e to nrffwah & rejuvenate W a 3-4 B f l . 2 H b a l l Wtetront «ptL O « * h e a t C Air. W B F P . & great floor ptan for enawtaintngl S274.800. Barb MUer 933-3733. CLEAMIHC1: Residential Domes. Looking fa cwpanrleTwt. waiue nekx Tsnaponeaon <acfared. oood pay. PerMlrrw, BKdMe t » m . Apply a) 34OM Cenaar RUrj* Rd. MflT337S34a COUJiaXITUOCNT Orunl worn, outdoors. Repalrinc;. PartL Mast tor aawone augmart tanwV o j Uust be wullno to leem. Can J-4cwi. T huredayoV Jc ThuredayonV 77»aaas. OBWCT'CAM POaTTtOM*: Was PO • tj Fajwali anftai aa naertar!torI X »na and eutMBuai poeatona. O*pup Home end wwtaftnptocaBona.Pay, evenino and eaafcend •laiiiiiiasaiaa IejjScr^dtptowe j j ^ p £6laWtEHPBorc««iOMA Loram County manufacajrtnq company has ODenmg tor person to Mkn ujujaata nMoonsUKy tor e l computor cpaiaoona. EJpartance frt prouramnwig and W W H W acmtaw^ method* mandatory. F t * benefiu and cempawva wags. Rep* in confidence wtn your experience end wage rsqultvmants io C O M P PROF« P.O.Doa 413 t r i f l e . OH 44038. OOftlVERA-Our OTR venmamed drtven tart up to 38 cpm. PaM barv aflci, cowjretonals, home oean. We requM 1 year T/T aMenance. COL. age 23. Cal C* or PFT noberson. fot COEArt DEU CLERK CASWER Camenwni Food Uart • Mervwwkig toi ful and psrVttme poaanna. W * Aeva a acheduH ID Bt your busy UetMe. *a ofler CompeWva starang wage. Paid vaeeten. neeremant. Employment dMcounts. Fn>e untorrm. ScholarVw prognm. Opoortumy tor ac*rantemanL No ajpenence naceraary. we wC m n you. Apply m penon at 137 Leer Road. Awn \ a k e . and 4788 Lake Road. SKefflafclLaiut. DENTAL ASSISTAMT; ErWXWBMC, enargatie. acpertencad asslstanl •antsd tor growing Lakewuod c«ce. Salary commenaufata oliri aipenance. Part-nma or FteVom*. C1521-7211 ashtorJoan. OCHTAL HY0tfT4ISTi (Part-Uma Rodry Rtaer). We eeak a dynamK and energaec hygWssi to jott our pfogratslve young prectiee. E«caiian1 saCary p k * bonual AH mcyiriaa kepi conwdanael. Resume to P O f t a ia574. Rocky Rh*r.OH441t54674. UwnCourity Board oTuemai Retardatlon/Oeveiopmaniat O M U N , 10V1 IrsVmary Road. Emw. OH 44038 P j t ) 32>J734. f DISHWASHERS NEEDED, C A U . n U T E L U T S kt Aacn Lake at 833. earn «104J»Qryaar. VtXCQ sign-on bonus *94 or newe' i-aoo44t'43S^ Orsduakt atudaras: t-OSOraa-a4as. DRrvtA-Few do • bettor- OraM p e t e a a h We mc q t o . generaue t onuses Experienced/ Owner Opeiatar /lna«pertenced /regional contains rJdedlcaled ODportuNtlaa. Surtinaion U o i w Catrtars. t-aOQJOe^aUC. EOE. DRIVER: OwnecJOpanuors. Fleet Operators. negWnal Shonheul Carrier. Meed 12 more trueka to hams. Loai ol ^*o Touch* baiohL WE OFFER •AlUasaPekt 'AlPermajPakt * Mo oompWyiy vucfca •inaagaOuararieiai * NoHoktoacfc or Eacvow Cal Rob or Larry today at 800-200CU0C Mon.-rrL l a m . » Spm, Oat ThaData8smHJ-CufteEai»aaa,lnc. OWVER8 • aaraed: Top faced dnv. ent reeant Top pawssBWaoBon. up io J 4 / M . Trafrsng Aiaaatis. Eacella and aunriaine bonus JJLHunitatDed. 1-800DRIVERS CDU aftuu leama and soto Oflwars 3» cpmrsoto and J t i tctwduK an WarRvjar Mrjtor Fwight l • •00-777OS*a. f.THf*Tpjr7^^*wF*^W1TF Come celebrate amd SAYE BIG during our NEW ON. 9-9 • TUE. & WED. 9-8 • THU. 9-9 • FKL & SAT. 9-6 New '96 PASSPORT LXW 4x4 New '96 ACCORD LE Air contStJoning, power moonrad, AJJ/FU cassette, CD pbyer, povrar locks, power widows, cnise and more! AJD/FU cassette, CO player, power sunroof, rear spofler, air, pmrer steering, povrer brakES, plus much mcrcl WHILE SUPPUES LAST 24 MO. 10% DOWN 24 MO. LEASE $ 9 H Q 5 7 * DOWN t U v PER MO. New CIVIC 2 Dr., Coupe New '96 PRELUDE PER MO. New'36 CIVIC LXO 4 Dr. Autcmatic transmisain, dual air bags, AU/FU, CO player, fower junrcof, air, AU/FU stereo, CD player, rear window Air, AU/FU o o s t t e . CO player, ^oSer, alloy wheeb, power power steering, tinted windows, rear window defogger snd defogger. power locks, windows, cruise md much more! mndom, cnise,tit,and nvdi more! much more! . ^^ 2 4 MO. LEASE 10% DOWN PER MO. 24 MO. PER MO. 10% DOWN 24 MO. LEASE$fl f | Q 9 B ^ 10% DOWN IVV $ PER MO. or trads down. I S month payment bank feet pfatsi i»atB tax 1 s e ^ • FI]\AL WEEK BIG SAVINGS LARGEST SELECTION OF PRE-01AINED HONDAS IN LORAIN COUNTY OVER INVOICE ON ALL NEW '95's IN STOCK! 1.•1*. CIVIC 2 DR. COUPE'S ACCORD 2 DR.TS ACCORD 4 DRJS HURRY IN FOR BEST SELECTION! LARGEST SELECTION OF HONDAS IN LORAIN COUNTY M • • A VI A I l \ J % B | | % M K MilTIA H O N D A A •wirn 1 • « 1 • y 1 ^ • # * * f t100 E. Broad St., Elyria OPEH:M0H 9 ELYRIA - ,3'TUE. 5WED. 9-8.THU. 9-3*FR[. ASAT9-G 366-5501 LORAIN246-3978. CLEUElA[ib 7 7 7 . 3 8 8 8 (1-800-327-5501) "Service" & Kddla Kuml Baying, Selling cr Heloating? Q Lotroshelp you with your home. 1-800-617-9613 o 933-7700 o 871-8880 Hoi 11M. 3213 Itt Wondofui 3 bedroom. 2rt bath with B a t e carpet in fnailyroan,essKm window irttfnxna md ciccJj decorated wid» neami tooo. Tiered brick patio inJ Located $ d \ y , NtttOi of W a l k ^ P o r more infijrrriaSioD COODBY tract path. Ckae la h i e . Wool Us! Hot 7912. S209T2. Stacioaj md wc!l-bp( 4 bcdroon. 2 foil bsn bone Newer carpel. wim 6 s&fiax doon. Enjoy Bnamer (when b iniwa!) ia lie teutifiil 23* pool w/cttHom deck. You wool watt ID men ma cacl , : AVON LAKE r $219:500! Hot 31 S3.809996. S p a a s Door pbn fcttaa 4 bedrcora pan 15(1) bedroom cr I Sficxxden. Bay windowfalisten ani c e v a c tue Jbyet Ganfcn lab io OWBCT'I twfc Lane c o mtot.patio aod 2- Hot 3639.8110S1 Fmostic 4 bedroom. 2Vi bath. BkdY decomed boov. Lovely lot hM tarn private backyard w/sorase bora and patio for i t h a i a j . Lar|«_ ^ c n { e room. and" " AVON LAKtr S274.2Q0 Hat 5908.116M9. MiptiSctnl 4 bedroom • / I s floor dea. 2-aonr foyer fotara eVjint Italuo narMefloor.Rrfnwd cri'ifitofonna) damog room. G*» flrepbee in funilj room. Wort bland ta kitchen. Extn Iirje deck b f mmtr cooiCTiO. Amibaatyl . GRAFTON - S309.900 Hoi 7923. SQ39T9. L m mis a year old I Approaiaaicly 3600 SF « 2 * aarea. Neooal l o n o - flaootibcoL 3-car g ^ K . *a£k-ooi i h e h a in bocaraan, fitoch doors. w z & ^ doaea m all bedroomi « d » n d i more! Hot 3637. SI1O38. O w f c dctip w/ brick front Cesmrcs owner's saitt wim tiniag nxco. ORDER PROCE33ORS WAMTED. TEACMER; Opanmg to* •cnool y*«r In walia«labli<nad Wastlaka nurtary tcfioaL Ex9*rtancad In aarty cntldhood ttweaitiM xracttg* « M MM raqjrad. Bacfwtor oaqnw pralanad. tan pwaVr-onvtns 231-2IS4.OAMn 2/4 S*nd miuma: P.O.Box 45079. Waaaafca. OH 44143. TTUJNFORA TEACHERS: OUWrtn's World LBV>«IQ Caraar. WB b* p<svfe»ig a •utnmar pr«acr»ol pragram. trmtmiml tBdMOaai tfwUd haw poiBor« & « • BMn a Ar laaat 8/moa. aipartanca i n R0M»al lor m luha* In prasehoeMrs. wr* olltr our •ircioHM graat bcnaBa. pMauni worx anv4rwivirS and JOORt lo o^v. Von van bowa K M baraflt pKfcaoa. Hi contact lisa Matafcovtcfl. SMftn M MA-O43 or Mnd m u n 1101 Horawcod parkway. Rocky to 1148 EiaSd A»«_ f411. O M I M . 44115. Rivar. O H 441 ia. ts8-ea6t. POSTAL AHOGOVT JOBS TEMPORARY S2IACXJR3 • BENCFTT? HELP SERVICE NOEXPWWJ.TRWN Ejparianoad piDtMiUaii mad«L **m eunanSy tmvm 12 dEcaa and a n otcmtrgip ZL PoanOal aamncs ot POSTAL j o e s S I M J izaaMH p u T*fp^i For AccicMon v d E a n MnOMUnip M D , 1-S00-39»^47D EXT OH1CO. P.CXBcn 131 IB r*iOH 44115 POSTAL JOel;P»nunant. luttTREE WORKERS WAffTEO. , 113/Mr. with (}ov«nunanl GROUND UEN AHO ajHSERS rfu AfcfttodnrI d A A t CALL 7a4-aii74. uw M I L Cat WAITRESS AMO QWLL COOK Ft*tkna. kvMra Mtr*v JMTB CMa. IIS RESTAURANT UAMAOCRC; Monw Read. Avon Uka. 8334839. Maoaori WANTED: Ownar C V M t n . M m i ul O n a • w y milLinj. Pannu paid. P i * our 4a- 'CT* <*y wan. Caff WAjm Oomi-aCO I W IOBOL WVJXjnhCOHSSaiVATION JOBS Now Hrtnq Oama Wankna. RESTAURANT SaeunTy.iaMraananca.Pawi Kanajcfcy frt») C 3 * f n It now woRanaani,ElcHo&ajartanca acoacaflDna tor dw and n u t taaaaaary. For Apeacaaan E Into U paytarQja«ad%r l 1«M9»« ^bwrfeaformefcaalycook-loliof cabmeti & cotmten. Scneoed porch and boalifalyard.Qul Carol Krtria (or deaTa. KRASmS SHOWCASE OF HOMES Fui or part-Ana, h ^ A * / W •WLSBOI pwehaaa piec/am. top ol i n Ina w m n compiaai BJKTL wtttf M I D awn now t o d * * an IS MuMr.FviKMdMMic«fci ' i«0WCT» a a x r t MB. O m.) a nr. D M Mraan. 4OIK. E** a*aa. Must o» S3, iw. OTR. tt Mat I j l yaari ayartanca I AH BraMMt. 1-800443- nooia»a7a ftaiTAAQ daya o* ampBymanitarOH and WV nwdanta. t BOO-ZJB-HUNT. EOE. FULL-THal LABORER naadad tar varm mpmMtmrt eompat n t a C a a c t HAIR «TYU$T WANTCO in Vw W U M A«aa. Contact Uartyn Uc#»HAROLD rVES TruokHg hmncj <***ai«. FaN drtw feaHng.. Jl you quat•y. Sajdann aatoama. Croananca pay upto*~3% par rnaa. Ucalinf brnmttK 14WO-W-0aBl H U H SCHOOL ( H U M : Paid W « rtanca taoukwd. Qood timy tor phona bmntaw. i-aooP-13B4- HOME TYPISTS. PC uaan naadact >4S4X» tneoma Cal 1-«00-Sl>4343 N o U t t l t K P l H WAMTEO. » * - (or Nlca Famtty. AIM, ^nMontorZCMdm^Aoaa 10& TiTNon-Smokaf. IWangneMand C a H . 930^138. ^ ear Raodrad-CaHOm. E OPENINOS OPENINOS M M ma iilHlDlATE Mry. fttprassiffAaw •aajtf'No lor an hdV b fenflar w3i northwaalSyaarAaaodafcjaOagnM or rt ncord. antoy and h M good in mdar K> pam lor <h# euauntarv. Mama Sam OatvtaMc Sa*too. Una. H a w UKiajr* g a m * to a d and w»a Miltoro f data. T«iaphona «n>k. Xmmladga ol CoralD«aw and rmw PQiawr a pkfl-Es> cattani working eondlBOm. 25^0 hours par waafcs datarmtrwd by WUMJFCAONSEHVAt Qamawa>dana.aaa«ay. (naManan^k ate. Ho asp. naeaaaary. Now HHncj. For tan Cal (219) 7&0Cn 0 Ftf.7300 SAW U 1tPM.7 0aya. 83 Child Can AUPAR HOHESTAT: Expahancad •wa-bi chftt cant. Talom appteaflona tor lunnwr antnaja. Cal Cam Wato aaa-aiio SECRET ARTiRECEPTKVWT Rocky Rhar ADonwy faoulfaa partOma Saciaurynacapacraw. Houn 9w»2pm. fct-w.-f. Cetnpmr ooaraaon w x i n d . VM b**v Cal 331.TB00. CARKQIVER; Will watch your ctwdran In my MxflUgavSa homa rmt Ubarty School. Prafcnitty iwdar Eynj. Oayt. Chart 3S3-T3B1. ' C W D CAAE W MY AVON LAX2 HOWL Mondty-Fnday. 7AW4PM. W pnotda bncn. anack andtanaof rd: «ary ay T L C . Large g back yard: p ** njtaa. t P i w cal S33 S33•—•«—*** SERVERS . mcMHadga. ( M a t neUla OBI madhaaap. hand d m madhaaanp. CHLO CARS WAMTEO In n*r Rock/ rtno (no snaartng}, } addno. d FULL & PART TIME Rtoar homa. Ful M . aw^odaoa »atlng. Barapawmoi Wng M chOdrar. Car rwqutrad. C a l aflar . lanC^u. »mJfl*ig and daar a JOpm. 331-7028. l maaauraa. Pwaaa an KINQWAH CKILO CARE N 11:060 No.Rktoaw«kt / WaBngton. Cadnq naabM Day Cant PnwkMr naadad 20C63 Confer Rldg* Rd. tor nawbom Mon-Fil. 7am-4pm. S-100 «*. Cal lodayl 1Piawuibaglnawatiiiaw wtMclyav. In your homa on*, immwolar. 1331-0330 M I D t X y l H O * t £ D njLLTIUJ •C0-44S-ia4i. _ _ — SMM S H 6 P iwino. day*, sign By TYPWT; tiarann ODto70 WHP. idHILOCARS N t l D f O ler aiy Uaa.734-«aa t t o and Word Partact 9.1. ivrxfeL naai In nti araa ol Rocky SUHUCAAMUKRUAMEMT Hivar. Pan-tlma. day noun. PRCSCHOCL UtSTAWT n r n m ' t o OHtaa Uanaoar. ZT9W Tamporary aunmar or pannananL Saaldng a m m taaponatat adJi HkMa«ii45orku to aaatet wtm autmar waaehooi 333-1783. caaaaa at t » Laka Ena Haa>a and MAMMY MESOCO In Rocky Rtwar 'MCBDIDtll 100 paopM wrtO art Scianea Caraar. T M pcaabn It part- homa. 2 wa*kday*/waah lor 3 Ma»iaMJ*S»gtii M I oma. i O * * « n par waak. J I M 10tm. Cafftodnfli100% Auguat 14 (ttaaaks)toraawnar. Tha dwdran apaa 4.4 and 1.333-7794. 14DD4MS-3S74. MAMMY POBrnON AvaaaUa. Ful yaa/>rou«id scAadula tt 10 " OTFKG HELPOCUVERY wnatorqutfoadlr houwwaah Uondaya and TlMdaya 8-43pnv EjBatani pay and banas*. during V* morana <* SaoawnoarPERSON _ Hovwnbar and January-April. Cal 87140321 Ful »na. Oanaral ortoa duata. LtoM BackDonf h IBc«gy andMr naual SITTER NEZOEO anar acnool and dafMry twa tonarit «aMeW. Smal adBK« natAi and aaaananca w w waatandUvMnnoB. SnaBaa SfcTbiod banaM. CM «SM214 ctattran a n u t nuieat). aartM Lafca.B4X73a hMwaanSanvSom. •nrmaamanddaacaanniofta WILL BASYSTT m my Waanaka on laamlng naeaatary. Pay PAHT.TMM MUMU p i . c m oarmad. aato tancad n fTnf'aitf rimtiwr Notvamoaar. nxanar. FajdM LABORCR* WAMTEO FULL T B S . i A r Mubarfa Lardaeaetxi-B334B22 ant daatar program lor 19081 Cat LANOSCAPtNO Fflanjy Toy* and Offiatodaytara ESTATE OAROMER tiaa lajnralon and C^JIHQ patiiat U P E f l l t N C I O 8SAUSTHE8S. PVMar Cat 9W-773O. tMiOPUJ M 37730 SCCt«ETARY<SPECUU. PROJCCTB Tha Laka Ei« Haw« and Selanoa g&£2JZ Can and End anduavy. akBi and panwr—y. oyaa wctoda arawartm W g^wna, HMM yaa rtnokx) aaiaa, taa. M h h M ona yaar yaar awjefca caw ca^cana caw • and « oa wWi B l l u 1131 •«H and a m i w aawfci. . «niwartno pu&Jie 314 dniria dai p«aaaat eohaduBrtp paliona tor q . p U » a r - M u a i h M * yaan awa. aawKnaang Canwr and tMograwa. Ca on otaaa loamroa can. K n t tiuiina»w. Orty.can Orty.candMaiaa . sand awxaa Or. J « i . l W L M n c iy wmgood rarpanonalaWL TON Dm aWt^ioy. OM , hataul aapo—on and - < naad appfy. m . -_ . aMfedaya 10am. k> Spa. A«onU*a __J u wok i i n t i r i * and ^ _ _ w aa naadad. Corata Lany B m S t o n al m-aaflOtorr ^ ^ couNKuon* a UFWUAROB: Colaoa sudanaj naadadtortwaa paaatana. Day Onvx Juna aCBvJuV AuoiCtt.ConattPanmwt. LoM*i Counfy Bnatd ol Uaratl nauiJafcrvOaiiainpmantal OiaabBlaa, 10*1 HaaMryRd.. EJ*t*.OH440» t 011)3ai<I734. SURROOATS BOTHERS WANTED: Faa Pka Cjoara*i tor Carrykn a C n « t r * CMd. 1 * J « ba i»-3S ani FivAuaV Had a CMd. DO YOU NEED A NANNY FOR YOUR GRANNY? I p^nti* HHaOcara md H O B S Cengamani Santcaatortm Eldarty Tanonat C M and Grooming • U m L m i C t Fcr MON Monnaaon cat (21C) 833-7036 A>onLaaa.OMa PanmaUadi Notadaanlngtaam 333-11«3 or 3O474S 90 WsntadToBuy (aka It America's mm auecaaahi iw*on nwaia daartnefouaa. Caa naani nawi >* u n i t in k i O n OLD AND IAED nStflNO LURES ft TACXLBj Cal (2iajOB»«3B4. Aa* WANTED OLDRAOIOS, TUCaES. TEST EQUB*BDfT. cal M « box. By any enn 77-3400. WAMTSO Toy Tfama: Any on Abptanaa -on-dMcaat-wani kMntncatlOR. PUaOc and wood WAMTEO-YoY TRAMS Any khd, Any Condiaon. Cash paid. C U Bnca.333-i4Sft.kB WANTEO:TOY TRAINS Any kind. Any Comjlien. Caan paid. Call Bnxm. 323-1435, towa m n a a j i WE WILL 1MILPO* Y O U V OUY ouWgW your anDojuaa » cnlirtafilaa • arLlurnHura, avnpa*Jpaaay. ta,w.ta> ftourina*, gLaaa ft china. toy*7 rihafcunrj. Raa conauBaCion. Ca> lor app. nowt 30 yn-wp. in ma auction * appraain0 bualnaaa. Ucanaad A bondad wW> Monaat Rkfavd D. Detfaa 777. 7401. WESTLAXE COLLECTOR wfl cwy esSHution* Wanttd oMCtan *M or part t m u f . uril bsolTLC pa< 39*6414. 4XPERISNCSD MOTHER babyaKnmyhonw.waakdaya. M a n baak yaj«. wa pwMida anamoon anattft T.L.C. rifl 1 and waiori a m dock pana. Cal 7344197 anyone. NOTICES 120 Pwsonats A PRAYER TO THE HOLY SIWVT, You who mada ma aaa axcrytang and tfuwad ma tm way •> m e n my ktaatK You wna g w * aw t « o>nrat gattoh » > a and tonal f » wranQ fm m dona u ma. and you wfe ant »t al Kaneaa Cray aa w«i ma. L n M t ahort dMogua. wantto« « n k m j tor a«a«yr*ig and ecrtam onoa worn tm I na>Mr want n ba aaparawd horn you no maaar how g>aat ww mawnal daaha may ba. I wanto)ba wtm you and my towad onaa In paipaM otary. Amaa Thank you tor your to«a fewarti ma and my m a d onaa. Praam n u t pray Ma prayar " 3 m w - u n a uaya•wtaouii ***»» atttnp tor M wtoh. Anar 3nl day. yourj ' ' wabaflnvaadnc ~ ' ~ lmayba.Thani i; (1 I" jj 71S4S37. BASYSTTTIR WrtO VEARB • * P I R K H C S W I L L »AaTsrr your '!:) rtOM SCHOOL 5TUOCXT wB do your yard wotk. odd t e a . hauia daanUg andjnafca oal«ai>aa. Spacafliaw\ aJ3ar*c 3 yaar> aipartanca. B34-4JB7. QUAUTY CLEAMMQ OflDal MOT M l 1 H W ^MK mw Om aajaraan bom you no maaarMw gnai M i maMW daefca aaqr l a . I wantBU| VBBTB to W ba aaaaa* wai r w i you vans ***y and• ««py • • • # baad onaa h your pavamal o u y . Aman, Awan, Thank youtoryour kMatowaaJ d aw and wy towd orwa. Panjom mM wnuariMkynvakft.Mar p n M N lo puaan M a aoon aa MBfeajgrM Vie Secret to our Success is Our People... Ij'you're looking for a Real Estate Career in a successful, upbeat, environment Call Me Today? I'll commit to your Success! SWEDA, SWEDA & Associates 934-1000 Sharon Swoda 107 ^£ M&mger FEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK M—ftottwU « M J W n wan we rw. IL* I a n a nna, aal noma. Avon Lake - Breathtaking restored colonial wilt amazo you! Truly stunning - tremendous great room - glorious sun room - $219,900. Kathy Satuto 933-4977 I M K T M 0—I j o / a »LBC*CH Hnnriad racrm, oan. 2 &* b_*V and moral FIELD MOWING PAPERHAHGJNQ Ktctmn 1 Satn nanovaflon CMJULEXAN 892-0907 779-8983 PATH'S PROCESSING FORD HOME IMPROVEMENT Morctytann c Lat M hard* your VAM VAM noeantna Otaread Vflrdow naonar frgandmora. SHOWROOM - 33 HtS UUC£ RD. 933-2990. ORAPMCOeSKlM A p la> Our Duyars— Tt%- Baora17b Our April Listing Leader 6 Listings! Uy«U. Congratulations April Sales Leader 8 Sales! v y O ttg by Lansa » • 9 M ycu da kntga you naed U auoaad C e i l i i oaatr, qulcfc luma/ound Uma I M b CaiLarcatodayat HANDY MAM Ctaam Saaan For Any "taw ta Yotr Mo«na. OJSTMJ—. » m Rapaav CaK fca-Fraa a bttaaai SIDWG A WINDOWS INSTALLED & anyCH E 10% en oPMMtrv wtoorrAUJ HANOYUAN 25 YEARSEXPERIENCE BUSINESS * REttOEMTIAl TELEPHOHt STCTTMS. Siaa. tm^Bm. Stnbt Q on moat n«tor ban*. *Utng. FUWOfMOM ratal. Lska Tltacom. 933-3771. 1-400-S238771. , 235-0S91 THINK SPRIHGl \ DICK MILLER 327-6922 HAWTUZN REPAIR-WEUODEL MA1MTEIMNC84NC. HWOVlMN nEoeuo a BamtOL C f e p n y . H j )ob CO tag or too acaJL 218-835^933 PMOJJPS VACUUM CLIAtm* CO. -&ALES AND 8ERVKZ. Naw and prtcaa on raw c rnafca*. «annr»y a k » lor Itoonar « m Eurtka. I S l t t OatnM RiL. U k n o o d . Pkk^p tnd tiafevry «TJ«aa-Ortl-22^0730. SATELUTI M R V 1 C U : f W dapanWM a n u t x your aaMM DWara Cat 24 taun a OB* en cur aankataatoa.1-MtM9U0S8. _ _ _ _ _ . Bat* aE icTla VARGOVACUUU & SEWING UACHJNE COUPANY 734-0779 A CARPET REPAIR fte WHY CHOOSE LAURIE BRILL? "I know thatfamilies are important. I wW handle all your family's real estate needs with the same care and attention that I give to my own famiLaurie Brill 10 year veteran* Multi-million dollar producer OOP LOVIitt aam Oocd Ml. CM CUHUMT CMCtttUM gi n ma Smokay UountiM*«. Uuaic. flowan. pnotoa. Me anMUng/no taatt/Uamortal Day and Juna fipadaak I I M O l BCBt. CrMpal A I I A i m * U L candallohi okf> laiMonad vaddlnQt Smoky Mountain* mar aatllnttury. ovarlooklng lng rl rlvar. hon*dnvn canwa. M 125 of A mDa_nttfct VSOS^Q Tanrt. swpja a alacjrt. a l j • daytor• day* o n t » 9m and a«h tor 3 »AV I OO; Prrnta. nauQMwa •aiiiillnn Ltnmom. %»ty*ci ai tailgat p i k M CM brMdAng and milrnaw liTiPi' ii*»iwa*oiv No BUBuHraant ajo^*«d. 1-«»-47»- f»Tor42»«7 »ICA1H»> ^mniadlaia M tor atrodurad aaojamrtt, annurflaa* Inturanoa dahm. tonariaa and prtvataty hald monsaaat. J.OO f nllAH S n ^ S m - dnd Qttmt ScaMlnavUn, Eurcpaan. Boutn Ajwaifc—vanMn Aian, nuwtan anftamja M_ami . BaoomaA n AtquaL Atq M a mFamily/. i anMng BaoomaA Host Call 1<IOOSMnq "/CwoaOaDi. MJ». 3 J l . glnko 4 Jt. 1T.M. Fat >«5J*an__ 10* c« M add. H C O ^ H I a*. * 835-4259 O W par* aw a tool company. V » can daakji a ptamad —flutar malntananca i aa onan aa you naad. Vftj •nMdNrM anytkna *wtuftx*Wm yaar or M l 331-3713 S#cond Opinion ACTION VACUUM Vaewuaai on Wa) Hnr A uaad RETIRED PLUMBER naaaowaaai Baaaj Call P*t» 21S-22S4978 Awn L*a sirertaa7naKMl «ama day dalhrary H n r i c i ot nonh r a d M m _ M _ ) kcr« ona poavl up lo 1J00 pounda any*ha— in ONoRH naM. CM 1-S1M33-4S03 CLIAMIHOv Commercial. r w m a , i w i u w u i _ m CHBCHV cr afwr you mow. aaanmanu. ofllcaa. porconaiiiM urytca. Bondad A. kajund. FAM a^anaiaaAll Mark ouarantaad. For nwrt MormUBn cal OAV8 EASE. WC, 327-4341. Otnara aand you ~ FREE ESTIMATES CALL BOB-3a2-C20a anqCALL CUUUI c g n w a m n t Q—vaM homa t mctaa) tana rapaM, a s m daok * taentn t, aafwoem T FAHLV UAM M NCEO OF WOmt SYaara_(iartanca Lkanaad h u M ft Qar_d CLEVELAND CALLIGRAPHY Carpamy Heotng Quota* tori ly u«a«. mvnafluna. vigna. p<aca caMa_You nan* It Cuatom aork. lraU_on ihBhroorn namudaanj BaaamartH Klenan Ramodaang U—onry Oanaral Homa Hapair FnaEsamaMaCai aa>oiio AtttorOKK C O H U n COHPUTXR ooMWoamco In Homa Santa. S M M am u COMPUTER TRAINING FOR NOVICES. Cat P.CCJ. tor kvnoma corno—«r introduction and conatAtng. Your pbca. your paca. *aanad and par. 979-9903 VJRarpJCPM 44W JATCOK, AVOW. W37-Moi lraZ AVONUUCiWOOOWORKMQCO. I I r a mada of wood, M can do «T Bookshatvat. caWnat*. etntom etc»at», antanaln~*rtl cantars. kRchan pamnat. Fnw atumaiaa. Lof»ln, (215) 034-1616 BOB'S MAINTENANCE HANOYUAN SERVICE 321-2521 $550 PC UPGRADE WORKS Watt«Sii_*grewaaa Picgrwna A«aaam CattorF—• c n w M o n Toui aaa> p u » M W« anaaBviea c* W O W twnaL (Wt JUS HOT COtlFLtTlLV PtHSMIO I M I K YOU JUtS COllFLaTTl.BY SAT- Cal Marc at 4M0X4<120 CPU I UotmtXMHi BUB Ram. t JOB Hart D M VUt 32BM Contour Public NoOCM . HYPNOTHERAPY ADAMS ELECTRIC CO. Ueanaad. Bandad, toaurad SarWn CkMatortfa Waawda Raaloar*_, C o r r w c M , indLstrtal 1 nfTr ^•^l1^T • r_lan m\ la RMaa 360-6060 CLICTRICAL • TCLSPHOHC WORK. Ucaraod. bomad a *mnA naaaonabia rato*. S33-C0S3. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL BUILDING REPAIR SERVICES (Carpentry, Ei«ctrlc«L PtumbU»c) C_wnar SattttacBon * t i CalJoiM at JR ENTERPRISES 779-7303 CWMN£Y WffgfHlraat p r t m . 139 FlnandaT cmorr CARD mostc—tr ona tow mor*ry p a y - M . CU M M t No tiarraawr* MO fB=. Cnw—I rmirnrrrr AOEMCY. EXTMS. OC»f eOHSOUOATlONI Cm Paymam Up to V3%. UoanaacL Oondad. 24 Hour AppravaJ. Cal Cm* HOTUI 140 Ste HOP Buslnass OpportunttlM BEAUTY SAU3N •^adouaSi On—1 LccaKn ( W M _ W | . Sand •noiirytoPJO. Boa XOCK Awn Lafca.ONp 44012. BUSlNCt* OPPOtttUMITY tor wapmatai adtiti I I t omr. Wcrt tour homa. For Momlatton cat tram wur PEPSt/COK£ ROUTE. NaUonai. —(xcatat oornpan* naa honact naw ana of macNnatl 33toed.•«*• pro« locationa. Prtcad lo aaJL U.000 —MkJy. B0O-BH4342. Uin, taw. S4JXXX 141BulldlngSuppU— diapMy modafai at 40% dMcouni: M'dJ", 50-ITT. Am mm, SMQM rrantv, F«l wirranty, financing a * 145 REMODELING AnyUM For TnaBtat Work BattPnoa Cal Tony Vhd 779-4350 ;_...!•;.• I •njMiiwp.jJU».mWBB CHOOSE T THS AVCN LAKE MAY 2 Q T M T H I AVOW LAKX Omce WO-LBS LOCATXD A T 3 7 S - G L E A J * RO. Your Main Course ^ COIUMN A. OR COLJMN b. LXAJtWOOO SQUAKC 1. m g M toviM. bvrt . . . A V O N L A X E . OH>O 1. MgM »rto*. t u t . . . wrsnqhwaa. X Or*M p u t t , but... «. Oun New N u t o o t t A i t i LORAIN 933-7OO1 wrong Wr*wf. CLEVELAND SO0-918G J t. Q f d apptaneM, bail. T. AVON RANCH DOUBLE! $ 139500! r BR aacfitonalUrga « a t » fctf ••11. Nut TVutt" IZ711 lAMur I U . *M BM UUffim Urtqua 3 BR cottrte) « * a a t l » d 2 Bfl *v*n» nita. 2 W m 3 car gatsgt has COmpaMa otflca wt«aL w ft * * ( ear. tagi datt ft braafc- * * • mairoirwd M K naw«r root, lidtfig. O*«*t ImMtmora opootu*Kan ftLola Kadgar Sn-3300 ©r t71-S2S5 AVON LAKE BASEMNTLESS $ 1 0 4 ^ 0 0 Onal tame or rtBrawl rancM 3 AVON LAKE NEW ON THE MARKET! Lardrgs *to«3 ot ipgnOao ma. pala wood m yxn? N M M IDOI, Wnyl attng. k r « a ft ACI Vft*toLaM ErW KMI ft Lola Kodgar S33-2S00ortT1-CZ9B Wwef barn. 3 BR. m b«3T*. *mtm- Catering 150 J O M M T D E T S CATERMO l * r w and Ptom tor M Oocsaona. EjqnrtM-cad. CM 834-4940 158 O—nlng CHAMDEJR CLEANUP P T I 1 1 1 I' PUCTUBEB 1 Fojan ft Crjttxi SpacMUs >Oft 97D-1693 LAWN MAINTENANCE wort at a rMaoraCW pncal dnotod ft F«ma« Paik Orfy< 133-2300 W171-93*S 1-800-589-1*207 E x t 07818 JoyaaKawrtwfcl W H 3 0 0 or 17t-O33 LOPAFK3 LAHPBCAPWQ You prow M W> m o t U f t o r a l lawn m u t rtrgftMdaarv C—3ZT-4733 TtflRY OLMURRAY lANDSCAPMO Oaattfi SpcM DtRTOUTl LnmCutt Equlpnwnt COLLEGE BOUND LAWN CAHE SERVICE 180 ConattucUon CCMCfWTt MMOVAL ft WPUtCCUaTHT DOUQK B PVBSH GflADBIO BborSma SHEFFIELD LAKE GREAT FAMILY HOME poof. U3*arad paflo. a park aaflng. SHEFFIELD LAKE REDUCED! »146*OO TNs homa «M appaat to »oo » • Mruu joo artac OaauaU m* ft •oor oMarkV arfMnca M i 4 BR ootoraaV aowm moWnga »^m*at 833-3789 max mp. a»4ncti Dg Oaetrtc uan. s-uz bushaJ r*ar baaocr. Eas«U«ni (bwat 3 BR coMalonil <Kl ton 9 panorana; «*aw of «> Fora* LA ft OM FamaV worn AVON LAKE SHEFFIELD LAKE NEW USTWCI S96^00t Rnt TVna Ofhmdl 1 « toot dart 3X00 as. H I FatMQu* kacTianl nnnin Tt rr—r*r—~~* Foxad yanX SJd» artry g u t Oak U M 4 5 BH. S U baffi bonm on a 109*100 WE3TW1NDS COLONlALi PfSVACT HEOOC lisa. P< AVON LAKE PINEHURST COLON! AU 4 BR a Or* Orarnaflc 2-aBry t^ari Formal LH ft DFM Farr*V loom opan B U t f w i wtatandl 1 * toor a u v ayl F J BanmaWt «2a4^CCT Kan a Lokt Kodgar AVON LAKE ELECTHIFTINGl E 4 j i ^ TrtmvHTQ and B HAVSU A MMDUATWN pamr? M a d M i dMrtna l » houw? CM 3S7-4174. Eapwianead and UpdaSd rsncH Opan floor part 2 e w Eaeapttcnat LM E a t * Uchanl 2 car agacfd ganga! Oiaat bo sttnar homa or ftatirwncrf ranart Kan ft Lola Kodgar Oiar 2X00 to, «J 3 BH. HxJoua w3 Mfe-tn db*«sl Baaamart. 1B loor sundry a v r s V nn. triquatoyar.ao-ki U aAart Kan a Lola Kodgar •33-3900 a - t D - C t * Odd Jot»7 • JUST ASKI E 175 AVON LAKE NEW USTMG1 $97^IOOt AVON LAKE MAt»<mCENT RANCH! Wapr Cam. Dry Carpi HMMMMi Oraat Banar homa, 3 SB cu^abn wtartefy *M*£ tnrM * H tafl^ Vaatf/ paMad ksrtor. Nawar car. fjaSrQ on 3nd tboc Maja prtcaol sssjoa Jta a Carat Judga Spaekxx ft basoAi hcma. 4 BH, ban •drtahad rac rm. «»T*y im. orTP. u n Ig a * * W a w J by kMiy afriacapnq- knmda» i lALVATOMk* CUAMMQ •AMT CLEVELAND WEST PARK AREA AVONUkKE REDUCED! S16S.SOO! 779-8530 LAWN MOWING & MAINTENANCE SJvubs. De-tfialch y 12 baa tnMmun. ABB ; Bfctft and Uac 1400400- out M u M dacor.fcnmadMaooo> QOS MASONRY WORK Joaag* V. OiaWy Wok. Pjaa E<L Mo JcbToo amal 333-2631 170 Landacaplng Uary Lou •33-2SD0 arfTI-COT SPntaaCLSAMYOURLAWM BTECOBl W3M11* «3S UMmaa F d , Evanang «rtiid>a>o. ffwaB * —at—J L K ttl 185 Painting A CUSTOM DESIGN Fwta FMtfaa W BOB'S GENERAL REPAIR AU. TYPES g QAROEN ROTOTLUNG 835-4255 EDGING Smaai ft WBW Damaga 331-5749 0 A J*S PA1NT1NQ CaS Dennte Broese 033-3K18 CERTIFIED PAINTING Oordad * Inaund Np Piwnpt - CounaoM - Sarnoa Oaftar Fraa Prfca Ousai ONAaBNVU)CUTTMO> niwimaiifiir 606-1533 « W a Loaa W , fluap QMndkn. Anal Owtp TuMRVTmnlLUUch LANDSCAPES EXTRAORDINAIRE iCalDan.837- KaPLASmik * EUROPEAN PAMTIMO TrwFavtTtma* mSCSTWATES Catllce or 333-3*7* EXTERIOR PADCCORATMO • Soapa' San)' OaJk * Pnma Raw wood * nanat Uoaa Sk»g • P a n h»*)* Ounars * OMn W M M * M M M watfi * Smal Odd A t a 30 Ym. ExpMtara - iraund Work OtawWad. FREE ESTIMATES. •71-1MB mtartarddarlar. Oryvaal lapalr. Wiauapar mnuiwi. Po-aar «aah. Cadar Saaimg. Sartor O H C O M - tand For PraaNanral Wto* ft Inawad FiMEsarMtat 193 HubbUh Hauling CLEAN OUT AND HAULING 635-4255 Bmofca ft Waaw Damaga nmciraUrn CaRSHvaStar • HMmtng. ramoML aunp gr»ing. gr»ing. lonwfawnaga. lonwfwaga pt ptafttM daaring. caOHng. O S o dai ca AOoiM. kwxad. Caltor«aa osmaMon. 734-2874-033-6380 WILSON'S TREE SERVICE O RUBBISH HAUUNO •DOMI ktOVIO* B A L I : « l MWOOO, THURSDAY {SA1KPM. uue. Tooia. KRchan Stun. AVON LAKI: 32*21 RaOwood. Thon. V39 •am.-'JOpm. ntun tsmiiy. Esarciaa aquipmani, l o a M d U M i a m , loy«, tot*. aowng m n a * c AVON LAKE GARAGE SALE EXTRAVAGANZA THURSUTOAIMPU) rttUMPIQ 288 WOODSTOCK 32697 SURREY LANE Phmh Watarbada, Car BaaL ,BabyaM,T« g tftABMnCMOVAL: Yaw*. Oaragai and D a i i n w i daanad. Cat Bruca. 323-14SS. 198 SUJCCOftCiatom T«mj*ig 871-3823 SWEAT BROTHERS 358-1887 _ Qaraoa or amafl anckMa HMDMd. Carnant or any »wa niftaYMppian- Plaatartng/ DrywaTl A BEAUTIFUL CHUNG ftOn ft p g Imartor PaMIng VMa Haw* M o W£ HAVE THE Antf lBaWlftM6*V'"Q n i i i smmp B a r o ^ ^ Slw\jb pftWttiQ NEWCASTLE ROOFING COMPANY 892-8896 or 830-2399 221-0C55 107 HORVATH TREESERWCg 22fl-0SO0 UR. PAINT aWoE SpnngDaatwaafingftfiialng f3rcE«rM«» 34439 Mills Rd., M. R i d D « 2 i 2 J l (31S) 3S34223 '~£ iSSZ *n»A3oangftTaaroll • CorrekM* OuMrSanU 835-9488 ALLEN TRAILER SALES CORP. h rtflM BROADVIEW ROOFING 221-0204 Flrawood FWEWOOO - »1 SO a eord da»«rad -ii l a M i a n t r i i i T ' — " fcaa H O - i a ofa CON) B7I-3O3 , F I R C W O 0 0 , S I A l b N C O AND OEUVERCIh taO.OO par RKk or S1«aOO par Cort. M943S0 1-800-631-5462 353-0083 CraRSahw 205 AVON LAKE WESTWINDS NEIGHBORHOOD OARAGE SALE AOVERTmi your afnw m baa h C a i M n THUBBDAT. K M BPM Mr THANK YCK1 Tow AflMll lor daaiQrttnQ m l oonavucttn n a l ^ g s H l a h t a o n Late Kttfc LDrwfi Car Baatfc,FMAW, SALES 220 Auction Sal— AUCTtON-Pardldo K*y. Fl. I t raaldanilat tots. Juna 2. tOOpm. Brokar-Qary Haar Audtan wiv-QA Boot*. AB223-AU3M. 7OS-W4' AVON AVttUAV sir mwooo. LakaL THURSDAY. »-23 ( i i i KOOVUULTVFAIMLY SALB Toya, aotiaalal M a i l . b * y lama, aoaan door. Mom wa-rto—, aWi lop. JSO brtcfej. mudx woTimonl ;?!£' - • ^r^St^vif^fint'^^T^a 345 ii mi I7 r r iT? fi —" : '•' r i p B- ™ V I P THE REALTY ONE MARKETING SYSTEM • DcM CiroStaSon 1P I H iiliii | m n h) Oiomz (216) 933-7100 • 1-800-847-0071 Plant Sahra 245 raonji PLAKT SJU-Z, 4/19-2^3, U-F. ) ai Cuwaea dSca m Anon Oda NurUrg Hanw 37000 Ftanoh Cr««k Road. A « a CoLpcn* M M tor AVOH UUCE HOTf7SM W«h*xl» Cotonrt toUou> CtMfcmoia modal. 4.CC0 tq. ft *W8 .SCO AVON LAKE HOT *3248- Lata Rd. Car**y homa. Laterim H m lot 2 bafl» $154500 BAY VILLAOe HOT #5573 Al eridcranchSTMl U . bnamanf. 3 « bdrma. 2 bfdtt $158,000 AVON LAKE HOT 17709 N M Listing 4 Mnrv. 2 tMh.tenroan,g n hast, toga Utftan $89.800 WESTLAXE HOT »ffiW 1 Yr. oU townnouBa mW • (Sato pondto only S dayi) S14S.SC0 SHEFFIELD LAKE HOT fl1386N£W 1.25 acra • W M , baarfi. 4 bdrma. U b t u n w l , Wukxa S4SBJ&4 . 3S821 RSagMsMrgar dA 252 Special Event! LAHQC CAMOPT TEHTS Fcrftanl PartaoltorYour Outdoor Ptnyt 20"2!7 2CTdCr HEALTH RECREATION & EDUCAT1 CALL and ask ma about t TEACHER tMfl btor ttulanti H Ondaa 1-12 ai « * * « anas. S U I T aUa; daaa alao c t t n d • * ? » * nxtt»t of homao Wadtorsate t y ant northern Ohio nat • * » » « ( * ? £ t w naw Rsa*y O n * Horn* Boo* «t your local w m a i W , ccnwnienc* skx»oranyReaRyOn« h l l ! « l n « w y o n e o l a » t w r i m $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S$$$$SS$$S$SS$$$$$$S| JH ^ ^ | : fy^ V A70M LAXE-2OB Jama« . Thtmday. 3-23 (BAM-8PM). PnmUn houana»«a and hank**. RDOEVIXX: 33S3 ij ., Thun-.Frt..S«t 9«m.-«ptrt. Wuaahotl h m . • • naw hrea ata agW^a tabiafcnainK v a w i tvtch. bada. trauar. Stt* 14 Ma9wMorduroy T at •«rtiH•*«- 5 S 290 ROCKY ftrnxi 3B7i ao4 of LDO«« w » n V OlQaMU Oamnk PM 8 a U Sakj. PnjtlU tor Camp C ROCKY RVXR; Z7S7 Cannan Or, 303. •am.-apm. Uac-nouaanotd. W aota bid. paao So «hn V* *m *> aM r > hMH. t i n « « m* Lah btjar aari KEN & LOIS K.ODGER. AVOM. I « B MOOR! ROAD. TMXtlOAY m m tATUROAY. %• t*AH-««1l). ««1l) O 4 0 0 Anon Laaa. NPMT uaad poet craapy tnmtr. i+tmi ROtaUad handtatp can. ffluoh manaaanaoAJwrfuy, tt* and K U I C M W . A U T T U BIT o« i w r m a m i OONT H I M T)«B O M t RAM OR *H9BD EMttKnMWciiainCarta. SUk Fktrai Dacor, Uucn nilaiilaiijaMaiilifi r r t i irn"i Ootmm. Toya, BBs. Panmti;.,mm.Vc-.3Sm Oray Radkw. W H . W I * * . Oryar. AVON LAJOL aos kwnoo. May 23* a # .flBnoeac«naLamM idnfa.a AVON U U d . 302 kMood. tiwaday SHUUUU * FWday. May a A at. Bam apw. WO> mijaa. Pya, laaabat carta l A kaiMm. IBS Vlnaytttf. ») O g ? AVOM L A X * . 4-rsMry. OORXaaav. Tkurad^r. hits ZVUa. UDraa | n v r , u a u kTOM.MBB. • vaB AVOW t A K l . e M landatiaood W Jneoa). Thurtdav. 81o—> Jiwi. Lota of tMand nanw aJda A m*M BAY] 140 nymatfi O M . uay 23RL THw.Baw.-3pw. BAY; sao Bmaay fu.. n u i . a . CMMmn'a d o t t . f w . LBM Tkaa hr«M. JJ B A Y I Carm«euryfWoH batwa«n BAYi'Ca Pi/CMfc—Ma. ona Mock from HM. m » M FA May Z>34 BaflL-4pM. TwaftM family. FAMVBtW, 21O1 ESHMBX TTmas. 3V33, «a».-JD«. (FA raM day). teU IMM. um U M M . NO M U M AVOM LAX1 BALI. 111 BIACMWOOO. Tnunday jft-3). FMty A Sakaday Ci<Mk bhW SaaI I I M I I laaanrMf T T I - ? ' ClOlMng. Hud* VarMly u n A K l : 15» Mann**. SfM Daova. w of CanaMuy. Uay 33- •OIMA'I eWtnat. axarciaa •qtripmam. aala«man eamplas. o»aat FaBwfa oay g n . kacnan •ondart. Bnana, eryaM, books. 233 R»*slB Shop«~~ CLASSIC CLOSET RESALE SHOP (All 'JBMWllLAwjai ^ (74tT) r*— ol 140 Laar Road OM AoowangSianmarODtangOnV AVOMLAKI. Thunoty 5-23. (»***• 2AM) •UIDMGHT* CONNECTION A-i Ejpananoad WadOngifwtyBand •Aocak - Top ia/aam n so, tzrum tdaffionalgn g q p MM; got oea ADULT 3-tSTWlar &*•. B C & B33-01«a AOUARtUwl 3CpM. wManC naaaar. pwnpa. «»r«. noodjpna. m « y daccrrtcns, air kwa n i mar* $300. 718-03*3 after Sera. 8,t».0ttPMM»:>M*aM box) dalusa B r a i d i a i a f . STO; OSubran flat gr»y Mraa daakA c a m * tlOO: DofliBaoa. i — Lao aaarsMai naentoa 3f3* QAHWELfS m. • * i n (Kg •** 8**4 MISCELLANEOUS ) B a . . oteturM. Jarl chair bH»«aaa , MQjLMBttb! "WatfOwafcjsrar onp partoSatng nomaa. Thura.-ftt »MO.OLMSTID; Part Rtdga D a w l o f l a n i a al . balvaan UoKanA A Lo*afev Sot«n ol Lona\ Vfcd.3pm.-9pm.. Tlws.8am.-4pm.. 7 ttO.OUUTIO; C104 Whvjtn TImba ffaaat t Bannn. B TIbM 8am.-apn Ortng roo room aat , fl*» dDtWg. Dma Tlaaa. •Cfct»3a» •WcdJnga YOUSlNOTHEHrrSI HOSTALOIA MUSIC: Racord ccNKkx, oac lodtay. SO yaan of ttfc. qpaaaAonoln SO*a nwafc. 3 285 H—nnftB—uty RELAXATION UASSAQH daa SSOAr. 10am.•10pm. PLAMT. 83940*2. "300 Musical Instrumsnts CLAWNCTtoraate. a yn. oM. Ca» a«ar 3pm. 933-4183. OUTTAfl, amp. apaahar. saraMMa guav. Pwamy amp. Calaaann y tJcm amp. Qocd ««kja. UtorS373. CM 331-1338. 331 STORY A CLAMT TfCHHlCB K1YSOARO only Smoftokl « « * S2.7B6. naw. aaUne S3JD9.871-#079. 305 Music L—som RANO BASICS^ w**.^ P1AMO LCSSONS, MY HOME: Now A a Naw SUMrM. CNktnn •04^788 W* BUY and SM onw » • Ban fct CMaram CUnra. fvntv and 4138 E.Lak» Road (216) 040-7878 240 Moving Sawts AVOW LAKE. Sauday 8-1^A S i n k * e-J!. I S A K M P M I SaBvg Corwraa: Waahar. Oryar. Fwrau*. anaMMcaWnaw BTIB414 O - E M g *i*ctnc atov*. Akncnl odor. S1C0. 803-1722. 330 'Furnishings n in. Baw A WMa cranatm n a M Boaa. Esaaam CondBcn, S1SOOO. 0334394. BABY FURMnURC: C A A < wNM. amatant cond. $73. naypan. wattar. Nonehair. wanl car aaai a) axcaaant cond. COUCM 310 Sporting Goods ConpJnrjarjOa. 40. S, fte7i3972 OUlLOAflLE 40X1CaS23JXttj CHMON QEMESm BJ SSMaTTllT 2 Cj «tt fwagraa LCD Eug*i •,«onwm.Uaad«aa> — mm, U f a 00. B331311. CRAJTSMAN U M u w ; Floor modal. 10* direct drhnj^I fy^. O173- ...i.rMirir1 555 aalwntiad Cta LfettandSMl Fram FHHt Don! m m out on the 1096 PRESS OOLF SCRAMBLE. Sign Up Today! dhaFmnm** & Oaahr h w a m For 1BW CaS FRtOdXYTOYS A OFTS kMBytor, M t t o a A catasaj' m LOVfSCAT; a. Eacaftara conowon. • CUHVEO WOO0EM ban 69*wOOd*s38n w/3 opholatarad akxia 3Z* h H \ Bka naw. ITS. 331- y fii FULL SOE bad. SSO; M m bad. S40-. quaan s t n b d . baadDoard. dnMarainJamaaBV S3S0; 748-1381. OLASS OCTAOON omoa MOM. SIS: IK> gnaaron bkj* onaka. « : two tan d w r t , »7; s«rtv«l nxkar enalr.»i 5:734-7441. Uapta Badiotwa Strife, Flo w a d C J D c i t M ConoWon. padttaa OAK dmaig room taUa (MTtAT) 4 A M H 2-!8*taava«. tab* pada. 3ZPh r»BjH. STItL aMSft: STsar eRair. S40: Ironrlia tronar (mangb)S35; 331-5387.' B*rt>ara. FREE RESAILONTHELAKE UoMd lie To so% OR RaoL Opan 7Oaya. EXTRA LARGE CAP WMRLPOOL WASHER A ELECTRIC DRYER (Whtta). CicaBwrt Conaaon; *40Crtt o o eq q jja w T E *0Crtat WESTWOTON ELECTMC RAMOE. S2C0nwi. ExcaJkn CcnUon. 1-J77S. LONESTAR KARAOKE *Mtmm itno Spanya Fonja. SQ3 ta LV24 » . - 1 w n . nian L a n S . O Oafa Sanian aa 3 * 4T. OyiMwraa. Carr. BBoUk>ja. I M . 4T ream atr daanar. mam mM» MS. GOOD NEIGHBOR THRIFT SHOP A~VOM tAKS. -aiAMT HnOHBOSHOOO BALBT. PAHPJURT L A M ft ROCXWOOO CT. « « Wa8awl SATURDAY. S-3S Enfrflmrwnt THAMK YOU enfanmtorphmBng Mra. a BpMry • * • • rnamng andabaan rnua> m Awn TME'tUSTIM A M BACK. 3/23. THnday. (B4L 32M0 WaMar Rd. amtn B a t k M * w SkMindar. S37SJX) COMPUTER TRAIHIMO in your hotna on your corceutar at your con^nianca. wstl lor Information ColtocUctas 323 p i 8) 882-1731 BASEBALL CARD U E E Toppa HERRSCHMER'S AWARDDonrgaa '83-'B7. F M f WONMQ DESOMER W U OWE -mtO~TS7. PRIVATE Oocnal and Naaoki An •81--B8. Tor«a FfJ -84 A -BS. Itaal Bbfcl31ta21ai14 Laaaona. Bmg a FilandtorU2 Prteal Mweflon akw ghran al UkfwaTs. EMM and KOkmctad. C M Uarla UOMEL TPrUM ***** g piC) 848-3901. and tut ID yourdaana. Lfcnai nfew boutft. add. MpalratL C M Ed anar HOLLY HBX RKKNO STABLE Spn. S71-7B0X Educational hm 2 W M k Heraa Cawpa In i i a , Jtly. Atq^L RMai asw/y (My and k a m ova A ardaa cf 32S horiaii. aan^apm. Monday^rndayEGtAaWrfaMo T v WPV Wwfjf• Owfllnosrt CAMWMO A RUSH WCAVTMO: A Eipailanead. waaMy Maarm a t VUorian alda onaca: Pmaad Back i ottHad C M Ura. Ftormor* tnalr: Patr Laddar Saok cnafcm A 37W WWW 3-J3. and S-24 tam.- HOtOgBAOt Laafn noraHnanafap 2 nOCXV mvt«; 1323 EMHMOCC H t T « tacy lurnttura AVOW LAKf. 13S Olkwood. TTuaflay. M » » 1 X NoonL Baby •ixaiaiaj. QaraTo.Toya. M * w NEW ELECTRONICS 320 Education & Instruction 280 AVON IAKE HOT »1093. This w laong h n 3 badreom, 2 bati horn* kxatad on a a n a * * stnwl h cantnl AJ_ A I ± M to aiarytnlng. AfliinMM Incfcjda woodbuming s k M in * w * r room nawvr Sumac*, n r m f air A paflo door mm MchMi k> • dKk. «129J00. HELEN BOOO8, S3361B5. AVOM LAKM, M OOnOCSTIR, THJRBOAY, MAC 10 van acDMtortM, UOO; Uac rt S1AC0 871-CB14. C1937-S4ZZ- Lcrain AVCN LAKE HOT t13B4. Z5«-acrw p land on Life* Bold. S23OJJCO. *AS « 2 1 ?*S- CM ED BBCMAMAHA. S33-«1«5 er 1-S0M68-S1S7. ATTRACT OR£AT FOR A BEOBWER SXJETO Uarfl RocKgnoi I * M titza: ISO] UDOTMI i U a won Look binano* ard SaioRKn SX71 iM boon ( * t * i l l Far cuiaoon. S12S Qlux 032-7713 •nil lanv CUKOOWMH-2O5HP.V8 engtrw. 4 J « « i po-ar paOt. nawitarpaa BB*I crtw mrt conaoortta»r a n 150 taw. induce* £ • £ _ ^ " ^ and «J a a m a i M l 1 ^ ? ? 1 . ^ 833-3323 cUyl • « B34-88B8 282-6940 AVON LAKE HOT •1383. Latarfront 3 bad. 1.5 tafli on 1*- aorML $256,417. C r i CD UOU11ARA t M - e i M . UU» 1821740. I THESEOFPOSTTES • hart MORTGAGE CDHPQHAnnN Can I-B0W3I4M4, taMrt HOT*torwtaphtt tofarnation.« ecnUd MASS MOfiJU* it « M 1 » tor •3 TKT IMJ K M d ffiOE) • ii 1i 111 I i 17 CU.FT. REPHiOEBATOfi. Qowcr* SWI C 3 r t * J j r j « J « . Wortung eofXJffion. W3.00. B3027ia . L S Cartnca • en* M * » QJL • YOU'RE O N YOUR WAT HOWL™ Miscellaneous ForSala 335 HouMnold Goods U t l W O O L RUO. IM0IAN PATTERN «a«. pink. Nua. off^rwa. StSO.00- TRAHPOUMI <IS0i». 336O« ATTIC TO SASEMEHT u m o u n TO JUNOUL. OMmaaCaB. nB y 837-1D0 1-SO»408-1tB8prr>S4 bnAKRBUKJCPannay.Miryaaan caacada w«h natarca. ahaara and travaraa rod*. 8O^«aS4*L. $73: iirwM-Lsana a n 7 x » ORURY nua; nr. emm baotanund. *ont. tvmt boroar. •wafer* oonBkm. S400. CM 47B3317or80a«887. m w . nMoowa^T onjan wan cw* wood cabtnat and barctt. dudaii datka mm cnatoa. Waaaae»l7M4M04 SCCnOMAL SOFA I Oaaan 8200. Tonat. . . . . „ . „ „ , Sofa. Navy; tso-. Amana Gnnt Ffaajar IS Cu>l *ias. natnuatato 19 Cu.Fl f 4 a 93>«M1. WAXTEO TO BUT: TALL Bawoam 2<Mlof9nMara. 8034871 bawMn COLLECTOR buytog Braanna. Haw. uaad. anftaa-Ona or ODflacsan. 734-33M avanmofc^aalMnda. DCLUXC PrrCH BACKtarpracaoa p«Mng. 3k«dy alui*«an InNna. tat- WINOBACK CHAJR, norai; ty aaaawdad. S73. CM 033-3000 graan tihpad: knehan M I - U U wwlra. grayfanMca:tron«ana: 333-4BW. CLUBS: 9 bona, 3 k> PnV. WOGOEN DOOM and tranWESS coptat. aWnMa alaai. T . I . tamodakid oamury. CM 802-0748 Dynamic ahaRa. latMl Ina onpa. 122S4. aot>.777-4ae«(VAMttaka). Satomon 8X71 aMJMOM ^ J Fak-oDndBon. » t » alto. BD-7TO MP BUSIHSSS _ ^ . ^ ^ Uuahaat, aWMBofl. etor* and mnctlona: w » eaa> awl ajaji Mr^tTW^S^SBMOBa^ Lmui ui T ^^ ( Mpawaa. m. j m capaaa aaefc Mp at anfaon. Can SIS; bom aM.iajwt MOVING OUT OF THE AREA? CALL FOR F R G PUBUCATfOM 1-80O-753-3S43 MOVIMO: t940W45O; U a r t aoQCD g ctuM.USO; Mlcrewavo.SlO; Cookbook oaSadton. SSO: V M M n 3ai788 MOHD*B-TRACWALir>fT, 1 yr. Old. CM Mwr 3pm. 0 3 J 4 J 1 MCMC TABLEStoraUK M M DUK. MPC COLUtCTldM: aoiMpaa (Joby. Thdar Boa. Tkn Wa»L Conwy*. GOO). AccaafMM. Bgntara. to d V M a l a 3 7 « PRESStmC CUUNERS PM 11SOV». 1300 S2QO- 2000433B-. MOOiaS9: Honda Contractor 4000* t i « ; CompMa, factorytfraot.M> Iraa, lowvsi prlcaa guarantaad, catakM. Z4 houra, t-a0o-454-O274. SCARS pool taDkr. Oood ooreaaon. PMd ttOO. Acung $4S0.121") 22S1*3» i J „ > •" •• " - J L i ; ' • . • . . : _ ' ; ' : • ! ' ' • • --•,""••, • • • / ' j . . • - - : • -'•fm ; . : * ; • • • • - / , : • X-perienced • X-act • X-ce!len( $1 • 4 BR, 2-5 BA -Den • Fireplace • Build to your own jpedfications • Now taking reservations for Armour New Homes on Armour Rd. Beautifully wooded lots, with prices starting $220,000*. Visit our-Redwood model for information on Armour! f*om»6 services KalhyS«nlTh 337-3043 tendy Schmidt 779-9188 EMERGENCY SERVICE (216)933-9450 Auto Part* &S«rvk« tnsr. Mncs. I I V K insr, tKN«.S91-«4«L mtar EKmfeiats fa txnamat. Uenay BK*I AUTO OCTAIUMQ: Hcnd car MW HUartw and 937Fotf S na en Oaonw M M . R Fort 9 U s IW> f F M H ) . Q r o a C M M Caps and NUM. «6aa m m ( 4 I B T « 3 „ . .. 43>24i$ VAN AOOESKMCa; SaMlor 1SBS nan-van ««gon back WS. 3Z7-1248 or 3SKM4I. • FL DOCK BOX, i M CO. S L M Maoa—naom Boasn; I FOOT COW0 MARBC buat «an oara, S-lO HP Jcfmaon 1 H 4 U M C d M T O M I EJBW. 33K. vnMAaaraontapA t t . Vary daan. C2J0CL777-W30S. i*»4 pwoee or, uwdad. ff R*d. » ^ M M , 27.000 UllM ElCdtt. <10JCP. 937-<13B AUTO FINANCING owQaaaTr".! 0 — dCaral • A l n p i el nncndnQ Plan* t Y B > e V-a,AJr,4 I I Panataa S o a a M Tarba Oaun* AaaStAk-,* S1ML AulO«ForSU< CaSOaryateOaaya! u-1 UOTORCARS USCO CAMMCM i>C-11 COPtCil MACKMl naw: M B maeMrw «a« *1 30a W i t ta « X 0 1 3 3 4 Z 3 3 *V1, complaialy proutslonsAv h taaaaBeeaar.BTi tsw; on Cnavy 30 cttauta. Dalux* •qutoiwtnt, 11 .OOOmL Owner flrana, «Z9 JOOJmaaa oflar. B7130B1. i t « T O T O T A uoaar H m (tear bam. aiaapa 9. i * - i « (n«*a p«r QMton. auKvnaUc. aatf e u n m d i l l JOO. YwwBafca K33-57OS. • « • M t S A N STAKZA. 4-tk. faal erBaat oaar. CCP-aa3i* • * UTEH. v,Door, Oeod CondMorv. 92J00 o o o 39S sun « 380 Animal S r v t o — • marC - now you OBB o«n U 1 t M FOAO Taurua: V I , auto. •DOGGIE DAY CARE" YOUB CAT! U L 1 CUalal aCMCX*. o r DOS OaUMIHCa pniaflMs haMmd OOO OMIWIMCT Itfl haallhmutar Bicycl— OMB •Mar «iar ec. 400 Boarta ft Uotora irAUJMMUU BOAT; 1«W> Long SnaltTaM — 14" LUMO alu«n.eoat A trallar. Uarcury motor, alac. motor * aiiaiaririii tiioq734-gTSfl. 1f FT. 1»M •TARCRAPT BOWRIDCR W/nUULCR. 19«3 ExOand, i t t i AEROBTTAR X L *m. MI. VS. N M Ucham Ttraa. Catiaanl CandMon. *3>4tm L a aaaai 1 » 4 HAJ. Sua Conwannn Van: BaaJU. 2BJK maaa. Oart taadad. aawaaad. Aattig l OnMYflLS C O U M ; . Loaded. V.O. t^mditlen. O M . IH20D O B a B34- ssr* l i l O bOOOi SptrK; 4/Ofl. U 4 » 0 » l , Birjpo-ur ewrlno * AI nMsajQa 19*1 CAM v lotad air. toadad. g i u a d ruatproo t y . Expend. 20k eamilad. ittl fORO Eaeort LX; 2/Cft a k aKk. 4S.0IXM. UBOt. Iniartor. naw tlras. 111 i r «PMEW1OAT. 1S0HP Uaroury Cn^na, SS Pro, E.Z. toad Traiiar. VQCond.. txaoo.cn. wa-jToa i m WMamKaw owandL Radar aicn.taadadtrdudaa twin SOU MarcruUar. alMps 6. « IMJOa 777.ia4a O I U 0 T « » « n L S 1 a. Eaoapa ITS Y l naratOB. w a M OB. • * n M _ « 5 ; ptaOorm. Canvaa. Ertraa. Rack flDHKt I21J0O. §344304- ktotorcyciaw aVUInlBIICM 1WJ KOWA1AK1 toy daan. Lorn Wlaa. Finn. S4B-792& Trallwv 42S THTTOH K t m 4 PLACE ALU«:MUW tLEO TIUItER. •3000. IU-771S L«*« 430 lo anon, mum moeti moml NAPA AUTO CARE CENTER CAU 930-AUTO (2886) Serving the Communify Since 1958 149 Lear Rd., Avon Lake & -Paintina Cc. Stalttlno anatp bctdng. ff 10 bad anar and cap. 113a m2 415 1M7 O « V T aVta BLAZER; On» O . Back ft SBwr. 2 Door. « WhMl OrM. Atr. Auto, CmaiaPi, Wall UaJftUlnad: Ewapuonalty OH Cnaroad Evwy 3^00 olL<aJ0a«34-gBI4. 1117 PLYMOUTH Voyaoar LE mWlnn. FuP powar k •«rma. niXKna. Ona w w , no waL wai iiinttinad. V t EFi «400a 3SSt9aa 1 a * t POMTIAC fiun&trd OT M Nar M a ar^l U B O . BOX praawnts W M • « • • aMan wu cam ba. O«ttCH e«ar» lanoar, apadatad • A H «WHfevfourpat n yxv >»a* ManyoutiMVoa aaa^r- W»can ate M N M vanapenMon to and . aonfl«M and t»«oomar «Mn i n naad istoraap. Per lufly h w d j l *mmj*»m*3m3 pal B your Aorna a M t you a « D o n t mlas out on 1996 PRESS GOLF S C R A U B L E . Sign U p Todryl . 1-Ownar.Rad. Air. O M a n a . Suvool. Nao Pana. S33XL 037-0173. CWdrkal • Hou«* FOinUng • ffcwMng • DryqM CA£STUMCn I t F T . K M W X R , 114 V-4 OuDoatd, « Ownaw. SMtpd 324-0O72 (Oar>) 406 Campavs * Yens j f Tan 1 tftract and a a m f - SIDING Sbto • n * * » * Roofing • Wood Shota I M T Off* • ««n>efa varnlstilim Interior Exterior Free Estimates Insured Eric Scnmltt cat>J3 cdieDoad tafce*Cfri AMDirs APPUANce s r a w w JS "We Service Mh Major Brands" 933-5565 1-800-707-ANDY TrucUForSalal 1 t t 3 FOflO 110 PICK-OP WTTH CAP.44J3aK * ~ 1 BftOHCO. 330 V-«. Atr. tatft, «B JOOXO. SUO0 ta C&8151 PIC«-UP TRUCK CAP: 7 F t AUMnum. 8Uar tMndoiaaJBBK* h Ccav, Kkx CondHon. v n n i Chaw S-tO and Font RanpM; $175.00. THANK TOO ona and u monar h t »O ona and T u a r o pti A n a u Tioaay a n boa In Avon Laka aka >u*UC UDrary*a lond. SS.ioa 3XM714. W a i tM U tanUMMi kKtoo «anaa aiaaaBM. RUdan angian. W H I M KrrTEMfcHi Pon.tt3S. 1-4IM27-1573 I B d ) aAfeKHlTUDaWnviCl SaalPoH n8 faad. caaturassD 836-4893 TRANSPORTATION 1 7 O U M t a . Original, Factory CondUon. KMOO: U a w Oftar. 9=OS0B3 A-1 Concrete 327-0101 UNEVEN SIDEWALK? WE PUMP IT UP! Save 50 - 70 % Ovor Replacement • Driveways • Patios • Steps • Any Slabl FREE ESTIMATES FORMERLY LORAIE?P.UNTY CONCRETE LEVELING RESIDErmAL & COMMERCIAL Slate Certified Backflow Injector ••"••'"•^" : N ? ltJ^^: ^^ "--"'--J-:i:-"- V ' » ^ " - > - •-••" • : ^ ; v ~ < * / . -: , ; ••• '.-•:• - i ^ V r . ' ' ; ; X-perienced • X-act • X-cellent CLEANING CORPORATION EXTBUOR HOUSE d £ A N ! 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Roundy's Hciru ~" Ketchup Sqneeze Roundy's Paper Plates Marshmallows-ieoz. Wonder's - Country Fair Hot Dog or H D Hamburger Buns a *_.
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