Document 56743

222 North Main Street, Greensburg, PA. 15601
[email protected]
The Mission of Congregation Emanu-El Israel is: To support Judaism and the welfare of our community.
Jimi Hendrix said that “Music is my religion.” While I do not necessarily agree with Hendrix, I do
believe that music enhances religion and can be spiritually moving.
In Genesis 4:21 in the genealogy of Cain’s family, we have the first musician mentioned, Yubal
who played the lyre and pipe. Music has always been an integral part of Jewish liturgy. The psalms
are but one major example of the music we have had as part of our worship for centuries. One of my
favorite psalms is Psalm 150, the last one, where we praise God with all kinds of instruments: harp,
lyre, timbrel, cymbals, to name a few. We have ancient poems that were sung, such as Miriam’s
song at the sea, which we will read at Shabbat services on January 10 & 11. That Shabbat is known
as Shabbat Shira, the Sabbath of Song. It also marks the beginning of Jewish music month. It was
started in 1949 by the Jewish Welfare Board with a salute to Israel, which was less than a year old at
that point. Over the years, it has evolved into a way of celebrating the vast array of music that is
Jewish music, not just Israeli, not just liturgical.
It is always an interesting discussion that applies to all the arts, what makes it Jewish? What
makes Jewish literature Jewish, is it the author or the theme of the book? Our book club has decided
that it could be either, although most of what we read has a Jewish theme. By the way, you might
want to join us on Sunday, January 26, when we skype with a book club in Karmiel Misgav in a
discussion of Meir Shalev’s My Russian Grandmother’s American Vacuum Cleaner. – definitely a
Jewish book. Of course, you are invited to join us in February when we meet on our own to discuss
The Kill Artist by Daniel Silva.
What make Jewish art Jewish, is it the subject or the artist? You may have read recently that one
of Pope Francis’ favorite pieces of art work is Marc Chagall’s White Crucifixion. Is that Jewish art?
What makes Jewish music Jewish? Is it the theme, the composer, the musician? Irving Berlin, a
nice Jewish boy, was the composer of one of the most popular Christmas songs, “White Christmas”
and another Christian themed song – “Easter Parade.” Are those two songs Jewish music? Gustav
Mahler, was born Jewish, converted to Catholicism, but scholars say that much of his music reflect
his Jewish identity. Max Brod, the Czech musicologist and great friend to Franz Kafka, who argued
that the most German aspect of Mahler’s music, the march, was really the most Jewish. Brod
claimed that the existence of Jewish folk melodies in Mahler’s music was made possible by the
composer’s “Jewish soul”. By the way, Felix Mendelssohn was raised a Christian and converted as
an adult, although his grandfather, the great Moses Mendelssohn frowned on German Jews
converting to Christianity. In fact, Moses Mendelssohn translated the Torah into German so it would
be more accessible to German Jews.
On Saturday, February 1st, The Festival of the Jewish Arts is sponsoring a Chamber Concert at
Campana Chapel on the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg campus beginning at 7 PM. The
concert, which is free and open to the public, will include music by Mendelssohn, Schulhoff, Kreisler,
and Gerswhin. It should be a truly special evening and we hope you will encourage your neighbors
and friends to attend. A huge thank you to the committee: David Millstein, Marilyn Davis, Myriam
Gau, Bob Gelman, Esther Glasser and Irene Rothschild for helping to organize this event. They also
planned the movie Gloomy Sunday which we saw in October and our upcoming events – Israeli
Dancing (April ) and Jewish Genealogy (June).
Music may not be your religion either, but with the multitude of activities we offer, you can be sure
that Judaism is more than a religion.
Let me take this opportunity to wish you a very happy, healthy and sweet civil New Year of 2014!
Thanksgiving and Chanukah just flew by and we are looking forward to another good and productive
year at C.E.I.
Two recent events stand out in my mind. The Membership Committee sponsored an Oneg in
honor of our new members. It was well attended, with the new member families being honored
during the service, lots of good conversation and, of course, good food! And the tour sponsored by
the Greensburg Garden & Civic Center of the Historic Churches and Synagogue was extremely
well attended. Rabbi Perman did an excellent presentation that was interesting and informative to
about 90 – 100 people who bravely battled the inclement weather. As folks were leaving many had
very complimentary comments about what they learned and saw.
I am hopeful that you will attend the upcoming chamber music concert that will be sponsored by
The Festival of the Jewish Arts and the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. Thanks to
members of the committee, we were able to get a grant to help sponsor the upcoming events, which
was important to the committee, because it wanted there to be no charge for admission to these
events. As you will see elsewhere in this Bulletin, the event will be held at the Campana Chapel on
the UPG campus at 7:00 PM on Saturday, February 1, 2014 and will feature three professional
musicians playing the violin, viola and cello. They will be playing music by Jewish composers.
Please plan to attend and bring your friends and families as these events are open to the public.
As you will also see from the minutes of the December board meeting, the Board of Directors is
busy managing the business of operating C.E.I. The committee chairs are managing their various
committees efficiently and I cannot praise the Directors and chair people enough! They are a very
dedicated group who take very seriously the task of keeping the Congregation functioning smoothly
and efficiently.
Finally, please keep in mind that the Taste of Westmoreland is scheduled for Saturday, March
15, 2014 in Chambers Hall at UPG. Terri has formed a very capable committee who will be working
hard to plan another terrific event. Please take seriously purchasing the tickets that are mailed to all
Congregants, selling tickets, acquiring gifts and volunteering for the event. Volunteers will be needed
for the set up, during the evening of the event and for the clean-up afterward. I am proud to say that
EVERYONE who is in town and physically able does volunteer to help and that is most gratifying!
OFFICE HOURS: Rabbi Perman, generally, has office hours on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Friday from 10 A.M. to 1:30 PM. BUT, making an appointment is highly recommended, since some of
her appointments are “out of the office”. Please call 724-834-0560, should you need or wish to
schedule an appointment.
We are continuing to collect Coins for Torah (to help with the Torah Repair Fund). Our goal is to collect
79,847 coins, for each word in Torah. We now have 10,000 coins collected. There is a box in the social hall to
drop your coins in, so please bring your spare change. Please help us make the goal. Once again thanks for
all your support, Sinde Snitger.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Irene Rothschild, Norma Brodell, Paddy Borowsky-Barnhart, Jessica
Kassel, Julie Pihony, Noah Hammerman, Ben Schenck, Loren Vivio, Max Mendler, John Lieberman,
Shoshana Halden, Jack Wilder, Alan Karelitz, Jody Friedlander Keating, and Mickey Radman.
We offer Refuah Shleima to Richard Virshup recovering from heart surgery and to Nina Lewis
recuperating from a broken wrist.
Mazel Tov to Glen Glasser, son of Esther & Stuart Glasser, for
the publication of Montauk Summer, a photo book that relives the
days of summer and the carefree spirit of the town & its beaches.
Congratulations to Zak Goldstein on his entry into Freemasonry
as an Entered Appentice of Philanthropy Lodge No. 225 F&AM of
PA. Zak is the son of members Julie & Mitch Goldstein.
Invites you to a SPECIAL ONEG, following
8:00 p.m. Services on
who will be celebrating her 39th birthday for the 31st time.
The Adult Book Club will read and discuss by Skype with Carmiel Misgav Book
Club In Israel, My Russian Grandmother & Her American Vacuum Cleaner by
Meir Shalev on Sunday, January 26 at 12 noon at CEI. It is the kind of book that
makes you laugh, cry, and reflect on your own family.
Please RSVP your attendance to the office by Friday, January 24.
All adults welcome.
Also, mark your calendars, for Wednesday, February 19 at 7:30 PM when the Book Club will meet at the
home of Shoshana & Bob Halden to discuss the book The Kill Artist by Daniel Silva. The first we will
read in his series.
HOSPITAL VISITS – The Rabbi will make visits to local area hospitals to
visit sick congregants, but we need to know the name of the patient
and the hospital. Hospitals no longer release patient information,
so your cooperation is greatly appreciated and needed for these visits to take place.
The Itinerary for the Israel trip is available now. Call the office and we
will send you a copy.
Tu B’Shevat is coming. Tu B’Shevat is the New Year of the Trees. This holiday has been adopted
by the Jewish National Fund as their time to encourage people to support their work which not only
includes planting trees in Israel, but creating parks and other
recreational areas,
protecting water resources, providing firefighting equipment
and more. Celebrate Tu
B’Shevat by purchasing one or more trees. Trees are $18
each and can be
purchased through the CEI office.
And remember spring is coming.
COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE: Applications for college scholarships and interest-free loans
for the 2014-2015 school years are available from the CENTRAL SCHOLARSHIP & LOAN REFERRAL
SERVICE (CSLRS) of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. Distributed on the basis of demonstrated
financial need, applicants must be Jewish, reside in Allegheny, Westmoreland, Beaver or Washington Counties
and need financial assistance to attend an accredited institution of higher education. The on-line application is
available at For more information call CDC at 412-422-5627 or write to:
Central Scholarship & Loan Referral Service, 5743 Bartlett Street, Pittsburgh, PA. 15217. Application deadline
is February 11, 2014.
The next meeting will be on Monday, January 6, 2014 @ 7:00 PM @ CEI.
So please join us and help us make this the most successful Taste.
If you have any questions, please call Terri Katzman at 724-837-8275.
The next LUNCH & LEARN W/RABBI will be Monday, January 13, 2014 @ CEI from 12:30 – 1:30
PM. Bring your own lunch, beverages will be provided. Please RSVP by Friday, January 10 th.
The next LUNCH W/RABBI will be Monday, January 20 @ Longhorn Steakhouse from 12:30 – 1:30
PM. Lunch is Dutch treat. Please sign-up on the form in the office by Monday, January 17.
The Rabbi hopes you will join her for one or both of her lunch “dates”. Reservations are needed for
Lunch or Lunch & Learn with the Rabbi, so we may notify you in case of cancellation.
USED INK CARTRIDGES! We continue to collect used printer ink cartridges (any brand) to help
defray the cost of office supplies.. A box is on the desk in the office for the collection of ink cartridges.
Thank you for your help.
Books recently purchased with donations made to the Library Fund and the CEI Sisterhood:
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker. (novel)
The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History
by Robert M. Edsel. (nonfiction)
My Russian Grandmother and Her American Vacuum Cleaner: A family Memoir by Meir Shalev.
Happy Birthday, Trees! A Tu B'Shevat Story by Madelyn Rosenberg. (Youth Holiday)
Book donated to the Library:
Gracie's Night: A Hanukkah Story by Lynn Taylor Gordon. (Youth Holiday) donated by Rabbi Sara
Tu B'Shevat occurs this month on January 16th, (15th Shevat). This New Year for Trees was created by the
rabbis as a way of determining the age of fruit trees. The Kabbalists created a Tu B' Shevat seder that
celebrates the variety of fruits and nuts. On display in the Alfred Ratner Library are children's books that can be
read to your child on this holiday.
Green Bible Stories for Children by Tami Lehman-Wilzig. Bible stories are retold and reinforced with
activities to help young readers understand how to nurture and protect the environment. In Israel, Tu B'Shevat
is an occasion to plant trees.
Thank You, Trees! by Gail Langer Karwoski and Marilyn E. Gootman. A board book for young children that
is a rhyming story giving thanks for the gifts trees provide on the holiday of Tu B'Shevat.
Happy Birthday, Trees! A Tu B'Shevat Story by Madelyn Rosenberg. In this story a little girl named Joni
presents her favorite climbing tree with a special birthday gift.
Shirley Shpargel
Oops! 2014 Calendar Corrections: If you purchased a CEI calendar, please make the following corrections:
Chatkin, Alicia & Ryan. 4011 Great Star Ct #402B, Jeannette, PA 15644. Ryan # 412-651-3346. Alicia cell
412-979-5899. Email: [email protected].
Kulbersh, Jenna & Matt Strohmeyer. Correct address is 41 Division Street, Apt. 1, Greensburg, PA. 15601.
Lewis, Nina & Jon. Nina’s cell number is 724-837-4450.
Lloyd, Stacy & Donald. 5901 Graybrook Drive, Export, PA 15632. 724-554-0316. [email protected].
Wilder, Susan. 207 J. Pleasant Valley Road, Jeannette, PA 15644. 724-757-5008.
The CEI Calendar is available now! If you did not pre-order your copy, limited quantities are
available for you to purchase at $14.00 each. It contains a wealth of information, including a
monthly calendar with Jewish dates, anniversaries and birthdays, there is a listing of
members with addresses and phone numbers, ads for local businesses, and much more.
Call the CEI office for information on purchasing.
CEI BOARD MEETING MINUTES - Wednesday, December 11, 2013
ATTENDING: Shayla Anthony, Phylis Caplan, Julie Goldstein, Terri Katzman, Virginia Lieberman,
Gary Moidel, Rabbi Perman, Irene Rothschild, Sinde Snitger, Bernie Trout, Richard Virshup
CALL TO ORDER: Irene R. called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: Minutes of the November meeting were approved as published
in the December Bulletin.
RABBI REPORT: CEI is offering a lot of programs, but not all are well attended. There was a small
turn out for Rabbi Burt Schuman’s program on Jews in Poland. There has been a nice group for the
History of Israel series which will meet again in January. Currently, Rabbi has one student studying
for conversion and another beginning the process. Thank you to all who made Hanukkah special. At
Seton Hill, Rabbi attended the funeral of Dr. JoAnne Boyle and the commemoration of Kristallnacht.
She met with candidates for the director’s position of the National Catholic Center for Holocaust
Education and met with the search committee to discuss the candidates. Rabbi spoke at K.A.R.A.T.
school about Hanukkah and also at Redstone. Several congregants and Rabbi again helped at
Otterbein’s Thanksgiving Dinner. CEI will participate in the Greensburg Garden & Civic Center’s
Historic Church and Synagogue Tour. In January, Rabbi will be hosting the Ministerium for Tu
B’Shevat Seder. She is trying to set a meeting with Gregg Roman of the C.R.C. of the Federation to
meet with leadership at CEI, Latrobe and Seton Hill. Rabbi began working at S.C.I. Fayette twice a
month, but she is not sure if she will continue to do so due to the distance and remuneration. Rabbi
will be taking some time off during winter break.
TREASURER REPORT: Fair Share forms for next year have gone out. F.S. contributions are down
slightly, but donations are up. Expenses are pretty flat in comparison to last year. Electric, phone
and gas rates are up slightly. There was discussion of possibly getting a lower rate from the gas
PRESIDENT REPORT: Beth Israel is asking CEI to approve taking their memorial boards when they
shut their doors. Rabbi is suggesting that some could be placed in the sanctuary and some could be
placed in the upstairs hallway. Our artwork could be placed in other locations throughout the building.
Julie moved that the Board accept the memorial boards from Beth Israel. Shayla seconded the
motion. Motion carried. Irene reported the net intake from the Go for the Gelt fundraiser. The Jewish
Federation of Greater Pittsburgh is holding a Fundfest – 2014. Anyone who is willing to volunteer for
the phone bank should contact Irene.
Administration: Irene recommended that the Board approve giving holiday bonuses to Bea and to
Scott underwritten by an anonymous donor. Board agreed.
Archive: The Archive Committee has held two meetings with Susan Melnick of the Rauh Jewish
Archives, the first in August at CEI with a follow up visit to the archives in October. The committee
unanimously agreed that the best course of action is to turn over our records to the Rauh Jewish
Archives for preservation. The justification for this recommendation includes having the
congregation's records preserved professionally, stored under climate controlled conditions, and
available, together with the records of other Pittsburgh Jewish institutions, for the public record. While
we would surrender title to the records to the Rauh Jewish Archives, they would remain available in
the archive offices on Smallman Street. The committee met on November 10 to begin the process of
sorting our records into those that are archive material and those that are not. The committee is
seeking Board approval to move forward with this project. The Rauh Jewish Archive accepts, but
does not require payment for their services. The committee is not requesting any allocation of funds
for this purpose, at this time. Terri moved that CEI turn archival material over to the Rauh Jewish
Archives for preservation and public access. Gary seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Festival Committee: The Festival Committee of the Jewish Arts met on December 10. The next
event will be held on Saturday, February 1 at 7:00 pm at the Campana Chapel on the UPG campus.
There will be three musicians: a cello, violin and viola. The event will last approximately 1 ½ hours.
The musicians will play music by Jewish composers. There will be no charge for admission and there
will be no food served. The program will acknowledge that the event is being underwritten by the
Federation. Rabbi will prepare a flyer to be distributed throughout the area. There will be an article in
the Bulletin. Press releases will be sent out and a notice will go on the Rotary sign. The venue for
Israeli dancing on Saturday, April 6 was discussed. Two possibilities are the armory on Pennsylvania
Avenue and the Garden Center. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Monday, January 13.
Fundraising/Special Events: Taste of Westmoreland held the first meeting. There is one new
member on the committee. The planning is on schedule. The next meeting is January 6. Coins for
Torah is raising funds and has collected about 10,000 coins.
Long-Range Planning: Legacy options were discussed. Current assets were discussed. Bob will
invite a fund development director at the University of Pittsburgh to meet with leadership. The
committee discussed the desired goal for the Capital Campaign. Leadership needs to determine if
they should move ahead with the campaign. Leadership is confident that the Congregation will
remain viable for ten years or more. There was discussion about whether someone with financial
expertise needs to help in preparation of a budget. There was discussion about how to restructure
some restricted funds for utilization in operation expenses. Arrangements for the Temple Emanu-El
cemetery are being made with a separate non-profit entity and are not part of the CEI strategic
planning process.
Membership: CEI welcomes new members, the Chatkins, the Lloyds, the Blozowichs, the Reiters,
Jenna Kulbersh and Matt Strohmeyer, Susan Wilder and Judy Goldstein.
Physical Properties: Men’s group put in an extra light in the furnace room. There will be a meeting
in Pittsburgh in January about accessing federal funds for security purposes. CEI should send a
representative to learn about it.
Religious Practices: Irene passed around the new Bema list.
Sisterhood: The Chanukah dinner went very well with more than 50 people attending. The Men’s
Club judged the baking contest in November. Rabbi Perman won the cookie category and Irene R.
won the cake category. The next meeting will be in January.
Men’s Club: The Men’s Club met in November to do chores in the building and then watched the
Steelers’ game.
Youth: Youth Group planned a movie night, but they were not able to coordinate schedules to make
it happen. They hope to get some participation in the upcoming WINSTY weekend. Richard is still
working on forming a group of younger children.
Adjourn: Richard moved the meeting be adjourned and Bernie seconded the motion. Meeting
adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Deadlines for the Bulletin are ALWAYS the SECOND FRIDAY of the month.
The next meeting will be Wednesday, January 8, 2014 and will be a continuation of the review
of the By-laws and policies.
Minutes respectfully recorded by Virginia Lieberman, Recording Secretary and submitted by Irene
Dec 6:
William Karelitz by Amy Karelitz. Freda Virshup by Richard Virshup & Family.
Dec. 13:
John Halden by Shoshana & Bob Halden. Harry Goldman by Cori & Michael Liptak.
Mildred V. Wilson by Virginia & John Lieberman. David L. Trout by Bernice & Carl
Dec. 20:
Rae Levine by Marilyn & Jim Davis and Phyllis & Bob Davis.
BOB & PHYLLIS DAVIS FAMILY FUND: Youth scholarships & enrichment. In Memory of: Rhoda Pons by
Phyllis & Bob Davis.
CAPITAL FUND: Building structure repairs & replacements.
CARING FUND: Supports congregants who are experiencing sickness, bereavement & other personal
CEI ENDOWMENT FUND: Provides the continuity of the congregation by subsidizing future operating
TEMPLE EMANU-EL CEMETERY FUND: For beautification and upkeep of the Temple Emanu-El Cemetery.
COMPUTER FUND: Provides a means to continually upgrade & maintain CEI’s computer system/software.
COPIER FUND: Provides a means to maintain a copier for the CEI office. This is a major need and is used by
various staff and committees.
CONGREGATION GENERAL FUND: CEI operating expenses. In Honor of: Phyllis & Bob Davis and Marilyn
& Jim Davis by David L. Izenson, Swartz, Izenson & Associates, P.C. In Appreciation of: David Millstein
purchasing audio equipment for CEI. CEI by Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Goldberg and the Goldberg Family
Philanthropic Fund of the UJF of Greater Pittsburgh, Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Glasser, The Glasser Family
Foundation. In Memory of: Dr. William Levinson by Marilyn & Jim Davis.
CONGREGATION YAHRZEIT FUND: In Memory of: Cantor Saul Z. Hammerman by Dr. & Mrs. Samuel
Hammerman & Family. Judith Strauss by Rae & Bert Minushkin. Bessie Abrams by Robert Abrams & Children.
Lillian Weiner by Terri & Stanley Katzman. Mildred V. Wilson, Dr. Irving Lieberman, and Marjorie Lieberman by
Virginia & John Lieberman. Sarah E. Kramer by Phyllis & Herb Kramer. Harry M. Friedlander & Leonard Pittler
by William Friedlander. Aaron Abrams by Robert Abrams & Children. Helene Geier by Suzy & Jon Geier. Louis
Arbetter by Francine Arbetter. Fanny Kogut Millstein by David J. Millstein. John C. Byrne, Jr. by M. Christine
Byrne. William Jay Karelitz by Amy, Eric, & Alan Karelitz. Ellen Rochelle Rudt by Mrs. Mollie Rudt.
FANNY MILLSTEIN MEMORIAL FUND: For approved major maintenance or beautification.
IVAN B. YOUNG EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT FUND: Supports the advancement of Jewish education.
LIBRARY BOOK FUND: Provides for the purchase of books and other resource material for the library.
NEW SHABBAT PRAYER BOOKS: Provides for the purchase of new Mishkan T’filah.
RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Helps individuals and/or org. in need. In Appreciation: For the trip to the
Maltz Museum in Ohio by Ann Ungar. The Rabbi’s visit to Redstone Highlands by Phyllis & Herb Kramer. For
being called to the Torah when observing my mother’s yahrzeit by Robert N. Gluck.
REMEMBRANCE FUND: A special donation to Sisterhood to honor or celebrate an event or person. Phylis
Caplan (834-3494) Bernice Trout (837-9104). In Honor of: The 75th Birthday of Stan Katzman by Irene
Rothschild. The 75th Birthday of Bob Gelman by Irene Rothschild, Terri & Stan Katzman. The 95th Birthday of
Jack Moldovan by Terri & Stan Katzman. The Speedy Recovery of: Jim Davis by Irene Rothschild. Richard
Virshup by Irene Rothschild, Terri & Stan Katzman. Andee Millstein by Terri & Stan Katzman. Nina Lewis by
Doris & Huddie Kaufman. In Memory of: Lilo Rothschild by Irene Rothschild. Dr. Paul Pretter by Carol & Jim
Ratner. Anna V. DiBagno by Phylis & Wally Caplan. Rose Goldfield by Lois & Gerald Browdie.
SIDEWALK FUND: To repair or lay down new sidewalks in the front of the synagogue.
SOCIAL ACTION FUND: Supports projects that benefit our community.
STAIRGLIDE FUND: Funds to provide for the up-keep of a stair glide allowing those in a need a way to
participate in functions both upstairs & down.
TORAH REPAIR FUND: To provide funds to repair the Torah. In Memory of: Yechiel Metz and Simon
Schulman by Shirley & Jerold Shpargel.
R.L. WOLINSKY MEMORIAL FUND: For membership recruitment, new member social activities & Board
Development activities.
Tree of Life Share your joy! Inscribe a leaf or stone on our Tree of Life.
Leaf -- $180 each Stone -- $1000 each
(All prices includes engraving)
The golden leaves and stones may be inscribed to commemorate joyous events such as births, Bar/Bat
Mitzvahs, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, or other special occasions, or to honor parents, family or
friends. Share your joy by inscribing simchas on our Tree of Life…… an everlasting remembrance of the
meaningful happy events that touch life.
Remember a loved one by purchasing a plaque for the sanctuary Memorial Boards.
For more details, please contact the CEI office at 724-834-0560.
As you may know, we are considering a Congregational trip to Israel for June
2014. To whet your appetite for this trip and/or to add to your
knowledge of Israel, we are offering mini-classes on Israel that will introduce you to the
country and some of its significant sites in an historical fashion. Coming to these classes
does NOT commit you to going on the trip, nor do you have to go on the trip to come to these
classes. Both the trip and the classes are open to the community. Just let the rabbi know of
your intention to attend so she has enough materials.
The third of these will be Wednesday, January 29th and we will explore the Israel of the
Middle Ages. Wednesday, March 19th it will be Israel from the start of Zionism to 1948 and
Wednesday April 30th will be Israel from 1948-today.
THE RABBI’S TISH (The Rabbi’s Table) – Reservations are required!
“The Rabbi’s Tish” (The Rabbi’s Table) is held one Friday every other month and will be pot luck
with a limit to 30 people.
You need to RSVP by the Tuesday before the dinner. You will know in advance if it is dairy or meat
and be asked what you are bringing to share. It is my hope that by welcoming Shabbat together and
eating together, we will have an enhanced Shabbat experience.
Mark your calendars for the next Rabbi’s Tish on Friday, February 28, 2014 @ CEI. You must RSVP
by February 26.
The last Rabbi’s Tish for this year will be on March 28 @ CEI (RSVP by March 26)
Would you like to have a Shabbat that is relaxing, with good food and in the company of friends? Would you like to
experience or help others experience Shabbat?
First, we are looking for some families who would be willing to host two or three families on Friday evening January 10
or on January 31. The meal would be of your choice. You would be asked to light candles, with the blessing, do Kiddush
and have a challah and do hamotzi. If you like, in addition, song sheets and a “Torah” discussion sheet can be provided.
The Rabbi would be more than willing to provide assistance on making Shabbat. You might ask your guests to help with
the meal, or even assign parts for them to do.
Second, we need people who would like to spend a Shabbat evening with others.
If you are interested in hosting or attending a Shabbat house, please send in the form below to the office. You can
choose to participate in both and be a guest and/or a host. Services these Friday nights will begin at 5:30 p.m. and be
finished by about 6:15 p.m. to allow people to spend Shabbat together. Those who have participated in the past have had
a very special Shabbat.
Name: _____________________________
Day Phone: _________________________
Evening Phone: ______________________
Yes, I’m interested in Recapturing Shabbat.
I/We would like to be:
A host
A guest
_____ Jan. 10
_____ Jan. 10
_____ Jan. 31
_____ Jan 31
# of people we
can host _____
# in our family coming
for dinner _____
A huge THANK YOU to TERRI KATZMAN for co-chairing the Chanukah Dinner Committee with
SHOSHANA HALDEN. A special thank you to those who contributed time, money & goodies
and everyone who helped set-up and clean-up. You all helped create a memorable evening.
Hebrew Class
7:00pm CEI
Board Meeting
7:00pm Taste
Lunch & Learn
w/Rabbi @ CEI
School (Tu
Hebrew Class
Hebrew Class
Please Note:
Sat., Feb. 1
Wed., Feb. 19
Sat., March 15
Sun., March 16
Wed., March 19
Fri., April 4
Wed., April 30
10:00am Minyan &
Torah Study
25 Mishpatim
Shabbat Service.
Oneg honoring
Irene Rothschild
Hebrew Class
7:00pm Rabbi
“Israel of the
Middle Ages”
Book Club
Misgav @ CEI
7:30pm Family
Shabbat Service
(grades 6, 7,8)
18 Yitro
8:30am Minyan
Lunch w/Rabbi
@ Longhorn
Tu B’Shevat
11 Shira Beshalach
8:30am Minyan
Shabbat Service
4 Bo
8:30am Minyan
Shabbat Service
followed by First
Friday Study
NO Hebrew Class
Feb. 1 Terumah
8:30am Minyan
Shabbat Service
All times & events subject to change.
The Festival of the Jewish Arts presents chamber music.
Adult Book will discuss The Kill Artist @ the Halden home. 7:30 PM.
Taste of Westmoreland @ UPG. 6:00 PM. (Erev Purim)
Rabbi mini-course “Israel from the start of Zionism to 1948”. 7:00 PM.
Social Action Shabbat.
Rabbi mini-course “Israel from 1948 – Today”. 7:00 PM.
Rabbi Sara Rae Perman. CEI Officers: President: Irene Rothschild. Vice President: Richard Virshup.
Treasurer: Gary Moidel. Recording Secretary: Virginia Lieberman. Sisterhood President: Sinde Snitger. Men’s
Club President: Bob Gelman. Bulletin Editors: Irene Rothschild, Bea Harrison. Webmaster: Shayla Anthony.
January 3, 2014
*Dorothy K. Abramson, Rose Buchman, *Julius Caplan, Florence Brill Dobkin, *Lt. Ivan I. Elpern,
Jennie Fienberg, *David Flamm, *Lena F. Friedlander, *Samuel Glicenstein, *Celia R. Goldberg,
*Rachel Gordon, Samuel M. Hyman, Gilbert Katz, Daniel Katzman, Jenny Lalli, *Anna Lewis,
*Golden Litchfield, *Bess Marchel, Evelyn Neumann, H. Sylvia Perman, *Joseph Pomerance, *Lena
Pomerantz, *Charles Shendowich, *Morris Shendowich, *Moses M. Shoag, *Paul Shoff, Kathleen
Nemeth Shulock, *Sarah Weiner, and Isadore Jack Weinstein.
January 10
Jack Axelrod, *Minnie Dates, *Norman Epstein, *A. Harry Felder, Leroy Fienberg, *Max M.
Finkelstein, Samuel Glick, *Anna R. Gross, *Ben Gross, *Benjamin M. Harris, *Fannye Hochberg,
*William M.Kahanowitz, Marjorie Lieberman, Dr. Irving Lieberman, Sidney Minushkin, Jay Morris,
*Isadore Pittler, *Bessie Rubenstein, *Ignatz Schneider, *Eleanor Segal, *Elder H. Stein, Norman
Weiner, *Elizabeth Ziff, and *Morris Zwibel.
January 17
*Dora Abramovitz. Mollie Barnett, William Becker, *Morris E. Bloom, *Benjamin Conn, Stanford Davis,
Julius Diamondstone, *Eva Drexler, *Dora Feinberg, *Max Glickman, Fortunee Hovav, *Benjamin
Kaufmann, *D. Levin, *Erica Susan Pittler, Leonard Poster, *Isaac B. Rabinowitz, *Herbert G. Ratner,
Sr., Bernard Redlich, Faye (Nevins) Rose, *Frank Rubenstein, *Benjamin Victor, Hylton Wong,
*Bessie V. Young, and *Ivan B. Young.
January 24
Walter Baker, *Joseph Bayer, *Fanny Bloom, Ella K. Button, *Abraham Davis, Albert Farber,
*Solomon Gross, *Joseph Hochberg, Vivian Hyman, *Reuben Kassel, Diane Katz, Joseph Krokosky,
Ida Liebman, Alvin Lippard, *Joseph H. Levin, *Reuven Lurie, *Berenice D. Pittler, *Morris Scott,
Ruben Whitman, *Alfred A. Wolf, D.P.M., and David Wong.
January 31
*Jane Goldberg Berkman, Anna Bernstein, Anita Boas, Marie V. Borowsky, *Anna Brill, Barry
Clovsky, *Samuel Daniels, *Lewis C. Daniels, Simon Dreifus, *Celia Farber-Glantz, *Louis Grossman,
*Nahum Jacobson, *Louis B. Jacobson, *Robert Kane, Sadie Levin, *Frank Levin, *Rabbi Joseph
Levine, *Alfred J. Levy, Mary M. Levy, *Louis Lewis, Cheri Weinstein McAloon, *Ruth Moldovan,
Chuck Pearlstein, *Isidor Reisberg, *Rose Rosner, Adolf Rothschild, *Harry E. Rubin, *Charlotte
Shapiro, *Sender Shirey, *Dreza Shirey, and Miriam D. Wallach.
* A light will be lit on the Memorial Board