Jo-Ann Sowers, PhD Natalie Wood Enhancing Career Development Engagement and Self-Determination for Young Adults with Mental Health Diagnoses Produced By: Produced by the Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures, with funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, United States Department of Education, and the Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (NIDRR grant H133B090019). The content of this article does not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies. R elatively few young adults live independently; b) enjoy self-determination; with serious mental health c) make choices; d) contribute to society; e) disabilities seek out or obtain pursue meaningful careers; and e) enjoy full in- adult vocational rehabilitation clusion and integration into the economic, po- services (Drake, McHugo, litical, social, cultural and educational main- Becker, Anthony, & Clark, 1996), which they stream of American society. The 1998 amend- may perceive as stigmatizing and limiting their ments to the State Vocational Rehabilitation access to career paths and resources available Services Program Act emphasized the impor- to other young adults. Self-determination skills tance of self-determination by requiring in- and behaviors have emerged as key to im- formed choice in the rehabilitation process. proved post-school employment outcomes for There have also been increasing calls for the high school-aged youth with disabilities, includ- need to incorporate person-directed approach- ing those with serious emotional and behavior- es into employment assistance programs for al disorders (EBD) (Carter, in press). There also individuals with disabilities (Callahan, Shum- is a growing recognition of the importance of pert, & Mast, 2002; Kilsby & Beyer, 2002; Paul- self-determination in vocational rehabilitation son et al., 2004; Sowers, McLean, & Owens, services, including for adults with serious men- 2002; West, 1995). tal health conditions (Paulson, Post, Herinckx, & Supported employment program models Risser, 2004). The purpose of this report is to have shown promise for older adults who have provide basic information about self- experienced long-term unemployment and ser- determination and career development en- vice involvement (Bond et al., 2001; Drake et gagement for young adults with mental health al., 1994; Drake et al., 1996; Salyers, Becker, diagnoses. Drake, Torrey, & Wyzik, 2004). Key to the sup- Growing emphasis on the importance of ported employment approach is rapid place- person-directed employment services. The ment into entry-level jobs rather than facilitat- 1992 Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act in- ing individuals to aspire to career goals and cluded language stating that “disability is a nat- learn self-determination skills that will enable ural part of the human experience and in no them to pursue these goals. Perhaps a reflec- way diminishes the right of individuals to: a) tion of this focus, relatively few young adults in 2 their early 20s have received supported em- theoretical frames and accompanying self- ployment services, whereas the majority of re- determined behaviors and skills are: search and demonstration study participants 1. Behavioral autonomy from the field of have been in their 30s and 40s (Drake, et al., development psychology (Damon, 1983; 1996). Oregon Addiction and Mental Health da- Sigafoos, Feinstein, Damon, & Reiss, ta for 2008 shows that, of individuals who re- 1988: choice-making and decision- ceived Medicaid and state-funded supported making. employment services, only 7% were between 2. Self-regulated behavior derived from So- the ages of 20 and 25 years, and that the aver- cial Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1997; age age was almost 40 years (W. Day, personal Whitman, 1990: problem solving, goal- communication, July 31 2009). setting and attainment, self- Interventions that emphasize self- observation, self-evaluation, self- determination show promise for enhancing reinforcement, and self-instruction. employment outcomes. Wehmeyer (1996) de- 3. Psychological empowerment from com- fined self-determination as “acting as the pri- munity psychology and Social Cognitive mary causal agent in one’s life free from undue Theory (Bandura, 1997; Rotter, 1966; external influence or interference” (Wehmeyer, Zimmerman, 1990: problem solving, 1996a, p. 24). Wehmeyer (1999) identified four self-advocacy and leadership, internal key self-determined behavioral characteristics: locus of control (i.e., individuals believe “(a) the person acted autonomously; (b) the that their behavior is guided by their behavior(s) are self-regulated, (c) the person personal decisions and efforts), and pos- initiated and responded to the event(s) in a itive attributions efficacy and outcome psychologically empowered manner, and (d) expectancy (i.e., individuals are confi- the person acted in a self-realizing manner” dent in their abilities to achieve goals). (Wehmeyer, 1999, p. 56). Further, Wehmeyer 4. Self-realization derived from theories of (1999) identified component elements of self- human motivation (Maslow, 1943), self- determined behaviors and skills derived from awareness ,and self-knowledge. conceptual and theoretical frameworks across different fields of study. These conceptual and 3 A body of research has been compiled (TIP) (Clark, Pschorr, Wells, Curtis, Tighe, 2004; which suggests that self-determination may be Haber, Kapur, Deschenes, & Clark, 2008; Kapur, a key contributor to employment outcomes for Clark, Caproni, & Sterner, 2005). Models that youth and adults with disabilities (Bruno, 2000; feature self-determination include three key Sweeney, 1997; Wehmeyer, Lattimore, Jorgen- elements: sen, Palmer, Thompson, & Schumaker, 2003; (1) Youth-directed career planning, includ- Wehmeyer, Palmer, Agran, Mithaug, & Martin, ing goal setting, step identification, 2000). Post high school follow-up studies of problem solving and progress monitor- students with intellectual and learning disabili- ing; ties found those with higher self-determination (2) Engagement of youth in career devel- had improved employment outcomes (Marto- opment activities, including goal intern- rell, Gutierrez-Recacha, Pereda, & Ayuso- ships and apprenticeship; and Mateos, 2008; Wehmeyer & Palmer 2003; (3) Leveraging of multiple community and Wehmeyer & Schwartz, 1997). funding resources, both those targeted There is evidence that youth with emotional to individuals with disabilities (e.g., Vo- and behavioral disabilities, compared to youth cational Rehabilitation) and typical re- with other disabilities, may be in particular sources and supports (e.g., Workforce need of interventions aimed at promoting self- Investment Act funded programs), in- determination skills (Carter, Lane, Pierson, & cluding family members, friends, co- Glaeser, 2006; Carter, Trainor, Owens, Swee- workers and other allies. den, & Sun, in press; Houchins, 2002; Van Gelder, Sitlington, & Pugh, 2008; Wagner & Davis, Cheney and colleagues (1998) reported that 2006). A number of self-determination models 15 of the 16 youth in Project RENEW were em- have been developed for youth with labels of ployed after the first 18 months of the project, emotional and behavior disorders, including and in an update, reported that 85% were em- Project RENEW (Cheney, Hagner, Malloy, Cor- ployed (Hagner, Cheney, & Malloy, 1999). Bullis mier, & Bernstein, 1998), the ARIES project et. al., (2002) reported that the employment (Bullis, Moran, Todis, Benz, & Johnson, 2002), participation of the 85 adolescents with EBD in and the Transition to Independence Project their study increased from approximately 11% 4 to 55%. Haber et al., (2008) found improve- learning of students with intellectual disabili- ments in employment rates for project partici- ties, and has been implemented with elemen- pants involved in TIP programs during the tary, middle, and high school students (Mi- course of their participation. Woolsey and Katz- thaug, Wehmeyer, Agran, Martin, & Palmer, Leavy (2008) described a number of service 1998). The SDLMI was based on Wehmeyer’s programs that incorporated many self- conceptual framework of self-determination determination elements and showed promising described previously (Wehmeyer, 1999). The employment outcomes for youth with mental use of SDLMI has been effective for teaching health conditions. elementary-aged students to set and achieve goals (Palmer & Wehmeyer, 2003), increasing A few studies have focused on the impact of career development programs that emphasize problem-solving and study skills linked to gen- self-determination for adults with serious men- eral education academic standards for middle tal health conditions. Farley, Bolton, and Par- school students (Palmer, Wehmeyer, Gipson, & kerson (1992) found that Vocational Rehabilita- Agran, 2004), and increasing transition-related tion (VR) consumers with mental health condi- goal-setting and progress in achieving goals for tions who were actively involved in planning high school-aged students (Agran, Blanchard, & had improved vocational career development Wehmeyer, 2000). McGlashing-Johnson, Agran, outcomes. Participants in a “Consumer Choice Sitlington, Cavin, and Wehmeyer (2003) suc- Demonstration Project” (Hartnett, Collins and cessfully used the SDLMI model to teach transi- Tremblay, 2002), some of whom experienced tion-aged youth to set work experience goals, serious mental health conditions, were more develop action plans, implement the plans, and likely to complete rehabilitation and had much adjust the goals and plans as needed. higher incomes than those in the typical VR Wehmeyer and colleagues (2003) adapted group. the SDLMI to focus on career and employment The Self-Determined Career Development goals for youth and adults with disabilities. The Model (SDCDM). The SDCDM is a modified ver- conceptual framework for the SDCDM is iden- sion of the Self-Determined Learning Model of tical to that of the SDLMI, but with an emphasis Instruction (SDLMI), which was developed for on career and employment. The SDCDM has use by teachers to promote the self-directed three phases as described by Wehmeyer, 5 Parent, Lattimore, Obremski, and Poston (in ( press). In each phase, participants are helped to AJob/index.html). Wehmeyer et al. (2003) in a pilot test of the address a problem question, and to solve it by answering four questions. In the first phase the SDCDM with adults with disabilities in a state question is “What are my career and job vocational rehabilitation system, found that the goals?” Facilitators, using delineated Employ- participants were able to use the process to ment Support strategies, assist participants to choose a job goal. Benitez, Lattimore, and work through a series of questions to arrive at a Wehmeyer (2005) used a multiple-baseline de- vocational or career-related goal. The problem sign to evaluate the efficacy of the SDCDM with to solve in Phase 2 is “What is my plan?”, and six high school-aged students with emotional again, participants are facilitated to work and behavioral disorder special education through a series of questions that will result in codes. Using the model the process, students the creation of an action plan to achieve their were facilitated to select goals related to self- career goal set in Phase 1, including a self- identified barriers to employment. Wehmeyer monitoring plan that they will use to conduct et al. (in press) evaluated the SDCDM with 36 Phase 3 activities. The Phase 3 problem to solve adults with disabilities recruited by vocational is “What have I achieved?”, and participants rehabilitation counselors and found that partic- work through questions that permit them to ipants set and achieved career related goals, evaluate their goal achievement progress to and reported high levels of satisfaction with the modify their action plan or goal as needed. process. 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