Funding News February 14, 2007

Funding News
February 14, 2007
NEWS & NOTICES FROM WEEKS ENDING January 26 & February 9 2007
NIH NCI to Participate in Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG) – R01 (2/9)
NCI will co-sponsor the BRG program [PA-07-279], which funds multidisciplinary research performed in a
single laboratory or by a small number of investigators that applies an integrative, systems approach to
develop knowledge and/or methods to prevent, detect, diagnose, or treat disease or to understand health
and behavior.
NIH NINR Change in R01 Eligibility Criteria (2/9)
This mechanism is now restricted to use by new investigators.
NIH NIGMS Revising Maximum Budget for Research Initiative for Scientific Enhancement (RISE)
(2/9) Change becomes effective with May 15.
NIH NHGRI Extends Request for Information (RFI): Tools and Resources for Human Embryonic Stem
Cell Research in the Nervous System (Neuroscience Blueprint) (2/7)
The new deadline is Friday, April 6. More information in NOT-DC-07-001.
NIH NHGRI Intends to Publish RFA Supporting High-Priority Phenotype and Exposure Measures for
Cross-Study Analysis in Genome-Wide Studies (2/7)
RFA to be published this spring. Additional information in NOT-HG-07-008.
NIH Limited Space Available for Regional Seminars on Funding and Grants Administration (2/7)
Meeting dates: March 5-7 (Salt Lake City); April 24-26 (Research Triangle Park, NC). More information in
NIH NHLBI to Participate in Novel Approaches to Enhance Animal Stem Cell Research – R01, R21
(2/5) Co-sponsored by NCI, these programs support research to enhance animal stem cells as biological
models and approaches to isolate, characterize and identify totipotent and multipotent stem cells from
animal models.
NHLBI to Participate in Chronic Illness Self-Management in Children and Adolescents – R01, R03,
R21 (2/5) These programs are co-sponsored by NCI.
NIH NIA Request for Information: Potential Resources and Techniques for Animal Models of
Comorbidities in Aging (2/2) Responses due February 21. More information at NOT-AG-07-005.
NIH NHGRI Intends to Publish RFA Supporting Genome-Wide Studies in Biorepositories with
Electronic Medical Records (2/2) Look for the announcement this Spring. Details in NOT-HG-07-009.
NIH NIDA Request for Information: Community Input for the Nomination/Prioritization of
Environmentally Responsive Genes to be Targeted in Knockout Mouse Project (KOMP) (2/1)
Details in NOT-DA-07-011.
NIH NIAMS Changes to the Requirements for Physicians Applying for Mentored Clinical Scientist
Research K08 and Mentored Patient-Oriented Research K23 Awards (2/1) The required effort will be
reduced from 75% to 50%. Salary will be reduced from up to $75,000 to at most $50,000 per year. There
will be no changes in fringe benefits or in research supplies. (Note: NCI Co-sponsors these awards.)
NIH NIAID Announces Policy to Simplify Submission & Review of Extensions of InvestigatorInitiated Clinical Trials (1/30) See NOT-AI-07-012 for details.
NIH NCI-Qualifying Funding Organizations
Part of the process of becoming a NCI-Designated Cancer Center involves reaching a threshold of combined,
direct cost funding from NCI and the following organizations:
• Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
• American Cancer Society(ACS); national office only
• American Foundation of AIDS Research (AFAR)
American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR)
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation (CRPF)
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
Central office of the Veterans Administration (VA); excluding loca/regional
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Federal Drug Administration (FDA)
Howard Hughs Foundation (HHMI)
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
California Breast Cancer Research Program
U.S. Army (DOD) special research programs in ovarian, breast, and prostate cancer
NCI considers funding from other sources, such as DOE and State Health Departments, on a case-by-case
Nicole Barron has asked me to warn you about a common problem regarding the eRA Commons database:
You will generate an error if the title you provide in the Employment Information section is not identical to the
PD/PI position title listed on your SF424 R&R cover page.
NIH NCI Academic-Industrial Partnerships for Development and Validation of In Vivo Imaging
Systems and Methods for Cancer Investigations – R01 [PAR-07-214]
Opening Date
Receipt Date
Earliest Start Date
Closing Date
February 12, 2007
June 5, October 5, February 5
April, July, December
March 6, 2010
Solicit applications from research partnerships formed by academic and industrial investigators to accelerate
the translation of in vivo spectroscopic and imaging systems and methods into cancer research, clinical
trials, and/or clinical practice. The partners on each application will establish an interdisciplinary, multiinstitutional research team for the purpose of advancing imaging technology development toward its
application in human or animal studies. The prerequisite for the participation in this initiative is the
formation of an appropriate multidisciplinary team consisting of both academic and industrial
Examples of Research Directions Involving Imaging
Screening and detection of pre-cancer or early cancer, with improved specificity and sensitivity
Supporting imaging as a biomarker for cancer drug discovery, drug, and/or radiation therapy
Minimally-invasive image-guided intervention for screening detected lesions
Examples of Imaging Technologies/Methods
Imaging systems or component technologies and related methods that can later be incorporated
into different commercial imaging systems or image-guided interventional platforms or drug delivery
Multi-modality imaging systems and methods, including appropriate informatics tools for
anatomical, functional, or molecular imaging methods
Contrast agents or molecular probes and related nano-carriers
Optimization of imaging systems and methods that can accommodate existing contrast agents or
molecular probes and related nano-carriers
Optimized new image acquisition techniques, image processing and computer-aided detection
(CAD) algorithms, data fusion and integration, related IT tools, and display methods as required for
clinical decision making, including their integration into one or more different commercial imaging
platforms, where appropriate
Examples of Imaging-related Research Resources/Tools
Web-accessible public resources that permit the evaluation of imaging hardware performance,
quality assurance, image reconstruction and image normalization methods
Web-accessible public resources that address image annotation, image mark-up methods or other
methods that may help stimulate a comparison of the relative performance of different image
preprocessing and/or data integration tools
Support for Collaborative Activities
In order to meet the objectives of the partnership program, permitted collaborative activities of both
academic and industrial investigators may include the following:
An extended visit of industrial scientists or research engineers to an academic institution, national
laboratory or federal agency (NIH, FDA, National Institute for Standards and Technology [NIST]) to
catalyze and conduct collaborative research and bring industry's resources, perspective and skills
to the academic or national laboratory setting. Industry will be required to release the personnel
involved from regular duties for the duration of such visits.
An extended visit of faculty, postdoctoral or medical fellows, residents, and faculty-supervised
graduate students to industry or federal agency sites (NIH, FDA, NIST). Academic institutions will
be required to release the personnel involved from regular duties for the duration of such visits
where appropriate.
Up to 5 years, usually less than $500K, excluding third-party indirect costs.
May be an institute of higher education, a non-US entity, a small business, a
nonprofit or a for-profit entity.
NIH NICHD Nutrition and Prevention, Care, and Treatment of HIV/AIDS – R01 [RFA-HD-06-012]
Opening Date
LOI Date
Receipt Date
Earliest Start Date
Closing Date
January 30, 2007
February 28, 2007
March 27, 2007
September 20 2008
March 28, 2007
Funds research to examine the impact of new programs/guidance intended to fully integrate food, in terms
of provision of—and recommendations to improve—dietary intake of HIV-infected and -affected women
infants and children, and nutrition, including assessment of nutritional status and its impact on prevention,
care and treatment of HIV-infected and -affected women infants and children. This FOA is intended to
stimulate and strengthen a multidisciplinary approach to a complex, under-researched area and to form a
basis for future research and clinical care.
$2MM for 6-8 applications
Up to $250K annually for 5 years
NIH NIAID HIV Interdisciplinary Network for Pathogenesis Research in Women – U19
Opening Date
LOI Date
Receipt Date
Earliest Start Date
Closing Date
January 29, 2007
May 14, 2007
June 25, 2007
March 2008
June 26, 2007
NIA invites applications from single institutions and consortia of institutions to participate in the HIV
Interdisciplinary Network for Pathogenesis Research in Women program. The purpose of this new RFA is to
support research that will expand knowledge of the pathogenesis of HIV infection in women through
investigations of female-specific biologic mechanisms that impact HIV transmission and HIV disease
acquisition, manifestations and progression in women.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to establish collaborations to access reposited human samples and
female study subjects enrolled in existing NIH-sponsored programs or cohorts.
Examples of Acceptable Topics
Mechanisms of HIV transmission in the female genital tract microenvironment, including modulation by
factors such as antiretroviral therapy, cytokines, genital flora, epithelial integrity, and local antibody
Identification and characterization of the cells responsible for viral acquisition and/or propagation at
mucosal surfaces in the female reproductive tract
Mechanisms of transmission of cell-free and/or cell-associated virus in female genital mucosal sites and
mechanisms of virus establishment and persistence in these reservoir compartments over time
Impact of estrogen, progesterone, and other female hormones on HIV transmission and replication in
women of all ages and stages of the reproductive cycle
Mechanisms of HIV transmission and acquisition in women in relation to various co-infections, including
STDs and/or pre-existing genital tract infections with other microbial agents
Female-specific genetic or other host factors that influence HIV transmission and acquisition such as
susceptibility or resistance to infection, non-hormonal contraception use, anatomic or physiologic
changes (female circumcision, cervical ectopy, post-dysplasia treatment), and localized inflammation
secondary to use of microbicides, intrauterine devices, local vaginal therapies, douches, or vaginal
Excluded Topics
Behavioral research, including development of prevention measures of acceptability, compliance, or
other behavioral parameters
Development of animal models of HIV pathogenesis for women
Health care issues such as the provision of treatments or drugs
Clinical trials
Pilot Projects
Applicants should propose, through the Administrative Core, pilot projects program to support small
scientific studies for short periods of time (up to one year) to develop preliminary data for peer-reviewed
research applications. The pilot projects program is intended to attract and further the success of new
investigators, investigators new to the HIV/AIDS field, and to provide a mechanism for the conduct of
studies in new areas of scientific interest and/or emerging research opportunities in women’s HIV
pathogenesis. Examples of situations that may be considered eligible for such pilot project support include:
(1) investigators new to AIDS research who have not previously received investigator-initiated awards in
AIDS research and wish to embark on studies of HIV pathogenesis in women; (2) feasibility studies in
female-specific HIV pathogenesis; (3) emerging research opportunities based on new discoveries related to
mechanisms of HIV pathogenesis in women; and (4) AIDS research activities of newly recruited faculty who
want to pursue studies in women’s pathogenesis. The pilot projects program will be run by the
Administrative Core which will, on an annual basis, solicit, establish review proceedings for, fund, administer
and manage the awarded projects.
PI Requirements
$6MM in FY 2008 for 3-4 awards.
Up to 5 years at $1.5MM annually; for pilot projects, $50K a year.
The PI, Project Leaders and Core Leaders should devote at least 15% effort.
• NIH NIDA Drug Abuse, Risky Decision Making and HIV/AIDS – R01, R03, R21 [PAS-07-324],
[PAS-07-326], [PAS-07-325] (2/2)
• CDC NCHSTP Adopting and Demonstrating the Adaptation of Prevention Techniques for
Persons at Highest Risk of Acquiring or Transmitting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (ADAPT
2) – UR6 [RFA-PS-07-004] (2/6) LOI due February 28, 2007
CDC NCHSTP HIV/AIDS Risk Reduction Interventions for Heterosexually-Active AfricanAmerican Men – UR6 [RFA-PS-07-002] (2/6) LOI due February 28, 2007
CDC NCHSTP Rapid HIV Testing in Community Mental Health Settings serving African
Americans – U18 [RFA-PS-07-005] (2/7) LOI due March 1, 2007
NIH NIAAA Announcement of a Limited Competition for the Continuation of the Cooperative
Agreement on the Interaction of HIV Infection and Alcohol Abuse on Central Nervous System
Morbidity – U01 [RFA-AA-07-019] (2/9) LOI due March 3, 2007
NIH NIMH Men’s Heterosexual Behavior and HIV Infection – R01 [PA-07-147] (2/9)
LOI due March 3, 2007 (For contact information, see NOT-MH-07-104.)
NIH NIA Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (OAICs) and Coordinating
Center (CC) – P30 [RFA-AG-07-008] (1/29)
Opening Date
LOI Date
Receipt Date
Earliest Start Date
Closing Date
January 29, 2007
March 26, 2007
April 23, 2007
August 2008
April 24, 2007
Provides funding to establish “centers of excellence” in geriatrics research and training. The OAIC program
aims to increase scientific knowledge that will lead to better ways to maintain or restore independence in
older persons.
The OAIC awards are designed to develop or strengthen each awardee institution's programs that focus and
sustain progress on a key area in aging research. The ultimate goal is to enhance translation of basic and
developmental research on aging to applications and interventions that increase or maintain independence
for older persons. NIA's expectation is that an OAIC, in a given area of focus, will:
• Provide intellectual leadership and innovation;
• Stimulate translation between basic and clinical research, e.g., research to develop or test interventions
or diagnostic tests based on new findings from basic aging research or other basic research, or studies
to improve understanding of mechanisms contributing to clinical or functional findings;
• Facilitate and develop novel multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research strategies;
• Stimulate incorporation of emerging technologies, methods and scientific advances into research
designs as appropriate;
• Serve as a source of advice and collaboration to other institutions regarding technology, methodology,
analysis, or other expertise; and
• Provide career development for future research leaders. An OAIC Coordinating Unit was implemented
in 2005 to promote scientific collaborations among Pepper Center investigators and to facilitate the
sharing of unique resources across all sites.
Examples of Appropriate Areas of Research
Aging–related issues concerning a specific condition contributing to loss of independence in older
persons, e.g., role of aging changes in the etiology of the condition, special issues in the diagnosis,
treatment or prevention of the condition in old age; complications, disability, or symptoms from the
condition found principally in older persons.
• Causes, assessment, prevention, treatment (including rehabilitation) of a specific type of disability in
older persons.
• Causes, prevention and treatment of a geriatric syndrome (e.g., involuntary weight loss, dizziness,
incontinence) that is related to multiple pathologies and/or disabilities.
• Specific aging-related physiologic changes, other risk factors, and/or interventions (e.g., physical
activity) that affect risk for multiple conditions or disabilities in old age.
• Interactions of multiple diseases, disabilities, and interventions (e.g., medications) in older persons, and
their relationship to risk of morbidity, progression of disability, and efficacy of prevention or treatment
• Factors contributing to amelioration or delay of multiple deleterious aging changes by modulating risk
factors or fundamental aging mechanisms.
An OAIC may define its selected area of focus either broadly or narrowly.
OAIC Coordinating Center (CC)
The CC serves a facilitating role for OAIC site interactions as well as a conduit for translating OAIC
objectives and findings to both general and scientific audience. The CC can be a part (Core) of an OAIC or
an independent site unaffiliated with an OAIC Program. The CC must demonstrate an ability to work
cooperatively with all OAIC sites and possess sufficient scientific expertise in geriatrics and related areas to
serve the national clearinghouse functions required by the OAIC Program.
Total of $4.8MM for this RFA in FY 2008; 4 new/continued OAIC sites; 1 OAIC CC.
Five (5) years of direct costs: $750K to $1MM annually for OAIC; $150K-175K
Requirements for
At least 5 principal investigators with any PHS agency research grant or
comparable peer reviewed research project (including those funded by State
governments or private foundations) related to geriatrics and/or aging
research, each with at least 2 years of committed support remaining at the
time of the application
One or more program project (P01) grant(s) related to geriatrics and/or aging
research which also have at least 2 years of committed support remaining. If
P01 grant(s) exist, there should be no overlap between the P01 cores and
the OAIC cores proposed. I
Requirements for
Yes. Each for 5 years.
Ability to coordinate multi-site projects, demonstrated by previous PHS
funding as a coordinating center for a multi-site research grant
Scientific expertise in geriatrics and related areas, demonstrated by current
funding of an NIA Centers award or the funding qualifications above.
March of Dimes (MOD) Year 2008 March of Dimes Research Program
Receipt Date
Notification Date
Start Date
April 30, 2007
September 15 (by invitation only, by July 15)
April 30, 2008
June 1, 2008
Funds research directed at the prevention of birth defects. Appropriate research subjects include basic
biological processes governing development, genetics, clinical studies, studies of reproductive health,
environmental toxicology, and social and behavioral studies. Deviations from reproductive health of women
and men as an underlying basis of birth defects, i.e. preconceptional events, perinatal course, and premature
births, are also appropriate subjects for research support. (We do not accept applications dealing with
In Social and Behavioral Sciences, MOD is interested in research that advances our understanding of—and
therefore our ability to prevent—the cognitive and behavioral risks that affect outcomes of pregnancy, the
perinatal period, and subsequent child development.
Research Grants Policies and Instructions
Electronic LOI Submission Form.
No PI Salary, but funds salary for professional staff. AVERAGE: $81,107 MEDIAN:
$82,449 RANGE: $39,656 TO $110,422 (Up to 10% indirect costs, included)
• Faculty appointment or equivalent
Cannot be related to infertility
Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) Career Awards at the Scientific Interface (CASI)
May 1, 2007
Receipt Date
This award is similar in structure to the NIH Career Development Award (which was modeled after a BWF
program). It is intended to foster the early career development of researchers with backgrounds in the
physical/computational sciences whose work addresses biological questions and who are dedicated to
pursuing a career in academic research.
Candidates are expected to draw from their training in a scientific field other than biology to propose innovative
approaches to answer important questions in the biological sciences.
Examples of Approaches
physical measurement of biological phenomena
computer simulation of complex processes in physiological systems
mathematical modeling of self-organizing behavior
building probabilistic tools for medical diagnosis
developing novel imaging tools or biosensors
applying nanotechnology to manipulate cellular systems
predicting cellular responses to topological clues and mechanical forces
developing a new conceptual understanding of the complexity of living organisms
Proposals that include experimental validation of theoretical models are particularly encouraged.
Descriptive Program
Interfaces Advisory Committee
Board of Directors
Grant Recipients
PI Requirements
Total of $500K over 5 years—2 years of advanced postdoctoral training and 3 years
of faculty development. (No indirect costs.)
Must devote at least 80% of effort to research-related activities.
Must hold a Ph.D. degree in one of the fields of mathematics, physics,
chemistry (physical, theoretical, or computational), computer science, statistics,
or engineering. Exceptions will be made only if the applicant can demonstrate
significant expertise in one of these areas, evidenced by publications or
advanced course work.
Must have completed between 6 and 48 months of postdoctoral experience. No
Must not hold, or have accepted, a position as a tenure-track assistant
professor at time of application.
Must be committed to a full-time research career at a North American degreegranting institution.
Must be either US or Canadian citizen, or US noncitizen permanent residents
who can produce a green card or color passport bearing an I-551 stamp.
Must be nominated by accredited US or Canadian institution.
A North American degree-granting institution—including its medical school,
graduate schools, and all affiliated hospitals and research institutes—may
nominate up to 3 candidates for the award.
No more than 1 of an institution’s nominees may be a temporary resident of the
US. No exceptions.
Institutions with questions about the eligibility of nominees, on the basis of
immigration status, must contact BWF in advance of the application deadline.
No exceptions.
Electronic, through proposalCENTRAL at
Unless otherwise specified, for each program description summarized in Funding
News, the following guidelines apply:
Dollar amounts represent direct costs.
NIH R01 awards are for unspecified amounts that are dependant on
available funding and the nature of applications received; they are
NIH R03 awards are up to of $100K over two years and are nonrenewable.
NIH R21 awards are up to $275K over two years and are nonrenewable.
NIH AIDS-related proposals are associated with the standard receipt dates
May 1, September 1 and January 2 (extended to January 3 for 2006 only).
Applicants/Institutions can submit more than one application.
All applicants with the skills, knowledge and resources necessary to
perform proposed research are eligible.
No institutional restrictions other than the general NIH standards apply.
Not every NIH Institute and Centers supports all types of funding
mechanisms. For example, when co-sponsoring an initiative, NEIHS may
offer both R01 and R03 award mechanisms, whereas NIE will offer only the
Applicable unless otherwise specified
No. 7, February 14, 2007
Heidi Davis, Editor
Office of Grants and Development
[email protected]