Room Décor

Room Décor
This kPh series endeavors to “ground” your students
in basic Bible doctrines. Paul prayed for the Ephesian
church that they would be “rooted and grounded in love”
(Ephesians 3:17). He encouraged the Colossians to
“continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not
moved away from the hope of the gospel” (Colossians
1:23). Paul further urged the Colossians to be “rooted
and built up in Him [Jesus Christ], and stablished in the
faith” (Colossians 2:7). Children who learn scriptural
principles and sound theology will be confident in their
faith and will not be influenced easily by every wind of
doctrine that blows into their lives.
Grounded in the Truth incorporates the underground
ecosystem, recycling, and earthworms. Building a
compost bin, using an earthworm puppet, and involving
your students in a recycling project are just a few of the
fun activities suggested for this series.
Start off by transforming your room into the
The effect of the room décor should make the children
feel as though they have been shrunk down to bug size
and are entering the underground soil. The critters should
be oversized and in proportion to each other.
Set the scene by covering three-fourths of the walls
in brown paper that has been crinkled and then lightly
smoothed. A bumpy texture is desired. The top fourth
of the wall should be covered in green paper that has
also been crinkled. If you have resources and time you
might consider covering the ceiling as well using a leafy
camouflage net to resemble the underside of grass. The
roots of the grass can be created using strands of paper
twist/cord and raffia. These can be tied to the netting
on the ceiling or stapled to the side walls, dangling in
random lengths approximately two to three feet from the
top of the wall.
In one corner of the room create the base of a tree
trunk at the top of the wall. This can be made from
cardboard or crinkled art paper. The solid base should be
approximately two feet long with roots in varying lengths
and sizes spreading underneath. Directly under the tree
trunk is a rabbit warren with accompanying tunnels, one
of which leads to the surface. Create a mother rabbit and
her baby sitting in the nest. Use raffia or artificial leaves
for the nest. The rabbits should be cut from felt or fur.
Remember to make them extra large and in proportion to
the size of the ants and worms.
A small ant mound rises in the grass section at the
top of the wall in one area. Draw the corresponding ant
tunnels as shown in the artwork. Purchase giant plastic
ants from a party or novelty store. To add color, spray paint
the bugs with neon glow-in-the-dark paint. Hot glue them
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marching along the tunnels. Make or buy a small crown to
place on one of the ants. This is the queen. She will need
to be placed in a chamber and have beads or other small
round objects glued beside her to represent eggs.
Worm tunnels may be traced with dark marker. Visit
the sporting goods department at your local retailer to
buy plastic worms. For larger warms, stuff the legs of
dark colored pantyhose with fiberfill and sew shut. Use a
wide rubber band to create the clitellum of the worm and
smaller ones to make the segment lines. Small brown
beads should be hot glued in small clusters behind the
worms for castings.
Accordian style dryer vents or other flexible hoses can
be coiled to make snails or larvae found in the soil. Spray
paint with neon glow-in-the-dark paint for added color.
Use pipe cleaners for antennae. Large brown sponges
can be cut for these as well.
Acorns have been buried in the soil by a squirrel.
These can be made using Styrofoam balls. Spray paint
them and make the tops from cardstock or posterboard.
You could also use an upside down funnel as it already
has the stem.
Pocket change has fallen from a little boy’s jeans and
found a lodging place under the surface. Cut a few coins
from cardboard and cover with aluminum foil. Remember
to make them larger than life size. Use a black permanent
marker to draw on the appropriate presidential silhouette
and other markings for a dime or quarter. Make slits in the
brown paper soil and position coins so they are partially
hidden in the dirt.
These are only a few suggestions to get you started on
the underground room. Visit the Chicago Field Museum
website and click on their underground adventure exhibit for
great ideas
Check out books from your local library to see cross-section
views of the soil and habitats for insects and creatures that
live below the surface. Keep in mind this room is supposed
to be fun and interesting, but not scary.
If decorating a room is not possible, consider collecting
large cardboard boxes to create an underground tunnel
children could crawl through to enter the room. Cut one
side of each box open and paint warrens, tunnels, bugs,
rodents, and worms on the inside with glow in the dark
paint. Cut some small slits sporadically in the tunnel
walls so some light can penetrate or provide flashlights.
Tape the sides of boxes back together and position them
end to end, securing with duct tape. Let students crawl
through a “worm hole” to see what it is like underground.
If you are using this kPh series for VBS, consider turning
a hallway into a soil tunnel. An excellent demonstration
of how to build a soil tunnel can be seen at the New
Hampshire Natural Resources Conservation Services
website Enter “kids” in the search
box to be directed to the soil tunnel setup instructions.
Bulletin Boards
Jesus Recycles
Wasted Lives
Use this bulletin board to
share the plan of salvation
with your students. Perhaps
bring in special guests to
share how God has changed
their lives from waste to
wonderful worth.
Bible Bookworms
Make this bulletin board the focus of your Scripture
memorization time. Make a construction paper worm
for each student and allow them to decorate with eyes,
hats, and name tags. Create a large open Bible from art
paper. Write the unit memory passage on white paper
and place in the center. You will need to change this at
the beginning of each unit.
Place the Bible in the center of the board with the
worms all around it. The caption should be at the top of
the board.
Don’t Get Hooked on Sin
A hook labeled “sin” is dangling in the center of the
board. Several worms below are staring, open-mouthed
at the hook, leaning their bodies away from the hook.
Be Ready to Give an Ants-er
Witness Ants are
highly social creatures
who work in cooperation,
share locations of food
sources, and can move
themselves. Encourage
your students to work
together to share the gospel with others. Although the
message is larger than any one of us, together we can
move it to the world.
Direct your students’ attention to I Peter 3:15 and read
the passage aloud. Discuss and let them brainstorm
ways to be ready to witness. Give time for role playing
Artwork for bulletin boards, characters, memory verse cards, and other
pieces can be found in the back of this book, as well as on the DVD.
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to help them become comfortable and address potential
questions they may receive.
Together We Can
Save the Planet
models and assistants in children’s church, plus you will
be training them in children’s ministry as well.
Grounded Journals
This board has a double
meaning to share with your
class. With the Lord’s help
we can help save the souls
on the planet by sharing the
gospel and pointing them
to Him. We can also help
save the planet’s resources
by reducing, reusing, and
recycling waste.
Squirm O’Wiggle, R.S. is the resident
critter who sheds some light on the
dark underground world. He can be
created in several ways. For the first
session Squirm should have no eyes.
These will be hot glued on during
the skit.
Use a brown tube sock
and some pink heavy
posterboard. Cut a pink
oval 3 inches wide and 5
inches long for the mouth.
Fold the oval in half. Put your hand into the sock with
fingertips in the toe and back of hand in the heel of the
sock. Flex your hand open and situate the oval into the V to
create Squirm’s mouth. Use tacky glue or sew the mouth
into place.
Squirm can also be made using dark colored
pantyhose and fiberfill and rubber bands as described in
the décor section.
A pattern to make a worm puppet is provided on the
resource DVD or you can purchase a worm puppet from
Visit a local hobby or party store and purchase a
miniature construction helmet to hot glue on Squirm’s
head. You will also need some small plastic sunglasses
for one of the skits. Make a small name badge that reads
“Squirm O’Wiggle, R.S.” and affix to the forearm area of
the puppet.
Recruit helpers for the skits and various activities
in the sessions. Christian teenagers make great role
Use pages 103-109 (or on the DVD) to review and
recap the day’s lesson. Provide a folder or some sort of
binder for students to store their journal pages. If possible,
assign students (by age) to a group of four to six with a
helper who will “shepherd” them throughout the series.
The helper will make sure that the lesson focus was
communicated, make life application, and answer any
questions students might have. See the VBS suggestion
for expanding on the journal idea.
Amazing Fact
For the most part, we take for granted the soil that
supports us, feeds us, and sustains life on earth. A list
of amazing facts about soil, earthworms, and other
underground creatures is provided on the resource DVD
as well as on every journal page. Let a student present an
Amazing Fact to open each kPh session.
Memory Verses
Four memory pasages will be learned during this
series. Copy the verse cards on pages 124-125 (or on the
DVD) and use them to enhance memorization. They can
be sent home for study, cut into puzzle pieces, laminated
for bookmarks, or mailed to the students during the week.
The special VBS verse is also available.
Critter Cards
These cards (page 111 or the DVD) provide information
about animals and organisms that live underground.
Several uses are suggested for VBS, but you may want to
use them in your kids POWer hour program as incentives.
A student who collects all five cards for exceptional
participation, behavior, or contribution could be awarded
a critter card. Randomly pass out critter cards so that
students can trade for the ones they want. Games like
Go Fish! and Old Maid could be played with the critter
cards if students combine their sets.
Game ideas and alternate activities are suggested at
the end of each POWer hour session. Check out the VBS
activities for more suggestions.
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Constructing a Worm Bin
Materials needed:
• 1 10-gallon plastic bin (cost
about $5-$7)
• drill
• razor blade
• liquid nails; caulking gun or
duct tape
• fiberglass window screening
• garbage bag
• shredded newspaper
• 1-2 cups of soil
• plastic garden fork
• garbage (fruit and vegetable
peelings, eggshells, coffee
• sheet of plastic
Worms need about one square foot of surface for each
pound of garbage added to the bin each week. So a 2'
x 4' bin would require eight pounds of garbage a week.
Drill six to eight 3⁄4" holes in the lid that are evenly
spaced. Cut out 2-inch square sections of screening. Use
a razor to scrape the area around the holes so the liquid
nails will stick to the plastic. Apply a strip of liquid nails
around the hole. Place a square of screening on top of
the liquid nails and press lightly. Let dry for twenty-four
hours. Or you can use duct tape to apply the screening
to the lid.
If you drill holes in the bottom for drainage, place
screening over the holes and a tray under the bin.
For every cubic foot of space you need three pounds
of shredded newspaper (without glossy ads) for the
bedding. (To get this figure, measure the depth, width,
and length of the bin in inches. Multiply these figures to
get the cubic inches. Divide the answer by 1,728, the
number of inches in a cubic foot.)
Place the shredded paper in a plastic garbage bag
and add water (three pints for each pound of newspaper).
Mix while slowly adding the water. The newspaper should
be about as moist as a wrung out sponge. Close the bag
and let it set overnight. The next day put the paper in the
worm bin and fluff it up.
Add a handful or two of soil and mix.
Red worms work best in an indoor bin, and they
reproduce faster than the ordinary earthworm. To
purchase red worms check with the local bait shop or do
a “worm farm” search on the Internet.
Place the worms in their new home. Spread them out
over the paper and watch them dig in.
To feed the worms add chopped potato peelings,
carrots, lettuce, cabbage, celery, apple peelings, banana
peels, orange rinds, and grapefruit. Red worms also like
cornmeal, oatmeal, crushed eggshells, coffee grounds
with the filter, and tea bags. One thousand (one pound)
of worms will eat about ½ to 1 pound of garbage each
day. Do not put meat, dairy produce, or oil foods in your
worm bin.
Using a plastic garden fork, bury the food in the worm
bin 3 to 4 inches under the bedding. Mark the spot with
a straw and feed in different places each time so all
the worms are fed. At first once a week is sufficient for
feeding. If the worms eat everything in a week, you might
need to feed more often.
If the bedding gets too dry (does not feel like a wrungout sponge), add water. If it is too wet, add more bedding.
If you notice an unpleasant odor, remove extra garbage.
To hold in the moisture place a layer of newspaper or
sheet of plastic on top of the bedding. Watch for cocoons
(yellowish jelly beans) of young worms.
Keep the temperature in the room between 55 and 75
After six weeks or so the volume in the bin will
decrease. If you choose not to harvest it, you will need to
add additional bedding.
To harvest the worm casting, which you will probably
choose to do at the end of this kids POWer hour series,
dump the contents of the worm bin on a plastic sheet and
divide it into eight to ten piles. Shine a flashlight on the
top of each pile. The worms will dig into the pile to avoid
the light. As the worms disappear, remove a little bit of the
castings at a time until all you have left is a pile of worms.
Mix the castings with potting soil for house plants.
These instructions are revised from The Adventures of Herman,
Visit this site for other interesting facts about earthworms.
Recycling Drive
There are many resources that can be recycled:
paper, aluminum, glass, cell phones, plastic, empty
printer cartridges, and many more. Search your local
area for a recycling facility to see what is available. If you
are collecting glass or plastic containers, make sure the
students know to bring them washed and clean. This will
eliminate the possibility of unwanted critters and odors in
the classroom.
Set up one end of your classroom with laundry baskets
or large cardboard box recycling bins. Let the students
work together to create a name for your recycling area,
perhaps using an acronym. Or, simply call it Recycling
Specialists, Incorporated. As an incentive, let students
who bring the most recyclables each week be the R.S. of
the week and help sort the items.
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At the beginning of the
first session, take time to
introduce the recycling drive
and encourage students to
bring in the designated items
f o r
recycling. Create a reward system t o fit
program, based on the amount
of recyclable material brought
in by each student, or teams
of students. Use the Recycling
Specialist Certificate in the extra artwork to award each
participant the RS degree to match Squirm’s.
Purchase plastic construction helmets from a party
supply or hobby store and have students wear them during
the awards ceremony as they would a graduation cap.
Wiggle Worm Attention Getter
Here is a fun attention getter to help students settle
down to listen. Ask them to stand and follow the directions
to this rhyme:
I wiggle my fingers; I wiggle my toes.
I wiggle my shoulders; I wiggle my nose.
I wiggle my ears; I wiggle my hands.
I put all my wiggles in the wiggle can. Make a can with the
left hand. Wiggle the fingers of the right hand down into
the “can” and grasp them with the left hand. Ask students
to be seated as they hold their wiggles tight.
- Author Unknown
Grounded Resource DVD
and Music CD
A great music CD featuring fresh
new songs for each session of
Grounded in the Truth is available
for this series of kids POWer hour.
These catchy songs will reinforce
what students have learned
about basic Bible doctrine. The
CD is great for children’s church and
for general listening enjoyment.
The resource DVD offers music and lyrics with
animation to help students sing along. The resource DVD
also offers full color printable resources such as posters,
Grounded sigs.indd 8
stickers, room decorations, and supplements for the kids
POWer hour sessions, as well as countdowns that will
grab your students’ attention.
The animated songs may be played on any DVD player
or on a computer. To access the printable resources, you
will need a minimum of the following: Mac or PC with DVD
player and Acrobat 5 or equivalent PDF viewer. To be able
to play the music videos on your computer a minimum or
the following will be needed: DVD player; Intel Pentium
III, Celeron, or Athlon XP, with at least a 1.2 GHz or faster
processor (or equivalent), Windows NT, 2000, XP, Vista;
Mac Power PC G4 1.2 GHz or faster processor, MacPro
2 GHz or faster processor; Mac OS X v.10.1—10.5.x; 512
MB of RAM for either Mac or PC.
Fun Theme Snacks
Have a good supply of gummy worms on hand for
rewards and snacks. Here are some other suggestions:
•Ants on a Log (celery sticks lined with peanut butter
and raisins on top)
•Dirt cups
•Dirt cupcakes with gummy worms
•Mississippi Mud Cake
Visit for some fun critter recipes like
Mini Oreo Inchworms; or for Kellogg’s
Cocoa Krispies Earthworm Delights or Worm Cookies.
Snack ideas are also provided in the VBS section.
Here are a few fun websites to explore for more ideas.
You can also find more sites by typing “kids recycling
projects” and “kids recycling programs” in your search
To see all of our kids POWer hour series,
Each series offers lesson titles and includes a link to a PDF
of the theme material and a sample lesson.
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Standard Supplies
The following items are standard items that should
be in your room or supply closet. Some of these will be
needed for each kids POWer hour service. These items are
not repeated on the Supplies list given with each service.
Check the Supplies list at the beginning of each kids
POWer hour service for other items needed.
If you do not have the kids POWer hour resource DVD,
art and instructions are given in the manual for making
most of the items included on the DVD. Get the DVD
today at
q Bibles
oncordance (children’s)
q Bible dictionary (children’s)
q Dictionary
q Atlas
q World map or globe
q CD player
q kids POWer hour CD
q kids POWer hour DVD
q Song flipchart
q Overhead projector
q Transparency film
q Musical instruments
q Chalkboard/whiteboard
q Chalk or markers, eraser
rowd controller (buzzer,
clapper, whistle)
q Offering container
q Aluminum foil
q Biblical costumes
q Blindfolds
q Brads
q Butcher paper
q Cardboard
q Chenille wire/pipe cleaners
q Clipboards
q Colored pencils
q Construction
all colors
q Cotton
q Cotton swabs
q Craft sticks
q Crayons
q Drawing paper
q Envelopes
q Flannel board
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q Glitter
q Glue/glue sticks
q Gummed labels
q Gummed stars
q Hole punch
q Index cards
q Lunch bags
q Markers
q Masking tape
q Modeling clay
q Music CDs
q Napkins
q Paint brushes
q Paint smocks
q Paper bags
q Paper clips
q Paper cups
q Paper plates
q Paper towels
q Pencils
q Pins (straight and safety)
q Plasti-Tak
q Play-Doh
q Posterboard
q Rubber bands
q Rulers
q Scissors (adult and child)
q Small prizes
q Song books
q Stapler/staples
q Stickers
q Thumbtacks, push pins
q Timer
q Toothpicks
q Yarn/twine
q Ziploc bags
Sections and Symbols
Supplies—list of supplies needed for that hour.
Preparations—projects to be completed before the
The POWer line—the focus statement of
the lesson. You will find it repeated often
throughout the session.
Praise Generators—the children sing and testify.
Energy Outlet—fun-filled activities scattered
throughout the session, utilizing the children’s
Truth Conductor—object lessons, science
demonstrations, illustrations, skits that transmit
an important truth.
Plug In—teaching tips.
Puppet Time—skits, announcements, songs that
are written for (or can be adapted to) puppets.
kids POWer hour CD/DVD—songs called for in
the text that are on the CD and DVD.
Bible Memorization—memory passage. Each unit
has a memory passage that is learned during
the four- or five-week sessions.
Spirit Generators—worship songs to prepare
the children’s hearts and minds for the Bible
Illustrated Sermon—the Bible lesson, which
transforms children into spiritual dynamos.
Invitation and Prayer—the evangelistic appeal.
Review—suggested game to help fill in time and
review the Bible story.
Join our group on Facebook and interact with
Word Aflame editors and other teachers, post
pictures of your sessions, and brag on what
the Lord is doing in your children’s church.
See you at Word Aflame kids POWer hour.
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Unit 1 Below the Surface
q Grounded DVD, DVD player
q Recycling project supplies
q Shovel
q Selection of fictional children’s books
(well-known), Bible, gummy worms
q Squirm puppet, hot glue gun, 2 plastic
craft eyes, child’s sunglasses
Aim: To help students understand the basics of Christian belief.
q Huge check made out of posterboard
(or check from resource DVD), gift box
q Bible for every student
q Grounded journal hour 1, crayons,
q Map, cookbook, flashlight, instruction
manual, mirror
q Alphabet stamps, stamp pads, paper
I. POWer of Worship
A. Welcome
• Countdown
• “I’m Grounded”
• Amazing Fact
• Recycling Project
4 Set up DVD player. Learn the theme song and become familiar with all of the songs
on the Grounded DVD.
4 Select someone (an older child) to present the Amazing Fact.
4 Collect several fictional children’s books that are familiar and well-loved by children.
4 See the directions for creating a worm puppet on page 6. Practice the skit with
4 Prepare a large check out of posterboard and fill out as described under Bible
Memorization. Or print out the check from the resource DVD. Wrap a small box
with a lid. Place the second part of the memory verse in the box. Ask helpers to be
ready to present the check and the gift box at the appropriate time.
4 Make copies of the Grounded journal page for hour 1, one for each student.
Recruit helpers to “shepherd” small groups of four to six students in this exercise.
See notes on page 28.
Bible is
B. Offering
C. Praise Generator
• “The Word of God”
D. Truth Conductor
E. Energy Outlet
II. POWer of the Word
A. Skit: Squirm O’Wiggle, R.S.
B. Bible Memorization
C. Illustrated Sermon
D. Invitation and Prayer
E. Review
• Grounded Journal
• Extra Ideas
The Word of God
Scripture Text: Acts 19:8-20
Memory Verse: “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God
is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).
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POWer of Worship
Use one of the countdowns provided on the DVD to get your students’ attention. Play the theme song from the DVD and encourage students to sing along.
Welcome students to the “underground.” In this series of kids POWer
hour you will be grounded—not to your room—but grounded in the
truth. That means you will be established, settled, and matured in
Bible doctrines that are important to your salvation. You will know
what you believe and why. Being grounded can be a good thing!
Explain the recycling project. Tell students that one of the greatest recyclers in the world will be making an appearance later in the session (Squirm).
In some countries people do not have religious freedom. Anybody
know what that means? Allow children to respond. It means they are
not free to worship the Lord as they would like to. They cannot go
to church like we do, sing or worship loudly, or read the Bible. They
meet in secret places, worship quietly, and pray they won’t get caught.
That is called an underground church. The church is not really underground—it’s just out of sight.
We are blessed that we can come to church openly and worship
the Lord the way we want to. The offerings we give in church help
keep the church doors open (pay the rent and the utilities). Some of
the money we give also goes to help missionaries spread the gospel
in other countries. If you are thankful for the freedom to worship the
Lord openly at church, say “Thank You, Jesus, for our church” as you
give your offering.
Use a shovel to take up the offering.
Truth Conductor
Ask for volunteers to come to the front and hold the children’s books you
have brought to class. Ask one student to stand at the end of the line and hold
a Bible.
Have you read of any of these books? Read the titles. If a child has read
any of the books, ask him to briefly tell what the book was about. Talk about
favorite books from your childhood or books your children/grandchildren love.
These are great books. They are fun to read. How many of you have
read this Book? Ask child with the Bible to hold it up. The Bible is actually
a book that has lots of books in it—sixty-six books all together. Stories
about families, moms and dads, children, love, and war. The Bible talks
about history, science, and things that sound like science fiction (Book
of Revelation). What is one difference between these books (point to
the children’s books) and the Bible? Let children respond. The children’s
books are fiction—they are not true. They are just fun stories to read.
Maybe they have good ideas and help you be a better person, but they
are fairy tales and fiction. The Bible is absolutely true. All of the stories really happened. It is full of fact, not fiction. Who wrote these
children’s books? Read some of the authors. Do you like to read books
by a certain author? Who wrote the Bible? Let children respond. God
inspired holy men of old to write the books of the Bible. The Bible
is God’s Word—it is not a fairy tale or a fiction story. Everything we
know about God and how to be saved is found in the Bible.
Thank your helpers and give each of them a gummy worm.
Praise Generators
Introduce the song “The Word of God” from Grounded.
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Energy Outlet
Teach children the POWer line and burn off some energy at the same
time with this activity. Students clap their hands on the word “the,” stomp
their right foot and left foot alternately on “Bi-ble,” snap the fingers on their
right and left hand respectively on “is” and “God’s,” and end up raising their
right fist in the air when they say “Word.” The (clap) Bi-ble (stomp, stomp)
is (snap) God’s (snap) Word (pump fist). Start out slowly at first and speed
up as children become more comfortable with the procedure.
POWer of the Word
Skit: Introducing Squirm O’Wiggle, R.S.
Squirm peeks over the edge of the puppet stage and quickly ducks back
out of sight. This happens several times, as the teacher continues to talk.
When the children are distracted by the worm, the teacher feigns surprise
and notices him.
TEACHER: (squeals) Oh, look. It’s a worm! What a cute—
(quickly disappears)
TEACHER: Where did it go? Come back out here, little worm. We won’t hurt you.
(hangs head over edge of puppet window; shakes head) But . . . it causes
me immense physical distress. (disappears)
TEACHER: What did you say?
(from background) It hurts.
TEACHER: Come back out here and tell us what hurts.
(hangs head over edge) T-t-the brilliant light. It distresses me immensely.
TEACHER: The light hurts your eyes?
(shakes head) No, not my eyes, my entire physical anatomy.
TEACHER: Your body?
Yes, and that is a lot of hurtin’.
TEACHER: Why doesn’t it hurt your eyes, but it hurts all of your body?
Because I do not have eyes. From one end to the other, I am extremely
sensitive to light.
TEACHER: But if you don’t have eyes, you’re blind.
I suppose you could say that I am visually impaired. However, since
earthworms live underground, they do not need optical organs.
TEACHER: Optical organs? Oh, you mean eyes. It’s true that eyes would not help
you in the dark underground.
The external membrane covering my organs is extremely sensitive to
the light—
TEACHER: External membrane? Your skin?
Yes, my skin is touchy, so I only emerge from my abode after dark or
when it is cloudy. (moves head from side to side) I sense that it is day.
I must have confused my days and nights. I shall return after the sun
sets. (disappears)
While the worm is behind the scene and the dialogue continues, a helper quickly hot glues
two craft eyes onto his head and puts sunglasses on him.
TEACHER: Mr. Worm, come back, please. We want to learn more about you.
(in background) I cannot. It distresses me too much.
TEACHER: But we need to get acquainted. What’s your name?
Squirm O’Wiggle. (aside) Say, what are you doing to me?
TEACHER: (ignoring the aside) Squirm O’Wiggle. And what is your profession,
I am a decomposer.
TEACHER: A decomposer?
Yes. As a decomposer, I separate your worthless and despicable refuse
into basic elements and recycle it into valuable nutrients that will increase the fertility and productivity of the soil.
TEACHER: Pardon me? Say that again in plain English, please.
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(aside) Ouch! That’s hot. (to teacher) Excuse me, I am bit distracted back
here. What was your question?
TEACHER: Would you please repeat your job description in plain English?
SQUIRM: Of course, I would be happy to oblige you. As a decomposer, I recycle
your garbage into fertilizer.
TEACHER: Ooooh. So you are a garbage collector.
(shudders) A garbage collector? I beg your pardon, ma’am. I am an R.S.
Yes, a Recycling Specialist. That is my official title. Did not you see that
R.S. behind my name? Just like the medical doctor has an M.D. behind
his name, I have an R.S. behind my name. Do not ever forget it.
TEACHER: Oh, sorry, Mr. Squirm O’Wiggle, R.S.
SQUIRM: Say, thanks! Thanks a lot!
TEACHER: Thanks? For what? What are you talking about, Squirm?
Squirm appears wearing sunglasses. He looks around.
TEACHER: (shocked) Wow! You look like . . . hip.
(sticks out his chest) I sure do! And I feel hip, too. You know when you
look hip, you feel hip.
TEACHER: True, but why sunglasses? I thought you said you don’t have eyes.
I didn’t. Real worms do not have eyes, but real earthworms do not have
the ability to converse either, do they?
TEACHER: Converse? Or you mean talk. (thoughtfully) No, I guess they don’t.
So I am not an authentic earthworm. I am an authentic puppet—
TEACHER: (nods) Yes, you are a real puppet.
So my puppeteer decided to give me eyes. And, wow! They are magnificent. (Puppeteer removes sunglasses.) See. Are not my eyes magnificent?
TEACHER: (doubtfully, but trying to be nice) Oh, yes, they are . . . they are quite
Now quick! Put my sunglasses back on. My eyes have not yet adjusted
to the brilliance of light. (Teacher replaces the sunglasses.) Ahhh, I am
grateful. Life is going to be a lot more exciting now that I can see those
beautiful girls on the front row!
TEACHER: So being a puppet has its advantages.
That is true. Very true. My earthworm abilities have expanded to the full
capacity of my puppeteer’s knowledge.
TEACHER: (clears throat) That means you can do whatever your puppeteer can do.
Correct. Now he wants me to read God’s Word with these young people.
You do read your Bibles in kids POWer hour, don’t you, kids? (repeats
the question as needed to get a response from the kids) Earthworms are
grounded in the earth, but I am here to help ground you in God’s Word.
TEACHER: Wonderful, Squirm! That’s why I am here, too. Let’s start by memorizing
a verse from God’s Word.
That is an excellent idea. An authentic earthworm does not have much
of a brain, but a puppet has lots of brain. That is . . . if his puppeteer has
lots of brains.
PUPPETEER: (calls from the background) I have a lot of brains, thank you.
So what are we waiting for? Let us memorize a Bible verse.
Bible Memorization
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Have you ever done a job and got paid for it? Like cleaning your
room or raking the yard? Maybe a neighbor hired you to shovel snow
off his driveway. The payments you receive for doing jobs are called
wages. It’s money or it can be in the form of a check. Have you ever
been paid by check? When you get a check from someone, you have
to take it to the bank to get the money. Have you ever seen a check
this big? Ask helper to bring up the check prepared before class. Here’s a
check for wages for someone. Let’s see who the check is for and what
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Paul Preaches the Word of God
The apostle Paul was a great preacher in the Bible who traveled
from country to country preaching the Word of God. Remind students
to stand and yell the Bible point. In fact, Paul taught in one school every
day for two whole years—that would be like him being at your school
for the third and fourth grades.
The people that Paul taught knew very little about the Word of God
(pause). They didn’t believe in Jesus; in fact, they worshiped other gods.
But the Bible says that after about two years, everyone who lived in
Asia (present day Turkey) heard the Word (pause) of the Lord Jesus.
And some very interesting things happened because Paul preached
the Word (pause). The Bible says that God did special miracles by the
hands of Paul. Handkerchiefs and pieces of Paul’s clothes were laid on
sick people and they were healed. People who had evil spirits in them
were delivered. The Word of God (pause) can change people.
Some evil men decided they would do what Paul did. They tried
to cast the devil out of a man and used the name of Jesus like Paul
did. But the devil answered them and said, “Paul I know, and Jesus I
know, but who are you?” Even the devil recognizes those who know
the Word of God (pause).
Many people believed after Paul preached the Word (pause) and confessed their sins. Some of them practiced witchcraft and sorcery. They
brought their spell and enchantment books out before everyone and
built a great big bonfire of books. By burning their books that they had
believed in, they were saying, “Now we believe in the Word of God”
(pause). They counted up how much all of those books were worth and
the amount was fifty thousand pieces of silver! That’s a lot of money,
but the Word of God (pause) is more powerful than any other book!
The Bible is God’s Word and it has the power to change people lives.
Ask students to put their Bibles under their chairs. Play soft worship music.
Pay to:
Bad Choices
Heaven’s Way
the wages are. It says, “Pay to Sinner.” Oh my. How much is it for?
DEATH! A sinner gets paid with death? That’s what our Bible verse
says. “The wages of sin is death.” When a person sins, he earns wages—death. Have you ever sinned? Then this check could be for you, for
any of us! Do you want to cash it? Not me!
What’s this? Helper brings out gift wrapped box. Take off the lid and
pull out the rest of the Bible verse. “But the gift of God is eternal life
through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Wow! We earn the wages of sin, but
God gives us eternal life. We don’t have to cash the check for death if
we accept the gift of God. There is nothing we can do to earn eternal
life; we can never be good enough, but God gives us eternal life. When
we obey the Scriptures (the Bible), we can receive eternal life from
Jesus Christ our Lord. Ask a couple of students to tear up the check. I’m
not interested in cashing this check, are you?
Read God’s Word to find out how to receive eternal life.
Ask students to turn to Romans 6:23 in their Bibles and read the verse
with you several times. Divide the class into two teams. Let one team say the
first part of the verse, “For the wages of sin is death,” and the other team
complete the passage by saying, “but the gift of God is eternal life through
Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Make sure each
child has a Bible. Tell
them that when they
hear you say “the
Word” or the “Word
of God,” they are
to stand, raise their
Bibles in the air, and
yell, “The Bible is
God’s Word!”
God gave us His Word so we could get to know Him, so we can read
how much He loves us. If we obey the Bible, we can have happy, holy
lives. We can be forgiven of our sins and receive the gift of God—eternal life.
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Have you obeyed the Bible? The first step is to believe that Jesus
loves you and wants to save you. Then the Bible tells us to repent
of our sins. Ask the Lord to forgive you for all the bad things you’ve
done. The Lord wants to forgive you and fill you with His Spirit.
When we know the Scriptures it can help us to stop sinning. Psalm
119:11 says, “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin
against thee.” How can we hide the Word in our hearts? By reading it
and memorizing Scriptures. Are you obeying the Word of God?
Lead children in prayer. If most of your students have repented and received the Holy Ghost, encourage them to examine their hearts and see if
they are obeying the Scriptures on a daily basis. Enlist their help in praying
for other children. Older children in children’s church can be especially helpful in praying with the younger.
Divide students into groups of four to six with a helper in each group.
Pass out Grounded journal pages. Helpers read the page to the students and
discuss the questions. Allow students to write their answers on the page and
color the art. Provide folders in which students can store their journal pages.
This is a good time for helpers to review the lesson, answer questions students may have, and form a relationship with the students.
Extra Idea
Set out a map, a cookbook, a flashlight/lamp, an instruction manual, and
a mirror. Ask children how the Bible is like these items. A map provides detailed directions for getting somewhere; a cookbook provides the recipe to
prepare a delicious dinner, and so on. Make the spiritual application.
Extra Idea
Review Questions
1. What makes the
Bible a book above
all other books?
2. What are the wages
of sin?
3. For how many
years did the
apostle Paul teach
in one school?
4. What things that
belonged to Paul
were laid on sick
people resulting in
5. When some evil
men tried to cast
out devils what did
the devil say?
6. What did the people
do with their books
of enchantments
and sorcery?
7. How much were
their books worth?
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In the early 1500s, the Bible was not available in the English language. A
young scholar, William Tyndale, thought everyone should be able to read the
Word of God in English. One man told him, “It is all foolishness to talk about
translating it into English for the people to read. All they need is the word
of the pope.” Tyndale disagreed, “I will one day make the boy that drives the
plow in England to know more of the Scriptures than the pope does!” It became his life goal to translate the Bible into English, even though there was
a death penalty for anyone who attempted it. Eventually, he did translate the
Bible into English and made it available for everyone to read. King Henry VII
arranged for Tyndale to be burnt at the stake. Just before he died, he closed
his eyes and prayed, “Lord, open the king of England’s eyes.”
In the 1500s the printing press was just beginning to be used, and it took
much work and time to produce a book. Each letter in the book had to be set
up one at a time by hand. Help your students understand how time consuming the process was and how precious the printed Bible was by providing
them with alphabet stamps, stamp pads, and paper. Ask your students to use
the letters to print as much of Psalm 119:11 as time allows. Talk about how
long it took to print a book as compared to how fast we print articles with
computers and laser printers now. Talk about the sacrifice William Tyndale
made to provide England with a Bible in the English language.
•Why is it important for everyone to be able to read the Bible in
his own language?
•What would you say to William Tyndale if you met him today?
Craft/Snack/Game Ideas
If you have extra time in your children’s church session, use one of the
craft, snack, or game ideas provided in the VBS material.
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