Baptist Beacon Volume 31 Number 4 April 2013 Pastor’s Portion: Contact People: What Now? This is one of those rare Aprils that present itself Post Resurrection. We have already finished our Resurrection celebrations and are considering just what may be ahead for us as individuals and as a congregation. Certainly there is much ahead as far as our church calendar is concerned, but what about now? What do we do if all of our plans for the future are disrupted by events (family, religious, political, environmental, etc...)? Some of us have already faced these types of crisis; all of us will. No matter how much we purpose and plan there is always the unknown eventuality, the unforeseen occurrence, the dreaded happening that we must give way to. It’s the things that we do not want to experience, and, as a result we find ourselves hopelessly unprepared for even when we have given our best forethought to them. Such was the case with the early disciples in the period after the resurrection of our Lord. Jesus had tried to prepare them for what they would face, but they had other plans and did not want to think about any contingencies. They must have thought what now? These men and women had plans, dreams, visions that were now being preempted by the greater scheme of God, in Christ! Without being aware, they were being taught what it truly meant to have faith borne in their souls. Faith at its essence always encompasses the “what now” of the day which God has gifted us with. So it was for them and so it is for everyone who has taken up the cross to follow Jesus. Our faith in Him transverses the now of our hearts and minds, and carries us toward an ever increasing reliance upon God. Our trust in Him leads us to the mount of self-sacrifice, and, to where we find our own talents, gifts and abilities insufficient in the light of the “what now of today”. John the baptizer said it and we must make it our own, “He must increase and I must decrease”. It can never be just another April or otherwise named month, day, or, year in Christ. For us there is always another now ahead and Jesus is there to show us the way to transcend it. There is no April fools in that faith! In Christ’s love, Pastor Glavin Minister: David E. Glavin Moderator:Sandy Collister Secretary: Millie Casabal Church Clerk: Barb Pestka Finance Secretary: Peggy Miller & Joyce Dodds Missions: Joyce Dodds ABW: Carole Dodds Trustees: Steve Vehrs Deacons: Vincent Aragon S.S. Supt: Vincent Aragon Youth: HS: Jennifer Collister JR. H: Nancy Glavin Graded: Cindy Turney All newsletter material is printed as received Worship Opportunities First Baptist Church 804 West Platt Street Maquoketa, IA 52060-2042 Call 563-652-2734 [email protected] Sunday Services Sunday School: 9:00 am Worship: 10:15 am Wednesday Services Baptist Youth: 5:30 pm Prayer Time & Bible Study: 7:00 pm APRIL 2013 SCHEDULE GREETERS April 07: Joyce Dodds . April 14: Peggy Miller April 21: Barb Tubbs April 28: Cindy Turney CANDLE LIGHTERS April 07::Cein Palecki & Emmalita Page April 21: Cein Palecki & Emmalita Page April 14: Navia Erbst & Jordan Turney April 28: Navia Erbst & Jordan Turney Alternate: Wayde Palecki NURSERY ATTENDANTS April 07: Kayleen Aragon April 21: Gaye Storlie April 14: Askley Aragon April 28: Pam Keeney USHERS 1 April 07: Barb Dunnegan Mary Leget Kayla Said Patty Williams April 21: Shelley Beeck Bob Beeck Steve Vehrs Bonnie Vehrs April 14:Joyce Dodds Deb Bowling Kenneth Dees Allen Barker April 28: Brian Keeney Pam Keeney Carole Dodds Gwen Elmegreen CHILDREN’S CHURCH LEADERS April 07 Cindy Turney April 21: Nancy Glavin April 14: Phyllis Erbst April 28: Carole Dodd MUSIC LEADERS: Dalena Acton, Deb Bowling, Jennifer Collister, Sandy Collister, and Nancy Glavin. CUSTODIAL SERVICES: Vincent Aragon. DEACONS TO SERVE HOLY COMMUNIION ON APRIL 7th: Allen Barker, Carole Dodds, Ron Elmegreen, and Caroline Sue McAfee. DELIGHTFUL IT IS TO SERVE GOD EVEN IN LITTLE WAYS. OUR ON GOING PRAYER CONCERNS OUR ON GOING PRAYER CONCERNS Individuals W/Health Problem: Individuals W/Health Problem: Ron & Gwen Elmegreen, Sharen Fultner, Roger & Deb Bowling, Jack & Kathryn Crouch, Vickie Washburn, Mary Leget. John & Sharen Fultner, Zelus & Arla House Jack & Kathryn Crouch, Roger & Deb Bowling Pam Keeney’s niece, Ron & Gwen Elmegreen Veda Casady, Emmalou ( Nicole’s grandma), Individuals W/Cancer Problem: Francis Stark, Mrs. Ed Turney Phyllis Erbst Husband, Bonnie Pahl’s Unclle Krystal Gross-Myra’s daughter, Dennis Duhme, Susan Crouch’s Father. Donna Heister. Bud Templeton Individuals W/Cancer Problem: Ray Kimball Tom Veit, Tillie Williams Mrs. Ed Turney Don Heath Bonnie Pahl’s Uncle, Brock Schumacker, Rick Beeler, Veronica, Brian’s aunt, Bill Earles, Someone anonymous. Travis Petaska. 2 1/2 yr. old Darla—M.D. 0.T.R. Drivers: Dennis, Don, & Bill. Enlarged Heart & COPD: Randy, Jennifer’s brother Individuals W/Personal Problem: 0.T.R. Driver: Dean Matin Kelsey, Julie Roberge, Personal: Allen Barker’s son & family. Dennis Storlie, Harold Staner. For Salvation: James Malone, Nicole Bunyon—Seizures. Troy, Logan, & Alivia Sams=Penny’s Chuck Collister — Back Problem. grandchildren. Sandy & Cindy’s loved ones For Salvation: James Malone, Troy, Logan, & Alivia Sams—Penny’s Grandchildren. Happy Birthday Charlene Clark …… 04-07-29 Mark Karsten ……. 04-09-52 Richard Earles ……. 04-07-62 LaVern Clark ;;;;;;;; 04-21-74 Shelley Beeck ——– 04-08-51 Barb Dunnegan ….. 04-26-33 Arla House …….. 04-26-27 Happy Anniversary Harold & Lois Staner …………. 04-01-67 Brian & Pamela Keeney ………. 04-19-86 Robert & Marilyn Mitchum …… 04-24-06 Michael & Brenda McAcfee ……04-25-98 Don & Jeanette Heath …………. 04-28-77 April 2013 Sun Mon Tue 1 11:009 a.m. Ladies’ Bible Study 2 9:00 am Sunday School 10:15 am Worship & Communion Service !:00 pm Trustees Bd. 8 11:00 a.m, - Ladies’ Bible Study _____Charlene Clark Sheelley Beeck 14 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 am Worship Service Wed Thu 3 5:30 pm BYF 7:00 pm Prayer Time & Bible Study 4 9 8:30 am –Maquoketa Ministerial Meeting 6:30 p.m.—ABW Mark Karsten 10 11:00 am Advg. Bd. Mtg. 5:30 pm BYF 7:00 pm Prayer Time & Bible Study 11 15 11:00 am Ladies’ Bible Study 16 17 5:30 pm BYF 7:00 pm Prayer Time & Bible Study 18 9:00 am Sunday 22 School 11:00 am Ladies’ 10:15 am Worship Bible Study Service 1:00 pm Deacons Bd. 23 24 25 5:30 pm BYF 7:00 pm Prayer Time & Bible Study Michael & Brenda McAfee 28 30 7 21 9:00 am Sunday School 10:15 am Worship Service 29 11:00 am Ladies’ Bible Study ______ Donald & Jeanette Heath Fri 5 Sat 6 Harold & Lois Staner 8:00 am ABM 12 13 19 20 Doris Ehl Brian & Pamela Keeney 26 Barb Dunnegan Arla House 27
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