Dr. Nina W. Brown Professor and Eminent Scholar Counseling and Human Services Department Old Dominion University Email: [email protected] Education Ed.D., College of William and Mary. Major: Counseling Advanced Certificate, College of William and Mary. Major: Counseling M.S., Old Dominion College. Major: Counseling B.S., Virginia State College. Major: Psychology Professional Positions Academic Substitute Teacher, Norfolk Schools. Professor, Old Dominion University. (1968 - Present). Coordinator of Assessment, College of Engineering and Technology. (1988 - 2000). Chair, Underrepresented Minorities in Engineering Program-College of Engineering and Technology. (1987 - 2000). Chair, ODU Faculty Senate. (1987 - 1990), (2000-2001), . Professional Head, Religious Education, Unitarian Church. Licensures and Certifications Nationally Certified Counselor, National Board of Certified Counselors. (January 1980 - Present). Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Virginia. (January 1979 - Present). Professional Memberships American Counseling Association. American Group Psychotherapy Association. American Psychological Association. APA Division 49: Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy Association for Specialists in Group Work. Kappa Delta Phi. Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society. Virginia Counselor's Association. Awards and Honors Designated as Fellow, American Group Psychotherapy Association. (2006). Nominee for the faculty SHEV award, Old Dominion University. (2003). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 1 of 14 Marriage and Family Therapists and Substance Abuse Providers Service Award, Virginia Board of Licensed Professional Counselors. (1998). University’s Tonelson Award, Old Dominion University. (1997). American Group Psychotherapy Faculty, American Group Psychotherapy. (1995). Faculty Scholar Award, College of Education. (1994). FMES Faculty Award, FMES. (1994). Instructor Designate, American Group Psychotherapy Association. (1993). Faculty Scholar Award, College of Education. (1992). ACA Software Review Board Award, ACA. (1988). Certificate of Appreciation, Tidewater Council on Alcoholism. (1988). Virginia Educational Research Association. (1986). Virginia Educational Research Association. (1979). Tidewater Alliance of Black Educators Award. (1977). RESEARCH Published Intellectual Contributions Books 1. Brown, N. W. (2009). Becoming a group leader. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. 2. Brown, N. W. (2008). Dead End Lovers. Westport, CT: Praeger. 3. Brown, N. W. (2008). Children of the self-absorbed - 2nd edition. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publishers. 4. Brown, N. W. (2006). Children of the self-absorbed. New Harbinger (Translated into Korean). 5. Brown, N. W. (2006). Coping with infuriating, mean, critical people. Praeger. 6. Brown, N. W. (2006). Coping with your partner's jealousy. New Harbinger (Translated into Polish). 7. Brown, N. W. (2006). Psychoeducational groups for non-clinical groups curriculum. The Certified Group Psychotherapy Registry. 8. Brown, N. W. (2004). Coping with your partner’s jealousy. New Harbinger. 9. Brown, N. W. (2004). Psychoeducational groups (2nd ed.). Brunner-Routledge. 10. Brown, N. W. (2003). Loving the self-absorbed. New Harbinger. ( Translated into Polish) 11. Horton Parker, R., Brown, N. W. (2002). The unfolding life: Counseling across the lifespan..Praeger, Westport, CT 12. Brown, N. W. (2002). Whose life is it anyway?. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publishers.( Translated into Polish) 13. Brown, N. W. (2002). Working with the self-absorbed. New Harbinger. 14. Schwitzer, A., Ancis, J., Brown, N. W. (2001). Promoting student learning and student development at a distance: Student affairs principles and practices for televised Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 2 of 14 instruction and other forms of distance learning. Washington, DC: American College Personnel Association. 15. Brown, N. W. (2000). Creating high performance classroom groups. Falmer Press. 16. Brown, N. W., Wexel, R. (2000). Student generated sexual harassment in secondary schools. Bergin & Garvy. 17. Brown, N. W. (1998). Psychoeducational groups. Acclerated Development. 18. Brown, N. W. (1998). The destructive narcissistic pattern. Praeger. 19. Brown, N. W. (1996). Expressive processes for group counsleing. Praeger. 20. Brown, N. W. (1994). Group counseling for elementary and middle school students. Praeger. 21. Brown, N. W. (1992). Teaching group dynamics. Praeger. . Book Chapters 1. Brown, N. W.(2009) Group Dynamics in "Encyclopedia of Counseling". Arlington, VA: American Counseling Association. 2. Brown, N. W. (2005). Psychoeducational groups for medical illnesses and emotional disturbances In S. Wheelan (Ed.), Research in Group Psychotherapy. Sage Publishers: Thousand Oaks CA. 3. Brown, N. W. (2003). Adults from Dysfunctional Families. in Beyond the Pale Refereed Journal Articles 1. Brown, N. W. (2008). Troubling silences in therapy groups. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 38(2), 81 - 85. 2. Brown, N. W. (2007). Use of fairy tales in group therapy. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, 2(4), 89 - 96. 3. Brown, N. W. (2006). Get control of your life: 4. Brown, N. W. (2006). Reconceptualizing difficult groups and difficult members. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 36(3), 145 - 150. Take care of your feelings. Balance. 5.. Brown, N. W. (2003). Conceptualizing process. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 53(2), 225-244. 6. Brown, N. W. ( 1998) Achieving tenure. WEPAN Conference Proceedings, June 1998 7. Brown, N. W. (1997). Assessing engineering and technology student learning through use of student portfolio review. Assessment Update, 9(3). 8. Brown, N. W. (1997). Coping resources and family environment. College Student Journal. . Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 3 of 14 9. Brown, N. W. (1997). Description of personality similarities and differences of a sample of black and white female engineering students. Psychological Reports. 10. Brown, N. W., Cross, J. (1996). Descriptions of self and engineers by male engineering students. Psychological Reports, 78, 179-186. 11. Brown, N. W. (1996). The destructive narcissistic pattern in the workplace. Social Behavior and Personality, 24(3). 12. Brown, N. W., Joslin (1995). Comparison of female and male engineering students. Psychological Reports, 77, 35-41. 13. Brown, N. W. (1994). Cognitive, interest, and personality variables predicting first semester GPA. Psychological Reports, 74, 605-606. 14. Brown, N. W. (1994). Forming and maintaining classroom groups that enhance learning for women students. Conference Proceedings for Women in Engineering, 221-225. 15. Brown, N. W. (1993). Prediction of final grades in an accelerated chemistry course for engineering students. College Student Journal, 20(1), 20-24. 16. Brown, N. W., Cross, J. (1993). Retention in engineering and personality. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 53(3). 17. Brown, N. W., Cross, J. (1992). A comparison of personality characteristics for entering freshmen, persistors and norm groups in engineering. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52, 939-994. 18. Brown, N. W., Cross, J. (1991). Capitalizing on personality differences of black and white engineering students. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 18(1), 43-50. 19. Brown, N. W., Cook, R. (1990). Most effective and least effective boards of non-profit human service agencies. Group and Organizational Studies, 15(4), 432-448. 20. Brown, N. W., Cross, Selby (1990). Personality of students persisting in engineering comparisons and implications for instruction. ASEE Conference Proceedings, Session 1253. 21. Brown, N. W., Cromwell, B., Sanchez-Huceles, J., Adair, F. (1990). The imposter phenomenon and personality characteristics of high school honor students. 5(6), 563-573. 22. Brown, N. W., Cross, J., Selby, G. (1990). Personality Characteristics of Black Engineering Students on the Adjective Checklist. College Student Journal. 23. Brown, N. W. (1989). Comparison of described empathic and nominated empathic individuals. Psychological Reports, 64, 27-32. 24. Brown, N. W., Rawls, Collier, M. (1989). Use of the western personality test in the identification of potential alcohol abusers. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 6(3/4), 189-198. 25. Brown, N. W., Thompson, R., Geoffrey, K., Adair, F. (1987). Discrepancies in the perception of counselor roles in secondary schools. Capstone Journal of Education, VII(4), 35-44. Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 4 of 14 26. Brown, N. W. (1987). Empathy scores of nurses, psychiatrists and hospital administrators on the California Psychological Inventory. Psychological Reports, 60, 295-300. 27. Brown, N. W. (1986). Empathy and accuracy of interpersonal perceptions of affect. Journal of Social Behaior and Personality, 1(4), 639-643. 28. Brown, N. W. (1985). Assessment measures that discriminate between levels of DUI clients. Psychological Reports, 56, 739-742. 29. Brown, N. W. (1984). Comparison of described empathic and nominated empathic individuals. Psychological Reports, 64, 27-32. 30. Brown, N. W., Lawson, R. (1980). Values of parochial and public school students. Psychological Reports, 47, 279-282. 31. Brown, N. W., Harris, T. (1979). Congruent validity of the Rathus assertiveness schedule. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 20(39), 181-185. 32. Brown, N. W., Harris, T. (1979). Making sense of our lives - An intensive log workshop. Journal of College Student Personnel, 20(4), 358-359. 33. Brown, N. W. (1979). Validation of the interpersonal relationship rating scale. Organization Studies, 4(2), 220-228. 34. Brown, N. W. (1978). Program planning for culturally different minority adolescents. Resources in Education. 35. Brown, N. W. (1977). Interpersonal skill development. ERIC – Resources in Education. 36. Brown, N. W. (1976). Personality characteristics of black adolescents. ERIC – Urban Education and Resources in Education. 37. Brown, N. W. (1977). Interpersonal skill development for special education practicum students. Exceptional Child Resources. 38. Brown, N. W. (1977). Personality characteristics of black adolescents. Adolescence. 39. Brown, N. W. (1976). Non-Cognitive characteristics in the prediction of reading readiness. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 36(2). 40. Brown, N. W. (1974). Altering the reality self-concept of selected inner city seventh grade girls. Adolescence, VIII(32), 463-474. 41. Brown, N. W. (1974). An investigation of the personality characteristics of blacks attending a predominantly white university and blacks attending a predominantly black college. Proceedings of Division 8 -American Psychological Association. 42. Brown, N. W. (1973). An investigation of the personality characteristics of blacks attending a predominantly white university and blacks attending a predominantly black college. Personnel and Social Psychology, B1, 321-323. 43. Brown, N. W. (1973). Teaching people to be parents - Why Not?. Journal of Character Education, 12-13. 44. Brown, N. W. (1968). Guided imagery for counselors. Virginia Counselors Journal, 5-10. Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 5 of 14 Presentations Given 1. Brown, N. W., Gross, J. (Presenter Only), Riva, M. (Presenter Only), Johnson, C. (Presenter Only), APA, "Preparing for the internship year-what you need to know about group psychology," American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (August 2009). 2. Brown, N. W., APA, "Tapping the unconscious: Fairy tales for adults in group therapy," American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. (August 2009). 3. Brown, N. W., ACA, "Examining the role of diversity in group work," American Counseling Association, Charlotte, NC. (March 2009). 4. Brown, N. W., AGPA, "Training trainers of psychoeducational groups," American Group Psychotherapy Association, Chicago, IL. (February 2009). 5. Brown, N. W., AGPA, "Psychoeducational groups curriculum," American Group Psychotherapy Association, Washington, DC. (February 2008). 6. Brown, N. W., Spring conference , MAGPS, "It is about you: The group leader’s narcissism," Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society. (April 2007). 7. Brown, N. W., AGPA, "Psychoeducational Groups," American Group Psychotherapy Association, Boston, MA. (February 2007). 8. Brown, N. W., "Psychoeducational groups for non-clinicians," American Group Psychotherapy Association, SanFrancisco CA. (February 2006). 9. Brown, N. W., Millikan, "Infusing theory in psychoeducational and counseling groups," Virginia School Counselors Association. (2005). 10. Brown, N. W., MAGPS, "Brief and psychoeducational groups: The 5th Module for the AGPA Core Curriculum," Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Association. (April 2005). 11. Milliken, T., Brown, N. W., Virginia School Counselors Association annual convention, "Developing theory based psychoeducational groups for school counseling: Combining creativity and accountablity.," Portsmouth, VA. (April 2005). 12. Brown, N. W., Burlingame, Matsuno, AGPA, "Group treatment for the severely and persistently mentally ill: A best practice model for psychoeducational groups," American Group Psychotherapy Association, New York. (February 2005). 13. Brown, N. W., "Brief and psychoeducational groups: The 5th Module for the AGPA Core Curriculum," Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society Conference. (2004). 14. Brown, N. W., "Fostering hope and altruism in group," American Group Psychotherapy Association. (2002). 15. 16. 17. Brown, N. W., American Group Psychotherapy Association. (2001). Brown, N. W., International Conference, "Electronically linked groups," American Society for Engineering Education. (June 1999). Brown, N. W., American Group Psychotherapy Association. (1998). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 6 of 14 18. Brown, N. W., "Achieving tenure," Women in Engineering Advocates Network, Seattle. (June 1998). 19. Brown, N. W., Ruiz, "Ethnic and cultural bias in group psychotherapy," American Group Psychotherapy Association. (February 1998). 20. Brown, N. W., Cross, Smith, Assessment Conference, Indiana University-Perdue University. (November 1997). 21. Brown, N. W., "Increasing Access for Women in Engineering, Science and Technology," WEPAN (Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network), Purdue University. (November 1997). 22. Brown, N. W., Virginia Assessment Conference, "Use of Student Portfolios." (November 1997). 23. Brown, N. W., "Increasing Access for Women in Engineering, Science and Technology," WEPAN, Stevens Institute of Technology. (October 1997). 24. Brown, N. W., Cross, Smith, "Use of Senior Design Projects as Student Portfolios," American Association of Engineering Education. (June 1997). 25. Brown, N. W., American Group Psychotherapy Association. (1996). 26. Brown, N. W., "Teaching Group via Television," American Psychological Association. (1996). 27. Brown, N. W., "Stress: A recipe for reduction," American Chamber of Commerce. (October 1996). 28. Brown, N. W., "The Destructive Narcissistic Pattern," American Counselors Association. (April 1996). 29. Brown, N. W., "Forming and Maintaining Classroom Groups Women in Engineering Conference," WEPAN. (June 1994). 30. Brown, N. W., International Convention, "Use of Fairy Tales in Therapy," American Group Psychotherapy Association. (February 1993). 31. Brown, N. W., Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society's Conference, "Expressive Techniques." (1991). 32. Brown, N. W., "Group Counseling," Eastern Shore Counseling Association. (May 1991). 33. Brown, N. W., "A Process to Develop University-Specific Plans for Recruiting and Retaining Underrepresented Minorities in Engineering," National Association of Professional Engineers, New Orleans. (January 1991). 34. Brown, N. W., "Personality of Students Persisting in Engineering - Comparisons and Implications for Instruction," American Society for Engineering Education, Toronto, Canada. (June 1990). 35. Brown, N. W., ISETA Convention, "Increased Learning Through Use of Relaxation, Guided Imagery and Music (Videotape presentation)," Fort Collins, Colorado. (1988). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 7 of 14 36. 37. Brown, N. W., "Counseling Strategies for Minority Youths," CHROME Institute. (1985). Brown, N. W., "Resolving Impasse in Group Counseling," Virginia Counselors Association. (November 1985). 38. Brown, N. W., "ASAP Educational Program," Regional Court System Professionals. (1984). 39. Brown, N. W., Secondary Principals' State Conference, "Stress Management for Children." (1984). 40. 41. 42. 43. Brown, N. W., "Substance Abuse Project Insight." (1984). Brown, N. W., Virginia Counselors Association Convention, "Time Management for Counselors." (November 1984). Brown, N. W., Secondary school conference, "Family Counseling." (April 1984). Brown, N. W., Elementary Counselor Conference, "Expressive Counseling Techniques." (1982). 44. Brown, N. W., "Imagination and Dreams," VPGA. (November 1980). 45. Brown, N. W., VPGA Convention, "Crisis Management." (November 1980). 46. Brown, N. W., VPGA Convention, "The Silent Language of the Black Culture." (November 1980). 47. Brown, N. W., 6th National Conference on the Teaching of Group Psychotherapy, "Self-disclosure Through Life Seals, Guided Imagery and Manalas." (March 1980). 48. Brown, N. W., "The Silent Language of the Black Culture," American Personnel and Guidance Association. (March 1980). 49. Brown, N. W., VPGA Convention, "Imagination and Dreams." (February 1980). 50. Brown, N. W., National Covention, "Values of Parochial and Public School Children," American Psychological Association. (August 1979). 51. Brown, N. W., Conference on Women and Alcohol, "Social Drinking and the Military Lifestyle." (June 1979). 52. Brown, N. W., Coch, Berent, Cohen, Fedler, Gazda, 5th National Conference About the Teaching of Group Psychotherapy, "The Teaching of Ethics in the Training of Group Psychotherapists." (1978). 53. Brown, N. W., Career Counseling Workshop, "Career Counseling for Minority Students," Hampton University. (1978). 54. Brown, N. W., "Innovations in Using the Intensive Log in Counselor Training," SACES. (1978). 55. Brown, N. W., Stallard, "Personality Attributes and Response Category of English Teachers on Compositions," Mid-South Educational Research Association. (1978). 56. Brown, N. W., Psychological Corporation's Invitational Conference on Educational Measurement, "Values of Parochial and Public School Children - Alike or Different." (1978). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 8 of 14 57. Brown, N. W., Urban Education Conference, "Minimum Competency Testing." (November 1978). 58. Brown, N. W., Career Counseling Workshop, "Career Counseling for Minority Students," College of William and Mary. (August 1978). 59. Brown, N. W., Career Counseling Workshop, "Career Counseling for Special Students," Radford University. (August 1978). 60. Brown, N. W., International Congress on Education, "Program Planning for Culturally Different Minority Students." (July 1978). 61. Brown, N. W., Elementary School Principals' Conference, "Use and Misuse of Standardized Tests." (April 1978). 62. Brown, N. W., "Implications of Noncompulsory Attendance, Alternative Education and Minimum Competencies," American Personnel and Guidance Association. (April 1978). 63. Brown, N. W., Rubin, 4th National Conference About the Teaching of Group Psychotherapy, "Sex Composition, Outcome and Process in Adolescent Groups: Implications for Counselor Supervision." (February 1978). 64. Brown, N. W., Latham, "Assertiveness for Women in Management," National Training and Development Conference. (1977). 65. Brown, N. W., International Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, "Development of Interpersonal Skills for Special Educators." (April 1977). 66. Brown, N. W., "An Educational Problem-solving Process Integrated into an English Curriculum in a Rural Area," SACES. (1976). 67. Brown, N. W., South Atlantic Regional Counselor Educators and Supervisors Conference, "Interpersonal Skill Development for Special Education Practicum Students." (1976). 68. Brown, N. W., "Improving Communication Skills of Special Education Teachers," Virginia Council for Exceptional Children. (March 1976). 69. Brown, N. W., Urban Affairs Conference, "Personality Characteristics of Poor, Black Adolescents and Program Planning." (February 1976). 70. Brown, N. W., "Non-verbal Communication of L.D. Children," Virginia Association for Children With Learning Disabilities. (April 1975). 71. Brown, N. W., "Use of the Lowenfeld Mosaic Test for Predicting Reading Readiness," Virginia Council for Exceptional Children. (March 1975). 72. Brown, N. W., "A Factor Analytic Study of Personality Between Black Students Attending a Predominantly White University and Black Students Attending a Predominantly Black College," American Psychological Association Convention. (August 1974). 73. Brown, N. W., International Convention of the Council for Exceptional Children, "Parents of Learning Disabled Children." (April 1974). 74. Brown, N. W., Southeastern Invitational Conference on Measurement and Evaluation, "Measuring the Attitudes of Inner City Children." (December 1973). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 9 of 14 Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research Grants Awarded National Dickerson, Daniel L (Co-Principal), Verma, Alok K (Principal), McKinney, Sueanne E (Co-Principal), Brown, Nina W (Co-Principal), "MarIneTech: STEM preparation through marine engineering, science, and technology experiences," Sponsored by National Science Foundation - DRL ITEST, Federal, $1,273,308.00. (January 1, 2009 - January 1, 2012). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $12,000.00. (1998). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $12,000.00. (1997). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $12,000.00. (1996). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $12,000.00. (1995). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $24,000.00. (1994). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $24,000.00. (1993). University/Department Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Career Education in the Content Area," Sponsored by EFS Department, $275.00. Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Guided Design," Sponsored by Center for Instructional Development, $95.00. Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Guided Design," Sponsored by Center for Instructional Development, $100.00. Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Validation of an Assertiveness Schedule," Sponsored by EFS Department, $265.00. Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Faculty Development Grant," Old Dominion University, $3,000.00. (1995). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Career Education in the Content Area," Sponsored by EFS Department, $275.00. (1979). Sample submitted Proposals Brown, Nina W (Co-Principal), Thompson (Co-Principal), Cross (Co-Principal), "Promoting Readiness in Science and Mathematics for Students," $215,900.00. (1993). Brown, Nina W (Principal), Thompson, "Targeted Resources United Services Training," Sponsored by Department of Education, $115,993.00. (1993). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 10 of 14 Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $12,000.00. (1993). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Development of an engineering major scale and normative group data for underrepresented minority students on the Strong Interest Inventory," Sponsored by Consulting Psychologists Press, $14,770.00. (1992). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Undergraduate researchers in engineering," Sponsored by NASA, $24,000.00. (1992). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Development of a model to retain women in engineering," Sponsored by Spencer Foundation, $24,500.00. (1991). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Expanding Horizons," Sponsored by State Council on Higher Education, $13,578.00. (1991). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Partners to increase minority access to engineering degree programs," Sponsored by GTE, $35,670.00. (1991). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Summer engineering academy," Sponsored by State Council on Higher Education, $21,340.00. (1991). Brown, Nina W, Cross (Co-Principal), "A summer program to improve achievement in math and science for African-American engineering students," Sponsored by National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, $72,953.00. (1990). Brown, Nina W (Co-Principal), McRee, "Graduate engineering education for women and minorities," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $56,780.00. (1990). Brown, Nina W (Co-Principal), Cross, "A program to improve minority retention in engineering," Sponsored by Funds for Excellence (SCHEV), $72,593.00. (1989). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Predicting persistence and increasing retention of black students in engineering," Sponsored by American Association for Counseling and Development, $9,175.50. (1989). Brown, Nina W (Co-Principal), Cross, "Summer transition program for minorities in engineering," Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $77,201.00. (1989). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Assessment measures to determine individuals who are at risk of alcoholism," Sponsored by Distillery Council, $14,813.00. (1984). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Development of a substance abuse education program for first offenders," Sponsored by Tidewater Alcohol Safety Action Program, $50,000.00. (1984). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Educational instruction services," Sponsored by Army, $339,219.00. (1984). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Support services for learning assessment," Sponsored by State Department of Education, $10,000.00. (1984). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Training grants," Sponsored by State Department of Education, $6,750.00. (1984). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 11 of 14 Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Use of technology in a field-based graduate program," Sponsored by FIPSE, $170,000.00. (1984). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Prevention of teenage alcohol abuse," Sponsored by American Legion, $10,000.00. (1983). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Guided Design," Sponsored by Center for Instructional Development, $100.00. (1982). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Implementation of guided design," Sponsored by EXXON, $6,200.00. (1982). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Research and development seminars," Sponsored by National Institute for Education, $1,100.00. (1982). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Preparation and dissemination of materials for integrating career education into the classroom," Sponsored by EXXON, $37,600.00. (1981). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Guided Design," Sponsored by Center for Instructional Development, $96.00. (1980). Brown, Nina W (Principal), "Validation of an Assertiveness Schedule," Sponsored by EFS Department, $265.00. (1979). SERVICE Department Service Committee Chair, Dissertation committees. (Urban Services Doctorate: Counseling Doctorate) Graduate Program Director – Counseling Program Acting Chair - ELS Coordinator, Human Services Counseling Degree Program. (1997). Coordinator, Certificate of Advanced Studies in Counseling. (1988 - 1997). Coordinator, Ph.D. in Urban Services Cognate track for Counseling. (1988 - 1997). Coordinator, Cooperative Doctorate in Counseling with The College of William and Mary. (1988 1990). Committee Chair, Planning Committee for Genetic Education Conference. (1984 - 1985). Committee Chair,- Search Committees College Service Chair of Faculty, School of Education. (1985 - 2001). Faculty Governance Committees Search Committees University Service Chair, University Promotion and Tenure Committee Chair, Eminent Scholars Selection Committee Faculty Representative, Alumni Board. Committee Chair, Budget and Resources. Faculty Representative, Board of Visitor’s Academic and Research Committee. (2003 - 2005). Chairperson, Faculty Senate. (1987 - 2005). Faculty Senator. (1981 - 1991). President, Tidewater Council on Alcoholism's Board. (1989). Vice-Chair, Faculty Senate. (1986). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 12 of 14 Representative to Board of Visitor's Student Affairs committee. (1982 - 1986). Secretary, Faculty Senate. (1985). Chair Research and Publications Committee, Facutly Senate. (1982 - 1984). Chair, Admissions and Registrations Committee, Faculty Senate. (1981). Advisory Committee for AA/EEO. Committee E (Student Affairs). Ad Hoc Football Review Committee. Professional Service National Test panel, American Association of State Certifying Licensure Boards (AASCB). Member, Editorial Board for the Journal of Specialists in Group Work. Member, Publications Committee – American Counseling Association Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Counseling and Development Evaluator, Educational programs for Tidewater Alcohol Safety Action Program. Chairperson, Ethics Committee Association for Specialists in Group Work. Media Review Board-American Counseling Association. Multiculture Issues in Testing committee-AMED. Member, NBCC Test Development Committee for the National Counselors Exam. Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, NIH Group Treatment Improvement Protocol TIP. Research and Dissemination committee-Women in Engineering Program Advocates Network. Ad Hoc Reviewer, NBCC. Publications Committee-AMEDC. Member, Institute Committee American Group Psychotherapy Association. (2001 – 2006; 2009 present). Board member, American Group Psychotherapy Association Board member, Division 49 – American Psychological Association Chair, Development committee – Division 49 (2009 – present) Member, Program Committee – Division 49 (2009 – present) Evaluator, System-wide School Guidance and Counseling, University City, MO. Regional/State Chairperson, Evaluation of Title IV-C programs. Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, LPC test development. Member, State LPC Board Task Force Member, Revision of Licensure Requirements for the state's Board of Professional Counselors. Officer, President/Elect/Past, MAGPS. (1999 - 2001). Officer, President/Elect/Past, MAGPS. (1997 - 1999). State Licensure Board for Professional Counselors. (1994). Task force on revision of counseling licensure requirements. (1993). Chairperson, College of Education Promotion and Tenure Committee. (1991 - 1993). Member, University Enrollment Management Services Committee. (1990 - 1993). Officer, Treasurer, Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society. (1989 - 1993). Chairperson, Student Affairs Committee Senate. (1991 - 1992). Computer and Instructional Resources sub-committee for SACES accreditation. (1991). Faculty representative on the Presidential Inagural committee. (1990). Oral examiner for LPC examination. (1990). Budget and Resources Committee. (1985). Evaluation Team for the Summer Drug Abuse Program for Teenagers. (1985). University/College/Department (Examples) Martin Luther King Recognition Day Committee. (1985). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 13 of 14 Research Council. (1984 - 1985). Dominion Scholars Selection Committee. (1982 - 1985). Search Committee for the Associate Vice-President for Research and Graduate Studies. (1983). Academic Computing Policy Committee. (1982). Faculty Senate's Faculty Status Committee. (1982). Research and Publications Committee. (1982). ROTC Review Board. (1982). Screening Committee for Training Director. (1980). Task Force on Use of Child Study Center. (1980). Faculty Status Committee. (1979). Research Committee. (1979). Search Committee for Special Education. (1979). Task Force to Improve Undergraduate Education. (1979). Visiting Artist and Lecturer. (1979). Public Service (Examples) Guest Speaker, CHROME. Guest Speaker, Community Organizations. Program Coordinator, Lamberts Point. Board Member, ODU Credit Union. Program Coordinator, Portsmouth Public Schools. Board Member, Tidewater ASAP. Guest Speaker, University Speaker's Bureau. Member, Virginia Board of Professional Counselors. (1994 - 1998). Member, Virginia Board of Health Professions. (1994 - 1995). Consulting (Examples) Academic, Individualized Mathematics Instruction Program, Prince Edward County, VA. Academic, State Department's Career Guidance Summer Workshop. Academic, Cartert Technical School and Morehead City Community College, North Carolina. (1982 - 1984). Academic, Title IV-C, Bath County, VA. (1981). Academic, Camden North Carolina County. (1980). Academic, Hampton City Schools. (1980). Academic, Hebrew Academy. (1979). Academic, Norfolk Public Schools. (1979). Academic, Title IV-C, Falls Church, VA. (1979). Academic, Title IV-C, Appomattox, VA. (1979). Academic, University City, Missouri City Schools. (1979). Academic, Title IV-C, Chesapeake, VA. (1978). Academic, Title IV-C, Falls Church, VA. (1978). Academic, Title IV-C, Martinsville, VA. (1978). Report Generated on August 25, 2009 Page 14 of 14
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