Document 60365

table of contents
From the desk of Paula J. Webb, Chief Nursing Officer ..................................................... 1
Nursing Excellence ............................................................................................................ 3
Compassion and Care - Patient Story ................................................................................. 5
Neurosciences and Nursing ............................................................................................... 7
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Expansion ................................................................ 9
Community Service ......................................................................................................... 11
Councils .......................................................................................................................... 13
Developing New Nurses - Residency Program ................................................................. 15
Scholarship...................................................................................................................... 19
Recognition ..................................................................................................................... 25
Cook Children’s Promise ................................................................................................. 33
About Cook Children’s
Cook Children’s Health Care System is a not-for-profit, nationally recognized pediatric health care organization comprised of six
entities – a Medical Center, Physician Network, Home Health company, Northeast Hospital, Health Plan and Health Foundation.
Based in Fort Worth, Texas, the integrated system has more than 60 primary and specialty care offices throughout north Texas. Its
service region includes Denton, Hood, Johnson, Parker, Tarrant and Wise counties, with an additional referral area encompassing
nearly half the state.
Cook Children’s traces its roots back to 1918, but throughout its continual change and robust growth, it still embraces an inspiring
promise – to improve the health of every child in its region through the prevention and treatment of illness, disease and injury. To live
up to this promise, Cook Children’s combines the art of caring with the use of leading technology and extraordinary collaboration to
provide exceptional care for every child, every day. For more information, please visit
Chief Nursing Officer Paula Webb
What a great year to be a nurse at Cook Children’s Medical Center!
As our Magnet-designated team continues to expand our quest for excellence, we
are delighted to announce that Cook Children’s was named to the U.S.News and
World Report’s list of America’s Best Children’s Hospitals once again. For 2009,
Cook Children’s ranked No. 24 for Diabetes and Endocrine, No. 27 for Respiratory
Disorders, No. 27 for Neurology and Neurosurgery and No. 29 for Cancer.
While this recognition keeps us in the national spotlight, I believe it’s our hearts
that truly separate us from others. I’m proud to work for Cook Children’s, not only
for the awards that adorn our walls, but for our shared values, our promise and our
commitment to our patients. We have a tremendous group of compassionate and
collaborative nurses who go above and beyond every day they come to work. They are
a tribute to our profession, and I’m honored to work alongside them.
We are pleased to highlight some of our excellent staff in this report, as well as detail
how our team delivers exemplary and comprehensive care to our children and their
families. Please join me in celebrating Cook Children’s as a leader in pediatric nursing.
Cook Children’s Nursing Service
to Caring
Practice Model
1  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Art and
Paula J. Webb, RN, MSN, NEA-BC
Vice President, Nursing
Chief Nursing Officer
Cook Children’s
nursing excellence
celebrating our nursing excellence
In 2006, the American Nurses Credential Center recognized
Cook Children’s Medical Center as a Magnet-designated
organization, placing it in the top 5 percent of the nation’s
hospitals for its nursing excellence.
With the help of Cook Children’s Magnet Program Director
Julie Withaeger, RN, MSN, RNC-NIC, Cook Children’s will
apply for Magnet re-designation in the fall of 2009. Pending
the acceptance of the application, the medical center will
submit the supporting documentation in August 2010. The
Magnet appraisers will evaluate the document to determine
if a site visit is needed, and the decision to re-designate the
medical center will be made by the Commission on Magnet
The process for gathering information to be used in the
document has already started. There are plans to represent
every area of the medical center, as remarkable examples of
quality care which embody the spirit of the Magnet program
can be found throughout Cook Children’s. Our organization
has truly advanced since our initial designation and we look
forward to sharing this with the Magnet office.
3  2009 Nursing Annual Report
compassion and care
As an Arizona Cardinals fan, Donna Poole, RN,
hoped for a miraculous ending for her team in
the 2009 Super Bowl. And while her Cardinals
came up short, Poole definitely received a
miracle through patient Jake O’Kelly.
Poole left her small Bible fellowship class shortly after
kickoff and made her way to work. She listened to the
game during the drive. Once she began her rounds
in the Cook Children’s Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
(PICU), she met Jake O’Kelly and his family.
Jake was dying. What had begun as a simple sinus
infection for the 12-year-old unfortunately turned into
meningitis. He was non-responsive in a PICU bed and
his prognosis gave his family little hope.
For Poole, Jake’s situation stirred emotional memories.
She herself had once been immobile after going in for
a simple procedure that took a serious turn. But she
always remembered the nurse who talked to her while
she wasn’t conscious.
Poole returned the favor to Jake. She came into his
room on a regular basis and gave the middle school
football player a running play-by-play of the Super
“The Steelers intercepted a pass and ran it back for a
touchdown. It’s halftime.”
strengthened through the night. The family prayed for
Jake. Poole noticed that during the prayer, Jake’s vital
signs stabilized. Later, the O’Kellys invited Poole to
join in their prayer. They didn’t have to ask twice.
“I don’t always pray out loud for my patients, but I pray
for all of them,” Poole said.
Poole and the O’Kelly family believe those prayers led
to what came next.
Poole came into Jake’s room to brush his teeth. Jake’s
mother was asleep and his dad was taking a quick
shower. Jake’s grandmother, his aunt and a family
friend were in the room with Jake. When Poole began
to brush Jake’s teeth, he suddenly pulled both his legs
up to his chest and his hand reached up to Poole’s
hand. Once Jake’s dad came into the room and saw
what was happening, he woke up his wife. Shortly
after, Jake opened his eyes and began to respond to
“Pittsburgh just threw a touchdown pass to take the
lead again.”
“The PICU nurses amazed me with the care and love
they showed our family,” Jana, Jake’s mom, said. “PICU
goes out of their way every minute. Donna did an
absolutely wonderful job that night. I really feel like
she was a godsend. Every nurse in the PICU did an
incredible job for us.”
“Even though they said Jake’s brain had shut down,
you really never know,” Poole said. “I always treat my
patients like they are here. I never assume they can’t
hear us.”
Poole has been a nurse at Cook Children’s for 16 years
and calls Jake’s survival “amazing” and a “humbling”
reminder of God’s work. So maybe her Cardinals didn’t
win it all, but Poole got her miracle.
The bond between Poole and the O’Kellys
“How else would you explain it?” Poole asked.
“The Cardinals took the lead with three minutes to
5  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Name: Donna Poole, RN
Years at Cook Children’s: 16
Area of Expertise: Critical care nursing
“I don’t always pray out loud for my
patients, but I pray for all of them.”
neurosciences and nursing
For families, epilepsy can be a frustrating and confusing
condition. Most children do not experience any warning
signs prior to their first seizure.
Susie Spellman, RN, clinical coordinator for
Cook Children’s Neurology, said most families,
understandably, panic after witnessing their child’s
seizure and believe their child will not be able to live a
normal life. Spellman said that is not usually the case and
most children with epilepsy “can do great things, just like
any other child.”
Because parents often become overwhelmed following
an epilepsy diagnosis, education plays a critical role in
the family’s treatment plan at Cook Children’s.
Cook Children’s Neurology Nurse Educator Jamie
Bankston, RN, MS, leads and manages the familycentered epilepsy education program. She visits with
patient families and speaks to the community to educate
school employees such as nurses, teachers and bus
“It’s important for people to recognize seizures and also
to know the treatments out there for so many kids with
epilepsy,” said Bankston. “Other than contact sports like
football, we normally do not place limitations on the
majority of our patients. We encourage them to live a
normal and productive life.”
Cook Children’s has an advantage over many practices
because each physician is assigned a nurse for their
patient population, allowing the nurses to develop a
strong bond with their families.
“Our nurses do a lot of education, and then we have
Jamie when we need her to help with a situation,”
Spellman said. “When she is getting calls from a family,
we will often coordinate with her and have her attend
the visit with the patient here in the office. Our nurses
are more involved with calling test results to families than
other offices also.”
7  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Because of the number of nurses in Neurology, they
are able to be more focused on specific families. They
can be easily reached for questions or concerns, and
spend more time communicating on a level the family
“Once a nurse gets to know a family, the nurse has a
better idea of the best way to give information to that
family, in a way that they understand it,” Spellman said.
“The difference for the nurse doing education is that
we also do a lot of hand holding during the education
process. Sometimes the family just needs to be able to
speak to a familiar voice and we can be that voice.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
estimates epilepsy affects 2.5 million Americans.
Despite this large number, misconceptions remain
about the disease. Angel Hernandez, M.D., the medical
director of Cook Children’s Comprehensive Epilepsy
Program, said parents often blame themselves for their
child having epilepsy, but there is rarely a history of
epilepsy seizures in a patient’s family. Dr. Hernandez
said parents of children without epilepsy are sometimes
afraid to invite a child with epilepsy to their home,
concerned that their child may “catch” epilepsy or the
epileptic child may have a seizure at their home.
Dr. Hernandez said 70 percent of children with epilepsy
live completely normal lives without any learning
disabilities and should be treated as normal children.
“It is very frustrating for families not to have a specific
reason why this is happening,” Dr. Hernandez said. “It’s
hard to explain to families that most of the time they did
nothing wrong. It’s unfortunate it happened, but now we
have to deal with it and the nurses play a major role in
helping the families understand that.”
Name: Susie Spellman, RN
Years at Cook Children’s: 14
Area of Expertise: Neurology
“Once a nurse gets to know a
family, the nurse has a better
idea of the best way to give
information to that family, in a
way that they understand it.”
nicu expansion
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Cook Children’s
always has been a big part of making the medical center
special. Now it’s getting even bigger.
Thanks in large part to the feedback from the NICU
nurses, the rooms will be specifically designed to fit
the needs of staff, parents and patients. Staff nurses, as
well as parents, have been involved with the new NICU
design from the beginning.
The expansion plan calls for 100 single-bed rooms, as
well as rooms to accommodate twins, triplets and even
a set of quadruplets. The unit will utilize state-of-theart technology regarding light and sound for optimal
neurodevelopment of the infant, while incorporating
true concepts of family-centered care.
The expanded NICU will consist of five separate areas
or units (ranging from 18 to 22 beds) on two floors,
covering 87,000 square feet. In general, babies will
be admitted to one room and stay in that room until
“The heart of the unit will be an atrium with a
‘Starbucks’-type look and feel for both the families
and staff to enjoy,” said NICU Director Barbara Greer,
MSN, RN, NE-BC. “This allows them the opportunity
to have some relaxing time, away from the bedside in
a bright and comforting environment. Directly across
from the atrium, will be the staff lounge that is two
stories, allowing the staff from the five separate units to
socialize in a single area.”
Each floor will have its own family lounge/kitchen and
laundry to accommodate parents who wish to stay
with their infant. Each patient room will have a bed
for a parent, a TV (with headsets for noise control) and
storage for the parent’s personal items. Parents will be
encouraged to attend shift-to-shift reports and become
better partners in care for their infant.
Staffing will change from the current model to
accommodate more individualized care of the baby and
his or her family. Based on Benner’s Model of Novice
to Expert, staff will be leveled by expertise and assigned
to each of the units based on those levels. This allows
for an even distribution of competence for each unit. In
this model, staff will become more familiar with their
patients, as they will consistently work with the same 18
to 22 patients.
Currently, the Cook Children’s NICU belongs to the
Vermont Oxford Network Build and Design team. The
group is working on six potential best practices and is
collaborating with five other NICUs from around the
country that are in various stages of build and design.
“I am honored to be involved in the building design of our new
NICU. It will be comforting, colorful and warm right when you
walk through the doors. It’s exciting to think about how it will help
us provide an even higher level of family-centered care.”
-Wendy Dougherty, RN
9  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Name: Monica Briscoe, RN
Years at Cook Children’s: 3
Area of Expertise: Neonatal nursing
“It is an honor to work with nurses
who genuinely care about our
patients and their families. I am
blessed to be surrounded by talented
individuals who love what they do
and strive to exceed expectations.”
community service
At Cook Children’s, we believe in doing more than just the minimum.
We strive to give extra measures of care and concern to the children
we serve, to their families and to our colleagues in patient care. As
examples to our community, we will lead the way in the giving of
talent, time and philanthropic resources for our sacred cause.
Volunteering expertise to help
protect our families
Recognizing the potential to safeguard children, a team
of Cook Children’s nurses and other employees joined
Harris Methodist Hospital’s Parish Nursing Program in
its effort to administer pediatric flu vaccinations at local
parishes just prior to the 2008 flu season.
When the call for volunteers was made, employees
from across the Cook Children’s system answered
with wholehearted support. As more dates at local
churches were announced, more volunteers came
forward to generously offer their time and expertise.
The Cook Children’s team visited 12 congregations,
volunteered 140 hours and gave 577 vaccines.
Remembering those often forgotten
Cook Children’s helped nearly 100 homeless children
prepare for the 2008-2009 school year through a “school
supply drive.” Within two weeks, Cook Children’s
employees gathered more than 3,000 items, including
binders, crayons and composition books, as well as
store gift cards, checks and cash donations.
On the heels of that drive, Keith Faison, RN, MBA,
director of Nursing Administration, and Jill Koss,
director of Family Support Services, spearheaded
a coat and bedding drive to help keep homeless
children and their parents warm during the chilly
months. Cook Children’s nurses played a major role in
the drive, which helped to gather more than a half-ton
of coats, bedding and blankets.
Promoting the importance of organ
Thanks to the guiding work of Laurie Patterson, RN,
CCRN, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) nurse
manager, Steve Irwin, D.Min. (Doctor of Ministry),
LPC, pastoral care supervisor, and Britt Nelson, M.D.,
PICU medical director, the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services heralded the accomplishments
of Cook Children’s organ donation program with the
Organ Donation Medal of Honor in October 2008.
Cook Children’s has led the nation by achieving a
100 percent conversion rate of eligible donors to
actual donors for the past three years. As the only
free-standing children’s hospital in the state of Texas
that participates in “donation after cardiac death”
(DCD) and features a memorial celebrating the
donors themselves, Cook Children’s has embraced the
important role of leading the way in organ donation at
children’s hospitals, both regionally and nationally.
The American Nurses Association recognized Cook Children’s in 2008 for achieving a 77 percent
employee influenza vaccination rate, which is well above the average of 54 percent among health care
personnel. With heightened internal awareness, the employee vaccination percentage for the 2008-2009
flu season reached 84.7 percent.
11  2009 Nursing Annual Report
nursing councils
The work environment at Cook Children’s is enhanced dramatically through
the creative and collaborative efforts of the nursing governance councils.
The councils assist in decision making by providing innovative ideas and
direction for nursing issues. The councils are represented by staff nurses,
clinical leadership, advanced practice nurses, coordinators and managers.
The eight councils at Cook Children’s, as
well as the Nursing Executive Council, are
defined as follows:
Nursing Executive Council
• Communicates information to and from areas represented.
• Coordinates activities of the councils.
• Facilitates communication/goal attainment.
• Develops a nursing strategic plan in conjunction with the medical
center strategic plan.
• Creates nursing bylaws that describe the council structure.
• Serves as arbitrators during appeals of Clinical Excellence decisions.
• Provides educational and consultative services to council members.
Coordinating Council
• Shares reports and information from all councils.
• Discusses areas of concern from council presentations.
• Provides insight or decisions when appropriate to councils when
Rewards and Recognition Council
• Organizes and celebrates Nurses Week each year.
• Researches different types of certifications available for the pediatric
• Encourages participation in the Great 100 nurses.
• Creates a significant Great 10 Nurses program within Cook Children’s
Medical Center.
• Evaluates and administers a useful staff satisfaction survey tool.
13  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Policies and Procedures Council
• Reviews existing Patient Services Policies and Procedures.
• Recommends new policies as identified by the group.
• Reviews and approves policies and procedures presented
to the committee.
• Assists with the education of staff and serves as liaison
between staff and the committee.
Quality Improvement Council
• Communicates information to and from areas represented.
Nurse Staffing Advisory Council
• Solicits and receives input from nurses on the development,
monitoring and evaluation of the staffing plan.
• Adopts, implements and enforces a written staffing plan.
• Incorporates a process that facilitates the timely and effective
identification of concerns about the staffing plan’s adequacy.
• Provides an annual evaluation of the nurse staffing plan to the
Board of Trustees.
Nurse Managers Council
• Identifies nurse-sensitive quality indicators appropriate to
pediatric setting for monitoring and evaluation.
• Coordinates agenda for medical center-wide nurse managers
• Reviews data identified as usable for benchmarking to identify
opportunities for improvement and best practice.
• Facilitates open forum for dialogue between specific nursing
areas and all other clinical areas.
• Facilitates processes and resources to ensure data is available to
nursing staff.
• Communicates information to the bedside clinicians.
• Provides evidence that patient care areas are accountable to
those receiving service for the evaluation of standards and
determination of compliance.
• Improves patient care through the implementation of an
evaluation system aimed at preventing, detecting and resolving
identified issues.
• Assures communication and reporting of quality improvement
activities to the individual patient care units, chief nursing
officer, directors, risk manager, Legal, Quality Improvement,
Quality in Practice Committee, Quality Analysis and Integration
Committee and the Board of Trustees.
Nursing Evidence-based Practice
and Research Council
• Acts as an advising body to promote, facilitate and evaluate
research and publication activities that enhance the practice of
evidenced-based nursing to improve patient care and outcomes.
• Develops strategic plans for implementing all change that affects
patient care at the staff level.
Professional Development Council
• Provides a forum for discussion of clinical education issues
impacting practice.
• Facilitates evidence-based, outcome-oriented continuing
education programs.
• Promotes mentors and encourages those seeking mentors.
• Develops competent speakers and presenters.
• Creates an environment of quality care through needs-based,
outcome-oriented programs.
• Encourages knowledge and application of nursing standards.
• Recognizes and promotes cultural diversity within the
• Collaborates in the development of unit-based leaders.
• Provides point-of-care education.
• Stimulates interest among Cook Children’s nurses to examine the
basis of their practice.
• Facilitates the application of research and knowledge into
evidenced-based nursing practice.
• Develops support resources which promote the conduct of research
and publication by Cook Children’s nursing professionals.
• Serves as a facilitative review body for nursing research
proposals and professional publications.
2009 Nursing Annual Report  14
developing new nurses
Considering a tertiary care pediatric facility–a practice
environment where clinical judgment is critical–and the limited
exposure nursing students receive in pediatrics, there is an
obvious chasm as the newly graduated nurse seeks to transition
to a clinically competent nurse.
Therefore, Deborah Rubinson, RN, MS, assistant
vice president of education, and Paula Webb, RN,
MSN, NEA-BC, chief nursing officer, collaborated
on a proposal to bridge this gap – a nurse residency
With administrative support, Cook Children’s
post-baccalaureate nurse residency program was
developed in accordance with the Commission on
Collegiate Nursing Education criteria. The residency
will enhance the recruitment, development and
retention of nurses with increased competency and
confidence; socialization to the profession; and
enculturation and commitment to the organization.
In January 2009, Cook Children’s launched its first nurse
residency program with 15 graduate nurses selected
from a competitive application process, including
interviews with educators and nurse managers.
The nurse residency is a 12-month program with two
phases. Phase one consists of five six-week rotations
in various pediatric clinical specialties, followed by a
“shadow week” of learning about partners in caring
such as radiology, translation, laboratory, pharmacy,
dietary and others. Phase two consists of 16 weeks on
the unit where the resident is hired. 
15  2009 Nursing Annual Report
“This program
is a testament
to phenomenal
-Ann Smith, RN,
Name: Barbara Greer, RN, MSN, NE-BC
Years at Cook Children’s: 23
Area of Expertise: Neonatal nursing
“Our new nurses are our future.
Through our residency program,
we have the opportunity to mentor
and grow them to provide the
highest quality of pediatric care for
our patients and their families.”
developing new nurses
“Not only has the residency
program helped me decide
which area of pediatrics I
like best, it has also been a
great way to gain experience
and confidence as I start my
nursing career.”
- Kendyll Helf, RN, BSN
With the guidance of 80 staff nurses who volunteer
Current residents report that some of the best
to be “unit mentors,” the residents complete
aspects of the residency are the rotational exposure
rotations in various pediatric specialties throughout
to different pediatric specialty areas, as well as
Cook Children’s Medical Center. The rotation
meeting staff throughout the medical center. In
opportunity helps the residents learn where they
addition, staff reactions are also overwhelmingly
may fit best.
“This program is a testament to phenomenal
collaboration,” noted Nurse Residency Coordinator
Ann Smith, RN, Ph.D., CPNP, CNE. “Paula Webb
and the Nursing Executive Council provide
leadership and support; nurse managers participate
in the selection process and in an advisory capacity;
positive. Nurses who serve as unit mentors during
the residents’ rotations are gratified by watching the
new graduates develop clinical competence.
A second cohort of 15 new graduate nurses started
in June 2009. The participants were selected from
a pool of 80 applicants from 28 different university
schools of nursing in nine states. Eleven different
schools of nursing are represented among the 15
educators provide nursing specialty expertise for
graduate nurses selected for this group, which
the classes that are part of the required curriculum
shows there is raised awareness about the quality of
and serve as career mentors; and unit mentors guide
nursing at Cook Children’s Medical Center and the
clinical practice.”
residency program.
17  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Name: Michelle Mayeux, RN
Years at Cook Children’s: 2
Area of Expertise: Neurology
“I feel lucky because my floor has a
great team of doctors, nurses, techs,
care partners, medics and Child Life
staff. Everyone works together to help
the days go smoothly.”
nursing scholarship
The culture of nursing scholarship at Cook Children’s continues
to expand on a daily basis. Our nurses are discovering new
knowledge through research, applying evidence to change
practice and improve patient outcomes and sharing their new
knowledge and practice innovations with other nurses through
presentations at professional conferences.
The Cook Children’s Nursing Evidence-based Practice (EBP) and Research Council had a busy year with a strong
emphasis on promoting evidence-based practice. Composed of staff nurses, educators, advanced practice nurses
and faculty from local schools of nursing, the council members served as “EBP/Research Ambassadors.” They often
traveled to each of the units, taking information about the council and resources to support EBP and research
activities. Additionally, the council sponsored workshops, unit-based presentations and brown bag lunches on
selected EBP and research topics.
Evidence-based Practice Projects
Family Involvement in Shift Report
(Four Pavilion Epilepsy Monitoring Unit)
Needle Stick Pain Protocol
(Fourth Floor and Emergency Department)
Involving parents in shift report is one way to partner
Reducing or eliminating pain associated with needle sticks
with family members and encourage them to be included
is an essential component of pediatric care. This EBP project,
in the plan of care. This EBP project will determine if
led by Cook Children’s Texas Christian University EBP
family involvement in shift report, along with a hand-off
fellows, aims to update the current pain protocol, introduce
communication model, helps improve patient outcomes,
new needle stick pain reduction methods, increase use of
communication, documentation, customer satisfaction
the pain protocol and increase patient satisfaction.
scores and staff satisfaction.
Securing Peripheral IV
(Pilot on Fifth Floor and Cardiovascular Surgery)
Enteral Nutrition for Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant
Patients (Hematology and Oncology Third Floor)
This nurse-led multidisciplinary EBP project introduced
This house-wide EBP project aims to identify and pilot
enteral nutrition for stem cell transplant patients in place
test the most effective methods to secure peripheral IVs
or in combination with the standard of total parenteral
to achieve the outcomes of easier site visualization,
nutrition. The projected outcomes are improved or
decreased infiltrations and dislodgments, cost effectiveness
maintained nutritional status, reduced length of stay and
and ease of use.
decreased cost. 
19  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Name: Trish Anderson, RN
Years at Cook Children’s: 1
Area of Expertise: Hematology and Oncology
“It’s great to work side by side
with such an exceptional staff
taking care of our children. I can’t
imagine working anywhere else.”
nursing scholarship
Pediatric Early Warning System or PEWS
(Pilot on Third Floor)
Neonatal Pain Assessment
(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
To facilitate the outcomes of early recognition and
Dissatisfied with their current pain assessment tool, nurses
from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit-based council are
evaluating the evidence to identify the most effective pain
assessment tool specifically for neonates. This EBP team
has expanded to include physician colleagues, and the
team is working toward development and implementation
of an evidenced-based pain management protocol.
intervention for children with deteriorating medical
conditions, this EBP project was created to evaluate the
use and efficacy of the PEWS by nursing staff.
Stem Cell Transplant Orientation Program
(Hematology and Oncology Stem Cell/
Bone Marrow Transplant Third Floor)
The third floor unit-based council identified that caring
for complex, critically ill patients undergoing stem cell
transplants required greater proficiency and expertise
than what was currently being provided in the general
Hematology and Oncology orientation. This EBP team
evaluated and incorporated research evidence and staff
survey data to develop an interactive stem cell transplant
orientation. While nurse satisfaction and confidence has
increased, evaluation of outcomes is ongoing.
Competency-based Staffing
(Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit management team was
looking for the most effective way to provide staffing that
would not just provide an adequate number of nurses, but
optimal experience and skill levels. Using Benner’s theory of
Novice to Expert and other research evidence, this EBP team
implemented a staffing model based on the nurses’ level of
competency (based on Benner’s levels) to ensure that there
is always a set mix of experience on any given shift. Nurse
satisfaction and patient outcomes are being evaluated.
Cook Children’s nurses are also obtaining new knowledge through research, and we are especially proud of our nurses who are
developing and leading research studies. In addition, Cook Children’s nurses participate in national multi-center studies though
collaborative groups such as Child Health Corporation of America (CHCA), The National Association of Children’s Hospitals and
Related Institutions (NACHRI), National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) and Vermont Oxford Network (VON).
Nursing Research
Adams, C., Badgett, V., Peterson, C., Rubinson, D. and
Smith, A. B. ~ Content Analysis of an Interdisciplinary
Communication Tool Used in an Inpatient Pediatric Setting.
Newcomb, P. ~ DNA Methylation Patterns in Children with
Bashore, L. ~ Establishing the Content Validity of the POWE
Fatalism Inventory (PFI) in Young Adult Hispanic Childhood
Cancer Survivors: An Exploratory Approach.
Peterson, C. ~ NACHRI Survey for Pediatric Intensive Care
Unit (PICU) Nurse Managers: Retaining the Experienced RN
in the PICU.
Brown, D. ~ Attitude of Novice Nurses’ in Pediatric
Palliative Care.
Peterson, C. ~ NACHRI Reducing Catheter-associated
Blood Stream Infections Initiative.
Hoff, T. ~ Acuity-adjusted Staffing, Nurse Practice
Environments and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Outcomes.
Smith, A. ~ Post-baccalaureate Nurse Residency Evaluation.
Hoff, T. ~ The Effect of Nursing on Neonatal Intensive Care
Unit Patient Outcomes.
SouthWorth, B. and Chapa, O. ~ Skin Integrity in Critically
Ill and Injured Children.
21  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Patterson, L. ~ Safety Attitude Questionnaire (NACHRI).
Smith, A. B. ~ CHCA Pediatric Inpatient Falls Study.
In an effort to help others in the field, nurses at Cook Children’s are sharing their
knowledge, discoveries and practice innovations through presentations and publications.
We are proud of the interest and effort our nurses have demonstrated in submitting dozens of abstracts to state and national
conferences. An exceptional acceptance rate of more than 90 percent is evidence of the quality of work taking place at
Cook Children’s. In addition, our staff’s work was highlighted in eight professional journal publications.
Poster Presentations
Adams, C., Badgett, V., Peterson, C., Rubinson, D. and
Smith, A. B.
Content Analysis of a Multidisciplinary Communication Tool
in a Pediatric Inpatient Setting. Children’s Hospital Association
of Texas Nursing Conference, 11/08, Winner Outstanding
Research Poster. Sigma Theta Tau/Delta Theta Chapter Research
Symposium, 12/08, Winner First Place for Excellence Research Posters.
Anderson, C.
A Patient Safety Program in a Pediatric Intraoperative MRI
(iMRI) Suite. Society of Pediatric Nurses National Conference,
Castro, S., Trinkman, H., Jenson, J., Bretlinger, A. and Mansell, M.
Rooming-In: An Educational Program for Pediatric Stem Cell
Transplant Discharge. Accepted 2009 Association of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology Nurses National Conference.
Colby, B.
Repeat Back to Me: A Program to Improve Understanding
and Retention of Health Care Information. 2009 NACHRI
Conference, 3/09. Society of Pediatric Nurses National
Conference, 4/09. 
Bankston, J.
Infantile Spasms: A Teaching Protocol. Children’s Hospital
Association of Texas Nursing Conference, 11/08. Society of
Pediatric Nurses National Conference, 4/09.
Brennan, L., Mansell, M., Tettleton, S. and Odiorne, A.
Empowering Nurses and Improving Patient Care by Creating a
Unit-based Council. Accepted 2009 Association of Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology Nurses National Conference.
Camp, S.
Application of the Therapeutic Milieu Concept for Staff in a
Pediatric Medical Surgical Setting. Society of Pediatric Nurses
Conference National Conference, 4/09.
Castro, S., Clark, T., Heym, J., Howrey, R.,
Burdock, C., Molina, M., King, G. and Brennan, L.
An Evidence-based Practice Project to Implement Enteral
Feeding for Nutrition Support During Pediatric Stem Cell
Transplant. Sigma Theta Tau/Delta Theta Chapter Research
Symposium, 12/08, Winner First Place for Excellence - EBP
2009 Nursing Annual Report  22
nursing scholarship
Hoff, T.
Implementation of a Primary Neonatal Line Insertion Team.
Accepted 2009 National Neonatal Nurses Association
Hood, J., Smith, A. B., Murphey, D. K. and LaCoe, L.
An Evidence-based, Patient-centered Model to Increase
Influenza Vaccination Rates in Pediatric Health Care Workers.
Sigma Theta Tau/Delta Theta Chapter Research Symposium,
12/08. Society of Pediatric Nurses National Conference, 4/09.
LaCoe, L., Park, J., Mazade, M., Shelton, M. and Dunn, J.
Rapid Interventions to Limit Transmission of Vancomycinresistant Enterococci in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA),
Molina, M., Hennon, J., Brown, E., Hartman, V. and
Douglas, K.
Using Evidence to Develop and Implement a Stem Cell
Transplant Orientation Program. Accepted 2009 Association
of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses National
Smith, A. B., Newcomb, P. and Webb, P.
Implementation of a New Professional Practice Model:
Impact on Pediatric Nurse Job Satisfaction. 22nd annual
Conference of the Southern Nursing Research Society,
2/08. 18th annual Convention of the Society of Pediatric
Nurses, 4/08.
Smith, A. B., Withaeger, J., Adams, C. and Newcomb, C.
PICO de Practice: An Easy Interactive Method to Learn the
PICO Format for Clinical Questions. 7th annual Summer
Institute on Evidence-based Practice, UT Health Science
Center at San Antonio, Texas, 6/08. Society of Pediatric
Nurses National Conference, 4/09.
Withaeger, J.
The Perks Plan: Utilizing Shared Governance to Improve
Retention and Morale. Society of Pediatric Nurses National
Conference, 4/09.
Podium Presentations
Bashore, L.
Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment. 29th annual
Western Regional Oncology Conference, 1/09.
23  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Bashore, L.
Childhood Cancer Survivorship: Tips for Survival. 3rd
annual Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Forum, 2/09.
Bashore, L.
Life With and After Cancer: Children, Adolescents and
Young Adults. Educational Symposium University of North
Texas Health Science Center, 5/09.
Beck, R.
Code Blue: Breathing Life Back into Your Dying Chapter.
2008 American Association of Critical Care Nurses –
National Teaching Institute (NTI), 5/08.
Beck, R.
Living Large: Post Operative and Follow-up Care of the
Gastric Bypass Patient. 2009 American Association of
Critical Care Nurses – National Teaching Institute (NTI),
Burdock, C., Clark, T., King, G. and Downs, H.
An Evidence-based Practice Project to Implement Enteral
Feeds During Pediatric Stem Cell Transplant. Accepted
Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses
2009 National Conference.
Colby, B.
Repeat Back to Me: A Program to Improve Understanding.
3rd annual Case Management Conference, 9/08.
Droke, J.
Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency and the Transition
Patient. Endocrinology Nursing Society 2009 Convention,
Frey, S. and Redmon, S.
Impact of a Primary Neonatal Line Insertion Team. Pediatrix
Dallas/Fort Worth Quality Improvement Collaborative,
Frey, S. and Redmon, S.
What’s In Your Line? Perinatal-Neonatal Institute, 5/09.
Greer, B.
Moving Up, Out or Sideways: What is Right for You? 13th
annual NICU Leadership Meeting, 4/09.
Greer, B.
Competency-based Staffing Model in the NICU. 13th
annual NICU Leadership Conference, 4/09. Accepted 2009
National Neonatal Nurses Association Conference.
Hood, J.
Adult Immunization Update 2009. North Texas Association of
Occupational Health Nurses Conference, 3/09.
Protection through Decontamination and Doffing. Proceedings
of National Occupational Research Agenda Symposium, Denver,
Colorado, 7/08.
Ransom, S.
Certified Pediatric Nurse Preparation Course. Cook Children’s
Medical Center, 4/09.
Larrañaga, M. D., Karunasena, E., Gratton, T.,
Hood, J., Palmer, E., Holder, H. W. and Straus, D. C.
(2008). Risk Associated with Microbial Contamination in
Healthcare Facilities: A Mixed Model for Fungal and Bacterial
Contamination. Journal of ASHRAE, 5/08.
Smith, A. B.
Empowering Pediatric Nurses Through Evidence-based Practice.
Pre-Conference, 18th annual Convention of the Society of
Pediatric Nurses, 4/08.
Smith, A. B. and Green, A.
Creating Successful Abstracts and Posters: Getting Started.
Society of Pediatric Nurses National Conference, 4/09.
Smith, J., Newcomb, P., Sunberg, E. and Shaffer, P.
(2009). Relationship of Opioid Analgesic Protocols to Assessed
Pain and Length of Stay in the Pediatric Post-anesthesia Unit
Following Tonsillectomy. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing,
24(2), 86-9.
Smith, A. B. and Newcomb, P.
Practical Considerations for Conducting the Assent Process with
Adolescents. 22nd annual Conference of the Southern Nursing
Research Society, 2/08.
Newcomb, P., Smith, A. B. and Webb, P.
(2009). Relationship of Nurse Job Satisfaction to Implementation
of a Professional Practice Model. Southern Online Journal of
Nursing Research (in-press).
Ward, S., Dorman-O’Donnell, M. and Hickman, G.
Removing Barriers to Health Care for the Homeless. NACHRI
and N.A.C.H. 2009 Creating Connections Conference, 3/09.
Hood, J.
(2008). Pertussis Update - An Occupational Health Perspective
for the 21st Century. Journal of the American Association of
Occupational Health Nurses, 56(1), 7-8.
“By sharing our successful approaches with other
health care providers, we can also contribute to the
prevention of illness outside our community.”
– Cook Children’s Director of Occupational Health
Services Joyce Hood, MPH, RN, COHN-S
Hood, J.
(2008). Health Care Work Hazards and Pregnancy: An Evidencebased Approach to Job Assignment and Reassignment. Journal of
the American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, 56(8),
Hood, J. and Boyce, A.
(2008). OSHA 300 Log Record-keeping Basics for Hospital
Employee Health Nurses. Journal of the Association of
Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare, summer 2008.
Hood, J., Murphey, D. K. and Dunn, J.
(2008). Hospital-Acquired Pertussis Among Newborns – Texas,
2004. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 57(22), 600-603.
Bolton, F. N., Volz, D. L., Hood, J. and Larrañaga, M. D.
(2008). Dirty Doffing Evaluation: Improving Continuity of
* Bolded names represent Cook Children’s nursing staff.
2009 Nursing Annual Report  24
nursing recognition
Cook Children’s is proud of the many achievements of our
extraordinary nursing staff.
On the following pages, we celebrate our nurses who have completed our Clinical Excellence program,
received advanced certifications, been recognized for the Texas Nurses Association’s District Three and Four
Great 100 Nurses and the Cook Children’s Great 10 Nurses awards. In addition, we have partnered with The
DAISY Foundation to recognize our nurses with The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses. Join us in celebrating
the exceptional care our nurses provide to every child, every day.
Clinical Excellence
Carin Adams, RN, BSN, CPN
Sheila Guinn, RN, BSN
Karen Osborn, RN
Staci Alldredge, RN
Beth Gunn, RN
Cindi Pace, RN
Kimberly Anthony, RN
Stacy Hall-Ford, RN, BSN, CPN
Linda Paytonjian, RN
LeAnn Ash, RN, BSN, CCRN
Kimberly Harbold, RN, BSN
Fay Philpot, RN, BSN, RNC
Cristina Ayala, RN, BSN
Sandra Hendrix, RN, BSN
Sara Redden, RN
Donna Baker, RN, RNC
Lori Hill, RN, BSN, RNC
Jerri Redding, RN
Janet Baker, RN, BSN, CCRN
Dena Horton, RN, BSN
Linda Roark, RN
Kimberly Bobbitt, RN, BSN
Gwen Hughes, RN
Sara Roderick, RN, CPN
Ginger Brewer, RN, BSN
Wannetta Hughes, RN
Tammy Scarpello, RN
Karen Burnett, RN, CPN
Melissa Irving, RN, BSN, RNC
Shawna Sherrill, RN
Cathleen Carter, RN, RNC
Michelle Jimenez, RN
Moveta Simonson, RN
Mindy Coats, RN, BSN
Rebekah Jones, RN, BSN
Loyd Stearman, RN, BSN
Floyd Collins, RN, BSN
Ginelle King, RN, BSN
Renae Taggart, RN, RNC
Linda Cumbie, RN, BSN
Kassandra Kubes, CRNA
Cheryl Thames, RN
Natalie Deal, RN, BSN, CPN
Stephanie Lavin, RN
Jesse Tucker, RN
Katie Fenton, RN, BSN
Tracie Lehner, RN, BSN
Katy Walthall, RN, BSN
Shannon Flowers, RN, CPN
Brenda Liberto, RN
Ulla-Britt Wilson, RN, BSN, CNOR
Dorene Foster, RN, BSN, CCRN
Shirley Martin, RN, BSN, CPN
Jennifer Woodruff, RN, BSN
Laura Garrett, RN, CPN
Melinda McCullough, RN, BSN, CPON
Shonda Yocham, RN
Christie Gatewood, RN, BSN
Deana McLelland, RN
Susan Zappa, RN, CPN
Sarah Goodall, RN
Trona Milano, RN, BSN, CCRN
Leslie Zimpleman, RN, BSN 
Kim Gosdin, LVN
Roberta Miller, RN, BSN
Laurie Growald, RN
Bethany Olinger, RN
25  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Name: Angela Childers, RN
Years at Cook Children’s: 1
Area of Expertise: Comprehensive medical care
“Children are such a big part of our
future, and getting a chance to be a small
part of their tomorrow by helping them,
makes working at Cook Children’s that
much more wonderful.”
nursing recognition
Advanced Certifications
Carin Adams, RN, BSN, CPN
Karen Burnett, RN, CPN
Angelique Donnelly, RN, CPN
Kathy Alexander, RN, CNOR
Beth Camacho, RN, BSN, CPN
Michelle Dozier, RN, BSN, CPN
Marinda Allender, RN, MSN, CPN
Leigh Campbell, RN, CPN
Jan Droke, RN, CDE
Chelsea Anderson, RN, BSN, CNOR
Cathleen Carter, RN, BSN, RNC
Brad Dunn, RN, CCRN
Patti Archilles, RN, BSN, CPN
Dena Casey, RN, BSN, RNC
Noelia Echols, RN, BSN, CPN
LeAnn Ash, RN, BSN, CCRN
Sophia Castro, RN, BSN, CPON
Mary England, RN, CPUR, CLNC
Ronnie Atchley, RN, CNOR
Orlando Chapa, RN, MHA, CCRN
Tiffany Epperson, RN, BSN, CPUR
Cristina Ayala, RN, CPN
Gabriela Chavez, RN, BSN, CPN
Amarina Evans, RN, CEN
Karen Backus, RN, BSN, CCRN
Stephanie Church, RN, CPON
Elizabeth Evans, RN, SANE-A
Donna Baker, RN, RNC
Teresa Clark, RN, BSN, MCHA, CPON
Sharon Evans, RN, BSN, CPN
Janet Baker, RN, BSN, CCRN
Jana Cline, RN, RNC
Laurie Fenton, RN, RNC
Julie Bakke, RN, RNC
Shelley Clonts, RN, BSN, CPN
Shannon Flowers, RN, CPN
Mary Balknap, RN, BSN, CPN
Rebecca Colby, RN, CPUR
Joan Ford, RN, CPN, CPUR
Stacy Baller, RN, CPN
Floyd Collins, RN, CCRN
Dorene Foster, RN, BSN, CCRN
Angela Barton, RN, CDE
Megan Collins, RN, BSN, CPN
Karen Frank, RN, CCM
Carla Beard, RN, CCM
Kathy Cook, RN, CCRN
Keith Franklin, RN, BSN, CCRN
Jodi Bell, RN, CCM
Dinah Cooke, RN, CPN
Deborah Fresch, RN, CCM, CPUR
Linda Biron, RN, CPN
Sandra Corbin, RN, CPN
Dawn Galloway, RN, CPUR
Diane Bonham, RN, IBCLC
Leeann Cornelison, RN, CDE
Heith Gammons, RN, BSN, CCRN
Deborah Boudreaux, RN, BSN, CCRN
Melissa Crable, RN, RNC
Debra Gardiner, RN, CPN, CLNC
Jeannie Bradley, RN, BSN, CPN
Gayla Craig, RN, CPN
Laura Garrett, RN, CPN
Cam Brandt, RN, BSN, CPN, CEN
Kristi Creed, RN, CNRN
Karen Gartner, RN, BSN, CPON
Mary Branum, RN, CEN
Kim Crill, RN, CCRN
Irene Gill, RN, CPN
Kelli Brazzel, RN, BSN, CPN
Rhonda Crowson, RN, BSN, CCRN
Marilyn Godkin, RN, CPN
Kay Breaux, RN, CPN
Lisa Curiel, RN, CPN
Kathleen Gordon, RN, BSN, CPON
Ginger Brewer, RN, CCRN
Shawn Dailey, RN, BSN, CPN
Mariel Gotera, RN, CNOR
Donna Brown, RN, CCRN
Julie Dandridge, RN, CPN
Barbara Greer, RN, MSN, NEA-BC
Shetrelia Brown, RN, CPN
Kathryn Davis, RN, CNOR
Kathy Grieser, RN, CCRN
Beth Browning, RN, RNC
Natalie Deal, RN, BSN, CPN
Stacey Groome, RN, BSN, CPN
Holly Buchanan, RN, BSN, CNOR
Araceli Desmarais, RN, RNC, SANE-A
Laurie Growald, RN, CPN
Cheryl Bullock, RN, CLNC
Dawn Dewall, RN, BSN, CEN
Jennifer Guenther, RN, BSN, RNC
Caitlyn Burdock, RN, BSN, CPN
Leigh Donahue, RN, CCRC
Carolyn Guess, RN, BSN, CPN
27  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Sharon Gunter, RN, CPN
Melody Hackfeld, RN, RNC
Ashleigh Haggard, RN, CPON
Stacy Hall, RN, BSN, CPN
Sherry Hamilton, RN, CPN
Lynette Harless, RN, CCM, CLNC
Sheralyn Hartline, RN, BSN, RNC
Rosamarie Hatch, RN, CPUR
Connie Headley, RN, BSN, RNC
Donna Heine, RN, CPUR
Janice Hennon, RN, CPN
Gina Hernandez, RN, BSN, CPN
Shelley Hernandez, RN, CCM
Jennie Heym, RN, BSN, CPON
Lori Hill, RN, BSN, RNC
Susan Hillin, RN, BSN, RNC
Bronwyn Holland, RN, CPN
Ginelle King, RN, CPN
Anne Mattern, RN, BSN, CNOR
Diane Holman, RN, BSN, CPN
James Kubecka, RN, BSN, CCRN
Maureen Mayeux, RN, CPN
Katherine Holstrom, RN, RNC
Jamie Kuhn, RN, BSN, CPN
Melinda McCullough, RN, CPON
Andrea Horsch, RN, BSN, CPON
Lisa LaCoe, RN, BSN, CIC
Kami McCurdy, RN, BSN, CPN
Barry Hudson, RN, BSN, CEN
Kara Lanning, RN, BSN, CPN
Nancy McEntire, RN, BSN, CEN
Traci Huff, RN, CPN
Alicia Layman, RN, CPON
Michelle McMillan, RN, CDE
Heather Hurford, RN, CPN
Elizabeth Leeper, RN, BSN, CNOR
Melinda Meacham, RN, CCRC
Melissa Irving, RN, BSN, RNC
Rosa Leos, RN, CNOR
Rebecca Meester,; RN, CPN
Diane Jackson, RN, CPN
Sally Leppla, RN, CPN
Trona Milano, RN, BSN, CCRN
Paula Jackson, RN, RNC
Jennifer Lipscomb-Rios, RN, BSN, CPUR
Alma Milburn, RN, BSN, CPN
Michelle Jimenez, RN, CPN
Amy Locker, RN, BSN, CPN
Roberta Miller, RN, BSN, CPN
Frances Johnson, RN, CPN
Becky Lowery, RN, BSN, CPN
Theresa Miller, RN, RNC
Cynthia Jones, RN, BSN, CPN
Amelia Macalua, RN, RNC
Bernyce Molenda, RN, BSN, CNOR
Yvette Keenan, RN, BSN, CPN
Rita Maddux-Potter, RN, CPN
Maranda Molina, RN, BSN, CPON
Bernadette Kelly, RN, SANE-A
Amy Madsen, RN, BSN, CPN
Cynthia Moore, RN, BSN, CPON
Amy Key, RN, CPON
Miriam Marshall, RN, RN-BC
Scott Muchow, RN, CPN
Gail King, RN, CPN, CPON
Shirley Martin, RN, BSN, CPN
Linda Muecke-Roark, RN, RNC 
2009 Nursing Annual Report  28
nursing recognition
Advanced Certifications (continued)
Elizabeth Musser, RN, RNC
Jerri Redding, RN, CPN
Kerrie Sutton, RN, CPN
Darla Nagel, RN, CPN
Maryann Reed, RN, CNRN
Tina Sutton, RN, BSN, CPN
Catherine Neiswender, RN, BS, CPUR
Sara Roderick, RN, CPN
Renae Taggart, RN, RNC
Vicki Nelms, RN, CPN
Marsha Rogers, RN, CCRN
Sharon Tatum, RN, CNOR
Sharon Nelson, RN, CNN
Sheila Rogers, RN, RNC
Cheryl Thames, RN, CPN
Brooke Nobles, RN, CPN
Julie Rudd, RN, BSN, CNN
Paula Thieme, RN, CDE
Kathy Norman, RN, CPN
Rosemarie Russ, RN, BSN, SANE-A
Nancy Thurmon, RN, BSN, CPHQ
Tamisha Northam, RN, BSN, CPN
Jo Russell, RN, BSN, CPON
Diane Todd, RN, CCM
Regina O’Connor, RN, CPN
Nancy Russell, RN, MS, CPN
Toni Tucker, RN, BSN, RNC
Lori Oelschlager, RN, CCM
Erica Ramirez Salaiz, RN, CPN
Sheila Unwin, RN, CPN
Brenda Osborne, RN, CPN
Carla Sams, RN, RNC
Margaret Ostrom, RN, CPUR
Deb Sapp, RN, CPN
Heather Owen, RN, BSN, CPN, CPON
Saskia Schroats, RN, CPN
Carol Paek, RN, BSN, RNC
Sara Scott, RN, CCRC
Bridget Page, RN, COHN-S
Claudia Sebastian, RN, CPN
Jan Park, RN, CIC
Theresa Seigler, RN, BSN, CPN
Laurie Patterson, RN, CCRN
Sherry Senevey, RN, MSN, CNAA, BC
Terri Pearcy, RN, CPN
Diana Shannon, RN, CCRN
Cynthia Penland, RN, CPN
Courtney Sheward, RN, CNOR
Amy Peterson, RN, CPN
Joanie Shreve, RN, CPN
Cheryl Petersen, RN, MBA, CCRN
Movetta Simonson, RN, CST
Kristin Peterson, RN, CCM
Sharon Smith, RN, MSN, CPN
Fay Philpot, RN, BSN, RNC
Tonya Sosebee, RN, BSN, CPN
Lisa Pickens, RN, CPN
Lisa Dawn St. Clair, RN, BSN, CPN
Terri Pippin, RN, CPN
Jennifer St. Peters, RN, BSN, CPN
Narae Wilson, RN, BSN, CPN
Sharon Pollard, RN, BSN, CPN
Linda Stacy, RN, CPN
Ulla-Britt Wilson, RN, BSN, CNOR
Gary Potter, RN, CFRN
Jeanie Stakes, RN, CNOR, RNFA
Carol Wise, RN, CPN
Janet Powers, RN, BSN, CPN
Jennifer Stephen, RN, MSN, CPN
Julie Withaeger, RN, MSN, RNC-NIC
Cynthia Raines, RN, CPN
Barbara Stewart, RN, BSN, CPN
Rachel Witten, RN, CPN
Judy Ramsey, RN, CPUR
Catherine Stewart, RN, RNC
Ronica Wright-Loewen, RN, CCRC
Sharon Ransom, RN, MHA, CPN
Glenna Stone, RN, CPN
Patti Samarron, RN, RNC
Shelley Read, RN, BSN, CPN
Erin Sundberg, RN, BSN, CPN
Susan Zappa, RN, CPN
29  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Leslie Varnon, RN, CPN
Linda Vaughan, RN, CCM
Wendy Wadley, RN, CPN
Lisa Wafer, RN, CPN
Lisa Waggoner, RN, CNOR
Miriam Waks-Grantham, RN, CPUR
Candace Walker, RN, BSN, RNC
Tony Wallace, RN, BSN, CPN
Kathryn Walthall, RN, CPN
Sally Ward, RN, CPN
Nadine Waycaster, RN, BSN, CPN
Paula Webb, RN, MSN, NEA-BC
Cynessa Whaley, RN, CNOR
Gena White, RN, BSN, CPN
Tammy Williamson, RN, CNOR
2009 Cook Children’s
Great 10 Nurses
Linda Biron, RN, CPN
Kathy Cook, RN, CCRN
Julie Dandridge, RN, CPN
Noelia Echols, RN, BSN, CPN
2009 Texas Nurses
Association’s District
Three and Four Great
100 Nurses
2008-2009 DAISY
Award Winners
Carin Adams, RN, BSN, CPN
Linda Cumbie, RN, BSN
Paula Webb, RN, MSN, NEA-BC
Matt Williams, LVN
Deb McGrew, RN
Rachael Hancock, RN
Stellena Giddings, LVN
Sana Massad, RN, MSN
Barry Hudson, RN, BSN, CEN
Ollie Burke, RN
Sandy Lopez, RN, BSN
Travis Weilbacher, RN, BSN
Anita Proctor, RN, BSN
Cindy Pace, RN, BSN
Sally Ward, RN, CPN
JoAnn Bradden, RN
Carol Wise, RN, CPN
Linda Glenn, RN, BSN
Loyd Stearman, RN, BSN
In April 2009, Cook Children’s Chief
Nursing Officer Paula J. Webb, RN, MSN,
NEA-BC, (on left) and DAISY Foundation
founders Mark and Bonnie Barnes (on right)
recognized JoAnn Bradden, RN, with an
honored DAISY Award. While visiting
Cook Children’s, Mark Barnes could see the
connection between the talented nurses he
met in the halls with those who had cared
for his son and were the inspiration for
starting the DAISY Foundation. “Nurses so
many times say, ‘I was just doing my job,’”
said Barnes. “But what they do, means so
much more than that to families.”
2009 Nursing Annual Report  30
our promise
Knowing that every child’s life is sacred, it is the promise
of Cook Children’s to improve the health of every child in
our region through the prevention and treatment of illness,
disease and injury.
Every Child: 2020
Every Child: 2020 is the “map” we follow to improve the
health of every child in our region.
Map points:
1. Enhance the child-and family-centered
environment of care.
2. Expand access to health services.
3. Provide the highest quality of care and safety
built upon evidence from clinical and health
services research.
4. Foster the continued growth and development
of great physicians, great leaders and great staff.
5. Capitalize upon our unique health care delivery
system to better integrate processes, services
and companies.
6. Enhance community-wide collaborations, coordinate
health resources and information, to meet the
region’s growing children’s health needs.
33  2009 Nursing Annual Report
Cook Children’s values are:
Safety, Integrity, Caring, Collaboration,
Innovation, Giving