A ug u st 2 0 1 4 FirstWord V ol um e 1 9, N um b er 7 First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville A Companionship of Faith On A Spiritual Adventure Following Jesus Christ Mission Statement Our mission is to gather and grow disciples of Jesus Christ. Sunday Morning Schedule – See how we are continuing our ministries with new vitality as we work around the renovations that have begun in our church facility. Put this schedule on your kitchen fridge so you don’t miss the celebrations! See Page 6. Broadcast Hours Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Channel 4, Vernon Hills Wednesday 5 p.m. Channel 17 Libertyville, Waukegan, Zion Sermons also found on website each week. (See web address below.) Sunday at Six – Be sure to try our new worship service at 6 p.m. starting August 17 this month! It will be a traditional service with some creative twists. Communion will be served every week and first class music will lift our spirits. Finish the week with a spiritual uplift! See Page 2. Church Office 219 West Maple Avenue Libertyville, Il 60048 Phone: Fax: E-mail: Website: FirstRenewal is Beginning! – Learn about the construction schedule and process and celebrate the fulfillment of a long season of prayer and sacrifice! See Page 8. (847) 362-2174 (847) 362-7691 [email protected] FirstPresLibertyville.org Summer Book Read! – It is not too late to participate in a fascinating and informative summer book read! Join in the conversation on Wednesday evening, Sept. 3. See Page 12. Children’s Ministry Begins! – Sign up and make plans for your kids to participate in the many opportunities for faith formation we offer our children and their families. See Page 11. Inside Word Parish News 2 Rally Day 3 School Supply Drive 3 Treasurers Report 3 Inquirers Classes 4 Baptism Dates 5 Session Highlights 7 Strategic Planning Team 8 Choir Schedule 9 Feed My Starving Children 10 First Formation – Children 11 First Formation – Adults 12 Prayer and Praise 15 Worship Schedule 16 Breaking Bread Together – Get to know other friends from our First Pres family by celebrating a meal together in the hospitality of a member’s home. This is a great way to strengthen our family of faith! See Page 5. Music Ministry Begins! – Let your voice be added to the gifts of others in praise to God. See how you and your household can participate and sustain our vital ministry of music! See Page 9. Building Faith – Read the Pastor’s Study and celebrate a culmination of faithful giving to lead us into a new season of life as God’s people in Lake County. See Page 2. P ag e 2 F ir st P r e s by ter ia n Ch ur c h of Lib er ty v ll e Building Faith … for our future P A R ISH N E W S I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed. ~Romans 1:8 Sunday at Six In 2007, before the Great Recession, our congregation launched a campaign of giving in faith toward a future God was fashioning for us all. This month, our congregation will build upon a legacy of faithfulness and sacrificial love. As a consequence of our efforts, we will have a campus that is infinitely more accessible and inviting than what we share now. There will be a fresh look and feel throughout our facilities. Faith will be built and sustained for generations to come, all thanks to your generosity as a congregation. I thank God for this congregation and our commitment in faith for a future that God is working out through our lives together. As part of this effort, we are moving into a season of adjustment as the work begins. Instead of sitting back on our haunches and reacting to the fates, we see this as an opportunity to expand our mission. Since our Sanctuary will be under renovation until Christmas, and all the facilities will not be completed until Easter, we are adjusting our worship times to facilitate movement and ministry in smaller quarters. Beginning August 17, our traditional worship service in the Sanctuary will move from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and will meet in Fellowship Hall. Our Chapel service will move from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. A new service of worship will begin at 6:00 p.m. as a means of accommodating the reduced seating due to our renovation. We pray all will “pardon our dust” but we are not apologetic. We celebrate the faith being demonstrated and built! This is a proclamation of our faith to our community. This is a great time to invite your friends to join our ministry. Make sure to prepare for the fall season of ministry and buckle up for new things ahead. Our theme for the year before us is “Go Celebrate!” We will launch this theme and our ministries in September. In the meantime, as the summer concludes and FirstRenewal begins, let’s take a moment to thank God for faithfulness through a time of economic distress in our nation. We are certainly more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us! A Wonderful Worship Opportunity! Our new worship schedule is set for the fall season and we want you to be a part of it! Beginning August 17, join us for worship at 6 p.m. in the Chapel for a service that will share our traditional worship elements in creative ways. Communion will be served every Sunday, in a manner similar to what we experienced at the 8 a.m. worship earlier this year. This service will not have an abbreviated feel. We will have the benefit of the Rev. Luke Hyder and AllAn Koetz directing a fresh and inviting offering of music every week. Additionally, every month there will be “something different” adding a creative twist to the experience. Our Session hopes a regular core of worship attendees will gather at this time, but we also expect it to be a great way to stay connected for people whose weekend schedules occasionally pull them away from church on Sunday morning. Come celebrate Sunday at 6 p.m.! Welcome 2014-2015 New Officers! Every year on the final Sunday of June, we ordain and install new officers to serve on the boards of our church. We rely on these officers to provide wisdom, energy, intelligence and imagination. Please keep them in your prayers and offer them your support as they begin a term of service (some for a renewed and continuing term) to the glory of God. We thank each one for their commitment and witness of faith! Elders: Jodi Craiglow, Mark Hartung, Troy Huber, Jacquie Peterson and Ruth Schneider. Deacons: Carol Braunschweig, Bill Butterworth, Chuck Clow, Crystal Downing-Swanton, Stacey Friday, Chris Fry, Roxanne Gilbertsen, Kirstin Griffith, Anna Groebe, Cliff Hieronymus, Janet Korous, Learon McGinn, Pat Page, Katie Rosenson, Sonya Stevens, Deb Tischendorf, Barb Walti, Ken Weller and Stacey White. A ug u st 2 0 1 4 P ag e 3 Come to the Triple “T” Rally Celebrate God with Your Time, Talent and Treasure Support the Deacons’ School Supply and Backpack Drive Time for School! Rally ‘round First Pres on Rally Day, September 7, as we CELEBRATE God with our Triple “T” Rally — Time, Talent and Treasure! We’re havin’ a good old-fashioned Big Tent Rally with games and prizes and plenty of food, fun and friends. The Board of Deacons and our congregation once again will provide new school supplies and backpacks for our Mobile Food Pantry guests on Saturday, August 16, and also for students at Hope Presbyterian Church in Chicago and Waukegan to College. We will be providing more than 250 Kidz school supply kits and backpacks at a cost of $26 per student. Donations in any amount are greatly appreciated. Rally Day is that day when cowboys and cowgirls and all the little cowpokes gather at the corral to check out the opportunities for giving their time and talent to in the year ahead. This year, Rally Day adds the third leg of the camp stool — Treasure! That’s why it’s the Triple “T” Rally! Your generosity makes it possible for these students to have a great start to their school year! Checks should be payable to First Presbyterian Church with “Deacons School Supplies” written in the memo section. (Donation are due by Sunday, August 3). Learn all the ways we can share our time, talents and treasure to help First Pres be the best it can be serving God and helping our community and the world. And why is it a Big Tent Rally? Because, thanks to your generous gifts of treasure, First Pres renovations are under way, and Rally Day cannot take place in Fellowship Hall. This is an exciting time for our church as we make upgrades and improvements to all parts of our building, and make it handicapped accessible, so we’re an even more inviting place for people to gather and worship God. We thank the Alpha Nu Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International for contributing financially to the supply drive with its Educational Foundation Grant and personal contributions, and for its assistance in distributing the supplies during the Mobile Food Pantry. DKG is a society of key women educators. For more information, please contact Jan Shawgo,[email protected]. So, be sure to keep your eyes peeled to the First Pres news (FirstPresLibertyville.org, facebook.com/FirstPresLibertyville and twitter.com/FirstPresLib) for updates. We thank you in advance for contributing to this worthwhile community outreach! Y’all come out to the Big Tent Triple “T” Rally and see how you can celebrate God in the upcoming year at First Pres with your Time, Talents and Treasure! ~ The Community Ministry of The Board of Deacons Financial Summary – June 30, 2014 OPERATING FUND June Budget June Actual June Actual Last Year YTD Budget YTD Actual This Year YTD Actual Last Year Total Pledges $ 91,080 $ 88,461 $ 86,270 $ 625,815 $ 603,848 $ 595,606 Total Revenues $123,660 $ 105,216 $ 98,229 $ 805,546 $ 757,752 $ 756,070 Total Expenses BUILDING FUND $145,105 $ 131,100 $ 154,489 $ 807,649 $ 782,942 $ 738,574 Total Revenues $195,930 $ 174,667 $ 67,150 $ $ 253,560 $ 156,865 Total Expenses $ $ $ - $ $ 67,478 $ - 48,898 504,432 - Contact the Treasurer with any questions/concerns about church finances — [email protected] or 224-207-5299 - P ag e 4 F ir st P r e s by ter ia n Ch ur c h of Lib er ty v ll e Fun & Lunch Bunch: Come Taste and See That It is Good! Mark Tuesday, September 16, on your calendar for the first Lunch Bunch gathering of the fall! Everyone is welcome to join in the fun and fellowship each month! Casual lunch ($7 per person) is served at noon in Fellowship Hall followed by a variety of unique programs sponsored by different First Pres members and their acquaintances. September 16 ● Exploring Our Dreams with Ann Ohlrogge Johnson Next Inquirers’ Class at First Presbyterian Church Libertyville If you are curious to learn more about First Pres, consider participating in our fall class. Each session will provide a unique opportunity to explore and discuss with staff, officers and members… Who We Are as Presbyterians; Who We Are as a Congregation; and Who We Can Become Together! (Host: Gary Holland) Come enjoy an overview of how dreams have shaped our faith traditions along with techniques for remembering and exploring dreams. The more ways we explore dreams, the more possibilities there are for healing, growth and understanding. SALT (Sisters Actively Linking Together) invites women of all ages to the ... Friday, October 4th 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall (dessert served; childcare provided upon request) Saturday, October 5th 9:00 a.m. – Noon in Fellowship Hall (childcare provided with reservation) Monday, October 20th 6:00 p.m. Dinner with Andrew Ministers in Social Hall 7:00 p.m. Meet with Session in the Chapel Sunday, October 26th 9:15 – 11:30 a.m. Welcomed during Worship & Reception Tempel Farms Lipizzan Show Wednesday, August 20 Questions? Please contact a pastor at 847-362-2174 or the Director of Member Ministry, Kathy Chapman (847-362-2174 or [email protected]). The performance is from 1-3 p.m. (outdoors) and tickets are $25. ExtraWord (from the Congregation) If interested, please make a reservation by contacting event coordinator Ann Moran at [email protected] or 847-336-1408. FirstWord would like to add your words to news of the congregation. If you have significant life events you’d like to share in our newsletter, please send a note to our editor. Our common life is enriched when we learn of each other’s joys and challenges. Make the time to share a word and to pray for the life we share in Christ! You may call the church office or send an email to [email protected]. Ann has graciously offered to host a casual potluck supper in her home following the performance for all interested. Give Ann a call today! A ug u st 2 0 1 4 P ag e 5 Men’s Fall Kick-Off Event: 4th Annual Burnt Offering Barbecue Join in the fun! Be a part of Breaking Bread Together (BBT) Sunday, September 7 at 5:00 p.m. Join us for our annual fall kick-off at the home of Kirk Ergang, 1561 Saratoga Court, Green Oaks. Fellowship and food will abound. Everyone is welcome, so bring a friend and gather around the grill with men of FPC. RSVP to Ed Slack ([email protected] Customarily baptisms are conducted on the 3rd Sunday of each month in either the Sanctuary or the Chapel. The Baptism dates for the remainder of 2014 are: August 31, September 21, October 12, November 23, December 28 Meal-A-Month Benefits Our Community — it starts with YOU! Do you ever wonder about the filled grocery bags gathered below the coat racks? Those bags are powerful. They represent a great weapon to combat hunger within our own community. Our Meal-A-Month program fills the shelves of the Libertyville and St. Joseph’s food pantries. There are people who depend on these venues to help feed their families and you can be the one whose generosity makes the difference! Please keep this in mind when you see those empty bags waiting to be plucked from displays in both the Sanctuary and Chapel Narthex. Take a bag with you and, here’s the important part — bring your filled bag back to the church by Sunday, August 17. The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. — Matthew 25:40 When was the last time you enjoyed a relaxing meal around a table in someone’s home? Potluck meals may seem like a thing of the past but not at First Pres! Sign up today by completing the form below or stopping by the church office. Once during winter, spring, and summer eight adults will gather for a casual dinner or Sunday brunch in a member’s home. New members and longtime members will enjoy becoming better acquainted. The host prepares the entrée and each person contributes a salad, side or dessert. Let us break bread together with our church family throughout the year ahead! Contact: Kathy Chapman ([email protected] or 847-362-2174) Sign me up for BBT! Name___________________________________________ Best way to contact me:____________________________ ________________________________________________ I / We would like to participate I / We can host in our home The best month to host would be: _____________ Other considerations: P ag e 6 F ir st P r e s by ter ia n Ch ur c h of Lib er ty v ll e focused on helping those in their care cope with life’s complexities. Should you wish to discuss the possibility of you or someone you know being paired with a Stephen Minister, please call Gail Starr at 847-680-9517, or contact a pastor. Stephen Ministers are here for you! Just what exactly is a Stephen Minister? Stephen Ministers are individuals who have answered a call to be part of a compassionate ministry to individuals who need to talk through various life issues in a confidential, Christianfocused setting. Stephen Ministers undergo approximately 50 hours of training to be good listeners using reflective questions to help their “care receivers” navigate through troubled times in their life. Revelation 21:4: He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. Have you visited our church website lately? Stephen Ministers agree to meet with their care receivers for an hour each week for as long as they both believe their meetings are necessary and helpful. Because the Stephen Minister is focused on their care receiver, and pledged to confidentiality, the care receiver often feels freer to unload their concerns. Stephen Ministers are nonjudgmental listeners who support those in their care by listening, praying and patiently walking beside them for as long as needed. Whether the issue is big or small, short or long in duration, Stephen Ministers are trained to be caring companions, Did you know it is your one-stop source for current information about First Pres? Check on a scheduled event, listen to a sermon, download a form or a devotional or read FirstWord. It’s all waiting for you at www.firstpreslibertyville.org. Get online today! Sunday, August 17: New Worship Schedule begins 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Worship in Fellowship Hall (Sanctuary Worship) 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Worship in Chapel (Chapel Worship) 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Worship in Chapel (Traditional Worship in Creative Ways) Sunday, September 7: New Programming Schedule begins Time Worship Children’s Sunday School 9:00 AM10:00 AM 10:10 AM11:00 AM 11:00 AM12:00 PM 12:00 PM1:00 PM Worship in Fellowship Hall Social Hour in Narthex Worship in Chapel Social Hour in Narthex Graded Sunday School for Infants through 5th Grade Multi-Age Children’s Church Club for Infants through 5th Grade Multi-Age Sunday School for Infants through Kindergarten 1st Grade & Up in Worship Worship Bags Provided Youth 6th & 7th Grade Sunday School Confirmation Class for 8th Grade & Up Youth Choirs Senior High Choir Practice Adult Education Adult Sunday School Offerings 6:00 PM7:00 PM Worship in Chapel Childcare for Infants through Kindergarten 1st Grade & Up in Worship Worship Bags Provided 4:00 PM-5:30 PM Junior High Fellowship 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Senior High Fellowship Junior High Choir Practice 5:30 PM-6:30 PM Youth Bells A ug u st 2 0 1 4 P ag e 7 Mission Donations in Action The Proclamation Focus Group and the Mission Committee voted to fund two Cuban young people to attend the World Student Christian Federation’s General Assembly in Columbia. This furthers the First Pres primary mission to “Gather and Grow Disciples of Jesus Christ,” by offering the opportunity of spiritual growth to two students who would otherwise not be able to attend the General Assembly. One young person is Alexander Mulet delos Reyes. He is a graduate of the University in Telecommunication and Electronics and currently works as a professor in the telecommunications department of the University in Santiago de Cuba. He is an active member of the Pentecostal Christian community Oasis of Love, where he is a youth leader. The other is Dianet de la Caridad Martínez Valdés. Dianet writes, “I grew up as Presbyterian; the church taught me the values of the kingdom of God and sensitized me with the different realities of exclusion, discrimination, poverty, etc. growing in me the desires to fight against them in my local context and to serve others. Willing to share my experiences of faith, I joined the Student Christian Movement of Cuba in 2005, first as coordinator of my local group in Sancti Spiritus, then as the SCM Leadership Training Secretary and now as its chairperson.” Both of these young people will have a tremendous opportunity to deepen their faith and bring Christian leadership back to Cuba — all because of the generosity of the congregation of First Pres! SESSION HIGHLIGHTS ~ The Mission Committee provided $10,000 to help fund the Senior High Fellowship mission trip to Virginia Beach in July. In addition, $26,943 of unused Capital Campaign funds originally targeted to aid Hope Church of Chicago’s mortgage retirement is now available for other use: so $4,000 will be directed to Youth and Family Counseling to build conference room space and up to $22,943 will be used to build two showers in our church for our PADS visitors. The PADS project will be coordinated with the upcoming FirstRenewal construction. Rev. Paulson and Elder-Elect Jodi Craiglow provided Session with an overview of the many important topics addressed by the 221st General Assembly in Detroit. Session then passed a resolution affirming the freedom of conscience of our pastoral staff to conduct or not conduct same-sex marriages as their individual consciences dictate in accordance with the Authoritative Interpretation passed in favor of same-sex marriage. A decision as to whether or ELDER LIZ TANNER not we will allow same-sex marriages to be conducted on church premises will be delayed until October, allowing time for further discernment by the congregation and their input to Session. Long Range Planning’s process for implementing regular reviews of how our recently announced construction worship schedules are functioning was approved. Input from various committees and church groups will be solicited to provide Session ongoing feedback to ensure everything is running smoothly. Session is grateful for each of the new Deacons and Elders who, following training, were ordained or installed on June 29, and for the continued excellent support of Elder Kathy Holland, who was unanimously nominated to continue to serve as Clerk of Session for July 2014-2015. Our congregation is blessed with so many willing and talented members. The evening also was bittersweet as we said a heartfelt thanks to Elders Dan Brame, John Jepsen, Craig Lindley, Lucy Rossen and Mike Thompson for their service over the last three years. Each contributed significantly to the work of our church and is a witness to the love of Christ. P ag e 8 F ir st P r e s by ter ia n Ch ur c h of Lib er ty v ll e F I RS T R E N E W A L U P DA T E You haven’t seen scaffolding, roofers, masons, electricians, painters, carpenters, plumbers and HVAC mechanics around our buildings yet, but you will see them very soon. Since June, SPRUCe, staff and our architects have been working hard to set our renovations in motion. Here are some of the things we’ve been working on: Selecting a general contractor: We issued a request for proposal, reviewed those proposals and selected a GC to perform our renovations. Efraim Carlson & Son is a local general contractor who specializes in church and school renovations. We think they will be a great partner for us as we begin work. Finalizing scope and budgets: Working together with our architect and GC, we’ve sharpened our scope and budget. Our project cost stands at just more than $2 million, so we have work to do with our subcontractors to get our budget to an acceptable level. Submitting our plans for permitting: We’ve been working closely with the village of Libertyville throughout our planning process and submitted our plans for permit in late June. Creating a worship schedule for our renovation period: While the Sanctuary is under construction, services will take place in Fellowship Hall and the Chapel. See page 7 for information about worship times. Join the Strategic Planning Team New Members, Longtime Members and all those in between — join our Strategic Planning team! Over the next 18 months, our church will be working through a process of discernment to identify our church’s long-range vision for the next decade. We are looking to fill a few open slots on our core strategic planning team with members from the congregation, to help organize, plan and execute the process in conjunction with church visioning consultant Susan Beaumont. As a member of the team, you will help design and facilitate the strategic planning process of the congregation; encouraging others to participate and inviting dialogue among a broad group of leaders. Developing a more detailed schedule and phasing plan: Working with the staff, we identified space for worship and Christian education that meets our needs while turning over space to the contractors to perform their work. Planning all the “stuff” we must do to be ready for construction: From moving and storing pianos, classroom furniture, educational materials, Bibles and hymnals, to protecting the Sanctuary organ, there is a lot of stuff to do so clean space can be turned over to our general contractor on Monday, August 11. All that stuff is in motion and requires a tremendous effort by our Staff. Stay tuned for opportunities to help! We will need extra arms and backs to get us ready. To see plans, scope, budgets, schedules and updates, please visit the FirstRenewal page on the church’s website. Go to firstpreslibertyville.org and click on the Leadership tab, then Session Communications, then Initiatives, then Building Improvements. Once you’re there, you will find our project plans. If you have questions, email them to [email protected]. And giving to the Capital Campaign continues! Thanks to the generosity of our members, we have $2.1 million available to us for capital projects. As we refine the scope and budget, we’re working with Session to ensure we use the funds responsibly. In the meantime, if you have a pledge to the Building Campaign, please fulfill it. If you do not have a pledge, but would like to make a gift to the Building Campaign, please contact Treasurer Polly Vente at [email protected]. Construction begins August 11. We’ve broken the projects into two phases so we can be back in the Sanctuary by Christmas and be completed with all renovations by the end of March. Meetings will start in September, including a kick-off workshop Monday, September 29, with our consultant, and occur monthly through the end of 2015. If you are looking for a way to get involved in discerning our collective future, or just want more information about the process, please contact Martin Frey, chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee. Member Pastoral Emergency Line: A pastor of the church is available to members for emergencies 24 hours a day. Call 847-367-6460. A ug u st 2 0 1 4 P ag e 9 GROUP DIRECTOR REHEARSAL START-UP Chancel Choir Motet Choir* David H. Edelfelt David H. Edelfelt Thursdays 7:30-9:15 p.m. Thursdays 6:30-7:15 p.m. 8/28/14 Choir Room 8/28/14 Choir Room Senior High Choir Junior High Choir Faith Choir Cherub Choir Joyful Noise Bel Canto Ringers* Vesper Bells* Youth Bells Alpha Chimers Suzanne Jozwiak/LeAnn Malecha Jane Orth Gloria Horton Sue Ellen Skeens LeAnn Malecha Jane Orth Craig Lindley Craig Lindley Gloria Horton Sundays 10:10 a.m.-11:10 a.m. Sundays 11 a.m.-noon Thursdays 4:15-5 p.m. Thursdays 4-4:45 p.m. Thursdays 4:15-4:45 p.m. Thursdays 9-10:45 a.m. Mondays 6:30-7:30 p.m. Sundays 5:30-6:30 p.m. Thursdays 3:45-4:15 p.m. 9/7/14 Choir Room 9/7/14 Choir Room 9/4/14 Fellowship Hall 9/4/14 Chapel 9/4/14 Choir Room 9/4/14 Belfry 9/8/14 Belfry 9/7/14 Belfry 9/4/14 Belfry (auditioned from Chancel Choir) *Numerical or audition restrictions may apply All groups lead in Sunday worship on a rotating basis. ANNOUNCEMENT! After 15 years of excellent service, Susan Henning has resigned as Senior High Choir director. We are so grateful for her service all these years and have thanked her and wished her well. Now we move on and are happy to announce the new Senior High Choir director will be not one but two directors: LeAnn Malecha and Suzanne Jozwiak will share the job. LeAnn is well known to all of our congregation because of her wonderful leadership of our youngest choir, the Joyful Noise Choir. Now she will add to her duties by taking over the oldest youth choir. LeAnn also is one of the directors of the Red Rose Children's Choir program. She brings much experience and expertise to this new position. Suzanne Jozwiak is retired from many years as music director at Hawthorn Middle School. She has served as accompanist for the Senior High Choir this past year, and now is happy to switch to sharing the conducting job with LeAnn. She is an expert in the field of African drumming and has amazing skills, experience and instruments to share. Suzanne also has great enthusiasm and knowledge to bring to the job. Our high school singers will be in good hands. We welcome both these new directors to our staff. We are very fortunate to have such talent in our church. From the Library Committee The construction beginning mid-August will not affect the Library through the remainder of the year. Congregants will have easy, but somewhat limited access to the Library since the Junior High Class will meet there at 10 a.m. on Sundays. Visit the Library before the 9 a.m. service and after 11 a.m. Since space will be scarce during the construction, the Library will be used by various groups, so you may want to check with the Church Office to see if it’s accessible. The Featured Books for September deal with homosexuality and the Bible. Several relevant books will be on display in the Library. The Library encourages groups, ranging from the Children’s Department through Adult Education, to explore relevant resources available and to suggest or even donate titles that support group activities — which could pertain to specific interest groups such as quilting, knitting, liturgical arts or sports. P ag e 1 0 C A P I TA L C A M PA I G N M I S S IO N U PDA T E ~ELDER ELYSE DANCKERS In June 2013, $250,000 of Mission-designated funds from the Capital Campaign were granted to five agencies: Samaritan Counseling, Feed My Starving Children, PADS, Northern Illinois Food Bank, and Hope Presbyterian Church (mortgage retirement). Here’s an update on how two agencies are benefiting from the generous support of First Pres: Samaritan Counseling urgently needed to comply with the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, mainly in the area of electronic medical record keeping. Samaritan's old process had to go, which required a large investment in computer hardware, software billing package and training in order to function in the “new world” of the ACA. The First Pres grant of $70,000 allowed Samaritan Counseling to do what was required. To date, Samaritan has purchased a new server and three laptop computers as well as printers and hard drive backup. A software billing package was selected and purchased last year, and installation has occurred. Expenditures so far total a little more than $27,000. Once training has been completed by the end of the summer, the next phase will consist of a new phone system, laptops for all the therapists and the ability to tie all record keeping from satellite offices to the billing that occurs in the Naperville office. Watch for more good news as Samaritan completes the implementation. In June 2013, we provided $25,000 from the Capital Campaign project to Feed My Starving Children to open a new location in Libertyville. The grant enabled FMSC to purchase needed materials and equipment to meet the site’s goal of 16 million volunteer-packed meals in 2013. This was its first mega-site, which meant at the time it was the largest FMSC site to date. FMSC opened this site in faith the community would rally behind and support the mission of feeding God’s children, hungry in body and spirit. The community came through! FMSC Libertyville has increased its persession volunteer numbers from 140 to 150. And it has increased the annual meal goal to 19 million. First Pres is helping FMSC reach its ultimate goal — not to just reduce hunger for the time being, but to eliminate it! F ir st P r e s by ter ia n Ch ur c h of Lib er ty v ll e New Monthly Volunteer Opportunity for Church Family and Friends! For many years, Elizabeth Groebe has felt called to support Feed My Starving Children - an organization founded in 1987 by Minnesota businessman, Richard Proudfit who heard God say, “If you’ve seen my starving children, feed them.” Since its founding, FMSC has provided hope and meals to over 850 million people. With the recently opened FMSC branch in Libertyville, Elizabeth feels the call to organize a new service opportunity for our congregation, through the Mission and Congregational Care committees. At this site, volunteers from ages five years and up, package a rice/soy/vitamin blend that is shipped to 70 nations to provide nutritious food for starving people. Volunteers work together in small groups to create packages of food and each person usually packs enough to provide complete nutrition for one child for seven months. Volunteer spots have been reserved for 90 minutes from 6:00—7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month at FMSC located at 742 East Park Avenue (Hwy 176) in Libertyville (behind Life Storage). It is a lively and fun opportunity for members of the church to serve together and friends are always welcome! One may sign up via the website: fmsc.org or by contacting Elizabeth directly at 847-558-9956 or [email protected]. Follow the directions on the website to “join a group” and enter First Pres Libertyville to find the dates available. If you enter your email address, you will receive reminders of your volunteer date and time. Thank you, Elizabeth Groebe for inspiring us to serve others! First Pres plans to send volunteer teams to FMSC monthly — see FMSC article at right and watch Parish Life for how you can serve on a volunteer team! (Elizabeth with three of her six children at FMSC) A ug u st 2 0 1 4 P ag e 1 1 CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES JAN SCHUETT, DIRECTOR ~ [email protected] GO Celebrate… FirstRenewal and SPARK! What do these three things have in common? Yes, that’s correct, God! GO Celebrate: Our church theme for the year FirstRenewal:Building Construction: reworking of our church spaces SPARK: Sunday School Curriculum When I think on these three things, I am SPARKed with anticipation for the FirstRenewal, renovation of our Sunday school classrooms, and excited to Celebrate all God has allowed us to do and God’s challenge to each of us to GO out into the world! What keeps running through my head is the song “Celebration” by Kool & The Gang. I want to put on my dancing shoes, dance through the halls of the church, out the doors and down the sidewalk and tell the world about GOD. I think I will…will you join me? There’s a party goin’ on right here A celebration to last throughout the years So bring your good times and your laughter too We gonna celebrate your party with you Come on now, celebration Let’s all celebrate and have a good time Celebration We gonna celebrate and have a good time It’s time to come together It’s up to you, what’s your pleasure? Everyone around the world come on! Celebrate your Gift to Teach! 9 a.m. SPARK Sunday School… 2-year-olds-fifth grade Come be a part of igniting our First Pres Children with God’s love. Two age groups per class (due to FirstRenewal). The curriculum is user friendly and the children learn lifelong lessons. Don’t miss the opportunity to GO and make a difference in a child’s life. Teacher Training, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 26 Children’s 2014-15 Sunday School Registration August 24 10:00 a.m. Make sure your child is signed up and all information is current on their Child/Youth Forms. All church Rally Day: September 7 Starting September 7 Sunday Morning Schedule for Children/Youth 9 a.m. Worship* and Children’s Sunday School for 2-year-olds (as of Sept. 1, 2014) through fifth-graders 10 a.m. Children’s Church Club, sixth- and seventh-grade Sunday School and eighth-grade & older confirmation 11:00 a.m. Worship** and Multi-age Sunday School (age 3 through kindergarten) *Child care for infants and children younger than 2-years-old as of Sept. 1, 2014. ** Child care for infants through 2-year-olds. Bible Time for Toddlers For 2- and 3-year-olds Starts Thursday, September 4, 4:15-4:45 p.m. (during Children’s Choirs) in room 105. Your toddler will enjoy a Bible Story followed by songs, large motor play and crafts led by Assistant Christian Education Director Sandy Bean ([email protected]). Parents are invited to enjoy fellowship at Caffeine Break in the Sanctuary Narthex. Registration required — please contact Sandy Bean at [email protected] to sign up. P ag e 1 2 F ir st P r e s by ter ia n Ch ur c h of Lib er ty v ll e FIRSTFORMATION — ADULTS REV. ROBERTA DODDS INGERSOLL ~ [email protected] Keep your eyes peeled . . . It’s coming to your mailbox soon! Our Adult Ministry Catalog for 2014-2015 is in final production. Consider it your invitation to join Our Companionship of Faith on a Spiritual Adventure Following Jesus Christ. Take some time to look through the pages and plan out a course of study and exploration for the year ahead. Opportunities for education and nurture, service and mission, fellowship and worship abound. This year, our church is called to “Go Celebrate!” the gift of new life in Jesus Christ with people every day. It’s not too late to join the All-Church Summer Book Read Dedicated to his daughters, Stephen Prothero (Chair of the Religion Department at Boston University), explores the following paradox: Americans are both deeply religious and profoundly ignorant about religion. In his book he defines the problem as he sees it, explores the past to see how we have arrived at the place in history on which we now stand, and makes some very interesting proposals for the future. How much do you know about religion? And how do you compare with the average American? Here’s your chance to find out. Take the short, 15-question quiz, and see how you do in comparison with 3,412 randomly sampled adults who were asked these and other questions in the U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey. http:/www.pewforum.org/quiz/us-religious-knowledge. The book discussion will be held on: Wednesday evening, September 3, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Choir Room. Rev. Roberta will provide pimento cheese and chicken salad sandwiches, deviled eggs and sweet tea. Hope to see you there! First Pres E-Word Newsletter! Our E-Word newsletter has been receiving rave reviews. This e-mail styled newsletter is intended to provide updates for church events that may not have been noted in FirstWord or Parish Life. We send our E-Word newsletter twice a month. Registration is quick and easy and can be completed on the homepage of our church website www.firstpreslibertyville.org. Even if you have given your email address to the church previously, you must register to receive the e-newsletter. Contact Juli in the church office with questions (847-362-2174) or [email protected]. A ug u st 2 0 1 4 P ag e 1 3 FIRSTFORMATION — ADULTS REV. ROBERTA DODDS INGERSOLL ~ [email protected] The Bible & The Oriental Institute Museum Field Trip Sunday • October 12, 2014 The mission of the Oriental Institute Museum is to promote interest in and understanding of ancient civilizations of the Middle East telling the story of the rise of civilizations, communicating the excitement of archaeological, linguistic, and historical discovery, enhancing understanding and appreciation of cultural similarities and differences, and showing connections between the ancient and modern worlds. Our tour will focus on the origins of Israel and the beginning of Judaism and Christianity. During the tour we will have the opportunity to see actual artifacts from the biblical world that will let us into the lives of biblical characters themselves. We will see what they saw, feel what they felt, and know what they knew. The museum is free and open to the public. https://oi.uchicago.edu/museum-exhibits. Our tour guide will be Dr. Theodore Hiebert. He is the Francis A. McGaw Professor of Old Testament and Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Academic Affairs at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. He holds an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, a Ph.D. from Harvard University, and has been a research fellow at the W. F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in Jerusalem. He has taught at the Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cairo and lectured at the Near East School of Theology in Beirut. Currently, he is working on a commentary on Genesis. We will meet at 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall to share a light lunch. We will meet at 11:30 a.m. in the visitors’ parking lot of FPC of Libertyville to carpool. To register, please complete the form below and return to the church office by Sunday, September 28. Questions: Contact Rev. Roberta at [email protected] Name: ____________________________________________________________ E-mail and/or phone: ____________________________________________________ I’d like to have lunch with the group before we head into Chicago: I am willing to drive: □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes I can take ______ # of passengers including myself. P ag e 1 4 F ir st P r e s by ter ia n Ch ur c h of Lib er ty v ll e FIRSTFORMATION — ADULTS REV. ROBERTA DODDS INGERSOLL ~ [email protected] WEDNESDAY EVENING OFFERINGS Learning In Fellowship Together (LIFT) Gathering 7:00 to 7:15 p.m. ● Program 7:15 to 8:45 p.m. ● Fellowship Hall Light Refreshments will be served The Bible, Homosexuality, and Marriage - September 12, 17 & 24 At our LIFT weeknight class this month, our pastor, Brian Paulson, will lead a threesession review of the way Presbyterians are addressing a range of issues connected to the question of same-sex marriage. On Friday, September 12, we will review the way Presbyterians read scripture. On Wednesdays, September 17 and 24, we will examine different interpretations of scripture regarding same-gender sexual relationships. Here is some further detail about these classes: For September 12: In selecting real estate, the rule is "Location, location, location!" In interpreting the Bible, the rule is "Context, context, context!" Interpretation is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Interpretation may not always be a conscious act, but it is always happening when we read the Bible. Finding our way around in the world of an ancient text is not easy and it takes time. To be sure, by the power of God's Holy Spirit we are granted sufficient understanding, but if the goal is to interpret the Bible ever more faithfully, then gaining the familiarity and depth necessary for the task will take time and effort. During this session, we will examine some principle challenges of faithful interpretation, namely, the importance of language and historical and social settings, we will identify guidelines for interpretation, and we will discuss the question of why people interpret the Bible differently and how Presbyterians learn with each other even when on occasion we read the scriptures differently. Finally, this class will identify recent decisions of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church regarding same-sex marriage and the preliminary response of our Session. For September 17 and 24: This two-part study will begin by asking why so many people regard this debate as of paramount importance, and then move on to consider the pertinent biblical passages. On Sept. 17, we will consider passages that explicitly mention same-gender sexual practice. On Sept. 24, we will address two other sets of passages: for those who underscore a sense of “prohibition,” we will see texts interpreted to mean God's will for marriage is that one man and one woman are joined in a lifelong bond; and for those who would underscore a sense of “affirmation,” we will see texts interpreted to mean God does not want humans to live alone, and that God regularly embraces outcasts and sets prisoners free. Also in this final session, we will consider how varied viewpoints handle non-Biblical evidence from science, tradition and contemporary experience, and conclude by reflecting on constructive responses to disagreement among Christian brothers and sisters. Along the way, Brian Paulson will speak to the way his reading of the Bible and pastoral care has grown on this issue over 27 years of ordained ministry. In addition, the class will be framed by the desire of our Session to create a space in our congregation for discernment where members can express their differences with care and respect even as our leaders seek to provide guidance for the practice of our ministry. The Session will consider its response to General Assembly actions at its stated meeting in October. Please join us for this important discussion as part of our journey of faith together. For Simple House Repairs— Call your Fix-It Crew! The Fix-it-Crew Ministry is here to help! Our goal is to help seniors, widows/widowers and single moms who need a helping hand with “around-the-house” repairs. This group of 25 volunteers donate their talents and skills that include painting, carpentry, electrical, plumbing and general “fix-it” home repair jobs. Bob Westrich coordinates the Fix-it Crew and can be reached at 847-267-0475. P ag e 1 5 A ug u st 2 0 1 4 Dear First Pres Friends, My grandson, Aiden Blenker, has successfully completed a three-year protocol. He will have follow-up check-ups every three months. Aiden is doing great, playing baseball and having fun being a kid! Heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your prayers and kind words. God bless you! ~ Bonnie Cavalier Dear First Pres FriendsThank you for your wonderful and generous contributions to the recent Drive for Independence. The four Lake County non-profit organizations that benefitted from your abundant donations are making a positive impact on our neighbors in need. Your kindness is greatly appreciated. ~Pat Page & Karen Cacich, Deacon Drive for Independence Co-Chairs Dear First Pres Family, How meaningful it was to Les and me to know all your prayers were being said for my recovery! Our heartfelt THANKS, dear church family. I am on the mend! ~ Letty Lindley Our Christian Sympathy is extended to those who have experienced loss: FirstWord is a publication of First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville. Our Mission Statement: To inform and build up the Community of faith which is First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville. Editorial Staff: Scott Holland Lennie Blair Publisher: Juli Dunsing Contributors: The staff and congregation of First Pres. Drew Morgavan and Kathy Louden on the loss of his father, Drew Morgavan Sr. Karen and Bob Westrich and Amy and Pat Kamins on the loss of Karen and Amy’s brother, Rex Peterson Chris and Vanessa Griffin on the loss of his parents, Eugene and Elena Griffin Congratulations on the birth of: Kinsley Grace Houston, born May 28, 2014, to Jonathan and Jessica Houston; grandmother is Nancy Telling Rhys Oliver Jonas, born June 17, 2014, to Erin and Jules Jonas; grandparents are Cynthia and Dusty Miller Annabelle Joy Velander, born July 29, 2014 to Tim and Sara Velander; grandparents are Jim and Jane Velander On the baptism of: Lawson Elaine Marsch, daughter of Kenneth and Brittany Marsch Ian Patrick Hicks, son of William and Jody Hicks Printed on recycled paper. Anthony James Johannik, son of Thomas and Miranda Johannik; grandmother is Janet Persson Kenneth Darrell Chapin, son of Kenneth and Valorie Chapin; grandparents are Ken and Diane Chapin Monday, at noon August 11 Email all articles to: [email protected] FirstWord is published by First Presbyterian Church 219 W. Maple Avenue Libertyville, IL 60048 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED A ug u st 2 0 1 4 Page 16 Sunday, August 24 Sunday, August 3 — Jazz Sunday — Communion 10:00 a.m. Combined Worship — Sanctuary FPC Jazz Ensemble Genesis 32:22-31; Psalm 22;1-5, 22-24 Re-Made & Re-Named — The Rev. Amy Heinrich Sunday, August 10 10:00 a.m. Worship — Sanctuary Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Matthew 14:22-33 Strong Dreams — The Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson 10:00 a.m. Worship — Chapel Chapel Music Team Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Romans 10:5-15 Here Comes This Dreamer — The Rev. Luke Hyder Sunday, August 17—NEW WORSHIP SCHEDULE BEGINS! 9:00 a.m. Worship — Fellowship Hall Red Rose Children’s Choir Genesis 45:1-15; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 Your Brother, Your Sister — The Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson 11:00 a.m. Worship — Chapel Chapel Music Team Genesis 45:1-15; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 Your Brother, Your Sister — The Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson 6:00 p.m. Sunday at 6 — Chapel Piano Genesis 45:1-15; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32 Your Brother, Your Sister — The Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson 9:00 a.m. Worship — Fellowship Hall Staff Family Choir Isaiah 51:1-11; Matthew 16:13-20 The Key is Faith — The Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson 11:00 a.m. Worship — Chapel Chapel Music Team Isaiah 51:1-11; Matthew 16:13-20 The Key is Faith — The Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson 6:00 p.m. Sunday at 6 — Chapel Isaiah 51:1-11; Matthew 16:13-20 The Key is Faith — The Rev. Dr. Brian R. Paulson Piano Sunday, August 31 — Baptism Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship — Fellowship Hall Susan Henning, soprano Exodus 3:1-15; Romans 12:9-21 On Romans 12:9-21 — The Rev. John Fawcett 11:00 a.m. Worship — Chapel Chapel Music Team Exodus 3:1-15; Romans 12:9-21 On Romans 12:9-21 — The Rev. John Fawcett 6:00 p.m. Sunday at 6 — Chapel Exodus 3:1-15; Romans 12:9-21 On Romans 12:9-21 — The Rev. John Fawcett Piano
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