Our Worship Service April 13, 2014 9:30 am Sing To The King Opening Song Welcome and Announcements Meet and Greet Worship in Song - Hosanna (Praise is Rising) All Hail The Power Of Jesus Name Prayer Time Worship in Song Message Blessed Assurance (My King is Coming) Hosanna Bill Roff Closing Song Our Worship in Living Welcome to Antigo Community Church! Thanks for worshipping Jesus with us today. We ask our visitors to fill out a Connection Card and place it in an offering box in the entryway. We welcome Bill Roff as our speaker today. Bill is a member of the ACC elder board and chairs our pastoral search team. He recently made a career change from English teacher to financial planner. Bill and his wife Heather, along with their children Seamus, Murron and Bram, live in a 90 year old rural schoolhouse that they remodeled themselves. Bill's hobbies include bee-keeping, cheering for his kids on the swim team coached by Heather, hunting, backpacking and canoeing. He also enjoys early Americana, time in the wilderness, Celtic music, and learning to play the fiddle! Pastor Larry and Hilda will return Monday from a week back home in Michigan. Pray for safe travels. EASTER WEEK ACTIVITIES - see the purple bulletin insert for information about the Seder Supper on Tuesday, the Good Friday service, and Easter. There will be no Sunday School classes on Easter. Youth groups will not meet on Easter. Crafting for Hope Wednesday April 16 at 12:30 pm, MOPS room. Come help finish making the table decor for the Hope Banquet. Today’s worship leader is Ben Wilhelm. Introduce Equip Serve We exist to introduce people of all ages to Jesus Christ as Savior, to equip people to grow in a faith that works in real life, and to send them out to serve where they are in Jesus’ name and for His glory. Antigo Community Church ACC is affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church of America - www.efca.org Larry Schwarck, Interim Pastor Phone 715-627-2805 (office); 715-350-4060 (home) Email - [email protected] 336 Field Street, Apt. #1, Antigo, WI 54409 Church Office - 723 Deleglise Street, Antigo, WI 54409 Phone 715-627-2805 Email - [email protected] Sermons and bulletin available on our website at www.antigocommunitychurch.org Follow us on Facebook SALT will meet this Thursday with Rich Hess as speaker. See the purple insert for more information. Hope Pregnancy Center's annual fundraising banquet will be Tuesday, April 29 at Peace Lutheran Church, Antigo. Doors open at 5:15 pm, dinner at 6:00, dismissal by 8:00 sharp. Special guest speaker is David Bereit, nationally-known founder of 40 Days for Life. Tickets are $35 each; table of 8 is $250. For information or to purchase tickets please call 715843-4673 or e-mail [email protected]. Pray for Dave Klasing who has been diagnosed with cancer of the tongue and neck. The Klasings were long-time members of ACC, and were associated with Silver Birch Ranch as well. They would appreciate receiving cards and letters. Their address is Dave & Marilyn Klasing, 1239 Mt. Tabor Ave, Greenville, IL 62246. Children’s & Youth Ministries Nursery Care is available for children up to age 3 in the lower level of the Worship Center. A cry room is also available at the back of the Worship Center. Sunday School classes for students 8th grade and younger are offered during the sermon portion of the service, except for the first Sunday of the month, which is a Communion Sunday. • Pre-school (ages 3-5, not yet in K) downstairs in Rm #4 • Grades K-2 downstairs in Rm #3 • Grades 3-5 meet downstairs to walk together to Quest Center Rm #3 • Middle School (grades 6-8) Rm #9 (sofa room) Quest Center Youth Clubs & Groups • One Way Club for grade K-2 Wed at 6:30 pm, Rm #5 in the Quest Center • CrossTrainers for grade 3-5 Wed at 6:30 pm, Rm #8 • TNT for middle school Sun at 6:30 pm, Rm #10 in the Quest Center • Quest for high school Sun at 6:30 pm, Rm #3 in the Quest Center Additional Announcements Prayer requests may be written on the notepad in the entry. Large print bulletins are available by request in the entry. Sermon and bulletin available on the website. SALT Meeting Thursday April 17 Potluck at 12:00 Noon in the MOPS Room Our speaker will be Rich Hess of Silver Birch Ranch and Nicolet Bible Institute A Men's Bible Study meets in Pastor Larry's office at 6:30 am every Friday morning. All men are invited to come as your schedule permits. Upcoming Events Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr 15 16 17 18 20 27 - Seder Supper 5:30-8:30 pm - Craft Day for Hope PRC 12:30 pm, MOPS room - SALT 12:00 noon - Good Friday Service 6:30 pm - Easter! No youth groups tonight - Baby Dedication Sunday Annual Meeting 11:00 am following worship service May 3 - Shower for Brianna Zeckmeister and daughter Jordyn May 7 - Closing Program for Wednesday night clubs May 11 - Mother's Day Brunch following the worship service - Start of Operation Baby Bottle for Hope Pregnancy Center June 22 - Budget Meeting 11:00 am following worship service Oct 17-18 - Art of Marriage fall conference at ACC As always, we welcome guests! Senior Adults Living Triumphantly Antigo Community Church Seniors 50+ Call Barb Palmer (715-623-7274) with questions or your RSVP. Seder Supper This Tues April 15, 5:30-8:30 pm in the Quest Center Cafeteria Limited seating still available TODAY ONLY! TICKETS - $5/person, $20 family maximum. Make your reservation, or pay for a reservation you've already placed, after the service today with Mary Wilhelm at the nametag table. CUTE as a BUTTON! Ben & Brianna (Sanford) Zeckmeister have welcomed their adopted daughter, 3-yr old Jordyn, into their family! You're invited to a shower for Brianna & Jordyn Bruce Scott of Friends of Israel will give an interactive presentation on the elements of a traditional Jewish Passover meal. The evening will include a full kosher meal. Passover was a family meal, so the seating will be reserved by families. on Saturday May 3 ACC Quest Center – MOPS Room 10:30 am brunch Good Friday Service Friday April 18, 6:30 pm ACC Worship Center The Good Friday service will be a joint service with The Well. Pastor Thom Desmond will bring the message, and there will be music from both The Well and ACC. Consider bringing a friend! Easter Sunday Sunday April 20 9:30 am Worship Service Come rejoice with us as we worship our Risen Lord! NO SUNDAY SCHOOL or YOUTH GROUPS on Easter. Registries at amazon:com and Target To participate in the group gift, contact Kate Raab at 715-627-4780 THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING OF ANTIGO COMMUNITY CHURCH WILL BE HELD SUNDAY, APRIL 27 AT 11:00 AM FOLLOWING THE WORSHIP SERVICE. We are providing you with the agenda and ballot for that meeting, in accordance with the church constitution. If you have questions, please speak to one of the elders (listed below on the ballot). All members are urged to attend. Regular attenders are also welcome to attend, but only members may vote. AGENDA Annual Business Meeting of the Antigo Community Church Sunday, April 27, 2014, 11:00 AM Call to Order – Chairman Todd Stensberg Establish quorum Selection of Clerk of the Congregation Motion to approve minutes of previous meeting (December 8, 2013 special business meeting) New Business: Election of Elders – Terry Fluger and Ben Wilhelm, candidates Interaction over Ministry Reports – • Chairman’s Report • Ministry Team reports • Treasurer’s Comments Announce results of Elder election Motion to Postpone 2014-15 Budget Meeting until June 22, 2014 Motion to adjourn Closing prayer BALLOT For the Office of Elder of Antigo Community Church April 27, 2014 Elders at ACC serve 3-year terms, and may serve two consecutive terms. Two elders, Todd Stensberg and Tollef Wienke, are leaving the board at this time. Both have completed one 3-year term, and have chosen not to seek a second term. The nominating committee has put forth two individuals as candidates to fill the two openings on the Elder Board. If elected, they will each serve on the elder board along with: Interim Pastor Larry Schwarck (or the future senior pastor) Steve Sanford, who has served one year of his second term (which will be a 2-year term) Mike McCabe, who has served two years of his first 3-year term. Tom Duke, who has served one year of his first 3-year term. Bill Roff, who has served one year of his first 3-year term. PLEASE INDICATE YES OR NO FOR EACH OF THE CANDIDATES SHOWN BELOW: Elder……………………………….Terry Fluger Elder……………………………….Ben Wilhelm YES___ NO___ YES___ NO___ ADDITIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Lessons from the Garden Thank you for your thoughts and prayers during my surgery. I love the beautiful flowers and I appreciated the visit from the pastor. God Bless! Margie Dowling Sermon Notes for April 13, 2014 Thank you for the prayers, meals and cards over the time of my recent surgery, as well as the plant from the church. Cathy Cooper Free for the hauling - we are disposing of the sofas and recliners in our "sofa room." Suitable for student dorms or cabins, they are free for the hauling. If interested, please speak with Terry Fluger or Ron Kuchenbecker TODAY. Support the Wienke family as they approach another adoption! Order your frozen, fully-cooked pasties using the order forms in the basket in the entryway. Just in time for Easter wearing and giving - new India scarves! Check out the selection of newly arrived scarves in the entry of the worship center. These scarves are made by widows in India, and the $20 purchase price goes for their support through Don Shire Ministries. Mother's Day Brunch! Men of the church, under the capable leadership of Keith Cunningham, will be preparing and serving a brunch after the worship service on Mother's Day, May 11. You won't want to miss it! The Aging & Disability Resource Center of Central WI is in need of volunteers to deliver hot meals to homebound seniors. A nutritious hot meal and a smile from a friendly face can make all the difference in the life of a senior citizen. To volunteer, call the ADRC-CW at 715-6276232. Bill Roff, speaker
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