THE NET Soul Ties Making Ends Meet

VOL. 1 • NO. 8 • October 2008
Ends Meet
Grown Men Aren’t Supposed
to Cry: But Should They?
Unveil The Mask of Depression
Publisher’s Article.................................................4
Kid’s Corner: part 1..............................................5
Soul Ties..............................................................6
Fabulous Faith During Failing Times......................8
The Women of Baptist General Convention
Gets New President ..............................................9
The Unfolding Story - A Journey of Faith...............10
God Moments ....................................................11
Bible Trivia.........................................................13
2 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
Grown Men Aren’t Supposed to Cry: But Should They?
Unveil The Mask of Depression............................14
Making Ends Meet..............................................16
What Think Ye of Christ .....................................17
National Preparedness Month...............................18
Strengthening Families........................................19
Saving Money Should Not Mean Not
Saving Your Health.............................................20
Kid’s Corner: part 2 ...........................................21
The Day of Atonement.........................................22
Professional Development Series Seminar Interviewing Skills...............................................23
Sunday morning praise
at St. Paul.
Publisher | Alma Brown
Editor | Bridgette Heard
Contributing Writers & Editors
Mavis Armmer | Rogers Turner, Jr.
Veronica Walker | Adrienne Williams
ShaLonda Knox | Denise Jackson
Lori Brown | Barry Anderson
Rachel Coleman | Kristie Hubbard | Jay Walton
Don Knox | Cassandra Anderson
Photography | Elijah T. Sansom
Graphic Design | Feldman Printing, Inc.
A Publication of St. Paul Baptist Church
603 W. Nebraska Ave.
Phone: (309) 686-2086 | Fax: (309) 686-8020
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 3
by Alma Brown, Publisher
A couple of years ago, I went to Florida
to a Paula White Ministries Women’s
Conference. It was truly a moving
experience. We listened intently to
Bishop Noel Jones, Joyce Meyers,
Darlene Bishop and Paula White as
they shared God’s powerful messages
of faith.
Darlene Bishop said something that really stuck with
me. She said, “We should begin each day by saying good
morning God.” Thank you for blessing me to see another
day.” What a perfect way to start our day! I make it a priority
to begin my day by giving thanks to God and reading Our
Daily Bread. Allow me to quote a page from The Daily
Bread that really spoke to me.
Augustine said that God “judged it better to bring good out
of evil, than to permit any evil to exist.” Thus God takes
the worst evil that men and women can do to us and turns it
into good. “Even the wrath of ungodly men brings praise to
Him” (Psalms 76:10).
God has not promised that your life will be easy --- indeed
it may not be. But He has promised to sustain you in your
struggle and uphold you with His mighty arm. If you trust
Him, He will empower you to make your way bravely
through extraordinary difficulty with faith, hope, and love.
The trials God permits in your life will lead to His praise
and glory, if only you abide in Him.
4 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
God will not allow you to be pressed beyond endurance.
This is His sure promise. When the lesson has been
learned, when the revelation of God’s glory is complete and
your soul has been tried and proven --- then God will raise
His hand and save you. He will say, “No more.” When He
leads through some valley of trouble, His omnipotent hand
we trace; For the trials and sorrows He sends us Are part
of His lessons of grace. In every desert of trial, God has an
oasis of comfort.
If you believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, then
you should get rid of the thought that the things you want
won’t come to pass. I’ve said it before, but my favorite
scripture is Ephesians 3:20,21, “Now to Him who is able to
do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in
the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and
ever. Amen.” (NKJV) That scripture is so powerful. Every
time I read or hear it I smile and reflect on the goodness of
God. All I have to do is call on the name of Jesus and he will
answer my prayers.
When I think of The Unfolding Story and the faith journey
we have begun, I think about Ephesians 3:20,21. God is
about to bless St. Paul with an expanded facility to do His
will. This new facility is for the advancement of God’s
Kingdom. It’s up to us to stay in prayer and step forward in
faith to help the vision of a new facility to become a reality.
Put your faith in God and He will give you the desires of
your heart.
Find the Bible Words!
by Ann Woodbury Moore
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 5
by Lori Brown
Before you read this article on Soul Ties I encourage you to
go to the Lord and ask Him to reveal to you how this applies
to your life and to reveal the soul ties that are binding you.
Ask Him to reveal to you even deeper insights. Let this
article be the first step toward you being set free.
Additionally, ask God to prepare you to go forth and teach
our younger generation all about the dangers of ungodly or
sexual soul ties. As we know, sex among teenagers is running
rampant, and they need to be taught to keep themselves pure
and free. Being soul tied to others scatters the soul and will
keep them in bondage to many. It is time for us as believers
to take authority over these bondages and to pray for our
young people. It is time to possess our souls back from the
enemy. Our teens need to know that Jesus is the way, the
truth and the life. No one but Jesus can fill the void that
people long for.
Soul ties are exactly what they sound like. They are ties
from one person’s soul (mind, will, emotions); to another
person’s soul that cause confusion and disorder. The Bible
says, “Where you find disorder, there is every kind of evil”
James 3:16. Chaos and confusion bring in evil. It causes
an inability to think clearly and make decisions and/or see
things the way God sees them. Soul ties affect our ability to
receive (hear from God) before they affect our ability to give.
It’s like a horse with a bit in its mouth that can be controlled
by pulling its reins to the left or right. That’s how a soul tie
will affect you. Part of you may be telling yourself to go left,
but the other part is pulling you to the right. Something is
overriding your willpower to do what is right. Left vs. right,
faith vs. flesh, it’s a constant back and forth struggle. “I’m
not going to call him”, or “I won’t cheat on my wife again”,
both are examples of the torment caused by a soul tie. The
Bible says in James 1:7, 8, “an unstable person ought not
to think he’ll receive anything from the Lord.” How can
God bless us if we are constantly wavering between right
and wrong?
A curse or a soul tie can cause that wavering. Even if a
person has every intention of stopping the behavior, they
can’t because their willpower is being overridden. This
6 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
causes guilt, shame, and condemnation – all sent by the
enemy as Satan is the accuser of the brethren – and he loves
it because it keeps you from hearing from God and takes
you off the path of receiving all that God has for you. The
enemy uses something in your past to cut off your future.
He’s trying to keep you from your destiny and your future
generations from theirs.
If you are always bitter, angry, thinking of the past, feeling
rejected, or constantly meditating on another person or
thing, you are probably tied to that person or that thing.
You need to become “UNtied”. If it is a person you are tied
to, you need to become untied from that person so you can
be properly “tied” to your God-appointed spouse.
By vows we make
•What we speak or declare. Do not be quick with your
mouth, when you make a vow to God, keep it
(Ecclesiastes 5:2-7). Jesus taught about vows and said
don’t make any vows! “Just say a simple yes, I will or no,
I won’t. Anything beyond this is from the evil one.”
Matthew 5:33-37
•The enemy wants us to make vows and break them to
bring a curse upon our lives.
•We have to be careful of what we say. IF WE SAY IT,
WE PRAY IT. In Numbers 14:26-28, God said to
Moses regarding the children of Israel, “As truly as I
live….that which you have spoken, so shall I do.”
•The power of life and death are in the tongue. We either
speak life into something or we speak death, blessings
or curses. Proverbs 18:21, James 3:10
•If we make a vow involving another person, we are tied to
that person. Ideally, when we make a vow with our
spouse, we are tied to that person, which is good. An
example of a bad tie through a vow would be “I will never
speak to you again”. A bond has now been formed
causing a connection between you and the person you
never wanted to speak with again. That person now has
part of you. Is that really what you want? I doubt it!
Fornication – sex outside of marriage
•Every time we become one flesh with a person to whom
we are not married, we leave “cookies” (a computer
term) behind – traces of ourselves that show where we’ve
been. Now we are connected to him/her and everyone
they have ever slept with.
•There was something roaming and looming in the spirit
of this individual that you hooked up with and now that
problem has transferred to you.
•You might have had the “hook up” ten years ago and
now that “thing” which has been dormant for years
wakes up and causes problems. It could be a spirit
of anything.
•When a person has sex outside of marriage, part of him
stays with her and part of her stays with him. You cannot
give 100% of yourself to the mate God has chosen for
you because part of you is gone. You have to get
it back!
•A person could be divorced but still thinking about the
ex. A man might still nurture his ex and a woman might
continue to be drawn to her ex, even if he was abusive to
her (generational curse).
•Causes a spell or fantasy through a sexual memory
Prolonged time with intimate dialogue – i.e.…boss/
secretary or co-workers
•A connection is made through conversation
•Their thoughts, attitudes and desires are being dropped
into your soul and you don’t even know it.
•Soon, you begin to think the way they think and desire
what they desire.
•Don’t have prolonged, deep conversations with
just anybody
Gifts of sentimental value
•Things that arouse emotions, desires, thoughts,
or feelings
•The gift or item means something to you and can control
(influence) you. The gift is connected to your soul.
•It could be pictures of a deceased person that cause grief
all over again, or a picture of an old boyfriend/
•Music (that special song)
As you can see, soul ties can be either godly or ungodly
and develop in a variety of ways. Praise God, our heavenly
Father has yet again made a way for us to break these
ungodly ties and be repositioned to receive all the good He
has for us. Below is a prayer you can recite out loud to break
the soul ties that have hindered you and your relationships.
Thankfully, once the soul tie is broken, the connection is
broken and the confusion is gone.
Remember, the Lord wants all His children to be free so
that we can give Him every part of ourselves. Spending time
with Him and being intimate with Him is an opportunity
for Him to really speak to us. Break those ties that have
hindered your relationship with Him and with others and
don’t be too busy that you can’t give Him time, as this is
when He reveals the deeper things of Himself. Prayer to break soul ties: (Pray this out loud!!)
Before praying, do whatever is necessary for the anointing
of the Holy Spirit to come. This is so important. Pray, wait,
forgive, or worship. Once His presence and anointing is
present, then proceed with the soul tie breaking prayer. It’s
the anointing that breaks the yoke. The ties won’t break
with a simple prayer from the mind. The anointed power of
the Holy Spirit must be present to be effective.
Father, I come before You right now in the name of Jesus. I
know I’ve sinned because we’ve all sinned. But I know You
love me so much that You sent Jesus Christ to pay the price
in full for all my sin. I ask you to forgive me for all my sins.
I give my life to you. Right now, I receive Jesus Christ as my
Lord and my Savior.
Satan, in the name of Jesus Christ, by the blood of Jesus, and
through the power of the Cross, I bind you and command
you to get out of my life. I reject you and your demons and
command you to depart from my spirit, soul and body!
In the name of Jesus I now renounce, break and loose myself
from all demonic subjection and any ungodly soul ties and
unhealthy bonding with the following people: (break soul
ties with each person that comes to mind).
Lord, I ask you to do whatever it takes to break me of my
tendencies toward obsessive pre-occupations, domination,
control, passivity, apathy, unforgiveness, anger, blame,
accusations, fear, intimidation and disobedience in
relationships. Thank you Father.
Finally, in the name of Jesus, I declare every demonic hold
in my life that has come as a result of unhealthy soul ties or
generational curses null and void. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 7
Fabulous Faith
by Denise Jackson
As people in the United States experience record home
foreclosures and economic downfall, one St. Paul Baptist
Church member uses what Rev. Deveraux Hubbard calls
“fabulous faith during failing times” to buy a brand new
If that weren’t enough, LeVon “Bonnie” Young, the 52year old single mother of four, beat the odds by overcoming
an insurmountable health challenge she faced earlier
when it was not the site Habitat initially offered her.
“I would come by the lot daily and say God I want that lot”,
she said.
Little did she know that divine intervention was at work
as Young drove by the location for two months, each time
declaring it the site she wanted.
“My sponsor called me and said we got two lots. She told me
go to Sheridan and Hanssler and look at it and see if that’s
the one I want. I got the exact lot in March, “ she said.
this year.
In April of this year as the ground began thawing from
the winter, Young and Gina Holesome watched the
groundbreaking for their new homes which are less than two
blocks apart. As Habitat program participants, they were
each required to volunteer 350 hours towards construction
on the buildings. Young did not anticipate there would
be any problem getting that accomplished but got some
disturbing news from her doctor a month later. She was
diagnosed with an aneurysm in her heart. The episode
began when Young experienced severe headaches two or
three times a week that sent her to the hospital on many
occasions. During one visit, Young complained of chest
pain after taking medication. Hospital staff conducted a
C-T scan and discovered the aneurysm.
On October 8th Habitat for Humanity in partnership with
Caterpillar Global Mining and the City of Peoria presented
keys to Young during the house blessing in the basement
of her three bedroom home. Surrounded by Habitat
workers, board members, Caterpillar employees, friends,
family and church members a grateful Young expressed
her appreciation.
“They sent me to a specialist and did an angiogram. I said
what can I do. I’m in the process of building my home and I
want this so bad! He said you can’t do anything strenuous,
it could pop. I could die,” she explained. “They monitored
me. My blood pressure rose so high I could hear mucus
forming in my nasal area. I could hear my eyes blink. I
knew that was not normal”.
“I don’t feel like I did this. I just feel grateful that so many
people stepped forward,” she said.
In the meantime, church leaders announced that volunteers
were needed to help Young because she was not able to
do it. Caterpillar employees, Habitat volunteers, church
members, friends and family all pitched in to help complete
It’s been a long journey for Young. Two years ago she cast
her vote on the Hanssler Street location but was disappointed
8 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
was the time for me to see the surgeon again. I stayed
awake all night Friday praying and telling God I don’t want
no surgery! Saturday I got ready. I told myself I don’t
want to go to the doctor. Something said you gotta go,”
she explained.
Once settled in the doctor’s office he went over the results
of her tests.
“He said your blood work is okay.” He was looking at the
results of tests taken on my chest. He said, “I don’t see it.”
He said it like he didn’t want me to hear. I said, “you don’t
see what?” He said, “I don’t see the aneurysm.” I knew it
was God. Who else?
the work. Young could only watch when she visited the
work site and staff made sure that’s all she did.
Habitat Construction Coordinator Mike Trent said, “I was
concerned for her. We were all praying for her. She is the
most appreciative person I’ve ever worked for.”
Doctors told Young she would have to undergo surgery.
With no guarantees of a full recovery, she worried.
“I had been going back and forth to the doctor. June 13th
Bonnie said that the doctor checked again in July and took
another C-T scan. They have no explanation for what
happened. I said, “Lord you have blessed me to have a
home.” I was telling Him, “you gave me the lot I asked
for.” I needed to be here to see this. You’ve got some more
work for me to do,” she said.
Bonnie was able to get tools back in her hand and work
along side the crew building her home. Her faith was tested
and tried and is proof that, God’s promises remain true
The Women of Baptist General Convention
The women’s department of the
Baptist General Convention
gets a new livelihood in Beverly
Johnson Thomas. She was
elected as the new president
June 8, 2008 at the Baptist
General Convention. Mrs.
Thomas is the first woman’s
IL. Her platform was “Bee”
ye Steadfast, Unmovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord! Possessing her
Emblem the black and yellow “Bee” to symbolize working
continuously for the Lord; she clenched the women’s
Presidential Position.
Mrs. Thomas’s youthfulness for working enhances the
women of the state to know what she is about: first,
helping the women to look and trust in God for all things;
Second, teaching them to never be ashamed to share their
testimonies whenever given the opportunity; and third, to
cause others to take ownership of knowing God as a just
and “loving God!”
Mrs. Thomas has great plans to modernize methods and
goals, to encourage and promote the witnesses of Christian
Women in the home, church and community.
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 9
The Unfolding Story Continues...
On Sunday, August 10th, St. Paul Baptist Church came
together as a family to worship and celebrate its one-year
anniversary of the Lifestyle Capital Stewardship Campaign,
The Unfolding Story. The anniversary service was held
down on the Peoria Riverfront at the CEFCU Soundstage.
A Journey of Faith
by Barry &
Cassandra Anderson
That day began with much excitement as the Ushers and
Greeters ministries and the angelic sounds of the Praise
Team and choir greeted the people.
Boaters along the Illinois River even stopped to enjoy the
praise and worship and to hear the sermon.
Pastor Hannah led us in our Commitment Response Litany
with a reminder that “We will not offer God that which costs
us nothing and we will build the temple for spiritual growth
and eternal victory”.
Dr. Herman Norman, our professional consultant on
Lifestyle Stewardship from the Generis Corporation,
provided words of encouragement to the congregation and
ensured us of his continued support.
The day concluded with Pastor
Hubbard providing the message,
“Faith is the Answer”. He
reminded us that in order to
have “Fabulous Faith in Failing
Times”; we have to have Faith
that follows. The Unfolding story
is not about the money, it’s about
following God so people will be
blessed through a ministry at St.
Paul from people who had faith
and a willingness to follow God.
This journey, which began on July
1, 2007, marked the beginning
of a 3-year commitment of
sacrificial giving. During this
time, members were asked to
sacrificially commit and give
above their tithes and offering to
the building of God’s Kingdom as
He has placed on their hearts.
10 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
Everyone has a part that they can play as we move closer to
equipping St. Paul and the community for Kingdom work.
No commitment or giving amount is too small as the giving
is not as important as the sacrifice. Ultimately, the goal of the
Unfolding Story is to raise our faith in GOD and obedience
to GOD through sacrifice so that we may serve Him by
serving others. Through serving we pray that people will
be transformed with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So as one
chapter closes and another begins, we encourage everyone
to be a part of this faith journey.
We ask everyone to put their trust in God and watch their
level of faith be raised as God proves He is who He says He
is and He will do what He said do according to His Word. If
you have not done so, we strongly urge and encourage you
to pray and seek GOD to determine what he would have you
to do for His Glory.
“I will not offer God that which costs me nothing”.
II Samuel 24:24
Losing a mother has been one
of the hardest and devastating
situations that I have ever
had to deal with in my entire
life. My mother was my BEST
FRIEND in the world. I
talked to her at least ten times
per day and spent time with
her on a daily basis, that’s
without exaggeration. I thank
God for giving me my sister,
my brother, nieces, Godchildren, close friends, my
Annie Evans
mother’s only sister Peggy
Wise and her cousin Jocie Randle for helping me in some
real tough times. Everyday that goes by I think of her and
the fun we used to have. Every time I hear a person say “My
mother is getting on my nerves” or they don’t want to deal
with them on certain issues I quickly tell them “Enjoy it
now and do all you can because when they’re gone, they’re
gone”. The first step I made when my mom passed was
getting reacquainted with my relationship with GOD. No
Doctor or medicines could heal my hurt and pain during
her loss. Getting back on track with GOD makes my days
a lot easier than when she first passed away. For those that
still have a mother living, my advice to you is to try and talk
to them as much as you can everyday and spend as much
quality time as possible so when they’re gone you’ll have
no regrets.
Tammi Evans
Words cannot express the devastation of losing a loved
one such as a mother. It would be beyond realization to
expect what I felt could be expressed in a few words. The
emptiness that comes from knowing that the person who
nurtured you through your childhood, rescued you when
you needed it, picked you up when you stumbled, corrected
you when you were wrong, supported you through your
accomplishments and encouraged you when you were
down cannot be measured or explained in a few words.
What keeps me going is my faith, relationship with Christ,
and loving family. I think of what my mom would expect of
me and reflect back on the instructions she gave me during
her final hours. My advice to others would be to love your
mother with all your heart, cherish the moments when
she may seem to be annoying, and take time out of your
schedules to do the little things that count for her. Because
at some point you too, like me and so many others, will wish
you could just have one more day with your mom.
Alfreida DeGroot
I’m a person of few words, but I can tell you that my Mom
was a person of great faith. She use to mail me her thoughts
periodically to read. I didn’t know what impact her thoughts
would have on my life but since she passed I have crossed
many hurdles. Now I pray everyday. Every morning I sing
my Mom’s favorite songs and now I’m a member of St. Paul
Baptist church. I know I may not have been all that I could
be, but I know she loved me with all her heart and she’s
smiling down at me.
Palmer Evans Jr.
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 11
by Mavis Armmer
Hail the Lord God Almighty
Praise to the Lord on High
Hail the Lord God Almighty.
Hail Him, who is enthroned above the heavens,
who reigns forevermore.
Hail Him, ye angels.
Hail Him, ye shinning moon and stars.
Hail Him, ye radiant sun.
Hail Him, all ye, who soar among the clouds.
Hail Him, all ye, who dwell in waters deep.
Hail Him, ye sovereign kings.
Hail Him, ye poor and lowly.
Hail Him, all ye foundations.
Hail Him, ye heights and depths.
Hail Him, all ye grand and small creation.
Hail Him, all ye, who have life and breath.
Hail the Lord of all nations.
Splendor and glory are before Him.
Hail the beauty of His holy Name.
The Lord’s Name is everlasting.
It will never be forgotten.
His Kingdom remains throughout eternity.
Worthy is the Lord,
whose lovingkindness never grows weary,
whose strength never fails.
Praise to the Lord on high
Lift up the King of creation.
Behold Him, ye earth and sky,
worthy of our adoration.
Hail Majesty,
whose blood washed away all our sins.
Worship eternally
Jesus, our holy Redeemer and Friend.
Hail Majesty,
whose girded with power,
whose might abounds through all ages.
Hail Him, ye generations.
Hail the Light,
who will never grow dim.
Hail Him in honor and praise.
Yes, Hail the Lord God Almighty.
Hail Him, who is enthroned above the heavens,
who reigns forevermore.
Worthy is the Lord Almighty,
worshiped throughout all ages.
Great is His infinite glory.
All creation stands amazed.
12 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
Praise to the Lord on high.
O ye praise and adore Him.
All creatures draw humbly nigh.
Bow in reverence before Him.
Worthy is the Lamb,
sovereign above all royalty.
Praise Him throughout the lands.
Forever exalt the Almighty.
Hallelujah, our Jesus is worthy.
Throughout all ages, He is to be glorified.
Hallelujah, our Jesus is holy.
Praise to the Lord on high! O praise to the Lord on high!
Hallelujah, Our King is Exalted
No one is like the Lord our Savior,
ruling with all power and authority.
No other is clothed in glorious splendor,
enthroned for all eternity.
Hallelujah, our King is exalted.
Proclaim His holy name, ye earth and sky.
Hallelujah, Majesty is forever exalted.
Praise Him, who reigns on high.
Behold the Wondrous Cross
Behold the wondrous Cross,
where Jesus suffered for me.
Behold precious blood flowing down
from the Sinless Son, hanging on a tree.
Conquering sin, conquering death,
No earthly grave could hold Him down.
The Lamb, who drew His final breath,
sits enthroned, adorned, and crowned.
As I behold o’er and o’er
Jesus dying on Calvary,
All earthly things I adore,
I lay down before holy Majesty.
Come, You, sinners, poor and weary.
Come, You sinners, burdened and lost.
There is hope and peace before Thee.
Come, behold the wondrous Cross.
Forever My Savior Reigns
Forever my Savior reigns,
all glorious above the highest praise.
My soul joins in the holy refrain,
exalting the King of all my days.
Forever Majesty is worthy.
My lips will faithfully proclaim
His precious love and tender mercy.
O hail the power of His Name.
Hallelujah, let every saint rejoice.
Let every knee bow down.
Sing with one humble voice.
Declare the Lord’s renown.
He who leads me,
who through various trials sustains,
is ascribed all honor and glory.
Forever my Savior reigns.
Jesus, You Never Fail
Sometimes I hang my head down and cry,
feeling alone, as people pass me by.
I pray to You from my own living hell,
knowing Jesus, You never fail.
All the sorrows and sadness that unfolds
is more than my weary soul can hold.
My heart, although beating, is cold and frail.
Remind Jesus, You never fail.
I will sing of You, O King of glory,
and fall down as I behold
the holiness of Your majesty.
I will exalt You above all earth holds.
You are more than my mind can fathom.
Throughout all ages, You will prevail.
Everlasting is Your glorious Kingdom.
My tongue proclaims, “Jesus, You never fail.”
What animal is most
mentioned in both the
old and new Testament?
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 13
But Should They? Unveil the Mask of Depression.
by Shalonda Knox, RN, BSN
The stigma still exists: “real men” do not whine about their
physical, mental, or emotional problems. They work it
out, suck it up or walk it off. Some men learn to overvalue
independence and self-control during childhood. Therefore,
when the day arrives that one enters into adulthood there is
a certain element of pride that ones undertakes also along
with this role. Through tradition, certain responsibilities
also come with being the ‘man of the house’. Many of
these are routine things: being the primary or joint earner,
being Mr. fix-it, doing the heavy lifting, checking the car
oil, doing the mowing etc. Other responsibilities enable a
man to compliment or be a buffer to others in the home,
such as having a second opinion to that of his spouse,
staying consistent with rules & helping to uphold values
or standards in the household. Men are expected to be
able to cope with stressful situations, look like they are in
control, know what they are doing at all times and always
remain the problem solver. Men command authority from
the kids and have general respect within the family. Men
who are suffering from depression are more likely to talk
about the physical symptoms of their depression than the
emotional and psychological ones. This may be one reason
why doctors sometimes do not diagnose it.
Often by learned traditions, and pre-conceived ideas of the
male figure within the family just exist. Men play their part
and mostly follow along with these expectations and because
of this some men find it difficult to express themselves
emotionally, or struggle to find an outlet during times of
pressure and difficulty coping.
Men Get Depressed! The truth is, (shhh not too loudly) men can get depressed! As infallible as they seem (I know,
it is true!), men can really struggle at times. Sometimes it is
for minor reasons like boredom or age, unfulfilled at work,
coming to terms with not realizing childhood dreams, or
money matters.
What is Depression?
Depression is a serious medical condition that affects the
body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way one eats and
sleeps. It affects how one thinks about things and one’s
self perception. A depressive disorder is not the same as
a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness
or a condition one can will or wish away. People with a
depressive illness cannot merely “pull themselves together”
and get better.
14 –The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
What are the signs and symptoms of Depression?
• Feel unhappy, miserable, down, depressed can’t
enjoy anything
• Can not concentrate properly
• Feel guilty about things that have nothing to do
with you
• Become pessimistic
• Start to feel hopeless and perhaps even suicidal
• Can not get to sleep and wake early in the morning
and/or throughout the night
• Loose interest in sex
• Cannot eat
• Lose weight
• Perform less well at work
• Seem unusually quiet and unable to talk about things
• Worry about things more than usual
• Are more irritable than usual
• Complain more about vague physical problems
•Are not looking after themselves properly, do not
bother to shave, wash hair, or clothes
How is depression different for men?
There is no evidence for a completely separate type of
‘male depression’. However, there is evidence that some
symptoms of depression are more common in men than in
women. These include:
• irritability
• sudden anger
• increased loss of control
• greater risk-taking
• aggression
• Men are also more likely to commit suicide
Helping Men
Many men find it difficult to ask for help when they are
depressed, it can feel unmanly and weak. It may be easier
for men to ask for help if those who give that help take into
account men’s special needs.
Men have found depression easier to talk about if they relate
it to the result of chemical changes in the brain and/or as
the inevitable cost of living in a demanding and difficult
world. Not that it is a sign of being weak or unmanly. With
the use of medications, and the proper therapy depression
can be treated.
If a depressed man is married, or in a steady relationship
–– his partner should be involved so that she/he can
understand what is happening. This will make it less likely
for the depression to interfere with their relationship.
Some men do not feel comfortable talking about themselves
so they may be reluctant to consider psychotherapy.
However, it is a powerful way of relieving depression and
works well for many men. Although more men are seeking
professional help to overcome mental health issues, they
often still feel stigmatized by society as being weak.
In mainstream society, depression and mental illness are
still somewhat taboo subjects. In the African-American
community, these topics are completely shrouded in
secrecy. As a result, millions of black men are suffering in
silence or getting treatment only in extreme circumstances–
in emergency rooms, homeless shelters, and prisons. This
myth has damaged generations of African American men
and their families and has created a society that blames black
men for being violent and aggressive without considering
that depression might be a root cause. It’s hard for us to
shake the old ideas: Real men don’t cry, and are always in
control of their feelings. But it’s time to put this new idea
into the list: A lot of real men do get depressed. If you think
you’re one of them, be a real man and take care of yourself.
Ask for help, and get treated for depression. You deserve
to feel better and with treatment, there is every reason to
believe you soon will.
Listen. Be transformed.
WVEL 1140 AM
Sundays at 12:00 pm
Monday thru Friday at 10:15 am
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 15
by Jay Walton
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some
people, in their eagerness to get rich, have wandered
away from the faith and caused themselves a lot of pain. –
1 Timothy 6:10 (International Standard Version)
This verse has proven to be a powerful statement of today’s
society. With this in mind, St. Paul Baptist Church launched
a new budgeting class in September titled “Making Ends
Meet” which is built on the text Making Ends Meet:
Budgeting Made Easy authored by Larry Burkett with
Brenda Armstrong. The four-week course explores many
different facets of budgeting from a spiritual and practical
perspective. The course also parallels Pastor Hubbard’s
current four-week sermon series on “Is Money Really the
The Making Ends Meet course promotes an interactive
atmosphere from classroom discussion, reading and selfassessment. The journey begins with an opportunity to
understand the value of money and to explore the concepts
that shape attitudes about money. If we had more money
we would…? Are we addicted to money? Are we “foolish”
or “faithful” with our spending? Ultimately, the class is
motivated to find the conclusion that true wealth is knowing
•God created everything – Genesis 1:1
•God owns everything – Psalm 24:1
•We are trustees – Corinthians 4:21
At first glance, this may seem easy but establishing a financial
plan (i.e. budget) and sticking to your plan is the key. The
positive news is that we have God as our foundation. He
loves us and He wants the best for us. Therefore, we can
cast those fears and doubts aside and put Him first in our
thoughts and hearts. This is why the Making Ends Meet:
Budgeting Made Easy text uses the following prayer to turn
lives and frustrations over to God:
Dear Father God, I want my life to be different. I realize
there are things that are more important than money. I
want to learn to put my trust in You for all my needs.
Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus to die for my sins. I
receive that gift of salvation. Thank You for making me
Once this foundation is established, discussion is facilitated part of the family of God. Now, take my life, and make
around fears and doubts regarding money. It is these fears something beautiful out of it.
and doubts that lead to financial bondage. Recognizing
financial bondage allows one to see financial freedom and Another key purpose of the Making Ends Meet budgeting
financial freedom can be obtained in eight steps according class is to educate and entertain those who are interested
in improving their financial situation. The course gets into
to the text.
the details of how students should start or enhance their
1. Transfer Ownership (to God)
financial state of affairs. Arming Christians with additional
2. Get Out of Debt
tools to succeed financially is absolutely necessary since
3. Establish a Tithe
temptations are lurking around every corner (i.e. easy loan
4. Accept What God Provides
businesses, blowout sales, unnecessary credit cards, state
5. Put Others First
lotteries, etc.) Putting Him first in everything we do and
6. Avoid Indulgence
say…including budgeting…is key to any and every successful
7. Avoid Snap Decisions
financial plan.
8. Seek Wise Counsel
16 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
of Christ?
(Matt. 22.42)
by Rogers Turner Jr.
Kregel Study Bible
“King of the Jews”
(wise men from the east. Matt 2.2)
“Mightier than I”
(John the Baptist. matt 3.11)
“Son of God”
(demons. Matt 8.29)
“The carpenter’s son”
(His fellow countrymen. Matt 13.55)
“John the Baptist”
(Herod and others. Matt 14.2, Matt 16.14)
“The Son of God”
(They that were in the ship. Matt 14.33)
“ Elijah”
(some. Matt 16.14)
(others. Matt 16.14)
“One of the prophets”
(some men. Matt 16.14)
“The Christ, the Son of God”
(Peter. Matt 16.16)
“The Christ, the Son of God”
(Martha. John 11.27)
“My beloved Son”
(God the Father. Matt 17.5)
“Good Master”
(a certain ruler. Matt 19.16)
“The prophet of Nazareth”
(the multitude. Matt 21.11)
“The carpenter, the son of Mary”
(many hearing Him. Mark 6.3)
“The Salvation… a light… the glory”
(Simeon. Luke 2.30,32)
“Joseph’s son”
(all in the synagogue. Luke 4.22)
“A great Prophet”
(all witnessing the raising of widow’s son. Luke 7.16)
“A prophet mighty in deed and word”
(the two going to Emmaus. Luke 24.19)
“The Lamb of God”
(John the Baptist. John 1.29)
“The Messias”
(Andrew. John 1.41)
“The Son of God,…the King of Israel”
(Nathanael. John 1.49)
“A Teacher come from God”
(Nicodemus. John 3.2)
“A prophet”
(a woman of Samaria. John 4.19)
“Jesus, the son of Joseph”
(the Jews. John 6.42)
“A Samaritan” and having a demon
(the Jews. John 8.48)
“A prophet”
(the blind man. John 9.17)
“The King of Israel”
(much people. John 12.13)
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 17
by Don Knox , CPP, CITRMS
Preparedness is a key item that all Americans should
consider at home, at work, at school and at church.
September is National Preparedness Month (NPM). NPM
and the Ready Campaign began in 2003. 2008 marks the
fifth annual NPM.
NPM is Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland
Security’s (DHS) Ready Campaign, and with support from
Coalition Members across the nation, NPM is held each
September to increase public awareness about emergency
preparedness and is designed to encourage Americans
to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their
homes, businesses and communities before they happen.
During the month, people are encouraged to participate by
hosting activities and initiatives. In 2007, more than 1,800
organizations joined the Ready Campaign as Coalition
Members, making it the most successful year to date.
“National Preparedness Month is an important reminder
about each American’s civic responsibility to prepare for
emergencies,” said Homeland Security Secretary Michael
Chertoff. “Those with the capacity and wherewithal to help
themselves must do so in advance, so that in the event of an
emergency, responders can first assist those who are unable
to tend to themselves. From wildfires and earthquakes in
California, to hurricanes and tropical storms along the Gulf
Coast, to flooding in the Midwest, recent events remind
us more than ever that we must prepare ourselves and our
families for a disaster. This is the time, each year, when
every American should ask the question, ‘Am I ready?’”
Ready is a national public service advertising campaign
designed to educate and empower Americans to prepare
for and respond to emergencies including natural disasters
and potential terrorist attacks. The goal of the campaign
is to get the public involved and ultimately to increase the
level of basic preparedness across the nation.
Citizen Corps brings together community, emergency
and government leaders to involve community members in
emergency preparedness, planning, mitigation, response
and recovery. More than 2,200 state, local, tribal and
territorial governments in all 56 states and U.S. territories
have formed Citizen Corps Councils, and every day new
Councils are formed in communities around the country.
18 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
These Councils enable collaborative planning between
government and civic leaders and provide localized
support for: outreach and educational efforts to the public;
training and exercises that effectively integrate emergency
responders, volunteers with a response role, and the general
public; and volunteer programs that augment the full range
of emergency response services.
National Preparedness Month the Ready Campaign and
Citizen’s Corps prompt focus on four main steps:
• Get an emergency supply kit
• Make a family emergency plan
• Be informed
• Get involved
When putting together and emergency supply kit there are
standard items that you should include:
• Water: At least one gallon per person per day
• Food: At least a three day supply of
non-perishable food
•Battery powered or hand crank radio and a
NOAA Weather radio with extra batteries
• Flashlight: Including extra batteries
• First Aid Kit:
• Whistle: to signal for help
• Dust Mask: to help filter contaminates air
• Tools: Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
• Can Opener: Manual can opener
• Local Maps: For navigation
There are also some additional items to consider:
• Prescription medications and glasses
• Infant formula and diapers
• Pet food and extra water for pets
• Important documents such as insurance policies and backing information
• Cash
• Sleeping bag or warm blanket per person
• Extra clothing
• Household chlorine bleach and medicine dropper
• Fire extinguisher
• Personal hygiene items
• Mess kits, plates, plastic cups, plastic utensils,
paper towels
• Paper, pens and pencils
• Books, games, puzzles
When making a family emergency plan there are several
items to include:
•A family meeting place that everyone will go to if there
is an emergency
• An out of town contact in case local phone lines
are down
• All necessary phone numbers as well as coins or a
prepaid telephone calling card
Be informed of the local emergencies that may affect you:
• Get information about the type of emergencies that are
common for your area
• Find out what emergency plans have been established
by your local and state government, workplace, child’s
school and church
The Strengthening Families classes are a joint partnership
between St. Paul Baptist Church and White Oaks Youth
and Community Services. The classes are hosted at St. Paul
on Wednesday nights from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. The classes
are open to all parents of middle or high school students
and their children. During each session, families are fed a
nutritious meal during which they are encouraged to sit and
Get involved in with preparedness efforts in your
• Volunteer to serve as an emergency preparedness
advocate in one of Citizens Corps programs such as
Neighborhood Watch, Volunteers in Policing Service
(VIPS), Fire Corps (FC), Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
or Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT)
Remember, preparedness is an important item no matter
where you are including home, work, school or church.
For more information visit the following websites:
eat together at their own private “family table”. After dinner,
parents participate in classes that teach them better ways to
communicate with their children, how to set boundaries and
how to help their children set and reach goals. While the
parents are in class, the students participate in classes that
teach self-discipline, goal-setting, handling peer-pressure,
and communication skills.
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 19
Should Not Mean
by Shalonda Knox, RN, BSN
Americans today are facing one of the most critical economic
crises and are making cutbacks in day-to-day spending.
Television, radio and internet are flooded daily with people
not being able to make their mortgage, buy food, gasoline,
and medications becoming often finding themselves
becoming physically ill. When you are making cuts, and
slimming down your budget, remember you never want to
skimp when it comes to your health. Fortunately, there are
ways to get well and stay that way for less. Yet finding ways
to cut back has become an imperative.
• When you get home, remove your clothes immediately
and shower to get rid of the pollen that has attached
itself to your clothes, skin and hair.
• Often the worst enemies may be your best friends.
Many people let pets sleep not only in the room but
also in the bed.
Go to Sleep Early
Researchers have long reported that six to eight
solid hours of lights out is critical for optimal brain
functioning and a healthy immune system. Remember
it is not the number of hours that one gets but it is quality
of sleep.
• Habitually taking sleeping pills and painkillers is not
such a great idea either, Walker adds. They may knock
you out at bedtime, but the flat, dreamless sleep they
often induce does not generally provide the healing
and repair your mind and body craves.
Drop Your Gym Membership
Who needs to pay hundreds of dollars to work out? Why not
rent exercise DVDs, or break out the old VCR and dust off
those VHS tapes? Alternatively, one can make your living
room a yoga studio a few nights out of the week. The only
thing you risk losing is the camaraderie you can find at the
gym. Nevertheless, that is easy to re-create at home.
Take Advantage of Free Screenings
Reduce Your Need for Allergy Meds
It has been stated by many researchers that one of the
most common mistakes allergy sufferers make is to
keep stacks of books and magazines, stuffed animals,
decorative pillows and other “dust-mite breeding
grounds” in the bedroom. Dust mites are the leading
cause of indoor, yearlong allergies. Outdoor allergens
such as ragweed, leaf molds and often harbingers during
the fall.
• As good as it feels to sleep with your windows open
to the sound of breezes rustling the trees that might be
why you wake up with a puffy, drippy face. Simple
remedy: Close your windows and turn on a fan.
• If you are a jogger, jog in the evening - because pollen
counts are higher in morning.
20 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
With so many of us working full-time yet under
insured or uninsured, it is easy to let things go.
Like that little mole on your arm that seems
to have grown bigger this summer. You do
not need us to tell you that letting it go is not a
good idea.
• If you have a history of skin cancer, spend a lot of time
in the sun or have a suspicious mole, you really need to
make a habit of getting your skin checked for skin
cancer -insurance or no insurance.
• “See Spot, Check Spot” is the slogan of the
American Center for Dermatology. It has collaborated
with dermatologists across the country to offer free
screenings. Just go to the extremely user-friendly to find a convenient location.
June 14, 2008
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 21
Your appointment to be blessed by God!
by Lori Brown
God wants His people blessed!! Unfortunately, life
circumstances get in and clutter our ability to hear God and
to receive from God. Therefore, we are not in position to
receive the blessings he has for us. But God is good. He
yet again has made a way for us to get back into position to
receive all that He has for us and all that we deserve. But we
can’t miss our appointment with Him. Timing is everything.
Just as we clean out the clutter in our house in the Spring,
we must clean out the clutter in our spiritual house (our
soul) in the Fall. On one special day, God gives you the
opportunity to honor Him, to experience His presence, to
release blessings and provision, and to be one with Him.
The Day of Atonement is that day, and that appointment
with God comes on October 9, 2008.
The Day of Atonement is a Jewish holiday also known as
Yom Kippur. What does a Jewish holiday have to do with
us? Everything! Jesus, our Christ (the Anointed One),
was a Jew. As Christians (followers of Christ) we have
Jewish roots and should be aware of the holidays that Jesus
observed and have a general understanding of what they
were and why they were important.
The Old Testament Book of Leviticus, written by Moses as
inspired by God, gave the Levites (ministers of that day) their
instructions for worship and provided the Hebrews with
instructions for a holy walk with God. Part of this holy walk
with God included worshiping him through celebrations
(festivals) which were held and viewed as appointed times
to celebrate God. The book also outlines three seasons
which contain seven feasts. As Christians we’re familiar
with Passover because that season includes our celebration
of Easter, or more appropriately, Resurrection Sunday.
We’re somewhat familiar with Pentecost, which is when
the Hebrew’s were taught how to receive and live in God’s
supernatural power. To Christians, that is the name of
the season after the resurrection when the Holy Spirit
descended upon believers of Christ. But the season we
know the least about is the season of Tabernacles which
includes the Day of Atonement.
22 – The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008
The Day of Atonement is the holiest, most solemn, and
most important of the Jewish holidays. Its central themes
are atonement and repentance. Jews have traditionally
observed this holiday with a 25-hour period of fasting and
intensive prayer.
As Christians we don’t need to celebrate these feasts
to receive salvation. Praise God, Jesus already paid the
complete price for us to be saved from both sin and death.
However, God established the Day of Atonement as a
way for us to become “at one” with Him again. This is an
opportunity to become realligned with God after being
drawn away from Him through sin.
In Old Testatment times, the people received forgiveness
for their sins only once each year which was on the Day of
Atonement. Once Jesus died for our sins, we were given
direct access to God and can (and should) ask daily for the
forgiveness of our sins. Even though our sins are forgiven,
there is “residue” left behind that negatively affects our
soul (our mind, will and emotions). This “residue” turns
into clutter that hinders our relationship with God. The
Day of Atonement, through fasting, prayer, repentance,
and offerings, is our appointment with God to become one
again with Him.
We should begin to think of the things for which you
should ask God’s forgiveness. There could be ways we
have offended others, mistakes we’ve made, lack of time
spent with our family, poor decisions we have made, or
perhaps decisions we failed to make. Whatever it is, take
this opportunity God has given you to fast, seek Him,
repent of your sins, and make a special offerring to Him.
When you do this, His Word promises you will receive
the reallignment you have needed to be properly placed
in position to receive all the blessings God has for you.
Don’t miss God’s divine appointment with you! May we
all emerge from Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) with
complete repentance and merit a year filled with happiness,
health, and prosperity. God Bless
Professional Development Series Seminar
by Rogers Turner Jr.
St. Paul Baptist church had its first Professional Development
seminar recently for anyone wanting to improve their
interviewing skill sets. The topic, Interviewing skills is
quite intriguing. There are so many components which
impact interviewing.
When asked the proverbial question, “Tell me about
yourself?” The question is centered around your (skillsets) as they relate to the job you are seeking so talk about
how your experiences, and education can add value to the
company via the job you could do for them.
Most companies today are looking for good employees who
fit their culture and use the interview as a way of assessing
if a potential employee fits. So the interview is more about
fit than anything else.
Best idea?
While applicants looking for an opportunity must be
qualified, certified, educated, and experienced, companies
are also looking to make sure you fit into their culture.
Consider this, if you could not (shake) someone’s hand
appropriately, 75 years ago, no one would do business with
you. The reference was, your hand is a guide to your heart,
thus a firm handshake! Anything less, meant your heart
was iffy.
When prospecting for a job, remember, connecting from a
relationship standpoint is where you should point. The (fit)
the employer is looking for goes for you to. As a job seeker,
you should be making sure the potential employer you are
investigating is right for you as well.
Some helpful hints in your search:
-Be early
-Have a warm firm handshake
-Have 3 copies of your credentials available (job determines
how many)
-Know the job you are applying for
-Dress appropriately (depending on the job, dark suit, no
flip-flops, etc..)
-Know something about the company, ie. stock symbol,
current stock price,
-Refrain from perfume, or cologne
-Practice your sales pitch. Know why you are applying for
the job and how you will make an impact
Salary. This question trips up more people and more jobs
are even lost addressing the issue of salary. Companies
are trying to get you for the least they can, while you are
working to get the most you can. The answer is simple,
focus on the fit. Here is a response which will stand the test
of time. Question, what salary are you seeking?
Answer-Lets focus on a good fit. If I am the candidate of
choice and I want to be here, I believe salary will take care
of itself.
If the interviewer continues or presses on the salary issue,
then respond, “is there a salary range you can share?” Do
your homework so if this question does present itself, you
will have an idea of how to respond.
Never forget, one interview is not one interview. If you are
good, the interviewer will tell everyone and conversely if you
are bad, they will tell everyone. A good lasting impression
goes a long way, and always send follow-up thank you
cards whether you are selected as the candidate or not.
Sometimes, if you are not the first choice and depending on
how you handled yourself, you could be the 2nd choice and
be contacted if the first person does not work out.
The interview does not start when you set down to talk, the
interview begins when you arrive on the premises of the
business. Everyone you meet will/can have a say in your
interview. Treat everyone like you would want to be treated
and the process you go through will be fruitful. Preparation
is a prescription for some success!
The Net • Volume 1, No 8 • October 2008 – 23