The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals Staff Magazine July/August 2011 New colourful MRI scanner improves patient care Cancer Services Open Day Staff Awards shortlist k l a W t h g i l i w T l a e p Jigsaw Ap ...much more inside announced News n Focus on n Review n Events & Campaigns n Staff Awards July 2011 Contents 2 Working together to improve patient care 3 Shortlist announced for 2011 awards 4 Photography competition for the new Stroke Unit 5 New colourful MRI scanner improves patient care 5 Patients respond to drive changes 5 Your Employee Assistance programme (AEP) 6 News In Brief 7 Focus on... sustainability 7 RBH passes random care quality inspection 8 Committed to equality 8 Cancer hair loss service launches in Bournemouth 8 Staff feedback on Nutrition Study Day 8 Contact Portal - Are you making it work for you? 9 Bright Ideas 9 Ask the Execs - any questions you’d like 10 Car parking developments 11 Join Jigsaw on Facebook 11 Olympic cycling challenge 11 Over 300 people walk for women 12 Jigsaw events diary On the cover The first Jigsaw Appeal Twilight Walk held in June- page 11 e ls Staff Magazin istchurch Hospita rnemouth and Chr July 2011 The Royal Bou Welcome to Welcome to a very summery edition of Buzzword. This latest edition includes news of all those shortlisted for the 2011 Staff Excellence Awards, a new MRI scanner and how we are responding to patient feedback. The front cover shows just two of the 320 ladies who took part in the first Twilight Walk in early June. The walk raised thousands of pounds for the Jigsaw Appeal for Women and there is a full round up of the event on page 11. For further information about future Jigsaw events, take a look at the back page. We are always keen to hear your feedback on Buzzword or issues you would like us to cover so please do get in touch. If you have any comments or stories for Buzzword, please email: [email protected] or contact the Communications Department on 01202 726172 Working together to improve patient care The Board of Directors at Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and RBCH have agreed to carry out a piece of work to explore the potential for closer collaboration. This includes reviewing the benefits that this could bring to our health services and patients in East Dorset and the wider population. Both organisations believe it is essential that the high quality hospital services we provide for our patients are maintained and improved over the coming years in the more challenging economic environment facing the NHS. It is clear that the NHS needs to think differently about how services are developed, delivered and managed. Within the local area the NHS needs to work together through creative and innovative approaches. The initial work will assess the potential benefits of reconfiguring clinical services and look at other opportunities for closer working between our two organisations. As well as reviewing what benefits can be achieved as individual NHS Foundation Trusts, we will also explore if there is any benefit in pursuing a formal merger between the two Trusts to maximise quality improvements, meet future workforce challenges and provide real benefits for our patients and local taxpayers. New colourful nner I sca MRoves patient care impr s Cancer Service Open Day 2shoruntlicestd Staff Awards anno l Appea Jigsaw t Walk h Twilig inside ...much more ns nts & Campaig iew n Eve us on n Rev News n Foc n Staff Awards Any decisions will only be taken after full consultation with local partners and stakeholders, and regulatory processes will guide the next steps. Shortlist announced for 2011 awards The shortlist for the Staff Excellence Awards has been announced for 2011. Entries in the running for an award come from areas across our hospitals, including Physiotherapy, Christchurch Day Hospital, Critical Care and the Support Services to name a few. We had over 100 nominations so congratulations to everyone who was nominated and shortlisted. The winners will be announced in September, here are details of those shortlisted. Award for Putting Patients First Sister Gibson, Clinical Leader, Ward 17 Acute Inpatient Senior Physiotherapists Sara Graham Rehabilitation Assistant, Christchurch Day Hospital Award for Patient Safety Critical Care Outreach Team (Two nominations received) Governance Admin Team Pharmacy Department Customer Care Award Chris Bailey, Acute Admissions Unit (Two nominations received) Carol Fall, Reception. Jayne Hustler, Prosthesis Fitting Service, Breast Care Team Award for Leadership Sister Gibson, Clinical Leader, Ward 17 Jo Marsh, Clinical Leader Acute Stroke Unit Cherry McCubbin, Specialist Services Award for Transformation or Innovation Chris Blainey, Orthopaedics, and Nicola Herbert, Commercial Services Lisa Hammond, BMT Co-ordinator Haematology Rachel Richardson with Andrew Duncan and Jacqui Bowden, Pharmacy Team of the Year Award The Emergency Department Acute Admissions Unit (Two nominations received) Endoscopy Decontamination Team Stroke Team for Stroke Thrombolysis Award for Going the Extra Mile Cardiac Investigation Unit Team Sarah Childs, Information Team Endoscopy Decontamination Team Unsung Hero Award Elisa Maidment-Bennett, HCA, Endoscopy John Warren, Volunteer Stroke Rehabilitation Unit Eileen Wright, Jigsaw Appeal Volunteer Chairman’s Award Presented by Chairman Jane Stichbury The Chairman’s Award is a special award given to the overall achiever selected from the winners of all the award categories. Good luck to everyone who has been shortlisted. Winners will be announced in the September edition of Buzzword. 3 Enter our photography competition for the new Stroke Unit Patients and staff on the new combined Stroke Unit, opening in October at RBH, could be enjoying your photos if you enter our photography competition. We are looking for images from our stunning local area to help theme four areas within the new unit. The four photo categories are: • • • • New Forest Coast and beach Purbecks Local landmarks (from Dorset and Hampshire) Winning photos will be displayed in the new Stroke Unit, opening in October. So get your cameras at the ready and get snapping. You have until Monday 8th August 2011 to get your entries to us (details on how to enter are below). Competition rules and how to enter The competition is open to all but the photograph/s you submit must have been taken by you. Winning photographs from other photography competitions may not be entered. You can submit up to two photographs per category. If your photograph is chosen, you must be able to supply the image in JPEG with minimal compression, RAW or TIF format, shot at a minimum of 8 mega pixel resolution. Your photo may be portrait or landscape. Copyright remains with the photographer, although we will be displaying the winning images in our Stroke Unit and on other material (e.g. Trust publications, website, Flickr account, etc.). By submitting your photo you agree to give permission for the photo to be used by RBCH. Photos will be resized - but not edited. Once you have chosen your photo/s please ensure you have done the following: nPrint your photo in A4 on photographic paper (your photos may be colour or black and white). nEnsure the following details are written on the reverse of your photo: n Name n Address n Telephone Number n Category If your photo does not meet ALL the above it will be excluded from the competition. Sorry, but submitted photographs cannot be returned so please do not send us your original copies. The judges’ decision is final. Please send your chosen photo/s to: The Communications Department The Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth BH7 7DW The closing date for all photographs is 12 noon Photos received after this time will not be accepted. 4 on Monday 8th August 2011. New colourful MRI scanner improves patient care A new multi-purpose MRI scanner is improving the patient experience and improving diagnosis even further at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital. The scanner projects a range of colours into the x-ray room which creates a calm atmosphere for the patient under diagnosis and is being used for a wide range of examinations such as cardiac MRI, neuro imaging, orthopaedics and cancer imaging. Bike to Work Week The Magnetom Aera System also provides a better, more detailed image allowing Radiographers to emphasise subtle differences in the scans and help identify any concerns previously not seen as clearly by earlier technologies. Patients respond to drive changes The Care Quality Commission (CQC), the independent regulator of health and adult social care services in England, has published its findings of its 2010 adult inpatient survey. The survey of adult inpatients involved 161 acute and specialist NHS trusts, including the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, and received responses from more than 66,000 patients. To read the report and find out what our patients are saying about us and how we compare to others, please visit http://rbhintranet/ppi/2010pdf/ cqc.pdf. (internal link only). Please share the report with your teams as we look forward to moving things forward together. The report shows areas where we are doing well, including giving patients written information about what they should do when leaving hospital, as well as areas where we can improve. One area reported for improvement was the noise at night, and we now have ear plugs available for patients as appropriate. How we are supporting our patients Over the past few months we have been ensuring we respond to the feedback within CQC reports. For example, patients are given bookmarks with contact numbers on discharge to ensure they are supported when they leave hospital. Patients are also given experience cards so that they can give their feedback and we can continually improve the experience for others. They also receive a copy of their eIDF (electronic discharge form). Using our patient feedback we have made good progress throughout the year and we hope for this to be reflected in our next report. The next survey is for patients who stay overnight during July. If you have any ideas on improving the patient experience at the Trust please contact Sue Mellor on ext 4253 on [email protected]. Your Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) A new advice and counselling service is now available for our staff, provided by Right Corecare. The service is designed to be easily accessible, confidential, independent and free of charge to you. Support available is varied and covers a wide range of areas, an example of some of these are listed below: • Emotional/Personal/ Relationship and Family concerns • Legal • Financial • Work/Career • Consumer Issues rate. For a freephone service, please dial the 0800 number from a landline, alternatively if calling from the hospital land line please dial #685 which should connect directly to Right Corecare. The helpline is a freephone 0800 1116 387 for information, advice and emotional support. Calls from your mobile phone will charge you at your standard For further information please visit the dedicated EAP site at http://rbhintranet /eap (internal only) 5 News In Brief HSJ Award nominations shortlisted Students celebrate achievements • Medical Secretary Service for the Efficiency in Administerative and Clinical Services category The Trust is working in partnership with Dorset Council on the project to attract young workers into the NHS. The Trust has been shortlisted for all three of its entries to this year’s HSJ Efficiency Awards. This is against tough national competition. The nominations are for: • Protecting our Future; Better care, better value. A communications approach for the Communicating Efficiency category • Aligning in-patient capacity to meet patient requirements in the Efficiency in Acute Service Redesign category (our length of stay work) The winners will be announced in September. Pedal along the prom Members of the Trust’s Future Workforce Funded programme celebrated their achievements and welcomed new starters to the successful scheme. Many of the previous young people on placement have gone into further training posts at the hospital, such as Apprenticeships, while others have used their experience to progress in other fields. Congratulations to all those who participated in the programme and good luck to all the new recruits who will be on placement for six months. On Tuesday 21 June, as part of the Trust’s Bike Week, eight members of staff got on their bikes to pedal from Sandbanks to Bournemouth Pier to Boscombe Pier and finally finishing at the RBH for their free breakfast before starting work. Hope on the horizon New scales for Thoracic Patients having respiratory function tests in the Department of Thoracic Medicine are benefiting from new scales. Donated by Breatheasy, the scales mean that patients can be tested more quickly, and also prevent patients with breathing difficulties from having to walk to scales located elsewhere. Staff Nurse Emily Young will be packing her bags and setting off to West Africa this November to spend three weeks providing post anaesthetic support to patients on the Mercyship vessel, the world’s largest non-governmental hospital ship. Buzzword would like to wish her the very best on her trip. Staff discount at Starbucks 6 Trust staff can now receive a 20% discount off drinks and food (on display of your ID badge) at Starbucks in the Village Hotel, opposite the RBH. Focus on... Sustainability Carbon reduction is everybody’s business. It not only contributes towards the environment but can result in massive savings for the Trust which can be reinvested in to patient care. Recognising this, the hospital has invested in a Sustainability Manager to help us save money and the environment! Buzzword met up with Laura Skinner find out more about her role. What is your background? I have been working as an environmental practitioner for over four years since completing my Masters in Integrated Environmental Studies at the University of Southampton. My previous roles have included working as an Environmental Business Advisor for the Environment Centre and as a Sustainability Coordinator for University College Falmouth. A large part of my experience has been raising awareness of environmental issues and the importance of carbon reduction at work and at home. What projects are you currently working on? The NHS, as one of the largest employers in the world, has an important role to play in reducing carbon emissions, a key cause of climate change. In January 2009, the NHS developed the ‘NHS Carbon Reduction Strategy for England’ in which it sets targets for reducing its 2007 carbon footprint by 10% by 2015. In response to this RBCH have adopted these targets and developed the Sustainable Management Plan. You can access the Plan at As the Sustainability Manager I am responsible for ensuring the smooth delivery of the Sustainable Management Action Plan. I will be working with key individuals throughout the Trust to identify ways in which we can reduce our carbon. How can staff help you? The Trust’s carbon reduction targets are going to be a challenge, but one that is achievable with everyone’s help. Staff can help us to achieve the NHS carbon reduction target through small behavioural changes in their day to day activities. The following all help to reduce energy waste: ideas that you may have on how we can reduce energy use and carbon emissions across the hospital. What do think will be the best part of your role? I imagine it will be the positive contribution towards ensuring that the Trust is able to reduce its impact upon the environment by taking a proactive role. Implementation of carbon saving projects will reduce the amount we spend on energy, allowing that money to be reinvested into patient front line services. You can contact Laura at [email protected] or via extension 4373. • turning non-essential equipment off when it is not needed. • setting computers into standby mode when they aren’t being used. • switching off lights when you leave a room. Ask yourself if the lights are needed at all if there is adequate natural. I am keen to work with staff and would be very interested in any RBH passes random care quality inspection The Trust was part of a programme of 100 unannounced nurse-led inspections requested by Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley. This formed a part of a review looking at how well older people are treated during hospital stays. The report from the Care Quality Commission focused on whether patients were treated with dignity and respect and whether nutritional needs were met. The report found that RBH was meeting standards in both areas. Health Minister, Simon Burns said “I am pleased to see that our inspectors found RBH to be treating patients well and setting a good example for those who can do better to improve the quality of care they provide.” 7 Committed to equality Equality means treating everyone with equal dignity and worth, irrespective of any personal characteristics. The Trust is committed to ensuring that people do not experience inequality through discrimination or disadvantage, imposed by other individuals, groups, institutions or systems. We have produced a new draft Single Equality Scheme which includes a four year action plan that will be continuously reviewed, progressed and developed. We would welcome comments and feedback from you. The Scheme will be regularly reviewed, progressed and updated. To find out more, please visit Cancer hair loss service Staff feedback on launches in Bournemouth Nutrition Study Day A new hair loss service for cancer patients has launched in Bournemouth, run by support charity Breast Cancer Care. The charity’s free ‘HeadStrong’ service is open to anyone facing hair Headstrong loss as a result of cancer treatment and teaches scarf-tying techniques, asservice well as giving Hair loss advisory patients the chance to try on a range of hairpieces and Royal Bournemouth hats as an alternative to wearing a Hospital, wig. Castle Lane East, Bournemouth, BH7and 7DW Patients can learn how to look after their hair scalp before,is during, treatment willwho have HeadStrong a free hairand loss after advisory service, forand anyone thehas chance to talk through any concerns with trained lost or is likely to lose their hair through treatment for any cancer. volunteers. The service fromofthe BreasttoUnit theasRoyal Learn how torunning make the most alternatives wigsat such scarves, hats and hairpieces. Bournemouth Hospital. Volunteers offer three hour-long appointments between 10am and 2pm every Friday. During a private appointment, our trained advisors offer practical information on coping visit with hair loss. Forsupport moreand information please The service runs on Friday. To book an appointment at HeadStrong To book your appointment please call the Bournemouth, callBreast the Breast Unit704524 on Unit on 01202 01202 704524. Headstrong Hair loss advisory service Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth, BH7 7DW Staff have given a thumbs up to feedback the Trust’s Nutrition Study Day, held at Christchurch Hospital in May. The event launched and reviewed the Distance Learning Package (DLP) and provided a general overview of the importance of undertaking nutritional assessment on patients. Overall, staff feedback was very positive and recommendations included: • Advance study as a follow up • The venue either at RBH or a local hotel to accommodate workshops • To audit the uptake of the DLP • To audit the impact of the DLP e.g. Improved MUST scores. Patient satisfaction. • To highlight local issues e.g. through ‘story telling’ The feedback will be used to improve the course in the areas identified. Contact Portal - Are you making it work for you? HeadStrong is a free hair loss advisory service, for anyone who Breast Cancer Care. Registered charity in England & Wales no 1017658 Registered charity in Scotland SC038104 has lost or is likely to lose their hair through treatment for any cancer. Staff often use hospital phones many times during the day. The Trust’s switchboard receives an Learn howof to 36,326 make thecalls most a of month, alternatives to wigs such average requesting callas scarves, hats and hairpieces. transfers to departments and staff at the Trust. Using the contact portal When dialling ‘0’ from your hospital handset, you are transferred to an automated response service. This asks you for the full name of the person you Duringcan a private appointment, our trained advisors practical This sometimes be time consuming asoffer going would like to contact. To help the Contact Portal support and on coping with hair loss. through to information another individual before you get to the deal with your request accurately, please speak person you would like to contact, often delays the clearly after the prompt is given, especially when The service runs on Friday. process. the person you are asking for has more than one To book your appointment please call the extension number. To help tackle thisBreast issue the Trust Telecom Unit on 01202 704524 Services advise all staff use the contact As users of the system you can help us to help portal instead of switchboard. it work harder for you. If you have any feedback on this, please let us know by emailing telecom. 8 [email protected] Congratulations to the following Bright Ideas winners who have contributed towards the Trust’s drive for quality and efficiency. • Rohana Lustig from ED won in January. Rohana suggested that using two monitors on her PC has reduced her printing output, this is something that her department has taken forward and she wanted to share it with the Trust. It will be taken forward by the Medical Secretary Co-ordinators and the MAP Project. • Alison Strong from the Physiotherapy Department won in February. To save on paper, instead of giving patients appointment letters, do as dentists do, and issue a re-useable card. Each credit size card can have the dept. information on the reverse. This is being taken forward by the Bright Ideas Scheme and we are currently looking at costing etc. Thank you to all staff who have submitted their Bright Ideas! If you have a Bright Idea call the Project Management Office on 6056. Look out for more winning ideas in the next edition of Buzzword. Cancer Open Day is a success On Monday 11 July, the hospital welcomed the public to an insightful Cancer Services Open Day that attracted many interested visitors. The purpose of the Open Day was to support the launch of the National Cancer Strategy ‘Improving Outcomes, a Strategy for Cancer’ and to raise awareness of cancer in the community. Specialist talks were held throughout the day and consultants were on hand to answer questions. In addition, there was also a variety of information stands available throughout the day run by both cancer specialists and individuals who have previously lived with cancer. An award for the most attractive stand was presented by Tony Spotswood, Chief Executive to LYLAC (Live Your Life After Cancer) group. Sue Higgins, Cancer Manager commented: “The quality of the stands was incredibly high and there was a real commitment from staff to make their contributions as interactive and engaging as possible. “I would like to thank everyone who participated and attended, particularly Sue Bastow, who was responsible for much of the planning and work that goes on behind the scenes.” Ask the Execs - any question you’d like Have you got any questions about the Trust that you would like to ask our Chief Executive? ? You can also email your questions in advance to the Communications Department at [email protected] The next Ask the Execs session is at Christchurch Hospital Howard Centre, Christchurch Hospital on the 29th July at 12.00pm. Lunch will be provided. Ask the Execs If so, come along and ask them at the next Ask the Execs - this is your chance to ask the questions you would like answers to. 9 Car parking developments The Trust will shortly be submitting a planning application for developments to the car parks at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital, in response to the feedback we have received from patients and visitors. Developments include: • A new barrier system and better disabled and set down facilities • A pay on foot system that will mean that visitors only pay for the time they are parked on site main entrance. This is subject to planning and cost confirmation. The Trust has already installed new energy efficient lighting in the public car parks, giving better lighting levels and reducing electrical consumption. You can find out more at carparking or pick up further information at the atrium at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital. • A covered walkway from the bus stop to the Understanding Health Daytime Event Understanding Endoscopy Dr Ray McCrudden, Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist Monday 26th September 11am at: The Village Hotel (opposite the Royal Bournemouth Hospital) Open to all. These health presentations are very popular and so booking is essential. 10 To book your place, please phone 01202 704271 or email [email protected] providing details of your name, how many places you would like to reserve and your telephone number. Jigsaw Join Jigsaw on Facebook Are you on Facebook? because so are we! Join us on our profile today and keep in touch with the Jigsaw Appeal for Women. Find us on Facebook and remember to recommended us to your friends and family. (You will only be able to access Facebook outside of the Trust as access is not permitted). Olympic cycling challenge In April, four intrepid cyclists donned their pink Jigsaw t-shirts and set off on a three day cycle challenge from the Olympic venue in Portland to the new Olympic stadium in London. mishaps with Dean Feegrade crashing and ending up with a plaster cast and the support vehicle breaking down in the centre of London and having to be towed back to Bournemouth. Fundraisers, including staff, cycled in excess of 200miles, with an average of 67 miles riding each day. The sponsorship received by the ‘Wacky Racers’ was a fantastic £656. Well done to all the fundraisers and a big thank you to all who donated. The journey wasn’t without its Over 300 people walk for women ‘Great atmosphere’, ‘electric’, ‘motivating’ and ‘fun’ were some of the words used by fundraisers to describe the first Jigsaw Appeal Twilight Walk held in June. Appeal patron, Fiona Castle, Jigsaw patron and BBC South Today presenter, Sally Taylor, welcomed the walkers on a glorious summer evening on Bournemouth seafront. DJ Jay Rachet from Fire FM raised spirits while onlookers were welcomed to the seafront by a large crowd dressed in pink, some in fancy dress. Fitness Guru, Debbie Whittle, warmed up the crowd before they made their way to the start line. Fundraisers of all ages and levels of fitness completed either a 1km, a 5km or 10km walk. The Jigsaw Team would like to thank our fundraisers and volunteers for supporting the event, without them the event would not have been possible. This includes Cadets from 2391 Parkstone Squadron (marshals), The Village Hotel, DJ Jay Rachet, Dorset Cereals and Simple Skincare. You can view and download pictures from the evening at uk or on Facebook at http:// jigsawappealforwomen. For more details contact The Jigsaw office on 01202 704060. “I took part in the Twilight walk, which I thoroughly enjoyed and hope that it has raised a lot of money for the appeal. I wish to congratulate you all on a well organised event.” “Great day, great people and a great cause!” “The atmosphere was very lively and you felt as though you were part of an extended team who were coming together for a really good cause. I would definitely join up again if any more events such as this were put on in the future.” Well done to everyone who has sent in their sponsorship for the Twilight Walk for Women. So far you have raised nearly £17k towards the new Women’s Health Unit. But, we still haven’t received all of your sponsorship. So, please, if you are still collecting your money let us have it as soon as possible as this event could be a brilliant fundraiser for the Appeal for Women. You can pay your sponsorship as a donation by contacting the Jigsaw Office on 01202 704060. Alternatively please send your cheques to the Jigsaw Appeal Office, The Royal Bournemouth Hospital, Castle Lane East, Bournemouth, BH7 7DW 11 Jigsaw events diary September Friday 2nd - An evening with Karen Hardy, Former Strictly Come Dancing Champion (see below) Tuesday 6th - Saturday 17th or *Wednesday 21st - Kilimanjaro Challenge plus *optional 4 Day Safari Kilimanjaro is Africa’s highest mountain and is the ultimate. This trek gives maximum acclimatisation and flexibility to enjoy the magnificent mountain scenery. Wednesday 7th - Sunday 11th - London to Paris Cycle Ride - Open to Families One of the October Friday 28th - Sunday 6th Nov - Morocco Sahara Desert Trek There is no landscape on earth like the desert! From stony flat expanses scattered with ancient fossils, to perfect windblown sand dunes, broken only by the occasional oasis. Our trek in the Sahara Desert will transport you to another world. Sunday 30th - Bupa Great South Run 2011 Join our Jigsaw Team at this year’s 10 Mile Great South Run at Southsea, Portsmouth. £50.00 Non-refundable deposit plus as much sponsorship as you can raise. great cycle experiences in Europe. With long days in the saddle and some strenuous hill-climbs, the sight of the Eiffel Tower, our finishing point, will evoke a real sense of achievement. Sunday 11th - New Forest Bike Ride Join us for our annual bike ride starting and finishing at The Manor, Burton. Choose either a 10 mile or 20 mile route cycling through the beautiful villages and woodland of the New Forest. An Evening with Karen Hardy The Royal Bath Hotel - Friday 2nd September, 6.30pm You are invited to spend An Evening with Karen Hardy, former Strictly Come Dancing Champion, in aid of the Jigsaw Appeal for Women. As well as raising money to transform services at the Womens Health Unit, the evening is fantastic for enjoying with friends or treating your partner. Tickets for this exciting black tie event are on sale at £75, or why not get a group of friends together and buy a table of 10 for £700, which buys you: • Drinks and canapés. • Two course dinner. • Question time with Karen. • A master class given by Karen (with audience participation). • Demonstration by Karen’s dancers. • Charity auction and raffle. • Disco until 1.00am. The evening will end with an auction and raffle and a disco. Alex Taylor, Consultant Gynaecologist, said: “We want a world class unit to match our world class service. “An evening with Karen Hardy is fantastic for Strictly fans or if you want to treat a friend or client to a great evening of entertainment while also raising money for a cause that will benefit so many women across Dorset for years to come.” We have limited space so don’t be disappointed. To reserve your table please contact the Appeal Office 01202 704060 or buy online at If you are interested in organising an event for Jigsaw or coming along to an organised event please visit us at or call the Jigsaw Office on 01202 704060.
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