BUFFALO COURIER-EXPRESS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1940 * Russian Children Yuletide To Be Observed on Jan. 7th Rehearse For Today's Wedding in Delaware — Avenue Church Sooth Park Association TO CHAPERONE Honor Former Student ACADEMY PARTY ToWhen the South Park Alumni Association gives its annual Christmas party Saturday evening in the Buffalo Trap and Field Club, a reception will be given for Miss Janina Frostauna. Miss Frostuuna, Chaperones for the closed senior who will dance with the Polish baldance at Holy Angels Academy, to let at the Erlanger Theater, is an be held on Monday evening in the alumna of the high school. Dr. school auditorium, will be Mr. and Edward J. Eagan, president of the Mrs. Leo J. Hagerty and Mr. and alumni association, has arranged Mrs. Louis R. Sullivan, it was an- for a reception in her honor nounced yesterday. "Wintering on Rudolf Island," Blue and silver, the school colors, will form the decoration theme a Polar game, is being played by for the occasion, according to Miss children of Moscow, Russia. Mary Jane Sweeny, committee chairman. What the W e l l Cared for Miss Mary Josephine Roberts is general chairman of the occasion, H:I;IK and Miss Margaret Hagerty heads the publicity committee. Among those planning to attend are Miss Patricia A. Mills, Miss Mary Joan Should Have Hurley, Miss Norine A. Hauck, Miss Jean Burkhardt, Miss Jean Klocke, Miss Margaret Malican BABY'S and Miss Irene M Miles. CRIB Also, Miss Marcia Ebner, Miss • Hardwood Alice J. Wilcox, Miss Nancy E. • Drop Side Dunn, Miss Mary Louise Carr, • Good Spring Miss Mary Bellanca, George Ronan, Richard E. Ehrne, George Murphy, Richard Munschauer. Albert J. Degenhart Robert Degen- 40VAL SHAPE FOLDING STROLLER^ hart Frank Nigro, Paul Wilcox, J. Edmund Kelly, John K. Keanan, FOR BABY George Zimmerman and Frank > Neistrum. Committees announced for Holy Angeles dance on Monday Calender makes difference in observance of day, but spirit is the same For approximately 400 Russian families in Buffalo and vicinity, today will be a holiday, hut that is all. No Christmas trees will decorate their living rooms, no gifts will be exchanged, no special church services held. The reason—as far as they're concerned—Christmas hasn't come. When January 7th arrives, however, Russian children will wake up with the same impatient expectancy that aroused so many homes at an early hour today. On that day, while other children are back in school, their holidays behind them, these youngsters will be opening gifts around the family Christmas tree with the same breathless eagerness so in evidence today. T h e difference between t h e Julian and the Gregorian calendars is the cause of the double celebration The Julian calendar, adopted in the time of Julius Caesar, still is followed by the Russian Orthodox t Church. Other churches, however, follow the Gregorian calendar Supervisor Plays Santa adopted in 1582 by Pope Gregory To Residents of Home XIII, to correct an error in the Leo D. Hogg, supervisor of the calendar date of the equinoxes. eighth ward, paid a Christmas visit Myron F. Graver of this midnight service will be held to S t Francis Home, Pine Street city has announced the engagement byAthe Rev. Ernest P. Wolkodoff in yesterday and distributed 150 bags of her daughter, Vivian Mae John- Sts. Peter and Paul Russian Orthoof candy and more than 100 f • SUM Viior son of Baltimore, M<L, to Richard dox Church at 11.30 o'clock on Front Shield Lee LayfleJd of this city, son of Monday evening, January 6th. oranges among the elderly resi- i'' em Tempered Sprinai Mr. and Mrs, Graver Layflekl, dents. • Tubular Handki Holiday Begins Monday Greenhin, Sahsbary, Md. The Hogg Booster Club enterThe holiday really will begin —Photo by Tarr, N. Y. City tained 500 children at Westminster 'GROSSMAN'S SAIY SHOP" with supper on Monday evening, Community House, Monroe Street however. Any caller who drops in Tuesday afternoon, each guest re- j|BABIES CARRIAGE COJJ during that afternoon will be inceiving candy, oranges and books 1145 BROADWAY vited to stay for the meal, and any f r o m Anthony OAiinther, who hungry passer-by may ask for food served as Santa Claus. Christmas j Baby Scalts Rented, 5&c Mo. and not be refused. No meat will Eve, Hogg distributed 60 bushels of t OPEN EVENINGS—HU. 6130 be served, but everything else that groceries among the ward's needy " W E SELL EVERYTHING BUT THE BABY ' By ALICE HUGHES goes to make a banquet will be on Pictured above are the members of the Ramsey-Skinner bridal party takes yesterday afternoon following rehearsal at Trinity families. the table. Episcopal Church where the wedding will take place today. Left to right, seated, Miss Harriett Kennedy, John L. Kimberly, Jr., Miss New York, D e c 25—The impresOn Christmas day, January 7th. Kathryn Skinner, bride-elect; Dexter P. Bumsey, Jr., bridegroom-elect, and Mrs. Dana Atchley, Jr., of Salem, Mass. Standing, in the same sionable young ladies of our town a church service will be held, after order, are Donald S. Rumsey, Miss Elaine Darby, Edward A. Skinner, Miss Joan M. Skinner, maid of honor; William R. Kimberly and Miss Margaret D. Rumsey. and your town must always have the Christmas tree has been ad4 (i • o n e young and fetching male on mired and presents opened. High mass will be celebrated at 10.30 whom to focus their sighs, their o'clock in Sts. Peter and Paul popping eyes and their moony but Church, the only Russian Orthodox harmless romantic dreams. Now church between Auburn and Erie, APPLES ON A STICK that Messrs. Franchot Tone and Pa. Visiting of relatives and friends . It Is all very well to make confections for the grown-ups, Burgess Meredith have transferred will be the chief activity on Christwhich of course the children will est, but why not make sometheir charms to Hollywood, the mast afternoon. No relation must thing especially for them? Buy the prettiest red apples you can *— W§ ANTOINETTE DONNELLYlocal maidens have found a hand- be omitted, lest feelings be hurt, find, then proceed: We feel like giving maftiy of you and many families will serve a some substitute in the person of 1 can corn syrup M. lb. butter who write to us about hair ills a Christmas dinner at noon, and then this young Victor Mature, one of eat a second at night, in the home 2 cups sugar good-natured verbal spanking for Pinch salt the newer dream princes of the of another member of the family taking the time each night to 2 tablespoons vinegar Apples Annual Christmas dance spons- not "spank" your hair. Perhaps you or a neighbor. silver screen. refrain from brushing because you ored by academy Tomorrow, as a tribute to the This Mature boy is a Johnny- Gregorian fear for your wave. B u t believe JT UT all ingredients (except apples) in a large saucepan to Christmas, high mass alumnae . come-lately in the faacinattn' rack- will be celebrated at the church. us, vigorous use of the hairbrush keep them from boiling over onto the stove. Boil until the candy et. After many inconspicuous fUm Is brittle when tested in cold water (290-320 deg. F.). Take from Members of the Greek Orthodox Patrons and patronsses for the does not take out the wave. Rather Jobs, he burst into minor promi- Church the fire and add one teaspoon vanilla extract Have the apples also celebrated Christmas annual Christmas dance to beit helps to keep your wave lovely nence opposite Carole Landis in according to the Julian calendar washed, dried, and on sticks, and dip them in the candy while it given by the alumnae association longer, and It is the most healthful 1,000,000 B. C , in which he cavort- until the war days of 1915, when is still h o t then place them on waxed paper to coooL of Nardin Academy on Saturday thing you could do for your hair. ed about in skins, his own and an the Gregorian system of dividing The theory behind the brushing evening in the Hotel Statler ball- * • r - . . . - - . . . - . . . . . _ _ _ _ C|jp f o r flie--—-«.«•••«........ animal's. In this masterpiece he the year was adopted. room were announced yesterday is that it not only brushes off the caught many a feminine eye, and No Tipping In Edwards Beauty Salon 2 Mrs. Robert J. Marzolf, com- day's dust from each hair strand • B « . . « l D..M~. tablespoons peanut butter i by got better jobs, and is now visible but it tugs at the hair roots and mittee chairman. opposite lovely Anna Neagle in Parents Announce reOnUI DUtter l tablespoon butter Mrs. Carroll R. Gittere is gen- urges them into functioning propNo, No Nanette. But most of ell Daughter'! Engagement 2 tablespoons grounds nuts eral chairman of the evening, and erly so that the "juices" necessary he became a target for the movie Mrs. Jerome J. Terhaar is associa- to lend live color and gloss to the Mr. and Mrs. Carmello Trumello S tablespoons marshmallow, hair are set to work. The scalp, chatterboxes, who dally reported of Potomac Avenue announce the tion president S cups granulated sugar or 2 marshmallows cut him out on the town with most of engagement of their daughter, On the patron list are the fol- as each vigorous stroke is applied, % cup milk fine. filmland's prettiest baby dolls, with Carol Rose to Anthony J. Laforlowing: Mr. and Mrs. Aloysius A. comes in for its share of benefit Betty Grable leading in space and naro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bachmann, Mrs. Walter R. Baehr, too. It is loosened enough to allow attention. By some droll happen- Lafornaro of Fargo Avenue. The OIL milk, butter and sugar to soft ball stage by testing in Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Beecher, the blood to circulate normally, wedding will take place next sumcold water; remove from fire and add peanut butter, marshmalstance (it couldn't have been on Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Barone, and whatever particles of oil and mer. lows and nuts. Beat well; when quite stiff pour into a well-butMr. and Mrs. Charles A. Besch, dirt are present on the scalp are purpose) he arrived on the same tered pan. Cut in squares. Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Burns, Mr. dislodged from the pores so that train with that fetching baggage, and Mrs. Howard J. Brand, Dr. they may "breathe" properly. Hair Miss Jean Radde has come from and is now here with Gertie LawcBp for f i l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S and Mrs. William C. Byrnes, Mr. that is brushed nightly is more rence's new show, Lady in theNew Haven, Conn., to spend the and Mrs. G. M. Baltz, Mr. and Mrs. pliable. In other words, it la easholidays with her parents, Dr. and Dark. Mrs. O. C. Radde of Chamberlin Lee J. Barr, Mr. and Mrs. James ier to push your wave into place. ley, Miss Eleanor Tolley, Miss BarIt takes a stiff bristled brush to I cornered this new beauty, a Drive. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. bara Teall, Robert Truckenbrode, do the work. Grasp the handle ghastly assignment, and found a Miss Lucia Wicker, Miss Martha Baetzhold, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver firmly enough to allow rhythmic, new character—a self-made glamor belle competition. Local reporters Central Park Methodists plan Weaver and Donald Weber. Beitz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Culboy. This Mature is pretty, but I know rave about her. Does Irwin liton, Mr. and Mrs. William M. sweeping strokes. Begin with a buffet sapper Sunday he's no dummy, let me tell you. realize just what it has in AnnaConnelly, Mr. and Mrs. George R. flat stroke to disentangle the "I deliberately set out to get at- bella. purveyor of Englishtoits When members of the Central Miss Louise Kling Chalffre, and Mr. and Mrs. Rich- strands, then lower your head so that you can place the edge of the tention as a free-lance Romeo. I young idea? . . . ard A. Carroll. Park Methodist Church entertain To Wed Arthur Croll brush on your scalp. Now, as you worked hard at this Glamor Boy Also Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Kling of Billingsley, the old Tul- at a reception and buffet supper brush out to the ends, let every racket. I dated Hollywood's love- sa Sherman Sunday evening for young pepple Snyder announce the engagement Dearing, Mr. and Mrs. James A. brush bristle tug at your hair. Sooner, tells me his noted liest girls so that gossip columnists Storke Clubbe may sponsor a line a good representation of college of their daughter, Louise Carolyn, Davey, Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar could see us together. I thought it of cosmetics. Good gosh, I said to students home for their Christmas to Arthur Croll of Charleston, W. Danahy, Dr. and Mrs. Paul L Doo- Brush your hair in sections. Alwould lead to something swell, and Sherm, it's tough enough now to vacation will be among the guests. Va., son of Mrs. Ellsworth N. ley, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Deck, ways use a clean brush. Wash it has, this fine part in a new show. crash Mr. and M M . Charles G. Duffy, brush, after each use, in warm, Croll of this city. your saloon on a busy night! Among those planning to attend Now I'm sick to death of this Now do we have to smell of your Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dobmeier, soapy suds, to which a little house" i t are: Miss Mary Bayliss, Miss ElizGlamor Boy stuff, and let's forget scent to get in? But he was alMrs. Robert W. Elmes, Mr. andhold ammonia has been added. abeth Bernhard, Robert Bernbard, West Seneca Girl's It I've got what I want" Mrs. Edward E. Frauenheim, Mr. Rinse well and dry with the ready glad-handing a cash custo- Miss Janice Buchman, Donald and Mrs. Thomas F. Fanning, Mr. bristles down on a bath towel, and So says Vic Mature. Well, this mer . . . Engagement Announced away from heat Beckstein, Robert Boltwood, GorIs a fine thing! We may well look Olivia DcHaviland Mr. and Mrs. William G. Foell and Mrs. Colton C. Fernan, Mr. Copyright, 19k0, bv New* BynA. Co., Inc. T'other night I saw Mrs. Hunt- don Brown, Miss Allene Gushing, and Mrs. H. J. Feeley, Mr. and with deep suspicion at all such ington Astor, lately Mrs. Vincent of Belhvood Avenue, West Seneca now starring in "Santa prancers from now on—as though Astor, at our fancy Monte Carlo Robert Cushing, Miss Priscilla Col- announce the engagement of their Mrs. Thomas J. Griffin, Mr. andMr. and Mrs. Terhaar, Mr. and we never had! He went at it as cafe, with her best beau, Lytle lins, S. Morton Cooley, Jr., Miss daughter, Gladys Marie, to Robert Mrs. Arthur E. Grupp, Mr. andMrs. John A. Tatu, Mr. and Mrs. Fe Trail*' on the screen Buffalo hard as a girl works to be Miss Hull. When the band played a Janet Davidson. F. Conley, son of James D. Conley Mrs. Gittere, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ernest J. Ullrich, Mr. and Mrs. of Shea's A. Habermehl, Mr. and Mrs. Paul George W. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Theatre. Also, Brantford Dietrich, Law- of Aurora Avenue. America, and the kid made good. waltz, they were at it, and looking A. Hassett, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robert M. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Now we shall see if he is as talent- pleasantly romantic. rence Dayer, Miss Bernice FerguJ. Irr, Mr. and Mrs. J. Edmund Frank' X. Winkler, Mr. and Mrs. ed as he is ornamental son, William Eagle, Miss Mildred • * • JOURNEYS AND ARRIVALS Kelly, and Mr. and Mrs. John J. Frank M. Yeager, Dr. and Mrs. • I * Holiday reports are that nylon Fisher, Forest Hunter, Miss Lois Continued from Preceding Page Keating. Edward M. Zimmerman, Mr. and GIRL ABOUT TOWN — Well, has gone like a tornado in theJohnston, Miss Audrey Jones, DeDr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lyons, Mrs. Maurice J. Zeder, Miss Conhow did it go? Bicard hold out? stocking racket So big were the witt Kiligas, Miss Dorothy McHen- tends Denison University, GrandFather hold out? Junior feeling pre-Yule demands in all our stores ry, Miss Elizabeth Noehren, Theo- ville, O., is spending the Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lojacano, stance Campion, Miss Ruth Doerany better hi the midriff? Ex- that yesterday found many of dore Noehren, Miss Jeanne Pan- vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Luraschi, flein, Miss Mary Fuller, Miss Ruth change desk three aisles down, them with depleted stocks, and kow, Miss Jean Short, Miss Helen Mrs. Leonard H. Bailey of Ham- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Meier, O'Connor, Miss Delores Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Moesch, Mrs. J u l l e n A. Riester, Mrs. tnoddom. . . . burg. completely out of some shades and Summer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. McCarthy, Charles J. Sugnet Miss Angeline • • • Also, Miss Barbara Stephenson, Tall, slender Mrs. Douglas Fair, sizes. Production hasn't yet been Mr. and Mrs. Marzolf, Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Banks has arrived John W. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Mathews, Miss Ida Zeder, and Miss banks, dressed in simple black with able to keep up with the demand, Russell Sloan, Warren Smith, Earl and Walter Spaeth, Douglas Tol- from New York City to spend the win J. Missert, Mr. and Mrs. John Helen Zeder. the addition of a string of pearls but they say it soon will. holidays with his parents, Mr. and to shatter the monotony, has been Mrs. Theodore S. Banks of Chat- F. NeUlgan, Mr. and Mrs. oJhn J. a lovely figure around town these Nolan, Mrs. J. M. O'Connor, Mr. ham Drive. weeks, working for the Star and Mrs. Patrick H. O'Malley, Mr. • • • fipangled relief ball, and sending and Mrs. Mario M. Ortolani, and out hundreds of food packages to John A. Creamer has arrived Mr. and Mrs. William R. O'DonEnglish soldiers as Christmas from Holy Cross College, Worces- nell. cards. The widow of the late great <? by C o 1 e t i e ter, Mass., to spend the holidays • •*•• And Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Pecstar, Lady Ashley when he marwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs.ora, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Perried her, was his third and final William J. Creamer of Herkimer kins, Dr. tod Mrs. Charles A. wife, the other two having been Street Quinn, Dr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Beth Sully, mother of the younger • • • Radice, Mr. and Mrs. John L. RipDoug and now the wife of Jack Charles A. Tracy, Jr., of Lex- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ray, Whiting, and Mary Pickford, coington Avenue and Charles H. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Rittling, # star of the first of the movies' Coley 3d, of Massachusetts Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Rick, Dr. "perfect romances" . . . lect yesterday for Lake Placid and Mrs. Floyd P. Sugnet Mr. and I learn that the belle of the spewhere they will remain for the ex- Mrs. Joseph J. Scibetta, Mr. and cial train that took a lot of our piration of their vacation from Col- Mrs. Daniel B. Symmonds, Mr. and journalists out to the premiere of gate College, Hamilton. Mrs. Arthur H. Steinmiller, Mr. • * • Santa Fe Trail in Santa Fe was and Mrs. Thomas S. Sullivan, Mr. not a screen starlet, but a pretty Miss Carolyn Crane has come and Mrs. William J. Sheridan, Mr. high school teacher named Annafrom Radcliffe College, Cambridge, and Mrs. William E. Shaddock, bella Willis, from Irwin, Pa, She Prom the introduction right Mass., to spend the Christmas holi- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Schlnwas chaperoning a pupil, Marion days with her parents, Mr. andstock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. through to the finale, here's Siegei, who had won the junket in Mrs. Fred W. Crane of Wellington Schwab, and Mr. and Mrs. William a Beauty Special designed to an essay contest. Miss Willis was Road. extol your loveliness, created E. Swanz. given the rush of the world by the to flatter and glamourize t Dr. and Mrs. William G. Taylor, Don't show it in lone journalists, and held her own Miss Florence Hoffman arrived you, .From the corrective : the tight, com•ven in Santa Fe with all the movie a few days ago from Cornell UniShampoo right through the pletely unaversity, Ithaca, and Owen Locks Stylised Finger Wave, Our dorned dress. from Cornell University Medical expert operators and stylists STf A M I D IN CREAM School, New York City, to spend are intent on helping you the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. Jowith a facial and hair-do PERMANENT seph Jacobson. that w^n perfectly suit you WAVES •••;,;»' and your personality. Do let twisted draU.OO VeJ Miss Esther Gott, a graduate Ummhmr. pery, soft blouse conENJOY •••-balking, tanxtii, dehghlstudent at the U n i v e r s i t y of fal gwdeni, gey Jangle d o b evening! c e a l tummy a n d Rochester, and Miss Ruth Gott, a Manicure, Pedicure, Chiropodist and Baths fa without stepping off the grounds of tKa bust. Peplum that student at Oberlin College, OberOIL WAVES star\ds a w a y from lin, O., are spending the holidays FORT MONTAGU Edwards Beauty Sakm*.. Phone for an Appointment $2. $3.50. $5.00 hips a n d derriere with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. BEACH HOTEL Frank R. Gott of East Utica helps. Well placed Only eee-beach hotel in Street Miss Ethel L. Gott of Lakedetail hides imperBEAUTY wood, O., Mr. Gott's sister, and NASSAU • BAHAMAS fections A tall heavy SALONS Miss Olive Powers of Pittsburgh Opens Jen. 14,1941 Booklet on request 399 DELAWARE AVE. No Tipping In Edwards Beauty Salon figure can wear this. •*•••• Dtue. ware their guests Christmas day. Betrothed ...nv.um:'.'.;: BABY $7.49 A Woman's New York .wti^mmimmivi OPEN TONIGHT TO 9 P.M. NARDIN GROUP Meatitr LISTS PATRONS Beauty FOR GAYPARTY Simple Sweets Children Like CL54H CL55I Fudge TO RECEIVE STUDENTS for GAT HOLIDAYS AHEAD! Starts With Edwards Hew HOLIDAY SPECIAL e Shampoo Stylized ringer Wave •Fragrant Cologne Rinse Cocktail Facia) M a bit too ptomuunt— FOR ONLY n LANZ of Salzburg DRESSES 5»* TWEED SHOP DIANAS* Untitled Document .**. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com • CL 542? CL 5S0I i
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