FACE VENTY.TWO THE LIMA NEWS OCTOBER 5 Victor Mature Likens Self To The Slaves Of Old Man Owning Jack Benny And His Gang His C o n t r a c t Return To The Air Sunday Making Money NITE LIFE FOOTNOTES Mary Livingstone, Don Wilson, Dennis Day, Phil Hanis And Rochester Will Be With Actor Struggling Along,' Comedian At 7 P. M. On Mere $450 Week, . He Confides To World After struggling on tlm horns of u dilemma, and g e t t i n g ; By FREDERICK C. OTHMAN <UI» Hollywood rorreMiomleiil» punched by both horns for weeks, .7sick Benny finally has i completed plans to open his 19-11-12 radio scrlct from Xe\v York. The comedian brings his half hour of fun and music back to WEAF Sunday at 1 p. m. for a 10th season as a broadcaster. Jack will ho accompanied opening "Silver Theatre" program to be presented under the direcby his usual gang of heck- tion of Conrad Xagel over \VARC lers, inclmlins Mary Living- Sunday at fi p. m. stone, l>on Wilson, Dennis Helen Hayes will open her own theatic of the air for a second Day, Phil Harris and Jlo- seas-on by presenting a special radio adaptation of the great Chester. Bronte "Jane Kyre," SunTempling y hut tentatively day, overclassic. WABC; «it 8 p. in. KOXY OXQiXi—Stopped In nncl n*ked the Imrkeep if he'd ever h'ul.any rails for' a cockt.'itt of Srotoh. fr<"ili plum j u i ' O nnd .1 swi.«h of .iiiK'ir. \Vry tn.«ty. indeed, It turned out to foo. COURT CAFE—What w i t h f«'l hcins in 111" nlr. my ta.«t4 for "hono .oandwichrs" irturiri npncp. Thcso bnrbi'cuivl nt.3 iiro very tasty tlic way Did; IX'ivIs produces thorn. BARK BAQTBOW BOOM—Kondcred very attractive by the presence of some of the morn »=cenlc members of the Junior service Leanue. Also don't he nfrnid of the dunks. WAI»DO—I'm always lntnj:n' > il by the hr.ind of ilaneiMK Hint is peculiar to the lathikeller. Furthermore, it is HIT to f i n d .1 spot where a few spmi* maidens arc to bo found fur dancp partners. ALPINE vrLlAGE—ATost ni'-iistrous bar in the vicinity n to be found here. Likewise the proprietor has a most expaniivo sense of humor. 'Tii a r a r e pleasure to .Mt. sip and watch t h e Koines on. STONE'S GRILL — The boss m.in phniK'd me and rjrcfully explained that altho the new federal wine tax was in effect, that ho hadn't planno.l a Kieat increase in prices. That «urc sounds cncouritsiri;,'. DIXIE NITE CLUB-Clyde Dixfn. a !<"ft shoe specialist in his o«n right. i<? now condur'in^ r lap dam uifT ront'"-ts cverv AV^dnecday cfiiin;:. The lait one I watched was a concent r a t e d not. The particip.uisi v.Tnn'l ?o ti-n i f n a l l y j,'oc,tl. but tliey mre \\ere hot. HOLLYWOOD, Oct. 4 — (UP) —Victor Mature, who earns §3,000 a week, reported today that ho •was going to move back into his tent Either that, or get his wife a job so she can continue to cat. The trouble is, Victor doesn't j earn that $3.000 for himself. H o . earns it for Hal Roach, who owns' him, body and soul. So Koaeli | takes the $3,000 and hands Victor 5450. "And my ajrent takes $45 of that," continued Mature. "The Win $5,000," ?r,,uiMir a payments on by cream-colored entitled "How to AVin Altho The Family Hour feaautomobile arc $100 a month. My new comedy drama perils will be tures such headlinc-rs as Gladys apartment here costs $125. I pay presented over WEAF every Sun- Swarthout and Deems Taylor, the j $90 a month for the nurse for rny day starting Oct. 5, from 5:,",0 real star of the program on Sun-1 •wife's chi'd. 1 pay $75 a month i day will be a $40,000 violin—a I1 for a maid. I have to keep up an- j to fi p. m. Stradivntius played by a m e m b e r other apartment in New York] A welcome from New York by of Al Goodman's oichestra during | and no matter what I want to b u y ' Xiles Trammell, president of the a dramatization of the life of I I get taken. National Broadcasting Co.. and a Stradivariiii. tho world':; greatest "So I'm broke and the harder violin maker, at 5 p. m. over I work the broker I get and when starring performance by 12-year- AVABC. old Donald McGrail as the "Headthey talk about slaves, Roman, African, or whatever. I know what lincr " wi " signalize the first prothey're talking about." Rram of "The Musical SteelMature, who used to be known makers" on Sunday at 5:30 p. m. around town as the great, big, over WJZ. Sherlock Holmes is returning to beautiful hunk of man, and who now seems to be turning into an the scene of his first radio triactor who can act in "Shanghai umphs. On Sunday at 10:30 p. m. Gesture," said what he needed was | the wily sleuth of 221R Rakcr-ft his own Abraham Lincoln to set will don his deer-stalker hat, fire up his curved pipe, polish his him free. Heralded as the finest motion Roach signed him up as an actor reading glass, call for Dr. Wat•when he inhabited a tent, gave son and come back t o W K A F picture ever to come out of Aushim his start in pictures and where he made his microphone tralia, "Forty Thousand Horse CASTLE PAKM- One of tii* men," which opened yesterday at c'aims he ought to be showing a debut Oct. 20. 10.10. fe\v Jjenuine nielli t l l l b s -II the Sigma theatre, f u l l y lives up Basil Rathbone again will have little gratitude. Mature says he's the are'i where there a i o t w . > its advance reports Xot only grateful, but not that grateful. the load when the brilliant de- to fUmr shows n i R h t l y . Also is it on a \ast scale, but from a 'His contract calls for Roach to tective dramas return ne\t Oc- technical .standpoint and in the one can a l u a y s lely on Ser^e pay him S450 weekly in return tober and Nigel Bruce also is to quality of its acting, is compares K.icKler l « i i-hnnt out qu.di.t for renting him out to any studio I return as Dr. Wats-on. favorably with the best Hollywood < r , i ' k s \ \ l n l o til u r n \\h.'i'I\lii^. that wants him. Twentieth Con-1 The Edgar Bergen. Charlie McThe /act that Charles LOUIE'S KITE CLtJB-If you tury-Fox paid Roach S20.000 f o r j C a r t h y and muncal department of output Chauvcl, producer and director o. « \ n t ".ill out" atrnoppbero Mature in "Hot Spot." yet to he j the program of Sunday at 8 p. in. the film, has worked in Hollywood h e i c ' x Die -.pot in w h i c h lo K< t released. Mature received $2,700 over WEAF will come from Chi- for a good part of his twcnty-ori, 1 !•• 'me They hoa*<t «'f h a x i n i ; he said. cago, first stop in tho Bergcn- years in the pu-tuie industry no t i l e best dr.iu^l.t brrr In lovvu Roach will collect l?r>,000 a McCaithv "Concert Tour." doubt had something to do will' a n d I'm h r ^ i n n i i i R lo lje]ir\o week for Mature at least seven A smart little girl who doles | this. i II. •weeks in "Shanghai Gesture." on triple-tailed dragons, not to j "Forty Thousand Horsemen" That adds up to §21.000. Mature mention a benevolent Mrs. Twiddle- j tells the story of the courageous ALPHA NITE CLUD — Mll*rr said his share will be So.080. wood who wants to provide fit fun exploits of C i \ o s o u t here e i e r y ii-sl't Australia's Light ' "And I call that being cheat- J"or fine fellows on furlough, have .Horsemen who covered themscKe.-, w h u l i i* q u i t e in i t e m wlien ed," Mature said. "Roach was "Capt. Flagg and Sgt. Quirt" with glory in the first World War , vr.ii h . i \ c n e i \ o ' i s feel. " l l e n u making pictures with unknowns going around in circles during the and aic doing it, again in th.('eloper's orc'lic"-trn carries and paying us unknowns the kind second of .John P. Medbury's dram- present conflict. In magnificent nin'-t of the mail. AKo sound of wages unknowns get. So I got atization of life at a U. S. Marine outdoor action scenes, the film der f r > i t s me p n i \ i d e d by a out and spent my time and money corps base to be heard over WJZ picts the famous charge of tho ' l i r i c e of cow liny c o n t i n g e n t s . and energy making myself a repu- Sunday at 7:"() p. m. w i t h Victor Anzac rough liders at I'.cershoha, i BLINKING OWL-1.ike home tation. I have my pictures in all McLaglen and Edmund Lowe as one of the most heroic battles in fixikiiiK. t h i s one h piml anymagazines. There arc stories about the co-stars. all history. | time. .Mc>»t p u p l l l n i lle;n, IM me in the papers. I play in n hit Jvomaiire, loo, runs thru (he picMickey Kooney, ebullient screen I >T it. are t h e b a i l i e i i i o on Broadway. And I come backt u r e in the tender love a f f a i r bes.indwiclifs. Rut the riei-r to Hollywood, amazed at my own sUr, will be the headline!- in the tween a dashing Light Hoij-enian sets a lijj; j i l . i x , too. good fortune. Every studio serms and a l i t t l e Fionch girl who in the i SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 rLOEENTENE ROOM — J'rli-ei to want to hire me at salaries that early part of the story is obliged Eastern St.indard p. M —Subtract On' :ue mo"t leasonable. .Veil are fantastic. That's .-,!! fine. But to disguise herself as a hoy in Hour for CST., 2 Hrs. (or M l . I still get my weekly ?-l.">0. only dues t h i \ apply l,i the order to deceive the O M C I I I N ^ (Chfiugrn in ;>Mf;>«w* n,* h^tcil dur to "What really got me down wasi last u i n t H f c mtu'tnk < 01 j * f f u n 1 - I bexera^'e |i*t. h u t n\«n I T ilia Comedy likewise plays a goiioroU:the Screen Actor's Guild. It has 1.00—Salnlo In S t n t l n n U d K i i — r i l u ' - r r d part in this t h r i l l i n g and coloir . t t m e - i ' i. T h e * - e i \ K e j ^ e \ three classes of members. The least ful talc of adventure. | i '-'l.-ul. i..i .lied in t h ' I l o i e l Tho <'Inn ill of [\\f Air SIM n u n i — > n i I': oniif.ist i'f \\'<M Id Scrii'.s—inbs important pay $7.50 dues per The stark realism of the big acM i h i i ' r i mi u n d e r IKV.' m m V30—\Voild Is YOIII.S |)rnni:i — i i l i r r c d quarter. The medium bracket tion scenes in the picture is p a r t l y .liinniv l . j l i l l mill M . i t l n n - — n l i r - l i l n n players pay $15. And t h e top This Is the Life, KM mi . M u v c m n — i l > s due to the good f o i t u n e of Pro- , In S t i i t i i m w K i l — n l i r - m l stars pay ?20. So that's fail- 2'0&~S.ilulo duccr Clinuvel in obtaining moic WaKc I ' p A i i K i i o . t , K i i n i r n — i i h c - l i l u o than .'5,00(1 regular members of the | enough. I earn a low wage and S i m i t (»f M l , I >. f< ns,» I * r o ^ i , i m — i tis . <'h!r;\f,-" K n u i n l t . i l i ' i - - - r i l i c - r r i l I pay $7.SO dues. So pretty soon 2:30—1 Australian Li^ht Horse forces t . i \ V n i l d N r \ \ M \ in S h n i t \ \ a \ o s _ o i n the chief comes to me and says I 3.00—M.inhii take p a i t in the big charge am! T i l t i m In SIMIK — n l i r i f d .Insrf M a i . i t 1 * A f n r . i r i T i r k — u l T - l i l u o j other b a t t l e anil m a t c h i n g scene... have become a top bracket man. lli>\\.i-il l!:iiln\v s\ nift.iony U r r — i lis Got ,to pay $20 dues. Only I C.I5—K":iltenlioi n's ('nmni' n t — n l i r - r n l I Veteran A u s t i a l i a n officers al.vi don't earn any more than I ever 3'30—Suniiu K.l\ i1 S»M o n . i i t ( ' ~ n l H - l ( i l | supervised t h e technical and hisT.iposiry Mti.sli.a! t i n h r s — u l n ' - b l u o torical aspects of tho production to did and mostly when it's time to ^:00—Tn Itr A n n o i t i K i <l — n l u ' - i r d assure the a u t h e n t i c i t y of thef-e ! pav my dues, I don't have ?20. S-nndav Vr.spcis liv i l . u i i n — n l i r - h lli i o U'allrr ( J n i s s \ His i»rchrsti.i—< lis details. Magnificent hort-emanship, ' "It looks to me like I'm sitting To lt«> Aniioiiiiccil (,".n I I I I M M . ) — i n l i s on the horns of one of those 4:15—'I'. Worm A.- Sri.iphoi'lt.—nlir-inl the inseparable companionship o." CKI.IN'A, Ocl. .T—Mcrcor-co con4-30—XP.C S t i l u s S> m i l l i o n j — n l i c - 1 < il a happy-go-lucky t r i o who coir- tinued to operate today with a onetiilemnas." (Sic). I.nokniK lii'hiiiil tho . M I K i — n l i u l > l » < > prise the "throe musketeers'" of There is no way, legally for him A n i l i o Jvostol.uu t/, .<: (.>i i lio.sti a—fbs Anzae contingent, and the colorful man sheriff's department, following T*> lie A i i i i m i i K ril (:'fl n u n s i -. mlis to get off. His onlv hope for more cash, apparently is for Roach to K 00—.'"e .t .Valid. t V n n d\ — nlic-ir(I Cairo t.'ife scenes a r e among trrv release of three deputies by Sheriff Hrucc Barber. v,ho stated tho move make him a gift. I <;i:uhs Sn:n Hi,mi's t". rn—C|I-..|UHU many other items of keen interest was necessary because of lack of o n t h o i i i S f i i - t K u l o . M i i s u - — I ' b s - x M M I and enjoyment in t h e picture. "You see?" said Vic. "Talk ( SThis H K»ir I ' i v mi l h < - I'.rulli'—nil's i funds to operate with the regular Grant Taylor and Hetty H i y n n f , about the Romans, the Africans. | 5 1 0 — I t n v Mi.olil iinil Oroli — n l v - r o i l the romantic lends, make a most personnel. Mnvli.il Stpol M.iki'i^ -nlif-liln<> the Aztecs. When you're talking J 'IInhe J> i il (lin mi n^, t — mln Pwight Kaudcnlnish and Richard ingratiating love team. Taylor, ;: about, the slaves, talk about Ma- 5: 4 5—\\'m.Aimouni 1. S t n n r in ('oinmont—-1 bi 6'00— ('.itlu'lu- ll.nlio S P I \ | O P — n h r - i f i l j former boxer, is a virile six-footei Mciring, deputies in the sheriff'*! ture." Mu*-ir for I . i M o n i n i ; (4.", in ) — n b r - M i i n 1 and typical of tho fearless Atr/.acs. department, and Miss R u t h Mac('i>!ii.i(l N.ipcl's Siinilny Thonlrr—clii IVmlilp or N'titliitiK ynl/. Shn» — m l > s ' Miss H i y n n t reminds one of Merle 6:30— Thp C i o a t Cil.lor ^ l p o \ i — r i l i r - i o i l j Oheron. ! HOLD EVERYTHING 00 k R eviews Obtained At The Lima Public Books Reviewed Here May Be Library, Main Library Uy M A R Y LATHKOP Lima Public Library Staff Till-; CAPTAIN FROM CONNKCTICUT. By Cecil Scott 1'orester. Little, Brown and Company. $2.50. Here is an adventure story that has everything—the thunder of n&val battles, tropic skies and green West Indies islands, gallant officers, and beautilul women and oven a villain or two. Forester is the author of the Horatio Hornblower stories and as those tales have shown, he knows the sea well enough to make it exciting to a sailor. This itory is of the career of an American sea captain (luring the War of 1812. Captain Peabody runs the blockade from Xew York in a b'inding snow storm, join forces with two Baltimore ships and hies i-> the Caribbean where lie causes a lot of damage among Ri itish vessels. Don't miss it! * ¥ * things we need to know about ourselves. These books may bo revived by calling the Circulation department, 7.'J171. * * » SABOTAGK: HOW TO GL'ARD A G A I N S T IT. By Harry Farren. National Foremen's Association. $1.00. -Altho sub-tilled, "A Manual for Industrial Workers, Supervisors, and Exctttives" this litilo book is more in the nature of a "pep talk." It is designed to make workers aware of the ever-growing danger ol .sabotage. It recounts activities of saboteurs during the first \\orld war and discusses the mysU rious industrial catrislrophies that have occurred in recent months. It describes some of the melhods used by saboteurs in contacting employes ami suggests ways whereby employes and plants can. protect themselves. THK SOUND OF WINGS. By A r t h u r Goodrich. 1). AppletonCentury Company, Inc. S2.oO. Here we have a fiction charae- I ter who would not accept disilcom mi tt Mt* sr«vic_ IHC T. M. »io. u. J. TAT. off. lusionment, and so was not disillusioned, who would not admit disaster, and so .was able to say Limn men, who wish to *'<"n up "Poor man must be terribly deaf! I left him a aster never came, a man w i t h for three year? service w i t h 1'no miarlcr!" a lofty idealism relieved by an I'. S. Army, must do so I"' tti ! acute sense of humor. they have recei\ed their n o t i f r r . ) It is the story of Tom Clary, tion for the Army ;,h\s ; c-il "\-an inventor, whose wife leaves amination under seleet : vo ST.- -<\ him and their three children for That announcement w;>s i r - ' i i a career in music. During the Saturday by Sgt. Joseph P • <-<\ I years that follow Tom raises the who is in charge of the loc"' * • -TSocial Ilems,' Lodges, Societies, Personals I children, \\ins success in bu^in^s*;, reeriiiting office in the post nff'c • j and finds personal happiness for building-. "By enlisting for t h r e e y »-• Mrs. Dulcie Black was hostess' Oakland-pkwy, received word of himself. At a time when self-interest is applicants will he g'vn ( > < • > to the Ladies league of Second the birth of a grandson, Xorinan |i predominant in the woild it is choice of n n v branch of f • !• ••, Baptist church Wednesday evening I I I , born to Mr. and Mrs. Mcllenry lefreshing to find a book in which for which they are mi.".! in her home, W. High-st. Members" Xorman in Kaleigh, N. C., last honesty conies out on top. I Price said. present were Mrs. Mary F. Barnett, Wednesday. j The recruiter pointed out I V Airs. Clara Haithcox, Mrs. Delia j Lima League of Civic Improve- SOMETHING OF A HERO. B> there are vacancies at (be rr'. Moxley, Mrs. Myrtle Kennedy, Mrs. merit will hold its regular meeting Israel Kapslein. Alfred A. Knopf. lowing fields: .Jefferson B a r ' - - ' - . Alice Lyle, Mrs. Lehman P-lack, ' Sunday, Oct. 1~>, at 4 p. m. in Inc. $2.7.">. 1 "\'o., air corps, Kllington F i r ' . Mrs. Xora Shoecraft. Mrs. Mary Bradfield Center. In these times when so much Texas, air corps: field a r t i U e r v Chavons, Mrs. Betty Stackhouse ( Homer Lillie and Mrs. Doris ess is being placed on "The Panama: i n f a n t r v at both !'•!••• and Mrs. Lehman Black Jr. were Chavons were week-end guests of MI American tradition" a book l i k e Hawaii: i n f a n t r v nf P'-i!. guests. Mrs. Clara Haithcox will Miss Gertie Dent, at Springfield, this should be widely read. It is arid ippines Islands; co.-ist a i t i l l e i • be hostess in a fortnight. 0., last week. a port)nit of life in a rnidue.stoin at I'anama. All .-"iplicni,'.; ' Mrs. Virginia Beasley w a s town from 1907 lo 1P2P. The c e n - ' corps Mr. and Mrs. Waller Manuel, must be between 18 and 2S. who have been spending the sum- hostess to the Xcedlework club last t i a l chaiacter is John Cantrell The A r m y office is open daily mer in Lima with Mrs. Manuel's Friday afternoon in her home. whote ancestors founded the town from S a. in. to 4 n. m. and front Members present were: Mrs. Grace sister and husband, Patrolman and and who is himsolf one of its S a. in. lo '1 p. m. Saturday. Mrs. Herbert .Simmons, Oakland- ^yebl>, Mrs. Bertha Moss, Mrs. i leading citizens. Around him move pkwy., returned to their home in \ olcna Peters, Mrs. Lena Sheldon, j the other characters. ordinary SEAL GOAL IS S450.000 Los Angeles, Calif., last Wednes- Mrs. Lydia Kins, Mrs. Sadie j citizen*. industrialists, bootleggers COLUMBUS. 0.. Oct. 4— I UP) Stew-art, Mrs. Clara Haithcox, Mrs. i (—nil striving for a place, some — Ohio will have a goal of M.'.O,day. ":i:some f i n d i n g a measure 000 from the sale of 1011 ChristThe Ladies Aid of Second Bap- Xora Shoecraft, Mrs. Krma Jlailh- (.tiling, tist church will meet Wednesday cox, Mrs. Florence Cook, Mrs. of success. But John Cantrell who mas seals, the Ohio Public Healthevening with Mrs. Kmma Wilson, Kdna Bass, Mrs. Allhea Goings"is .something of a I.cm. sonic- a-sn said today. The campaign and Mrs. Delia Moxley. Mrs. Louise thing of a saint" out-distances opens Xov. 21. Oakland-pkwy. (icorgo Simmons of W. High-st, Haithcox was the only guest. Mis. them all. It is an impressive novel and A hippopotamus has a stomach entered St. Rita's hospital Wednes- Florence Cook will be hostess to the club in two weeks. i<e which tells us moie of the 11 feet long. day for an operation. The Xonpariel club will meet The Aeolian club will meet Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Mar- Wednesday afternoon with -Mrs. tha Burden, W. Spring-st, as Mary F. Harriett in her home, 31-PL- W. Kim-st. hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Adams and _ T h o 0. K. S. court of calanlhe, daughter of iielpfy, \\orc week-end Xo. :u w i l l meet Tuesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. in (he lodge hall, West and Baker, W. Spring-st last •week- Water-sts. t Mrs. Mary F. Harriot( has as her end. The Court of Calantbe will moot house guest, her cousin, Mrs. If. Monday evening in the lodge room, F. Spaulding, of Cleveland. West and Water-sis. The Ladies Aid of Second Baptist church will serve d i n n e r in the church dining room Friday evening. ' f *»lii*rlal Tn Tlio Minn \ r« ««> Mr. and Mrs. T,. C. Gamble, VAN WKKT, Oct. .I—Two persons were believed recovering at Van \Vert-co hospital from injuries received in auto accidents. The injured are: .). K. Snyder of Convoy, and Mrs. Frank Buekcr, of Van AVer I. Snyder suffeied fractures of both hip joints and a fractured leg Donald, deputy assigned lo civil when an auto driven by his and clerical, were released by brother. I). A. Snyder, al.M> of Convoy, skidded on wet pavement nnd Sheriff Barber. Sheriff Barber explained that his crashed against a tree. 10 miles office had used all of the j'umis \\est of here on I'. S. Route 22-1. Mrs. Buekor, who has a fractured appropriated this year for deputy hire and the move was nocoxiiy pelvis and body bruises, was hurled from an auto driven by .John because of "lack of funds." Chambers, of this city, a f t e r it had The appropriation for deputy collided with a car/Iriven by Clyde hire had been reduced 1>\ the Courtney. The accident occurred county commissioners from ?3,(iSO at the Main and Walnut-sts interin ]!)"|0 to ?2,SSO in 10-11. Sheriff section. Rarb'er announced the office would 1SPENCERVILLE MEDIC'S be open a few hours daily and he Like San Francisco, the city of 'No, .no, McGillicuddy, don't lake thai Tiglif, Team. MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED would attempt to handle emergen- Melbourne, Australia, owes its deFifthtl' sluil' so seriously!" cies and civil work. velopment to a gold strike. Much A c t i o n K e y n o t e For S i g m a Movie A RMY ABOUT OFFICER FACTS SERVICE NEWS IN COLORED CIRCLES FUNNY BUSINESS TWO' HURT IN AUTO MISHAPS SHERIFF D I S M I S S E S ALL DEPUTIES; F U N D S GONE SEVERAL MINOR AUTO MISHAPS ARE REPORTED I'.rno A u l r y Songs A: l»e.ir Morn—rlts 1'nIIiloK I i i i i m m o n i l A < l \ + M l l u l 0 ^ — n i b s 6:45—Mr---. Koovovolt T.ilk — ril>i--lilno 7.00—.lack Ki'iiny anil M.try — n b c - r p i l N P W S f r i i r n Kiiriipf.in \Var~nl>o-lihip TI.I\I> I l l n i n n ami lli«i Contact—nilit 7.15—X« us lUailline.s A l>> linos—rlis 7'30—H.itnh\a^on Ou hovii.i—nbc-roil i'.i|)I F1.1PK .\: Sore vjiiiu—tilic-liliin Tlii* Sfioi-ii ( j m l i l 't'hi-aliM—< i ti.'--b.T-irt r r t i t i l i - s nml ITt \ l p u s — t l i v - n n i l n r v c .No!>rv<ljX C l i i l i l i o n , I>rnni,uic.il — m l i t 8.00-C M o C a i t h y AV ( I i i i ' K t s — n l i c - i o i l With streets slippery due to th.> Tain, accidents in Lima were plentiful Saturday, police re.-ords reveal. Five persons were injured slithtly. Mrs. Pearl Kambo. Harrod Rou'.e J ' l u o K c l l n O s by O i i h o v l l . l — J,bo-b!ll»! l i o l o n l l a \ r > > T h o a t i r — cb-.-f.ivr. 3, and 0. E. Harding. Ft. W;<vnr. S\ iiiphonols: l>aiicp Tune—ol>s-\\r--t received minor injuries about 3::if> Cciliiinbia Kmlin \\'oil,vh»p— i l i s - u o v t A m o r i o a n F^iuin nailln t i o h a l o — nib-i •p. m. Saturday in a mishan at W. Man's Familv" — n l i o - i o i l Korth and Baxter-sis, police saV. 8:30—"()np Inner Sancinm Mjvtoiios—noc-bhti> Thp Crimo Doctor Prarna—obs-b.ivio The mishap involved a car driver, I^.'IIHIIIK .\lii--ip Orrlii'.sli a—<*bs-\\ i vt by Rambo and a cab operated bv 8:4S—Oattrlol I l o a i r c v — lo nibv-bavlc Bernard Earnest, 223 Haller-st 8:55—Klmor Pa\ Is anil Cuniinoiil—cbs 9:00—Itailio Morry tio-IIonncl—nbo-roil Rambo, arrested on a charge of Waller WinohoH's I'oliitim—nlio-bln« facing to yield the right of wnv. Sniiilnv K v p i i i n c C u n o i r l Hour—cbs Olil Kivlilinifil i ; o \ i \ , i l Sor\lfi>— nibs •will appear before Judge M. ?. 9:15—"Tho I ' a i k p r Family" —iibo-bln* Jenkins on Monday. 9:30—Album I ' a i n i l i n r M t i s l i * — n l i r - i o i l In an accident at Grand-av s»n«l I i o n o Kicti I T i - n n n . Mi.un.i — n b i - b h : o piano CJnarlot — n l n - M m . Elizabetn-st at 7:20 p. m. Fay 9:45—Fii^i IMilI S p l t . t l n \ .mil C i i N — n l i r - u i l Clevenger, 10, Lima Route 3. anil lO'OO— Oooil \Vill Hour \ i a K,«lm—ntio-l>!iin l!ol> ( L i n k Tako It or I^oavo I I — c h ^ Lenore Kelly, 45, of 1101 X. MainTo HI* AnnounrOil (HO n n n ? . > — nibs st, received minor injuries. Tho 10:30—Siin look Holmox Tl.iy- nbo-i.-il < ' I > S \Vi»ik--hop iJranialic—rl>s-o;i<t accident involved cars of Lenore Holon H.ivos in Kfpo.tt—ob--.\\( «-t Kelly and Raymond Clevenger. <'nb I ' a l l o w a v A"- "Qmrrlrnlf" — n - ' . ^ Mrs. Doyt Butler, Lima, Route 11:00—IXinro A"- Nows to 12—nlio-ibi \\Vnrtrll \Vlllklo. Otlx>r«. Talks—ml.t 2, received bruises about 4:30 rA n s w o i i n p Y o u — m i <i m. Saturday in an accident in tho 11:20—I-omlon'.s 12:00—Two Hours w i t h UariciiiR—nil>3 600 block of S. Main-st. The car driven by her husband and on«operated by Dave Wheeler, W. Eureka-st, collided, authorities •aid. Three other accidents were reported to police. Collisions involved cars of Donald Dawson, Harrod Route. 1, and J. F. Detrick, N. West-st, in the 200 block of N'. Unipn-st; Al Back, Delphos, and Virjril COST, S. Sugar-st, at High and Union-sts; and J. R. Sparr, Route 11. and Chadwick Main W USt t h i n k f n thc Mn tin B,th tn 'iJ5 th? h 10ft hW? alof f ' -* ° " The & V™ofcoviri-« "ld tin, Bath-tp, in thc 100 block do with with $5,000! ssnooi Th^ mmakers ni^r/«r do Vicks E. Market-st. . VapoRub and Va-tro-nol will pay $5,000 for a name or title for their new BLAST VICTIM DIES play which is the living diary of CINCINNATI, 0., Oct. 4 — aradio living American family. For details '(INS) — Arthur Florence, 23,' of how you may win $5,000 be sure to Weame the third fatality resulting, tune in radio station . .. from a varnish explosion Sept 23' 5:30 ?. M. •t thc Ault and Wiborjr Compiiny; yl*nt whfn he died Jn . Good SaSUNDAY nutriUn hoepital. WILLPAY $5,000 WLW \ IGOODWIN AND SMITH ARE TOPS IN POLICE SHOOT Top honors in tho \\eekly police ! shoot during tho last week were I taken bv Horyl Smith and Chief ! .lames C. (loodwin who had .scores J of 9-1. Others who had marks of SO o-belter wrir: Inspector K. L. j Westl-ny, P.": Donald If. Wade, i 92: Sgt. Walter Wolf and I n I sppctor D. F. Miller. 00; Sgt. i .lames Schoficld, 80: Herbert W. Simmons, 8S: .Jesse C. Ford and i Waldo Stevick. 87: Royal (J. Albridge. 85; K. K. Hogan, 8-1: Chaunccy Clay and P.ernaid Hurkart,' SO. , ( ^ - I t p i - l i i l 'I*i> 'I'ltp l.hnn N P M S > LAFAYKTTK. Oct. -I — Announcement is being made hereof the marriage of Miss Adeline (Itithrie. daughter of Mr. and M:s. .l;:cob (Itithrie. to Dr. Robert .1. Pocrnbeig, of Spene^iville, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Doernbcrg. of Cincinnati. Rev. J. L. Guthn'o. uncle of the bride, performed the ceremony in the home of the bride's parents, on Sept. 27. Attendants were Miss Helen Clum. of Lafayette, and Steward Ooernbeig, brother of the biidogroom. LEGION POST INSTALLS ITS NEW COMMANDER <v|»rrl:il To Tlio l . l m l l N « - « « « ) ADA, Oct. -I—Membeis of Foss- ' Agin-Mayer post ]8.">, American | Legion, have elected D. D. Spar | as commander, succeeding X. J. j Stober, head of Ihe post /or the j last year. I Other officers elected at the i meeting last week include: Y.V West, first vice commander: Ardor. Searson, second vice commander: True Yale, finance officer and Kay 15aker, chaplain. MARTIX'S TA • • Tops in \Hi> Sffots IN "JANE EYRE" the story of a great love shadowed by mystery and fear TONIGHT at 8 P, M., WJR THE HELEN HAYES THEATRE Starring Miss Hayes in plays she loves the best—every Sunday night at 8 P. M. PRESENTED BY LIPTON'S TEA • • STAIITIM; JIOMIAY. IM-T. « THE SCREEN'StA2/£Sr COMEDIAN.. AST LI: i Ai(m| C AT THE MILANO! Through" A Swell Revue 406 N. MAIN Kalian, nnd American Foods STKAKS UHtVli:il IIAVIOLI SPAGHETTI < +**++l*+*ll~*m*f>**r*+. You'll Like Our Service • The Showplace of Lima A.T JHL 2 SHOWS NITELY Plus 10:30-1:30 Amcricti's 3 Shows Finest Revue Saturday and Dance Band IX ADDITION' TO THIS FKATUKK IUIJ.V Bonnie West — June St. Glair — Novelty Dancer* and the Fascinating TANYA with MITZI JOY Vnl »l<»nn JUANITA BATES BOOTS BURNS ELLEN JEWEL Frank S<'liirm«*r Lowliest Uirls LARRY STONE HELEN MILLER CLARICE BEASLEY "MOIIK T H A X JTST A FLOOR SHOW" Blinking Owl Club Lima's Better Time Headquarters viti: i 3IOX. MTE "Shorty" and Her Arizona Rangers DRIVE OUT TO BLUE PEAKS ORCHESTRA EVERY SUNDAY EVENING H K A R THE SOLOVOX Courtesy' of STO11K 2 Miles East On Harding Highway
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