November 19, 2013 First United Methodist Church Newsletter 575-763-3461 Volume 41 Issue 45 Poinsettias Circle 5 Christmas Tea December 14th Everyone is invited! Please contact any member of Circle 5 if you wish to decorate a table or call Cindy Blair at 762-6038 or Dianna Jeffries at 760-2219 Join us at 5:15 p.m. for a wonderful meal this week: 11-20-13 Chili and Cornbread!!! You may purchase a poinsettia in memory of someone or in honor of someone at $12.00 per poinsettia. We ask that you please attach your payment to the order form. Order forms for poinsettias may be picked up in the church office or at the Welcome Center In the Narthex on Sundays. Children's Choir Rehearsal Our children's choirs will have an important rehearsal this Saturday morning, November 23, as we begin the final preparations for Candy Cane Lane. This rehearsal will deal primarily with blocking, choreography, and issues of memorization, and all members of both choirs are expected to be in attendance. Also, all spoken lines and musical solos must be by memory BEFORE Saturday's rehearsal. We'll use the following schedule: 9:00 AM - Bethlehem Choir learns choreography in the choir room. 10:00 AM - Bethlehem Choir moves to Sanctuary for blocking. 11:00 AM - Angel Choir joins rehearsal in Sanctuary. First full run-thru. 12 Noon - We're done!!! Find Your Christmas Pajamas!!!!! The setting of Candy Cane Lane is bedtime on Christmas Eve, so all of the choir members will be wearing Christmas pajamas - even the choir mothers and yes, even moi. We CERTAINLY don't want to leave out the audience, so everyone will have the opportunity to live out a fantasy: WEARING YOUR PAJAMAS TO CHURCH!!!! I hope everyone will join into the spirit and fun of the evening. Candy Cane Lane will be on Sunday evening, December 8, 6:00 PM, here in our Sanctuary. Come be a part of all the fun!!! (By the way, I visited with Santa on the phone last week, and he is planning, once again, on being present for the musical. Pajamas? Perhaps. He didn't say.) Two Changes in the Thanksgiving Week Rehearsal Schedule The week of November 24 will, as far as the music ministry's schedule is concerned, be normal with two exceptions: #1 The Clovis Community Chorus will NOT rehearse on Tuesday, November 26. #2 The Chancel Choir will move their Wednesday rehearsal to Tuesday, November 26, 7:00 PM. Mark Your Calendars! SAVE THE DATE: SUNDAY DECEMBER 8 6:00 P.M. FUMC SANCTUARY A CHILDREN’S MUSICAL Sunday, December 15 9:30 a.m. FUMC Chancel Choir Presents Agnus Dei Featuring the Christmas music of Michael W. Smith ~Your Your Special Invitation~ Invitation This Advent, obviously, is full of music, and the last musical presentation of the season will barely beat Santa's arrival. The past two years, FUMC has become the "home" of The Clovis Community Chorus. The chorus warmly invites you to attend their presentation of Handel's Messiah on Saturday evening, December 21, 6 PM, here in our Sanctuary. The presentation will be accompanied by professional orchestra comprised of members of The Amarillo Symphony. Soloists for the evening will be Christopher Yee, Dr. Jason Vest, Alyssa Anaya, Karolyn Sailer, Sara Williford, Joseph Ulibarri, Hailey Vandewiele, Lori Riggins, and Natalie Rainey. James Golden will accompany the choir and orchestra on harpsichord, and I will have the great joy of directing the presentation. Admission is free as the Chorus considers this event to be our Christmas gift to the Clovis/Portales/Cannon communities. Come be a part of Messiah. Between M other’s D ay Out, and Latch key we hav e the opportunity to minister, e ncourage, and interact w it h more than 90 dif ferent child ren and families! ? DID YOU KNOW Sunday, November 24 9:30 a.m. - Worship Service 10:40 a.m. - Sunday School 4:00 p.m. - Beginner Handbells 5:00 p.m. - Youth Monday, November 25 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. - Mother’s Day Out 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. - Latch Key 4:00 p.m. - Angel Choir Tuesday, November 26 9:30 –11:30 a.m. - Community Bible Study Leaders only. 3:00 - 5:30 p.m. - Latch Key 4:00 p.m. - Bethlehem Choir 5:15 p.m. - Asbury Ringers 5:40 p.m. - Zumba 6:30 p.m. - Boy Scouts 7:00 p.m. - Chancel Choir Rehearsal Wednesday, November 27 NO - Community Bible Study 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. - TOPS NO - Latch Key Thursday, November 28 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Church office closed Friday, November 29 Church office closed We are preparin g for ou Christm r as Prog ram wh will take ic h place on Monday Decemb th , er 9 . W e would for you love to take part, len hand, o d a r come enjoy th beautifu e l singin g on tha day. If y t ou are in terested please f eel free to conta at child ct us care@fu mcclovis .net A Note of Gratitude&&&&. Thank you so very much for honoring our Dad on All Saint’s Sunday. My mom brought me the white rose bud vase and church program. My brother and sisters appreciate all the church did for our dad, Richard L. (Dick) Doran. Thank you, Richard Paul Doran RECORD OF OUR FAITHFULNESS FOR THE WEEK OF: November 10 2013 Attendance Worship 156 Sunday school: 119 Offerings $6,317.00 Shared Ministries Commitment: $70,121.00 Paid to date: $43,034.90 Balance Due: $27,036.10 Second Mile Giving: $2,981.86 to date Sunday Worship Schedule 9:30 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary 10:40 a.m. All events held in the FUMC Sanctuary except for those notated December 1 ~ 9:30 a.m. Worship Hanging of the Greens December 8 ~ 9:30 a.m. Worship Asbury Ringers December 8 ~ 2:00 p.m. Community Band & Asbury Ringers FUMC Sanctuary December 8 ~ 6:00 p.m. Children’s Christmas Musical Candy Cane Lane Sunday School The worship service is broadcast on 99.1 KCLV-FM 11:00 a.m. to Noon Email: [email protected] Website: Wheatfields cordially invites everyone to our…….. Celebration of Carols presented by the spectacular Clovis Community Chorus! December 12 ~ 7:00 p.m. Clovis High School Choir Thursday, December 5th, 2013 6:00 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m. December 15 ~ 9:30 a.m. Chancel Choir’s Agnus Dei December 21 ~ 6:00 p.m. Community Chorus’ Messiah December 24 Christmas Eve Service Time to be announced WHEATFIELDS 4701 n. Prince St, Clovis, NM 88101 SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 575-762-8700
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