April, 2010
From the Office
The Easter Service and the Tea were just delightful! These are such a highlight for us at St.
Catherine’s. The children are so very excited and happy to share their new songs, poems and
chants with you, and the teachers so look forward to serving you Tea. This year was no exception.
Cheryl put together a wonderful program that the children enjoyed presenting, especially with the
new drums! Cheryl was asked about the titles of some of the songs and little poems, so they could
be put in the program. Her response was, “Call them whatever you like, I just made them up
myself!” So, not only did you have the pleasure of your children presenting you with a lively, funfilled program, but you got to see an original production, as well!
Thank you, Cheryl. And thank you to the Teachers for all their hard work helping the children learn
their new songs, and for serving a lovely Tea. We would like to thank Kay, Phyllis and Chris for
helping in the kitchen and thank Christine for her wonderful story. The children were quite
enthralled with it. A special thank you also goes to Dorothy Smith for her beautiful piano
accompaniment for the children. And, last but certainly not least, a huge Thank You! to the
parents for your cheerful support at the Easter Service and Tea.
Professional Development Day
April 30 (no Preschool)
Parent Ed Night: Sex Talk
Thursday, May 20 NEW ITEM
Victoria Day (no Preschool)
4’s Graduation
Last Day Preschool
Monday, May 24
Wednesday, Thursday, June 16 & 17
Friday, June 18
Monday, Tuesday, June 21, 22
Forms are at the top of the stairs by the Preschool door.
Down On The Farm is this year’s theme.
Marion Knows All – Tells All
Resource Office
- Marion
Do you know your child?
Most children fit into one of three Temperament Styles:
It is important to remember that not all children fit into just one style, but may have traits from all
three styles. Adaptable children approach new situations and people with ease. They seem to be
more able to cope with changes in their routines. Cautious children approach new situations and
people very thoughtfully, and sometimes, fearfully. They may have difficulty with quick changes
with routines and often require extra support and time to feel safe in a new situation. You can
prepare them for changes by talking about what may happen and helping them feel able to handle
things that come up. Feisty children approach new situations with passion and intensity. They may
have difficulty controlling their strong emotions and desires. They want action right away, and may
need support to calmly and slowly enter new situations. If you talk about changes before they
happen, it helps them control their emotions and react in a less intense way. So, the next time you
take your child to a new situation, take a minute to predict which temperament style he or she
may have, and you’ll be able to help make the transition a little less stressful for you both!
Housekeeping Notes
Registration is now complete for the Fall of 2010. There are a few places available in the afternoon
2’s program, three day 3’s afternoon class and the three day 4’s afternoon class. If you happen to
know friends or new neighbours who have moved to the area and need a place for their children,
please tell them about us. Just have them call Tina in the office. And we would like to Thank you
for your patience while we sorted out the changes in our programs. We are happy to offer a 4 day
afternoon 4’s program this year. If you do have any questions do not hesitate to give us a call.
Deposit cheques will be processed mid-May.
There is a short turn around time between
classes when the Teachers have to clean
up from the morning class, set up for the
afternoon class, and have a bit of lunch.
But they can only do this once the
classroom has been vacated. Therefore,
please be considerate of the classroom
and Teachers when collecting your
Our Parent Board member Gina Bromley,
has very kindly booked:
Dr. Brandy Wiebe to speak about
Sex Talk, Thursday, May 20th, at 7 PM
Music Notes
- Cheryl
After I came back from Australia, we had some
classes where we learned about the didgeridoo. We
watched a video of a didgeridoo player and listened
to the music. The children were amazed! We talked
about all the different animals in Australia. Then it
was on to the Easter Services.
At practices and rehearsals in the church, the children sang out loudly and so happily. Then, when
the church filled, they seemed to be preoccupied with the people there. With the children saying
Hi Mommy, somehow, the rest of the songs aren’t quite as loud! Nevertheless, we certainly
enjoyed sharing our new songs, poems and chants with you! Did you notice our lovely new drums?
The children were quite intrigued with them, and loved to play them. They were a big help in our
Easter Service. Thank you to all the teachers for helping the children to learn the words to their
new Easter songs. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed sharing it with you.
Music Open House will be held in
come to Preschool later in the
May. You will receive notice about what date and time to
Notes from the Discovery 2’s
- Vibha, Danielle, Joanna and Stephanie
Dictated by Gavin
Edited by Lucien
Written by Danielle
What a busy month we have had
since the Olympics finished! The
children are now starting to play
alongside their friends and even
engage each other in small
conversations. We are still
working with the children and
encouraging them to use gentle
hands. This has lead to the
children doing more group
focused art where they take
turns using paint, learn about
personal space when painting,
and sharing ideas about what
they have created.
We have also talked about the Easter Bunny and chocolate eggs. We had an Easter egg hunt for
Easter and the children took their eggs home in bags they had decorated themselves. We also had
fun decorating and eating our own egg shaped cookies. Now we are looking at farm animals. We are
singing Old Macdonald, Farmer in the Dell, and chanting all the nursery rhymes we like about farm
animals. Isn’t it amazing how all these old rhymes come back to mind so quickly from our
childhood? They work as excellent pre-reading skills as they reinforce memory and the chanting
encourages rhythm. For art, we decorated ducks, and made fluffy sheep with glue and shaving
cream. We stamped horse shapes in paint and then onto paper. Here is what we heard when we
asked the children to tell us their favourite farm animal: Ducks, cows, just any animal, my animal
name is Daniel, pigs, whales, panda bears, horses and dogs. So, you can see we have our work cut
out for us!!
Can you decipher these codes?
2. + +
5. FAR
(Answers on
last page)
Notes from the 3s
- Permjit, Jenn and Barbara
It's been a lovely month here at Preschool. The children have been thoroughly enjoying the warm
weather outside exploring the playground, running and climbing.
We began the month by reading books about the life cycle of butterflies. We read about how they
begin as caterpillars before their incredible transformation into beautiful butterflies. We paid
particular attention to the wonderful story by Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We saw in
action how important and enjoyable repetition is for the children as we told the story over and
over. We used many different forms such as felt board, different sized books, as well as a stuffy
caterpillar. The children never got tired of hearing the story, guessing what would come next, and
letting us know if we said something different while relaying the story to them!
As Easter approached, we talked about how we had the opportunity to see new life all around us
during this time of year. The children really had fun looking at real bird’s nests and eggs, as well
as pictures depicting the life cycle of a chicken, on the science table. The whole time we discussed
the age old question, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?!" We have no definitive answers
yet, but we all agreed that fluffy yellow chicks are adorable!
We also spent time developing our fine motor skills using different types of tongs to pick up plastic
Easter eggs and placing them into egg cartons. This required dexterity, hand and eye co-ordination
and fine motor control, but of course the children just had fun doing it!
We made Easter baskets and had an egg hunt in the classroom, which was lots of fun!
The children worked very hard on their songs for our Easter Service and they were very excited to
have their families and friends come to see them in the church. Seeing their little faces while they
practiced is wonderful for the teachers and we couldn’t wait to share all their hard work with you!
This is such a lovely class, and the children are forming strong friendships with one another. This is
really what Preschool is all about; fun, play, and friends.
- Brita, Jackie and Permjit
Spring is here at last and let’s hope we have
more sun than rain this month. We have been
talking a lot about spring and how things
grow. Without rain, nothing would grow, but
after a bit, we would like it to stop! Some of
us thought it would be nice to play outside in
the lovely sun and enjoy the fresh air!
We planted Cats’ Grass Seed and watched it
grow. We discussed how plants need sun,
water, and nutrients. We pretended to be
little seeds planted in the ground. We added
water, sun and food and began to grow
ourselves. It was a lot of fun watering our
grass, and we will bring it home soon. The
children were so surprised to see the grass growing and that they had been a part of it.
We talked about all the buds that are coming out and how we see them on the way to school.
Blossom trees seemed to be the biggest hit with the children because every one of us loves them.
We talked about how they are all different colours. We enjoyed many stories about new life at this
time of year and we all loved the Baa the Lamb story.
At the art table, we made flowers and enjoyed making a large collage of all different flowers with
all our friends. We liked using tissue paper and paint. We used lots of Spring colors and practiced
our cutting skills while making pictures. We made some beautiful butterflies by using water colours
and pipettes.
We made Easter baskets to collect all the eggs the Easter Bunny left. We really enjoyed our Easter
egg hunt. The children talked about how much fun they had over the Easter weekend and it
seemed that the Bunny was very busy since there were lots of Easter eggs eaten. The teachers did
suggest that if the children had any difficulty eating their eggs we would love to help them. But
apparently no help was needed! Dads, more so than Mums, seemed to get the blame for helping to
eat all the eggs.
We are seeing more sharing and cooperative play recently. And the children all seem to have grown
up so much. They really are using their words.
The children rehearsed for our Easter Service.
They sang their hearts out and it was a
fantastic service. We so looked forward to
sharing it with you. We learned so many new
songs, poems and chants.
We are changing the housekeeping corner
into a grocery store. Please save empty boxes
and food packets and send them in to help
stock up our shelves! Thank you so much.
- Jenn, Jackie & Brita
It's incredible to think that we are already in April and now
that the weather is warming up, we are able to enjoy our
time outside. We opened up the sand box recently and the
children were so excited to get digging, or excavating as we
were informed by one of our boys!
Watching the children as they run around outside allows us
to see their interactions in a totally new way as they are
more relaxed, and their imaginations really seem to take off. It's so much fun to listen to the ideas
for new games and see the amount of discussion it takes for each child to figure out their role.
Sometimes it takes most of outdoor time to figure out who is going to be the mom and who is going
to be the dog and then the game has to be put on hold until the next time we are outside!!
We are definitely seeing children forming new friendships and their language skills are improving as
well as their abilities to interact using words, rather than, for example, grabbing a toy from
someone else. We are hearing more of, Can I have a turn after you? Of course there is still
some grabbing going on! But hey, we're only 3 and 4 right now!
This month we looked at the life cycle of butterflies and how they begin their lives as an egg
before hatching out as a caterpillar. We spent lots of time reading the The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle and the children never got tired of hearing the story through different ways, such as
different sized books, felt board stories and with a stuffy caterpillar. The children also spent time
making their own caterpillar and all the food from the story. Many times we would look up to see a
child standing at the board, telling the story to themselves quietly, while pointing at the different
food items. These are language arts and pre-reading skills, which are so important.
In celebration of Easter, we made Easter baskets, had an Easter egg hunt, sang songs about rabbits
and chickens, and talked about the new life we are seeing all around us in nature. We used our fine
motor skills, as well as hand and eye co-ordination, to transfer plastic Easter eggs from one egg
carton to another. This can be quite difficult for children as these muscles don't get used as
frequently as larger muscles do.
We encourage the children to use these smaller muscles, as well as controlling their movements,
by creating opportunities for cutting (paper, card, playdough etc) and using tongs, rather than
fingers, to pick up various items. This learning is, of course, disguised as a fun activity!
We spent some time planting our own grass in small containers and discussing that plants need
water and light in order to grow. We are really hoping to see the grass beginning to grow over the
next little while!
As well as all this, the children worked very hard on
learning their songs and instruments for our Easter
Service. The children amazed us with how well they
knew their songs. They were really excited to have
their family and friends come to the church to hear
them sing!
We always welcome any questions, comments, or
input you may have, so please come and talk to us.
Notes From the 4’s
TREEHOUSE 4’S – 401 AND 403
- Stephanie, Shelley, Brita, and Barb
What a great time to start off Spring by talking about
Nowruz, Iranian New Year, that occurs on the first
day of Spring. It is a celebration of new beginnings
and a time to visit family and friends. We talked
about some of the traditions that are done before
and during this holiday.
With Easter on its way, we talked a bit about the history of Easter and traditions celebrated all
around the world. We traced and cut out and decorated our very own bunnies. The end result of
this activity was amazing to see because each bunny was unique and so special. We decorated
Easter baskets, which came in handy, for a special visitor that came to the Preschool. The children
were quite excited while they listened to the letter from the Easter Bunny about Easter eggs
hidden everywhere in our classroom for them to find.
Once Easter was over we started talking about Spring. We transformed our home corner into a
flower shop. It was interesting to learn how many children had gardens at home and were familiar
with tools used for plants and flowers. We worked together to sponge paint a blue background
where we put up our fluorescent paper plate flowers and butterflies. It made a wonderful Spring
board. We talked about different stages that occur before a caterpillar changes into a butterfly,
then we splatter painted butterflies. The children helped create some of the centre pieces that we
used on the table for our Easter Tea. One class made Popsicle stick flowers and the other class
made egg carton flowers.
We have been working on our journals each week. It has been very interesting listening to their
stories and having that time to really connect with each child on a one to one basis. We are looking
forward to listening to many more stories they are going to tell!
We would like to give a big Thank You to all of the parents who came to spend the day with us. It
was a pleasure having you in the classroom. We would just like to remind you that we have an open
door policy. So if you didn’t get a chance to come spend the day with us, feel free to let us know a
date that would better fit your schedule and we would be more than happy to have you.
DOWNUNDER 4’S – 402 AND 404
- Libby, Joanna and Gaby
Mid March, our classroom became the home of little green men and lots of shamrocks and
Begorra's!! We found out about Ireland's St Patrick and the legends surrounding his very exciting life
and times. Traps were set for the wee green men called Leprechauns. They love milk and honey
but you have to be quick to catch them. We felt them tickle our necks but we never did catch
them or see them. If you catch a Leprechaun and sprinkle salt on his bottom he has to tell you
where his gold is buried at the end of the rainbow. Our classroom was decorated with shamrocks
and beautiful rainbows.
Our good friend, Ken Brookfield, came for a visit with his "mystery object " in a very large bag .The
children were quite intrigued and captivated by a book which, when opened, made the most
incredible shapes. We saw triangles, circles, squares, and stars, all intricately cut out, then folded
back into the book when closed.
We hope everyone enjoyed a little relaxing time over the Easter Weekend. The Easter Bunny paid a
visit and left some eggs for everyone to enjoy. We celebrated Spring and new life, making eggs and
bunnies. Spring blossoms adorned the walls and we watched as a seemingly lifeless branch started
to produce buds and then leaves. More signs of spring appeared in the shape of flowers and
We practiced very hard for our Easter Service, and the children were ready, and delighted to sing
and play for everyone. We were so looking forward to our Easter Tea.
As always, if you have any concerns or comments please come and talk to us.
Libby , Joanna and Gaby
Answers to the Codes
1. Backward Glance
2. Double Cross
3. 2 Fellows After the
Same Girl
4. Look Around You
5. Far Away From Home