nourishing our children

nourishing our children
timeless principles for supporting learning, behavior and health through optimal nutrition
"Nourishing Our Children is an outstanding educational resource that I highly recommend every parent, teacher
and individual interested in true health and nutrition to see. A well-organized and thorough examination of the
incredible work and life-changing teachings of Dr. Weston A. Price, Nourishing Our Children is a most helpful
resource for anyone looking for true guidance in the realm of nutrition. A careful attention to detail and a huge
amount of work went into making this film a reality and it shows. As a nutritional therapist, I see day in and day
out how necessary education is, and Nourishing Our Children is an invaluable resource in my practice. Many
thanks to Sandrine and all who made this project come to life."
Amy Love, NTP, FES, CILC of Real Food Whole Health
"Happy New Year, Sandrine! I am working on my final project for Bauman College and am using the NOC DVD.
It is wonderful! VERY well done. Kudos to you. What an incredible effort and worth every penny. I hope to boost
your donations by sharing with other moms. As Vesta was eating her nutrient dense breakfast of pastured eggs,
framani sausage and steel cut oats, I thought it might be a fun picture for your project. See photo: https://
Perhaps it is too late and the oats less than appealing but I loved the yolk covered fingers and face as she holds
her sausage. So even if you can't use it, here is a picture of a happy, healthy, well-nourished baby of this next
generation. She has had none of the common baby illnesses of ear infections and the like. She is incredibly
social, observant and quick to learn. I attribute that to the great fats she is getting and how well her brain is
developing. Also I attribute her amazing physical coordination and balance to her diet as well (and probably
Nia in utero)! Thanks for the great work you are doing and for setting me on this path many years ago! "
Monica Welty of Our Whole Body, Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Brown Belt Nia Instructor and Holistic
Health Practitioner
"The Nourishing Our Children DVD has been the most amazing gift to myself this year. Even though I have been
learning about nutrition and health for over 2 decades now, I still found more info for me to realize and learn
about foods in this DVD. I love how the DVD is made for both people new to nutrition, as well as 'oldies' such
as myself. Each chapter is so clear and easy to follow in it's description, it's a pure joy to watch and I truly
enjoy the fun voice guiding me through the DVD! I am so impressed with the knowledge gained, that I have
already been speaking to over 40 of my friends and family, getting them all curious to watch this gem about
nutrition. Even though it's labeled "nourishing our children", I find it as truthful for us adults - we are nothing
but grownup children and need at least as good of a nutrition as our children. Check it out for yourself, it's even
worth considering doubling your donation!"
Gitta Sivander, mother of toddler Ari
"I requested the Nourishing Our Children DVD for a few reasons. Firstly, I have a nine-month old child and was
looking for food ideas. Secondly, I am always on the look out for nutrition resources, especially those coming
from the raw food or Weston Price tradition. The DVD was pleasing to watch, with really nice imagery, and was
well organized. It was useful to be able to jump from chapter to chapter. I would definitely recommend to
others, particularly those people or parents who are just starting to learn about the Weston Price food tradition.
Thanks for this DVD give-away opportunity!"
Sincerely, Christopher Brown, Berkeley
" 1) I requested the video because I wanted to learn more practical information about how to feed my family
real traditional and nourishing foods.
2) Impact of video: First, I will say that my husband sat with me and watched the entire video. This, in itself, is a
great testimony. In our home, I do the studying, planning, shopping, cooking, etc. He trusts me with the health
of our family. But we were both drawn in by the opening segments about Dr. Price. In the end, we were happy
to realize that we are about 80% of the way there, and your video made it simple to learn where we still need
to improve. It was presented in a simple, easy to understand format. I am looking forward to sharing parts of it
with other moms, in the hopes that they will begin to embrace real food principles.
3) We very much enjoyed viewing the movie and will be watching it again and again, as other moms become
4) Yes, we learned a lot. About the history of Dr. Price’s research and travels as well as about meal planning
ideas at the end. I took Kelly’s Real Food class, so the principles were not new to me, but I really enjoyed the
last sections, where you gave meal ideas.
5) I absolutely would recommend this video to others. I already have! The only problem is that I haven’t had any
moms take the time to watch it yet.
6) Strengths: Clear, concise information. Well researched and professional presentation. Only weakness that I
can think of is the duration. The length is daunting to a mom with young kids. Although I don’t see anything
here I would want you to leave out!
7) Yes, you may use my name if any of this feedback is valuable.
In closing, if I were to be selected for the wish list I would use it to lend to friends. I don’t lend out my current
copy because I love it too much. But I do believe that I could get other people to watch it if I sent it home with
them. God bless you for your efforts. I really appreciate your Facebook posts as well as your video. We live in
Bakersfield and have virtually no WAPF chapter. I soooo wish I lived closer to SF, so I could attend your
meetings! "
With Gratitude, Nancy Sutherland
"Dear Sandrine, I first saw the Nourishing Our Children DVD at the Weston A. Price Conference in Pennsylvania
in November. After viewing it completely at my leisure, I found that the presentation was excellent and
engaging. I do believe that the material can be used to educate individuals who really know nothing about this.
I have been showing it in my office to patients to increase awareness and the feedback I get is just increased
interest in our eating practices. This can only help all of us. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job. "
Dr. Louis M. Steinberg, DDS in West New York, New Jersey
"One of the most exciting parts of the Wise Traditions conference each year is getting to see friends like
Sandrine again. She was sweet enough to give me a copy of her newest project, the Nourishing Our Children
DVD, and wow, what a project! I can’t think of a more simple, straightforward, easy to digest way to introduce
others, no matter where they are in their Real Food journey, to the Weston Price principles and the difference
these principles can make in their lives. Note: I am not paid for this review, nor do I earn any commission if you
buy the DVD, I just strongly believe in Sandrine’s work and the research of Dr. Weston Price!"
Read more:
Kelly the Kitchen Kop, Real Food Media
"Sandrine - the Nourishing Our Children DVD is absolutely terrific!! It explains everything so clearly - I am
thrilled to have it for a teaching tool!
I sent the following to the chapter leaders yahoo group on Apr 16, 2011 - post #42150:
Nourishing Our Children DVD: I recently got the Nourishing Our Children DVD and watched it with a few
people - It is really well done! I am not adept at computers, so I didn't get the powerpoint, but the dvd is great!
If you haven't seen it yet, I highly, highly recommend it - it is an outstanding tool to educate groups of people
about Nourishing WAPF food!! would be wonderful to show at chapter meetings, as well as other community
groups, local libraries, church groups, home school groups, Waldorf schools, etc, etc. I think this DVD will
really help spread the word! I hope it gets shown far and wide!”
Regards, Bari Caine - Reno, Nevada Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader
"I loved the Nourishing Our Children DVD. I had "Ah-Ha moment" after"Ah-Ha moment". I realized all the ways
in which I've been affected by being "Well-Fed, but Mal-Nourished." Sandrine Hahn presents the information in
a way that is easy to understand, visually appealing, and filled with research/studies that bring the points home.
It is clear that she and her team have done the research necessary to understand the ways that nutrition is at the
center of physical and mental health. As a childbirth educator, yoga teacher, and Depth Hypnosis practitioner, I
have already recommended this presentation to my students and clients. My clients, too, are having those "AhHa!" moments and are grateful to begin to understand the impact of what they are putting in their bodies. They
are beginning, as am I, to understand the ways that the body, mind, and spirit are deeply connected and that we
need to be nourished in the ways that nature had intended.
This DVD points to the brilliance of the human body... That it can thrive and heal and handle the challenges of
being human on this Earth, if it gets what it needs.
The information on the DVD is invaluable. I hope you will not only purchase your own copy of the DVD, but
also make a significant donation to the campaign. We and the planet need it!”
With increasing vibrant health, Rachel Yellin
"Hi Sandrine! My husband and I watched the DVD last night. His response after the DVD ended was, "How
much of this are we already doing?" I told him that we are doing a lot but that there is much more that we need
to do!
Here are my responses to the questions you sent me prior to receiving the DVD in the mail:
Why did you decide to request to receive the DVD? I wanted to learn how to make healthier food choices for
my family.
How did the DVD impact you? Did it inspire you, educate you, etc. The content gave me the desire to make
changes in my food choices and lifestyle. I also feel that if there are times where I am struggling, that the DVD
will motivate me and get me back on track.
Did you enjoy viewing the DVD? Yes.
Did you learn something new? Yes.
Would you recommend it to others? Yes, highly recommended.
What do you consider the strengths of this educational tool to be? Any weaknesses you'd like us to be aware of
for the next iteration? I think the visual aides are great and speak for themselves. Because there is a tremendous
amount of information in each section, I feel like a review/summary at the end of each section would be
helpful. (Maybe in the form of an outline or bullets.)
May we use your name if we choose to publish your review and feedback? Yes.
Thanks again for selecting me to receive a DVD. I'm looking forward to sharing the information with others and
spreading the word. I hope that someday I will get to meet you in person. I attached a picture of the twins! =)
Jane Cox of Maryland
"Sandrine, here is my review and comments: I am so impressed with the Nourishing Our Children tools which I
recently received. While I have been teaching these principles for years, never have I found a more easy-to-use,
clear, and concise method to do so. This material is simply wonderful!
This past week my daughters and I hosted a week-long camp in our home for girls ages 12-18. I used the NOC
DVD presentation as the foundation of our daily nutrition class. The girls were mesmerized and amazed by what
they learned, as was the other mother present! The presentation held their attention throughout, and sparked a
keen interest in pursuing these nutritional principles in their own lives. One young lady reacted with
astonishment and anger towards those who instill dietary principles so much in conflict with what she now
understands as truth. These are the kinds of reactions I wish to see in those whom I teach, and the NOC
materials did so more effectively than I have ever been able to accomplish on my own.
Thank you, Sandrine and all of those involved in the Nourishing Our Children Campaign; well done indeed!"
Maureen Diaz
See photo:
See photo:
“Hi Sandrine,
Finally... Here's my review. :)
The DVD is beautiful!!! I have the Power Point presentation and have used it for a couple of years now, and I
honestly expected the DVD to be just the Power Point + audio combined. But I was very impressed by all the
beautiful additional pictures that illustrate various concepts and help keep the audience engaged. I watched it
with my (homeschooled) daughters today (ages 11, 10, and 8), and they enjoyed the DVD as well, and stayed
interested and engaged virtually the whole time. (Granted, considering their mom is a chapter leader, they are
pretty familiar with the concepts already.)
I wanted the DVD so I could easily give presentations on basic WAPF principles to my chapter. I love giving
presentations myself, and have used the NOC presentation and materials from it many times in the past -- but I
tend to talk too much and get off track, so it's always a challenge to get through all the material. Having a DVD
makes it much simpler to present the material in a timely manner, and then have questions at the end. I'm sure
this will be a great asset to my chapter meetings and among my network.
There were not a lot of criticisms I had with the presentation. I did notice that you recommended Dr. Ravnskov's
book "The Cholesterol Myths" as further reading at one point. I'm sure you're aware that that book is out of print
and difficult to get at a reasonable price. (I would love to read it at some point myself.) Fortunately, there are
more and more books coming out that offer similar research and background on cholesterol. Dr. Ravnskov
himself has two more recent books currently in print: "Fat & Cholesterol Are Good For You" and "Ignore the
Awkward." And there are also the two books titled "The Great Cholesterol Con" by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick and
Anthony Colpo, separately. I'm sure you are aware of many others. So, in further revisions of the DVD (should
they occur) you may consider a more current and generally available resource to recommend.
Since I have given the NOC presentation many times in the past, there wasn't any new information for me. But
my daughters did learn some new things. My oldest was surprised to learn that malformations of the teeth and
jaws translated to narrowed features and potential health problems all over the body -- not just in the face. She
was also impressed by the cereal section. ("I knew cereal was bad, but I didn't know it was THAT bad!") My
other daughters were also impressed by the cereal section, especially the part about the rats dying so soon on a
cereal diet. They liked the animal study references in general, commenting, "Even animals do better on raw
So thanks again for a wonderful presentation and great resource. I'm looking forward to sharing this with my
chapter and with others in my area. It will certainly be a great tool to teach people about the importance of
traditional foods.”
Many thanks,
Celeste Skousen, WAPF Chapter Leader, North Fulton County, GA
See photo
Where to begin, to review such a fabulous resource, as the Nourishing Our Children DVD?! I have had the DVD
since it was first available - I learned of it and put my name on the Pre-Order list and pre-paid for it, *knowing*
what a tremendous value this DVD would be! I was overjoyed to see how beautifully put together it was. While
all truly great educational materials offer value in terms of educating oneself (or family, community, etc)..
certainly not all are created and execute being engaging and entertaining to watch ... the NOC DVD, however,
is both engaging and entertaining- containing such invaluable material, and presented in such a way that it is
easy to comprehend and gather insight from. The way in which the DVD is presented, would allow for taking
"steps", to incorporate lifestyle changes. For me, when I educate my clients on nutrition and other health
aspects, I present lilfestyle changes - it must be done so in a way that is not overwhelming, sustainable, and so
that one can 'see the light at the end of the tunnel', in terms of returning their bodies to a whole and healthy
state. I absolutely *love* this DVD! It has taken information that takes me much longer to explain to folks, and
simplified it! I would also add, much more effectively, with much more information and scientific facts! This
DVD is by far, my most favorite resource to refer folks to!
The first time I viewed the DVD, I will say that I believe myself to be educated and knew a good deal of the info
presented. However, for an "oldie" to the info like myself, I also learned quite a bit! I think I viewed the DVD
5-6 times over the following few days- yes, it was THAT good (and it made me feel that good ;). The first time I
watched, a surge of so many emotions went through my body - from pure joy, to outrage and upset, that so
many children I knew and loved were being well-fed, but malnourished. Above all of the emotions I felt,
inspiration was the most prevalent. I wanted to yell it loud from the roof-tops, that our children deserve so much
better - and that I know the way to help! :) Each time I view the DVD, I am renewed with a sense of deeper
passion for educating everyone I can find to listen, about how to truly nourish our bodies.
I am thrilled with the layout of this DVD - I am thrilled that my 2 older children, especially my 9 year old son,
has expressed a desire to learn from it, and has viewed the DVD with me, as well as on his own (!Yes, he puts it
in the player, and watches it on his own accord!) Watching a movie beats listening to mom sometimes, right?! I
love that while cooking with me, he brings up the DVD in conversation, and talks about it, repeating verbatim
his favorite parts! I love that it is obviously inspiring, so much so, that he plans to do a fundraiser in the future,
to help more folks be aware of the junk that is out there posing as food! I love that my 9 year old can think
clearly enough, to feel upset and that something must be done to hold accountable the folks that, in his own
words, "Spread lies, and purposely hurt people with fake food just so they can make more money". I look
forward to incorporating the DVD as a study course into our homeschool curriculum arming all of my children
with the desire and know-how, to truly nourish their bodies - and with the passion that I myself have for health,
as well as the passion that clearly comes through this DVD and the Nourishing Our Children campaign.
Sandrine, thank you so much, for having, nourishing, and sharing your passion to help Nourish Our Children!”
With Much Admiration for what you do and stand for in this campaign”,
Tandy Batt, Owner Natural Living LLC
See photo:
“Thank you for that wonderful presentation. We watched the first 4 sections at our meeting today and its the 3rd
time for me now and it is always so inspiring and convicting again. And I am always impressed again at how
well it is put together. Good job guys, and thank you for all you do.”
Tanja Larson
"I just love how well done this DVD presentation is. It covers all topics but is concise. I was nervous about a
vegetarian in our group, but was very pleased to see that the way the information is presented really does not
offend anyone since it talks about Dr. Price's research and other documented findings. It is a convicting
presentation. With all the additional photos compared to the powerpoint slide-show it makes it even more
attractive to my viewers. I am setting up showings of this DVD until every mother in my town has seen this!
Thanks so much for putting this together."
Tanja Larson
WAPF Chapter Leader
Park Rapids, Minnesota
"Dear Sandrine, I was able to view your DVD at my sister-in-law's house while visiting in November. I was
impressed by how clear, concise, and engaging the production was. What truly blew me away, however, was
how much of the health problems my brother suffered from as a child were explained in the DVD as issues with
nourishment. Braces, brochitis, asthma, depression ... I constantly find myself referring to your DVD when
talking to others. I wish I could afford to buy a copy to show my partner, family, friends, and larger community.
That is why I would love to remain on your list, and that is why I am taking the time to say thank you for your
generosity and your commitment. "
Warmly, Jocelyn Gallagher
I have to thank you again for the gift of Nourishing Our Children. Your work is truly a gift to all who view this
presentation. I, along with the four other nutritionists in my practice, have used the NOC presentation for over
three years now on a regular basis. It is so well done with just the right amount of details for those new to the
principles of Weston A. Price. It is the perfect vehicle for educating parents and will-be-someday-parents. We
have used it to present at schools, churches, synagogues, WAPF chapter meetings, home groups and local whole
food grocers. Our presentations are always graced with ah-ha moments from parents eager to learn truth about
real food and nutrition. We have also found the presentation to win over many teenagers searching for answers
to how to eat well. It’s always a joy to use your presentation.
Much thanks from all of us at Biodynamic Wellness!”
Kim Schuette, CN
Certified Nutritionist
Certified GAPS™ Practitioner
Weston A. Price Foundation San Diego Chapter Leader