Mary Mallette, 1999 on behalf of Dr. William Mallette Bill Schoen, 2000 Dr. Jorge Miyares, 2001 Rose Parker, 2002 Pete Grasso, 2003 Roy Deeb, 2004 Carlton “Bud” Rydstrom, 2005 Loretta M. Kehr, 2006 Penny Kelley, 2007 Samuel Horton, 2008 Al Giparas, 2009 James “Steve” Tyrrell, 2010 Adrian and Margarita Brown 2011 Nan Terrill 2012 Peter and Kathy Lefferson 2013 Bill and Dora Feck 2014 Cathedral Alive Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle A Catholic Community committed to growth in faith, prayer and service. Parish and School ♦ Diocese of St. Petersburg Sunday, November 23, 2014 CROSS CURRENTS Thoughts on a Cathedral Alive Fr. Joseph L. Waters Beloved in Christ, In December 1925 Pope Pius XI wrote the encyclical Quas Primas announcing the annual feast of Christ the King. Consider his words: “…these manifold evils in the world were due to the fact that the majority of men had thrust Jesus Christ and his holy law out of their lives; that these had no place either in private affairs or in politics: and we said further, that as long as individuals and states refused to submit to the rule of our Savior, there would be no really hopeful prospect of a lasting peace among nations. Men must look for the peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ.” In the wake of the Great War Pope Pius XI placed the solemnity of Christ the King on the Church’s Calendar to encourage Catholics to seek world peace by promoting Christ’s holy law as the governing force both for private life and politics. Originally to be celebrated on October’s last Sunday; after Vatican II the feast was seen as an apt celebration with which to end the Liturgical Year. Therefore it was transferred to the Sunday preceding the First Sunday of Advent, the start of a new Year of Grace. Pius XI’s ideas ring out with an ever more prophetic urgency today and call upon Catholics --and all persons of good will -to once again remember that only in Christ’s law can peaceful progress for the world’s people be promoted and bear lasting fruit. In our own daily lives and in our citizenship we must seek that manner of human affairs that corresponds to the Gospel -centered virtues of truth and love. World peace is a too fragile reality. Do you remember how in 1999-2000 people spoke about a “peace dividend” resulting from the end of the Cold War? Unfortunately that peace was short-lived as new global threats filled the void of the old rivalries on 9/11/2001. Today we know there are many hotspots which make peaceful coexistence seem like a far distant hope. The media is filled with stories of an escalating arms race by the world’s major powers with much reckless saber rattling and posturing. Regional conflicts threaten to destabilize global security and show little progress towards resolution. At home and abroad our people and interests are jeopardized by radicalized ideologies. Ruthlessly violent fanatics seek a new world order through intimidation. At home racial tensions still threaten to burst into civil unrest; family life is too often tumultuous and conflicts unresolved lead to long periods of estrangement and domestic violence. At our borders the huddled masses who were once welcomed are now leading to deep divisions in our citizenry and threatening our political system’s viability. The healthy equilibrium between domestic tranquility and global leadership is harder to sustain after two lengthy wars and ongoing threats to the homeland. The global economy is limping along after a deep recession and an all too thin recovery. Partisan divisions detour us from clear pathways to the common good. In such a world, can we risk keeping Christ out of our politics or out of our private lives? I believe --like Pope Pius XI --we must recognize that faith needs to shape our conscience and the Law of Christ is our only sure guide to a more peaceful existence and greater security. When the Church speaks out about religious liberty it is not merely to gain ground on certain pet issues; rather it is a reminding all people that authentic faith in Christ is the source of the true wisdom needed for the betterment of private lives and the progress of the world’s peoples. If the voices of people of faith are muted, then where will we find the ideas for solving the world’s many troubles? On this feast of Christ the King let us pray for many more loyal subjects who, having heard the call of the King, serve the cause of peace both in individual hearts and between peoples and nations. Long live Christ the King—Fr. Waters Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe It’s New! Mrs. Fernald’s Second Grade Class Would you like to know when something is happening here at the Cathedral? Choose if you want to receive messages via text or email. You can sign up at: Or Text JUDE to 84576 Symbolon™ is a stunning new video series that systematically presents the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and elsewhere; dozens of nationally known teachers clearly present the beauty and brilliance of Catholicism. To sign in and view this series please visit: register Parishioners, enter code: 70c346 December 3rd our 2nd Grade students will have their 1st Reconciliation in the Cathedral. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will end at 5:00pm. There will be no benediction. Second graders had an awesome first quarter! I am very proud of them all. They are learning the importance of being organized and responsible. They have become very comfortable with the classroom procedures and they continue to work on “Being the Best They Can Be”. The students created a book banner on their favorite saint. Each student came to school dressed as their saint in honor of All Saints Day. They enthusiastically shared their banner with their classmates. It was a wonderful learning opportunity for all. Stop by to see the saint banners hanging in the hall. The class attended a delightful performance of Flat Stanley at the Mahaffey Theater. Experiencing this familiar story come to life on stage was very exciting for all! We have begun preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The students are looking forward to receiving the Sacrament on December 3rd. Music for the solemnity of our lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Processional Hymn: Offertory Hymn: “The Servant Song” Communion: Recessional Hymn: “More blessed still are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:27-28 Weekend of November 16th: Envelope Offertory Online Giving Anonymous, loose cash Total Weekly Offertory Number of Contributors Average Offertory Contribution Building Fund Education $9,663.50 $1,338.50 $2,102.22 $13,104.22 381 $28.88 $15.00 $35.00 Thank you for your generosity to the Cathedral of St. Jude. Marriages Please contact Carol Fox for Marriage Preparation at [email protected] or 727-686-1860 Thank you for your Generosity to the Annual Pastoral Appeal 2014 APA 2014 Goal Total Pledged Total Paid Number of Pledges Average Pledge % of Goal Pledged % of Goal Paid $170,467.00 $106,157.34 $96,116.22 311 $341.34 62.27% 56.38% Your contributions to the 2014 Annual Pastoral Appeal help to serve thousands in need throughout our diocese and lightens the financial responsibility of our parish. Thank you for each and every gift! Bible Study with Father James Mondays in the Meehan Room 9:00am—10:30am 7:00pm—8:30pm Blood Pressure Screening will be after the masses on the third Sunday of the month. If you are interested in joining our parish nurses please contact Josie deDios at [email protected]. CELEBRATE YOUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AT MASS On the third Sunday of each month, couples celebrating an anniversary in each respective month will be recognized at the 9:30am Mass. Couples who wish to attend should contact the parish office at (727) 347-9702 and special seating will be set aside for those who wish to sit with other celebrating couples each month. November 23, 2014 Wednesday, November 26 Mass at 7:00pm for Thanksgiving Thursday, November 27 8:15am Mass In the Cathedral Please bring non-perishable food items for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. Monday, November 24 8:15am † Armand Circharo 11:00am † Aida Calalang 6:30pm † William Ward Please pray for our sick: Barbara McArdle, Phyllis A. Tuttle, Joseph Stefanski, Judy Ambler, Jeannie Martingano, Nick Carter, Katie Steele, Clare Braski, Paul Kellner, Justine McGeehan, Alissa Van Wanzeele, Michael Allen, Maggie Ambler, Hope Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Cisceck, Hal Gens, Michael Woerner, Raquel Salazar, Simone Leonard, Maybelle Adams, Clara Reilly, Donna Borowczyk, Billy Demers, Danny Demers and Rosie Williams St. Jude Fire of the Spirit Prayer Line: 727-686-8451 Tuesday, November 25 8:15am † Charlie Gerdes 11:00am † Henry Felix Saavedra Readings for November 30, 2014 Baptism Wednesday, November 26 8:15am For Vocations 11:00am Fr. Roy Gasnick 7:00pm For All Parishioners The next Baptism Class is December 7 following the 9:30am Mass. Please contact the Parish Office at 727-347-9702 to register. Thursday, November 27 8:15am † Paulino Bizares Friday, November 28 8:15am † Dennis Reilly First Sunday of Advent First Reading: Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Gospel: Mark 13:33-37 Cathedral Alive Saturday, November 29 8:15am † Kevin King 4:00pm † Norbert Kokotek Coming Soon CHURCH NEW YEAR First Sunday of Advent 11/30/14 Sunday, November 30 8:00am † Patrick McLean 9:30am † Rose M. Bonfili 11:30am † For All Parishioners 12:30pm † Eric Embree (Latin Mass) 4:00pm † Angelo J. Telese (Italian Mass) 6:00pm † Asher Anup Dashputre Generous Intentional Sacrificial Proportional New Year’s Resolutions ∗ I will attend mass every Sunday & Holy Day ∗ I will pray for the parish ∗ I will get involved ∗ I will make a sacrificial tithe and or offering that is proportionate to my income Get off the Bench and into the Game ! The St. Jude Knights of Columbus Council 14178 is hosting our 2nd Annual Christmas Party and Live Play ADMISION IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 250 TICKETS SOLD. To order tickets, please contact Tom Penman via EMAIL – [email protected] or call 813-523-8025. Cost is $20.00 per ticket. A 60” HDTV will be raffled off at Intermission. BE AN ANGEL This holiday season the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle will again be hosting our Angel Tree Program. Beginning Thanksgiving weekend you can find the “angel” tree located in the cathedral near the St. Jude statue. On the tree you will find "angel tags". Each tag will represent the Christmas wish of a family in our community served through St Jude’s St. Vincent de Paul Society, Mary's Outreach for Women, Aging Matters for the elderly and Daystar for the homeless. Simply take a tag of your choice, purchase your gift and tape the tag to the outside of the unwrapped package, placing it back under the tree in the Cathedral by December 21st. If you have any questions, please call Linda Mason 323-5100 or Mary Scott 3841718. As a parish family we can help make a memorable Christmas for those in need. OH! ...CHRISTMAS TREE! Celebrate Christmas this year with a traditional live Christmas tree for your home. The Cathedral of St. Jude School is once again selling fragrant Wisconsin Trees at the lot on the corner of 66th St and 9th Ave N. The lot opens the week of Thanksgiving. You will find many varieties and sizes of trees to fit any budget. Sales from these trees benefit the school. Thank you for your support! Bulletin Information If your ministry would like to place an article or picture in the bulletin please remember to send it in 10 days prior to the publication date to [email protected] with your article, pictures or if you have any questions. Thank you! November 23, 2014 St. Vincent de Paul 384 15th Street North St. Petersburg Tuesday, Nov. 25th, 6-8p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelter and Food Pantry is in desperate need of nonperishable food donations and turkeys. Our need this year is overwhelming and our donations are down from years past. PJ Party and read aloud with Mr. Bubolz Cupcake decorating contest* Musical performances by our talented students Scavenger hunt We have over 250 families in need of a Thanksgiving meal and our Food Center will be feeding an additional 250 families Thanksgiving Day. Our Food Center serves over 17,000 meals a month to the homeless and near homeless of St. Petersburg. We rely on donations from the public and corporate donations. If you can help us please call 727-823-2516. We can pick up donations, no donation is too small. A portion of the Barnes & Noble proceeds will benefit our school! *There will be a $3 fee for participating in the cupcake contest If you can't join us between 6:00 and 8:00, stop by during regular business hours on 11/25 Barnes & Noble 2501 Tyrone Blvd N. St. Petersburg Dads and kids, please join us for the Cathedral School of St. Jude All Pro Dad's Day. Team up with other Cathedral of St. Jude's Dads and kids for a quick, before-school breakfast and a 45 minute program of fatherhood and family topics. You'll take away some great tips and resources to help you be the best Dad you can be, and you will strengthen your relationship with your kids at the same time. It's fun, and it's FREE! Please RSVP at www.All For more information email: [email protected]. Details and registration coming soon! Please be sure to check future bulletins! Children’s church begins November 30th, First Sunday of Advent at the 9:30am Mass St. Jude the Apostle Cathedral 5815 Fifth Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Office: Monday-Friday 8:30am—4:00pm Ph. (727) 347-9702, Fax (727) 343-8370 [email protected] Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg The Most Reverend Robert N. Lynch Rector The Very Reverend Joseph L. Waters Parochial Vicar Reverend James Chia, OdeM Deacon John Fox Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday: 11:30am– 7:00pm Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:30am &6:00pm Tridentine Mass : 12:30 in Chapel Weekday Masses: In Our Lady’s Chapel Monday-Friday 8:15am and 11:00am Saturday: 8:15am Perpetual Novena in Honor of St. Jude Monday: Rosary at 6:00pm; Mass at 6:30pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday: 2:45pm—3:45pm Cathedral School of St. Jude Mr. Ross Bubolz, Principal 600 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, Fl 33710 Phone: (727) 347-8622 Fax: (727) 343-0305 Grades: K-8, EC2, EC3 and EC4 St. Jude Gift and Book Store Monday-Friday 9:00am-3:30pm Sunday 9:00am—1:00pm (727) 343-5599 [email protected] Columbiettes Ladies 17 years and older. Would you enjoy helping your church and community? For information on being part OF THE COLUMBIETTES OF ST JUDE THE APOSTLE please contact Johanne L Howard (727) 656-3537 or email at [email protected] SERRA Club For information about the SERRA Club please call Lisa Reeves, VP of Membership, at 328-8583 or Kathy Bolich at 542-0418. Knights of Columbus For information contact Dave Kanaszka at 727-289-1684 or 727-432-6191, email [email protected]: or visit our website at: Join the Fire of the Spirit Prayer Group for singing, scripture reading, guest speakers, peace and joy. Thursday evenings 7:30pm-9:00pm in the parish center. We look forward to meeting you. For information please call Nancy Kelly at 686-8451. Holy Name Society For information please contact Roger Dandro at (727) 328-0115 or Gloria Sznerch at (727) 345-8128. All interested Catholic men and women are welcome. Staff Directory Faith Formation : Music Ministry: Marriage Information: Youth Ministry: Finance and Human Resources: Coordinator of Facilities: Gift and Book Store: Deacon John Fox Chris Berke Carol Fox John Barron Judy Johnston Laurie Jaworski Sue Tambasco, (727)-343-5599 Monday-Friday 9 - 3:30 Sunday 9 - 1
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