Cathedral Alive Parish and School ♦ Diocese of St. Petersburg Sunday, January 18, 2015 CROSS CURRENTS Thoughts on a Cathedral Alive Fr. Joseph L. Waters Beloved in Christ: I COMMEND OUR PARISHIONERS: Christmas Season at the Cathedral was joyful and demonstrated an obvious out-pouring of Faith. I also noted how well our parishioners invited and welcomed more of our brothers and sisters to worship with them. I know that God will continue to greatly bless our spiritual journey in 2015. AS WE RETURN TO ORDINARY TIME: The Lectionary’s readings for the Second Sunday of the Year call us to receive more deeply and respond more authentically to Christ’s call to discipleship. The Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, beckons to us to stretch beyond ourselves and join with fervor his redemptive mission. The call to discipleship can only be realized in prayers and actions imbued with the Gospel’s twofold command of love for God and neighbor. CHRIST CALL ALSO COMES WITHIN OUR FAMILY: Christ’s call to listen, receive his gospel of love and joy and respond with charity and courage to his commands must be heard within our family and primary vocation. Each family member must step up, as it were, to the call of discipleship alive in the life of their family. Only in this way can the ideal of family life as a place of growth in maturity and holiness be made manifest in our world. In the daily living of family life we need to ask not only: “What would Jesus do?” But also: “What is Jesus calling me to do?” Each of us is an instrument of the Church’s Apostolic Mission and each of us is called to share the burdens of the Gospel especially in family life. APA TIME: It is time for me to ask our parishioners to begin to think about our Annual Pastoral Appeal. The annual appeal helps the parish meet its diocesan assessment and share with the larger Church in the works of charity and the apostolate that God has entrusted to us. Therefore, I reiterate my often stated message: In order for our Parish to grow as we ought, meet our obligations and do the work that is ours to do our parish needs to be a “Total Stewardship Parish.” “Total” has to do with the percentage of our parishioners who trust God’s biblical plan for their lives and truly invest in proportionate giving. Presently this figure is about 20% of our parishioners and about 10 % more of our parishioners who give in some way during the year. What if…? What would our parish be like, and what would we be able to accomplish if more of of our parishioners made the pledge to: (1) actively participate in Holy Mass every Sunday (2) Prioritize cultivating holiness in their daily use of their time and talent, and (3) Bring to worship an offering which represents their true gratitude to God and their generosity in returning a portion of their income which is worthy of God’s many blessings? I ask you to prayerfully imagine the reality that would result if more parishioners received the call to biblical stewardship. I also ask you to ask how the Lord is asking you to respond personally to the call to be a “Total Stewardship Parish.” Often people share with me their prayer for greater trust in God. The practice of stewardship is one way a disciple learns that our God is trustworthy. God is faithful to his promises; always. Let us thank God always and for everything –Fr. Waters the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Processional Hymn: Responsorial Psalm: Offertory Hymn: #700 “The Servant Song” Communion Hymn: #686 “Here I Am, Lord” “More blessed still are those who hear the word of God and keep it!” Luke 11:27-28 Weekend of January 11th: Envelope Offertory Online Giving Anonymous, loose cash Total Weekly Offertory Number of Contributors Average Offertory Contribution $14,216.92 $893.50 $2,297.67 $17,408.09 353 $42.81 Thank you for your generosity to the Cathedral of St. Jude. Thank you for your Generosity to the Annual Pastoral Appeal 2014 APA 2014 Goal Total Pledged Total Paid Number of Pledges Average Pledge % of Goal Pledged % of Goal Paid $170,467.00 $111,194.34 $106,649.04 325 $342.14 65.23% 62.56% Would you like to know when something is happening here at the Cathedral? Choose if you want to receive messages via text or email. You can sign up at: Or Text JUDE to 84576 Symbolon™ is a stunning new video series that systematically presents the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and elsewhere; dozens of nationally known teachers clearly present the beauty and brilliance of Catholicism. To sign in and view this series please visit: register Parishioners, enter code: 70c346 As always, thank you for your each and every gift!. Marriages Drivers needed for the Church bus on Saturday. The bus leaves at approx. 2:45 PM on Saturday for pickups and arrives at the Church at 3:50 PM.. The bus then drops off all riders and is back at the Church at approx. 6:00 PM. The volunteer duty is once a month on regular 4 week months and twice when there is a 5th week. Please respond to Randall Sutherland @ 727-510-4195 if interested in this ministry. FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS Cathedral Corner in the Parish Center After ALL Morning Masses on Sundays Bonus: FREE FELLOWSHIP! Please contact Carol Fox for Marriage Preparation at [email protected] or 727-686-1860 CELEBRATE YOUR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AT MASS On the third Sunday of each month, couples celebrating an anniversary in each respective month will be recognized at the 9:30am Mass. Couples who wish to attend should contact the parish office at (727) 347-9702 and special seating will be set aside for those who wish to sit with other celebrating couples each month. Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Into Your Hands, O Lord, we commend the souls of our dearly departed especially Mary Louise Carroll and David Flood, Jr.. Please pray for our sick: Monday, January 19 Martin Luther King, Jr. Office Closed 8:15am † Adele Swartz Tuesday, January 20 8:15am † Daniel and Louise Romanello 11:00am Christina and Jack Tompkins Wednesday, January 21 8:15am For Vocations 11:00am † Joseph Tenner Thursday, January 22 8:15am † Dennis Merkey 11:00am For the Sick Friday, January 23 8:15am In Thanksgiving 11:00am † Edna McCann Saturday, January 24 8:15am † Charlotte Rauch 4:00pm † Lucy Bednarek Sunday, January 25 8:00am † Dorothy M. Fath 9:30am For All Parishioners 11:30am For All Parishioners 12:30pm Katherine Bauer (Latin Mass) 4:00pm Luigina Gugletti (Italian Mass) 6:00pm † Phyllis Shields Sacrament of Penance Saturday: 2:30pm—3:30pm Daily after 11:00am Mass Barbara McArdle, Phyllis A. Tuttle, Joseph Stefanski, Judy Ambler, Jeannie Martingano, Nick Carter, Katie Steele, Clare Braski, Paul Kellner, Alissa Van Wanzeele, Michael Allen, Maggie Ambler, Hope Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Cisceck, Hal Gens, Michael Woerner, Raquel Salazar, Simone Leonard, Maybelle Adams, Clara Reilly, Donna Borowczyk, Billy Demers, Danny Demers, Perry Page, Lisa Richardson, Richard Stern and Rosie Williams St. Jude Fire of the Spirit Prayer Line: 727-686-8451 Readings for January 25, 201 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 Gospel: Mark 1:14-20 Celebrate with Fr. Roger L. Bisson 60 Years of Priesthood On Sunday, February 1, 2015 Fr. Roger invites you to join him at the 11:30am Mass, to thank God for his many blessings. Baptism The next Baptism Class is February 1st following the 9:30am Mass. Please contact the Parish Office at 727-347-9702 to register. Messa in Italiano Our Lady’s Chapel Mass in Italian at 4:00 PM. Next Mass January 25th Please come to pray and sing in ITALIANO (Italian) Celebrant: Fr. Anthony M. Fortunato, O. de M. Holy Hour for Vocations Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:00pm-8:00pm In the Cathedral Sponsored by: SERRA Club February 13, 2015 6:30pm Limited Seating $50 per Couple Cocktails and Appetizers at 6:30pm Dinner 7:00pm catered by Da Sesto Italiano Ristorante Dancing 8:00pm—until... Age 21 and Above Please Tickets available soon! Proceeds to benefit our youth ministry. Columbiette’s of the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle 3rd Annual Rose Fundraiser Proceeds to Help Support Casa House for Abused Women and Children Put a smile on your loved ones face with beautiful roses while supporting a great cause. We are preselling the roses for pickup on Friday, February 13th from the parish center. Order forms will be available from any Columbiette or can be emailed directly to you. For more information or to place an order directly, please contact Pam Bielicki at 727-244-3506 or email [email protected]. You may also contact Johanne L. Howard at 727-656-3537 or email [email protected]. Please join Bishop Lynch and The Catholic Foundation in supporting the Catholic schools of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Proceeds from the event will benefit students through our tuition assistance initiatives. Congratulations! Knight of the Month Tom Penman Family of the Month Mike Masterson Family The Catholic Foundation Celebration Saturday, February 7, 2015 6:30 to 9:30pm A La Carte Event Pavilion For more information, visit [email protected] January 18, 2015 Hector Olivera IN CONCERT Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle Friday, February 6 7:00 p.m. IV Manual Rodgers/ Ruffatti Organ TampaBayCelebrationof LifeRally Join with Christians across Tampa Bay to stand for the unborn! Friday, Feb. 6; 7-9 PM. Saturday, Feb. 7; 10 am until 1 PM. Dove Award winning artists “Sidewalk Prophets” will open the Rally with a free concert on Friday, followed by featured guest speaker Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director and best-selling author. On Saturday, prayer will be led by Rev. Robert Schneider. Abby Johnson will be joined by Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The internationally known group “The Silver Ring Thing” will perform an amazing multimedia presentation on purity for the youth. Location: Calvary Chapel (8900 U.S. 19, Pinellas Park, 33782). For more information visit http:// or contact Sabrina at 813-246-6916; [email protected] January 18th, 2015 th Please join us as we celebrate the 60 Anniversary of The Cathedral School of St. Jude tion Atten i! n A lu m Saturday, January 31, 2015 Special Anniversary Mass Celebrated in the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle—4:00 p.m. Stroll the School Join old friends as you reminisce and walk the halls—5:30 p.m. Celebraon Dinner Served in the parish center at the end of stroll—6:15 p.m. Cathedral of St. Jude Apostle Parish Center 5815 5th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida $20 per person Complimentary wine or beer Catered by Carrabba's Restaurant Please call Monica Scognamiglio-Mena (Class of ’86) at 727-452-3852 or School office 727-347-8622 to reserve your table or 7cket. Please pre-pay at the school office or send payment by mail. Limited Sea7ng. RSVP by January 27, 2015. St. Jude School is where and how it began. On September 7, 1954 St. Jude School opened its doors. On May 8, 1968, the news of the establishment of a new Diocese of St. Petersburg was announced. Our parish church was designated The Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle and our St. Jude School became The Cathedral School. We Thank God for the many blessings bestowed on our school. We are grateful for the leadership of the many principals, teachers and religious men and woman who have served the Cathedral School of St. Jude throughout the years. Celebrate with us as we honor the past 60 years. Reach out to those who became, or have become a special part of your time at St. Jude Cathedral School, a best friend, siblings, or a favorite teacher. You are invited to join them and others as you stroll the hallways and revisit the classrooms of St. Jude Cathedral School! Enjoy the company of others during this trip down memory lane. Saturday , January 31st, 2015 Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC is a member of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception and author of the bestselling books, Consoling the Heart of Jesus, 33 Days to Morning Glory, and his new book ‘You Did it to Me’: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action. When he is not traveling, Fr. Michael lives and works on Eden Hill in Stockbridge, Mass., home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy January 30th in the Cathedral Talk begins at 7:00 p.m. No registration needed For information please contact: Marybeth, 727-224-1156 or [email protected] Scripture Class with Father James Mondays in the Meehan Room 9:00am—10:30am 7:00pm—8:30pm January 19, 2015 (Office Closed due to Dr. Martin Luther King Day) There will be no make-up class as I will be leaving with our youth for the annual March for Life in Washington, DC, January 21-24. Please keep all in your prayers The Daring Vocation of Christian Marriage Saturday, February 7, 2015 8:30 a.m.–Noon This workshop will look at the particular challenges that married couples face in their efforts to maintain healthy, committed, Christian marriages in a culture that provides few supports for such a commitment. In response to those cultural challenges, we will explore the theological resources in our Catholic Christian tradition that can help couples deepen the spiritual roots of their marriage relationship. Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College. He has published more than 100 articles and has authored or edited ten books, including A Daring Promise: A Spirituality of Christian Marriage (Liguori, 2007). He is married to Diana and they are the parents of four boys. Early Registration (by Friday, January 21, 2015) $20 per couple or $10 per individual. After January 23 and day of event (if space is available) $25 per couple or $15 per individual. All are welcome! Questions: Please contact the parish office at 727.360.1147, ext. 203.Seating is limited. Please call to check availability for day-of-event registration. The Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving with Bishop Robert Lynch honoring couples throughout the diocese who will celebrate 25, 50 or more years of marriage during 2015 will take place at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle on Sunday, February 8th at 3:00pm. If you wish to attend, please contact the parish office. Registrations must be received by Tuesday, January 20th. Names: _________________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City/Zip: ________________________________________________ Month/Date/Year of Marriage ____________________ Celebrating _______ years of marriage. St. Jude the Apostle Cathedral 5815 Fifth Ave. N., St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Office: Monday-Friday 8:30am—4:00pm Ph. (727) 347-9702, Fax (727) 343-8370 [email protected] Bishop of the Diocese of St. Petersburg The Most Reverend Robert N. Lynch Rector The Very Reverend Joseph L. Waters Parochial Vicar Reverend James Chia, OdeM Deacon John Fox Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday: 11:30am– 7:00pm Masses Saturday Vigil: 4:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am, 11:30am &6:00pm Tridentine Mass : 12:30 in Chapel Weekday Masses: In Our Lady’s Chapel Monday-Friday 8:15am and 11:00am Saturday: 8:15am Perpetual Novena in Honor of St. Jude Monday: Rosary at 6:00pm; Mass at 6:30pm Sacrament of Penance Saturday: 2:30pm—3:30pm Daily after 11:00am Mass St. Jude Gift and Book Store Monday-Friday 9:00am-3:30pm Sunday 9:00am—1:00pm (727) 343-5599 [email protected] Ladies 17 years and older. Would you enjoy helping your church and community? For information on being part OF THE COLUMBIETTES OF ST JUDE THE APOSTLE please contact Johanne L Howard (727) 656-3537 or email at [email protected] SERRA Club For information about the SERRA Club please call Lisa Reeves, VP of Membership, at 328-8583 or Kathy Bolich at 542-0418. Knights of Columbus For information contact Dave Kanaszka at 727-289-1684 or 727-432-6191, email [email protected]: or visit our website at: Join the Fire of the Spirit Prayer Group for singing, scripture reading, guest speakers, peace and joy. Thursday evenings 7:30pm-9:00pm in the parish center. We look forward to meeting you. For information please call Nancy Kelly at 686-8451. Holy Name Society Baptism Penance Communion Matrimony Holy Orders Anointing of the Sick History Faith Educational St. Jude the Apostle Walking Tour Journey of Faith Cathedral School of St. Jude Mr. Ross Bubolz, Principal 600 58th Street North, St. Petersburg, Fl 33710 Phone: (727) 347-8622 Fax: (727) 343-0305 Grades: K-8, EC2, EC3 and EC4 Columbiettes For information please contact Roger Dandro at (727) 328-0115 or Gloria Sznerch at (727) 345-8128. All interested Catholic men and women are welcome. Staff Directory Faith Formation : Music Ministry: Marriage Information: Youth Ministry: Finance and Human Resources: Coordinator of Facilities: Gift and Book Store: Deacon John Fox Chris Berke Carol Fox John Barron Judy Johnston Laurie Jaworski Sue Tambasco, (727)-343-5599 Monday-Friday 9– 3:30 Sunday 9-1 Closed January 19
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