Called to Serve: Date: 29/30 November 6.30pm 9am 10.30am 23November 2014 1st Sunday of Advent GREETERS Grace Uy Ernest Perera Gerard Koopmanschap Miriam Uy Jo Spittal Margaret Smith 1st PROCLAIMER Carol Ryan Kathrin McClean Nandita Srinivasa 2nd PROCLAIMER Merlyn Bonaparte Bob Shaw Joel Sison PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL Lily Ong Philippa Wilson Gillian Laurenson OFFERTORY PROCESSION Ohlsson Gomes Kevin Rodrigues Family Family & Family Tereska Kozera Kitty McKinley MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Bingo Jayme ALTAR SERVERS COLLECTORS MUSIC CHURCH CLEANING Jessica Sebastian John Hutchings Penny North Michael Oh Carole Hutchings Justin Shaw Marie Eastwood Adrienne Shaw Robyn Watson Sandra Parish Christine frost Tisa Sison Kaitlyn DeSouza Mariano McClean J L Ibarra Joseph Sison Kate Cranney Louis Villanueva Jim & Betty Ted & Pauline Sy Stewart White Family David Doibson Phil Henty Kapitiran Choir Paulus Sia Columban Calendars on sale now $10 Christ The King Yr A Church Parish Priest Parish Secretary 37 Dr Taylor Terrace, Johnsonville Tel 478 7137 Fr Peter Fitzgibbon 9am to 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Mass Times Saturday Vigil 6.30pm at Johnsonville Sunday 9am at Johnsonville and 10.30am at Newlands Weekdays NO MASSES DURING THE WEEK except Wednesdays - A Mass at 1pm at the Johnsonville Uniting Church Email Webpage [email protected] Coming events Sunday 23 Nov Sunday 23 Nov Wednesday 26 Nov Wednesday 26 Nov Sunday 30 Nov Thursday 4 Dec Sunday 14 Dec Sunday 21 Dec DVD Te Rongopai 11.30am Uniting Church DVD Te Rongopai 7pm St. Michael’s Church Newlands Anointing Mass 1pm at Uniting Church DVD Te Rongopai 7.30pm at Uniting Church Outdoor Ecumenical Service 11.30am St Brigid’s School (200 Years of Christianity in NZ) Marsden Lecture 7.30pm St Paul’s Cathedral (Loaves and Fishes room) Newlands Reconciliation 5pm at St Andrew’s Newlands Johnsonville Reconciliation 7pm in the Church Mass at Saint Andrew’s in Newlands is Tuesday: 7:00 pm Wednesday 9.00am Thursday: 10:30 am Friday: 9:00 am Saturday 6pm Sunday 9am Mass at St Ben’s in Khandallah is Tuesday to Friday 9am Saturday 6pm Sunday 9am First Reading Ezekial 34:11-12, 15-17 As for you my flock, I shall judge between one sheep and another. Second Reading 1 Corinthians 15:20-26,28 Christ hands over the kingdom to God the Father, so that God may be all in all. Gospel Matthew 25:31-46 The son of man will sit on the throne of his glory, and he will separate people one from another. MASS INTENTIONS We ask for your prayers - Masses have been offered for Josefina Dino RIP Severo Capistrano Cruz RIP (Anniv) Jack Barrow RIP (Anniv) Anointing Mass The Anointing Mass will be held next Wednesday 26th November at 1.00 pm in the Uniting Church. This will be followed with afternoon tea. If you require transport please ring Ted on 970 6380 Social Justice Thoughts November 22-23, 2014 Eustie Kamath, Khandallah It was late evening. I was cold and hungry. I was without a job. I was walking through the underground passage from the Wellington Railway Station to the bus terminal. I came across a man sitting on the ground pleading for a few coins. I ignored him. I avoided making eye contact. A part of me was angry that a well bodied man like him was begging rather than working. What are the thoughts that go through your mind as you come across this common enough scenario? A few weeks ago a dear friend related an incident when she went into the city. After she finished her appointment she wanted to give herself a visual treat by walking into one of the up-market shops in the city centre. Even though she could not afford those clothes, she enjoyed her time in the shop. When she came out she came across a young girl in her mid twenties begging. Rather than give her money she bought her some food. While the girl ate, she sat next to her and started a conversation. For reasons unknown the girl was without a job and slept under a bridge at night. To buy food, she begged for money. When asked why she did not approach WINZ, she was told that for security reasons she could not get an appointment without an address and a phone. The next time I see a person begging in New Zealand, I will always be left wondering what I should be doing. How should the principles of Catholic Social Teaching mould my reaction. How would you react? YOUTH NEWS Challenge 2000 - Society of Mary Leadership formation and Social Justice Pilgrimage. 9th – 16th December 2014 A chance to reflect on what it means to be a prophetic Catholic in Aotearoa today and to live out the Gospel. It is an opportunity to visit sacred sites, grasp social justice teachings, enhance awareness, leadership and community ministry skills. It is an inside outside journey where you meet yourself, others and God. For more information see the flyer on the Challenge 2000 notice board or contact us on 4776827. Next Sunday Challenge 2000 will be performing a drama for the Marsden Bicentenary Ecumenical Service in our area. This is to celebrate 200 years of the Gospel being proclaimed in Aotearoa New Zealand. This will be held at 11:30am at St Brigid’s School Johnsonville. If you are interested in being a part of this please get in touch with Heath. There is no Junior Youth Group today! Next week please come and join us at the Marsden Bicentenary Ecumenical Service, and then we will be off to do something fun to end the year off. Please contact Courtney on 4770045 or [email protected] if you have any questions. Challenge 2000 have now begun our end of year school programmes! Over the next months we will continue to go into various primary and secondary schools around the Wellington Region. Our programme focuses on many different themes including forgiveness, servant leadership, transitioning to college, and social justice and responsibility. We are all really looking forward to these days and seeing the young people in action in their school communities. Please keep our 7 Gap Year Students in your prayers as they go into their 2 final weeks of the programme. It has been a great journey for them and we look forward to hearing about it with the stories to be shared. There will be no Young Church Mass on 30 November 2014. Young Church Masses will return in 2015! We wish you all a fantastic summer break. Young Church Ministries Team, Archdiocese of Wellington Come and hear ABBY JOHNSON Sunday 7th December 3:00 - 5.00pm Kingsgate Hotel, 24 Hawkestone Street, Thorndon, Wellington Having worked at Planned Parenthood for 8 years, Abby left after assisting in an ultrasound-guided abortion of a 13-week-old pre-born child. Abby will share the powerful and inspiring story of her conversion from being immersed in the abortion industry to influential life advocate. A rare opportunity not to be missed! A collection will be taken to help defray costs. 0800 367 5433 Serious illness? Major family problems? How would a positive culture of life help you when confronted by such issues? Parishioners are welcome to join John Kleinsman, Director of the Nathaniel Centre, when he speaks and leads a discussion on the topic of Building a Positive Culture of Life. Venue is Connolly Hall, Hill St, Wellington on Thursday 27 November at 8pm. For more details Christmas Carols to your Door The Kapatiran Choir will be singing Christmas Carols outside this year. We can visit your home anytime from 7:00pm-9:00pm on the following dates: 15 Dec (Monday), 17 Dec (Wednesday), 18 Dec (Thursday), 19 Dec (Friday), 21 Dec (Sunday) and 23 Dec (Tuesday). The carolling would take 10-15 minutes per visit and all donations will go to the church building strengthening. If anyone would like to arrange a booking, please contact Henrietta Catalan at 021 805 566 Te Rongopai- Celebrating 200 years of the Gospel in New Zealand. Te Rongopai DVD presentations-the development of Christianity in NZ Sunday 23rd November 2014 11.30am Sunday 23rd November 2014 7.00pm Wednesday 26th November 2014 7.30pm Johnsonville Uniting Church. St. Michael and All Angels Anglican Church, Newlands Johnsonville Uniting Church. Outdoor Ecumenical Service commemorating Samuel Marsden’s ServiceChristmas Day 1814 Sunday 30th November 2014 11.30am St. Brigid’s School ground. The service will commence with a pohiri and will be a celebration of our faith in Jesus, the preciousness of our spiritual and cultural inheritance, and the unity we have in Jesus across churches and ethnicities. Marsden Lecture-understanding our NZ Christian Inheritance. Thursday 4th December 2014 7.30pm Loaves and Fishes Hall, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Thorndon. Speakers-Dr Geoff Troughton, Dr Merv Duffy sm and Joanne Rosandich. We welcome your support of our celebrations. Next Week’s Readings Isaiah 63:16b-17;64:1 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:31-37+ Parish Reconciliation Rite 1 (Individual Reconciliation) Wednesday 3 December 7.30pm Wednesday 10 December 7.30pm Wednesday 17 December 7.30pm Rite II (Group Reconciliation) Sunday 21 December 7pm .St Vincent de Paul Christmas Hampers Christmas treats, such as chocolates, sweets, cakes, biscuits, mince pies, as well as non perishable food items, are required for this year's hampers. With your help, we will be providing hampers for 45 families this year. Please put contributions, which are required by the weekend 6th/7th December, in the the Food Basket which is at all weekend Masses. We appreciate your generous support with this annual project. St Vincent de Paul Christmas Cards Nearly sold out. A few left at $2.50 for a pack of five. Advent Reflection The Johnsonville Marian Mothers groups invite parishioners and their families to an Advent reflection on Sunday 30th November, at St Andrews Newlands. Starting 2 p.m. We look forward to seeing you there. Afternoon tea to follow the reflection. Enquiries phone Pauline 970 6380. Mojo Supports Sts Peter & Paul We are delighted to announce that Mojo Coffee has agreed to support our fund-raising activities by supplying 250grm bags of coffee beans and also ground plunger coffee. Mojo Coffee is well known as a top quality brand and we are grateful for their generous support. Within the next few weeks the $10 bags of coffee will be available for sale in the church hallway. The opening sale date will be announced shortly. The Northern Chorale presents Brother Heinrich’s Christmas by John Rutter Wassailing and Christmas songs At St Barnabas Church, Box Hill, Khandallah 2.30pm Sunday 30 November Admission by Koha
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