WELCOME TO ST. ALBERT THE GREAT PARISH We welcome all who have come this day to be part of our worship service. To those of you who are visiting with us, we extend our hand in friendship and thank you for your presence. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING OF THE UNIVERSE NOVEMBER 23, 2014 No v e mb e r 2 3 , 2014 CH R IS T T H E KING St. Albert the Great Parish 1130 Washington Street Weymouth, MA 02189 Very Rev. Charles J. Higgins, VF, Administrator Rev. Francis J. Moy, S.J., MISSION STATEMENT Weekend Assistant St. Albert the Great Parish is a Catholic Christian community that welcomes all people as we seek to live the Gospel message of love; worshiping together, learning from each other, caring for one another and serving those in need, both within and beyond our parish community. Deacon Steve Buttrick Betsy Clifford, Pastoral Associate/Music Director Richard Durham, Business Manager Phone—781-337-8778 Fax—781-335-5850 Liturgical Schedule Saint Albert the Great Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m. Daily Mass: MONDAY, FRIDAY at 9:00 am Wednesday Prayer Service at 9:00 a.m. Prayer Service — Fridays at 7:30 p.m. Saint Francis Xavier Daily Mass: TUESDAY and THURSDAY at 9:00am Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. PARISH INFORMATION CHURCH IS OPEN ~ Sunday-Friday – 8:00 AM–7:00 PM; Saturday – 8:00 AM–6:00 PM BULLETIN: If you would like information printed in the bulletin, Call/Email the Parish Office by Monday of each week. If Monday is a holiday, submit info by Friday of previous week. Bulletin Submission Email: [email protected] UNIVERSAL PRAYERS: Names to be mentioned during the Universal Prayer can be left in the basket provided at the side altar. HOSPITALITY: Coffee and refreshments are served. Contact Pat Itz if you are interested in helping out. PARISH REGISTRATION FORMS: We wish to know and serve you. Parish membership form found at entrance to church. SOCIAL ACTIVITY COMMITTEE: Check the Bulletin for Meeting Dates and Times. SUGGESTION BOX: If you have a suggestion, place it in the box on the table in the foyer. Index cards are available. ALL SAINTS COLOR GUARD COMPETITION TEAM: Interested? Contact Theresa Beckwith ([email protected]). Color Guard is a competition drill team and compete under NESBA. Ages: 5 and up to 21. Season: Sept. to May. ST. ALBERT’S CHOIR rehearses at 10am Sunday for the 11am Mass, September through June. All are welcome. CRAFT NIGHT meets on Thursdays at 6:30 pm in church hall. Come learn or teach a craft or just to socialize. VOICE OF THE FAITHFUL: Meets second Tuesday of each month (beginning in September) at 7:00 p.m. in Fr. Bryson Church Hall. RECONCILIATION Saturday following the 5:00 p.m. Mass or by appointment SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Please call in advance. Baptisms ~~ second Sunday of the month following 11:00am Mass SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Anointing service annually or upon request SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Couples should contact the Pastor at least six months prior to their marriage RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE John Hammel, 781-337-8778, Ext. 5/13 ST. ALBERT’S PARISH COUNCIL Father Charles J. Higgins Deacon Steve Buttrick Betsy Clifford, June Bisognano, Nancy DeNicola, Jerry Ford, John Hammel, Joan Shanahan, Carol Tobias, Larry MacDonald, Jonathan Regan, Patti Perkins, Dina Herrera, Steve Lyons, Janet Robak ST. ALBERT’S FINANCE COUNCIL Usually meets on the second Thursday of the month Father Charles J. Higgins Richard Durham, Don Gustafson Mary Akoury, Susan Donnelly, Lou Rizzo, When there’s a Funeral Mass at 9:30… We will pray the Rosary at 9am. Feel free to come in and pray with the community, even if you must leave before the funeral is over. EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.atgweymouth.org St. Albert the Great Parish Phil Healy, Colin Riley, George Itz 2 1130 Washington Street, E. Weymouth, MA 02189 No v e mb e r 2 3 , 2014 CH R IS T T H E KING St. Albert the Great Parsh Liturgical Ministry Schedule — November 2014 November 22/23 Saturday, November 22, 5:00 pm (SAG) Eugene O’Connor……….First Anniversary 5:00 pm Sunday, November 23, 11:00 am (SAG) Bill Fitzgerald……….….First Anniversary June Bisognano, Joe McKay Jill Paredes Lector: Pelly Tulimieri 11:00 am Barbara Egan, Linda Ford Carmella Panaro, Jim Powers Lector: Rosemary McEachern ON THANKSGIVING DAY, THERE WILL BE A 9:00 A.M. MASS AT ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH. November 29/303 Friday, November 28, 9:00 am (SAG) Jennifer A. Gagnon…...Birthday Remembrance 5:00 pm Jenn Loud, Patti Perkins Harold Pugh, Nancy Sullivan-Pugh Lector: Scott Loud Saturday, November 29, 5:00 pm (SAG) John and Dorothy Dineen.…..Remembrance 11:00 am Sunday, November 30, 11:00 am (SAG) Dennis Farrell……….…....Month’s Mind Mary Cratty, Susan Donnelly Gina Puleo Lector: John Hammel …. DECEMBER SCHEDULES ARE IN THE SACRISTY MEMORIAL OFFERINGS St. Albert has available by the week the following offerings in memory of a loved one: PLEASE PICK ONE UP AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE TO CHECK FOR AVAILABILITY MANY THANKS Flowers, $50; Sanctuary Light, $25; Altar Bread, $30; Altar Wine, $30; Altar Bread and Wine, $50 IF YOU HAVE ANY CHANGES, PLEASE CONTACT BETSY CLIFFORD At a Memorial Mass FAITH SHARING When a Memorial Mass is being celebrated, loved ones are most welcome to bring forward the gifts of bread and wine. Please let the Parish Office staff know that you would like to do this when requesting the Mass – or visit the Sacristy before the Mass begins – so that you may be invited forward at the appropriate time. Friday mornings in back of church from 10am to 11:15am. Join with others who have been enriched by sharing God’s word. We consider our thoughts and experiences in the light of the Gospel message for the upcoming weekend, connecting our faith with our everyday lives. Discussion material is provided and can be found in Church lobby. Please be sure to pick up a packet in time to prepare 15-20 minutes for the meeting. For more info, contact Jean at 781-337-4127 or Marilou at 781-335-3049. Mass and Healing Service, Hanover The Prayer Group of St. Mary of The Sacred Heart Church, 392 Hanover St. (Rt. 139), Hanover/Mass and Healing Service on Tues., Nov. 25 at 7:15p.m. with the Rev. Joseph McDermott as celebrant. The Mass will be followed by individual prayers and the laying on of hands. For info, call 781-826-4955. ————————————————————–— St. Albert the Great Parish CURSILLO WEEKEND Cursillo is a short course in Christianity, an encounter with Christ in a small community of the Church, in order to deepen your own faith and strengthen your ability to be a witness of Christ in the world. Men’s Cursillo Weekend December 4-7 For information and registration, check the Cursillo website: www.bostoncursillo.org or call Office of Spiritual Life at 617-779-3640 3 1130 Washington Street, E. Weymouth, MA 02189 No v e mb e r 2 3 , 2014 CH R IS T T H E KING Communion Calls If you, a family member or friend are unable to join us at church and would like to receive communion at home, a Eucharistic minister can come to you. Caregiver Support Group Are you responsible for the well-being of a parent, a spouse, or other adult family member? Come and share your struggles and successes with others on the journey. Bereavement Support Group Anyone grieving the loss of a loved one is invited to join “Seasons of Hope,” our faith-based bereavement support program. Sharing prayer, scripture & our own experiences can bring hope and healing. Please call if interested. Would an evening group work better for you? Please let us know. Prayer Shawls, Cancer Care Hats and Baby Blankets TO: St. Albert the Great Parishioners FROM: Your St. Vincent de Paul Conference Members In recent months we have had inquiries regarding the St. Vincent de Paul ministry within our parish. First and foremost, this corresponds with the timing of Pope Francis’ call for all of us to help those in need. We currently assist 54 families who have reached out to us for help. Since all five Weymouth parishes have a St. Vincent de Paul Conference, the clients we serve live within our parish boundary. We provide food vouchers to be redeemed at Shaw’s Supermarket. Our clients may call upon us for assistance on an “as needed” basis once a month…or more often if the need arises. At Thanksgiving and Christmas we give each of our clients a gift card toward their holiday dinner. Last year, thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, we were also able to give presents to their children. Members of our Crafting Ministry create beautiful shawls as tangible signs of God’s love for those who are homebound, in hospital or nursing facility. You are welcome to select one for a family member or friend. Various colors and sizes are available for women and men. Cotton bonnets are smocked for perfect fit and brimmed to offer protection from the sun. A caring parishioner has created them for us. Our crafters also create beautiful blankets for our newly baptized children. Our conference meets once a month. We have seven members and we alternate covering the phone calls. Our clients are served Monday through Friday. If they are unable to pick up their vouchers in person, we visit them in their homes. We also provide resource information regarding heat and utility assistance, as well as additional resource material that may be beneficial to them. Called to Serve the Sick and Homebound? Do you have a special concern for those who cannot join us at the Table of the Lord? Would you be willing to make a brief but life-giving visit to one or more homebound parishioners? If you’d like to explore the possibility, please call the Parish Office at 781-337-8778. We hope this gives you a better understanding of the services we provide. Please know that we are so appreciative of the generosity of our parish family…without you the St. Vincent de Paul Society would not exist here at St. Albert’s! Praying the Rosary Each Wednesday morning we pray the Rosary with residents of Weymouth Health Care Facility. During weeks when there is no Monday Mass or Eucharistic Prayer Service there, we also offer the Lord in Holy Communion. Would you consider joining this ministry? Regarding any of the above, please call Betsy Clifford, Pastoral Associate, 781-337-8778 St. Albert’s SVDP Conference Members thank all parishioners for giving so generously to our appeals. Donations of gift certificates to local supermarkets (Shaw’s/Stop & Shop) are most appreciated as they give the option of food preferences. All donations may be left in the locked receptacle at the entrance to our church, delivered to the rectory or placed in weekend collection baskets. Please make checks out to: St. Vincent de Paul Society NOT to St. Albert’s Parish. St. Albert’s St. Vincent de Paul Society is most grateful to you and pray God will bless you and your loved one Weekly Offerings November 9 Offertory………...…..$ 4,002.75 November 16 Offertory……….…..$ 4,202.92 Weekly Expenses………...……..….$ 5,350.00 ON NOV. 22/23, THERE WILL BE TWO COLLECTIONS; THE SECOND COLLECTION WILL BE FOR THE RETIRED SISTERS OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON St. Albert the Great Parish 4 1130 Washington Street, E. Weymouth, MA 02189 No v e mb e r 2 3 , 2014 CH R IS T T H E KING CHRIST THE KING Birthmothers: (877) 77-BIRTH www.birthmothers.org This feast of Christ the King celebrates Jesus coming to each one of us as he serves us and invites us into the kingdom of the Father. This is the king, who rather than eliminating His opponents, forgives them. Rather than dominating others, he embraces and exalted them. He calls us friends, giving us a share of his kingship. This kingship manifests itself through the loving throne of the cross. His death saves His people, not as a result of a battle lost or a plan gone astray, but of a glorious victory planned before the world began. Birthright: (800) 550-4900 www.birthright.org Care Net: (800) 395-HELP www.care-net.org Catholic Charities: (800) CARE-002 www.catholiccharities.org He rose in glory, so we could enter the glory of the Father. And at His heavenly coronation, when He ascended to His Father, He was given what all the rest still look for–a dominion that will not pass away. Retreats offered by the Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston help women find hope, healing and reconciliation after abortion. If you or a loved one is suffering from post-abortion pain, contact Project Rachel about upcoming “Come to the Waters of Healing” retreats. For more info, call Project Rachel at 508-651-3100 or email [email protected] All inquiries are confidential. __________________________________________ 2 But the world goes on oblivious to all of this. For the true King is biding His time. He will return and suddenly things will be seen as they truly are. His coming will sweep away ambition, vanity, and pretensions, and much of what now appears important. No longer will oppression be allowed to stand; the innocent will finally be liberated from those who victimize them. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION GRADE 9 CLASS, WEDNESDAYS, CHURCH HALL, 7-8PM GRADE 10 CLASS, SUNDAYS, CHURCH HALL, 7-8PM FIRST COMMUNION CLASS, MONDAYS, CHURCH HALL, 4-5PM THESE CLASSES HAVE STARTED. This dominion will truly be universal-–there will be nowhere left where He is not recognized as Who He is. ANY QUESTIONS, SPEAK TO JOHN HAMMEL, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DIRECTOR REGISTRATION FORMS CAN BE FOUND ON THE WEBSITE (www.atgweymouth.org) OR IN THE CHURCH FOYER This judgment, this kingdom, will have the last word. No election will overturn it in four years or four million years. There is no one stronger who can take away His Kingdom. For Christ truly is our King–the king who suffered–died and rose for our sake. ______________________________ THERE ARE TWO OPEN POSITIONS IN THE COLLABORATIVE OF ST. ALBERT THE GREAT AND ST. FRANCIS XAVIER IN WEYMOUTH. Collaborative Thanksgiving Mass JOB DESCRIPTIONS CAN BE FOUND ON THE ARCHDIOCESE WEBSITE: www.bostoncatholic.org This year the collaborative of St. Albert the Great and Saint Francis Xavier celebrate Mass on Thanksgiving morning, November 27th at 9:00 am, at St. Francis Xavier Church. Parishioners are invited to bring a non-perishable food donation or financial donation to be given to the Weymouth food pantry. Collaborative Secretary/ Receptionist (FT), The Collaborative of Saint Albert the Great and St. Francis Xavier, Weymouth Administrative Assistant (FT), The Collaborative of Saint Albert the Great and St. Francis Xavier, Weymouth Send resumes to [email protected] or: Richard Durham, Business Manager All are welcome to come and give thanks to God for his many blessings in our lives. Collaborative of St. Albert the Great/St. Francis Xavier Parish 236 Pleasant Street Weymouth, MA 02190 St. Albert the Great Parish 5 1130 Washington Street, E. Weymouth, MA 02189 No v e mb e r 2 3 , 2014 CH R IS T T H E KING ST ALBERT THE GREAT PARISH REPORT TO PARISHIONERS FOUR MONTHS ENDED OCTOBER 31, 2014 PARISH REVENUE Offertory FOUR MONTH…..FOUR MONTH… ACTUALS BUDGET . VARIANCE TO BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2015 BUDGET $71,362 $66,692 $4,670 $192,858 50 0 50 20,000 200 800 (600) 2,400 7,682 7,600 82 22,800 Gifts & Bequests 0 1,200 Donations - Other 2,000 1,200 800 3,600 Other Income 7,039 3,000 4,039 12,000 Interest/Dividend Income 81 200 (119) 600 Rental Donations 0 1,200 (1,200) 3,600 Grand Annual Shrines, Candles, Flowers Sacramental Offerings TOTAL PARISH INCOME (1,200) 3,600 $88,414 $81,892 $6,522 $261,458 41,575 31,880 (9,695) 92,560 Employee Benefits 3,680 2,570 (1,110) 7,509 Clergy Stipend 12,276 10,592 (1,684) 31,775 Office & Related 6,774 5,432 (1,342) 16,800 Household 3,021 3,300 279 9,900 23,680 25,952 2,272 85,860 1,360 3,300 1,940 9,900 0 40 40 120 2,176 2,176 0 17,408 Other Expenses 0 332 332 1,000 Capital Expenditures 0 0 0 0 TOTAL PARISH EXPENSES 94,541 85,574 (8,967) 272,832 ($6,127) ($3,682) ($2,445) ($11,374) PARISH EXPENSES Compensation Utilities & Maintenance Pastoral/Liturgical Professional Development Monthly Tithe NET INCOME Recap Other Financial Information: Cash Balances St. Albert the Great Parish June 30, 2014 October 31,2014 $63,350 $44,656 $33,782 $21,216 6 1130 Washington Street, E. Weymouth, MA 02189
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