• H 1S a rm energy II system + surroundings = universe • state functions depend only on the s e of a stem, n upon e way it reached th st Example: the di tance to my house from school, as the crow flies is the same. I m many di rent rou home and e di stance traveled may be vastly different but the straight line dis ce from the school 1S the same (a s fun on), • heat flows from a sample a higher temperature 1n one a lower tem r urea q = h q = + when heat flows into the sys from the surroundings ( q !tlna1 . - q 1n,.l:u,1 .. = +) and q = -' • when he owsout OT the system to the surround1ngs. where m == mass" c == spe c h (an intensive property), and t == temperature in sius. II 1 cal= 4.18 joules specific heat of water - 4.18 jig or 1 IgOc II ex hermic = he flows out of the system, endothermic - heat flows into the sys II c orlm ry - a method of making thermochemical measurernen this means the heat flow for ~he'iOre = o~ sys will be equal in magnitude but th r the orlm er and opposi in si gn its contents. constant pressure - ~J{= nce most re ons ke place 1n open atmospheric pressure we have a spe this heat at constant pressure. We II If/ II ons - and for hermic r + ons rst Law of the II Law of conserv on of Energy Thermodyamics. II In any process, e total change 1n energy of the system, ~E = q + w . you do work on the sys w > 0, and the energy of the system goes up. (E is call e intern energy). Energy (in rn energy) is a state function. In thermodynamics we don't worry about absolute ene ies ( way too complic ed m be impossible to II Norne ---------------- READING THERMOMETERS What temperature is indicated on each of the thermometers below? 60 2.0 10 5 o 70 ----m-- 10 -~--5 --...._--10 - - m - - 60 a) b) --_w_- c) 10 30 --m--25 -10 g) Chemistry IF8766 2.0 27 -0 -_D_- 10 26 o 25 - 10 f) e) d) 0 20 5 100 10 0 aq 0 -5 % -10 -/0 q7 -20 -15 q6 h) i) 5 ©Instructional Fair, Inc. HEAT DEF INIliON UNITS MERSURING DEUICE TEMP. t • emp ratul-e OOOe OOoe '- BOILING WATER \'71Ii4~11 C"olltailler of Explaill \\711)7", LING "7at{~r t-ontains UIOI"e )Ieat? Name _________ TEMPERATURE AND ITS MEASUREMENT Temperature (which measures average kinetic of molecules) can be measured using three common scales: Celsius, Kelvin and Fahrenheit. We use the . . following formulas to convert from one scale to another. Celsius is the most Fahrenheit is the old desirable for laboratory work. Kelvin represents the absolute English scale which Is never used in lab. Complete following chart. All measurements are good to 1° or better. 450 K 98.6 0 F c 294 K K , ..... Name ~-------------------M. Rudder Block------'--- PROBLEMS - Quiz SHOW ALL WORK AL''» USE UNITS LHow 2. How IS LIJ;OvU';;;'U must to change of ice at _5° C to water at 50 to change 100 g ofwater at 100 to steam at 220°C? tenmerature graphs showing the changes that occur two HEAT PROBLEMS - PRACTICE TRIADS 1. much heat is needed to "'.........F,'" 10 g of ice at 2. How heat must Sketch a vs.• previous problems. '-"UJLjJ ..... C to water at °c? removed to change 100 g of steam at llO °C to water ar 20°C? ~ graph sho"wing changes that occur for ofthe two F~E Nome NG AND BOILING POINT GRAPH ---------------- 25 ~ 15 d b Energy - - f j I > Answer following 1, What is using point of the substa What is the boiling point of substance? _ _ __ 3. What is the melting point of 4. What substance? _ _ __ is being warmed? _ _ __ represents the range where What letter where the liquid is being warmed? _ _ __ 6. What letter represents the range 7, What 8, . What the vapor is being warmed? _ _..__ melting of the solid? _ _ __ vaporization the liquid? 9. What letter(s) shows a change in potentia! energy? _ _ __ 10. What letter(s) shows a in kinetic 11, What letter condensation? 1 crystallization? _ _ __ What 13 ©:nstructionai Fair, Inc. Name _________ IEAT AND ITS MEASUREMENT "or energy) can be measured in units of calories or joules. \Nhen there is a mperature change (~n, heat (Q) con be calculated using this formula: 3\... Q = mass x ~ T x specific heat capacity (~T = Final Temp - Initiol Temp) Jring a phose change, we use this formula: II Q = mass x heat of fusion (or heat of vaporization) I )Ive the following problems. 1. How many joules of heat are given off when 5.0 g of water cool from 75° C to 25° C? (Specific heat of water = 4.18 j/gO C) / How many calories are given off by the water :n Problem 1? (Specific heat of water = 1.0 col/gO C) 3. How many joules does it take to melt 35 g 4. How many calories are given off when 85 g of (heat of vaporization = 539.4 col/g) 5. How many joules of heat are necessary to rc :se the temperature of 25 g of water from 10 C to 60° C? Of ice at 0° C? (heat of fusion s~eam = 333 jig) condense to liquid water? 0 How many calories are given off when 50 g (heat of fusion = 79.72 col/g) helT'~-;Y IF8766 ~5 o~ water at 0° freezes? ©lnstructionoJ Fair, Inc. Date Name CHAPTER 5 REVI Class ACTIVITY Text Reference: Section 5-5 Temperature Answer the following questions. 1. a. How many Fahrenheit of water? h. What are these two 2. a. How many Celsius of water? the f1&:>dr<>&:>" 1"1'<',<>'71ro<1 and boil- l.a. t"<>Ynn,<>r~ln h. the f1&:>dr<'<'" and 2.a. uvuU'F. h. h. What are these two temperatures? c. How does the size of a Celsius Fahrenheit "",ocr",,,, d. What is the lowest compare V\rith that of a d. in "C? IJV,;,,,.,vn,, 3. a. How many kelvins water? c. and of 3.a. h. h. What are these two c. How does the size of a kelvin compare with that of a VC:J''''H.L;) c. d. What is the lowest possible temperature in kelvins? d. e. \\That is this lowest e. lJv;",nlu"" 4. Convert Celsius values in the temperature called? and kelvins as necessary to find the below. Use the fonnulas K °C + 273 cC = K 273 " (a) + - - - - - BOO( -_--oj_r< == 383 K C( == 323 O( loce 4.a. K ----j- h. K----+ c. == K d. -1O o e == K e. °C =: 243 K l COPYRIGHT by Prentice Hall. Inc. Reproduction of this master is restricted to duplication for classroom use only, f. CHEMISTRY: The Study of Matter 5-7 D Name ass 5 REVIEW ACTIVITY Text Reference: Section 5-6 Calorimetry Answer following questions. 1. a. The non-SI unit in which the of heat energy has com manly been is called the _ __ h. The SI-derived unit that is now the ing this quantity is called the _ __ unit for e:x.1Jress 2. a. The of heat energy to raise the of a unit mass of a substance 1DC is called the _-'-_ of the substance. b. The value of this for water, in SI-derived units, is 1. a. h. 2.a. h. thermometer material water -I-+- Calorimeter 3. ll. 8A x or reaction chamber In the shown in the a reaction that releases J of heat energy Is this endothennic b. that the calorimeter contains 5.00 x 10 2 g of water and is what vvill the final tem perature be? Choose your answer from among the and write the letter of the correct answer in the blank. 1. 4.0DC 4. 2. 5. 40,QOC 3. 2B.O°C 5-8 CHEMISTRY' Th" <;t"r1V nf MattE'r COPYRIGHT by Prentice Hall, Inc. 3. a. b.
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