NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2014 Inside this issue A Point of View ············· 2 Maroondah Festival ········· 3 Season’s Greetings to all members, their families and friends Thank You ··················· 4 Changes to 2015 Classes ··· 5 Expressions of Interest ····· 5 Eastland Expo ··············· 6 Bushwalking ················· 6 Cheong Park Track ········· 6 Transferring Photos ········· 7 Welcome New Members ··· 7 Volunteer Coordinator ····· 7 For Sale ······················ 7 Cycling ······················· 8 Getting to Know You······· 8 Volunteer Morning Tea ···· 8 Watercolour by Vivienne Newton U3A Shirts Wanted ········· 9 Deakin University··········· 9 The Johnston Collection ··· 9 Thinking of You ············ 9 Wanted ······················· 9 Vale ··························· 9 As most of you would know, we are saying Farewell to Wendy who will shortly be departing the shores of Victoria to make landfall in Tasmania. Wendy has been a tireless Office Manager at U3A Croydon for many years and her skill , expertise and ever helpful manner will be greatly missed. However, I am sure we all wish Wendy and Ernie every success in their new venture, and hope that all goes well with the move, which is no small undertaking; shifting across Bass Strait. Au Revoir Wendy & Ernie and Good Luck! Office: Keystone Complex 1 Civic Square, Croydon Vic 3136 Postal Address: PO Box 816, Croydon 3136 Phone: 9724 9544 Special Points of Interest: Cycling—25 Nov, 4 Dec Bushwalking-7 Dec Leaders LuncheonMon 8 Dec Expressions of Interest For 2015 classes and some Changes Office Hours: 10:00am to 12:30pm Monday to Friday during U3A term times. Closed Public and School Holidays. Email: [email protected] Website: ABN: 12 643 602 869 Incorporated Reference: A 0026437S Page 2 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 A POINT OF VIEW October and the first part of November have been an incredibly busy time. It started with the annual launch of Seniors’ Week at Fed Sq. We did not acquit ourselves well at the Seniors’ Festival this year. We had a 3 bay marquee and only creative cards on display. It is important that we match the enthusiasm of other U3As, and assist Network in their negotiations with the State government through participation, so that the organisation as a whole receives the maximum possible financial assistance. Thank you to the ladies from creative cards and our line dancers who made the effort to represent us. I had hoped to visit the Nature Park at Chitwan, but instead I spent two days being shown the major sites around Kathmandu and, in the process, had a crash course in Nepalese culture and the fundamentals of Buddhism and Hinduism. Walking IN the traffic was a new and interesting experience! The information gained in the two days enabled me to understand the emphasis of the Asia Pacific conference I was there to attend. Elsie Mutton (Network President) and I had struggled to put together a presentation on U3A in Australia that addressed the theme of the conference, which was “Active Life for Social Change: Promoting Multi-Generational Learning The following day was the combined U3A and Sharing.” choirs performed at the Melbourne Town The reason we found it difficult to address Hall. There were not as many singers as the theme is that there is a fundamental two years ago, but 300 voices still make a difference in the operation of U3A in Newonderful noise! We had our one and pal and India and Australia. In a big genonly combined rehearsal in the morning eralisation I could say that in Australia we and preformed in the afternoon. We were are financially independent when we retold that some of the audience gave us a tire, or we are supported by a government standing ovation! That was a bit over the pension. In Nepal and India that is not the top perhaps, but nice to hear. case, and the majority are dependent on their children to support them once they Two days later some of the Committee retire. As many of the children are now attended a morning tea put on by Council moving overseas to find work, the older to acknowledge and recognise the Mental people no longer have that support. The Health Week Art Prize won by Rowena U3A movement in conjunction with SenSchroeder. That was a much appreciated ior Citizens organisations are working gesture by Council, and gave us the oppor- hard to try and bridge that gap and find tunity to talk about our U3A to the Mayor solutions to this massive social upheaval. and Councillors as well as senior Council Officers. There were about 250 delegates at the conference almost all of them from Nepal or Later that evening I was off to the airport India and, while a couple of the papers on my way to Nepal. The 4 day trek into presented were very dry and academic, the Annapurna Foothills was amazing, not there were also a couple of thought proonly for the incredible scenery, but also for voking ones. None more so than the conthe interminable rough uneven steps encept of “Learning to Live on Less”; in countered. We seemed to be either going essence, learning to live carefully to leave up or down steps the entire trip! I was resources for the generations to come. nowhere near the snowline, but the dramas in the high country where so many were Two days after my return we were again killed did affect my plans. I was supposed part of the Maroondah Council’s Seniors’ to fly back to Kathmandu the day after the Wellbeing Expo at Eastland. There were weather closed in, but all air travel was about 20 displays or exhibits, and demoncancelled so I made the 200km trip by strations on stage throughout the day. We road. It took 6 hours which perhaps will shared a stand with Ringwood U3A and, give an idea of the state of the roads in the we both had a fairly busy morning with torrential rain. lots of interest in what we had to offer, although the numbers of seniors in the centre were down on previous years due to the reconstruction of Eastland. Our guitar and ukulele group, line dancers and the U3A Singers performed on stage. Thank you to those groups and to those who volunteered to help on the stand during the day. We then moved on to the Maroondah Festival which was not so well attended by seniors this year. It seemed to be the year for young families. Thank you to the groups who displayed in our tent and to those who were there to talk to the public. The guitar and ukulele group performed on the main stage while the Croydon U3A Singers were packed onto the rather small cultural stage. Thank you to all of you who gave up your Sunday to promote our U3A. I thought it was a good day, I hope you did also. We are already at the end of another year so I would like to say on behalf of all of you “Thank you” to our course leaders. The effort put in to create interesting classes for us is quite amazing, and the U3A just would not exist without their dedication and enthusiasm. I would also like to say thank you to the volunteers who do that extra bit to make our organisation work smoothly. I had the chance to say that personally at a morning tea a few days ago. The bigger we become, the more important are the tasks the volunteers perform to assist the administration of the organisation. Finally I would like to thank the members of the committee for their hard work in a very busy year. We continue to grow in size and the tasks grow with the increased membership, even though we continually try to do things smarter. I hope you have all enjoyed your year and gained from your participation in U3A. The long break is ahead of us with time to recharge our batteries ready for new challenges in 2015. I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and every good wish for an interesting and exciting New Year sharing skills and knowledge. Geoff Steventon There have been notices in the last two newsletter alerting members to the fact that new committee members will be elected in 2015. There is also a notice on the our website with a brief description of the various roles. The holiday break over Christmas/New Year is an ideal time to consider standing for a committee position as the AGM will be coming up in the early part of next year. Page 3 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 U3A Croydon at Maroondah Festival 9 November 2014. Thank you to all those who gave up their time to be there showing the community what we do at U3A. Thank you also to Beth Barnes and Paul Kiesskalt for the photos. Page 4 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 To the leaders, office volunteers and all of the volunteers who help in so many ways at Croydon U3A, a sincere ‘thank you’ for all your effort and hard work in 2014. It is very much appreciated as, without you, the organisation would not be able to function. Wishing you all very happy holidays From the Management Committee of U3A Croydon EVENTS COORDINATOR To the following leaders who have retired this year. We wish you success in your future pursuits, and give our sincere thanks to you for the time you have dedicated to being a leader with U3A Croydon. I would like to say a big thank you to all those who have used their skills to produce this year’s events. I am looking forward to working with you in the coming year to promote the good work that you are undertaking. Have a good break, a Happy Christmas and a great New Year. Antonio Gambino, Elisabeth Gillespie, Laraine Kent, Isobel McLean, Coral Phillips, Phil Stephenson, Ian Whitehill. Line Dancing Leadlight Candle Holders Don Thacker Events Coordinator Hello to all my lovely Line dancers and thank you all for the fun we have. In particular I wish to thank Thelma, Elly, Marlene, Kay, and others. Because of our large group it would be impossible for everyone to follow the steps shown by one person, so many thanks for your help. Oxfam More thanks needed for all your donations to Oxfam, I have just received a new booklet of ideas to choose where you would like our donations to go to, so with your continuing help, money into the jar at Line Dancing, we will play our small part in helping to reduce poverty. Dot Ward Page 5 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 CHANGES TO 2015 CLASSES NO CLASS CHANGE 18 Oil & Pastels This is no longer a U3A Croydon class, but some of the members meet privately. There could be room for one more and, if interested, please contact the office for a telephone number to call. 20 Watercolour -Monday The pre-requisite for this class has changed as it is for beginners with some experience and advanced painters. 24 French Intermediate Continuing Due to popular demand Marianne will continue her French class, but at the new time of 11:30 to 1:00pm, Wednesday in the Keystone Clubrooms. If you wish to enrol in this class, you will need to put it on your Enrolment form (note new number) 37a Line Dancing—Thurs Commences Term 2 = 3 terms in 2015 71 Gardening Club Amended description: Meets once a month on a Monday between 2-4pm. The dates change each month. In 2014 the activities included talks on bulbs, Salvias and Chrysanthemums, making garden junk art, making a pot from clay, creating a terrarium, making a Kokodame and a trip to ‘Pete the Permies’ farm. It is an opportunity to spend a couple of hours with like minded people, share plants etc. An email address is required as communication within the group regarding venues is sent by email. Cost: Meetings have a $1 donation to cover speakers etc. Class is run regardless of the weather. No pre-requisite skills and can join during the year if there is a vacancy. 77 Numerology in Your Life Class is for one term, running in term 1 and term 3 in 2015 97 Transferring Photos from Camera New Time: 11:00 to 12:30pm Monday. EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST FOR 2015 VENUE DAY & TIME 69b Digital Photography, Advanced—Term Kent Ave Scout Hall Room 1 Friday 1:00 to 2:30 pm 2 87 Mahjong—Two Beginners will be accepted in Term 1, 2015 Kent Ave Scout Hall Room 3 Monday 1:00 to 3:00pm 103 Buying a Tablet. A course for those considering buying a tablet-it is not a course on how to use a tablet. What to buy, iPad or Android, do I need a tablet, what would I use it for? A six week course and not for those who already have a tablet. The venue, day and time is yet to be decided. Put your name on the list and, if there is sufficient interest you will be contacted with details of time/day etc. Term 2 TBA IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ANY OF THE THREE ABOVE , THERE IS A FOLDER IN THE OFFICE WHERE YOU CAN HAVE YOUR NAME PLACED. Page 6 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2014 President Geoff Steventon 9879 6718 Vice President/Venue Coordinator Ruth Crichton 9725 4440 Secretary Beth Barnes 9723 3375 Treasurer Barry Turnor 9723 2221 Office Manager Wendy Sinfield 0438 083945 Class Coordinator Kaye Crettenden 9722 9626 Publicity Officer Trevor Bellinger 9729 9308 Volunteer Coordinator Pat Moseley 9725 9549 Events Coordinator Don Thacker 9727 0675 Course Admin Doris Hötzel 9870 5819 Electronic Communications Coordinator Barbara Allen 0402 406077 BUSHWALKING Hello Bushwalkers! At the Maroondah Seniors Wellbeing Expo on Thursday 23 October at Eastland, Stephen Kernahan, AFL Legend and former President of the Carlton Football Club, talked about the benefits of keeping fit and healthy as you grow older. A photo of the Ukulele group at Eastland can also be seen on the Maroondah Council Facebook page together with other interesting photos. ReDiscovering Melbourne Ramble Group Well once again we are almost at the end of another year. I have just been looking at our outings in 2014 and remembering all the interesting places we have travelled to, and all the lovely people who have taken part of these outing. I hope you all enjoyed them as I did. I also wish to thank Wendy and office volunteers for help with collection of money for these outings-thank you all. U3A is wonderful in this regard, bringing together like minded people, sharing enjoyable activities, making new friends, no need for boredom or loneliness these days. If you know anyone in this sad state, introduce them to U3A. Just to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a New Year full of good health and happiness. A wish for Christmas happiness A wish for Christmas Cheer A wish for many, many joys Throughout the coming year Dot Ward Our last walk for 2014 will be a short one for both groups on Saturday, December 7, starting from Croydon station at 9:00am. After the walk in Sherbrooke Forest, we'll meet in George Tindale Garden for our Christmas Party, to which you are invited to contribute in some way if you wish. For more details ring me on 9725 9389. I would like to thank you all for participating in such a committed and enthusiastic manner throughout the year, without ever getting lost or left behind. Thanks to my diligent support group, Meredith, Geoff and Roger, who have helped me find and check out the walks and, at times lead one too. We shall continue next year and hope to see many of you back on track. My best wishes to you all for a wonderful and blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! Cheers, Trudi Cheong Park Walking Track & Fitness Circuit There is now a walking track & fitness circuit at Cheong Park. It is a flat, all weather track of approx 800 metres, around the perimeter of Cheong Park. At intervals adjacent to the track there are three fitness stations suitable for users of all ages and abilities. Why not check this out when next in the vicinity? Page 7 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 WHERE’S MY CAMERA? A familiar question when you are ready to go away for the day, or just a weekend. Even more so when you are going on holidays. To capture the wonderful places; whether it be Niagara Falls, The Great Wall Of China, Disneyland or something more close to home, like the family. Photographs are very pleasant memories of special occasions captured. I am sure many of you would have these wonderful memories, but they are still in your camera. I can show you how to transfer those precious memories to your computer, to put them in folders so you can locate them easily and to burn them onto a disk, plus so much more. I have a course called ‘TRANSFERRING YOUR PHOTOS’ which I take on Mondays at 11.00 – 12.30pm. Of course before you put your skates on there are a few pre-requisites that are required. As we teach with Windows 7, it is important that you have this operating system. Please understand if you have Windows Vista or Windows 8 it will be very different and, may be difficult for some to follow on your computer. You must be familiar with Windows Explorer/ File Management/ File Explorer (that is not Internet Explorer) and, to have taken a basics course with Trevor, as this is all included in his course. If you have ticked all the boxes above, then call me on 9723 7775 after 6:00pm, and let’s see if we cannot get you ready for a memorable time. Volunteers for special events There are at least three yearly events which occur and need planning. Would you be willing to be part of a volunteer team assisting me with these events in 2015? I would like to plan for a team of members to work with me for the following events which usually occur in October and November: Senior Week Federation Sq Requires members on a roster basis for one hour from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Senior Week Eastland Requires members on a roster basis from 9:00am to 4:00pm. Maroondah Festival Members needed on a roster basis for one hour from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The above special events are an opportunity for us to present the face of Croydon U3A to the public, and assist in securing government funding for U3As in general. The following are ‘in house events’ which also need to be planned and catered for: U3A Croydon AGM This entails kitchen duties and help from the Men’s group. Meet & Greet Occurs once a term and requires volunteers for kitchen duties, setting up tables & chairs, and a welcome person at the door. Concert (Usually September) This requires: 4 welcome members at the door. 2 members at a ticket table. 4 for kitchen duties. 2 from the Men's group. Dotti WELCOME NEW MEMBERS To the following new members we say ‘welcome to U3A Croydon’. Jude Aston, Gemma Baker, Denise Hoare, Dot Houldcroft, Toney Knowles, Jill Lovett, John Moore, Bruce Nilsson, Mike Quin, Lois Saleeba, Judy Seregin and Karen Temminghoff. We look forward to meeting you at one of our ‘Meet & Greet’ mornings teas. We already have a dedicated team for newsletter folding and this works really well, with everyone aware of their responsibilities and keen to participate. I should like to have in place something similar for all of our events throughout the year. So please contact me, so that we can discuss your involvement in any of the above. FOR SALE Artist’s Easel, with Carry Bag. Chrome, very good condition, 3 way action. Suitable for drawing and or painting. $50.00 Phone: Jean 9723 4521 or 0408 100 455. Pat Moseley Volunteer Coordinator 9725 9549 Page 8 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 GETTING TO KNOW YOU CYCLING 2014 has been a growth year for both the Tuesday and the Thursday groups. We have gained some new regular members, and had several who came along intermittently; all welcome. Thank you from Rob Elliott and Helen Girschik to all who participated. It makes our efforts worthwhile. Well done to all who attended the Maroondah Festival to advertise our cycling group, and to Allan Hawkins for the photo display. Nov 25th - The last Tuesday ride is on the Warburton rail trail. Details of starting points are in the previous newsletter. Leader: Henk Zwiers 9725 1414 and 0409 725 140. Dec 4th - The final Thursday ride, Yea to Tallarook, on the Goulburn Valley rail trail. This is a long ride of 70+ km, but options are available should you choose to do less. Leader: Allan Hawkins 9725 5104 and 0439 301 133. Meet at Yea Historic railway station, Mel X 910 Q7 at 9:30. Take lunch; Yea to Tallarook and return. We hope to see you back cycling with the group in 2015. Coordinators: Rob Elliott 0419 569 573 and Helen Girschik 9870 2593. Geoff, Wendy & Ruth at the Volunteers Morning Tea, 7 November in the Swim Log Cabin. All three will not be standing for committee in 2015 and replacements for Wendy are urgently being sought as her permanent departure for Tasmania is imminent. Ruth took the opportunity to wish Wendy & Ernie happiness in their new venture, and to thank Wendy for her outstanding contribution to Croydon U3A; with our loss most certainly being Tasmania’s gain. My time with U3A began back in 1993 when I learned that U3A Croydon held Computer classes. I joined to attend a 3 week Computer class for Microsoft Publisher. At the time I had already volunteered to produce a monthly church bulletin with a local church and was desperate to learn how to use Publisher. I then followed this up with other computer courses with Eric Lock, one of which included Photo Manipulation. With the intention of writing my biography one day, I also attended Marianne’s Life Story Writing Course. Mind you, other than collecting snippets of information, photos, etc I still haven’t started it yet. In first term of 2005, I accepted the challenge of leading a computer class on Microsoft Publisher with U3A using the TAFE computers. At this time I was also assisting in the U3A office. In the number of years that I have lead classes, this has certainly developed my character, especially my patience; confidence in my abilities and learning to go with the flow when things didn’t run smoothly. I developed the attitude of ‘so what; if not everything worked as I wanted it to, we still had the use of computers and the pupils still learnt. ‘ From my last year at school I had always wanted to be a teacher and, although late in life, it has been achieved. Once settled in to leading the Publisher class, I took up the challenge of leading Beginners Computers and PowerPoint for a period. This introduced new and fresh challenges to me which I thrived on. Drawing on my own knowledge, experience and research I progressively prepared my lessons complete with written notes for the pupils. Once U3A set up their own computer room I used their computers for my classes instead of TAFE. I have noticed though, with improved technology at U3A Croydon, teaching is less stressful now. Over the past few years, not only have I been leading computer classes, I have been employed in retail, selling Manchester & Bedding, three days per weeksometimes more. For a short period I was working full time and therefore took a break from leading computer classes. More recently, with the need to develop my creative/ artistic skills, and no long doing the church Bulletin, I decided to take up Charcoal Drawing Classes at U3A. But this only lasted a few terms. In my spare time from leading computer classes and working part-time, I am an avid book reader of biographies. I enjoy working in the garden, especially our big vegetable garden on beautiful sunny days, and on cold, wet days, designing publications and working with pictures on my computer. I also enjoy restoring furniture. In my time with U3A, I have become more confident, gained computer knowledge by conducting classes, improved my skills, met many people and gained new friends. Joy Bellinger Page 9 “The Only Degree you Need is a Degree of Enthusiasm” December 2014 WANTED THINKING OF YOU Get well wishes to Iven Santurini who is in the Guitar group and has been admitted to hospital. Also to Jenni Pollock who is having a hip operation 27 November. PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR A TELEPHONE-BASED MEMORY STUDY What is the study about? Researchers at Deakin University are investigating whether a telephone interview is reliable when assessing the memory performance of groups of older Australians. Who can participate? We are looking to recruit males and females aged 60 years and over, who are in good general health. What will participation involve? Participation will involve two brief telephone interviews with a research assistant to assess your health, general knowledge and memory. Each interview will take approximately 15 minutes. Participation is voluntary and all information will be kept confidential. You will be provided with a $20 gift voucher as compensation for your time. Further Information: For more information please contact Catherine Cash at Deakin University by email at [email protected] or phone (03) 9251 7154. This collection runs from Thursday 6 November 2014 to Tuesday 24 February 2015. It features artisans and craftspeople from the Geelong, Bellarine and Surf Coast area as part of the Geelong Artisans Group, with over 180 exquisite new creations. Individual and Group Bookings essential. Phone: 9416 2515. Email: info@johnstoncollection org. Website: PO Box 79, East Melbourne, Victoria 8002. All guests collected by a courtesy bus from the foyer of the Hilton on Park Hotel, Wellington Parade, East Melbourne. WANTED The Croydon U3A Line Dancers are looking for any unwanted white polo shirts with the Croydon logo, as they are needed for public performances. Contact Dot on 9728 6966 To all who attended Italian classes with Lyn and Sirio, we have heard that Sirio is seriously ill. We are thinking of you Sirio and send our best wishes. If you hear of any member who is not well or has suffered a loss, please contact Trish Davies our Welfare Officer on 9736 4510 or the Office 9724 9544. VALE Our sincere condolences to Trish Davies on the recent loss of her mother, to Jane Jones on the passing of her father, and to Heather Stewart on the death of her daughter. A GAELIC BLESSING Deep peace of the running wave to you, Deep peace of the flowing air to you, Deep peace of the quiet earth to you, Deep peace of the shining stars to you, Deep peace of the infinite peace to you. The text reads, “Friends are angels who lift us to our feet, when our wings have trouble remembering to fly” Thank you Joyce Baston for the leadlighting photos p.4 & p.9 ~ Editor ~~ FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER due to be posted week commencing 27 January 2015. Contributions due on Monday 12 January 2015 and any items received after this date will be held over to the next newsletter. We welcome contributions which may be left at the office and labelled “Newsletter” before this date or emailed to : [email protected] or to the Newsletter Editor. NEWSLETTER EDITOR Doris Hötzel Can also be sent to: U3A Croydon Inc PO Box 816 CROYDON VIC 3136 Email: [email protected] Phone: 9870 5819 Croydon U3A 2015 Term Dates Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4: 2 February to 27 March 13 April to 26 June 13 July to 18 September 5 October to 4 December Full Member: $50.00 per annum Associate Member: $30.00 per annum Published by: U3A Croydon Inc ABN 12 643 602 869 Incorporated Reference: A 0026437S Office Hours: 10:00am to 12:30pm Monday to Friday Closed School & Public Holidays. Tel: 9724 9544. Email: Website: [email protected] THANK YOU TO MAROONDAH COUNCIL FOR PRINTING OUR NEWSLETTER
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